Design of Culvert - Jal Dubba PDF

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Calculation for RCC box culvert :

Internal Size of Culvert W x H = 4.50 m x 4.50 m
Number of barrels = 3.0
Thickness of slab = 0.55 m x 0.55 m
Centre line size of Culvert = 5.05 m x 5.05 m
Overall centre line size of Culvert = 15.2 m x 5.05 m
Span of Culvert = 15.7 m x 5.6 m
Culverts will be designed for Class “A” loading as per IRC standards.
From IRC Class A Loading along the box culvert
Wheel load Wheel distance Cumulative
Designation Axle load ( k N )
(kN) (m) distance (m)
First wheel load, W1 = 27 13.5
Second wheel load, W2 = 27 13.5 1.1 1.1
Third wheel load, W3 114 57.0 3.2 4.3
Forth wheel load,W4 114 57.0 1.2 5.5
Fifth wheel load, W5 68 34.0 4.3 9.8
Sixth wheel load, W6 68 34.0 3.0 12.8
Seventh wheel load, W7 68 34.0 3.0 15.8
Eighth wheel load, W8 68 34.0 3.0 18.8
Total 554.0 277.0
The centre of gravity of the load from first wheel
load, X = 9.091 m

Distance of the wheel load (closer to cg) from Left

Half span - (centroids of loads- distance of third load from lagging load)/2
support, X5 =
X5 = 7.93 m

Distance of first load from left support X1 = -1.87

Distance of Second load from left support X2 = -0.77
Distance of Third load from left support X3 = 2.43
Distance of fourth load from left support X4 = 3.63
Distance of fifth load from left support X5 = 7.93
Distance of sixth load from left support X6 = 10.93
Distance of seventh load from left support X7 = 13.93
Distance of eighth load from left support X8 = 16.93

Total axle load W 554.00 kN

Length of train load L 18.80 m
Spacing of wheel B 1.80 m

Surcharge load (q) W/(LxB) 16.37 kN/m2

Surcharge pressure at wall base (Pz) Kax q 8.64 kN/m2

Grade of Steel Fe 500 Mpa
Soil Bearing Capacity at 5.6 m depth 120 kN/m from report ASSUME
Saturated unit weight of soil (Ysat) 18 kN/m3
Unit weight of water (yw) 10 kN/m3
Submerged unit weight of soil (Ysub) 8 kN/m3
Unit weight of concrete Yc 25 kN/m3
Angle of Repose (Ø) 25.1 deg
0.44 Radian
Coefficient of Earth pressure (Ka) 0.40
Self-weight of top slab (W1) 13.75 kN/m2
Surcharge load at top slab 5.0 kN/m2
Total load on top slab 18.8 kN/m2
Concrete grade 25 Mpa
Weight of two vertical walls (W2) 277.75 kN/m
Weight of bottom slab (w3) 13.75 kN/m
Considering one metre run of culvert, Pressure intensity on the base slab
= 85.48 kN/m

Pressure due to water at Pier, Pwh= Yw*H 50.5 kN/m

Weight of bottom slab will be directly counteracted by the corresponding ground reaction.
At any depth (h) from top slab, lateral pressure intensity (p)
At level at bottom (h) = 5.6 m
Saturated height, Hsat = 5.6 m
Active earth pressure, Pa1 = ka*Ysat*Hsat = 40.8 kN/m

Submerged height, Hsub = 0.0 m

Active earth pressure, Pa2 = ka*Ysub*Hsub = 0.0 kN/m
Pressure due to water, Pwh= Yw*H = 0 kN/m
Total prressure = 40.75 kN/m
Uplift pressure, U = Yw*H = 0.0 kN/m
Total base pressure = 85.48 kN/m Okay

Considering one metre run of the culvert and each member as a separate fixed member, Fixed end moments are:

The RCC box culvert will be designed as per the guidance provided in the civil technical specification. Earth pressure for all under ground water storage structure shall be taken
as at rest. In addition to earth pressure the vehicular traffic load as per the IRC specification of Class "A" shall be taken into account. Manual load calculations are made and
analysed using the software SAP 2000 for the loadings, bending moments and shear forces and design/detail shall be made as per the manual calculation.

Bending Moments

Result from sap analysis

Member Description Location Maximum value Unit

At column face 274.87 KNm
Moment At side wall face 156.80 KNm
Top slab
Middle 255.42 KNm
Shear At distance "d" from hunch 74.54 KN
At column face 194.5119 KNm
Moment At side wall face 104.94 KNm
Bottom slab
Middle 138.02 KNm
Shear At distance "d" from hunch 150.95 KN
At face 156.8076 KNm
Side Wall Middle 20.1452 KNm
Shear At distance "d" from hunch 90.09 KN
At bottom face 36.95 KNm

Moment Middle 69.00 KNm

At top face 101.05 KNm
"d" from bottom face 23.072 KN

1 Design of Top slab

Maximum bending moment of Top slab (B.M.) = 274.87 kN.m

Compressive strength of concrete, fck = 25 Mpa
Yied stress of steel, fyd = 500 N/mm²
Concrete cover = 75 mm
Design moment, Mu = 384.818 kN.m
Limiting thickness of stem base, d = SQRT(Mu /0.133*fck*b) = 340.20 mm
Provided overall depth Dprovided = 550 mm
Effective depth, deff = 475 mm

Top side reinforcement (near central pier)

Area of reinforcement Ast = fck*b*d*(1-(1-4.598*Mu/(b*d2*fck))^0.5)/(2*fy) = 2037 mm
Minimum reinforcement, Ast = 0.85*b*d / fy = 807.5 mm
Adopting dia. Of Bars: = 20 mm
Required Spacing of bars = As,bar* B/Ast = 154.205 mm
Provided Spacing of bars = 150 mm
Provided area of bars = 2094.40 mm² ok
Development length (Ld) = 0.87fyf/4tbd = 970.98 mm
Provide 20 mm dia bar @ 150 mm c/c

Top reinforcement(near side wall) and bottom reinforcement (central portion)

Maximum bending moment of Top slab (B.M.) = 156.80 kN.m
2 2
Area of reinforcement Ast = fck*b*d*(1-(1-4.598*Mu/(b*d *fck))^0.5)/(2*fy) = 1199 mm
Minimum reinforcement, Ast = 0.85*b*d / fy = 807.5 mm
Adopting dia. Of Bars: = 20 mm
Required Spacing of bars = As,bar* B/Ast = 262.042 mm
Provided Spacing of bars = 150 mm
Provided area of bars = 2094 mm² ok
Provide 20 mm dia bar @ 150 mm c/c

Distribution Reinforcement
Minimum reinforcement area required

Asmin = 0.12% b*D = 660 mm²

Adopting dia. Of Bars: = 12 mm
Required Spacing of bars = As,bar* B/Ast = 342.719 mm
Provided Spacing of bars = 150 mm
Provided area of distribution reinforcements = 1508 mm² Okay
Provide 12 mm dia bar @ 150 mm c/c

Shear check at 0.575 from inner face

Total shear, V = 74.540 kN
Design Shear, Vu = 111.810 kN
Nominal Shear stress, τv = Vu/bxd = 0.240 N/mm
Maximum shear stress, τc,max = 3.10 N/mm
( From SP16 Table J ) Okay

Provided percentage area of tension steel Concrete Grade M20 M25 M30 M35 M40
pt % = 100 Ast / bd = 0.450 τbd, N/mm 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
fck = 25 N/mm
( From SP16 Table J )
Permissible shear strength Concrete Grade M15 M20 M25 M30 M35
2 2
tc = (0.85*sqrt(0.8*fck)*(sqrt(1+5*b)-1))/6b = 0.468 N/mm τc,max, N/mm 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.7
B = 0.8*fck /(6.89*pt) = 6.445
No shear reinforcenent shall be provided. <τv Safe

Shear capacity of the section, Vs = τc . b . d = 222455.31 N

Design Shear force, Vus = Vu - Vs = -110645.31 N
Assuming 2 legged vertical stirrup of φ = 10 mm
Area of steel of stirrup, Asv = 157 mm
Centre to centre spacing of the stirrup Sv = 0.87.fy.Asv.d/Vus = (238.35) mm
Provided spacing , Sprovided = 150 mm
Provide φ 10 mm 2- legged vertical stirrups @ 150 mm c/c

Design of bottom slab

Maximum bending moment of bottom slab (B.M.) = 194.5119 kN.m
Compressive strength of concrete, fck = 25 Mpa
Yied stress of steel, fyd = 500 N/mm²
Concrete cover = 75 mm
Design moment, Mu = 291.768 kN.m

Limiting thickness of stem base, d = SQRT(Mu /0.133*fck*b) = 296.23 mm

Provided overall depth Dprovided = 550 mm
Effective depth, deff = 475 mm

Bottom side reinforcement(near central pier)


Area of reinforcement Ast = fck*b*d*(1-(1-4.598*Mu/(b*d2*fck))^0.5)/(2*fy) = 1508 mm
Minimum reinforcement, Ast = 0.85*b*d / fy = 807.5 mm
Adopting dia. Of Bars = 20 mm
Required Spacing of bars = As,bar* B/Ast = 208.34 mm
Provided Spacing of bars = 150 mm
Provided area of bars = 2094 mm² Okay
Development length (Ld) = 0.87fyf/4tbd = 971 mm
Provide 25 mm dia bar @ 150 mm c/c

Bottom reinforcement(near side wall) and top reinforcement (central portion)

Maximum bending moment of bottom slab (B.M.) = 104.94 kN.m
2 2
Area of reinforcement Ast = fck*b*d*(1-(1-4.598*Mu/(b*d *fck))^0.5)/(2*fy) = 788 mm
Minimum reinforcement, Ast = 0.85*b*d / fy = 807.5 mm
Adopting dia. Of Bars: = 20 mm
Required Spacing of bars = As,bar* B/Ast = 389 mm
Provided Spacing of bars = 150 mm
Provided area of bars = 2094 mm² Okay
Provide 20 mm dia bar @ 150 mm c/c

Distribution Reinforcement
Minimum reinforcement area required
Asmin = 0.12% b*D = 660 mm²
Adopting dia. Of Bars: = 12 mm
Required Spacing of bars = As,bar* B/Ast = 342.719 mm
Provided Spacing of bars = 250 mm
Provided area of distribution reinforcements = 905 mm² Okay
Provide 12 mm dia bar @ 150 mm c/c

Shear check at 0.575 from inner face

Total shear, V = 150.950 kN
Design Shear, Vu = 211.330 kN
Nominal Shear stress, τv = Vu/bxd = 0.454 N/mm
Maximum shear stress, τc,max = 3.10 N/mm
( From SP16 Table J ) Okay

Provided percentage area of tension steel

pt % = 100 Ast / bd = 0.450

fck = 25 N/mm

Permissible shear strength

tc = (0.85*sqrt(0.8*fck)*(sqrt(1+5*b)-1))/6b = 0.468 N/mm
B = 0.8*fck /(6.89*pt) = 6.445
No shear reinforcenent shall be provided. <τv Safe

Shear capacity of the section, Vs = τc . b . d = 222455.31 N

Design Shear force, Vus = Vu - Vs = -11125.31 N
Assuming 4 legged vertical stirrup of φ = 10 mm
Area of steel of stirrup, Asv = 314 mm
Centre to centre spacing of the stirrup Sv = 0.87.fy.Asv.d/Vus = (4,741) mm
Provided spacing , Sprovided = 150 mm
Provide φ 10 mm 4- legged vertical stirrups @ 150 mm c/c

Design of Side wall

Maximum bending moment of Side wall (B.M.) = 156.81 kN.m
Compressive strength of concrete, fck = 25 Mpa
Yied stress of steel, fyd = 500 N/mm²
Concrete cover = 75 mm
Design moment, Mu = 235.211 kN.m
Limiting thickness of stem base, d = SQRT(Mu /0.133*fck*b) = 265.97 mm
Provided overall depth Dprovided = 550 mm
Effective depth, deff = 475 mm

Tension reinforcement
2 2
Area of reinforcement Ast = fck*b*d*(1-(1-4.598*Mu/(b*d *fck))^0.5)/(2*fy) = 1199 mm
Minimum reinforcement, Ast = 0.85*b*d / fy = 807.5 mm
Adopting dia. Of Bars = 25 mm
Required Spacing of bars = As,bar* B/Ast = 409 mm
Provided Spacing of bars = 150 mm
Provided area of bars = 3272.49 mm²
Development length (Ld) = 0.87fyf/4tbd = 1213.73 mm
Provide 25 mm dia bar @ 150 mm c/c

Compression reinforcement
Maximum bending moment of bottom slab (B.M.) = 20.1452 kN.m

Area of reinforcement Ast = fck*b*d*(1-(1-4.598*Mu/(b*d2*fck))^0.5)/(2*fy) = 147 mm
Minimum reinforcement, Ast = 0.85*b*d / fy = 807.5 mm
Adopting dia. Of Bars: = 20 mm
Required Spacing of bars = As,bar* B/Ast = 389 mm
Provided Spacing of bars = 150 mm
Provided area of bars = 2094 mm² Okay
Provide 20 mm dia bar @ 150 mm c/c

Distribution Reinforcement
Minimum reinforcement area required
Asmin = 0.12% b*D = 660 mm²
Adopting dia. Of Bars: = 12 mm
Required Spacing of bars = As,bar* B/Ast = 342.719 mm
Provided Spacing of bars = 250 mm
Provided area of distribution reinforcements = 905 mm² Okay
Provide 12 mm dia bar @ 150 mm c/c

Shear check at 0.575 from inner face

Total shear, V = 90.087 kN
Design Shear, Vu = 135.131 kN
Nominal Shear stress, τv = Vu/bxd = 0.292 N/mm
Maximum shear stress, τc,max = 3.10 N/mm
( From SP16 Table J ) Okay

Provided percentage area of tension steel

pt % = 100 Ast / bd = 0.708
fck = 25 N/mm

Permissible shear strength

tc = (0.85*sqrt(0.8*fck)*(sqrt(1+5*b)-1))/6b = 0.562 N/mm
B = 0.8*fck /(6.89*pt) = 4.102
No shear reinforcenent shall be provided. <τv Safe

Shear capacity of the section, Vs = τc . b . d = 266876.89 N

Design Shear force, Vus = Vu - Vs = -131746.39 N
Assuming 2 legged vertical stirrup of φ = 10 mm
Area of steel of stirrup, Asv = 157 mm

Centre to centre spacing of the stirrup Sv = 0.87.fy.Asv.d/Vus = (199.09) mm

Provided spacing , Sprovided = 300 mm
Provide φ 10 mm 2- legged vertical stirrups @ 300 mm c/c

Design of central pier

Maximum bending moment of Central pier (B.M.) = 36.95 kN.m
Compressive strength of concrete, fck = 25 Mpa
Yied stress of steel, fyd = 500 N/mm²
Concrete cover = 75 mm
Design moment, Mu = 55.425 kN.m
Limiting thickness of stem base, d = SQRT(Mu /0.133*fck*b) = 129.11 mm
Provided overall depth Dprovided = 550 mm
Effective depth, deff = 475 mm

Tension reinforcement
2 2
Area of reinforcement Ast = fck*b*d*(1-(1-4.598*Mu/(b*d *fck))^0.5)/(2*fy) = 271 mm
Minimum reinforcement, Ast = 0.85*b*d / fy = 807.5 mm
Adopting dia. of Bars = 20 mm
Required Spacing of bars = As,bar* B/Ast = 389.05 mm
Provided Spacing of bars = 150 mm
Provided area of bars = 2094.40 mm²
Development length (Ld) = 0.87fyf/4tbd = 970.98 mm
Provide 20 mm dia bar @ 150 mm c/c on both side

Distribution Reinforcement
Minimum reinforcement area required
Asmin = 0.12% b*D = 660 mm²
Adopting dia. Of Bars: = 12 mm
Required Spacing of bars = As,bar* B/Ast = 342.719 mm
Provided Spacing of bars = 150 mm
Provided area of distribution reinforcements = 754 mm² Okay
Provide 12 mm dia bar @ 150 mm c/c

Shear check at 0.575 from inner face

Total shear, V = 23.072 kN
Design Shear, Vu = 34.608 kN
Nominal Shear stress, τv = Vu/bxd = 0.074 N/mm
Maximum shear stress, τc,max = 3.10 N/mm

( From SP16 Table J ) Okay

Provided percentage area of tension steel

pt % = 100 Ast / bd = 0.450
fck = 25 N/mm

Permissible shear strength

tc = (0.85*sqrt(0.8*fck)*(sqrt(1+5*b)-1))/6b = 0.468 N/mm
B = 0.8*fck /(6.89*pt) = 6.445
No shear reinforcenent shall be provided. <τv Safe

Shear capacity of the section, Vs = τc . b . d = 222455.31 N

Design Shear force, Vus = Vu - Vs = -187847.31 N
Assuming 2 legged vertical stirrup of φ = 10 mm
Area of steel of stirrup, Asv = 79 mm
Centre to centre spacing of the stirrup Sv = 0.87.fy.Asv.d/Vus = (70.19) mm
Provided spacing , Sprovided = 150 mm
Provide φ 10 mm 2- legged vertical stirrups @ 150 mm c/c

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