DLLL 164) LL Iziti:Tlli: National Highways Authority of India
DLLL 164) LL Iziti:Tlli: National Highways Authority of India
DLLL 164) LL Iziti:Tlli: National Highways Authority of India
Nationa l Highwa ys Authority of India
(Ministry of Road Transport and Highways)
-;;ft"-s ~ 6, ~-10, &ITTif, ~ ~ -110 075
G-5 & 6, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075
NHAI/Policy Guidelines/Atmanirbh ar Bharat/20 20
Policy No. 18.49/202 0 dated 22 July, 2020
(As per approval given by Chairman on
File No. NHAI/COVID-19/RoadMap/CMD/2020]
Sub: Amendment to the Procedure and Delegation of Power for Relief to Contracto rs/
Developers of Road Sector under Atmanirbhar Bharat.
Refer Policy Guidelines No. 18.46/ 2020 dated 22 June 2020 and its amendment
vide Policy Guidelines No. 18.47 /2020 dated 30 June 2020. The following changes are
Copy to:
All Members/CVO
PS to Chairman
Hi nd i Division- for translation in Hindi
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National Highways Authority of India
(Ministry of Road Transport and Highways)
~ - 5 ~ 6, TITT· 10, lffi,l, :r{ ftRfl- 110075
G-5 & 6, Soctor-10, Oworko, Now Dolhl-110075
The Price adjustment for the EPC works payable to the con_tractor _u_1~dcr c~ause I ~-1O.~ of the ~PC Contract
agreement is to be computed on the basis of difference of price of d~f~erent inputs like ~•fference in whole s~le
price Index for construction Machinery. grey cement . all cornrno?1t1e s &consumer ~nee ln_dex _for ln~ustnal
workers published by concerned Ministries ofGOI for the month of the base date ,offic ial retail price of b1tu~cn
and price of diesel on the 1st day of the month or the base date with respective W Pis for the month and pnces
of Bitumen & diesel etc on 1st day of the month THREE MONTHS PRIOR TO THE MONTH TO WHICH
It has be-en observed that PIUs arc interpreting the aforesaid term of 3 months differently. For example for
calculating the price adjustment for lPC for the month of August 2019 issued in September 2019, some Pl Us
are comparing the rates for the month of base date with the rates of April 2019 ( giving clear 3 months' margin )
while others are comparing the rate for the month of base date with the rates of May 20 I 9(with a difference of
3 months) .
On a reference made by the Finance Division , the Contract Management Division, HO has clarified that in above
example for calculating the price Adjustment of the IPC for the month of August 2019,issued in Sept 2019,three
months prior to the month of IPC means April 19 in reference to clause I 9. 10.4 of article I 9 of CA .
In view of the above , all Pl Us are hereby requested to compare the rates of the months on above pattern ( leaving
dear margin of 3 months) i,e. rates of April 19 is to be considered, in case of IPC of Aug 19 submitted in Sept.
2019 and so on and recover the excess payment, if any, made to the contractors from their future payments
immediately with applicable interest.
All the PIUs are further requested to inform the month considered for Price Adjustment in the following format.
Name of !Name of Name of SPS/IPC for SPS/ IPC Month considered Amount 01
the PIU the package the the month of submitted in the for Al.LL MI , s excess payment
Contractor month of I etc. to be recovered
Please submit the above information within 7 days from the date or receipt of this letter through email onl)
at akgoyal@nhai .org.