MCGM Road Spec Volume - II
MCGM Road Spec Volume - II
MCGM Road Spec Volume - II
Ever since establishment of Bombay Municipal Corporation (now Municipal Corporation of Greater
Mumbai) in 1888 by the erstwhile British rulers in India, in the last 125 years of the history of its
MCGM has catered to every aspect of the citizen of Mumbai that can be conceived of.
Look to heritage buildings like Victoria Terminus (Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus), Office of Municipal
Corporation, Dadabai Naoroji Road, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Road, Marine Drive (Netaji Subhash
Road), Prince of Wales Museum, Gateway of India, Malabar Hill Reservoir, Nair Hospital, Lokmanya
Tilak Hospital, KEM Hospital etc which are the service centers for the citizens. Municipal Services
have also been provided in the suburban and extended suburban areas merged in 1950 & 1957
respectively. The obligatory duties are performed well but still there is need to improve in quantity
and quality of services to be provided to the citizens.
Ethical governance and righteous work culture will certainly bring positive changes in design and
implementation of projects. One may take an example of the first Municipal Head Quarter Building,
that was completed in year 1893, in four years, designed by F W Stevens and the execution part
was dealt by Project Engineer Shri Rao Saheb Sitaram Khanderrao Vaidya, who executed the
project of 77.70m high structure and saved Rs.68,000/- as against estimated cost of Rs. 11.80
The need is to work with precision and accuracy. There shall be harmony between planning and
execution so as to evolve best economics with focused goals.
MCGM is one of the largest local self governments in the Asian Continent. In observance of historic
traditions of strong civic activism, with the change in time and living conditions to match with the
urbanization, MCGM has focused in providing variety of engineering services viz, storm water drain,
sewerage, water supply, roads, bridges, solid waste management, environmental services. Beside
this, the Corporation is also providing dedicated services in the Health sector by establishing Major
and Peripheral hospitals.
To update and modernize the mechanism being used for working on related projects from the stage
of conceptualization to execution, the need was realized to revise prevailing Schedule Of Rates
along with specifications which were in operation with various departments and being prepared
individually as per their need and revised at different span of time, resulting into various anomalies.
To overcome all these, it was essential to revise the schedule of rates, not only with simple
mechanized revision but incorporating major changes to keep up with the pace of urbanization,
civilization, construction techniques / mechanization and voluminous developments by restructuring
The new Rate Analysis are based on Factual Market research done by M/s.TATA
A.M.C. (Project)
Municipal Commissioner
Interpretations & Abbreviations
New Technologies
Arrangement of Traffic during Construction
Precautions for Safeguarding the Environment
Site Details
51 Blank
52 Blank
53 Site Information
54 Setting Out
55 Public Utilities
56 Methodology and Sequence of Work
57 Approval of Materials
58 Use of Surfaces by Construction Traffic
Measurements & Rates
61 General Rules for Measurements
62 Scope of Rates for Different Items of Work
Road & Drainage Excavation
Sub-Surface Drains
Treatment to Sub-Soil
Page 1
Geo-Synthetic Fabric
Bituminous Mixes
Anti-stripping Compound
Modified Binder
Prime Coat
Tack Coat
Paving Fabrics
Stress Absorbing Membrane & Stress Absorbing
Page 2
Slurry Seal
Cement Concrete
Water Entrances
Reinforced Earthwork
Quality Control
621 General
622 Tests on Earthwork for Embankment Construction
- Borrow Material
Plasticity Tests
Tests on Sub-Bases & Bases
Tests on Bituminous Construction
Quality control tests for Dry lean concrete
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Engineer, the treated shoulder shall be dismantled, the debris disposed of and
the area cleared as per the direction of the Engineer.
Passage of Traffic along a Temporary Diversion: In stretches where it is not
possible to pass the traffic on apart width of the carriageway, a temporary
diversion shall be constructed with 7m carriageway and 2.5m earthen shoulders
on each side (total width of roadway 12m) with the following provision for road
crust in the 7m width:
200mm (compacted) granular sub base;
225mm (compacted) granular base course; and
Premix carpet with Seal Coat / Mix Seal Surfacing.
The alignment and longitudinal section of diversion including junctions and
temporary cross drainage provision shall be as approved by the Engineer.
Traffic Safety and Control: The Contractor shall take all necessary measures for
the safety of traffic during construction and provide, erect and maintain such
barricades, including signs, markings, flags, lights and flagmen as may be
required by the Engineer for the information and protection of traffic approaching
or passing through the section of the highway under improvement. Before taking
up any construction, an agreed phased programme for the diversion of traffic on
the highway shall be drawn up in consultation with the Engineer.
The barricades erected on either side of the carriageway / portion of the
carriageway closed to traffic, shall be of strong design to resist violation, and
painted with alternate black and white stripes. Red lanterns or warning lights of
similar type shall be mounted on the barricades at night and kept lit throughout
from sunset to sunrise. At the points where traffic is to deviate from its normal
part (whether on temporary diversion or part width of the carriageway) the
channel for traffic shall be clearly marked with the aid of pavement markings,
painted drums or a similar device to the directions of the Engineer. At night, the
passage shall be delineated with lanterns or other suitable light source. One-way
traffic operation shall be established whenever the traffic is to be passed over
part of the carriageway inadequate for two-lane traffic. This shall be done with
the help of temporary traffic signals or flagmen kept positioned on opposite sides
during all hours. For regulation of traffic, the flagmen shall be equipped with red
and green flags and lanterns / lights.
On both sides, suitably regulatory / warning signs as approved by the Engineer
shall be installed for the guidance of road users. On each approach, at least two
signs shall be put up, one close to the point where transition of carriageway
begins and the other 120m away. The signs shall be of approved design and of
reflectory type, if so directed by the Engineer.
Maintenance of Diversions and Traffic Control Devices: Signs, lights, barriers
and other traffic control devices, as well as the riding surface of diversions shall
be maintained in a satisfactory condition till such time they are required as
directed by the Engineer. The temporary travelled way shall be kept free of dust
by frequent applications of water, if necessary. Wardens for monitoring traffic as
per requirement of traffic police shall be provided by the contractor at his own
The minimum curing time required during which the traffic is to be kept off the
surface for different types of layers / materials shall be as mentioned below:
a) Cement / Lime Stabilised Surfaces: Seven Days
b) Earthen Embankment: One Day
c) Granular Layer: Three Days
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Bituminous Cold Mixes / Seal Coat : Twelve Hours for heavy vehicles and
Eight hours for light vehicles.
e) Bituminous Hot Mixes: Twenty Four Hours for heavy vehicles and eight
hours for light vehicles
f) Slurry Seals: Four Hours
Measurements for Payment and Rate: All arrangements for traffic during
construction including provision of temporary cross drainage structures, if
required, and treated shoulder as described in clause 30.2 including their
maintenance, dismantling and clearing debris, where necessary, shall be
considered as incidental to the works and shall be the Contractor's responsibility.
The construction of temporary diversion including temporary cross drainage
structures as described in clause 30.3 shall be measured in linear metre and the
unit contract rate shall be inclusive of full compensation for construction
(including supply of material, labour, tools, etc.), maintenance, final dismantling,
and disposal.
Precautions for Safeguarding the Environment:
General: The Contractor shall take all precautions for safeguarding the
environment during the course of the construction of the works. He shall abide by
all laws, rules and regulations in force governing pollution and environmental
protection that are applicable in the area where the works are situated.
Borrow pits for Embankment Construction: Borrow pits shall not be dug in the
right-of-way of the road.
Quarry Operations: The Contractor shall obtain materials form quarries only after
the consent of the Forest Department or other concerned authorities is obtained.
The quarry operations shall be undertaken within the purview of the rules and
regulations in force.
Control of Soil Erosion, Sedimentation and Water Pollution: The Contractor shall
carry out the works in such a manner that soil erosion is fully controlled, and
sedimentation and pollution of natural water courses, ponds, tanks and
reservoirs are avoided. The stipulations in Clause 306 of MORT&H.
Specifications shall govern.
Pollution from Hot-Mix Plants and Batching Plants: Bituminous hot-mix plants
and concrete batching plants shall be located sufficiently away from habitation,
agricultural operations or industrial establishments. The Contractor shall take
every precaution to reduce the levels of noise, vibrations, dust and emissions
from his plant and shall be fully responsible for any claims for damages caused
to the owners of property, fields and residences in the vicinity.
Substances Hazardous to Health: The Contractor shall not use or generate any
materials in the works which are hazardous to the health of persons, animals or
vegetation. Where it is necessary to use some substances which can cause
injury to the health of workers, the Contractor shall provide protective clothing or
appliances to his workers.
Use of Nuclear Gauges: Nuclear gauges shall be used only where permitted by
the Engineer. The nuclear gauges shall be calibrated as per the conditions laid
down in the contract document. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a
copy of the regulations governing the safe use of nuclear gauges he intends to
employ and shall abide by such regulations.
The Contractor must take all reasonable steps to minimize dust nuisance during
the construction of the works.
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All existing roads used by vehicle of the Contractor or any of his subcontractors
or suppliers of materials or plant, and similarly any new roads which are part of
the works and which are being used by traffic, shall be kept clean and clear of all
dust/mud or other extraneous materials dropped by the said vehicles or their
tyres. Similarly, all dust/mud or other extraneous materials from the works
spreading on these roads shall be immediately cleared by the Contractor.
Clearance shall be effected immediately by manual sweeping and removal of
debris, or if so directed by the Engineer, by mechanical sweeping and clearing
equipment, and all dust, mud and other debris shall be' removed entirely from the
road surface. Additionally, if so directed by the Engineer, the road surface shall
be hosed or watered using suitable equipment.
Any structural damage caused to the existing roads by the Contractor's
construction equipment shall be made good without any extra cost.
Compliance with the foregoing will not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility
for complying with the requirements of any Authority in respect of the roads used
by him.
Site Details
Site Information:
The information about the site of work and site conditions in the Tender
Documents is given in good faith for guidance only but the Contractor shall
satisfy himself regarding all aspects of site conditions.
The location of the works and the general site particulars are as generally shown
on the Site plan I Index plan enclosed with the Tender Documents.
Whereas the right-of-way to the bridge sites I road works shall be provided to the
Contractor by the Engineer, the Contractor shall have to make his own
arrangement for the land required by him for site offices, labour camps, stores,
Setting Out:
The Contractor shall establish working Bench Marks related with the Town Hall
Reference Bench Mark (THD) in the area soon after taking possession of the
site. The Reference Bench Mark for the area shall be as indicated. The working
Bench Marks shall be at the rate of four per km and also at or near all drainage
structures, over-bridges and underpasses. The working Bench Marks I levels
should be got approved from the Engineer. Checks must be made on these
Bench Marks once every month and adjustments, if any, got agreed with the
Engineer and recorded. An up-to-date record of all Bench Marks including
approved adjustments, if any, shall be maintained by the Contractor and also a
copy supplied to the Engineer for his record.
The lines and levels of formation, side slopes, drainage works, carriageways and
shoulders shall be carefully set out and frequently checked, care being taken to
ensure that correct gradients and cross-sections are obtained everywhere.
In order to facilitate the setting out of the works, the centre line of the
carriageway or road must be accurately established by the Contractor and
approved by the Engineer. it must then be accurately referenced in a manner
satisfactory to the Engineer, every 50m intervals in plain and rolling terrains and
20m intervals in hilly terrain and in all curve points as directed by the Engineer,
with marker pegs and chainage boards set in or near the fence line, and a
schedule of reference dimensions shall be prepared and supplied by the
Contractor to the Engineer. These markers shall be maintained until the works
reach finished formation level and are accepted by the Engineer.
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On construction reaching the formation level stage, the centre line shall again be
set out by the Contractor and when approved by the Engineer, shall be
accurately referenced in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer by marker pegs at
the outer limits of the formation.
No reference peg or marker shall be moved or withdrawn without the approval of
the Engineer and no earthwork or structural work shall be commenced until the
centre line has been referenced.
The Contractor will be the sole responsible party for safeguarding all survey
monuments, bench marks, beacons, etc. The Engineer will provide the
Contractor with the data necessary for setting out of the centre line. All
dimensions and levels shown on the drawings or mentioned in documents
forming part of or issued under the Contract shall be verified by the Contractor on
the site and he shall immediately inform the Engineer of any apparent errors or
discrepancies in such dimensions or levels. The Contractor shall, in connection
with the staking out of the centre line, survey the terrain along the road and shall
submit to the Engineer for this approval, a profile along the road centre line and
cross-sections at intervals as required by the Engineer.
After obtaining approval of the Engineer, work on earthwork can commence and
the profile and cross-sections shall form the basis for measurements and
payment. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all the basic
traverse points are in place at the commencement of the contract and if any are
missing, or appear to have been disturbed, the Contractor shall make
arrangements to reestablish these points. A "Survey File" containing the
necessary data will be made available for this purpose. If in the opinion of the
Engineer, design modifications of the centre line or grade are advisable, the
Engineer will issue detailed instruction to the Contractor and the Contractor shall
perform the modifications in the field, as required, and modify the ground levels
on the cross-sections accordingly as many times as required. There will be no
separate payment for any survey work performed by the Contractor. The cost of
these services shall be considered as being included in the cost of the items of
work in the Bill of Quantities.
The work of setting out shall be deemed to be a part of general works
preparatory to the execution of work and no separate payment shall be made for
the same.
Precision automatic levels, having a standard deviation of 2mm per Km, and
fitted with micrometer attachment shall be used for all double run levelling work.
Setting out of the road alignment and measurement of angles shall be done by
using theodolite with traversing target, having an accuracy of one second.
Measurement of distances shall be done preferably using precision instruments
like Distomat.
Public Utilities:
Drawings scheduling the affected services like water pipes, sewers, oil pipelines,
cables, gas ducts etc. owned by various authorities including Public
Undertakings and Local Authorities included in the Contract Documents shall be
verified by the Contractor for the accuracy of the information prior to the
commencement of any work.
Notwithstanding the fact that the information on affected services may not be
exhaustive, the final position of these services within the works shall be
supposed to have been indicated based on the information furnished by different
bodies and to the extent the bodies are familiar with the final proposals. The
intermediate stages of the works are, however, unknown at the design stage,
these being dictated by the Contractor's methods of working. Accordingly, the
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Contractors programme must take into account the period of notice and duration
of diversionary works of each body as given on the Drawings and: the Contractor
must also allow for any effect of these services and alterations upon the Works
and for arranging regular meetings with the various bodies at the
commencement of the Contract and throughout the period of the Works in order
to maintain the required co-ordination. During the period of the Works, the
Contractor shall have no objection if the public utility bodies vary their decisions
in the execution of their proposals in terms of programme and construction,
provided that, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor has received
reasonable notice thereof before the relevant alterations are put in hand.
No clearance or alterations to the utility shall be carried out unless specially
ordered by the Engineer.
Any services affected by the Works must be temporarily supported by the
Contractor who must also take all measures reasonably required by the various
bodies to protect their services and property during the progress of the Works.
The Contractor may be required to carry out certain works for and on behalf of
the various bodies and he shall also provide, with the prior approval of the
Engineer, such assistance to the various bodies as may be authorized by the
The work of temporarily supporting and protecting the public utility services
during execution of the Works shall be deemed to be the part of the Contract and
no extra payment shall be made for the same.
The Contractor may be required to carry out the removal or shifting of certain
services I utilities on specified orders from the Engineer for which payment shall
be made to him. Such works shall be taken up by the Contractor only after
obtaining clearance from the Engineer and ensuring adequate safety measures.
Methodology and Sequence of Work
Prior to start of the construction activities at site, the Contractor shall, within 15
days after the date of the Letter of Acceptance, submit to the Engineer for
approval, the detailed construction methodology including mechanical equipment
proposed to be used, sequence of various activities and schedule from start to
end of the project. Programme relating to pavement and shoulder from start to
end of the project. Programme relating to pavement and shoulder construction
shall be an integrated activity to be done simultaneously in a co-ordinated
manner. The methodology and the sequence shall be so planned as to provide
proper safety, drainage and free flow of traffic.
Approval of Materials
Approval of all sources of material for work shall be obtained in writing from the
Engineer before their use on the project.
Use bf Surfaces by Construction Traffic
Ordinarily, no construction traffic shall be allowed on pavement under
construction unless authorized by the Engineer. Even in that case the load and
intensity of construction traffic should be so regulated that no damage is caused
to the sub-grade or pavement layers already constructed. Where necessary
service roads shall be constructed for this purpose and the same shall be
considered as incidental to the work.
The wheels or tracks of plant moving over the various pavement courses shall be
kept free of deleterious materials.
Bituminous base course shall be kept clean and uncontaminated as long as the
same remains uncovered by a wearing course or surface treatment. The only
traffic permitted access to the base course shall be that engaged in laying and
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61 .4
construction at all the grid points falling in that area, provided that the thickness
of finished work shall be limited to those shown on the drawings or approved by
the Engineer in writing.
As supplement to level measurements, the Engineer shall have the option to take
cores/make holes to check the depth of construction. The holes made and the
portions cut for taking cores shall be made good by the Contractor by laying
fresh mix / material including compacting as required at no extra cost
immediately after the measurements are recorded.
Checking of Pavement Thickness for Payment on Area Basis : Where payment
for any bituminous course in Section 300 is allowed to be made on area basis,
the Engineer may have its thickness checked with the help of a suitable
penetration gauge at regular intervals or other means as he may decide.
Measurement of Bituminous Courses for Payment on Weight Basis: Plant-mixed
bituminous materials for pavement courses where designated to be paid on
weight basis shall be weighed on accurate scales approved by the Engineer.
Approved scales shall mean scales that area of size, capacity, kind and type
suitable for the weighing to be done, and these shall be properly and adequately
installed and maintained. Prior to the use of the scales and as frequently
thereafter as the Engineer may deem necessary to ensure accuracy, the scales
shall be checked and approved by the Engineer, or the Engineer may direct the
Contractor to have the scales checked by other competent agency at the cost of
the Contractor.
Location of the scales shall be as designated by the Engineer. Trucks used for
hauling the material to be weighed shall be weighed empty daily at such times as
the Engineer directs, and each truck shall bear a plainly legible identification
For materials specified to be measured by weight, the Engineer will have the
option to make measurements of the finished work by volume and such volumes
shall be converted into weight for payment purposes. The factor for conversion
from volume measurement to weight measurement shall be computed from the
representative density of the compacted material at site determined at locations
approved by the Engineer.
Scope of Rates for Different Items of Work
For item rate contracts, the contract unit rates for different items of work shall be
payment in full for completing the work to the requirements of the Specifications
including full compensation for all the operations detailed in the relevant sections
of these Specifications under "Rates". In the absence of any directions to the
contrary, the rates are to be considered as the full inclusive rate for finished work
covering all labour, materials, wastage, temporary work, plant, equipment,
overhead charges and profit as well as the general liabilities, obligations,
insurance and risks arising out of General Conditions of Contract.
The item rates quoted by the Contractor shall, unless otherwise specified, also
include compliance with I supply of the following:
General works such as setting out, clearance of site before setting out and
clearance of works after completion,
A detailed programme for the construction and completion of the work
(using CPM/PERT techniques) giving, in addition to construction activities,
detailed network activities for the submission and approval of materials,
procurement of critical materials and equipment, fabrication of special
products I equipment and their installation and testing, and for all activities
of the Employer that are likely to affect the progress of work, etc. including
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updating of all .such activities on the basis of the decisions taken at the
periodic site review meetings or as directed by the Engineer;
Samples of various materials proposed to be used on the Work for
conducting tests thereon as required as per the provisions of the Contract;
Design of mixes as per the relevant Clauses of the Specifications giving
proportions of ingredients, sources of aggregates and binder along with
accompanying trial mixes as per the relevant Clauses of these
Specifications to be submitted to the Engineer for his approval before use
on the Works;
Detailed design calculations and drawings for all Temporary Works (such
as formwork, staging, centering; specialized constructional handling and
launching equipment and the like);
Detailed drawings for templates, support and end anchorage, details of prestressing cable profiles, bar bending and cutting schedules for
reinforcement, material lists for fabrication of structural steel, etc;
Mill test reports for all mild and high tensile steel and cast steel as per the
relevant provisions of the Specifications;
Testing of various finished items and materials including bitumen, cement,
concrete, bearings as required under these Specifications and furnishing
test reports/certificates;
Inspections Reports in respect of formwork, staging, reinforcement and
other items of work as per the relevant Specifications;
Any other date which may be required as per these Specifications for the
Conditions of Contract or any other annexures / schedules forming part of
the contract;
Any other item of work which is not specifically provided in the Bill of
Quantities but which is necessary for complying with the provisions of the
All temporary works, formwork and false work;
Establishing and running a laboratory with facilities for testing for various
items of works as specified in Section 600 and other relevant Clauses,
where there is no separate item in the Bill of Quantities for establishing and
running a laboratory;
Cost of in-built provisions for Quality Assurance;
Cost of providing "as-built drawings" in original and two sets of prints and
Portions of road works beyond the limits and / or any other work may be got
constructed by the Employer directly through other agencies. Accordingly, other
agencies employed by the Employer may be working in the vicinity of the Works
being executed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall liaise with such agencies
and adjust his construction programme for the completion of work accordingly
and no claim or compensation due to any reason whatsoever will be entertained
on this account. The Employer will be indemnified by the Contractor for any
claims from other agencies on this account.
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Road and Drainage Excavation
Description :
Roadway and drainage excavation shall consist of excavation removal and satisfactory
disposal of all excavated materials and necessary for the requirements of those
specifications and in the lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the drawings
of indicated by the by the engineer. This work shall include the hauling and
stacking or of hauling to sites of embankment construction of suitable cut
materials as required, as also the disposal of unsuitable cut materials in specified
manner and the trimming and finishing of the road way.
Classification of excavations: All materials involved in excavation shall be
classified by engineer either under two groups as 102.1 and 102.2 or as per sub
classes of these groups as stated in the contract.
General Classification: This shall comprise of excavation in soils, road metal,
made ground, clays, moorum, boulders, sand, masonry or concrete in
foundation, plinths and walls and all other material including whatever description
not requiring to be blasted.
This shall comprise of topsoil, sand, silt, loam, clay, mud, marine clay, loose
moorum, or similar material which yields to the ordinary application of pick,
spade and / or shovel. Removal of gravel or any other nodular material having
dimension not exceeding 75 mm occurring in such strata shall be deemed to be
Soft rock
This shall include : Macadam surfaces, soling or hard core of roads, stabilised
soil, compact moorum gravel, cobble stone having maximum dimension between
75 & 300 mm, masonry work, concrete , boulders etc which can be removed with
Marshy Soil
This shall include soils like marine clays, peats below original levels of marshes
and swamps requiring continuous pumping or bailing out of water
Rock Excavation: This shall comprise of rock, big boulders more than 0.25
cubic meters (8 c ft). In volume, very hard stone or littoral concrete or any
material requiring to be blasted by an explosive or broken into small pieces by
iron wedges or chisels. The rock excavation shall have two classes
Rock Excavation by Blasting: This shall comprise boulders, hard rock, RCC,
cement concrete for excavation of which the use of blasting is required.
Hard Rock (Blasting Prohibited): Due to restrictions, where excavation in rock
cannot be done by blasting and chiseling, weighing or mechanically chisels,
pavement breakersare required to be used.
In case of any question arising as the class of excavation, the engineer shall
determine under which category and that to what extent any particular
excavation shall be classed.
Construction Operations:
After the site has been cleared, the limits of excavation shall be set out true lines,
curves, slopes grades and sections as shown on the drawings or as directed by
engineer. The Contractor shall provide all labour, survey instruments and
materials, such as strings pegs, nails, bamboo, stones, lime, mortar, concrete,
etc. required in connection with the setting out of works and establishment of
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bench marks. The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of bench
marks and stokes as long as they are required for the work in the opinion of the
Excavation-General: All excavation shall be carried out in conformity with the
directions laid here in under and in a manner approved by the engineer. The
work shall be so planned that the suitable materials available from excavation
are satisfactorily utilised as decided upon of the Engineer.
The excavation shall conform to the lines, grades, side slopes and levels shown
on the drawings or as directed by Engineer. The contractor shall not excavate
outside the slopes or below the established grades or loosen any material
outside the limits of excavation. Subject to the permitted tolerances, any excess
depth excavated below the specified levels on the roadway shall be made good
at the cost of the contractor with suitable material of similar characteristics to that
removed and compacted to the requirements of clause 150.
All debris and loose material on the slopes of cutting shall be removed. No back
filling shall be allowed to obtain required slopes except when boulders or soft
pockets are encountered in cut slopes these shall be excavated to approved
depth on instructions of the Engineer and regulating cavity filled with suitable
material and thoroughly composted in as approved manner.
Rock Excavation:
Rock when encountered in roadway excavation, shall be removed upto the
subgrade level or as otherwise indicate on the drawings. Where however
unstable material is intersected at the subgrade level, these shall be excavated
to the extent of 500mm below the subgrade level or as otherwise specified. In all
cases, the excavation operation shall be so carried out that at no point on cut
foundation the rock protrudes above the specified levels, provides however that a
negative tolerance of 150 mm shall be permissible.
Where excavation is done to levels lower than this specified, the excess
excavation shall be made good by hand packing with rubble and chips to
designate level and compacting to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Slopes in rock cuttings shall be finished to uniform lines corresponding to slope
lines shown on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer. Notwithstanding the
foregoing all loose pieces of rock on excavated slope surface, which move when
prised by a crow bar, shall be removed.
Where blasting is to be resorted to, the same shall be carried out to clause
103.3.2 and precautions indicated there in observed.
Blasting: Blasting shall not be done without the previous consent of the Engineer and shall
be restricted to the hours which he may prescribe. If in the opinion of the
Engineer, blasting would be dangerous to persons or adjacent structure, or is
being carried on in a reckless manner, the rock shall be excavated by other
means. Storage of Explosives: The contractors shall obtain the previous permission of
the Chief of Fire Services for the site, manner and method of storing explosives
near the sites of works. All handlings of explosives, including storage and
transporting shall be carried out under the rules approved by the Explosives
Department of the Government. In carrying out rock blasting, the Contractors shall take all necessary precaution
by the use of screens weighted down and other means for the protection of life
and property and shall strictly comply with all rules and regulations that may be
laid down by the Commissioner of Police, by the Engineer or by other regularly
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Engineer may direct while the other material from the excavation shall be
disposed of a specified herein above or same, as may be necessary to prevent
the weight of the materials from causing the sides of trench to slip or fall.
In case where the Engineer decides that the width of the road or lane where work
of excavation is to be carried out is so narrow as to warrant stacking excavated
material away from the site of the work the contractors shall have to remove the
same if so directed within a lead of 300 metres (1000 Ft.). The excavated stuff
shall be brought back from any edge of the proposed work site, for refilling the
trenches when required. The surplus material shall be removed as directed. No
claims for stacking the excavated stuff away from the site of work or bringing it
back for refilling trenches shall be entertained.
Disposal of Surplus Material : The surplus earth, stones, boulders and other
materials that will be left after using them for embankments in filling in hollows,
wells and rubble packing etc. within the limits of the work, shall be removed to a
place with the distance quoted in tenders and as directed by the Engineer. The
rate for removal of surplus material to any given place, shall include fencing and
lighting at site, loading and unloading spreading in layers not more than 25cms
(10") thick at dumping ground or stacking in depots of suitable sizes wherever
required, as directed by the Engineer. It must be thoroughly understood that this
shall be paid upon the quantity of space, the material will occupy after excavation
and also after deducting the quantity of earth that may have been used on work
for filing in embankment hollows, wells, and other low lying grounds within the
limits of the work. This shall also include the removal of surplus material from
trenches taken by any Public utility company or by other department of the
Municipal Corporation.
Preservation of Property:
The contractor shall take all reasonable precautions for the protection and
preservations of any or all existing road side trees, drains, sewers or other
subsurface drains pipes, conducts and any other structure under or above
ground, which may be affected by constructions, operations and which in the
opinion of the Engineer shall be continued in use without any charges.
Safeguards taken by the contractors in this respect shall be got approved by him
from the Engineer. However, if any of these objects is damaged by reason of the
contractor's negligence, it shall be replaced or restored to the original condition at
his expense.
Precaution : If the work which the excavation shall have been made be not
completed by the 20th day of May next following or the settling on of rain or
before the day fixed by the Engineer for filling in any excavation on account of
the Mohorrum, or Diwali or other holiday or of any special occasion or ceremony,
the contractors shall refill any such excavation or the Engineer may refill and
compact at their expenses, notwithstanding the non-completion of the work as
aforesaid and in no such case shall the contractor have any claim for such
excavation, refilling or compaction or for any such incomplete work but on the
other hand, the contractors shall bear the cost of road repairs in respect of such
excavations at such time, together with the cost of such procedure as may be
adopted by the Engineer. The contractors may be permitted to continue to work
up to 21 st May on sewers passing through open land or unpaved road or roads
not carrying heavy traffic and wide enough to permit reinstatement being carried
out after setting in of rain without affecting traffic movement.
Lighting of Excavations : All excavations, trenches, obstructions, materials, etc.
taken, kept or deposited in connection with the work would be sufficiently lighted
at night in order to guard against any damage or danger to the traffic and to take
Page 17
all precautions to keep all the lamps lighted whole night for the guidance of the
traffic in the following manner:
All lamps must be kept at a height of about 1 m to 1.25m at strategic points.
a) All lamps should be red in colour.
b) All lamps across, the direction of traffic should be spaced at a distance of not
more than 2m apart.
c) The lamps along the line of traffic should be spaced not more than 9m to 15m
d) To take such other measures as may be directed by the Engineer from time to
time for the safety of the traffic.
e) The contractor shall make all proper provision for protecting the work by
providing portable traffic barricade with flashers otherwise known as Blinkers.
Specification of Blinkers are as follows:
Series 6,100 blinker unit consisting of a solid state oscillator - dryer circuit using
silicon transistors, tropicalised printed circuit card, driving a 2.4 watt filament
lamp in a screw holder. The unit contains four flashlight cells (type D, 1.5 V) in a
battery compartment in the base. Removable bottom to facilitate quick battery
The assembly is housed in a specially shaped handy box, MS fabricated, painted
in attractive traffic yellow with regulation strips on the visible base. Bakelite
handles on top for carrying. The sides fitted with pre-focused moulded
polystyrene lenses red or amber having prismatic inner surface for efficient light
transmission. Visibility approximately 150 metres on dark night.
In the event of the contractors not complying with the provisions of this clauses,
the Engineer may without notice to the contractors put up the barricade or
improve upon the same or provide or improve the lighting to adopt such other
measures as he may deem necessary and all the cost of such procedure as may
be adopted by the Engineer shall be borne by the contractors shall be charged a
penalty of Rs.100/- per day till compliance of this requirement.
Finishing Operations:
Finishing operations shall include the work of properly shaping and dressing all
excavated surfaces.
When completed, to point on the slopes shall vary from the designated slopes by
more than 150mm measured at right angles to the slope except where
excavation is in rocks (hard or soft) where no point shall vary more than 600mm
from the designated slope. In no case shall any portion of the slope encroach on
the roadway.
The finished cut formation shall satisfy the surface tolerances described in
Clause 610 & 620.
When directed, the top soil removed earlier and conserved, shall be spread over
out slopes, berms and other disturbed areas. Slopes may be roughened and
moistened slightly, prior to the application of top soil, in order to provide
satisfactory bond.
Laying of Sub-Grade (Preparation of Cut Formation):
The subsoil shall be levelled approximately to proper level and camber by filling
depressions with excavated material and cutting off protuberances. The subsoil
shall be made to have as nearly as practicable a uniform bearing power and all
hard spots therefore be properly excavated and refilled.
All soft and spongy parts of the subsoil shall also be excavated and refilled with
approved materials in 15cm (6") layers for the same reason. (The cost of this
Page 18
excavation will be paid after under the item for excavation). The subsoil shall be
watered adequately as directed before a roller as put on it. Proper accesses
should be prepared for the roller to get to the subsoil and all manholes frames
and covers should be removed by plates free of cost whenever they interface
with the free rolling of the subsoil.
After rolling, the camber super elevation and longitudinal slope etc. of the subsoil
shall conform in shape to those of the finished road surface. This should be
checked with the help of level stakes, strings and camber board if necessary.
In rocky formations, the surface irregularities shall be corrected and the levels
brought up to the specified elevation with granular base material as directed by
the Engineer, laid and compacted in accordance with the respective
Specifications for these materials. The unsuitable material shall be disposed of in
accordance with Clause 105.2. After satisfying the density requirements, the cut
formation shall be prepared to receive the sub-base / base course in accordance
with Clauses 107.2 to receive the sub-base/base course.
Measurements & Rates
Works involved in the preparation of cut formation shall be measured in units
indicated below:
i. Loosening and re-compacting the loosened material
at sub-grade.
Cu. M.
ii. Loosening and removal of unsuitable material and
replacing with a suitable material and compacting
to required density
Cu. M.
iii. Preparing rocky sub-grade
Sq. M.
iv. Stripping including storing and reapplication of top soil
Cu. M.
v. Disposal of surplus material beyond initial 1000m lead
Cu. M.
The rates for excavation shall be held to include and cover without extra charge
all the stipulations contained in every portion of clause with regard to shoring,
pumping, shaping the trenches, filling grounds or embanking with the excavated
materials, or removing surplus materials, and separating stones suitable for
Municipal Work, maintenance of pipes, drain and other work, fencing, lighting,
watching, ramming foundation and all matters and things connected with a or
rendered necessary or otherwise involved by the excavation.
The excavation for the road work will be paid on the basis of sectional
measurements irrespective of the work.
In case of rock excavation, where cross-sectional measurements are not
possible due to irregular configuration or where the rock is admixed with other
classes of materials, the volumes shall be computed on the basis of stacks of
excavated rubble after making 40% deduction due to voids therein.
If in any place, the Engineer may consider that on account of the nature of
subsoil, additional foundations of concrete, rubble otherwise are necessary, or if
in any place, he may require the excavation, for any purpose whatsoever, not
shown on plans or described in the specification, the excavation shall be carried
out as may be ordered by the Engineer and such additional works shall be
measured and paid for the contractors.
The disposal of surplus material shall be measured and paid extra or shall be
part of the excavation item as per the provisions of the Bill of Quantities.
Page 19
The Contract unit rates for the items of roadway and drain excavation shall be
payment in full for carrying out the operations required for the individual items
including full compensation for:
i. Setting out,
ii. Transporting the excavated materials and depositing the same on sites of
embankments, spoil banks or stacking as directed within all lifts and lead
upto 1000 m or as otherwise specified,
iii. Trimming bottoms and slopes of excavation,
iv. Dewatering,
v. Keeping the work free of water
vi. All labour, materials, tools, equipment, safety measures, testing and
incidentals necessary to complete the work to Specifications.
The Contract unit rate for loosening and re-compacting the loosened materials at
sub-grade, if provided separately in the contract, shall include full compensation
for loosening to the specified depth, including breaking clods, spreading in
layers, watering where necessary and compacting to the requirements. Clauses 108.2.1, 153.2 and 153.3 shall apply as regards Contract unit rate for
item of removal of unsuitable material and replacement with suitable material
respectively. The Contract unit rate, if provided separately, for item of preparing rocky subgrade as per Clause 107.2 shall be full compensation for providing, laying and
compacting granular base material for correcting surface irregularities including
all materials, labour and incidentals necessary to complete the work and all leads
and lifts. The Contract unit rate, if provided separately, for the items of stripping and
storing topsoil and of reapplication of topsoil shall include full compensation for
all the necessary operations including all lifts, but leads as stated in the contract. The Contract unit rate, if separately provided in the contract, for disposal of
surplus earth from roadway and drain excavation shall be full compensation for
all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary on account of the
additional haul or transportation involved beyond the initial lead provided in the
respective item of excavation.
Sub-Surface Drains:
Scope: Sub-Surface drains shall be of close-jointed perforated pipes, openjointed unperforated pipes, surrounded by granular material laid in a trench or
aggregate drains to drain the pavement courses. Subsurface drains designed
using Geo-synthetics and approved by the Engineer can also be used.
Pipe : Perforated pipes for the drains may be of metal I asbestos cement I
cement concrete I PVC, and unperforated pipes of I cement concrete I asbestos
cement. The type, size and grade of the pipe to be used shall be as specified in
the Contract. In no case, however, shall the internal diameter of the pipe be less
than 100mm. Holes for perforated pipes shall be on one half of the circumference
only and conform to the spacing indicated on the drawings. Size of the holes
shall not ordinarily be greater than half of D85 size of the material surrounding
the pipe, subject to being minimum 3mm and maximum 6mm. D85 stands for the
size of the sieve that allows 85 per cent of the material to pass through it.
Backfill Material: Backfill Material shall consist of sound, tough, hard, durable
particles of free draining sand-gravel material or crushed stone and shall be free
Page 20
of organic material, clay balls or other deleterious matter. Unless the Contract
specifies any particular grading for the backfill material or requires these to be
designed on inverted filler criteria for filtration and permeability to the approval of
the Engineer, the backfill material shall be provided on the following lines:
Where the soil met with in the trench is of fine grained type (e.g. silt, clay or a
mixture thereof), the backfill material shall conform to Class I grading set out in
Table 100.1.
Where the soil met with in the trench is of coarse silt to medium sand or sandy
type, the backfill material shall correspond to Class II grading of Table 100.1.
Where soil met with in the trench is gravelly sand, the backfill material shall
correspond to Class III grading of Table 100.1. Thickness of backfill material
around the pipe shall be as shown on the drawings subject to being at least
150mm all-round in all cases. Geo-synthetics for use with subsurface drain shall
conform to the requirements as per Section 260.
Table 100.1 Grading Requirements for Filter Material
Sieve Designation
710 Micron
355 Micron
2180 Micron
90 Micron
Trench Excavation: Trench for sub-surface drain shall be excavated to the
specified lines, grades and dimensions shown in the drawings provided that
width of trench at pipe level shall not be less than 450mm. The excavation shall
begin at the outlet end of the drain and proceed towards the upper end. Where
unsuitable material is met with at the trench bed, the same shall be removed to
such depth as directed by the Engineer and backfilled with approved material
which shall be thoroughly compacted to the specified degree.
Laying of pipe and backfilling: Laying of pipe in the trench shall be started at the
outlet end and proceed towards the upper end, true to the lines and grades
specified. Unless otherwise provided longitudinal gradient of the pipe shall not be
less than 1 in 100.
Before placing the pipe, backfill material of the required grading(s) shall be laid
for full width of the trench bed and compacted to a minimum thickness of 150mm
or as shown on the drawings. The pipe shall then be embedded firmly on the
Perforated pipes, unless otherwise specified, shall be placed with their
perforations down to minimize clogging. The pipe sections shall be joined
securely with appropriate coupling fittings or bands.
Page 21
Non-perforated pipes shall be laid with joints as close as possible with the open
joints wrapped with suitable pervious material (like double layer of Hessian,
suitable Geo-synthetics or some other material of not less than 150mm width) to
permit entry of water but prevent fines entering the pipe. In the case of nonperforated pipes with bell end, the bell shall face upgrade. Upgrade end sections
of the pipe installation shall be tightly closed by means of concrete plugs or plugs
fabricated from the same material as the pipe and securely held in place to
prevent entry of soil materials.
After the pipe installation has been completed and approved, backfill material of
the required grading(s) (see Clause 120.2.2) shall be placed over the pipe to the
required level in horizontal layers not exceeding 150mm in thickness and
thoroughly compacted. The minimum thickness of material above the top of the
pipe shall be 300mm.
Unless otherwise provided, sub-surface drains not located below the road
pavement shall be sealed at the top by means of 150mm thick layer of
compacted clay so as to prevent percolation of surface water.
Use of Geo-synthetic in laying of pipe and backfilling: After excavating the trench
for sub-surface drain, the filter fabric (Geo- Textile as per clause 262) shall be
placed, the pipe installed and the trench backfilled with permeable material
according to dimensions and details shown on the plans. Surfaces to receive
filter fabric prior to placing shall be free of loose of extraneous material and sharp
objects that may damage the filter fabric during installation. Adjacent rolls of the
fabric shall be overlapped a minimum of 450mm. the preceding roll shall overlap
the following roll in the direction the material is being spread.
Damage to the fabric resulting from Contractor's vehicles, equipment or
operations shall be replaced or repaired by the Contractor at his expense.
Drain Outlet : The outlet for a sub-drain shall not be under water or plugged with
debris but should be a free outlet discharging into a stream, culvert or open ditch.
The bottom of the pipe shall be kept above high water in the ditch and the end
protected with a grate or screen. For a length of 500mm from the outlet end, the
trench for pipe shall not be provided with granular material but backfilled with
excavated soil and thoroughly compacted so as to stop water directly percolating
from the backfill material around the pipe. The pipe in this section shall not have
any perforations.
Aggregate Drains: Aggregate Drains shall be placed within the verge / shoulders
after completion of the pavement. Depth, thickness and spacing of the aggregate
drains shall be as shown on the plan.
Trenches for aggregate drains shall be excavated to a minimum width of 300mm
and to the depth shown on the plans or ordered by the Engineer. The bottom of
the trench shall be sloped to drain and shall be free from loose particles of soil.
The trench shall be excavated so as to expose clearly the granular pavement
courses to be drained.
Aggregate for the drains shall be durable gravel, stone or slag and shall be free
from vegetable matter and other deleterious substances. The grading
requirements are given at Table 100.2. Type B grading may be used only where
the drain is designed to intercept surface water flowing to the pipe and is likely to
get slowly blocked. Type A grading allows a much wider range.
Table 100.2 Grading Requirements for Aggregate Drains
Sieve Size
Per cent passing by weight
Type A
Type B
Page 22
600 Micron
150 Micron
75 Micron
Measurements for Payment: Measurement for surface and sub-surface drains
shall be per running meter length of the drain. Disposal of surplus material
beyond a lead mentioned in the contract shall be measured in Cu.M.
Rates: The Contract unit rates for surface and sub-surface drains shall be
payment in full for all items such as excavation, dressing the sides and bottom;
providing lining, turfing, pitching, masonry, concrete and plastering, providing,
laying and jointing pipes, providing, laying and compacting backfill and bed of
granulated material; providing, fixing and painting of cover, etc. including full
compensation for all materials, labour, tools, equipment and other incidentals to
complete the work as shown on drawings with all leads and lifts except for
removal of unsuitable material for which the lead shall be 1000m. Provision of
inlets, gratings, sumps, outlet pipes, bedding, disbursers, etc. wherever required
shall be incidental to construction of drain. The Contract unit rate for disposal of
surplus and unsuitable material beyond the initial 1000m lead shall be in
accordance with Clause
Treatment to Sub-Soil
Mechanically Stabilised Soil:
The In-situ soil, found weak to support pavement and traffic load, then it shall be
stabilized by mixing it with granular material.
Blending Material for Mechanical Stabilisation: This may be gravel, crushed
stone, crushed slag, brick-mental, soft aggregates like laterite and kankar,
natural sand or clay depending upon the grading requirements. The grading of
mixed material shall as far as possible conform to one of the three gradings in
Table 100.3.
Table 100.3 Grading of Mixed Material for Mechanical Stabilisation
Sieve Designation
600 Micron
75 Micron
a. Not less than 10% should be retained between each pair of successive
sieves specified for use excepting the large pair.
b. The material passing 425 Micron Sieve when tested according to IS:2720
(Part-V) shall have liquid limit and plasticity index of not more than 25 and 6
Page 23
c.. The soaked CBR value of the compacted material shall not be less than 10
d; Moisture Content For Compaction - The moisture content at compaction
checked vide IS2720 (part 2) shall neither be less than optimum moisture
content corresponding to IS2720 (part 8) nor more than 2% above it.
131.1.2 Construction Operation
The mixing shall be carried out by using a mechanical mixer. The mix shall be
spread and compacted by using three wheeled power or tandem roller of 80 to
100 KN capacities.
Measurements for Payment: Stabilised soil sub-base/base shall be
measured as finished work in position in cubic metres.
Rates : The contract unit rate for cement treated soil sub-base / base
with pre-treatment with lime if required shall be payment in full for
carrying out the required operations.
Lime Treated Soil:
132.1.1 Lime: Lime for lime-soil stabilization work shall be commercial dry lime slaked at
site or pre-slaked lime delivered to the site in suitable packing. Unless otherwise
permitted by the Engineer, the lime shall have purity of not less than 70 per cent
by weight of Quick-lime (CaO) when tested in accordance with IS:1514. Lime
shall be properly stored to avoid prolonged exposure to the atmosphere and
consequent carbonation which would reduce its binding properties.
132.1.2 Water: The water to be used for lime stabilization shall be clean and free from
injurious substances. Potable water shall be preferred.
Quantity of Lime in Stabilised Mix: Quantity of lime to be added as percentage
by weight of the dry soil shall be as specified in the Contract. The quantity of lime
used shall be related to its calcium oxide content which shall be specified. Where
the lime of different calcium oxide content is to be used, its quantity shall be
suitably adjusted to the approval the Engineer so that equivalent calcium oxide
as incorporated in the work. The mix design shall be done to arrive at the
appropriate quantity of lime to be added, having due regard to the purity of lime,
the type of soil, the moisture-density relationship, and the design
CBR/Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) value specified in the Contract.
The laboratory CBR/UCS value shall be at least 1.5 times the minimum field
value of CBR / UCS stipulated in the Contract.
Construction Procedure: The following procedure for mix in place soil-lime
stabilization is recommended.
The soil, to be stabilized, shall be laid to a uniform loose thickness of 9" over the
prepared sub-grade. Clods or other gravel over 4.75mm diameter shall be either
removed or pulverized to within the above size.
The surface area shall then be divided into convenient panels, preferably of 3M x
Pre-calculated quantity of lime, required for the quantity of soil contained in the
panel, shall be made to thin fine slurry by mixing the same with sufficient quantity
of water in a drum.
Furrows shall be made in the soil by means of pickaxes, their edges going to the
full depth of the loose soil layer. These shall be made in the longitudinal,
transverse and again longitudinal directions and in that order. One third of the
lime slurry shall be added to the furrows, every time.
As far as possible, alternate panel method shall be adhered to, for a better field
Page 24
After the excess moisture content in the soil-lime mix gets evaporate, the same
shall be dressed to a uniform layer and rolled.
The layer shall then be cured, i.e., the rolled surface shall be maintained in a
moist state by sprinkling water at intervals till the next layer is laid over it.
Moisture Content for Compaction: For mechanical stabilizations, moisture
content at compaction shall be within the range of 1 % above of 2% below the
optimum moisture content corresponding to IS: 2720 (Part-VIII) whereas for
cement / lime stabilization it shall not be Jess than O.M.C. nor more than 2%
above it. The moisture content shall be adjusted during the mixing operations
(making allowance for evaporation losses) and checked before rolling starts.
Rolling: A power roller shall, as a rule, be not less than 10 tonnes but if at any
time still heavier rollers are required on the works, the contractors shall have to
bring them as may be directed by the Engineer. In case of trenches not more
than 8' in width, an earth master or any other similar equipment manually or
machine operated, shall be invariably employed.
Rolling shall progress from edges to the centre of the road in strips parallel to the
centre line of the road.
Rolling shall be done by lapping uniformly each proceeding rear wheel track by
at least one half width of the track.
On super elevations, rolling shall be started at inner edge and shall progress
towards outer edge. During and after rolling, the surface shall be checked for
grade and camber. Rolling shall be started worked or stopped without jerks.
Rolling shall not normally be done in length less than 100m (300ft).
On completion of day's work, the roller shall be made to stand on the side width
of the road and shall be guarded by a watchman. A red lantern shall be hung on
the roller at night so as to be visible from both sides of the road.
Care shall be taken to see that the compaction of cement stabilized material is
completed within two hours of its mixing or such
The sub-base course, stabilized with lime or cement shall be suitably cured for 7
days or less if so desired by the Engineer soon after which subsequent
pavement courses shall be laid to prevent the surface from drying out and
becoming friable. No traffic of any kind shall ply over the completed sub-base
unless permitted by the Engineer.
Quality Control
In the Laboratory: A sample of the soil, to be stabilized, (minimum 30 Kg.)
together with a sample of lime, to be used for stabilization shall be submitted to
the Municipal Soil Testing Laboratory, at least one week prior to taking up the
stabilization work.
The Laboratory shall furnish:
The percentage of lime required to be added to the soil for achieving the
designed value of CBR.
The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for the soil-lime mix.
On the Field:
During the rolling operations, field density test shall be taken to
ascertain that at least 95% of the laboratory density has been attained.
Field CBR tests shall be performed after a period of 7 days
Measurements for Payment: Stabilised soil sub-base/base shall be measured
as finished work in position in cubic meters.
Page 25
Rates: The contract unit rate for cement treated soil sub-base / base with pretreatment with lime if required shall be payment in full for carrying out the
required operations including full compensation for all components listed below:
Making arrangements for traffic to Clause 30 except for initial treatment
to verges, shoulders and construction of diversions,
furnishing all materials to be incorporated in the work including all
royalties, fees, rents where necessary and all leads and lifts,
All labour, tools, equipment and incidentals to complete the work to the
Carrying out the work in part widths of road where directed and carrying
out the required tests for quality control.
Sand Drains (100 to 200mm Diameter) :
Materials: Material shall consist of sound, hard, durable particles of free draining
sand-gravel crushed stone with grading as per Class-I of Table 100.1. The
material shall be free from organic materials, clay balls or other deleterious
Construction: Pre-boring of holes of specified diameter and specified spacing &
depth shall be done either by manual auguring or by mechanical push through
method in which detachable shoe at the bottom of the casing is mechanically
pushed through the weak strata. The premixed aggregate shall be poured into
the hole through the tremie pipe and tamped mechanically. The height of
compacted pour shall not exceed 0.5m. The filling shall be done up to specified
Measurements: The work of providing sand drains shall be measured finished in
running meter depth of specified diameter.
Rate: The contract per running meter rate for provision of sand drains shall be
payment in full for supply of materials, boring of holes and filling of materials
including tamping.
Stone Columns (300 to 500mm Diameter):
Materials: Material shall consist of sound, hard, durable particles of free draining
sand-gravel / crushed stone with grading as per Class-III of Table 100.1. The
material shall be free from organic materials, clay balls or other deleterious
Construction: The stone column may be installed by making the bore into the
ground by removal of material or by driving a metal casing with a shoe at the tip
and displacing the material laterally. The premixed aggregate shall be poured
into the hole through the tremie pipe and tamped mechanically. The height of
compacted pour shall not exceed 0.5m. The filling shall be done up to specified
Measurements: The work of providing sand drains shall be measured finished in
running meter depth of specified diameter.
Rate: The contract per running meter rate for provision of sand drains shall be
payment in full for supply of materials, boring of holes and filling of materials
including tamping.
Prefabricated Vertical Drains:
Material: Prefabricated drains of composite construction made of inner core
acting as drainage channel with outer sleeve fabricated out of non-woven Geotextiles with ISO-9000 certification from reputed manufacturers are to be installed
by mechanical or hydraulic equipment.
Page 26
The band drain material shall have the following minimum properties, which have
a direct bearing on the performance of the band drain.
Table 100.4 Physical requirement for band drains
Test Method
1. Discharge Capacity at hydraulic
ASTM 0-4716
CU.M. /
grade I = 0.50, 350 KPa vertical
45 * 10-6
2. Width
100 5
3. Weight of PVD
Min. 75
4. Tensile Strength
ASTM 0-5035
5. Elongation at 1 kN
ASTM 0-5035
< 10
Construction Operation: The drains shall be installed as per manufacturer's/
designer's guidelines to depths and at spacing as shown in the drawings. The
general depth to which the drains are to be installed would be as designed. The
contractor shall submit to the engineer the complete design considering 90%
consolidation should be achieved by 6 months and scheme for installation of
vertical band drains - the particular brand of drain to be used with its properties,
the equipment and methodology to be used for the installation of the drains and
all details shall be submitted to the engineer prior to the commencement of
ground improvement work.
After installation of vertical band drains, a blanket of clean granular coarse sand
to be used as drainage layer as approved by the Engineer-In-Charge. The
thickness of sand blanket shall be 500mm.
The finished sand blanket shall be covered with geo-textile layer and the
embankment shall be constructed as per specification.
Additional Surcharge: Additional surcharge by approved embankment shall be
placed over formation level upto a height of about 2.5m with a pressure intensity
of about 3.5 t I Sq. M. at formation level. The surcharge shall be placed with
adequate side slope to avoid any slope failure. The surcharge needs to be kept
in place for about 6-9 months time to achieve desire degree of consolidation.
After the desired degree of consolidation is achieved, the additional surcharge
shall be removed without the road embankment and the surcharge material shall
be .removed by the contractor at his own cost. The rate shall include its material
cost, its transport, placements and efforts of all types of removal. The item details
shall be as indicated in BOQ. After removal of surcharge, the damaged
embankment top shall be made good as instructed by the Engineer-In-Charge.
The additional quantity of earthwork for embankment construction due to the
settlement of sub-surface soil because of surcharge loading shall not be paid
separately. The quantity of earthwork for embankment construction shall be
measured from the initial and final levels of formation only.
Instrumentation of Monitoring: To ensure the performance of band drains and
geo-textile in the ground improvement process it is necessary that
instrumentation for recording settlement and pore water pressure be provided.
Measurements & Rates: Measurements & Rates for these items shall be as
indicated in the respective items in the BOO.
Treatment to Water Mains and Sewer Line Trenches
The trenches shall be re-excavated to remove top two meter soil. without
disturbing the water/ sewer Mains.
The backfill material shall consist of free draining sand - gravel material or
crushed stone and shall be free of organic material, clay balls or other
Page 27
Page 28
keep the foundation trenches dry when so required and to protect the green
concrete / masonry against damage by erosion or sudden rising of water level.
The methods to be adopted in this regard and other details thereof shall be left to
the choice of the Contractor but subject to approval of the Engineer. Approval of
the Engineer shall, however, not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for
the adequacy of dewatering and protection arrangements and for the quality and
safety of the works.
Where cofferdams are required, these shall be carried to adequate depths and
heights, be safely designed and constructed and be made as watertight as is
necessary for facilitating construction to be carried out inside them. The interior
dimensions of the cofferdams shall be such as to give sufficient clearance for the
construction and inspection and to permit installation of pumping equipments,
etc., inside the enclosed area.
If it is determined beforehand that the foundations cannot be laid dry or the
situation is found that the percolation is too heavy for keeping the foundation dry,
the foundation concrete shall be laid under water by tremie pipe only. In case of
flowing water or artesian springs, the flow shall be stopped or reduced as far as
possible at the time of placing the concrete.
Pumping from the interior of any foundation enclosure shall be done in such a
manner as to preclude the possibility of the movement of water through any fresh
concrete. No pumping shall be permitted during the placing of concrete or for any
period of at least 24 hours thereafter, unless it is done from a suitable sump
separated from the concrete work by a watertight wall or other similar means.
At the discretion of the Contractor, cement grouting or other approved methods
may be used to prevent or reduce seepage and to protect the excavation area.
The Contractor shall take all precautions in diverting channels and in discharging
the drained water as not to cause damage to the works, crops or any other
141.2.4 Preparation of Foundation: The bottom of the foundation shall be levelled both
longitudinally and transversely or stepped as directed by the Engineer. Before
footing is laid, the surface shall be slightly watered and rammed. In the event of
excavation having been made deeper than that shown on the drawings or as
otherwise ordered by the Engineer, the extra depth shall be made up with
concrete or masonry of the foundation at the cost the Contractor.. Ordinary filling
shall not be used for the purpose to bring the foundation to level.
When rock or other hard strata is encountered, it shall be freed of all soft and
loose material, cleaned and cut to a firm surface either level and stepped as
directed by the Engineer. All seams shall be cleaned our and filled with cement
mortar or grout to the satisfaction of the Engineer. In the case of excavation in
rock, annular space around footing shall be filled with lean concrete (1:3:6
nominal mix) up to the top level of rock.
If the depth of fill required is more than 1.5m above the top of the footing, filling
up to 1.5m above top of footing shall be done with lean concrete (1:3:6 nominal
mix) followed by boulders grouted with cement.
When foundation piles are used, the excavation of each pit shall be substantially
completed before beginning pile-driving operations therein. After pile driving
operations in a given pit are completed, all loose and displaced material therein
shall be removed to the elevation of the bottom of the footings.
141.2.5 Slips and Slip-outs: If there are any slips or slip-outs in the excavation, these
shall be removed by the Contractor at his own cost.
Page 29
141.2.6 Public Safety: Near towns, villages and all frequented places, trenches and
foundation pits shall be securely fenced, provided with proper caution signs and
marked with red lights at night to avoid accidents. The Contractor shall take
adequate protective measures to see that the excavation operations do not affect
or damage adjoining structures. For safety precautions, guidance may be taken
from 18:3764.
141.2.7 Backfilling : Backfilling shall be done with approved material after concrete or
masonry is fully set and carried out in such a way as not to cause undue thrust
on any part of the structure. All space between foundation masonry or concrete
and the sides of excavation shall be refilled to the original surface in layers not
exceeding 150 mm compacted thicknesses. The compaction shall be done with
the help of suitable equipment such as mechanical tamper, rammer, plate
vibrator etc., after necessary watering, so as to achieve a density not less than
the field density before excavation.
141.2.8 Disposal of Surplus Excavated Materials: Clause 105 shall apply.
Measurements for Payment: Excavation for structures shall be measured in
cum. for each class of material encountered, limited to the dimensions shown on
the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Excavation over increase width,
cutting of slopes, shoring, shuttering and planking shall be deemed as
convenience for the Contractor in executing the work and shall not be measured
and paid for separately.
Preparation of rock foundation shall be measured in square metres. Foundation
sealing, dewatering, including pumping shall be deemed to be incidental to the
work unless separate provision is made for in the Contract. In the latter case,
payment shall be on lump sum basis as provided in the Bill of Quantities.
141.4.1 The Contract unit rate for the items of excavation for structures shall be payment
in full for carrying out the required operations including full compensation for:
o setting out;
o construction of necessary cofferdams, cribs, sheeting, shoring, bracing and
their subsequent removal;
o removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and
obstructions, for placing the foundations including trimming of bottoms of
o foundation sealing, dewatering including pumping when no separate
provision for it is made in the Contract;
o backfilling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus material within all
lifts and leads up to 1000 m or as otherwise specified; and
o all labour, materials, tools, equipment, safety measures, diversion of traffic
and incidentals necessary to complete the work to Specification.
141.4.2 The Contract unit rate for preparation of rock foundation shall be full
compensation for cutting, trimming and cleaning the foundation surface and filling
I sealing of all seams with cement grout or mortar including all materials, labour
and incidentals required for completing the work.
141.4.3 The Contract unit rate for transporting material from the excavation for structures
shall be full compensation for all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals
necessary on account of the additional haul or transportation involved beyond
the initial lead of 1000m.
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after compaction shall be not less than specified % in Table 100.6 of the
maximum laboratory dry density as per IS:2720 (Part-VIII).
Subsequent layers shall be placed only after the finished layer has been tested
according to Clause 622 and accepted by the Engineer.
When density measurements reveal any soft areas in the embankment, further
compaction shall be carried out as directed by the Engineer. If in spite of that the
specified compaction is not achieved, the material in the soft areas shall be
removed and replaced by approved material, compacted to the density
requirements and satisfaction of the Engineer.
The surface of the embankment at all time during construction be maintained at
such cross fall as well shed water and to prevent flooding.
151.2.8 Rolling : A power roller shall, as a rule, be not less than 10 tonnes but if at any
time still heavier rollers are required on the works, the contractors shall have to
bring them as may be directed by the Engineer. In case of trenches not more
than 2.5 m in width, an earth master or any other similar equipment manually or
machine operated, shall be invariably employed.
Rolling shall progress from edges to the centre of the road in strips parallel to the
centre line of the road. Rolling shall be done by lapping uniformly each
proceeding rear wheel track by at least one half width of the track. On super
elevations, rolling shall be started at inner edge and shall progress towards outer
edge. During and after rolling, the surface shall be checked for grade and
camber. Rolling shall be started worked or stopped without jerks. Rolling shall
not be normally done in length less than 100m (300'). On completion of day's
work, the roller shall be made to stand on the side width of the road and shall be
guarded by a watchman.
A red lantern shall be hung on the roller at night so as to be visible from . both
sides of the road.
151.2.9 Finishing Operations: These shall include the work of shaping and dressing the
shoulders, road bed and side slopes to conform to the alignment, levels, cross
sections and dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer,
subject to the surface tolerances described in Clause 613. Both the upper and
lower ends of the side slopes shall be rounded off to improve appearance and
merge the embankment with the adjacent terrain.
When earthwork operations have been subsequently, compacted the roadway
area shall be cleared or all debris and ugly scars in the construction areas,
responsible for objectionable appearance be eliminated.
Construction of Embankment and Sub-grade under Special Conditions:
Embankment and Sub-grade around Structures: To avoid interference with
the construction of abutments, wing walls or of culvert / bridge structures, the
Contractor shall, at points to be determined by the Engineer suspend work on
embankment forming approaches to such structures, until such time as the
construction of the latter is sufficiently advanced to permit the completion of
approaches without the risk of damage to the structure.
Unless directed otherwise, the filling around culverts, bridges and other
structures upto a distance of twice the height of the road from the back of the
abutment shall be carried out independent of the work on the main embankment.
The fill material shall not be placed against any abutment or wing wall, unless
permission has been given by the Engineer but in any case not until the concrete
or masonry has been in position for 14 days. The embankment and subgrade
shall be brought up simultaneously in equal layers on each side of the structure
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If necessary, stage construction of fills and any controlled rates of filling shall be
carried out in accordance with the Contract including installation of instruments
and its monitoring.
Where required, the Contractor shall surcharge embankments or other areas of
fill with approved material for the periods specified in the Contract. If settlement
of surcharged fill results in any surcharging material, which is unacceptable for
use in the fill being surcharged, lying below formation level, the Contractor shall
remove the unacceptable material and dispose it as per direction of the
Engineer. He shall then bring the resultant level up to formation level with
acceptable material.
152.4.1 Earthwork for widening existing road embankment : When an existing
embankment and/or subgrade is to be widened and its slopes are steeper than 1
vertical on 4 horizontal, continuous horizontal benches, each at least 300mm
wide, shall be cut into the old slope for ensuring adequate bond with the fresh
embankment / subgrade material to be added. The material obtained from cutting
benches could be utilized in the widening of the embankment subgrade.
However, when the existing slope against which the fresh material is to be
placed is flatter than 1 vertical on 4 horizontal, the slope surface may only be
ploughed or scarified instead of resorting to benching.
Where the width of the widened portions is insufficient to permit the use of
conventional rollers, compaction shall be carried out with the help of small
vibratory rollers / plate compactors / power rammers or any other appropriate
equipment approved by the Engineer. End dumping of material from trucks for
widening operations shall be avoided except in difficult circumstances when the
extra width is too narrow to permit the movement of any other types of hauling
152.4.2 Earthwork for embankment and subgrade to be placed against sloping
ground Where an embankment / subgrade is to be placed against sloping
ground, the latter shall be appropriately benched or ploughed / scarified as
required in Clause 152.1 before placing the embankment / subgrade material.
Extra earthwork involved in benching or due to ploughing / scarifying etc. shall be
considered incidental to the work.
For wet conditions, benches with slightly inward fall and subsoil drains at the
lowest point shall be provided as per the drawings, before the fill is placed
against sloping ground. Where the Contract requires construction of transverse
subsurface drain at the cut-fill interface, work on the same shall be carried out to
Clause 309 in proper sequence with the embankment and subgrade work as
approved by the Engineer.
152.4.3 Earthwork over existing road surface: Where the embankment is to be placed
over an existing road surface, the work shall be carried out as indicated below:
a) If the existing road surface is of granular or bituminous type and lies within 1 m
of the new sub-grade level, the same shall be scarified to a depth of 150mm or
more is specified, so as to provide ample bond between the old and new
material ensuring that at least 500mm portion below the top of new sub-grade
level is compacted to the desired density.
b) If the existing road surface is of cement concrete type and lies within 1 m of
the new sub-grade level the same shall be removed completely.
c) If the level difference between the existing surface and the new formation level
is more than 1 m, the existing surface shall be permitted to stay in place
without any modification.
Page 37
152.4.4 Settlement Period: Where settlement period is specified in the Contract, the
embankment shall remain in place for the required settlement period before
excavating for abutment, wing wall, retaining wall, footings, etc. or driving
foundation piles. The duration of the required settlement period at each location
shall be as provided for in the Contract or as directed by the Engineer.
Measurements & Payments: Measurements of embankment shall be made by
made by taking cross-section at intervals in the original position before the work
starts and after its completion and computing the volume in cu. m. by themethod of average end areas.
The measurements of fill material from borrow areas shall be the difference
between the net quantities. of compacted fill and the net quantities of suitable
material brought from roadway and drainage excavation. For this purpose it shall
be assumed that one Cu.M. of suitable material brought to site from road and
drainage excavation forms one Cu.M. of compacted fill and all bulking or
shrinkage shall be ignored.
The rate: for embankment or filling in with contractor's earth or moorum shall
include the cost of materials, fencing lighting watching, haulage, spreading,
levelling, watering, rolling etc. complete.
Rock Fill Embankment:
The size of rock pieces in rock fill embankment shall be such that they can be
deposited in layers so as to suit the conditions evaluated in the field compaction
trials or as directed by the engineer. The rock fill shall consist of hard, durable
and inert material, preferably maximum size not exceeding 300 mm and percent
finer than 125 mm not exceeding 10 percent.
Spreading & Compaction:
The material shall be tipped, spread and levelled in layers extending to the full
width of embankment by a suitable dozer. Fragments of rock shall then be
spread on top of layer to the required extent and layer compacted by minimum of
5 passes of vibratory roller having static weight 8-10 tonnes. The compacted
thickness of each layer shall not exceed 500mm. After compaction of each layer,
the surface voids shall be filled with broken fragments. The top layer of rockfill,
on which normal earth fill will rest shall be thoroughly blinded with suitable
material to seal its surface.
Measurements for Payment:
Measurement shall be made by taking cross-sections at intervals in the original
position before the work starts and after its completion and computing the
volume in Cu. M. by the method of average and areas.
The Contract unit rate shall be paid in full for carrying out all the above
operations including cost of rock fill, broken fragments and blinding material and
shall provide full compensation for all items as per Clause 213.1.
Stabilised Soil Sub-Grade Construction:
Lime Treated Soil: Soil used shall be local clay soil having plasticity" index
greater than 8 and lime for stabilization work shall be as per specifications in
clause 132.1.1. Quantity of lime to be added as percentage by weight of the dry
soil shall be related to its calcium oxide content. The mix design shall be done to
arrive at the appropriate quantity of lime to be added, having due regard to the
purity of lime, the type of soil, the moisture density relationship, and the design
CBR value specified in the contract. The laboratory CBR value shall be at least
1.5 times the minimum field value of CBR stipulated in the contract. The design
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Page 40
No.151.2.6. Moisture control of both pond ash and cover shall be done
as per Clause No.151.2.6.
b). For better compaction of pond ash, it is preferred to have a vibratory
roller with frequency' range (1800-2200 rpm). For compaction of pond
ash static as well as vibratory rollers may be employed. In case of
vibratory roller, the lift thickness shall be restricted to 25cm compacted
over the entire width of the embankment. The pond ash should be
compacted to 95% of its MDD and in no case its maximum density
should be less than 1.2 gm/cc. Moisture content of pond ash at
compaction will vary from OMC to OMC +2%.
c) After achieving the designed thickness of first pond ash layer, a cover
soil layer of 40cm compacted thickness shall be provided as Clause
d) The same procedure shall be adopted for subsequent pond ash and soil
layers, till the required height is achieved.
e) Pond ash shall be used upto 500mm below GSB layer.
f) Width of side cover soil shall be 2000mm measured horizontally. The
cover soil shall comprise soil as per Clause 151.
d. Payment shall be made in accordance with Clause 151.
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Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is at least 98 per cent of the
maximum dry density for the material determined as per IS:2720 (Part-8). The
surface of any layer of material on completion of compaction shall be well closed,
free from movement under compaction equipment and from compaction planes,
ridges, cracks or loose material. All loose, segregated or otherwise defective
areas shall be made good to the full thickness of layer and re-compacted.
Surface Finish and Quality Control of Works: The surface finish of
construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 613. Control on the
quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance
with Section 620.
Arrangement for Traffic: During the period of construction, arrangement of
traffic shall be maintained in accordance with Clause 30.
Measurements for Payment: Granular sub-base shall be measured as finished
work in position in cubic metres.
The protection of edges of granular sub-base extended over the full formation as
shown in the drawing shall be considered incidental to the work of providing
granular sub-base and as such no extra payment shall be made for the same.
Rates: The contract unit rate for granular sub-base shall be payment in full for
carrying out the required operations including full compensation for:
a) Making arrangements for traffic to Clause 30 except for initial treatment to
verges, shoulders and construction of diversions,
b) Furnishing all materials to be incorporated in the work including all royalties,
fees, rents where necessary and all leads and lifts,
c) All labour, tools, equipment and incidentals to complete the work to the
d) Carrying out the work in part widths of road where directed and
e) Carrying out the required tests for quality control.
Water Bound Macadam:
Description : Coarse aggregates shall be crushed or broken stone, crushed
slab. The aggregate shall confirm to the physical requirements given in Table
200.3(Table:1 of IRC:19-2005.) The type and size of the aggregate shall be
specified in the contract. If the water absorption value of the coarse aggregate is
greater than 2%, the soundness test shall be carried out on the material as per
IS : 2386 (Part 5). The crushed or broken stone shall be hard, durable and free
from excess flat, elongated, soft and disintegrated particles, dirt and other
deleterious materials. Screening to field wise in the coarse aggregate shall
generally consist of the same material as the coarse aggregate.
WBM should not be laid directly over a silty or clayey subgrage. It is advisable to
lay a suitable intervening granular layer. (As per clause 2.1.3 of IRC:19-2005)
Coarse Aggregates General Requirements ( clause 3.1 of IRC:19-2005)
222.1.1 Coarse aggregates shall consists of clean crushed or broken stone, crushed
slag, overburnt brick ( Jhama ) metal or naturally occurring aggregates such as
kankar and laterite of requisite quantity as stated hereinafter. Use of crushable
type aaggregates should generally be restricted to lower layers of the pavement.
The aggregate shall conform to the physical requirements set forth in
Table:200.3 (clause 3.1.1 of IRC: 19-2005)
222.1.2 Physical Requirements of crushed stone : The crushed or broken stone shall be
hard, durable and free from excess flat, elongated, soft and disintegrated
Page 44
particles, dirt and other deleterious material and shall meet requirement given in
table 200.3.
222.1.3 Crushed slag: Crushed Slag shall be manufactured from air cooled blast
furnace slage. It shall be angular in shape, reasonably uniform in quality and
density, and generally free from soft, alongated and flat pieces, dirt or other
deleterious material. Crushed slag shall not weigh less than 11.2 kM per m 3 and
the glassy material in it shall not be in excess of 20 percent . It should also
compty with the following requirements.
(i) Chemical stability: To comply with requirement of Appendix of BS : 1047
(ii) Sulphur Content:
Maximum 2 percent
(IS 14685 1999)
(iii) Water absorption: Maximum 10 percent
(IS 2386, Part 3)
(clause 3.1.3 of IRC: 19-2005)
222.1.4 Overburnt (Jhama) Brick metal: Brick metal shall be made out of overburnt bricks
or brick bats and be free from dust and other deleterious materials. (clause 3.1.4
of IRC: 19-2005)
222.1.5 Kankar: Kankar shall be tough having a blue opalescent fracture. It shall not
contain any clay in the cavities between nodules. (clause 3.1.5 of IRC: 19-2005)
222.1.6 Laterite: Laterite shall be hard, compact, heavy and of dark colour. Light coloured
sandy laterities, as also those containing ochreous clay shall not be used.
(clause 3.1.6 of IRC: 19-2005)
Table 200.3Physical Requirements of Coarse Aggregates for Water Bound
Type of
Test Method
Los Angeles
Abrasion Value*
IS 2386 (Part 4)
Max. 50 %
Aggregate Impact
IS 2386 (Part 4)
Max. 40 %
or IS 5640**
Los Angeles
Abrasion Value*
IS 2386 (Part 4)
Max. 40 %
Base course
with bituminous
Aggregate Impact
IS 2386 (Part 4)
Max. 30 %
or IS 5640**
Flakiness Index***
IS 2386 (Part 1)
Max. 20 %
Los Angeles
Abrasion Value*
IS 2386 (Part 4)
Max. 40 %
Aggregate Impact
IS 2386 (Part 4)
Max. 30 %
or IS 5640**
Flakiness Index***
IS 2386 (Part 1)
Max. 15 %
* Aggregates may satisfy the requirements of either the Los Angeles test or
Aggregate Impact Value Test.
** Aggregates like brick metal, Kankar. Laterite, etc., which get softened in
presence of water should invariably be tested for impact value under wet
condition in accordance with IS 5640
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222.3.3 The use of screenings may be dispensed with when crushable type soft
aggregates such as brick metal, kankar, laterite, etc., are used as coarse
aggregates, as these are likely to get crushed to a certain extent during rolling.:
Table 200.5 Grading Requirements of Screenings for WBM
Size of
Sieve Designation
Percent by
Passing the Sieve
(IS 460)
180 micron
11.2 mm
5.6 mm
180 micron
Binding Material : Binding Material to be used for water bound macadam as a
filler material meant for preventing ravelling, shall comprise of a fine grained
material passing 100 percent through 425 micron sieve and possessing PI value
of 4-8 when WBM is used as surfacing course and less than 6 when the WBM is
adopted as a sub-base/base course with bituminous surfacing. If limestones
formations are available nearby, limestones dust or kankar nodules may be used
as binding material. (Refer clause 3.4 of IRC:19-2005) Application of binding
material may not be necessary, where the screenings consist of crushable type
material like moorum or gravel. However, for WBM used as a surfacing course,
where the PI of crushable type screenings is less than 4, application of a small
quantity of binding material having PI of 4-6 would be required at the top. The
quantity of screenings could be reduced correspondingly. (clause 3.4 of IRC:192005)
The quantity of binding material where it is to be used, will depend on the type of
screenings. Approximate quantities of coarse aggregates and screenings
required for 100 mm compacted thickness of WBM sub-surface course are given
in Table:200.5.1 given below. The quantities of materials for WBM subsurface/base or surfacing course for a compacted thickness are given in
Table 200.5.1 Approximate Quantities or Coarse Aggregates and Screenings
Required for 100 mm compacted thickness of WBM Subbase Course per 10 m2
Coarse Aggregates
Stone Screenings
(m )
Grading 1
90 to
and size
(m )
21 to
Type A,
13.2 mm
(m )
0.27 to 0.30
Percent passing
75 micron <10
Page 47
Stone Screenings
Loose quality or
(m )
and size
Crushable Type
Such as Moorum or
subbase /
(m )
course *
(m )
and size
(m )
(m )
Grading 2
63 to
0.91 to
Type A,
13.2 mm
0.12 to
0.10 to
75 micron
Grading 2
63 to
Type B,
11.2 mm
0.20 to
0.16 to
Grading 3
53 to
0.18 to
0.14 to
Page 48
adequate bondage and also serve to drain water to the existing granular base
course beneath the existing thin bituminous surface.
Inverted Choke: If water bound macadam is to be laid directly over the subgrade, without any other intervening pavement course, a 25mm course of
screenings (Grading B) or coarse sand shall be spread on the prepared subgrade before application of the aggregates is taken up. In case of a fine sand or
silty or clayey sub-grade, it is advisable to lay 100mm insulating layer of
screening or coarse sand on top of fine grained soil, the gradation of which will
depend upon whether it is intended to act as a drainage layer as well. As a
preferred alternative to inverted choke, appropriate geosynthetic performing
functions of separation and drainage may be used over the prepared sub-grade
as directed by the Engineer. Section 260 shall be applicable for use of geosynthetics.
Spreading Coarse Aggregates : The coarse aggregates shall be spread
uniformly and evenly upon the prepared sub-grade I sub-base I base to proper
profile by using templates placed across the road about 6m apart, in such
quantities that the thickness of each compacted layer is not more than 75mm as
specified in Clause 222.2 Wherever possible, approved mechanical devices such
as aggregate spreader shall be used to spread the aggregates uniformly so as to
minimize the need for manual rectification afterwards. Aggregates placed at
locations which are inaccessible to the spreading equipment, may be spread in
one or more layers by any approved means so as to achieve the specified
The spreading shall be done from stockpiles along the side of the roadway or
directly from vehicles. No segregation of large or fine aggregates shall be
allowed and the coarse aggregate as spread shall be of uniform gradation with
no pockets of fine material.
The surface of the aggregates spread shall be carefully checked with templates
and all high or low spots remedied by removing or adding aggregates as may be
required. The surface shall be checked frequently with a straight edge while
spreading and rolling so as to ensure a finished surface as per approved
The coarse aggregates shall normally be spread more than 3 days in advance of
the subsequent construction operations.
Roller: If the thickness of single layer does not exceed 100mm a smooth
wheeled Roller of 80-100 KN weight be used. For a compacted single layer upto
200mm, the compaction shall be done with the help of vibratory Roller of
minimum static weight of 80-100 KN.
Rolling: Immediately following the spreading of the coarse aggregate, rolling
shall be started with three wheeled power rollers of 80 to 100 KN capacity or
tandem or vibratory rollers of 80 to 100 KN static weight. The type of roller to be
used shall be approved by the Engineer based on trial run.
Except on super-elevated portions where the rolling shall proceed from inner
edge to the outer, rolling shall begin from the edges gradually progressing
towards the centre. First the edge / edges shall be compacted with roller running
forward and backward. The roller shall then move inward parallel to the centre
line of the road, in successive passes uniformly lapping preceding tracks by at
least one half widths. Rolling shall be discontinued when the aggregates are
partially compacted with sufficient void space in them to permit application of
screenings. Compaction shall be continued until the aggregates are thoroughly
keyed. During rolling, slight sprinkling of water may be done, if necessary. Rolling
shall not be done when the sub-grade is soft or yielding or when it causes a
Page 49
Page 50
mechanical brooms to fill the voids properly, and rolled during which water shall
be applied to the wheels of the rollers if necessary to wash down the binding
material sticking to them. These operations shall continue until the resulting
slurry after filling of voids, forms a wave ahead of the wheels of the moving roller.
222.12 Wetting and Drying: After the final compaction of water bound macadam
course, the pavement shall be allowed to dry overnight. Next morning hungry
spots shall be filled with screenings or binding material as directed, lightly
sprinkled with water if necessary and rolled. No traffic shall be allowed on the
road until the macadam has set. The Engineer shall have the discretion to stop
hauling traffic from using the completed water bound macadam course, if in his
opinion it would cause excessive damage to the surface. The compacted water
bound macadam course should be allowed to completely dry and set before the
next pavement course is laid over it.
222.13 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work : The surface finish of construction
shall conform to the requirements of Clause 613.Control on the quality of
materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance with
Section 600.
Reconstruction of Defective Macadam: The finished surface of water bound
macadam shall conform to the tolerance of surface regularity as prescribed in
Clause 600. However, where the surface irregularity of the course exceeds the
tolerances or where the course is otherwise defective due to sub-grade soil
mixing with the aggregates, the course to its full thickness shall be scarified over
the affected area, reshaped with added material or removed and replaced with
fresh material as applicable and re-compacted. In no case shall depressions be
filled up with screenings or binding material.
222.14 Arrangement for Traffic: During the construction, the arrangement of traffic
shall be done as per Clause 30.
222.15 Measurements for Payment: Water bound macadam shall be measured as
finished work in position in cubic metres.
222.15.1 Rate : The Contract unit rate for water bound macadam sub-base I base course
shall be payable in full for carrying out the required operations including full
compensation for all components listed in Clause 213.1 including arrangement of
water used in the work as approved by the Engineer.
Open Graded Granular Sub-base with Geo-Cell Confinement:
Materials : Open graded granular material confined in Geo cell made of Geo- net
or Geo- grid. Thickness in multiples of 300 mm.
230.1.1 Physical Requirements of crushed stone: The crushed or broken stone shall
be hard, durable and free from excess flat, elongated, soft and disintegrated
particles, dirt and other deleterious material. Open graded granular material shall
conform to the requirements given in Table 200.6. the grading of the granular
material shall be as per Table 200.6.
Table 200.6 Physical Requirements of Coarse Aggregates for Open Graded
Granular Material & Water Bound Macadam for Sub-Base Course
Test Method
IS:2386 (Part-4)
Los Angeles Abrasion Value
40 per cent (Max)
IS:2386 (Part-4) or
Aggregate Impact Value
30 per cent (Max)
Combined Flakiness and
Elongation Indices (Total)
18:2386 (Part-1)
Page 51
Page 52
The course shall be constructed as water bound macadam to Clause 220, using
crushed cement concrete as coarse aggregate except that no screenings or
binding material need be applied. Where specified, the top layer shall be treated
with a penetration coat of binder described in Clause 235.2.6.
235.2.6 Application of penetration coat over the top layer: Before the application of the
penetration coat, the surface shall be cleaned of dust, dirt and other foreign
matter, using mechanical broom or any other equipment specified by the
Engineer. Dust removed in the process shall be blown off with the help of
compressed air.
The binder shall be heated to the temperature appropriate to the grade of
bitumen used and sprayed on the dry surface in a uniform manner at the rate of
25 Kg per 10 sq. m area in terms of the residual bitumen with the help of either
self-propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer with self-heating arrangement
and spray nozzle capable of spraying bitumen at specified rates and
temperatures so as to provide a uniform, unbroken spread of bitumen. Excessive
deposits of binder caused by stopping or staring of the sprayer or through
leakage or any other reason shall be suitably corrected.
Immediately after the applicable of binder, the key aggregates, in a clean and dry
state shall be spread uniformly on the surface at the rate of 0.13 Cu. M. per 10
sq.m area, preferably by means of a mechanical grader, capable of spreading
aggregate uniformly at specified rates or otherwise manually with the approval of
the Engineer, so as to cover the surface completely. Immediately after the
application of the key aggregates, the entire surface shall rolled to Clause
235.2.7 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Works : The surface finish of construction
shall conform to the requirements of Clause 600.Control on the quality of
material and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance with
Section 600.
235.2.8 Arrangements for Traffic: During the period of construction, arrangement of traffic
shall be done as per Clause 30.
235.2.9 Measurements for Payment: Breaking the existing cement concrete pavement
slabs, crushing and re-compacting the slab material as sub-base/ base course
shall be measured as a single item in terms of the volume of sub-base/base laid
in position in cubic metres. Penetration coat shall be measured as finished work
in square metres.
235.2.10 Rates: The Contract unit rate for crushed cement concrete sub-base/base course
shall be payment in full for carrying out the required operations including full
compensation for:
a) making arrangements for traffic to Clause 30 except for initial treatment to
verges I shoulders and construction of diversions;
b) breaking the cement concrete slabs, crushing, sieving and re-compacting
the slab material as sub-base/base course;
c) all labour, tools, equipment and incidentals to complete the work to the
Specifications; and
d) carrying out the work in part widths of road where directed. The
Contract unit rate for penetration coat shall be payment in full for carrying
out the required operations including full compensation for all components
listed in Clause 504.8.
Page 53
18:2386 (Part-1)
If the water absorption value of the coarse aggregate is greater than 2 per cent,
the soundness test shall be carried out on the material as per IS:2386 (Part-5).
Grading Requirement: The aggregate shall confirm to the grading given in
Table 200.8.
Table 200.8 Grading Requirement for Granular Materials for Wet Mix
Per cent by weight passing the IS
IS Sieve Designation
53.00 mm
45.00 mm
22.40 mm
11.20 mm
4.75 mm
2.36 mm
600.00 Micron
75.00 Micron
Materials finer than 425 Micron shall have Plasticity Index (PI) not exceeding 6.
The final gradation approved within these limits shall be well-graded from coarse
to fine and shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high limit on the
adjacent sieve or vice versa.
Preparation of Base: Clause 222.5 shall apply.
240.2.1 Provision of Lateral Confinement of Aggregates: While constructing wet mix
macadam, arrangement shall be made for the lateral confinement of wet mix. .
This shall be done by laying materials in adjoining shoulders along with that of
wet mix macadam layer.
240.2.2 Preparation of Mix: Wet Mix Macadam shall be prepared in an approved mixing
plant of suitable capacity having provision for controlled addition of water and
Page 54
forced / positive mixing arrangement like pugmill or pan type mixer of concrete
batching plant. For small quantity of wet mix work, the Engineer may permit the
mixing to be done in concrete mixers.
Optimum moisture for mixing shall be determined in accordance with 15:2720
(Part-8) after replacing the aggregate fraction retained on 22.4mm sieve with
material of 4.75mm to 22.4mm size. While adding water, due allowance should
be made for evaporation losses. However, at the time of compaction, water in the
wet mix should not vary from the optimum value by more than agreed limits. The
mixed material should be uniformly wet and no segregation should be permitted
240.2.3 Spreading of Mix: Immediately after mixing, the aggregates shall be spread
uniformly and evenly upon the prepared sub-grade/ sub-base I base in required
quantities. In no case should these be dumped in heaps directly on the area
where these are to be .Iaid nor shall their hauling over a partly completed stretch
be permitted.
The mix may be spread either by a pave finisher or motor grader. For portions
where mechanical means cannot be used, manual means as approved, by the
Engineer shall be used. The motor grader shall be capable of spreading the
material uniformly all over the surface. Its blade shall have hydraulic control
suitable for initial adjustments and maintaining the same so as to achieve the
specified slope and grade.
The paver finisher shall be self-propelled, having the following features:
a) Loading hoppers and suitable distribution mechanism
b) The screed shall have tamping and vibrating arrangement for initial
compaction to the layer as it is spread without rutting or otherwise marring
the surface profile.
c) The paver shall be equipped with necessary control mechanism so as to
ensure that the finished surface is free from surface blemishes.
The surface of the aggregate shall be carefully checked with templates and all
high or low spots remedied by removing or adding aggregate as may be
required. The layer may be tested by depth blocks during construction. No
segregation of larger and fine particles should be allowed. The aggregates as
spread should be of uniform gradation with no pockets of fine materials.
Compaction: After the mix has been laid to the required thickness, grade and
cross fall I camber the same shall be uniformly compacted, to the full depth with
suitable roller. If the thickness of single compacted layer does not exceed
100mm, a smooth wheel roller of 80 to 100 kN weight may be used. For a
compacted single layer upto 200mm, the compaction shall be done with the help
of vibratory roller of minimum static weight of 100 to 200 kN or equivalent
capacity roller. The speed of the roller shall not exceed 5 Km/H.
In portions having unidirectional cross fall / super elevation, rolling shall
commence from the lower edge and progress gradually towards the upper edge.
Thereafter, roller should progress parallel to the centre line of the road, uniformly
over-lapping each preceding track by at least one third width until the entire
surface has been rolled. Alternate trips of the roller shall be terminated in stops
at least 1 m away from any preceding stop.
In portions in camber, rolling should begin at the edge with the roller running
forward and backward until the edges have been firmly compacted. The roller
shall then progress gradually towards the centre parallel to the centre line of the
road uniformly overlapping each of the preceding tracks by at least one-third
width until the entire surface has been rolled.
Page 55
Page 56
Geo-Synthetic Fabric
Geo-Synthetic: Geo-Synthetic is .a general classification for all synthetic
materials used in geo-technical engineering application. It includes geo-textiles,
geo-grids, geo-nets, geo-membranes and geo-composites.
Geo-Textiles : Any permeable textile natural or synthetic, used with foundation,
soil, rock, earth, or any other geo-technical engineering related material. In the
present specifications, it is related to synthetic material only.
Geo-textile shall be made of polyethylene or polypropylene or polyester or similar
fibres, either woven or non-woven in variety, through machine made process of
heat bonding or needle punching or weaving' techniques. These fabrics are
required to pass water through but retain the soil particles, which require specific
cross-plant permeability or permittivity and apparent opening size or equivalent
opening size of 0.095mm. The above two requirements along with the
requirement of strength and durability denote general characteristics of geotextiles to be used. The type of geo-textile to be used in a particular application
shall be decided on the basis of design.
The physical properties include specific gravity, mass per unit area, thickness.
The mechanical properties include tensile strength (machine direction, cross M
direction) strain at failure, modulus, fatigue strength, puncture strength; friction
and creep. Environmental properties include resistance to chemicals,
temperature, light & weather, bacteria and design life.
Geo-Grid : A deformed or non-deformed grid of polymeric material used primarily
for reinforcement purposes with foundation, soil, rock, earth, or any other geotechnical engineering related material.
Geo-Grid shall be made from integrally jointed, mono or bi-directionally
orientated or stretched meshes made from polyethylene or polypropylene or
polyester or similar polymer, with high secant modulus, in square, rectangular,
hexagonal or oval mesh form. Their junction strength shall be high with high
creep resistance, and dimensional stability. Their open structure shall permit
effective interlocking with soil, aggregates, rock, etc., they shall be used as a
tensile member or reinforcement. Characteristic strength at a maximum
elongation of 15 per cent in the direction of the length of the roll. The physical
properties include mass per unit area, thickness at rib & junction and polymer
type. The mechanical properties shall include peak tensile strength, yield point
elongation, tensile strength at 2% strain & 5% strain.
Geo-Net : These are net made of polymeric material used for drainage of
foundation, soil, rock, earth or any other geo-technical engineering related
Geo-Net shall be made from a single extruded un-oriented process from
polyethylene or polypropylene 'or similar polymer. It shall have square or
rectangular net shape aperture when used for protective works like gabions and
mattresses. While in polygonal aperture, it shall be used as a separator. It shall
not be used as soil reinforcement due to its high creep characteristics, neither as
a slope reinforcement or soil retaining wall or asphaltic reinforcement. Geo-nets
used in protective works for highway structures shall be at least 650 Gm. / sq. m
in unit weight. It shall be black in colour, available in roll form in suitable width.
Geo-Membrane : An essentially impermeable membrane of polymeric material
used with foundation, soil, rock, earth or any other geotechnical engineering be
made from PVC or polyethylene sheets of at least 0.8mm thickness, duly
protected from ultra-violet exposure with 2.5 per cent carbon black, in black
Page 57
colour, supplied in roll form with 3m or above width. The joints of these sheets
shall be heat bonded or seamed for effective permeation cut off, at site using
standard equipment as part of the laying process. While fixing on to a slope, they
shall not be punctured or stapled to impair their use. The physical properties
include thickness, specific gravity and mass per unit area. The mechanical
properties shall include tensile strength at yield, elongation at yield, modulus of
elasticity, tear resistance, impact resistance ,puncture resistance, soil to liner
Geo-Composite : A manufactured material using geo-textiles, geogrids, geonets and / or geo-membrane in laminated or composite form. Geo-Composites
shall be made from combination of geo-nets, geogrids, or geo-membranes of
above description using heat bonded, seamed, stitched or wrap techniques.
Their principal use shall be to regulate drainage in cross,.plane or in-plane
directions. Minimum unit weight of such material shall conform to the special
provisions or as per Contract drawing. .
The placement of Geo-synthetic shall conform to manufacturer's specifications.
The contractor shall submit to the engineer the complete design & scheme of
installation - the particular brand and its properties equipment and methodology
to be used for installation.
The payment shall be as per area covered. No separate payment shall be made
for laps.
The rate shall be per square meter of geo-synthetic installed.
Page 58
Bituminous Mixes
Properties of Bitumen
Density: Density is the unit weight of a given bituminous mix. This gives an
indication of the bitumen content in the designed mix and helps to establish the
basis for controlling/determination of compaction during construction. Densities
of specimens obtained from pavements determine the effectiveness of rolling.
Ductility: Ductility is an indication of the extension or stretch ability of bitumen
under standard conditions. A small briquette of bitumen of a given dimension at a
standard test condition is pulled in an apparatus at a standard rate of speed until
the thread of bitumen breaks. The length of the pull measured in centimeters is
designated as ductility of the bitumen sample under test.
Flash point : Flash point is the minimum temperature at which bitumen gives an
instantaneous flash in the presence of an external open flame.
Penetration: Penetration determines the relative hardness or consistency of
bitumen by measuring the distance that a standard needle will penetrate
vertically into a sample of bitumen at 25C under a load of 100 grams applied for
5 seconds.
Softening point: Softening point is the temperature at which a standard quantity
of bitumen will become fluid. It is usually tested by a ball/ring test method.
Solubility: The portion of bitumen which fully dissolves in carbon tetrachloride
represents the actual binder material in the bitumen sample.
Thin film oven test: This test indicates the amount of hardness that may be
expected to occur in bitumen during plant mixing. The tendency to harden is
measured as a percentage of penetration after and before the thin film oven test.
50 grams of the sample is held in a standard size cup, rotated on a shelf inside a
well ventilated oven maintained at 165C for 5 hours. Penetration is taken before
and after the test.
Viscosity: Viscosity of bitumen determines the flow characteristics of bitumen at
a given temperature. It is measured by Saybolt Furol or using Brookfield DV-II
apparatus and is stated in the seconds or in Poise.
Properties of Bituminous Mixes:
Voids: Determination of voids in a compact specimen of paving mixture is done
by checking the specific gravity of aggregate and the specific gravity of bitumen
Bleeding: The exudation of bituminous material on a roadway surface after
Blinding: A covering of stone ships, sand or other suitable material applied to a
road surface after an application of asphalt.
Corrugations- Ripples, waves or uniform undulations which are liable to appear
in all types of road surfaces.
Foam - The condition of hot asphalt cement caused by rain or water getting into
the hot bitumen and causing excessive building up of small steam bubbles.
Greedy- Applied to an aggregate or surface which will absorb a large quantity of
bituminous binding material.
Hot laid mixtures - Plant mixes of bitumen and aggregates which must be
spread and compacted while in a heated condition. They are prepared with
bituminous cements and lose their workability when cooled to atmosphere
temperature. The following thumb rules have been evolved on normal paving
bitumen on hot laid mixtures:
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Page 60
Page 61
Fog seal, Crack sealing, Prime coat applications
Physical and chemical requirements of bitumen emulsion (cationic type) is given in
Table 301.3 Physical and Chemical requirements of Bitumen Emulsion
Type of Emulsion
Residue on 600 micron
IS Sieve (Percent by
mass, Max)
Viscosity by Saybolt Furol
Viscometer, second
At 50C
Coagulation of emulsion
at low temperature*
Storage stability after 24
Particle charge
At 25 oC
Tests of residue:
a)Residue by
evaporation, Percent, Min
b) Penetration 250C/100
g/5 sec
c) Ductility 270C/cm, Min
trichloroethylene, Min
Page 62
* This requirement shall be applicable only under situations where the ambient
temperature is below 15C.
305.2 Bitumen emulsions are of two types, cationic and anionic. Anionic bitumen
emulsions do not give good performance with siliceous aggregate; hence it is not
used in road construction. Cationic bitumen emulsions give good performance
with aggregates. Therefore, cationic bitumen emulsions are far more popular
than anionic bitumen emulsions. Cationic bitumen emulsions available in India
are governed by IS: 8887:1995.
305.3 Bitumen emulsions have been further classified into the following types:
Rapid Setting-1 Type RS-1
Rapid Setting -2 Type RS-2
Medium Setting Type MS
Slow Setting -1 Type SS-1
Slow Setting -2 Type SS-2
306.0 Cutback Bitumen
This is a free flowing liquid at normal temperatures. The viscosity of bitumen is
reduced substantially by adding some solvent. Cutback is used in tack coat
applications. IS: 217-1988 specifies the different grades of cutback.
310.0 Common Materials & Items
311.0 Anti-Stripping Agent:
Anti-stripping agents are used for bituminous materials and mixes to ensure
adhesion between aggregates (hydrophilic in nature) and bitumen, even under
submergence in water. Prior approval of the Engineer shall be taken in respect of
both qualitative and quantitative use of a particular product. The anti-stripping
agents shall be fatty acid amines having a long hydrocarbon chain.
311.1 Physical and Chemical Requirements: The anti-stripping agents shall conform
to the physical and chemical requirements as detailed in Table 300.4.
Table 300.4
Specification for Anti-Stripping Compound
Liquid / Solid
Specific Gravity 27C
0.860 -1.03
Pour Point C Maximum
Flash Point (COC)
Water Content per cent Vol.
Solubility in diesel oil (HDO or
As given at the end of
LDO) in the ratio of 2:98 at
Total base value mg KOH/g
ASTM D 664
Nitrogen content per cent Wt.
Elemental Analyser
Stripping value with bitumen
IS:6241 As given at
containing 1 per cent Wt. anti
No stripping
the end of Appendix
stripping compound at 40C
Page 63
24 hours
IS:6241 As given at
the end of Appendix
IS:6241 As given at
the end of Appendix
Should not
lose its
Page 64
Page 65
Page 66
Sl No
Page 67
Sl No
Flash Point, COC, C Minimum
Elastic Recovery of Half Thread in
Ductilometer at 15 C, % Minimum
Separation, Difference in softening
point, R&B, C Maximum
Viscosity at 150 C, Poise
Thin Film Oven Tests and TFOT on Residue
Loss in mass, % Maximum
Increase in Softening Point,C
Reduction in Penetration of
Residue, at 25 C, % Maximum
Elastic Recovery of Half Thread in
Ductilometer at 25 C, % Minimum
d) Mixing: The modifier shall be blended with the base binder so that it disperses
thoroughly prior to use. The type of mixing equipment used shall be suited to the
modified type. Further guidance is given in the Manual for Construction and
Supervision of Bituminous Works.
Quality Control of Materials:
(1) Binder Properties: For control of the quality of the base binder, the relevant
provisions of Section 600 shall apply. Additionally, the modified binder shall be
tested for all the properties listed in Table 300.7, 300.8, 300.9, 300.10 & 300.11
as appropriate and certificates produced prior to use.
During use, the requirements for softening point, penetration and elastic
recovery shall be tested regularly. If the modified binder is produced on site
then tests shall be carried out daily. If pre-blended modified binder is used test
shall be carried out weekly.
(2) Storage Stability: Pre-blended modified binders which are to be stored
without circulation or agitation facility shall be tested for storage stability prior to
use, in accordance with Appendix-I of IRC:SP:53-1999. The mean of the
differences in softening point, top to bottom, of not less than three pairs of
samples shall not exceed 5 C.
Other pre-blended modified binders shall be stored with appropriate circulation or
agitation facility, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Measurement for Payment: Modified binder supplied for the Contract shall be
paid for in Tonnes.
Rate: The contract rate for modified binder shall be as per contract agreement.
Prime Coat
Prime coat: This work shall consist of the application of a single coat of low
viscosity liquid bituminous material to a porous granular surface preparatory to
the superimposition of bituminous treatment or mix.
Priming is spraying of low viscosity liquid bituminous materials on the surface of
non-bituminous granular base course preparatory to the superimposition of
bituminous treatment. The objectives of priming a granular surface are as under:
Page 68
(i) to penetrate the existing base course surface so as to plug capillary voids in
(ii) to coat and bond loose mineral particles on the surface of the base course.
(iii) to seal surface peres and make the surface of the base course waterresistant.
(iv) to provide adhesion between the base and the superimposed bituminous
surface course in conjunction with a tack coat.
Prime Coat is not to be regarded as a substitute for tack coat, the objective of
which is to ensure a proper bond between the surface being paved and the new
bituminous course being placed over it.
The bituminous material to be used as primer should be such that it can
penetrate deep into base course (about 10 mm depth) to perform its intended
function in an environment friendly manner. Bitumen emulsion or medium curing
cutback bitumen can be used as primer.
Primer: The choice of a bituminous primer shall: depend upon the porosity
characteristics of the surface to be primed as classified in IRC: 16. These are:
i) Surfaces of low porosity; such as wet mix macadam and water bound
ii) Surfaces of medium porosity; such as cement stabilized soil base,
iii) Surfaces of high porosity; such as a gravel base.
a) Primer Viscosity: The type and viscosity of the primer shall comply with the
requirements of IS: 8887:2004 as sampled and tested for bituminous primer in
accordance with these standards. The guidance on viscosity and the rate of
spray is given in Table 300.10A.
Table 300.10A Viscosity Requirement and Quantity of Liquid Bituminous
Kinematic Viscosity of
Type of Surface
Bituminous Material per
Primer at 60 C
10 Sq. M. (Kg)
Low Porosity
7 to 12
Medium Porosity
9 to 12
High Porosity
12 to 15
b) Choice of Primer: The primer shall be bitumen emulsion, complying with IS:
8887:2004 and as per Table 300.10.1 of a type and grade as specified in the
Contract or as directed by the Engineer. The cationic bitumen emulsion SS-1
grade confirming to IS:8887/ASTM D2397 shall be used as primer. The quantity
of SS-1 grade bitumen emulsion for various types of granular surfaces shall be
as per Table:300.10.1. (as per Clause 3.2.2 of IRC:16-2008 Table 1)
The use of medium curing cutback as per IS: 217 shall be restricted only for site
at sub-zero temperatures or for emergency applications as directed by the
Engineer. Cutback should not be prepared in the field. The type and quantity of
Cutback Bitumen Primer to be used as per Clause 3.2.3 of IRC:16-2008 Table
300.10.2 is given below.
Page 69
Page 70
After the base to be primed has been prepared as in section 313.2.2, the primer
shall be uniformly applied using the appropriate equipment at application rate
specified in Table 300.10.1 or 300.10.2 as applicable. The spraying should be
carried out using pressure sprayer or distributor. The method of application of
primer will also depend on the type of equipment to be used, size of nozzles,
pressure at spray bar and speed of the forward movement of vehicle. A trial
section shall be laid to check the efficacy of equipment as well as penetration
depth (10 mm) of the priming material.
Temperature of Application of Primer:
No heating of SS-1 bitumen emulsion is permitted at site. In case of cutback
bitumen, temperature of application of primer should be high enough to permit
the primer to be sprayed effectively through the jets of the spray bar and to cover
the base course surface effectively. The temperature of product at the time of
application should be more than 10C.
Air Curing and Opening of Traffic:
The primed surface shall be allowed to cure for at least 24 hours or any other
higher period, as is found to be necessary to allow all the moisture or volatiles to
evaporate before any subsequent bituminous surface treatment or mix is laid.
Excessive and unabsorbed primer if any shall be blotted with a light application
of sand using the minimum quantity possible. A primed surface shall not be
opened for traffic other than that necessary construction vehicles to lay the next
bituminous course.
Arrangement for traffic
During the period of construction, appropriate arrangement for traffic diversion
shall be made as specified in IRC:SP:55 to prevent any possible damage of
primed surface.
Quality Control:
The Quality Control shall be undertaken as under:
Frequency or Tests
Quality of Binder
One set of test for a tanker or lot of 10
tonne as per IS:217 for cutback
bitumen and IS:8887 for bitumen
emulsion (Appendix-1 )
Binder Temperature for application
Regular Intervals
1 test per 1000 m2 and not less than two
Rate of spread of binder
tests per day
(Appendix 2)
Measurements for Payment: prime coat shall be measured in terms of surface
area of application in square metres.
Rate: The contract unit rate for prime coat shall be payment in full for carrying
out the required operations including for all components listed in Clause318.11 (i)
to (v) and as applicable to the work specified in these Specifications. The rate
shall cover the provision of tack coat at 0.2 Kg per Square Metre, with the
provision that the variance in actual quantity of bitumen used will be assessed
and the payment adjusted accordingly.
Tack Coat
This work shall consist of the application of a single coat of low viscosity liquid
bituminous material to an existing bituminous, cement concrete or primed
granular road surface to ensure a bond between the surface being paved and the
overlaying course. The track coat material is not expected to penetrate into
Page 71
pavement and for this reason, the application should be very light to provide
adequate bond between two layers. The preparatory to the superimposition of a
bituminous mix, when specified in the Contract or instructed by the Engineer.
Binder: The binder used for tack coat shall be bitumen emulsion complying with
IS: 8887:2004 of a type and grade as specified in the Contract or as directed by
the Engineer. The use of cutback bitumen as per IS: 217 shall be restricted only
for sites at sub-zero temperatures or for emergency applications as directed by
the Engineer.
The binder used for tack coat shall be either Cationic Bitumen Emulsion (RS- l)
confonning to IS: 8887/ASTM D 2397 or suitable low viscosity Paving bitumen of
VG 10 grade conforming to IS:73. The use of cutback bitumen RC-70 (in cold
climate) as per IS:217 shall be restricted only for sites where atmospheric
temperature at the time of application reaches below 0oC or for emergency
Weather and Seasonal Limitations: Bituminous material shall not be applied to a
wet surface or during a dust storm or when the weather is foggy, rainy or windy
or when the temperature in the shade is less than 10oC, where the tack coat
'consists of emulsion, the surface shall be slightly damp, but not wet. Where the
tack coat is of cutback bitumen, the surface shall be dry.
Construction :
Equipment: The tack coat distributor shall be a self-propelled or towed bitumen
pressure sprayer, equipped for spraying the material uniformly at a specified
rate. Hand spraying of small areas, inaccessible to the distributor, or in narrow
strips, shall be sprayed with a pressure hand sprayer, or as directed by the
Preparation of Base: The surface on which the tack coat is to be applied shall
be clean and free from dust, dirt and any extraneous material, and be otherwise
prepared in accordance with the requirements of Clauses 318.8 and 600 as
appropriate. Immediately before the application of tack coat, the surface shall be
swept clean with a mechanical broom, and high pressure air jet, or any other
means as directed by the Engineer.
The method of application of tack coat will also depend on the type of equipment
to be used, size of nozzles, pressure at spray bar and speed of the forward
movement of vehicle. A spraying trial shall demonstrate that the equipment and
method to be used is capable of providing a uniform spray, within specified
tolerance limit. The quantity of tack coat shall be checked periodically using tray
coating test as described in Appendix 2. The dilution of RS-I bitumen emulsion is
not permitted
Application of Tack Coat: The application of tack coat shall be at the rate
specified in the Contract, and shall be applied uniformly. If rate of application of
Tack Coat is not specified in the contract then it shall be at the rate specified in
Table 300.11A. The normal range of spraying temperature for a bituminous
emulsion shall be 20C to 70C and for a cutback, 50C to 80C if RC-70/MC-70
is used. Where a geo-synthetic is proposed for use, the provisions of Clause 260
shall apply. The method of application of the tack coat will depend on the type of
equipment to be used, size of nozzles, pressure at the spray bar, and speed of
forward movement. The Contractor shall demonstrate at a spraying trial, that the
equipment and method to be used is capable of producing a uniform spray,
within the tolerances specified.
Page 72
Page 73
cover the provision of tack coat at 0.2 Kg per Square Metre, with the provision
that the variance in actual quantity of bitumen used will be assessed and the
payment adjusted accordingly.
Paving Fabrics:
This work shall consist of furnishing and placing as asphalt / bitumen overlay
textile (paving fabric) beneath a pavement overlay or between pavement layers
to provide a water resistant membrane and crack retarding layer.
The paving fabric will be a non-woven heat set material consisting of at least 85
per cent by weight polyolefins, polyesters or polyamides. The paving fabric shall
be resistant to chemical attack, rot and mildew and shall have no tears or defects
which will adversely alter its physical properties. The fabric shall be specifically
designed for pavement applications and be heat bonded only on one side to
reduce bleed through of tack coat during installation. The fabric shall meet the
physical requirements of Table 300.12. Heavy duty paving fabrics should be
used in areas experiencing unusually high impact forces or heavy loads such as
airport runways and taxiways:
Table 300.12
Physical Requirements of Paving Fabrics
Test Method
Tensile Strength
Kg. 36.3
ASTM D 4632
ASTM D 4632
Asphalt Retention
Kg./10 Sq. M.
Texas DOT 3099
Melting Point
ASTM D 276
Heat bonded on
Surface Texture
Visual Inspection
one side only
Tack Coat: The tack coat used to impregnate the fabric and bond the fabric to
the pavement shall be a paving grade Bitumen of 80-100 penetration. A cationic
emulsion may be used as approved by the Engineer. The use of cutbacks or
emulsions which contain solvents shall not be used.
Construction & Installation
315.3.1 Storage & Shipment: The fabric shall be kept dry and wrapped so that it is not
exposed to ultraviolet rays. It shall be stored as per manufacturer's directives.
315.3.2 Weather Limitation: The temperature at the time of laying shall not be less than
15 degrees C
315.3.3 Surface Preparation: The pavement surface shall be cleaned of all dirt, water
and oil to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Cracks 3mm wide or more shall be
cleaned and filled with suitable bituminous materials. Potholes and other
pavement distress shall. be repaired as directed by the Engineer.
315.3.4 Tack Coat application: The tack coat shall be spread by means of calibrated
distributor spray bar. Brush application will be permitted for overlaps. The coat
shall be applied uniformly vat the rate of1 kg/sq,m. or as recommended by the
fabric manufacturer. The rate of application shall be reduced by 20% at the
locations of speed changes of vehicles are frequent. The temperature of tack
coat shall be not less than 140 and not more than 160degree C so as to permit a
uniform spray pattern and to avoid damage to the fabric. For Emulsions, the
distributor tank temperatures shall be between 55 and 70 degree C.
315.3.5 Fabric Placement: It shall be placed prior to cooling of tack coat using
mechanical or manual laydown equipment capable of providing smooth and
wrinkle free installation. When Emulsions are used, emulsions shall be allowed to
cure properly prior to placement of the fabric. Wrinkles in excess of 25 mm shall
Page 74
be slit and laid flat. Brooming and / or pneumatic rolling will be required to
maximise paving fabric contact with pavement. Care in movement of paver and
other vehicles shall be taken to avoid damage to the fabric. Overlap shall be
shingle lapped in the direction of paving.
315.3.6 Overlay placement: Minimum thickness of overlay over the fabric shall be
40mm. The overlay shall closely follow fabric placement. Excess tack coat be
removed by broadcasting hot mix or and on the fabric.
Measurement for Payment: Each application of paving fabric shall be measured
as finished work, for the area specified, in square metres.
Rate : The contract unit rate for the paving fabric shall be payment in full for
carrying out the required operations including full compensation for all
components listed in Clause 318.11, (i) to (xi).
Stress Absorbing Membrane & Stress Absorbing Membrane inter layer:
Crack Prevention Courses: This clause covers the provision of Stress
Absorbing Membrane (SAM) and Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer (SAMI)
as measures to inhibit the propagation of cracks. A SAM is an elastomeric
bitumen rubber membrane, which is laid over a cracked road surface, together
with a covering of aggregate chips, in order to extend the life of the pavement
before major treatment is carried out. SAM can be laid as a single coat or a
double coat. A SAMI is a layer which is applied to a cracked pavement surface
but which is followed (within 12 months) by the application of an overlay course.
A SAMI may be a material similar to that used for a SAM .. It may alternatively
consist of a bitumen impregnated geo-textile.
316.2.1 Binder: Binder shall be a modified binder complying with the requirements of
Clause 311.4, according to the requirements of the Contract, except that paving
grade bitumen of 90 penetration complying with the requirements of IS: 73 shall
be used in the case of bitumen impregnated geo-textile.
316.2.2 Aggregate: The requirements of Clause 318.1.1 apply except that the Polished
Stone Value requirements do not apply in the case of a SAMI. Where required by
the contract, aggregate shall be pre-coated using either of the techniques
permitted by Clause 510.2.5 of MoRTH.
316.2.3 Rates of spread of binder and aggregate: The rates of spread of binder and
aggregate shall be according to one of the size alternatives in Table 300.12, as
required by the Contract.
Geo-textile: The use of geo-textile as prescribed for SI. No.7 in Table 300.12
shall conform to the requirements of Clause 135.0.
316.2.4 Construction Operations:
316.2.4.1 Preparation of base: The base on which the SAM, SAMI or bitumen
impregnated geo-textile is to be laid shall be prepared, in accordance with
Clause 300 and as directed by the Engineer. The surface shall be thoroughly
cleaned wither by using a mechanical brush or any other equipment I method
approved by the Engineer. Dust removed in the process shall be blown off with
compressed air.
316.2.4.2 Application of Binder: The equipment and general procedures shall all be in
accordance with the Manual for Construction and Supervision of Bituminous
Works. The application temperature for modified binder shall be 160-170C.
Binder for bitumen impregnated geo-textile shall be applied according to Clause
313. The surface on which the binder is to be applied shall be dry.
Page 75
Page 76
e Use
Aggregates: The aggregates shall comply with the requirements of
318.1.1 and 318.1.2. If the aggregates are not properly coated with
CSS 1h
CMS -2h
CMS -2
SS -1h
SS -1
MS-2h, HFMS-2h
Plant Mix
t Base
supplied and the works carried out, the relevant provisions of Section 600 shall
Arrangement for Traffic: During the period of construction, arrangements for
traffic shall be made.
Measurement for Payment: Each application of SAM, SAMI or bitumen
impregnated geo-textile shall be measured as finished work, for the area
specified, in square metres.
Rate: The contract unit rate for SAM, SAMI or bitumen impregnated geo-textile
shall be payment in full for carrying out the required operations including full
compensation for all components listed in Clause 318.11, (i) to (xi).
Bituminous Cold Mixes
Binder: The binder shall be a bituminous emulsion as specified in IS- 8887:2004
and in clause 305 or 306. Alternatively, a cutback bitumen as specified in
ASHTO M 82 (ASTM 02027) OR ASTM 0 2026, namely MC 70, 250, 800 & 3000
and SC 250. 800 and 3000 may be used, or, if approved by the Engineer, an
equivalent material which conforms with IS:8887 and IS:217.
A general guide for the use of these binders is given in Table 300.14 and in the
Manual for Construction and Supervision of Bituminous Works. However, the
final selection shall be made only after laboratory evaluation with the aggregates
to be used. The binder with the highest residual viscosity at ambient
temperatures that can reasonably be handled by the mixing and laying
equipment proposed shall be used.
Table 300.14 Uses of Bitumen in Cold Mix
Emulsified Bitumen
Cutback Bitumen
Type of
Medium Curing
Page 77
emulsion or cutback bitumen, a small amount of hydrated lime, an approved antistripping agent (See 311) or a change to cationic emulsion shall be proposed by
the Contractor for the approval of the Engineer.
Coarse Aggregates: The coarse aggregates shall consist of crushed rock,
crushed gravel or other hard material retained on the 2.36 mm sieve. They shall
be clean, hard, durable, of cubical shape, free from dust and soft or friable
matter, organic or other deleterious matter. Where the Contractor's selected
source of aggregates have poor affinity for bitumen, as a condition for the
approval of that source, the bitumen shall be treated with approved anti-stripping
agents, as per the manufacturer's recommendations, without additional payment.
Before approval of the source, the aggregates shall be tested for stripping. The
aggregates shall satisfy the physical requirements set forth in Table 300.15
Table 300.15. Physical Requirements for Coarse Aggregates for Cold
Bituminous Mix
Max 5% passing
Grain size analysis
0.075mm sieve
Flakiness and
Particle shape
Elongation Index
Max 30%
Los Angeles Abrasion
Max 40%
Sodium Sulphate
Max 12%
Magnesium Sulphate
Max 18%
Water Absorption
Water Absorption
Max 2%
Coating and Stripping of
Minimum retained
Bitumen Aggregate
coating 95%
Retained Tensile
Water Sensitivity
Min 80%
Notes: Where crushed gravel is proposed for use as aggregate, not less than
90% by weight of the crushed material retained on the 4.75mm sieve shall have
at least two fractured faces.
317.2.2 Fine Aggregates: Fine aggregates shall consist of crushed or naturally occurring
material, or a combination of the two, passing 2.36mm sieve and retained on 75
micron sieve. They shall be clean, hard, durable, dry and free from dust and soft
of friable matter, organic or other deleterious matter.
Mix Design
317.3.1 The Design Mix: Bituminous Cold Mix consists of a mixture of unheated mineral
aggregate and emulsified or cutback bitumen. This Specification deals only with
plant mix (as opposed to mixed-in-place). Two types of mix are considered,
namely Designed Cold Mix and Recipe Cold Mix. The Design Mix procedure
shall be used unless the Recipe Mix procedure is specifically approved by the
317.3.2 Designed Cold Mix: This Specification is based on The Asphalt Institute Manual
MS-14, which contains additional information for guidance. These mixes are
considered suitable for use as base course. appropriate to their stability. in new
work or major repair work.
Page 78
317.3.3 Aggregate Grading and Binder Content: The combined aggregate grading for
the particular mixture. when tested in accordance with IS 2386 (Part-1). (wet
sieving method). shall fall within the limits shown in Table 300.16.
Table 300.16 Aggregate Grading and Bitumen Content
Nominal Maximum Size
Allowable Thickness
IS Sieve (mm)
Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing
Guide to Binder Content, % be weight of total mixture
Min. 4 to Max. 6
Min. 7 to Max. 10
317.3.4 Binder Content: The binder content shall be optimized to achieve the
requirements of the mixture set out in Table 300.17. The method adopted shall
be that described in Appendix F and H of Asphalt Institute's Manual. MS-14.
317.3.5 Requirements for the mixture: Apart from conformity with the grading quality
requirements for individual ingredients. the mixture shall meet the requirements
set out in Table 300.17.
Table 300.17 Mixture Requirements for Designed Cold Mix
Minimum Stability (kN at
2.2 for paving
2.2 for
22.2C) Emulsion
(kN at 25C) Cutback
3.3 for paving
Percent maximum
stability loss on soaking
Minimum flow (mm)
Compaction Level
(number of blows)
Per cent air voids
Per cent voids in mineral
See Table 300.18
aggregated (VMA)
Per cent minimum
Page 79
Page 80
317.3.7 Weather and Seasonal Limitations: Construction with cold mix must not be
undertaken when ambient temperatures below 10C are expected, during rain, in
standing water, or generally when poor weather is predicted. Bitumen emulsions
and cutbacks depend on the evaporation of water and I or solvent for the
development of their curing and adhesion characteristics. Cold weather, rain and
high humidity slow down the rate of curing. Extra manipulation may be required
to remove volatiles in cool and humid conditions. Wind increases the rate of
Table 300.19/20 Permissible Variations from the Job Mix Formula
Permissible Variation
Base / Binder Course
Wearing Course
Aggregate passing 19mm sieve
or larger
Aggregate passing 13.2mm,
Aggregate passing 4.75mm 6%
Aggregate passing 2.36mm,
Aggregate . passing 0.3mm,
Aggregate passing O.075mm
Binder Content
Preparation of the base: The base on which cold mix is to be laid shall be
prepared, shaped and levelled to the required profile in accordance with Clauses
318.10 and 600as appropriate, and a prime coat, where specified, shall be
applied in accordance with Clause 313 or as directed by the Engineer.
Tack Coat: A tack coat in accordance with Clause 314 shall be applied over the
base on which the cold mix is to be laid where specified in the Contract.
Preparation and transportation of the mixture : Mixing can be carried out
using one of the following types of mixer, which is provided with equipment for
spraying the binder at a controlled rate and, if necessary, for heating the binder
to a temperature at which it can be applied uniformly to the aggregate:
a) rotary drum type concrete mixer,
b) single or twin shaft concrete or macadam mixer,
c) batch or continuous type mixer without dryer on screens other than a
scalping screen.
A sufficient number of haul trucks with smooth, clean beds should be available to
ensure continuous operation of the mixing plant. The type of truck used for
transporting the mixture from the mixer to the road site must be suited to the
Contractor's nominated laying procedure methodology.
Spreading: Designed cold mix shall be placed only when the specified density
can be obtained. The mixture shall not be placed on any wet surface or when
weather conditions will otherwise prevent its proper handling or finishing.
If spreading by motor grader, the grader must have a blade that is straight and
sharp and long enough to ensure finishing to close, straight, transverse
tolerances and all joints and linkages must be in good condition. The grader must
be heavy enough to hold the blade firmly and uniformly on the surface while
spreading the mixture.
Page 81
Page 82
150 Min.
100 Min.
140 Min
90 Min.
135 Min.
85 Min.
130 Min
80 Min.
*Rolltng must be completed before the mat cools to these minimum
Transporting: Bituminous materials shall be transported in clean insulated
vehicles, and unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, shall be covered while in
transit or awaiting tipping. Subject to the approval of the Engineer, a thin coating
of diesel or lubricating oil may be applied to the interior of the :vehicle to prevent
sticking and to facilitate discharge of the material.
Page 83
Weather and Seasonal Limitations: Laying shall be suspended while freestanding water is present on the surface to be covered, or during rain, fog and
dust storms. After rain, the bituminous surface, prime or tack coat, shall be blown
off with a high pressure air jet to remove excess moisture, or the surface left to
dry before laying shall start. Laying of bituminous mixtures shall not be carried
out when the air temperature at the surface on which it is to be laid is below 10C
for mix with conventional bitumen as binder and is less than 15C for mix with
modified bitumen as binder or when the wind speed at any temperature exceeds
40 Km/H at 2m height unless specifically approved by the Engineer.
Cleaning of Surface : The surface on which the bituminous work is to be laid
shall be cleaned of all loose and extraneous matter by means of a mechanical
broom or any other approved equipment I method as specified in the contract.
The use of a high pressure air jet from a compressor to remove dust or loose
matter shall be available full time on the site, unless otherwise specified in the
Spreading: Except in areas where a mechanical paver cannot access,
bituminous materials shall be spread, levelled and tamped by an approved selfpropelled hydrostatic paver finisher preferably with sensor. As soon as possible
after arrival at site, the materials shall be supplied continuously to the paver and
laid without delay.
The rate of delivery of material to the paver shall be regulated to enable the
paver to operate continuously. The travel rate of the paver, and its method of
operations, shall be adjusted to ensure an even and uniform flow of bituminous
material across the screed, free from dragging, tearing and segregation of the
material. In areas with restricted space ( such as confined space, footways,
irregular shape and varying thickness, approaches to expansion joints, etc)
where a mechanical paver cannot be used, the material shall be spread, raked
and levelled with suitable hand tools by experienced staff, and compacted to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
The minimum thickness of material laid in each paver pass shall be in
accordance with the minimum values given in the relevant part of these
Specifications. When laying binder course or wearing course approaching an
expansion joint of ,a structure, machine laying shall stop 300mm short of the
joint. The remainder of the pavement up to the joint, and the corresponding area
beyond it, shall be laid by hand, and the joint or joint cavity shall be kept clear of
surfacing material.
Bituminous material, with a temperature greater than 145C, shall not be laid or
deposited on bridge deck waterproofing systems, unless precautions against
heat damage have been approved by the Engineer.
Hand placing of pre-mixed bituminous materials shall only be permitted in the
following circumstances:
i) For laying regulating courses of irregular shape and varying thickness,
ii) In confined spaces where it is impracticable for a paver to operate
iii) For footways
iv) At the approaches to expansion joints at bridges, viaducts or other
Manual spreading of pre-mixed wearing course material or the addition of such
material by hand-spreading to the paved area, for adjustment of level, shall only
be permitted in the following circumstances:
i. At the edges of the layers of material and at gullies and manholes
ii. At the approaches to expansion joints at bridges, viaducts or other structures
Page 84
Page 85
between the wheels of rollers and the mixture should be used. Surplus water
shall not be allowed to stand on the partially compacted pavement.
The density of the finished paving layer shall be determined by taking 150mm
diameter cores. The density of finished paving layer shall not be less than 92% of
the average (sample size N = 2 ) theoretical maximum specific gravity of the
loose mix (Gmm) obtained on that day in accordance with ASTM D2041. See
Annex 3 for the outline of ASTM D2041
Joints : Where longitudinal joints are made in pre-mixed bituminous materials,
the materials shall be fully compacted and the joint made flush in one of the
following ways; only method (iii) shall be used for . transverse joints:
a) All joints shall be cut vertical to the full thickness of the previously laid mix.
All loosened material shall be discarded and the vertical face be coated with
any viscosity grade bitumen, or cold applied emulsified bitumen. While
spreading the material along the joint the material spread shall overlap 25 mm
10 50 mill on the previously laid mix beyond the vertical face of the joint. The
thickness of the loose overlap material should be approximately a qum1er
more than the final compacted thickness. The overlapped mix should be
dragged back 10 the hot lane so that the roller can press the small excess into
the hot side of the joint to obtain a high joint density.
b) By using two or more pavers in echelon, where this is practicable and in
sufficient proximity for adjacent width to be fully compacted by continuous
In multilayer construction the longitudinal joint in one layer shall offset the joint in
the underneath layer by about 150 mm.
For transverse joints method a) above can apply Transverse joints in the
successive and adjoining layers should have a minimum offset of 2 m.
i. By heating the joints with an approved joint heater when the adjacent width
is being laid, but without cutting back or coating with binder. The heater
shall raise the temperature of the full depth of material, to within the
specified> range of minimum rolling temperature and maximum
temperature at any stage for the material, for a width not less than 75mm.
The Contractor shall have equipment available, for use in the event of a
heater breakdown, to form joints by method (iii);
ii. By using two or more pavers operating in echelon, where this is
practicable, and in sufficient proximity for adjacent widths to be fully
compacted by continuous rolling;
iii. By cutting back the exposed joint, for a distance equal to the specified
layer thickness, to a vertical face, discarding all loosened material and
coating the vertical face completely with 80/100 penetration grade hot
bitumen, or cold-applied bitumen, or polymer modified adhesive bitumen
tape with a minimum thickness of 2mm, before the adjacent width is laid.
All joints shall be offset at least 300mm from parallel joints in the layer beneath or
as directed, and in a layout approved by the Engineer. Joints in the wearing
course shall coincide with either the lane edge or the lane marking, whichever is
appropriate. Longitudinal joints shall not be situated in wheel track zones.
Transverse joints in the successive and adjoining layers should have a minimum
offset of 2m. (IRC:111-2009 clause 5.7.3)
All joints shall be cut vertical to the full thickness of the previously laid mix. All
loosened material shall be discarded and the vertical face be coated with any
viscosity grade bitumen, or cold applied emulsified bitumen. While spreading the
material along the joint the material spread shall overlap 25 mm to 50 mm on the
Page 86
previously laid mix beyond the vertical face of the joint. The thickness of the
loose overlap material should be approximately a quarter more than the final
compacted thickness. The overlapped mix should be dragged back to the hot
lane so that the roller can press the small excess into the hot side of the joint to
obtain a high joint density. (IRC:111-2009 clause 5.7.3)
318.10 Preparation of Surface:
This work shall consist of preparing an existing granular or blacktopped surface
bituminous course. The work shall be performed on such widths and lengths as
shown on the drawings or as instructed by the" Engineer. The existing surface
shall be firm and clean, and treated with Prime and Tack Coat as shown on the
drawings as otherwise stated in the Contract.
318.10.1 Preparing existing granular surface: Where the existing surface is granular, all
loose materials shall be removed, and the surface lightly watered where the
profile corrective course to be provided as a separate layer is also granular.
Where the profile corrective course of bituminous material is to be laid over the
existing granular surface, the latter shall, after removal of all loose material, be
primed in accordance with Clause 313.
The surface finish of all granular layers on which bituminous works are to be
placed, shall, unless otherwise specifically instructed by the Engineer, be free
from dust. All such layers must be capable of being swept, after the removal of
any non-integral loose material, by means of a mechanical broom, without
shedding significant quantities of material and dust removed by air jet, washing,
or other means approved by the Engineer.
After cleaning the surface shall be correct to line and level, within the tolerances
specified for base course.
318.10.1.1 Scarifying existing bituminous surface: Where specified or shown on the
drawings, the existing bituminous layer in the specified width shall be removed
with care and without causing undue disturbance to the underlying layer, by a
suitable method approved by the Engineer. After removal, all loose and
disintegrated material, the underlying layers which might have been disturbed
should be suitably reworked and compacted to line and level. After
supplementing the base material as necessary with suitable fresh stone, the
compacted finished surface shall be primed in accordance with Clause 313.
Reusable materials shall be stacked as directed by the Engineer within 1000m of
their origin.
318.11 Rates for Premixed Bituminous Material : The contract unit rate for premixed
bituminous material shall be payment in full or carrying out the required
operations including full compensation for, but not necessarily limited to:
i. Making arrangements for traffic to Clause 30 except for initial treatment to
verge, shoulders and construction of diversions,
ii. Preparation of the surface to receive the material,
iii. Providing all materials to be incorporated in the work including
arrangement for stock yards, all royalties, fees, rents where necessary and
all leads and lifts,
iv. Mixing, transporting, laying and compacting the mix, as specified,
v. All labour, tools, equipment, plant including installation of hot mix plant,
power supply units and all machinery, incidental to complete the work to
these Specifications,
vi. Carrying out the work in part widths of the road where directed,
vii. Carrying out all tests for control of quality and,
Page 87
viii. The rate shall cover the provision of bitumen at the rate specified in the
contract, with the provision that the variation in actual percentage of
bitumen used will be assessed and the payment adjusted accordingly.
ix. The rates for premixed material are to include for all wastage in cutting of
joints etc.,
x. The rates are to include for all necessary testing, mix design, transporting
and testing of samples, and cores. If there is not a project specific
laboratory, the Contractor must arrange to carry out all necessary testing at
an outside Laboratory, approved by the Engineer, and all costs incurred are
deemed to be included in the rate quoted for the material.
xi. The cost of all plant and laying trials as specified to prove the mixing and
laying methods is deemed to be included in the Contractor's rates for the
Page 88
Bituminous Base
Bituminous Macadam:
Bituminous Macadam (BM) shall consist of mineral aggregate and appropriate
binder, mixed in a hot mix plant and laid with a mechanical paver. It is an open
graded mixture suitable for base course. It is laid in a single course or in multiple
layers on a previously prepared base. ( caluse 2.2 of IRC:27-2009) This work
shall consist of construction in a single course having 50mm to 100mm thickness
or in multiple courses of compacted crushed aggregates premixed with a
bituminous binder on a previously prepared base to the requirements of these
Since the bituminous macadam is an open graded mixture, there is a potential
that it may trap water or moisture vapour within the pavement system. Therefore,
adjacent layer should have proper drainage quantity to prevent moisture-induced
damage to the B.M. (caluse 2.3 of IRC:27-2009)
Coarse Aggregates: As per 318.1.1. The aggregates shall satisfy the physical
requirements set forth in Table 300.22.(caluse 3.3 Table:3 of IRC:27-2009)
The coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed rock, crushed gravel or other hard
material retained on 2.36 mm sieve. It shall be clean, hard, durable and cubical
shape. free from dust and soft organic and other deleterious substances. The
aggregate shall satisfy the physical requirements specified in Table 300.22
Where crushed gravel is proposed for use as aggregate, not less than 90% by
weight of the crushed material retained on 4.75 mill sieve shall have at least two
fractured faces resulting from crushing operation.
Table 300.22 Physical Requirements for Coarse Aggregates
Test method
Max 5% passing
Grain size analysis
IS:2386 -part I
Flakiness and
Particle shape
Elongation Index
Max 40%
IS:2386 -part I
Los Angeles Abrasion
Max 40%
IS2386 -part IV
Aggregate Impact
Max .30 %
IS:2386 -part IV
5 cycles
Soundness (Sodium
or Magnesium),
IS:2386 -part V
Sodium Sulphate
Max 12%
Magnesium Sulphate
Max 18%
IS:2386 -part V
Water Absorption
Max 2%
Retained Coating
95 %
Retained Tensile
Min 80%
Elongation test to be done on non-flaky particles.
Page 89
** If the minimum retained coating in the stripping test is less than 95%
Change Bitumen Content for Grade 1 and Grade 2 to 3.3 % and 3.4 %
respectively in Table 300. 23
Table 300.23 Composition of Bituminous Macadam
Mix Designation
Grading 1
Grading 2
Grading 3
Nominal Aggregate Size
Layer Thickness
80-100 mm
lS Sieve (mm)
Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate
Bitumen Content, % by
3.2 (Min)
3.3 (Min)
2.9 (Min)
weight of Total Mixture
Bitumen Grade
35 to 90
35 to 90
* Nominal maximum aggregate size is the largest specified sieve size upon
which any of the aggregate material is retained.
** Corresponds to specific gravity of the Aggregate being 2.7. In case aggregate
have specific gravity more than 2.7, bitumen content can be reduced
proportionately. Further, for regions where highest daily mean air temperature
is 300C or lower and lowest-daily mean air temperature is 100C: or lower the
bitumen content may be increased by as much as 0.5 percent. Tolerance of
0.3%; by weight of mix is allowed to individual specimen taken up for quality
Fine Aggregates: As per Clause 318.1.2.
Bitumen: The bitumen shall be paving bitumen of Penetration Grade complying
with Indian Standard Specifications for "Paving Bitumen" IS:73 and of the
penetration indicated in Table 300.23.
Preparation of the base: The base on which bituminous macadam is to be laid
shall be prepared, shaped and compacted to the required profile in accordance
with Clauses 318.10 and 600 as appropriate, and a prime coat, shall be applied
in accordance with Clause 313 where specified, or as directed by the Engineer.
Tack Coat: A tack coat in accordance with Clause 314 shall be applied as
required by the Contract documents, or as directed by the Engineer.
Preparation and transportation of the mixture : The provisions of clause
318.2.1 and 318.3.1 shall apply.
Spreading: The provisions of clauses 318.6 shall apply.
Rolling: Compaction shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of
Clauses 318.8 and 318.9.Rolling shall be continued until the specified density is
achieved, or where no density is specified, until there is no further movement
under the roller. The required frequency of testing is defined in Clause 600.
Page 90
Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work : The surface finish of the
completed construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 600. For
control of the quality of materials supplied and the works carried out, the relevant
provisions of Section 600 shall apply.
351.10 Protection of the Layer: The bituminous macadam shall be covered with either
the next pavement course or wearing course, as the case may be, within a
maximum of forty-eight hours. If there is to be any delay, the course shall be
covered by a seal coat to the requirement of Clause 370 before opening to any
traffic. The seal coat in such cases shall be considered incidental to the work and
shall not be paid for separately.
351.11 Arrangement for Traffic : During the period of construction, arrangements for
traffic shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Clause 30.
351.12 Measurement for Payment: Bituminous Macadam shall be measured as
finished work in cubic metres, or by weight in metric tones, where used as
regulating course, or square metre at the specified thickness as indicated in the
Contract or shown on the drawings, or as otherwise directed by the Engineer.
Bituminous Penetration Macadam: (alternate to B.M) The work shall consist of
construction of one or more layers of compacted crushed coarse aggregates with
alternate applications of bituminous binder and key aggregates in accordance
with the requirements of these Specifications to be used as a base course on
roads, subject to the requirements of the overall pavement design, in conformity
with the lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the drawings or as directed
by the Engineer. Thickness of an individual course shall be 50mm or 75mm, or
other as specified.
Aggregates : The aggregates shall satisfy the physical requirements set out in
clause 318.1. The coarse and key aggregates shall conform to the grading given
in Table 300.25 below.
Quantities of Materials: The quantities of materials used for this work shall be
as specified in Table 300.26.
Table 300.26 Composition of Penetration Macadam
Cumulative per cent by weight of total aggregate passing
IS Sieve
For 50mm Compacted
For 75mm Compacted
Approx. Loose
Quantities (m3 /
Binder Quantity
Page 91
Grade) (Kg
Note: If cutback bitumen is used, adjust binder quantity such that the residual
bitumen is equal to, the values in this table. 352.3
Bitumen : The binder shall be paving bitumen of suitable penetration grade within
the range of S-35 to S-90 or A-35 to A-90 (35 to 90) as per Indian Standard
Specifications for "Paving Bitumen" IS:73 or approved cutback satisfying the
requirements of IS:217 or IS:454. The actual grade of bitumen or cutback to be
used shall be as specified or as directed by the Engineer.
Construction Operations:
352.4.1 Weather and Seasonal Limitations The provisions of Clause 318.4.1 shall
352.4.2 Equipment: A mechanical broom, compressor, self propelled or trailed bitumen
heater I distributor, mechanical aggregate spreader and 8 to 10 tonne smooth
steel wheel roller or vibrating roller are required for the preparation of Penetration
352.4.3 Preparation of the base : The base on which the Penetration Macadam Course
is to be laid shall be prepared, shaped and compacted to the specified lines,
grades and sections to Clauses 610 as appropriate, or as directed by the
Engineer. A prime coat, where specified, shall be applied over the base in
accordance with Clause .313 or as directed by the Engineer. A tack coat as per
Clause 314 shall be applied.
352.4.4 Spreading coarse aggregates : The coarse aggregate shall be dry and clean
and free from dust, and shall be spread uniformly and evenly at the rate specified
in Table 300.26. It shall be spread by a selfpropelled or tipper tail mounted
aggregate spreader capable of spreading aggregate uniformly at the specified
rates over the required widths. The surface of the layer shall be carefully
checked with camber templates to ensure correct line and level and cross fall.
The spreading shall be carried out such that the rolling and penetrating
operations can be completed on the same day. Segregated aggregates or
aggregates contaminated with foreign material shall be removed and replaced.
352.4.5 Compaction: After the spreading of coarse aggregates, dry rolling shall be
carried out with an 8-10 tonne smooth steel wheel roller.
The requirements given in Clause 318.8 shall apply.
After initial dry rolling, the surface shall be checked with a crown template and a
3 metre straight-edge. The surface shall not vary more than 10mm from the
template or straight-edge. All surface irregularities exceeding the above limit
shall be corrected by removing or adding aggregates as required.
The rolling shall continue until the compacted coarse aggregate has a firm
surface true to the cross section shown on the plans and has a texture that will
allow free and uniform penetration of the bituminous material.
352.4.6 Application of Bituminous Material : After the coarse aggregate has been
roller and checked, the bituminous binder shall be applied, at the rate given in
Table 300.26, in accordance with Clause318, and a temperature directed by the
Engineer. At the time of applying the binder, the aggregates shall be surface dry
for the full depth of the layer.
In certain circumstances, depending on the type and size of aggregate used, the,
Engineer may direct the' placing of a bed of clean sand or quarry fines, not
exceeding 10mm in thickness, on the prepared foundation before placing the
coarse aggregate. The sand or fine material shall be slightly wetted, just
sufficient for it to slurry up during the compaction process. Where cut back is
Page 92
Page 93
Number of
Thickness of
each Layer
Concrete (SDBC)
25 mm/ 40 mm/
Wearing Course
Concrete (BC)
50 mm
Materials .
Bitumen : The bitumen shall be paving bitumen of Penetration Grade complying
with Indian Standard Specifications for viscosity graded "Paving Bitumen" IS:73
and of the penetration indicated in Table 300.29 ,for dense bituminous
macadam, or this bitumen as polymer or rubber modified complying with the
IS:15462 or as otherwise specified in the Contract. Guidance on the selection of
an appropriate grade of viscosity-graded paving bitumen is given in the Manual
for Construction and Supervision of Bituminous Works and also shown in Table:
300.26.2 to 300.26.4.
Table 300.26.2 Viscosity Graded (VG) Bitumens and their General Applications
Viscosity Grade (VG)
General Applications
Use in highly stressed areas such as those in
intersections, near toll booths, and truck parking lots in
(40 - 60 penetration)
lieu of old 30/40 penetration grade
Use for paving in most of India in lieu of old 60/70
penetration grade
(50 - 70 penetration)
Use for paving in cold climatic. hIgh altitude regions of
North India
(60 - 80 penetration)
Use in spraying applications and for paving in very cold
climate in lieu of old 80/100 penetration grade
(80 - 100 penetration)
Table 300.26.3 Selection Criteria for Viscosity-Graded (VG) Paving Bitumen
Based on Climatic Conditions
Lowest Daily Mean Air
Less than 20
20oC to
More than
Temperature, C
30 C
More than -10oC
-10 C or lower
Table 300.26.4 Selection Criteria for Grade of Modified Bitumen
Highest Daily Mean Air Temperature, 0C
Less than
Lowest Daily
20oC to 30oC
More than 30oC
:mean Air
Temperature, 0C
Grade of Modified Bitumen
More than -10oC
-10oC or lower
Page 94
Page 95
aggregates shall have a sand equivalent value of not less than 50 when tested in
accordance with the requirement of 1S:2720 (Part-37). The plasticity index of the
fraction passing the 0.425mm sieve shall not exceed 4 when tested in
accordance with 1S:2720 (Part-5).
354.4.2 Filler: Filler shall consist of finely divided mineral matter such as rock dust,
hydrated lime or cement approved by the Engineer. The use of hydrated lime is
encouraged because of its very good anti-stripping and antioxidant properties.
The Filler shall be graded within the limits indicated in Table 300.28. Total filler
content should be carefully regulated.
Table 300.28 Grading Requirements for Mineral Filler
IS Sieve (mm)
Cumulative per cent passing by weight of total aggregate
The filler shall be inert material free from organic impurities and have a Plasticity
Index not greater than 4. The Plasticity Index requirement shall not apply if filler
is cement or hydrated lime. When the coarse aggregate is gravel, 2 per cent by
weight of total aggregate, shall be Portland cement or hydrated lime and the
percentage of fine aggregate reduced accordingly. Cement or hydrated lime is
not required when the limestone aggregate is used. Where the aggregates fail to
meet the requirements of the Moisture Susceptibility Test ( AASHTO T283 with
freeze and thaw option) in Table 300.29, then 2 per cent by total weight of
aggregate, of hydrated lime shall be added without additional cost. See Annex 2
for the outline of AASHTO T283.
354.4.3 Aggregate: Grading and Binder Content: When tested in accordance with
IS:2386 Part-1 (wet sieving method), the combined grading of the coarse and
fine aggregates and added filler for the particular mixture shall fall within the
limits shown in Table 300.29 for dense bituminous macadam grading 1 or 2 as
specified in the Contract. The type and quantity of bitumen and appropriate
thickness are also indicated for each mixture type. The combined aggregate
grading shall not vary from the lower limit on one sieve to the higher limit on the
adjacent sieve to avoid gap grading.
Bitumen content indicated in Table 300.29 is the minimum only. The exact
bitumen content required shall be determined following the Marshall Mix Design
procedure containecl in the Asphalt Institute Manual MS-2 (Sixth Edition).
The fines to bitumen (F/B) ratio by weight of total mix shall range from 0.6(01.2
for all mixes in Table 300.29.
Table 300.29 Aggregate Grading and- Bitumen Content
IS Sieve
Cumulative Percent by weight of total aggregate passing
Page 96
95- 100
71 95
35 51
90- 100
7- 21
9- 19
12- 20
* Nominal maximum aggregate size is the largest specified sieve size upon
which any of the aggregate material is retained. The combined aggregate
grading shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high limit on
the adjacent sieve.
** Corresponds to specific gravity of the, Aggregate being 2.7. In case
aggregate have specific gravity more than 2.7 bitumen content can be
reduced proportionately. Further for regions where highest daily mean air
temperature is 30oC or lower and Iowest daily mean air temperature is 10oC or lower, the bitumen content may be increased by as much as 0.5
Table 300.30 Requirement of the Dense Graded Bituminous .Mix Using
Viscosity-Graded (VG) Paving / Modified Bitumen
Modified Bitumen
Viscosity of
Grade Paving
Hot Climate
Compaction level
(Number of
75 blows on each face of the specimen
Minimum stability
(kN at 60oC)
Marshall flow
Marshall Quotient
MS2 and
% Air Voids
% Voids filled
Page 97
Viscosity of
Grade Paving
with bitumen
Tensile Strength
Coating of
Particles with
Modified Bitumen
Hot Climate
80% (Minimum)
95% (Minimum)
IS : 6241
26.5 .
***For intermediate value of designed percentage air voids Interpolate the VMA.
1. The nominal maximum particle size is one size larger than the first sieve to
retain more than 10 per cent.
2. Interpolate minimum voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) for design air voids
values between those listed.
Binder Content: The binder content shall be optimised to achieve the
requirements of the mixture set out in Table 300.30 and the traffic volume as
specified in the Contract. The Marshall method for determining the optimum
binder content shall be adopted as described in the sixth edition of the Asphalt
Institute Manual MS-2, replacing the aggregates retained on the 26.5mm sieve
by the aggregates passing the 26.5mm sieve and retained on the 22.4mm sieve,
where approved by the Engineer. Where maximum l size of aggregate is greater
than 26.5 mm in the gradation of dense bituminous macadam mixture specified,
the modified Marshall method using 150 mm ( 6 inches) diameter specimen
described in the Asphalt Institute Manual MS-2 (sixth edition) and ASTM D5581
shall be used. This test method requires modified equipment and procedure. This
is applicable for thickness greater than 75mm.;When the modified Marshall test
is used, the specified minimum stability values and the specified flow values
given in Table: 300.30 shall be multiplied by 2.25 and 1.5 respectively .
Job Mix Formula :
The laboratory mix design gives the proportion of the mineral aggregate
combination in terms, of individual sieve sizes, for actual operational purpose in
the field, blending of the two or more size of aggregates (each size having within
its range of individual sieve size) would be necessary. This blending ratio is
obtained on a weight basis giving percent weight of the coarse aggregate, fine
aggregate and filler needed to give the ultimate gradation. This mineral
aggregate combination together with the corresponding optimum bitumen
Page 98
content as determined in the laboratory, constitute the job mix Cannula for
implementation during construction. The job mix formula proposed for the use in
the work shall give the following details
The Contractor shall inform the Engineer in writing, at least 20 days before the
start of the work. of the job mix formula proposed for use in the works, and shall
give the following details:
(i) Source and location of all materials;
(ii) Proportions of all materials expressed as follows where each is applicable :
(a) Binder type, and percentage by weight of total mixture;
(b) Coarse aggregate I Fine aggregate I Mineral filler as percentage by
weight of total aggregate including mineral filler;
(iii) A single definite percentage passing each sieve for the mixed aggregate;
(iv) The individual gradings of the individual aggregate fractions, and the
proportion of each in the combined grading.
(v) The results of tests enumerated in Table 500.30 as obtained by the
(vi) Where the mixer is a batch mixer, the individual weights of each type of
aggregate, and binder per batch;
(vii) Test results of physical characteristics of aggregates to be used;
(viii) Mixing temperature and compacting temperature. While establishing the
job mix formula, the Contractor shall ensure that it is based on a correct
and truly representative sample of the materials that will actually be used
in the work and that the mixture and its different ingredients satisfy the
physical and strength requirements of these Specifications.
Approval of the job mix formula shall be based on independent testing by the
Engineer for which samples of all ingredients of the mix shall be furnished by the
Contractor as required by the Engineer.
The approved job mix formula shall remain effective unless and until a revised
Job Mix Formula is approved. Should a change in the source of materials be
proposed, a new job mix formula shall be forwarded to the Engineer for approval
before the placing of the material.
Plant Trials - permissible variation in Job Mix Formula : Once the laboratory job
mix formula is approved, the Contractor shall carry out plant trials at the mixer to
establish that the plant can be set up to produce a uniform mix conforming to the
approved job mix formula. The permissible variations of the individual
percentages of the various ingredients in' the actual mix from the job mix formula
to be used shall be within the limits as specified in Table 300.32. These
variations are intended to apply to individual specimens taken for quality control
tests in accordance with Section 600 of MoRTH Specifications.
Table 300.32 Permissible Variations from the Job Mix Formula
Permissible Variation
Aggregate passing
19mm sieve or larger
2.36mm, 1.18mm, 0.6mm
0.3mm, 0.15mm
Page 99
Permissible Variation
Binder Content
Mixing Temperature
10 C
10 C
Once the plant trials have demonstrated the capability of the plant, and the trials
are approved, the laying operation may commerce. Over the period of the first
month of production for laying on the works, the Engineer shall require additional
testing of the product to establish the reliability and consistency of the plant.
Scope: This clause specifies the construction of Dense Graded Bituminous
Macadam (DBM), for use mainly, but not exclusively, in base/binder and profile
corrective courses, DBM is also intended for use as road base material. This
work shall consist of construction in a single or multiple layers of DBM on a
previously prepared base or subbase. The thickness of a single layer shall be
50mm to 100mm.
Laying Trials : Once the plant trials have been successfully completed and
approved, the Contractor shall carry out laying trials, to demonstrate that the
proposed mix can. be successfully laid, and compacted all in accordance with
Clause 318. The laying trial shall be carried out on a suitable area which is not to
form part of the works, unless specifically approved in writing, by the Engineer.
The area. of the laying trials shall be a minimum of 100 sqm of construction
similar to that of the project road, and it shall be in all respects, particularly
compaction, the same as the project construction, on which the bituminous
material is to be laid.
The trials establish that the proposed laying plan, compaction plan, and
methodology are capable of producing satisfactory results. The density of
finished paving layer should not be less than the 92% of the average density
(Sample size N=2) based on theoretical maximum specific gravity of the loose
mix (Gmm) obtained on the day of trial following ASTM D2041. See Annex 3 for
the outline of ASTM D2041.
The Contractor shall previously inform the Engineer of the proposed method for
laying and compacting the material. The plant trials shall then establish if the
proposed laying plant, compaction plant, and methodology is capable of
producing satisfactory results. The density of the finished paving layer shall be
determined by taking cores, no sooner than 24 hours after laying, or by other
approved method.
Once the laying trials have been approved, the same plant and methodology
shall be applied to the laying of the material on the project, and no variation of
either shall be acceptable, unless approved in writing by the Engineer, who may
at his discretion require further laying trials.
Construction Operations :
Weather and Seasonal Limitations: The provisions of Clause 318.4.1 shall
Preparation of Base : The base on which Dense Graded Bituminous Material is
to be laid shall: be prepared in accordance with Clauses 318.5and 600as
appropriate, or as directed by the Engineer. The surface shall be thoroughly
swept clean by a mechanical broom, and the dust removed by compressed air.
In locations where mechanical broom cannot access, other approved methods
shall be used as directed by the Engineer.
Page 100
Page 101
Wearing Coat
Page 102
14.6 Kg.
Construction :
As per clause 362.1.4
Payment & Rate : It shall be measured as finished work, for the area specified to
be covered in square meter at specified thickness. The area will be the net area
covered. As per clause 318.
The contract unit rate shall be as per clause 318 and include bitumen quantities
as per Table 300.34 for premix, 3.0 kg per 10 sq.m. for tack coat, 13 kg per 10
sq. m. for liquid seal coat and 11 kg per 10 sq.m. for premix seal coat. The rate
will be adjusted as per actual material used.
Open Graded Premix Surfacing using Cationic Bitumen Emulsion
Scope : This work shall consist of the preparation, laying and compaction of an
open-graded premix surfacing of 20mm thickness composed of small-sized
aggregate premixed with a cationic bitumen emulsion on a previously prepared
surface, in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications, to serve as
a wearing course.
361.2.2.1 Binder : The binder for Premix wearing course shall be cationic bitumen
emulsion of Medium Setting (MS) grade complying with IS:8887 and having a
bitumen content 65 per cent minimum by weight. For liquid seal coat RS grade of
Cationic Bitumen Emulsion shall be used. Where expressly specified in the
Contract MS grade emulsion shall be used or otherwise directed by the
Engineer. Slow Setting (SS) grade Cationic Bitumen Emulsion shall be used for
premix seal coat.
361. Aggregate: The requirements of Clause NO.318.1 shall apply.
361. Proportioning of Materials : The materials shall be proportioned in
accordance with Table 300.35 and Table 300.36.
Table 300.35 Quantities of Aggregate for 10m2 area
(A) Premix Carpet
(b) Coarse aggregate nominal 13.2mm size; passing IS 22.4mm sieve
0.18 m3
and retained on IS 11.2mm sieve
(c) Coarse aggregate nominal 11.2mm size; passing IS 13.2mm sieve
0.09 m3
and retained on IS 5.6mm sieve
(B) For Seal Coat (Refer Clause 370)
Type A
Table 300.36 Quantities of Emulsion Binder
For 10m2 area
For Premix Carpet
20 to 23 Kg.
For Seal Coat (Refer Clause 370)
(a) for liquid seal coat
12 to 14 Kg.
(b) for premix seal coat
10 to 12 Kg.
Construction Operations:
361.2.3.1 Weather and Seasonal Limitations : The provisions of Clause 318.4.1 shall
Page 103
361.2.3.2 Preparation of Base: The underlying surface on which the bituminous surfacing is
to be laid shall be prepared, shaped and conditioned to the specified lines, grade
and cross-section in accordance with Clause
A prime coat where needed shall be applied in accordance with Clause 313 as
directed by the Engineer.
361.2.3.3 Tack Coat: A tack coat shall be applied over the base preparatory to laying of
the surfacing in accordance with the requirements of Clause 314.
361.2.3.4 Preparation of Premix : Hot mix plant of appropriate capacity and type shall be
used for the preparation of the mix material. The hot mix plant shall have
separate dryer arrangement for heating aggregate.
The temperature of the binder at the time of mixing shall be in the range of 150C
to 163C and that of the aggregate in the range of 155C to 163C provided that
the difference in temperature between the binder and aggregate at no time
exceeds 14C. Mixing shall be thorough to ensure that a homogeneous mixture
is obtained in which all particles of the aggregates are coated uniformly and the
discharge temperature of mix shall be between 130C and 160C.
The mix shall be immediately transported from the mixer to the point of use in
suitable vehicles or hand barrows. The vehicles employed for transport shall be
clean and the mix being transported covered in transit if so directed by the
361.2.3.5 Spreading and Rolling : The pre mixed material shall be spread by suitable
means to the desired thickness, grades and cross-full (camber) making due
allowance for any extra quantity required to fill up depressions, if any. The crossfall should be checked by means of camber boards and irregularities levelled out.
Excessive use of blades or rakes should be avoided. As soon as sufficient length
of bituminous material has been laid, rolling shall commence with 8-10 tonne
rollers, smooth wheel tandem type, or other approved equipment. Rolling shall
begin at the edge and progress toward the centre longitudinally, except that on
super elevated and unidirectional cambered portions, it shall progress from the
lower to upper edge parallel to the centre line of the pavement.
When the roller has passed over the whole area once, any high spots or
depressions, . which become apparent, shall be corrected by removing or adding
premixed materials. Rolling shall then be continued until the entire surface has
been rolled and all the roller marks eliminated. In each pass of the roller, the
preceding track shall be overlapped uniformly by at least 1/3 width. The roller
wheels shall be kept damp to prevent the premix from adhering to the wheels. In
no case shall fuel/lubricating oil be used for this purpose. Excess use of water for
this purpose shall also be avoided.
Rollers shall not stand on newly laid material. Rolling operations shall be
completed in every respect before the temperature of the mix falls below 100C.
joints along and transverse to the surfacing laid and compacted earlier shall be
cut vertically to their full depth so as to expose fresh surface which shall be
painted with a thin coat of appropriate binder before the new mix is placed
against it.
361.2.3.6 Seal Coat: A seal coat conforming to Clause 370 of the type specified in the
Contract shall be applied to the surface immediately after laying the surfacing.
361.2.3.7 Opening to Traffic: No traffic shall be allowed on the road until the seal coat has
been laid. After the seal coat is laid, the road may be opened to traffic according
to Clause 30.
361.2.3.8 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work: The surface finish of the
construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 600. For control on the
Page 104
quality of materials supplied and the works carried out, the relevant provisions of
Section 600shall apply.
361.2.3.9 Arrangements for Traffic : During the period of construction, arrangements for
traffic shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Clause 30.
361.2.3.10 Measurements for Payment : Open Graded Premix Surfacing shall be
measured as finished work, for the area instructed to be covered, in square
metres. The area will be the net area covered and all allowances for wastage
and cutting of joints shall be deemed to be included in the rate.
361.2.3.11 Rate: The contract unit rate for Open Graded Premix Surfacing shall be payment
in full for carrying out the required operations including full compensation for all
components listed in Clause 318.11 ..
Close Graded Premix Surfacing or MSS
This work shall consist of the preparation, laying and compaction of a closegraded premix surfacing material of 20mm thickness composed 'of graded
aggregates premixed with a bituminous binder on a previously prepared surface,
in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications, to serve as a
wearing course.
Close graded premix shall be of Type A or Type B as specified in the contract
Binder: The provisions of Clause NO.361.2.2.1 shall apply.
Coarse Aggregates : The aggregate shall conform to Clause No.318.1.1 except
that the water absorption shall be limited to maximum of 1 per cent. The polished
stone value, as measured by the test in IS:812 (Part-114) shall not be less than
Fine Aggregates : The fine aggregates shall consist of crushed rock quarry
sands, natural gravel/sand or a mixture of both. These shall be clean, hard,
durable, un-coated, mineral particles, dry and free from injurious, soft or flaky
particles and organic or deleterious substances as per Clause 318.1.2.
362.1.3.1 Aggregate Gradation: The coarse and fine aggregates shall be so graded or
combined as to conform to one or the other gradings shown in Table 300-37, as
specified in the contract.
Table 300.37
IS Sieve Designation (mm)
Cumulative Per Cent by weight of total
aggregate passing
Type A
Type B
362.1.3.2 Proportioning of Materials: The total quantity of aggregates used for Type A or B
close-graded premix surfacing shall be 0.27 cube metre per 10 square metre
area. The quantity of binder used for premixing in terms of straight-run bitumen
shall be 22.0 Kg and 19.0 Kg per 10 Square Metre area for Type A and Type B
surfacing respectively.
Construction Operations:
362.1.4.1 Weather and Seasonal Limitations: The provisions of Clause 318.4.1 shall
Page 105
Page 106
Page 107
Page 108
Mass of Total Mix
Bitumen Grade (pen)
Notes :
1. The combined aggregate grading 'shall not vary from the low limit on one
sieve to the high limit on the adjacent sieve.
2. Determined by the Marshall Method
Table 300.41 Requirements for Semi-Dense Bituminous Pavement Layers
Minimum Stability (kN)
Minimum Flow (mm)
Maximum Flow (mm)
75 Blows on each of the two faces of
Compaction Level (Number of Blows)
the specimen
Per cent air voids
Per cent voids in mineral aggregate
See Table 300.31
Per cent voids filled with bitumen (VFB)
i. Job Mix Formula : The procedure for formulating the job mix formula shall be
generally as specified in Clause 354.5 and the results of tests enumerated in
Table 300.32 as obtained by the Contractors.
ii. Plant Trials - permissible variation in Job Mix Formula : The requirements for
plant trails shall be all as specified in Clause 354.5.1 and permissible limits
for variation as shown in Table 300.32.
Construction Operations:
363.4.1 Weather and Seasonal Limitations The provisions of Clause 318.4.1 shall
363.4.2 Preparation of Base : The surface on which the Semi Dense Bituminous
Material is to be laid shall be prepared in accordance with Clauses 318.10 and
600 as appropriate, or as directed by the Engineer. The surface shall be
thoroughly swept clean by a mechanical broom, and the dust removed by
compressed air. In locations where a mechanical broom cannot access, other
approved methods shall be used as directed by the Engineer.
363.4.3 Geo-Synthetics : Where Geo-synthetics are specified in the Contract, this shall
be in accordance with the requirements stated in Clause 260.
363.4.4 Stress Absorbing Layer: Where a stress absorbing layer is specified in the
Contract, this shall be applied in accordance with the requirements of Clause
363.4.5 Tack Coat: Where specified in the Contract, or otherwise required by the
Engineer, a tack coat shall be applied in accordance with the requirements of
Clause 314.
363.4.6 Mixing and Transportation of the mixture: The provisions as specified in
Clauses 318.2,.1 and 318.3.1 shall apply.
363.4.7 Spreading: The general provisions of Clauses 318.6 shall apply.
363.4.8 Rolling : The general provisions of Clauses 318.8 shall apply, as modified by the
approved laying trials. The compaction process shall be carried out by the same
plant, and using the same method, as approved in the laying trials, which maybe
varied only with the express approval of the Engineer in writing.
Page 109
363.4.9 Opening to Traffic: The newly laid surface shall not be open to traffic for at least
24 hrs. after laying and the completion of compaction, without the express
approval of the Engineer in writing.
363.4.10 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work : The surface finish of the
completed construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 600. All
materials and workmanship shall comply with the provisions set out in Section
363.4.11 Arrangements for Traffic : During the period of construction, arrangements for
traffic shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Clause 30.
363.4.12 Measurements for Payment : Dense Graded Bituminous Materials shall be
measured as finished work wither in cubic metres, tons or by the square metre at
a specified thickness as detailed on the Contract drawings, or documents, or as
directed by the Engineer.
363.4.13 Rate : The contract unit rate shall be payment as specified in Clause 354.10.14,
except that the rate shall include the provision of bitumen at 4.75 per cent, by
weight of total mixture. The variance in actual percentage of bitumen used will be
assessed and the payment adjusted up or down, accordingly.
Bituminous Concrete:
Scope: This clause specifies the construction of Bituminous Concrete, for use in
wearing and profile corrective courses. This work shall consist of construction in
a single or multiple layers of bituminous concrete on a previously prepared
bituminous bound surface.
Bitumen : The bitumen shall be paving bitumen of Penetration grade complying
with Indian Standard Specification for Paving Bitumen, IS:73 and of the
penetration indicated in Table 300.43, for bituminous concrete, or this bitumen as
modified by one of the methods specified in Clause 311, or as otherwise
specified in the Contract. Guidance on the selection of an appropriate grade of
bitumen is given in the manual for Construction and Supervision of Bituminous
364.2.1 Coarse Aggregates : The coarse aggregates shall be generally as specified in
Clause 354.1, except that the aggregates shall satisfy the physical requirements
of Table 300.44.
364.2.2 Fine Aggregates : The fine aggregates shall be all as specified in Clause 354.2.
364.2.3 Filler : Filler shall be generally as specified in Clause 354.3. Where the
aggregates fail to meet the requirements of the water sensitivity test in Table
300.44 then 2 per cent by total weight of aggregate, of hydrated lime shall be
added without additional cost.
364.2.4 Aggregate Grading and Binder Content: When tested in accordance with
IS:2386 (Part-1) (Wet Grading Method), the combined grading of the coarse and
fine aggregates and added filler shall fall within the limits shown in Table 300.43
for gradings 1 or 2 as specified in the Contract.
Table 300.42 Requirements for Dense Bituminous Pavement Layers
Minimum Stability (kN)
Minimum Flow (mm)
Maximum Flow (mm)
75 Blows on each of the two faces of
Compaction Level (Number of Blows)
the specimen
Per cent air voids
Per cent voids in mineral aggregate
See Table 300.31
Page 110
Per cent voids filled with bitumen (VFB)
Loss of Stability on immersion in water
Min. 75 per cent retained strength
at 60C (ASTM D 1075)
Table 300.43 Composition of Bituminous Concrete Pavement Layers
Nominal Aggregate Size
Layer Thickness
IS Sieve (mm)
Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing
12-20 :
2-8 (Lime powder or
4-10 (Lime powder or
OPC/PPC cement, filler
OPC/PPC cement, filler
shall be 2%)
shall be 2%)
Bitumen Content, % by
5.0 - 6.0
Min 6
weight of total mixture
Bitumen Grade (pen)
Notes: 1. The combined aggregate grading shall not vary from the low limit on one
sieve to the high limit on the adjacent sieve.
2. Determined by the Marshall Method
Mixture Design:
364.3.1 Requirements for the mixture : Apart from conformity with the grading and
quality requirements for individual ingredients, the mixture shall meet the
requirements set out in Table 300.42. The requirements for minimum per cent
voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) are set out in Table 300.31
364.3.2 Binder Content: The binder content shall be optimized to achieve the
requirements of the mixture set out in Table 300.44 and the traffic volume as
specified in the Contract. The Marshall method for determining the optimum
binder content shall be adopted as described in the Asphalt Institute Manual MS2, replacing the aggregates retained on the 26.5mm sieve and retained on the
22.4mm sieve, where approved by the Engineer.
364.3.3 Job Mix Formula: The procedure for formulating the job mix formula shall be
generally as specified in Clause 354.5 and the results of tests enumerated in
Table 300.44 as obtained by the Contractors.
Page 111
Page 112
364.4.3 Geo-Synthetics: Where Geo-synthetics are specified in the Contract, this shall
be in accordance with the requirements stated in Clause 260.
364.4.4 Stress Absorbing layer: Where a stress absorbing layer is specified in the
Contract, this shall be applied in accordance with the requirements of Clause
364.4.5 Tack Coat: Where specified in the Contract, or otherwise required by the
Engineer, a tack coat shall be applied in accordance with the requirements of
Clause 314.
364.4.6 Mixing and Transportation of the mixture : The provisions as specified in
Clauses 318.2.1 and 318.3.1 shall apply.
364.4.7 Spreading: The general provisions of Clauses 318.6 shall apply.
364.4.8 Rolling : The general provisions of Clauses 318.8 shall apply, as modified by the
approved laying trials.
364.4.9 Opening to Traffic: The newly laid surface shall not be open to traffic for at least
24 hrs. after laying and the completion of compaction, without the express
approval of the Engineer in writing.
364.4.10 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work : The surface finish of the
completed construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 600. All
'materials and workmanship shall comply with the provisions set out in Section
364.4.11 Arrangements for Traffic: During the period of construction, arrangements for
traffic shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Clause 30.
364.4.12 Measurements for Payment: The measurement shall be as specified in Clause
364.4.13 Rate: The contract unit rate shall be payment as specified in Clause 354.8.14,
except that the rate shall include the provision of bitumen per cent indicated in
Table 300.43 or as indicated in the contract, by weight of total mixture. The
variance in actual percentage of bitumen used will be assessed and the payment
adjusted up or down, accordingly.
Mastic Asphalt (IS 5317:2002)
This work shall consist of constructing a single layer of mastic asphalt wearing
course for road pavements and bridge works. Mastic asphalt is an intimate
homogeneous mixture of selected well-graded aggregates, filler and bitumen in
such proportions as to yield a plastic and void less mass, which when applied hot
can be trowelled and floated to form a very dense impermeable surfacing.
365.2.1 Binder: The binder shall be a paving bitumen of Grade 35 conforming to IS:73
industrial bitumen of grade 85/25 conforming to 13:702 etc. meeting the
requirements given in Table 300.45.
365.2.2 Coarse Aggregate : The coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed stone,
crushed gravel/shingle or other stones. They shall be clean, hard, durable, of
fairly cubical shape, uncoated and free from soft, organic or other deleterious
substances. They shall satisfy the physical requirements given in Table
300.44.The percentage and grading of the coarse aggregate to be incorporated
in the mastic asphalt depending upon the thickness of the finished course shall
be as specified in Table 300.45.
Table 300.45 Requirements for Physical Properties of Binder
Test Method
Penetration at 25C (1/100
IS 1203
10 to 40
Page 113
Softening Point,.C (ring &
IS 1205
50 to 90C
ball method)
Loss on heating for 5h at
S 1212
163C, % by mass
Solubility in trichloroethylene,
IS 1216
% by mass
Ductility at 27C cm
IS 1208
Table 300.46 Grading and Thickness of Mastic Asphalt Paving and Grading
of Coarse Aggregate
Nominal Size of
Range (mm)
Content, % by
Aggregate (mm)
mass of total mix
Roads and
40 10
Heavily Stressed
Areas, i.e.,Junctions
45 10
and Toll Plazas
Nominal Size of Coarse Aggregate
IS Sieve (mm)
Cumulative % passing by weight
Fine Aggregate : The fine aggregate shall be the fraction passing the 2.36mm
and retained on the 0.075mm sieve consisting of crusher run screening, natural
sand or a mixture of both. These shall be clean, hard, durable, uncoated, dry and
free from soft or flaky pieces and organic or other deleterious substances. The
grading of fine aggregate inclusive of filler shall be as given in Table 300.47.
365.2.3 Filler: The filler shall be limestone powder passing the 0.075mm sieve and shall
have a calcium carbonate content of not less than 80 percent by weight when
determined in accordance with IS:1514.
Table 300.47 Grading of Fine Aggregate (Inclusive of Filler)
Percentage by weight of Total
IS Sieve
Passing 2.36mm but . retained on
Passing 0.600mm but retained on
Passing 0.212mm but retained on
Passing 0.075mm
365.2.4 Mix Design
365.2.4.1 Hardness Number: The mastic asphalt shall have a hardness number at the
time of manufacture of 60 to 80 at 25C prior to the addition of coarse aggregate
and 10 to 20 at 25C at the time of laying after the addition of coarse aggregate
The hardness number shall be determined in accordance with the method
specified inIS:1195-1978.
Page 114
365.2.5 Binder Content : The binder content shall be so fixed as to achieve the
requirements of the mixture specified in Clause 365.2.5.1 and shall be in the
range of 14 to 17 per cent by weight of total mixture as indicated in Table 300.47.
365.2.6 Job Mix Formula: The Contractor shall inform the Engineer in writing at least 1
month before the start of the work of the job mix formula proposed to be used by
him for the work, indicating the source and location of all materials, proportions of
all materials such as binder and aggregates, single definite percentage passing
each sieve for the mixed aggregate and results of the tests recommended in the
various Tables and Clauses of this Specification.
Construction Operations
365.3.1 Weather and Seasonal Limitations: The provisions of Clause 318 shall apply,
except that laying shall not be carried out when the air temperature at the surface
on which the Mastic Asphalt is to be laid is below 10C.
365.3.2 Preparation of the base : The base on which mastic asphalt is to be laid shall
be prepared, shaped and conditioned to the profile required, in accordance with
Clause 318 or 600 as 'appropriate or as directed by the Engineer. In the case of
a cement concrete base, the surface shall be thoroughly power brushed clean
and free of dust and other deleterious matter. Under no circumstances shall
mastic asphalt be spread on a base containing a binder which might soften under
high application temperatures. If such material exists, the same shall be cut out
and repaired before the mastic asphalt is laid.
365.3.3 Tack Coat: A tack coat in accordance with Clause 314 shall be applied on the
base or as directed by the Engineer.
365.3.4 Preparation of Mastic Asphalt : Penetration of mastic asphalt consists of two
stages. The first stage shall be mixing of filler and fine aggregates and then
heating the mixture to a temperature of 170C to 210C. Required quantity of
bitumen shall be heated to 170C to 180C and added to the heated aggregated.
They shall be mixed and cooked in an approved type of mechanically agitated
mastic cooker for some tim'e till the materials are thoroughly mixed. Initially the
filler along is to be heated in the cooker for an hour and then half the quantity of
binder is added. After heating and mixing for some time, the fine aggregates and
the balance of binder are to be added and further cooked for about one hour.
The second stage is incorporation of coarse aggregates and cooling the mixture
for a total period of 3 hours. During cooking and mixing, care shall be taken to
ensure that the contents in the cooker are at no time heated to a temperature
exceeding 210C.
Where the material is not required for immediate use it shall be cast . into blocks
consisting of filler, fine aggregates and binder, but without the addition of coarse
aggregate, weighing about 25 Kgs each. Before . use, these blocks shall be
reheated to a temperature of not less than 175C and not more than 210C,
thoroughly incorporated with the requisite quantity of coarse aggregates and
mixed continuously. Mixing shall be continued until laying operations are
,completed so as to maintain the coarse aggregates in suspension. At no stage
during the process of mixing shall be the temperature exceeds 210C.
The mastic asphalt blocks (without coarse aggregate) shall show on analysis a
composition within the limits as given in Table 300.47.
The mixture shall be transported to the laying site in a towed mixer transporter
having arrangement for stirring and keeping the mixture hot during
365.3.5 Spreading: The mastic asphalt shall be laid, normally in one coat, at a
temperature between 175C and 210C and spread uniformly by hand using
Page 115
Page 116
Seal Coat
Scope : This work shall consist of the application of a seal coat for sealing the
voids in a bituminous surface laid to the specified levels, grade and cross fall
Seal coat shall be of either of the two types specified below:
Liquid seal coat comprising of an application of a layer of bituminous binder
followed by a cover of stone chips.
Binder: The requirements of Clauses 361.2.2.1 shall apply.
The quantity of bitumen per 10 square metres, shall be 9.8 Kg. for Type A seal
coat. Where bituminous' emulsion is used as a binder the quantities for Type A
seal coats shall be 15 Kg per 10 square meters rapid setting (clause 4.2.2 of
IRC:14-2004). .
Stone Chips for Type A Seal Coat: The stone chips shall consist of angular
fragments of clean, hard, tough and durable rock of uniform quality throughout.
They should be free of soft or disintegrated stone, organic or other deleterious
matter. Stone chips shall be of 6.7mm size defined as 100 per cent passing
through 11.2mm sieve and retained on 2.36mm sieve the quantity used for
spreading shall be 0.09 cubic metre per 10 square metre area. The chips shall
satisfy the quality requirements in Table300.22 except that the upper limit for
water absorption value shall be 1 per cent.
Construction Operations:
Weather and Seasonal Limitations : The requirements of Clause 318.6.1 shall
Preparation of Surface : The seal coat shall be applied immediately after laying
the bituminous course which is required to be sealed. Before application of seal
coat materials, the surface shall be cleaned free of any dust or other extraneous
Construction of Type A Seal Coat : Bitumen shall be heated to 150C-163C
and sprayed at the rate specified on the dry surface in a uniform manner with a
self-propelled mechanical sprayer as described in the Manual for Construction
and Supervision of Bituminous Works.
Immediately after the application of binder, stone chips, which shall be clean and
dry, shall be spread uniformly at the rate specified on the surface preferably by
means of a self-propelled or towed mechanical grit spreader so as to cover the
surface completely. If necessary, the surface shall be brushed to ensure uniform
spread of chips.
Immediately after the application of the cover material, the entire surface shall be
rolled with a 8-10 tonne smooth wheeled steel roller, 8-10 tonne static weight
vibratory roller, or other equipment approved by the Engineer after laying trials if
required. Rolling shall commence at the edge~ and progress towards the centre
except in super elevated and unidirectional cambered portions where it shall
proceed from the lower edge to the higher edge. Each pass of the roller shall
uniformly overlap not less than one-third of the track made in the preceding pass.
While rolling is in progress, additional chips shall be spread by hand in necessary
quantities required to make up irregularities. Rolling shall continue until all
aggregate particles are firmly embedded in the binder and present a uniform
closed surface.
Opening to Traffic : In the case of Type A Seal Coat, traffic shall not be
permitted to run on any newly sealed area until the following day. In special
Page 117
circumstances, however, the Engineer may open the road to traffic immediately
after rolling, but in such cases, traffic speed shall be rigorously limited to 16 Km.
per hour until the following day.
Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work : The surface finish of construction
shall conform to the requirements of Clause 610
For -control on the quality of materials supplied and the works carried out, the
relevant provisions of Section 600 shall apply.
Arrangement for Traffic: During the period of construction, arrangements for
traffic shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Clause 30.
Measurement for Payment: Seal Coat shall be measured as finished work, over
the area specified to be covered, in square metre at the thickness specified in the
Rate: The contract unit rate for seal coat shall be payment in full for carrying out
the' required operations including full compensation for all components listed in
Clause 318.11.
Slurry Seal
Scope : Slurry seals are mixtures of fine aggregate, Portland cement filler,
bitumen emulsion and additional water. When freshly mixed, they have a thick
consistency and can be spread to a thickness of 1.5 - 5 mm. They may be used
to seal cracks, arrest fretting and fill voids and minor depressions, to provide a
more even riding surface or a base for further treatment; they may also be used
on top of a single coat surface dressing.
Materials : The materials for slurry seal immediately prior to mixing shall conform
to the following requirements :
Emulsified Bitumen : The emulsified bitumen shall be a cationic rapid setting
type as approved by the Engineer, conforming to the requirements of IS:8887 ..
Where special mobile mixing machines are available, Class .A4* rapid setting .or
Class K3* road emulsions to BS~ 434: Part I should be used, to obtain very early
resistance to traffic and rain. Generally, emulsion for slurry seal should be
capable of producing a slurry that will develop early resistance to traffic and rain
and is sufficiently stable to permit mixing with the specified aggregate, without
breaking during the mixing and laying processes. If approved by the Engineer, a
slow setting emulsion may be used. Guidance on selection of an appropriate
grade of emulsion is given in the Manual for Construction and Supervision of
Bituminous Works.
Water : Water shall be of such quality that the bitumen will not separate from the
emulsion before the slurry seal is in place.
The pH of the water must lie in the range 4 to 7, and if the total dissolved solids
in the water amount to more than 500ppm, the Engineer may reject it, or order
the Contractor to conduct a trial emulsion mix to demonstrate that it does not
cause early separation.
Aggregate : The aggregate shall be crushed rock, or slag and may be blended,
if required, with clean, sharp, naturally occurring sand free from soft pieces and
organic and other deleterious substances to produce a grading as given in Table
300.47 A. The aggregates shall meet the requirements of the film stripping test
(IS:6241). and a suitable amount and type of anti-stripping agent added, as may
be needed (details given in Appendix 5).
Additives: It is usual to use ordinary Portland cement, hydrated lime or other
additives to control consistency, mix segregation and setting rate. The proportion
of the additive should not normally exceed 2 per cent by weight of dry
Page 118
Mixture Design : A range of residual binder contents for each aggregate grading
is given in Table 300.47 A. The optimum mixture design for the aggregate
additive, water and bitumen emulsion mixture should be determined in
accordance with ASTM D 3910.
Construction Operations:
375.4.1 Weather and Seasonal Limitations: Clause 318.4.1 shall apply.
Table 300.47 Aggregate Grading, Binder Content and Approximate Coverage
Sieve Size (mm)
375.4.2 Surface Preparation : Any necessary remedial work to the road surface and
structure shall be completed either prior to or as part of the Contract and agreed
as acceptable by the Engineer, according to the provisions of Clause 318.
Before slurry seal is applied, street furniture and, where directed by the Engineer,
road markings, shall be masked using self-adhesive masking material or other
material firmly secured against the passage of the spreader box or the tools used
for hand laying. Any packed mud or other deposits on the surface shall be
removed, all organic growth shall be removed by suitable means, and the
surface shall be swept free of all loose material.
375.4.3 Tack Coat : If required by the Engineer, a tack coat may be applied prior to the
slurry seal, with or without grit or chips, in order to seal the existing substrata and
enhance the bond to the existing road surface. Unless otherwise agreed by the
Engineer, the rate of spread of tack coat shall be 0.15 to 0.30 Iitres I m2 for
bituminous surfa.ces and .04 to 0.6 litres I m2 for concrete surfaces.
375.4.4 Mixing and Transportation of Mixture : Mixing (and laying) techniques vary
according to the type of emulsion used. For class A4 rapid setting and K3
emulsions, only special mobile mixing machines should be used. These carry
supplies of aggregate, emulsion, water and filler (e.g. ordinary Portland cement
or hydrated lime) and are fitted with metering devices to feed the ingredients in
their correct proportions to a mixer fitted to the rear of the machine. From the
mixer the slurry is fed into the screed box towed by the machine.
For all other emulsions, mixing may be by hand, concrete mixer or other mixer
which effectively coats the aggregate uniformly and produces a slurry seal of
suitable consistency for satisfactory laying. For large areas, a bulk transit
concrete mixer may be used into which the ingredients (including water) are
Page 119
measured and mixed as the mixer travels to the area to be treated. A screed box
fitted with an adjustable rubber screed should be towed by the mixer which feeds
it during laying.
The special mobile mixing machine, when used, shall be capable of uniform
application to provide a continuous surface without ridges or segregation. Before
laying begins, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a test certificate
showing test results for rate of application carried out under the supervision of a
competent authority, demonstrating that the machine has been tested, using the
system to be used in the Contract, not more than six weeks before the
commencement of the work.
Where the material is to be hand laid, the slurry may be supplied to site premixed in suitable containers and steps shall be taken to ensure that the material
in each container is of an even consistency throughout the container immediately
prior to use.
375.4.5 Application : Transverse joints for machine laid areas shall be formed with
spreading, starting and finishing on a protective strip not less than 100 mm wide
at each end of the length being treated. Transverse joints shall be formed such
that there shall be no ridges or bare strips.
Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, longitudinal joints shall coincide with
lane markings. Longitudinal joints shall be formed such that there shall be no
ridges or bare strips. Hand work around street furniture and other obstructions
should meet the same performance requirements and form a homogeneous
surface with the rest of the treated carriageway.
Footways and other confined areas may be spread by hand using squeegees
and brooms. Transverse joints shall be formed with spreading, starting and
finishing on a protective strip not less than 100mm wide at each of the lane
length being treated. Transverse joints shall be formed such that there shall be
no ridges or bare strips. Kerb edges and other areas not being treated shall be
suitably masked with self adhesive masking material. Footways shall be finished
by dragging a dampened broom transversely over the footway under its own
All voids, cracks and surface irregularities shall be completely filled. In warm dry
weather the surface, immediately ahead of the spreading, shall be slightly
damped by mist water spray applied mechanically, or for hand laying by a hand
operated pressure sprayer, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
375.4.6 Rolling : The need for rolling shall be as instructed by the Engineer. Where
rolling is required. a pneumatic-tyred roller having an individual wheel load
between 0.75 and 1.5 tonnes shall be used, or as may be directed by the
Engineer. Rolling shall commence as soon as the slurry has set sufficiently to
ensure that rutting or excessive movement will not occur.
Opening to Traffic : Masking shall be removed after the slurry seal has been
applied, without damage to the edge of the surfacing, and before opening the
road or footway to traffic.
The Contractor shall remove surplus aggregate from the treated areas using a
method agreed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall monitor the slurry seal
closely for a minimum period of 2 hours and if necessary the lane shall be swept
again. The monitoring shall continue until the slurry seal has reached sufficient
stability to carry unrestricted traffic. If there are' signs of distress, the Engineer
shall require the Contractor to reinstate traffic safety and management
procedures or other such remedial action where necessary in order to prevent
further damage.
Page 120
Page 121
Page 122
Page 123
mix material prepared in the integrated mixing unit of the plant is then spread
evenly on the scarified surface to give a uniform profile. The spread material
should be compacted as soon as possible after laying. In the process, the total
thickness of the pavement is increased by up to 50mm.
In the remix process, the scarified material should be taken from the mixing unit
of the plant where it is recycled with fresh binder, aggregate and recycling agent.
Then the recycled mixture is spread on the preheated surface and tamped and
compacted to the required profile.
Heating and Scarifying: Surfaces to be treated shall be heated by plant with
surfaced insulated and fully enclosed. The heated width of surfacing shall exceed
the scarified width by at least 75mm on each side, except against the edge of the
carriageway or kerb face. When new surfacing material is spilled onto the road
surface it shall be removed before the existing surface is heated and scarified.
Areas of unscarified material shall not .exceed 50mm x 50mm.
The depth of scarification shall be such that the bottom of the scarified layer is
parallel to and below the finished road surface level by. the thickness of wearing
course material specified. A tolerance of 6mm is permissible.
Where street furniture and other obstructions occur, these shall be suitably
protected or removed and the void covered. Surface dressing and large areas of
road marking shall be removed by milling, planning, scarifying or by similar
approved processes.
The heated surface shall be evenly scarified to comply with the requirements of
this Clause. When street furniture is left in place or raise, the adjacent areas shall
be scarified by other means, with the material either left in place or removed,
prior to passage of the machine. If furniture needs to be repositioned on
completion of work, the new wearing course material shall be used to make good
the road surface for a maximum width of 200mm around the obstruction.
During the reheating process the surface temperature of the road shall not
exceed 200C for more than 5 minutes.
Rejuvenator : For Remix, when required, rejuvenator shall be uniformly sprayed
across the full-width of the processed material. The machine shall incorporate a
meter for continuous verification of quantities which shall be within 5% of the
specified rate. The volume of rejuvenator shall vary in relation to the operating
speed the machine, which shall be related to the volume of material mixed or
The rejuvenator shall be a non-emulsified aromatic extract. Its properties shall be
verified using the Rolling Thin Film Oven Test.
Rejuvenation of the existing pavement may also be performed by adding new
hot-mix bituminous material containing a soft binder of suitable penetration for
restoring the binder in the existing pavement to the required penetration.
Mixing : When required, new hot-mix material shall be mixed with the heated
and scarified road pavement material in a pugmill within the Remix machine,
observing the mixing temperatures specified in the Table 300.24.
After mixing, the recycled bituminous materials shall be automatically fed to a
finishing unit, which spreads and levels the mixture to the specified thickness and
cross-section. The new bituminous concrete wearing course shall be material
complying with Clause 364.
Additional Material (General) : The proportion of new hot-mix' bituminous
material, and the proportion of existing bituminous pavement material shall be as
directed by the Engineer, together with the amount the road surface level is to be
raised (if any).
Page 124
The type and quantity of the new hot-mix material shall be determined by using
the Marshall Mix Design procedure specified in The Asphalt Institute Manual MS2, before work commences. Remix designs shall incorporate the stated
proportion of material sampled from the existing road surface.
When additional coarse or fine aggregate or filler are required to be added, they
shall comply with the requirements of Clause 364. The amount of additional
coarse or fine aggregate or filler to be added to the existing bituminous pavement
material shall be notified to the Engineer.
Additional Aggregate (Remix Process) : The coarse aggregate, fine aggregate
and filler added to the Remixed material shall comply with the requirements of
Clause 364.
New Surfacing (Repave and Remix / Repave Processes) : New surfacing
material shall be bituminous concrete wearing course complying with Clause
364, or other wearing course material approved by the Engineer.
The new surfacing material shall be laid on, and compacted with, the re-profiled
surfacing, which shall be at a temperature within the range of 100C to 150C.
Binder: The binder shall be recovered from sampled taken from each layer of
material laid. The method of recovery shall be in accordance with IS 2000 :. Part397 or an equivalent test. The penetration of the binder shall be in the range 3570 pen.
Mixture Design : The surfacing material shall be sampled from the paver hopper
or augers. Care shall be taken that only the material forming the new surface
layer is sampled. The sample shall be reduced on site by rifling or quartering to
approximately 5 kg and placed loose in an air-tight container.
The sample shall only be reheated once whilst within the container. As soon as
the sample reaches the required temperature, the reheated material shall be
remixed and three Marshall test specimens prepared in accordance with the
procedures specified in MS-2.
The bulk density of each specimen shall be measured before Marshall Stability
testing. The mean stability and flow of the three specimens, measured in
accordance with the procedures specified in MS-2, shall comply with the
requirements of Table 300.30.
Finally the 3 Marshall specimens shall be combined and the maximum
theoretical specific gravity (Gmm) of the mixture is determined in accordance with
ASTM 0-2041. This maximum theoretical specific gravity (Gmm) corresponds to
0% air voids in the mixture. The actual bulk specific gravity of a Marshall
specimen determined in the Laboratory (Gmb) will naturally be less than Gmm .
The percent air voids (P a) in the specimen of the compacted mixture given by :
should meet the requirements of air voids laid down in Table 300.30.
Opening to Traffic : For recycled material forming the base or binder course
layer, Clause 351 or 354 shall apply as appropriate. For recycled material
forming the wearing course layer, Clause 364 shall apply.
Surface Finish and Quality Control : The surface finish of the completed
construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 600.
For control of the quality of materials supplied and the works carried out the
relevant provisions of Section 600 shall apply.
Arrangements for Traffic : During the period of construction, arrangements for
traffic shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Clause 30.
Page 125
Page 126
Cement Concrete
Structural Concrete :
Structural Concrete shall be as per IS:456-2000 : Clause-6.
Concrete Making Materials
Cement: Ordinary Portland Cement conforming to IS:269, IS:8112, IS:12269;
Portland Slag Cement conforming to IS:455, Portland Pozzolana Cement as per
IS:1489 (Part-1)
Mineral Admixtures: Fly Ash conforming to Grade-I of IS:3812
Aggregates: Aggregates shall comply with requirements of IS:383
The size of Aggregate : The nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate should
be 20mm.
Water: Water as per Clause 5.4 of IS:456 2000.
Admixtures: Admixtures shall comply with IS:9103
Reinforcement: Reinforcement shall be mild steel and medium tensile steel bars
conforming to IS:432 (Part-1), high strength deformed steel bars conforming to
Storage of Materials : Storage of Materials shall be as per IS:4082
Production of Concrete as per Clause 10 of IS:456.
Ready Mix Concrete
The contractor shall procure RMC from the RMC plant approved by MCGM only.
The RMC prepared and transported will be as per relevant IS:4926. The
following information on the performance of Ready Mix Concrete supplied by the
plant shall be obtained.
Following past data regarding raw materials and equipment deployed shall be
obtained from RMC manufacturer .
Proforma Table 400.1
Strength (N/mm )
3 days
7 days
28 days
6 months
1 Year
Initial Setting
Final Setting
Coarse Aggregate
Characteristic Property
Grading Zone
Fineness Modules
Specific Gravity
Bulk Density
Page 127
Crushing Value
Impact Value
Abrasion Value
Soundness (average
loss after 5 cycles)
Water absorption
Deleterious Materials
Surface Water
Fine Aggregate
Characteristic Property
Grading Zone
Proforma Table 400.3
Average Value
Fineness Modules
Specific Gravity
Bulk Density
Crushing Value
Impact Value
Abrasion Value
Soundness (average loss
after 5 cycles)
Water absorption
Deleterious Materials
Surface Water
p. H Value
% of strength of cubes
prepared with boiled
solids in water Organic
Sulphates (S03)
Suspended Matters
Mineral Admixtures
Fineness Modulus
Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation
Page 128
Lime Reactivity
Minimums Compressive Strength
Drying Shrinkage % Maximum
Soundness Expansion
Chemical Analysis
Chemical Admixtures
Mixing Efficiency
as per IS
Page 129
Conveyance: Ready Mix Concrete shall be brought to the site by transit mixers
RMC Procurement & Delivery : The contractor shall procure RMC from the RMC
plant approved by MCGM only. Ready Mix Concrete prepared and transported
will be as per relevant IS 4296. Ready Mix Concrete will be brought to the site
from RMC plant only by transit mixers (agitators). Every transit mixer will carry
delivery challan, mentioning the minimum following details:
Proforma Table 400.9
i) Name of Manufacturer and Depot
ii) Serial No. of Challan
iii) Date
iv) Truck No.
v) Name of Contractor to whom the
RMC is being supplied
vi) Location of contract work
vii) Grade of concrete
viii) Specified workability
ix) Cement content and Grade of
x) Time of loading
xi) Quantity of concrete
A computerized print out showing details of ingredients of ready mix concrete
including admixture viz. the actual weight of each ingredients, required weight of
each ingredient as per mix design etc. shall invariably be obtained with each
transit mixer carrying RMC on site. The computerized sheet shall be signed by
the site in charge and contractor's representative and shall be preserved as a
record on the site. When the truck arrives on site, the drum should always be
speeded to about 10 to 15 rev/min. for at least 5-10 minutes, to make sure that
the concrete is thoroughly mixed and uniform, before discharge. All taxes / duties
etc. will be borne by the contractors and not by the MCGM. No extra payment will
be made for the use of admixtures
The defect liability period of 5 years will be the responsibility of the main
Data on Various MixesControl mix 28 days strength without admixture and slump of 50 mm
Proforma Table 400.10
W:C ratio
A:C ratio
Concrete Slump & Retention Data
Proforma Table 400.11
Page 130
Admixture %
W:C ratio
Concrete Compressive Strength for Required Grade of Concrete
Proforma Table 400.12
Average Strength in
Age of Concrete (Days)
Standard Deviation
Concrete flexural Strength
Proforma Table 400.13
Average Strength in
Age of Concrete (Days)
Standard Deviation
Client's Requirement
Type of Structure
Location of concreting
Proforma Table 400.14
Properties of Concrete Required
Grade of Concrete
Exposure Conditions
Type of Cement
Minimum Cement Content
Maximum Cement Content
Minimum / Maximum W:C Ratio
Density of Concrete
Workability / retention
Maximum Size of Aggregate
Mode of Placement
Rate of Placement
Page 131
Type of Formwork
Mix Design Report
Proforma Table 400.15
Grade of Concrete
Characteristic Strength @ 28 days Mpa
Degree of Control
Standard Deviation
Target Mean Strength Mpa
Max. Size of Aggregates
Fine Aggregates
Fine Aggregates
Coarse Aggregates (CA-I)
Coarse Aggregates (CA-II)
Free Water Cement Ratio by Weight
Aggregate Cement Ratio by Weight
Quantities Kg. I Cu. M.
Water Ltd./Cu.M.
Admixtures Dosage (SIKAMENT-600)
Stump Details :
Initial Slump
Lab Cube Strength MPa
3 days strength
7 days strength
28 days strength
Paving Tiles :
Materials : Precast concrete paving tiles with or without perforation shall be
manufactured and tested in accordance with IS:13801, except as described here
below, to the approval of the Engineer. Pre-cast concrete paving tiles shall be
manufactured to the dimensions, patterns, and colours indicated in the drawings.
The tiles are to be either 250mm or 300mm x 100mm rectangular or any other
size and / or shape as shown in the drawings or instructed by the Engineer and
shall be hydraulically pressed using a coloured concrete topping not less than
8mm thickness. The pre-cast concrete paving tiles shall have a minimum
thickness of 38mm and shall be laid to the pattern indicated in the drawings.
The tiles shall be manufactured using a minimum of 350 Kg. Cement per Cubic
Metre of Mix.
Page 132
Page 133
75 Microns
Contractor shall be responsible to ensure that single-sized, gap-graded sands or
sands containing an excessive amount of fines or plastic fines are not used. The
sand particles should preferably be sharp not rounded as sharp sand possess
higher strength and resist the migration of sand from under the block to less
frequently areas even though sharp sands are relatively more difficult to compact
than rounded sands, the use of sharp sands is preferred for the more heavily
trafficked driveways. The sand use for bedding shall be free of any deleterious
soluble salts or other contaminants likely to cause . efflorescence.
The sand shall be of uniform moisture content and within 4% - 8% when spread
and shall be protected against rain when stock piled prior to spreading. Saturated
sand shall not be used. The bedding sand shall be spread loose in a uniform
layer as per drawing. The compacted uniform thickness shall be of 45mm and
within +/- 5mm thickness variation shall not be used to correct irregularities in the
base course surface. ..
The spread sand shall be carefully maintained in a loose dry condition and
protected against pre-compaction both prior to and following screeding. Any precompacted sand or screeded sand left overnight shall be loosened before further
laying of paving blocks take place.
Sand shall be slightly screeded in a loose condition to the predetermined depth
only slightly ahead of the laying of paving unit.
Any depressions in the screeded sand exceeding 5mm shall be loosened, raked
and rescreeded before laying of paving blocks. Sampling and Testing
Procedures for Paver Blocks:
Sample Size: Following are the sample sizes:
a) Internal: Average of minimum 3 samples per 5000 blocks - for paver block
b) External: Minimum 9 Blocks per 5000 Blocks. Average of minimum 9 Blocks
per site: for captioned contractors.
Sampling for Testing: Sampling for testing of paver blocks shall be done in
accordance with clause No. 440.5, 440.6 and 440.7
Compressive Strength : Testing for compressive strength shall be undertaken
in accordance with clause 440.7. The average compressive strength of the
80mm thick paver blocks tested shall be 45 N/Sq. mm. and average compressive
strength of the 60mm to 50 mm:thick paver blocks shall be 35 N/Sq. mm.
Water Absorption: Testing for water absorption shall be in accordance with
IS:2185 : 1979 : Part I (Specifications for Concrete Masonry Blocks) Appendix C.
In case of failure of test sample : In case of failure of test sample for above
test, the contractor should replace the entire lot of paver blocks representing
samples are taken. The samples of replaced lots shall be tested. However, 25%
of the payment of the measurement of the lot will be recovered as penalty.
Tensile Splitting Test: (for blocks subject to vehicular traffic) -The mean tensile
strength of 8 blocks shall be not less than 3.9 MPa and no individual block shall
have tensile strength less than 3.6 MP when tested as per Annex E of BS
Abrasion Resistance ( blocks subject to vehicular traffic) : Set of 3 blocs tested
as per Annex F of BS 6717 :2001 shall be more than 23mm.
Method for the determination of Water Absorption :
The test specimens shall be completely immersed in water at room temperature
for 24 hours.
Page 134
The specimens shall then be weighed, while suspended by a metal wire and
completely submerged in water.
They shall be removed from the water and allowed to drain for one minute '
Visible surfaces water being removed with a damp cloth, and immediately
Subsequent to saturation, all specimens shall be dried in a ventilated oven at 100
to 115C for not less than 24 hours and until two successive weightings at
intervals of 2 hours show an increment of loss not greater, than 0.2 percent of
the last previously determined mass of the specimen.
Calculate the absorption as follows:
Absorption, Kg/m3
Absorption, Percent
A = wet mass of unit in Kg.
B = dry mass of unit in Kg. and
C = suspended immersed mass of unit in Kg.
Sampling of Paver Blocks:
Method of Sampling : Before laying paver blocks, each designated section
comprising not more than 50000 blocks, shall be divided into ten approximately
equal groups. Nine blocks shall be drawn from each group.
Marking and Identification : All samples shall be clearly marked at the time of
sampling in such a way that the designated section part thereof and the
consignment represented by the sample, are clearly defined. The sampled shall
be dispatched to the approve test laboratory taking precaution to avoid damage
to the paving in transit. Protect the paving from damage and contamination until
they have been tested. The samples shall be stored in water at 20C + 5C for 24
hours prior to testing.
Procedure for Testing of Compressive Strength for Paver Blocks:
Testing Machine: The testing machines shall be of suitable capacity for the test
and capable of applying the load at the rate specified. It shall comply, as regards
repeatability and accuracy with the requirements of relevant IS specification. ,
Procedure : The sample specimens shall be tested in wet condition after being
stored for at least 24 hours, in water maintained at a temperature of 20C + 5C,
before the specimens are submerged in water, the necessary area shall be
The plates of the testing machine shall be wiped clean and any loose grit or other
material removed from the contact faces of the specimen. Plywood nominally
4mm thick, shall be used as packing between the upper and lower faces of the
specimen and the machine plates, and these boards shall be larger than the
specimen by a margin of at least 5mm at all points. Fresh packing shall be used
for each specimen tested. The specimen shall be placed in the machine with the
wearing surface in a horizontal plane and in such a way that the axes of the
specimen are aligned with those of the machine plates. The load shall be applied
without shock and increased continuously at the rate of Approximately 15 N/Sq.
mm per minute until no greater load can be sustained. The maximum load
applied to the specimen shall be recorded.
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Page 136
Page 137
Measurements for Payment : The unit of measurement for the paver block
surfacing shall be Sq. M. of area covered by the paver block including' sand
bedding for the specified thickness shown on the drawing.
Rate: The contract unit rate payable for paver block pavement shall be payment
in full for. carrying out the required operations including full compensation for all
labour, materials (paver blocks, sand and concrete for confinement) and
equipment, transport, placing, compacting, finishing, curing, testing and
incidentals to complete the work as per specifications, all royalties, fees, storage
and drains where necessary and all leads and lifts.
Dry Lean Cement Concrete with or without Fly Ash:
Materials As per Clause 410.1. Aggregate gradation shall be as in Table 400.3.
Table 400.3 Aggregate Gradation for Dry Lean Concrete
Percentage passing the sieve by
Sieve Designation
600.00 Micron
75.00 Micron
Proportioning of Materials for the Mix : The mix shall be proportioned with a
maximum aggregate cement ratio of 12: 1 (without fly ash) and 15:1
(cementitious material with fly ash). The water content shall be adjusted to the
optimum for facilitating compaction by rolling. The right amount of water for the
lean concrete in the main work shall be decided so as to ensure full compaction
under rolling and shall be assessed at the time of rolling the trial length. Too
much water will cause the lean concrete to be heaving up before the wheels and
picked up on the wheels of the roller and too little will lead to inadequate
compaction, a low in-situ strength and an open-textured surface.
The optimum water content shall be determined and demonstrated by rolling
during trial length construction and the optimum moisture content and degree of
compaction shall be got approved from the Engineer. While laying in the main
work, the lean concrete shall have a moisture content between the optimum and
optimum +2 per cent, keeping in view the effectiveness of compaction achieved
and to compensate for evaporation losses.
Cement Content : The minimum cement content in the lean concrete shall not
be less than 150 Kg. I Cu. M. of concrete. If this minimum cement content is not
sufficient to produce concrete of the specified strength, it shall be increased as
necessary without additional cost compensation to the Contractor.
Concrete Strength : The average compressive strength of each consecutive
group of 5 cubes made in accordance with Clause No. 903.5.1.1 of MoRT&H
shall not be less than 10 MPa at 7 days. In addition, the minimum compressive
strength of any individual cube shall not be less than 10 MPa at 7 days. The
design mix complying with the above Clauses shall be got approved from the
Engineer and demonstrated in the trial length construction.
Trial Mixes : The Contractor shall make trial mixes of dry lean concrete with
moisture contents like 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5 and 7.0 per cent using cement content
specified and the specified aggregate grading but without violating the
requirement of aggregate-cement ratio specified. in Clause 450.1. Optimum
moisture and density shall be established by preparing cubes with varying
Page 138
moisture contents. Compaction of the mix shall be done in three layer with
vibratory hammer fitted with a square or rectangular foot as described in Clause
903.5.1.1 of M.O.R.T. & H. After establishing the optimum moisture, a set of six
cubes shall be cast at that moisture for the determination of compressive
strength on the 3rd and the 7th day. Trial mixes shall be repeated if the strength
is not satisfactory either by increasing cement content or using higher grade of
cement. After the mix design is approved, the Contractor shall construct a trial
section in accordance with Clause 601.7 of MoRT&H.
If during the construction of the trial length, the optimum moisture content
determined as above is found to be unsatisfactory, the Contractor may make
suitable changes in the moisture content to achieve a satisfactory mix. The cube
specimens prepared with the changed moisture content should satisfy the
strength requirement. Before production of the mix, natural moisture content of
the aggregate should be determined on a day-to-day basis so that the moisture
content could be adjusted. The mix finally designed should neither stick to the
rollers nor become too dry resulting in ravelling of surface.
General : The pace and programme of the lean concrete sub-base construction
shall be matching suitably with the programme of construction of the cement
concrete pavement over it. The sub-base shall be overlaid with cement concrete
pavement only after 7 days after sub-base construction.
Batching and Mixing : The batching plant shall be capable of proportioning the
materials by weight, each type of material being weighed separately in
accordance with Clause 602.9.3.2 of M.O.R.T.&H Specifications. The cement
from the bulk stock shall be weighed separately from the aggregates. The
capacity of batching and mixing plant shall be at least 25 per cent higher than the
proposed capacity for the laying arrangements. The batching and mixing shall be
carried out preferably in a forced action central batching and mixing plant having
necessary automatic controls to ensure accurate proportioning and mixing. Other
types of mixers shall be permitted subject to demonstration of their satisfactory
performance during the trial length. The type and capacity of the plant shall be
got approved by the Engineer before commencement of the trial length. The
weighing balances shall be calibrated by weighing the aggregates, cement, water
and admixtures physically either by weighing with large weighing machine or in a
weigh bridge. The accuracy of weighing scales of the batching plant shall be
within 2 per cent in the case of aggregates and 1 per cent in the case of
cement and water.
The design features of Batching Plant should be such that the shifting operations
of the plant will not take very long tie when they are to be shifted from place to
place with the progress of the work.
Transporting : Plant mix lean concrete shall be discharge immediately from the
mixer, transported directly to the point where it is to be laid and protected from
the weather by covering the tippers I dumpers with tarpaulin during transit. The
concrete shall be transported by tipping trucks, sufficient in number to ensure a
continuous supply of material to feed the laying equipment to work at a uniform
speed and in an uninterrupted manner. The lead of the batching plant to paving
site shall be such that the travel time available from mixing to paving as specified
in Clause 450.5.5 will be adhered to.
Placing: Lean concrete shall be laid I placed by a paver with electronic sensor.
The equipment shall be capable of laying the material in one layer in an even
manner without segregation, so that after compaction the total thickness is as
Page 139
specified. The paving machine shall have high amplitude tamping bars to give
good initial compaction to the sub-base.
The laying of the two-lane road sub-base may be done either in full width or lane
by lane. Preferably the lean concrete shall be placed and compacted across the
full width of the road, by constructing it in one go or in two lanes running forward
simultaneously. Transverse and longitudinal construction joints shall be
staggered by 500-1000mm:and 200-400mm respectively from the corresponding
joints in the overlaying concrete slabs.
Compaction :
The compaction shall be carried out immediately after the material is laid and
levelled. In order to ensure thorough compaction which is essential, rolling shall
be continued on the full width till there is no further visible movement under the
roller and the surface is closed. The minimum dry density obtained shall be 97
per cent of that achieved during the trial length construction vide Clause 601.7 of
MoRT&H Specifications. The densities achieved at the edges i.e. 0.5m from the
edge shall not less than 95 per cent of that achieved during the trial construction
vide Clause 601.7 of MoRT&H Specifications.
The spreading, compacting and finishing of the lean concrete shall be carried out
as rapidly as possible and the operation shall be so arranged as to ensure that
the time between the mixing of the first batch of concrete in any transverse
section of the layer and the final finishing of the same shall not exceed 90
minutes when the concrete temperature is above 25 and below 30 degree
Celsius and 120 minutes if less than 25 degree Celsius. This period may be
reviewed by the Engineer in the light of the results of the trial run but in no case
shall it exceed 2 hours. Work shall not proceed when the temperature of the
concrete exceeds 30 degree Celsius. If necessary, chilled water or addition of ice
may resorted to for bringing down the temperature. It is desirable to stop
concreting when the ambient temperature is above 35C. After compaction has
been completed, roller shall not stand on the compacted surface for the duration
of the curing period except during commencement of next day's work near the
location where work was terminated the previous day.
Double drum smooth-wheeled vibratory rollers of minimum 80 to 100 kN static
weight are considered to be suitable for rolling dry lean concrete. In case any
other roller is proposed, the same shall be got approved from the Engineer, after
demonstrating its performance. The number of passes required to obtain
maximum compaction depends on the thickness of the lean concrete, the
compatibility of the mix, and the weight and type of the roller etc., and the same
as well as the total requirement of rollers for the job shall be determined during
trial run by measuring the in-situ density and the scale of the work to be
In addition to the number of passes required for compaction there shall be a
preliminary pass without vibration to bed the lean concrete down and again a
final pass without vibration to remove roller marks and to smoothen the surface.
Special care and attention shall be exercised during compaction near joints,
kerbs, channels, side forms and around gullies and manholes. In case adequate
compaction is not achieved by the roller at these points, use of plat vibrator shall
be made, if so directed by the Engineer.
The final lean concrete surface on completion of compaction and immediately
before overlaying, shall be well closed, free from movement under roller and free
from ridges, low spots, cracks, loose material, pot holes, ruts or other defects.
The final surface shall be inspected immediately on completion and all loose,
segregated or defective areas shall be corrected by using fresh lean concrete
Page 140
Page 141
Page 142
Size of Manholes
and 0.53m Dia at top
1.52m x 0.91 m at
bottom and 0.91 m x
0.61 m at top
1.52m x 1.22m at
bottom and 0.91 m x
0.61 m at top
Depth upto
Depth upto
longer the line
1.22m x
5.03m from
2.29m and
above: to
5.03m brick
Work of 36cm
From 5.03m
to 9.14m brick
work of 46m
In case, necessary depth is not available for the construction of manholes given
in the table chambers of suitable size shall be constructed and covered with C.1.
frame and cover of suitable, size or R.C.C. dhapas as directed by the Engineer.
The manholes shall be constructed in the form of the dimensions shown on the
The manholes shall be constructed at places shown on the drawing or wherever
directed by the Engineer. Type designs for these manholes are shown on the
drawings but actual dimension shall in each case be determined by the Engineer
as the circumstances may require.
The rate or percentage rate to be quoted in the Bill of Quantities and Rates for
the manholes shall include complete masonry structure plastered with cement
both inside and outside bottom concrete and channel or channels everything
complete C.1. frame and cover C.1. steps etc. which will be supplied by the
Corporation and without excavation.
The walls of the manholes shall be built of brick work in cement mortar and
plastered inside and outside with cement plaster. In the case of conical
manholes, the walls shall be brought upto within seven inches of the road
surface and shall be covered over with a cast iron frame and cover or a cast iron
plate with a cast iron frame and cover as may in each case be required by the
Engineer. Where rectangular manholes are to be constructed the brick walls
shall be brought upto within 0.91 m or 1.22m, as required of the road surface and
shall at this depth be covered over with reinforced cement concrete slab with an
opening of the size and in the position as directed by the Engineer. The opening
shall be formed by means of joints of sizes as shown drawing resting on the side
wall and embedded in the slab. On these as support, walls of brick in cement
shall be erected and brought upto within 18cm of the road surface where they
shall be covered with C.1. frame and cover etc. as described above. The work
shall be properly bedded and courses brought up in a regular and uniform
The floors shall consist of cement concrete. Salt glazed or concrete or hume half
channel pipes or the required size and curves shall be laid and bedded in cement
on the concrete base to the same line and fall as sewers unless otherwise
Page 143
directed. Both sides of the channel pipes shall be benched up in concrete and
rendered in cement 20mm thick and formed to a slope of not less than 1 in 12 to
the channel.
Whenever a pipe enters or leaves manholes bricks on edge must be cut to a
proper form and laid around the upper half of the pipe so as to form an arch. All
around the pipe, there shall be a joint of cement mortar 12mm thick between it
and the bricks. The ends of all pipes shall be properly built in and neatly finished
with cement mortar.
Where the depth of the invert exceeds 1 m below the surface of the galvanized
wrought iron or cast iron steps of approved pattern shall be built in the brick work
ground every four courses with such additional hand irons as may be necessary
for safety.
Water Entrances:
The chamber for water entrances shall be constructed of bricks work in 1:5
cement mortar plastered with cement plastering 12mm thick. The bed of the
chamber shall consist of 23cm layer of 1 :4:8 cement concrete. The invert shall
be formed of cement concrete as shown in the drawing and shall be plastered
with cement plastering 12mm thick. The parda of diaphragm shall be of cast iron
25mm thick and shall be so fixed as to carry the dhapas and to dip into the water
seal to a depth of 20cm. The part of the chamber which is shown on drawing as
below the surface of the road, shall be covered with blue stone dhapas as shown
on the drawing. The other part of the chamber shall be covered with two
mosquito proof close C.1. gratings; fair weather plates in the case of full sized
water gullies and one for single water gullies the grating or gratings being
supported on C.1. frame as shown on the drawing.
Whenever any hole or other communication has to be cut into the wall or made
with a drain or sewer or a manhole or into or with other masonry, the hole or
communication shall be cut or made neatly to the requisite value size and pipe
tail piece, elbow or other article or work for which it is required shall be neatly
and soundly stopped around with, or built in cement and sand (1 to 1). The rate
for cutting the hole or that for the work or which the communication is required
shall include the cost of such stopping. that of any making good that may be
required and also that of any arrangements which the contractors may have to
make in order to stop the access of sewage or water during the execution of their
work. No payment will be allowed to the contractors for cutting out any portion of
the new work for the purpose of other work under contract or in such for stopping
and making good as above described. If the sewer or the drain into which hole or
communication is to be cut is in a working condition and if there is a likelihood of
the workmen being exposed to the danger arising from the sewage gases, such
work and also that of removing such or plug shall be done by the municipal staff
trained for such work and under the supervision of responsible officers as may
be directed .by the Engineer and the cost of such work shall be borne by the
Payment for the items of making connection shall be made only if the connection
is made by making a hole in the masonry of the existing manhole or sump etc.,
and making it good from inside and outside. No payment shall be made if the
connection is made to existing pipe.
All cement work pointing, plastering and concrete work shall be shaded from the
sun and the surface kept moist until, in the opinion of the Engineer, it is
thoroughly set.
Whenever a new work meets the old, certain portions of the old work as may be
ordered by the Engineer, shall be cut away in order that the new work may be
Page 144
properly bonded into the old. No payment will be allowed to the Contractors
cutting away any portion of the work done under this contract or the purpose of
other similar work or in such case for bonding and making good the same as
above described.
Footpaths, Medians, Shoulders, Islands & Road Arboriculture
Footpaths, Medians & Road Arboriculture
Description : The work shall consist of constructing finishing to footpaths,
medians and/or separators and landscaped areas at locations specified in the
drawings in conformity with the lines and levels and dimensions as specified In
the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The scope of the work shall include
provision of all drainage arrangements within the footpaths as shown on the
drawings or as directed.
Construction Operation: General: All utility diversions within the footpath and /
or median and / or other paved areas shall be completed to the satisfaction of the
Engineer prior to commending footpath and other pavement finishing.
All drainage works crossing the footpath and / or median shall be laid to the
required slope and connected to the drains / sumps / storm water drain /
drainage chutes gullies etc., as indicated in Drawings and Specification prior to
commencing footpath and other pavement finishing.
Installation of all street lighting installations, traffic sign and traffic signal posts,
and other utility appurtenances and road side barriers shall be completed prior to
commencing the footpath and other pavement finishing.
All permanent obstacles within the footpath area, such as manhole covers, shall
be adjusted to the correct finished levels prior to commencing footpath and other
pavement finishing.
If footpath and / or median finishing is undertaken prior to completion of the
adjacent carriageway construction, the contractor shall protect the footpath and /
or median finishing from damage from road works operations, and shall take
whatever measures are deemed necessary by the Engineer to protect the
finished works.
The contractor shall provide and maintain a temporary surface of completed
granular sub-base material for pedestrians until such time as. the permanent
finishes are constructed.
Shoulders & Islands:
Scope: The work shall consist of constructing shoulder (hard / paved / earthen
with brick or stone block edging) on either side of the pavement, median in the
road dividing the carriageway into separate lanes and islands for channelising
the traffic at junctions in accordance with the requirements of these
Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades and cross-section shown
on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
Materials : Shoulder on either side of the road may be of selected earth I
granular material I paved conforming to the requirements of Clause 150 or 200
and the median may be of selected earth.
Median I Traffic islands shall be raised and kerbed at the perimeter and the
enclosed area filled with earth and suitably covered with grass turf I shrubs and I
or paved as per Clause 571.
Paved shoulders shall consist of sub-base, base and surfacing courses, . as
shown in the drawings and materials for the same shall conform to relevant
Specifications of the corresponding items. Where paved or hard shoulders are
Page 145
not provided, the pavement shall be provided with brick I stone block edging as
shown in the drawings.
Size of Shoulders I Median I Islands : Shoulder (earthen I hard I paved) I
median I traffic island dimensions shall be as shown on the drawings or as
directed by the Engineer.
Construction Operations :
Shoulder : The sequence of operations shall be such that the construction of
paved shoulder is done in layers each matching the thickness of adjoining
pavement layer. Only after a layer of pavement and corresponding layers in
paved and earth shoulder portion have been laid and compacted, the
construction of next layer of pavement and shoulder shall be taken up.
Where the materials in adjacent layers are different, these shall be laid together
and the pavement layer shall be compacted first. The corresponding layer in
paved shoulder portion shall be compacted thereafter, which shall be followed by
compaction of earth shoulder layer. The adjacent layers having same material
shall be laid and compacted together.
In all case where paved shoulders have to be provided along side of existing
carriageway, the existing shoulders shall be excavated in full width and to the
required depth as per Clause 103.5.
Compaction requirement of earthen shoulder shall be as per Table 100.5. In the
case of bituminous courses, work on shoulder (earthen I hard I paved), shall start
only after .the pavement course has been laid compacted.
During all stages of shoulder (earthen I hard I paved) construction, the required
cross-fall shall be maintained to drain off surface water. Regardless of the
method of laying, all shoulder construction material shall be placed directly on
the shoulder. Any spilled material dragged on to the pavement surface shall be
immediately removed, without damage to the pavement, and the area so affected
thoroughly cleaned.
Median and Islands : Median and Islands shall be constructed in a manner
similar to shoulder up to the road level. Thereafter the median and islands, if
raised, shall be raised at least 300mm by using kerb stones of approved material
and dimensions and suitably finished and painted as directed by the Engineer. If
not raised, the median and islands shall be differentiated from the shoulder I
pavement as the case may be, as directed by the Engineer. The confined area of
the median and islands shall be filled with local earth or granular material or any
other approved material and compacted by plate compactor I power rammer.
The confined area after filling with earth shall be turfed with grass or planted with
shrubs and In case of granular fill it can be finished with tiles I slabs as directed
by the Engineer.
572.3.2.1 Brick I Stone Block Edging : The bricks I stone blocks shall be laid on the
edge, with the length parallel to the transverse direction of the road. They shall
be laid on a bed of 25mm sand, set carefully, rolled into position by a light roller
and made flush with the finished level of the pavement. .
572.3.2.2 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Works : The surface finish of
construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause600.cntrol on the quality
of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance with
Section 600.
572.3.2.3 Measurement for Payment: Shoulder (earthen I hard I paved), island and
median construction shall be measured as finished work in position as below:
a) For excavation in Cu. M.
b) For earthwork I granular fill in C~. M.
Page 146
Page 147
Page 148
Page 149
Reinforcing Element:
The reinforcing element shall be Geotextile, aluminium alloy strip, copper strip,
copper strip, carbon steel strip, mats of metal or synthetic grids, or any other
proprietary material which may be approved by the Engineer and indicated on
the drawings.
Geotextile : The material shall conform to Clause 260.
Aluminium alloy strip shall comply with BS:1470 quality 5454 in the H 24
Copper strip shall comply with BS:2870 quality C 101 or C 102 in the 1/2 H
condition and shall have 0.2 per cent proof stress of not less than 180 N/mm2
Carbon steel strip which shall be galvanized shall comply with BS:1449 (Part 1),
either quality KHR 34/20 P or quality 50/35 P, each having a silicon content of
not less than 0.25 per cent and not more than 0.40 per cent. The fabricated
element shall be galvanized in accordance with BS:729, and the average zinc
coating weight for any individual test area shall not be less than 1000 Gm 1 Sq.
Stainless steel strip shall comply with BS:1449 (Part 2) quality 316 S 31 or 3/6 S
33 except that the material shall be cold: rolled to provide a 0.2 per cent proof
stress of not less than 400 N 1 Sq. Mm. and the tensile strength shall not be less
than 540 N 1 Sq. M.
All metallic components buried in soil shall be of electrolytically compatible
Geogrids : The supply of geo-grids shall carry a certification of BIS or ISO 9002
for all works. While the reinforcing element for wall or slope portion shall be with
mono oriented Geo-grid, the reinforcement for the foundation of a reinforced
earth wall or slope shall be with bidirectionally oriented Geo-grid. For mono
oriented Geo-grid, the characteristic design tensile strength at a strain not
exceeding 10 per cent in 100 years shall be at least 40 KN 1 m when measured
as per GRI:GG3. The strength for bi-directionally oriented Geo-grid in the
longitudinal direction shall be at least 40 KN 1 m at a maximum elongation of 15
per cent. The Geo-grid shall be inert to all naturally occurring chemicals, minerals
and salts found in soil.
Earth Fill : The fill material fat reinforced earth structures shall have an angle of
interface friction between the compacted fill and the reinforcing element of not
less than 25C, measured in accordance with 18:1326 (Part 1). The soil should
be predominantly coarse grained; not more than 10 per cent of the particles shall
pass 75 micron sieve. The soil should have properties such that the salts in the
soil should not react chemically. or electrically with the reinforcing elements in an
adverse manner.
Facia Material:
The facing shall comprise of one of following:
i) Reinforced concrete (Cast in situ or precast) slabs
ii) Plain cement concrete form fill hollow block (Precast)
iii) Masonry construction, Rubble Facia
iv) Other proprietary and patented proven system
The facing shall be sufficiently flexible to withstand any deformation of the fill.
Facia unit joint filler should be durable resistant to the effect of air pollution and
water / saline water.
Bedding material shall consist of either cement mortar or a durable gasket
seating such as resin bonded cork strip.
Page 150
Connection between the facia and the reinforcing element shall be by using
polyethylene strips I rods, fibre glass dowels or any other material shown in the
drawing. Any other material used shall be tested to provide 100 per cent joint
strength as of parent element !n continuity.
Overlapping in principal reinforcement or in the joint shall ensure load transfer
through joints, perpendicular to the direction of laying.
Construction Details:
The plan area of the reinforced earth structure shall be excavated to provide a
nominally level base which may be stepped at the back as required to receive
the horizontal reinforcing element grid.
The depth of the foundation below the finished ground level at the foot of the
slope or wall shall not be less than 1000mm.
Additional strip footing, trough guide made of concrete or anchor key pad shall
be provided at founding level to receive the facia or the bottom most
reinforcement connection. This shall have adequate soil cover against erosion
and scour in particular cases.
Orientation : The reinforcing elements shall be placed at right angles to the face
of the wall, with greater cross-sectional dimension in the horizontal plane. The
placement of the elements including their vertical I horizontal spacing and length
shall be as in the drawing.
Facing Batter: It may be necessary to set facing unit at an additional batter than
as provided in the drawing as there is a tendency for initially positioned units of
facia to lean outward as the fill material is placed and compacted. Care and
caution shall be taken to rectify this phenomenon.
Drainage : Drainage shall be provided as per drawing given in detail. The
retained fill shall have a suitably designed drainage bay to allow free draining of
the reinforced fill.
Laying and Compacting : The reinforcing elements shall be laid free from all
kinks, damage and displacement during deposition, spreading, levelling and
compaction of the fill. The programme of filling shall be such that no construction
plant runs directly on the reinforcement. All construction plant having a mass
exceeding 1000 Kg shall be kept at least 1.5m away from the fact of slope or
wall. In this area (up to 1.5m from the face of slope or wall), following compaction
plant shall be used:
i) Vibratory roller having a weight per metre width of roll not exceeding 1300 Kg
with total weight not exceeding 10,000 Kg.
ii) Vibratory plate compactor of maximum weight 1,000 Kg.
iii) Vibro tamper having a weight not exceeding 75 Kg.
Compaction by any other method like using dozer or back blade ,- compaction by
dozer or excavator bucket shall be permitted with due approval from the
Engineer after ascertaining the level of compaction so achieved.
During construction of reinforced fill, the retained material beyond the
reinforcement at the rear or the structure shall be maintained at the same level
as reinforced fill.
The compacted layer shall not be more than 200mm, to achieve compaction of
95 per cent of maximum laboratory density where measured as per IS:2720 (Part
8). Temporary formwork shall be used to support the construction as per
specified details give in the drawing. The forms, scaffolding and props shall be
sufficient in numbers to allow taking up of a sectoral construction schedule
specified in the design. 590.6 Measurements for Payment: Measurement for
Page 151
reinforcing elements shall be in linear metre for anchor strips or in Sq. M. for geogrid I geotextile etc.
The measurement for facia shall be in Square Metres. The measurement for
foundation for facia and capping beam shall be in linear metres. Measurement
for compacted earthfill shall be in Cubic Metres for compacted soil.
Rates : Rate shall include cost of labour, plant hire, material storage and
handling expenses, for completing the works.
Rate for providing reinforcing elements shall include material cost, all
transportation costs and storage of the same as per special provisions. The rate
shall also include cost of laying of the reinforcing elements including all overlaps,
jointing or stitching, heat bonding or extension.
Rate for facia fixing shall include cost of joints, all necessary temporary
formwork, scaffolding and all lifts and leads, if any, as shown in the drawing,
unless otherwise specified to the treated separately along with foundation or
slope / wall kerb at the top of slope or wall. Rate for bed block and capping beam
shall include all items of excavation, concrete, reinforcing steel, formwork, labour
and equipment.
Rate for soil fill shall include compaction as desired in requisite layers through
mechanical means, cost of hire or labour for plant operations, dressing and
levelling slopes, including special measures for edge reinforcement as shown in
the drawing.
Page 152
Quality Control
General: All works performed shall conform to the lines, grades, cross-sections
and dimensions shown on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer subject to
the permitted tolerances described here-in-after.
Horizontal alignments : These shall be reckoned with respect to the centreline
of the carriageway as shown on the drawings. The edges of the carriageway .as
constructed and all other parallel alignments shall be correct within a tolerance of
+ 20 mm there from.
Longitudinal Profile: The levels of the sub-grade and different pavement
courses as constructed shall not vary from those calculated with reference to the
longitudinal and cross profile of the road shown on the drawings or as directed by
the Engineer, beyond the tolerances mentioned below:
20 mm.
Base course
10 mm.
Wearing Course
10 mm.
Provided, however, that the negative tolerances for wearing course shall not be
permitted in conjunction with the positive tolerance for base course if the
thickness of the former is thereby reduced by more than 6 mm. 613.0 Sub-Grade
and Pavement Courses Thickness Tolerance : The thickness tolerance for
constructed sub-base, base courses & wearing coats shall be as follows :
10 mm
Base course
Wearing Course
Rectification: Where the surface irregularity of sub-grade and the various
pavement courses falls outside the specified tolerances, the contractor shall be
liable to rectify these in the manner described below and to the satisfaction of the
Engineer .
Sub-grade: Where the surface is high it shall -be trimmed and suitably
compacted. Where the same is low, the deficiency shall be corrected by adding
fresh material. The degree of compaction and the type of material to be used
shall conform to the requirements of Clause 614.2.
Stabilised Sub-base: Where the surface is high, the same shall be suitably
trimmed while taking care that the material below is not disturbed due to this
operation. However, where the surface is low, the same shall be corrected as
described herein below.
When the time elapsed between detection of irregularity and the time of mixing is
less than 2 hours, the surface shall. be scarified to a depth of 50mm,
supplemented with freshly mixed material as necessary and recompacted to the
relevant specification. When this time is more than 2 hours, the full depth of the
layer shall be removed from the pavement and replaced with fresh material to
specification. In either case the area treated shall not be less than 5 metres long
by 2 metres wide.
Water Bound Layer: Where the surface is high or low, the top 75mm shall be
scarified, reshaped with added material as necessary and recompacted to clause
6. The area treated at a place shall be not less than 5 metres long and 2.0
metres wide.
Page 153
Page 154
Page 155
One Test / 200 Cu.M.
IV. Impact Value,
One test / 200 CU.M.
------------- do -------------resistance,
VI. Atterberg's limit on
passing 425
One test / 200 Cu.M.
micron sieve
Test on Bituminous Construction: The tests and their frequencies for the different
types of Bitumen mix construction shall be as given below in Table No.600.3.
Table No. 600.3
Type of
I. Quality of Binder
One / lot
One / 200Sq.M.
I. Quality of Binder
----------- do ------
V. Temp. of Application
Page 156
VIII. Soundness
x. Percentage of fractured
--------- do------
i. I to xii
I. i to iv and vi to xiv
As for B.M.
As directed by Engineer
As directed by Engineer
i. i to xii
Page 157
Initially on submission
thereafter daily if
site blended,
weekly if preblended
- do-
- do-
(iv) Ductility
- do-
- do-
Initially on submission
Page 158
(vii)Viscosity at 150C
- do-
- do -
Page 159
Table 600.4 Control Tests for Dense Graded Bituminous Mixes and their
Minimum Frequency
Number of samples per lot and tests as per
Quality of binder
IS, 73 or IRC:SP, 53
Aggregate impacl
One test per 350 ml of aggregate for each
value/Los Angeles
source and whenever there is change in the
Abrasion value
quality of aggregate
One lest per 350 m3 of aggregate for each
Flakiness index
source and whenever there is change in the
quality of aggregate
Soundness lest (Sodium
1 test for each source and whenever there is
and Magnesium
change in the quality of aggregate
Sulphate test)
Water absorption of
1 test for each source and whenever there is
change in the quality of aggregate
1 test for each source and whenever there is
Sand equivalent test
change in the.: quality of aggregate
1 test for each source and whenever there is
Plasticity Index
change in the: quality of aggregate
1 test for each source and whenever there is
Polished stone value
change in the quality of aggregate
Percent of fractured
One test per 350 m3 of aggregate when
crushed gravel is used.
One set for individual constituent and mixed
aggregate from dryer for each 400 tonnes of
Mix grading
mix subject to minimum of two tests per day
per plant
Stability and voids
3 tests for stability flow value. density and
analysis of mix including
void contents for each 400 tonnes of mix
theoretical maximum
subject to minimum of two tests per day per
specific gravity of loose
1 test for t:ach mix type whenever there is
Moisture Susceptibility of
change in the quality or source of coarse or
mix (AASHTO T283)
fine aggregate
Temperature of binder in
boiler,aggregate in dryer
At regular intervals
and mix at the time of
laying and compaction
One set for each 400 tonnes of mix subject
Binder content
10 minimum of two tests per day per plant
Rate of spread of mix
After every 5th truck load
Density of compacted
One test per 700 m2area
Table 600.5 Control Tests for Bituminous Macadam Work and Their Minimum
Page 160
Mix grading
Stripping (1S:6241)
Water sensitivity
Temperature of binder in
boiler, aggregate in dryer
and mix at the lime of laying
and compaction
At regular interval
Binder cement
Type of layer
At regular interval
One test per 700 m3 area
Unevenness, mm
CONTROLS (IRC 111 2009)
Surface Finish
The levels of the dense graded bituminous mixes shall not vary from
those calculated with reference to longitudinal and cross profile of the roads as per
the Contract beyond 6 mm provided that the negative tolerance shall not be
Page 161
permitted in conjunction with the positive tolerance for the base course if the
thickness of the former is thereby reduced by more than 6 mm.
For checking the compliance with the above requirement
measurements of the surface level shall be taken on a grid of points spaced 6.25
m along the length and 0.5 m from the edges and at the centre of the pavement.
The compliance shall be deemed to be met for the final road surface only if the
tolerance given above is satisfied for any point on the surface.
In case where surface levels fall outside the specified tolerance, the
Contractor shall be liable to rectify these by replacing the full depth of layer. In all
cases of replacement the area treated shall not be less than 5 m in length and not
less than 3.5 m in width.
Surface Evenness
The measurement and checking of surface unevenness shall be done
by a 3 m straight edge in accordance with the procedures in IRC:SP: 16.
The maximum permissible surface unevenness in longitudinal profile
shall be 6 mm for SDBC and 5 mm for BC. The maximum permissible unevenness
in transverse profile shall be 4 mm for both SDBC and BC
627.2.3 The maximum permissible frequency of surface unevenness in 300 m
length in longitudinal profile shall be as per Table 600.3.3
Where the surface unevenness falls outside the tolerance, in either
case i.e. the surface is low or high, the full depth of the layer shall be removed and
replaced with fresh material and compacted to the specification.
In all cases of removal and replacement the area treated shall not be
less than 5 m in length and 3.5 m in width.
Surface Roughness
Surface roughness shall be checked in accordance with procedures in
lRC:SP: 16.
The maximum permissible values of surface roughness measured with
a bump integrator are given in Table 600.3.4. Newly constructed surface are
expected 10 give roughness values corresponding to Good category. While the
Average and Poor categories indicate level of service and the intervention criteria
Acceptance Criteria
The acceptance criteria for test on density (N = 3 minimum) and
Marshall stability (N = 2 minimum) shall be subjected to the condition that the
mean value of N samples is not less than the specified value plus [1.65 - 1.65/(No.
of samples)O.5] x standard
Table 600.6 Maximum Permissible Frequency of Unevenness Maximum
Number of Surface Unevenness
MDR and
Type of Surface
Semi-Dense Bituminous
Bituminous Concrete
Table 600.7 Maximum Permissible Values of Roughness (mm/km) for Surface
with Dense Graded Bituminous Mixes
Condition of Road Surface (mm I km)
Type of Surface
Page 162
< 2500
< 2000
> 3500
Page 163
Quality Tests for Tack Coat and Prime Coat
In case of bitumen emulsion residue on 600 micron sieve, viscosity test and
storage stability tests shall be conducted at site. In case of cutback bitumen,
viscosity test, flash point test and residue test shall be conducted at site. In case of
paving grade bitumen, viscosity at 60C and 160C shall be determined.
Method of Test for Measurement of Spread of Binder for Prime Coat and
Tack Coat
Aluminum or other light metal tray of 200 mm x 200 mm size and 20 mm depth are
to be used. A set of three plates is essential for one test. All the plates are to be
weighed and numbered. These are placed at intervals of 10 m along the road in
path between wheels of bitumen distributor. After the distributor crosses a length of
50 m, trays are to be removed and wrapped in weighed polyethylene bags so that
these can be handled, stocked safely for further weighing in laboratory. The trays
shall be weighed to first place of decimal. Similarly, transverse distribution of liquid
bituminous material can be checked by placing three numbers of plates at interval
of 50 cm in the path of binder spraying equipment.
Page 164
Features of Hot Mix Plants & Pavers for Bituminous Construction:
Hot mix plant shall be of suitable capacity preferably of batch mix type. Total system
for crushing of stone aggregates arid feeding of aggregate fractions in required
proportions to achieve the desired mix, must be capable of meeting the overall
specification requirements under stringent quality control.
The plant shall have the following essential features:
A General
a) The plant shall have a coordinated set of essential units capable of producing
uniform mix as per the job mix formula.
b) Cold aggregate feed system with minimum 4 bins having bell conveyor
arrangement for initial proportioning of aggregates from each bin in the required
quantities. In order to have free flow of fines from the bin, bin should be titled with
vibrator to intermittently shake it.
c) Belt conveyers below each bin should have variable speed drive motors. There
should be electronic load sensor on the main conveyer for measuring the flow of
d) Dryer unit with burner capable of heating the aggregate to the required
temperature without any visible unburnt fuel or carbon residue on the aggregate and
reducing the moisture con lent of the aggregate to the specified minimum.
e) The plant shall be fitted with suitable type of thermometric instruments at
appropriate places so as to indicate or record/register the temperature of healed
aggregate, bitumen and mix.
f) Bitumen supply unit capable of heating, measuring/metering and spraying of
bitumen at specific temperature with automatic synchronization of bitumen and
aggregate feed in the required proportion.
g) A filler system suitable to receive bagged or bulk supply of filler material and its
incorporation to the mix in the correct quantity wherever required.
h) A suitable built-in dust control system for the dryer to contain/recycle permissible
fines into the mix. It should be capable of preventing the exhaust of fine dust into
atmosphere for environmental control wherever so specified by the Engineer.
i) The plant- should have centralized control panel cabin capable of presetting,
controlling / synchronizing all operations stating from feeding of cold aggregates to
the discharge of the hot mix to ensure proper quality of mix. It should have
indicators for any malfunClionit1g in the operation.
j) Every hot mix plant should be equipped with siren or horn so that the operator
may use the same before starting the plant every time in the interest of safety of
B For Batch Type Plant
i) Gradation control unit having minimum four decks vibratory screens for accurate
sizing of hot aggregate and storing them in separate bins. This unit should be fully
covered to reduce the maintenance cost and for better environmental condition.
ii) Proper arrangement for accurate weighing of each size of hot aggregate from the
control panel before mixing.
iii) Paddle mixer unit shall be capable of producing a homogeneous mix with uniform
coating of all particles or the mineral aggregate-with binder
C For Continuous Type Plant
Page 165
i) Gradation control unit having vibratory screens for accurate sizing of hot
aggregate and storing them in separate bins. This unit should be fully covered to
reduce the maintenance cost and for better environmental condition.
ii) There should be appropriate arrangement for regulating and volumetric condition
of the flow of hot aggregate from each bin to achieve the required proportioning.
iii) Paddle mixer unit shall be capable of producing a homogeneous mix with uniform
coating of all particles of the mineral aggregate with binder.
D For Drum Mix Plant
i) It is a prerequisite that only properly screened and graded materials are fed to the
bins. If required, a vibratory screening unit shall be installed at the plant site to
ensure the same. A primary 4-deck vibratory screening unit shall be installed before
the multiple bin cold feed system for screening the aggregates and grading the
ii) Belt conveyers below each bin should have variable speed drive motors. There
should be electronic' load sensor on the main conveyer for measuring the flow of
iii) There should be arrangement to measure moisture content of the aggregate(s)
so that moisture correction may be applied for working out requirements of binder
and filler.
E . Paver Finisher
The paver finisher shall have the following essential features:
a) Loading hoppers and suitable distributing mechanism.
b) All drives having hydrostatic drive/control.
c) The machine shall have a hydraulically extendable screed for appropriate with
d) The screed shall have tamping and vibrating arrangement for initial compaction to
the layer as it is spread without rutting or otherwise marring the surface. It shall have
adjustable amplitude and variable frequency.
e) The paver shall be equipped with necessary control mechanism so as to ensure
that the finished surface is free from surface blemishes.
f) The paver shall be fitted with an electronic sensing device for automatic levelling
and profile control within the specified tolerances.
g) The screed shall have an internal heating arrangement.
h) The paver shall be capable of laying either 2.5 to 4.0 m width or 4.0 to 7.0 m
width as stipulated in the Contract.
i) The paver shall be so designed as to eliminate skidding/slippage of the tyres
during operations.
Page 166
Outline of AASHTO T283, "Resistance of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures to
Moisture-Induced Damage"
A. Scope and Summary of Test Method
This method covers preparation of compacted bituminous mixtures and the
measurement of the change of diametral tensile strength resulting from the effects
of water saturation and laboratory accelerated stripping phenomenon with a
freeze-thaw cycle. The result may be used to predict long-term stripping
susceptibility of bituminous mixtures and evaluate liquid anti-stripping additives that
are added to bitumen or pulverized mineral materials such as hydrated lime, which
are added to the mineral aggregate.
Each Set of 6 compacted specimens is divided into two equal subsets. One subset
is tested in dry condition for indirect tensile strength. The other subset is subjected
to vacuum saturation and a freeze-thaw cycle (thawing in a hot water bath) before
testing for indirect tensile strength. Numerical indices of retained indirect tensile
strength properties are calculated from the test data obtained by testing the two
subsets :dry and conditioned.
B. Testing Equipment
I. Vacuum container, vacuum pump, manometer, and other accessories as
specified in ASTM D2041, "Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of
Bituminous Paving Mixtures".
2. Balance or scale accurate to 0.1 percent of the test load
3. Two water baths capable of maintaining temperatures of 60C 1C and 25C
4. Freezer maintained at - 18C 3C
5. 10-ml graduate cylinder
6. Loading jack ,and ring dynamometer (Marshall stability testing machine can be
used) to provide a vertical rate of deformation of 50 mm (2 inches) per minute and
capable of reading the maximum failure load
7. Steel loading Strips with a concave surface having a radius equal to the normal
radius of the test specimen. The loading strips shall be 12.7 mm (0.5 inch) wide for
specimens 100 mm (4 inches) in diameter. The loading strips for 150 mm (6
inches) diameter specimens shall be 19.05 mm (0.75 inch) wide. The length of the
loading strips shall exceed the thickness of the specimens. Steel strip are provided
at the top and bottom of specimens during indirect tensile testing.
C. Test Procedure
1. Make at least 6 compacted specimens for each mixture. 3 to be tested dry and 3
to be tested after partial saturation and moisture conditioning with a freeze-thaw
cycle. Some extra specimens will need to be made 10 establish compaction
procedures in order to obtain specified air void contents in the test specimens by
trial and error.
2. Compact the 6 specimens with a Marshall compactor so that the compacted
specimens have air voids of 7.0 0.5 percent. This level of high air voids can be
obtained by adjusting the number of Marshall blows applied on each side of the
specimen by trial and error (start at about 10 blows as a starting point). Air void
content must be calculated from the bulk specific gravity of the compacted
specimen (determined by saturated surface dry method as per procedure given in
Page 167
the Asphalt Institute MS-2) and the maximum theoretical specific gravity of the
loose bituminous mixture obtained by ASTM D2041.
3. Separate the 6 specimens into 2 subsets so that the average air voids of the two
subsets are approximately equal.
4. One set will be tested dry. Keep it at room temperature and then place in a 250C
0.50C water bath for 2 hours prior to determining their indirect tensile strength.
5. The other subset will be conditioned as follows:
a) Place and submerge the 3 specimens in the vacuum container filled with water
at room temperature. Apply a vacuum of 13-67 kPa absolute pressure (10-26
inches Hg partial pressure) for 30 minutes. Remove the vacuum and leave the
specimens submerged in water for 5 to 10 minutes. [Note: The water saturation
procedure noted above deviates from AASHTO T283, which obtains a specified
degree of saturation. The above procedure keeps the time of saturation constant:
b) Wrap a plastic film around each saturated specimen and place the wrapped
specimen in a plastic bag containing 10 ml of water and seal the plastic bag. Place
the plastic bag in a freezer at temperature of - 180C 30C for a minimum of 16
hours. Remove the specimens from the freezer.
c) Place the specimens in a water bath maintained at 600C 10C for 24 hours.
Remove the plastic bag and the plastic film from each specimen after placing the
specimens under water.
d) . Remove the specimens from hot water bath and place in a water bath
maintained at 250C 0.50C for 2 hours
e) Remove the conditioned specimens and test for indirect tensile strength.
6. Determine the indirect tensile strength of the 3 dry and 3 conditioned specimens
at 250C 0.50C after removing from water bath. First, measure their mean
thicknesses (t). Then place the two steel loading strips on the bottom and top of
the specimens across diameter and place in the Marshall testing machine or a
compression testing machine. Apply load to the specimens diametrally at a vertical
rate of 50 mm (2 inches) per minute.
7. Record the maximum compressive strength noted on the testing machine and
continue loading until a vertical crack appears in the specimen. Remove the
cracked specimen from the machine and visually estimate the approximate degree
of moisture damage (extent of stripped or bare aggregate) on the fractured faces of
the specimen on a scale of 0 to 5 (5 being the most stripping).
8. Calculate the tensile strength of each specimen as follows in SI units:
St = 2000 P/td
st= tensile strength. kPa
P = maximum loads, N
t = specimen-thickness, mm
d = specimen diameter. mm
9. Express the numerical index of resistance of bituminous mixture to the
detrimental effects of water as the ratio of the original strength that is retained after
accelerated moisture and freeze-thaw conditioning.
Calculate the tensile strength ratio (TSR) as follows:
Tensile strength ratio (TSR) =S2/S1
S1 = average tensile strength of the dry subset. kPa
Page 168
Page 169
Outline of ASTM D2041, "Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density
of Bituminous Paving Mixtures"
A. Scope and Summary of the Test Method
This test method covers the determination of the theoretical maximum specific
gravity and density of uncompacted bituminous paving mixtures at 25C. The
theoretical maximum specific gravity (Gmm) is used: (a) 10 calculate air voids in
compacted bituminous mixtures. (b) to calculate the amount of bitumen absorbed
by the aggregate, and (e) to provide target value for the compaction of paving
mixtures in the field.
A sample of loose paving mixture is placed in a tared vacuum vessel. Water at
25C is added to complete ly submerge the sample. A specified amount of vacuum
is gradually applied to remove the air bubbles entrapped between asphalt mix
particles. After the vacuum is released, the volume of the sample of the void less
paving mixture is obtained by either immersing the vacuum container with the
sample in a water bath and weighing or by filling the calibrated vacuum container
level full of water and weighing in air.
B. Testing Equipment
1. Container (either a or b below)
a) Vacuum bowls - Either a metal or plastic bowl with a diameter ranging from 180
10260 mm and a bowl height of at least 160 mm. The bowl shall be equipped
with a stiff, transparent cover fitted with a rubber gasket and a connection for
the vacuum line. The hose connection shall be covered with a small piece of
fine wire mesh to minimize loss of any fine material from the mix.
b) Vacuum flask for weighing in air only - A thick-walled volumetric glass flask
with a capacity of approx. 4000 ml, fitted with a rubber stopper with a connect
ion for the vacuum line. The hose connection shall be covered with a small
piece of fine wire mesh to minimize loss of any fine material from the mix .
2.Balance capable of being read to the nearest 0.1 gram. If weighing is to be done
under water. a suitable suspension arrangement shall be provided for weighing
the sample while suspended from the center of the balance.
3. Vacuum pump, capable of excavating air from the vacuum container to a
residual pressure of 4.0 kPa (30 mm of Hg) or less. Provide a suitable trap
between the pump and container to minimize water vapour entering the
vacuum pump
4. Residual pressure manometer or calibrated absolute pressure gauge with a
bleed valve to adjust the vacuum level.
5. Water bath capable of maintaining a constant temperature of 25 1C and
suitable for immersion of the suspended container.
C. Calibration of Containers
1. Bowls - Determine the mass (B) of the container immersed in water at 25 1 0C.
If the bowl is used for weighing in air place the volumetric lid on the bowl while
under water. Remove the water-filled bowl with the lid in place and dry prior to
determining the combined mass of the bowl, lid and water. Repeat 3 times and
average the 3 masses. Designate the average mass as D.
2. Flasks - Calibrate the volumetric flask by accurately determining the mass of the
flask filled with water at 25 1Co Use a glass cover plate to ensure the flask is
completely full.
D. Test Procedure
Page 170
I. Separate the particles of the loose paving mixture (while it is warm) by hand so
that the particles are not larger than about 6 mm. Don't fracture the aggregate.
Place the mix sample directly into the tared bowl or flask. Weigh the container
with the sample and designate the net mass of the sample only as A.[Note: The
minimum sample size shall be 1500g for mixes with nominal maximum
aggregate sizes of 12.5 mm or smaller; and shall be 2500g for mixes with
nominal maximum aggregate sizes from 19 to 25 mm]
2. Add sufficient water at 25C to cover the sample completely. Place the cover
(bowls) or stopper (flasks) on the containers.
3. Place the container with the sample and water on a mechanical agitation device
or agitate manually at frequent intervals (2 to 3 minutes). Begin removing
entrapped air by gradually applying vacuum and increasing the vacuum
pressure until the residual manometer reads 3.7 0.3 kPa (27.5 2.5 mm of
Hg). After achieving this level within 2 minutes, continue the vacuum and
agitation for 15 2 minutes. Gradually release the vacuum with the bleed valve.
4. Weighing in water - Suspend the bowl (without lid) and contents in water for 10
1 minutes and then determine mass. Designate the mass under water of the
bowl and sample as C
5. Weighing in air
a) Bowl- Submerge the bowl and sample slowly in the 25 1C water bath. Keep it
there for 10 1 minutes. Immerse the lid in water and slide it onto the bowl
without removing water from the bowl so that no ai r is trapped inside the bowl.
Remove the bowl with the lid in place from the water bath. Dry the bowl and lid
with a dry cloth. Determine the mass of the bowl, sample, and lid and designate
it as E.
b) Flask - Fill the flask slowly with water ensuring not to introduce any air into the
sample. Place the flask in water bath for 10 1 minutes to stabilize the
temperature aI 25C without submerging the top of the flask. Completely fill the
flask with water using a cover plate without entrapping air beneath the cover
plate. Wipe the exterior of the fl ask and cover plate. Determine the mass of the
flask, plate and its contents completely filled with water. Designate this mass as
6. Calculations
Calculate the maximum specific gravity of the sample of loose paving mixure as
a) Bowls Used Under Water Determination:
Gmm.=A / [A-(C-B)]
Gmm = maximum specific gravity of the mixture
A = mass of the dry sample in air. g
B = mass of bowl under water, g
C = mass of bowl and sample under water, g
b) Bowls in Air Determination:
Gmm.=A / (A+D-E)
Gmm = maximum specific gravity of the mixture
A = mass of the dry sample in air. g
D = mass of lid and bowl with water at 25C, g
Page 171
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