Introductory Biology FOR Engineers 3-0-2 4.0 SBL100: Course Template

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1. Department/Centre Schoolof BiologicalSciences

proposing the course
« 45 characters)
3. L-T-P structure 3-0-2
4. Credits 4.0
5. Course number SBL100
6. Status Core 100 1evelcourse in biologicalsciencesin thenew UG

(category for program)

I curriculum

Pre-requisites NIL
(course noJtitle)

8. Status vis-ii-vis other courses (oive course number/title)

8.1 Overlap with any UG/PG course of the Dept./Centre None
8.2 Overlap with any UG/PG course of other Dept./Centre None
8.3 Supercedesany existing course None
9. Not allowed for -N. A-
(indicate program names)

~ Frequency of offering I DEvery sem D1 st sem D2nd sem IZIEithersem

11. Faculty who will teach the course
A. Mittal, J. Gomes, B. Jayaram, B. Kundu, A. Chugh, C. S. Dey, M. Banerjee,
T. K. Chaudhuri, V. Perumal, S. E. Hasnain
12. Will the course require any visiting
I No
13. Course objective (about 50 words):
To introduce students to modem biology with an emphasis on evolution of
biology as a multi-disciplinary field, to make them aware of application of
engineering principles in biology, and engineering robust solutions inspired by
biological examples.
14. Course contents (about 100 words) (Include laboratory/design
Darwinian evolution & molecular perspective; Introduction to phylogeny -
Classification systems in biology and relationships; Cellular assemblies - From
single cell to multi-cellular organisms: Geometry, Structure and Energetics;
Comparing natural vs. human-made machines; Infection, disease and
evolution - synergy and antagonism; Immunology - A classic example of
permutations and combinations in biology; Cancer biology - Control and
regulation; Stem cells - Degeneracy in biological systems; Engineering
designs inspired by biology - Micro- to Macro- scales.
Laboratory: Biosafety; Buffers in biology - Measuring microlitres, Preparation of
standard biological buffers, buffering capacity and pKa of buffers,
biomolecules, whole cells and plant tissues in different buffering conditions;
Observing cell surface and intracellular contents using light and fluorescence
microscopy, real-time video microscopy of motile cells; Measuring and
visualizing intracellular molecular components - Proteins and Genomic DNA.
15. Lecture Outline (with topics and num/Jer of lectures)
Module Topic No. of
no. hours
1 Darwinian evolution, molecular perspective and classification, 3
Phylogenetic trees, study of inter- and intra- species relationships,
developmental BiolOQY
2 Cellular structure and function , cellular assembly and central dogma 6
of molecular Biology
3 Organismal physiology - Energy and energetic constraints 3
4 3D structure and function of large biological molecules 3
5 Technioues in biophysics and biochemistry 3
6 Immunology - Self vs. Non-self, pathogens, human immune system, 6
antigen- antibody reactions
7 Infectious disease Biologv and vaccines 4
8 Cancer biology, gene regulation, aging, apoptosis and stem cell 6
9 Environmental biosafetv, bioresources, biodiversity 2
10 Drug design 2
11 Engineering designs inspired by examples in biolOQY 2
12 Engineering aspects of some Nobel Prizes in Physiology and Medicine 2
& Chemistry I recent advances in Biology
COURSE TOTAL (14 times 'L') 42

16. Brief descriptionof tutorial activities

I-N.A. -

17. Brief descriptionof laboratory activities

Module Experiment description No. of
no. hours
1 Biosafety laboratory practices and bioloaical waste disposal 2
2 Buffers in biology, buffering capacity and pKa 2
3 Observing cell surface and intracellular contents using light and/or 2
fluorescence microscopy
4 Measuring mechanical strength of cells - osmolarity and elasticity of 2
bioloaical membranes
5 Protein and DNA isolation from plant cells, visualization of proteins 4
and DNA
6 Microbial culture - growth curve and enumeration methods 4
7 Basic molecular biology techniques - including isolation of bacterial 8
plasmids demos on Polymerase Chain Reaction and Restriction
Fragment Length Polymorphism
8 Mammalian and plant cell culture methods 4
COURSE TOTAL (14 times 'P') 28

18. Suggestedtexts and reference materials

STYLE: Author name and initials, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year.
Miko, I. & Lejeune, L., eds. Essentials of Genetics. Cambridge, MA: NPG Education, 2009.
O'Connor, C. M. & Adams, J. U. Essentials of Cell Biology. Cambridge, MA: NPG Education,
Warson JD, Baker, TA, Bell SP, Gann A, Levin M, Losick R, Molecular Biology of the Gene,
Pearson Education, 2004.

Reference Texts

Dawkins, R. The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence For Evolution, Bantam Press,
Transworld Publishers, Random House Group, London, 2009.
Dawkins, R. The Blind Watchmaker, W. W. Norton & Co., NY, 1996.
Watson, J. D. The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the
Structure of DNA (Copyright © 1968, 1996 by James D. Watson), Simon &
Schuster Inc., first Touchstone Edition (2001).

19. Resources required for the course (itemized & student access requirements, if any)
19.1 Software No
19.2 Hardware Student owned computers/laptops
19.3 Teaching aides (videos etc.) Projector
19.4 Laboratorv Yes
19.5 Equipment Yes- Standard biology laboratory equipment (e.g.
micropipettes, glassware, weighing balances,
magnetic stirrers, spectrophotometers, electrophoresis
apparatuses for DNA and protein gels, Microscopes
with camera etc.)
19.6 Classroom infrastructure Yes
19.7 Site visits No

20. Design content of the course (Percent of student time with examples, if possible)
20.1 Desian-tvoe oroblems 0
20.2 Open-ended problems 20% (comparison of organismal
ohvstolouies/structures and mornhoqenesls)
20.3 Project-type activity 0
20.4 Open-ended laboratory work 0
20.5 Others (please soeofv) 0


Date: March 26, 2013 (Signature of the Head ~ Department)

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