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CLIL Unit 1

Focus on ICT: Using the internet for 5 The top three search results returned by a
search engine are always the most useful.
research and presentations 6 Wherever possible, check the dates on the
domain name plagiarism websites you use to make sure that the
search engine search term source information is current and up-to-date.
7 It’s useful to check more than one internet
1 Complete the sentences with the words from the source when you are researching a topic so you
box. find out about different viewpoints.
8 If a website contains lots of grammar errors and
1 A ___________ is a computer program used for
searching for information. broken links, then it’s probably still a reliable
2 When you are looking for something online, you
enter a ___________ and you will see a list of links 4 Choose a topic that you are interested in but
to websites where the information can be found. don’t know much about. Research it on the
internet. Evaluate the different sources and
3 ___________ is copying somebody else’s work and prepare a short presentation for the class. If you
pretending it is your own. can’t think of a topic, choose one of these:
 the history of rugby
4 A ___________ is a string of letters or numbers that  the best novel in the English language
identifies a particular type of website.  the causes of global warming
 the fastest way to learn a musical instrument
5 When you use information from online research, you
 the most influential city in the world
must quote your ___________ – the website where
you found it originally.
Did you know?
2 Match the website domain names (1–6) to the The Google search engine has a tool that sorts
websites (A–F). pages according to reading level.
1 .gov A educational  Search for a term on Google.
2 .edu / B non-government  Click on ‘Search Tools’.
3 .net C international organization  Click ‘All Results’.
 Select ‘Reading Level’ and then ‘Basic’,
4 .org D business ‘Intermediate’ or ‘Advanced’ to filter the
5 .int E government results.
6 .com / F network

3 Do you agree or disagree with these statements

about doing research on the internet? Discuss
with your partner and explain your answers.
Rewrite the statements that you disagree with
and explain why you disagree.
1 Everything you read on the internet is true.
2 Think carefully about what keywords you search
for – the more specific your search terms, the
more useful and relevant the results will be.
3 It can be useful to use more than one search
engine to access different resources.
4 Find the primary sources wherever possible: for
example, if a newspaper interview is quoted
widely, try to find the original article to see the
quotations in context.

CLIL Unit 2
Focus on Maths and Physics: Mass, force and velocity
1 Choose the correct option.
1 The mass / gravity / velocity of an object is expressed in kilograms.
2 If an object is displaced / dense / pointed, then it has a very big mass for its size.
3 A force / mass / shape is an influence on an object that makes it change in movement or shape.
4 If an object accelerates / decelerates / is stationary, it starts to move less quickly.
5 If an object accelerates / decelerates / is stationary, it starts to move more quickly.
6 Gravity / Density / Velocity is another word for speed.

2 Read the sentences about Newton’s laws. Then match three of the laws to the diagrams that represent them
below. Which law is not represented?
1 Isaac Newton’s first law of motion states that objects stay in the same position or continue to move at a constant
velocity unless a force is applied to them.
2 Isaac Newton’s law of gravity states that objects accelerate towards the ground as a result of the turning of the
3 Isaac Newton’s second law of motion states that the greater the force applied to an object, the greater the
4 Newton's third law of motion states that when two objects interact, they exert forces on each other.

1 ____________________ 2 ____________________ 3 ____________________

3 Match the two halves of the quotations attributed to Isaac Newton. Discuss with a partner what you think
Isaac Newton meant by each quotation.
1 If I have seen further than others, A what we don't know is an ocean.
2 I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, B but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion.
3 What we know is a drop, C it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
4 Gravity explains the motions of the planets, D not follow them.
5 You have to make the rules, E but not the madness of people.

4 Find out more about Isaac Newton’s discoveries. Do research and write short answers to these questions.
Compare them with a partner.
1 What’s an example of Isaac Newton’s third law of motion?
2 What was his work the Principia about and why was it important?
3 What area of Mathematics did he invent? What subjects and areas is this type of Mathematics used in?
4 How did he contribute to the world of astronomy?

CLIL Unit 3
4 Work with a partner to complete the mind map
Focus on Design and Technology: with as many materials as you can think of.
1 Write the words from the box under the correct

ceramic cotton glass

rubber steel wool

1 ________________ 2 ________________

5 Imagine that you and your partner are product

3 ________________ 4 ________________ designers. Think of a new product for the home
or the classroom. What problem does your
product solve? What material will you use to
make it and why? Write a sales presentation and
present your product to buyers from a
department store (your class!). When you have
heard all of the presentations, vote to decide
which product you would buy.
5 _________________ 6 ________________
This amazing new product is for the …
2 Match the words (1–5) to their opposites (A–E).
You’re going to love this product because …
It solves the problem of …
1 transparent A a good conductor
It’s made of / from …
2 natural B flexible
We chose this material because it’s …
3 a good insulator C synthetic
We designed this product so that it …
4 rigid D permeable
We believe this product will be very successful
5 waterproof E opaque
because …
We’re happy to answer any of your questions.
3 Work with a partner. Discuss what materials are
used to make the items in the box and why we
use them. In your discussion, use the materials
from exercise 1 and your own ideas. Explain
why these materials are used using words from
exercise 2.

boots cups jumpers

knives, forks and spoons (cutlery)
saucepans windows window frames
We often use metals such as steel, copper and
aluminium to make saucepans because they’re
good conductors of heat, rigid and waterproof.

CLIL Unit 4
3 Write the people from exercise 2 in the correct
Focus on History: The Middle Ages position on the feudal system pyramid.

1 Solve the clues to complete the crossword.


3 agricultural plot of land attached to a house 4 Discuss this statement with a partner. Do you
4 person who served the king as a soldier agree or disagree? Explain your opinions.
5 houses and land given to a baron by the king “The feudal system was fair because
Down everyone in the pyramid depended on
1 peasant in the lowest class in a feudal system those above and below them in some
way. For example, the serfs worked for
2 nobleman who held a title from the king the knights. In return, the knights gave the
4 male ruler of a kingdom serfs somewhere to live and work.”

2 Complete the sentences with the words from the 5 Work in groups of four: Students A, B, C and D.
box. Then identify the person. Research what life was like for different people
in the Middle Ages. Think about how people
kingdom manor own used to live: their homes, family life, diet,
rent rule taxes (x2) village clothes and daily routine. Write three true
sentences and one false sentence.
1 I’m one of the richest people in the Student A: write about life as a king.
Student B: write about life as a baron.
country and I live in a ______ house. I provide
Student C: write about life as a knight.
money and men for the army. I receive ______ as Student D: write about life as a serf.
payment for permission to live on my land. I’m a
2 I’ve fought to protect our country. I ______________________________________
receive ______ from the poor people who work ______________________________________
on the land. I’m a ______. ______________________________________
3 I live in a small ______. I work on the Report back to your group and read out your
land, growing food and helping to build castles. I sentences. Ask the other students in your group
have to pay ______ for the food I grow. I’m a to guess which sentence is false.

4 I ______ all of the land in the country and

control my whole ______. I was born to ______
my people. I’m the ______.

CLIL Unit 5
3 Do research to answer these questions. Use
Focus on Arts and Literature: your research to write a summary. Compare it with
a partner. Can you add any extra information to
The history of theatre your summary?

1 Read the speeches from four people who come 1 What was the theatre like in Spain during the
from different periods in history. Then complete Middle Ages?
them with the correct form of the words. 2 Why is the period 1590 to the end of the 1600s
known as the Golden Age of Spanish theatre?
actor comedy play playwright
production satire spectator tragedy 3 Who are the most important Spanish playwrights
from this period? What are their most famous
A I love to go to The Globe theatre. My
favourite (1) ___________ is William
Shakespeare – I particularly like the
(2) ___________ that he writes because I love
funny plays!

B In our town, we have an open-air

amphitheatre on the hill. There’s room for
thousands of (3) ___________ on the stone
seats. I like watching the political
(4) ___________ because they comment on the
people who rule our country. And I also like the
(5) ___________. I enjoy watching sad stories
from mythology. 4 Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss these
1 What type of plays do you enjoy?
2 Have you ever seen any plays written during the
C I love West End musicals because they are Golden Age? What did you think?
such amazing, colourful (6) ___________! 3 What’s the best play you’ve ever seen? Why did
Tickets are expensive so I only go on special you like it so much?
occasions. 4 What do you think a play needs to be

5 Read the statements. What is your opinion?

D Travelling (7) _________ come to our town Have a class debate. Use the phrases to help
sometimes and perform miracle
(8) ___________, which tell stories about saints “The theatre is an old-fashioned form of
expression that has no relevance in
and from the Bible. The last one I saw was
today’s world. It is therefore a waste of
about St. Nicholas. time to study plays at school.”

I agree / disagree with this statement because…

Personally, I believe that… / I propose that…
2 Match the speakers from exercise 1 with the
period in history that they come from. I would like to put forward the argument that…
Speaker A 1 Ancient Greece Firstly… Secondly…
Speaker B 2 medieval times There are many examples of this. For instance…
Speaker C 3 16th/17th century So, to sum up… / In conclusion…
Speaker D 4 modern times You’re absolutely right. / That’s a good point.
I’m afraid I don’t agree. / I have to disagree with you

CLIL Unit 6

Focus on Biology: Immunity

3 Guess if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
Then do research to check if you guessed
1 Complete the sentences with the words from the correctly.

antibodies bacteria fever 1 Some people have little to no immune system. __

immune system inflammation
symptom vaccination 2 The earliest reference to immunity was over two
white blood cells millennia ago. __

1 ________________ are substances that kill a 3 There is no link between sleep and how healthy
specific disease and make us immune from it in your immune system is. __
the future.
4 Around the world, death rates from measles fell by
2 ______________, also known as leukocytes,
74% from 2000 to 2010 thanks to vaccination
circulate in the blood and body fluids. They programmes. __
defend the body against infectious diseases.
3 A _______________ is a small amount of a 4 Do research to find out more about
disease, which is inserted into our bodies to vaccinations.
protect us from the real disease. 1 How exactly do vaccinations work?
4 The ________________ refers to all the parts of 2 Why are they such an important part of
the body that work together to fight infection. medicine?
5 When you have a/an _______________, your 3 What are the most common vaccinations given
temperature is very high, your body shivers and to children and teenagers?
you often have a headache. 4 Find out about the first vaccination ever given.
6 A _______________ is the sign of a disease, 5 What does the word ‘eradicated’ mean in terms
which a patient feels. of a disease? Have any diseases been
7 The condition where a part of the body becomes completely eradicated by vaccination?
red, hot, swollen and painful is called
5 Use your research to write a health leaflet that
will be given out to teenagers about
8 ______________ are micro-organisms, usually vaccinations. Your leaflet should explain:
with one cell.
 how vaccination works and why it is so
2 Match the questions (1–4) with the answers important.
(A–D) below.  which vaccinations are recommended
1 How can you tell that your body is fighting off an specifically for teenagers and why.
infection? __  where teenagers can get their
vaccinations done.
2 What is adaptive immunity? __
 possible side effects of vaccinations.
3 What part does the skin play in the immune
system? __ Use the phrases to help you.
4 Why do doctors sometimes have to suppress the
immune system? __ Vaccination is important because …
It’s vital to …
A You experience symptoms such as fever or The best way to protect yourself is to …
inflammation. Remember that …
B It stops germs from getting inside the body. Don’t forget to …
C So that they can introduce foreign bodies into You will need …
the body, for example during blood transfusions You might feel / experience …
or organ transplants. For more information, go to …
D It is a form of immunity that you develop over the
course of your life following infections and

CLIL Unit 7
Focus on Geography: The food chain and ecosystems
1 Match the two halves of the sentences.
1 A carnivore eats A primary consumers.
2 A herbivore eats B meat.
3 An omnivore eats C producers.
4 A producer makes D plants.
5 A primary consumer eats E secondary consumers.
6 A secondary consumer eats F both meat and plants.
7 A tertiary consumer eats G food using earth, heat and water.

2 Do the quiz with a partner.

Rainforest Quiz
How much do you know about the Amazon rainforest? Let’s find out!

1 Since 2000 an area of rainforest the size of 50 3 Which of the following is a rainforest producer?
football pitches has been destroyed every … a banana tree
a minute. b snake
b hour. c hummingbird
c day. d bee
d week.

2 The Amazon rainforest is home to … different plant 4 Which of the following is not a rainforest herbivore?
species. a howler monkey
a 400 b iguana
b 4,000 c vampire bat
c 40,000 d three-toed sloth
d 400,000

3 Work with a partner. Write the words from the box in the correct part of the food chain. Take it in turns to
describe the food chain.

caterpillar fox bird leaves The … is eaten by the … The … eats the …

Producer Primary consumer Secondary consumer Tertiary consumer

1 _______ 2 _______ 3 _______ 4 _______

4 Do research on an ecosystem from the box. It could be in Spain or another country. Find out about the main
producers and consumers in this ecosystem. Choose one food chain within it and write it in the boxes
below. Then tell the rest of the class about the ecosystem and the food chain. Use the phrases to help you.

forest desert mountain marine

Producer Primary consumer Secondary consumer Tertiary consumer

1 _______ 2 _______ 3 _______ 4 _______

I have chosen … because … The … is eaten by …

At the top / bottom of the chain is the … The secondary consumer preys on …
The producer makes food by … The primary consumer feeds on / is hunted by …

CLIL Unit 8
Focus on Geography: Urban centres
1 Complete the sentences with words from the box.

public services rural areas standard of living population urban areas urbanization
1 The _________________ of an area is all the people living there.
2 _________________ are in the countryside.
3 _________________ are in towns and cities.
4 Healthcare, education and transport are all examples of _________________.
5 The _________________ is the level of comfort that people have in their everyday lives.
6 _________________ is when people move from the country to live in towns or cities.

2 Look at the graph and choose the correct option in the text.

The population of Spain over the last 50 years has

followed worldwide trends towards urbanization
because the (1) urban / rural population has risen
and the (2) urban / rural population has fallen. In
1960, 56.6 % of the population lived in (3) urban /
rural areas. This number has (4) fallen / risen
steadily and reached (5) 77.4% / 97.4% in 2011. In
contrast, the population in (6) rural / urban areas
was 43.4% in (7) 1960 / 2011 and decreased to
(8) 32.3% / 22.6% in 2011.

3 Answer the questions with a partner.

1 Why do you think people move from rural areas to urban areas?
2 What effect do you think a reduced population has on rural areas?
3 What effect do you think an increased population has on urban areas?
4 Where would you rather live and why?

4 Do research and make notes on a city in Spain that has problems because it has a very large population.
Think about housing, traffic, crime and increased demand on public services, such as transport, healthcare
and education. Find out about what the authorities are doing to try to solve the problems. Do you think the
solutions are working? Write a report about your findings. Use these phrases to help you.

This report focuses on … In my opinion … / In my view …

The population of this city is … It is a fact that … It is clear that …
This city has experienced problems related to … This report recommends that …
Increased demand on … has resulted in … Taking these points into consideration, I
The authorities such as … have tackled this problem by … recommend that …
The efforts of the authorities have been successful / have In conclusion, … / To sum up, …
had limited success / have failed because …
CLIL Unit 9
Focus on Science: Sound and hearing
1 Match the two halves of the sentences.
1 Sound is A a high frequency (lots of waves per second).
2 Frequency is B the number of times a sound wave repeats per second and is
3 High-pitched sounds have measured in hertz.
4 Low-pitched sounds have C the loudness or softness of a sound and is measured in decibels.
5 Volume is D caused by vibrations and travels in waves.
6 Amplitude is E the maximum extent of a sound wave.
F a low frequency (a few waves per second).

2 Label the diagrams of sound waves with the words from the box.
frequency high pitch high volume low pitch low volume amplitude

3 _______ 4 _______ 5 _______ 6 _______

3 What’s the loudest sound? Write the words from the box in the correct place on the scale below.

a crying baby whispering a plane taking off a normal conversation normal breathing a live concert

Quietest Loudest
10 decibels 30 decibels 60 decibels 110 decibels 120 decibels 140 decibels
1 _______ 2 _______ 3 _______ 4 _______ 5 _______ 6 _______

4 Follow the instructions to carry out an experiment to see if you can change the pitch of sound. Then write
up your experiment using the plan and phrases below.
You will need: an empty plastic bottle and some water.
1 Put a little water into a plastic bottle and blow gently across the top of it until you make a sound. Remember this
sound. Is it low-pitched or high-pitched? Record your observations.
2 Add some more water to the bottle and blow again. Is the sound the same? How has the sound changed?
3 Keep adding water and making new sounds.

Equipment: … Aim: To find out how …

Method and observations: Conclusions:
I conducted an experiment to find out … The experiment shows that …
When I put / blew / added … It can be shown that …
I observed / noticed that … This demonstrates that …
This was because …
Starter Extra Practice
Vocabulary 1
Collective nouns

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Complete the text with the correct singular or plural form of the
1 My class is / are very sporty.
be hang have not practise play practise
2 Some of the students plays / play rugby.
Manchester United Football Club (1) ......................... over 140 years old.
3 The rugby team is / are very good.
4 The team has / have a match every Saturday. The team (2) ......................... home matches at Old Trafford stadium,
which has 75,000 seats. Some people in my class (3) .........................
5 My family loves / love watching rugby.
season tickets and never miss a home game. The team
6 A group of my friends watches / watch me play every week.
(4) ......................... at Old Trafford. It (5) ......................... at a special
2 ** Complete the sentences with the correct singular or plural form of
the verbs in brackets. training centre south of Manchester. A group of fans often
(6) ......................... out near the entrance, hoping to see the players when
1 My family ......................... (have) a company that makes computers.
2 The company ......................... (sell) computers all over the world. they arrive or leave by car.

3 Some people in the company ......................... (work) in other countries.

4 My family moves to different countries a lot. At the moment, we
......................... (be) in Houston in the USA.
5 A lot of students at my school ......................... (come) from other
6 The school ......................... (teach) us about American life.

Student’s Book Starter 1

Starter Extra Practice
Grammar 1
Present simple

1 * Match 1–6 to A–F. 3 *** Complete the dialogue with the correct present simple form of the
verbs in brackets.
1 It ..... A don’t live in the city.
Lizzie Who (1) ........................ (be) next to you in that photo?
2 My friends ..... B like surfing?
Kate My cousin, Simon. He (2) ........................ (not live) in the
3 I ..... C are usually busy.
UK anymore. His family (3) ........................ (live) in Melbourne
4 Where does ..... D they go to the cinema?
in Australia now.
5 Do you ..... E doesn’t rain often.
Lizzie Cool! (4) ........................ (he / like) living there?
6 How often do ..... F your cousin go to school?
Kate Yes, he (5) ........................ (love) it because of all the
2 ** Complete the dialogue with the words.
outdoor activities there.
are do has have Is is play plays
Lizzie How often (6) ........................ (you / speak) to him?
Chris Aidan, this is Brad from Ottawa in Canada. Kate Not very often, but he (7) ........................ (write) a weekly
Aidan Hi, Brad. (1) ........................ you here on holiday? blog about his life in Australia. A lot of people
Brad No, I play lacrosse and my team (2) ........................ in the UK (8) ........................ (read) it actually.
for a summer camp. Lizzie (9) ........................ (be) it interesting to read?
Aidan Really? (3) ........................ lacrosse popular in Canada? Kate Yes, it is, and it always (10) ........................ (have) lots of
Brad Yes, it is. A lot of people (4) ........................ it. It’s the great photos, too.
Canadian national sport.
Aidan Well, Chris loves it. He (5) ........................ it three times a
week. How often (6) ........................ you play?
Brad My team (7) ........................ lacrosse practice twice a week
and we usually (8) ........................ a match on Saturdays.

Student’s Book Starter 2

Starter Extra Practice
Vocabulary 2

1 * Which clothes do people often wear for these situations? Complete 3 *** Answer the questions.
the table with the words. Use each word only once.
What do you wear when you go to school?
hat hoodie jeans sandals shirt shoes shorts trainers
trousers When I go to school, I wear a blue skirt, a white shirt, black socks and
black shoes.
at school at the beach in at the weekend in
1 What do you usually wear to go to a party?
summer winter
.......................... hat ..........................
.......................... .......................... ..........................
2 What do you usually wear when you do sport?
.......................... .......................... ..........................
2 ** Complete the sentences with the words. 3 What do your parents wear for work?
boots cap cardigan dress .................................................................................................................
leggings socks sweatshirt T-shirt
1 People don’t usually wear any ........................ with sandals. 4 Are there any clothes that you only wear in winter? Why?
2 I usually wear a baggy ........................ or top in warm weather. .................................................................................................................
3 You don’t wear shoes to go skiing; you wear ski ........................ . .................................................................................................................
4 We can’t wear a jacket inside our school. If we’re cold, we can wear a 5 What do you usually wear in summer? Why?
........................ or a ........................ over our shirt. .................................................................................................................
5 Women often get married in a long, white ........................ . .................................................................................................................
6 On the beach, I wear a ........................ to keep the sun out of my eyes.
7 My sister wears a top and ........................ to her dance class.

Student’s Book Starter 3

Starter Extra Practice
Grammar 2
Present continuous

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Complete the questions with the present simple or present
continuous. Then answer the questions, giving as much information
1 ‘Is / Are Rachel studying?’ ‘No, she aren’t / isn’t.’ as possible.
2 ‘What ’s / are Max doing?’ ‘He ’re / ’s watching TV.’ What / you / wear / today?
3 ‘Am / Are you wearing sandals?’ ‘Yes, I am / ’m not.’ What are you wearing today?
4 Laura not / isn’t singing. She ’s / ’re dancing. Today I’m at school, so I’m wearing my school uniform. I’m wearing a
5 We aren’t / isn’t swimming. We ’re / ’s sitting on the beach. white shirt, a blue cardigan, black trousers, black shoes and socks and a
6 ‘What are / is your parents doing?’ ‘They ’s / ’re working.’ grey jacket.

2 ** Complete the dialogue with the correct present continuous form of 1 What / you / do / right now?
the verbs.
Aziz Hi, Lorna! What (1) ......................... you ......................... (do)? .................................................................................................................
Lorna I (2) ......................... (try) to study, but it’s very noisy here. 2 What / you / usually / do / at weekends?
Aziz Why? (3) ......................... you ......................... (listen) to .................................................................................................................
music? .................................................................................................................
Lorna No, I’m not. It’s my brother, Ben. He (4) ......................... (play) 3 What / your parents / do / at the moment?
his trumpet very loudly. My parents (5) ......................... (make) .................................................................................................................
a lot of noise, too. .................................................................................................................
Aziz (6) ......................... they ......................... (watch) that music 4 What / they / normally / do / in the evenings?
programme on TV? .................................................................................................................
Lorna Yes, they are. They (7) ......................... (sing), too. It’s terrible! .................................................................................................................

Student’s Book Starter 4

1 What's new? Extra Practice
1.1 Vocabulary
Opposite verbs

1 * Complete the opposite verbs. 3 *** Complete the sentences with the correct verb.

1 arrive l..................... 1 We didn’t ........................ at his joke because it wasn’t funny.

2 lose f..................... 2 You don’t shout in the library, you ........................ .
3 ask a..................... 3 What time did you ........................ the party last night?
4 begin f..................... 4 I ........................ my homework before I watch TV.
5 sit s..................... 5 Can you ........................ the shopping bags from the floor, please?
6 give t..................... 6 I find it difficult to ........................ mobile phone numbers. They have
too many digits!
2 ** Choose the correct option.

1 I laughed / cried when I read that book. It was so sad.

2 Your phone is ringing. Are you going to ask / answer it?
3 Be careful! Don’t pick up / drop your phone on the floor!
4 Can you hear / see the birds singing outside?
5 I didn’t do well in the test because I forgot / remembered a lot of the
6 Where are my glasses? I can’t lose / find them anywhere.

Student’s Book 1.1 Unit 1 1

1 What's new? Extra Practice
1.1 Grammar
Past simple: regular and irregular verbs

1 * Complete the table with R (Regular) or I (Irregular) for the verbs. 2 ** Complete the text with the correct past simple form of the verbs.
Then write the affirmative and negative past simple form.
arrive begin find laugh leave not ask whisper
R or I Affirmative Negative
Yesterday afternoon, I went to the cinema with my friend, Eva. We arrived
1 answer
a little late, so we quickly went into Screen D – the assistant
2 finish
(1) ........................ to see our tickets. We (2) ........................ some seats
3 give
at the back and (3) ........................ to watch the film. A few minutes later,
4 lose
Eva (4) ........................ to me that it was the wrong film! (5) ............ we
5 sit
................... and go to the right Screen? No, we decided to stay. It was a
6 take
comedy so we (6) ........................ a lot!

3 *** Write about two occasions when something went wrong. Describe
when and where it happened and what you did. Use affirmative and
negative forms.

Last Monday, I left the house late and I dropped my bag in the street. I
picked up my things, but I didn’t find my bus ticket and I missed the bus. I
didn’t remember that the ticket was in my pocket. I found it later!

Student’s Book 1.1 Unit 1 2

1 What's new? Extra Practice
1.2 Vocabulary
Adjectives: feelings

1 * Match adjectives 1–6 to situations A–F. 3 *** Answer the questions.

1 tired ..... A before an important exam What time of day do you feel energetic?

2 bored ..... B when someone uses your bike without asking I feel energetic when I get up in the morning. I don’t feel energetic at night.

3 scared ..... C when there’s nothing interesting to do 1 Which activity makes you feel calm and relaxed?
4 nervous ..... D after a busy day
5 calm ..... E during a horror film .................................................................................................................
2 Do you usually feel positive after an exam? Why? / Why not?
6 angry ..... F reading a book in a library
2 ** Complete the adjectives.
1 I felt l _ _ _ _ _ because there was nobody to talk to.
3 What makes you nervous?
2 Cara is e _ _ _ _ _ _ because it’s her birthday tomorrow.
3 Colin loves climbing mountains. He’s so e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
4 I always feel r _ _ _ _ _ _ after a long bath.
4 When did you last feel surprised? What happened?
5 We were s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to see Harry. We thought he was on holiday.
6 Dan works hard so I’m p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that he’ll pass all his exams.
5 Do you ever get bored when you’re at home? What do you do?
6 When did you last feel excited? Why?

Student’s Book 1.2 Unit 1 3

1 What's new? Extra Practice
1.2 Grammar
(there) was / were

1 * Complete the sentences with was, wasn’t, were or weren’t. 3 *** Write about a past event. Use the ideas in the box to help you.
Use (there) was / were and the past simple.
1 There ........................ over a hundred people at the party. ()
event feelings location number of people things to see / do
2 I ........................ nervous before the exam. ()
3 What ........................ the ride like? () There was a food festival in my town last week. It was in the main square.
4 The singers ........................ in the street. ()
5 The tortoise ........................ real. () ...................................................................................................................
6 Were there any dogs? No, there ........................ . ()
2 ** Complete the dialogue with the correct past simple form of be.
Joe You weren’t at home last week. Where (1) .........................
Keira I (2) ......................... at the Edinburgh International Film
Festival with some friends.
Joe Really? (3) ......................... it good?
Keira Yes, it (4) ......................... . There (5) ......................... so many
films to see. My favourite one (6) ......................... English; it
was American.
Joe (7) ......................... there any famous actors in it?
Keira No, but they were all great! It was an action film so we
(8) ......................... bored at any point.

Student’s Book 1.2 Unit 1 4

2 Lost and found Extra Practice
2.1 Vocabulary

1 * Complete the materials. 3 *** Choose the correct option.

1 a g l _ s s ornament One evening last summer, I had a barbecue on the beach with my family.
2 a c _ t t _ n shirt Dad carried all the food and drink from the car in a big (1) ceramic / wool
3 a p l _ s t _ c ruler / cardboard box. I was wearing a (2) leather / glass / paper jacket and I
4 a m _ t _ l chair had a blanket made of (3) gold / wood / wool to keep warm. It was still
5 a p _ p _ r cup quite cold, so we walked along the edge of the sand and found some
6 a c _ r _ m _ c plate pieces of (4) gold / wood / leather for a fire. While the fire was burning,
we played a game with a small (5) rubber / metal / cotton ball.
2 ** Complete the sentences with the words.
cardboard gold leather rubber wood wool Unfortunately, while my mum was throwing it, she lost her beautiful
(6) silver / cardboard / paper wedding ring. We spent ages looking for it
1 This jumper is 50% ......................... and 50% acrylic.
in the sand, but all we found was a small piece of a (7) cotton / rubber /
2 I always wear ......................... gloves to do the washing-up.
ceramic plate. Fortunately, a man came along with a (8) metal / glass /
3 Breakfast cereal comes in a ......................... box.
silver detector and he found the ring quite quickly. What a relief!
4 That chair is made from a strong ......................... called teak.
5 Mallorca is famous for its ......................... bags and shoes.
6 The ......................... watches are more expensive than the silver ones.

Student’s Book 2.1 Unit 2 1

2 Lost and found Extra Practice
2.1 Grammar
Past continuous

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Complete the dialogue with the correct past continuous form of
Arthur What (1) was / were you doing at 8.30 p.m. last night? the verbs.

Tom I (2) was / were watching a scary film. do hold hope look not take ride talk

Arthur (3) Was / Were you sitting on your own? Paul I was riding my bike yesterday afternoon when I saw Ben on
Tom No, I (4) wasn’t / weren’t. My sister was with me, but she the other side of the field.
(5) wasn’t / weren’t watching the film. She (6) was / were Sara Really? What (1) ................. he .................?
reading a magazine. Paul I’m not sure. He (2) ......................... his dog for a walk
because the dog wasn’t with him. He (3) ......................... to
2 ** Complete the short answers. Then write an affirmative sentence. another boy and he (4) ......................... a long tool in his
Was the man running? hand, but I couldn’t see what it was.
No, he wasn’t. He was walking. (walk) Sara I know! It was a metal detector and he was with his friend,

1 Were you cooking? Olly. They (5) ......................... for old coins. Ben read about a

No, I ........................ . I ................................. . (have lunch) teenager who found some valuable coins in a field. He and
Olly (6) ......................... to do the same, but the only thing
2 Was it raining?
they found was a metal button!
No, it ........................ . The sun ................................. . (shine)
3 Were they floating?
No, they ........................ . They ................................. . (swim)
4 Was Emily crying?
No, she ........................ . She ................................. . (laugh)
5 Were you sitting?
No, we ........................ . We ................................. . (stand)

Student’s Book 2.1 Unit 2 2

2 Lost and found Extra Practice
2.2 Vocabulary

1 * Choose the best container for each item. 3 *** Complete the dialogue with the correct words. Use each
container only once.
1 water box / bottle
Mum Hi, Elsie. I’m in the supermarket, but I can’t find my shopping
2 orange juice packet / carton list. I wrote it on the back of a brown envelope that came in
3 milk glass / packet the post this morning. Is it on the kitchen table near the fruit
4 hot chocolate bottle / cup (1) .........................?
5 eggs box / glass Elsie Wait a minute. ... Yes, it’s here. It’s under your glasses

6 crisps packet / carton (2) ......................... next to your coffee cup.

Mum Good. I know there’s a (3) ......................... of tuna and a
2 ** Complete the sentences with the correct words.
(4) ......................... of pasta on the list, but what are the other
1 My mobile phone c......................... is made of plastic. things?
2 Have you got an e......................... for this letter? Elsie There’s a (5) ......................... of olive oil and a
3 Can you open this j......................... of mayonnaise, please? (6) ......................... of jam. That’s all.
4 You eat cereal from a b......................... . Mum Thanks. That’s great.

5 I’m thirsty. I’d love a c......................... of cola. Elsie Can you possibly get me a (7) ......................... of lemonade?
Mum No, I can’t! Have a (8) ......................... of water if you’re
6 How can I open this t......................... of tomatoes?

Student’s Book 2.2 Unit 2 3

2 Lost and found Extra Practice
2.2 Grammar
Past continuous and past simple

1 * Match 1–6 to A–F. 3 *** Complete the sentences in your own words. Use the correct past
simple or past continuous form.
1 What were you doing when ..... A while I was waiting for the bus.
I was having a drink when I dropped my glass of water.
2 I found a rare coin while I ..... B we were watching TV.
1 My dad was driving to work when ..........................................................
3 She was holding a plastic bag ..... C you found the envelope?
.............................................................................................................. .
4 The electricity went off while ..... D was walking across a field.
2 They found a gold earring while ............................................................
5 Were you playing tennis ..... E when I saw her.
.............................................................................................................. .
6 My phone rang ….. F when it started to rain?
3 She was writing an email when .............................................................
2 ** Complete the sentences with the correct past simple or past
.............................................................................................................. .
continuous form of the verbs.
buy do drink fall not feel pick 4 We were studying in the library when ....................................................
.............................................................................................................. .
1 I ......................... very well when I phoned the doctor yesterday.
5 I started to feel sick while ......................................................................
2 We were visiting Palma when I ......................... a new leather bag.
.............................................................................................................. .
3 While I was playing tennis, I ......................... two bottles of water.
6 You fell asleep while ..............................................................................
4 She was riding home when she ......................... off her bike.
.............................................................................................................. .
5 I broke my favourite cup while I ......................... the washing-up.
6 You ......................... up a heavy box when you hurt your back.

Student’s Book 2.2 Unit 2 4

3 People and planet Extra Practice
3.1 Vocabulary
The body

1 * Which parts of the body do you use for these actions? Complete 3 *** Complete the sentences with the correct words.
the table with the words.
Do you sleep on your back, your side or your front?
ankle back fingers knee shoulders thumb toe wrist
1 You use your ......................... to think.
2 We use eight ......................... and two ......................... when we use a
carrying a holding a pen kicking a ball
computer keyboard.
backpack and writing
3 Cycling is a good way to build the ......................... in your legs.
......................... ......................... .........................
4 A man with cardiac problems has something wrong with his
......................... ......................... .........................
......................... .
......................... .........................
5 A tie goes round your ......................... and hangs down your
2 ** Complete the words. ......................... .
1 The part of your body inside your head. b......................... 6 You should use sunscreen to protect your ......................... from
2 This covers a human body. s......................... the sun.
3 A part of your body that you use to move. m......................... 7 Which ......................... do you wear your watch on – the left or
4 The front part of your body between your shoulders. c......................... the right?
5 The part of your body between your head and torso. n.........................
6 A part of your body that is inside your chest. h.........................

Student’s Book 3.1 Unit 3 1

3 People and planet Extra Practice
3.1 Grammar
will / won’t for future predictions

1 * Complete the dialogue with will, Will and won’t. Use each word 3 *** Answer the questions.
Will life be easier in the future? Why? / Why not?
Ana (1) ........................ you be a famous sportsperson one day?
Sam No, I (2) ......................... I’m not very good at sport! Yes, I think it will be easier because robots will do everything for us.

Ana Who (3) ........................ be a famous sportsperson, then? 1 Which of your friends do you think will be famous? Why?
Sam Bradley. He’s a talented cyclist. .................................................................................................................
Ana (4) ........................ he win the Tour de France one day? .................................................................................................................
Sam Yes, he (5) ........................ . 2 Will you be a famous scientist? Why? / Why not?
Ana What about Nick and Richard? .................................................................................................................
Sam They’re very unfit, so I’m sure they (6) ........................ be
famous sports people!
3 What do you think you will look like in the future?

2 ** Complete the dialogue with the correct form of will. .................................................................................................................

Ed What job (1) ........................ you do in the future? .................................................................................................................
(2) ........................ you work with computers? 4 How will you stay fit and healthy in the future?
Mia Yes, I think I (3) ........................ . I love technology.
Ed I think I (4) ........................ be a doctor, but I
(5) ........................ stay in the UK. I’d like to work in another
5 Will you and your family move to another country? Why? / Why not?
Mia Really? (6) ........................ you work in the USA?
Ed No, I (7) ........................ . I’d like to work in Africa. .................................................................................................................

Student’s Book 3.1 Unit 3 2

3 People and planet Extra Practice
3.2 Vocabulary
The environment

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Complete the text with the correct words.

1 Water environment / pollution is a big global problem. How to be more eco-friendly

2 Plants need light and water to grow / run out. A lot of the food we buy comes from other cities or countries. The
3 The pollution / environment is the world around us. transport that brings this food to our supermarkets produces a
4 If we run out / produce of food, we will have nothing to eat. (1) ........................ called carbon dioxide. If you buy products from farms
5 We use oil to produce / grow petrol. in your area, it will (2) ........................ the amount of air (3) ........................
created when we transport food by plane or by road. If your local products
2 ** Complete the sentences with the words.
decrease eco-friendly global warming are (4) ........................ they will also be healthier for you, because they are
greenhouse gas increase organic 100 per cent natural.

1 Something that is ........................ doesn’t harm the environment.

When you’re cold in your house, don’t (5) ........................ the temperature;
2 To help the environment, we need to ........................ the quantity of
each degree Celsius more will use about ten per cent more energy. That
fossil fuels that we use.
means you will burn more (6) ........................ and the problem of
3 They use natural products on ........................ farms.
(7) ........................ will get worse. Think of the effect on the
4 Carbon dioxide is a ........................ .
(8) ........................ and put on an extra jumper instead!
5 As the world’s population gets bigger, we need to ........................ the
amount of food we produce.
6 The weather in the UK is getting hotter because of ........................ .

Student’s Book 3.2 Unit 3 3

3 People and planet Extra Practice
3.2 Grammar
The first conditional (if ... / unless ...)

1 * Complete the sentences with the words. 3 *** Complete the second sentences so that they mean the same as
the first ones.
If if ’ll won’t Unless unless
I won’t eat at that restaurant unless there is a vegetarian option.
1 You ......................... feel strong if you eat healthy food.
If there isn’t a vegetarian option, I won’t eat at that restaurant.
2 The crops will die ......................... it rains soon.
1 If you cycle regularly, your leg muscles will get strong.
3 ......................... we use less water, it’ll help the environment.
Your ..........................................................................................................
4 You ......................... live to be 100 if you don’t stay fit and healthy.
................................................................................................................. .
5 What will happen ......................... the fuel runs out?
2 If we don’t find a new source of food, we won’t survive.
6 ......................... you do some exercise, you won’t get fit.
Unless .......................................................................................................
2 ** Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. ................................................................................................................. .
break / fall not eat / not feel not phone / get
3 There will be problems if we don’t become more eco-friendly.
look / have listen / not know run out / go
There will be problems unless ..................................................................
1 If we ......................... of milk, I ......................... to the supermarket. ................................................................................................................. .
2 Unless they ......................... to the instructions, they ......................... 4 I think I’ll feel sick if I eat an insect.
what to do. If ................................................................................................................
3 I ......................... you unless I ......................... lost. ................................................................................................................. .
4 She ......................... a bone if she ......................... off her bike. 5 Global warming will increase unless we decrease greenhouse gases.
5 If he ......................... any food, he ......................... well. If we ..........................................................................................................
6 Feet ......................... strange if they only ......................... four toes. ................................................................................................................. .

Student’s Book 3.2 Unit 3 4

4 Making it happen Extra Practice
4.1 Vocabulary

1 * Match definitions 1–6 to words A–F. 3 *** Complete the text with the correct words.

1 what your parents give you ..... A win My parents give me £20 pocket money every week. I use part of it to
2 to get something in a competition ..... B save (1) ......................... dance classes and I (2) ......................... some of it on
3 to give something and take money for it ..... C prize money magazines and going to the cinema. I also work in a local café on
4 cash you win in a competition ..... D buy Saturdays. I (3) ......................... £5 an hour and I get extra money when
5 to take something and give money for it ..... E pocket money the customers leave a tip. We have to put all the tips –
6 to keep money and not use it ..... F sell (4) ......................... and notes – into a jar and the manager divides the
(5) ......................... between all the waiters. I (6) ......................... my tips
2 ** Complete the sentences with the words.
cash coins donate earn notes pay for spend in a bank account. If I’ve got enough money in my account at the end of
the year, I think I’ll (7) ......................... a new bike. I’ll also
1 I love your watch. How much did you ......................... it?
(8) ......................... some money to Oxfam – it’s my favourite charity.
2 I’m a volunteer. I don’t ......................... any money for my work.
3 I found two £10 ......................... while I was walking to school.
4 I’ve got a lot of pocket money because I never ......................... it.
5 Every month I ......................... £5 to charity.
6 The ticket machine only accepts ........................., not notes.
7 You can pay by ......................... or cheque.

Student’s Book 4.1 Unit 4 1

4 Making it happen Extra Practice
4.1 Grammar
be going to for future plans and intentions

1 * Complete the dialogue. 3 *** Write about your plans and intentions for each topic. Include an
affirmative and a negative form.
Are are is ’m ’m not ’re
Mum What (1) ........................ you going to do on Saturday? school lunch

Sally I (2) ........................ going to go to the shopping centre with I’m going to have lunch in the canteen with my friends. I’m going to buy a
Kim. cheese sandwich, but I’m not going to buy a drink because I haven’t got
Mum (3) ........................ you going to buy some new clothes? much cash with me today.
Sally No, I (4) ........................ . I’m broke! But Kim 1 pocket money
(5) ........................ going to look for a present for her mum. .................................................................................................................
She’s 40 next week and they (6) ........................ going to go
to Paris to celebrate!
2 your birthday or a friend’s birthday

2 ** Complete the dialogue with the correct form of be going to and the .................................................................................................................
buy go not rain not spend save visit
3 Christmas
Jon What (1) ............ you .......................... with your birthday
Sue I (2) .......................... it immediately. I (3) .......................... it
4 your next holiday
until we go on holiday next month.
Jon (4) ............ you .......................... to Italy again? .................................................................................................................

Sue No, we (5) .......................... my grandparents in Scotland this .................................................................................................................

year. It rains a lot there, so I hope it (6) ........................ every 5 next weekend
day. .................................................................................................................

Student’s Book 4.1 Unit 4 2

4 Making it happen Extra Practice
4.2 Vocabulary
Verbs and prepositions of movement

1 * Complete the prepositions of movement. 3 *** Invent an obstacle course. Describe the things you do. Use the
verbs and prepositions of movement and the words below.
1 climb u _ a tree
bridge mud net pool river rock slide tree tunnel wall
2 fall o _ _ a bike
3 stand o _ a rock First, you climb up a wall.

4 walk a _ _ _ _ a street Then you ............................................................................................

and ................................................................................................... .
5 run a _ _ _ _ _ an obstacle
6 swim t _ _ _ _ _ _ a tunnel After that, you .....................................................................................
and .................................................................................................... .
2 ** Choose the correct option. There are two in each sentence.
Finally, you ..........................................................................................
1 Can you walk / crawl up / under your bed to get that coin on the
........................................................................................................... .
2 You climb / slide down / through the water slide to get to the
swimming pool.
3 Look! That bird is going to hop / swim into / onto the table.
4 I need to stand / run on / along a chair to open that window.
5 Look! The dog is going to crawl / dive off / into the water.
6 Can your cat jump / fall around / over that wall?

Student’s Book 4.2 Unit 4 3

4 Making it happen Extra Practice
4.2 Grammar
be going to and will for predictions

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Imagine you’re going away for the weekend with your family.
Write sentences about your plans and predictions for the trip.
1 Look! That boy is going to / will fall off the swing.
2 We’re going to / ’ll eat at a restaurant tonight.
We’re going to Paris and we’re going to climb up the Eiffel Tower.
3 I predict that people aren’t going to / won’t live on the Moon.
4 Maybe England is going to / will win the next World Cup.
5 They’re taking a tent, so they aren’t going to / won’t stay in a hotel.
6 I’m going to / ’ll go to the cinema with Martha this afternoon.
2 ** Complete the dialogue with the correct form of will or be going to.
Predictions based on what you believe
Josh Bye, Dad! I (1) ........................ (meet) Doug in town. The new
The views from the top of tower will be amazing.
James Bond film starts today.
Dad It (2) ........................ (be) popular. Have you got your tickets?
Josh No, we haven’t. We (3) ........................ (buy) them at the ...................................................................................................................

cinema. ...................................................................................................................
Dad OK. Don’t forget your umbrella! ...................................................................................................................
Josh Look at the blue sky, Dad! It (4) ........................ (not rain).
Later, at the cinema…
Doug Look at all the people here! It (5) ........................ (take) hours
to buy tickets. Perhaps it (6) ........................ (be) better to
come back next week.

Student’s Book 4.2 Unit 4 4

5 Young and old Extra Practice
5.1 Vocabulary
Life stages

1 * Match 1–7 to A–G. 3 *** Complete the text with the correct nouns and verbs.

1 teenager ..... A a 70-year-old man Mr and Mrs Smith have five children – four boys and a girl. Their oldest
2 baby ..... B a 25-year-old woman child, George, is 24. He left university last year and now he’s trying to
3 elderly ..... C a seven-year-old boy (1) ......................... as a maths teacher. He plans to (2) ......................... to
4 middle-aged ..... D a fourteen-year-old girl his girlfriend, Olivia, next year. It’ll be a big wedding! After George, there’s
5 toddler ..... E a one-year-old boy Harry, who’s nineteen. He’s going to (3) ......................... to study medicine
6 young adult ..... F a two-year-old girl learning to walk next September, and at the moment he’s learning to drive. Then, there’s
7 child ..... G a 50-year-old man their only daughter, Molly. She was thirteen last week, so she’s a
(4) ......................... now. Molly’s dad says she’s too young to
2 ** Complete the text with the verbs.
buy a house have a girlfriend have children learn to drive (5) ........................., but her best friend is a boy and he’s called Toby.
leave home move house Finally, there’s Max and Peter. They’re both 11. In the future, when the

1 In the UK, many teenagers ......................... at the age of 18 and go to Smiths are (6) ......................... and their youngest children leave home,

university in another city. Mr and Mrs Smith plan to (7) ......................... . Their house is too big for

2 I don’t have any money to buy a car, so I’m not going to only two people, so they’ll buy a smaller one. Then it’s Mr Smith’s dream

......................... . to (8) ......................... from his job and spend time travelling.

3 When he gets a job, he’s going to save money to ......................... .

4 We’re starting a family. We’re going to get married and
........................ .
5 ‘Do you .........................?’
‘Yes, she’s called Maria and she’s beautiful.’
6 My parents are going to retire this year. They also want to live by the
beach, so they are going to ......................... .

Student’s Book 5.1 Unit 5 1

5 Young and old Extra Practice
5.1 Grammar 1
can, can’t, could, couldn’t

1 * Complete the dialogue with the words. 3 *** Write about four things you couldn’t do in the past that you can
do now. Use can for permission and abilities.
Can can can’t Could could couldn’t
(past and present permission)
1 ‘ ........................ I learn to drive, please?’
When I was in primary school, I couldn’t go shopping without my parents.
‘No, you ........................ . It’s too expensive.’
Now I can go shopping in the town centre with friends.
2 ‘........................ you swim when you were a child?’
1 (past and present permission)
‘Yes, I ........................ . I learned when I was four.’
3 ‘Yolanda ........................ speak English fluently now.’
‘I know, but she ........................ speak it before she moved to the UK.’
2 (past and present ability)
2 ** Are the bold words correct? Tick () the correct ones and correct .................................................................................................................
the wrong ones.
We could buy a flat last year and we still can’t now. couldn’t
3 (past and present permission)
How do you switch on the computer? I can’t do it. 
1 Can you play chess when you were younger? .......................
2 You can speak English now, but you can’t as a toddler. .......................
4 (past and present ability)
3 Could you eat what you wanted when you were a child? .......................
4 ‘Can they do this exercise?’ ‘Yes, they could.’ .......................
5 He’s very musical. He can play the piano easily. .......................
6 ‘Mum, can’t I go to the museum on Saturday, please?’ ........................

Student’s Book 5.1 Unit 5 2

5 Young and old Extra Practice
5.2 Vocabulary
Verbs: lifestyle

1* Match 1–8 to A–H. 3 *** Choose words from each box to complete the sentences.

1 go on a school trip ..... A for an exam do feel have (x2) make

share spend (x2) study take up
2 cook a healthy meal ..... B with a PE coach
3 sunbathe ..... C on your mobile phone a lie in a new sport a room with a sleepover with friends
4 make new friends ..... D to a museum hard money on new friends time with well at worried

5 text your friends ..... E for your family’s dinner It’s normal to feel worried about starting a new school, but you’ll make
6 help someone ..... F on the beach new friends quickly.
7 take up a new sport ..... G with a problem 1 If you ........................, you’ll probably have to ........................ new
8 study hard ..... H at a party equipment and clothes.

2 ** Complete the text with the correct verbs. 2 It’s OK to ........................ on Friday and Saturday nights because you
can ........................ on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
My mum says that if I (1) d........................ well in my exams this week, I
3 If you want to ........................ school, you have to ........................ every
can (2) h........................ a sleepover with friends at the weekend. I usually
(3) s........................ a room with my older sister, but she’s on holiday this
4 I ........................ my brother every evening because I ........................
weekend. I (4) f........................ worried about the exams, but I’m also
him – there are only two bedrooms in our flat.
excited to (5) i........................ my friends over! My mum says she’ll
(6) s........................ money on some snacks and drinks for us. It’s so
much fun to (7) s........................ time with my friends watching films and
chatting. And we always (8) h........................ a lie-in the next morning.

Student’s Book 5.2 Unit 5 3

5 Young and old Extra Practice
5.2 Grammar
Comparative and superlative adverbs

1 * Complete the sentences with the words. 3 *** Answer the questions.
hard harder the hardest What is your diet like? How does it compare to the rest of your family?

Alex worked (1) ........................ than Robbie at football training last night. Who eats the most healthily out of all of you?

Mike was feeling tired, so he didn’t work (2) ........................ at all. Grady My diet isn’t bad. I eat more healthily than my younger brother. He eats a

worked (3) ........................ of all the team. lot of sweets. My mum eats the most healthily out of all of us. She thinks

fluently more fluently the most fluently it’s important to eat well every day.
1 How hard do you work? Does anyone work harder? Who works the
Helen speaks Spanish (4) ........................ out of her friends. Jayne doesn’t
hardest in your class?
speak it (5) ........................ – she only knows a few words. Rosie studies
hard and she speaks it (6) ........................ than Vivian now.
2 ** Complete the sentences with an adverb. Use the correct form of .................................................................................................................
the adjective in brackets.
2 How fast do you run? Does anyone run faster or more slowly? Who
1 Where’s Ali? He always arrives ........................ of all of us. (late)
can run the fastest in your group of friends?
2 I hate doing ........................ in maths tests. (bad)
3 This year she can ride a horse ........................ than last year. (easy)
4 Can you run ........................ than Kylie? (quick)
5 My brother talks ........................ in the family. (loud)
3 How early do you get up at weekends? Does anyone in your family get
6 I’m sure you’ll do ........................ if you study hard. (good)
up earlier? Who gets up the earliest and the latest?

Student’s Book 5.2 Unit 5 4

6 Work and play Extra Practice
6.1 Vocabulary

1 * Match jobs 1–6 to descriptions A–F. 3 *** Who is speaking? Write the correct jobs.

1 film producer ..... A cuts and sells flowers and plants 1 ‘We got everybody out of the house quickly and nobody was hurt.’
2 florist ..... B talks to musicians and plays songs .........................
3 pilot ..... C helps sick pets to get well 2 ‘I’m sorry, we haven’t got that shirt in size 10.’
4 radio DJ ..... D teaches exercise classes .........................
5 veterinary nurse ..... E flies to different airports 3 ‘Close your eyes and breathe in slowly.’
6 yoga instructor ..... F works with actors .........................
4 ‘Today’s top news story is about the Bank of England.’
2 ** Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1 Susie is crazy about clothes. She wants to be a f.........................
5 ‘This is the latest song from Coldplay.’
b......................... .
2 Milly is good at writing articles. She’s a j......................... on the school
6 ‘How many guests would you like at your wedding?’
3 Edgar loves to plan special occasions, such as parties. He wants to be
7 ‘I’ll tell you how to find Polaris, or “the North Star”.’
an e......................... o......................... when he’s older.
4 Jack’s dream is to be a f......................... and save people from burning
8 ‘We’re looking for clothes for our spring / summer collection next year.’
5 Vicky is an a......................... – she knows all the star constellations.
6 Tony likes to help people find what they’re looking for. He works at a
big department store as a s......................... a......................... .

Student’s Book 6.1 Unit 6 1

6 Work and play Extra Practice
6.1 Grammar
Present perfect

1 * Complete the dialogue. 3 *** Complete the dialogue with the correct present perfect form of
the verbs.
happened Has hasn’t Have have haven’t ’s seen
apply be have hear spend want write
Luke (1) ........................ you heard the news about Anthony?
Interviewer Why (1) ........................ you ........................ for this job?
Ruby No, I (2) ........................ . What’s (3) ........................?
Katie All my life, I (2) ........................ to become a veterinary nurse.
Luke He (4) ........................ hurt his ankle.
I love looking after animals.
Ruby Oh, no! (5) ........................ he broken it?
Interviewer (3) ........................ you ........................ any work
Luke No, he (6) ........................, but he can’t walk on it.
experience with sick animals?
Ruby Have you (7) ........................ him?
Katie Yes, I (4) ........................ . I (5) ........................ a month
Luke Yes, I (8) ........................ . I was with him at the time.
helping my uncle, Ivor Jones. He’s a vet in Wales.
2 ** Complete the dialogue with the correct present perfect form of the Interviewer Really? I think I (6) ........................ his name before.
verb in brackets.
(7) ........................ he ........................ a book?
Leah Alice (1) ........................ (write) a blog about her trip to Peru.
Katie No, he (8) ........................ , but he (9) ........................
Matt Really? (2) ........................ you ........................ (see) it?
on TV a few times.
Leah Yes, I (3) ........................ . It’s really interesting.
Matt (4) ........................ she ........................ (include) any photos?
Leah Yes, she (5) ........................ . Lots of people
(6) ........................ (read) the blog and some people
(7) ........................ (tell) her that it’s excellent.
Matt Wow! That’s great.
Leah I think Alice (8) ........................ (decide) that she wants to
be a travel journalist now!

Student’s Book 6.1 Unit 6 2

6 Work and play Extra Practice
6.2 Vocabulary

1 * Match 1–6 to A–F.

abroad accident car hotel ill passport suitcase
1 have an accident ..... A make friends sunburned

2 buy souvenirs ..... B walk along the streets and look around Tips when you (1) ........................ ........................ on holiday
3 explore a new place ..... C not feel well • Organize a place to stay before you leave. If you (2) ........................ a
4 be ill ..... D have red skin from too much time outside ........................ early, it will usually be cheaper.
5 get sunburned ..... E hurt yourself in a fall or other mistake • Keep important things with you in your hand luggage in case you
6 meet new people ..... F get presents to give to friends at home (3) ........................ your ........................ . Write your name, address

2 ** Complete the sentences with the verbs. and phone number on labels on all your bags.

book a hotel forget your passport go abroad hire a car • Most hotel rooms have a box for official documents and jewellery, etc.
lose your suitcase miss a flight send a postcard Don’t (4) ........................ your ........................ when you leave!

1 Don’t ........................! You can’t get on the plane without it. • If you want to drive on holiday, you will need to take your driving

2 ‘Are you excited to ........................?’ ‘Yes, I am. I’ve never left the UK licence. You have to be over 21 to (5) ........................ a ........................

before!’ in most foreign countries.

3 We aren’t going to ........................ when we’re in Portugal; we’re going • Be careful when you’re driving abroad. In most countries, people drive

to use public transport. on the opposite side of the road to the UK. It is easy to

4 She’s always late to the airport. She’ll probably ...................... one day. (6) ........................ an ........................ .

5 I won’t ........................ to you. I’ll text you instead. • Stay out of the sun between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. so that you don’t

6 You’ll be really annoyed if they ........................ on the way. (7) ........................ ......................... You don’t want to

7 ‘Did you ........................ or a hostel?’ ‘A hostel because it’s cheaper.’ (8) ........................ ........................ on holiday. It can be very expensive
to see a doctor.
3 *** Choose words from each box to complete the sentences.
be book forget get go have hire lose

Student’s Book 6.2 Unit 6 3

6 Work and play Extra Practice
6.2 Grammar
Present perfect: ever and never

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Complete the dialogue with the correct present perfect form of the
verbs and ever or never.
1 That’s the longest flight I’ve ever / never been on.
be eat hear look sleep visit
2 ‘Have you ever / never lost a suitcase?’ ‘Yes, I have.’
Assistant Have you enjoyed your time in Edinburgh?
3 Fortunately, we’ve ever / never had an accident on holiday.
Guest Yes, we have. It’s the first time we (1) ..............................
4 There has ever / never been rain like this before. Scotland and it’s been fantastic.
5 I can’t believe that you’ve ever / never bought any souvenirs. Assistant And how was the hotel?
6 Have there ever / never been tourists in your city? Guest Excellent, thanks. It’s the most comfortable bed I
(2) .............................. in. And my husband thinks it’s the
2 ** Complete the dialogues with the correct present perfect form of
the verbs in brackets and ever or never. best breakfast he (3) ..............................!

1 (fly / sail) Assistant The hotel is famous for its breakfasts.

Guest I’m not surprised. There (4) .............................. so much food
‘......................... you .............................. a plane?’
on one plate!
‘Yes, I have, but I .............................. a boat.’
Assistant Perhaps you’d like to stay in our hotel in Crieff next time.
2 (read / be)
Guest I (5) .............................. of Crieff. Where is it?
‘Is that the longest book you ..............................?’
Assistant It’s north of Edinburgh. I can show you on a map.
‘Yes, it is. There .............................. more than 250 pages in the other Guest Don’t worry! We’ve got a guidebook to Scotland at home,
books.’ but we (6) .............................. at it. I’ll find Crieff in it when we
3 (climb / visit) get home!
‘......................... Marcus .............................. up the
Eiffel Tower?’
‘No, he hasn’t. He .............................. Paris!’

Student’s Book 6.2 Unit 6 4

7 The great outdoors Extra Practice
7.1 Vocabulary

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.

1 chase / push a door away from you 1 Bees ......................... you and snakes ......................... you.
2 bite / hit into a sandwich 2 Musical statues is a party game. You have to dance and when the
3 hit / throw a tennis ball with a racket music stops you ......................... ......................... .
4 chase / push an animal to catch it 3 In football, the players that ......................... try to score a goal. The
5 kick / throw a basketball into a net players that ......................... try to stop the other team from scoring.
6 bite / kick a football into the air 4 She ......................... the baseball with the bat.
5 Did you fall over by accident or did someone ......................... you?
2 ** Complete the sentences with the verbs.
attack defend fight back run away stand still sting 6 If your brother tries to fight with you, don’t .........................!
7 ‘Did the robber run away from the police?’ ‘Yes, I saw the police
1 Cats chase mice and the mice .......................... .
......................... him down the street!’
2 Tigers .......................... zebras and other animals for food.
8 It’s dangerous for a horse to ......................... its back legs when you’re
3 If you .......................... the dog will leave you alone.
riding it.
4 A giraffe uses its legs to .......................... itself from a lion.
5 Some flying insects .......................... you when they feel in danger.
6 A panda uses its strength and teeth to .......................... in an attack.

Student’s Book 7.1 Unit 7 1

7 The great outdoors Extra Practice

7.1 Grammar
Modals: should and must

1 * Match 1–4 to A–D. 3 *** Complete the second sentences so that they mean the same as
the first ones.
1 It’s essential to listen. ..... A You mustn’t listen.
1 It’s prohibited to feed the animals in the zoo.
2 It isn’t a good idea to listen. ..... B You shouldn’t listen.
You ................................................................................................. .
3 It’s a good idea to listen. ..... C You should listen.
2 It’s a good idea to do what to keep safe?
4 It’s prohibited to listen. ..... D You must listen.
What ...............................................................................................?
2 ** Complete the dialogue with should, shouldn’t, must or mustn’t.
3 It’s essential to follow the rules of the countryside.
Mel Here are some of the rules at our new school – everyone
You ................................................................................................. .
(1) ........................ arrive by 8.40 a.m. and we
4 It isn’t a good idea to scare the animals.
(2) ........................ be late more than once a month. If we
are, we (3) ........................ see the head teacher. You ................................................................................................. .

Lee Is that a problem? 5 Is it a good idea for me to learn how to defend myself?
Mel Well, I can’t wake up in the morning. What do you think I Should ............................................................................................?
(4) ........................ do? 6 It’s illegal to keep some animals without a licence.
Lee In my opinion, you (5) ........................ use an alarm clock. You ................................................................................................. .
Mel I do, but I turn it off and then fall asleep again.
Lee You (6) ........................ put it near your bed! That way, you’ll
need to get up to turn it off.

Student’s Book 7.1 Unit 7 2

7 The great outdoors Extra Practice

7.2 Vocabulary

1 * Complete the definitions with the adjectives. 3 *** Complete the dialogue with the correct adjectives.
clever friendly patient polite serious shy Stuart What’s the matter, Natalie?
Natalie I’m really (1) ........................ about my maths test tomorrow.
1 A ........................ person always says please and thank you.
Stuart But you’re (2) ........................ – you always do well at school.
2 A ........................ person doesn’t mind waiting for things.
Natalie I’m terrible at maths. I did really badly in my last test.
3 A ........................ person is nervous about talking to people. Everyone in my class knew – I felt so (3) ........................ .
4 A ........................ person is intelligent and learns quickly. Some people were (4) ........................ and laughed at me.
5 A ........................ person talks to people very easily. Stuart I think you should ask Mrs King for some extra help.
6 A ........................ person doesn’t laugh a lot. Natalie But I’m (5) ........................ of her. She seems so
(6) ........................ because she never smiles!
2 ** Choose the correct option.
Stuart Honestly, Natalie, she’s very friendly and she’s a fantastic
1 Hugo isn’t nervous in dangerous situations. He’s very brave / polite. teacher. She’s very (7) ........................ too – it sometimes
2 Grace gets angry if the bus is delayed. She’s very impatient / helpful. takes me a long time to answer a question and she never
3 Liam dropped a glass at the party. He was very mean / embarrassed. gets angry.
4 Zoe hates flying. She’s always very rude / worried before a flight. Natalie Maybe I’ll ask her then. Thanks for your advice, Stuart.
5 James never shares his food with his friends. He’s very brave / mean. You’ve been really (8) ........................ .

6 Zara starts speaking when you’re speaking. She’s very friendly / rude.
7 Ted is happy to do things for other people. He’s very helpful / clever.
8 Nicole sleeps with the light on. She’s worried / afraid of the dark.

Student’s Book 7.2 Unit 7 3

7 The great outdoors Extra Practice

7.2 Grammar
have (got) to + infinitive

1 * Match 1–6 to A–F. 3 *** Complete the dialogue with the correct form of have to or have
got to and the verbs.
1 I have ..... A he have to go?
be go not do study visit wait watch
2 Do you ..... B got to travel by boat?
Lila Did you watch that documentary about tigers last night?
3 He doesn’t ..... C have to walk home?
Francis No, I didn’t.
4 She ..... D to leave now. Lila You (1) ........................ it! It was so interesting. Do you know
5 Have they ..... E has to cross a bridge. that you can still see tigers in the wild in India?
6 Does ..... F have to catch a bus. Francis Really? (2) ........................ a certain place to see them?
Lila Yes, you (3) ........................ on a trip to a national park.
2 ** Complete the text with the correct form of have to or have got to
and the verbs in brackets. Francis Are there a lot of tigers there?

It only takes me five minutes to walk to school, so I (1) ........................ (not Lila No, there aren’t, and sometimes visitors (4) ........................ a
couple of days before they see any.
leave) early in the morning. However, some students (2) ........................
Francis You (5) ........................ patient, then. I think I’ll watch the
(travel) very far and their journey takes a long time. I feel sorry for my
documentary later because I (6) ........................ any
friend, Juliet. She (3) ........................ (catch) two buses to school and it
homework tonight.
sometimes takes her over an hour. She’s happy when it’s the weekend
Lila Lucky you! I (7) ........................ for a history test tonight.
because she (4) ........................ (not travel) anywhere. We’ve got
important exams next week, so we (5) ........................ (spend) most of the
weekend studying. Two people in my class, Ethan and Cathy, are really
lucky. They (6) ........................ (not study) hard to do well at school –
they’re both really clever. (7) ........................ (study) hard or are you like
Ethan and Cathy?

Student’s Book 7.2 Unit 7 4

8 Home comforts Extra Practice
8.1 Vocabulary
Everyday items

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Complete the text with the correct words.

1 You look at your face in a microwave / mirror. I’m a creature of habit – my morning routine is exactly the same every
2 You keep food cold in a hair dryer / fridge. day. The first thing I do is have a shower. I wash my hair with
3 You heat up food in a duvet / microwave. (1) ......................... and ......................... before washing my body with
4 After a shower, you use a fridge / hair dryer. (2) ......................... . The first thing I do after my shower is put
5 On top of your bed, there’s a duvet / tissues. (3) ......................... on my face to make my skin feel soft. Then, I put on
6 If you have a cold, you use tissues / a mirror. (4) ......................... so that I smell nice and get dressed. The next thing I
do is dry my hair while looking in my (5) ......................... . I’ve got a
2 ** Complete the sentences with the correct words.
powerful (6) ........................., so it doesn’t take long. Then I make my bed
1 I don’t feel clean unless I use lots of s.......................... g...................... .
– it’s easy when you’ve got a (7) ......................... – and go downstairs for
2 I use d.......................... when I play sports because I get very hot.
breakfast. I always have cereal with warm milk, so I get the milk out of the
3 It’s cold. Let’s put on the c.......................... h.......................... .
(8) ........................., put some into a cup and heat it in the
4 I can’t find the p.......................... c.......................... for my mobile.
(9) ......................... for two minutes. The last thing I do before going to
5 You should use m.......................... if your skin feels dry.
work is turn off the central heating or, in summer, the
6 My hairdresser always uses s.......................... and c.......................... .
(10) ......................... ........................., to save electricity.
7 In summer, a.......................... c.......................... keeps the house cool.
8 I’ve put the dirty clothes in the w.......................... m.......................... .

Student’s Book 8.1 Unit 8 1

8 Home comforts Extra Practice

8.1 Grammar
Indefinite pronouns

1 * Match 1–6 to A–F. 3 *** Complete the text with the correct indefinite pronouns.

1 Ouch! I’ve got ..... A somewhere for dinner tonight! I’ve always wanted to go (1) ......................... that isn’t a typical tourist
2 Did you go ..... B anything to do today? destination, so here I am ... in Mongolia! I’m staying in (2) .........................
3 I don’t know ..... C someone at the door. called a ger. It’s a type of tent that people live in here. A ger has a door,
4 Let’s go ..... D anywhere interesting last week? but no windows, and a whole family lives in one. When I went inside a ger
5 I can hear ..... E something in my eye. for the first time, I thought, ‘How can (3) ......................... live, sleep and
6 Have you got ..... F anyone called Frank. eat in here?’ In fact, it’s easy and it’s actually quite comfortable! There
isn’t (4) ......................... to have a shower or (5) ......................... like that,
2 ** Are the indefinite pronouns correct or wrong? Tick () the correct
ones and correct the wrong ones. but there are some home comforts. There’s a stove in the middle of each
1 Deodorant is somebody I use every day. ......................... ger for cooking and for heating. (6) ......................... told me that some
2 I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten something today. ......................... gers even have a solar panel, so people can have a TV.
3 Don’t talk to anyone about this! .........................
4 His phone charger is anywhere in his bedroom. .........................
5 Someone gave me a tissue to use. .........................
6 We couldn’t find somewhere nice to go. .........................

Student’s Book 8.1 Unit 8 2

8 Home comforts Extra Practice

8.2 Vocabulary
TV programmes

1 * Match 1–6 to A–F. 3 *** Complete the sentences with TV programmes and your own
1 cookery programme ..... A police mysteries
In my opinion, the most useful thing to watch on TV is a ..........................
2 wildlife show ..... B events around the world
because ....................................................................................................
3 news programme ..... C tennis, football, swimming, etc.
4 travel show ..... D animals
................................................................................................................. .
5 crime series ..... E places to visit
It’s also quite useful to watch a ........................ , especially if you ...........
6 sports programme ..... F food
2 ** Complete the dialogue with the words.
chat show makeover show quiz show reality TV show
sitcom weather forecast ...................................................................................................................

Noah Hey, Oscar. I’m watching the (1) ......................... and it looks One of the most boring types of programme on TV is a ......................... .

like it’s going to snow tomorrow! I don’t like watching them because ...........................................................
Oscar No way! Are you going to watch that new (2) ......................... ...................................................................................................................
later? Someone told me that the contestants can win ................................................................................................................. .
£50,000! The best TV programme I’ve ever seen is (name of programme) ………
Noah No, I’m going to watch that (3) ......................... . I love ......................... . It’s a ......................... and I love it because ..................
houses and interior design. Then I’m going to watch a
(4) ......................... because my favourite singer is one of the
................................................................................................................. .
guests this week.
Oscar I think I’ll watch that (5) ......................... . I like the fact that
they’re real people, not actors. And I don’t want to miss that
new (6) ................ . The first episode last week was so funny!

Student’s Book 8.2 Unit 8 3

8 Home comforts Extra Practice
8.2 Grammar
Quantifiers: some, any, a lot of, much, many, (not) enough

1 * Complete the dialogues with the correct words. There is one word 3 *** Complete the dialogue with the correct quantifiers. Sometimes
you don’t need. more than one option is possible.
Mum Can you do me a favour, Elliott? Could you get me
1 (a lot of / many / much)
(1) ........................ butter from the shops, please?
‘How ........................ channels have you got on your TV?’
Elliott Why do you need butter?
‘We’ve got over two hundred. That’s ........................ channels!’
Mum Because I’m baking a cake and there isn’t (2) ........................
2 (enough / many / some)
butter in the fridge – only a few grams. That isn’t
‘I’m going shopping now. There are ........................ things I need.’ (3) ........................ butter to bake a cake.
‘OK. Have you got ........................ money to buy them?’ Elliott The problem is that I’ve got (4) ........................ homework to
3 (any / many / much) do.
‘Can you buy some milk? There isn’t ........................ in the fridge.’ Mum But you’re watching TV. You aren’t doing (5) ........................
‘Of course. How ........................ milk do you want?’ homework at the moment!
Elliott Yes, I am. There are (6) ........................ history programmes
2 ** Which quantifier can’t you use? Choose the incorrect option.
on at the moment and our history teacher asked us to watch
1 I haven’t got ....... time. (much / some / a lot of) them as part of our homework.
2 There aren’t ....... chairs. (a lot of / enough / much) Mum Really? How (7) ........................ programmes do you need to
3 Have you got ....... food? (not enough / any / a lot of) watch, then?
4 There are ....... funny sitcoms on TV. (some / a lot of / any) Elliott Two, so I’ll go to the shops in an hour.

5 Jasmine doesn’t play ....... games online. (a lot of / many / some) Mum Thanks, Elliott.

6 I don’t drink ....... water – that’s why I often have a headache. (much /
many / enough)

Student’s Book 8.2 Unit 8 4

9 Bright ideas Extra Practice
9.1 Vocabulary
Street objects

1 * Match 1–5 to A–E. 3 *** Complete the text with the correct words.

1 wait at a ....... A bench Yesterday I cycled to Oxford with some friends to explore the city. There are
2 sit on a ....... B bin lots of cyclists in Oxford, so it was impossible to find any space in a
3 put rubbish in a ....... C bus stop (1) ..........................! We were going to lock the bikes onto a metal
4 climb up ....... D post box (2) .......................... around a museum when we realized it was prohibited. In
5 put letters in a ....... E steps the end, we found a (3) .......................... by the side of the road. The light
wasn’t on because it wasn’t dark.
2 ** Complete the sentences with the words.
bike rack fence lamp post motorway After leaving the bikes there, we decided to go up Carfax Tower in the centre
pedestrian crossing phone box of Oxford. There are 99 (4) .......................... to climb, so we were tired when
we reached the top – there should be a (5) .......................... that you can sit
1 How fast can people drive on the ..........................?
on and rest for a few minutes! The views over the city were amazing. When I
2 Use the .......................... to get to the other side of the road.
looked down at the street below, I saw one of our neighbours! She was
3 I cycled to school and the .......................... was full!
standing at the (6) .......................... waiting for the Number 2A – that’s the
4 The light at the top of the .......................... helps you to see where
bus that takes you to our neighbourhood.
you’re going at night.
When we left, I bought a postcard of the tower for my grandmother in
5 I forgot my mobile, so I called my dad from the .......................... .
Manchester. I wrote it to her while we were having lunch. Then we had to find
6 There’s a high .......................... around our school.
a (7) .......................... so I could send it.

Student’s Book 9.1 Unit 9 1

9 Bright ideas Extra Practice

9.1 Grammar
Reflexive pronouns

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Complete the dialogue with the correct reflexive pronouns.
Naomi Hello, Eleanor. Come in and sit down and make yourself
1 Did you enjoy myself / yourself at the party?
2 We taught themselves / ourselves to dance.
Eleanor Thanks, Naomi. I love your new kitchen. Did you and Jason
3 My brother bought himself / itself a present.
design it (1) ..........................?
4 She’s looking at herself / yourself in the mirror.
Naomi No, we didn’t. We used a kitchen designer, but we painted
5 Cats always clean itself / themselves. the walls (2) ......................... . Nathan and Holly helped us
6 I hurt herself / myself when I fell off the bike. too. I think they really enjoyed (3) .......................... .
Eleanor Did you and Jason choose the colour together?
2 ** Are the reflexive pronouns correct? Tick () the correct ones and
correct the wrong ones. Naomi No! Jason chose it (4) .......................... . Yellow is his
1 An automatic door opens herself. ......................... favourite colour.

2 We had to carry the bags themselves. ......................... Eleanor It’s very bright!
Naomi I know! I wanted to choose it (5) .........................., but I was
3 Come in, Sebastian, and help yourself to some food. .........................
away on a business trip at the time.
4 My parents decorated the house myself. .........................
Eleanor At least you’ve got a dishwasher now. You don’t have to
5 My friends and I are designing the posters ourselves. .........................
wash the dishes by hand anymore!
6 Elaine fell down the steps and hurt yourselves. .........................
Naomi It’s great, but one day I hope someone invents a dishwasher
7 I woke up and found itself in a dark room. ......................... that empties (6) .......................... . That’s one job I hate
8 Our new teacher, Mr Hogan, introduced himself to us. ......................... doing!

Student’s Book 9.1 Unit 9 2

9 Bright ideas Extra Practice

9.2 Vocabulary
Kitchen gadgets

1 * Complete the sentences with the words. 3 *** Complete the dialogues with the correct words.
egg cup mug plate spoon toaster Rory How do I set the table correctly?
Faye Put a large (1) ......................... in front of each person. Then
1 You have a cup of coffee in a ......................... .
put a (2) ......................... on the left of it and a knife on the
2 You eat a yoghurt with a ......................... .
right of it.
3 You put a boiled egg in an ......................... . Rory What about the (3) ......................... for dessert?
4 You put your dinner on a ......................... . Faye That goes across the top of it. Then put a glass on the right
5 You put bread in a ......................... . and a large (4) ......................... of water in the centre of the
2 ** Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 She put the k......................... on to boil some water.

Dylan What would you like for breakfast?
2 Here’s a k......................... to cut the cake. Erin A boiled egg and toast, please.
3 People often eat spaghetti with a spoon and f......................... . Dylan OK, I’ll set the (5) ......................... for five minutes. Can you
4 We can’t have tuna for lunch because I can’t find the get an (6) .......................... out of the cupboard to serve the
t ......................... . egg in?
5 The cake needs 40 minutes in the oven, so I’ll set the t........................ . Erin Sure. And here are two slices of bread to put in the

6 Let’s serve the milk in a small j......................... . (7) ......................... .

Dylan Thanks. Would you like a cup of tea with it?
Erin Yes, and I’ll have it in my favourite (8) ......................... – the
one with the cat on it! I’ll put some water in the
(9) ....................... to boil.

Student’s Book 9.2 Unit 9 3

9 Bright ideas Extra Practice

9.2 Grammar
Question tags

1 * Complete the question tags with the words. 3 *** Complete the sentences with the correct question tags. Then
answer the questions and give more information.
are can’t do does hasn’t have is isn’t
You’ve been to London, haven’t you?
1 You can boil an egg, ......................... you?
No, I haven’t. I’ve never been to the UK, but I really want to go
2 Emma’s got a toaster, ......................... she?
there one day.
3 He doesn’t eat meat, ......................... he?
1 Your school is massive, ...........................................................?
4 The plates aren’t red, ......................... they?
5 Our kettle is old, ......................... it?
6 You don’t like eggs, ......................... you?
2 Your parents don’t go online very often, ..................................?
7 We haven’t got maths today, ......................... we?
8 It isn’t raining, ......................... it?
2 ** Choose the correct verb and pronoun. 3 You can speak three languages, ..............................................?
1 You don’t know what a spork is, isn’t / do / don’t you / it / I? ....................................................................................................
2 We need a tin opener, do / don’t / doesn’t it / we / she? ....................................................................................................
3 Knives can be expensive, can / can’t / aren’t he / she / they? 4 Your best friend has a pet, ........................................................?
4 Tim’s got a new jug, doesn’t / hasn’t / has he / it / you? ....................................................................................................
5 My sister isn’t good at cooking, is / are / isn’t he / she / it? ....................................................................................................
6 A cup of tea is relaxing, haven’t / doesn’t / isn’t he / she / it? 5 You and your friends love cooking at the weekend, ..................?

Student’s Book 9.2 Unit 9 4

Grammar and Vocabulary Starter unit
Grammar Vocabulary

Present simple Free-time activities

1 Put the words in the correct order. 5 Choose the correct option.
do / in / free time / activities / what / students Chloe and Jason often do / go sports.
their / do / the / ? 1 How often do they have / do outdoor activities?
What activities do the students do in their free time? 2 It's a nice day. Let's go / do cycling.
1 good / a / Josh / student / isn't 3 In the summer, I hang / do out at the beach.
______________________________________ 4 Ryan is having / watching a film now.
2 girls / like / don't / rain / the / the 5 Mum doesn't often have / go shopping.
3 your / small / house / is / ? Likes and dislikes
4 do / which / like / you / sports / ? 6 Put the underlined words in the correct
______________________________________ sentences.
5 here / does / how / snow / often / it / ? Nicole and her sister are loves about playing
______________________________________ basketball. crazy
1 Yuck! I mind pizza! I'm not eating it. ____
Adverbs of frequency 2 I can't prefer playing chess – it's boring! ____
3 Nathan crazy going to the gym; he goes every
2 Cross out the adverbs that are not in the correct evening. ____
position. 4 We don't really stand maths because it’s hard.
John often is often with his friends. ____
1 My brother sometimes goes sometimes to the 5 Mum doesn't hate taking us surfing tomorrow;
gym. she's happy to do it. ____
2 I never am never online in the mornings. 6 My friends like watching films at the cinema to
3 What usually does Emily usually do on watching TV. ____
4 My football team always wins always. Clothes
5 Ryan and Kyle often are often late for class.
7 Complete the words.
Present continuous boots
1 c__p
3 Choose the correct option. 2 tro_____s
I be / am watching TV at the moment. 3 le______s
1 Are / Do you hanging out with Jo today? 4 tra_____s
2 Jack’s walking / ’s walk to school this morning. 5 ha__
3 My family isn't / not eating lunch right now.
4 Look! Grace is dancing / danceing! Making suggestions and giving opinions
5 Why are we siting / sitting on the floor?
8 Complete the words.
4 Read the sentences. Are the verbs in the present
It's a fantastic day. Let's hang out at the beach
simple (PS) or the present continuous (PC)?
with our friends.
What is Joseph doing at the moment? PC
1 W___t a____t going to Australia for our summer
1 Anna doesn't like pizza. ___
2 Bea isn't making a video now. ___
2 D__ you w___t to climb that hill?
3 How often does Tyler go horse riding? ___
3 That's a g___d i___a.
4 They are visiting Grandma at the moment. ___
4 I'm n__t s___e.
5 Does your team always play on Fridays? ___
5 Making a video ... that s___nds int___esting.

Grammar Starter unit

Present simple 2 The teenagers are playing rugby.

? _____________________________________
1 Rewrite the sentences in the affirmative (),  ____________________________________
negative () or question (?) form. 3 You and Rachel are eating pizza.
 Sarah always wears boots in the winter. ? _____________________________________
 Sarah doesn't always wear boots in winter.  _____________________________________
? Does Sarah always wear boots in winter? 4 Victoria is climbing that hill.
1 ? Do John and Kayla go to the gym every day? ? _____________________________________
 ____________________________________  ____________________________________
 _____________________________________
2  He chats online every evening. 4 Complete the text with the correct present
simple or present continuous form of the verbs.
 _____________________________________
? _____________________________________ eat go have live love not have got not learn
3 ? Do you usually watch a film at 7 p.m.? rain sit teach you / have
 ____________________________________
 _____________________________________
4  We don't have barbecues on sunny days. Hi Katherine!
I'm / am having a good time here at my
 ____________________________________
friend's house in fantastic Sydney,
? _____________________________________ Australia! Zac's family (1) ______ a house
in the city; no, they (2) ______ in a big
Adverbs of frequency house on the beach – it's so cool! At the
moment Zac and I (3) ______ in the
kitchen and we (4) ______ pizza ... YUM!
2 Rewrite the sentences in the text correctly.
Zac really (5) ______ the beach and he
(6) ______ surfing every morning. He
Hi all! I know I talk always about things like books (7) ______ me how to do it, but I
and music, but today I want to talk about someone (8) ______ very quickly! (9) ______ a nice
in my family – my dad! (1) My dad works at the time at your cousin's house in London? Is
weekends often. (2) He gets always up before 6 it raining there now? It usually
(10) ______ there, doesn't it? ;-) What's
a.m. (3) He isn't never late for work. (4) He drives
your news?
sometimes to work. (5) However, he takes usually Write soon,
the bus. Dad works really hard, but he always finds Hayley xxx
time for me when I need him.
Collective nouns, plurals and like + noun /
I know I always talk about things like…
verb + -ing
1 ______________________________________
2 ______________________________________ 5 Choose the best option and write the correct
3 ______________________________________ plural forms of the nouns.
4 ______________________________________
5 ______________________________________
Free-time activities
What do your free-time activities say about you
Present continuous and your friends? Let’s find out!
 Are / Is a lot of your friends crazy about
3 Read the sentences. Write questions and short
answers as indicated. (1) ____ (sport) like football? Do they love
football? Do they play (2) it / them in the park at
It is snowing.
? Is it snowing?
 Does a group of your friends (3) meet /
 Yes, it is.
meets every Saturday to hang out or do they like
1 We are horse riding.
(4) going / go to (5) ____ (party)? Do they love
? _____________________________________
meeting new (6) ____ (person)?
 _____________________________________

Vocabulary Unit 1
Free-time activities Clothes

1 Complete the sentences with do, go, have or 3 Complete the table with the words.
boots cap dress hat
Emma and Tim go cycling in the park every jacket sandals trainers T-shirt
1 It's a warm sunny day – let's ____ a barbecue!
Things we Things we wear Other things
2 The waves are huge, so we want to ____ wear on our feet we wear
surfing. on our head
3 I know people like to ____ cricket in England. boots
4 Do you want to ____ an outdoor activity this
5 Do people ____ rugby in Australia?
4 What is the person wearing? Complete the
Likes and dislikes

2 Complete what the people say with the correct

form of the words and phrases in the box.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1 shoes
be crazy about can't stand hate like love 2 s____
not like not mind prefer
3 l____
4 s____
Mum and Dad sometimes go to restaurants. 5 t____
They like restaurant food, but they (1) ____ 6 h____
cooking and eating at home to eating in 7 j____

I don’t eat fruit and vegetables. Yuck! I never

have them in my house. In fact, I (2) ____ fruit
and vegetables! But I (3) ____ pizza – I want Making suggestions and giving opinions
to eat that every day!
5 Complete the words in the dialogue.
A Hi, Bea. What are you doing? You don't look
I'm fifteen years old and I play cricket in the very happy.
school team every Monday, Wednesday and B Hi, James. I'm not happy. I want to do
Friday. When I'm not playing cricket, I'm something!
watching it! I (4) ____ cricket! A Well, it's a nice sunny day. Let's hang out in
the park with Mandy and Ewan.
B No, I don't (1) ____ to do that – it's (2) ____.
I play football with a group of my friends in the
(3) ____ (4) ____ going to the beach and
summer. In the winter I sometimes go skiing
with the school. I (5) ____ sport, but I
A I'm not (5) ____. I (6) ____ swimming to
generally (6) ____ staying home and watching
surfing. Surfing is scary!
it on TV to doing it!
B OK. (7) ____ you want to go swimming at the
sports centre?
A That's a (8) ____ (9) ____.
I'm making chips. I know, you won't eat them
B Great! (10) S____ I call Mandy and Ewan,
because you (7) ____ them. I know you
(8) ____ eating healthy things to eating chips!
A Sure!

Grammar Starter unit
1 Match questions 1–10 with answers A–J. 3 Look at the table. Write sentences about what
1 Do your grandparents live in Australia? __ the people often do on Sundays, what they are
doing now and what they never do. Use the
2 Where do you usually go on Sundays? __
present simple and the present continuous.
3 Do I have pizza on my face? __
Often Now Never
4 Is it warm today? __
5 Does Jared chat online in the evenings? __ Me go surfing study for go to
6 What does your cat like to eat? __ an exam school
7 Is your cousin, Tom, a surfer? __ 1 Andrew watch TV do outdoor play rugby
8 Does your aunt work at the zoo? __ activities
9 How often do you go to the sports centre? __ 2 Megan chat do go to the
10 Do you often go to the cinema with friends? __ online homework sports
A Yes, she does. F Yes, he does. 3 You hang out visit watch films
B The gym. G Fish. and with cousins
C No, he isn't. H No, I don't. Ethan friends
D Yes, it is. I Yes, you do. 4 Mum eat at a have a go cycling
E Every evening. J No, they don't. and Dad restaurant barbecue
5 Chris meet walk in the do sports
2 Write questions using the correct form of the and I Uncle Eric park
present continuous. Then write short answers I often go surfing on Sundays, but now I'm studying
using the information from the pictures.
for an exam. I never go to school on Sundays!
1 ______________________________________
2 ______________________________________
3 ______________________________________
4 ______________________________________
1 2
5 ______________________________________

4 Look at the underlined words. Write questions

to the answers in the dialogues.
1 A ________________________________
B My cousins live in Spain.
3 4 2 A ________________________________
B I'm doing my homework at the moment.
1 Dylan / listen to / the teacher 3 A ________________________________
______________________________________ B Mum leaves for work at 8 a.m. every day.
______________________________________ 4 A ________________________________
2 Amanda / study / in her bedroom B Ben is playing computer games now.
______________________________________ 5 A ________________________________
______________________________________ B They're cleaning the house because
3 it / rain / at the moment Grandma is coming for a visit.
______________________________________ 6 A ________________________________
______________________________________ B I go walking every weekend.
4 Lauren and you / scuba dive 7 A ________________________________
______________________________________ B Harry usually goes to the gym on
______________________________________ Mondays.

Vocabulary Starter unit
1 Complete the sentences with the best form of 4 Complete the text with verbs in the correct form.
the verbs.
1 Julia's family ____ (live) in a small house. Come to Camp Beaumont!

2 Why ____ (be) that group of people here? Do you want to (1) ____ a lot of interesting activities on
3 Matt's team ____ (go) to the same sports centre. your school holiday? What about coming to Camp
4 ____ (be) your family from Spain? Beaumont in the UK? It's a cool, fun place and it’s never
5 Jo’s band ____ (practise) every weekend. boring!

2 Complete the dialogue with words and phrases Do you and our friends like to (2) ____ sport? Well, at
for likes and dislikes. Sometimes more than one Camp Beaumont you can (3) ____ tennis, cricket and
answer is possible. rugby. Do you (4) ____ football to rugby? You can
Alex Hi, guys! Can I ask you some questions for an (5) ____ that too!
English project?
On warm sunny days at Camp Beaumont, you can relax
Jon Sure!
and (6) ____ out at the beach or (7) ____ surfing with
Meg Yes, that sounds interesting.
our expert instructors!
Alex Great. OK, Jon, what do you (1) ____ to do in
your free time? In the evenings, the camp sometimes (8) ____
Jon Let's see. Well, the beaches in Australia are barbecues – our mega-burgers are famous! Then you
fantastic, so lots of young people here are can (9) ____ walking, talk to friends or use one of the
(2) ____ about surfing. I (3) ____ surfing, it’s camp computers and (10) ____ online with friends and
OK, but I (4) ____ cycling to surfing in the family at home.
You’re guaranteed to have a great time and meet lots of
Alex OK. Is there anything you (5) ____ doing?
new friends at Camp Beaumont. What are you waiting
Jon Yes! I (6) ____ playing cricket – it's boring!
for? Book now!
Alex Meg, what do you (7) ____ to do in your free
5 Complete the dialogue.
Meg I really (8) ____ chatting online to my friends
A Isn't it a boring winter day? I hate the rain.
in the evenings. I’m addicted!
B Oh, I don't mind the rain. There are lots of
Alex I see. Is there anything you (9) ____?
things we can do. I know! (1) ____ go to the
Meg Yes! I (11) ____ it when my parents tell me to
cinema and watch that new Sandra Bullock
stop chatting and do my homework!
3 Complete the quiz. A No, I don't (2) ____ to do that. She's boring.
(3) ____ about going to the sports centre and
How much do you know about clothes? playing basketball?
Do the quiz to find out! B That (4) ____ interesting, but I'm not (5) ____.
1 You wear these on your feet to do sport. ______ I (6) ____ playing computer games to playing
sports like basketball. You know I’m not very
2 This is a kind of flat hat made of soft sporty!
material. ______ A OK. (7) So ____ you want to go to Anna's
3 You wear these in the summer so your feet don't get house and play computer games?
hot. ______ B Yeah, that's a good (8) ____. Anna’s got
some cool games.
4 These are like trousers, but they are usually blue
A Yes, she has. (9) ____ I call her and ask her
and made of strong material. ______
what she's doing this afternoon at around two
5 Men often wear this with a tie and a jacket when o'clock?
they go to work. ______ B Sure. Do you want to use my phone?
A Yes, please. I (10) ____ using your phone! Is
it new?
B Yeah, I lost my old one. Here you are.

Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1
Grammar used to

4 Match the sentence halves 1–5 to A–E.

Past simple
1 I used to have short hair, C
1 Write the past simple forms of the verbs. Are the 2 Sam didn't use to play football, ___
verbs regular (R) or irregular (I)? Write R or I. 3 My parents used to drive to work, ___
whisper whispered R 8 take ____ __ 4 The children didn't use to like fruit, ___
1 begin ____ __ 9 ask ____ __ 5 Did this bottle use to ___
2 give ____ __ 10 remember ____ __
3 shout ____ __ 11 find ____ __ A but they don't now.
4 stand ____ __ 12 arrive ____ __ B have soap in it?
5 answer ____ __ 13 finish ____ __ C but I don't now.
6 leave ____ __ 14 cry ____ __ D but they do now.
7 laugh ____ __ 15 hear ____ __ E but he does now.

(there) was / were Vocabulary

2 Complete the table. Verbs
Affirmative and Negative 5 Choose the correct option to complete the pairs
I / He / She / It was / wasn't in the square. of opposites.
We / You / They were / (1) ____ in the square. cry lose / laugh
1 ask answer / hear
Questions and Short answers 2 drop stand / pick up
Was I / he / she / it in the Yes, I / he / she / it 3 arrive take / leave
square? (2) ____.
4 begin finish / whisper
No, I / he / she / it
(4) ____ we / you / they (3) ____. 5 forget give / remember
in the square?
Yes, we / you / they Adjectives: feelings
(5) ____.
No, we / you / they
6 Underline the positive adjectives.
(6) ____.
1 angry 6 lonely
2 bored 7 nervous
3 Choose the correct option. 3 calm 8 relaxed
Maria was / were angry because her calculator 4 energetic 9 scared
wasn't in her school bag. 5 excited 10 tired
1 Jacob and I wasn't / weren't at home on
Saturday night. Talking about school
2 Where were / was the flash mob choir when you
saw it? 7 Write the words in the correct order.
3 There wasn't / weren't any food at the birthday teacher / your / who's / ?
party. Who's your teacher?
4 There weren't / wasn't any flowers in the 1 she / what's / like / ?
garden. _____________________
5 Was / Were there a singer at the event on Friday 2 subject / my / is / favourite / Maths
night? _____________________
6 Were / Weren't there any cars outside my 3 History / at / you / are / good / ?
house? _____________________
4 see / at / I'll / break / you

Grammar Unit 1

Past simple (there) was / were

1 Correct the underlined mistakes in the 3 Write sentences using the prompts. Use the
sentences. correct past simple form of be.
I didn't seed the head teacher this afternoon, but He arrived home late, so there / be / time for him
I heared her voice. to eat before he went to the sleepover.
I didn't see the head teacher this afternoon, but I He arrived home late, so there wasn't time for
heard her voice. him to eat before he went to the sleepover.
1 What time did the students finished their exam 1 There / be / a concert at school two days ago.
last Monday? Be / you and all your teachers there?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
2 Stella lose her bus ticket earlier, but then she 2 I / be / at the festival last night because I / be / at
finded it in her pocket. my grandparents’ house.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
3 Peter forgetted his assignment yesterday, but he 3 How old / be / you in 2014?
remember it today. _____________________________________
_____________________________________ 4 There / be / any sandwiches left when we got to
4 Mr Jones ask us a question five minutes ago, but the school canteen.
we didn't answered it. _____________________________________
4 Complete the text with the correct past simple
2 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences form of be.
with the correct past simple form of the verbs.
My grandfather was born in 1937 and my
grandmother (1) ____ born in 1939. When they
(2) ____ young, the world (3) ____ like it is now; it
(4) ____ a very different kind of place. For example,
there (5) ____ as many easy ways to share news as
there are now. Back then there weren't any emails,
but there (6) ____ letters and cards. (7) ____ there
any social media in the 1930s? No, there (8) ____,
1 2 but there (9) ____ more time to meet with friends
and talk face-to-face. Of course I (10) ____ alive
then – I (11) ____ born in 2000 – but sometimes I
think people (12) ____ happier in my grandparents’
day because the world was a more relaxed and
calmer place than it is now.

used to
3 4

arrive cry laugh leave 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
shout sit stand whisper used to and the verbs.

1 They didn't leave at 9 o'clock, they arrived at 9 not send talk walk you / have
o'clock. Tina used to walk to school, but now she takes
2 I ____ when I saw my exam result, I ____! the bus.
3 The teacher ____ to me, she ____ at me. 1 __________ a lot of homework?
4 He ____ outside in the rain on a bench, he ____ 2 I __________ emails, but I do now!
outside in the rain! 3 People __________ face-to-face, but now there
is social media.

Vocabulary Unit 1
Extra vocabulary
4 Match words 1–8 to definitions A–H.
1 Complete the words in the pairs of opposites. 1 feathers B
answer / ask 5 dro_ / pick _ _ 2 soap ____
1 _ear / s_ _ 6 f_nd / lo_ _ 3 pavement ____
2 _ _gin / finis_ 7 _ry / lau_ _ 4 hungry ____
3 f_ _get / reme_ _er 8 _ _out / _his_er 5 sick ____
4 _rrive / lea_ _ 9 _ive / t_k_ 6 sleepy ____
7 fake ____
2 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of 8 benefits ____
the verb pairs in exercise 1.
A They want to arrive at the party early. A When we feel this way, we sometimes see a
B That's fine. Then they can leave early, too! doctor.
1 A Can I ____ your big brother a question? B Birds have lots of these.
B Of course. But he won't ____ it! C The good things we get from something.
2 A What time does the concert _____? D We use this to wash our hands.
B I don't know, but it ____ at 9, so let’s go! E This isn’t real; it’s an imitation.
3 A Fran can't ____ her keys! F We walk on this in the street.
B Oh, no! She hates it when she ____ things! G We feel this way when we need to go to bed.
4 A I can't ____ that boy's name. H We feel this way if we don't eat.
B I can ... it's Dylan. I never ____ names.
5 A Don't ____ rubbish in the park! Talking about school
B OK, I’ll _____ it ____ and put it in the bin.
5 Choose the correct option.
Adjectives: feelings A Hi! I'm Matthew Greene. I'm new to the school.
B Hello, Matthew, welcome to William Hepburn
3 Label the pictures with the adjectives.
High School! I'm Alexis Smith. What / Where
angry lonely relaxed scared surprised tired have you got first period on Monday mornings?
A English, I think. No, I've got PE. Can you
(1) shout / show me where the gym is,
B Sure. (2) Who's / That's your PE teacher?
A His name is Mr Wilkes. (3) How's / What's he
like? Is he nice?
1 She’s surprised. 2 She’s __________.
B Oh, Mr Wilkes is a great teacher. I really like
him. And I love PE! Do you like it? It's my (4)
favourite / first subject.
A Really? It's my (5) last / least favourite subject.
I'm not very good (6) at / with sport. I don't like
playing team games like cricket or rugby.
B I'm not bad (7) in / at cricket, but I prefer rugby
3 He’s __________. 4 He’s __________.
(8) to / at cricket. Oh, here we are. There's the
A Great, thanks! I'll see you (9) in / at break.
B OK, it's from 10 (11) to / from 10.15. See you

5 He’s __________. 6 She’s __________.

Grammar Unit 1
1 Complete the dialogue with the correct past 3 Use the correct past simple form of be to
simple form of the verbs. There is one verb that complete the answers. Then write the questions.
you do not need. A Was Tyler early?
begin forget laugh leave lose B No, he wasn't. Tyler was late, so there
not arrive remember sit stand wasn't time for him to do his homework.
you / find your teacher / shout 1 A ____________________?
A Hey, Kyle. What's the matter? You don't look B No, there ____ a festival, there ____ a
very happy. concert.
B Hi, Helen. I'm not very happy. My morning 2 A ____________________?
was terrible; it (1) ____ in a very bad way! B No, my teachers ____ at the party, but
A Really? Why? there ____ ten students there.
B Well, first, I (2) ____ my keys. 3 A ____________________?
A Oh, no! (3) ____ them? B No, I ____ at Tom's last night because I
B Yes, I did ... after an hour! Then I (4) ____ the ____ at my cousin's house.
house, but I (5) ____ at school until very late. 4 A What ____________________?
A Oh, no! (6) ____ at you? Miss Sparks gets B The film ____ called The Nut Job.
really angry when we’re late!
B Not then, but she did later – I (7) ____ to do 4 Rewrite the email using the correct past simple
form of the verb be.
my homework last night, but I (8) ____ to take
it with me – it's on the desk in my bedroom!
A Then what happened?
B Miss Sparks was very angry, but everyone Hi Emma,
else thought it was funny and they (9) ____ at Well, it’s a great weekend! There’s a concert
me! I (10) ____ at my desk for the rest of the in the city centre. There aren't a lot of people
lesson feeling stupid. there, but it’s really good. My friend and I are
A Don't worry, Kyle. It's break now, let's go and late, but there’s time for us to hear two
get a drink. singers – JJ Cool and Big Cent. JJ Cool isn't
very good, but Big Cent is fantastic. Are you
2 There are two mistakes in each sentence. Find and your cousins there? What’s your
them and correct them. weekend like?
1 Mum drop her phone yesterday and when Dad Write soon,
pick it up, it was broken. Chloe
2 They ask my friend and I a question, but we ______________________________________
didn't answered it. ______________________________________
_____________________________________ ______________________________________
3 The man standed up and shoutted at the ______________________________________
politician. ______________________________________
5 Look at the notes and write what Sarah used to
4 When the pillow fight did finished last night? do and what she does now.
5 I didn't seed the flash mob choir, but I heared Last year Now
them on the radio. eat a lot of chips eat lots of healthy food
_____________________________________ not do sports go to sports centre
6 What time the teacher did gave the students always drive to work cycle to work
their exam papers this morning? go to bed at 12 p.m. go to bed at 10 p.m.

Vocabulary Unit 1
1 Complete the words and match them to their
Extra vocabulary
1 ___wer __ A lose 4 Answer the questions.
2 ___rive __ B leave
3 ___gin __ C pick up Test your English Vocabulary!
4 ___ry __ D remember 1 What do you use to wash your hands? s____
5 ___op __ E finish 2 How do you feel when you are not well?
6 ___nd __ F take s____
7 ___get __ G ask 3 What do birds have lots of? f_______
8 ___ve __ H laugh 4 What are the good things you get from
something? b_______
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 5 How do you often feel when you are tired and
the verbs in the boxes.
want to go to bed? s_______
hear not shout whisper 6 How do you feel when you don't eat?
A Yesterday, my best friend told me a secret. h_______
Nobody else (1) ____ her because she (2) ____, 7 What do you call something that is an
she (3) ____. imitation of something? f____
8 What do you walk on in the street so that cars
cry laugh see don't hit you? p_______
B Last night, Mum and Dad (4) ____ a play. They
said it was funny and they (5) ____, but the
ending was so sad they (6) ____!
5 Are the sentences true or false?
sit stand take 1 Many city squares have got fountains in them.
C Yeah, I (10) ____ my cousin, Morgan, to that ____
party. She was bored because she (11) ____ in 2 A pillow is something that people eat. ____
a chair on her own all night, but I had fun. At 3 When people are at work, they are usually
least I (12) ____ and talked to my friends! asleep. ____
4 When people see something funny, they often
3 Complete the adjectives to label the pictures. laugh. ____
5 If you are thirsty, you want to lie down. ____
6 If you are in a good mood, you are unhappy. ___

6 Complete the dialogues.

A A (1) ____ have you (2) ____ first (3) ____?
B Geography. It's (4) ____ least (5) ____
A Really? I'm good (6) ____ Geography.
1 s__________ 2 t__________ B I'm not (7) ____ at it, but I don't like it.
B A (8) ____ your English teacher?
B Mrs Banks.
A (9) ____ she like?
B Oh, she's nice. But I (10) ____ Mr Smith to
Mrs Banks.
C A What (11) ____ is History?
B It's (12) ____ 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

3 s__________ 4 r__________

Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 2
Grammar Vocabulary

Past continuous Materials

1 Correct the underlined mistakes. 5 What are these things usually made of? Write
At 8.30 a.m. yesterday my sister walking was the words.
walking to school. cotton leather metal
1 Why did he leave? Was I talking to him! ______ rubber wood wool
2 They left the cinema early last night because dining-room table and chairs wood
they wasn't enjoying the film. ______ 1 winter hats and gloves ____
3 At 6.30 this morning I sleep. ______ 2 T-shirts ____
4 What you were doing last night? ______ 3 boots, shoes and jackets ____
5 What were you and your parents watch from five 4 Wellington boots ____
to six o'clock last night? ______ 5 knives and forks ____

Past continuous and past simple 6 Complete the words for materials to label the
2 Choose the correct option.
While the men were digging / dug in the field,
they found some coins.
1 Where did you drive / were you driving to
when she texted you?
2 I downloaded / was downloading a cool song 1 cardboard 2 c______
from the internet last night.
3 Ryan was walking / walked along the beach
when he found a bottle.
4 The phone rang while I did / was doing my
5 We weren't playing / didn't play chess when
Justin arrived. 3 g______ 4 s______

3 Match the sentence halves 1–5 to A–E. Then Containers

complete the sentences with when or while.
1 Andrew and Dylan were outside working hard. 7 Cross out the incorrect word.
Andrew was cutting the grass C bottle of water / potatoes
2 Lauren was cooking dinner __ 1 bowl of orange juice / fruit
3 José was helping his dad paint the living room 2 box of cola / chocolates
__ 3 glass of milk / vegetables
4 My friend sent me a text __ 4 jar of fish / marmalade
5 We were driving to London with our friends __ 5 packet of crisps / olive oil

A ______ she burnt her hand.

At the lost property office
B ______ I was doing my exam!
C while Dylan was washing the car. 8 Put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order.
D ______ our car ran out of petrol.
A Is it any of these? ____
E ______ a tin of paint fell on the floor.
B It's big and it’s made of leather and plastic. ____
4 In which sentence could you also use as to C Hello. I lost my schoolbag yesterday. 1
describe a simultaneous past action? D Yes, that's it! Thank you! ____
__ E What does it look like? ____

Grammar Unit 2
While my parents were visiting (visit) some old
Past continuous friends, my brother and I stayed (stay) at home.
1 They _______ (not cook) dinner when I _______
1 Look at the pictures. What were the people (arrive).
doing yesterday? 2 What _______ (you / do) when you _______
(hurt) your hand?
3 I _______ (fall) while I _______ (play) ice
4 He _______ (explore) the cave when he
_______ (discover) the old paintings.
5 As Susan _______ (text) Gill, I _______ (try) to
call Susan!
1 He was listening to music. 2 ________________
5 Write when or while and complete the sentences
with the correct past continuous or past simple
form of the verb.
What were you doing (you / do) when I phoned
you earlier?
1 _______ they _______ (work) at the airport, they
3 ________________ 4 ________________ found some money in an envelope.
2 Phil was making a salad _______ the girls
2 Write the words in the correct order. _______ (cook) the burgers.
tennis / Jack / watching / last night / wasn't 3 Mum went to get the car _______ Dad _______
Jack wasn't watching tennis last night. (pay) for our meal.
1 was / I / computer games / playing / yesterday 4 We _______ (not sit) at our desks _______ the
morning teacher came into the classroom.
6 Rewrite the sentence in exercise 5 in which
2 last Saturday / were / doing / what / from 7.00 you could also use as to describe a
p.m. / you and Tim / to 9.00 p.m. / ? simultaneous past action.
______________________________________ ______________________________________
3 looking for / at 8.00 a.m. / was / her keys / Julia
______________________________________ 7 Complete the story with the verbs in the correct
4 we / listening to / sorry, / you / weren't form of the past continuous or past simple.
______________________________________ break cut dig look at not be
5 going / where / they / last night / were / ? realize see think try walk
On Tuesday morning, my friend Gina and I were
3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. walking on the beach when we (1) _______
What was were you and your mum doing from something sticking out of the sand. While we
5.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. yesterday? (2) _______ it out of the sand with our hands, we
1 We wasn't talking in class this morning. ____ suddenly (3) _______ that it was an old glass bottle.
2 Who they were visiting earlier today? ____ While we (4) _______ it, we suddenly (5) _______
3 The farmer were working at 7.00 a.m. ____ that maybe there was something interesting in the
4 Jo wasn't study English last Saturday at 9 p.m. bottle, like a message. While Gina (6) _______ to
____ open the bottle, it (7) _______ and she (8) _______
5 Yesterday I was write a thank-you note. ____ her hand. Luckily, it (9) _______ a bad cut. When
we looked inside the only thing that was in the old
Past continuous and past simple 'mysterious' bottle was lots of sand!

4 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct past

continuous or past simple form.

Vocabulary Unit 2
Materials Extra vocabulary

1 Complete the words in the sentences. 4 Match words 1–8 to definitions A–H.
I found some old photos in that big cardboard 1 coin E
box in the garage. 2 field __
1 Oh, no! You broke Mum's favourite ___amic 3 luggage __
vase! 4 miserable __
2 That's a nice c___ton T-shirt you're wearing, 5 survive __
Jon. 6 empty __
3 Don't throw those ___stic bottles in the bin; we 7 special __
can use them again. 8 cheerful __
4 I love these go__ earrings, but the ___ver ones
are very nice, too. A bags you take with you on holiday
5 It’s too cold for a cap, I need a hat that’s made of B happy
wo__. C unusual, in a positive way
D extremely unhappy
Containers E a form of money
F live through an accident
2 Find seven more words for containers in the G the opposite of 'full'
word puzzle. H a place to keep cows and horses outside
5 Complete the sentences with the words.
iceberg passengers rare stomach
I H E D K J A R N R strange tools

A S N U R V C D W F There aren't many of these animals left – they're

very rare.
1 There is a(n) _______ noise coming from the
O C E D V S E J C K garden I wonder what it is.
2 Oh, no! The ship is going to hit that huge
T W O N F L J H P G 3 Did you know that ambergris comes from inside
L M P U G L A S S V a whale's _______?
4 I want to build a dog house, but I haven't got the
E T E B O W L S N B right _______ to do the job.
5 How many _______ were on the Titanic when it
3 Complete the sentences with seven of the words set off from England?
in exercise 2.
I bought a big packet of pasta at the At the lost property office
1 I can't open this ____ of marmalade – can you 6 Complete the dialogue with the words.
help me?
any is it left look lost made one
2 You look hot. Would you like a cold ____ of
water? A Good morning. I'm here because I lost my wallet
3 Put the thank-you note in the ____ and I'll post it yesterday. I (1) ____ it on the bus.
for you. B What does it (2) ____ like?
4 Grandma, can I make you a nice ____ of tea? A Well, it's (3) ____ of leather and it's black.
5 What's in that huge cardboard ____? B What brand (4) ____ it?
6 There's some fruit in the ceramic ____ on the A It's a Nike (5) ____.
table. B Is it (6) ____ of these?
A Yes, that's (7) ____! Thank you!

Grammar Unit 2
1 Complete the article. Use the correct past 3 Underline the mistakes in the sentences.
continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Then correct them.
1 As Benjamin was doing his History homework
Terror at sea!
his sister, Brianna, was do her Geography
A large passenger ship hit an iceberg at 11.30 p.m. project.
last night. We asked some of the survivors what ______________________________________
they were doing at that time. ______________________________________
2 We wasn't playing football when it was starting to
Mrs Jane Compton: ‘I (1) ____ (not feel) very well –
rain; we was in the house playing chess.
travelling on a ship makes me a bit ill. I (2) _____
(get) ready to go to bed when it happened. My son
(3) ____ (sleep) and my daughter (4) ____ (write) a
3 What were they watching on TV when you were
letter. It was just like the Titanic... we were terrified!’
Zachary Jones: ‘I (5) ____ (do) anything really. Oh, ______________________________________
yes, I remember, I (6) ____ (pack) my suitcase. My ______________________________________
parents (7) ____ (walk) on the deck of the ship 4 While Jane was listening to the song, she was
when we hit the iceberg. Lots of the other remembering the day she met her boyfriend,
passengers (8) ____ (try) to get into the lifeboats. It Cameron.
was a scary experience!’ ______________________________________
2 Look at the pictures. What were the people
doing yesterday at 3 p.m.? Write dialogues 5 The car was moving while the dog jumped out of
using the correct past continuous form of the it.
verbs given. ______________________________________
6 I was sleep when my mother shouted at me to
get up.

4 Complete the dialogues with the correct past

1 2 continuous or past simple form of the verbs.
There is one verb you do not need.

dig do pack
1 A What _____________ when you found the
rare coin?
B I _____________ in my grandfather's
vegetable garden.
3 4
get find talk work (x2)
1 A (study) ___________________________? 2 A _____________ at the airport when they
B (not study) ________________________. _____________ the envelope on the ground?
(repair) _____________________________. B No, they _____________ at the airport.
2 A (cook) ____________________________? They _____________ a bus to the airport.
B (not cook) _________________________.
(work) ______________________________. do drive happen send talk try
3 A (swim) ___________________________? 3 A _____________ a text message while he
B (not swim) _________________________. _____________ the car?
(play) _______________________________. B No, Vince _____________ that. He
4 A (travel by car) ______________________? _____________ on his mobile phone when
B (not travel by car) ___________________. the accident _____________.
(ride) _______________________________.

Vocabulary Unit 2
1 What are these things often made of? Write an 3 Complete the crossword.
appropriate material. Do not use the same 1
material twice.
1 ____
jackets, boots, shoes, gloves 3 4
2 ____
vases, plates, bowls, cups
3 ____ 5
T-shirts, shirts, blouses, dresses 6
4 ____
mirrors, windows, bottles, jars
7 8
5 ____
tools, umbrella handles, parts of a car
6 ____
Wellington boots, balls, some pet toys
7 ____ and ____
watches, rings, earrings, necklaces
8 ____
tables, chairs, desks, picture frames Across
9 ____ 3 happy; in a good mood
winter cardigans, hats, gloves, socks 7 unusual e.g. a noise, experience or feeling
10 ____ 9 something we notice with our nose
picnic forks, knives, some rain coats, bottles Down
1 what is left of a ship when it sinks
2 Complete the note with words for containers.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible. 2 outside area often with grass for animals to eat
Do not use the same word twice. 4 suitcases; bags we pack to go on holiday
5 a piece of metal used as money
6 very unhappy
Good morning, Joe! 8 not very common

There is a (1) ____ of cereal, a 4 Complete the dialogue.

(2) ____ of apple juice and a (3) ____ A Hi. I was wondering if you could help me. My
for your tea on the table for your sister (1) ____ a box with a rare coin in it this
breakfast. Please could you get these morning. She (2) ____ it on the plane.
things when you go to the shops later? B What does the box (3) ____ like?
A Well, it's small and black.
1 x (4) ____ of chocolates (present B What’s it (4) ____ of?
for Gran) A The box? It's cardboard.
6 x (5) ____ of cola B Is it (5) ____ of these?
2 x (6) ____ of olive oil A No, that's not (6) ____.
1 x (7) ____ of jam B Sorry… I can take your phone number and call
2 x (8) ____ of pasta you if we find it.
3 x (9) ____ of baked beans A Yes, that's a good idea. Thanks.
1 x cardboard (10) ____ of orange

Mum xxx

Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 3
Grammar Vocabulary

will / won't for future predictions The body

1 Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F. 5 Choose the correct option to label the pictures.
We use will or won't + the past participle. F
1 We use will or won't + the infinitive. ____
2 The form of will / won’t is different for all
subjects. ____
3 In questions, we put will after the subject. ____ 1 chest / brain 2 thumb / finger
4 We usually don’t include the main verb in short
answers. ____

2 Complete the sentences with will or won't.

In the future ...
people will eat different food.  3 toe / blood 4 heart / knee
1 cars ____ pollute the environment. 
2 robots ____ clean our homes. 
3 there ____ be any schools. 
4 we ____ find cleaner forms of energy. 
5 people ____ drive to work. 
5 wrist / ankle 6 shoulder / back
The first conditional (if / unless)
The environment
3 Read the sentences. Underline the action clause
and circle the result clause.
6 Complete the words in the sentences.
If greenhouse gases increase, the planet will get
If I go on an eco-friendly holiday, I won't harm
the environment.
1 We won't have enough water for the plants
1 Coal and gas are called f__sil __els.
unless we get more rain.
2 Sadly, there is a lot of po__ut__n in many cities.
2 The planet will become more polluted if we
3 Many farmers g__ crops like corn, potatoes and
continue to burn fossil fuels.
3 Unless we help animals in danger of extinction,
4 Gr__nhouse __ases can cause global warming.
they will die.
4 If global warming continues, more Arctic ice will
Talking about health problems

4 Choose the correct option. 7 Did a doctor / nurse or a patient say these
things? Write D / N or P.
We won't / will go skiing this weekend if it
What's the matter with you? D / N
doesn't snow.
1 Let me take your temperature. ___
1 What won't / will your teachers say if you don't
2 I feel ill. ___
go to school?
3 My back hurts. ___
2 If / Unless we change how we live, humans
4 How do you feel? ___
won't survive for long.
5 I've got a cough. ___
3 If you don't study, you will / won't pass your
English exam.
4 If they go to Africa, they will / won't take lots of
5 She won't come to the cinema unless / if she’s

Grammar Unit 3
3 Rewrite the affirmative sentences as negative
will / won't for future predictions
sentences and questions.
1 Correct the underlined mistakes in the rules. People will have smaller brains in the future.
 People won't have smaller brains in the future.
Predictions are facts about the future.
? Will people have smaller brains in the future?
1 Humans will look different in the year 3000.
1 We use will or won't + the past participle to make
 _____________________________________
future predictions.
? _____________________________________
2 Students will have robot teachers at the end of
2 The form of will / won’t is different for all
the century.
 _____________________________________
? _____________________________________
3 We use ’ll in formal writing or speech.
4 We usually include the main verb in short The first conditional (if / unless)
4 Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in
2 Look at the picture. Use the correct form of will I'll help clean up the park unless I'm busy. (if)
and an appropriate verb to complete the I'll help clean up the park if I'm not busy.
predictions. 1 We'll be late if we don't hurry. (unless)
2 There’ll be no trees left unless we stop cutting
them down. (if)
3 If they don’t come to the zoo, they won't see the
animals! (unless)
4 Unless it rains soon, the crops will dry up. (if)

5 Read the statements. Use the prompts to

complete the first conditional sentences.
I don't want to stop eating chocolate.
(weight / increase)
If you don't stop eating chocolate, your weight
will increase.
1 Let's stay here for another hour.
(we / not catch the last bus home)
If _____________________________________
2 Samuel doesn't want to study.
(he / not pass the exam)
Unless _________________________________
3 Rachel wants to visit the doctor.
(she / feel better)
1 You’ll help animals that are sick.
Unless _________________________________
2 You ____ a beautiful woman.
4 The government want to stop using fossil fuels.
3 You ____ three children; you ____ two.
(they / help decrease global warming)
4 You ____ in a small house; you ____ in a large
If _____________________________________
beautiful house.
5 You ____ to interesting places.

Vocabulary Unit 3
The body The environment
1 Complete the words for parts of the body. 3 Match the words to the definitions.
decrease eco-friendly fossil fuels
global warming greenhouse gases increase
organic run out
not have any more of something run out
1 describes something that doesn't harm the
environment ____
2 become more in number or amount ____
3 crops grown naturally ____
4 become less in number or amount ____
5 the result of the planet getting hotter ____
6 something that cows, for example, produce ____
7 materials such as coal and gas that we use to
produce energy ____

Extra vocabulary

1 brain 5 k____ 4 Complete the words in the sentences.

2 n____ 6 f____ If you want to stay fit and healthy you need to
3 t____ 7 sk____ eat well and exercise regularly.
4 t____ 8 c____ 1 My grandad is sick, so he is __fit and very we__.
2 There are a lot of co__ in South America –
2 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences
with the correct form of hurt, and the words for farmers use them to produce __ef.
body parts. 3 The water in the lake looks green at this time of
year because it has got a lot of a__ae in it.
4 What kind of f__l do you use to he__ your
5 I'm doing a sur____ on health; could I ask you a
few questions, please?

1 2
Talking about health problems

5 Choose the correct option to complete the

1 A Please sit down. OK, how can I help?
What's the matter with / for you?
B Good morning, Dr Brace. I don't feel very
3 4 good / well. I feel really hot and I've got a
1 The men hurt their backs. sore throat / cough.
The men's backs hurt. A I see. Well, let me give / take your
2 Grace ____ her a____. temperature.
Grace's a____ ____. 2 A Hi, Johnny. How do / are you feel today?
3 Brandon____ his s____. B Hello, Dr Jenkins. I feel terrible. I my ankle
Brandon's s____ ____. hurt / hurt my ankle.
4 Sarah ____ her w____. A Hmm, does hurt it / it hurt when I do this?
Sarah's w____ ____. B Ouch! Yes, it hurts / hurts it a lot!

Grammar Unit 3
1 Complete the rules. Write one word in each gap. 4 Complete the first conditional sentences using
1 We use will or won't + the ____. the correct verbs in the correct order.
2 We use will or won't to make future ____. 1 ____ better if I ____ eating chocolate? (stop,
3 The form of will / won’t is the ____ for all feel)
subjects. 2 If ____ less water, we ____. (not use, run out)
4 We use the short form ____ in informal writing 3 ____ his back if he ____ anything too heavy.
and speech. (not lift, not hurt)
5 We usually don’t include the main ____ in short 4 If they ____ the animals, ____. (not survive, not
answers. help)
5 We ____ a lot this year if Mrs Rae ____ a good
2 Use the prompts and the correct form of will to teacher. (be, learn)
write questions and short answers. 6 Joe and Jack ____ to the science fair if ____ too
1 number of people / planet / increase? much homework. (have, not go)
_______________________________________ 7 If ____ to the hospital, ____ the nurse ____our
Yes, ____. temperature? (take, go)
2 students / go to school / learn? 8 The doctor ____ you if she ____ you to answer
______________________________________ any questions. (need, call)
No, ____.
3 governments / realize / using fossil fuels / bad? 5 Read the text and write sentences using the
______________________________________ prompts.
Yes, ____.
Have you or someone in your family got a health
4 you / do something / help / environment problem? Tell Dr Health all about it!
Yes, ____. Dear Dr Health,
5 people / stop / kill / animals? I’m 16 years old and I get extremely nervous
______________________________________ before exams. I stay up late studying because I
No, ____. want to get good results. I study for hours and hours
every night and I don't get any exercise. I eat lots of
3 Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of junk food when I have an exam and I don’t eat any
fruit or vegetables. I know it’s bad! I go to the gym
A Hi, I'm doing a survey to find out what people
sometimes but I always forget my trainers! Help!
think life (1) ____ (be) like in the future. Would
it be OK to ask you a few questions? Noah
B Sure.
1 you / stay calm / before exams / not do well
A Great! Question 1. (2) ____ (people / look)
different in the future?
B Yes, I think (3) ____. Humans (4) ____ (not
2 you / be tired / if / stay up late / studying /
have to) move very much, so they (5) ____
get bad results (will)
(have) shorter legs and fatter bodies!
A OK. Question 2. (6) ____ (the planet / need)
3 you / become / unfit / get some exercise
our help in the year 3000?
(will, unless)
B No, (7) ____. People (8) ____ (realize) soon
that the planet needs our help and they
4 if / you / not stop / eat / junk food / weight /
(9) ____ (do) something about the planet's
increase (will)
A Good. Question 3. How many people
5 you / hurt / ankles / if / forget / wear / trainers /
(10) ____ (drive) cars in the future?
for gym (will)
B None! People (11) ____ (not drive) cars,
they’ll fly... which is what I need to do, or I
(12) ____ (be) late for work!

Vocabulary Unit 3
1 Label the parts of the body. 3 Use a word from A and the correct form of a
verb from B to complete the dialogues.
A fossil fuels global warming
greenhouse gas organic pollution
B decrease grow increase produce run out
1 A Does your aunt have ____ crops on her
B Yes. She ____ them without using any
2 A Can you tell me what ____ is?
B It’s when the earth's temperature ____.
3 A What does coal ____ when we burn it?
B ____ – in the air and in the water.
4 A What can we do to ____ things like ____?
B We can stop eating beef.
5 A What will we do if we ____ of ____ in the
next five years?
B We'll need to use alternative forms of
1 _____ 5 _____
energy sooner than we thought.
2 _____ 6 _____
3 _____ 7 _____ 4 Are the sentences true or false? Correct the
4 _____ 8 _____ false ones.
1 If you are fit and healthy, you are weak. ____
2 Write two sentences for each picture, using the
verb hurt and words for parts of the body. ______________________________________
2 Algae is a kind of plant. ____
3 Beef comes from horses. ____
4 Our bodies don't need protein. ____
1 2 5 An award is a kind of prize. ____
6 We heat our homes when it is hot. ____
7 A nut is a kind of exercise. ____
8 There are questions on a survey. ____
3 4 ______________________________________

5 Complete the dialogues with one word.

1 ______________________________________
______________________________________ 1 A Good morning, Mrs Rae. How (1) ____
2 ______________________________________ you feel today?
______________________________________ B Hello, Nurse Grant. I (2) ____ a bit sick.
3 ______________________________________ A What's the (3) ____ with you?
______________________________________ B I've got a (4) ____ throat.
4 ______________________________________ 2 A Hello, Jack. What's the matter (5) ____
______________________________________ you?
B Hello, Dr Casey. I don't feel very (6) ____.
A I see. Well, (7) ____ me (8) ____ your

Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 4
Grammar Vocabulary

be going to Money

1 Mr and Mrs Smith won a lot of money on the 4 Choose the correct answer.
lottery. Complete their plans using the positive I want a new mobile phone, so I'm ____ my
or negative form of be going to.
They aren't going to live in a small house.  A saving B donating C winning
1 They ____ move to a big beautiful home.  1 I couldn't use my credit card at the shop because
2 Mrs Smith ____ keep her slow old car.  they only take ____.
3 Mrs Smith ____ buy a fast new car.  A notes B coins C cash
4 Mr Smith ____ wear cheap clothes.  2 If Fin helps at home, he gets his ___ money
5 Mr Smith ____ buy expensive, designer every Saturday.
clothes.  A prize B pocket C coins
3 Mum has a really good job. She ____ a lot of
be going to and will money.
A earns B wins C sells
2 Read the sentences. Do they make predictions 4 I've got some money, so I'll ____ for your lunch.
based on what we believe (PB), on external A donate B pay C spend
evidence (PE), or talk about future plans (FP)?
Write PB, PE or FP.
They built our house with the best materials. It
Verbs and prepositions of movement
isn't going to collapse. PE
5 Complete the words in the sentences.
1 He feels sure he'll pass his exam. ____
Joe’s feeling scared about the Mud Run because
2 My sister is going to travel to Spain in March.
he doesn't want to swim through that long dark
3 Look at the clouds. It's going to rain. ____
1 Watch Joshua. He's going to dive in____ the
4 I don't think I'll win the prize money. ____
5 Are Lauren and Jacob going to go to the football
2 Those books are going to fall o____ the shelf.
match tonight? ____
3 The horse can't jump ov____ that wall; it's too
Present continuous for future
4 There's lots of snow on that hill. Let's go and
arrangements slide do____ it!
5 You broke the table. I told you not to stand
3 Choose the correct option.
o____ it!
You and Daniel are meeting / Are you and
Daniel meeting James tonight?
Paying for something in a shop
1 What time are you seeing / you are seeing the
nurse? 6 Did a customer or a shop assistant say these
2 Megan is visiting / is visitting her mum in the things? Write C or S.
hospital at 2 o'clock. Can I pay by card? C
3 David aren't / isn't doing his exam at 4 p.m. 1 Here's your change. ____
4 My friends and I aren't watching / aren't watch 2 Have you got a receipt? ____
a film on Saturday. 3 I'd like to return this. ____
5 They are coming / is coming at three this 4 Can I have a refund, please? ____
afternoon. 5 I'm sorry, we only take cash. ____
6 Emily and Anna playing aren't / aren't playing 6 There's a cash machine over there. ___
tennis on Friday. 7 That comes to £12.99. ____
7 Emma isn't / not going shopping this morning.

Grammar Unit 4
4 Choose the best option. Decide if the sentence
be going to
makes predictions based on a belief (PB), on
external evidence (PE), or if it refers to future
1 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. plans (FP)? Write PB, PE or FP.
Jessica isn’t go to sell her laptop. I didn't clean my room and there are clothes all
Jessica isn’t going to sell her laptop. over the floor. Mum won't / isn't going to be
1 They aren't going watch TV. very happy. PE
______________________________________ 1 Is Alexis certain in her mind that she will / is
2 Tony are going to leave home. going to pass her exam? ____
______________________________________ 2 Grace is going to / will travel to America next
3 They are going to sell their new app? year. It’s all booked. ____
______________________________________ 3 They're sure they are going to / will win the
4 The dog isn't going to chasing the cat. prize money. ____
______________________________________ 4 The tree branch isn't strong enough. I can see it
5 What you are going to do this afternoon? breaking! He will / is going to fall! ____
______________________________________ 5 Are you going to / Will you enter the charity
event? Is that the plan? ____
2 Write the words in the correct order.
6 It’s going to / it will snow. It’s very cold and
to / hockey / Tyler / going / watch / tonight / isn't
there are lots of clouds. ____
Tyler isn't going to watch hockey tonight.
7 We aren't going to / won't cross over that
1 is / Olivia / to / her grandparents / visit / going
bridge. No way! ____
2 to / going / drive / Mum and Dad / to / the cinema
Present continuous for future
/ aren't
3 Jack / next year / is / to / get married / going / ?
5 Complete the diary with the verbs in the correct
______________________________________ form of the present continuous.
4 are / skiing / going / at the weekend / go / to /
Max and I
Monday 9th July
 Am I meeting (I / meet) Jack for coffee
5 is / a success / that new computer game / to /
going / be at 8 a.m.? Call him!
______________________________________  Don’t forget! I (1) _______ (see) Dr Brace
at 2 p.m.
be going to and will  I (2) _______ (not play) tennis with Austin
at 6 p.m. – he (3) _______ (travel) to
3 Write predictions and questions. You can use
going to or will. London at 5 p.m.

Oh no! / That cat / fall off / wall  Tuesday 10th July

Oh no! That cat is going to fall off the wall.
 (4) _______ (Rachel and Vicky / come) for
1 I / be sure / she / donate / money / to charity 
lunch at 1 p.m.? Email them to check.
2 they / be annoyed / with us?   Don’t forget! Mum and I (5) _______ (go)
______________________________________ shopping at 3 p.m.
3 we / think / you / enjoy / the race / on Sunday 
Wednesday 11th July
4 The man's leg is hurt. he / finish / the mud run   My team (6) _______ (not take part) in
______________________________________ the 4 p.m. match – (7) _______ (we / take
part) in the 6 p.m. match? Check…

Vocabulary Unit 4
Money Extra vocabulary

1 Are the sentences true or false? Correct the 3 Complete the text with the words.
false sentences.
annoyed broke bride pleased rich valuable
Pocket money is money you get from your job. F
Pocket money is money you get from your Last week, two of my best friends got married.
parents. Unfortunately, before the wedding, I was broke and
1 Coins are made from paper. __ I didn't have a lot of money to buy the (1) ____ and
______________________________________ groom something nice. In the end, I bought them a
2 When you pay for someone else's lunch, they £10 lottery ticket. When I gave them the ticket, I was
eat free. __ worried that they would be (2) ____ about it, but
______________________________________ they weren't. In fact, they were very (3) ____ about
3 You win money from your job. __ it. Do you know why? The ticket I gave them was a
______________________________________ winning ticket and now they are (4) _____! So that
4 Many notes are made from wool. __ ticket was very (5) ____!
5 When you spend all your money, you aren't 4 Match words 1–6 to definitions A–F.
saving it. __ 1 valuable E 4 net __
______________________________________ 2 wedding __ 5 tunnel __
3 bridge __ 6 wall __
Verbs and prepositions of movement
A we can use this to catch fish or animals
2 Complete the verbs in the sentences.
B a structure we use to cross a river or a road
C the event when two people get married
D a structure to connect one place to another
E worth a lot of money
F a structure that separates the rooms of a house

5 Complete the sentences with the words.

1 2
earn half quarter third win
A quarter of the teams arrived at the competition
by bus – that's 25 per cent of the teams.
1 Jake doesn't ____ much money where he works.
2 A ____ of the students in my class donate
money to charity – that's 33 per cent.
3 4 3 Did Stephen ____ the prize money?
4 ____ of the runners are men – that's 50 per cent.

Paying for something in a shop

6 Choose the correct option to complete the

1 A That comes / is to €50, please.
5 6
B OK. Can I pay by card / change?
1 The cat is going to climb up the tree.
A I'm sorry, we only take / give cash.
2 The baby is going to c____ under the bed.
2 A I'd like to give / return this CD.
3 Kayla is going to d____ into the pool.
B Have you got a cash machine / receipt?
4 Sophia is going to s____ through the wave.
A Yes, can I take / have a refund, please?
5 José and Tim are going to s____ down the hill.
6 The dog is going to h____ onto the table!

Grammar Unit 4
1 Read the text. There are six errors in it. Find 3 Complete B’s replies using the best option, be
them and rewrite it in your notebook. going to or will.
1 A Look at that little boy standing on the table!
My friends are always asking me what I’m going do
B Oh, no! He _______ (fall off) it.
after I leave school. Well, my friend Claire and I isn’t
2 A _______ (we / go) to England on holiday?
going to stay at home, that’s for sure! We’re goeing to
B No, we _______ (not visit) England. We
travel around Europe together and we’re to going have
_______ (travel) to France – I’ve got the
lots of fun and adventures. My parents don’t know
plane tickets right here!
about our plans. Claire says she aren’t going to tell her
3 A Do you think Hannah _______ (win) first prize
parents until the day before we leave! I’m isn’t going to
in the race?
tell them until after the trip is booked and they can’t do
B No, I'm sure she _______ (not finish) the
anything about it!
race. I think you _______ (come) first.
2 Look at the pictures. What are the people going 4 A Do you think the _______ (weather / be) nice
to do? Write dialogues using the prompts and today?
the correct form of be going to. B No! Look at those clouds – it _______ (rain)
5 A Do they think people _______ (donate)
money to the animal charity?
B Yes, they believe people _______ (give) what
they can.
6 A Why _______ (your sister / clean) the whole
1 2 house this afternoon?
B She wants to earn extra pocket money
because she _______ (buy) a new bike.
7 A _______ (you and Sabrina / sleep) at Josie’s
house tonight?
B No, she’s on holiday. We _______ (stay) in
and watch some films.

3 4 4 Complete the dialogues with the correct present

continuous form of the verbs. There is one verb
1 A (sell / book) _________________________? you do not need.
B (not sell) ____________________________. crawl go play see
(buy) _________________________________.
1 A _______ the doctor this afternoon?
2 A (pay for / sandwich) ___________________?
B No, I _______ to the hospital today. I
B (not pay for) _________________________.
_______ tennis with Jacob at 5 p.m.
(make) _______________________________.
3 A (swim down) _________________________? do meet take part talk
B (not swim down) ______________________. 2 A What _______ tonight?
(slide down) ____________________________. B Jason and Jordan _______ me at the
4 A (fall off / diving board) _________________? swimming pool at 4 p.m. We _______ in the
B (not fall off) __________________________. diving competition at 4.30.
(dive off) _______________________________.
drive fly slide take (x2)
3 A Austin _______ to London this Tuesday.
B I know. He _______ a taxi to the airport at 9
A No, he _______ a taxi at 9 a.m. His wife
_______ him there at 10 a.m.

Vocabulary Unit 4
1 Complete the text with the verbs. 3 Complete the crossword.
1 2
buy donate pay save sell spend

Hi all! Today, I'm going to talk about money.
My parents don't like it when I (1) ____ all my 4
pocket money on things like computer games
and clothes. They want me to use some of
that money to (2) ____ things like books for
school. They also think it's a good idea for me
to (3) ____ some of the money so I can
(4) ____ for things when I go to university and
not ask them to send me money!
My sister isn't like me – she's very good with Across
her money. Last week, she decided to 1 a structure that separates the rooms of a house
(5) ____ her old laptop and (6) ____ the 3 having completely run out of money
money to an animal charity! Now I feel 5 a structure that goes over a river or road
miserable – I'll never have enough money to 6 untidy or dirty
do something nice like that!
I need some advice about how to manage my
2 angry or irritated
pocket money? Can anyone help?!
4 something we use to catch fish
5 the woman who is marrying the groom
2 Complete the sentences with verbs and
prepositions of movement.
4 Complete the definitions with one word.
1 25 per cent of something = a ____ of something
2 ____ = make money from a job
3 33 per cent of something = a ____ of something
4 ____ = be first in a competition
5 50 per cent of something = a ____ of something
1 2
5 Use the prompts to write the dialogue.
A I / pay / card / ?
(1) _________________________________
B I / sorry, / the shop / only take cash. / there / be /
cash machine / at the back / shop
3 4 (2) _________________________________
A and I / like / return / this
(3) _________________________________
B you / got / receipt / ?
(4) _________________________________
A yes, / I have / refund / please ?
5 6
(5) _________________________________
1 The fireman is going to ____ ____ the ladder.
2 The baby is going to ____ ____ the table.
3 Alyssa is going to ____ ____ the pool.
4 The fish are going to ____ ____ the ship wreck.
5 Noah and Brian are going to ____ ____ the hill.
6 He is going to ____ ____ the black square.

Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 5
Grammar less ... than, the least ..., (not) as ... as

4 Cross out the extra word.

can, can't, could, couldn't
Cooking is the less fun than reading.
1 Choose the correct option. 1 You aren't as old as than me.
2 Are apples as the healthy as oranges?
Jo could play the piano when she was three!
3 This is the least than expensive phone.
present ability / past ability
4 Tom's town is less as quiet than Maria's town.
1 No, you can't go to the party.
present ability / present permission
2 Could you eat sweets when you were younger? Vocabulary
past permission / present ability
3 I could read before I started school. Life stages
present permission / past ability
4 My brother can speak five languages! 5 Match the words 1–6 to the pictures A–F.
present ability / past ability 1 teenager C 4 elderly __
2 adult __ 5 middle-aged __
Comparative and superlative adverbs 3 baby __ 6 toddler __

2 Complete the table.

Adverb Comparative Superlative

happily more happily than the (1) ____

well better (2) ____ the best

hard (3) hard__ than (4) ____ hardest


allow somebody to / be allowed to Verbs: lifestyle

3 Put the words in the correct order. 6 Choose the correct option.
to / his / computer / us / dad / our / allows / use Does Jodi do / have well at school?
Our dad allows us to use his computer. 1 Yes, you can go / study on the school trip.
1 to / allowed / Tina / late / is / stay up / ? 2 We invite / have a lie in every Saturday.
______________________________________ 3 Can you help / spend me with my homework?
2 out / didn't / me / last night / allow / go / my 4 I don't want to study / share a room with her.
parents / to
______________________________________ Expressing opinions
3 to / song/ you / download / allowed / the / were /
? 7 Are the people asking for opinions (A),
______________________________________ expressing opinions (E), making comparisons
(M), agreeing (AG) or disagreeing (D)?
4 allowed / late / on Sundays / to / we’re / sleep
late Let's buy it – it's the least expensive. M
______________________________________ 1 I'm afraid I don't agree. ___
5 her / to / I’m / allowed / not / talk / to 2 What did you think of the variety show? ___
______________________________________ 3 That's a good point. ___
6 outside / go / he / allow / the / to / doesn’t / cat 4 In my opinion, that act was boring. ___

Grammar Unit 5
4 Correct the underlined mistakes in the
can, can't, could, couldn't
Peter cares about his weight, so he eats healthy.
1 Complete the sentences with can(’t) or healthily
could(n’t). 1 Hans is from Germany. He speaks German
She could read when she was three years old.  fluently than all the other students. ____
1 Last weekend, he ____ invite friends to his 2 Joseph always studies hardly for his exams.
house because he had an exam on Monday.  3 Dad arrives home late Mum. ____
2 Grandma ____ drive a car when she got 4 Tina sings well than we do. ____
married.  5 Simon is gooder at football than Steven. ____
3 Sorry, you ____ come to the concert with us. I've 6 The balloon got more big and more big.
only got two tickets. 
4 Olivia ____ write Spanish and English!  allow somebody to / be allowed to
5 When she was a teenager, she ____ go to the
city centre on her own.  5 Complete the sentences with the words in
6 Many people ____ play a musical instrument.  brackets.
7 My mum says that we ____ eat what we want if Mum (me / allow) allowed me to go to the park
it's healthy!  yesterday.
8 I ____ ride a bike when I was five.  1 I (allow) ____________ go to the park
2 Answer the questions. 2 It’s 4 o’clock but Mr Smith (them / not
Which of the sentences in exercise 1 are about ... ? allow) ____________ leave the classroom for
1 present ability ___, ___ another hour!
2 past ability ___, ___ 3 They (not allow) ____________ leave the
3 present permission ___, ___ classroom for another hour.
4 past permission ___, ___ 4 David’s mum (him / not allow) ____________
play computer games after 9 p.m.
Comparative and superlative adverbs 5 He (not allow) ____________ play computer
games after 9 p.m.
3 Look at the pictures. Then complete the 6 We (allow) ____________ to stay up late on
sentences with the correct comparative or Saturdays.
superlative adverb.
7 I will (allow / you) ____________go on the
school trip.

less ... than, the least ..., (not) as ... as

1 6 Complete the sentences with one word.

Steven is as nervous as me.
1 City Lights are ____ as good as this band.
2 She is good at everything. She is the ____
intelligent person I know.
2 3 Our dog is ____ aggressive than their dog. Their
dog terrorises all the people in our street!
1 Gemma plays the violin badly. Nick plays the 4 Nathan is as unhappy ____ his brother.
violin ____________ Gemma. Jenny plays the 5 My bedroom is ___ least untidy bedroom of all.
violin ____________ of all. 6 England ___ as hot as Spain.
2 Daniel wakes up earl__. Jess wakes up 7 Of all the hotels I’ve visited, this is the ___
____________ Daniel. Sam wakes up luxurious. It really is very basic here.
____________ of all.

Vocabulary Unit 5
3 a funny performer _________
Life stages 4 after a long time _________
5 communicating without errors _________
1 Find more words connected with life stages in 6 a person who takes part in the last stage of a
the word puzzle.
game, competition, etc. _________
5 Complete the words.
1 The food and the service at the restaurant were
E D S G I Y M O E T terrible. The whole experience was very
A D U L T H U B T X unenjoyable.
2 My team is un____py because they lost the
football match.
R E S I B Y U B R K 3 You're ____ealthy because you don't eat
properly and you never exercise!
4 Don't worry about things that are unim____ant.
W J O U E I G J R Y 5 Look at your room! Your clothes are everywhere!
T A C G N V I M V I It’s very un____y.

Expressing opinions
2 Write the words connected with life stages from 6 Complete the dialogues with the words.
exercise 1 in the correct order.
absolutely right be honest good point
1 baby 4 __________
like my opinion personally what
2 __________ 5 __________
3 __________ 6 __________ 1 A So, what did you think of the film?
B To (1) __________, I didn't think much of
Verbs: lifestyle the acting.
A Don't you (2) __________ Jennifer
3 Complete the list of things to improve your life Lawrence?
with verbs. B In (3) __________, she seems a bit... oh, I
don't know... uninteresting.
A Yes, she is a bit. That's a(n)
do well at school
(4) __________.
1 __________ healthier meals
B (5) __________, I think she's the least
2 __________ someone with a problem
talented actress I've ever watched!
3 __________ new friends
A Hmm, you're (6) __________!
4 __________ time with your family
5 __________ less money on clothes agree didn't how less much think
6 __________ hard for my exams
2 A How do you feel about my new song?
7 __________ a new sport
B Personally, I don't (1) __________ it was
very good. I think you can write better than
Extra vocabulary A (2) __________ you like the words?
B No, not (3) __________. They’re
4 Match the words to the definitions. (4) __________ exciting than the words of
audition comedian easily your other songs.
eventually finalist fluently A Well, I'm afraid I don't (5) __________ with
1 without problems easily you.
2 a short performance to show you are good B Sorry, but you asked me for my opinion!
enough to be in a play, variety show, etc.

Grammar Unit 5
1 Complete the dialogue with can, can't, could or 4 Complete the email with the correct comparative
couldn’t and the verbs. or superlative form of the adjectives.
dance invite (x2) not dance not invite bad fluent good hard
not make not sing play late quick
A Grandma, when you were younger
(1) ____________ your friends over at the
weekends? Hi Daniel,
B No, I (2) ____________ them over because Just a note to let you know how my Spanish
lessons are going. This month, I worked
our house was small and we were a big
(1) ____________ last month in my classes, so I
I’m not (2) ____________ student in the class
A Oh, I see. I (3) ____________ friends over,
anymore!  Actually, I'm doing
but I share a room with Amy, so my friends
(3) ____________ my friend, Fin, now. I can
and I (4) ____________ too much noise.
finish my Spanish homework (4) ____________
B Well, that's not so bad. him, too! After yesterday's lesson, I stayed
A Yes, it is! You know that my friends and I (5) ____________ of all the students and I talked
(5) ____________ musical instruments. And to my teacher. She said that I was talking
we have a band. I’m the singer. But Amy (6) ____________ I did a month ago. It made me
(6) ____________ a note so she gets angry very happy! How are your French lessons going?
when we practise in our room. Sam xxx
B Yes, that’s a problem! When I was young, I
(7) ____________ really well, but my little 5 Look at the table. Write sentences about what
sister (8) ____________ at all. She has got the teenagers are allowed () / not allowed ()
no coordination. Oh, she got very jealous to do. Use but to say what they can’t do.
when I went dancing. go to the buy new have a
A Ah, so you had problems with your sister too! talent show clothes sleepover
2 Complete the second sentence so that it means   
and Josie
the same as the first. Use can, can't, could or
Emma   
1 Our teacher has the ability to speak German.
Noah   
Our teacher ____________ German. 1 Chloe and Josie _________________________
2 Mum won't give me permission to go with you. ______________________________________
I ____________ with you. 2 Emma ________________________________
3 My uncle didn't have the ability to drive until he ______________________________________
was thirty! 3 Noah __________________________________
My uncle ____________ until he was thirty! ______________________________________
4 Aunt Jen didn't have permission to have
6 Rewrite the sentences using the words in bold.
sleepovers when she was young.
Aunt Jen ____________ sleepovers when she 1 Sweets aren't very healthy, but fruit and
was young. vegetables are. (less)
5 Ethan had the ability to ski when he was five. ______________________________________
Ethan ____________ ski when he was five. 2 Watching cricket isn't very interesting, but
watching football is. (not as)
3 Four of these sentences have mistakes in them. ______________________________________
Find and correct them. 3 My parents' bedroom is tidy. My brother's
1 Of all our friends, Jacob eats the most healthier. bedroom is untidy. My bedroom is more untidy
____ than both rooms. (most)
2 Emily runs fast than me. ____ ______________________________________
3 Dad gets up the earliest than Mum. ____ 4 My History class is interesting and so is my
4 My brother is a bit taller than me. ____ English class. (as)
5 Sergio is the bestest at English in his class. ____ ______________________________________

Vocabulary Unit 5
4 We'll have ____ you plan the party if you'd like.
1 Read the definitions and write the stage of life. 5 How many times a day do you cook ____ or
1 Meg is a woman of about seventy-five years old. email your friends?
She's e____________. 6 Luis finds it difficult to spend ____ new friends.
2 Dave is a grown-up person. He's an
a____________. 5 Complete the words in the speeches.
3 Olivia is twelve years old. She's a
c____________. 1 The last school trip I went on was very
4 The singers in the band are from thirteen to unen_______. I didn't have fun at all! We went
nineteen years old. They're t____________. to London to a big museum, but there were so
5 My little cousin is almost a year old. She's a many people there that we couldn't see the
b____________. paintings pro_______. Our teacher
6 Aunt Zelda is about forty. She's even_______ said that it was time to leave and
m____________. get on the bus. I was happy to go home.

2 Complete the life stages phrases with the verbs.

have get (x2) go grow learn leave retire 2 Do you like visiting other countries? I do. Last
year, my parents took me to France. My dad
1 ____ to drive 5 ____ a job
was unh_______ because he didn't speak
2 ____ up 6 ____ from a job
French. For_______ I speak French
3 ____ home 7 ____ to university
flu_______, so I helped my dad when he
4 ____ married 8 ____ children
needed to talk to people at the hotel and in
3 Complete the text with some of the phrases in restaurants we went to
exercise 2. Use the past simple.

My Grandpa William is great and I want to tell you 3 My friend Tim is a com_______ and he is very
about his life. He (1) ____ in a big house with his funny. A few months ago, he went to an
parents and his four brothers. When Grandpa aud_______ for a var_______ show. The
William was seventeen he (2) ____ his dad's car jud_______ really liked him and he performed
and a few years later he (3) ____ and moved to the his act on live TV. They chose him as one of
city. He (4) ____ there and studied medicine. He the _______! He’s in next month’s final!
was lucky and (5) ____ in a hospital very quickly.
Then he (6) ____ to my Grandma Grace and they 6 Complete the dialogue.
(7) ____ – one of them is my dad! After many years
A (1) H____ do you feel about going to that new
Grandpa William (8) ____ and now he spends his
hamburger restaurant?
time working in his garden growing vegetables.
B (2) P____, I think hamburgers are junk food.
Grandma Grace and him are very happy. I love it
A (3) Oh, d____ t you like junk food?
when they invite me over to their house.
B No. In my (4) o____, people need to eat more
healthily. Hamburgers are full of additives –
4 The verbs in bold are in the wrong sentences.
Cross them out and write them in the correct they aren't (5) a____ good for you as fruit and
sentence. vegetables.
Do you share do well at school, Jack? A Yes, I suppose burgers and fries are much (6)
She's always complaining that she has to do l____ healthy than salad.
share a room with her sister. B You're absolutely (7) r____, so let's use these
1 I like this restaurant. They text ____ healthy lovely tomatoes and make a nice salad for
meals here. dinner. We can have some fish, too. I think
2 They make ____ their money on things they fish is one of the healthiest foods you can eat!
don’t need. A I (8) a____. Come on, I'll help you.
3 I can't wait – I'm going to help ____ a lie in on
Saturday morning.

Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 6
Grammar Vocabulary

Present perfect Jobs

1 Complete the words in the rules. 5 Match the words to the pictures.

have short answer specific time astronomer firefighter florist

subject past experience journalist pilot radio DJ

We use the present perfect to talk about a past

experience. When we use the present perfect, we
don't give a (1) ______________. When we give a
(2) ______________ in the present perfect, we use
(3) ______________ after the (4) ______________.
1 radio DJ 2 ________

2 Choose the correct option.

You have / Have you worked in a shop before?
1 Megan has worked / has work with animals.
2 I haven't / hasn't flown a plane, but I want to!
3 Erin and Ben have / has been to Barcelona. 3 ________ 4 ________
4 John has / have sold things on eBay.
5 Have / Has the firefighters saved all the people?

Present perfect: ever and never

5 ________ 6 ________
3 Complete the dialogues with ever or never.
A Have you ever made a video?
B Yes, but I've never put one on the internet.
1 A Ryan has ____ written a blog.
6 Choose the correct option.
B No, that’s true, he hasn't. Has he ____
be / go ill
published a story?
1 send / book a hostel
2 A Did you know that Emily and Julia have
2 explore / lose a new place
____ arranged a big party like this before?
3 meet / forget your passport
B Wow, that’s surprising. This is the best
4 miss / get sunburnt
party I've ____ been to!

there has / have been Talking in an interview

7 Complete the dialogue with the words.

4 Put the words in the correct order.
a / book / has / been / never / like / there / this / ! bit ever good how person why
There has never been a book like this! A So, Dan, why do you want this job?
1 there / for / been / me / a lot of emails / has / ? B I've worked in a café before and I think I'm
______________________________________ (1) ____ at it. I enjoy working with food and
2 has / nice weather / this week / there / been talking to people.
______________________________________ A Have you (2) ____ worked as a chef?
3 have / some / there / this year / been / good films B Yes, I've done a(n) (3) ____ of cooking in
______________________________________ restaurants.
4 a problem / has / while / there / you / ever / at the A Do you know (4) ____ to work with others?
airport / been / were / ? B Yes, definitely. I'm a very positive (5) ____
______________________________________ and I think I’m quite popular.

Grammar Unit 6

Present perfect Present perfect: ever and never

1 Complete the words in the rules. 4 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
That was the best cake I've never eaten.
We use the present perfect to talk about a past
That was the best cake I've ever eaten.
(1) ex______________. When we use the present
1 Have your sisters stayed ever in a hostel?
perfect, we don't give a specific (2) t________.
When we give a short (3) an________ in the
2 Ben never hasn’t been abroad.
present perfect, we use the verb (4) h____ after the
(5) s________.
3 Emma has not never had a car accident.
2 Rewrite the sentences in the question and
4 Ever has your teacher given you a bad mark?
negative form of the present perfect.
Anna has worked in a restaurant.
5 My friend and I have ever bought souvenirs at
? Has Anna worked in a restaurant?
that shop.
 Anna hasn't worked in a restaurant.
1 The horse has jumped over the wall.
? _____________________________________ 5 Look at the prompts. Write questions with ever
 _____________________________________ and answers with never. Use the correct form of
2 David and Jim have worked in the film industry. the present perfect.
? _____________________________________ you / book a B and B
 _____________________________________ Have you ever booked a B and B?
3 Dad has gone to work. No, I've never booked a B and B.
? _____________________________________ 1 Alexis / lose her suitcase?
 _____________________________________ ______________________________________
4 The girls have applied for jobs in that shop. ______________________________________
? _____________________________________ 2 your parents / hire a car?
 _____________________________________ ______________________________________
5 I have started my English project. ______________________________________
? _____________________________________ 3 Andrew / miss a flight?
 _____________________________________ ______________________________________
3 Complete the report with the correct form of the 4 you and I / meet new friends on a plane?
present perfect and the verbs in the brackets.

Last week Mrs Jones, asked us to complete a class there has / have been
survey about our experiences. We have asked (ask)
and (1) ____ (answer) the questions and Mrs Jones 6 Complete the sentences with has or have.
(2) ____ (record) the information. I (3) ____ (write) Has there ever been an accident while you were
some of the questions and answers here: flying the plane?
Q: (4) ____ (you / have) a Saturday job before? 1 There ____ never been a dog in my house.
A: No, I (5) ____ (not have) a job, but I (6) ____ 2 There ____ been lots of applications for this job.
(earn) pocket money by keeping my room tidy. 3 There ____ been some really bad weather
(Joseph) recently.
Q: (7) ____ (you / buy) things online?
4 ____ there been any emails for me?
A: No, we (8) ____ (not buy) anything, but we
(9) ____ (sell) our homemade jewellery on eBay.
We (10) ____ (make) a bit of money!
(Hannah and Sarah)

Vocabulary Unit 6

Jobs Extra vocabulary

1 Complete the words in the box. Then match the 3 Complete the text with the words.
words to the pictures.
apply career charity check in experience
astronomer fl____t p___t s____ as______t hunters office poison tribe way
v________y n___e y___ ins______r
My sister, Kayla, hasn't chosen a(n) career yet. But
she knows she doesn't want to work in a(n)
(1) ____. She wants to work for a wildlife (2) ____
so she can help wild animals. When she saw an ad
for work (3) ____ in Africa, she decided to (4) ____
for it – and she got it! She’s going to be staying with
an African (5) ____. Kayla and her team are going
1 astronomer 2 __________
to try and stop (6) ____ who use (7) ____ to kill
animals and then sell them. She leaves for Africa on
Saturday and she has to (8) ____ at the airport at
five o'clock. She's very excited and I know that she
will be very happy to be on her (9) ____!

4 Tick () the correct sentences.

3 __________ 4 __________
a Mum and Dad are on holiday. They've gone to
Spain for two weeks. 
b Mum and Dad are on holiday. They've been to
Spain for two weeks.
1 a Have you ever gone to New York?
b Have you ever been to New York?
2 a I've been to China. I went last summer.
5 __________ 6 __________
b I've gone to China. I went last summer.
3 a Ashley has gone out. She'll be back soon.
Holidays b Ashley has been out. She'll be back soon.
4 a No, Matt isn't here. He's gone to the office.
2 Complete the list of things to do and not do on
holiday with the words. b No, Matt isn't here. He's been to the office.
5 a You’re late! Where have you gone?
buy explore forget get b You’re late! Where have you been?
lose meet miss send

Talking in an interview
Want to do:
buy souvenirs for my friends 5 Complete the words in the dialogue.
1 ____ lots of new places A Why do you want to apply for this job?
2 ____ new people B I'm (1) very g____ at creative things and I'm
(2) a____ to write great articles.
3 ____ a postcard to Grandma
A Have you (3) e____ worked as a writer for a
Don't want to do:
newspaper before?
4 ____ my passport – remember to take it! B Yes, I've done a (4) l____ of work for the local
5 ____ my flight newspaper.
6 ____ my luggage A Are you (5) i____ in sports?
7 ____ sunburnt – it really hurts! B Yes, I am. I'm a very (6) e____ person and I
love doing sports – and writing about them

Grammar Unit 6
1 Complete the rules with one word. 3 Complete the email with the correct form of the
present perfect and the verbs.
We use the present perfect to talk about an
do help not find not have
experience in the (1) ________.When we use the
put start tell you / ever think
present perfect, we don't give a specific
(2) ________.When we give a short (3) _______ in
the present perfect, we use the verb (4) _______
after the (5) ________. Hi Jasmine,
How are you? Well, I (1) ____ my work
experience and I love it! I (2) ____ lots of great
2 Look at the pictures. Write questions and short things here at the animal charity. My team and I
answers about what has / hasn’t happened, (3) ____ two dogs today! They were both ill, but
using the prompts. they are much better now. The charity (4) ____
any homes for them unfortunately, but Mr
arrive / hostel buy / souvenirs eat / fish
forget / passport get / sunburnt have / accident Fleming, the man I work for, (5) ____ an advert
on the charity's website. We (6) ____ any calls
about the dogs, but I’m sure we will. (7) ____
about doing work experience? You (8) ____ me
that you love animals. What about calling your
local animal charity and asking about a job?
What do you think?
1 2 Speak soon,

4 Correct the two mistakes in the sentences.

Two of the sentences are correct.
1 Brianna have not never called me.
3 4 2 Has your friend never apply for a job?
3 My sister and I never have ate in this restaurant.
4 Has your invention ever won a prize?
5 6 5 That was the nicest holiday I've never has!
1 Has Emily forgotten her passport? 6 Have your cousins stay never in a hotel?
No, she hasn’t. ______________________________________
2 ______________________________________ 7 Luke has ever losed his suitcase.
______________________________________ ______________________________________
3 ______________________________________ 8 Mum and Dad have never missed a flight.
______________________________________ ______________________________________
4 ______________________________________
5 Complete the sentences with one word.
5 ______________________________________ 1 There ____ been many bands playing in the concert.
______________________________________ 2 There ____ been some bad news from home.
6 ______________________________________ 3 _____ there ever been an article about travelling
______________________________________ on this site?
4 There ____ never been a better time to be a
5 ____ the boys ever done work experience?

Vocabulary Unit 6
3 Complete the crossword.
1 Write the words for the people’s jobs.
1 2
1 I love my job because I love music. I get to
talk and listen to music all day. It’s great 3 4
being a(n) ___________.

2 I'm crazy about my job! I fly all over the world

and I get to visit lots of interesting places ...
6 7
and I never have to pay for airplane tickets. I
love being a(n) ___________.

3 Look at these! Aren't they beautiful? The

colours and the smell ... lovely! I'm very busy
today because it's Valentine's Day and I Across
have a lot of orders. It’s hard work when 1 people who kill animals
you’re a(n) ___________! 3 substance that can make you ill or kill you
5 makes you healthy again after an illness
6 made late
4 In my job, I help animals every day. It can be Down
sad to see animals that are hurt or ill but it 2 people that live together, usually with a leader
feels great if I can help them to feel better. 4 building where people work at desks
I’ve always wanted to be a(n) ___________. 5 organization that helps people / animals in need
7 formally ask for a job
2 Complete the article with the appropriate verbs.
4 Complete the sentences with been or gone.
So, you want to (1) ____ abroad on holiday! 1 They’re on holiday. They've ____ to Brazil.
There are a few things to remember before you 2 Mum has ____ out. She'll be back at two o'clock.
leave... 3 I've never ____ to Japan, but I'll go one day.
4 No, William isn't home. He's ____ to the park.
 Make sure that you don't (2) ____ your passport
5 Have you ever ____ to England?
when you're leaving for the airport – put it in a place
where you'll be sure to remember it! 5 Complete the dialogue. What job is it?
 Don't (3) ____ your suitcase when you get to the A Why do you (1) _____________ for this job?
airport – (4) ____ in and give it to the person who B I'm (2) ____ at organizing things and I'm
will get it on the right plane. (3) ____ to plan effectively.
A (4) _________ worked in this industry before?
 Leave for the airport early – you don't want to
B Yes, I've planned a (5) ____ of exhibitions
(5) ____ your fight!
and I’ve got (6) _________ of organizing
And a few things to remember while you are there... festivals and parties.
A (7) Are ____________ in visiting different
 Don't stay in your hotel all the time – (6) ____ new
countries as part of this job?
places – you'll be pleased you did!
B Yes, I am. I'm a very energetic (8) ____ and
 Try and (7) ____ new people – maybe one of them an experienced traveller.
will become a friend! The job is: ____________________________.
 (8) ____ postcards to loved ones at home.
 (9) ____ souvenirs for your friends and family –
everyone loves a present!

Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 7
Grammar Vocabulary

Modals: should, shouldn't, must, mustn't Verbs

1 Choose the correct option. 5 Choose the correct option.

We use must / should to give advice – or to say Ouch! That bee stung / bit me!
something is a good idea. 1 He pulled / pushed his fingers into the shark's
1 We use must / shouldn't to talk about a strong eyes.
obligation – to say something is essential or a 2 Eric used his foot to hit / kick the door.
rule. 3 You shouldn't throw / chase litter in the sea.
2 We use mustn't / should to talk about 4 I ran when the bear attacked / defended me.
something that is prohibited.
3 The form of the modals is the same / different Adjectives
for all subjects.
4 After should(n't) and must(n't) we use the verb 6 Are the adjectives positive or negative?
with / without to. Write P or N.
brave P 5 rude __
2 What do the sentences express? Choose the 1 worried __ 6 helpful __
correct option.
2 clever __ 7 shy __
Should we eat lots of fruit and vegetables? 3 embarrassed __ 8 impatient __
advice / obligation 4 afraid __ 9 friendly __
1 The rules are that you must take your passport
when you travel to another country. 7 Match the words 1–4 to their opposites A–D.
obligation / advice 1 afraid D A mean
2 You mustn't park your car here. It's illegal. 2 generous __ B impatient
it’s prohibited / it’s essential 3 polite __ C rude
3 You shouldn't stay up late on a school night. 4 patient __ D brave
advice / it’s prohibited
Giving advice and instruction
have (got) to + infinitive about a sport
3 Write ‘Inf’ next to the sentence we use when we 8 Complete the dialogue with the words.
speak or write informally.
I cycle to school every day as it’s quite close to first have to secondly should
to have tried try worry
my house. I haven’t got to take the bus. Inf
1 Emily did really well in her History exam so she A Have you tried the Segway Active Experience
doesn’t have to do it again. __ before, Grace?
2 Do your teachers have to go to school on B No, I haven’t. Do I (1) ____ wear special
Saturdays? __ clothes?
3 He has got to help me now! __ A Yes. (2) ____ of all, you must wear flat shoes,
like trainers. (3) ____, you should wear old
4 Put the words in the correct order. clothes because you might get dirty. Finally,
to / we / pay for / do / our / transport / have / ? it’s a good idea to wear gloves if it’s a cold
Do we have to pay for our transport? day.
1 got / haven't / leave / to / now / they Do you want (4) ____ a go?
______________________________________ B Sure! What (5) ____ I do next?
2 doesn't / Sara / have / the project / to / again / do A (6) ____ moving the Segway a little.
______________________________________ B Uh, oh! This is a bit scary!
3 got / the dog / feed / Michael / today / to / has A Don't (7) ____. You're doing fine!

Grammar Unit 7
have (got) to + infinitive
Modals: should, shouldn't, must, mustn't
5 Rewrite the underlined words so they are more
1 Choose the correct option. informal.
We use must to refer to a strong obligation – to Dylan studied all day yesterday, so he doesn't
say something is essential or to state a rule / to have to study today. hasn't got to
give advice / to suggest a good idea. 1 Do students have to ask their parents before
1 We use should to give instructions / advice / they go on the school trip?
news – or to say something is a good idea. ______________________________________
2 We use mustn't to talk about something that is 2 My brother and I don't have to wash Dad's car.
allowed / prohibited / essential. ______________________________________
3 After should(n't) and must(n't) we use the verb 3 Olivia doesn't have to make lunch today.
and / with / without to. ______________________________________
4 The form of the modals is the same for all 4 You don't have to take me to the shops, Mum.
subjects / objects / verbs. ______________________________________

2 Choose the correct answer. 6 Rewrite the sentences in the correct

question and negative forms.
You ____ be studying all the time – relax!
A should B must C shouldn’t You have got to eat all your vegetables.
? Have you got to eat all your vegetables?
1 Shhhh! You ____ talk loudly in the library.
A mustn’t B must C should  You haven't got to eat all your vegetables.
2 The rules say that you ____ ask your parents 1 The students have to attend lessons.
before you go white water rafting. ? _____________________________________
A shouldn’t B must C mustn’t  _____________________________________
3 I think you ____ wear your old jumper and jeans 2 Uncle Ryan has got to help them with this.
when you paint the house. ? _____________________________________
A should B mustn’t C shouldn’t  _____________________________________
4 The sign says you ____ drive slowly in front of 3 Amanda has to be at school at eight o'clock.
the school. ? _____________________________________
A mustn’t B must C shouldn’t  _____________________________________
5 I think you ____ study a lot more or you won't 4 Grace and I have got to tidy our bedroom.
pass the English exam! ? _____________________________________
A shouldn’t B mustn’t C should  _____________________________________

3 Complete the sentences with should(n't) or 7 Complete the blog with the words.
do doesn't got has hasn't have haven't to
1 I think you should go to bed early so you won't
be tired in the morning.
2 You ____ buy a ticket before you get on a plane
– it's a rule. I'm in a band with my friends Jay and Mo. It's
3 You ____ be late for school or the teacher will be great, but it's hard work! When you're in a
angry. band, you've got to do lots of things. You have
4 You ____ ride your bike without a helmet. It's (1) ____ practise a lot. Every single weekend,
illegal. our band (2) ____ got to practise! Luckily, we
(3) ____ got to go far to meet because we all
4 Answer the questions. live in the same street. As part of the band, I
Which of the sentences in exercise 3 are about ...? (4) ____ got to write the words for the songs
something that's a good idea 1 and Jay has to write the music. Mo (5) ____
1 something that's a bad idea ____ and ____ got to write the words and he (6) ____ have to
2 something that is prohibited ____ write the music, but he has to sing!
3 something that is essential ____ Asking all bands: How does it work for you?

Vocabulary Unit 7
4 Complete the table with words from exercise 3.
Positive Negative
1 Complete the verbs in the text. polite

Lots of people have been chased by a dog, but

have you ever been (1) at____ by a cat? I have! My
friend’s cat, Felix, will (2) bi____ you if you get too
close to him! It's difficult to (3) de____ yourself from
a cat because you can't (4) fi____ back. You can't
(5) hi____ it or (6) ki____ it because, well, it's a cat,
but you can't just (7) st____ still. The next time I see Extra vocabulary
Felix, I know what I'll do – I’ll run!
5 Complete the definitions.
2 Are the sentences true or false? Correct the something that is hunted: prey
false sentences. 1 the way you take to get somewhere: r_____e
‘Discuss’ means to talk about different views in 2 an animal that hunts: pr_________r
an angry way. F – ‘Argue’ means to talk about 3 the natural place where animals live:
different views in an angry way. h________t
1 You pull buttons on a computer. __
6 Answer the questions with the words.
2 ‘Advice’ is the noun, ‘advise’ is the verb. __ argument branches flood footpath
______________________________________ leaves mainland roots tide wildlife
3 You use your feet to throw something. __ What is a fight with words? argument
______________________________________ 1 Name three parts of a tree: ____, ____, ____
4 The opposite of defend is offend. __ 2 What can too much rain cause? a ____
______________________________________ 3 What are all the animals and plants in a certain
area called? ____
Adjectives 4 What is the opposite of an island? the ____
5 What is the name for the rising and falling of the
3 Find ten adjectives in the word puzzle. sea? ____
R T C K M R Y Z I G C F 6 What can we walk along in the forest? ____
Giving advice and instruction about a
7 Match 1–6 with A–F.
1 Have you tried ice-hockey before? B
C N T O A F P R E U U D 2 What should I do next? __
L S T L I M A R V D V L 3 Do you want to have a go? __
4 I don't think I'm doing this right! __
E Q G W D K T I K E D Y 5 Should I wear special clothes? __
V I M P A T I E N T Q D 6 Is there anything I should remember? __

A No, you don't have to.
R G F X T Y N C U L G B B No, this is my first time.
W S L Z R S T W E H I S C Yes, it's a good idea to stay calm.
D First of all, put your helmet on.
E Don't worry. You're doing fine.
F No, I think I'll wait until next time!

Grammar Unit 7
1 Complete the rules with the words. There are 4 Read the prompts. Write two sentences, the first
two words that you do not need to use. with the correct form of have to and the second
with the correct form of have got to.
advice allowed essential
instructions modals prohibited 1 Tyler / not study / for a test today
verbs ______________________________________
1 We use must to talk about a strong obligation –
2 walkers / use / the footpath in the forest / ?
to say something is ____ or a rule.
2 We use should to give ____ – or to say
something is a good idea.
3 Kaye and I / not wake up early / at weekends
3 Mustn't refers to something that is ____.
4 After should(n't) and must(n't) we use ____
without to.
4 Nicole / discuss / her plans with her parents / ?
5 The form of the ____ is the same for all subjects.
2 Complete the second sentence so that it means ______________________________________
the same as the first. Use should, shouldn't, 5 You / not pay for / my camping equipment
must or mustn’t. ______________________________________
1 The instructor advised us against wearing baggy ______________________________________
The instructor said that we ____________ baggy 5 Look at the list. Write questions and short
answers about the Dean family. Use the correct
form of have to.
2 It's essential that all climbers use the safety
equipment. The Dean Family's List of Chores for Sunday
All climbers ___________ the safety equipment. Me
3 I think it's a good idea to avoid the motorway. wash the car  cook breakfast 
You ______________________ the motorway.
4 It is prohibited for drivers to park here. 1 Andy
Drivers ____________________________ here. feed the cat  walk the dog 
5 I advise you not to go near the sinking sands.
You ________________ near the sinking sands. 2 Kayla
cook breakfast  walk the dog 
3 Complete the speech with should, shouldn't,
must or mustn’t and the verbs.
3 Mum and Dad
bring do go leave listen feed the cat  make lunch 

Welcome to Camp Wildwood! I'm sure we'll all 4 Mum

have a great summer if all campers follow a few put the recycling wash up after
rules and the advice of their camp leaders. First of out  lunch 
all, when campers arrive at Wildwood they
(1) ____ to the Big Tent to meet their leader – they
Do I have to wash the car? No, I don’t.
(2) ____ this because then their leader can take
Do I have to cook breakfast? Yes, I do.
them to their cabin. Second, campers (3) ____
1 ______________________________________
food into the cabins – it isn't a good idea because
the food will attract mice and other small wildlife.
2 ______________________________________
Thirdly, campers (4) ____ Wildwood for any reason
without their leader – it is prohibited. Finally,
3 ______________________________________
campers (5) ____ to their camp leaders at all times
– this is essential if we all want to have a safe and
4 ______________________________________
pleasant summer.

Vocabulary Unit 7
4 Read the situations. Write an adjective to
1 Complete the verbs in the sentences. Then describe the people. Sometimes more than one
number the sentences in the order that they answer is possible.
happened in the story. 1 Jamil likes school. His favourite subjects are
maths and history. Last term he got As in all his
A __ Then the mother arrived and saw her baby and
exams. Jamil is very _____.
the backpack. She (1) p____ at it with her nose for
2 Hannah likes meeting new people. When she
a few seconds and then slowly walked away with
meets someone for the first time she always
her baby. After a few minutes, Jo continued on her
says 'hello'. She speaks to people in her
neighbourhood and the shops in her area.
B __ She knew that when you are (2) a ____ by a People like her because she is a ____ person.
wild animal you shouldn't (3) f____ back, but she 3 Ryan always cleans his own room. When his
knew she had to (4) d____ herself. parents are busy with their jobs he washes the
C __ Last summer, Jo was on holiday in the USA car and cuts the grass – and his mum and dad
with her family. One day, while she was out hiking don't have to ask him to do it! Ryan is a very
alone, a young bear jumped out from behind a tree ____ person.
and (5) c____ her down the footpath. 4 Hayley gets a lot of pocket money from her
parents every week, but she never buys things
D __ The young bear smelled the backpack and for her friends or her family and she never
then (6) b____ down on it with its teeth. shares her possessions with others. She can be
E __ So, Jo stopped running. She (7) s____ still and quite ____.
then (8) t____ her backpack at it, hitting the bear on 5 Noah never says 'please' or 'thank you' when
the nose! people do things for him. He never holds the
door open for other people to go into shops and
2 The verbs in bold are in the wrong sentences. other places before he does. Noah is very ____.
Write them beside the correct sentences.
5 Complete the text with the correct form of
1 Don't sting your little sister's hair, David! ____
advice, advise, argument, argue and discuss.
2 In archery, you have to push the yellow circle
with an arrow. ____ I love my cousin, but we used to have (1) ____
3 Be careful! That bee is going to pull you. ____ about things all the time. For example, we used to
4 Josh! You shouldn't hit people off their chair – (2) ____ about things like who had the best football
they might get hurt. ____ team! After our last fight, my Mum gave me some
good (3) ____ – she (4) ____ me to (5) ____ things
3 Unscramble the adjectives 1–4 and match them
in a serious, mature way with my cousin instead of
to the pictures A–D.
fighting with him like a child!
1 atiimpent __________ Picture __
2 wriedor __________ Picture __
3 daifra __________ Picture __ 6 Complete the dialogue with one word.
4 sedbarraems __________ Picture __ A Have you ever (1) ____ scuba diving before?
B No, I‘ve never tried it. Do I (2) ____ to wear
special clothes?
A Well, (3) ____ of all, you must wear the
correct footwear – no shoes allowed.
Secondly, you must wear a special rubber suit
A B called a wetsuit. (4) ____, you have to wear a
harness. Do you want to have a (5) ____?
B Sure! What do I do (6) ____?
A (7) ____ jumping into the pool.
B Uh, oh!
A Don't (8) ____. You're doing fine!

Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 8
Grammar Vocabulary

Indefinite pronouns Everyday items

1 Complete the words in the table. 5 Tick () the skin and hair products in the list.
Person Thing Place shower gel  5 washing machine 
1 air conditioning  6 microwave 
Affirmative somebody (1) (2)
someone ____thing some_____
2 moisturizer  7 phone charger 
3 central heating  8 shampoo 
Negative / (3) (4) (5) 4 deodorant  9 conditioner 
Questions any____ any____ ___where
anyone 6 Complete the sentences with the words.

2 Choose the correct option. duvet fridge hair dryer

mirror tissues
Is there anywhere / somebody here where we
can try scuba diving? I'm going to have a shower, so I'll need my hair
1 Let's get somewhere / something to eat. dryer for later.
2 I'm bored! I want to go somewhere / anywhere 1 You've got something on your face – look in the
fun! ____ and you'll see.
3 He's new to our school. He doesn't know 2 I have a cold, so I'll take lots of ____ to school
someone / anyone yet. with me.
4 You won't meet something / anybody if you 3 Is there anything nicer than a big, soft ____ on
don't go out! your bed in the winter?
5 Did you buy anything / anyone at the shops? 4 Mum, are there any snacks in the ____?

Quantifiers: some, any, a lot of, much, TV programmes

many, (not ) enough
7 Choose the correct option to complete the
3 Complete the words in the sentences. words.
We use some and a lot of in affirmative chat forecast / show
sentences. 1 soap opera / programme
1 We use m___y with countable nouns, and m__h 2 crime series / show
with uncountable nouns. 3 weather programme / forecast
2 We use a__ in questions and negative sentences. 4 wildlife show / opera
3 We use a lot of and e____h in questions with
countable and uncountable nouns. Making compromises and polite requests
4 We use the singular form of _e with uncountable
nouns. 8 Write the words in the correct order.
I / please / use / could / phone, / your / ?
4 Cross out the words that are incorrect in the Could I use your phone, please?
1 now / not / right
We don't eat some / a lot of / much meat. ______________________________________
1 Has your teacher got a lot of / much / any tests 2 not / fair / that's
to mark? ______________________________________
2 There aren't any / much / many dirty clothes in 3 important / what's / so / ?
the washing machine. ______________________________________
3 The video is about a lot of / any / some 4 deal / a / it's
problems that are important to a teenager. ______________________________________
4 Have you got some / any / enough time to help
me, Mum?

Grammar Unit 8

Indefinite pronouns Quantifiers: some, any, a lot of, much,

many, (not) enough
1 Complete the table with the words.
anybody anything anywhere someone 4 Complete the sentences with the words.
affirmative be countable
Person Thing Place enough questions uncountable
We use some and a lot of in affirmative
Affirmative somebody something (1) ____
someone sentences.
1 We use many with ____ nouns, and much with
Negative / (2) ____ (3) ____ (4) ____ ____ nouns.
Questions anyone 2 We use any in ____ and negative sentences.
3 We use a lot of and ____ in questions with
2 Choose the correct answer.
countable and uncountable nouns.
Please, sit down. Is there ____ I can get you?
4 We use the singular form of ____ with uncountable
A somewhere B anything C something
1 Let's go to the shops. I want to buy ____ for Sue.
A anything B something C anyone 5 Read the sentences in exercise 6 below and
2 In the winter, they always go ____ hot. answer the questions.
A somewhere B something C anywhere Which of the sentences contain ...?
3 I failed my exam, but don't tell ____! 1 countable nouns 2 __ __ __
A anyone B someone C somebody
2 uncountable nouns __ __ __ __
4 Paul is always travelling. Is there ____ he hasn't
been? 6 Correct the underlined mistakes in the
A somehwere B anywhere C something sentences. Sometimes more than one answer is
5 There isn't ____ interesting in this newspaper. possible.
A anything B something C anyone We haven't gone online yet, so we don’t know
6 Look! There's ____ in our back garden! some information about the story.
A anyone B somebody C somewhere any
7 Do you think I'll know ____ at Anna's party? 1 How many money did Dad give you?
A someone B somebody C anyone ______________________________________
2 Oh, no! There aren't many eggs to make the
3 Complete the words in the email with some- or cake.
3 In basketball, you don't score some points if you
Hi Tia, miss the net.
How are you? Have you done anything fun ______________________________________
recently or have you been (1) ____where 4 The article is about enough young people who
interesting? I have! I went (2) ____where that decided to stop using the internet for six months.
was very cool, but it's a secret, so you mustn't ______________________________________
tell (3) ____one about it. Last Saturday, I went 5 How many time have we got to do the English
to a One Direction concert, but I didn't ask my test?
mum or dad first. I have to say, there wasn't ______________________________________
(4) ____thing I didn't like about the concert! It 6 There isn’t some fruit left.
was awesome!! I asked (5) ____body in the ______________________________________
security team to get Harry Styles’s hat, and you 7 Do you have enough relatives in the UK?
know what? He gave it to me!! There isn't
(6) ____body that I know that has got a hat like 8 There are lot of TV channels these days.
this! I'll show it to you when I see you on
Talk soon, Kaitlyn xxx

Vocabulary Unit 8
Everyday items TV programmes

1 Match 1–7 to A–G to form words. 4 Complete the TV guide with the words.
1 air D A gel cookery programme crime series
2 central __ B dryer news programme quiz show sitcom
3 hair __ C charger
4 phone __ D conditioning Monday, 28th December – What's On?
5 shower __ E wave
15:00 Time for a laugh ... and lots of them with the
6 washing __ F machine
very funny sitcom, My Sister Is Getting Married!
7 micro __ G heating
16:00 Can't decide what to have for dinner tonight?
2 Complete the sentences with words from Make sure you watch In the Kitchen, a (1) _______
exercise 1. for everyone from beginners to 5-star chefs.
Where is my phone charger? If I can't find it, I
17:00 Find out what's happening in the UK and
won't be able to use my phone!
around the world with the (2) _______, Live at Five.
1 Is there anywhere where I can plug in my ____
after I've had a shower? 18:00 How intelligent are you? Test how clever you
2 I'm afraid it's very hot in here because the ____ are with everyone's favourite (3) _______, Dr Brain!
isn’t working.
19:00 Last night, Detective Hurford's wife was killed
3 Now that we have got ____, the house is always
with poison. Who did it? Watch this award-winning
lovely and warm.
(4) _______, Murder in New York, to find out!
4 If that soup isn't hot enough, put it in the ____ for
two minutes.
5 David, don't leave your dirty clothes on the floor; Extra vocabulary
put them in the ____.
5 Complete the words in the sentences.
6 You smell nice. Are you using a different kind of
____? It's dark in here. They've disconnected the
3 Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F. 1 I live in a great n____; everyone is very friendly.
Correct the false sentences. 2 Do you know what c____ the travel show is on?
A duvet keeps us warm when we are outside. F 3 You can find a lot of information o____ if you
A duvet keeps us warm when we are inside. search on Google or Bing.
1 We usually put deodorant under our eyes. __ 4 People usually have two p____ and other r____
______________________________________ like aunts, uncles and cousins.
2 Fridges are usually in the bathroom. __ 5 Could you g____ up home c____ like an oven or
______________________________________ an internet connection?
3 You can look at yourself in a mirror. __
______________________________________ Making compromises and polite requests
4 Moisturizer is a hair care product. __
______________________________________ 6 Number the sentences in the correct order.
5 We use shampoo to wash our bodies. __ 1 When this song's finished you can have the
______________________________________ laptop. OK? Is that a deal? __
6 Conditioner is a skin care product. __ 2 Please could I use your laptop? 1
______________________________________ 3 Not now. I'm listening to songs on YouTube. __
7 We often buy tissues in a box or a packet. __ 4 You always say that! And no, I won’t! __
______________________________________ 5 OK … it's a deal. __
8 Rural means ‘in the city’. __ 6 But I won't be long. Pause YouTube and listen to
______________________________________ your songs later. __

Grammar Unit 8
1 Complete the table.
5 Complete the sentences with one word.
Person Thing Place 1 We use some and a lot of in ____ sentences e.g.
‘Yes, I have some / a lot of food’.
Affirmative somebody something (2) ____ 2 We use many with countable nouns, and much with
(1) ____
____ nouns.
Negative / (3) ____ (4) ____ (5) ____
Questions anyone 3 We use any in questions and ____ sentences.
4 We use a ____ __ and enough in sentences with
2 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. One of both ____ and ____ nouns.
the sentences is correct. 5 We use the ____ form of be with uncountable
1 Anybody has broken my hair dryer! nouns e.g. ‘Fruit is healthy!’
2 Heating is somewhere Canadian homes need. 6 Complete the sentences using quantifiers.
______________________________________ 1 I don't drink a ____ of coffee.
3 How can anyone live without home comforts? 2 How ____ money has he got?
______________________________________ 3 There aren't a lot ____ biscuits left.
4 That man hasn't got somewhere to live. 4 We won't get ____ answers correct if we don't
______________________________________ study for the test – not even one!
5 There isn't something in the fridge to eat. 5 There isn't ____ food to make a big meal.
______________________________________ 6 We need ____ bread; I'll go to the supermarket.
6 They went something nice for the weekend.
______________________________________ 7 Read the text. Then complete the questions
using the prompts and write short answers.
3 Complete the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first. Use indefinite pronouns Today, my family is having a tea party for my
Grandpa's 70th birthday. I went to the shops to get
1 My town has no fun places to visit.
some extra things for the party this morning, so the
My town hasn't ____________ fun to visit.
fridge is now full! There are twelve eggs in the fridge
2 A person told me that money can’t buy you
and there are more than ten bottles of cola for all
the kids. I forgot to get milk, crisps and biscuits
______________ told me that money can’t buy
while I was at the shops, so Mum has to go later.
you happiness.
3 Do you know a person who can help you? A Hi, Brad. Did you go to the shops to get things
Do you know _____________ who can help you? for Grandpa's party today?
4 The washing machine is empty. B Hi, Mum. Yes, I went this morning.
There _____________ in the washing machine. food / in fridge / lot
A Is (1) _______________________________?
4 Complete the advert with indefinite pronouns.
B (2) _________________________________.
So, you haven't been (1) ____ interesting for ages. eggs / make a birthday cake / enough
Are you looking for (2) ____ to go this weekend? A Are (3) _____________________________?
Bluebird Café in the city centre is (3) ____ that you B (4) _________________________________.
should go if you like great coffee, good company cola / in fridge / much
and free Wi-Fi! There isn't (4) ____ more relaxing A How (5) _____________________________?
than just sitting and chatting with friends, both B (6) _________________________________.
online and offline! Spending a few hours with people milk / make hot chocolate for Grandpa /
we enjoy being with is (5) ____ we all value. So why enough
not come to our café if you haven't got (6) ____ else A Is (7) _______________________________?
to do this weekend? Bring (7) ____ with you – and B (8) _________________________________.
this advertisement – and you'll get your first regular- biscuits / in cupboard / many / any
sized hot drink half-price! A How (9) _____________________________?
B (10) ________________________________.

Vocabulary Unit 8
4 Read the descriptions. Which kind of TV
1 Complete the sentences with one word. programmes are they?
1 I always put ____ under my arms, so I'll smell 1 Maybe you want to go to the beach at the
nice and clean. weekend. Or maybe you're going on a trip and
2 The ____ on Anna's bed keeps her warm on you want to know what clothes to take and if the
cold winter nights. roads will be dangerous. If you watch this, you'll
3 There's lots of juice in the ____ if you're thirsty. know if it’s going to rain, snow or be sunny! It's a
4 They say that if you break a ____, you'll have ______________.
bad luck. 2 You are having a sleepover and you want to
5 My sister puts ____ on her face every morning to make your friends something nice to eat. But you
keep her skin soft. don't know where to begin! If you watch this,
6 Wash your hair with the ____ first and then use you'll get some ideas of what to make and how
the ____. to make it. It's a ______________.
7 I've got a bad cold. Are there any ____ in that 3 You like exciting programmes about the police
box? and the 'bad guys'. You like it when the police
get the bad people and put them in prison. If you
2 Complete the words or parts of words in 1–7 and watch this every week, maybe you'll learn how
then match them to the words in A–G.
the police do their job so well! It's a
1 wa____ __ A wave ______________.
2 sh____ __ B dryer 4 You think you're clever. You can think very
3 mi____ __ C machine quickly and you like answering questions. If you
4 ph____ __ D conditioning watch this, you'll see how intelligent you really
5 ce____ __ E charger are! It's a ______________.
6 ha____ __ F gel
7 ai_____ __ G heating 5 Answer the questions and circle the odd one
3 Complete the texts with words from exercise 2. 1 Which one of these can’t be banned?

A So last month, my parents bought an old house killing rare animals having parents
in the countryside. It needed a lot of work done to it parking in the city centre
before we could move in. It gets cold in the winter, so using the internet
we had to get (1) _______. And it's hot in the summer Which one of these can’t be disconnected?
so we also had to get (2) _______. Believe it or not, the
people who used to live in the house cleaned their electricity skin a telephone water
clothes by hand! Mum had to go out and buy a new 3 Which one of these is not a home comfort?
(3) _______. There was an oven in the house when we
moved in, but there wasn't a (4) _______. My parents air conditioning food
a phone charger a warm duvet
bought one of those so we could heat up meals quickly.
It’s quite convenient but not as good as a real oven. 4 Which one of these is not a relative?

aunt grandfather teacher uncle

6 Complete the dialogue with one word.

B I'm very excited because I'm going away for the
weekend – I'm staying with a friend in London! It's only A (1) ____ I use your tablet?
Thursday, but I'm getting my bag ready now. Hmm… I B Not (2) ____. I'm sending emails.
don’t think my friend has a bath, only a shower. So I A You always (3) ____ that!
need to bring my favourite (5) _______ with me… I B What's so (4) ____?
want to be nice and clean! I also need my (6) _______ A I want to send an email to Sam.
because I'll have to wash my hair on Saturday. Oh, and B When I've finished sending this email you can
I mustn’t forget my (7) _______ because without it, my use the tablet. I (5) ____.
mobile won't work and I won't be able to text my friends A Great, it's a (6) ____.
back home! That would be a disaster!

Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 9
Grammar Vocabulary

Reflexive pronouns Street objects

1 Match the pronouns 1–8 to the reflexive 4 Choose the correct option.
pronouns A–H. phone post / box
1 I H A yourself 1 bike stop / rack
2 you (s) __ B ourselves 2 lamp post / box
3 he __ C herself 3 pedestrian rack / crossing
4 she __ D yourselves 4 bus stop / post
5 it __ E himself 5 post way / box
6 you (pl) __ F themselves
7 we __ G itself Kitchen gadgets
8 they __ H myself
5 Label the picture with words.
2 Choose the correct option.
fork jug kettle knife
We cleaned the house ourselves / herself.
mug plate toaster spoon
1 Erin, did you make this cake yourself / herself?
2 The ‘Lampbrella’ opens myself / itself when it
rains! That’s so useful!
3 Ashley and Emma designed the app yourself /
4 My uncle hurt ourselves / himself playing tennis
5 Do you think Stephanie is enjoying herself /
himself in Times Square?
6 My parents didn't pay for my new laptop; I
bought it itself / myself.
7 Welcome, all of you! Please help ourselves /
yourselves to a drink.

Question tags

3 Put the words in the correct order.

can't you / can / me, / you / help / ?
You can help me, can't you?
1 designs / are they / his / boring, / aren't / ?
2 really clever, / cat / isn't it / your / is / ?
Organizing a party
3 horrible, / dress / doesn't it / looks / this / ?
______________________________________ 6 Are the people asking for help (AH), offering to
4 do you / want / don't / to / you / come, / ? help (OH) or doing something else (O)?
______________________________________ Have we forgotten anything? O
5 enough / haven't we / we've / money, / got / ? 1 Can I do anything? __
______________________________________ 2 I'm in charge of the drinks. __
6 aren't they / are old enough to drive, / they / ? 3 I'll help you with those plates. __
______________________________________ 4 Can anyone help me organize the music? __
7 the keys, / haven't / you / have you / got / ?

Grammar Unit 9
Question tags
Reflexive pronouns
4 Complete the words in the text.
1 Complete the reflexive pronouns A–H. Then
match the pronouns 1–8 with the reflexive Question tags are short questions that often come
pronouns. at the (1) e____ of sentences in speech, and
1 I H A yourself sometimes in informal (2) wr____. We use them to
2 you (s) __ B our____ (3) ch____ something is true or to ask for
3 he __ C he__elf (4) ag____.
4 she __ D you___lves
5 it __ E him____ 5 Match the parts of the sentences 1–8 to the
6 you (pl) __ F th__selves question tags A–H.
7 we __ G it____ 1 You haven't seen my designs, D
8 they __ H myself 2 The cat cleans itself, __
3 We've been to Europe, __
2 Complete the text with the words. 4 You can come for the sleepover, __
himself itself myself ourselves themselves 5 Students aren't always polite, __
6 You don't know how to paint, __
Do you know what a fire hydrant is? It's a red metal 7 It's a nice day today, __
object on the street that firefighters use to put out 8 They're your photos, __
fires. Some people living in a small town in Canada
thought the hydrants were boring, so they A are they?
challenged themselves to make them look more B haven't we?
colourful. One man, a local artist, found (1) ____ in C can't you?
the situation where he had to paint some of the D have you?
hydrants, and he got some school children to help E doesn't it?
him. 'I painted the one that looks like a dog, F isn't it?
(2) ____!' said thirteen-year-old Maggie. 'We G do you?
designed that one (3) ____,' said two other teens, H aren't they?
Aaron and Connor, pointing to a hydrant that looked
6 Complete the sentences with the words.
like a fish. When the 'hydrant project' was
completed, the whole community was very proud of are aren't can't do
(4) ____ because it had done something to make doesn't have haven't wasn't
the town look more interesting and fun! That was an expensive meal, wasn't it?
1 The SporKnife and iKettles are cool gadgets,
____ they?
3 Write sentences using the prompts and reflexive
pronouns. Use the verbs in the past simple. 2 You and I have seen some of Picasso's
paintings, ____ we?
Logan / introduce / to his new teacher
3 You can use this plastic yellow 'banana' to store
Logan introduced himself to his new teacher.
real bananas in, ____ you?
1 I / hurt / skiing at the weekend
4 The people we meet aren't always polite, ____
2 Olivia and I / build / the new dog house
5 You haven't done your history homework, ____
3 Mum and Dad / enjoy / on their holiday
6 The umbrella closes itself, ____ it?
7 You don't have a pen, ____ you?
4 you and your friend / buy / the tickets / ?

Vocabulary Unit 9

Street objects Extra vocabulary

1 Match 1–5 to A–E to form words. 4 Complete the text with the words. There are two
1 bike D A post words you do not need.
2 bus __ B box unwanted humorous lit up massive pack
3 lamp __ C crossing serve transformed unexpected bright
4 pedestrian __ D rack
5 phone __ E stop Last week, I went to a party at a restaurant in
Brighton for my friend Sophia's 30th birthday. I
2 Complete the words in the sentences. couldn't stay until the end because I had to leave
Let's sit down on that bench for a minute – I'm early to pack for my holiday the next day. It was a
tired! great party though! Lots of strange and (1) ____
1 Don't throw your old newspaper in the street; put things happened! Sophia's brother Matt, who she
it in that b____ over there. hasn’t seen for years (he lives in Australia along
2 They're building a new f____ around the school. with Sophia’s sister) came to the party! Sophia was
3 Can you drop this letter in the p____ ___ for me, so surprised to see him! She was a bit sad that her
please? sister couldn’t come though. While the guests were
4 I hurt my foot when I fell down the s____ outside waiting for the waiters to (2) ____ the meal, Matt
the town hall. made everybody laugh by telling (3) ____ stories
about Sophia when she was little. She was a bit
Kitchen gadgets embarrassed. Everybody ate and then it was time
for the birthday cake. It was absolutely (4) ____!
3 Complete the words in the box. Then match the Four waiters carried it to the table! The restaurant
words to the pictures.
was quite dark, but all the candles on the huge cake
fo__ ju_ ke___e k__fe (5) ____ the room and (6) ____ the cake into what it
mu_ p__te to___er spoon really was – a huge present! Can you guess what
happened? Sophia’s sister jumped out from the
cake! We couldn’t stop laughing! Sophia was
shocked but really happy!

5 Choose the correct option.

1 spoon 2 _________
A OK, let's talk about the birthday party! Can /
Do / Could you mind if we use your back
garden for the dinner?
B Of course not.
A Thanks. That’s a (1) bright / vivid / big help!
3 _________ 4 _________ B (2) How's / Who's / What's preparing the
A Nicole is. Can (3) somewhere / anybody /
something help me organize the music?
B I can! I’m happy to be (4) in / on / off charge
of the music.
5 _________ 6 _________
A That’s really (5) kind / mean / rude of you.
(6) Have / Can / Do we forgotten anything?
B What about lights?
A That’s all (7) in / over / under control. We’ve
bought some.
7 _________ 8 _________ B It’s going to be fun. But there’s a lot to (8) go /
do / have!

Grammar Unit 9
1 Write the reflexive pronouns. 4 Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.
1 I ____ 5 it ____ Correct the false sentences.
2 you (singular) ____ 6 you (plural) ____ 1 To form a question tag, we use an auxiliary verb
3 he ____ 7 we ____ and a subject pronoun. __
4 she ____ 8 they ____ ______________________________________
2 When the sentence is affirmative, we use an
2 Complete the email with reflexive pronouns. affirmative question tag. __
3 In sentences where there is no auxiliary verb, we
Hi Justin, use the main verb to form a question tag. __
How are you? So sorry about this, but could I ______________________________________
ask a favour? Julia and I need someone to 4 We use question tags to check that something is
finish painting our living room. We wanted to true or to ask for agreement. __
do it (1) ____, but I hurt (2) ____ playing ice ______________________________________
hockey last week and Julia cut (3) ____ with a 5 We can’t use question tags with modal verbs. __
bread knife making lunch yesterday! I know ______________________________________
that you and Jim painted your house (4) ____
5 Correct the question tags in the sentences. Two
and it looks amazing – that's partly why I'm
of them are correct.
asking you. Could you let me know?
1 We've broken the toaster, hasn't we?
Bye for now,
2 You can take me to the pool, can’t you?
PS. I forgot to ask ... did you and Sarah enjoy
3 You haven't argued with Mum, did you?
(5) ____ at Rachel's party last week?
4 You don't know my friend, Jasper, does you?
3 Look at the pictures. Write sentences about the ______________________________________
people with the verbs in the past simple and
5 Dad's meals aren't always healthy, are they?
reflexive pronouns.
buy repair make wash 6 They're using my laptop, haven't they?

6 Complete the sentences with questions tags.

1 We've packed everything we need, ____?
2 We’re allowed to use the bike rack, ____?
3 Free internet software isn’t always safe, ____?
4 You haven't paid them for the tickets, ____?
5 It's a funny story, ____?
6 Those buildings are massive, ____?
7 Your new computer turns itself on, ____?
8 You don't know how this lamp lights up, ____?

1 ______________________________________
2 ______________________________________
3 ______________________________________
4 ______________________________________

Vocabulary Unit 9
1 Label the picture. 3 Complete the crossword

1 2

3 4

6 7 8

1 funny, causing laughter
3 give food or drink to other people
2 Complete the texts with one word. 5 lit up, shining
6 not regarded as likely to happen
What every good kitchen needs!
There are some things we simply can't live without. Here 2 very big
are Happy Homes’ ‘Top Ten Kitchen Items’: 4 (of a colour) very deep or bright
Number one: a (1) ____ for those days when all 7 put things into a suitcase
you want is a nice hot cup of tea. Be careful when 8 change dramatically
pouring boiling water though!
Number two: a (2) ____ for those mornings when 4 Complete the dialogue. Sometimes more than
one answer is possible.
you want the bread warm, brown and yummy!
Number three: a traditional ceramic (3) ____ – A OK, let's discuss the party! (1) ___ you mind if
with a pretty design on it – for milk or cream. we use your house?
B Of course not.
A Thanks. That’s a (2) ___ help!
The perfect omelette! B (3) ____ making the cake and sandwiches?
* Put three eggs into a bowl and beat with a A Aahil is. Can (4) ____ help with the drinks?
(4) ____. Add some grated cheese. B I can! I’m happy to be (5) ____ charge of the
* Use a (5) ____ to cut up some mushrooms and A That’s really (6) ____ of you. (7) ____ we
tomatoes. forgotten anything?
* Put the egg mixture into a pan with some B What about a gift?
butter in it. Add the mushrooms and tomatoes. A That’s all (8) ____ control. We’ve bought one.
B (9) ____ a lot to do! So let’s make a start.
* Set the (6) ____ for three minutes.
* Turn the egg mixture over and cook for
another three minutes.
* Your breakfast is ready! Put the omelette on a
(7) ____ and enjoy!


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