Edu 2013 11 MLC Exam Pj9e1x PDF
Edu 2013 11 MLC Exam Pj9e1x PDF
Edu 2013 11 MLC Exam Pj9e1x PDF
Society of Actuaries
Models for Life
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(i) A x = 0.30
(ii) A x + n = 0.40
(iv) i = 0.05
Calculate a x:n .
(A) 9.3
(B) 9.6
(C) 9.8
(D) 10.0
(E) 10.3
(i) a x = 10.06
(ii) a y = 11.95
(iii) a xy = 12.59
(v) δ = 0.07
Calculate A1xy .
(A) 0.15
(B) 0.20
(C) 0.25
(D) 0.30
(E) 0.35
(i) An excerpt from a select and ultimate life table with a select period of 2
(A) 705
(B) 709
(C) 713
(D) 1070
(E) 1074
H 0.75 0.20 0.05
S 0.30 0.50 0.20
D 0.00 0.00 1.00
(ii) Initially there are 10 Healthy lives with independent future states.
Calculate the probability that exactly 4 lives will die during the first two months.
(A) 0.0005
(B) 0.0245
(C) 0.1132
(D) 0.2136
(E) 0.4414
• A deferred life annuity of K per year, payable continuously, starting at age 40 + e 40 and
• An annuity certain of K per year, payable continuously, for e 40 years
(i) μ = 0.02
(ii) δ = 0.01
Calculate K.
(A) 214
(B) 216
(C) 218
(D) 220
(E) 222
(iii) i = 0.06
Calculate 1V , the benefit reserve at the end of year 1 for this insurance.
(A) 17.1
(B) 18.4
(C) 19.8
(D) 20.6
(E) 21.6
(iv) i = 0.06
Calculate 10V , the benefit reserve at the end of year 10 for this insurance.
(A) 35,700
(B) 35,900
(C) 36,100
(D) 36,300
(E) 36,500
(ii) i = 0.06
(iii) Commission expenses are 60% of the first year’s gross premium and 2%
of renewal gross premiums.
(iv) Administrative expenses are 500 in the first year and 50 in each renewal
(vi) The gross premium, calculated using the equivalence principle, is 1605.72.
Calculate 5V e , the expense reserve at the end of year 5 for this insurance.
(A) −1400
(B) −1350
(C) −1300
(D) −1250
(E) −1200
(iii) i = 0.06
(A) 1950
(B) 2000
(C) 2050
(D) 2100
(E) 2150
State 0 State 1
Healthy Disabled
State 2
(a) μ 01 = 0.02
(b) μ 02 = 0.03
(c) μ 12 = 0.05
Calculate the conditional probability that a Healthy life on January 1, 2004 is still
Healthy on January 1, 2014, given that this person is not Dead on January 1, 2014.
(A) 0.61
(B) 0.68
(C) 0.74
(D) 0.79
(E) 0.83
(i) l 80 = 1000
x lx dx
83 920 50
84 870 60
Time to Maturity Annual Spot Rate
1 0.04
2 0.04
3 0.04
4 0.05
5 0.06
• a80:5 = 4.3868
• 1
A80:5 = 0.1655
(A) 3660
(B) 3680
(C) 3700
(D) 3720
(E) 3740
(i) i = 0.03
(ii) μ x (t ) = 0.02t , t ≥ 0
(iii) 0L is the aggregate loss at issue random variable for these pure
(A) 0.08
(B) 0.13
(C) 0.18
(D) 0.23
(E) 0.28
(i) q 70ILT+ k is the mortality rate from the Illustrative Life Table, for k = 0,1, 2.
(ii) q 70+ k is the mortality rate used to price this insurance, for k = 0,1, 2.
(iv) i = 0.06
(A) 85.5
(B) 89.0
(C) 91.5
(D) 93.5
(E) 95.0
(ii) A death benefit, payable at the end of the year of death, is provided only
over the deferral period and is the sum of the benefit premiums paid
without interest.
(v) A62:10
1 = 0.0910
(vi) A
k =1
62: k
= 0.4891
(A) 34,400
(B) 34,500
(C) 34,600
(D) 34,700
(E) 34,800
(i) p x = 0.975
(ii) i = 0.06
Calculate p x + 2 .
(A) 0.88
(B) 0.89
(C) 0.90
(D) 0.91
(E) 0.92
(i) q 50 = 0.0048
(ii) i = 0.04
A particular life has a first year mortality rate 10 times the rate used to calculate P. The
mortality rates for all other years are the same as the ones used to calculate P.
Calculate the expected present value of the loss at issue random variable for this life,
based on the premium P.
(A) 0.025
(B) 0.033
(C) 0.041
(D) 0.049
(E) 0.057
(i) i = 0.05
(ii) L denotes the loss at issue random variable based on the benefit
Calculate 10V , the benefit reserve at the end of year 10 for this insurance.
(A) 1010
(B) 1460
(C) 1820
(D) 2140
(E) 2300
(i) The following expenses are incurred at the beginning of each year:
Year 1 Years 2+
Percent of premium 75% 10%
Maintenance expenses 10 2
(iv) i = 0.06
(vi) A x = 0.14
(A) 14,600
(B) 33,100
(C) 51,700
(D) 70,300
(E) 88,900
(i) Commissions are 80% of the first year premium and 10% of subsequent
premiums. There are no other expenses.
(iii) i = 0.06
Calculate E [ 0 L ] .
(A) −900
(B) −810
(C) −720
(D) −630
(E) −540
(iv) The actuarial present value of the defined benefit annuity-due at age 65 is
equal to the defined contribution account balance at age 65.
Calculate X.
(A) 11.0
(B) 11.7
(C) 12.3
(D) 13.0
(E) 13.6
(i) You model (x)’s driving status as a multi-state model with the following 3
0 - low risk, without an accident
1 - high risk, without an accident
2 - has had an accident
(iv) 3 p 01
x = 0.4174
(v) δ = 0.02
(vi) The continuous function g (t ) is such that the expected present value of
the benefit up to time a equals 0
g (t )dt , 0 ≤ a ≤ 5, where t is the time of
the first accident.
Calculate g (3).
(A) 1400
(B) 1500
(C) 1600
(D) 1700
(E) 1800
Month Monthly Percent of Monthly Cost Monthly Surrender
Premium Premium of Insurance Expense Charge
Charge Rate per 1000 Charges
12 100 15% 3.00 10 400
The universal life policy is surrendered at the end of month 12. The cash surrender value
is used as a single premium to purchase a whole life annuity-due whose first 10 annual
payments are guaranteed. For this annuity, you are given:
(ii) i = 0.06
(A) 97
(B) 100
(C) 103
(D) 106
(E) 109
Calculate R.
(A) 5.0
(B) 7.5
(C) 10.0
(D) 12.5
(E) 15.0
Calculate the largest N, using the normal approximation, such that the probability that
there are at least N survivors at age 85 is at least 90%.
(A) 930
(B) 950
(C) 970
(D) 990
(E) 1010
x lx
60 99,999
61 88,888
62 77,777
63 66,666
64 55,555
65 44,444
66 33,333
67 22,222
(A) −24
(B) 9
(C) 42
(D) 73
(E) 106