Risk Models 1 & 2
Risk Models 1 & 2
Risk Models 1 & 2
Risk models 1
Syllabus objectives
1.2 Compound distributions and their application in risk modelling
0 Introduction
In the first section of this chapter, we describe the main features of general insurance policies.
There is no mathematics in this section, and you should be able to read it through fairly quickly in
order to obtain a good overview of the different types of product available.
In the remaining sections of the chapter we introduce the idea of a compound distribution. We will
define and use the compound Poisson, compound geometric, compound negative binomial and
compound binomial distributions.
We will also start to look at two models, the individual risk model and the collective risk model,
which are used to describe aggregate claims, ie the total claims that arise during a period from a
group of policies.
In the simplest case of a life assurance benefit (often referred to as ‘long-term business’), each
policy can result in at most one claim and claims will be for amounts specified in advance (ie the
sum assured). The benefit level may be the same for all policies or it may vary between policies.
In general insurance (often referred to as ‘short-term business’), policies can give rise to more than
one claim and the amounts will not usually be known in advance.
In this chapter we look at the theory of risk models. In the next chapter we explain how to adapt
these models when reinsurance is in place.
the policyholder must have an interest in the risk being insured, to distinguish
between insurance and a wager
The probability of the event should be relatively small. In other words, an event that
is nearly certain to occur is not conducive to insurance.
For example, a house would not be insured if it stood on the edge of a crumbling cliff.
Large numbers of potentially similar risks should be pooled in order to reduce the
variance and hence achieve more certainty.
The similar risks should still be independent.
Moral hazards should be eliminated as far as possible because these are difficult to
quantify, result in selection against the insurer and lead to unfairness in treatment
between one policyholder and another.
Moral hazards occur when a person takes more risks because another party bears the cost
of those risks.
However, the desire for income means that an insurer or reinsurer will usually be found to
provide cover when these ideal criteria are not met.
Cover is normally for a fixed period, most commonly one year, after which it has to
be renegotiated. There is normally no obligation on the insurer or insured to
continue the arrangement thereafter although in most cases a need for continuing
cover may be assumed to exist.
Claims are not of fixed amounts, and the amount of loss as well as the fact needs to
be proved before a claim can be settled.
Claims may occur at any time during the policy period. Although there is normally a
contractual obligation on the policyholder to report a claim to the insurer as quickly
as possible, notification may take some time if the loss is not evident immediately.
Settlement of the claim may take a long time if protracted legal proceedings are
needed or if it is not straightforward to determine the extent of the loss. However,
from the moment of the event giving rise to the claim the ultimate settlement amount
is a liability of the insurer. Estimating the amounts of money that need to be
reserved to settle these liabilities is one of the most important areas of actuarial
involvement in general insurance.
Classes of insurance in which claims tend to take a long time to settle are known as
long-tail. Those which tend to take a short time to settle are known as short-tail, although
the dividing line between the two categories is not always distinct.
The policy lasts for a fixed, and relatively short, period of time, typically one year.
In return, the insurer pays claims that arise during the term of the policy.
At the end of the policy’s term the policyholder may or may not renew the policy. If it is
renewed, the premium payable by the policyholder may or may not be the same as in the
previous period.
The insurer may choose to pass part of the premium to a reinsurer. In return, the reinsurer
will reimburse the insurer for part of the cost of the claims during the policy’s term
according to some agreed formula.
An important feature of a short-term insurance contract is that the premium is set at a level
to cover claims arising during the (short) term of the policy only. This contrasts with life
assurance policies where mortality rates increasing with age mean that the (level) annual
premium in the early years would be more than sufficient to cover the expected claims in
the early years. The excess amount would then be accumulated as a reserve to be used in
the later years when the premium on its own would be insufficient to meet the expected cost
of claims.
Now to be more specific, a short-term insurance contract covering a risk will be considered.
A risk includes either a single policy or a specified group of policies. For ease of
terminology the term of the contract is assumed to be one year, but it could equally well be
any other short period, for example six months. The random variable S denotes the
aggregate claims paid by the insurer in the year in respect of this risk. Models will be
constructed for this random variable S . In Section 3 collective risk models will be studied.
Later, in the next chapter, the idea of a collective risk model is extended to an individual risk
A first step in the construction of a collective risk model is to write S in terms of the
number of claims arising in the year, denoted by the random variable N , and the amount of
each individual claim. Let the random variable X i denote the amount of the i th claim.
S Xi (19.1)
i 1
This approach is referred to as a collective risk model because it is considering the claims arising
from a group of policies taken as a whole, rather than by considering the claims arising from each
individual policy.
The random variable S is the sum of a random number of random quantities, and is said to have a
compound distribution.
Because compound distributions arise commonly in general insurance examples, the random
variable N is often referred to as the ‘number of claims’ and the distribution of the random
variables X1 , X2 , is referred to as the ‘individual claim size distribution’, even where the
compound distribution arises in another context.
If the distribution of the X i ’s is continuous, then S will have a mixed distribution, ie partly discrete
and partly continuous. This is because of the possibility that N 0 .
The problems that will be studied are the derivation of the moments and distribution of S in
terms of the moments and distributions of N and the X i ’s. Both will be studied with and
without simple forms of reinsurance. The corresponding problems for the reinsurer will
also be studied, ie the derivation of the moments and distribution of the aggregate claims
paid in the year in respect of this risk by the reinsurer.
For example, we might assume that claim amounts have a Gamma(500,4) distribution.
In practice it may not be possible to make such simple assumptions. For example:
There may not be an appropriate theoretical distribution that models the distribution of
claim amounts actually paid sufficiently well.
Even if the shape of the distribution is satisfactory, appropriate parameter values may
change over time, even in the short term.
There may not be sufficient homogeneity in the portfolio. For example, different policies
may produce claim amounts that have different sizes. This leads to the idea of a mixture
Another simplification is to assume, at least implicitly, that claims are settled more or less
as soon as the incident causing the claim occurs, so that, for example, the insurer’s profit is
known at the end of the year. In practice, there will be at least a short delay in the
settlement of claims and in some cases the delay can amount to many years. This will be
especially true when the extent of the loss is difficult to determine, for example if it is to be
decided in a court of law.
Delays will often lead to higher payments being made, owing to inflationary factors. (The relevant
inflation rate may well be very different from that normally used to measure inflation.)
The model does not in general include any mention of expenses. The premium is assumed
to pay the claims and include a loading for profit. In practice, the premium paid by the
policyholder(s) will also include a loading for expenses. It is possible to include expenses
in the model in a very simple way.
The simplest way to allow for expenses would be to use a claim size distribution that was
artificially inflated to allow for some sort of claim expense amount (eg adding an extra 20%),
although this might not give the right ‘shape’. Alternatively we might express the random
variable X as the sum of two other random variables, one to represent the actual claim amount
and the other to represent the corresponding claim expense.
There are a number of additional elements included when setting the premium to be
charged to policyholders, including the policyholders’ previous claims record and these are
covered in Subject CP1 – Actuarial Practice. The allowance for policyholders’ claim
experience could be based on claim frequency or total claim amounts. This is beyond the
scope of this subject.
In fact, we have already looked at models that make allowance for policyholders’ claims
experience in Chapter 2.
Point 1 follows from the second of the two assumptions above. Points 2 and 3 follow from the
Throughout this chapter it will be assumed that all claims are for non-negative amounts, so
that P ( X i x ) 0 for x 0 . Many of the formulae in this chapter will be derived using the
moment generating functions (from now on abbreviated to MGFs) of S , N and X i . These
MGFs will be denoted MS (t ) , MN (t ) and M X (t ) , respectively, and will be assumed to exist
for some positive values of the dummy variable t . The existence of the MGF of a
non-negative random variable for positive values of t cannot generally be taken for
granted; for example the MGFs of the Pareto and of the lognormal distributions do not exist
for any positive value of t . However, all the formulae derived in this chapter with the help
of MGFs can be derived, although less easily, without assuming the MGFs exist for positive
values of t .
One method would be to use characteristic functions, E (eitX ) , which don’t have the same
convergence problems as MGFs. However the Core Reading does not cover these.
G ( x ) P (S x ) and F ( x ) P ( X i x )
For convenience it will often be assumed that the density of F ( x ) exists and it will be
denoted f ( x ) . In cases where this density does not exist, so that X i has a discrete or a
mixed continuous/discrete distribution, expressions such as:
0 x f ( x ) dx
should be interpreted appropriately. The meaning should always be clear from the context.
S X1 X 2 X N
and S 0 if N 0 .
Note that it is the number of claims, N , from the risk as a collective (as opposed to
counting the number of claims from individual policies) that is being considered and this
gives the name ‘collective risk model’. Within this framework, expressions in general terms
for the distribution function, mean, variance and MGF of S can be developed.
{S x } {S x and N n }
and hence:
P (S x ) P (S x and N n)
P (N n) P (S x | N n)
A group of policies can give rise to at most two claims in a year. The probability function for the
number of claims is as follows:
Number of claims, n 0 1 2
P(N n) 0.6 0.3 0.1
Each claim is either for an amount of 1 or an amount of 2, with equal probability. Claim amounts
are independent of one another and are independent of the number of claims.
P(S 1) P(N 1, X 1)
The other values of the CDF can be calculated in a similar way and are given below:
The distribution of a sum of independent random variables can be found using convolutions.
If Z X Y , where X and Y are independent random variables with PDFs (or PFs) fX (x) and
fY (y), then fZ (z) , the PDF (or PF) of Z , is called the convolution of X and Y .
A formula for a convolution can be found by summing over all possible values of x and y that give
a particular value z .
Finding a convolution
fZ (z) fX (x) fY (z x) for discrete random variables
P(V v) P(N n)P(M v n)
n e v n e
n! (v n)!
e ( ) v v!
n v n
v ! n 0 n!(v n)!
e ( ) v v n v n
v ! n0 n
e ( )
( )v
For convolutions of distribution functions, suppose that { X i }ni 1 are independent and
identically distributed (IID) random variables with common distribution function F ( x ) .
Then the distribution function of Xi is denoted by F n * ( x ) , so that:
i 1
F n* (x ) P(X1 X 2 X n x )
Now note that if N n , then S is the sum of a fixed number n , of random variables,
{ X i }ni 1, and hence:
P (S x | N n ) F n * ( x )
In other words, F 3* (x) would be the convolution F (x)* F (x)* F (x) etc.
(Note that F 1* ( x ) is just F ( x ) and, for convenience, F 0* ( x ) is defined to equal 1 for all
non-negative values of x . Otherwise F 0* ( x ) 0 .) Thus:
G( x ) P (S x ) P (N n) F n * ( x ) (19.2)
Formula (19.2) is a general expression for the distribution function of S . Neither the
distribution of N nor of X i has been specified.
Note that when X i is distributed on the positive integers it is easy to calculate P (S x ) for
x 1,2,3,... since:
P (S x ) G ( x ) G ( x 1)
P (N n) F n * ( x ) F n * ( x 1)
n 1
ie P (S x ) P (N n)fxn * (19.3)
n 1
where f n* n* n*
x F ( x ) F ( x 1) is the probability function of Xi .
i 1
This is just saying that fxn* P( X i x) .
i 1
When the number of claims is large, and the claim amount distribution is not too skewed, we can
approximate the distribution of S by a normal distribution with mean E (S) and variance var(S) .
We explain how to calculate moments of S in the next section.
E [S ] E [E [S | N ]]
Here we are using the conditional expectation formula, which is given on page 16 of the Tables.
Now E [S | N n ] E[ X i ] nm1 . Hence:
i 1
E [S | N ] Nm1
E (S) E (N)E ( X )
where E ( X ) E ( X i ) , i 1,2,..., N .
Formula (19.4) has a very natural interpretation. It says that the expected aggregate claim
amount is the product of the expected number of claims and the expected individual claim
If X has a Pareto distribution with parameters 400 and 3 , and N has a Poisson(50)
distribution, calculate the expected value of S .
E (S) E (N)E ( X ) 50 10,000
To find an expression for var[S ] , apply the identity:
Here we are using the conditional variance formula, which is given on page 16 of the Tables.
var[S | N ] can be found by using the fact that individual claim amounts are independent.
n n
var[S | N n ] var
i 1
i 1
var[ X i ] n(m2 m12 )
This formula can also be found on page 16 of the Tables. We will use it to determine the
variances of the various compound distributions in the next few sections.
Unlike the expression for E [S ] , formula (19.5) does not have a natural interpretation. The
variance of S is expressed in terms of the mean and variance of both N and X i .
However, this formula shows that the variability of the overall aggregate claim distribution is a
function of both the variability in the number of claims and the variability in the claim amounts.
MS (t ) E E [exp(tS ) | N ] (19.6)
E [exp(tX 1 tX 2 tX n )] E [exp(tX i )]
i 1
Also, since { X i }ni 1 are identically distributed, they have common MGF, M X (t ) , so that:
n n
E [exp(tX i )] M X (t ) [ M X (t ) ]n
i 1 i 1
These conditional expectations are random variables because they are functions of N .
We can see this last step by observing that E[exp(N log M X (t ))] is of the same form as E (eN t ) but
with t replaced by log M X (t ) . So it is the MGF of N evaluated at log M X (t ) .
Thus, the MGF of S is expressed in terms of the MGFs of N and of X i . As with the
previous results, the distributions of neither N nor of X i have been specified.
A summary of the results for the mean, variance and MGF of S is given below.
MS (t ) MN log M X (t )
There is one special case that is of some interest. This is when all claims are for the same
fixed amount.
Consider a portfolio of one-year term assurances each with the same sum assured.
Suppose that the amount of a claim is B with probability one (assuming that a claim occurs at
all), ie P ( X i B) 1 so that m1 B and m2 B2 .
B is a constant here, not a random variable. So the expected value of an individual claim amount
is B and its variance is 0.
P (S Bx ) P (N x )
Formulae (19.4) and (19.5) give the mean and variance of S , but as S BN it is easier to
note that E [S ] E [N ]B and var[S ] var[N ]B2 .
The next three sections consider compound distributions using various models for the
number of claims, N .
E [N ] var[N ]
MN (t ) exp (e t 1)
From (19.4):
E (S) E (N)E ( X ) E ( X )
E [S ] m1 (19.9)
From (19.5):
var[S ] m2 (19.10)
The results for the mean and variance have a very simple form. Note that the variance of S
is expressed in terms of the second moment of X i about zero (and not in terms of the
variance of X i ).
Note also that the formula for the skewness of S has a simple form when S is a compound
Poisson random variable:
skew [S ] m3 (19.12)
skew(S) E ( X 3 )
The easiest way to show that the third central moment of S is m3 is to use the cumulant
generating function:
CS (t ) log MS (t )
To determine the skewness, we differentiate it three times with respect to t and set t 0 ,
E [(S m1)3 ] log MS (t )
dt 3 t 0
In other words:
E (S) C S (0)
log MS (t ) M X (t ) 1
d3 d3
log MS (t ) 3 M X (t ) 1 m3
dt dt t 0
ie E [(S m1)3 ] m3
This result shows that the distribution of S is positively skewed, since m3 is the third
moment about zero of X i and hence is greater than zero because X i is a non-negative
valued random variable. Note that the distribution of S is positively skewed even if the
distribution of X i is negatively skewed. The coefficient of skewness of S is
m3 / ( m2 )3/2 , and hence goes to 0 as . Thus for large values of , the distribution
of S is almost symmetric.
E (S) E ( X ) m1
var(S) E ( X 2 ) m2
skew(S) E ( X 3 ) m3
Let S1, S2 ,..., Sn be independent random variables. Suppose that each Si has a compound
Poisson distribution with parameter i , and that the CDF of the individual claim amount
random variable for each Si is Fi ( x ) .
n n
i and F ( x )
i Fi ( x )
i 1 i 1
To prove the result, first note that F ( x ) is a weighted average of distribution functions and
that these weights are all positive and sum to one. This means that F ( x ) is a distribution
function and this distribution has MGF:
M(t ) etx f (x) dx
where f (x) F (x) is the PDF of the individual claim amount random variable for A .
M (t ) 0 exp(tx )
i 1
i fi ( x ) dx
n n
1 1
M (t )
i 0 exp{tx } fi ( x ) dx i Mi (t ) (19.13)
i 1 i 1
M A (t ) E (exp(tSi ))
i 1
As Si is a compound Poisson random variable, its MGF is of the form given by formula
(19.11), so:
n n
M A (t ) exp{i (Mi (t ) 1)} exp i (Mi (t ) 1)
i 1 i 1
n n
i and M (t )
i 1
i Mi (t )
i 1
By the one-to-one relationship between distributions and MGFs, formula (19.14) shows that
A has a compound Poisson distribution with Poisson parameter . By (19.13), the
individual claim amount distribution has CDF F(x).
The distributions of aggregate claims from two risks, denoted by S1 and S2 , are as follows:
S1 has a compound Poisson distribution with parameter 100 and distribution function
F1 (x) 1 exp( x / ) , x 0 .
S2 has a compound Poisson distribution with parameter 200 and distribution function
F2 (x) 1 exp( x / ), x 0 .
Let S S1 S2 . Then S has a compound Poisson distribution with parameters 300 and F (x) ,
The R code to simulate 10,000 values from a compound Poisson distribution with parameter
1,000 and a gamma claims distribution with 750 and 0.25 is:
n <- rpois(10000,1000)
s <- numeric(10000)
for(i in 1:10000)
{x <- rgamma(n[i],shape=750,rate=0.25)
s[i] <- sum(x)}
We can plot a histogram of the compound distribution using the hist function and an
empirical density function using density in the plot function. We can then superimpose a
normal or other distribution to see if they provide a good approximation.
However, a better way to check the fit with a normal distribution is to use the qqnorm
qqnorm(<simulated values>)
or the qqplot function to compare the sample data to simulated values from a fitted model
Note we have used set.seed(123) so you can obtain the same values as this example.
The notation N Bin(n, p) is used to denote the binomial distribution for N . The key
results for this distribution are:
E [N ] np
var[N ] np(1 p )
MN (t ) ( pe t 1 p )n
Expressions for the mean, variance and MGF of S are now found in terms of n , p , m1 , m2
and M X (t ) when N Bin(n, p ) .
There is no need to memorise the formulae in this section. However, it is important to be able to
derive them.
E (S) E (N)E ( X )
E [S ] npm1 (19.15)
MS (t ) MN log M X (t )
MS (t ) ( pM X (t ) 1 p)n
We can also find expressions for the skewness and the coefficient of skewness.
The third central moment is found from the cumulant generating function:
C S (t ) ln MS (t )
In the next few steps, liberal use is made of the chain rule dx du du
dx dy dy
and the product rule for
differentiation dx dx dx
d (uv) du v u dv . The third derivative of the cumulant generating function is:
d3 d3
log MS (t ) n log pM X (t ) q where q 1 p
dt dt 3
d2 d
np M X (t ) ( pM X (t ) q )1
dt dt
d d 2 d
np 2 M X (t ) ( pM X (t ) q ) n p M X (t ) ( pM X (t ) q )2
dt dt dt
np 3 M X (t ) ( pM X (t ) q )1
d2 d
3np2 2 M X (t ) ( pM X (t ) q )2 dt M X (t )
2n p M X (t ) ( pM X (t ) q )3
Setting t = 0 gives:
It can be deduced from formula (5.17) that it is possible for the compound binomial
distribution to be negatively skewed. The simplest illustration of this fact is when all claims
are of (a fixed) amount B . Then S BN and:
skew(S) B3 skew(N)
In fact:
skew(S) B3 skew(N)
coeff of skew(S) coeff of skew(N)
[var(S)]3/2 [B2 var(N)]3/2
Determine an expression for the MGF of the aggregate claim amount random variable if the number
of claims has a Bin(100, 0.01) distribution and individual claim sizes have a Gamma(10, 0.2)
MN (t ) (0.99 0.01e )t 100
and MX (t ) 1 (1 5t )10
MS (t ) MN [log M X (t )]
0.99 0.01elog M X (t )
0.99 0.01M X (t )
0.99 0.01(1 5t )10
k n 1 k n
P (N n) p q for n 0,1,2,
This is the Type 2 negative binomial distribution. See page 9 of the Tables.
n 1 k nk
P(N n) p q for n k , k 1, k 2, ...
k 1
It is not likely to be appropriate here, unless there is a specific reason why the number of claims
must be at least k .
E [N ]
var[N ]
MN (t ) p k (1 qe t )k
The special case k 1 leads to the geometric distribution. Once again, note that these
results are given in the Tables.
This is because the negative binomial distribution can take any non-negative integer value, unlike
the binomial distribution which has an upper limit.
One advantage that the negative binomial distribution has over the Poisson distribution is
that its variance exceeds its mean. These two quantities are equal for the Poisson
distribution. Thus, the negative binomial distribution may give a better fit to a data set
which has a sample variance in excess of the sample mean. This is often the case in
practice. In the next chapter a situation leading to the negative binomial distribution for N
is discussed. When N has a negative binomial distribution, S has a compound negative
binomial distribution.
Expressions for the mean, variance and MGF of S when N NB(k , p) come immediately
from formulae (19.4), (19.5) and (19.8):
E (S) E (N)E ( X ) E [S ] m
p 1
kq kq
var(S) E (N)var( X ) var(N)[E ( X )]2 var[S ] (m2 m12 ) 2 m12
p p
Multiplying out the brackets and regrouping the terms, we see that:
kq kq kq kq kq
(m2 m12 ) 2 m12 m2 m12 2 m12
p p p p p
kq kpq kq
m2 2 m12 2 m12
p p p
kq kq kpq 2
m2 m1
p p2
kq kq(1 p) 2
m2 m1
p p2
kq kq2
m2 2 m12
p p
kq kq 2
var[S ] m2 2 m12
p p
MS (t ) MN log MX (t ) MS (t )
(1 qM X (t ))k
As before, the third central moment of S can be found from the cumulant generating
function of S , as follows:
d d
log MS (t )
k log p k log 1 qM X (t )
kq d
dt M X (t )
1 qM X (t )
2 d2
d2 d 1 kq
log MS (t ) kq 2 M X (t ) 2 M X (t )
dt 2
dt (1 qM X (t ))2 1 qM X (t ) dt
d3 d
2 d 1
log MS (t ) 3 kq M X (t ) M X (t )
dt 2 2
dt (1 qM X (t ))
3 d3
2kq 3 d kq
M X (t ) 3 M X (t )
3 dt 1 qM X (t ) dt
(1 qM X (t ))
The parameters k and p are positive, as are the moments of X . It therefore follows from
formula (19.18) that the compound negative binomial distribution is positively skewed. The
coefficient of skewness can be found from E ((S E (S ))3 ) / (var(S ))3/2 .
The distribution of the number of claims from a motor portfolio is negative binomial with
parameters k 4,000 and p 0.9 . The claim size distribution is Pareto with parameters 5
and 1,200 . Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the aggregate claim distribution.
m1 E ( X ) 300
1 4
2 5 1,2002
m2 E ( X 2 ) m12 3002 240,000
( 1) ( 2)
4 32
So, using the formulae for the mean and variance of a compound negative binomial distribution:
kq 4,000 0.1
E (S ) m1 300 133,333
p 0.9
4 Appendix
There is some repetition in the Core Reading in Section 3.3. To improve the flow of the chapter,
we have removed the repeated section from the main part of the text and placed it below.
Illustration: N is the number of claims which arise in a portfolio of business and X i is the
amount of the i th claim. S is the total claim amount.
E (S | N n ) E ( X 1 X N | N n) E ( X 1 X n ) n E ( X )
var(S | N n ) n var( X )
E (S ) E E (S | N )] E NE ( X ) E (N )E ( X )
E (N ) var( X ) var(N ) E ( X )
S2 N X2 N2 X2
MS (t ) E (e tS ) E E e tS | N
E (e tS | N n) E exp t ( X 1 X 2 X N ) | N n
E exp t ( X 1 X 2 X n )
E exp(tX i ) M X (t )
E (S ) E ( X )
var(S ) var( X ) E ( X ) E ( X 2 )
MS (t ) exp M X (t ) 1
from which the mean and variance can be obtained and the results above verified.
Chapter 19 Summary
Insurable risks
For a risk to be insurable the policyholder should have an interest in the risk being insured to
distinguish between insurance and a wager, and it should be of a financial and reasonably
quantifiable nature. Ideally, risk events should:
be independent
have low probability of occurring
be pooled with similar risks
have an ultimate liability
avoid moral hazards.
S X1 X 2 X N
Specific types of compound distributions include the compound Poisson, compound binomial,
compound negative binomial, and compound geometric. Formulae for the MGF and the
moments of a compound random variable are given on page 16 of the Tables.
If Z X Y , and X and Y are independent, then:
fZ (z) fX fY (z) f (x) fY (z x) dx if X and Y are continuous
F (x)
i Fi (x)
The MGF of the individual claim amounts for A is:
M(t )
i Mi (t)
where Mi (t ) is the MGF of the individual claim amounts for Si .
(ii) List five other risk criteria that would be considered desirable by a general insurer.
19.2 A group of policies can give rise to at most 2 claims. The probabilities of 0, 1 or 2 claims are ½, ¼
and ¼ respectively. Claim amounts are IID U(0,10) random variables. Let S denote the
aggregate claim amount random variable.
19.3 The random variable S has a compound Poisson distribution with Poisson parameter 4. The
individual claim amounts are either 1, with probability 0.3, or 3, with probability 0.7.
The individual claim size random variable, X , is exponentially distributed with mean 2.
19.5 Write down a formula for the MGF of a compound Poisson distribution with individual claim size
distribution Gamma( , ) and Poisson parameter .
19.6 S1 and S2 are independent random variables each with a compound Poisson distribution. The
distribution of Si , i 1,2 , has Poisson parameter i and individual claim amount distribution
Fi (x) .
A S1 S2 has a compound Poisson distribution with Poisson parameter 12 and individual
claim amount distribution F1 (x) F2 (x ) .
19.7 Claims on a group of policies of a certain type arise as a Poisson process with parameter 1 .
Exam style Claims on a second, independent, group of policies arise as a Poisson process with parameter 2 .
The aggregate claim amounts on the respective groups are denoted S1 and S2 .
Using moment generating functions (or otherwise), show that S (the sum of S1 and S2 ) also has
a compound Poisson distribution and hence derive the Poisson parameter for S . [4]
19.8 The aggregate claim amount from a portfolio has a compound negative binomial distribution.
Exam style
(i) Show that if S X1 X N , then:
MS (t ) MN log MX (t ) [3]
(ii) If N has Type 2 negative binomial distribution with k 2 and p 0.9 , and X has a
gamma distribution with 10 and 0.1 , determine an expression for MS (t ) . [2]
(b) Using a suitable approximation, estimate the aggregate amount which will be
exceeded with probability 0.1%. [4]
(iv) The insurer in fact has 100 identical independent portfolios of this type. Let:
T S1 S100
(b) Using a normal approximation, estimate the total aggregate claim amount from
the whole business which will be exceeded with probability 0.1%.
Chapter 19 Solutions
19.1 (i) Criteria for an insurable risk
19.2 If N 0 , ie there are no claims, then S 0 . So there is a point mass (or a ‘blob’ of probability) at
S 0.
If N 1 , ie there is exactly one claim, then S has a U(0, 10) distribution. This will happen with
probability ¼.
If N 2 , ie there are exactly 2 claims, then S X1 X2 where X1 and X2 are independent random
variables with PDFs:
0.1 if 0 x 10
fX ( x ) fX ( x )
1 2
0 otherwise
fS (s) fX (s x) fX (x) dx 0.1 fX (s x) dx
1 2 0 1
fS (s) 0.1 0.1 dx 0.01s
and for 10 s 20 :
fS (s) 0.1 0.1 dx 0.2 0.01s
s 10
So for N 2 , S has a symmetrical triangular shaped distribution on the interval (0, 20).
f( s)
10 20
This graph is the combination of a blob at zero, a uniform distribution on (0,10) and a triangular
distribution on (0,20).
19.3 We need to consider how we could get an aggregate claim amount of 4. This could happen in two
e 4 42 e 4 4 4
2 0.3 0.7 0.34
2! 4!
n 1
P(N n) 9(n 1)4 n 2 2
(3 / 4) (1 / 4)
We can see from this formula that N has a Type 2 negative binomial distribution with parameters
k 2 and p 3 / 4 .
kq 2 1 / 4
E (N) 2/3
p 3/4
kq 2 1 / 4
and: var(N) 2 8/9
p (3 / 4)2
The individual claim amounts have an exponential distribution with ½ . So the mean and
variance of the individual claims are:
1 1
E(X ) 2 and var( X ) 2 4
2 4
E (S) E (N) E ( X ) 2
3 3
2 8 56
and: var(S) E (N) var( X ) var(N)[E ( X )]2 4 22
3 9 9
M S (t ) MN [log M X (t )] exp elog M X (t ) 1 exp M X (t ) 1
Since X Gamma( , ) :
M X (t ) 1
MS (t ) exp 1 1
S1 S2 has a compound Poisson distribution with Poisson parameter (1 2 ) and individual
claim amount distribution 1F1 (x) 2F2 (x) 1 2 .
19.7 Let Ni denote the number of claims on policies of type i and let X i denote the claim amount
random variable for policies of type i , for i 1, 2 . Then:
MSi (t ) MNi ln M X i (t ) exp i M X i (t ) 1
By independence:
MS (t ) E etS E e 1 2 E etS1 etS2 E etS1 E etS2 MS1 (t )MS2 (t )
t S S
MS (t ) exp 1 M X1 (t ) 1 exp 2 MX2 (t ) 1
exp 1M X1 (t ) 2MX2 (t ) 1 2
exp (MW (t ) 1) [1]
1 2 [1]
1M X1 (t ) 2M X2 (t )
MW (t ) [1]
1 2
using the standard result for conditional means from page 16 of the Tables.
E (etS | N n) E et ( X1 Xn ) E (etX1 ) E (etXn ) [1]
Now each of these terms is just the MGF of the random variable X .
E (etS |N n) M X (t )
and hence:
MS (t ) E MX (t ) E eN log MX (t ) MN log MX (t ) [1]
We first need the individual MGFs. Using results from the Tables, we have:
MX (t ) 1 (1 10t )10 [½]
and: MN (t ) [½]
1 0.1et
MS (t ) MN log MX (t ) 10
1 0.1(1 10t )
We could differentiate this expression to find the mean and variance of S . However, it is much
easier to use the standard compound distribution formulae:
E (S) E ( X )E (N)
Using the results from the Tables for the individual distributions:
E(X ) 100
var( X ) 2 1,000 [1]
kq 2 0.1
E (N) 0.22222
p 0.9
kq 2 0.1
var(N) 2 0.24691 [1]
p 0.92
We now assume that S has an approximate normal distribution with this mean and variance. So,
standardising in the usual way, we have:
k E (S )
P S k 0.001 P N(0,1) 0.001
Using the percentage points of the standard normal distribution, we find that:
k E (S)
3.0902 k 22.222 3.0902 2,691.358 182.54 [1]
(iv)(a) MGF of T
1 0.1(1 10t )10
The mean and variance of T are 100 times the corresponding results for S , ie:
So the corresponding figure for the aggregate amount exceeded with probability 0.001 is:
(iv)(c) Comment
This is substantially less than one hundred times the corresponding answer to part (iii)(b). The
Central Limit Theorem tells us that as the number of portfolios increases, bad experience in some
of the portfolios will be offset by better experience in others, leading to a situation where the
overall variation is relatively smaller. Pooling of similar risks reduces the overall variance. We can
see this happening here. [1]
Risk models 2
Syllabus objectives
1.2 Compound distributions and their application in risk modelling
1.2.5 Repeat 1.2.4 for both the insurer and the reinsurer after the operation of
simple forms of proportional and excess of loss reinsurance.
0 Introduction
In this chapter we will look at some of the practical applications of risk models. We start by
looking at how the models can be adapted for situations involving reinsurance. A section on the
individual risk model is followed by some more complex examples of the use of risk models in
S X1 X 2 X N
where N denotes the number of claims and X i denotes the amount of the i th claim.
Here we extend this concept to consider the situation when reinsurance is in force. We will use
the following notation:
Yi is the amount paid by the insurer in respect of the i th claim
The formulae that we derived for the mean, variance and MGF of S can be adapted to cover the
reinsurance situation by replacing X by Y or Z , as appropriate. For example:
E (SI ) E (N)E (Y )
MSI (t ) MN (log MY (t ))
For a retention level ( 0 1 ), the i th individual claim amount for the insurer is X i
and for the reinsurer is (1 ) X i .
In other words:
Yi Xi
Zi (1 ) Xi
X1 X2 XN
( X1 X2 XN )
(1 ) X1 (1 ) X2 (1 ) XN
(1 )( X1 X2 XN )
(1 )S
(i) Show that under a proportional reinsurance arrangement where the direct writer retains a
proportion , the MGF of the net individual claim amount Y paid by the direct insurer is
M X ( t ) .
(ii) Hence give a formula for MSI (t ) when the number of claims follows a Poisson distribution
with mean 25 and individual claim amounts are exponentially distributed with mean 1,000.
(i) MGF of Y
Since N Poisson(25) :
MN (t ) e25(e 1)
1 ):
In addition, since X is exponentially distributed with mean 1,000 (ie with parameter 1,000
M X (t ) (1 1,000t )1
and hence:
MY (t ) M X ( t ) (1 1,000 t )1
X if X M
M if X M
0 if X M
X M if X M
As previously stated, the insurer’s aggregate claims net of reinsurance can be represented
SR Z1 Z2 ZN (20.1)
If, for example, N ~ Poi ( ) , SI has a compound Poisson distribution with Poisson
parameter , and the i th individual claim amount is Yi . Similarly, SR has a compound
Poisson distribution with Poisson parameter , and the i th individual claim amount is Zi .
E (SI ) E (Y )
var(SI ) E (Y 2 )
skew(SI ) E (Y 3 )
Note, however that if F (M ) 0 , as will usually be the case, then Zi may take the value 0.
Here, F (x) denotes the distribution function of the original claim amount random variable, X .
F (M) P( X M)
If this is greater than 0, then there is a non-zero probability that the reinsurer will not be involved
in a claim.
In other words, 0 is counted as a possible claim amount for the reinsurer. From a practical
point of view, this definition of SR is rather artificial. The insurer will know the observed
value of N , but the reinsurer will probably know only the number of claims above the
retention level M , since the insurer may notify the reinsurer only of claims above the
retention level.
The annual aggregate claim amount from a risk has a compound Poisson distribution with
Poisson parameter 10. Individual claim amounts are uniformly distributed on (0,2 000) . The
insurer of this risk has effected excess of loss reinsurance with retention level 1,600.
Calculate the mean, variance and coefficient of skewness of both the insurer’s and
reinsurer’s aggregate claims under this reinsurance arrangement.
Let SI and SR be as above. To find E [Si ] calculate E [Yi ] . Now:
E (Yi ) x f ( x ) dx M P ( X i M )
This gives:
0.0005 x 2
E [Yi ] 0.2M 960
2 0
E [ Yi2 ] x
f ( x ) dx M 2 P ( X i M )
0.0005 x 3 2
0.2 M
3 0
To find the coefficient of skewness of the insurer’s claims, we must calculate E [Yi3 ] :
E [ Yi3 ] x
f ( x ) dx M 3 P ( X i M )
0.0005 x 4 3
0.2 M
4 0
1,638, 400,000
To find E [SR ] , note that the expected annual aggregate claim amount from the risk is
E [S ] E [ X ] 10 1,000 10,000 . Then:
E [ Z i2 ] ( x M )2 f ( x ) dx
2,000 M
0.0005 y 2 dy where y x M
2,000 M
0.0005 y 3
3 0
E [ Z i3 ] ( x M )3 f ( x ) dx
2,000 M
0.0005 y 3 dy where y x M
Calculate the variance of S , the aggregate claim amount before reinsurance for the example
above and explain why:
x2 4,000,000
E(X 2 ) 2000
So var(S) 13,333,333 .
This is not equal to 11,946,667 106,667 because SI and SR are not independent.
To simulate the collective risk model with individual reinsurance we can combine the R
code from Chapters 15, 18 and 19.
For example, to simulate 10,000 values for a reinsurer where claims have a compound
Poisson distribution with parameter 1,000 and a gamma claims distribution with 750
and 0.25 under individual excess of loss with retention 2,500 we would use:
M <-2500
n <- rpois(10000,1000)
sR <- numeric(10000)
for(i in 1:10000)
{x <- rgamma(n[i],shape=750,rate=0.25)
z <- pmax(0,x-M)
sR[i] <- sum(z)}
We can now find moments, the coefficient of skewness, probabilities and quantiles as
SR W1 W2 WNR (20.2)
where the random variable NR denotes the actual number of (non-zero) payments made by
the reinsurer.
Wi X i M | X i M
For example, suppose that the risk above gave rise to the following eight claim amounts in a
particular year:
Then in formula (20.1) the observed value of N is 8, and the third, fifth and sixth claims
require payments from the reinsurer of 348, 266 and 104 respectively. The reinsurer makes
a ‘payment’ of 0 on the other five claims.
In formula (20.2), the observed value of NR is 3 and the observed values of W1 , W2 and
W3 are 348, 266 and 104 respectively. Note that the observed value of SR is the same
(ie 718) under each definition.
f (x M)
g (w ) , w 0
1 F (M )
We saw this result in Section 1.2 of Chapter 18. It can also be written as:
f (w M)
fW (w) X
1 FX (M)
In some contexts it may be obvious what this distribution is, but here is a general method for
establishing the distribution.
where N denotes the number of claims from the risk (as usual). I j is an indicator random
variable which takes the value 1 if the reinsurer makes a (non-zero) payment on the j th
claim, and takes the value 0 otherwise. Thus NR gives the number of payments made by
the reinsurer.
From its definition, we see that NR is a compound random variable. However, instead of being
the sum of individual claims amounts, NR is a sum of indicator random variables.
P (I j 1) P ( X j M ) , say
P (I j 0) 1
MI (t ) e t 1
The formula for the MGF of a binomial distribution is given on page 6 of the Tables.
By formula (19.8) in Chapter 19 (the formula for the MGF of a compound random variable), NR
has MGF:
Here ½ , so:
MI (t ) ½et ½
MNR (t ) MN [log MI (t )] exp [MI (t ) 1] exp (½et ½) exp ½ (et 1)
This is the MGF of the Poisson(½ ) distribution. By the uniqueness property of MGFs, it follows
that NR Poisson(½) .
We now continue the above Core Reading example where the annual aggregate claim amount
from a risk has a compound Poisson distribution with Poisson parameter 10, individual claim
amounts are uniformly distributed on (0,2000) , and the insurer of this risk has effected excess of
loss reinsurance with retention level 1,600.
Continuing the above example and using formula (20.2) as the model for SR , it can be seen
that SR has a compound Poisson distribution with Poisson parameter 0.2 10 2 .
Individual claims, Wi , have density function:
f (w M ) 0.0005
g (w ) 0.0025 , for 0 w 400
1 F (M ) 0.2
Using the formulae for the moments of a continuous uniform distribution from page 13 of the
Tables, we have:
Thus, there are two ways to specify and evaluate the distribution of SR .
S if S M
M if S M
0 if S M
S M if S M
Calculations involving aggregate excess of loss reinsurance are done using a first principles
The annual number of claims from a small group of policies has a Poisson distribution with a mean
of 2. Individual claim amounts have the following distribution:
Individual claim amounts are independent of each other and are also independent of the number
of claims. The insurer has purchased aggregate excess of loss reinsurance with a retention limit
of 600.
Calculate the probability that the reinsurer is involved in paying the claims that arise in the next
policy year.
The reinsurer will be involved if the total claim amount is more than 600. Since the total claim
amount must be a multiple of 200, the probability is:
The total claim amount will be 0 only if there are no claims. So:
e 2 20
P(S 0) P(N 0) e 2
Using the assumption that individual claim amounts are independent of the number of claims, we
e 2 21
P(S 200) P(N 1, X1 200) P(N 1)P( X1 200) 0.7 1.4 e 2
e 2 22 e 2 21
0.72 0.3
2! 1!
1.58 e 2
e 2 23 e 2 22
0.73 2 0.7 0.3
3! 2!
1.29733 e 2
We can also simulate the collective risk model with aggregate reinsurance. For example to
simulate 10,000 values for a reinsurer where claims have a compound Poisson distribution
with parameter 1,000 and a gamma claims distribution with 750 and 0.25 under
aggregate excess of loss with retention 3,000,000 we would take our S from Section 3.4 of
Chapter 19 and then use:
sR <- pmax(0,s-3000000)
claim amounts from these risks are not (necessarily) identically distributed random
the number of risks does not change over the period of insurance cover.
S Y1 Y2 Yn
where Y j denotes the claim amount under the j th risk and n denotes the number of risks.
It is possible that some risks will not give rise to claims. Thus, some of the observed values
of {Y j }nj 1 may be 0.
In fact in most forms of insurance most policies would not give rise to any claims during a given
This approach is referred to as an individual risk model because it is considering the claims arising
from each individual policy.
If a claim occurs under the j th risk, the claim amount is denoted by the random variable
Assumption (20.3) is very restrictive. It means that a maximum of one claim from each risk
is allowed for in the model. This includes risks such as one-year term assurance (since a
policyholder can only die once), but excludes many types of general insurance policy. For
example, there is no restriction on the number of claims that could be made in a policy year
under household contents insurance.
There are three important differences between this model and the collective risk model:
(1) The number of risks in the portfolio has been specified. In the collective risk model,
there was no need to specify this number, nor to assume that it remained fixed over
the period of insurance cover (not even when it was assumed that N ~ Bin(n, q ) ).
On the other hand we could argue that there was an implicit assumption of a constant number of
risks in the very fact that we were using a binomial distribution to model the number of claims.
(2) The number of claims from each individual risk has been restricted. There was no
such restriction in the collective risk model.
(3) It is assumed that individual risks are independent. In the collective risk model it
was individual claim amounts that were independent.
The contrast here is between the occurrence of claims and the size of claims.
Assumptions (20.3) and (20.4) say that N j ~ Bin(1, q j ) . Thus, the distribution of Y j is
compound binomial, with individual claim amount random variable X j . From formulae
(19.15) and (19.16) in Chapter 19 (for the mean and variance of a compound random variable) it
follows immediately that:
E [Y j ] q j j (20.5)
var[Y j ] q j 2j q j (1 q j ) 2j (20.6)
n n n
E[S ] E
j 1
j 1
E [Y j ]
j 1
n n n
var [ S ] var
j 1
j 1
var[ Y j ] (q j 2j q j (1 q j ) 2j ) (20.8)
j 1
E [ S ] nq
var [ S ] n q 2 n q (1 q ) 2
The probability of a claim arising on any given policy in a portfolio of 1,000 one-year term
assurance policies is 0.004. Claim amounts have a Gamma(5, 0.002) distribution. Calculate the
mean and variance of the aggregate claim amount.
We have:
5 5
j 2,500 and: 2j 1,250,000
0.002 0.0022
var(S) nq 2 nq (1 q) 2
We can use R to simulate the total claim amount payable under the individual risk model.
Suppose we have n life policies, with the probabilities of death for each policy contained in
the vector q and simulated claim amounts for each policy contained in the vector claim.
S <- q*claim
We can now find moments, the coefficient of skewness, probabilities and quantiles as
before, and also apply reinsurance if appropriate.
3.1 Introduction
So far risk models have been studied assuming that the parameters, that is the moments
and in some cases even the distributions, of the number of claims and of the amount of
individual claims are known with certainty. In general, these parameters would not be
known but would have to be estimated from appropriate sets of data. In this section it will
be seen how the models introduced earlier can be extended to allow for parameter
uncertainty / variability. This will be done by looking at a series of examples. Most, but not
all, of these examples will consider uncertainty in the claim number distribution since this,
rather than the individual claim amount distribution, has received more attention in the
actuarial literature. All the examples will be based on claim numbers having a Poisson
In this example the CDF of individual claim amounts, ie F ( x ) , is assumed to be known but
the values of the Poisson parameters, ie the i s, are not known. In this subsection the i s
are assumed to be (sample values of) independent random variables with the same (known)
distribution. In other words {i }ni 1 is treated as a set of independent and identically
distributed random variables with a known distribution. This means that if a policy is
chosen at random from the portfolio it is assumed that the Poisson parameter for the policy
is not known but that probability statements can be made about it. For example, ‘there is a
50% chance that its Poisson parameter lies between 3 and 5’. It is important to understand
that the Poisson parameter for a policy chosen from the portfolio is a fixed number; the
problem is that this number is not known.
Suppose that the Poisson parameters of policies in a portfolio are not known but are equally
likely to be 0.1 or 0.3.
(i) Find the mean and variance (in terms of m1 and m2 ) of the aggregate claims from a
policy chosen at random from the portfolio.
(ii) Find the mean and variance (in terms of m1 , m2 and n ) of the aggregate claims
from the whole portfolio.
It may be helpful to think of this as a model of part of a motor insurance portfolio. The
policies in the whole portfolio have been subdivided according to their values for rating
factors such as ‘age of driver’, ‘type of car’ and even ‘past claims experience’. The policies
in the part of the portfolio being considered have identical values for these rating factors.
However, there are some factors, such as ‘driving ability’, that cannot easily be measured
and so they cannot be taken explicitly into account. It is supposed that some of the
policyholders in this part of the portfolio are ‘good’ drivers and the remainder are ‘bad’
drivers. The individual claim amount distribution is the same for all drivers but ‘good’
drivers make fewer claims (0.1 pa on average) than ‘bad’ drivers (0.3 pa on average). It is
assumed that it is known, possibly from national data, that a policyholder in this part of the
portfolio is equally likely to be a ‘good’ driver or a ‘bad’ driver but that it cannot be known
whether a particular policyholder is a ‘good’ driver or a ‘bad’ driver.
Let i , i 1, 2, ..., n be the Poisson parameter of the i th policy in the portfolio. {i }
i 1 is
regarded as a set of independent and identically distributed random variables, each with the
following distribution:
From this:
E [ i ] 0.2
var [ i ] 0.01
E [ Si ] E [ E [ Si | i ] ] E [ i m1 ] 0.2 m1
E [ i m2 ] var[ i m1 ]
0.2 m2 0.01m12
(ii) The random variables {Si }ni 1 are independent and identically distributed, each with
the distribution of Si given in part (i). Hence, the result in (i) above can be used to
E Si n E [ Si ] 0.2 n m1
i 1
var Si n var [ Si ] 0.2 n m2 0.01n m12
i 1
Suppose the Poisson parameters for individual policies are drawn from a gamma
distribution with parameters and . Find the distribution of the number of claims from a
policy chosen at random from the portfolio.
Let Ni denote the number of claims from the i th policy in the portfolio and let i be its
Poisson parameter. Then Ni has a Poisson distribution with parameter i but the problem
is that (by assumption) the value of i is not known. What is known is the distribution from
which i has been chosen.
Given that:
The marginal distribution of Ni is its unconditional distribution. In this example, Ni can only take
whole number values, so it is a discrete random variable. To determine its marginal distribution,
we need to derive a formula for the unconditional probability P(Ni x ) .
This problem can be solved by removing the conditioning in the usual way.
Recall that if X and Y are discrete random variables, then the unconditional probability P( X x)
is given by:
P( X x) P( X x ,Y y) P( X x |Y y )P(Y y)
y y
x 1
P (Ni x ) 0 exp{ }
x ! ( )
exp { } d
exp { ( 1) } x 1 d
( ) x ! 0
We can make the integrand look like the PDF of the Gamma( x , 1) distribution by inserting
( 1)x
a factor of inside the integral. We need to compensate for doing this by inserting a
(x )
(x )
factor of outside the integral. This gives:
( 1)x
(x )
( )x ! ( 1)x 0 f ( ) d where Gamma(x , 1)
The integral in the line above is 1 (as we are integrating a PDF over all possible values of the
random variable).
( x )
P (Ni x )
( ) x ! ( 1) x
which shows that the marginal distribution of Ni is negative binomial with parameters
and .
Suppose that the Poisson parameter, , will be equal to 0.1 or to 0.3 with equal probability.
(i) Calculate the mean and variance (in terms of m1 and m2 ) of the aggregate claims
from a policy chosen at random from the portfolio.
(ii) Calculate the mean and variance (in terms of m1 , m2 and n ) of the aggregate
claims from the whole portfolio.
Using the same notation as before let Si denote the aggregate claims from the i th policy in
the portfolio. The situation can be summarised as follows:
The random variables {Si }ni 1 are independent and identically distributed, each with a
compound Poisson distribution with parameters and F ( x ) . The random variable has
the following distribution:
P ( 0.1) 0.5
P ( 0.3) 0.5
E [ Si ] E [ E ( Si | ) ] E [ m1 ] 0.2 m1
0.2 m2 0.01m12
(ii) E Si n E [S1 ] 0.2 n m1
i 1
n n n
Si E var Si var E
i 1
i 1 i 1
E [ n m2 ] var [ n m1 ]
It is useful to compare the answers to the above example with those to the first example in
the Section 3.2. The values of the mean are in all cases the same, as are the variances when
a single policy is considered (part (i)). The difference occurs when variances for more than
one policy are considered (part (ii)), in which case the second example gives the greater
variance. It is important to understand the differences (and the similarities) between the two
examples. A practical situation where the second example could be appropriate would be a
portfolio of policies insuring buildings in a certain area. The number of claims could
depend on, among other factors, the weather during the year; an unusually high number of
storms resulting in a high expected number of claims (ie a high value of ) and vice versa
for all the policies together.
3.4 Variability in claim numbers and claim amounts and parameter uncertainty
This section contains two more examples. The first is a rather complicated example
involving uncertainty over claim amounts as well as claim numbers.
An insurance company models windstorm claims under household insurance policies using
the following assumptions.
The number of storms arising each year, K , is assumed to have a Poisson distribution with
parameter .
The number of claims arising from the i th storm, Ni , i 1, 2, ..., K , is assumed to have a
Poisson distribution with parameter i .
The amount of the j th claim arising from the i th storm, X ij , j 1, 2, ..., Ni , has a lognormal
(ii) Let Si denote aggregate claims outgo from the i-th storm, so that Si | { i , i } is a
compound Poisson random variable. Show that:
E [ Si ] np
(iii) Find expressions for the mean and variance of the annual aggregate claims outgo
from all storms.
(i) E [ X ij ] E [ E ( X ij | i ) ] E [ i ] p
E [ 2i (exp{ 2 } 1) ] var ( i )
( p2 s22 ) exp{ 2 } p2
and so:
(iii) Let R be a random variable denoting the annual aggregate claims outgo from all
storms. Then R can be written:
R Si
i 1
where K has a Poisson distribution and the random variables Si are IID
(independent and identically distributed).
E [ R ] E ( Si ) n p
Each year an insurance company issues a number of household contents insurance
policies, for each of which the annual premium is £80. The aggregate annual claims from a
single policy have a compound Poisson distribution; the Poisson parameter is 0.4 and
individual claim amounts have a gamma distribution with parameters and . The
expense involved in settling a claim is a random variable uniformly distributed between £50
and £ b (>£50). The amount of the expense is independent of the amount of the associated
claim. The random variable S represents the total aggregate claims and expenses in one
year from this portfolio. It may be assumed that S has approximately a normal distribution.
1 ; 0.01 ; b 100
Show that the company must sell at least 884 policies in a year to be at least 99%
sure that the premium income will exceed the claims and expenses outgo.
(ii) Now suppose that the values of , and b are not known with certainty but could
be anywhere in the following ranges:
By considering what, for the insurance company, would be the worst possible
combination of values for , and b , calculate the number of policies the
company must sell to be at least 99% sure that the premium income will exceed the
claims and expenses outgo.
Let X i be the amount of the i th claim and Yi be the amount of the associated expense.
Let N be the total number of claims from the portfolio and let n be the number of policies
in the portfolio. Then N has a Poisson distribution with parameter 0.4n and S can be
S ( X i Yi )
i 1
where { X i Yi }
i 1 is a sequence of independent and identically distributed random
variables, independent of N . From this it can be seen that S has a compound Poisson
distribution with X i Yi representing the ‘amount of the i th individual claim’. Standard
results can now be used to write down the following formulae for the moments of S :
E [ S ] 0.4n E [ X i Yi ]
E [ Xi ] / E [ Yi ] (b 50) / 2
E [ X i Yi ] E [ X i ] E [ Yi ]
1 ; 0.01 ; b 100
Hence, S has approximately a normal distribution with mean 70n and standard
deviation 127.80 n . The premium income is 80n and the smallest value of n is
required such that:
P (S 80n) 0.99
The upper 99% point of a standard normal distribution is 2.326 and so the condition
for n is:
80n 70n
127.80 n
which gives:
n 883.7
(ii) For the insurance company, the worst possible combination of values for , and
b is the combination which gives the highest possible values for E[S] and var[S].
To see this, let and denote the mean and the standard deviation of aggregate
claims and expenses from a single policy. Both and will be functions of ,
and b and:
E [ S ] n and var [ S ] n 2
Following the same steps as in part (i), the condition for n is:
(80 ) n
which becomes:
Hence, the highest value of n results from the highest values for and
(provided the highest value for is less than 80). Now note that:
From the formulae for the moments of X i and Yi given above, and are
maximised when and b are as large as possible and is as small as possible,
ie when:
so that n must be at least 63,546 for the insurance company to be at least 99% sure
that premium income will exceed claims and expenses outgo.
Chapter 20 Summary
Collective risk model with reinsurance
In the collective risk model, individual claims can be subject to a reinsurance agreement, either
proportional or excess of loss.
Under the collective risk model, the aggregate claim amount S is given by:
S X1 X 2 X N
where X i is the amount of the i th claim and N is the total number of claims.
If reinsurance is in place, the insurer’s aggregate claims net of reinsurance can be represented
where Yi is the amount of the i th claim paid by the insurer and N is defined as above. SI is a
compound random variable and:
E (SI ) E (N)E (Y )
MSI (t ) MN [ln MY (t )]
where Z i is the amount of the i th claim paid by the reinsurer and N is defined as above. SR
is a compound random variable and:
E (SR ) E (N)E ( Z )
MSR (t ) MN [ln MZ (t )]
Under individual excess of loss reinsurance, some of the claims may fall below the retention
level M . If this is the case, then some of the Z i will be zero. An alternative way of expressing
the reinsurer’s aggregate claims is as:
Under an aggregate excess of loss arrangement with retention limit M , the maximum
payment made by the insurer is M . The insurer’s aggregate claim payment is:
S if S M
M if S M
0 if S M
S M if S M
For a portfolio containing n risks, the aggregate claim amount is given by:
S Y1 Y2 Yn
where Y j denotes the aggregate claims from risk j . Since each Y j is the sum of a random
number (0 or 1) of random claim amounts, each Y j has a compound binomial distribution.
Suppose that q j is the probability of a claim from the j th risk. If a claim arises from the j th
risk, suppose that the claim amount random variable is X j . Then:
E (S ) q j j
j 1
var(S) q j 2j q j (1 q j ) 2j
j 1
MS t q j MX j (t ) (1 q j )
j 1
If, for a group of n risks, the probability of a claim is fixed and the claim amounts are IID
random variables, then the individual risk model is equivalent to a collective risk model where
S has a compound binomial distribution with N Bin(n, q) .
Calculate the variances of the total amounts paid by the insurer and by the reinsurer.
20.2 The aggregate claims from a risk have a compound Poisson distribution with parameter .
Individual claim amounts (in £) have a Pareto distribution with parameters 3 and 1,000 .
The insurer of this risk calculates the premium using a premium loading factor of 0.2 (ie it charges
20% in excess of the risk premium).
The insurer is considering effecting individual excess of loss reinsurance with retention limit £1,000.
The reinsurance premium would be calculated using a premium loading factor of 0.3.
The insurer’s profit is defined to be the premium charged by the insurer less the reinsurance
premium and less the claims paid by the insurer, net of reinsurance.
(i) Show that the insurer’s expected profit before reinsurance is 100 .
(ii) Calculate the insurer’s expected profit after effecting the reinsurance, and hence find the
percentage reduction in the insurer’s expected profit.
(iii) Calculate the percentage reduction in the standard deviation of the insurer’s profit as a
result of effecting the reinsurance.
20.3 Aggregate annual claims from a portfolio of general insurance policies have a compound Poisson
distribution with Poisson parameter 20. Individual claim amounts have a uniform distribution
over the interval (0,200) . Excess of loss reinsurance is arranged so that the expected amount paid
by the insurer on any claim is 50.
Calculate the variance of the aggregate annual claims paid by the insurer.
20.4 A portfolio of policies consists of one-year term assurances on 100 lives aged exactly 30 and 200
lives aged exactly 40. The probability of a claim during the year on any one of the lives is 0.0004
for the 30 year olds and 0.001 for the 40 year olds.
If the sum assured on a life aged x is uniformly distributed between 1,000(x 10) and
1,000(x 10) , calculate the variance of the aggregate claims from this portfolio during the year
(assuming that policies are independent with regard to claims).
20.5 The number of claims from a given portfolio has a Poisson distribution with a mean of 1.5 per
month. Individual claim amounts have the following distribution:
An aggregate reinsurance contract has been arranged so that the insurer pays no more than 400
per month in total.
Assuming that the individual claim amounts are independent of each other and are also
independent of the number of claims, calculate the expected aggregate monthly claim amounts
for the insurer and the reinsurer.
20.6 A portfolio consists of 500 independent risks. For the i th risk, with probability 1 qi there are no
Exam style claims in one year, and with probability qi there is exactly one claim ( 0 qi 1 ). For all risks, if
there is a claim, it has mean , variance 2 and moment generating function M(t ) . Let T be
the total amount claimed on the whole portfolio in one year.
The amount claimed in one year on risk i is approximated by a compound Poisson random
variable with Poisson parameter qi and claims with the same mean , the same variance 2 ,
and the same moment generating function M(t ) as above. Let T denote the total amount
claimed on the whole portfolio in one year in this approximate model.
(ii) Determine the mean and variance of T , and compare your answers to those in part (i).
Assume that qi 0.02 for all i , and if a claim occurs, it is of size with probability one.
(iii) Derive the moment generating function of T , and show that T has a compound binomial
distribution. [2]
(iv) Determine the moment generating function of the approximating T , and show that T
has a compound Poisson distribution. [2]
[Total 12]
20.7 A company is analysing the number of accidents that occur each year on the factory floor. It
Exam style
believes that the number of accidents per year N has a geometric distribution with parameter
0.8, so that:
For each accident, the number of employees injured is Y , where Y X 1 , and X is believed to
have a Poisson distribution with parameter 2.2.
The company has taken out an insurance policy, which provides a benefit of £1,000 to each
injured employee, up to a maximum of three employees per accident, irrespective of the level of
injury. There is no limit on the number of accidents that may be claimed for in a year.
(i) Show that E (S) 0.634 and var(S) 2.125 , where S is the total number of employees
claiming benefit in a year under this policy. [7]
(ii) Hence find the mean and variance of the aggregate amount paid out under this policy in a
year. [1]
[Total 8]
20.8 An insurance company offers accident insurance for employees. A total of 650 policies have been
Exam style
issued split between two categories of employees. The first category contains 400 policies, and
claims occur on each policy according to a Poisson process at a rate of one claim per 20 years, on
average. In this category all claim amounts are £3,000. In the second category, claims occur on
each policy according to a Poisson process at a rate of one claim per 10 years, on average. In this
category, the claim amount is either £2,000 or £3,000 with probabilities 0.4 and 0.6, respectively.
All policies are assumed to be independent. Let S denote the aggregate annual claims from the
(iii) The insurance company decides to effect reinsurance cover with aggregate retention
£100,000, so that the insurance company then pays out no more than this amount in
claims each year. In the year following the inception of this reinsurance, the numbers of
policies in each of the two groups remains the same but, because of changes in the
employment conditions of which the company was unaware, the probability of a claim in
group 2 falls to zero. Using the normal distribution as an approximation to the
distribution of S , calculate the probability of a claim being made on the reinsurance
treaty. [3]
[Total 10]
Chapter 20 Solutions
20.1 The mean and variance of the gross claim amounts are:
E(X ) 300
1 3
2 9002
var( X ) 180,000
1)2 ( 2) 32 2
So the mean and variance of the net claims for the direct insurer and the reinsurer are:
E (Z ) 0.25 300 75
Using the formula for the variance of a compound Poisson random variable, the variances of the
aggregate claim payments made by the insurer and the reinsurer are:
We have:
E(X ) 500
E (S) 500
E (SR ) E (Z )E (N) E ( Z )
3 1,0003
E (Z ) (x 1,000)
(1,000 x)4
Setting u x 1,000 :
3 1,0003 1,000 3 2,0003
E (Z ) u du u du
0 (2,000 u) 2,000 0 (2,000 u)4
Recognising this integral as the mean of the Pareto(3, 2000) distribution, we see that:
1 2,000
E (Z ) 125
2 31
E (SR ) 125
Alternatively we could evaluate this integral using the substitution t 1000 x or using integration
by parts.
This is the insurer’s premium income, minus the premium paid by the insurer to the reinsurer,
minus the insurer’s expected aggregate claim payment.
The percentage reduction in the expected profit (which was 100 without reinsurance) is 37.5%.
In the absence of reinsurance, the insurer’s profit is equal to its premium income minus the
aggregate claim amount. Since the premium income is a fixed amount and only the cost of claims
is random, the variance of the profit is:
var(S) E ( X 2 )
We have:
E(X ) 500 and var( X ) 750,000
1 ( 1)2 ( 2)
var(S) 1,000,000
With reinsurance, the insurer’s profit is equal to premiums charged less the reinsurance premium
less the net claims paid. Since the premiums are fixed amounts, the variance of the insurer’s
profit is:
var(SI ) E (Y 2 )
3 1,0003 3 1,0003
2 2
E (Y ) x dx 1,0002 dx
0 (1,000 x)4 1,000 (1,000 x)4
x2 1
3 1,0003 4
dx 3 1,0005 4
0 (1,000 x) 1,000 (1,000 x)
1 (1,000 x)3 1
(1,000 x)4 dx
1,000 3 2,000
3 1,0003 3 1,0005
E (Y 2 ) 250,000 and var(SI ) 250,000
24,000 3 2,0003
Hence the standard deviation of the insurer’s profit is now 500 , which is a reduction of 50%.
The standard deviation is reduced by a greater percentage than the mean. This is very often the
case for excess of loss reinsurance.
X if X M 0 if X M
M if X M X M if X M
Solving this:
x2 Mx
400 0 200 M
M2 M2
M 50
400 200
M 2 400M 20,000 0
The variance of the aggregate annual claims paid by the insurer is:
var(S) E (Y 2 ) 20E (Y 2 )
M 200
1 x3 M2 x
2 2 2
E (Y ) x dx M dx
200 200 600 200 M
0 M 0
M3 M3
600 200
58.5793 58.5793
600 200
20.4 For each age group, the individual claim amounts have a uniform distribution. So the mean and
variance of the individual claim distributions are:
E ( X ) 12 (b a) 1,000 x
and: 1 (b a)2 20,000
var( X ) 12 12
Using the individual risk model, the variance of the aggregate claim amount is:
var(S) qi i2 qi (1 qi )i2
i 1
100 (0.0004) 20,000 (0.0004)(0.9996) 30,0002
37.32m 326.35m 363.67m
Alternatively, we could model the aggregate claim amount from each group as a compound
binomial random variable. For example, N Bin(100,0.0004) for the 100 lives aged exactly 30.
We could then use the formula for var(S) from the collective risk model.
S if S 400 0 if S 400
400 if S 400 S 400 if S 400
Since individual claim amounts must be either 200 or 300, the possible values of SI are 0, 200,
300, and 400 and:
E (SI ) 0 P(SI 0) 200 P(SI 200) 300 P(SI 300) 400 P(SI 400)
e 1.5 1.50
P(SI 0) P(N 0) e 1.5
The insurer’s aggregate claim amount is 200 if there is one claim and the amount of the claim
is 200. So:
e 1.5 1.51
P(SI 200) P(N 1) P( X1 200) 0.65 0.975 e 1.5
e 1.5 1.51
P(SI 300) P(N 1, X1 300) 0.35 0.525 e 1.5
Finally, the insurer’s aggregate claim amount is 400 if the total claim amount is 400 or more. This
probability can be calculated by subtraction as follows:
1 2.5 e 1.5
E (SI ) 0 e 1.5 200 0.975 e 1.5 300 0.525 e 1.5 400(1 2.5 e 1.5 ) 255.52
We have:
E[T ] qi [2]
i 1
500 500
var[T ] 2 qi 2 qi (1 qi ) [2]
i 1 i 1
Let C be the amount claimed in one year on a single risk. Then, according to the approximation:
C X1 X 2 X N
T C1 C2 C500
Using the formulae for the mean and variance of compound Poisson random variable:
500 500
E[T ] qi var[T ] ( 2 2 ) qi [2]
i 1 i 1
The mean is the same but the variance is larger than that obtained in part (i).
(iii) MGF
By definition we have:
From the information given in the question, Yi is either 0 with probability 0.98 or with
probability 0.02. We can therefore work out the moment generating function of Yi :
Substituting this into the expression for the moment generating function for T , we get:
This is of the form of the moment generating function for a compound binomial distribution with
parameters 500 and 0.02, and claim size distribution that is constant. [½]
By definition we have:
MT (t ) E[etT ] E[et (C1 C2 C500 ) ] MC1 (t )MC2 (t ) MC500 (t )
From the information given in the question, since C i has a compound Poisson distribution it has
moment generating function:
MCi (t ) exp qi (MX (t) 1) exp 0.02(MX (t ) 1) [½]
M X (t ) et
Substituting this into the expression for the moment generating function for T , we get:
MT (t ) exp 0.02(et 1) exp 0.02(et 1) exp 0.02(et 1)
This is of the form of the moment generating function for a compound Poisson distribution with
parameter 10, and claim size distribution that is constant. [½]
Y Y 3
3 Y 3
Y X 1
X Poisson(2.2)
e 2.2 4.4e 2.2 3 1 3.2e 2.2 3 4.2e 2.2 2.53463 [1]
e 2.2 8.8e 2.2 9 1 3.2e 2.2 9 19e 2.2 6.89474 [1]
var(Z ) E Z 2 E (Z ) 6.89474 2.534632 0.47041
To find E (N) and var(N) , we use the fact that N has a Type 2 negative binomial distribution with
parameters p 0.8 , q 0.2 and k 1 . Using the formulae for the moments given on page 9 the
Tables, we have:
kq 0.2
E (N) 0.25 [½]
p 0.8
kq 0.2
and: var(N) 0.3125 [½]
p2 0.82
Alternatively, we could derive the moment generating function of N , and then use MGF formulae
to derive the mean and variance of N .
1,000Y if Y 3
3,000 if Y 3
We have N1 Poisson(400 20
1 ) Poisson(20) , X £3,000 , N Poisson(250 1 ) Poisson(25)
1 2 10
E X22 22 0.4 32 0.6 7
E X23 23 0.4 33 0.6 19.4 [1]
Let Si denote the annual aggregate claims from category i . Using the assumption that the
policies are independent and the result that, for a compound Poisson random variable T , the k th
central moment of T is given by E ( X k ) , we obtain:
20 9 25 7
£2355,000,000 [1]
20 27 25 19.4
£3 (1,025 109 )
skew(S) 1,025
0.15324 [1]
var(S) 3/2
Y 125
P(S Y ) 0.1 P N(0,1) 0.1
Y 125
1.2816 from page 162 Tables
Y 149.147
The expected value and variance of S are now the same as those of S1 . Working in £000s and
assuming that S N(60, 180) , we obtain:
100 60
P(S 100) P N 0,1 1 (2.98) 1 0.9986 0.0014 [3]