4980 Series Manual English PDF
4980 Series Manual English PDF
4980 Series Manual English PDF
Professional HD
Security System
Important Information
FCC Verification FCC Regulation (for USA): Prohibition against eavesdropping
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class Except for the operations of law enforcement officers conducted under lawful
B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are de- authority, no person shall use, either directly or indirectly, a device operated
signed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a pursuant to the provisions of this Part for the purpose of overhearing or re-
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate ra- cording the private conversations of others unless such use is authorized by
dio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the all of the parties engaging in the conversation.
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, Warning: Changes or modifications made to this device not approved
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is expressly by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following authority to operate the equipment.
Important Safety Instructions
·· Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
·· Do not operate if wires and terminals are exposed
·· Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver
·· Do not cover vents on the side of your device and allow adequate space for
·· Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to ventilation
which the receiver is connected
·· Only use the power adapter supplied with your DVR
·· Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
About this Instruction Manual
These devices comply with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: This instruction manual is written for the DVR-4980 series and was accurate
at the time it was completed. However, because of our on-going efforts to
·· These devices may not cause harmful interference constantly improve our products, additional features and functions may have
·· These devices must accept any interference received, including interfer- been added since that time.
ence that may cause undesired operation
Important Notice: All jurisdictions have specific laws and regulations relat- Important Password Information
ing to the use of cameras. Before using any camera for any purpose, it is the This DVR does not have a default password. A password is created dur-
buyer’s responsibility to be aware of all applicable laws and regulations that ing the Startup Wizard. If password protection has been enabled and you
prohibit or limit the use of cameras and to comply with the applicable laws have forgotten your password, your DVR’s MAC address can be used to
and regulations. create a new password (see page 3 - Password Recovery).
Live View CH1
19/07/2017 04:30:15 PM
16/05/2017 04:30:15 PM
Status Icons
Camera Toolbar
Menu Bar
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Double-click a live Click & drag a live Right-click the mouse in Live View Left-click a camera to access the Camera Tool-
video channel to video channel to mode to display the Menu Bar (see bar. This provides access to functions such as
view full screen. reposition it. page 8 more information). instant playback and to change image settings.
1. Click this to open the Main Menu. will be displayed for five seconds. This icon indicates that the camera is being
2. Lock your DVR to prevent access to the Main 7. Click this to change the volume or mute the recorded (either manually or by motion).
Menu when “Menu Timeouts” is turned off. audio (click the speaker icon to mute).
This icon indicates that your DVR is detect-
3. Four camera view. 8. Click this to access the Search menu. From
ing motion from the camera.
4. Nine camera view (this will display eight here you can play previously recorded videos.
cameras on the 8 channel model). 9. Click this to enter the Startup Wizard. This icon indicates that the Mainstream re-
5. Click this to select from one of the mul- Please note: The 16 channel model will cording resolution is set to 5 megapixel.
ti-screen viewing modes available. have additional camera views available
6. Click this to repeatedly cycle through each on the Menu Bar (twelve camera and sixteen This icon indicates that the PIR camera has
camera views). PIR detected one or more warm objects.
video channel full screen. Each video channel
Channel: Select a camera that you would like to edit. Color: Click the “Setup” button to access the image adjustment tools:
Channel Name: Enter a name for the camera you’ve selected. It can be up to Hue: This changes the color mix of the image.
eight characters in length. Bright: This changes how light the image appears to be.
Show Name: Leave this enabled to display the camera name in Live View Contrast: This increases the difference between the blackest black and the
mode, otherwise click the drop down menu to disable. whitest white in the image.
Record Time: It’s recommended to leave this enabled, as a timestamp will Saturation: This alters how much color is displayed in the image.
be embedded on all video recordings. This allows you to easily identify when
events have occurred. You can disable this if you wish. Use the slider to adjust each setting. When finished, click the “Save” button
then click “Close” to exit.
OSD Position: Allows you to change the position of the camera name on the
Live View screen. Click the “Setup” button then use the mouse to reposition Please note: Any changes made to the image settings available will af-
the camera name. Right-click the mouse then click “Save”. fect your recordings.
(continued on next page)
Click for contents 12
Display: Live
·· Don’t forget to click “Save”
to apply settings.
·· Use the “Copy” function to
apply all settings to the other
·· Click the “Default” button to
revert back to default settings.
·· Click the “Close” button to
exit the Main Menu.
Camera SET: This setting is used to instruct your DVR on the camera type Show Time: By default, the date and time is displayed in Live View mode. You
connected. For the cameras included with your DVR, leave the default set- can disable this if you wish.
ting. However, if you are connecting cameras that you have purchased previ-
ously or upgrading from an older security system and the image is black &
white, change this to TVI or AHD, depending on your camera type. Click the
“Setup” button then select the camera type for your camera. If the image is
in color, the correct camera type has been selected.
Covert: When enabled, the camera will detect motion and trigger your DVR
to record, but you will not see an image of the camera in Live View mode.
This may be suitable if your DVR and TV are displayed in a public area (shop,
warehouse, school, etc.), but you don’t want others to see an image from the
Channel: Select a camera that you would like to edit. width to record video. This means your DVR will use the same number of bits
Resolution: By default the recording resolution is automatically selected to throughout the entire recording, regardless of what is happening on-screen.
match the capabilities of the provided cameras. If you have an older analogue VBR (Variable Bitrate) utilises a bitrate and bandwidth that changes when
camera connected, lower the resolution to “960 x 480” for NTSC and “960 x your DVR is recording. The bitrate will increase or decrease depending on
576” for PAL, to match the camera’s recording capability. how complex the scene is.
FPS: The number of frames per second (fps) that your DVR will record. The Which method should I choose? Scene complexity can vary significantly over
default is 12fps, however you can change this if needed. In the HomeSafe several hours of recorded video, and the bitrate you select for recording will
View app, you can select “Mainstream” in Live mode to view your cameras. have an effect on image quality, bandwidth consumption, and hard drive stor-
Lower the frame rate if you’re having issues streaming to your mobile device age. A complex scene with moving action, such as traffic on a city street, or a
(lowering the frame rate to 6fps for example, will reduce the bandwidth re- scene with a lot of contrasting colors, will affect image quality and bandwidth
quired without sacrificing image quality). consumption more than a less complex scene with little action or movement.
Bitrate Control: CBR (Constant Bitrate) utilises a fixed bitrate and band- (continued on next page)
CBR: This is the default method of control that your DVR will use to record bitrate. For most instances, the default selection will be suitable.
video. If you have cameras placed in high traffic areas, CBR is the recom- Bitrate: The amount of data that your DVR will use to record video. The higher
mended control method. As the bitrate is fixed, the image quality will be the bitrate, the more space each recording will consume on the hard drive.
consistent throughout the entire recording. This will assist when identifying The default bitrate is 6144Kbps. Change the bitrate if you’re having issues
people or objects. streaming to your mobile device via the HomeSafe View app (when selecting
VBR: If you have cameras placed in low traffic areas, VBR is the recommend- “Mainstream” in Live mode to view your cameras). Decreasing this will con-
ed control method. As the bitrate is variable, your DVR can use a lower bitrate sume less bandwidth when streaming.
if there is little to no movement detected. This will result in a lower recording Audio: Click the checkbox if you have an audio source connected to the DVR’s
size as well as a lower bandwidth requirement. audio input(s) (for 8 channel models, this option is on camera input 1 only).
When choosing VBR, you can select the recording quality that will define the Please note: Selecting the appropriate recording settings is dependent
variable bitrate used. You can select from lowest to highest. on camera location, lighting conditions and the level of quality required.
Bitrate Mode: You have the choice of selecting a predefined or user-defined Some experimentation is recommended to select the best settings.
Channel: Select a camera that you would like to edit. Bitrate Mode: You have the choice of selecting a predefined or user-defined
Resolution: The default resolution is 432 x 320. You can select a lower resolu- bitrate. For most instances, the default selection will be suitable.
tion if you’re having issues streaming to your mobile device via the HomeSafe Bitrate: The amount of data that your DVR will use to stream video to your
View app (especially when viewing multiple cameras). mobile device. For cameras that monitor medium to high traffic areas, in-
FPS: The number of frames per second (fps) that your DVR will process crease the bitrate to add more detail to the camera’s image, but just be aware
when streaming to your mobile device via the HomeSafe View app. For most this will increase the bandwidth required. Increase the bitrate in small doses
instances, the default frame rate will be suitable. Change this to 10fps or until you are satisfied with the image quality.
15fps for cameras that monitor medium to high traffic areas. This results in Audio: Click the checkbox if you have an audio source connected to the DVR’s
smoother motion, but just be aware this will increase the bandwidth required. audio input(s) (for 8 channel models, this option is on camera input 1 only).
Bitrate Control: Change this to VBR. This will result in a lower recording size Please note: When streaming live video, the quality is dependent on
as well as a lower bandwidth requirement. You can select the recording qual- your internet connection and the Substream settings utilised. This is
ity that will define the variable bitrate used, from lowest to highest. important when streaming multiple cameras at the same time.
Channel: Select a camera that you would like to edit. most instances, the default selection will be suitable, however it’s recom-
Detection: By default, your DVR will record motion only if one or more objects mended to conduct a test to see if the sensitivity level is correct for the cam-
have been detected by the camera and the camera’s built-in PIR sensor. This era’s location (see page 22 - Motion Detection Tips).
provides more accurate motion detection by eliminating false triggers due to Area: Click the “Setup” button to change the default motion detection area.
wind, leaves falling and rain (see page 23 - Thermal-Sensing Camera Tips). The entire view of the camera is enabled for motion detection, however you
If you’re monitoring an area that doesn’t require objects to be detected by the can select certain areas if you wish (see page 21 - Motion Detection Setup).
camera’s built-in PIR sensor, such as a busy walkway or a building entrance, Post Recording: This option instructs your DVR to record for a set period of
change this to “Motion”. time after an event has occurred. For most instances, the default selection
Buzzer: When motion has been detected, you can enable the DVR’s buzzer to will be suitable, however you can change this if you wish.
alert you for a predetermined amount of time. Show Message: When motion has been detected, the motion icon will appear
Sensitivity: This option allows you to change the sensitivity level. The higher on-screen. Click the checkbox if you want to disable this.
the number, the more sensitive your DVR will be when detecting motion. For (continued on next page)
Send Email: Click the checkbox to enable your DVR to send an email alert number that you want to trigger for recording.
when motion has been detected. Please note: The “Push” and “Send to Cloud” options are only available
Full Screen: Click the checkbox if you would like to view the camera full when thermal-sensing cameras are connected to your DVR. When se-
screen in Live View mode when motion has been detected. lecting “Motion” for the detection type, these two options are not available to
Push: Click the checkbox to enable push notifications via the HomeSafe View select.
app (alarm notification has to be enabled within the app - see “Alarm Mode”
in the HomeSafe View manual for more information).
Send to Cloud: Click the checkbox to copy snapshots to the cloud via Dropbox
(see page 55 - Device: Cloud).
Record Channel & Analog Channels: This option instructs your DVR to trig-
ger additional cameras to start recording when motion has been detected.
Click the checkbox to select all cameras or click on the individual camera
If you have a compatible PTZ camera connected to your DVR, you can use the used by the camera. For example, if the camera is connected to channel 3,
PTZ controls to move the camera as well as the ability to zoom into an object click the drop down menu, select “CH3” and change the address to 001. Se-
and to control the level of focus (if available). You can create multiple preset lect “CH1” and change the address to 003. Click the “Save” button to apply
positions, which can be recalled to focus the camera’s view to a different po- settings.
sition. Cruise mode can also be used to move the camera to different preset For instructions on how to control your PTZ camera and creating preset po-
positions that have been created. sitions (see page 25 - Controlling your PTZ Camera).
To configure your PTZ camera, consult the instruction manual included with
your device then match those settings here.
Please note: Each channel has a unique address assigned to it, channel
1 is 001, channel 2 is 002, etc. Most PTZ cameras have their address
or ID set to 001, therefore when connecting to a channel other than channel
1, the channel address will have to be changed to match the same address
Channel: Select a camera that you would like to edit. To search for and play previous Normal and Motion recordings (see page 33
Normal: Your DVR will constantly record for a set period of time. - Search: General).
Motion: Your DVR will only record when motion has been detected from one
or more cameras.
Each square represents 30 minutes. Using the mouse, select the desired re-
cording mode then click on a particular square to change or click and drag
the mouse over the squares corresponding to your desired time period. The
same action can also be applied if Normal or Motion recording is not required
(on one or more sections that have recording enabled).
In the above example, a Motion recording schedule has been created for
12:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. and a Normal recording schedule for 06:00 p.m. to
12:00 a.m. Sunday to Saturday.
Channel: Select a camera that you would like to edit. Manual Capture: Enable this feature if you would like to manually take a
Auto Capture: When enabled, your DVR will take a snapshot each time an snapshot using the Manual Capture button on the camera toolbar.
event occurs. As this is an added feature, a capture schedule is not enabled by default. To
Stream Mode: Leave the default selection. This will save each snapshot at enable this (see page 31 – Capture: Schedule).
the camera’s native resolution.
Normal Interval: The length of time that must elapse before a snapshot is
taken. For example, when setting a Normal capture schedule, a snapshot
will be taken every 5 seconds using the default selection. Adjust accordingly.
Alarm Interval: When setting a Motion capture schedule, a snapshot will be
taken each time motion has been detected according to the interval selected.
Adjust accordingly.
3 Click the drop down menu to select from one or all cameras that you
would like to search on and display for playback.
4 Click the drop down menu to select the video type that you want to search
on. In most circumstances “Motion” would be selected but you can leave this
on “All” if you want to search for all video types. Adjust accordingly.
5 Click the “Search” button to filter your search criteria.
7 6 The orange triangles indicate there are recordings on those particular
dates that match your search criteria. Click on a date that you want to select
8 9 10
for playback.
7 When selecting all cameras for playback, this will indicate the channels
that match your search (each channel will be highlighted in blue with an or-
ange triangle). You can leave the default selection or you can select specific
cameras for playback (click the checkbox then select the channel required).
8 You can leave the default selection or you can click the dialogue box to
The orange triangles in-
enter a specific start time.
dicate there are record-
ings available on those 9 You can leave the default selection or you can click the dialogue box to
particular dates. enter a specific end time.
10 Click the “Play” button to start playing.
You will now see the playback interface (see page 34 - Playback Interface).
Camera List
21/06/2017 09:25:17 AM 21/06/2017 09:25:17 AM
Calendar: You can select a different date without Time Period: This represents the time period that trols. Subsequent presses of the reverse, slow
exiting to the previous screen. is visible. Click on a different time period to zoom motion and fast forward buttons will increase the
Playback Mode: You have the option of selecting in for precise control. speed of each action.
a different playback mode (a message will appear 1 Click this to hide the playback interface so you 3 Select a camera, click this button then click
on-screen when changing modes). can maximise your viewing area. Right-click to re- and drag an area to get a close up view. Use the
Camera List: Select from one or more cameras to store. picture-in-picture screen to select a different area
display for playback. The blue icon indicates which 2 From left to right, these are your reverse, slow to view. Right-click to exit.
cameras match your search criteria. motion, play, pause, stop and fast forward con- (continued on next page)
Click for contents 34
Playback Interface
Click to close
23/06/2017 10:11:38 AM 23/06/2017 10:11:38 AM 23/06/2017 10:11:38 AM
4 This button allows you to edit the video by set- wider playback compatibility on your computer 6 Click and hold the slider left or right to change
ting mark in and out points on your video which (we recommend VLC media player software, you the volume level.
you can then copy to a USB flash drive. When you can download a free copy from www.videolan.org). Video Type: Indicates the video type on the time-
have selected a video to play, press this button at Insert a USB flash drive to your DVR then click line.
the mark in point and press it again at the mark “Save”. You have the choice of formatting the flash
out point. Press the button again to save (a disk drive or creating a new folder if required. Click
icon will be shown). For the backup type, leave “OK” to save then click “Close” when finished.
the default selection or change to AVI or MP4 for 5 Click this button to mute or unmute the audio.
This function can be used to search, play and copy motion events to a USB Search: Click this to display a list of motion events that match your search
flash drive. criteria (as shown above). Double-click an event to play (the event will play
Date: Click the calendar icon to select the month, year and date that you full screen). Click the checkbox next to each event to select it.
would like to search on. Backup: Click this to copy selected motion events. For the backup type, leave
Time: You can leave the default selection or you can click the dialogue box to the default selection or change to AVI or MP4 for wider playback compatibil-
enter a specific start and end time. ity on your computer (we recommend VLC media player software, you can
download a free copy from www.videolan.org). Insert a USB flash drive to
Channel: Click the drop down menu to select from one or all cameras that your DVR then click “Save”. You have the choice of formatting the flash drive
you would like to search on. or creating a new folder if required. Click “OK” to save then click “Close”
Type: Leave the default selection. when finished.
Quick Backup: Click this to copy all motion events that match your search Close: Click this to exit.
This function can be used to search, play and copy snapshots to a USB flash Search: Click this to display a list of snapshots that match your search cri-
drive. teria (as shown above). Double-click a snapshot to display it full screen.
Date: Click the calendar icon to select the month, year and date that you You can also play a slideshow (see page 38 - Playing a Slideshow). Click the
would like to search on. checkbox next to each event to select it (a maximum of 5000 snapshots can
be displayed at any one time).
Time: You can leave the default selection or you can click the dialogue box to
enter a specific start and end time. Backup: Click this to copy selected snapshots. Insert a USB flash drive to
your DVR then click “Save”. You have the choice of formatting the flash drive
Channel: Click the drop down menu to select from one or all cameras that or creating a new folder if required. Click “OK” to save then click “Close”
you would like to search on. when finished.
Type: You can leave the default selection or you can click the dialogue box to Close: Click this to exit.
select the type of snapshot you would like to search on.
Quick Backup: Click this to copy all snapshots matching your search criteria.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Click this to play the slideshow in reverse. 6 Click this to view a single snapshot at a time.
2 Click this to play the slideshow. 7 Click this to view four snapshots at a time.
3 Click this to stop the slideshow. 8 Click this to view eight snapshots at a time.
4 Click this to display the previous snapshot or Right-click to exit.
group of snapshots.
5 Click this to display the next snapshot or group
of snapshots.
9 10
4 Click the drop down menu to select the video type that you want to search
on. In most circumstances “Motion” would be selected but you can leave this
on “All” if you want to search for all video types. Adjust accordingly.
5 Click the “Search” button to filter your search criteria.
6 The orange triangles indicate there are recordings on those particular
dates that match your search criteria. Click on a date that you want to select
for playback.
7 You can leave the default selection or you can click the dialogue box to
enter a specific start time.
8 You can leave the default selection or you can click the dialogue box to
enter a specific end time.
9 Up to eight split-screens can be enabled for playback.
10 Click the “Play” button to start playing.
(continued on next page)
Click on a split-screen to
Split-screens select it (a surrounding
blue square is shown).
Split-screens: Click the drop down menu to se- 2 From left to right, these are your reverse, slow different area to view. Right-click to exit.
lect the preferred split-screen mode for playback. motion, play, pause, stop and fast forward con- (continued on next page)
Time Period: This represents the time period that trols. Subsequent presses of the reverse, slow
is visible. Click on a different time period to zoom motion and fast forward buttons will increase the
in for precise control. speed of each action.
1 Click this to hide the playback interface so you 3 Select a particular split-screen, click this but-
can maximise your viewing area. Right-click to re- ton then click and drag an area to get a close up
store. view. Use the picture-in-picture screen to select a
4 6
Timeline 5
4 This button allows you to edit the video by set- wider playback compatibility on your computer 6Click and hold the slider left or right to change
ting mark in and out points on your video which (we recommend VLC media player software, you the volume level.
you can then copy to a USB flash drive. When you can download a free copy from www.videolan.org). Video Type: Indicates the video type on the time-
have selected a video to play, press this button at Insert a USB flash drive to your DVR then click line.
the mark in point and press it again at the mark “Save”. You have the choice of formatting the flash
out point. Press the button again to save (a disk drive or creating a new folder if required. Click
icon will be shown). For the backup type, leave “OK” to save then click “Close” when finished.
the default selection or change to AVI or MP4 for 5 Click this button to mute or unmute the audio.
you may have movement on the left-hand side of the yard, but you want to see
1 what is happening on the right-hand side. Define one or more areas where
2 required then search to play video based on those defined areas.
21/06/2017 09:25:17 AM
21/06/2017 09:25:17 AM 1 To commence Smart mode, click the drop down menu and select “Smart”.
A message will appear on-screen, click “OK” to continue.
2 Click the checkbox to select a camera that you would like to search on.
When selected, the video will start playing automatically.
3 You can leave the default selection or you can click each dialogue box to
enter a specific start and end time.
4 Click this button to define one or more areas that you want to search for.
The camera will be shown full screen and the Smart mode controls will be
21/06/2017 08:56:59 AM visible.
CH1 Play
(continued on next page)
Video Output: This option cannot be changed. Transparency: Click and hold the slider left or right to change how transpar-
SEQ Mode: Select how many video channels you would like to display when ent the Menu Bar and Main Menu will appear on-screen. Adjust accordingly.
your DVR is in sequence mode. You can select from one, four or six cameras Support Overscan: Is mainly used on older television sets to display the en-
to display at a time. tire viewable area correctly on-screen. It does this by cutting off the edges
SEQ Dwell Time: Enter in seconds the maximum length of time you would of the picture. This is not required for modern Plasma and LCD TVs as the
like to display a video channel in sequence mode before displaying the next image is digitally processed to display the correct aspect ratio.
video channel (300 seconds is the maximum).
VGA/HDMI Resolution: Select a display resolution that is suitable for your
TV. 1920 x 1080 will suit most TVs. If you have a 4K capable TV, you can select
either 2K (2560 x 1440) or 4K (3840 x 2160) to take advantage of the higher
resolution that your TV provides (the 4 channel model supports a maximum
display resolution of 1920 x 1080 only).
PPPoE: Allows your DVR to be directly connected to a DSL modem. When The following five options can be changed when selecting Static:
selecting this option, you need to input the user name, password and DNS IP Address: Each device on your network must have a unique IP address. A
settings for your internet service provider. typical address might be “” or something similar.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol): Your router will automatically Subnet Mask: This allows the flow of network traffic between hosts to be
assign an IP address to each device connected to your network. This is ena- segregated based on a network configuration. A typical address might be
bled by default. “” or something similar.
Static: All devices on your network have their IP address manually defined. Gateway: This allows your DVR to connect to the internet. This is typically the
Client Port: This port number is used by your DVR to send information same IP address as your modem or router.
through. The default number will work in most situations. DNS (Domain Name System)1/2: Input the DNS settings for your internet
HTTP Port: This port number is used to log into your DVR from a remote lo- service provider.
cation. The default number will work in most situations. (continued on next page)
Email: Click “Enable” to input your email details. Interval: This is the length of time that must elapse after your DVR sends an
Encryption: Leave this on “Auto”. This ensures your DVR will always use the email alert before it will send another. Adjust accordingly.
correct encryption for your email provider. Test Email: Click to verify the information is correct then click “OK”. A mes-
SMTP Port: Gmail input 00587. Outlook input 00587. sage will appear if the test has been successful. Click “OK” to continue.
SMTP Server: Gmail input “smtp.gmail.com”. Outlook input “smtp.live.com”. If the test email is not in your inbox, check your junk or spam folder.
User Name: Input the email user name for the account you created. Email not working? Please try the following:
Password: Input the email password for the account you created. Click the 1. Check that your email user name and password are correct.
“Show” checkbox if you would like to hide your password. 2. Located at the back of your DVR, you should see one or two flashing LEDs
Sender: Input a name for your email account, for example DVR8-4980 PIR. (above the Ethernet port). If you don’t see this, disconnect then reconnect the
Ethernet cable or try a different port on your router.
Receiver1: Input the email address that you want to send email alerts to.
3. Search “less secure apps” at support.swann.com.
Channel: Select a camera that you would like to edit. ing to your desired time period.
Motion: If email alerts have been enabled for motion detection, you can In the above example, a Motion email alert schedule has been created for
change the schedule on when your DVR can send those alerts. For exam- 08:00 a.m. to 07:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Motion alerts outside of these
ple, you may only want to receive motion alerts during the day but not in the times will not be emailed.
evening. A different schedule can be created for each camera.
Exception: There are three event types that your DVR will detect as an excep-
tion - no space left on the hard drive, a hard drive error and if one or more
channels has lost the feed from its camera (see page 60 - Advanced: Events).
It’s recommended to leave the default schedule in place in case there is an
exception that you need to be alerted to.
Each square represents 30 minutes. Using the mouse, click on a particular
square to change or click and drag the mouse over the squares correspond-
The following instructions are for the VLC media player software (you can 1. On your computer, load the VLC media player software. Click “Media” then
download a free copy from www.videolan.org). After download, double click click “Open Network Stream”.
the file then follow the on-screen instructions for installation. 2. Enter the IP address of your DVR (on your DVR click “Network” in the Main
RTSP Enable: Click the drop down menu to enable. Menu to display the IP address) into VLC. The following is an example of what
Verify: Leave the default selection if you would like VLC to verify your us- you need to enter - (rtsp://
ername and password for access, otherwise click the drop down menu to rtsp:// This is the IP address of your DVR.
disable. 554: This is the RTSP port of your DVR.
RTSP Port: The default port number will work in most circumstances. ch01: This represents channel 1. To display channel 2 enter ch02, etc.
RTSP Username: This is the user name that you enter if verification has been 0: This represents Mainstream. For Substream enter 1 instead.
enabled. You can leave the default name or you can enter a new name.
3. Click “Play” then enter the user name and password (if required). You will
RTSP Password: Enter a new password if verification has been enabled. now see a live view image from your camera.
This function gives you the option of formatting your DVR’s hard drive, and it Connect a USB flash drive to copy events that you want to save. Remember,
will be listed here for selection. formatting the hard drive erases all your recordings.
Overwrite: This instructs your DVR to overwrite the oldest video files as the *If a new hard drive has been installed inside your DVR, you need to format
hard drive becomes full. You also have the option of disabling this or selecting the drive before it can be used.
the amount of days events are kept before they are overwritten. It’s recom-
mended to leave the default selection as this prevents your DVR from running
out of storage space.
Format HDD: Click the checkbox to select the hard drive then click this but-
ton to format. A message will appear noting that all data will be erased. Click
“OK” to continue.
Please note: From time to time, we recommend that you format the
hard drive. This ensures that your DVR maintains system integrity.
Self-check Type: There are three types available: staff may ask you to access this if you call for assistance.
Conveyance: This is a very quick test that verifies the mechanical parts of the ·· Click the “Close” button to exit the Main Menu.
hard drive are working.
Short: This test verifies major components of the hard drive such as read/
write heads, electronics and internal memory.
Long: This is a longer test that verifies the above as well as performing a
surface scan to reveal problematic areas (if any) and forces bad sector relo-
When performing a test, your DVR will continue to work as normal.
In most circumstances, the information here will not be needed for general
use of your DVR, however one of our Swann Helpdesk & Technical Support
Before activating the cloud function, we recommend that you create a Drop- 3. Open the HomeSafe View app on your mobile device, tap the “Menu” but-
box account using the same email address and password used for your DVR. ton (top left) then tap “Cloud”. Tap your device shown then scan the QR code
On your computer go to www.dropbox.com, input your name, email address displayed on your computer. A code will be displayed within the app, tap “Au-
and password, agree to the terms & conditions then click the sign up button thorize”. A message will appear stating authorization successful. Tap “OK”
(don’t log out of your account after sign up). to finish.
Cloud Storage: Click the drop down menu to enable. With the cloud function enabled, you need to instruct your DVR to send alerts
Channel: Leave the default selection (all cameras will be activated). to the cloud:
Activate Cloud: Click this to activate then click “OK” to confirm. 1. In the Main Menu, click “Alarm”.
1. After a short moment, you will see a message on-screen. An activation link 2. Select a camera that you want to send to the cloud.
has been sent to your email (the email address used to receive email alerts). 3. Click the “Send to Cloud” checkbox then click “Save”.
2. On your computer, check your email then click the link within to activate. Use the “Copy” function to apply cloud alerts to the other cameras available.
Date: Click the calendar icon to change the date. Video Format: Select the correct video standard for your country. USA and
Time: Click the dialogue box to change the time. Click the drop down menu Canada are NTSC. UK, Australia and New Zealand are PAL.
to select AM or PM. Menu Timeouts: Click the drop down menu to select the time your DVR will
As NTP is enabled by default, the date and time should always remain accu- exit the Main Menu when idle. You can also disable this by selecting “OFF”
rate. (password protection will be temporarily disabled).
Date Format: Click the drop down menu to select the preferred date format. Show Wizard: Click the checkbox if you would like to display the Startup Wiz-
ard each time you turn on or reboot your DVR.
Time Format: Click the drop down menu to select the preferred time format
(the playback interface will display in 24-hour time only).
Time Zone: Select a time zone relevant to your region or city.
Language: Select a language you would like the system menus to be dis-
played in. Multiple languages are available.
DST: If Daylight Saving applies to your time zone or region, click the drop
down menu to enable.
Time Offset: Select the amount of time that Daylight Saving has increased by
in your time zone. This refers to the difference in minutes, between Coordi-
nated Universal Time (UTC) and the local time.
Daylight Saving Time: You can select how Daylight Saving starts and ends:
Week: Select the month, a particular day and time when Daylight Saving
starts and ends. For example, 2 a.m. on the first Sunday of a particular month.
Date: Select the start date (click the calendar icon), end date and time when
Daylight Saving starts and ends.
To change your DVR’s password, click the “Edit” button. The password has to the “Save” button then click “OK” to confirm.
be a minimum of six characters and can contain a mixture of numbers and
letters. Enter your new password again to confirm.
Additional user accounts can also be enabled:
1. Select “user1” then click the “Edit” button.
2. Click the drop down menu to enable.
3. Enter a user name and password.
4. Click the “Save” button, enter the admin password then click “OK” to con-
To change permissions, click the “Permission” button then select which op-
tions you would like to enable. Click the “All” button to select all options. Click
Default User: Admin is the default user account. If multiple user accounts then click “Save”. Your DVR will reboot and the Startup Wizard will appear
have been created, click the drop down menu to disable. on-screen.
Auto Reboot: It is recommended to leave this enabled, as it maintains the Save Settings: Click this button to export a configuration file containing all
operational integrity of your DVR. the settings that you have customised.
Reboot: Choose an appropriate day and time to reboot your DVR.
Upgrade: Click this button to upgrade the firmware from a USB flash drive.
Select the firmware file then “OK” to confirm. When the firmware upgrade
has completed, your DVR will reboot automatically.
Load Settings: Click this button to import a configuration file containing all
the settings that you have customised.
Load Default: Click this button to restore factory default settings. Click “All”
Event Type: Select the event type that you would like to change. enabled within the app - see “Alarm Mode” in the HomeSafe View manual for
Enable: Click the checkbox if you would like to disable alerts for the event more information).
Show Message: Click the checkbox if you like to disable the on-screen mes-
sage for the event selected.
Send Email: Click the checkbox if you would like to disable email alerts for
the event selected.
Buzzer: Click the drop down menu and select the time period for the internal
buzzer to activate for the event selected.
Please note: When your DVR detects an exception, it will automatically
send an alert to the HomeSafe View app (alarm notification has to be
Auto Upgrade: By default, your DVR will automatically download and install
new firmware when available. Click the drop down menu if you would like to
disable this feature.
Check for update from internet: By default, your DVR will automatical-
ly check and alert you if new firmware is available for download. Click the
checkbox if you would like to disable this feature.
Check now: Click this button to check if new firmware is available. If new
firmware is available, follow the on-screen instructions.
Device Name: Click the dialogue box to rename your DVR (if required).
MAC Address: You can use this as a recovery password if you have forgotten
your current password.
If you call our helpdesk for assistance, our staff may ask you to access this
tab to assist them in solving any technical issues that you may be having.
Displays the Mainstream and Substream settings used for each camera con-
If you call our helpdesk for assistance, our staff may ask you to access this
tab to assist them in solving any technical issues that you may be having.
·· Click the “Close” button to exit the Main Menu.
Start/End Date: Click the calendar icon to select the month, year and date
that you would like to search on.
Start/End Time: You can leave the default selection or you can click the dia-
logue box to enter a specific start and end time.
Log Type: Leave the default selection or click the drop down menu to select
a specific action that you would like to search for.
Search: Click this to display a list of log files that match your search criteria.
Double-click a file to display information about that log.
Backup: Click this to copy the log files that match your search criteria. Insert
a USB flash drive to your DVR then click “Save”. You have the choice of for-
matting the flash drive or creating a new folder if required. Click “OK” to save
then click “Close” when finished.
DST (Daylight Saving Time): Is the period of the year when clocks are moved IP Address: The address of a device attached to the network. Each device on
one hour ahead. the network must use a unique address. IP addresses range from to
DualStream: A process where your DVR or NVR will record both Mainstream
and Substream video at the same time. Live View: Is the default display mode for your DVR or NVR. Each camera
connected will be displayed on-screen.
Format: Is a command that prepares a storage device such as a USB flash
Motion Detection: Is the main method used by your DVR or NVR to detect PAL: Is the video system used in the United Kingdom, Australia and most
motion and is an essential part of your security system. It does this by com- European countries. In PAL, 25 frames are transmitted each second.
paring one frame of video with the next. A certain amount of difference be- Post-record: Instructs your DVR or NVR to record for a set period of time
tween these two frames is interpreted as motion. after an event has occurred.
NAS (Network Attached Storage): A network device with one or more HDDs PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet): Is the most common meth-
that other network devices can use as if the storage was connected directly. od that your router uses to login to your ISP to enable your internet con-
NIC (Network Interface Controller): The hardware component that allows a nection. This setting also exists on the DVR or NVR, but is only for advanced
device to connect to a network. Both wired and wireless NICs exist for these users as the configuration required is difficult to complete and requires a
respective purposes. modem-only device (or a modem/router set to modem-only).
NTP (Network Time Protocol): Is used to synchronize your DVR or NVR’s Pre-record: Allows your DVR or NVR to record for a number of seconds be-
clock automatically with a network time server. Most time servers are on the fore an event occurs.
internet. Privacy Zone: See Mask for information.
NTSC: Is the video system used in North America, Canada and some Latin Resolution: The measure of detail that can be seen in an image. The higher
American countries. In NTSC, 30 frames are transmitted each second. the number, the greater the detail available.
Optical Zoom: Is a true zoom feature. It allows you to zoom in (or out) on an RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol): A network protocol designed to trans-
object to get a closer view by using the camera’s lens. mit video and audio information over networks and the internet in real time.
1. When you first run HomeSafe View, you will see an introduction screen.
Click “Next” to continue. You will see the following screen:
3. You will see this screen as shown above. Click your DVR to display its MAC
Address. This is your recovery code that is used to reset the password. Write
this down and replace the dashes (-) with colons (:).
4. Now it’s time to enter the recovery code on your DVR. Right-click the mouse
on the Live View screen to display the Menu Bar then click “Main Menu”. The
login prompt will appear on-screen:
2. To display your DVR connected to your router, click the “Add online device”
button as shown above (if your DVR does not appear, check that your device is
connected to your router using the supplied Ethernet cable). (continued on next page)
Click “Yes” to continue. The recovery code prompt will appear on-screen:
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