120 Minutes: Faerie Queene Venus and Adonis Prothalamion Amoretti
120 Minutes: Faerie Queene Venus and Adonis Prothalamion Amoretti
120 Minutes: Faerie Queene Venus and Adonis Prothalamion Amoretti
10. The term ‘metaphysical’ was coined by ------- to describe Seventeenth Century
English poets like John Donne.
A) Dr Samuel Johnson B) Alexander Pope
C) John Dryden D) Francis Bacon
A) 1, 3, 4, 2 B) 1, 2, 4, 3 C) 1, 2, 3, 4 D) 4, 1, 2, 3
13. A Short View of the Profanity and Licentiousness of the English Stage by Jeremiah
Collier was published in ------.
A) 1642 B) 1698
C) 1660 D) 1650
17. Dunciad is a mock heroic poem by -------
A) John Dryden B) John Bunyan
C) Oliver Cromwell D) Oliver Goldsmith
A) 1, 2, 3, 4 B) 3, 2, 1, 4 C) 3, 2, 4, 1 D) 4, 2, 1, 3
25. Match the following:
1. The Mysteries of Udolpho i. Mary Shelley.
2. The Old English Baron ii Horace Walpole
3. Frankenstein iii. Ann Radcliffe
4. The Castle of Otranto iv. Clara Reeve
29. India passed into direct administration by the British Government in ------
A) 1837 B) 1867 C) 1858 D) 1903
31. Who among the following was associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Movement?
A) Matthew Arnold B) D G Rossetti
C) Charles Kingsley D) None of these
32. Who among the following was opposed to the core principles of Aestheticism?
A) D G Rossetti B) Walter Pater
C) Matthew Arnold D) Oscar Wilde
33. Match the following:
a. Culture and Anarchy i. John Henry Newman
b. On Heroes, Hero Worship
and the Heroic in History ii. Matthew Arnold
c. The Doctrine of the Real
Presence iii. Thomas Carlyle
d. The Present Position of
Catholics in England iv. E B Pusey
35. Put the following events in Victorian Britain in the correct chronological sequence
1. The Second Reform Act which extended voting rights
2. The Education Act which made primary education compulsory
3. Introduction of the Uniform Penny Post.
4. Compulsory Vaccination Act.
39. Which of the following statements are true?
1. D G Rossetti was a Pre-Raphaelite poet
2. The sprung rhythm is associated with the poetry of G.M.Hopkins
3. G M Hopkins’ poetry marked a transition in sensibility.
4. W B Yeats’ early poetry was linked to the Celtic Revival
40. Rudyard Kipling received the Nobel Prize for literature in -----:
A) 1888 B) 1903 C) 1867 D) 1907
46. ------ is a verse play by Christopher Fry
A) The Lady is not for Burning B) The Cocktail Party
C) John Bull’s Other Island D) None of these.
49. Which of the following can be described as a thinker and social critic?
A) Max Beerbohm B) A G Gardiner
C) Bertrand Russell D) Thomas Hardy
54. Match the following:
1. The Loneliness of the i . William Golding
Long Distance Runner
2. Young Shoulders ii. Kingsley Amis
3. Lucky Jim iii. Alan Sillitoe
4. Rites of Passage iv. John Wain
55. The following play of Bernard Shaw has Napoleon as the protagonist:
A) Arms and the Man B) The Man of Destiny
C) The Applecart D) Man and Superman
57. The expression “Angry Young Men” was used in the 1950s to describe ------
A) Young writers who were disillusioned with traditional British society.
B) British Pacifist writers who opposed the militarization of Europe
C) British postwar Leftist writers.
D) Conservative writers of the British society
62. One of Walt Whitman’s poems about Abraham Lincoln is titled ------
A) Song of Myself
B) Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking
C) When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed
D) Song of the Open Road
69. The following is not a novel by Mulk Raj Anand.
A) Seven Summers B) The Dark Room
C) Two Leaves and a Bud D) Untouchable
70. Which of the following authors has not won the Booker Prize?
A) Salman Rushdie B) Arundhati Roy
C) Jhumpa Lahiri D) Kiran Desai
77. Such a Long Journey is a novel by -------
A) Michael Ondatje B) Rohinton Mistry
C) Claire Harris D) Joy Kogawa
84. The process by which the word ‘pass away’ got its current sense of ‘die’ is ------
A) Amelioration B) Generalization
C) Pejoration D) Euphemism
86. The Anglo Saxon Chronicles were written in the ------ dialect:
A) Scots B) Northumbrian
C) Kentish D) Wessex
91. Which of the following statements are true?
1. Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget were contemporaries
2. ‘Scaffolding’ is a notion related to the Constructivist approach to learning
3. Social constructivism conceives of language as a socially mediated phenomenon
4. Paulo Freire is associated with Critical Pedagogy
98. The following is an instance /are instances of the use of ICT in language learning:
A) A discussion on a mobile phone platform
B) A lecture using a smartboard
C) Playing an audio file on English pronunciation in the classroom.
D) All of the above.
102. -------- was the first to use the expression ‘negative capability’.
A) Keats B) Wordsworth
C) Coleridge D) Shelley
104. According to Cleanth Brooks ------ are the most important elements in poetry.
A) Irony and paradox B) Themes and motifs
C) Imagery and diction D) None of these
105. Roman Jacobson is associated with -------
A) Russian Formalism B) Translation theory
C) Structuralism D) All of these
112. Which of the following statements are true:
1. Judith Butler asserted that gendered behavior is performance.
2. Judith Butler stated that there are no stable identities.
3. Judith Butler did not accept the distinction between sex and gender.
4. The linguistic construction of ‘sex’ is stable, according to Judith Butler.
118. Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Survival in India is a study on environmental
issues in India by -------
A) Medha Patkar B) Vandana Shiva
C) Sunderlal Bahuguna. D) Baba Amte