California Bearing Ratio Test (IS: 2720-1979 (Part XVI) ) Objective
California Bearing Ratio Test (IS: 2720-1979 (Part XVI) ) Objective
California Bearing Ratio Test (IS: 2720-1979 (Part XVI) ) Objective
To determine the CBR value of Subgrade/Base course material for pavement.
CBR testing machine with a mould , base plate, collar, loading frame, cylindrical plunger and
dial gauge, Sieves (47.5 mm and 20 mm ISS), Soaking tank, Oven, Filter paper, Calibrated
measuring jar.
➢ Remoulded samples for laboratory CBR test are prepared with dry density as obtained from Proctor
compaction test and the water content as either optimum water content or the field moisture as the
case may be.
➢ The remoulded samples are prepared by compacting either statically or dynamically.
➢ Calculate the amount of material required such that it fills the mould (excluding mould) at
the desired density after compaction.
➢ Calculate the amount of water to be added to give desired water content.
➢ Mix the soil thoroughly with water.
➢ Fix the extension collar to the mould and clamp it to the base plate.
➢ Fix the mould with soil, gently pressing it with hands so that it does not spill out of the
➢ Place a coarse filter paper over the leveled soil surface and then insert the space disc.
➢ Place the assembly on the pedestal of compression machine and compact the material
until the top of the spacer disc is flush with the top of the collar.
➢ Place the mould containing the specimen, with base plate in position, on the CBR testing
➢ Place the annular weight of 2.5 kg on the top surface of specimen.
➢ Bring the penetration plunger in contact with soil surface and apply a load of 4 kg so that
full contact between specimen and plunger is established. This should be taken as zero
➢ Place the remainder surcharge weight so that total surcharge weight equals to 5 kg.
➢ Set the reading of dial gauges to zero.
➢ Apply load so that penetration rate is 1.2 mm per min. Record the load at penetration of 0,
0.5, 2.0, 2.5, 4.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 12.5 mm. The maximum load has to be recorded if it
occurs at less than 12.5 mm.
➢ Collect about 20 to 50 gm of material to determine the water content.
➢ The standard load for different penetration values is taken from the Table-1 given below.
Table-1: Standard Load for Different Penetration Values
Unit standard load Total Standard Load
Penetration (mm) (kg/cm2) (kg)
2.5 70 1350
5 105 2055
7.5 134 2630
10 162 3180
12.5 183 3600
➢ Usually the CBR value is calculated for 2.5 mm and 5 mm penetration. Generally the CBR
value at 2.5 mm penetration will be greater than that at 5 mm and in such a case the former
is taken for design purposes. If the 5 mm value is greater, the test is repeated, if the same
results follow, the CBR value corresponding to 5 mm penetration is adopted for design
➢ Zero correction: 0
➢ Corrected load at 2.5 mm penetration: 18 kg
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
From this experiment we can conclude that higher the CBR value harder the material.
Generally, the CBR value at 2.5 mm penetration is higher and this value is adopted, but
in our case after repeated test the CBR value at 5.0 mm penetration was higher and
hence this value is selected CBR value of the sample. Sample 1 in our case had higher
CBR value than Sample 2, hence Sample 1 is harder and better material.