S11198623 - Adi Natalia Nacola - Lab Four
S11198623 - Adi Natalia Nacola - Lab Four
S11198623 - Adi Natalia Nacola - Lab Four
3.0 AIM
The objective of this experiment is to gauge the strength of pliable pavement subgrade soil.
Part A: Preparation
I. A No. 4 sieve was used to separate the 4.5 kg of soil.
II. On the basis of the Proctor exam, the soil was then prepared to its highest moisture
III. The base plate was covered with the spacer disk and a filter paper, and the mold
was secured to it with the extension collar.
IV. Then, three equal layers of the damp soil were added to the mold and compressed
with a 2.5 kg rammer that drops through 31 cm of material with 56 blows for each
V. Before the second layer was added, the top of the first layer was scratched.
VI. The extension was then removed, a third layer was applied, and the additional soil
was leveled off with a straight edge.
Part B: Testing
I. The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test on soil was conducted with the spacer disk
removed, and the base plate of the testing device was then covered with filter
II. The mold was then turned upside-down. A 2 kilogram metal weight was placed on
the soil's top surface before the penetration plunger made contact with it.
III. A slotted weight of 2 kg was added to the top layer of dirt so that the total weight of
the surcharge is 4 kg. Once the dial gauge reading was set to zero, a load was applied
to the piston to get a penetration rate of around 1.25mm/min.
IV. After the test, the mold was taken out of the loading device, and a small sample of
soil was taken from the top 3 cm of the soil to measure its moisture content.
The following sample calculations are to demonstrate the outcome of the values computed
for this experiment:
The following results were obtained during the experiment:
Dynamic Compaction
Depth = 7.84cm
Width = 15.12cm
Optimum Moisture Content (OMC): 13%
Weight of Empty Mould: 3.055 kg
Weight of Mould and Specimen Compacted: 5.550 kg
Weight of Specimen: 2.495 kg
Volume of Specimen: 1407.698106 cm3
Bulk Density: 1793.708458
Dry Density: 1587.352618
Axial Load (kg/cm3 )
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Penetration (mm)
9.0 Discussion
First off, CBR often decreases as penetration increases. The ratio at 2.5 mm penetration is
used to determine the CBR. There are times when the ratio at 5 mm is greater than that at
2.5 mm. If this occurs, the 5 mm ratio ought to be used. Under controlled moisture and
density conditions, a material's resistance to conventional plunger penetration is measured
using the CBR. The test technique must be meticulously followed if good repeatability is
desired. The CBR test can be run on a re-moulded or untouched specimen in the lab. The test
is simple, and the requirements for flexible pavement thickness have been determined after
extensive field investigation. Also, based on the findings of this experiment, the CBR value at
2.5mm will be used as the CBR for design purposes because it is higher than the CBR at 5mm.
This eliminates the use of the CBR at 5mm for design purposes because neither of the values
were identical. Moreover, moist soils suffer from excessive swelling and shrinkage qualities
due to their CBR values, which range from 2 to 4%. Hence, it wouldn't be enough for pavement
design unless it was combined with another soil type that, if used, would reinforce the soil
sample. Since the soil sample has a low CBR, a thicker pavement would be required to
construct flexible pavement if it were to be used.
10.0 Conclusion
The effectiveness of the top layer of the pavement can be determined with the help of the
California Bearing Ratio Test. In order to evaluate a material's resistance to uniaxial
penetration, this test analyzes soil shear strength as opposed to typical crushed stone
aggregate for unrestricted layers, such as sub-base and subgrade. The soil sample utilized in
this experiment had a low CBR value and was employed for design since its CBR value at 2.5
mm was higher than its CBR value at 5 mm, although it can be inferred from this that the soil
type is not appropriate for pavement design due to its significant shrinkage and swelling
12.0 References
Works Cited