Wipros Digital Transformation Model

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Wipro’s Digital

Transformation Model
Transformation from a
Communication Service
Provider (CSP) to a Digital
Service Provider (DSP)
he communications industry continues to • The Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA)
experience disruptions driven by framework
demanding consumers, evolving • Digital Service Provider (DSP) functional
regulations, disruptive technology, and fierce architecture
competition. Digital transformation can help
Communication Service Providers (CSPs) reap • The Digital Transformation Journey across
significant benefits in terms of go-to-market Value Streams
agility, developing platform capabilities, and
improving customer experience and intimacy. Benefits
The advent of 5G opens up an opportunity for
The model delivers to key digital transformation
CSPs to be the pivot of transformation for many
imperatives of CSPs using the SAUCE framework
industry verticals. However, digital transformation
enabling Spontaneous (real-time, insightful and
for CSPs clearly has implications across the value
agile), Adaptive (intelligent, automated and
chain and Wipro’s Digital Transformation Model
self-healing), Ubiquitous (anywhere, any device
has been designed keeping CSP transformation
and omni-channel), Collaborative (industry
imperatives at the centre, while leveraging our
verticals, ecosystem, partners and communities)
experience and expertise in Communications as
and Elastic (scalability on demand).
well as across industry verticals.
Key benefits that CSPs derive from this model
include understanding the as-is digital maturity
The solution
status and the desired status, deriving the score
Wipro’s Digital Transformation Model has been and recommendations for transformation and
derived using best practices from industry-best underscoring the CSP to DSP journey with a
models and our years of experience in helping well-defined Value stream based Transformation
customers transform. Our Digital Transformation roadmap.
Model encompasses 3 key aspects of

• Decision making
driven by real-time

• Automated
• Scalability • Self-healing
on-demand Digital service • Platform-centric

Collaborative Ubiquitous
• Seamless partner • Access for all
integration from anywhere
• Communities & any device
• Omni-channel

Figure 1: Key digital transformation imperatives of CSPs

Features • Maturity analysis: Application of Wipro’s DMA
framework for assessing the digital maturity by
Our DMA framework ascertains CSPs’ digital
experts based on the inputs gathered
transformational readiness from the technology,
process and organizational perspective, providing • Score and recommendations: Categorization of
a 360-degree view of their current digital maturity. output to segregate the digital maturity,
This framework consists of the following 3 segment and organization-wide
aspects: recommendations for digital strategy definition
• As-is assessment: Comprehensive assessment
of existing technology, process, organizational
estate and tailor-made questionnaire framework

Wipro’s DMS framework overview

Business processes

Customer Products & Integration/

Applications Infrastructure
experience services orchestration
Service management, security, cognitive
Design thinking, partner ecosystem, digital competencies, multi-speed delivery


• Decision making
driven by real-time
1 As-is assessment
mapping of analytics Comprehensive
questionnaires Elastic
• Automated
assessment of existing
based on relevance • Scalability
on-demand Digital service
• Self-healing
• Platform-centric technology, process,
for greater provider
organization estate and
accuracy and tailor-made questionnaire
adaptability Collaborative Ubiquitous
• Seamless partner • Access for all
integration from anywhere
• Communities & any device
• Omni-channel

Products &

DMA framework
2 Maturity analysis
Application of Wipro’s
DMA framework for
assessing the digital
maturity by experts based
Change Adopt on the inputs gathered
360° scoring mechanism
Organization Business processes
covering IT vs. process
vs. organization Weightage based
on normalization of
scores for parity
Score &
Products &
DMA framework
3 recommendations
Business High Categorizationof output to
processes Medium segregate digital maturity,
segment and organization-wise

Recommendations for digital

Digital legend
Digital leader
4 strategy definition
Digital advocate 3
Digital in fact 2
Digital novice 1

Figure 2: DMA framework overview

The Output of the Assessment Framework is
overlaid with our expert knowledge and
normalization techniques to categorize clients End-to-end framework from
into 5 Digital maturity levels namely Digital assessment to transformation
Novice, Digital Infant, Digital Advocate, Digital
Leader and Digital Legend levels.
Recommendation Initiatives (as part of the
Transformation Roadmap) takes into
consideration the Digital Maturity Index Score.
The scores at segment level and Overall provided
in a visual format act as a ready reckoner for the
existing Priorities and strengths, and assess the
gap to be bridged to elevate it to the next level
of maturity.

Our DSP functional architecture covers key domains and their respective elements within a CSP that are
targets for transformation.

Wipro’s DSP functional architecture with key domains and value stream

Channels Customers
Customer Discover, Buy, Get, Use,
Direct Sales, Web, Social,
Consumer, Business,
Digital Customer Engagement
Mobile, Voice, Chat, Self- Intelligent, intuitive, omni-channel customer
Experience Experience, Pay, Change,
Transfer Terminate
service, Mail, Messaging,
Wholesale, Partners,
Providers engagement across buyer, user, and provider
IVR, Store, Bots

Products & Connectivity
Voice, Data, Video,
Digital Services Products Services & Capabilities at Speed
Own, Wholesale, Partner, New products, service operations, security &
Services Content Crowd-source IoT, Vertical
applications analytics across mobile, fixed, & digital services

Business Data/Analytics Open Architecture
Orchestration Processes & Automation & AI
Security & Privacy Digital process engineering, micro-services,
Micro-services automation, APIs,Partner Ecosystem

Enterprise Partner
Operational Platforms
Offer, Order, Charge, Platforms Platforms “Born Digital” Applications
Platforms Invoice, Resource & Financials, HCM, Gateways, Systems for Digital Business – Design, Build,
Service management SCM, Asset Collaboration, Deliver, Provide, Assure & Manage
management Interfaces

Access, Core, Fixed, Datacenter Partnerships Cloud of the Future
Infrastructure Mobile, SDN, Server, Storage, NFV,
Virtual, Shared
SDx Secure for Digital Business - SDN, NFV, Cloud

Figure 3: Wipro’s DSP functional architecture overview

The Value streams for the Transformation enriches with our experience drawn from working
Framework draws upon the TM Forum DMM with the Global Communication providers and the
framework and the Dimensions (Customer, way they are structuring their value streams in
Strategy, Technology, Operations and Culture) and their transformation journey from a CSP to DSP.

Manage Payments - K ey Metrics

Unit of
Value D river Metric Calculation De s cr iptio n Fre q ue ncy
T his KPI me asu res the auto de bit adoption rate fo r a service provider.
No. of billable e ntities re gistere d for au to deb itau to Debit is the mo st assured and predictable payme nt mo de from th e
Auto de bit adoption rate % Billing Cycle
/ Total no. o f billable en tities service provider's pe rspective. Usually a service provider sh ould try to
maximize this.

Numb er of auto debit re quests re-issu ed (after

T his KPI me asu res the error rate on the serv ice provider's side i n
Re-issue rate of Au to debit rejectio n by the bank du e to erro rs on th e
Cost o f Operations % issuing au to debit requ est to bank. This do es n ot only delay revenue Billing Cycle
reque st se rvice pro vider's side) /
realizatio n bu t also in creases ope ration costs.
Total no. o f auto de bit reque sts issu ed

(To tal Payme nt Transaction s - Payme nts

Con tactle ss paymen t th rough au to De bit - Payme nts th rou gh po rtals) Contactless payme nt rate is an indicato r of self care ado ption. A high er
% Billing Cycle
ado ption rate / ratio wou ld me an lowe r operation al costs for the se rvice provide r.
Total Payme nt Transactions
T his is to protect the custome r's interest in case the bill amo unt is
Number o f customer
No. of complaints abou t bill sho ck after e xorbitantly high er than the average bill amou nt (base d on pre de fine d
comp lain ts about "bill
Custome r Experience No. payme n t through auto de bit mo de (e xcludin g paramete rs). This is all the mo re important for custome rs registe red for Billing Cycle
shock " after payme nt
duplicate co mplaints) au to debit as the paymen t h appens withou t the custo me r's
thro ugh auto debit
in tervention .

"Right first time" posting of T his KPI is an indicator of robustness o f payme n t collections and
% No. of paymen t transactions successfully posted Billing Cycle
payme nts posting processes an d has a direct impact o n customer experience.
(excluding posting to "exceptio nal" accou nt) /
Total no. o f payme n t tran sactions done

Number o f valid custo me r T his KPI is a measure o f accuracy of payme n t po sting process as well as
No. of valid cu stome r co mplaints abo ut
comp lain ts about collection No. th e se amless integration betwe en payme nt and collectio n proce ss. Billing Cycle
collection afte r mak ing a payme n t
afte r mak ing a payme n t T his KPI h as a direct impact o n custome r experie nce.

*Indicative – for illustration only

Figure 4: Sample outcomes of the Digital Transformation Model

Critical Outcomes of the Digital Transformation Also included is the Budgeted timelines and Cost
Model are Digital Maturity Index, Well-Defined for execution of each initiative.
Targeted Functional architecture for a DSP and Organizational Change management required is
Recommendation laid out as a Digital critical for a CSP to transform to a DSP and is
Transformation roadmap - with distinct Initiatives required across the Value Stream Realization of
spread out across the Value streams. Each the Transformation roadmap. As a part of these
initiative is detailed to provide:
recommendations, detailing the Digital Ways of
• Measurable influence on the critical Business Working is an integral part of the Digital
Outcomes Transformation roadmap.
• Digital Maturity
• Impacted Personas, Systems and Processes

Enabling key transformation

imperatives for CSPs: SAUCE
(Spontaneous, Adaptive,
Ubiquitous, Collaborative, Elastic)

Our digital transformation journey blueprint lays
out the transformation journey for a CSP to
transform to a DSP.

Digital Cross-industry services Industry-best

CSP-in-a-box practices
Digital telco services
Greenfield Digitalization

Innovation Customer Journey

management design Process
2-speed IT process
Service portfolio
innovation Agile vs. waterfall

Design thinking Optimization IT speed

operating Experience
model Differentiation redesign

Digital CEX Process Solution
CSP Digital Digital Product transformation re-engineering IT Build
readiness strategy portfolio architecture Implement
check Strategy rationalization
External/ design
Data Migrate
Roadmap science Analytics
assessment design Test
readiness check Program Value
management management

Digital accelerator
Process re-imagination Change
Data & analytics
Value Management Office

Figure 5: Digital transformation journey blueprint

Our digital transformation framework is not only transformation. Wipro uses this model to evaluate
an assessment tool based on industry-best CSPs’ as-is state and provides a detailed
models but also encapsulates our experience in Executable Transformation Roadmap to move
transforming CSPs to DSPs. The model covers the towards the desired state.
elements of assessment, architecture and

Wipro Limited
Doddakannelli, Sarjapur Road,
Bangalore-560 035, India

Tel: +91 (80) 2844 0011

Fax: +91 (80) 2844 0256
Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT,
BSE: 507685, NSE: WIPRO) is
a leading global information
technology, consulting and
business process services
company. We harness the
power of cognitive computing,
hyper-automation, robotics,
cloud, analytics and emerging
technologies to help our
clients adapt to the digital
world and make them
successful. A company
recognized globally for its
comprehensive portfolio of
services, strong commitment
to sustainability and good
corporate citizenship, we
have over 175,000 dedicated
employees serving clients
across six continents.
Together, we discover ideas
and connect the dots to build
a better and a bold
new future.

For more information,

please write to us at

IND/BRD/JUN 2019-MAY 2020

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