Subject: PRF192-PFC Workshop 02: Objectives

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Subject: PRF192- PFC

Workshop 02
Practicing skills at analyzing and implementing simple programs

Contents: 7 programs

Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Mark 2 2 1 1 2 1 1

Program 1 ( 2 marks)

Write a program that allows user inputting a simple expression containing one of four
operators +, -, *, / then the result is printed out to the monitor. Input format: num1
operator num2,
An example of user interface
Enter an expression (+ - * /): 4*5
Result: 20

Sample Analysis

Content Implementation
Nouns Expression, double num1, num2
format num1 operator num2 char op
double result
Verbs Begin
Accept num1, op, num2 scanf( “%lf%c%lf”, &num1, &op, &num2)
Calculate result switch (op)
Print out result { case ‘+’ : result = num1 + num2;
End print out result;
case ‘-’ : result = num1 - num2;
print out result;
case ‘*’ : result = num1 * num2;
print out result;
case ‘/’ : if ( num2==0)
print out “Divide by 0 “
{ result = num1 / num2;
print out result;
default: print out “Op is not

Implement this program.

Program 2 ( 2 marks) – Yearly Personal Income Tax

Suppose that:
In Viet Nam, each people has to pay for his/her yearly personal income tax as the
following description:


Tax-free income:
Personal pending amount (tiền nuôi bản thân) pa= 9 000 000$/month
Alimony (tiền cấp dưỡng) for each his/her dependent pd= 3 600
With n dependents, Yearly tax-free income: tf = 12*(pa + n*pd)

Taxable income (thu nhập chịu thuế)

ti = income – tf
( If ti<=0 then income tax = 0)

Based on taxable income, the employee has to pay his/her income tax with levels
pre-defined in the following table:

Leve Taxable Income Income tax

1 Less than or equal to 5%
2 From 5.000.001 to 10%
3 From 10.000.001 to 15%
4 Over 18.000.000 20%

Write a program which will compute income tax of a people using the following

Case 1:

Your income of this year: 240000000

Number of dependent:4
Tax-free income: 280800000
Taxable income: 0
Income tax: 0

Case 1:

Your income of this year: 440000000

Number of dependent:4
Tax-free income: 280800000
Taxable income:: 159200000
Income tax: 30190000

Program 3 (1 mark)

Objectives Practice loop statements

Related knowledge None
Problem Write a C program that will print out sum of integers inputted
from the keyboard until the value 0 is inputted.
Analysis Suggested algorithm (logical order of verbs)
Nouns: sum  int Begin
S; S=0;
Accepted Do {
integral value  int Accept x;
x If (x != 0) S = S + x;
While (x!=0);
Print out S;

Program 4 (1 mark)

Objectives Practice loops statement

Related knowledge None
Problem Write a C program that will carry out some times: accept two
integers, swap these values, print them out to the monitor. The
program will terminate when the value of 0 is inputted.
Analysis Suggested algorithm (logical order of verbs)
Nouns: Begin
2 integers  int x, y; Do {
Accept x, y;
int t= x; /* t: temporary variable */
x= y;
y= t;
Print out x, y;
While ( x!=0 && y!=0);

Program 5: (2 marks)

Related knowledge Use the function getchar() –stdio.h, to input a character,

the function toupper(ch) to convert a character to
uppercase - ctype.h
ASCII code of the ENTER key: ‘\n’
Problem Write a C program that will:
- permit user inputting a string of characters. The
input operation will terminate if the ENTER key is
- print out the number of vowels, number of
consonants, and number of others to the monitor.
Analysis Suggested algorithm (logical order of verbs)
Nouns: Begin
inputted character Do {
 char ch Accept ch; /* ch= getchar(); */
Number of vowels Convert ch to its uppercase /* ch= toupper(ch); */
 int nVowels =0; If (ch>=’A’ && ch <=’Z’) {
Number of consonants switch (ch) {
 int consonants =0; case ‘A’ :
Number of other case ‘E’ :
characters  int nOthers case ‘I’ :
=0; case ‘O’ :
case ‘U’ : nVowels ++; break;
default: nConsonants++;
else if (ch!=10) nOthers++;
While ( ch != ‘\n’);
Print out nVowels;
Print out nConsonants;
Print out nOthers;

Program 6: (1 marks)

Related Each character will be stored as its ASCII code with value 0..255
Problem Write a C program that will print out the ASCII code table.
Analysis Suggested algorithm (logical order of verbs)
ASCII code Begin
 int code For each code = 0 to 255
{ Print out (“%c : %d, %o, %X\n”, code, code, code, code);
If (code !=0 && code %20==0) getchar(); /* code page of 20 lines */

Program 7: (1 marks)

Problem Write a C program that will accept two characters then print
out ASCII code difference between them and characters
between them including code values in decimal, octal,
hexadecimal expansions in ascending order.
Analysis Suggested algorithm (logical order of verbs)
2 character Begin
 char c1, c2 Accept c1 ;;
Difference Accept c2;
  int d; If (c1 > c2 )
Character for swapping { t = c1; c1 = c2; c2= t;
operation }
  char t d = c2 – c1;
Character for looping Print out d;
 Char c For each c from c1 to c2
{ Print out (“%c : %d, %o, %X\n”, c, c, c, c);


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