Crime-Lite 82L: UV Model Available
Crime-Lite 82L: UV Model Available
Crime-Lite 82L: UV Model Available
Crime-lite 82L
Crime-lite 82L
Crime-lite 82L White
The white light model creates shadow and contrast, to reveal
fragments of evidence as well as highlighting surface imperfections,
scrapes and toolmarks.
N E W ®
White UV
Blood Stains ✓ ✓
Blood Spatter ✓ ✓
Body Bruising and Bite Marks ✓ ✓
Body Fluids ✓
Bone & Tooth Fragments ✓
Hair ✓
Fibres ✓ ✓
Some Drug Residues ✓
Fingerprint Treatments ✓
General Mixed Debris ✓ ✓
General Contrast Search ✓
Shoeprints & Dust Marks ✓ ✓