Alternating Current: 1 Mark Questions
Alternating Current: 1 Mark Questions
Alternating Current: 1 Mark Questions
1. Define ‘quality factor’ of resonance in series LCR circuit. What is its SI unit ? (DELHI
2. An ac source of voltage V=V0sinѡt is connected to an ideal inductor.Draw a
graph of voltage V and current i verses wt. (
3. The power factor of an ac circuit is 0.5.What is the phase difference
between voltage and current in the circuit. ( all india 2016 N)
4. Mention the two characteristic properties of the material suitable for
making core of transformer. (all india 2012).
5. What is the function of step up transformer? (all injdia 2011).
1. The figure shows a series L-C-R circuit connected to a variable frequency
200V source with L=50mH , C=80µF and R= 40 Ω. Determine
(i)The source frequency which derives the circuit resonance .
2. Show that the current leads the voltage in phase by π/2 in an ac circuit
containing an ideal capacitor. (foreign 2014)
3. In a series L-C-R circuit , obtain the condition under which (i) the
impedance of circuit is minimum and (ii) wattles current flows in the circuit.
(Foreign 2014).
4. Calculate the quality factor of a series L-C-R circuit with L= 2.0H ,C=2µF and
R=10 Ω. Mention the significance of quality factor in LCR circuit .
(Foreign 2012).
5. An alternating voltage V=140sin 314t is connected across a pure resistor of
50Ω. Find (i) the frequency of the source . (ii) the rms current through the
resister . (All India 2012).
6. (i) An alternating voltage V=Vm sinwt applied to series LCR circuit derives a
current given by I=Im sin(wt + φ). Deduce an expression for the average
power dissipated over cycle .
(ii) For circuit used for transporting electric power factor implies large
power loss in transmission. Explain. (Foreign 2011).
1. When an ac source is connected to an ideal inductor show that the average
power supplied by the source over a complete cycle is zero. A lamp is
connected in series with an inductor and an ac source .What happens to th e
brightness of lamp when key is plugged in and an iron rod inserted inside the
inductor? Explain. (All india 2016)
voltage V =Vm sin wt , Draw a plot showing the variation of current I with
Write the condition under which the phenomenon of resonance occurs. For
which value of the resistance out of the two curve, a sharper resonance is
produced? Define Q factor of the circuit and give its significance. (Delhi 2013)
5. The figure shows a series LCR circuit with L=10.0 H, C=40µF R=60 Ω connected
to a variable frequency 240 V source. Calculate (i) the angular frequency of the
source which derives the circuit at resonance. (ii) The current at the
resonating frequency. (iii) The rms potential drop across the inductor at
derive the expression for the impedance of the circuit . Plot a graph to show
the variation of current with frequency of source , explaining the nature of its
.Draw a suitable diagram to deduce the expression for the amplitude of the
4. (ii) Obtain the condition at resonance. Draw a plot showing the variation of
current with the frequency of ac source for two resistance R1 and R2 (R1 >R2)
. Hence define the quality factor Q and write its role in the tuning of the