Intcom: Computer System

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INTCOM Computer System

• Input whatever is typed, submitted, or transmitted to a

INTCOM is about fundamentals of Information Technology. It computer system.
provides an overview of the basic theories of information • Process manipulation of data in many ways.
computing, hardware and software, memory architecture,
• Store where computer stores data so that it will be
operating system and utility programs.
available for processing.
Digitization It is the process of converting text, numbers, • Output the result produced by a computer
sound, photos, and video into data that can be processed by
digital devices. Application software -a set of computer programs that
Digital revolution It is an ongoing process of social, political, helps a person carry out a task
and economic change brought about by digital technology, System software-helps the computer system monitor itself
such as computers and the Internet in order to function efficiently.
Data Processing It is based on an input-processing-output Computer Types
cycle. Mainframes- were housed in large, closet-sized metal
Cloud computing Provides access to information, frames
applications, communications, and storage over the Internet. Minicomputers- were smaller, less expensive, and less
Convergence It is a process by which several technologies powerful computers that were able, nevertheless, to provide
with distinct functionalities evolve to form a single product. adequate computing power for small businesses.
Microcomputers-were clearly differentiated from
Data Processing - It is based on an input-processing-output computers in other categories because their CPUs consisted
of a single microprocessor chip.
input, o entering data into the computer. PC- is a micro-processor-based computing device designed to
processing o performing operations on the data meet the computing needs of an individual.
storage o saving data, programs, or future use. Workstation-resembles a desktop computer, but typically
output. o presenting the results features more processing power and storage capacity
Handheld devices computers-these devices incorporate
Cloud computing can be described as a virtual pool of many computer characteristics.
shared resources offering compute, storage, database, and Microcontroller-is a special-purpose microprocessor that is
network services that can be rapidly deployed at scale built into the machine it controls and embedded in an
Public: This the main type of model, with huge offerings such appliance, vehicle, or other device.
as Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud
Platform. Binary Number System
Private: Private cloud is different than a standard on-premise Base 2. Digits used: 0, 1
data center.
Step 1 101012 ((1 x 24) + (0 x 23) + (1 x 22) + (0 x 21) + (1 x 20))10
Hybrid: Hybrid is a combination of both, with a link over the
public internet connecting the private and public clouds.
Step 2 101012 (16 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 1)10
5 Real-World Examples of Cloud Computing
 Ex: Dropbox, Gmail, Facebook.
Ex: Maropost for Marketing, Hubspot, Adobe Marketing Step 3 101012 2110
 Ex: SlideRocket, Ratatype, Amazon Web Services.
 Ex: ClearDATA, Dell's Secure Healthcare Cloud, IBMCloud. Octal Number System
 Uses: IT consolidation, shared services, citizen services. Base 8. Digits used: 0 to 7
Convergence - It is a process by which several technologies
with distinct functionalities evolve to form a single product.

Computer A computer is an electronic device that

manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store,
retrieve, and process data.
Hexa Decimal Number System
Base 16. Digits used: 0 to 9, Letters used : A- F

Ste 19FDE16 ((1 x 164) + (9 x 163) + (F x 162) + (D x 161) + (E x 160))10


Ste ((1 x 164) + (9 x 163) + (15 x 162) + (13 x 161) + (14 x 160))10

Ste 19FDE16 (65536+ 36864 + 3840 + 208 + 14)10


Ste 19FDE16 10646210


Computer program is a list of instructions arranged in some
logical order, which completely specifies how the computer
is to solve a particular problem or perform a specific task

programmers. The people who creates computer program

Programming Languages
machine language. This language is based on the binary
low (0) and high (1) signals that flow within the computer
machine’s circuits.
assembly language The use of abbreviations or
mnemonics instead of pure 0’s and 1’s
very high – level problem – oriented languages require
only little training in programming because they are designed
to solve specific problems.

Step 1 125708 ((1 x 84) + (2 x 83) + (5 x 82) + (7 x 81) + (0 x 80))10

Step 2 125708 (4096 + 1024 + 320 + 56 + 0)10

Step 3 125708 549610

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