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Sound Waves

Sound is a mechanical three dimensional and longitudinal wave that is created by a vibrating source
such as a guitar string, the human vocal cords, the prongs of a tuning fork or the diaphragm of a
loudspeaker. Being a mechanical wave, sound needs a medium having properties of inertia and
elasticity for its propagation. Sound waves propagate in any medium through a series of periodic
compressions and rarefactions of pressure, which is produced by the vibrating source.
Consider a tuning fork producing sound waves.
When Prong B moves outward towards right it compresses A B normal
v atmospheric
the air in front of it, causing the pressure to rise slightly.  pressure
The region of increased pressure is called a compression compression
pulse and it travels away from the prong with the speed of
After producing the compression pulse, the prong B A B
. . .
reverses its motion and moves inward. This drags away . . . v
some air from the region in front of it, causing the pressure . . .
to dip slightly below the normal pressure. This region of

rarefaction compression pulse
decreased pressure is called a rarefaction pulse. Following pulse
immediately behind the compression pulse, the rarefaction
pulse also travels away from the prong with the speed of
If the prongs vibrate in SHM, the pressure variations in the layer close to the prong also varies simple
harmonically and hence increase in pressure above normal value can be written as
P = P0 sin t
where P0 is the maximum increase in pressure above normal value.
As this disturbance travel towards right with wave velocity v, the excess pressure at any position x at
time t will be given by

P = P0 sin (t – x/v) (1.1)

Using p = P, p0 = P0, the above equation of sound wave can b written as :
p = p0 sin (t – x/v) (1.2)

Example 1. Find the following for given wave equation.

P = 0.02 sin [(3000 t – 9 x] (all quantities are in S.. units.)
(a) Frequency (b) Wavelength (c) Speed of sound wave
(d) If the equilibrium pressure of air is in 10 Pa then find maximum and minimum pressure.
Solution : (a) Comparing with the standard form of a travelling wave
p = p0 sin [ (t – x/v)]
we see that  = 3000 s–1. The frequency is
 3000
f= = Hz
2 2
Also from the same comparison, /v = 9.0 m–1.
 3000s1 1000
or, v = = m/s
9.0m1 9.0m1 3
v 1000 / 3m / s 2
The wavelength is  = =  m
f 3000 / 2 Hz 9
(b) The pressure amplitude is p0 = 0.02 N/m2. Hence, the maximum and minimum pressures at
a point in the wave motion will be (1.0 × 105 ± 0.02) N/m2.

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Sound Waves
Each cycle of a sound wave includes one compression and one rarefaction, and frequency is the
number of cycles per second that passes by a given location. This is normally equal to the frequency of
vibration of the (tuning fork) source producing sound. If the source, vibrates in SHM of a single
frequency, sound produced has a single frequency and it is called a pure tone.

However a sound source may not always vibrate in SHM (this is the case with most of the common
sound sources e.g. guitar string, human vocal card, surface of drum etc.) and hence the pulse
generated by it may not have the shape of a sine wave. But even such a pulse may be considered to be
obtained by superposition of a large number of sine waves of different frequency and amplitudes. We
say that the pulse contain all these frequencies.


A normal person hears all frequencies between 20 & 20 KHz. This is a subjective range (obtained
experimentally) which may vary slightly from person to person. The ability to hear the high frequencies
decreases with age and a middle-age person can hear only upto 12 to 14 KHz.

Sound can be generated with frequency below 20 Hz called infrasonic sound.

Sound can be generated with frequency above 20 kHz called ultrasonic sound.

Even through humans cannot hear these frequencies, other animals may. For instance Rhinos
communicate through infrasonic frequencies as low as 5Hz, and bats use ultrasonic frequencies as
high as 100 KHz for navigating.

Frequency as we have discussed till now is an objective property measured its units is Hz and which
can be assigned a unique value. However a person’s perception of frequency is subjective. The brain
interprets frequency primarily in terms of a subjective quality called Pitch. A pure note of high frequency
is interpreted as high-pitched sound and a pure note of low frequency as low-pitched sound

Example 2. A wave of wavelength 4 mm is produced in air and it travels at a speed of 300 m/s. Will it be
audible ?
Solution : From the relation v = , the frequency of the wave is
v 300 m / s
= = = 75000 Hz.
 4  10 3 m
This is much above the audible range. It is an ultrasonic wave and will not be audible to
humans, but it will be audible to bats.
We can describe sound waves either in terms of excess pressure (equation 1.1) or in terms of the
longitudinal displacement suffered by the particles of the medium w.r.t. mean position.

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Sound Waves
If s = s0 sin (t – x/v) represents a sound wave where,
s = displacement of medium particle from its mean position at x,
s = s0 sin (t – kx) .....(3.1)

Change in volume = V = (x + s)A – xA = sA

V sA s
 
V xA x
P  
P  
dp  
dp = –B (–k s0) cos (t – kx)
dp = Bks0 cos (t – kx)
dp = (dp)max cos (t – kx)
p = p0 sin (t – kx + /2) .....(3.2)
where p = dp = variation in pressure at position x and
p0 = Bks0 = maximum pressure variation
Equation 3.2 represents that same sound wave where, P is excess pressure at position x, over and
above the average atmospheric pressure
and pressure amplitude p0 is given by p0 = BKs0 .....(3.3)
(B = Bulk modulus of the medium, K = angular wave number)
 Note from equation (3.1) and (3.2) that the displacement of a medium particle and excess pressure

at any position are out of phase by . Hence a displacement maxima corresponds to a pressure
minima and vice-versa.

Example 3. A sound wave of wavelength 40 cm travels in air. If the difference between the maximum and
minimum pressures at a given point is 2.0 × 10 –3 N/m2, find the amplitude of vibration of the
particles of the medium. The bulk modulus of air is 1.4 × 105 N/m2.
2.0  103 N/ m2
Solution : The pressure amplitude is p0 = = 10–3 N/m2.
The displacement amplitude s0 is given by p0 = B k s0
p0 p0  103 N/ m2  (40  102 m) 100
or, s0 = = = = Å = 4.54 Å
B k 2  B 2    14  104 N/ m2 7
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Sound Waves
4.1 Velocity of sound waves in a linear solid medium is given by
v ....(4.1)

where Y = young’s modulus of elasticity and  = density.
4.2. Velocity of sound waves in a fluid medium (liquid or gas) is given by
v ....(4.2)

where,  = density of the medium and B = Bulk modulus of the medium given by,
B=–V .....(4.3)
Newton’s formula : Newton assumed propagation of sound through a gaseous medium to be an
isothermal process.
PV = constant
dP P
 
dV V
and hence B = P using equ. ...(4.3)
and thus he obtained for velocity of sound in a gas,
v  where M = molar mass
 M
the density of air at 0º and pressure 76 cm of Hg column is  = 1.293 kg/m3. This temperature and
pressure is called standard temperature and pressure at STP. Speed of sound in air is 280 m/s. This
value is some what less than measured speed of sound in air 332 m/s then Laplace suggested the
Laplace’s correction : Later Laplace established that propagation of sound in a gas is not an
isothermal but an adiabatic process and hence PV  = constant
dP P
  
dV V
where, B = – V = P
and hence speed of sound in a gas,
P RT
v=  .... (4.4)
 M

4.3 Factors affecting speed of sound in atmosphere.

(a) Effect of temperature : as temperature (T) increases velocity (v) increases.
v T
For small change in temperature above room temperature v increases linearly by 0.6 m/s for every
1°C rise in temp.
R v 1 T 1v
v  T1/ 2 ;  ; v    T
M v 2 T 2T
v  (0.6)T

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Sound Waves
P RT
(b) Effect of pressure : The speed of sound in a gas is given by v = 
 M
So at constant temperature, if P changes then  also changes in such a way that P/ remains
constant. Hence pressure does not have any effect on velocity of sound as long as temperature is
(c) Effect of humidity : With increase in humidity density decreases. This is because the molar mass
of water vapour is less than the molar mass of air.

Example 4. Find the speed of sound in H2 at temperature T, if the speed of sound in O2 is 450 m/s at this
Solution : v
Since temperature, T is constant,
v (H2 ) MO2 32
= = =4
v (O2 ) MH2 2
v (H2) = 4 × 450 = 1800 m/s Ans.
Aliter : The speed of sound in a gas is given by u = . At STP, 22.4 liters of oxygen has a

mass of 32 g whereas the same volume of hydrogen has a mass of 2 g. Thus, the density of
oxygen is 16 times the density of hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure. As  is
same for both the gases,
v (hydrogen) (oxygen)
v (oxygen) (hydrogen)
or, v(hydrogen) = 4v(oxygen) = 4 × 450 m/s = 1800 m/s. Ans.

Like any other progressive wave, sound waves also carry energy from one point of space to the other.
This energy can be used to do work, for example, forcing the eardrums to vibrate or in the extreme
case of a sonic boom created by a supersonic jet, can even cause glass panes of windows to crack.
The amount of energy carried per unit time by a wave is called its power and power per unit area held
perpendicular to the direction of energy flow is called intensity.
For a sound wave travelling along positive x-axis described by the equation.
s = s0 sin (t – kx + )
p = p0 cos (t – kx + )
= s0 cos (t – kx + )
Instantaneous power P = F.v = pA
P = p0 cos (t – kx + ) As0 cos (t – kx + )
p0 s0 A B
Paverage = <P> = p0 As0 <cos2 (t – kx + ) > =  v=
2 
B = v2  p0 = Bks0 = v2 ks0
1  p  p2 A pAv2 s02
Paverage = p0 A  02  = 0 =
2  v k  2v 2
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Sound Waves
p02 A
maximum power = Pmax = = (pA) v v p,2 max = pAv2s02
Av2 s02
Total energy transfer = Pav × t = ×t
Average intensity = average power / area
the average intensity at position x is given by
1 2 s02B P2 v
<> = = 0 .....(5.1)
2 v 2B
Substituting B = v2, intensity can also be expressed as
= 0 .....(5.2)
Note :
1 1 a
  If the source is a point source then I  2 and s0  and s = sin (t – kr + )
r r r
1 1
  If a sound source is a line source then I  and s0  and
r r
s= sin (t – kr + )

Example 5. The pressure amplitude in a sound wave from a radio receiver is 2.0 × 10 –3 N/m2 and the
intensity at a point is 10–6 W/m2. If by turning the “Volume” knob the pressure amplitude is
increased to 3 × 10–3 N/m2, evaluate the intensity.
Solution : The intensity is proportional to the square of the pressure amplitude.

  p' 
Thus, =  0
  p0 
 
 p'   3 
or  =  0   =  –6 2 –6 2
 × 10 W/m = 2.25 × 10 W/m .
 0 
p  2.0 
Example 6. A circular plate of area 0.4 cm 2 is kept at distance of 2m from source of power  W. Find the
amount of energy received by plate in 5 secs.
Solution : The energy emitted by the speaker in one second is  J. Let us consider a sphere of radius
2.0 m centered at the speaker. The energy J falls normally on the total surface of this sphere
in one second. The energy falling on the area 0.4 cm 2 of the microphone in one second
0.4 10–4
= ×  = 2.5 × 10–6 J
4  22
The energy falling on the microphone in 5.0 sec is 2.5 × 10–6 J × 5 = 12.5 µJ.

Example 7. Find the displacement amplitude of particles of air of density 1.2 kg/m 3, if intensity, frequency
and speed of sound are 8 × 10–6 w/m2, 5000 Hz and 330 m/s respectively.
Solution : The relation between the intensity of sound and the displacement amplitude is
P0 2
= , P0 = 2vI
P0 2vI I 1
s0 = = v= 
Bk v 2 2f v2  f
 or, s0 = 6.4 nm.

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Sound Waves
Audible intensity range for humans :
The ability of human to perceive intensity at different frequency is different. The perception of intensity
is maximum at 1000 Hz and perception of intensity decreases as the frequency decreases or increases
from 1000 Hz.
  For a 1000 Hz tone, the smallest sound intensity that a human ear can detect is 10 –12 watt./m2. On
the other hand, continuous exposure to intensities above 1W/m 2 can result in permanent hearing
  The overall perception of intensity of sound to human ear is called loudness.
  Human ear do not perceives loudness on a linear intensity scale rather it perceives loudness on
logarithmic intensity scale.
For example ;
If intensity is increased 10 times human ear does not perceive 10 times increase in loudness. It
roughly perceived that loudness is doubled where intensity increased by 10 times. Hence it is
prudent to define a logarithmic scale for intensity.
The logarithmic scale which is used for comparing two sound intensity is called decibel scale.
  
The intensity level  described in terms of decibels is defined as  =10 log   (dB)
 0 
Here 0 is the threshold intensity of hearing for human ear
i.e.  = 10–12 watt/m2.
 In terms of decibel threshold of human hearing is 1 dB
Note that intensity level  is a dimensionless quantity and is not same as intensity expressed
in W/m2.

Example 8. If the intensity is increased by a factor of 20, by how many decibels is the intensity level
Solution : Let the initial intensity be  and the intensity level be 1 and when the intensity is increased by
20 times, the intensity level increases to 2.
Then 1 = 10 log (/0)
and 2 = 10 log (20 /0)
Thus, 2 – 1 = 10 log (20 /)
= 10 log 20 = 13 dB.
Example 9. How many times the pressure amplitude is increased, if sound level is increased by 40 dB.
  
Solution : The sound level in dB is  = 10 log10   .
 0 
If 1 and 2 are the sound levels and 1 and 2 are the intensities in the two cases,
     
2 – 1 = 10 log10  2   log10  1  
  0   0  
  2
or, 40 = 10 log10  2  or, = 104.

 1 1
As the intensity is proportional to the square of the pressure amplitude,
p02 2
we have = = 10000 = 100.
p01 1

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Sound Waves
If p1 = pm1 sin (t – kx1 + 1)
and p2 = pm2 sin (t – kx2 + 2)
resultant excess pressure at point O is

p = p1 + p2
 p = p0 sin (t – kx + )
where, p0 = pm2 1  pm2 2  2pm1 pm2 cos  ,  = | k (x1 – x2) + (2 – 1) | ...(7.1)
(i) For constructive interference
 = 2n  p0 = pm1 + pm2

(ii) For destructive interference

 = (2n+ 1)   p0 = | pm1 – pm2 |
If  is only due to path difference, then  = x, and

Condition for constructive interference : x = n, n = 0, ± 1, ± 2

Condition for destructive interference : x = (2n + 1)  n = 0, ± 1, ± 2
from equation (6.1)
P02  Pm21  Pm22  2Pm1Pm2 cos 
Since intensity,  (Pressure amplitude)2,
we have, for resultant intensity,  = 1 + 2 + 2 1 2 cos  ....(7.2)
If 1 = 2 = 0

 = 20 (1 + cos )   = 40 cos2 ....(7.3)
Hence in this case,
for constructive interference :  = 0, 2, 4.... and  max = 40
and for destructive interference : = , 3... and  min = 0
Coherence : Two sources are said to be coherent if the phase difference between them does not
change with time. In this case their resultant intensity at any point in space remains constant with time.
Two independent sources of sound are generally incoherent in nature, i.e. phase difference between
them changes with time and hence the resultant intensity due to them at any point in space changes
with time.

Example 10. Figure shows a tube having sound source at one end and observer at other end. Source
produces frequencies upto 10000 Hz. Speed of sound is 400 m/s. Find the frequencies at
which person hears maximum intensity.

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Sound Waves
Solution : The sound wave bifurcates at the junction of the straight and the rectangular parts. The wave
through the straight part travels a distance p 1 = 10 cm and the wave through the rectangular
part travels a distance p2 = 3 ×10 cm = 30 cm before they meet again and travel to the receiver.
The path difference between the two waves received is, therefore.
p = p2 – p1 = 30 cm – 10 cm = 20 cm
v 400m / s
The wavelength of either wave is = . For constructive interference, p = n, where
 
n is an integer.
v n.v 400
or, p = n.  =  = = 4000 n
 p 0.1
Thus, the frequencies within the specified range which cause maximum of intensity are
4000 × 1 Hz, 4000 × 2 Hz
Example 11. A source emitting sound of frequency 165 Hz is placed in front of a wall at a distance of 2 m
from it. A detector is also placed in front of the wall at the same distance from it. Find the
distance between the source and the detector for which the detector detects phase difference
of 2 between the direct and reflected wave. Speed of sound in air = 330 m/s.
Solution : The situation is shown in figure. Suppose the detector is placed at a distance of x meter from
the source. The direct wave received from the source travels a distance of x meter. The wave
reaching the detector after reflection from the wall has travelled a distance of
2[(2)2 + x2/4]1/2 meter. The path difference between the two waves is

  2 x 
2 1/2 

 = 2 (2)    x  meter.
 

4 

 =  for  = 2 ..........(i)
 330m / s
The wavelength is  = = = 2 m.
v 165 s1
1/ 2
 x2 
Thus, by (i) 2 (2)2   –x=2
 4
1/ 2
 x2  x x2 x2
or,  4   = 1 + or, 4 + =1+ + x or, x=3
 4 2 4 4
Thus, the detector should be placed at a distance of 3 m from the source. Note that there is no
abrupt phase change.
Example 12. S1 and S2 are two coherent sources of sound of frequency 110Hz each. They have no initial
phase difference. The intensity at a point P due to S1 is 0 and due to S2 is 40. If the velocity of
sound is 330 m/s then the resultant intensity at P is

(A) I0 (B) 9I0 (C*) 3I0 (D) 8I0

Answer : (C)
Solution : The wavelength of sound source = = 3 metre.
The phase difference betwen interfering waves at P is
2 2 2
=  = (S2P – S1P) = (5 – 4) =
 3 3
 Resultant intensity at P = I0 + 4I0 + 2 0 40 cos = 3 I0

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Sound Waves
Reflection of sound waves for displacement from a rigid boundary (e.g. closed end of an organ pipe) is
analogous to reflection of a string wave from rigid boundary; reflection accompanied by an inversion i.e.
an abrupt phase change of . This is consistent with the requirement of displacement amplitude to
remain zero at the rigid end, since a medium particle at the rigid end can not vibrate. As the excess
pressure and displacement corresponding to the same sound wave vary by /2 in term of phase, a
displacement minima at the rigid end will be a point of pressure maxima. This implies that the reflected
pressure wave from the rigid boundary will have same phase as the incident wave, i.e., a compression
pulse is reflected as a compression pulse and a rarefaction pulse is reflected as a rarefaction pulse.
On the other hand, reflection of sound wave for displacement from a low pressure region (like open end
of an organ pipe) is analogous to reflection of string wave from a free end. This point corresponds to a
displacement maxima, so that the incident & reflected displacement wave at this point must be in
phase. This would imply that this point would be a minima for pressure wave (i.e. pressure at this point
remains at its average value), and hence the reflected pressure wave would be out of phase by  with
respect to the incident wave. i.e. a compression pulse is reflected as a rarefaction pulse and vice-versa.


Two longitudinal waves of same frequency and amplitude travelling in opposite directions interfere to
produce a standing wave.
If the two interfering waves are given by
p1 = p0 sin (t – kx)
and p2 = p0 sin (t + kx + )
then the equation. of the resultant standing wave would be given by
 
p = p1 + p2 = 2p0 cos (kx + ) sin (t + )
2 2

 p = p´0 sin (t + ) .....(9.1)
This is equation of SHM in which the amplitude p´0 depends on position as

p’0 = 2p0 cos (kx + ) .....(9.2)
Points where pressure remains permanently at its average value; i.e. pressure amplitude is zero is
called a pressure node, and the condition for a pressure node would be given by
p´0 = 0

i.e. cos(kx + ) = 0
 
i.e. kx + = 2n ± , n = 0, 1, 2,..... .....(9.3)
2 2
Similarly points where pressure amplitude is maximum is called a pressure antinode and condition for a
pressure antinode would be given by
p´0 = ± 2p0

i.e. cos(kx + ) = ± 1

or (kx + ) = n n = 0, 1, 2,..... ....(9.4)
 Note that a pressure node in a standing wave would correspond to a displacement antinode; and a
pressure anti-node would correspond to a displacement node.

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Sound Waves
 (when we label eqn (9.1) as SHM, what we mean is that excess pressure at any point varies
simple-harmonically. If the sound waves were represented in terms of displacement waves, then the
equation of standing wave corresponding to (9.1) would be
 
s = s´0 cos(t + ) where s´0 = 2s0 sin (kx + )
2 2
This can be easily observed to be an equation of SHM. It represents the medium particles moving
simple harmonically about their mean position at x.)


Standing waves can be set up in air-columns trapped inside cylindrical tubes if frequency of the tuning
fork sounding the air column matches one of the natural frequency of air columns. In such a case the
sound of the tuning fork becomes markedly louder, and we say there is resonance between the tuning
fork and air-column. To determine the natural frequency of the air-column, notice that there is a
displacement node (pressure antinode) at each closed end of the tube as air molecules there are not
free to move, and a displacement antinode (pressure-node) at each open end of the air-column.
In reality antinodes do not occurs exactly at the open end but a little distance outside. However if
diameter of tube is small compared to its length, this end correction can be neglected.
10.1 Closed organ pipe
(In the diagram, Ap = Pressure antinode, As = displacement antinode, Np = pressure node, Ns = displacement
Fundamental mode :

The smallest frequency (largest wavelength) that satisfies the boundary condition for resonance
(i.e. displacement node at left end and antinode at right end is 0 = 4, where  = length of closed pipe
the corresponding frequency.

  = 4
v v
0 = = is called the fundamental frequency. .....(10.1)
 4L
First Overtone : Here there is one node and one antinode apart from the nodes and antinodes at the ends.
3 4
  =
4 3
p s

Ap Np Ap Np Ns As Ns As
4 
1 = = 0
3 3
and corresponding frequency,
1 = = 30
This frequency is 3 times the fundamental frequency and hence is called the 3rd harmonic.
nth overtone :
In general, the nth overtone will have n nodes and n antinodes between the two ends. The
corresponding wavelength is

(2n + 1) = 
4 0
n = = and nn  (2n + 1)0 ....(10.2)
2n  1 2n  1
This corresponds to the (2n + 1)th harmonic. Clearly only odd harmonic are allowed in a closed pipe.
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Sound Waves
10.2 Open organ pipe :
Fundamental mode :
Np Ap Np

The smallest frequency (largest wave length) that satisfies the boundary condition for resonance
(i.e. displacement antinodes at both ends) is,
0 = 2

corresponding frequency, is called the fundamental frequency

0 = ....(10.3)
1st Overtone : Here there is one displacement antinode between the two antinodes at the ends.
As Ns As Ns As p

Np Ap Np Ap Np
2 0
1 =   =
2 2
and, corresponding frequency
1 = = 20
This frequency is 2 times the fundamental frequency and is called the 2nd harmonic.

nth overtone : The nth overtone has n displacement antinodes between the two antinode at the ends.

(n + 1) =
2 0
n = = and n = (n + 1) 0 ....(10.4)
n 1 n 1
This correspond to (n + 1)th harmonic: clearly both even and odd harmonics are allowed in an open

10.3 End correction : As mentioned earlier the displacement antinode at an open end of an organ pipe lies
slightly outside the open end. The distance of the antinode from the open end is called end correction
and its value is given by
e = 0.6 r Np Ap Np
where r = radius of the organ pipe. P
Effective length of closed organ pipe is ' =  + e

and effective length of open organ pipe is ' =  + 2e

with end correction, the fundamental frequency of a closed pipe
(fc) and an open organ pipe (f0) will be given by
v v
fc = and f0 = ....(10.5)
4(  0.6r) 2(  1.2r)

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Sound Waves

Example 13. Fundamental frequency of a organ pipe filled with N2 is 1000 Hz. Find the fundamental
frequency if N2 is replaced by H2.
Solution : Suppose the speed of sound in hydrogen is v H and that in nitrogen is vN. The fundamental
frequency of an organ pipe is proportional to the speed of sound in the gas contained in it. If the
fundamental frequency with hydrogen in the tube is , we have
n v MN
= H = (Since both N2 and H2 are diatomic,  is same for both)
1000Hz vN MH

n 28
or, =   n = 1000 14 Hz. Ans.
1kHz 2

Example 14. A tube open at only one end is cut into two tubes of non equal lengths. The piece open at both
ends has of fundamental frequency of 450 Hz and other has fundamental frequency of 675 Hz.
What is the 1st overtone frequency of the original tube.
v v
Solution : 450 = 675 =
2 1 4 2
length of original tube = (1 + 2)
v v (2700  900)
its first obtained frequency, n1 = = = = 168.75
4( 1  )  v v  4  2700  900 
4  
 900 675  4 
Ist overtone = 3n1 = 506.25

Example 15. The range of audible frequency for humans is 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. If speed of sound in air is
336 m/s. What can be the maximum and minimum length of a musical instrument, based on
resonance pipe.
Solution : For an open pipe, f = n
 = .n
Similarly for a closed pipe,  = s (2n + 1)
v 336
   min = (2n + 1)min = = 4.2 mm
4fmax 4  20000
v v
   max = nmax = nmax = 8.4 (m) × nmax
2fmin 2  20
Clearly there is no upper limit on the length of such an musical instrument.

Example 16. A closed organ pipe has length ‘’. The air in it is vibrating in 3rd overtone with maximum
amplitude ‘ a’. Find the amplitude at a distance of  /7 from closed end of the pipe.
Solution : The figure shows variation of displacement of particles in a closed organ pipe for 3 rd overtone.
7 4 
For third overtone  = or  = or =
4 7 4 7

Hence the amplitude at P at a distance from closed end is ‘a’ because there is an antinode
at that point
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Sound Waves
When two sound waves of same amplitude and different frequency superimpose, then intensity at any
point in space varies periodically with time. This effect is called beats.
If the equation of the two interfering sound waves emitted by s1 and s2 at point O are,
p1 = p0 sin (2f1 t – k1x1 + 1) s1
p2 = p0 sin (2f2 t – k2x2 + 2) x1
Let –k1x1 + 1 = 1 and – k2x2 + 2 = 2
By principle of superposition
s2 x
  2  – 2

= 2p0 sin ((f1 + f2)t + 1 ) cos ((f1 – f2) t + 1 )

2 2
f f 
i.e., the resultant sound at point O has frequency  1 2  while pressure amplitude p´0 (t) varies with
 2 
time as
   2 
p´0 (t) = 2p0 cos (f1  f2 )t  1 
 2 
f f 
Hence pressure amplitude at point O varies with time with a frequency of  1 2  .
 2 
Hence sound intensity will vary with a frequency f 1 – f2.
This frequency is called beat frequency (f B) and the time interval between two successive intensity
maxima (or minima) is called beat time period (T B)
fB = f1 – f2
TB = …..(11.1)
f1  f2
(i) The frequency | f1 – f2 | should be less than 16 Hz, for it to be audible.
(ii) Beat phenomenon can be used for determining an unknown frequency by sounding it together with
a source of known frequency.
(iii) If the arm of a tuning fork is waxed or loaded, then its frequency decreases.
(iv) If arm of tuning fork is filed, then its frequency increases.

Example 17. A tuning fork is vibrating at frequency 100 Hz. When another tuning fork is sounded
simultaneously, 4 beats per second are heard. When some mass is added to the tuning fork of
100 Hz, beat frequency decreases. Find the frequency of the other tuning fork.
Solution : |f – 100| = 4  f = 96 or 104
when 1st tuning fork is loaded its frequency decreases and so does beat frequency
 100 > f  f = 96 Hz.
Example 18. Two strings X and Y of a sitar produces a beat of frequency 4Hz. When the tension of string Y
is slightly increased, the beat frequency is found to be 2Hz. If the frequency of X is 300Hz, then
the original frequency of Y was.
(A) 296 Hz (B) 298 Hz (C) 302 Hz (D) 304 Hz.
Answer : (A)

Example 19. A string 25 cm long fixed at both ends and having a mass of 2.5 g is under tension. A pipe
closed from one end is 40 cm long. When the string is set vibrating in its first overtone and the
air in the pipe in its fundamental frequency, 8 beats per second are heard. It is observed that
decreasing the tension in the string decreases the beat frequency. If the speed of sound in air
is 320 m/s. Find tension in the string.
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Sound Waves
Solution :  = 0.1 g / cm = 10–2 Kg/m
Ist overtone
1 T
 s = 25 cm = 0.25 m  fs =
s 
pipe in fundamental freq
 p = 160 cm = 1.6 m  fp =
 by decreasing the tension, beat freq is decreased
1 T 320
 fs > fp  fs –fp = 8   = 8  T = 27.04 N
0.25 102 1.6

Example 20. The wavelength of two sound waves are 49cm and 50 cm respectively. If the room temperature
is 30°C then the number of beats produced by them is approximately (velocity of sound in air at
0°C = 332 m/s).
(A) 6 (B) 10 (C) 14 (D) 18
Answer : (C)
303  1 1
Solution : v = 332  Beat frequency = f1 – f2 = v   
273  1  2 
303  1 1 
= 332  49  50  × 100  14 Ans.
273  
When there is relative motion between the source of a sound/light wave & an observer along the line
joining them, the actual frequency observed is different from the frequency of the source. This
phenomenon is called Doppler’s Effect. If the observer and source are moving towards each other, the
observed frequency is greater than the frequency of the source. If the observer and source move away
from each other, the observed frequency is less than the frequency of source.
(v = velocity of sound wrt. ground. , c = velocity of sound with respect to medium, vm = velocity of medium,
vO = velocity of observer, vs = velocity of source.)
(a) Sound source is moving and observer is stationary :
If the source emitting a sound of frequency f is travelling with velocity v s along the line joining the
source and observer,
 v 
observed frequency, f =  f ...(12.1)
 v  vs 
 v  vs 
and Apparent wavelength  =    ...(12.2)
 v 
 In the above expression, the positive direction is taken along the velocity of sound, i.e. from
source to observer. Hence vs is positive if source is moving towards the observer, and negative if
source is moving away from the observer.
(b) Sound source is stationary and observer is moving with velocity v0 along the line joining them :
The source (at rest) is emitting a sound of frequency ‘f’ travelling with velocity ‘v’ so that wavelength
is  = v/f, i.e. there is no change in wavelength. How ever since the observer is moving with a
velocity v0 along the line joining the source and observer, the observed frequency is
 v  v0 
f = f   ...(12.3)
 v 
 In the above expression, the positive direction is taken along the velocity of sound, i.e. from
source to observer. Hence vO is positive if observer is moving away from the source, and
negative if observer is moving towards the source.
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Sound Waves
(c) The source and observer both are moving with velocities v s and v0 along the line joining
them :
The observed frequency, f = f ...(12.4)
and Apparent wavelength    =  ...(12.5)
 In the above expression also, the positive direction is taken along the velocity of sound, i.e.
from source to observer.
 In all of the above expression from equation 11.1 to 11.5, v stands for velocity of sound with
respect to ground.
If velocity of sound with respect to medium is c and the medium is moving in the direction of sound
from source to observer with speed vm, v = c + vm, and if the medium is moving opposite to the
direction of sound from observer to source with speed vm, v = c – vm

Example 21. A wall is moving with velocity u and a source of sound moves with velocity u/2 in the same
direction as shown in figure. Assuming that the sound travels with velocity 10u. The ratio of
incident sound wavelength on the wall to the reflected sound wavelength by the wall, is equal to
(assume observer for reflected sound is at rest) :


(A) 9 : 11 (B) 11 : 19 (C) 4 : 5 (D) 5 : 4

Answer : (A)
10u  u 9u 9.5u S
Solution : F1wall (received) = f f  1 = u/2 u
10u  u / 2 9.5u f
10.u 1 10u 9u 11u  9.5
F11wall (received) = f   f  2  
10u  u 11u 9.5u 9f
1 9.5 9
  = = 9 
2 11  9.5 11

Example 22. A whistle of frequency 540 Hz is moving in a circle of radius 2 ft at a constant angular speed of
15 rad/s. What are the lowest and height frequencies heard by a listener standing at rest, a
long distance away from the centre of the circle? (velocity of sound in air is 1100 ft/sec.)
Solution : The whistle is moving along a circular path with constant A
angular velocity . The linear velocity of the whistle is given by O P
vS = R B
where, R is radius of the circle.
At points A and B, the velocity vS of whistle is parallel to line OP; i.e., with respect to observer at
P, whistle has maximum velocity vs away from P at point A, and towards P at point B. (Since
distance OP is large compared to radius R, whistle may be assumed to be moving along line OP).
Observer, therefore, listens maximum frequency when source is at B moving towards observer:
 v  v0 
fmax = f  
 v  vs 
where, v is speed of sound in air. Similarly, observer listens minimum frequency when source is
at A, moving away from observer:
 v  vs 
fmin = f  
 v 
For f = 540 Hz, vs = 2 ft × 15 rad/s = 30 ft/s, and v = 1100 ft/s,
we get (approx.) fmax = 555 Hz and, fmin = 525 Hz.

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Sound Waves
Example 23. A train approaching a hill at a speed of 40 km/hr sounds a whistle of frequency 600 Hz when it
is at a distance of 1 km from a hill. A wind with a speed of 40 km/hr is blowing in the direction of
motion of the train. Find,
(a) the frequency of the whistle as heard by an observer on the hill.
(b) the distance from the hill at which the echo from the hill is heard by the driver and its
frequency. (Velocity of sound in air = 1200 km/hr.)
Solution : A train is moving towards a hill with speed vs with respect to the ground. The speed of sound in
air, i.e. the speed of sound with respect to medium (air) is c, while air itself is blowing towards
hill with velocity vm (as observed from ground). For an observer standing on the ground, which
is the inertial frame, the speed of sound towards hill is given by
v = c + vm
(a) The observer on the hill is stationary while source is approaching him. Hence, frequency of
whistle heard by him is
f´ = f
v  vs
for f = 600 Hz, vs = 40 km/hr, and V = (1200 + 40) km/hr, we get
f´ = 600 . = 620 Hz.
1240  40
(b) The train sounds the whistle when it is at distance x from the hill. Sound moving with
velocity v with respect to ground, takes time t to reach the hill, such that,
x x
t=  ....(i)
v c  vm
After reflection from hill, sound waves move backwards, towards the train. The sound is
now moving opposite to the wind direction. Hence, its velocity with respect to the ground is
v’ = c – vm
Suppose when this reflected sound (or echo) reaches the train, it is at distance x’ from hill.
The time taken by echo to travel distance x’ is given by
x' x'
t´ =  ....(ii)
v c  vm
Thus, total time (t + t´) elapses between sounding the whistle and echo reaching back. In
the same time, the train moves a distance (x – x’) with constant speed vs, as observed from
ground. That is,
x – x´ = (t + t´) vs.
Substituting from (i) and (ii), for t and t´, we find
vs vs c  vm  v s v  c  vm
x – x´ = x+ x´ or, x= s x´
c  vm c – vm c  vm c  vm
For x = 1 km, c = 1200 km/hr, vs = 40 km/hr, and vm = 40 km/hr, we get
1200  40  40 40  1200  40
×1= x´
1200  40 1200  40
or, x´ = = 0.935 km.
Thus, the echo is heard when train is 935 m from the hill.
Now, for the observer moving along with train, echo is a sound produced by a stationary
source, i.e., the hill. Hence as observed from ground, source is stationary and observer is
moving towards source with speed 40 km/hr. Hence vO = – 40 km/hr. On the other hand,
reflected sound travels opposite to wind velocity. That is, velocity of echo with respect to
ground is v´. Further, the source (hill) is emitting sound of frequency f´ which is the
frequency observed by the hill.
Thus, frequency of echo as heard by observer on train, is given by
v´ v O (1160  ( 40))
f´´ = f´  f´´ = × 620 = 641 Hz
v´ 1160

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Sound Waves
Example 24. A train producing frequency of 640 Hz is moving towards point c with speed 72 km/hr. A person
is sitting 1732 m from point c as shown. Find the frequency heard by person when sound
generated at B reaches to the person, if speed of sound is 330 m/s.
Solution : The observer A is at rest with respect to the air and the source is travelling at a velocity of
72 km/h i.e.,

20 m/s. As is clear from the figure, the person receives the sound of the whistle in a direction
BA making an angle  with the track where tan  = = 3 , i.e.  = 60º. The component of
the velocity of the source (i.e., of the train) along this direction is 20 cos  = 10 m/s. As the
source is approaching the person with this component, the frequency heard by the observer is
v 330
´ = = × 640 Hz = 660 Hz.
v  ucos  330  10
Example 25. In the figure shown a source of sound of frequency 510 Hz moves with constant velocity
vs = 20 m/s in the direction shown. The wind is blowing at a constant velocity vw = 20 m/s
towards an observer who is at rest at point B. The frequency detected by the observer
corresponding to the sound emitted by the source at initial position A, will be (speed of sound
relative to air = 330 m/s)

(A) 485 Hz (B) 500 Hz (C) 512 Hz (D) 525 Hz

Answer : (D)
Solution : Apparent frequency
(u  v w ) 510 (330  20) 350
n = n = = 510 × = 525 Hz Ans.
(u  v w  v s cos60) 330  20  20 cos60 340

Example 26. An observer is moving with half the speed of light towards stationary microwave source emitting
waves at frequency 10GHz. What is the frequency of the microwave measured by the
observer? (speed of light = 3 × 108ms–1) [JEE Main 2017 ; 4/120, –1]
(A) 15.3 GHz (B) 10.1 GHz (C) 12.1 GHz (D) 17.3 GHz
Answer : (D)
Solution : '   c
'   2  3
' = 10 × 1.73 = 17.3 GHz

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