Unit 9 Questionnaire As A Diagnostic Tool: Objectives
Unit 9 Questionnaire As A Diagnostic Tool: Objectives
Unit 9 Questionnaire As A Diagnostic Tool: Objectives
After going through this unit, you should be able to understand:
when to construct a questionnaire
how to construct a questionnaire
questionnaire as an important tool for analysing an organisation
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Dimensions Diagnosed through Questionnaires
9.3 Some Available Questionnaires
9.4 How to Construct Questionnaires
9.5 Administering and Using Questionnaire
9.6 Summary
9.7 Self-Assessment Questions
9.8 Further Readings
Appendix 1: Organisational Climate Questionnaire
Appendix 2: HRD Climate Survey
Appendix 3: Designing and Conducting Organisational Surveys
Appendix 4: Instruments of Organisational Analysis
Appendix 5: Scanning Your Business Environment
Questionnaire, Interviews, Workshops and Task-forces are the most frequently
used methods of organisational diagnosis in India. They are used separately or
in combinations. Of the four, Questionnaires are more commonly used as they
could be used with ease and by persons inside the organisation. In this section
Questionnaire method is described in some detail.
In the subsequent sections of this unit details are presented about some of the
questionnaire available.
The best way to learn about the variables used in this Questionnaire is for the
reader to answer that Questionnaire. After answering the Questionnaire find out
the gap between the actual and desired scores for each item by converting the
ratings into a 5 point scale.You can assign a score of 5 points to alternative E,
4 to D, 3 to C, 2 to B, and 1 to A for positively worded items i.e. where A is
least desirable and E is most desirable. For the esteriked items assign a score
of 5 to A, 4 to B, 3 to C, 2 to D and 1 to E. For each item find the
difference (ignore the sign while calculating difference). Add the differences on
each item and calculate the overall difference on all the 60 items. It will give
the overall index of dissatisfaction with organisational climate. There is no hard
and fast rule about what can be considered as desirable or undesirable. A gap
of 30 may be a tolerable gap as it may mean marginal variation between the
actual and desired in 30 items or noticeable variation (about 2 points) on 15
items. A difference score of 30 can be obtained in many ways.
Total organisational climate score can also be obtained by adding the scores
(A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1 respectively for aesteriked items and A=1, B=2,
C=3, D=4, and E=5 for other items) on the “actual” dimension. A maximum
score of 300 is possible. Scores above 240 (i.e. 60 % 4) indicates a healthy
organisational climate. Scores between 180 and 240 indicate a moderately good
organisational climate with some scope for improvement. Scores below 180
indicates substantial scope for improvement.
The questionnaire uses a 5 point scale. The overall HRD climate score can be
obtained by adding the scores on all the 38 items. Scores between 152
(38 % 4) and 190 (38 % 5) indicate a good HRD climate existing in the
organisation. Scores less than 152 but higher than 114 (38 % 3) indicate a
moderate HRD climate with some scope for improvement and scores less than
114 indicate poor HRD climate with substantial scope for improvement. Norms
for comparison purposes are available from published sources given at the end
of this chapter (Rao and Pereira, 1985).
Use of diagnostic data obtained from questionnaire also require some skills. As
will be explained in the subsequent units “Survey Feedback” is a frequently
used OD intervention. The tabulated data when fed back to the respondents in
an aggregate form and an opportunity is provided to discuss the data and their
implications already the seeds get sown for the change process.
Questionnaire is a very useful diagnostic tool. There are several questionnaires
developed by organisational scientists in our country that are useful for
diagnostic purposes. These questionnaires could be used with appropriate
modifications to suit the diagnostic needs of each organisation. It is advisable to
develop organisation specific questionnaire for diagnosing problems unique to the
organisation. Comparative data may be available if standardised questionnaire
are used for general diagnosis purposes. Participative methods of developing
questionnaire enhance the quality of questionnaire through increasing the
organisational relevance of items. Survey feedback, maintaining organisational
health profiles, designing other interventions are some of the useful purposes
served by questionnaire. Care should be taken to ensure getting good quality
data through proper administration (clarifying purposes, maintaining anonymity of
respondents, administering in groups etc.) of questionnaire.
Appendix I Questionnaire as a
Diagnostic Tool
Sixty statements are given below about organisations. With each statement are
given 5 alternatives. Read each statement and select one of the alternatives
which describes most accurately your organisation. Write down the letter of
that alternative (a, b, c, d, or e) under A (i.e. actual). Then choose an
alternative which in your opinion is desirable for your organisation. Write down
the letter of the alternative under D (i.e., desirable). Against each statement
complete both A and D columns.
Actual Desired
1) How often do you feel that an employee’s
career is harmed in the Organisation?
A. Almost always ...... ......
B. Usually ...... ......
C. Sometimes ...... ......
D. Rarely ...... ......
E. Almost never ...... ......
Organisational Analysis
Actual Desired
4) For important decisions to be taken regarding any work,
the tendency here is to pass the files on to somebody
else for making the decisions. How often does it
happen here?
A. Almost always ...... ......
B. Usually ...... ......
C. Sometimes ...... ......
D. Rarely ...... ......
E. Almost never ...... ......
Questionnaire as a
Actual Desired Diagnostic Tool
10) How often are your ideas for change given a good
A. Never ...... ......
B. Sometimes ...... ......
C. Often ...... ......
D. Almost always ...... ......
E. Always ...... ......
Organisational Analysis
Actual Desired
14) Somebody says, “There is so much work to do
here every day that I have to do it somehow,
and I don’t have the time to think about how the
quality of the work can be improved.” How much
woud you agree with the statement?
A. Strongly disagree ...... ......
B. Disagree ...... ......
C. Neither agree nor disagree ...... ......
D. Agree ...... ......
E. Strongly agree ...... ......
Questionnaire as a
Actual Desired Diagnostic Tool
Organisational Analysis
Actual Desired
24) Is there a general feeling amongst the employees
of your level that anybody can be removed from
his job at any time?
A. Almost all the employees feel so ...... ......
B. Most of the employees feel so ...... ......
C. Some of the employees feel so ...... ......
D. A few employees feel so ...... ......
E. None of the employees feel so ...... ......
Questionnaire as a
Actual Desired Diagnostic Tool
Questionnaire as a
Actual Desired Diagnostic Tool
40) In some places, anybody can go to anybody else to
discuss any problem he faces. In your opinion, how
often does it happen here?
A. Almost never ...... ......
B. Rarely ...... ......
C. Sometimes ...... ......
D. Usually ...... ......
E. Almost always ...... ......
Organisational Analysis
Actual Desired
45) Considering the busy schedules and workload
here, the employees seldom find time to share
their concerns with each other. How much
do you agree with it?
A. Strongly agree ...... ......
B. Agree ...... ......
C. Neither agree nor disagree ...... ......
D. Disagree ...... ......
E. Strongly disagree ...... ......
Organisational Analysis Appendix II
Organisation ...................
Any organisation that would like to be dynamic and growth oriented has to pay
attention to the development of its human resources. People must be
continuously helped to acquire capabilities for effective performance of new
roles/functions/tasks that may arise in the process of organisational growth and
change in the environment. Thus HRD becomes crucial for organisational
dynamism and growth. In the recent past, mechanisms like performance
appraisal, counselling, OD, potential appraisal, job enrichment have been
introduced in various organisations. A minimal positive developmental climate is
essential for the success of these programmes. This survey is to find out the
extent to which such developmental climate exists in your organisation.
Source : Rao, T.V. and Pereira, D.F. (Eds). Recent Experiences in Human
Resource Development. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH, 1985.
Appendix III Questionnaire as a
Diagnostic Tool
Most commonly used instruments are:
i. Attitude Survey
ii. Opinion surveys
DGM - 40 } Middle
Managers - 80 } Management
The modus operandi would involve tabulating everything to start with. Many
results generated may not be required later and only some of the more relevant
results may be considered and the rest ignored.
Sample Tabulation of Employee Motivation
Employee Motivation % (N)
Higher Moderate Generally De-motivated Highly Total
Motivated by High Motivated motivated
60 (90) 20 (30) 10 (15) 6 (9) 4 (6) 100 (150)
1. Summative Scale
The Summative Scale or Likert scale was developed by Renesis Likert (Likert
1932. The Likert Scale is constructed by devising certain statements about a
person. Some reasonable categories are then developed for the respondent to
use for indicating his or her feelings about statement. The most commonly used
responding categories are:
1. Yes, not sure & no
2. True, not sure, False
3. Strongly agree, agree, disagree & strongly disagree etc.
Examples are
Strongly agree = SA
Agree = A
Slightly agree = SLA
Uncertain / unsure = U
Slightly disagree = SLD
Disagree = D
Strongly disagree = SD
A further variation could be where more close distinction is sought. For example
Agree = A
Unsure, yet might agree = UA
Unsure, yet might disagree = UD
Disagree = D
In the above example the scoring can be done for which let us look at the
ticks () given by the respondent against each question
Q.1. – 1
Q.2. – 1 Total score would be = 8
Q.3. – 3
Q.4. – 3
Rating Scales – Semantic Differential
Prepared by Osgood, Suci and Tanxenbaum (1957) bipolar scales are created to
analyze Organizations, practices, people etc. The scales can be prepared on the
basis of two extremes and can be on the basis of 2 systems (i) from 1 to 7 or
II) – 3 to +3, though the first one is more in use. The scales would look like
The Organization
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Active Passive
Productive Unproductive
Motivating Demotivating
culture culture
Forces choice scales Questionnaire as a
Diagnostic Tool
Questions are constructed in the manner that the respondent has to choose one
of the two options provided. He/she may either choose one of the options or
may not choose any.
For example:
Instructions: choose the activity which you prefer by placing a tick in front of
the question in the space provided. Be sure to respond to each pair.
I would prefer:
1. Lazing around in the bed on a Sunday morning Take a stroll in the city
2. Attend the talk by an eminent speaker on a Friday evening Watch a movie
with the family
The advantages of these scales are:
1. Since the options are already provided, the respondent does not require to
think of the possible options.
2. The options may not be restricted to 2 only. Could be more than that i.e. 3
or 4. This will help in getting an answer very close to the reality.
3. When the options are 3 to 4, the respondent may nor resort to a forced
artificial response.
1. With only 2 options, the respondent may have to make a forced choice
which may give him/her a sense of unease and at times this may result in
his/her not answering the question(s).
Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)
These are scales constructed to measure the effectiveness of organizational
process with particular reference to behaviours exhibited. Once constructed
these can be used for subsequent analysis. BARS are mostly customized by
organizations for their own used.
Let us consider that one prominent issue confronting the group member when
they meet is inadequate participation of team members. This issue i.e
‘Inadequate Participation’ may be one of so many viz. Lack of Cooperation,
Lack of open Communication, Lack of attention to process, Lack of
Contribution, Lack of Coordination, Lack of Clarity on roles etc.
Participation 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9
The meeting dominated Member’s contribution Inputs from all These scales are
by a few members. flagging comes in the members is then used by
experts only through considered before individuals to rate
provocation. arriving at decisions. their usual meetings.
Organisational Analysis Validation of the Instruments
A test has 2 important characteristics, validity and, reliability. Validity is
important because if one cant ascertain what really is the test measuring, it
would be of little use.
Validity: The accuracy with which a test, interview and so on measures what
it purports to measure or fulfills the function it was designed to accomplish.
Test validity means to establish evidence that the test is job related. In other
words, it means that the performance on the test is a valid predictor of
subsequent performance on the job.
Criteria validity: A type of validity based on showing that scores of the test,
i.e. predictions are related to job performance (i.e. criterion).
Suppose one takes a test say on ‘Employee Satisfaction’ and say the person
takes another equivalent test after a mouth. If the scores of the later test
change dramatically, it would indicate test unreliability.
Appendix V Questionnaire as a
Diagnostic Tool
Organisational Analysis Organization Development Diagnostic Score Sheet.
Phase I 1 Crisis Phase 2 2 Crisis Phase 3 3 Crisis Phase 4 4 Crisis Phase 5 5 Crisis
Growth of Growth of Growth of Growth of red Growth of ?
through leader- through auto- through control through tape through
creativity ship direction nomy delegation ordi- collabo-
nation ration
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60