Lecture Notes Cash & Cash Equivalent: Page 1 of 7
Lecture Notes Cash & Cash Equivalent: Page 1 of 7
Lecture Notes Cash & Cash Equivalent: Page 1 of 7
Includes cash on hand and other negotiable instrument payable in money and
acceptable by the bank for deposit and immediate credit
Cash include currency and coins, petty cash fund, change fund and negotiable
instruments like checks and bank drafts
To be reported as cash, items must be readily available and not restricted for use
in the payment of current obligations.
Cash Equivalent
are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known
amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value
are held for the purpose of meeting short-term cash commitments rather than
for investment or other purposes.
Those only acquired three months before maturity qualify as cash equivalents
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Petty Cash
small amount of currency from which to make small payments (minor office
supplies, taxi, postage, etc.).
This process is designed to promote control over small cash disbursements which
would be awkward to pay by check.
Bank overdraft
credit balance in the cash account resulting from the issuance of checks in excess
of the amount on deposit, normally offset with other cash in bank in the same
bank; otherwise present as current liability
Compensating balance
A minimum or average balance on deposit with a bank in connection with a
borrowing arrangement
If not legally restricted as to withdrawal, include as part of cash and disclose in
If legally restricted as to withdrawal, present as other current assets (if
borrowing arrangement is short term; otherwise present as non-current assets
Undelivered or unreleased
Drawn and recorded but given to payee after the reporting date. Hence no
payment yet
Post-dated checks
Drawn and recorded given to payee but can be encashed by payee after the
reporting date. Hence liability still exists at reporting date
Stale checks
Drawn and recorded given to payee but not encashed by payee for a relatively
long period of time. In practice, a check becomes stale if not encashed within 6
months after date. Hence liability still exists.
Cash is measured at face value. Cash in foreign currency is measured at the
current exchange rate
Normally presented as current assets (e.g. cash, demand deposits, petty cash,
If cash is legally restricted as to withdrawal and not intended for current use,
classify as non-current assets (e.g., cash in foreign currency restricted as to
withdrawal, cash set aside for acquisition of PPE, etc.)
shown as a first line item among the current assets, with details/breakdown
shown in the Notes
Window Dressing
Books are left open after the end of reporting period
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Concealing cash shortage through postponement of entries and applying
subsequent collection to receivables
Drawing of check from one account to depositing to another account to cover
shortage at the latter bank
Theft of cash
Unauthorized removal of cash, malversation or misappropriation and etc.
Control of Cash
Imprest system
All cash receipts are deposited intact and all disbursements made by check.
Utilization of Petty Cash Fund
Segregation of duties
Bank reconciliation
- done –
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2. Ralf Corporation had the following account balances at December 31, 2016:
3. On December 31, 2016, Alfonso Company had the following cash balances:
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Debit Credit
Petty cash fund P 2,000
Accounts receivable trade 450,000 P290,000
Subscription receivable 60,000 50,000
Delivery equipment 50,000
Accounts payable trade 280,000 430,000
Bank loan 35,000 80,000
Accrued expenses 1,500
Subscribed share capital 60,000
Unissued share capital 130,000
Authorized share capital 200,000
Sales 450,000
Purchases 430,000
Expenses (including depreciation of P5,000 and 90,000
accrued expenses of P1,500)
7. The petty cash fund of Guiguinto Company on December 31, 2016 is composed
of the following:
The petty cash ledger account has an imprest balance of P50,000. What is the
correct amount of petty cash on December 31, 2016?
a. P34,000 b. P14,000 c. P39,000 b. P42,000
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5. Which of the following is not considered cash for financial reporting purposes?
a. Petty cash funds and change funds
b. Money orders, certified checks, and personal checks
c. Coin, currency, and available funds
d. Postdated checks and I.O.U.'s
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9. Under which section of the statement of financial position is "cash restricted for
plant expansion" reported?
a. Current assets c. Current liabilities
b. Non-current assets d. Equity
11. Which of the following is true regarding the imprest petty cash system?
a. The imprest petty cash system in effect adheres to the rule of disbursement
by check.
b. Entries are made to the Petty Cash account only to increase or decrease the
size of the fund.
c. The Petty Cash account is debited when the fund is replenished.
d. All of these are not true.
12. In most situations the petty cash fund is reimbursed just prior to the year end
and an adjusting entry is made to avoid
a. The overstatement of cash and the understatement of expenses
b. The understatement of cash and the overstatement of expenses
c. The misstatement of revenues
d. The understatement of cash with the appropriate statement of expenses
13. The payments of accounts payable made subsequent to the close of the
accounting period are recorded as if they were made at the end of the current
a. Window dressing c. Kiting
b. Lapping d. Imprest system
15. The cash receipts function should be separated from the related record
keeping in an organization to
a. Physically safeguard the cash receipts.
b. Establish accountability when the cash is first received.
c. Prevent paying cash disbursements from cash receipts.
d. Minimize undetected misappropriations of cash receipts.
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