Primary 6 Scope and Sequences
Primary 6 Scope and Sequences
Primary 6 Scope and Sequences
Learning experiences
Grade Syllabus topic Desired result Acceptable evidence Skills and instruction
6 Biology Living Things Identify the seven • Carefully Critical thinking Compare different
characteristics of living animals, real (if
things and relate these to observing and describing skill appropriate) or pictures,
a wide range of living things. Observing skill e.g. bird, cat, fish and write
organisms in the local down all the things they
and wider environment. • Recording Comparing skill have in common. Present
your findings to other
accurately in a variety of Analyzing skill groups.
Be able to talk about the
ways e.g. drawing, using
importance of questions, Discuss the ways nutrition
evidence and tabular forms. is obtained by different
explanations. animals.
• Communicating
Make careful their ideas supported by Breathing through a straw
observations including into lime-water to show
measurements. evidence. carbon dioxide is
• Making and produced.
Present results in the
form of tables, bar charts presenting conclusions Discuss the difference
and line graphs. between breathing and
by bringing together
evidence from different
Discuss the difference
sources. between growth and
Describe texture of a
variety of different
Micro-organisms Identify the seven • Using • observing skill Use secondary sources to
characteristics of living investigate the terms
things and relate these to information from Organizing skills bacteria, fungi, virus.
a wide range of List the characteristics of
secondary sources. Communicating
Biology organisms in the local life shown by each type of
and wider environment. • Choosing skill
Use information from
appropriate apparatus Comparing skill
secondary sources. and using it correctly Contrasing skill
Identify the structures • Making careful Observe and draw
present in plant and prepared slides of fungi as
animal cells as seen with observations including seen under the
a simple light microscope microscope.
and/or a computer Observe
microscope. • Carrying out an photomicrographs of
bacteria and viruses.
Choose appropriate investigation Include magnification.
apparatus and use it • Discussing the
importance of questions,
Make careful
observations including
evidence and
measurements. explanations
Know about the role of Plan and carry out an
micro-organisms in the investigation about the
breakdown of organic activity of yeast under
matter, food production different conditions.
and disease, including Relate this to the use of
the work of Louis yeast in bread making.
Identify appropriate
evidence to collect and
suitable methods of
Make careful
observations including
Produce a poster or
PowerPoint to explain why
the use of CFCs should be
Make careful
observations including
Identify appropriate
evidence to collect and
suitable methods of
Choose appropriate
apparatus and use it
Make careful
observations including
Commercial production of
salt can be researched.
Understand neutralisation Describe the use of
and some of its neutralisation to solve a
applications. problem.
Make a display of
magazine pictures of uses
of acids and alkalis.
Forces and their Describe the effects of Suggesting ideas that may Analyzing Find out that forces
forces on motion, be tested. change the speed and
Effects including friction and air Communicating direction of objects.
Outlining plans to carry out
resistance. Pupils should try activities
investigations, considering Observing
to show the effect on
the variables to control,
Physic Make careful
change or observe. Comparing speed of pushing and
observations including pulling forces.
measurements. Making predictions Solve problem
referring to previous Examples include kicking
Present results in the scientific knowledge and a squashy football and
form of tables. understanding. pulling a raft across water.
Describe the effects of Identifying appropriate Investigate the effect of
forces on motion, evidence to collect and forces on the shape of
including friction and air suitable methods of objects.
resistance. collection.
Choosing appropriate
Outline plans to carry out apparatus and use it Investigate the extension
investigations, of an expendable spring
considering the variables correctly. with added weights. Pupils
to control, change or make their own springs
Making careful
observe. with copper wire and this
observations including
avoids the need to use
Make predictions heavy weights. Rubber
referring to previous Presenting results in the bands can be used but
scientific knowledge and form of tables, bar charts need quite a few heavy
understanding. and line graphs. weights.
Considering explanations
for predictions using
Describe the effect of scientific knowledge and The relationship between
gravity on objects. understanding and gravity and weight.
communicate these. Hang kilogram masses on
Choose appropriate Presenting conclusions Newton meters to find their
apparatus and use it using different methods. weight. This can be
correctly. described as the pulling
force of the earth. Other
weights can be found to
familiarise students with
Describe the effects of Investigate balanced and
forces on motion, unbalanced forces on
including friction and air objects.
resistance. Pupils should find out by
applying equal forces in
Make predictions opposite directions to an
referring to previous object at rest, that it can
scientific knowledge and stay at rest, e.g. a wooden
understanding. trolley with equal masses
attached on opposite
Consider explanations for sides. Pupils can apply the
predictions using idea to a floating object
scientific knowledge and such as wood on water.
understanding and The force acting
communicate these. downwards can be
measured with a Newton
meter and then the wood
lowered into water
showing the upthrust.