Purbanchal University: Time-Bound Home Exam 2020

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Time-bound Home Exam 2020

B.E. (Civil)/Third Semester/Final
Time: 03:00 hrs. (+2 Hrs. for Submission) Full Marks: 80 /Pass Marks: 32
BEG258CI: Survey-I (New Course)
Dear Students!
• This model of examination is for you as the end of your current semester. This examination allows you
to write answer from your own place of residence. Follow the following instructions without fail.
• Do not write your name in the answer-sheet(s)
• All the answer-sheets should be sent to college through your approved email in which you have
received your question paper.
• Do not write questions in the answer-sheet but mention clearly the question number.
• All the scan/photos of answer-sheets should be clearly visible. Any blur scan/photo will not be
considered for evaluation. Responsibility lies with the students to make sure that scan/photos of the
answer-sheet are of readable quality.
• Leave 1 inch margin on each side of the answer-sheet.
• Clearly mention your Roll no, subject, program, semester, page number at the right-top of each page as
instructed by the Office of the Examination Management.
• Make sure that you send your answer-sheets within the given time. Any email received after the given
time will not be acceptable.
• You are strictly advised to write with your own handwriting and that you are not using any unfair
means to answer the questions.
• Do not consult during the examination period to any other person in answering the questions.
• Do not post any pictures of taking examination or your answer-sheets in any social-media. Found that
may be taken action from University.
All sketches should be well labeled.
Answer FIVE questions. Assume any data if necessary.
1(a) What is Surveying? Explain its principle with sketches. 8
(b) A line was measured with a steel tape which was exactly 30m at 20ºC at a pull of 10kg; the
measured length was 2000m. The temperature during measurement was 30ºC and the pull applied
was 25kg. Compute the length of the line, if the cross-sectional area of tape was 0.030sqcm. The
coefficient of expansion of tape =3.5×10-6 per 1ºC and the modulus of elasticity of material of tape
E = 2.2×106 kg/cm2. 8
2(a) Define scale. How can it be represented in map? Explain different types of scale with necessary
figures. 4+4
(b) In passing the pond stations A and D on the main line, were taken on the opposite sides of the
pond. On the left of AD, a line AB, 225m long was laid down and a second line AC, 275m long was
ranged on the right of AD the points B, D, C being in the same straight line BD and DC were then
chained and found to be 125m and 137.5m respectively. Find the length of AD. 8
3(a) What are the conditions to be fulfilled by survey stations and survey lines in chain survey. Also write
about types of offset. 4+2
(b) In the following closed traverse ABCD, local attraction exists at some of the traverse stations.
Detect the stations with local attractions and compute the correct bearings.
Fore Bearing Back bearing
AB 74º20' 256º00'
BC 107º20' 286º20'
CD 224º50' 44º50'
DA 306º40' 126º00'

If the magnetic declination at tle place is 3º20' E, what will be the true bearings? 10
4(a) Define magnetic declination, Isogonic line and agonic line. Explain the variations in magnetic
declination. 3+3
(b) The following consecutive readings were taken along AB with a 4 leveling staff on a continuously
sloping ground at interval of 20 m. 0.345 on A, 1.450, 2.450, 3.875, 0.655, 1.745, 2.860, 3.945,
1.125, 2.475, 3.865 on B. 10

Contd. ...
The elevation of A was 1300.00 m. Enter the above readings in a level book and workout the R. L.
of all the stations & Also find the gradient of line AB. Also apply the usual checks. Use Rise and
Fall method,
5(a) What are the fundamental lines of theodolite & explain about their relationships. Also list out the
steps for temporary adjustment of theodolite. 5+3
(b) A railway embankment is 8m wide with side slopes 1.5:1. Assuming the ground to be level in a
direction transverse to the center line, calculate the volume obtained in a length of 120m, the
center heights at 20m intervals being in meters 2.1, 3.5, 3.7, 4.1, 3.6, 2.7, 2.4. Use prismoidal
rule: 8
6. Write short notes on any FOUR: 4×4 =16
(a) Precision and Accuracy
(b) Conventional symbols
(c) Designation of bearing
(d) Curvature and Refraction
(e) Advantages of plane tabling

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