Container Cranes For Metrans Terminal in Prague (CZ) and Dunajska Streda

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Container cranes for

Metrans Terminal
in Prague (CZ) and
Dunajska Streda

Container handling at Terminal Prague Uhrineves

Innovation and Competence

In Central European hubs, Kuenz container cranes guarantee efficient handling

Container cranes from Kuenz also

convince in the new European states

The terminal in Prague-Uhrineves is the largest container terminal in Central and Eastern Europe and the most important hub for container traffic to the Central European

The Czech company METRANS, located in Prague, is the Technical information for the container cranes
market leader in providing container logistics and services in Prague-Uhrineves
by rail from German ports to the Central European hinter-
The cranes are designed as double-girder bridges with super-
land. METRANS has container terminals and depots in
structure. The main steel construction of the gantry bridge
Prague, Zlin (CZ) and Dunajska Streda (SK).
consists of moving support, rigid support and bridge girders.
The hoist rope reeve of the container hoist is grooved and
Strong in the hinterland
allows operating the gantry drive, the trolley drive and slewing
The high quality of Kuenz container cranes is well-known without swinging.
beyond European borders. The opening of the European
borders offered even more possibilities and chances to (for) Distribution hub Dunajska Streda (SK)
Kuenz. The terminal in Prague-Uhrineves is the largest
The Terminal Dunajska Streda of METRANS is in Slovakia,
container terminal in Central and Eastern Europe and the
close to the Hungarian border, and has connecting transport
most important hub for container traffic to the Central
to Southeast Europe.
European hinterland. In a total area of 420,000 m²
The total area of the terminal is about 120,000 m² (about 30
(103.8 acres) it is possible to stack 15,000 TEU. In June and
acres) with a capacity for 10,000 TEU. In December 2006
September 2007 Kuenz installed three container gantry
Kuenz installed two container gantry cranes. The two cranes
cranes for intermodal handling at railroads, thereby
are designed as a conventional double girder bridge.
optimizing handling of the increasing container traffic.

Kuenz container cranes are easy to maintain

In general, almost maintenance-free machines

Full-service contracts available

Manager Jirí Samek
Fast response and availability of staff
"We were convinced by the excellent
experience we have made with cranes Flexibility
from Kuenz and that was the reason, we
ordered two additional cranes. Compared Customer-orientated service dates, preventive
to the cranes we operated in the past, maintenance during shut down periods
the cranes from Kuenz are considerably
better. And not only is the Management Clearly defined maintenance schedule and
intervals with CMS support
highly satisfied, but also the crane drivers.
We definitely will order further cranes
Optimal monitoring of maintenance requirements,
with Kuenz."
depending on operating hours

hinterland. Good access to service positions

Common types of lubricants

Kuenz – reliable and proven

Kuenz has for more than 75 years experience and has expertise
with design and construction of modern container cranes. Many
of the customers are long-term business partners and know that
Kuenz stands for reliable and proven machines which rival inter-
national competition.

Container terminal and depot in Dunajska Streda (SK).

Innovation and Competence
Technical information
on the cranes

Prague Uhrineves, 21095 Prague Uhrineves, 21106

Technical Data Technical Data

Lifting capacity of spreader 37 t Lifting capacity of spreader 37 t
Rail gauge 40 m Rail gauge 35.8 m
Length fixed column 19.00 m Length fixed column 16.48 m
Length pin-ended column 17.80 m Length pin-ended column 8.55 m

Working speeds Working speeds

Hoist rated load 0–18 m/min Hoist rated load 0–18 m/min
Hoist partial load 0–36 m/min Hoist partial load 0–36 m/min
Gantry drive 0–100 m/min Gantry drive 0–100 m/min
Trolley drive 0–100 m/min Trolley drive 0–100 m/min
Slewing ~1.5 U/min Slewing 1.5 U/min

Lifting height 12.9 m Lifting height 12.6 m

Length of rail tracks 340 m Length of rail tracks 580 m

Power consumption Power consumption

Main hoist 180 kW / 60 % ED Main hoist 180 kW / 60 % ED
Gantry drive 24 x 13 kW / 100 % ED Gantry drive 20 x 13 kW / 100 % ED
Trolley drive 4 x 16 kW / 100 % ED Trolley drive 4 x 16 kW / 100 % ED

Dunajska Streda (SK), 21094

Technical Data
Lifting capacity of spreader 37 t
Rail gauge 26 m
Length fixed column 12.20 m
Length pin-ended column 12.20 m

Working speeds
Hoist rated load 0–18 m/min
Hoist partial load 0–36 m/min Hans Kuenz GmbH
6971 Hard - Austria
Gantry drive 0–100 m/min
Phone + 43 5574 6883 0
Trolley drive 0–100 m/min Fax + 43 5574 6883 19
Slewing 0–2 U/min
Lifting height 12.6 m
Length of rail tracks 650 m

Power consumption
Main hoist 180 kW / 60 % ED
Gantry drive 24 x 13 kW / 100 % ED
Trolley drive 4 x 16 kW / 100 % ED

Innovation and Competence

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