General Rules For Units: Infusion Rate Calculations
General Rules For Units: Infusion Rate Calculations
General Rules For Units: Infusion Rate Calculations
Rate Calculations:
General Rules for Units
Drug Group Examples Units
Convert the total dose of drug added to Multiply the specified dose (in mcg/kg/
the syringe to micrograms (mcg) hr) by patient’s weight (in kg)
You can then multiply this by the rate This calculated number will be the
of the infusion (mls/hr) to get the rate required in mls/hr to provide an
dose (in mcg/kg/hr) being delivered infusion at a rate of Х mcg/kg/hr
Infusion Rate Calculations:
What does 1ml/hr of the infusion How do I calculate the rate in mls/hr of
equal in mcg/kg/min? the infusion to deliver Х mcg/kg/min?
Convert the total dose of drug added to Multiply the specified dose (in mcg/kg/
the syringe to micrograms (mcg) min) by patient’s weight (in kg)
You can then multiply this by the rate of the This calculated number will be the rate required
infusion (mls/hr) to get the dose (in mcg/kg/ in mls/hr to provide an infusion at a rate of Х
min) being delivered mcg/kg/min