Sample Estimate Created in Quickbooks Online: Page - 145
Sample Estimate Created in Quickbooks Online: Page - 145
Sample Estimate Created in Quickbooks Online: Page - 145
The Importance of Estimates in QuickBooks Online
An estimate, also known as a quote or a bid, is a document that provides
prospective customers with a list of the products and/or services that you will
provide and how much you will charge. While this form is optional, it helps
potential customers determine if they want to hire you.
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As discussed, you should create estimates in QuickBooks because they assist
potential clients in deciding whether or not to buy your goods/services. An
estimate, quote, or bid serves as written approval to start a job. In addition, it
helps to expedite customer billing and allows you to run reports to compare
estimates versus actuals.
Estimates are not a required transaction for the sales and income accounting
process. No money changes hands when you create an estimate in
QuickBooks, and estimates have no impact on your financial statements.
However, as mentioned previously, it helps potential clients decide whether
or not to hire you and expedites the billing process.
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Navigate to the Customer Center to create estimates in QuickBooks Online
2. Create Estimate
Once the estimate form displays, you will select an existing customer from
the drop-down menu or create a profile for new customers. You must
complete a total of nine fields, which include estimate date and details about
the product/service (such as quantity and rate), as indicated below:
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Estimate form in QuickBooks Online
The fields that you need to complete to create the estimate form, along with
an explanation of how that information will be used by QuickBooks are:
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4. Estimate date – This is the date you are creating the estimate.
QuickBooks will typically default to today’s date, but you can change
this if needed.
5. Product/Service – Select each product/service from the drop-down
list. TIP: If you have not set up the product/service
information yet, you can do so by clicking on the drop-down arrow,
scrolling up to the top of the list, and selecting Add New. A new window
will open up that will allow you to enter your product/service
information. Once you have done this, you can click Save and finish
your estimate.
6. Description – This field will auto-populate based on the
product/service you selected above. However, you can customize this
description by typing directly in this field. TIP: Any custom
description that you enter on this estimate will not update the
description for the product/service. If you want this description to
auto-populate when this product/service is selected, then you need to
update the product/service information.
7. Qty – If applicable, enter the quantity for each product/service.
8. Rate – This field will auto-populate based on the rate you set up for
the product/service selected. If you did not set up a rate, then you can
enter it directly on this form. TIP: Any rate that you enter on this
estimate will not update the rate for the product/service. If you want
this rate to auto-populate when this product/service is selected, then
you need to update the product/service information.
9. Amount – QuickBooks will automatically multiply the quantity and
the rate columns to calculate the amount.
There are four primary statuses for an estimate: pending, accepted, closed,
and rejected. Where you are in the approval process will determine the
estimate status. We will discuss how to manage the status of estimates next.
The four status options, along with a brief explanation of when to use each
one, are:
1. Pending status: Typically, this is the status used when you have
created an estimate and sent it to your customer for approval.
2. Accepted status: Once your customer has approved the estimate, it
moves from pending status to accepted.
3. Closed status: Once you have invoiced your customer in full, then
QuickBooks will mark the estimate as closed.
4. Rejected status: If you send a customer an estimate and they do not
approve it, it would be considered an estimate that has been rejected.
TIP: You’re probably wondering why you would keep an estimate that has
been rejected by a customer. Sometimes customers change their mind and
decide later on that they want to purchase the product/service. In that case,
you can quickly locate the estimate, make any changes requested by the
customer, and change the status to accepted. This will save you time because
you won’t have to create the estimate from scratch.
3. Preview Estimate
Once you have completed all of the necessary fields, you can do a print
preview to see what the estimate will look like.
Listed below are the fields that you need to complete to send the estimate via
email along with an explanation of how that information will be used
by QuickBooks:
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Save to Send Email
Once you have made any necessary changes to the email, select the save to
send queue and close button as indicated below. The estimate will be
attached to the email as a PDF document.
Once you are ready to invoice your customer, just click this button(in the
screenshot above) and it will copy all of the information on your estimate to
an invoice.
Wrap Up
That wraps up How to Create Estimates in QuickBooks Online. In our
next tutorial, we will walk through the importance of invoices, their impact
on your financial statements, and How to Create and Send Invoices.
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