Cadm - Set 2
Cadm - Set 2
Cadm - Set 2
8 CO2-K 2
9 CO2-K 2
10 CO2- K 2
PART – B (5 x 13 = 65 Marks)
Q.No Question CO-K Max.
Level Marks
(b) Explain product life cycle with suitable block diagram. CO1-K 13
14 (a) CO2-K 13
(b) CO2- K 13
PART – C (1 x 15 = 15 marks)
Q.No Question CO-K Max.
Level Marks
16 (a) Rotate the rectangle A(0,0), B(2,0), C(2,2), D(0,2) shown in CO1-K1 15
figure. 30ᵒ counter clockwise about its centroid and find the
new coordinates of the rectangle.
CG (1,1)
(b) The average part produced in a certain batch manufacturing C01 –K5 15
plant must be processed sequentially through six matches on
average. There are 20 new batches of parts launched each week.
Other pertinent data are as follows:
Average operation time = 6 minutes
Average setup time = 5 hours
Average batch size = 25 parts
Average non-operation time per batch = 10 hr/ machine
There are 18 machines in the plant working in a parallel. Each
of the machines can be setup for any type of job processed in
the plant. The plant operates an average of 70 production hours
per week. Scrap rate is neglibile.
a. Determine the manufacturing lead time for an average plant
b. Determine the production rate.
c.Determine the plant capactity.
d.Determine the plant utilization.
e. Determine the average level of work in process(number of
parts in process) in the plant
PART-A (20)
PART-B (65) Signature of Invigilator
PART-C (15)