304SS WR Spiral Wound Gasket

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GASKET MATERIAL Lamons SpiraSeal Gaskets are color coded

304 Stainless Steel – Color Code Yellow on the entire outside edge of the centering
ring, permitting identification of the winding
materials at a glance, whether the gasket is
in storedhouse stock or installed between
flanges. The metal is designated by a solid
color. Filler materials, are indentified by a
number of stripes placed at equal intervals
around the outside edge of the centering
ring. These colors conform to the Industry
Standard for metal and filler materials.

GASKET STYLE Style WR gaskets consist of a winding with a

Style WR solid metal outer guide ring. These gaskets
can be used on plain flat face flanges and on
raised face flanges. The outer guide ring
serves to center the gasket properly in the
flange joint, acts as an anti-blowout device,
provides radial support for the Spiral Wound
components, and acts as a compression
gauge to prevent the Spiral Wound
component from being crushed. Normally the
outer guide rings are furnished in mild steel,
but can be supplied in other metal when
required by operating conditions.


Nominal pipe size

Pressure rating

Winding metal

ASME 816.20 or

Filler material

Style WR Gaskets have a spiral wound sealing section with a solid metal
Centering rings of "SpiraSeal" Style
WR Gaskets are stamped with information
outer ring. These self-centering gaskets with a built-in compression gauge
as shown in the illustration above. Other in- are used to seal:
'-" formation such as special inner or outer
ring material may also be stamped on the
a. Raised face and raised face slip-on joints
outer ring. b. Plain or flat face joints
c. Van Stone joints
d. Lapped joints
e. Welding neck flanged joints
"SpiraSeal" Style WR Gaskets are available in standard sizes for
ASME 816.5 Flanges in petrochemical and refinery piping in accor-
dance with ASME 816.20, in all sizes and pressure ratings covered by
these standards. This type gasket is also available in standard sizes to MIL-
G-24716and DIN specifications.
Standard Style WR Gaskets are manufactured of Type 304 Stainless Steel
winding and <:;:hlorocarb@ (non-asbestos) non-metallic filler. Lamons stan-
dard non-asbestos material Chlorocarb@(Mica-Graphite) performs similarly
to asbestos in many applications. Additional technical data and specifica-
tions are available on request. Standard WR Gaskets are fabricated and
stocked for all sizes and series. WR Gaskets are available on special order
with a choice of any metal winding and non-metallic filler listed on page 2.
Sealing members of Standard "SpiraSeal" WR Gaskets are manufactured
to a thickness of .175", :1:0.005"measured across the metal windings. Op-
timum compression ranges from a thickness of .125" to.135", dependent
upon flange finishes and operating conditions. Within this range, compres-
sion of the gasket provides adequate seating loads and further ad-
justments can be made. Simple feeler gauge measurements may be used
to determine compression where precision is required.
Unless otherwise specified, the standard gauge ring thickness is 0.117" to
0.131".The carbon steel gauge ring is an integral part of this spiral wound
gasket. It performs the following important functions:
'-' a. Centers the gasket in the joint
b. Furnishes extra radial strength to help prevent gasket blow-out
c. Resistsatmospheric conditions
d. Helps prevent overcompression of the sealing element



Guide Ring 0.D.:I:.030


Across metai lt ~f1ner..l. . - b~
windings I....
FlUer O.D. . note a


(Dimensions Per ASME 816.20 for ASME 816.5 Flanges) *Not listed in ASME 816.20


Pipe 900,1500 LD O.D.
Size 150,300 LD. O.D. LD. O.D. LD.
400,600 2500 O.D. ILD. O.DJ I.D. O.D. ILD. O.D.I
.V4. 8 - V2 13/4 V2 13/4 '/2 1314 V2 13/4
1/2 1V4 1114 3/4 H8 3/4 2V8 3/4 2V8 3/4 2V8 3/4 23/4

3/4 10/16 1 2V4 1 25/8 1 2% 1 2% 1 3


1 H8 He 1V4 2% 1% 28 1V4 28 1% 28 1% 3%

1% 23/8 23/8 H8 3 H8 3V4 H8 3V4 1 8 3V4 19/16 4V8

1'/2 23/4 23/4 2V8 33/8 2V8 3¥4 2V8 34 2V8 34 1 8 45/8

2 33/8 33/8 23/4 4V8 23/4 43/8 23/4 43/8 23/4 43/8 25/16 53/4
2V2 38 38 3% 48 3V4 5V8 3% 5 V8 3V4 5 V8 23/4 65/8

3 43/4 43/4 4 53/8 4 57/8 4 57/8 4 57/8 3% 73/4

3V2' 5V4 5V4 4V2 63/8 4'/2 6V2 4V8 63/8 4V8 63/8

4 58 58 5 67/8 5 7V8 43/4 7 43/4 7% 43/4 8V8 45/8 8V4

5 7 7 6V8 73/4 6V8 8V2 513/,6 83/8 513/169112 5'3/16 93/4 5% 10
6 8V4 8% 7311683/4 73/,6 98 68 93/4 67/8 10112 68 113/8 63/4 11118
8 103/8 10V8 93/16 11 93/16 12V8 88 12 88 12% 83/4 14118 8112 138

10 12V2 12% 115/16133/8 115/,614% 1013/,614V8 10'3/16153/4 108 17V8

12 143/4 141/2 133/816V8 133/816% 128 16V2 128 18 123/4195/8
14 16 153/4 145/8173/4 14% 19V8 14V419 14V4 193/8 14 201/2
16 18% 18 16% 20% 165/821% 16V421118 16V422% 16% 225/8

18 203/4 201/2 18'Y1621% 18'Y1623V2 18V2233/8 18'/2 24V8

20 223/4 22V2 201Y16 238 20'Y16253/4 201/225V2 201/2268
24 27 263/4 243/428% 243/430'/2 243/430% 243/431V8

616.20 calls for the use of inner rings on these sizes of gaskets to prevent over compression damage which might occur due to the
high available bolt loading. See page 13 for dimensions of inner rings. The purchaser should specify the material desired for inner ring
a The gasket outside-diameter tolerance for NPS 1/2 through NPS 8 is :1:0.03,for NPS 10 through NPS 24. +0.06 inch, -0.03 Inch.
b The gasket inside-diameter tolerance for NPS 1/2 through NPS 8 is :1:0.016,for NPS 10 through NPS 24, :1:0.03inch.
c ASME 616.20 calls for the use of inner rings with PTFE filled Spiral wound gaskets in all sizes and Pressure classes.

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