English Grammar: Angelica Yan M. 216 4234
English Grammar: Angelica Yan M. 216 4234
English Grammar: Angelica Yan M. 216 4234
Grammar are rules that we have to use in all languages to have an effective
communication, are compounds by articles, pronouns and verbs and guide
us to use in a specific Grammatical tense. Every sentence requires a subject
and a verb to be complete.
The Sentence.
A group of word that makes a complete sense or expresses a complete though,
each Sentence begins with a capital letter and each ends with a full stop, typically
containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation,
or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more
subordinate clauses.
There are four kind of sentences:
Declarative Sentences
A sentence that simply affirms or denies something.
Interrogative Sentences
A sentence that asks a question.
Imperative Sentences
A sentence that expresses a command, advise or prohibition.
Exclamatory Sentences.
A sentence that expresses strong feeling.
The Subject.
Is the naming part of a sentence, a person, place, thing, or idea that is being
discussed, described or performing the action of the verb. Without a subject, we
would have an action being done by no one or nothing simply happening on its
own, which cannot happen.
The Predicate.
Is the telling part, the predicate provides information about the subject, such as
what the subject is, what the subject is doing, or what the subject is like .
Simple Subject.
A simple subject is the most important word in the complete subject often
have modifiers before or after it, but, once these are removed, the word left is the
simple subject.
Example: My little Brother broke his finger.
(Little is describing Brother)
Simple Predicate.
A simple predicate is a grammatical construct (part of a sentence) that typically
refers to the action that the subject is performing. The simple predicate (simple
verb) is a single word (or group of words if a verb phrase) representing the verb
without any of its modifiers whereas a complete predicate refers to the
Example: The piece of candy tasted great
(The word Tasted asks yourself what did the piece of paper do or tasted)
Compound subject.
A sentence that have more than one subject , In a compound subject, the simple
subjects are joined by words like "and," "or," or "nor" (called coordinate
conjunctions) or pairings like "either/or" and "neither/nor" (called correlative
Example: Lindsay and Mariah are great friends.
Compound Predicate.
A compound predicate has two actions for the same subject. In other words, the
subject of the sentence is doing more than one action. The easiest way to identify
a compound predicate is to look for a compound verb, which occurs when two or
more verbs share the same subject.
Simple sentence.
A simple sentence shows one complete idea which means it has one subject and
one predicate.
Example: A cat chased a mouse
Subject + predicate
Compound Sentence.
A compound sentence is made when two or more simple sentence are joined
together with a conjunction, a conjunction is like a bridge that connects two
sentences, like, but, so and because. Dont forget to put a comma before the
conjunction when joining two full sentences.
Example: A cat chased a mouse, but the mouse ran into a hole.
The basic parts of a sentence are the subject, the verb, and (often,
but not always) the object. The subject is usually a noun a word that
names a person, place, or thing. The verb (or predicate) usually
follows the subject and identifies an action or a state of being. An
object receives the action and usually follows the verb.