641-Article Text-1552-1-10-20200214
641-Article Text-1552-1-10-20200214
641-Article Text-1552-1-10-20200214
Objectives: To evaluate the activities the anticancer of n-hexane extract of Avicennia marina leaves on WiDr cells in down-
regulated of expression of Akt2 and VEGFR2 genes.
Methods: Avicennia marina leaves were dried and extracted with n-hexane, analyzed the down-regulated Akt 2 and VEGFR2
expression which was determined the Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) method.
Results: N-hexane extract of Avicennia marina, in which there were down regulated expression Akt 2 and VEGFR2 of 0.43 and
0.50 WiDr cells. N-hexane extract of mangrove leaves has cancer chemoprevention activity with down-regulated on WiDr cells.
Conclusions: :N-hexane extract of Avicennia marina leaves had anticancer activity with down-regulated on WiDr cells, suggest
that significantly inhibit the expression of Akt2 and VEGFR2 genes.
A R T I C L E I N F O: 01 Nov 2019 Received; Review Completed 21 Jan. 2019; Accepted 24 Jan 2020; Available online 15 Feb. 2020
ancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell
defined as a plant or shrub distribution in intertidal zone of
growth. Cancer cells may avoid apoptotic and signals
tropical and sub-tropical regional3. Polyisoprenoid is
that suppress growth, the ability to form new blood
secondary metabolites found in mangroves, classified as
vessels (angiogenesis), and the ability to invade and
dolichol and polyprenol on mangrove leaves and roots. So
metastasize1. Chemotherapy agents is one of the treatments
far studies reporting pharmacological activity in
for colon cancer in addition to surgery and radiation therapy.
polyisoprenoid of mangrove species is still limited, so it is
Chemotherapy agents used today generally not only to
important to achieve the prospects, potential and mechanisms
suppress the growth or proliferation of cancer cells while
polyisoprenoid in mangroves as a natural ingredient of
causing toxicity to the body but also inhibit the proliferation
pharmaceutical and medication4.
of normal cell division, including the bone marrow,
gastrointestinal mucosa, hairfall, and lymphocyte tissue. This Studies that polyisoprenoid in mangrove leaves Nypa
condition raises concerns about various side effects caused fruticans induced the cancer cell cycle inhibition of
by the use of conventional chemotherapeutic agents, such as adenocarcinoma of the colon WiDr cell in G2/M phase and
heart (cardiotoxic) disorders, nausea, diarrhea and reduce the percentage of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL5. It has been also
suppression of the immune system and the occurrence of reported that polyisoprenoid of A. marina and A. lanata
resistance, thus increasing people's interest in using leaves have anticancer colon activity. Polyisoprenoid of A.
traditional medicines2. marina have IS value of 5.195 (> 3) that is highly selective.
ISSN: 2320-4850 [1] CODEN (USA): AJPRHS
Qurrohman et al Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2019; 8(1): 01-04
This polyisoprenoid extract has a mechanism of inhibition of Preparation of isolation polyisoprenoid alcohols
cell cycle at G0-G1 phase, and Apoptotic phase analysis
Powder simplicia mangrove leaves of Avicennia marina (500
occurs in the early apoptotic phase on the WiDr cells with
g) was macerated with a mixture of chloroform: methanol
flow cytometry method6.
(2:1, v/v) for 48 h. Non-saponified lipid extracts of leaves
Activation of Akt, the major downstream effector of PI3K, is incubated of 65⁰C for 24h in 86% ethanol containing KOH 2
frequently observed in human cancers7. The Akt kinase M. Non-saponified lipid parts were further diluted with n-
family is composed of three members, Akt1, Akt2 and Akt3. hexane, and the solvent was evaporated. Then redissolved in
Akt1 and Akt2 are ubiquitously expressed, whereas Akt3 has n-hexane, a concentrated dried extract was obtained13.
a more limited tissue distribution [8]. Elevated Akt2
expression positively correlates with aggressiveness of Isolation WiDr Cells
cancer and poor survival rates [9]. Amplification and over Cell lines and cell culture conditions (WiDr cells), isolated
expression of Akt2 is frequently detected in a number of human colon cancer cells from the large intestine of 78-year-
human tumors. The distribution of PI3K/Akt pathway old women was provided by the Laboratory of Parasitology
component expression in human colorectal adenocarcinomas. collection, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University,
Regulatory and p110, catalytic subunits of PI3K in colon Yogyakarta, Indonesia. WiDr cell lines was cultured in
cancer cell growth using an RNAi approach10. RPMI 1640 medium, and supplement with 10% (v/v) fetal
VEGF binding to the extracellular domain of the VEGFR bovine serum (FBS), 1% penicillin and streptomycin,
results in dimerization and autophosphorylation of the fungizone 0.5%, and in a 37°C incubator with 5% CO 2 14.
intracellular tyrosine kinases. This activates multiple Analysis of genes expression in vitro with RT-PCR
downstream proteins that play functional roles in cell
survival, proliferation vascular permeability and stabilization The expression of the genes was examined Reverse
of new blood vessels. For example, VEGF induces Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT- PCR)
endothelial cell proliferation by activating the protein kinase method. Total RNA was extracted from the control and
Ras-MEK-ERK pathway. The pro-survival effects of cultured cells using the Total RNA Mini Kit (Geneaid)
VEGF/VEGFR-2 are mediated by the PI3K/AKT pathway11. according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Total RNA was
Recent studies indicate that VEGFR are also expressed by reverse-transcribed with 1 µg random primer and
some tumor cells and may represent an additional target 12. ReverTraAce (Toyobo) to produce a cDNA in a total volume
of 20 µl for 10 min at 30ºC, 60 min at 42ºC, and 5 min at
The goals of our current study were to extend the analysis of 99ºC according to manufacturer’s procedure. The resulting
Akt isoforms in colorectal carcinoma as well as metastatic cDNA mixture was diluted TE buffer and directly used for
tumors and to identify which specific steps in the metastatic the subsequent PCRs.
process are Akt2 dependent. Therefore, Akt2 appears to play
a critical role in the establishment of metastases in colorectal PCR consisted of 35 amplification cycles, and each cycle
cancer. Furthermore, concurrent PTEN down-regulation was carried out for 30s at 95°C, 1 min at annealing
Akt2 expression led to metastatic phenotype acquisition in temperature (58°C for beta-actin), (55°C for Akt-2) and
colon cancer cells that are non-metastatic. This study, (60°C for VEGFR2), and 1min at 72°C in a thermal cycle
therefore, aimed to test of biological and pharmacological (ProFlex 3x 32-well PCR System, Applied Biosystems).
activities for the treatment of colon cancer from Avicennia The beta-actin housekeeping gene was used as an internal
marina polyisoprenoid in terms of the cycle and gene control to standardise the relative expression levels for all
expression of Akt2 and VEGFR2 using the Reverse bio markers15. The semi-quantitative RT-PCR product was
Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) observed using 2% agarose gel and stained with ethidium
method. bromide. The bands were documented using the image
scanner Doc XR Gel (Bio-Rad)16. The oligonucleotide
primers for Akt2, VEGFR2 and beta-actin were shown in
Plant material Table1.
Mangrove leaves of Avicennia marina were collected the
village of Lubuk Kertang, District West Brandan, Langkat,
North Sumatra. Indonesia.
Table 1: Mouse oligonucleotide primers sequences used for RT-PCR (5-3’) and anealing temperature.
Gene Primer Sequences Size (bp) Temp (oC)
105 58
315 55
87 60
B-actin 105
Akt2 315
Figure 1. Effect Avicennia marina on Expression gene in WiDr cells. The Total RNA were isolated and RT-PCR was performed using the indicate primers
material and method (a) Control cell, (b ) Avicennia marina (c) 5-Fu
Figure 1 shows the semi-quantitative expression of the Akt 2, Avicennia marina. Beta-actin produced an amplification of
VEGFR2 and Beta-actin genes of Avicennia marina which 105 bp. Illustrates the Akt2 expression band with 315 bp of
were analyzed based on base pairs of each gene with RT- PCR product, VEGFR2 expression band with 87 bp of PCR
PCR. Beta actin as housekeeping gene showed stability product, in which 5-FU showed a clear band.
expression in cell control, 5-Fu as positive control of
Table 2:The value density of genes expression after treatment with WiDr cells.
No Gene Control cell A. marina 5-Fu
1 Beta-actin 1.00± 0.00 0.72 ±0.02 0.75 ±0.03
2 Akt2 1.00±0.00 0.43±0.01 0.50± 0.02
3 VEGFR2 1.00±0.00 0,50 ± 0,03 0,58 ±0.02
Table 2 showed that down-regulation values Akt 2 and preferentially favors persistence and growth of metastases.
VEGFR2 gene expression. The dolichol content of Avicennia PI3K/Akt inhibitors are under development as anti-cancer
marina showed the most down-regulated results in the Akt 2 therapy or have been approved for treatment of certain
and VEGFR2 genes. The value of gene expression in human cancers21.
Avicennia marina on control cells had a significant
VEGFR2 was largely and strongly expressed in cancer cells
difference with P <0.05. Akt is well-known major regulatory
in 203 colon cancer tissues, suggesting that it may have
signaling cascade that control cell proliferation, metabolism
another role in cancer cell biology aside from being a
and survival of cancer cells18. Therefore, several inhibitors,
vasculature-restricted receptor. In addition, in accordance
have been developed and used for treatment to induced
with a previous study, which demonstrated significant
apoptotic in cancer cells19-20. Our results indicated that the
association of VEGFR2 expression with poor tumor
expression levels of Akt-2 were down regulated as evident
histological differentiation in 128 colorectal adenocarcinoma
from the RT-PCR assay.
tissues, the present study showed that VEGFR2 expression
The oncogenic potential of Akt2 identified in this study correlated significantly with differentiation, metastasis, and
suggests that the frequent amplification and up-regulation of poor diagnosis22. In this regard, with its capacity to enhance
this kinase in colorectal cancer plays an important role of tumor cells into endothelial cells, VEGFR2 may be
during metastatic colonization. Results from our study advantageous for tumor progression. In summary, colon
suggest that colorectal cancer cells required Akt2 over cancer cells can trans differentiation along endothelial
expression and PTEN inactivation during separate steps of lineages, both morphologically and functionally. More
the metastatic process. Activated Akt2 appears to influence importantly, this study indicated critical role of VEGFR2 in
the metastatic phenotype by promoting extravasation at the promoting endothelial differentiation of colon cancer cells.
secondary metastatic sites, whereas PTEN deficiency
ISSN: 2320-4850 [3] CODEN (USA): AJPRHS
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