Manuscript of CML-Imatinib- Article
Manuscript of CML-Imatinib- Article
Manuscript of CML-Imatinib- Article
Alireza Khoshid
Department of Hematology
Saeed Abroun
Faezeh Ghanati
Modern and ancient medical sciences should be used to treat cancer. Herbal medicine is well
known among the ancient medical sciences. Healing properties have been observed in some
species of Daphne. The presence of some species of Daphne in Iran motivated us to evaluate the
The effect of Daphne plant extract on the k-562 cell line has been previously studied, and Gleevec
is a well-known and effective drug in the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia. In this
study, the simultaneous effect of using herbal medicine and a targeted therapy drug on the k-562
as a new anticancer medicinal plant was evaluated. The K-562 cells responded to extract treatments
in a dose-dependent manner, and the MIC and the IC50 of the crude extract were calculated. The
cell viability was quantitated by MTT assay, and Daphne extract could effectively decrease the
viability of the cell line. Changes in Bax and Bcl2 gene expression were investigated using real-
time PCR. Apoptotic and necrotic changes of cells membrane were examined using the flow
cytometry method. The MIC and IC50 concentration of Daphne extract combine with Imatinib
were tested on the K-562 cell line. The necrotic effect of Daphne extract was evaluated by Flow
cytometry of Annexin, P.I., and an increase in gene expression of Bax and Bcl2 was observed in
cells exposed to the Daphne extract. The combination of Daphne extracts with Imatinib shows
1. Introduction
Plant natural products are a valuable source of therapeutic agents with a wide range of mechanisms
of action (1). Daphne Mucronata Royle is a wild plant of the Thymelaeaceae family, distributed in
several regions of Iran, and popularly, it is known as Kheweshk in Kermanshah province (2). It
has been used in the treatment of skin disorders traditionally (2). Literature search reveals that
different species of Daphne, such as mezereum, genkawa, olidoies, and odora have an excellent
Mazarine component of Daphne mezereum has shown cytotoxic activity, Odoricin is a new
nematocidal compound from Daphne odora, and daphnetin-8-glycoside from Daphne acuminate
possesses cardiotoxic activity (4). Some species of the genus Thymelaeaceae have long been used
in traditional medicine in various countries like China, Iran, and Pakistan as valuable remedies and
have been increasingly used as a pain reliever. Some active compounds of the Daphne genus have
The first targeted therapy in CML was Imatinib, which was marketed under the Gleevec brand and
led to many advances in the treatment of patients with CML and Increased overall survival so,
most patients continued to live up to 5 years without any clinical complications (6). This drug can
be considered as the first targeted therapy in leukemia. The protein from the combination of ABL
and BCR genes causes the production of a protein called tyrosine kinase, which activates a number
of intracellular proteins that are associated with increased cell proliferation (6). Imatinib has an
inhibitory effect on tyrosine kinase and binds specifically to tyrosine kinase encoded by the BCR-
ABL gene. The cancer cells that have been injected with this drug no longer are able to survive
and multiply, and they thereby undergo apoptosis (7). Imatinib keeps the disease in the dormant
phase for several years, but mortality from chronic myelogenous leukemia is still high (8). This
study tries to increase the effectiveness of Imatinib by examining the effect of Daphne extract and
its combination with Imatinib and investigating the intracellular mechanism of Daphne cytotoxic
effect. This study has evaluated the cytotoxic effects of Daphne extract on Chronic myelogenous
leukemia cells. To understand the mechanisms of cytotoxicity, Flow cytometry of Annexin, P.I.
and the changes in gene expression of proteins involved in the apoptosis cascade, including BCL2
Apoptosis is called programmed cell death, and different proteins are involved in the process of
cell death (8). Some of these proteins prevent cell death by increasing the amount, and others
induce cell death. Bcl2 is a protein that has an anti-apoptotic role, and Bax is a pro-apoptotic
protein (8).
Daphne shrubs grow in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains in Kermanshah province. Daphne's
leaves were collected from shrubs in June (2). The identification feature of this plant this month
is small white flowers, and Herbarium Botanists of Tehran University approved this plant.
The powdered dried leaves (500 g) of the plant were soaking in pure dichloromethane (CH2Cl2)
for 24 h at Room temperature. The whole extract was filtered, and the solvent was evaporated
under reduced pressure at 40–45◦C, then extracted using a soxhlet extractor for 48 h. The extract
was filtered and concentrated under reduced pressure in a Rotary Flash Evaporator, which yielded
2% (10 g) of dry extract (3). The extracts were stored at 4◦C until analysis.
RPMI-1640(Sigma- Germany), Fetal Bovine Serum [FBS] (Gibco, Germany), streptomycin and
penicillin (Gibco, Germany), dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO] (Sigma, USA), cryovial, T25 & T75
(jetbiofil), centrifuge (Eppendorf), the fluorescent probe Annexin, propidium iodide (P.I.), Silica
gel 60 (230-400 mesh)for column chromatography and TLC silica gel 60 F254from Merck
(Darmstadt, Germany); cDNA (CinnaGen), Real-time PCR (Amplicon), RNA RNX plus
(CinnaGen), 2X PCR Master Mix ( EmeraldAmp MAX PCR), Ladder (50 bp) Fermentas.
The residue was fractionated on a silica gel column (40x 1.5 cm) using diethyl ether: chloroform
mixture (8:2, 6:4 and finally 4:6, v/v) as the eluting solvents, into three fractions. The active
component was purified from the second fraction using TLC techniques. The molecular weight of
the purified compound was 662 mass units, using FAB/MS. The purity of the isolated compound
The human leukemic cell line K562 was obtained from Pasteur Institute (Tehran, Iran) and
maintained in RPMI-1640 medium with 10% v/v fetal bovine serum and 100 u/ml penicillin and
100 mg/ml streptomycin at 37◦C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2and 95% of air. About
5×103 K562 cells were seeded in each well of a 96-microwell plate and treated with various
concentrations of extract of Daphne, and the cultured cells were sub-cultured twice a week.
Cell viability was determined by MTT assay (9). K562 cells (5 ×103 cells/well) were seeded to a
96-well culture plate and cultured with and without extract and curcumin taken as standard (
20ug/ml) for 24 hr. At the end of treatment, 20 ul of MTT (5 mg/ml in PBS) was added to each
well and incubated for an additional three h at 37 ◦C. Supernatants of wells were taken out, the
formazan crystals were dissolved in 100 ul of DMSO, and the Optical density values (O.D.
absorption) were read at 570 nm using a multi-well plate reader (Statfax 2000, Awareness). Percent
inhibition of proliferation was calculated as a fraction of control (without extract). Cell viabilities
Viability (%) = 100 × (OD sample – OD blank) / (OD negative control – OD blank).
2.6. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration and IC50
The cytotoxicity of Daphne extract was evaluated by MTT assay so, MIC and IC50 was calculated
using Graph Pad Software (Graph Pad Prism version 5 software) with three replicates for each
concentration of Daphne extract. The stock solution of extract was prepared at 0.5 mg/ml in DMSO
Propidium Iodide and Annexin V-FITC dyes were used to evaluate apoptosis and necrosis using
the flow cytometry technique (10). In cells undergoing apoptosis, phospholipids increase in the
outer layer of the membrane and bind to Annexin, and are detectable by green fluorescence. P.I.
cannot cross the membrane of healthy cells and binds to DNA in dying cells (apoptosis or
necrosis), and is detectable by red fluorescence. In this method, healthy cells do not stain, and
apoptotic cells get both colors, and necrotic cells only get P.I. color (11).
2.7.RNA Extraction
Total RNA was extracted using TRIZOL (Invitrogen, USA) reagent, according to the protocols.
For RT-PCR analysis of both gene expression and quality, the NanoDrop UV-VIS 2000C
spectrophotometer (THERMO, USA) was determined. RNA quality parameters recommended for
RT-PCR analysis include UV SPECTROSCOPY A260/280 ratio of 1.8 - 2.0 and A260/A230 ratio
24 and after treatment with Daphne mucronate extract, cDNA was determined using the
SYBERGREEN q RT-PCR kit (Invitrogen, USA) according to the protocols from the total RNA.
PCR reaction was performed using reverse primers and forward primer for each gene
(Takapouzist, Tehran, Iran). The β-actin as a housekeeping gene was used to normalize the cDNA
variation. The sequence of forwarding and reverse primers for PCR was designed based on
previous studies. Primer sequence for training: BAX forward primer: 5`-
3. Results
The anti-proliferative effects of Daphne mucronata on cancer cell lines K562 were evaluated by
MTT assay. A dose-dependent decrease in the growth of cancer cells was observed with increasing
concentrations. The minimum inhibitory concentration is the concentration of the extract that
prevents the increase in the number of cells after being added to the cells for a specified period of
time. In the control sample, an increase in the number of cells was observed after 24 hours. At a
concentration of 500 ng, the number of cells did not increase after 24 hours. IC50 is a concentration
of Daphne extract that reduces the cell population to half after a specific time period, so 7ug/ml is
3.2.Microscope examination
Morphologic change of K-562 cells after treatment with daphne extract analyzed under a
microscope. Pyknotic change after 24 hr has been seen in the number of cells, and ruptured cell
has been seen after 48 hr. Apoptosis or programmed cell death is recognized by characteristic
morphological and molecular changes occurring in a cell (9). In order to evaluate the cause of
apoptosis were studied. Daphne extract-treated cells showed prominent morphological changes
like cell shrinkage with rounding of cells and formation of membrane blebs characteristic of
Cell-line before treatment (A). Cells 24hr after Incubation (B). 24hr after treatment with 500 ng/ml
extract (C). 28hr after treatment with 500ng/ml extract (D). 24hr after treatment with 7ug/ml
The concentration of Imatinib, which can reduce viable cell population to 50% after 24 hours, was
calculated. Then, this concentration of Imatinib combined with different concentrations of Daphne
extract on K-562 cells. The results show that this combination of imatinib and daphne extract
changes significantly in the cell population. The Anti-proliferative effect of Imatinib could
Flow cytometry assay results show that cells at different concentrations of Daphne extract were
24hr. Gating of the cell population (A). K-562 without treatment – Normal Control (B). Treatment
with 125ng/ml Daphne extract (C). Treatment with 256 ng/ml Daphne extract (D). Treatment with
500ug/ml Daphne extract (E). Treatment with 1ug/ml Daphne extract (F).
Combination treats of K-562 cell line with Imatinib and Daphne extract show that some
populations of cells were apoptotic, and some populations were necrotic. The rate of necrosis in
cell line after 24h. A control population of cell line(A). Imatinib (1uM) treatment (B). Combination
of Imatinib with 500ng/ml Daphne extract (C). Combination of Imatinib with 1ug/ml Daphne
Bax proteins possess a crucial function in controlling cytochrome C release and apoptosis initiation
via the mitochondrial pathway (12). The vast majority of K562 cells in the untreated control were
healthy. By contrast, treatment by Daphne extracts resulted in marked necrotic induction in a dose-
dependent manner. Treatment with Daphne extract that blocks cell division led to a change in Bax
The ratio of Bax to Bcl-2 acts as an indicator for the cell apoptosis pathway. Bax/Bcl-2 Ratio could
clearly show the cell's tendency to apoptosis pathway, so an increase in Bax/Bcl-2 ratio conduct
cell to apoptosis, and a decrease in this ratio causes cell resistance to apoptosis (13).
Fig-7. Bax to Bcl-2 ratio in K-562 cell after treatment with Imatinib and different concentrations
of Daphne extract.
4. Discussion
The plant extract and the purified active component of Daphne extract could inhibit the
proliferation of the K-562 cell lines (5). This study investigated the effects of Daphne mucronata
extract to establish the scientific validation and understand the molecular mechanism behind these
folk claims.
Effect of Daphne mucronata on cancer cell lines K562 was carried by MTT assay. 500ng/ml
concentration of Daphne extract can inhibit cell proliferation. Daphne Extract can reduce cell
viability to half (IC50) at 7ug/ml concentration on K562 cell lines. Hence further studies to
confirm molecular mechanisms were carried on K562 cells. One of the biochemical features of
apoptotic cells is the expression of cell surface markers achieved by flip-flop movement of the P.S.
from the inner membrane to the outer membrane of the plasma membrane (11). Results from flow
cytometry assay demonstrated that the Annexin and P.I. positive cells indicated induction of
apoptosis by Imatinib. On the other hand, P.I. positive cell indicated induction of necrosis by the
Daphne extract (11). This study also explored the underlying molecular events occurring due to
Daphne extract treatment. Increase gene expression of Bax and reduction of Bcl-2 is an expected
outcome from the apoptosis process (13). K-562 cell line that was treated with Imatinib shows
these changes in gene expression that indicate the apoptosis effect of Imatinib on the K-562 cell
line. But K-562 cell that was treated with Daphne shows an increase in Bax and Bcl-2 gene
expression. Although flow cytometry result indicates and necrosis effect of Daphne extract, so
increase in gene expression of Bax along with Bcl-2 could demonstrate a necrosis prosses. It is
previously thought that necrosis is an alternative process of cell death. Recent studies suggest that
necrosis is a planned cell death process—one of the genes that increase its expression in both
apoptosis and necrosis in the Bax gene. However, Bcl2 gene expression decreases in the process
of apoptosis and should increase in necrosis. The current study clearly indicates that Daphne
extract could be a potent anti-leukemia agent against chronic myeloid leukemia cells, K-562 cell
line. Daphne extract decreases in cell viability after combination with Imatinib. So Imatinib's effect
on the treatment of CML disease could be increased in combination with Daphne extract. The
natural plant component has a lower clinical indication in comparison to the chemical component.
Daily consumption of Imatinib in CML patients can cause resistance to Imatinib after five years,
and many patients die after the recurrence of the disease (14). Combination treatment of patients
would be an effective method to overcome resistance and reduce daily Imatinib consumption dose
5. Conclusion
Imatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor that uses for target therapy of chronic myelogenous
leukemia. The median survival rate of CML patients with Imatinib treatment is five years. But
many patients died after the recurrence of the disease and became resistant to Imatinib. Results of
this study show that daphne extract has an anti-proliferative effect on the K-562 cell line. A
combination of daphne extract and Imatinib shows an excess reduction in the cell population.
However, Daphne extract cause cell to became necrosis but this necrosis process cause change in
gene expression. Patterns of gene expression were different in cells treated with daphne extract in
comparison to Imatinib treatment. Combine treatment of patients with Imatinib and daphne can
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