Instructions Complete
Instructions Complete
Instructions Complete
Complete kit
This document describes the assembly and use of uStepper Robot Arm 4
complete kit.
No. of axes 3
1x 1x 6x
8 15
1x 16
4 11
5 1x
6 2x
Bill Of Materials
7 x M3 nut
1 x shoulder bolt 7379-8-M6-20
1 x Tube 15 mm x 155 mm
16 x M3 SL nut
5 x 608ZZ Bearing
2 x Tube 6 mm x 170 mm
1 x Tube 6 mm x 180 mm 8 x M4 SL nut
12 x 624ZZ Bearing
2 x M3 x 6 mm
1 x 51105 Bearing
2 x M6 SL nut
26 x M3 x 10 mm
1 x F8-16M Bearing
5 x M4 washer
7 x M3 x 20 mm
1 x 60 cm Servo Cable
M3 x 10 mm
M3 x 20 mm
M3 x 25 mm
M4 x 20 mm
M4 x 35 mm
M6 x 20 mm
M6 x 55 mm
M3 nut
M4 nut
M6 nut
Robot Arm Assembly
1x 1x
1x 1x 1x 5x 1x
2 Motor wire
M6 SL M8
1x 1x 1x 1x
M3x10 M3
1x 1x 4x 1x 1x
1x 2x 1x
M3x10 M3
2x 1x
Bottom View
1x 1x
M3x10 M3
1x 4x 1x 1x
M3 SL M3x20 7
2x 2x 2x 1x 1x
M3x10 M3
2x 1x
M6 M6 SL
1x 1x
M3x10 M3 SL
3x 3x 3x 6x 1x 1x
8 9
M3x25 M3
2x 2x 1x 1x
3x 1x
M4x35 M4 SL M4
1x 1x 3x
M3x10 M3 SL
6x 6x 6x 3x
23 170 mm
180 mm
M4x35 M4x20 M4 SL
1x 4x 5x
180 mm
Robot Arm Gripper Assembly
15 16 17
M3x25 M3
1x 1x
18 M3x20 M3 SL
1x 2x 2x 1x
2x 1x 2x
Make sure that the servo is at the furthest counter clockwise position
M3x20 M3 SL
2x 2x
Robot Arm Gripper Mounting
M4x35 M4x20 M4 SL M4
1x 1x 2x 2x
14 13
6x 1x
M3x20 M3 SL
1x 1x
Robot Arm Electronics
Robot Shield Overview
Master Shield
WiFi comm. module
Slave Shield 1
Master/Slave Bus
Slave Shield 2
Master/Slave Bus
3x 3x
Mount uStepper S using the permanent bracket provided:
1. Remove two motor screws
2. Place encoder magnet on motor shaft
3. Insert nuts into bracket and mount bracket to motor w. two long
4. Secure uStepper S to the bracket with screws
Encoder magnet
Watch the orientation of the
uStepper S drives !
1x 1x 1x
Beware of shield orientation !
Robot Arm Programming
The uStepper Robot Arm complete kit is designed to work with the uStep-
per Robot Arm Arduino library which manages the communication be-
tween the Master controller (with WiFi module) and the two Slaves using
the uStepper Robot Shields. Power is provided for the Master uStepper S
which distributes power and signals to the two Slaves and thus only one
power cord is needed.
With the uStepper Robot Arm 4 complete kit the code comes pre-loaded on
both the WiFi module and the uStepper S boards. While it is important to
install the boards as depicted in the prior the boards automatically detects
if it is a Slave or a Master and thus no programming should be required.
If for some reason there is a need to re-upload the code e.g. because of a
new library version, please go to our GitHub and read the instructions on
how to do this. You can get to the GitHub page by pressing HERE or scan-
ning the QR code below !
Connecting to the Robot Arm UI
Password is “12345679“
When connected simply open up a browser window, type “”
Controlling the Robot Arm
The user interface has a top bar where connection status is shown as well
as a homing button for homing the Robot and a stop button for stopping it.
Controlling the Robot Arm
The Controls section provides two joystick style controls for moving the ro-
bot in the x, y and z coordinate system (see next page). Below this is a but-
ton for activating and de-activating vacuum suction (optional part) and a
slider for rotating the end effector servo.
Controlling the Robot Arm
Controlling the Robot Arm
The Teach mode controls section provides buttons for recording sequences
and playing them back. The recording of a sequence is started by pressing
the record button—see next page for details on how to do the recordings.
Controlling the Robot Arm
After pressing record it lights up red and it is now possible to add positions
as needed. Gripper position changes from one position to another is also
recorded, i.e. pressing record, closing the gripper and pressing record again
will record closing of the gripper. Jobs can be saved to and loaded from an
external source by using the save and upload buttons.
Controlling the Robot Arm
In the right corner a telemetry section is found. The current position read
from the uStepper controllers is displayed here.
Controlling the Robot Arm
The settings section gives the ability to set max and min speed of the
drives, the min and max angle of the servo (the gripper will not use the full
range on all objects) and finally the recorded sequence can be speeded up
by adjusting the speed multiplier.
Controlling the Robot Arm
In the lower right corner a Log is constantly providing feedback from the
system - making it possible to e.g. see the Robot Arm connection status like
shown here.
In depth information
The uStepper Robot Arm uses our own developed Arduino library and is
based on a technical document written by us.
The technical document describes the math behind controlling the Robot
i.e. the kinematics. The documentation is done thoroughly and with focus
on simplicity using trigonometry. The aim is to provide the math on a level
where it is accessible to both hobbyists and students.
The technical document can be accessed by pressing HERE or by scanning
the QR code below:
In depth information
1.1 uStepper ApS and/or ON Development IVS (or any individuals affiliated with either of the two companies) can not be held responsible for any
damage inflicted upon mounting or interfacing with uStepper products This also includes damage to stepper motors (both electrical and mechani-
cal) or any other 3rd party hardware connected to or interfacing with any uStepper products. Most stepper motor cases are made of aluminum,
and care must be taken when preparing the mountings for uStepper.
1.2 uStepper ApS and/or ON Development IVS (or any individuals affiliated with either of the two companies) can not be held responsible for any
damage inflicted upon assembly of the uStepper Robot Arm. This includes damage to 3D printed parts, which must be considered to be of proto-
typing quality compared to injection moulded parts. Care must be taken while assembling 3D printed parts, and use of excessive force may lead to
damage of the parts.
1.3 By using the uStepper products (including, but not limited to, hardware and software) you acknowledge that uStepper ApS and/or ON Deve-
lopment IVS (or any individuals affiliated with either of the two companies) can not be held responsible for any personal injuries and/or damage
to any 3rd party hardware that may occur when using the uStepper products.
1.4 To the extent permitted by law, uStepper ApS and/or ON Development IVS will not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss or damage,
of any kind, (including without limitation loss of business, opportunity, data, profits) arising out of or in connection with the use of any products
(including, but not limited to, hardware and software), developed, produced or sold by uStepper ApS and/or ON Development IVS (or any indivi-
duals affiliated with either of the two companies).
1.5 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed so as to hold uStepper ApS and/or ON Development IVS liable for death or personal
injury as a result of the negligence of uStepper ApS and/or ON Development IVS or that of its employees or agents.
2 Indemnity
2.1 You agree to indemnify and hold uStepper ApS and/or ON Development IVS and its employees and agents harmless from and against all
liabilities, legal fees, damages, losses, costs and other expenses in relation to any claims or actions brought against uStepper ApS and/or ON
Development IVS arising out of any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions or other liabilities arising out of your use of this Website.
2.2 You agree to indemnify and hold uStepper ApS and/or ON Development IVS and its employees and agents harmless from and against all
liabilities, legal fees, damages, losses, costs and other expenses in relation to any claims or actions brought against uStepper ApS and/or ON
Development IVS arising out of any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions or other liabilities arising out of your use of products(including,
but not limited to, hardware and software) developed, produced or sold by uStepper ApS and/or ON Development IVS (or any individuals affiliated
with either of the two companies).
3 Severance
If any of these Terms and Conditions should be determined to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason by any court of competent
jurisdiction then such Term or Condition shall be severed and the remaining Terms and Conditions shall survive and remain in full force and effect
and continue to be binding and enforceable.