Science 6 - Curriculum Plan Quarter: 2 Domain: Living Things and Their Environment Parts and Function
Science 6 - Curriculum Plan Quarter: 2 Domain: Living Things and Their Environment Parts and Function
Science 6 - Curriculum Plan Quarter: 2 Domain: Living Things and Their Environment Parts and Function
DepEd Complex, Pasig
Week 6 Describe the Describe the Classify invertebrates into insects, spiders, Make an inventory
characteristics of the characteristics of the worms, shellfish and snail of vertebrates and
following groups of following groups of invertebrates that
invertebrates: invertebrates: are commonly seen
-insects and spiders -worms , shellfish and in the community
Localize the terms Practice ways of
depending on the caring and
available resources protecting these
3. Plants
Learning Competency: Distinguish how spore-bearing and cone-bearing plants reproduce S6Mt-IIg-h-4
Week 7 Identify and describe Discuss how spore-bearing plants reproduce Make a multimedia presentation on how
common examples of spore-bearing plants ensure their survival
spore-bearing plants
Week 8 Identify and describe Discuss how core- Differentiate how Make a flyer on how
common examples of bearing plants spore-bearing and spore-bearing and
cone-bearing plants reproduce cone-bearing plants cone-bearing plants
reproduce can be propagated
Unit II Ecosystem
Learning Competency:
Discuss the interactions among living and non-living things in tropical rainforests, coral reefs and mangrove swamps. S6LT-IIi-j-5
Week 9 Identify the living Explain the Identify the living Identify the living SUMMATIVE TEST
and non-living Interactions among and non-living and non-living
things in tropical living and non-living things in coral reefs things in
rainforests things in a tropical Describe how mangrove
Describe the rainforest in terms tropical coral reefs swamps
appearance of of: appear. Describe how
tropical rain forests a. harmful and Explain the mangrove
beneficial Interactions among swamps appear.
interactions living and non-living Explain the
b. Effects of things in coral reefs Interactions
interaction in terms of: among living and
a. harmful and non-living things
beneficial in mangrove
interactions swamps in terms
b. Effects of of:
interaction a. harmful and
b. Effects of
Learning Competency:
Explain the need to protect and conserve tropical rainforests, coral reefs and mangrove swamps.
Week 10 Enumerate ways on Discuss the harmful Performance Tasks
how to protect and effects and (by group)
conserve Tropical implications to The students should
rainforests, coral reefs communities, be able to discuss
and mangrove environments and specific issues
swamps. human beings if involving protection
Tropical rainforests, and conservation of
coral reefs and ecosystems that serve
mangrove swamps are as nurseries, breeding
not protected and places and habitats for
conserved. economically
important plant and
(Teachers will
ecosystems for each