7th Ss Proficiency Scale 1a

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7th Grade Social Studies

Parent Standard: ​Questioning (Inquiry)

7th Grade Social Studies priority Standard 1A: Comparing Disciplinary Concepts. (Inquiry)
7.1 Compare disciplinary concepts and ideas associated with a compelling question.

Proficiency Scale
Advanced The student will/I can: Sample Item:
(ADV) ● examine global issues in terms of how they relate to multiple Students will write a short answer question to show their
4.0 disciplinary concepts. knowledge of how global issues fit many different
o Example - Migration is a Human Rights, Economics, and disciplinary concepts.
Political Issue.

3.5 In addition to score 3.0 performance, partial success at 4.0.

Meets The student will/I can: Sample Item(s):
Expectation ● compare global issues (disciplinary concepts) with the unit's Using the models around the room. Students will compare
s compelling question. the compelling question to a concept by standing near the
MET model within the room.
2.5 No major errors or omissions regarding 2.0 content and partial
success of the 3.0 content.
Progressing The student will/I can: Sample Item(s):
(PG) - Vocabulary: Global Issues, Compelling Questions, Short quizzes over key vocabulary and concepts will be the
2.0 Disciplinary concepts. primary mode of assessing this level. A variety of different
___________________________________________________________ activities and bell ringers will help identify student progress
___________________ of level 2.0 material.
Foundational Skills: - Disciplinary Concepts (Economics,
- Understanding how to compare/contrast Government, Human Behavior, History,
- Understanding that global issues pose challenges Geography)
- Understanding that global issues provide opportunities. _________________________________________________

1.5 Partial success at 2.0 content but major errors and omissions at
the 3.0 score content.
Beginning Partial success at 2.0 score content and/or 3.0 score content but with
(Beg) major errors and/or omissions at both scores’ content.

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