Shark Tank Rubric

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7th Social Studies

Shark Tank Presentation

Overall Score ______
Priority Standard: 5A - ​I can explain and analyze global economics.
● I can analyze how external factors, such as marketing and advertising techniques, might influence spending decisions.

4 3 2 1

Advertising/ Show Show Understand how Do not show

Marketing understanding of understanding of marketing and understanding of
marketing and marketing and advertising can advertising and
advertising and advertising and be beneficial but marketing.
struggle to
used them to how they benefit
benefit their their product.

Phrase/ Students have Students have Students have Students have a

Jingle provided and provided and provided a jingle jingle or phrase
present a jingle present a jingle or phrase but but doesn’t
and phrase that or phrase that doesn’t quite match product or
matches their matches their match product or don’t provide
product. product. don’t present it. one.

Presentation Students used 2 Students Students used 1 Just talked

Mode or more successfully used presentation about it without
(media) presentation 1 presentation mode (video, having a form of
mode (video, google slides,
modes with media
google slides, poster, skit, etc)
excitement and poster, skit, etc) but lacked
organization. with excitement excitement and
and organization. organization.

Presentation/ Sharks got all Sharks got all Sharks got most Missing
Salesmanship necessary necessary of the necessary necessary
information and information and information or information or
pitch was easy to
pitch was easy pitch was harder unable to follow
follow with
excitement and
to follow. to follow. pitch.

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