Experimental Analysis in Different Batch Operating Units For Process Intensification: Methyl Acetate Production Case Study

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Int J Ind Chem (2014) 5:85–93

DOI 10.1007/s40090-014-0023-7


Experimental analysis in different batch operating units

for process intensification: methyl acetate production case study
B. Ganesh • K. Yamuna Rani • B. Satyavathi •

K. S. K. Rao Patnaik

Received: 24 January 2014 / Accepted: 14 September 2014 / Published online: 10 October 2014
Ó The Author(s) 2014. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract In the present study, different process intensi- List of symbols

fication options in batch mode are considered for a class of k1 Esterification reaction rate constant
reactions, and are evaluated with respect to enhancement in k-1 Hydrolysis reaction rate constant
conversion and product purity considering methyl acetate T Temperature
formation reaction as an experimental case study. The TCD Thermal conductivity detector
options explored include operation in different batch Qc Condenser load
operating units and use of different molar ratios of reac- QR Heat load to the reboiler
tants. Integrated reaction and separation is considered in D Distillate
two ways, namely by simple reactive batch distillation, and TI Temperature indicator
by multi-stage reactive batch distillation with partial reflux. HD Amount of distillate in the receiver
It is observed that conversions beyond equilibrium con- H Amount of liquid mixture in the reboiler
version are achieved by process intensification, and rela- x Reboiler composition
tively purer products are obtained compared to the base xD Distillate composition
case. The purity and conversions in the multi-stage column PI Process intensification
are found to be higher than with simple distillation.
Increasing the molar ratio of methanol in the reaction feed
mixture is found to yield high conversions at the expense of
purity of methyl acetate in the product. The present study
considers a typical case of an esterification reaction with Introduction
azeotropic mixtures, and the analysis is applicable to a
class of reactions satisfying the criteria mentioned. In the frame of globalization and sustainability, process
intensification is a path to the future chemical and process
Keywords Process intensification  Batch reactor  engineering. Process intensification converts ‘‘molecules
Reactive batch distillation  Simple reactive batch into money’’ which is based on the premise that the
distillation  Azeotropes  Methyl acetate production chemical engineering drives today’s economy development
and is fundamental to wealth creation [1]. Process inten-
sification (PI) has been defined as ‘‘Any chemical engi-
neering development that leads to a substantially smaller,
cleaner and more energy-efficient technology’’ [2]. Process
B. Ganesh  K. Y. Rani (&)  B. Satyavathi
Chemical Engineering Division, CSIR-Indian Institute intensification can be achieved by using new equipment
of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad 500 007, India [3], or by employing different methods in previously well-
e-mail: kyrani@iict.res.in; k_y_rani@yahoo.com known equipment. Further, the new equipment is classified
as reactors and equipment for non-reactive operations,
K. S. K. R. Patnaik
University College of Technology, Osmania University, whereas the methods have been viewed as multifunctional
Hyderabad 500 007, India reactors, hybrid separations [4], alternate renewable raw

86 Int J Ind Chem (2014) 5:85–93

materials [5], alternate energy sources [6] and other class of reactions, considering homogeneously catalyzed
methods. The main focus while exploring PI options for a methyl acetate production as an experimental case study.
given process has been continuous operation, since a shift The objective is to achieve high conversion as well as high-
from batch to continuous operation automatically leads to purity methyl acetate product in batch operation while
smaller and more energy-efficient operation. In this con- using a homogeneous catalyst. The details regarding PI
text, extensive literature has been reported over the past approaches considered will be presented in the next sec-
decade, and reactive separations in general and reactive tion, followed by a case study of methyl acetate production
distillation in particular have occupied one of the top slots with different PI options explored.
among the PI studies reported. Harmsen [7] provided a full-
scale review of commercial applications, research, scale-
up, design and operation of reactive distillation, showing it Process intensification schemes in batch mode
to be the front runner of industrial process intensification,
and stated that reactive distillation has been implemented Process intensification studies have already been well-
in more than 150 commercial operations of petrochemical established in continuous operation, especially using
and chemical industry. Sharma and Mahajani [8] and reactive distillation. In view of the importance of batch
Hiwale et al. [9] have provided exhaustive reviews on the operations in the current market-driven scenario, the
industrial applications of reactive distillation covering present study aims to explore different options of process
several classes of reactions including esterification, trans- intensification in batch mode for a particular class of
esterification, hydrolysis, etherification, hydrogenation, reactions.
hydrodesulphurization, dehydrogenation, alkylation, Consider a class of reactions that
metathesis, hydration, dehydration, carbonylation, poly-
(a) are reversible,
merization, chlorination, amination, synthesis of carbon-
(b) are characterized by the presence of azeotropes,
ates, chiral separation and acetalization along with
(c) have the minimum boiling azeotrope incorporating
industrial examples for each class of reaction, and have
the desired product and a reactant, and
pointed out some inherent limitations which can be over-
(d) the next higher boiling cut is either the pure desired
come through proper choice of parameters. Taylor and
product or another azeotrope consisting of a desired
Krishna [10] have provided a comprehensive review on
product of higher purity than the first azeotrope.
different modeling approaches applicable for reactive
distillation. Esterification reactions ideally fit into this category.
Although batch process operation may not be classified Esterification of acetic acid with different alcohols ranging
as process intensification by default, the chemical industry from C1 to C5 produce different range of products like
has re-oriented from large-volume low-value production in methyl acetate, ethyl acetate, iso-propyl acetate and amyl
continuous processes towards high-value low-volume acetate, with boiling point ranges from 57 to 147 °C [13].
production in batch processes due to the demand for a large In addition to their industrial importance, these five qua-
number of specialty chemicals. Batch operations with or ternary systems also show complex behavior with the
without reaction have become attractive to the chemical, number of azeotropes (binary and ternary) varying from 2
food and pharmaceutical industry for products with high to 6 with possible liquid splitting. Generally, esterification
added value and more operational flexibility. Therefore, it reactions are reversible in nature and the conversions are
is necessary to explore PI options in batch operation also to limited by equilibrium and product purities are very low.
derive the maximum benefits within the available con- Some reactions that can be considered to belong to this
straints. Reactive batch distillation processes hold consid- class of reactions are listed in Table 1 along with their
erable promise in the current competitive environment as azeotropic temperatures and compositions.
they have the combined benefits of integrated process High conversions can be achieved in reversible reactions
operation and multi-component separation in a single unit. by bringing about a shift in the equilibrium to the right.
The synergistic effect of the combined operation has the This can be achieved by separating the product (or pro-
potential to increase conversion, improve selectivity, ducts) from the reaction mixture while the reaction is in
reduce the capital investment and provide additional flex- progress, thereby causing a deficit in the product concen-
ibility. Bollyn and Wright [11] and Gadewar et al. [12] tration, and therefore shifting the equilibrium to the right.
have presented a method to estimate the advantage of using Alternatively, one of the reactants can be taken in excess,
batch reactive distillation over conventional technology in and high conversions can be achieved with respect to the
terms of yield and selectivity. limiting reactant. However, this results in the excess
In the present study, it is attempted to explore the pos- reactant remaining in the product mixture requiring further
sible options for process intensification in batch mode for a separation.

Table 1 Industrially important reactions and their azeotropic compositions and temperatures at atmospheric pressure
References [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [29] [30]a

Reaction Acetic acid Acetic acid Acetic acid Acetic acid Acetic acid Acrylic acid Acetic acid (A) ? n-
(A) ? Methanol (A) ? Ethanol (A) ? Isopropanol (A) ? Butanol (A) ? Amyl alcohol (A) ? Butanol Hexanol (B) $ n-
(B) $ Methyl (B) $ Ethyl (B) $ Isopropyl (B) $ Butyl (B) $ Amyl acetate (B) $ Butyl Hexyl acetate
acetate (C) ? water acetate (C) ? water acetate (C) ? water acetate (C) ? water (C) ? water (D) acrylate (C) ? water (D)
(D) (D) (D) (D) (C) ? water (D)
Desired Methyl acetate Ethyl acetate Isopropyl acetate Butyl acetate Amyl acetate n-Butyl acrylate n-Hexyl acetate
Int J Ind Chem (2014) 5:85–93

Azeotropes B/C [ C/D [ B [ A B/C/D [ C/D [ B/ B/C/D [ C/D [ B/ B/C/D [ C/D [ B/ B/C/D [ C/D [ B/ B/C/D [ B/D [ C/ B/C/D [ B/D [ C/
in their C [ B/D C [ B/D D [ B/C [ A/B/ D [ A/B/C [ A/B D [ A/B [ C/A D [ B/C
order of C [ A/B
Azeotrope B/C B/C/D B/C/D B/C/D B/C/D B/C/D B/C/D
Taz (°C) 53.65 70.09 74.22 90.68 94.71 92.3 97.2
xaz 0.3407, 0.6593 0.1069, 0.6073, 0.2377, 0.4092, 0.3531 0.0864, 0.206, 0.7075 0.0488, 0.1292, 0.822 0.217, 0.039, 0.744 0.184, 0.229, 0.587
Azeotrope C/D C/D C/D C/D C/D B/D B/D
Taz (°C) 56.43 70.37 76.57 90.96 94.90 92.5 97.6
xaz 0.8904, 0.1096 0.6869, 0.3131 0.5981, 0.4019 0.2823, 0.7177 0.1696, 0.8304 0.251, 0.7490 0.333, 0.667
Azeotrope B/C B/C B/D B/D C/D C/D
Taz (°C) 71.81 78.54 92.62 95.80 95.2 97.6
xaz 0.4572, 0.5428 0.5984, 0.4018 0.2451, 0.7549 0.1512, 0.8488 0.1610, 0.8390 0.422, 0.578
Azeotrope B/D B/D B/C A/B/C A/B B/C
Taz (°C) 78.18 80.06 116.85 139.89 141.3 122.4b
xaz 0.9016, 0.0984 0.6691, 0.3309 0.7847, 0.2153 0.2225, 0.6108, 0.1667 0.945, 0.055 0.853, 0.147
Azeotrope A/B/C A/B C/A
Taz (°C) 121.58 140.07 147.8
xaz 0.4182, 0.2396, 0.2585, 0.7415 0.867, 0.1330
Azeotrope A/B
Taz (°C) 123.21
xaz 0.5359, 0.4641
Taz boiling point of the azeotrope, xaz mole fractions of the azeotrope
The azeotropic composition units are in mass fractions
At a pressure of 300 mbar

88 Int J Ind Chem (2014) 5:85–93

Table 2 Boiling points of pure components and azeotropes in the production features a reactive distillation column, and is
reaction system one of the most successful large-scale commercial appli-
Compounds Type Wt fractions B.P cations of process intensification [14, 15]. Other reactive
(°C) distillation studies reported for this system based on het-
erogeneously catalyzed reaction include those carried out
Methyl acetate/ Azeotropic Methyl acetate: 0.82 53.65
methanol mixture Methanol: 0.18 in continuous mode [16–20], in batch mode [21] and in
Methyl acetate/ Azeotropic Methyl acetate: 0.95 56.43 semi-batch mode [22–26].
water mixture Water: 0.05 Most of the studies reported on process intensification
Methyl acetate Pure 1 57.1 studies for methyl acetate production have considered
component heterogeneous catalysts, and limited studies have been
Methanol Pure 1 64.5 reported using homogeneous catalysts. Recently, Elgue
component et al. [27] considered intensification of methyl acetate
Water Pure 1 100 production in an open plate continuous reactor (OPR) using
homogeneous catalyst in terms of design and operating
Acetic acid Pure 1 117.9
conditions. By intensification of design and operating
conditions, the reactor allows the methyl acetate produc-
tion to be carried out in a fast and continuous operation, but
Process intensification in batch mode for the class of the purity of methyl acetate obtained at reactor outlet is
reactions considered in the present study is proposed in two limited by initial composition of the reactants. Therefore,
ways—first by considering different units to carry out the from the production point of view, the above intensified
reaction, and second by using excess of one of the reactants continuous process is of low interest compared to industrial
in each of the above units. The units considered in the process of reactive distillation which leads to high-purity
present study include batch reactor (base case), single-stage methyl acetate [15].
separation (simple reactive batch distillation using a batch In the present study, it is attempted to explore different
reactor–condenser arrangement) with product removal, and options of process intensification for this system in batch
multi-stage separation (reactive batch distillation) with mode using the homogeneous catalyst. The objective for
product removal and partial reflux. The objective for implementation of these options is to achieve maximum
implementation of these options is to achieve maximum conversion with high methyl acetate purity. The equilib-
conversion with highest product purity. rium constant for this reaction is about 5.0 [28] and it is
independent of the temperature. The equilibrium conver-
sion of the reaction is 69 %, when equimolar (1:1) quan-
Methyl acetate production case study tities of reactants are used (base case), and the product
purity corresponds to a methyl acetate weight fraction of
Methyl acetate and water are produced by the esterification only 0.55.
of methanol with acetic acid. The non-catalytic reaction is As mentioned in the previous section, process intensi-
a homogeneous liquid-phase process, where the conversion fication for this system aims to increase the conversion
of the reactants is determined by equilibrium, according the and product purity in two ways, namely by considering
following reaction scheme: different units to carry out the reaction, and secondly
using excess of methanol in each of the above units. The
CH3 COOH + CH3 OH $ CH3 COOCH3 + H2 O units considered are batch reactor to serve as the base
case, and process intensification of integrated reaction–
The reaction rate is very slow and is generally enhanced separation by simple reactive batch distillation (using a
by addition of a homogeneous catalyst such as sulphuric batch reactor–condenser arrangement) and by a multi-
acid. Among the four species involved in the process, stage reactive batch distillation column with partial reflux.
methyl acetate is the most volatile component, while The latter option is expected to achieve better separation.
methanol, water and acetic acid boil at higher temperatures. However, the minimum boiling azeotrope, which has
The boiling points of pure components along with azeo- methyl acetate and methanol (0.82 and 0.18 wt fractions)
tropic compositions are reported in Table 2. As is evident as its constituents is being removed continuously, and the
from the order of boiling points in Table 2, it is not pos- conversion is limited by methanol available for reaction
sible to achieve pure methyl acetate in batch operation. when equimolar quantities of acetic acid and methanol are
This reaction has been one of the most well-studied employed. Therefore, use of excess methanol is also
systems for process intensification using reactive distilla- implemented in combination with the integrated reaction–
tion. Eastman chemical company’s methyl acetate separation operation. Experimental studies are conducted

Int J Ind Chem (2014) 5:85–93 89

Fig. 1 Schematic
representation of the reactor
with condenser assembly
(R jacketed reactor/reboiler,
TI thermo well and temperature
indicator, SW sample
withdrawal provision,
C condenser, DW distillate
samples withdrawal provision,
S stirrer, TS thermostat for
coolant circulation, TIC
temperature indicator and

in different batch units to evaluate these options of pro-

cess intensification.


Methyl acetate (purity [99.436 %), methanol (purity

[99.811 %), acetic acid (purity [99.746 %) and sulfuric
acid (purity [98 %) are purchased from SD Fine Chemi-
cals Ltd., and used as such.


Two different batch operating units are considered to carry

out the experimentation. Initially, experiments are per-
formed in a jacketed batch reactor [28] with condenser
assembly to study the base case (batch reactor) as well as
simple reactive batch distillation operation (Single-stage
operation). A pictorial representation of the experimental
setup is shown in Fig. 1. The reactor is a 1-L glass-jacketed
vessel equipped with digital overhead stirrer (direct con-
trolled model) with a motor rating of 83/75 W, maximum
torque of 85 N-cm and a speed range of 200–3,000 rpm.
The impeller used is a propeller made of Teflon. The
dimensions of the impeller are 5 cm diameter, blade length
1.25 cm, blade width 1 and 0.1 cm shaft diameter. The
agitator is located at 3.17 cm from the bottom of the vessel Fig. 2 Schematic representation of the reactive batch distillation
(one-third of the reactor diameter). The reactor assembly is (RBD) column

90 Int J Ind Chem (2014) 5:85–93

provided with a four-necked glass lid with provision for condensate is possible. After the reaction is completed the
liquid-phase temperature measurement in the reactor and reboiler contents are cooled, weighed and analyzed.
periodic withdrawal of liquid samples during the course of The last two experiments are conducted in a multi-stage
the reaction. To one of the outlets, a condenser is connected reactive batch distillation column shown in Fig. 2, using
wherein cold water is circulated to minimize losses, and it molar ratios of acetic acid to methanol as 1:1 and 1:1.7,
is also used to collect the distillate samples during the along with the sulfuric acid catalyst (2 % with respect to
simple reactive batch distillation operation. Temperature is the weight of acetic acid) added to the reboiler. The heat
measured using a Chromel Alumel type thermocouple. input and reflux ratio are chosen arbitrarily. The heating
A Polyscience refrigerating and heating circulator ther- mantle is set at a constant heat input of 40 % of 2 KW
mostat model 9702 with digital temperature controller is heater capacity. After the mixture starts boiling, the vapor
used to maintain the temperature (±0.01 °C accuracy) in rises through the column and is condensed at the top of the
the jacketed reactor. column and part of it (25 % of the total vapor generated) is
The second experimental setup, as shown in Fig. 2, to refluxed back into the column, and the remaining (75 % of
explore integrated reaction–separation using multi-stage the total vapor generated) is collected as a distillate prod-
reactive batch distillation, consists a column of 1,500 mm uct. Different cuts are collected at different top tray tem-
length and 40 mm diameter with 15 bubble cap trays, a peratures and samples are set aside for analysis. The
reboiler of 5-L capacity, a condenser of 1-L capacity, a reaction is continued until no further collection of con-
reflux divider and product collector (2-L capacity). The densate is possible. At the end of the run, reboiler sample is
system is equipped with temperature sensors (K-type used for analysis of the unreacted acetic acid.
thermocouples) in the reboiler, top tray and at different
locations along the column. The contents in the reboiler are
heated by a heating mantle (2 KW capacity) that has pro- Analytical methods
vision for heat input regulation. The column is thermally
insulated. Chilled water is circulated in the condenser using The reaction system considered in the present study con-
a cryostat. sists of esterification of methanol with acetic acid to pro-
duce methyl acetate in the presence of sulphuric acid as the
catalyst. The products obtained in the reboiler and as dis-
Experimental procedure tillate product are analyzed using different methods. The
reactor/reboiler composition is determined by means of
To study the base case, the experimental setup shown in volumetric titration using NaOH with the help of prede-
Fig. 1, is used with an overhead stirrer to mix the contents, termined calibration curves. The method of analysis is
and isothermal operation is maintained by circulating based on acid–base titrations, and therefore, it is expected
liquid using refrigerating and heating circulator. The first that presence of sulfuric acid in the sample (being the
experiment is conducted by charging the reactor with catalyst) is likely to influence the titre value and the
equimolar quantities of methanol and acetic acid and composition determined. Therefore, during calibration, two
subsequent addition of sulfuric acid catalyst (2 % with sets of experiments are conducted. The first set consists of
respect to the weight of acetic acid). The reaction is carried preparation of synthetic reaction mixtures at different
out at 40 °C (without condensation of the product) to serve levels of conversion with respect to acetic acid. The second
as a base case for comparison. The reaction is stopped set consists of preparation of the same set of synthetic
when there is no change in the reactor composition. mixtures with the proportionate quantity of sulfuric acid
The next two experiments are conducted in a simple based on 2 % sulfuric acid concentration with respect to
batch distillation assembly with an overhead condenser initial acetic acid used. Two calibration curves are prepared
arrangement; the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. based on titrating the reaction mixtures of both these sets of
The vapor generated is condensed and collected as differ- experiments with NaOH, and it is found that there is neg-
ent cuts at different reboiler temperatures for condensate ligible change in both the calibration curves. The reason for
analysis. Sufficient heat input is supplied to the reboiler to this could be due to a complex formation of sulfuric acid
maintain the reactants in boiling condition. Using two with acetic acid delaying the ionization, thereby resulting
different molar ratios of acetic acid to methanol as 1:1 and in similar titer values in the presence and absence of sul-
1:1.7, along with the sulfuric acid catalyst (2 % with furic acid.
respect to the weight of acetic acid) added to the reboiler, The distillate compositions of different cuts are analyzed
the reaction is carried out at the boiling point of the mix- using gas chromatography (GC-2014 Shimadzu) with TCD
ture, and the product is condensed and collected. The to analyze the composition of the distillate samples. A ZB
reaction is continued until no further collection of WAX capillary column is used to separate distillate

Int J Ind Chem (2014) 5:85–93 91

Table 3 Overall comparison of results distillation column for the same set of molar ratios. The
Case Unit Mole ratio ? 1:1 1:1.7
equipment mentioned in the previous section is employed
Variables ; and the procedure reported earlier is followed. The results
obtained in all the cases are summarized in Table 3. The
1 Batch reactor Product purity (weight fractions)
compositions of different condensate cuts in the simple
Methyl acetate 0.555 0.542 reactive batch distillation operation for two molar ratios
Methanol 0.108 0.241 along with the reboiler temperatures show that for a feed
Water 0.135 0.131 molar ratio of 1:1, 80 % conversion is achieved, whereas
Acetic acid 0.202 0.086 when the molar ratio is increased to 1:1.7, the conversion
Conversion (%) 69 83.8 increased to 90 % with respect to acetic acid.
2 Simple reactive Product purity (weight fractions) Table 3 also illustrates that although conversion has
batch distillation Methyl acetate 0.874 0.689 improved with use of excess methanol, purity with respect
Methanol 0.073 0.248 to methyl acetate in the latter case has decreased almost by
Water 0.053 0.063 18 %. It can be observed that two azeotropic mixtures exist
Acetic acid 0.0 0.0 at boiling points lower than the pure products as evident
Conversion (%) 80 90 from Table 2. The product compositions in Table 3 show
3 Multi-stage reactive Product purity (weight fractions) that they do not correspond to one single azeotrope, but are
batch distillation Methyl acetate 0.893 0.706 a combination of both the azeotropes. Moreover, the min-
Methanol 0.072 0.285 imum boiling azeotrope consists of methyl acetate and
Water 0.035 0.009 methanol as its components. Therefore, when methanol is
Acetic acid 0.0 0.0 available, methyl acetate combines with methanol to gen-
Conversion (%) 89 100 erate the minimum boiling azeotrope, which is of lower
purity with respect to methyl acetate. Table 3 clearly
shows that the first azeotrope is dominant when excess
samples and to quantitatively estimate the compositions of methanol is used, whereas with equimolar reactants, rea-
methanol, methyl acetate and water. The GC temperature is sonable quantity of second azeotrope is present in the
programmed to rise from initial temperature of 50 °C with product. This can be justified by the fact that methanol
ramping @ 15 °C/min till 80 °C, and @ 25 °C/min to available for the formation of first azeotrope is limited in
130 °C, and then held constant for an additional 1.5 min. case of equimolar reactant quantities.
Helium gas 99.995 % is used as a carrier gas. The gas flow Operation in a simple reactive batch distillation is
rate is 12 mL/min. Calibration charts of all the four com- equivalent to a single stage for separation and does not
ponents are prepared. Response factors are determined by have provision for refluxing part of the condensate
taking synthetic mixtures of different compositions. product to enhance separation. Therefore, the next two
experiments are conducted in a multi-stage reactive batch
distillation column with 15 trays and partial reflux
Results and discussion (25 %). The results obtained during these two experi-
ments with 1:1 and 1:1.7 molar ratios are also reported in
As reported in the previous section, five experiments are Table 3. The conversions obtained in a multi-stage reac-
conducted for the present evaluation study. The first tive batch distillation for 1:1 and 1:1.7 molar ratios are
experiment is conducted with equimolar quantities of found to be 89 and 100 %, respectively. The purity of
reactants in a batch reactor at 40 °C (without condensation product with respect to methyl acetate is found to be 0.89
of the product) to serve as a base case for comparison. The in the equimolar case, whereas it dropped to 0.70 when
equilibrium conversion obtained is 69 %. Even though the excess methanol was used. The reason for this decrease
reaction is exothermic in nature and equilibrium constant is has already been discussed earlier. Compared to the per-
found to be almost constant with temperature, and therefore formance in a single stage, the conversions obtained in
the equilibrium conversion is almost constant at different multi-stage operation are found to be considerably
temperatures. The purity obtained corresponds to the increased, whereas there is only marginal improvement
equilibrium composition (wt fractions—methyl acetate: with respect to product purity. Higher conversions can be
0.555, methanol: 0.108, water: 0.135, acetic acid: 0.202). explained by the increased separation that can be
The next two experiments are conducted in simple reactive achieved in multi-stage operation, thereby leading to a
batch distillation assembly using molar ratios of acetic acid greater shift in equilibrium to the right compared to sin-
to methanol as 1:1 and 1:1.7, whereas the last two exper- gle-stage operation. The product purity obtained is com-
iments are conducted in the multi-stage reactive batch parable due to different operating times; however, the

92 Int J Ind Chem (2014) 5:85–93

quantity of distillate collected in multi-stage operation is case study in different batch operating units and through use
higher than in single-stage operation. of different molar ratios of reactants. Compared to base case
The results obtained in all the five experiments, as conversion of 69 % for 1:1 molar ratio and 83.8 % for 1:1.7
illustrated in Table 3, show comparison of all the cases molar ratio of reactants, and a product purity of just above
using three different batch units and two feed molar ratios. 0.5 wt fraction of methyl acetate, significant improvement is
As discussed earlier, the increase in conversions and achieved using simple reactive batch distillation assembly
decrease of methyl acetate purity with increase in methanol (1:1 molar ratio: 80 % conversion, 0.87 wt fraction of
in the initial reaction mixture for cases 2 and 3 is evident, methyl acetate; 1:1.7 molar ratio: 90 % conversion, 0.68 wt
as we move from left to right in Table 3, whereas there is fraction methyl acetate), and in a multi-stage reactive batch
negligible change in product purity in case 1. This can be distillation column (1:1 molar ratio: 89 % conversion, 0.89
explained by the fact that no boiling of the mixture is wt fraction methyl acetate; 1:1.7 molar ratio: 100 % con-
involved in this case, and hence the presence of different version, 0.70 wt fraction methyl acetate). It is evident that
azeotropes does not arise. Comparing the three cases for use of 1:1.7 molar ratios of reactants results in almost
each molar ratio, it is clear that the conversions as well as 100 % conversion at the expense of methyl acetate purity.
product purities progressively increase from case 1 to case This study illustrates that it is possible to achieve a trade-off
3. This improvement is due to the incorporation of process between conversion and purity of methyl acetate, leading to
intensification options of single-stage integrated reaction– high conversion with reasonably high product purity, in a
separation in case 2 and multi-stage integrated reaction– multi-stage reactive batch distillation using optimized
separation with partial reflux in case 3. Therefore, this quantity of reactant methanol. The present study considers a
study illustrates that it is possible to achieve a trade-off typical case of esterification reaction with azeotropic mix-
between conversion and purity of methyl acetate, leading tures, and the analysis is applicable to a class of reactions
to high conversion with reasonably high product purity, in satisfying the criteria mentioned. Future studies will focus
a multi-stage reactive batch distillation using optimized on finding the optimum values of the heat input and reflux
quantity of reactant methanol. ratio to achieve high conversion as well as high purity of the
The analysis of results obtained above for methyl acetate methyl acetate with the help of dynamic modeling, simu-
case study can easily be extended for the class of reactions lation and experimental studies.
considered in the present study. While carrying out reac-
tive-separation (single-stage/multi-stage), there are two Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge Department of Sci-
ence and Technology (DST), New Delhi, India and CSIR XII Plan
factors playing opposing roles in achieving high conversion Project, INDUS MAGIC for the financial support, and the first author
and high product purity. Based on condition (c) reported in acknowledges CSIR, New Delhi, India for supporting financially
‘‘Process intensification schemes in batch mode’’, part of through fellowship.
the reactant also leaves along with the desired product as
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
the first product cut, and therefore stoichiometric quantities Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, dis-
of reactants cannot result in 100 % conversion with respect tribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
to the reactants. The product obtained is a combination of author(s) and the source are credited.
the first and second azeotropes [from conditions (c) and
(d) reported in ‘‘Process intensification schemes in batch
mode’’], and the product purity is expected to be in References
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