Anatomy of The Abdominal Wall - UpToDate2019 PDF
Anatomy of The Abdominal Wall - UpToDate2019 PDF
Anatomy of The Abdominal Wall - UpToDate2019 PDF
All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete.
Literature review current through: Aug 2019. | This topic last updated: Jun 21, 2019.
Incision and closure of the abdominal wall is among the most frequently performed surgical
procedures. The abdominal wall is defined cranially by the xiphoid process of the sternum and the
costal margins, and caudally by the iliac and pubic bones of the pelvis. It extends to the lumbar
spine, which joins the thorax and pelvis and is a point of attachment for some abdominal wall
structures [1].
Integrity of the anterior abdominal wall is primarily dependent upon the abdominal muscles and
their conjoined tendons. These muscles assist with respiration and control the expulsive efforts of
urination, defecation, coughing, and parturition. They also work with the back muscles to flex and
extend the trunk at the hips, rotate the trunk at the waist, and protect viscera by becoming rigid.
The contour of the abdomen is dependent upon age, muscle mass, muscle tone, obesity, intra-
abdominal pathology, parity, and posture. These factors may significantly alter topography and
become a major obstacle to proper incision selection and placement [2].
Knowledge of the layered structure of the abdominal wall permits efficient and safe entry into the
peritoneal cavity. There are nine layers to the abdominal wall: skin, subcutaneous tissue,
superficial fascia, external oblique muscle, internal oblique muscle, transversus abdominis muscle,
transversalis fascia, preperitoneal adipose and areolar tissue, and peritoneum. Nerves, blood
vessels, and lymphatics are present throughout.
Abdominal wall anatomy that is clinically pertinent to the surgeon, focusing primarily on the
structures of the anterior abdominal wall, will be reviewed. Common incisions and closure
techniques, and prevention and management of wound complications, are discussed elsewhere.
(See "Incisions for open abdominal surgery" and "Principles of abdominal wall closure" and
"Complications of abdominal surgical incisions".)
The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It has numerous functions, including protection
against mechanical injury, prevention of bacterial invasion, and protection from the effects of
ultraviolet light. Skin is loosely attached to the underlying structures of the abdomen, with the
exception of the umbilicus, where the skin is tethered firmly to underlying tissue.
Skin lines of approximately equal tension are known as Langer's lines (figure 1) [3]. Across the
abdomen, these lines are oriented in a predominately transverse direction with a gentle curvature.
Langer's lines are associated with the distribution of collagen and elastic fibers in the skin [4].
Thus, transverse incisions heal with a narrower, more cosmetic scar because they are parallel to
Langer's lines and have less tension, while longitudinal or oblique incisions, which traverse these
lines, may heal with a broader scar.
The subcutaneous tissue is comprised of deep and superficial adipose tissue layers separated by
weak, poorly defined fibrous tissue matrices. Camper's fascia is superficial and Scarpa's fascia is
deep [5]. Camper's fascia is the superficial fatty layer that is continuous with superficial adipose
and may vary in thickness, depending upon the patient's body habitus. Scarpa's fascia is a more
membranous layer that will eventually become contiguous with the superficial fascia of the back,
thorax, and fascia lata of the thigh. Inferiorly, this membranous layer also fuses in the midline and
forms a tubular sheath for the penis or clitoris.
The anterior abdominal wall consists primarily of the rectus muscles and associated fascia (figure
2A). The posterolateral, lateral, and remaining anterior portions of the abdominal wall are
composed of three paired, broad, flat muscles, each with an aponeurosis or tendon including the
external oblique, internal oblique, and transversus abdominis muscles (figure 2B). The rectus
muscles are responsible for abdominal wall flexion, while the oblique muscles rotate the torso. The
internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles support and compress the abdominal
Rectus abdominis — The rectus abdominis consists of a pair of strap muscles that extend the
length of the anterior abdominal wall and are separated by the linea alba (figure 2A). These
muscles arise from the symphysis pubis and the pubic crest with insertion into the fifth, sixth, and
seventh costal cartilages and the xiphoid process. The rectus sheath has variable contributions
from the oblique and transversus muscles. (See 'Rectus sheath' below.)
External oblique — The external oblique muscle is a broad, thin muscle that arises from the
surfaces of the lower eight ribs, fanning out downward to insert medially into the xiphoid process,
the linea alba, and the anterior portion of the iliac crest (figure 2A-B). Its aponeurotic sheet de suturas&topicRef=2&source=related_link 2/21
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contributes to the anterior sheath of the rectus abdominis, then fuses at the linea alba in the
midline with the contralateral counterpart (figure 3). The remainder of the aponeurosis extends
from the iliac spine to the pubic tubercle, where it becomes the inguinal ligament.
Internal oblique — The internal oblique muscle is a broad, thin muscle that lies deep to the
external oblique, with its origins from the thoracolumbar fascia, the anterior two thirds of the iliac
crest, and the lateral two thirds of the inguinal ligament (figure 2A-B). The muscle fibers travel
upward and forward to insert into the lower borders of the lower three ribs and their costal
cartilages, the xiphoid process, the linea alba, and the symphysis pubis. Above the arcuate line, its
aponeurotic sheet contributes to both the anterior and posterior sheath of the rectus abdominis,
then fuses at the linea alba in the midline with the contralateral counterpart (figure 3). Below the
arcuate line, the aponeurosis of the internal oblique muscle courses only anteriorly to the rectus
abdominis muscle as part of the anterior rectus sheath.
Transversus abdominis — The transversus abdominis muscle is a thin muscle sheet that lies
deep to the internal oblique muscle. It arises from the deep surface of the lower six costal
cartilages, lumbar fascia, iliac crest, and lateral third of the inguinal ligament and inserts into the
xiphoid process, linea alba, and symphysis pubis (figure 2A-B). The fibers of this muscle sheet run
horizontally and forward. Its aponeurotic sheet contributes to the posterior rectus sheath above the
arcuate line and the anterior rectus sheath below the arcuate line (figure 3). It then fuses at the
linea alba in the midline with the contralateral counterpart.
Pyramidalis — The pyramidalis muscle is a flat, triangular muscle at the inferior margin of the
anterior abdominal wall. It originates from the superior pubic ramus, between the symphysis pubis
and the pubic tubercle, and runs superomedially inserting into the linea alba. Most of the existing
literature regarding this muscle focuses on whether or not it actually exists [6].
Rectus sheath — The rectus sheath is composed of the broad, sheet-like aponeuroses of the
flank muscles that enclose the rectus abdominis (and pyramidalis muscle, if present). Lateral to
the rectus abdominis, the aponeuroses can be separated, but they fuse as they reach the midline
(figure 3).
The external oblique muscle, the most superficial of the flank muscles, has a broad aponeurosis
that passes anteriorly over the rectus abdominis. Beneath the external oblique, the internal oblique
has a bilaminar aponeurosis that passes anterior and posterior to the rectus abdominis above the
arcuate line, but only anterior to the rectus below the arcuate line. The innermost abdominal
muscle is the transversus abdominis. Its aponeurosis is posterior to the rectus abdominis above
the arcuate line and anterior to the rectus abdominis below the arcuate line where it fuses with the
aponeurosis of the internal oblique.
Inferior to the arcuate line, the aponeuroses of all three muscles form the anterior sheath. The
posterior sheath is absent, and the rectus lies directly on top of the transversalis fascia (figure 3).
The arcuate line is the site where the inferior epigastric vessels enter the rectus sheath, travel
superiorly, and converge with the superior epigastric vessels (figure 4). The arcuate line is absent
in as many as 30 percent of individuals [7].
Transversalis fascia — The transversalis fascia is a weak fibrous layer covering the inner surface
of the transversus abdominis muscles and is separated from the peritoneum by a layer of fat,
commonly known as the preperitoneal fat layer. It is frequently incised off the bladder when the
peritoneal cavity is opened. This layer of connective tissue forms a continuous lining for the
abdominal and pelvic cavities and is continuous with the diaphragmatic fascia, the iliacus fascia,
and the pelvic fascia (figure 3).
Linea alba — The linea alba stretches from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis. It is
defined as the fusion of the aponeuroses of the external oblique, internal oblique, and transversus
abdominis muscles (figure 3). It maintains the abdominal musculature at a certain proximity to
each other. The linea tends to have its widest margin approximately 3 cm superior to the umbilicus
and has varying distances depending upon the point of reference along the abdominal wall [8].
The peritoneum is a single layer of serosa supported by a thin layer of connective tissue that lines
the abdominal cavity. Five vertical folds are formed by underlying ligaments or vessels that
converge at the umbilicus: the abdominal wall reflection of the bladder, which fuses with the
urachus; the single middle umbilical ligament (the obliterated urachus); the paired medial umbilical
ligaments (remnants of the obliterated umbilical arteries); and the lateral umbilical ligaments
associated with the deep inferior epigastric vessels.
The blood supply of the abdominal wall is comprised of superficial and deep vascular supplies
(figure 4) [9]. These named vessels run primarily longitudinally and may provide collateral flow
channels between the subclavian artery and femoral artery when significant aortic or bilateral iliac
artery obstruction is present. The superficial vasculature is located in the subcutaneous tissues
and supplies the tissues superficial to the external oblique aponeurosis and the anterior rectus
sheath. The muscles and tissues below these layers are supplied by the deep vessels that are
located in the musculofascial layers.
Deep arteries
Inferior epigastric arteries — The inferior epigastric artery is thought to be the dominant
vascular supply to the anterior abdominal wall (figure 4) [9]. It branches from the external iliac
artery passing medially adjacent to the inguinal ligament. It ascends medial to the internal (deep)
inguinal ring and superficial to the transversalis fascia. It then proceeds toward the umbilicus and
crosses the lateral border of the rectus muscle at the arcuate line where it enters the posterior
rectus sheath (figure 5). Once the artery enters the sheath, it branches extensively. It ascends
within the rectus sheath to communicate with the superior epigastric artery. The angle between the
vessels and lateral border of the rectus forms the apex of the inguinal (Hesselbach's) triangle, the
base of which is the inguinal ligament.
The musculocutaneous perforating vessels of the inferior epigastric artery reach and supply
deeper tissue as well as the integument of the anterior abdominal wall. These perforators are
particularly relevant in reconstructive surgery as an important supply for abdominal tissue flaps
used [9]. The number, location, and course of these perforators are highly variable.
The inferior epigastric vessels are bounded only by loose areolar tissue below the arcuate line.
Trauma to this portion of the inferior deep epigastric artery may result in considerable hemorrhage.
Because hematomas commonly dissect into the retroperitoneal space, large quantities of blood
may be lost before outward evidence of hematoma is detectable.
Superior epigastric arteries — The superior epigastric artery is a terminal branch of the
internal thoracic artery (figure 4). It enters the rectus sheath at the seventh costal cartilage and
descends on the posterior surface of the rectus muscle (figure 5). The superior and inferior
epigastric arteries freely anastomose with one another at the level of the umbilicus to provide a
generous collateral circulation between the subclavian and external iliac arteries. These vessels
communicate laterally with the intercostals, subcostal, and lumbar arteries, as well as the
ascending branch of the deep circumflex iliac artery [9]. Deep branches of this vessel supply the
posterior rectus sheath and the peritoneum with muscular branches and anterior perforating
branches supplying skin and subcutaneous tissues.
Deep circumflex iliac arteries — The deep circumflex iliac artery also branches from the
external iliac artery or, less frequently, from a common origin that includes the inferior epigastric
artery (figure 4). Its course is lateral and vertical behind the inguinal ligament. It then turns
medially at the iliac crest, where it pierces the transversus abdominis muscle. Between the
transversus abdominis and internal oblique muscles, numerous connecting branches supply the
lower and lateral abdominal wall. Anastomoses with the intercostal and lumbar vessels supply
branches to all the flank muscles.
Superficial arteries — The superficial vasculature of the abdominal wall is located in the
subcutaneous tissues and consists of branches of the femoral artery, including the superficial
epigastric (or superficial inferior epigastric), superficial external pudendal, and superficial
circumflex arteries.
The superficial epigastric vessels run diagonally in the subcutaneous tissues from the femoral
artery toward the umbilicus (figure 4). They can be identified on a line between the palpable
femoral pulse and umbilicus just superficial to Scarpa's fascia. As they approach the umbilicus, the
arteries branch extensively.
The external pudendal arteries have a medial and diagonal course from the femoral artery and
supply the region of the mons pubis. These vessels branch extensively as they approach the
midline. Following incision, bleeding is typically heavier here than in other subcutaneous areas of
the abdomen.
The superficial circumflex iliac vessels proceed from the femoral vessels to the flank. The
superficial vessels follow the general pattern of the deep vessels and arise from the iliac or
femoral vessels. The exception is that the superficial inferior epigastric vessels have no superior
Veins — Venous drainage of the anterior abdominal wall tends to be more variable than arterial
pathways; however, veins typically follow the course of arteries (figure 4). A better understanding
of venous drainage systems of the anterior abdominal wall is needed for better management of
abdominal flaps [9]. Above the umbilicus, they drain to the subclavian vessels, and below the
umbilicus, they drain to the external iliac vessels. Veins may be dilated in patients with obstructed
blood flow through the liver and porta hepatis. They may also be engorged in patients with large
pelvic masses.
Collateral flow channels — Several patterns of collateral flow exist in the abdominal wall due to
the extensive network of vessels supplying it. The principle blood vessels involved in this collateral
circulation are the internal mammary, superior epigastric, intercostals, inferior epigastric, and
external iliac (figure 4). This network allows blood to bypass the occlusion of the aorta or iliac
vessels and thus restore blood flow to the lower extremities. Case reports have described
worsening of lower extremity ischemia when transverse incisions of the abdomen disrupt the
abdominal wall vessels [10].
Abdominal lymphatics generally follow the course of the abdominal veins. As a general rule, the
channels of the upper abdominal wall, above the level of the umbilicus, drain primarily to the
anterior axillary (ie, pectoral) lymph nodes and, to a lesser extent, to the internal mammary chain
(figure 6). Those of the lower abdomen, below the level of the umbilicus, drain to the inguinal de suturas&topicRef=2&source=related_link 6/21
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nodes and then to the iliac chain of nodes. Lymphatics adjacent to the umbilicus drain toward the
liver through the falciform ligament. Transverse incisions are likely to disrupt lymphatic drainage to
some degree. This disruption may lead to tissue swelling in the abdominal wall until collateral
lymphatic drainage can be established.
The intercostal and lumbar nerves enter the abdominal wall between the transversus abdominis
and internal oblique muscles and run in a generally caudal and medial direction. Each nerve
innervates a dermatome, but some overlapping innervation occurs. Longitudinal incisions (except
at the midline) can be expected to lead to sensory impairment inferior and medial to the level of
the transected nerves.
Although technically not nerves of the abdominal wall, the femoral nerve, the lateral femoral
cutaneous nerve, and the genitofemoral nerve can also be damaged during abdominal surgery,
especially with inguinal and femoral hernia repair (figure 7). The prevention of neurologic
complications during the course of hernia and pelvic surgery is reviewed separately. (See "Nerve
injury associated with pelvic surgery" and "Open surgical repair of inguinal and femoral hernia in
adults", section on 'Minimizing post-herniorrhaphy neuralgia'.)
Intercostal nerves — The 7th to 12th intercostal nerves innervate the abdominal wall (figure 8B).
Because of overlapping dermatomes, the fifth and sixth intercostal nerves can also contribute. The
intercostal nerves divide into lateral cutaneous branches and anterior and posterior branches. The
10th nerve supplies the region of the umbilicus. Postoperative bulge is related to intercostal nerve
injury with subsequent paralysis of abdominal wall musculature. Intercostal nerve injury can be
reduced by avoiding extension of the incision into the 11th intercostal space [11].
Iliohypogastric nerves — The 12th intercostal and the first lumbar nerves form the iliohypogastric
nerve, which passes medial to the anterior superior iliac spine (figure 8A-B). The iliohypogastric
nerve enters the abdominal wall at the transversus abdominis muscle and courses, on average, 2
cm medial and 1 cm inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine, following a linear course to
terminate approximately 4 cm lateral to the midline and 5 cm superior to the pubic symphysis [12].
The terminal branch courses medial and parallel to the inguinal ligament. It provides motor fibers
to the external oblique, internal oblique, and transversus abdominis muscles and provides sensory
fibers to the skin of the mons pubis. The anterior cutaneous branch of the iliohypogastric nerve
provides sensory innervation to the skin of the upper and lateral thigh [13]. It communicates with
the ilioinguinal nerve and provides sensory fibers to the skin overlying the external inguinal ring
and symphysis. Measures to avoid nerve injury during the course of open hernia repair are
discussed elsewhere. (See "Open surgical repair of inguinal and femoral hernia in adults", section
on 'Minimizing post-herniorrhaphy neuralgia'.)
Ilioinguinal nerve — The ilioinguinal nerve is formed by the combination of the first and second
lumbar nerves and passes medial to the superior anterior iliac spine to supply the lower abdominal
wall (figure 8A-B). On average, the proximal end of the ilioinguinal nerve enters the abdominal wall
3 cm medial and 4 cm inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine, then follows a linear course to
terminate 3 cm lateral to the midline and 2 cm superior to pubic symphysis [12]. The ilioinguinal
nerve generally follows a course with the iliohypogastric nerve, running medially at the inguinal
ligament between the transversus abdominis and internal oblique muscles. A branch of the
ilioinguinal nerve accompanies the round ligament as it passes through the inguinal canal. It exits
the canal at the external inguinal ring and provides sensory fibers to the labia majora and the
upper aspect of the medial thigh [13]. Measures to avoid nerve injury during the course of open
hernia are discussed elsewhere. (See "Open surgical repair of inguinal and femoral hernia in
adults", section on 'Minimizing post-herniorrhaphy neuralgia'.)
Genitofemoral nerve — The genitofemoral nerve has fibers from the first and second lumbar
nerves and rests on the psoas muscle lateral to the external iliac artery (figure 8A and figure 8B).
The genital branch provides sensation to the mons pubis and labia majora. The femoral branch
provides sensation to the femoral triangle [14]. The genital branch passes within the cremasteric
muscle fibers in men and in the round ligament in women and may be encountered during open
hernia surgery. (See "Open surgical repair of inguinal and femoral hernia in adults", section on
'Minimizing post-herniorrhaphy neuralgia'.)
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve — The second and third lumbar roots give rise to this nerve
(figure 8A-B), which crosses the psoas muscle slightly above the femoral nerve and provides
sensory innervation to the anterior and lateral thigh [15]. It runs inferiorly and laterally toward the
anterior superior iliac spine, exiting the pelvis through the lateral lacuna musculorum. It pierces the
fascia approximately 2 to 3 cm below the anterior superior iliac spine. Entrapment of the lateral
femoral cutaneous nerve can occur, leading to numbness; paresthesias; and pain in the
anterolateral thigh, a condition known as meralgia paresthetica. (See "Meralgia paresthetica
(lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment)".)
● The structures comprising the abdominal wall include the skin, subcutaneous tissue,
abdominal wall musculature and associated aponeuroses, preperitoneal fat, and peritoneum.
The specific anatomy of the abdominal wall depends upon the location in the abdominal wall.
(See 'Introduction' above.) de suturas&topicRef=2&source=related_link 8/21
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● The anterior abdominal wall is composed of four muscles, including the rectus muscles
positioned anteriorly, and the oblique (external, internal) muscles and transversus abdominis
muscle located anterior and posterolaterally. The rectus abdominis muscle is responsible for
abdominal wall flexion. The oblique muscles provide abdominal wall rotation. (See 'Muscles'
● The fascial layers of the abdominal wall vary above and below the arcuate ligament. Superior
to the arcuate line, the aponeuroses of the rectus, external oblique, and anterior portion of the
internal oblique aponeurosis form the anterior rectus sheath, and the posterior portion of the
internal oblique aponeurosis, transversus abdominis muscle, and transversalis fascia form the
posterior sheath. Inferior to the arcuate ligament, the aponeuroses of the rectus, external
oblique, and internal oblique muscles form the anterior rectus sheath; the posterior rectus
sheath is absent. (See 'Fascia' above.)
● The blood vessels supplying the abdominal wall originate from the internal thoracic arteries,
thoracic and lumbar intercostals, external and internal iliac arteries, and common femoral
arteries. Collateral flow channels may develop between the subclavian and femoral arteries
when significant aortic or bilateral iliac artery obstruction is present. Venous drainage from the
abdominal wall parallels the arterial supply. (See 'Vasculature' above.)
● The lymphatics of the abdominal wall follow the course of the abdominal veins. The channels
of the upper abdominal wall above the umbilicus drain primarily to the anterior axillary nodes
while those below the umbilicus drain to the inguinal nodes. Transverse incisions may disrupt
lymphatic drainage. (See 'Lymphatic channels' above.)
● The abdominal wall is innervated by the thoracic intercostal nerves and contributions from
nerves of the lumbar plexus (L2, L3, L4), including the iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal,
genitofemoral, and lateral femoral cutaneous nerves. The nerves run in a predominantly
transverse direction. Vertical incisions (except at the midline) can be expected to lead to
sensory impairment inferior and medial to the level of the transected nerves. (See 'Nerves'
1. Flament JB. [Functional anatomy of the abdominal wall]. Chirurg 2006; 77:401.
2. Ellis H. Applied anatomy of abdominal incisions. Br J Hosp Med (Lond) 2007; 68:M22.
3. Langer K, Cleavage of, the curia, et al. Presented at the Meeting of the Royal Academy of
Sciences, April 25, 1861. Clin Orthop 1973; 91:3.
4. Wong VW, Bhatt KA, Vial IN, et al. Beyond Langer's Lines: Manipulating wound mechanical
forces to control hyperochic scar formation in the red Duroc pig. J Am Coll Surg 2010;
5. TOBIN CE, BENJAMIN JA. Anatomic and clinical re-evaluation of Camper's, Scarpa's, and
Colles' fasciae. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1949; 88:545.
7. Mwachaka PM, Saidi HS, Odula PO, et al. Locating the arcuate line of Douglas: is it of
surgical relevance? Clin Anat 2010; 23:84.
8. Beer GM, Schuster A, Seifert B, et al. The normal width of the linea alba in nulliparous
women. Clin Anat 2009; 22:706.
9. Rozen WM, Ashton MW, Taylor GI. Reviewing the vascular supply of the anterior abdominal
wall: redefining anatomy for increasingly refined surgery. Clin Anat 2008; 21:89.
10. Krupski WC, Sumchai A, Effeney DJ, Ehrenfeld WK. The importance of abdominal wall
collateral blood vessels. Planning incisions and obtaining arteriography. Arch Surg 1984;
11. Gardner GP, Josephs LG, Rosca M, et al. The retroperitoneal incision. An evaluation of
postoperative flank 'bulge'. Arch Surg 1994; 129:753.
12. Sippo WC, Burghardt A, Gomez AC. Nerve entrapment after Pfannenstiel incision. Am J
Obstet Gynecol 1987; 157:420.
13. Whiteside JL, Barber MD, Walters MD, Falcone T. Anatomy of ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric
nerves in relation to trocar placement and low transverse incisions. Am J Obstet Gynecol
2003; 189:1574.
14. Stulz P, Pfeiffer KM. Peripheral nerve injuries resulting from common surgical procedures in
the lower portion of the abdomen. Arch Surg 1982; 117:324.
15. Schneiderman BI, Bomze E. Paresthesias of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve after pelvic
surgery. Am Surg 1967; 33:84.
Langer's lines are lines of skin tension. Because these lines are predominantly
horizontal in the abdomen, transverse incisions generate less tension in the skin.
The superior and inferior epigastric arteries provide a rich arcade, arising from the internal
thoracic artery superiorly and the external iliac artery inferiorly. The musculophrenic artery,
deep circumflex iliac artery, and subcostal arteries supply the lateral abdominal wall. The
superficial epigastric veins and the superficial iliac veins can arise from the great saphenous
Reproduced with permission from: Snell RS. The Abdomen: Part I - The Abdominal Wall. In: Clinical Anatomy
by Regions, 8th Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008. Copyright © 2008 Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins.
Lymphatic system
This figure shows the organs of the lymphatic system, which include the bone marrow,
thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes. These organs are connected by lymph vessels.
The chest and abdominal walls are supplied by the thoracic and thoracoabdominal intercostal
nerves, as well as nerves from the lumbar plexus. The intercostal nerves arise from the ventral
rami of the thoracic spinal nerves from T1 to T11. The corresponding nerve associated with T12
is the subcostal nerve.
Lumbar plexus
The lumbar plexus is formed by the ventral rami of the lumbar nerve roots and
supplies the muscular and cutaneous innervation to the lower extremity.
n.: nerve.
Contributor Disclosures
Jermaine E Gray, MD Nothing to disclose Jason S Mizell, MD, FACS Nothing to disclose Michael Rosen,
MD Grant/Research/Clinical Trial Support: Intuitive Surgical [Inguinal hernia (Surgical robot)]; Miromatrix
[Mesh (Mesh)]; Pacira [Ventral hernia repair (Bupivacaine)]. Consultant/Advisory Boards: Artiste Medical
[Mesh (Mesh)]. Employment: Medical Director of AHSQC (Americas Hernia Society Quality
Collaborative). Wenliang Chen, MD, PhD Nothing to disclose
Contributor disclosures are reviewed for conflicts of interest by the editorial group. When found, these are
addressed by vetting through a multi-level review process, and through requirements for references to be
provided to support the content. Appropriately referenced content is required of all authors and must conform
to UpToDate standards of evidence.