This document contains a list of English vocabulary words and their meanings. Some of the words included are: abridged, meaning shortened; acrimonious, meaning angry and bitter; acute, meaning to a severe or intense degree; and adroit, meaning clever or skillful. In total, over 100 words and their definitions are provided in the document.
This document contains a list of English vocabulary words and their meanings. Some of the words included are: abridged, meaning shortened; acrimonious, meaning angry and bitter; acute, meaning to a severe or intense degree; and adroit, meaning clever or skillful. In total, over 100 words and their definitions are provided in the document.
This document contains a list of English vocabulary words and their meanings. Some of the words included are: abridged, meaning shortened; acrimonious, meaning angry and bitter; acute, meaning to a severe or intense degree; and adroit, meaning clever or skillful. In total, over 100 words and their definitions are provided in the document.
This document contains a list of English vocabulary words and their meanings. Some of the words included are: abridged, meaning shortened; acrimonious, meaning angry and bitter; acute, meaning to a severe or intense degree; and adroit, meaning clever or skillful. In total, over 100 words and their definitions are provided in the document.
English Vocabulary Words Meanings Abridged Shorten (a book, film, speech, etc.) without losing the sense
Acrimonious Angry and bitter
Acrimony Angry and bitter feelings Acute To a severe or intense degree, critical, drastic, dire, dreadful Adamant Stubborn, determined not to change his mind
Adroit Clever or skillful
Affluent Having a great deal of money, wealthy, opulent Ailing In poor health Alienated Make (someone) feel isolated or estranged Allude Refer to, suggest, hint at, mention Ally Combine or unite a resource or commodity for mutual benefit Ambiguous Having different meanings Ambivalent Having mixed feelings about someone or something Amidst Easy to confuse, complicate, jumble Annihilate Destroy utterly, extinguish Annulled Declare invalid, declare null and void, nullify, invalidate Antagonize Provoke someone to react angrily, to make somebody angry Arrogate Seize and take control without authority, take as one's right Audacious Showing willingness to take bold risks Austerity Sternness or severity of manner or attitude Babble Talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited way Besmirch Damage (one's reputation), spoil, ruin Bewilder Cause to become perplexed and confused Bickering Argue about petty and trivial matters, squabble Bizarre Very strange or unusual, Odd, funny Blanche To become white, turn pale, Recoil Blatant (bad behaviour) done openly and Unashamedly, undisguised Not encouraging or giving any reason to have hope, unfavorable place, Bleak cold and miserable Bohemian Socially unconventional, experimental Bolster Support or strengthen Bonhomie Cheerful friendliness, geniality Brazen Bold, without shame, impudent, forward, unashamed Bugbears A cause of obsessive fear, anxiety or irritation Bygone Belonging to an earlier time Cajole To persuade by buttering up or making promises Callous Having an insensitive, unfeeling Canon A general law/ rule/ principle by which something is judged. Unpredictable, changeable, showing sudden changes in attitude or Capricious behaviour Cardinal Of the greatest importance, fundamental Carnage The killing of a large number of people Make or become sore by rubbing against something, graze, grate, Chafing scratch Chinks A narrow opening, typically one that admits light Chivalrous A man of manner, kind, polite and has honour for women Churn Move or cause to move about vigorously Clamour A loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting Cohort A group of people with a shared characteristic Condone To accept behaviour that is morally wrong, excuse Like-minded, compatible, pleasing or liked on account of having Congenial qualities or interests Congenial Agreeable and pleasing in nature or character Congregated Gather into a crowd or mass Conjure To appear by means of a magic ritual, materialize Cooper A maker or repairer of casks and barrels. Cordial Pleasant and friendly Crony A close friend or companion Croon Hum or sing in a soft, low voice Cults Popular among a particular group, craze, fashion, fad, vogue A person or thing that is the center of attention, something that attracts Cynosure attention Daunting Discouraging through fear Dawdle Waste time, be slow Debilitate Very weak and infirm, tiring, exhausting Deferment The action or fact of putting something off to a later time Demur Raise objections or show reluctance, protest Desist Stop doing something, cease or abstain Destitute Extremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself Devour Read quickly and eagerly Disgruntled Angry or dissatisfied, fed up Disingenuous Not straightforward or candid Distraught Very worried and upset, shattered Dodgy Dishonest or unreliable Dote Be extremely fond of, Adore Dovish The tone of a language Dovish Supportive discussion or other peaceful solution Drab Without interest, dull and boring, lack of charm Drubbing A resounding defeat in a match or contest Dwindling Diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength Earmarked Designate for a particular purpose, set aside, set apart Echelon A level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society Eerie Strange and frightening, ghostly, strange Elicit Evoke or draw out, obtain, bring out, draw out, induce Eloquent Clearly expressing, expressive Elude Escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy), flee Elusive Difficult to find, catch, or achieve Embodiment A tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling Encumbered Restrict or impede, obstruct, limit Engender Cause, generate, incite, provoke Errant Straying from the accepted course or standards, guilty Erudite Having or showing great knowledge or learning Famished Extremely hungry, Starved Farce An event or situation that is absurd or disorganized Fatuous Silly and pointless Feeble Lacking physical strength, powerless Fend Look after and provide for oneself Ferocious Savagely fierce, cruel, or violent Fickle Changing frequently, especially as regards one's loyalties or affections Firmament The sky, heaven, the blue Flagrant Conspicuously or obviously offensive Flouting Openly disregard, go against, rebel against, refuse to obey Foe An enemy or opponent Instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of Fomenting action) Frivolous Not having any serious purpose or value, joking Frugal Economical, prudent, avoiding waste Furor An outbreak of public anger or excitement Fury Wild or violent anger, temper Gadfly An irritating person, a nuisance Gallant Of brave nature, able to face and deal with danger Garrulous Excessively talkative, chatty, especially on trivial matters Germ An initial stage from which something may develop, Evolution Ginormous Extremely large Glut An excessively abundant supply of something Grandiose Extravagantly imposing in appearance or style, magnificent Grapple Close fight or struggle without weapons, wrestle Gregarious Sociable, like to be with other people Grit Courage and resolve, the strength of character Grotesque Comically or repulsively ugly or distorted Grueling Extremely tiring and demanding, exhausting Guile Sly or cunning intelligence Gullible Easily persuaded to believe something, trustful Looking exhausted and unwell, especially from fatigue, worry, or Haggard suffering Haggle Dispute or bargain persistently, negotiate, Hallucination See or hear, which is not really there due to illness or drugs Halo The glory associated with an esteemed person, radiance Harangued Lecture at length in an aggressive and critical manner Haste Excessive speed or urgency of movement or action, hurry A way of protecting oneself against financial loss or other adverse Hedge circumstances Heft The weight of someone or something Herald To be a sign (of something), indicate Hideous So extremely ugly as to be terrifying, Horrible Hokum A message that seems to convey no meaning Hoodwink To trick or mislead Humdrum lacking excitement or variety, boring Hunch A feeling or guess based on intuition rather than fact Ignominy Public shame or disgrace Imbecile Stupid, idiotic Imbibe Drink, consume, sip, swallow Imminent About to happened, forthcoming Impeccable Without fault or error, perfect in every way Imperative Of vital importance, crucial, necessary, indispensable Impunity Exemption from punishment, immunity Incandescent Brilliant, masterly, extraordinarily lucid Incumbent Necessary for as a duty or responsibility Insidious Causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed Intrepid Brave, feeling or displaying no fear by temperament Intricate Very complicated or detailed Intrigue Arouse the curiosity or interest of, fascinate Invective Insulting, abusive, or highly critical language Irresolute Showing or feeling hesitancy, uncertain Jaded Bored or lacking enthusiasm Jaunty Having a lively, cheerful, and self-confident manner Jeopardized Put into a danger of loss, harm, or failure, put at risk, threaten Jocular Fond of or characterized by joking, humorous or playful Juggernaut A huge, powerful, and overwhelming force Jurisprudence The theory or philosophy of law Kindle Set something on fire, arouse or inspire Knack Natural abilities or qualities of doing something, a special skill Laconic Using very few words, brief Laggard A person who makes slow progress and falls behind others, straggler Lament A passionate expression of grief or sorrow Lampoon Publicly criticize, irony, mock Leapt Jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force Lethal Deadly, fatal, causing or able to cause death Logjam A situation that seems irresolvable Ludicrous So foolish, unreasonable, absurd, ridiculous Lugubrious Extremely sad and depressed Lunacy Behaviour that is stupid or crazy, madness Lurking Be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush, hide, skulk Malice The desire to harm someone, feeling a need to see others suffer Malinger Pretend to be ill in order to escape duty or work Manifest Clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment Manifestation The action or fact of showing, display, demonstration, exhibition Manoeuvre A movement or series of moves requiring skill and care Maverick Independent person, unorthodox person Meagre Lacking in quantity or quality Mellifluous Pleasing to the ear, a smooth, flowing sound, Melodious Menace A person/ thing that causes harm, a threat Meteoric Very rapid, swift, fast, quick, speedy Midget Very small, so small as to be insignificant Mollify Pacify, appease, make calm or softer Raise (a question or topic) for discussion, suggest (an idea or Mooted possibility) Motley Varied in appearance or character, diverse, varied Mourn Feel or show sorrow for the death, feel regret or sadness about the loss Mundane Lacking interest or excitement, dull The projecting part of the face, including the nose and mouth, of an Muzzle animal such as a dog or horse Nefarious Wicked or criminal, evil, corrupt Neophyte A person who is new to a subject or activity, beginner Nexus A series of connections, Connection Nimble Quick and light in movement or action, agile Nostalgic Feeling, evoking, sentimental Nuance Characterized by shade of meaning/ expression, distinction, gradation Nudge To give someone a gentle reminder or encouragement Obese Grossly fat or overweight Obliterate Destroy utterly, wipe out. Omnipotent Having unlimited power, almighty, supreme Onus One's duty or responsibility, liability Orchestrated Plan or coordinate the elements to produce the desired effect Oust Drive out or expel someone from a position or place Ousted Drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place Palpably Noticeably or clearly Pantheon A group of famous or important people Paragon A model of excellence, good example A person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, Patrons or cause The presence of something in only small or insufficient quantities or Paucity amounts Pecuniary Relating to or consisting of money Peevish Easily irritated, testy or annoyed Perceptions Awareness of something through the senses, realization Perennial Lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time Pique A sudden outburst of anger Placid Not easily upset or excited Plagued Pester or harass (someone) continually Plenitude The state of being full or complete, an abundance Plethora A large or excessive amount of something/an excess of Plethora A large or excessive amount of something Ploy A cunning plan or action, strategy Plucky Having or showing determined courage in the face of difficulties Portends Be an early sign or warning, prophesy Pragmatic Dealing with things sensibly and realistically Preempt Take action in order to prevent an anticipated event, forestall Prevail Prove more powerful or superior, triumph, be victorious Probity The quality of having strong moral principles, honesty and decency Prodigies A young person with exceptional qualities or abilities A natural inclination or tendency, a disposition to behave in a certain Propensity way. Propped Support or keep in position, hold up Protagonist An advocate or champion of a particular cause or idea Protracted Lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual Quaint Attractively old-fashioned, oddly picturesque Quandary A state of not knowing what to decide, the dilemma Queer Strange, odd, bizarre Quell Put an end to (a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of force Redundant Surplus, more than what is required Reiteration The action of repeating something, typically for emphasis or clarity Remiss Lacking care or attention to duty, negligent Resuscitate Revive (someone) from unconsciousness or apparent death Retaliate To take revenge, to do something harmful Retrench To spend less money, to reduce costs Revel Enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way Revive Restore to life or consciousness, bring back from the edge of death Rhetoric The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing Roil Make (a liquid) turbid or muddy by disturbing the sediment Ruminate To think deeply about something, Meditate Ruse An action intended to deceive someone, a trick, ploy, tactic Sanguine Cheerfully positive and confident Sanguineness Cheerfully confident optimistic Satire The use of humour, irony Scant Barely sufficient or adequate Scarcity In short supply, dearth, lack, want, undersupply, insufficiency Scramble Move hurriedly or clumsily from or into a particular place or position Scrutinized Examine or inspect closely and thoroughly, survey, scan Scrutiny Critical observation or examination, inspection Scurrilous Very rude and insulting, and intended to damage somebody's reputation Scuttle Run hurriedly or furtively with short quick steps Searing Extremely hot or intense, severely critical Shambles A state of total disorder. chaos, mess, muddle, disorganization Skeptical Not easily convinced, having doubts Slothful Lazy, idle, inactive, dull Slovenly Untidy and dirty, scruffy, messy, unkempt, blowsy Sluggish Slow-moving or inactive Snares A trap for catching birds or mammals, net Sojourn A temporary stay, stopover, residence
Sojourn A temporary stay
Spook Afraid of, frighten, unnerve Squandering Waste something in a foolish manner, dissipate Staunch Very loyal and committed in attitude Staunch Very loyal and committed in attitude Stern Serious, strict, severe, harsh Steward A person responsible for supplies Stewardship The job of supervising or taking care of something Stratum People Having the Same Social, Economic, Or Educational Status Strife Angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues, conflict Suave Charming, sophisticated, gentlemanly Succinct Briefly and clearly expressed Succor Assistance and support in times of hardship and distress Succumb Fail to resist pressure or temptation, surrender Thrifty Careful about spending money and not wasting things Throng Fill or be present in great numbers Titter Give a short, half-suppressed laugh, giggle Tranquil Free from disturbance, calm Trumped Surpass (something) by saying or doing something better A loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of Tumult people Ubiquitous Present, appearing or being everywhere at once Ulterior Existing beyond what is obvious or admitted, intentionally hidden Unbridled Uncontrolled, unconstrained Utopia An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect Vague Of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning Valiant Possessing or showing courage or determination Vanquish Defeat thoroughly, conquer, overcome Veer Change direction suddenly, swing Vendetta A prolonged bitter quarrel or campaign, argument Veracity Conformity to facts, accuracy, truthfulness, truth, exactness Veracity Conformity to facts, accuracy Verbose Using or expressed in more words than are needed Vex Cause Annoyance In, Disturb, Especially by Minor Irritations Vitiate Make imperfect, to spoil or reduce the effect of something Vitiating Spoil, impair the quality or efficiency, Abolish Volley Utter or discharge in quick succession, burst Votary A devoted follower, adherent, or advocate of someone Vying To be competitive with someone in order to do or achieve something Vying Compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something Whammy An event with a powerful and unpleasant effect, a blow Woe Great sorrow or distress, misery, unhappiness Have an intense feeling of longing for something, that one has lost or Yearn been separated from Zenith The high point, Apex, Maximum, Pinnacle
List of English Vocabulary Words
● Abject: Miserable ● Abnormal: Not normal ● Abrade: Wear away ● Acquit: Free from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty ● Callous: Insensitive ● Cantankerous: Quarrelsome, irascible ● Clandestine : Kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit. ● Cumbersome: Heavy or large & therefore difficult to carry or use ● Debility: Physical weakness, especially as a result of illness ● Denunciation: public condemnation of someone or something / informing against someone ● Dormant: Having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time; in or as if in a deep sleep ● Elucidate: To make clear ● Fastidious: Careful in all details, meticulous, very difficult to please ● Formidable: Overwhelming, alarming, dreadful ● Forsake: To abandon ● Fraught: causing or affected by anxiety or stress, filled with something undesirable ● Gauche: Tactless ● Haughty: Proud ● Hovered: Remain in one place in the air ● Impasse: A situation in which no progress is possible ● Incorrigible: Not able to be changed or reformed ● Inextricable: Cannot be taken out, irredeemable ● Knotty: Puzzling ● Ligature: Something that is used to bind ● Macabre: Horrible ● Modalities: A Specific mode in which something is expressed or is experienced something exists ● Nullify: Make void ● Ostensible: Apparent ● Oust: To eject ● Overt: In the open ● Pacify: To calm ● Palatial: Like a palace ● Penance: Punishment inflicted on oneself for expressing repentance for any wrongdoing of one’s own ● Pretence: An attempt to make something that is not the case appears true ● Query: Question ● Queue: Line ● Quiet: Making no noise ● Quintessential: Representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class ● Quip: Witty remark ● Radical: Extreme ● Rampage: Violence ● Rapid: Having great speed ● Rapport: Harmony ● Recalcitrant: Obstinately defiant of authority, difficult to manage ● Reliant: having or showing dependence on something ● Robust: Sturdy in construction (in case of objects); strong and rich in flavor and smell (in case of wine or food) ● Rogue: A dishonest or unprincipled person. ● Sanguine: Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad situation ● Startling: very surprising, astonishing or remarkable ● Stationary: Unchanging ● Stealth: Secret ● Unravelled: investigated or solved and explained something complicated and difficult / undo twisted or knotted or woven threads ● Uproarious: Noisy ● Urbane: Courteous ● Urgent: Required immediately ● Wretchedness: Extreme misery or unhappiness ● Wrought: Worked into shape by artistry or effort, fashioned, formed ● Wry: Twisted
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