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1. Conventionally: traditionally done or believed

2. Regal: entertain guest
4. Epigraphy: heading, inscription
5. Ecology: a study of living being
6. Numismatic: related to coin, paper money
7. Cartography: a study of the map
8. Insipid: boring, tasteless
9. Innocuous: harmless
10. Absolve: free from something
11. Exonerate: Pardon, acquit,
12. Petulant: easily Angry People, bad termed people,
13. Acrimonious: Angry and bitter
14. Omnipresent- universe, Globe, widespread.
15. Vanity- Pride, self-admiration, pretension, affectation,
airs, Show, Ostentation, Vainglory, braggadocio
16. connive: look the other way, disregard,
17. Grotesque: comically or repulsively ugly or distorted.,
18. Predicament: problem
19. Catastrophic: Disaster, Apocalypse( going to happen),
20. Treatise: Book
21. Antipode: opposite
22. stringent: strict
23. Terra: land
24. Chattel: property
25. Cognita: recognized
26. Paradox: Puzzle
27. Marionettes: a puppet worked by strings.
28. Uncanny: supernatural, unnatural, strange, bizarre
29. Bigotry: orthodox
30. Facsimile: copy, mimeography,
31. Protagonist: the leading character or one of the
significant characters in a play, film, novel, etc,
32. Thespian: best And expert in film.
33. Albeit: all be it, though.
34. Unprecedented: never before
35. Barring: stopping
36. Precedence: respect, importance
37. Intertwined: enmeshed, tied up.
38. Beleaguered: Difficult situation, ball of Spike
39. Belligerence: angry
40. Articulate: Coherent, Fluent, Persuasive,
understandable(Nuanced, subtle), illuminating, lucid, vivid,
41. Anglophone: English speaking.
42. Artifact: old things, antics,
43. Demeanours: Apperencence, look, comportment,
deportment, mien.
44. Tremulous: shiver, quavering, Wavering, Quaking.
45. therapeutic: cure, Curative, salutary, analeptic, iatric.
46. Nuanced: subtle
47. Repository: store
48. Ambivalence: unclear
49. Unambiguous: clear
50. Amalgamation: combine, mixture, concoction,
Interwoven, mixed
51. Protracted: Lengthy
52. Unobtrusive: invisible
53. Rickety: broken, shaky, unsteady, derelict, ruinous.
54. Uncouth: rough
55. Decimated: kill, destroy
56. Impaired: damage, lessen, impede, hinder, mar,
undermine, foul-up.
57. Capricious: fickle, unstable, variable, mercurial, erratic,
fitful, quirky, arbitrary, whimsical, vacillating,
58. Dormant: sleeping, hibernating
59. Intrinsic: actual
60. Stratify: arrange or classify
61. Ephemeral: lasting for a very short time, impermanent,
evanescent, fugitive, Fly-by-night, fugacious.
62. Pertinent: relevant
63. Secessionism: Right to separate.
64. Ghettoization: living in slums
65. Laudatory: Praise
66. Maudlin: Sentimental
67. Intrinsic: inherent, inborn, congenital
68. Impoverished: Poor, penurious, destitute, indigent,
69. Infancy: childhood,
70. Tandem: a bicycle with seats and pedals for two riders,
one behind the other
71. Delegation: Official team
72. Gaiety: Joy, cheerful, Glee, merriment, jollity, mirth,
hilarity, exuberance, euphoric, Vivacity, Zest, levity
73. Coercive: Forcefully.
74. Hegemonic: Ruler, controlling, leader
75. Convention: rules
76. Forfeited: loss, surrender, Renounce, Yield.
77. Purported: Suggested, Claim,
78. Corsair: Pirate ship.
79. Obscure: unclear, doubtful, dubious, Mysterious,
Haze, concealed, Vague, enigmatic, wistful, regret,
Abstruse: Difficult to understand, complex, esoteric,
80. Alien: strange
81. Thriving: growing
82. Intensifying: increasing, becoming, or making more
83. Linguistic: related to language, rhetorical,
84. Palatial: luxuries, grand, rich.
85. Amulets: Magical charm.
86. Dearth: Shortage.
87. Stringent: strict
88. Adherence to: Follow
89. Gloss over: ignore.
90. Absolve: forgive.
91. Peril: danger, Perilious, Risk
92. Coup: Rebellion, insurgent
93. Ousted: thrown out
94. Erred: mistake
95. Enfeeble: week
96. Attenuating: weakening, enervated
97. Scornful: hatred toward someone.
98. Derogatory: insulting, Disparaging, Scorn
99. Acrimony: Betterness
100. Archaic: old fashion, Anachronistic, Antiduliuvian,
Antwacky, Defunct, Antediluvian
101. Prevalent: fashionable, zeitgeist.
102. Truncated: Shorten, decrease, curtail, dock, Prune,
Trim, lop, shortened in duration or extent., without its top or end
103. Twitch: involuntary movement
104. Polyvalence: Have more than 1 Valency( Quality), the
ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions
or activities.
105. Ubiquity: available in many places.
106. Reverential: respect
107. Pessimistic: Negative.
108. Synchronize: working well together; in agreement,
concomitantly( mandatory, together, Concerted, Coterminous:
existing together),
109. Polyglot: knowing or using several languages, Peristan,
110. Homogeneous: of the same kind; alike.
111. Tripartite: Three Part
112. Reiterate: Restate forcefully.
113. Soothe: appease, Ameliorate, make better
114. Frayed: angry
115. Machination: Plotting
116. Serendipitous: lucy, opportune
117. Palatable: Tasty, suitable
118. Rustic: Rural
119. Aristocracy: upper class, High society, The Peerage,
120. Strive: try, attempt, venture,
121. Leisure: free time,
122. Constellation: Collection of stars
123. Visceral: a strong feeling
124. Metamorphoses: changes, transform
125. Didactic: Theoretically.
126. Expository: Explain
127. Extramarital: From another space*
128. Imperative: urgent, drastic.
129. Ameliorating: improving.
130. Squander: waste
131. Outlawed: Illegal
132. Pernicious: Insidious, harmful, nefarious, wicked
133. Benign: harmless.
134. Imeperious: naughty
135. Nodules: Growth of tissues
136. Clamoring: shouting
137. Egregious: Evil, venal
138. Disenchantment: disappointment, Disillusion,
139. Fathom: judge, Assess.
140. Oscillation: Wavering, Paindulam,
141. Retaliate: Revenge,
142. Ethology: Study of animal behavior,
143. Epistemological: relating to the theory of knowledge
144. Archeologist: a person who studies human history and prehistory through
the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains
145. canopy: Shelter
146. trudging: walk slowly and heavily.
147. Mitigate: Reduce
148. Commemorate salute, honor,
149. Memento: Memorial, souvenir, reminder.
150. Coinage: coins collectively.
151. Aesthetic: beautiful, elegant
152. Deemed- suggested
153. Inept charlatans: incomplete quacks, not skilled,
154. Quacks: fake, Hypocritical,
155. Incantation: chant, mantra.
156. Hindrance- obstacles
157. Purgatives: medicines,
158. Regimen: routine.
159. Integral: Crucial
160. Pedantic: boring, banal, vapid.
161. Acerbic: harsh.
162. Lacunae: Flaws
163. Woeful: sad
164. Skeptical: droughts
165. Sought: seeking, look for
166. Mastectomy: a surgical operation to remove a breast.
167. Autonomy: self-govern, independence, sovereignty,
168. Solidarity: unity, agreement, harmony, consensus,
concord, cohesion, camaraderie.
169. Futile: useless, vain, nugatory, doomed, bootless,
barren, thwarted, unprofitable, pointless, forlorn, impotent
170. Touting: recommended, support, promote, push,
puff, tip, flog, Proponent, Buttress, backing, Abets, help
171. Accompaniment: background, soundtrack, Backing,
ripieno, obbligato, organum.
172. Syntax: grammar
173. Knotter: Complicated
174. Topple: fall
175. Genres: category.
176. Cursory: facile, uncaring
177. Kernel: inner most part of heart, the heart of the
178. Anthropocentric: human at the center.
179. Theological notion: religious
180. Notion: idea
181. Annihilated: Destroy, wiped out, slaughtered, Zap,
extirpate, extinguish, eradicate,
182. Martyrdom: death, suffering, torture, agony, anguish,
crucifixion, burning, Scorching.
183. Ammunition: a supply or quantity of bullets and shells.
184. Veto: the power to refuse
185. Stalemate: deadlock, status quo
186. Unanimously: in one opinion
187. Escalating: increasing, aggravating
188. Grind on: continuing
189. Offramp: exit rout
190. Relapse: Sick, worsen, Deteriorate, Degenerate
191. Remission: Repeal, revocation, abrogation, cancellation,
192. Bureaucracy: red tape, Paperwork
193. Thrive: do well
194. Reflected on: Think deep
195. Derange marginal: crazy
196. Conviction: strong belief
197. Foment: instigate, Provoke, incite, stir up, kindle,
198. Arbitrary: based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason
or system, illogical, irrational,

199. Disincentive: A financial disadvantage, block, barrier,

discouragement, Deterrent, Damper, break, impediment,
restrain, check, inhibition
200. Bipartisan: members of two parties, involving the agreement or
cooperation of two political parties that oppose each other's policies.
201. Chronicled: record, written down, document, narrate,
record (a series of events) in a factual and detailed way.
202. Prognostications: Prediction, Forecast, prophecy,
203. Tantalizing: torment or tease, titillate, arouse, allure,
204. Emancipation: Freedom
205. Embryonic: beginning, unborn, Foetal
206. Decapitation: Cut the head, undermine
207. Synapses:
208. Scarcely: barely, Hardly
209. Discernible: observable, noticeable
210. Parity: quality
211. Faltered: slow down
212. Tokenism: Symbolism
213. Abysmal: awful
214. Mortality: Death rate
215. Cast a shadow: Weaken, undermining, Subvert
216. Homogeneity: Similarity
217. Heterogeneity: Differences, Polarisation
218. Ironic: Surprising
219. inadequate; incompleteness
220. Ante Nate: Before birth
221. Semiotics: the study of signs and symbols and their
222. Millennials: between 25 to 40 yr age
223. Infantilization: when an adult is being treated like a child, even
though nothing about their mental, physical, social, or intellectual
wellbeing requires such treatment.
224. Dire: urgent
225. Precipitate: Cause
226. Epidemiology: medicine related to Epidemics
227. Revelation: Disclosure
228. Eschatological: related to death, Judgement, destiny.
229. Testament: proof
230. Contagious: infectious, transferable, communicable,
231. Annihilation: mass murder
232. Unequivocally: in one voice
233. Endeavors: efforts
234. Altruistic: unselfish, kind, decent, generous,
humanitarian, philanthropic, benevolent, magnanimous,
235. Withering: dry
236. Repudiate: Reject
237. Apocryphal: Fictitious, made up, imaginary, spurious,
238. Eureka: Wow, I did it.
239. Hypothesized: Theorized
240. Introgression: transfer of genetic material between
241. Chromosome: the structure of DNA in cells
242. resounding: loud
243. Prevailing: Ongoing
244. Detestable: hateful, Abhorrent, Obnoxious, laotesome,
Aversion: hatred
245. Anthology: collection of short stories
246. Envisioned: Saw in mind
247. Dearth: Shortage
248. Segues: Shifts
249. Doodle: Draw
250. Avantgarde: unusual, experimental, maverick
251. Fallibility: tendency to make mistakes
252. Parlor trick: game
253. Interplay: discussion
254. Resilience: Tenacity, stick to it,
255. Affinities: liking, penchant
256. Axiom: true saying
257. Evangelism: advocacy of religion
258. Barbarism: crude
259. Corporal punishment: physical Punishment
260. Coaleased: come together
261. Inchoate: vague, partially formed.
262. Emancipate: free
263. Warble: sing
264. Reverberation: a reflection of sound
265. Orchestrated: Coordinating, organizing
266. Mise en scene: Stage setting
267. Internalized: inherent
268. Distortion: contortion, twist.
269. Treatise: essay, paper
270. Acoustics: related to sound
271. Epicurean: live ver simple life
272. Robust: strong
273. Perpetrator: the one who does illegal harmful or
immoral work.
274. Belie: Disappoint
275. Belle: Pretty
276. Belligerent: aggressive
277. Beatific: peaceful
278. Bellow: shout
279. Bewail: cry loudly
280. Blasphemeous: maline, not respectful,
281. Blarney: nonsense
282. Abbreviate: short
283. Ablution: cleaning, washing
284. Abrupt: sudden, brusque, precipitous
285. Proletariot: common man
286. Bourgeois: middle-class, capitalist
287. Evangelist: messenger,
288. Philanthropic: kind, charitable
289. Frugal: spartan, use less money,
290. Vivacious: lively, bright, social, extrovert, open
291. Languid: lazy, slow, langer
292. Course: rough
293. Delectable: tasty
294. Dainty: pretty,fragile, graceful, delicate
295. Gainsay: refuse, reject, Proscribe
296. Alacrity: eager, speed
297. Slake: thirst, Quench

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