G7 - LP - 4 - Teleworking (Work)
G7 - LP - 4 - Teleworking (Work)
G7 - LP - 4 - Teleworking (Work)
Information and
Subject Duration 35 Minutes
Communications Technology
Lesson Plan 4
Sub-Topic Teleworking
Teaching Aim Understand how the use of ICT has changed the traditional work practices
List benefits and drawback of teleworking for both the employee and employer and
Learning Outcomes identify the tools required to achieve this.
Prior Knowledge The internet as the biggest world-wide communication network of computers.
Teaching Duration
Steps Planned Activities
Strategies (min)
2 Video Lesson 3
Points to discuss from this video: How does teleworking benefit the
employee and the employer?
Video link:
4 Class Discussion 3
What are the tools required to do teleworking?
Expected answer:
What are the benefits and drawback of teleworking for employee and for
the employer?
Each one assigned one part to prepare and given kitchen paper and marker
to write their ideas
Have each group come and present their work in front of the class note
their ideas on the whiteboard
Accept all relevant answers and discard the wrong ones after all groups
have written their answers on the whiteboard
6 Formative 3
Assessment Page 11 Quick Test 1.6.2 : Fill in the blanks with the following words:
Travel - family - costs - teleworking - handicapped
7 Correction of classwork 2
Remarks Explaining the concept of teleworking was challenging as most of my students had no
relative who worked from home. The brainstorming activity took longer than the
planned 2 minutes. By the end of the class students showed interest in the concept of
working from home.
The video lesson was well received by the students except that most students have
focused mainly on the illustrations from the video and not on the audio as the
narration was in English. Students not yet used to understand English narrated videos.
Evaluation The time allocated for lecturing was correct as I have chosen the higher ability
students to perform the reading
The quick test 1.6.2 from the book was straight forward and simple and most students
have been able to perform the work correctly.
The group work was a good choice as most students have been able to produce a
good piece of work and most of the answers written of the whiteboard were correct
except for grammatical errors. However more answers were obtained for the benefits
Reflection and drawback for the employee rather than for the employer.
Students were expected to identify the tools for teleworking and this, with the help of
the video, was an achievement.