Tender Document: Airports Authority of India
Tender Document: Airports Authority of India
Tender Document: Airports Authority of India
TENDER ID : 2020_AAI_58681
This Draft Tender Document contains pages from 1 (One) to 22 (Twenty Two)
which are numbered serially.
3. AAI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all application without assigning any reasons. AAI
also reserves the right to call off tender process at any stage without assigning any reason.
4. AAI reserves the right to disallow issue of tender document to working agencies whose
Performance at ongoing project (s) is below par and usually poor and has been issued letter of
restrain/Temporary/ Permanent debar by any department of AAI. AAI reserves the right to verify
the credential submitted by the agency at any stage (before or after the award of work). If at any
stage, any information / documents submitted by the applicant is found to be incorrect/false or
have some discrepancy which disqualifies the firm then AAI shall take the following action:
i) Forfeit the entire amount of EMD submitted by the firm.
ii) The agency shall be liable for debarment from tendering in AAI, apart from any other
appropriate contractual/legal action.
5. Consortium / JV companies shall not be permitted. No single firm shall be permitted to submit two
separate applications/Tenders.
6. Concessions to Indian Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) units will be given as per the provisions
(para-10) of public procurement policy for MSEs Order 2012. MSEs (Micro & Small Enterprises)
registered with DIC/NSIC/ KVIC/KVIB/Directorate of Handicraft and handloom etc. (Declaration as
per Annexure-E at Page No. 22 in Tender Document).
7. The benefit to MSEs shall be available only for goods / service produced and provided by MSEs for
which they are registered.
8. Purchase preference to Central Public Sector Undertaking shall be applicable as per the directive of
Govt. of India prevalent on the date of acceptance.
9. If any of the supporting documents is submitted in any language other than English or Hindi, a self-
attested English/Hindi version shall be submitted with the respective document.
10. If bidder has any clarification(s) related to the tender documents of the work, they should use
“seek clarification” tab in CPP portal to seek clarifications. No other means of communication in
Asst. GM (ATSEP)
NIATAM, Birsi, Gondia
1 2 3 4
Qualifying Criteria Particulars Enclosed check list
Completion Cost:
Private Clients.
(Tick whichever is
applicable. In case
Whether experience from Govt.
7 of experience with Copy Enclosed : Yes / No
organizations or private clients?
private client, TDS
certificate from
clients to be
TURNOVER : Annualized average Year INR (in Lacs) Proof of turnover enclosed
financial turnover equivalent to INR 2016-17 (Abridged balance sheet &
Rs. 1,30,770/- during last three 2017-18 Profit & Loss Account) : Yes /
financial years 2018-19 No
Signature with stamp
Authorized Signatory of the Agency
1) Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained
therein should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the relevant
contact person indicated in the tender.
2) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to CPP
Portal in general may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk.
Any Bid related issue/query pertaining to technical support or otherwise on CPP-portal (URL:-
https://etender.gov.in./eprocure/app) for submission of tender documents should be addressed to AAI Help Desk
Support (details also mentioned in the Web-NIT) as below:-
Bidders are requested to mention URL of the Portal and Tender ID in the e-mail sent along with their contact
(ii) For any further technical assistance with regards to functioning of CPP portal, the bidder should contact
personnel at following AAI help desk numbers on all working days as below:-
08.00hrs to 20.00 hrs (Mon-Sat)
011-24632950, Ext-3512 (Six Lines), e-mail:- eprochelp@aai.aero
09.30hrs to 18.00 hrs (Mon-Fri)
011-24632950 Ext-3523,
Email: etendersupport@aai.aero, sanjeevkumar@aai.aero and snita@aai.aero
09.30hrs to 18.00 hrs (Mon-Fri)
011-24657900, email: gmitchq@aai.aero
In Case of technical support regarding e-tender portal, if AAI Help Desk is non responsive, the Bid Manager can be
contracted as below on all working days from 9.30 hrs to 18.00 hrs.
Name : Sh. Shafique Shah (Asst. GM, ATSEP)
Mobile No. : 9890714304
E-mail.ID : sushah@aai.aero
Escalation Contract
SN Support Persons E-mail Address Timings*
Matrix Numbers
0930-1800 Hrs.
5 General Manager (IT) After 03 Days gmitchq@aai.aero 011-24657900
*The Helpdesk services shall remain closed on all Govt. Gazetted Holidays.
The above mentioned help desk numbers are intended only for queries related to the issues on e-procurement
portal and help needed on the operation of the portal. For queries related to the tenders published on the portal,
bidders are advised to contact concerned Bid Manager of AAI.
1. Digitally signed and sealed (Encrypted) Item rate e-tenders are invited on behalf of Chairman,
Airports Authority of India for the work PROVISION OF MANPOWER FOR SUPPORT SERVICES
3. The works are required to be completed within the period as mentioned in NIT. This period
shall be reckoned as per work order.
4. The Accepting Authority is In-Charge, NIATAM and shall be the Accepting Officer hereinafter,
referred to as such for the purpose of this contract.
6. Submission of e-tender by a Tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all other contract
documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the works to be
done and of conditions and rates at which mentioned above at Sr. No. 5 etc.
The scanned copies furnished on CPP portal at the time of bid submission online should be the
same otherwise the bid will be summarily rejected.
registered with NSIC:
The following procedure is adopted for the bidders of MSEs registered with NSIC:
9. Notification of Award of contract will be made in writing to the successful Bidder by the
Accepting Authority or his representative. The Contract will normally be awarded to the
qualified and responsive Bidder offering lowest evaluated bid in conformity with the
requirements of the specifications and contract documents and the Accepting Authority shall
be the sole judge in this regard. The Accepting Authority does not bind himself to accept the
lowest or any tender or to give any reason for his decision.
10. A responsive bidder is one who submits priced tender and accepts all terms and conditions of
the specifications and contract documents.
i) A major modification is one which affects in any way the quality, quantity and period of
completion of the work or which limits in any way the responsibilities or liabilities of the
Bidder or any right of AAI as required in the specifications and contract documents. Any
modification in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to AAI
shall also be treated as a major modification.
ii) A Tenderer shall submit a responsive bid, failing which his Tender will be liable to be
iii) The accepting Authority reserves to himself the right of accepting the whole or any part of
the Tender and Tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at his quoted rates.
11. Airports Authority of India will return the earnest money where applicable to every
unsuccessful Tenderer except Lowest bidder. Canvassing in connection with Tenders is strictly
12. The Tender works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 (Ninety) Days from the
date of opening of Tenders (Finance Bid). If any Tenderer withdraws his Tender before the said
period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the Tender which are not
acceptable to the Department, then Airports Authority of India shall have liberty to take
suitable action.
13. A Tenderer shall submit the Tender which satisfies each and every condition laid down in this
notice failing which the Tender will be liable to be rejected. Also if the credentials submitted by
the firm found to be incorrect or have some discrepancy which disqualifies the firm then the
AAI shall take the following action:
a. Forfeit the entire amount of EMD submitted by the firm.
b. The agency shall be liable for debarment from tendering in AAI, apart from any other
appropriate contractual/legal action.
14. All tendered rate should be exclusive of GST. GST shall be paid extra as applicable against a
valid tax invoice (as per GST Rules).
15. Finance bid i.e. envelope-II, shall be submitted in the BOQ attached in CPP Portal for all items.
16. As this tender is an Item rate tender, rates for all items quoted shall only be considered. Any
Tender containing percentage below/above the total estimated cost is liable to be rejected.
NOTE: In order to reduce the file size, bidders are suggested to scan the documents in 75-100 DPI so
that the clarity is maintained and also the size of file also gets reduced. This will help in quick uploading
even at very low bandwidth speeds. The tenderer shall submit their application by downloading the
“PQ Proforma” from the CPP portal, fill up the required information and upload the digitally signed file
of scanned documents and firm’s bio-data in support of their meeting each criteria mentioned below in
the “Envelope-I" i.e., Pre-Qualification / Technical.
Envelope: II- Finance bid shall be submitted in the BOQ attached in e-portal.
The successful Tenderer/contractor on acceptance of his tender by the Accepting Authority shall within
15 days from the date of award of work sign the acceptance of Notice Inviting Tenders, General
conditions of contract etc., Tender conditions as issued at the time of invitation of Tender and
acceptance thereof with any correspondence leading there to.
Asstt.GM (ATSEP)
Airports Authority of India,
NIATAM, Birsi, Gondia, Maharashtra - 441601.
1. I/We have downloaded the tender documents of the work “PROVISION OF MANPOWER FOR SUPPORT
portal which was uploaded by office of Asst. General Manager (ATSEP), AAI, NIATAM, Birsi, Gondia,
Maharashtra - 441601 and I/we hereby certify that I/we have understood the work and read the entire
terms and conditions of the tender documents made available to me/us in the office of Asst. General
Manager (ATSEP), AAI, NIATAM, Birsi, Gondia, Maharashtra - 441601 which shall form part of the contract
agreement and I/We shall abide by the conditions/clauses contained therein.
2. I/We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of AAI’s tender documents in its entirety for the
above work.
3. The contents of Notice Inviting Tender of the Tender Document have been noted wherein it is clarified that
after unconditionally accepting the tender conditions in its entirety, it is not permissible to upload any
additional file or put any remarks/conditions (except unconditional rebate on quoted rates, if any) in the
tender uploaded in envelope-I. In case, any condition(s) are found in Envelope-I i.e. PQQ & Technical Bid
then Envelope -II i.e. Price Bid shall not be opened, or Bid shall be rejected and AAI shall, without prejudice
to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to take suitable action.
4. That, I/ We declare that I/ We have not paid and will not pay any bribe to any officer of AAI for awarding this
contract at any stage during its execution or at the time of payment of bills, and further if any officer of AAI
asks for bribe/ gratification, I will immediately report it to the Appropriate Authority in AAI’.
5. The required earnest money as specified in E NIT is attached herewith along with other documents and also
the scanned copy of DD of EMD is uploaded.
Yours Faithfully
Asstt.GM (ATSEP)
Airports Authority of India,
NIATAM, Birsi,
Gondia, Maharashtra - 441601.
Yours Faithfully
(Signature of Tenderer)
Date :
1. The job will be done by the successful firms/agency shall be strictly as per terms and
conditions by work indicated in the form of Tender.
2. Payment: The payment shall be made through RTGS/Cheque to the supplier as per the
actual supply/the works done per order during the year and only upon satisfactory
completion of work. The vendor should submit the invoice to the O/o the In-Charge,
Airports Authority of India, NIATAM, Birsi, Gondia, Maharashtra – 441601 in duplicate
for claiming the same.
3. The tender document with any modifications will be summarily rejected. Conditional
tender are liable to be rejected.
4. The In-Charge, AAI, NIATAM, Birsi, Gondia reserves the right to accept or reject any of
the tenders including the lowest one. He also reserves the right to cancel the supply
order placed on the successful tenderer(s) summarily without assigning any reason or
5. The right to accept or reject any tender, partially or wholly, including lowest tender
without assigning any reason whatsoever thereof or incurring any liability thereby is
reserved with the In-Charge, AAI, NIATAM, Birsi, Gondia.
6. In case of unsatisfactory performance, the work shall be withdrawn by AAI.
7. Bills shall accompany clear copy of EPF & ESIC deposit challan for contribution made
towards EPF/ESI as per applicable Govt. of India rules for employees engaged for this
contract in AAI under self certification with company seal.
Asst. GM (ATSEP)
NIATAM, Birsi, Gondia
THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this ……………. (Date) day of ……………………….. (Month & Year) by and
between ………………… (Name of Contractor), having its office at …………………………………………………….
(Contractor’s office address) (hereinafter called the “Contractor”) and the Airports Authority of India
having its office at NIATAM , Gondia (hereinafter called the “AAI”), the expressions “Contractor” and
“AAI” shall mean their successors, legal representatives or assigns, for Manpower for ATSEP systems at
WHEREAS, AAI invited offers for the Manpower for ATSEP systems at NIATAM , Gondia for TWO
WHEREAS, the Contractor has offered Manpower for ATSEP systems at NIATAM , Gondia for two year
in accordance with their Price Bid dated …………. (Date) and AAI has accepted its offer.
NOW, therefore, in consideration and mutual covenants contained herein, the Contractor and the AAI
(hereinafter referred to as the “parties”) agree that the following document shall be part of this
AAI Tender Document including section-I, II, III, IV, all Annexures for the Manpower for ATSEP systems
at NIATAM , Gondia
2. Queries raised by AAI during technical evaluation and technical clarifications submitted by the
contractor in response thereof.
Name of the Executive : …………….. Name of Executive : …………...
Design : ……………………………. Design : …………...
Name of the
Bidding Firm
/ Company :
(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after
filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to
enter the Bidder Name and Values only )
1 2 4 5 13 53 55
1 Provision of 1 Skilled Manpower for ATSEP 24 EACH 0.00 INR Zero Only
support services on monthly basis excluding
PF, ESI , Bonus and GST
Total in 0.00 INR Zero Only
Quoted Rate in Words INR Zero Only