Daybreak Cafe - PrintInspection
Daybreak Cafe - PrintInspection
Daybreak Cafe - PrintInspection
Clair County Health Department
Foodservice Establishment Inspection Report
Facility Name Facility Type State License Number Facility Telephone #
Daybreak Cafe Fixed Est / Commissary SFE4374078388 810 966-5000
Facility Address
3910 Twenty Fourth Ave , PORT HURON , MI , 48060
Inspection Information
Inspection Type Inspection Date
Routine 09/14/2020
Food Safety
Choking Poster Smoking (Meets PA 188) License Displayed Certified Manager
Yes Yes Yes Yes
This facility was inspected to determine the level of compliance with Food Law of 2000 Act No. 92. Violations cited in this report shall be corrected with
the time frames specified below, but within a period not to exceed 10 calendar days for priority or priority foundation items (8-405.11) or 90 days for core
items (8-406.11). Failure to comply with this notice may result in license suspension and/or other legal action. You have the right to appeal any
violation listed.
Observed Priority Violations
Total # 0
Repeated # 0
Observed Priority Foundation Violations
Total # 0
Repeated # 0
Observed Core Violations
Total # 0
Repeated # 0
Law and code excerpts in report are for information only and not as the basis for legal or judicial determinations. Always verify them against the most
recent available copy of the law and code.
No signature collected per COVID-19 policy. No violations were observed at this inspection.
Person in Charge Sanitarian