Be The Bir: Fi (T) - Ifpi) /ts Ei' (T E-Qyeffi-Idae

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BLTffi.EAU iliF E-qYEffi-idAE, ffi EI,"EHLTE

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.3 u' Elt-F -t: t-- e Circulai'izinq the A,r'aiiabilirl o1'the Nev, BIR Foi'rn Nc,. C520 {.lllonthl.r' Rt,ntiiiunctt
of'Tcrxes I4'ithhald on /he .Anroun/ W'ithdrutrn.l)'ont lha Datacleni's Daposil .4cc{)t{n!.)
and BIR Fornt No.162l (Quurterlv Rctttittunce of Taxes ll'ithhcld on the.,lmrntnt
l4'ithdruu'"om /he Deccdcnt's Deposit,4cc'otutl )

?{} All Internal Revenue Officials. Emplovees and Others Concerned

Revenue Regulation Nos. l2-2018 and 8-2019 prescribed. among others- the use ol the
ftirms/returu that rvill be used by all banks in the monthly and quarter rernittances of tire six percent
((i%) tinal \r'ithholdinc tax on atltouut rvithdrarvn ii'oin tlre ciecedent's bank cieposit account- specificallr .
BIR Foi-m No. CSlC ill{otiiliv Reniiiiurtce rsf T.xes {l'iilili.'!i! oti ilie,4;tii;tiiii li'iili,t;',;i;ii.{i-,iiii i);,'
f)at'cdarrt's Dclto.sil .4c'cozrntt anci BIR Fonr No.i62l {Quurtcriv Ramiltctnce of Tuxc.s il'ithheid on the
-4 tr t tut !'tl' i t lu{r ew n .fr o m I he D e c e de n t',s D e p o s it -4c c ot ot t).
t t

In this connection. tiiis Circular is herebl, issued in order to infcrrn all concenred banks that thc-
abovenrentioned lonrs are notl'et available in pre-priuted fbnn. as rvellas ir: the Eiectionic Filing anrl
Pal,nrent Svstent (eFPS) and Eiectronic Bureau of Intemal Re.,,eirue Fonns (eBIRFoi'r:rs ), Hcri er er. iire
sarre can be dovl'nlcaded from the BIR rvebsite (:,,r:_',lr:i..:i.r'r,,]::) uneier BiR Forrns-
i-a],ine ntliieltr ittance Fonl sectiori.

\&,'ith r'e speci tc banks tl:at ei'e a\/ailirig tire Fi.rilippin.' ileilt Settleir;cili 3r stei:: i PIiilpaS,,al.

rt is tr;e:rebv aciviseci ta h4Aiii-i,qL.LY fiie said fbn::s aild i'erx it ii:e cL--\ii'r:,ilo; iiiii: u tax Lirlt;i ti:e
issr-reilcs cjr a 1\'ritte:r :rctice ci: tireil' availabiirtr in
LIt\v ^F'Dq
\-t t J,

All intenral re!enue officers, emplol'ees. aucl otirers concelned ai'e l:ereby enicinecl to gi',e this
Circular as wide a publiciw as possible.

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