Google Inc.: Question 1: Is Google A Winner Take All Market?

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Google Inc.

PGP-BL01 | Section B | Group 04

Name Roll No.
Aadhar Hasija PGPBL0134
Charmi Agarwal PGPBL0141
Kamal Singh PGPBL0146
Karthika Warrier PGPBL0147
Rahul Krishnan PGPBL0155

Question 1: Is Google a Winner Take all Market?

Following is the analysis of each of the business domain where Google is present and
whether Google is a winner take-all in each of these market or not -

Business Domain High Strong Neither side’s users Winner Competitors

Multi- Network have a strong take-all ?
homing Effects preference for
costs special features

Search Engine (Paid- No Yes Yes No Yahoo, Bing

Hosting: Videos and No Yes Yes No Amazon, Hulu
Communication No Yes No No Yahoo mail
Productivity Apps Yes Yes No No Microsoft Office
Android Yes Yes No No iOS

Question 2: What are the sides of Google? Which is the pay side and which is the
revenue side?

Business Domain Number of Sides Subsidy Side Money Side

Search Engine (Paid- 2 1. Users Users Advertisers
listings) 2. Advertisers
Hosting: Videos and 3 1. Content creators Content Advertisers
Books 2. Users Creators,
3. Advertisers Users
Communication 2 1. Users Users Advertisers
(Gmail) 2. Advertisers
Productivity Apps 1 1. Users Users
Android 4 1. Users Users, Phone
2. Developers Developers Manufacturers,
3. Phone manufacturers Advertisers
4. Advertisers
Question 3: Given the question a, what should google do? in Portal? in Ecommerce? In
Office apps

Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and
useful. Moreover, Google’s core competency is “developing superior search solutions and
monetizing them through advertisements”. Google’s focus on innovation also restricts them
from using a tired old business model. Considering the vision and the core competency of
Google, they should NOT expand to portal business.

• Google Checkout –
Google should continue pushing Google checkout to compete with eBay’s paypal as
cashless transactions can lead to a successful MSP business model.
• Google Search – E-commerce
Google should continue focussing on enhancing their search engine for e-commerce
since search is the first step in the e-commerce transactions. Customers shopping for a
product can find the seller via Google and thus, redirecting ad revenues from e-
bay/Amazon to Google.
Moreover, in anticipation of e-commerce giants eating into Google’s ad revenues,
Google can launch an internal analytics engine to keep an eye on ad revenues of
competition (especially e-commerce).

Office Apps
Google should continue pushing office apps to challenge Microsoft’s prevalence on the PC
and desktop.
They can leverage the following advantages to do so-
• First mover advantage in the cloud space
• Free service provided as compared to high price (one time or subscription)charged by
Microsoft for Office products
• Expand the business domain into day-to-day productivity apps.

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