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12 May 2020

Regional Order




1. The Department of Education (DepEd) Region IV-A CALABARZON, through the

Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD), issues the enclosed
Guidelines on the Implementation of MELC PIVOT 4A Budget of Work (BOW) in
All Learning Areas for Key Stages 1-4 effective School Year 2020-2021.

2. This policy, with reference to DepEd Order No. 21, s. 2019 on Policy Guidelines
on the K to 12 Basic Education Program and all other existing DepEd issuances
on curriculum management, provides explanation and details on how these
most essential learning competencies (MELC) and enabling competencies are
budgeted and distributed in each quarter.

3. All public school teachers in the region are enjoined to follow the designed
MELC PIVOT4A BOW in teaching all the target MELCs and LCs as prescribed by
the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

4. All curriculum managers such as Education Program Supervisors (EPSs), Public

Schools District Supervisors (PSDSs) and School Heads are expected to peruse
the attached guidelines for proper monitoring and evaluation in the
implementation of this curricular project under the Region IV-A CALABARZON
PIVOT to Quality Basic Education (PIVOT 4A QuBE) Program.

5. For more information or queries, contact JOB S. ZAPE JR., Chief, Curriculum and
Learning Management Division at (02) 8647-4914 / 8682-5773 local 110.

6. Widest dissemination of and strict adherence to this Order is directed.

Regional Director


Trunkline: 02-8682-5773 / 8684-4914 / 8647-7487 local 420
Document Inquiry :
Facebook: DepEd R-4A Calabarzon
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Enclosure 1



I. Rationale

1. The PIVOT 4A Budget of Work (BOW) is one of the prime projects under the
flagship program of the region, the Region IV-A CALABARZON PIVOT to Quality
Basic Education (PIVOT 4A QuBE). The PIVOT 4A QuBE is a regional initiative
anchored to DepEd’s Sulong Edukalidad, a national program that shifts to and
focuses on quality basic education. This program is a manifestation of
significant shift of focus to improving quality of basic education in the region
with enhanced teacher performance and improved mastery of learning
competencies on the part of the learners.

2. Anchored to its three (3) goals also known as the power of E---Excellence,
Empowerment and Efficiency, the PIVOT 4A QuBE circulates in its four (4)
strategic thrusts such as follows: (a) aligning focus and intervention, (b)
advancing handholding initiatives, (c) amplifying defined technical assistance
to target delivery units, and (d) appraising stakeholders on progress of
intervention. The first strategic thrust---aligning focus and intervention---focuses
on curricular innovation and redirection which involves careful analysis, review
and mapping of the curriculum leading to quality teaching-learning process
and outcomes.

3. In response to the first key reform area (KRA) of Sulong Edukalidad known as K
to 12 curriculum review and update, DepEd CALABARZON develops the MELC
PIVOT 4A BOW which aims to redirect the teaching of the target learning
competencies (LCs) into more precise and quality-driven direction by placing
emphasis on the most essential learning competencies (MELCs) involving more
relevant knowledge, skills, and attitudes/values (KSAVs) significant to the ever-
changing 21st century society. Also, this project directs the adaptation and
reformation of the curriculum to the current demands of the society while the
country is adjusting to the emerging needs of the new normal.

4. Guided by the provisions of Republic Act 10533, Section 5, Paragraphs B and H

and Rule II Section 10.2 Paragraphs B and H of DepEd Order No. 43 s. 2013,
DepEd CALABARZON, through the CLMD, takes an initiative in developing the
PIVOT 4A BOW in making the curriculum relevant, responsive and flexible by
localizing, indigenizing, contextualizing and enhancing it to ensure mastery of
the target LCs and MELCs and promoting holistic development of learners’
knowledge, skills and attitude/values (KSAVs) from Kindergarten to Grade 12.

5. With the ever-changing demands of the 4th Industrial Revolution classrooms

and the differences in educational structures from one region to another, the
development of the PIVOT 4A BOW takes the lead in making the K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum suitable to the needs of teachers and learners in
CALABARZON as this would guide them in re-structuring their lessons, delivery
and assessment.

6. The MELC PIVOT 4A BOW is a teaching resource material and reference that
contains LCs, MELCs and time allotment arranged into columns for easy
reference and notation. This would guide teachers in designing and planning
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their lessons. The design of the MELC PIVOT 4A BOW is influenced by various
teaching-learning principles focusing on the following:
a. the nature of learners;
b. KSAVs learners should learn; and
c. brevity of KSAVs.

7. The PIVOT 4A BOW focuses on recalling, remediating, reflecting and relearning

principles attuned to diverse learners (Zape, 2020). The context of this PIVOT4A
BOW is not only to decongest the curriculum but to refocus the curricular
direction in the region towards quality teaching-learning processes and desired
learning outcomes. This also embodies the complete cycle of learning from
acquisition to reflection which is important in developing holistic learners in the
21st century learning environment.

8. In understanding the contexts of the PIVOT 4A BOW, identifying the enabling

and enrichment competencies is necessary (Pawilen, 2020). Enabling
competencies are important to bridge and guide teachers and learners in the
process of understanding complex learning competencies while enrichment
learning competencies are necessary to further enhance the KSAVs
acquired/learned in the classroom.

9. The development of the PIVOT 4A BOW in each learning area for Key Stages 1-
4 ensure the achievement of the grade level and key stage standards in
response to the Department’s call to produce proficient and lifelong learners
who can apply their KSAVs in solving real-world problems.

II. Policy Objectives

10. This policy aims to:

a. Guide public elementary and secondary school teachers in designing and
preparing their lessons using the MELC PIVOT 4A BOW grounded on the most
essential learning competencies (MELCs) and enabling competencies; and

b. Redirect instruction in the classroom as to understanding the MELCs by

bridging them through the identified enabling competencies as mapped

III. Scope of the Regional Policy

11. This policy is intended to guide public elementary and secondary school
teachers and curriculum managers in the region in effectively organizing,
managing and teaching the LCs and MELCs under the K to 12 Basic Education

IV. Definition of Terms

12. For the purposes of this policy, the following terms are defined:

a. Budget of Work (BOW). This refers to a set of guide providing the specific
MELCs, LCs and their number of days to be taught in reference to the
targets of each learning area and grade level. This provides greater
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attention to more relevant learning competencies as to their enabling and

enrichment competencies.

b. Curriculum Managers. These refer to instructional leaders who supervise and

ensure that the targets of the curriculum are well-managed and
implemented. These include school heads (principals, officers-in-charge
(OICs) and/or teachers-in-charge (TICs), Public Schools District Supervisors
(PSDSs) and Education Program Supervisors (EPSs).

c. Enabling Competencies. These are pre-requisite skills, knowledge and

values needed by learners in learning/understanding the target

d. Enrichment Competencies. These are additional skills, knowledge and

values that could enrich learner understanding/learning.

e. Key Stage. This refers to stages of basic education in the Philippines. These
are Key Stage 1 - Kindergarten to Grade 3, Key Stage 2 - Grades 4 to 6, Key
Stage 3 - Grades 7 to 10 and Key Stage 4 - Grades 11 to 12.

f. Kindergarten. This is the first stage of compulsory and mandatory formal

education which consists of one (1) year of preparatory education for
children at least five (5) years old as prerequisite for Grade One (DepEd
Order No. 47, s. 2016).

g. Learner. It refers to a pupil or student enrolled in basic education of the

Department of Education (DepEd).

h. Learning Areas. These refer to the subjects in the basic education curriculum
like Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE), English, Filipino,
Mathematics, Science, Araling Panlipunan (AP), Music, Arts, Physical
Education and Health (MAPEH), Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) and
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE).

i. Learning Competency. This refers to a specific skill performed with varying

degrees of independence. It has different degrees of difficulty and
performance levels. It also refers to the ability to perform activities
according to the standards expected by drawing one’s knowledge, skills
and attitude (DepEd Order No. 21, s. 2019).

j. Learning Resources. These refer to any print, non-print, offline and/or online
materials aligned to the contexts of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.
They are used by learners as materials in meeting curriculum expectations.

k. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs). These are the most

important LCs in each learning area and grade level needed by each
learner to learn, understand, use and apply in an environment/situation of
varying contexts.

l. PIVOT 4A QuBE. This refers to the flagship program of the region known as
the Region IV-A CALABARZON PIVOT to Quality Basic Education.

m. Teachers. These include public elementary, JHS and SHS teachers.

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V. Policy Statement

13. This policy is issued to ensure effective use and implementation of the MELC
PIVOT 4A Budget of Work (BOW) in all learning areas in Key Stages 1-4 in all
public elementary and secondary schools in the region. Schools Division Offices
(SDOs), through their respective Curriculum Implementation Divisions (CIDs),
shall oversee the implementation of these guidelines in all public schools under
their jurisdiction.

VI. Parts, Features and Use

14. Each MELC PIVOT 4A BOW has different parts and/or features considering the
nature and uniqueness of each learning area. Basically, designs of the PIVOT
4A BOW are grouped into four (4)---(a) Kindergarten, (b) languages (English,
Filipino and MTB-MLE), (c) other non-language learning areas, and (d) Senior
High School.

15. The MELC PIVOT 4A BOW for Kindergarten consists of quarter, MELCs, domains
of child development, learning competencies and assignment which may
either be first to appear or a follow-up competency. The domains of child
development are considered as the basic features and framework of early
childhood education.

16. The MELC PIVOT 4A BOWs in Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-
MLE), English and Filipino contain the following parts: quarter, MELCs, domains,
learning competencies and number of days taught. The unique features of
these BOWs as compared to the other learning are the language domains
which reflect the different learning targets and/or macro skills. Domains vary
from one grade level to another.

17. The MELC PIVOT 4A BOWs in non-Kindergarten and non-language learning

areas contain the following parts: quarter, MELCs, learning competencies and
number of days taught. Meanwhile, PIVOT 4A BOW in MAPEH is also divided
into its four components: Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health. Also, PIVOT
BOW in EPP/TLE is also presented and categorized as to components and/or

18. The MELC PIVOT 4A BOWs for Senior High School contain the following parts:
quarter, MELCs and number of days taught.

19. Number of days taught refer to the target number of sessions learning
competency/ies have to be taught (see each MELC PIVOT 4A BOW).
Considering the differences in teachers’ timeframe and learners’ abilities, the
MELC PIVOT 4A BOWs provide directions on how teachers would plan their
lessons in terms of curriculum implementation in their classrooms. In most cases,
one (1) learning competency or MELC shall be taught for one meeting-session.
For learning areas with a bunch of learning competencies or MELCs, they have
been clustered/grouped and number of days/meeting-sessions are assigned
based on their relationship and relevance.

20. In the K to 12 Curriculum Guide, each learning competency code contains the
number of days and/or weeks as to the length an LC should be taught. These
MELC PIVOT 4A BOWs redesigned the number of days indicated in the code
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without jeopardizing the actual K to 12 BEC LCs. As such, in writing their PIVOT
4A Detailed Lesson Plans (DLPs) or Daily Learning Logs (DLLs), teachers shall not
be asked to write the code of the LCs or MELCs as the number of days for each
lesson has been redesigned to suit the needs of schools.

21. In each quarter, all target LCs and/or MELCs have to be taught in specific
mandatory/non-negotiable contact days/weeks as reflected in the BOW.
Public elementary and secondary school teachers and curriculum managers
shall strictly observe this mandatory contact period in a quarter. The excess
number of days, with reference to the total number of days in a year as
declared by the Department for SY 2020- 2021 shall then be used/designed by
the school head on the conduct of quarterly exams, co-curricular or
culminating activities subject to the existing guidelines or protocols of the
Central Office and other prevailing rules that may be released under the new

22. Considering the unique features of each learning area, MELC PIVOT 4A BOW
per learning area is presented with preliminaries which explain and guide
teachers on how a specific BOW shall be used. Specific guidelines would help
teachers teaching specific learning areas on how they would prepare and
design their lessons.

VII. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)

23. The Central Office, through the Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD), due
to prevailing situation in the country on the Corona Virus Disease 2019 or
COVID-19, has identified the most essential learning competencies (MELCs) in
each learning area. MELCs are the most important LCs in each learning area
and grade level needed by each learner to learn, understand, use and apply
in an environment/situation of varying contexts. These are also the standard
LCs that teachers must focus on in terms of delivery and assessment.

24. MELCs are knowledge, skills and attitudes/values that shall be mastered by
each learner to achieve the set content and performance standards in each
quarter, grade level or key stage.

25. The MELC PIVOT 4A BOWs used the MELCs as the key focus in each quarter in
each learning area and grade level. The number of MELCs varies from one
quarter to another and one grade level to another. In planning lessons for each
quarter, teachers shall look into the MELC PIVOT 4A BOW and locate the
indicated MELCs. All LCs in the MELC PIVOT 4A BOW shall still be taught with
great emphasis on the MELCs. As such, more activities and assessment
procedures shall be given in dealing with MELCs. Lists of MELCs can also be
accessed via

VIII. Enabling and Enrichment Competencies for Key Stages 1-3

26. Some MELCs and LCs in the MELC PIVOT 4A BOWs are written as terminal
competencies. As such, these MELCs and LCs have to be introduced and/or
taught using enabling competencies. Meanwhile, some MELCs and LCs have
to be further enhanced with the help of enrichment competencies.
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27. Enabling competencies are pre-requisite skills, knowledge and attitude/values

needed by learners in learning/understanding the target learning
competencies, while enrichment competencies are additional skills,
knowledge and values that could enrich learner understanding/learning.

28. The MELC PIVOT 4A BOW employs review and mapping principles to arrive at
the specific learning competencies for delivery with respect to the time
allotment per learning area and modality appropriate at this time. These MELCs
and LCs were identified using the SMART test. Enabling and enrichment
competencies are written in objective form under knowledge, skills and/or
attitude/value targets. In the MELC PIVOT 4A BOW, some LCs already function
as enabling competencies in achieving the MELCs or other LCs. Other MELCs
and LCs in need of enabling and enrichment competencies are also identified
in the process.

29. Enabling and enrichment competencies shall be used by teachers as their

guide in writing their detailed lesson plans (DLP) or daily lesson logs (DLLs).
Enabling competencies shall be used as a springboard to meet the
expectation of the MELC. Meanwhile, enrichment competencies shall be used
in classes in need of remediation and enrichment activities.

30. The list of MELCs and LCs with corresponding enabling and enrichment
competencies for each learning area per grade level can be accessed via at the beginning of the school year.

IX. MELC PIVOT 4A BOW (DLL/DLP) Lesson Exemplars, Curriculum Design and Framework

31. The MELC PIVOT 4A BOW uses the PIVOT 4A Curriculum Design anchored to the
Intent-Content-Learning Experiences-Desired Learning Outcomes
(Assessment) or ICLeA Framework.

Curriculum Design for PIVOT 4A BOW (Pawilen, 2019)

Figure 1. The PIVOT 4A BOW Curriculum Design

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IDEA Instructional Process Based from the ICLeA Framework (Pawilen, 2019)

Figure 2. The IDEA Instructional Process Based from the ICLeA Framework

The IDEA Instructional Process as PIVOT 4A BOW Curriculum Delivery Process (Zape, 2019)

Figure 3. The IDEA Instructional Process as PIVOT 4A BOW Curriculum Delivery

Process with the Embedded 21st Century Skills

32. The PIVOT 4A BOW lesson exemplar preparation and curriculum delivery
process follow four (4) main teaching-learning phases with the teacher as a
facilitator of learning using the I-D-E-A Structure for a 30-minute to one-hour
lesson depending on the nature or set-up of each learning area. These phases
include the following: Introduction - the I Phase, Development - the D Phase,
Engagement - the E Phase and Assimilation - the A Phase.
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a. In the I Phase, the teacher utilizes appropriate strategies in presenting the

learning competency and the desired learning outcomes of the day,
expound on previous experiences and core knowledge of the learners,
purpose of the lesson, core content and relevant samples. This allows
teachers to maximize learners’ awareness of their own knowledge as
regards to the content and skills required for the session.

b. In the D Phase, the teacher presents activities, tasks and contents of value
and interest to the learners. Most of these activities and tasks must simply
and directly revolved around the concepts to develop and master the skills
or the competency.

c. In the E Phase, the teacher allows the learners to be engaged in various

tasks and opportunities in building their KSAVs to meaningfully connect their
learnings. This further requires teachers to engage and expose all learners
to real life situations that will ignite their interests to meet the expectations,
make their performance satisfactory or produce a product or performance.

d. In the A Phase, the teacher brings the learners to a process where they
demonstrate ideas, interpretations, mindset or values and create pieces of
information that will form part of their knowledge in reflecting, relating or
using it effectively in any situation or context. This also requires teachers to
encourage learners in creating conceptual structures giving them the
avenue to integrate new and old learnings.

Table 2
The PIVOT 4A BOW Teaching & Learning Adjustments to Accommodate Diverse
Learners (Zape, 2019)


Learning Process Adjustments (4Rs)
 Learning Competency
Introduction  MELCs
Panimula  Desired Learning Outcomes
 Content and Values
Development  Concepts and Basic Skills
Pagpapaunlad  Developmental Activities
 Learning Opportunities
Engagement  Hands-on Engaging Activities
Pakikipagpalihan  Learning Points
 Performance or Output
 Learning Delivery Outcomes
 New Skills/New
Knowledge/Idea Relearning
 Habits of Mind
 Life Skills

33. Considering the current situation due to COVID-19 pandemic, all public
elementary and secondary school teachers in the region shall prepare their
lesson exemplars instead of the usual Detailed Lesson Plan (DLPs) and/or Daily
Learning Logs (DLL) for MELCs and/or enabling competencies. These lesson
exemplars shall replace DLL/DLP during this period for teachers to manage their
time, adjustment, preparations and resources.
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34. Conceptualized for this purpose, the IDEA instructional process design is an
abridged and refined format based from the provisions of DepEd Order No. 42,
s. 2016 (Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Curriculum).

Table 1
DLL/DLP Format Using the IDEA Instructional Process Based from the ICLeA

DO 42, s. 2016 RO 1, s. 2020

I. Objectives I. Objectives
a. Content Standard a. Most Essential Learning
b. Performance Standards Competencies (MELC)
c. Learning Competencies or b. Enabling Competencies
II. Content II. Content
III. Learning Resources III. Learning Resources
A. References A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages a. Teacher’s Guide Pages
b. Learner’s Material Pages b. Learner’s Material Pages
c. Textbook Pages c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials from d. Additional Materials from Learning
Learning Resource Resource
B. Other Learning Resources B. List of Learning Resources for
Development and Engagement
IV. Procedures IV. Procedures
a. Lesson Review a. Introduction
b. Purpose of the Lesson How will you present the lesson to all
c. Presentation of Samples types of learners?
d. Discussion b. Development
e. Mastery Development How will you develop the content
f. Application as part of the enabling and
g. Generalization and Abstraction foundation skills? How will you
h. Evaluation develop learners’ mastery of the
i. Additional Activities or given competency?
Remediation c. Engagement
What appropriate pedagogical or
real-world tasks and learning
opportunities will be presented and
implemented for all learners to
d. Assimilation
What are the ideas or contexts that
will be assessed and processed so
that learners can assimilate and
refine their knowledge, skills and
attitude/ values?
V. Remarks V. Reflection on the Type of Formative
Assessment Used for This Particular
VI. Reflection
***The ones in bold letters reflect the refinement of the DLL/DLP format.
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35. In designing their PIVOT 4A Lesson Exemplars, all public elementary and
secondary school teachers in the region may opt to prepare a lesson in: (a) a
daily basis and/or (b) a period when an LC or MELC has to be taught, i.e. if an
LC and/or MELC has to be taught for five (5) days based from the PIVOT 4A
BOW, the teacher may prepare a PIVOT 4A Lesson Exemplar good for five (5)

36. As part of teachers’ key result area (KRA) on Teaching-Learning Process, an

exemplar for each learning area will be released by CLMD-4A by the end of
May as a guide for all teachers in designing their lessons in preparation for the
opening of classes. A separate memo indicating the assigned MELCs and/or
LCs for each SDO shall also be issued.

X. Learning Delivery (LD)

37. Regional Memorandum Nos. 11, s. 2015 and 233, s. 2016 enjoin that teachers
should be constructivist, inquiry-based, reflective, collaborative and integrative
in dealing with the teaching-learning process as mandated by Republic Act
10533. Teachers as guided by the IDEA instructional process are also
encouraged to be creative in delivering their lessons and make their
approaches flexible, responsive and relevant to the needs of the learners using
any applicable modalities at this time of pandemic.

38. Varying strategies must be applied in dealing with enabling and enrichment
competencies as careful assessment on the needs of learners is necessary to
properly address their concerns towards quality. Applicable learning delivery
modalities congruent to the mandates of the Department of Health (DOH) and
the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) should be considered. In this period of
pandemic, the following learning delivery options shall be applied in teaching
and meeting these MELCs and LCs:
a. Face-to-Face (F2F)
b. Distance Learning
- Online Distance Learning (ODL)
- Modular Distance Learning (MDL)
- Television/Radio-Based Instruction (TV-RBI)
c. Blended Learning
- F2F and ODL
- F2F and MDL
- F2F and TV/RBI
- F2F and Combination of ODL, MDL and TV/RBI

39. Face-to-Face (F2F) learning is a learning delivery modality where learners and
teacher are both physically present in the classroom (DepEd, 2020). This is the
traditional form of teaching where learners actively participate in classroom
activities where teacher acts as learning facilitator. This also allows teacher to
be creative in giving relevant feedback in terms of dealing with the target
learning competencies.

40. Distance learning is a learning delivery modality where learners engage in

independent learning at home by using learning materials that are accessible
either online, or stored on CD/DVD/USB, or in printed form, while being
geographically distant from the teacher. The teacher supervises and monitors
learner’s progress and provides remediation and enhancement when needed
and possible. Assistance may be provided by a para-teacher/learning
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facilitator who may be a parent or any member of the family, or a community

stakeholder (DepEd, 2020).

41. Distance learning is a formalized learning modality which is carried out

remotely using electronic means. In this context, learners work online and/or
offline at home while the teacher provides learning tasks which may be
delivered online or offline. In-person interaction between teacher and learners
may not be possible all the time but may be carried out in various digital

a. Online Distance Learning (ODL) is a learning delivery modality where the

teacher facilitates learning and engages learners' active participation
using various technologies accessed to via internet while they are
geographically remote from each other. The internet is used to facilitate
learner-teacher, learner-content, and peer-to-peer communication.
Online learning is either synchronous or asynchronous platform where it
requires both teacher and learners to have good and stable internet
connection. This is practiced effectively by using a Learning Management
System or related technologies. The use of DepEd Commons and LR Portal
falls in this category as both requires internet connectivity in accessing
them (DepEd, 2020).

ODL is also known as eLearning where learners work remotely from their
teacher on their eLessons. They are also assessed using online platforms.
Digital in-person interaction is also necessary in ODL as teacher has to give
feedbacks and timely pointers on learners’ performance. Giving
instructions also requires digital in-person communication between
teacher and learners. Digital interaction may also be present among

b. Modular Distance Learning (MDL) is a learning delivery modality where

learning takes place between the teacher and the learners who are
geographically remote from each other during instruction (DepEd, 2020).
The teacher provides modules in print or non-print form which learners will
use in learning at home.

As learning is remotely done, teacher should provide clear instructions on

the direction learners have to undergo. Establishing the important
knowledge, skills and attitude/values (KSAVs) should be clarified and
explained by the teacher at the beginning of each MDL period or term.
Parents and/or guardians should also be oriented on this mechanism as
their participation is very important for the successful implementation of this

c. Television/Radio-Based Instruction (TV/RBI) is a learning delivery modality

where televisions and/or radio stations are used as platforms in delivering
important learning content. As a one-way form of learning, this modality is
not enough in making learners learn the best way they can. The use of this
modality will only be successful when used as supplementary aid and
combined with other modalities.

42. Blended learning, also known as versatile learning, is a learning delivery

modality formed as combination of various learning modalities. This modality is
known as the most flexible learning modality as it incorporates various strategies
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that a certain teacher may use depending on the needs of the learners. Types
of blended learning modalities include the following: (1) F2F and ODL, (2) F2F
and MDL, (3) F2F and TV/RBI, and (4) F2F and Combination of ODL, MDL and

a. F2F and ODL. This blended learning modality is a combination of face-to-

face learning and online distance learning. Though learners are doing
online learning at home, they will be required to come to school for an F2F
modality where in-person interaction will occur. Teacher should maximize
the time for the F2F sessions in giving all the necessary directions and
feedbacks for the learners.

b. F2F and MDL. This is a combination of face-to-face learning and modular

distance learning. In this context, learners are mainly doing their tasks at
home with certain schedule of F2F sessions where they are required to meet
their teacher. Teacher may provide clearer feedback and assessment
activities to learners during the scheduled F2F meetings.

c. F2F and TV/RBI. It is a combination of face-to-face learning and TV/Radio-

Based Instruction. The teacher may use these platforms in delivering
important learning content. Their learning may be further enhanced and
redirected during F2F sessions.

d. F2F and Combination of ODL, MDL and TV/RBI. This is a blended learning
delivery option which a combination of face-to-face learning, online
distance learning, modular distance learning and TV/radio-based
instruction. This combination needs careful planning on the part of the
teacher in terms of learning content. Preparing a clear plan on which
curriculum content should be taught using F2F, OLD, MDL and TV/RBI is
necessary to avoid duplication and/or promote enrichment of learning.

43. In identifying the relevant blended learning modality which learners may use,
geographical location, abilities and access to print, non-print, digital and
online materials should be considered. Considering the variations on learners’
socio-demographic characteristics, individualized blended learning design
should be applied. No single blended learning approach is applicable to all
learners in a single class group. As such, teachers should carefully evaluate the
options applicable to each learner.

XI. Learning Resources (LRs)

44. Learning resources (LRs) are important in instructional delivery. They are mainly
used to support teaching and learning. Resources vary from print, non-print
and online features. In the contexts of the PIVOT 4A BOWs, LRs for each learning
competency have been mapped.

45. The lists of LRs designed for each LC in each learning area per grade level can
be accessed via at the beginning of the
school year. In this link, LRs are categorized as Learners and Teachers’ Materials.
Under these categories, LRs are further grouped as materials for the learning
delivery options stated in Part X – Learning Delivery.
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XII. Assessment (Multimodal Assessment Strategies)

46. The basic assessment procedures in dealing with the K to 12 LCs, MELCs and
enabling and enrichment competencies should comply with the provisions of
DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 (Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the
K to 12 Basic Education Program). Teachers are encouraged to use a wide
range of formative, summative, authentic and performance assessment tools
and approaches involving the use of multimodal assessment strategies to
ensure that all learning competencies are well-assessed.

47. In using multimodal assessment, teachers should help learners in understanding

the contexts of good performance by providing them clear desired learning
outcomes, criteria, expected outputs and engaging learners as active
participants in the feedback process where teachers act as responsible
academic partners.

48. Weeks (2018) mentioned that the use of multimodal assessment is important to:
(a) keep up with a society that is increasingly digital and ensure that
assessment mirrors current and future employment needs; (b) be in tune with
learners’ expectations and literacy practices; and (c) offer choice and
flexibility in assessment.

49. As an approach, multimodal assessment offers significant amount of

assessment strategies and techniques to teachers to carefully assess learners’
performance in various manners relative to the context of the K to 12 LCs and
MELCs. This involves the promotion of reflective learning as one of the key
agents of multimodal assessment. Thus, all teachers are encouraged to
facilitate the development of learners’ portfolio per week on any modality
chosen by the learners and/or parents.

50. The use of reflective learning embedded in multimodal assessment should not
only direct feedback process but also promote personal reflection processes
where learners reflect more on their knowledge, skills, attitude/values,
aspirations and actions as contribution in making the society a better place for
all. This allows learners to think about what they have thought, read, seen, done
and learned by relating these concrete concepts to their own lives. Through
this, learners can make meaning on the significance and relevance of what
they are doing and learning in the classroom to their everyday lives.

51. As reflective learning emphasizes the importance of the role of the ‘self’ in
personal experiences and social contexts, teachers should engage learners
into various reflective learning activities such as, but not limited to, Schon’s
(1983) reflection-in-action (reflecting on personal or social actions as they
happen) and reflection-on-action (reflecting on personal or social action after
their occurrence to review, assess or evaluate the situation). From the long-list
of reflective learning practices, teachers may choose any appropriate
reflective learning strategies relevant to the contexts and level of the learners.

XIII. Teaching Observation Process

52. Curriculum managers shall strictly adhere to the guidelines specified in each
PIVOT 4A BOW. Considering the COVID situation in the country, all learning
leaders shall create a mechanism on how teaching observations be made in
Page 15 of 349

various modalities employed or used by each school. They shall also check if
the LCs and/or MELCs to be taught in a lesson during teaching observation
have enabling and/or enrichment competencies which teachers should use
during lesson planning and delivery.

53. During the teaching observation process, curriculum managers shall ask for the
IDEA-designed lesson exemplars instead of the usual DLL/DLP. The use of these
exemplars would be helpful to teachers to seamlessly prepare their lessons by
saving and managing their time, resources, adjustment and preparations
considering the different learning delivery modalities they have to engage in.

54. Other teaching observation provisions shall follow the mandates of the
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers – Results-Based Performance
Management System (PPST-RPMS) and other RPMS-related issuances including
the directive indicated in DepEd Memorandum No. 45, s. 2020 (Results-Based
Performance Management System Guidelines for School Year 2019-2020
Yearend Activities in Light of COVID-19 Measures).

XIV. Monitoring and Evaluation

55. To monitor and evaluate the delivery and effective implementation of the
MELC PIVOT 4A BOW in all public elementary and secondary schools,
curriculum managers shall peruse the PIVOT 4A BOW per learning area per
grade level in monitoring teaching-learning activities.

56. The CLMD and the CID shall monitor the full compliance of all public
elementary and secondary schools on the provisions of these guidelines.
Monitoring and Evaluation Form shall be issued by CLMD before the beginning
of the school year. The M&E Form shall be accomplished by school heads
which shall be then evaluated by the CID Education Program Supervisors. A
quarterly consolidated Division M&E Report shall be submitted to the CLMD at during the quarterly examination week of
each quarter as determined by the DepEd Calendar.

XV. Effectivity

57. This Order provides direction and guidance to all public elementary and
secondary school teachers and curriculum managers in the region relative to
its use and implementation. This shall immediately take effect to prepare the
schools and all stakeholders for the opening of classes come August 24, 2020.

XVI. Enclosures
a. PIVOT 4A BOW for Kindergarten
c. PIVOT 4A BOW in Filipino
d. PIVOT 4A BOW in English
e. PIVOT 4A BOW in Science
f. PIVOT 4A BOW in Mathematics
g. PIVOT 4A BOW in Araling Panlipunan (AP)
h. PIVOT 4A BOW in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP)
i. PIVOT 4A BOW in Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH)
Page 16 of 349

j. PIVOT 4A BOW in Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) and

Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)
k. PIVOT 4A BOW for Senior High School – Core Subjects
l. PIVOT 4A BOW for Senior High School – Applied Subjects
m. Teacher’s Guide in Using the I-D-E-A Instructional Process
n. PIVOT 4A Daily Lesson Templates
o. Copyright Page

XVII. References

Department of Educaiton, “Draft Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of

Learning Delivery Modalities”, 2020

Department of Education, DepEd Memorandum No. 45, s. 2020, “Results-Based

Performance Management System Guidelines for School Year 2019-2020
Yearend Activities in Light of COVID-19 Measures,” 2020

Department of Education, DepEd Order No. 21, s. 2019, “Policy Guidelines on

the K to 12 Basic Education Program,” 2019

Department of Education, DepEd Order No. 43, s. 2014, “Implementing Rules

and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 10533 Otherwise Known as the
Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013,” 2014

Department of Education, DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2016, “Omnibus Policy on

Kindergarten Education,” 2016

Department of Education, DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 “Policy Guidelines on

Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program,” 2015

DepEd CALABARZON, Regional Memorandum No. 11, s. 2015, “The 2C-2I-1R

Pedagogical Approaches,” 2015

DepEd CALABARZON, Regional Memorandum No. 233, s. 2016,

“Implementation of the Pedagogical Approaches Mandated by R.A.
10533,” 2016

DepEd CALABARZON, Regional Memorandum No. 305, s. 2019, “Guidelines on

the Implementation of Regional Curriculum Matrix (RCM) for
CALABARZON – SY 2019-2020,” 2019

Pawilen, G. T. (2020, March 4). Identifying prerequisite skills, knowledge & values
to enhance curriculum competencies [Workshop presentation]
Workshop on the Development of R4AQUBE Budget of Work (BOW) in All
Learning Areas in Key Stages 1-3, Bagumbayan, Quezon City, Philippines.

Philippine Government, Republic Act 10533, “Enhanced Basic Education Act

of 2013,” 2013

Schon, D. (1983). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action.

London: Temple Smith.

Weeks, R. (2018). Multimodal assessment – what, why and how? Retrieved from
Page 17 of 349


Zape Jr., J. S. (2020, February 6). PIVOT 4A BOW: Prerequisite skills [Meeting
presentation] First Regional Management Committee Meeting, Imus
Page 18 of 349
Page 19 of 349

21-30 31-40

41-95 96-121

122-140 141-182

183-223 224-254


302-327 328-340

341-342 343-348

Page 20 of 349
Page 21 of 349


Katangian ng Kindergarten (Tampok sa Kindergarten)

Ang mga mahahalaga at makabuluhang bagay na dapat matutunan sa

buhay ay nagsisimula sa mga musmos na mag-aaral o yung nasa antas ng
Kindergarten kung saan ito ang pundasyon ng pagkatuto. Ayon sa pananaliksik, ang
kritikal na yugto sa pag-unlad at paglagong pangkaisipan ay nagsisimula sa mga
batang mula sa 0-8 taon ang edad. Ito rin ang panahon kung saan ang mga bata
ay higit na maliwanag ang kaisipan at handa sa pagkatuto. Ayon sa pag-aaral,
napatunayan na ang maagap at maagang pagtugon sa edukasyon ng mga mag-
aaral habang nasa murang edad pa lamang ay mas malaki ang posibilidad ng pag-
unlad sa pagkatuto na madadala nila hangang sa kanilang paglaki. Kung kaya’t ang
pangunahing yugto (Key Stage 1) sa pagkatuto na kinabibilangan ng mga mag-
aaral sa Kindergaten ang pinakamahalagang bahagi ng pag-unlad ng pagkatuto
ng isang mag-aaral.

Sinususugan ito ng nakasaad sa Seksiyon 2 ng RA 10157 na ang Edukasyon sa

Kindergarten ay mahalaga sa pag-unlad ng bahaging akademiko at teknikal ng
isang batang Filipino. Ito ang panahon kung saan sa murang gulang ng mga mag-
aaral ay naroon ang sukdulang pang-unawa at mabilis na pagkatuto.

Ang mga pambansang batas ay isinakatuparan para bigyang patunay ang

ganitong ideya katulad ng RA 10157 or Kindergarten Education Act (2011) at RA
10533 or Enhanced Basic Education Act (2012) na tahasang nagpapahayag ng
pagkakaroon ng Kindergarten bilang unang hakbang sa edukasyon, kalakip ang
mga layunin at mga istratihiya sa pagpapatupad nito.

Makalipas ang ilang taon ay inilabas ang DO 47 s. 2016 o ang tinatawag na

Omnibus Policy Kindergarten on Education kung saan maliwanag na nasasaad dito
ang pagpapatupad ng edukasyon sa Kindergarten kalakip ang pangkalahatang
paglalarawan sa itinakdang kurikulum na dapat sundin ng pribado at pampublikong

Ang paaralan sa tulong ng bawat pamilya at komunidad ay inaasahan na

magtutulong-tulong at magkaisa upang matugunan ang pangangailangan ng mga
mag-aaral at upang higit na mapaunlad ang programa sa edukasyon ng
Kindergarten. Ang pangunahing layunin ng programang ito ay ang lahat ng limang
taong gulang na mga mag-aaral ay makamit ang mga nararapat na pamantayan
at kakayahan na inaasahan sa kanilang edad sa kabila ng pagkakaiba-iba ng
kanilang pinagmulan, kultura, mga nakagisnang kaalaman at karanasan,
kakayahan, ugali, katangian at interes o kinagigiliwan (Sec. IV, DO 47, s. 2016).

Ang programa para sa edukasyon ng Kindergarten ay pinagtibay din ng

konsepto/prinsipyo na nasasaad sa National Early Learning Framework (NELF) na
tumutugon sa pilosopiya at teoretikal na pundasyon sa pagtuturo at pagkatuto sa
murang gulang pa lamang na tumutukoy sa paglago at pag-unlad ng musmos na
mag-aaral ng naayon sa itinakdang programa sa pag-unlad at pagtatasa ng

Ang PIVOT 4A ay isang natatanging programa ng rehiyon bilang pagtugon at

pagsuporta sa Sulong Edukalidad na programa ng Kagawaran ng Edukasyon na
naglalayon na mapaunlad ang kalidad ng edukasyon sa mababang antas. Layunin
nito na maihanay ang pokus at interbensiyon na tutugon sa programa ng wastong
Page 22 of 349

pagmamapa ng kurikulum at pag-aanalisa ng mga nararapat na kakayahan para

sa mga mag-aaral. Ang pangunahing layunin ng programang ito ay ang pagbuo
ng Budget of Work (BOW) para sa iba’t ibang asignatura mula sa Kindergarten
hanggang sa Baitang 12. Ang Kindergarten, bilang unang hakbang sa pormal na
edukasyon sa mababang antas ay inaasahang ipatutupad sa lahat. Nagkaroon ng
gabay na kurikulum upang mabigyan ng pagkakataon ang mga guro na
maunawaan kung ano ang mga kasanayan na dapat maituro sa bawat linggo at
bawat kwarter. Ang National Kindergarten Curriculum Guide (NKCG) ang nagsisilbing
basehan upang mabuo ang PIVOT 4A Budget of Work (BOW) para sa Kindergarten.

Nakasaad dito ang pitong saklaw ng paglago o pag-unlad (developmental

domains) at ang mga ito ay ang mga sumusunod: Pagpapaunlad ng Sosyo-
Emosyunal at Kakayahang Makipamuhay (Socio-Emotional Development),
Kagandahang Asal (Values Development) , Kalusugang Pisikal at Pagpapaunlad sa
Kakayahang Motor (Physical Health & Motor Development),
Sining,(Aesthetic/Creative Development) Matematika (Mathematics), Pag-unawa sa
Pisikal at Likas na Kapaligiran (Understanding of the Physical and Natural Environment)
at Wika, Literasi at Komunikasyon (Language, Literacy, and Communication).

Ang mga bata ay patuloy na umuunlad sa bawat saklaw sa panlahatang

paraan. Ang paglago sa bawat isang saklaw ay nasasalamin sa iba pang mga
kaugnay na saklaw na nagdudulot ng magandang epekto. Ang bawat saklaw sa
pag-unlad ay naglalaman ng mga inaasahang pagkatututo. (DO 47 s, 2016). Ang
bawat saklaw ng pag-unlad ay inaasahan na matututuhan, maipakikita,
mailalarawan at mapapalago ng isang limang taong gulang na bata.

Layunin ng PIVOT 4A Budget of Work (BOW)

Ang pangunahing layunin ng programang ito para sa mga mag-aaral sa

Kindergarten ay magkaroon ng opisyal na dokumento na makikita ang iba’t ibang
kasanayang pagkatuto kasama ang mga kaalaman na dapat munang matutunan
gayundin ang pagpapayaman nito na magsisilbing gabay ng mga guro sa
pagtuturo. Ang mga sumusunod ang maaaring magkaroon ng kapakinabangan sa
nasabing programa:

a. Mga Punong-guro at mga guro na siyang magiging gabay at patnubay sa

bawat yugto ng pagtuturo at kabanata ng pagkatuto.

b. Pansangay na Tagamasid- ang dokumentong ito ay magagamit ng

tagamasid sa pagsubaybay at pagtataya na siyang magiging batayan sa
pagbibigay ng tulong na teknikal para sa matagumpay na pagsasakatuparan
ng Kurikulum sa Kindergarten.

c. Mga magulang at iba pang kasapi ng komunidad - makakatulong sa kanila

na maunwaan ang mga inaasahang bunga ng pagkatuto sa loob ng isang
yugot (quarter). Sila rin bilang magulang ay may mahalagang gampanin
upang makatulong at matugunan ang resulta ng pagtataya na ginawa ng
mga guro sa mga una at huling buwan ng pagtuturo sa loob ng taong
panuruan, ito ay sa pamamagitan ng ECD Checklist Assessment.
Page 23 of 349

Paggamit ng PIVOT 4A Budget of Work (BOW) para sa Kindergarten

Ang mga guro sa Kindergarten ay maaring gawing batayan ito sa paggawa

ng kanilang Daily Lesson Plan (DLP) or Daily Lesson Log (DLL).

a. Sa unang kolumn ay makikita ang kwarter (quarter) na kung saan ang mga
saklaw o domains na nasa ikalawang kolumn at kasanayan sa pagkatuto o
learning competencies na nasa ikatlong kolumn ay napapaloob.

b. Sa ikaapat na kolumn naman ay makikita ang linggo na kung saan ang isang
kasanayan sa pagkatuto ay unang itinuro at ito ang pokus ng guro na
kailangang matamo sa linggong nakasaad. Ngunit ang panghuling kolumn
naman ay tumutukoy sa mga linggong ang partikular or spesipikong
kasanayan sa pagkatuto ay maaring ilagay muli sa listahan ng mga layunin na
gagamitin sa linggong nasabi sa kadahilanan na ang karamihan sa mga mag-
aaral ay hindi pa ganap na natutunan ang spesipikong kasanayan. At
maaring sa mga linggo na kung saan nakasaad sa kolumn ng follow-up, ang
mga kasanayan ay muling matatalakay at magagamit ng mga guro na
makakatulong sa pagpapaunlad ng iba pang kaugnay na kasanayan.

c. May mga pagkakataon na walang nakasaad na linggo sa kolumn na “Follow-

up”, ito ay hindi na ngangahulugan na ang mga kasanayang pagkatuto na
ito ay hindi na maaring ituro sa mga mag-aaral bagkus ito ay inaasahang
maituro muli sa mga pagkakataon na hinihingi ng sitwasyon o pagkakataon.
Lalo na ang mga kasanyang pagkatuto na tumutugon sa Kagandahang Asal,
Kakayahang Sosyo-emosyunal at ang Kalusugang Pisikal at Pagpapaunlad sa
Kakayahang Motor.

Mga Bahagi ng PIVOT 4A BOW sa Kindergarten

Ang PIVOT 4A BOW sa Kindergarten ay binubuo ng anim (6) na kolum. Ang

unang kolum ay para sa Quarter; ang ikalawa ay para sa Domain; pangatlo ay ang
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC); pang-apat ang Kasanayang
Pagkatuto; at panglima at pang-anim ay ang Weekly Assignment na nahahati sa
Assigned Week at Follow-Up Week/s.

Quarter Domain Most Essential Learning Learning Weekly Assignment

Competencies (MELC) Competencies Assigned Follow-Up
Week Week/s
(A) (B) (C) (E)
(D) (F)

(H) 1

Sa paggamit ng PIVOT 4A BOW sa Kindergarten, mahalagang tingnan at pag-

aralan ang mga sumusunod:

A. Quarter
B. Domain
C. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Page 24 of 349

D. Learning Competencies
E. Weekly Assignment (Assigned Week)
F. Weekly Assignment (Follow-up Week/s)
G. Enabling Competencies. Ito ang mga kasanayang nagmula sa K to 12
Curriculum Guide na gagamitin ng guro upang bigyang-linaw o magsilbing
tulay upang makamit ang mga Most Essential Learning Competencies
G. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). Sa bawat PIVOT 4A BOW, ito
ay sinisimbolo ng mga numero o bilang. Ang mga bilang na ito ay tumutukoy
kung ilang MELC mayroon sa Kindergarten. Ang mga napiling MELC ay
maaaring katumbas ng isang Learning Competency (Enabling Competency)
na makikita sa ikaapat na kolum o kumbinasyon ng mga ito.

Mga Dapat Tandaan ng Guro sa Kindergarten sa Paggamit ng BOW

a. Ang mga kasanayan sa pagkatuto ay nakalatag ayun sa mga saklaw na

nakasaad sa Kindergarten Curriculum Guide (KCG) at Teacher’s Guide (TG).
At ang mga ito ay masusing hinimay at inisa-isa upang matukoy ang bawat
kasanayan sa pagkatuto sa kada lingo at kwarter o yugto.

b. Ang mga guro ay inaasahang matamo o maisakatuparan ang mga layunin

sa kada linggo ayon sa isinasaad ng Budget of Work (BOW) subalit ito ay base
pa rin sa kakayahan ng mga mag-aaral. Ang mga guro ay pinapaalalahanan
na ang mga batang nasa Kindergarten ay may kaniya-kaniyang kakayahan
at panahon ng pagkakatuto. Ang mga kasanayan sa pagkatuto ay gabay
lamang sa mga guro kung ano-anong mga target at Gawain ang maaring
ibigay sa buong isang taon para sa mga mag-aaral at hindi kailanman
kailangang pilitin o puwersahin ang mga mag-aaral sa Kindergarten.

c. Kung sakaling may mga mag-aaral na nahihirapan na matamo ang mga

layuning itinakda ng BOW sa kada linggo ang mga guro ay inaasahang
gumawa ng mga interbinsyon o mga gawaing makakatulong sa mga mag-
aaral na makamit ang mga layuning ito, maaring pangkatan o indibidwal.

d. Sa kabilang banda, may mga mag-aaral na mahusay at mabilis na

naisakatuparan ang mga gawain base sa mga kasanayang pagkatuto na
nakasaad sa kada kwarter. Ang mga guro ay inaasahang mag bigay ng mga
gawain na maaring tumugon sa kanilang kahusayan o pagiging advanced sa
kanilang edad.

e. Ang mga titik o letra sa alpabeto ay maayos na inilatag sa BOW na ito upang
mabigyan ng pansin ng mga guro. Ang pagkakasunod-sunod ng pagtuturo sa
mga letra ay naayon sa ayos nito sa Teacher’s Guide (TG). Naglaan ng kada
linggo para sa isang letra upang matutukan ng guro ang pagtuturo ng tunog
ng kada titik na isang panimulang kasanayan sa pagbasa. Sa nalalabing mga
linggo ng taon ang mga guro ay inaasahang na magbalik-aral at maglaan ng
oras upang ang mga tunog ng letra ay mabatid at mabigkas ng mga mag-
aaral bago magtungo sa susunod na baitang.

f. Ang mga guro ay inaasahang maging malikhain at may kakayahang

gumamit ng mga bagay na nasa paligid upang maging mas makabuluhan
ang mga araw ng bawat mag-aaral sa Kindergarten.
Page 25 of 349

g. Ang mga guro ay inaasahan din na makipag-ugnayan sa mga magulang o

guardian sa mga pagkakataong kailangan ng bata ng gabay sa bahay
upang maisagawa ang mga interbisyon o gawain para sa mag-aaral.

Code Book Legend

Domain/s Code
Pagpapaunlad sa Kakayahang Sosyo-Emosyunal SE
Kagandahang Asal KA
Kalusugang Pisikal at Pagpapaunlad gg Kakayahang Motor KP
Mathematics M
Sining S
Understanding the Physical and Natural Environment PNE
Language, Literacy and Communication LL

Page 26 of 349


Weekly Assignment
Most Essential Learning
Quarter Domains Learning Competencies Assigned Follow-Up
Competencies (MELC) Week Week/s
Quarter 1
Nakikilala ang sarili:
SE 1 pangalan at apelyido, kasarian, 1 3,4,10
gulang/kapanganakan, gusto/di-gusto
Talk about one’s personal
experiences/narrates events of the day
Express thoughts, feelings, fears, ideas,
wishes, and dreams
Use the proper expression in introducing
LL 2 1 4
oneself e.g., I am/My name is ______
Nasasabi ang mga sariling
SE 3 pangangailangan nang walang pag- 2 3
Nakasusunod sa mga itinakdang
KA 4 tuntunin at gawain (routines) sa 2 10
paaralan at silid-aralan
Identify different:
- shapes
3 2,3,4,7
- colors
- sizes
Sort and classify objects according to
M 5 one attribute/property (shape, color, 3 4,7,8
size, function/use)
Pagbakat, pagkopya ng larawan, hugis,
3 4,5,6,9
at titik
Trace, copy, and write different strokes:
scribbling (free hand), straight lines,
KP 6 slanting lines, combination of straight 3 5.6.9
and slanting lines, curves, combination of
straight and curved and zigzag
Nakagagalaw (martsa, palakpak, tapik,
padyak, lakad, lundag at iba pa) nang
angkop sa ritmo at indayog bilang 4 10
tugon sa himig napapakinggan/awit na
Naisakikilos ang sariling kakayahan sa
KP 7 iba’t ibang paraan, hal. pag-awit, 4 5, 10
pagsayaw, at iba pa
Identify the letter, number, or word that is
LL 8 4 10
different in a group
Nagkakaroon ng kamalayan sa
5 6
damdamin ng iba
Nakikilala ang mga pangunahing
SE 9 5 6
emosyon (tuwa, takot, galit, at lungkot)
Tell which two letters, numbers, or words
LL 10 5 7,10
in a group are the same
Recognize simple shapes in the
6 7
Recognize symmetry (own body, basic
M 11 6 10.14
PNE 12 Identify one’s basic body parts 6 7,8
PNE 13 Tell the function of each basic body part 7 8
Naipakikita ang panimbang sa
pagsasagawa ng iba’t ibang kilos ng
katawan, gaya ng paglukso-luksong
pahalinhinan ang mga paa (skipping), 7 8,9,10
pagtulay nang di natutumba sa tuwid na
guhit, pagakyat at pagbaba sa
Page 27 of 349

Weekly Assignment
Most Essential Learning
Quarter Domains Learning Competencies Assigned Follow-Up
Competencies (MELC) Week Week/s
Demonstrate movements using different
PNE 14 7 8,9,10
body parts
Name the five senses and their
PNE 15 8 9
corresponding body parts
Use the senses to observe and perform
simple experiments in classifying objects
8 9
(e.g., texture – soft/hard, smooth/rough;
taste – salty, sweet, sour)
Identify one’s basic needs and ways to
PNE 16 9 10
care for one’s body
Recognize the importance of caring
one’s body
PNE 17 Practice ways to care for one’s body 10
Quarter 2
Natutukoy na may pamilya ang bawat
SE 18 11 20
Natutukoy kung sino-sino ang bumubuo
SE 19 12 13, 20
ng pamilya
Nailalarawan kung paano nagkakaiba
SE 20 13 14, 20
at nagkakatulad ang bawat pamilya
Nailalarawan ang mga karanasan na
may kinalaman sa pagtutulungan ng 13 14
Naipakikita ang pagmamahal sa mga
kasapi ng pamilya at sa nakatatanda sa
pamamagitan ng:
- pagsunod nang maayos sa mga
- pagmamano/ paghalik
- paggamit ng magagalang na
- pagsasabi ng mga salitang may
SE 21 pagmamahal (I love you 14 15-20
- pagsasabi ng “Hindi ko po sinasadya
“, ”Salamat po”, “Walang anuman”,
kung kinakailangan
- pakikinig sa mungkahi ng mga
magulang at iba pang kaanak
- pagpapakita ang interes sa iniisip at
ginagawa ng mga nakatatanda at
iba pang miyembro ng pamilya
Give the sound of each letter (mother
14 15-34
tongue, orthography)
Match an upper- to its lower-case letter 14 15-34
Identify the letters of the alphabet
LL 22 14 15-34
(mother tongue, orthography)
Name the places and the things found in
LL 23 15 16
the classroom, school and community
Distinguish differences in objects in terms
of quantity
Tell that the quantity of a set of objects
does not change even though the
arrangement has changed (i.e., the child
M 24 should be able to tell that one set of 15 18,19
counters placed in one-to-one
correspondence and then rearranged
still has the same quantity)
Give the names of family members,
school personnel, and community
LL 25 16 17
helpers, and the roles they play/ jobs
they do/things they use
Page 28 of 349

Weekly Assignment
Most Essential Learning
Quarter Domains Learning Competencies Assigned Follow-Up
Competencies (MELC) Week Week/s
Talk about family members, pets, toys,
foods, or members of the community
LL 26 16 19,20
using various appropriate descriptive
Identify different polite greetings and
courteous expressions
Recognize the importance of polite
greetings and courteous expressions
Use polite greetings and courteous
expressions in appropriate situations
LL 27 17 18
a. Good Morning/Afternoon
b. Thank You/You’re Welcome
c. Excuse Me/I’m Sorry
LL 28 17 18
d. Please…./May I…..
Talk about likes/dislikes (foods, pets, toys,
LL 29 18 19,20
games, friends, places
Talk about the details of an
object/picture like toys, pets, foods, 18 19,20
Naikukuwento ang mga ginagawa ng
pamilya nang sama-sama -
Nailalarawan ang nagagawa ng mga 18 19
tagapag-alaga/Nanay/Tatay/ Lolo/Lola,
Talk about family members, pets, toys,
foods, or members of the community
LL 30 18 19,20
using various appropriate descriptive
Tell and describe the different kinds of
PNE 31 weather (sunny, rainy, cloudy, 19 20
stormy, windy)
Observe and record the weather daily
PNE 32 19 20
(as part of the opening routine)
Identify what we wear and use for each
PNE 33 20 21
kind of weather
Identify possible things or occurences
that may happen based from the 20 21
different kinds of weather
Observe safety practices in different
PNE 34 20 21
kinds of weather
Recognize the different letters of the
Trace, copy, and write the letters of the
alphabet: straight lines (A,E,F,H,I L,T),
combination of straight and slanting lines
LL 35 20 21-30
(K, M,N, V, W, X, Y, Z), combination of
straight and curved lines (B, C, D, G, J, O,
P, Q, R, S, U), rounded strokes with loops
LL 36 Write one’s given name 20 21-30
Quarter 3
Determine the number of days in a week 21
Tell the names of the days in a week,
M 37 21 22, 33
months in a year
Nakikilala ang mga taong nakatutulong
SE 38 sa komunidad hal. guro, bombero, pulis, 21 24-27
at iba pa
Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang lugar sa
SE 39 22 23-26
Natutuloy and tungkulin ng bawat
miyembro ng komunidad
Naikukuwento ang mga naging
SE 40 23 24, 38
karanasan bilang kasapi ng komunidad
Page 29 of 349

Weekly Assignment
Most Essential Learning
Quarter Domains Learning Competencies Assigned Follow-Up
Competencies (MELC) Week Week/s
Nabibigyang-pansin ang linya, kulay,
hugis at tekstura ng magagandang
bagay na:
a. makikita sa kapaligiran tulad ng
sanga ng puno, dibuho sa ugat,
S 41 dahon, kahoy; bulaklak, 24 25
halaman, bundok, ulap, bato,
kabibe, at iba pa
b. gawa ng tao tulad ng mga
sariling gamit, laruan, bote,
sasakyan, gusali
Identify sequence of events (before, after,
M 42 25 29
first, next, last)
Complete patterns 25 26
Arrange objects one after another in a
series/sequence according to a given
M 43 attribute (size, length) and describe their 25 26
relationship (big/bigger/biggest or
Recognize numbers 1 to 10 26
M 44 Rote count up to 20 26 27-30
Count objects with one-to-one
M 45 27 28, 31
correspondence up to quantities of 10
Tell that the quantity of a set of objects
does not change even though the
arrangement has changed (i.e., the child
M 46 should be able to tell that one set of 28 29
counters placed in one-to-one
correspondence and then rearranged
still has the same quantity)
Nakikilala ang pagkakaiba ng mga
bagay na ligtas at mapanganib
Nakikilala ang kahalagahan ng mga
tuntunin: pag-iwas sa paglalagay ng
maliit na bagay sa bibig, ilong, at tainga,
hindi paglalaro ng posporo, maingat na
paggamit ng matutulis/matatalim na
SE 47 bagay tulad ng kutsilyo, tinidor, gunting, 29 30
maingat na pag-akyat at pagbaba sa
hagdanan, pagtingin sa kaliwa’t kanan
bago tumawid sa daan, pananatiling
kasama ng nakatatanda kung nasa sa
matataong lugar
Nakikilala ang kahalagahan ng
pansariling kaligtasan: nagpapaalam
kung lalabas, sumasama lamang sa mga
KA 48 30 37
kilalang tao/kalaro, nagsasabi ng
“HUWAG” o “HINDI” kung hinipo ang
maselang bahagi ng katawan
Quarter 4
PNE 49 Name common animals 31 35,36
Distinguish animals from other living
Observe, describe, and examine
PNE 50 31 35,36
common animals using their senses
PNE 51 Identify the needs of animals 31 35,36
PNE 52 Identify ways to care for animals 31 36,37
Identify and describe how animals can
PNE 53 31 35
be useful
PNE 54 Name common plants 32 33
Distinguish plants from other living things 32
Observe, describe, and examine
PNE 55 32 33
common plants using their senses
Page 30 of 349

Weekly Assignment
Most Essential Learning
Quarter Domains Learning Competencies Assigned Follow-Up
Competencies (MELC) Week Week/s
Group plants according to certain
PNE 56 32 33
characteristics, e.g., parts, kind, habitat
Identify needs of plants and ways to care
PNE 57 32 33
for plants
Identify and describe how plants can be
PNE 58 32 33
Classify objects according to observable
PNE 59 properties like size, color, shape, texture, 33 34
and weight)
Identify the different ways of harming the
Identify simple ways of taking care of the
PNE 60 34 37
Explore simple cause-and-effect
LL 61 relationships in familiar events and 35 36
Identify the different parts of a clock 36
Recognize and name the hour and
M 62 36 37
minute hands in a clock
Tell the time of day when activities are
being done, e.g., morning, afternoon, 36 37
M 63 Tell time by the hour 36 37
Recognize the basic counting numbers 37
Identify the number that comes before,
M 64 37 38
after, or in between
Arrange three numbers from least to
M 65 37 38
greatest/ greatest to least
Combine elements of two sets using
concrete objects to represent the 38 39
concept of addition
Recognize the words “put together,”
M 66 “add to,” and “in all” that indicate the 38 39
act of adding whole numbers
Recognize the words “take away,” “less,”
M 67 and “are left” that indicate the act of 38 39
subtracting whole numbers
Add quantities up to 10 using concrete
M 68 39 40
Subtract quantities up to 10 using
M 69 39 40
concrete objects
Solve simple addition and subtraction
number stories (up to quantities of 10)
read by the teacher using a variety of
ways (e.g., concrete materials, drawings)
and describe and explain the strategies
Write addition and subtraction number
M 70 sentences using concrete 40
Page 31 of 349
Page 32 of 349



A. Tampok sa MTB-MLE

Ang PIVOT 4A Budget of Work (BOW) sa MTB-MLE ay isang resource material

para sa pagtuturo ng naturang asignatura na naglalaman ng mga kompetensi o
kasanayan sa pagkatuto ng K to 12 Curriculum. Nakasaad din ang mga domains at
mga bilang ng araw na nakalaan sa bawat pangkat ng kompetensi na pinagsama-
sama. Ang bawat kwarter ay mayroong apatnapung (40) araw na may kabuoang
dalawang daan (200) araw sa buong taong aralan.

Nilalayon nito na matulungan ang mga guro na magkaroon ng malinaw na

paglalaan ng mga gawain sa bawat araw upang maiwasan ang pagkalito. Sa
pamamagitan ng BOW, matitiyak na ang lahat ng kompetensi ay maituturo ng guro
sa kanilang mga mag-aaral batay sa nakatakdang panahon. Magagabayan din
nito ang mga guro sa pagpaplano ng mga angkop na estratehiya sa pagtuturo at
paghahanda ng mga gawain para sa mga mag-aaral.

Ang MTB-MLE ay may labindawlawang (12) domains, ito ay ang mga

sumusunod: Oral Language (OL), Phonological Skills (PA), Book and Print Knowledge
(BPK), Phonics and Word Recognition (PWR), Fluency (F), Composing (C), Grammar
Awareness (GA), Vocabulary and Concept Development (VCD), Listening
Comprehension (LC), Reading Comprehension (RC), Attitude Towards Reading (ATR)
at ang Study Skills (SS). Ang mga domain at ang mga kompetensi o kasanayan sa
pagkatuto ay nakalimbag sa English na naging basehan ng Budget at Work (BOW)
at dahil tayo nasa Rehiyon IVA-CALABARZON ang ating Medium of Teaching and
Learning (MOTL) o Medium of Instruction (MOI) ay Tagalog at iyon ang inaasahang
gamitin ng mga guro sa pagtuturo.

B. Paano Gamitin ang MTB-MLE Budget of Work (BOW)

1. Nakapaloob sa Budget of Work ang mga kompetensi o kasanayan sa pagkatuto

at bilang ng araw ng pagtuturo para sa partikular na linggo kung kaya’t ito ang
magiging gabay ng guro sa pagbuo ng DLP na ibinatay sa K to 12 Curriculum
Guide. Inihanay na ang mga kompetensi sa bawat araw sa buong linggo na
inaasahang malinang sa mga mag-aaral.

2. Ang mga nakasaad na bilang ng araw sa bawat kasanayan ng pagkatuto o sa

bawat linggo ay maaring magbago ayon sa kakayahan ng mga mag-aaral sa
isang klase. Kaya naman ang mga guro ay inaasahang maging mahusay sa
pagtukoy ng mga kakayahan at kahinaan ng mag-aaral na makatutulong upang
makapagplano ng mga gawain para sa indibidwal na pangangailangan ng mga

3. Ang mga dapat tandaan ng guro sa paggamit ng MTB-MLE Budget of Work (BOW):

a. Maaring ituro ng guro ang mga kompetensi na napapaloob sa isang partikular

na domain sa nakasaad na bilang ng araw gamit ang Two-Track Method, ang
Primer Track at ang Story Track. Tingnan ang pagkakaiba ng dalawang track at
ang mga diin ng bawat isa.
Page 33 of 349


Diin: Diin:
Kahulugan at Katumpakan/Kawastuan
Talastasan/Komunikasyon (Accuracy/Correctness)
(Meaning and Communication)

Pokus: Buong Teksto Pokus: Wika at Gramatika

Pakikinig Nakikinig nang may Nakikilala at natutukoy ang
pag-unawa at tunog at bahagi ng mga salita
mapanuring pag-iisip.

Ang pinaka-epektibong paraan sa paglinang ng kasanayan sa panimulang

pagbasa ay ang pagsasanib ng marubdob at iba’t-ibang paglalantad sa
makabuluhang limbag (story track) na may tahasan at sistematikong pagtuturo
sa kamalayang ponemiko at ang ugnayan ng tunog at ang simbolong
katumbas nito (primer track) (Jimms Cummins).

Isa lamang ang Two-Track Method sa mga epektibong paraan, ang mga guro
ay hinihikayat na gumamit at tumuklas ng iba pang paraan sa pagtuturo na
maaring makatulong sa mga mag-aaral.

b. May mga linggo na kung saan marami ang mga kompetensi na maaring ituro
sa mga mag-aaral, ang mga ito maaaring pangkatin at ituro sa loob ng isang
aralin upang magkaroon ng masteri ang mga mag-aaral.

Nagkakaroon ng pagtutuhog ng mga kompetensi sa kada linggo upang mas

maging komprehensibo ang paraan ng paglalahad ng aralin sa mga mag-
aaral. May mga kompetensi na hindi maaaring ituro ng nag-iisa lamang
sapagkat sila ay magkakaugnay at sumusuporta sa paglinang ng iba’t-ibang
kasanayan ayon sa mga domain.

c. Ang mga guro ay hinihikayat na gumamit ng mga localized teaching/learning

materials upang mas maging makabuluhan ang pagtalakay sa mga aralin. Sa
ganitong paraan din ay mahikayat ang mga mag-aaral na lumahok sa mga
gawain at magasalita o sumagot ng may kumpiyansa sa sarili, gamit ang
Mother Tongue.

C. Gabay sa Pagbasa PIVOT 4A BOW sa MTB-MLE

Ang PIVOT 4A BOW sa MTB-MLE ay binubuo ng limang (5) kolum. Ang unang
kolum ay para sa Quarter; ang ikalawa ay para sa Domain; pangatlo ay ang Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELC); pang-apat ang Learning Competencies; at
panghuli ang No. of Days Taught.

Quarter Domain Most Essential Learning Learning Competencies No. of Days

Competencies (MELC) Taught
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

(G) 1
Page 34 of 349

Sa paggamit ng PIVOT 4A BOW sa MTB-MLE, mahalagang tingnan at pag-

aralan ang mga sumusunod:

A. Quarter
B. Domain
C. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
D. Learning Competencies
E. Bilang ng Araw ng Pagtuturo
F. Enabling Competencies. Ito ang mga kasanayang nagmula sa K to 12
Curriculum Guide na gagamitin ng guro upang bigyang-linaw o magsilbing
tulay upang makamit ang mga Most Essential Learning Competencies
G. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). Sa bawat PIVOT 4A BOW, ito
ay sinisimbolo ng mga numero o bilang. Ang mga bilang na ito ay tumutukoy
kung ilang MELC mayroon sa bawat baitang. Ang mga napiling MELC ay
maaaring katumbas ng isang Enabling Competency na makikita sa ikaapat
na kolum o kumbinasyon ng ilang piling Enabling Competency.

Code Book Legend

Domain/s Code
Oral Language OL
Phonological Skills PA
Book and Print Knowledge BPK
Phonics and Word Recognition PWR
Fluency F
Composing C
Grammar Awareness GA
Vocabulary and Concept Development VCD
Listening Complrehension LC
Reading Comprehension RC
Attitude Towards Reading ATR
Study Skills SS

Page 35 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Talk about oneself and one’s personal experiences
OL 1 1
(family, pet, favorite food)
Use the terms referring to conventions of print: - front
BPK 2 and back cover - beginning, ending, title page - 1
author and illustrator
Read Grade 1 level words, phrases and sentences
F 3 2
with appropriate speed and accuracy
Identify rhyming words in nursery rhymes, songs,
PA 4 1
jingles, poems, and chants
PWR 5 Give the name and sound of each letter 5
Express ideas through a variety of symbols (e.g.
C 6 1
drawings and invented spelling)
Note important details in grade level narrative texts
listened to:
LC 7 1
- character and
- setting events
OL 8 Use common expressions and polite greetings. 1
PA 9 Tell whether a given pair of word rhyme 1
PWR 10 Identify upper and lower case letters 3
VCD 11 Give meanings of words through: realia 1
OL 12 Recite and sing in groups familiar rhymes and songs. 1
Write the upper and lower case letters legibly,
PWR 13 3
observing proper sequence of strokes
Give the beginning letter/sound of the name of each
PWR 14 1
PWR 15 Match words with pictures and objects. 1
Give the correct sequence of three events in a story
LC 16 1
listened to.
SS 17 Follow simple one to three-step oral directions 1
Talk about pictures presented using appropriate local
terminologies with ease and confidence.
- Animals
OL 18 1
- Common objects
- Musical instruments
- Family/People
Say the new spoken word when two or more sounds
PA 19 1
are put together.
Recite and sing individually, with ease and
OL 20 1
confidence, songs, poems, chants, and
PWR 21 Blend specific letters to form syllables and words 1
Follow words from left to right, top to bottom and
BPK 22 1
page by page.
OL 23 Orally communicate basic needs 1
Orally segment a two-three syllable word into its
PA 24 1
syllabic parts.
Infer the character feelings and traits in a story
LC 25 1
listened to
Identify naming words (persons, places, things,
GA 26 1
a. common and proper
b. noun markers
OL 27 Listen and respond to others in oral conversation 1
Participate actively during story reading by making
OL 28
comments and asking questions.
Isolate and pronounce the beginning and ending
PA 29
sounds of given words.
Spell and write correctly grade one level words
PWR 30 1
consisting of letters already learned.
Recognize that spoken words are represented in
BPK 31 1
written language by specific sequences of letters.
Page 36 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Use naming words in sentences
GA 33 a. common and proper 1
b. noun markers
LC 34 Identify the speaker in the story or poem listened to 1
Write basic information about self (name grade level,
SS 35 1
Quarter 2
PWR 5 Give the name and sound of each letter 10
Write the upper and lower case letters legibly,
PWR 13 5
observing proper sequence of strokes
PWR 21 Blend specific letters to form syllables and words 10
Identify pronouns:
GA 36 a. personal 2
b. possessive
SS 37 Interpret a map of the classroom/school. 2
Supply rhyming words to complete a rhyme, poem,
OL 38 2
and song.
Identify cause and/or effect of events in a story
LC 39 2
listened to.
LC 40 Identify the problem and solution in the story read. 2
SS 41 Get information from simple environmental prints. 1
Discuss, illustrate, dramatize specific events in a story
LC 42 1
LC 43 Retell a story read 1
Identify pronouns with contractions*
GA 44 1
(Siya’y, Tayo’y . . .)
Respond to text (legends, fables, poems.) through
OL 45 1
Quarter 3
Participate actively in class discussions on familiar
OL 46 3
PWR 47 Read sight words 3
Read grade 1 level words, phrases, sentences, and
F 48 2
short paragraph/s tory with proper expression.
Read grade 1 level texts with an accuracy rate of 95
F 1
– 100%
Note important details in grade level literary and
LC 49 2
informational texts listened to.
SS 50 Interpret a pictograph 2
Talk about family, friends, and school using
OL 51 2
descriptive words
OL 52 Tell/retell legends, fables, and jokes. 3
Write words, phrases, and simple sentences with
PWR 53 proper spacing, punctuation and capitalization 2
when applicable
Identify and use synonyms, antonyms, homonyms
VCD 54 (when applicable) and words with multiple meanings 3
Give meanings of words through:
VCD a. picture clues 1
b. context clues
GA 55 Identify the tense of the action word in the sentence 2
VCD Use words to describe concrete experiences 1
RC 56 Infer the character feelings and traits in a story read. 2
LC Infer important details from an informational text. 1
Use the correct tense and time signal of an action
GA 57 2
word in a sentence.
SS 58 Follow 2 – 3 step written directions 1
Observe proper mechanics (punctuation marks,
capitalization, proper spacing between words,
PWR 59 2
indentions, and format) when copying/writing
words, phrases, sentences, and short paragraphs
SS 60 Read labels in an illustration 1
Page 37 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Retell literary and information texts appropriate to
LC 61 2
the grade level listened to
GA 62 Identify action words in oral and written exercises 1
Use action words to give simple two to three-step
GA 63 1
Quarter 4
Identify describing words that refer to color, size,
GA 64 shape, texture, temperature and feelings in 3
Talk about family, friends, and school using
OL 3
descriptive words.
Identify, give the meaning of, and use compound
VCD 65 3
words in sentences
PWR Write phrases, and simple sentences correctly. 2
GA 66 Use describing words in sentences. 3
Give the synonyms and antonyms of describing
GA 67 3
Page 38 of 349


Most Essential No. of
Quarter Learning Learning Competencies Days
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Participate actively during story reading by making
OL 1 comments and asking questions using complete 3
Note important details in grade level narrative texts:
a. character
LC 1
b. setting
c. plot (problem and resolution)
Read a large number of regularly spelled multi-syllabic
PWR 2 2
GA 3 Identify and use naming words in sentences. 1
Express ideas through poster making (e.g. ads,
character profiles, news report, lost and found) using
C 4 2
stories as springboard. (These writing activities are
scaffold by the teacher).
GA 5 Classify naming words into different categories 1
Use words unlocked during story reading in meaningful
VCD 6 1
Read grade level texts with appropriate speed. (Note:
F should include benchmarks on number of words per 3
minute once research and data have been gathered)
Read with understanding words with consonant blends,
PWR 7 3
clusters and digraphs when applicable
GA 8 Identify the gender of naming words, when applicable. 1
Use the combination of affixes and root words as clues
VCD 9 1
to get the meaning of words.
GA 10 Identify and use collective nouns, when applicable. 1
PWR 11 Write upper and lower case letters using cursive strokes. 1
Read content area-related words. (Math and Science
PWR 12 3
GA 13 Identify the parts of a sentence (subject and predicate). 2
Identify and use a variety of sentences:
a. declarative
GA b. interrogative 2
c. exclamatory
d. imperative
SS 14 Follow instructions in a test carefully. 1
RC 15 Identify the difference between a story and a poem. 1
Identify and use compound words appropriate to the
VCD 16 1
grade level in sentences.
Talk about famous people, places, events, etc. using
OL 17 2
descriptive and action words in complete sentences.
GA 18 Differentiate sentences from non - sentences. 1
LC 19 Give the main idea of a story/poem. 1
Construct sentences observing appropriate
GA 20 2
punctuation marks.
Recognize common abbreviations (e.g. Jan., Sun., St.,
VCD 21 1
Mr., Mrs.).
LC 22 Give the summary of a story 2
Quarter 2
Write paragraphs using subject, object and possessive
C 23 5
pronouns, observing the conventions of writing.
Identify and use the following pronouns when
a. demonstrative pronouns (e.g. ito, iyan, yan, dito,
GA 24 5
diyan, doon)
b. subject and object pronouns
c. possessive
VCD 25 Identify and use simile and metaphor in sentences. 5
Page 39 of 349

Participate in and initiate more extended social

conversation or dialogue with peers, adults on
OL 26 5
unfamiliar topics by asking and answering questions,
restating and soliciting information
Get information from various sources:
ATR 27 - published announcements; and 5
- map of the community
Write/copy words, phrases, and sentences with proper
PWR 28 strokes, spacing, punctuation and capitalization using 5
cursive writing.
Employ proper mechanics and format when writing for
PWR 29 5
different purposes (i.e. paragraph writing, letter writing)
Quarter 3
Write short narrative paragraphs that include elements
C 30 of setting, characters, and plot (problem and 7
resolution), observing the conventions of writing.
Identify and use action words in simple tenses (present,
GA 31 7
past, future) with the help of time signals.
Use action words when narrating simple experiences
GA 32 and when giving sImple 3-5 steps directions using signal 7
words (e.g. first, second, next, etc.).
Use expressions appropriate to the grade level to
OL 33 7
relate/show one’s obligation, hope, and wish
Recognize appropriate ways of speaking that vary
OL 34 7
according to purposes, audience, and subject matter
Quarter 4
Use the conventions of writing in composing journal
C 35 entries and letters (friendly letter, thank you letter, letter 7
of invitation, birthday greetings)
GA 36 Identify and use adjectives in sentences 5
GA 37 Identify synonyms and antonyms of adjectives 5
Use correctly adverbs of:
GA 38 a. time b. place c. manner 5
d. frequency
Page 40 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Correctly spells the words in the list of vocabulary
F 1 4
words and the words in the selections read.
C 2 Writes poems, riddles, chants, and raps. 3
GA 3 Differentiates count from mass nouns. 3
Uses words unlocked during story reading in
meaningful texts.
Notes important details in grade level narrative
RC 4 a. Character, 3
b. Setting,
c. Plot (problem & solution)
Uses the correct counters for mass nouns (ex: a
GA 5 3
kilo of meat).
Uses the combination of affixes and root words as
VCD 6 clues to get meaning of words. (Note: Align with 3
specific competencies in GA).
Uses expressions appropriate to the grade level to
OL 7 3
relate/show one’s obligation, hope, and wish.
GA 8 Identifies and uses abstract nouns. 3
Identifies and uses personification, hyperbole, and
VCD 9 4
idiomatic expressions in sentences
LC 10 Gives the meaning of a poem. 3
Writes correctly different types of sentences
GA 11 4
(simple, compound, complex).
Identifies and uses personification, hyperbole, and
VCD 12 4
idiomatic expressions in sentences.
Quarter 2
GA 13 Identifies interrogative pronouns 5
Use expressions appropriate to the grade level to
react to local news, information, and
OL 14 5
propaganda about school, community and other
local activities.
VCD 15 Identifies metaphor, personification, hyperbole 5
Quarter 3
Writes reactions and personal opinions to news
C 16 5
reports and issues
SS 17 Identifies the parts of a newspaper 5
SS 18 Interprets a pictograph based on a given legend 5
SS 19 Interprets the labels in an illustration 5
Uses the correct form of the verb when writing
GA 20 about an event, an interesting experience, a 5
RC 21 Gives another title for literary or informational text 5
Notes important details in grade level
LC 2
informational texts
Identifies the author’s purpose for writing a
LC 22 3
Quarter 4
SS 23 Makes a two level outline for a report 5
Writes a 3 -5 step procedural paragraph using
C 24 5
signal words such as first, last, then, and next
Identifies and uses adverbs of manner in different
GA 25 5
degrees of comparison
Identifies and uses adverbs of time, place and
GA 2
manner correctly
Identifies and uses correctly prepositions and
GA 26 5
prepositional phrases.
Page 41 of 349
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K to 12 Curriculum: Tunguhin, Inaasahang Bunga/Resulta, Pamantayang

Pangnilalaman, Pamantayan sa Pagganap

Pangkalahatang layunin ng Kurikulum ng K to 12 ang makalinang ng isang buo

at ganap na Filipinong may kapaki - pakinabang na literasi.

Kaugnay nito, layunin ng pagtuturo ng Filipino na malinang ang (1)

kakayahang komunikatibo, (2) replektibo/mapanuring pag-iisip at, (3)
pagpapahalagang pampanitikan ng mga mag-aaral sa pamamagitan ng mga
babasahin at teknolohiya tungo sa pagkakaroon ng pambansang pagkakakilanlan,
kultural na literasi, at patuloy na pagkatuto upang makaagapay sa mabilis na
pagbabagong nagaganap sa daigdig.

Sa ikatatamo ng mithiing ito, kailangan ng mga kagamitang panturo ng mga

guro bilang suporta sa kurikulum na magmumula sa administrasyon, ahensiyang
panlipunan, pribado at publiko, pamahalaang lokal, midya, tahanan at iba pang
sektor ng lipunan.

Isinaalang-alang sa pagbuo ng kurikulum ang pangangailangang

panlipunan, lokal at global na pamayanan, maging ang kalikasan at
pangangailangan ng mga mag-aaral. Pinagbatayan din ang mga legal na batas
pang-edukasyon, at mga teoryang pilosopikal ng edukasyon at wika nina Jean
Piaget (Developmental Stages of Learning), Lev Vygotsky (Cooperative Learning),
Jerome Bruner (Discovery Learning), Robert Gagne (Heirarchical Learning ), David
Ausubel (Interactive/Integrated Learning), Cummins (Basic Interpersonal
Communication Skills-BICS at Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Skills-CALPS)
at ng ating pambansang bayaning si Dr. Jose P. Rizal na nagsabing “nasa kabataan
ang pag-asa ng bayan”. Dahil ang Filipino ay nasa disiplina ng wika, pinagbatayan
ang mga teorya sa kalikasan at pagkatuto ng wika, mga teorya / simulain sa
pagsusuring panliterasi at mga pagdulog sa pagtuturo ng wika (W1, W2, W3) at
pagtuturo ng mga akdang pampanitikan at tekstong palahad.

Mga Pamantayan sa Filipino K to 12

A. Pamantayan sa Programa (Core Learning Area Standard):

Nagagamit ang wikang Filipino upang madaling

Pamantayan maunawaan at maipaliwanag ang mga kaalaman sa
ng Programa araling pangnilalaman, magamit ang angkop at wastong
ng Baitang 1- salita sa pagpapahayag ng sariling kaisipan, damdamin o
6 karanasan nang may lubos na paggalang sa kultura ng
nagbibigay at tumatanggap ng mensahe.
Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang kakayahang
Pamantayan komunikatibo, mapanuring pag-iisip, at pag-unawa at
ng Programa pagpapahalagang pampanitikan gamit ang teknolohiya
ng Baitang 7- at iba’t ibang uri ng teksto at mga akdang pampanitikang
10 rehiyonal, pambansa, saling-akdang Asyano at pandaigdig
tungo sa pagtatamo ng kultural na literasi.
Page 43 of 349

B. Pangunahing Pamantayan ng Bawat Yugto (Key Stage Standards):

K-3 4-6 7-10 11-12

Sa dulo ng Sa dulo ng Sa dulo ng Baitang 10, Sa dulo ng Baitang 12
Baitang 3, Baitang 6, naipamamalas ng naipamamalas ng
nakakaya ng naipapakita ng mag- aaral ang mag- aaral ang
mga mag-aaral mga mag- aaral kakayahang kakayahang
na ipakita ang ang sigla sa komunikatibo, komunikatibo,
kasanayan sa pagtuklas at replektibo/ replektibo/
pag-unawa at pagdama sa mapanuring pag-iisip mapanuring pag-iisip
pag- iisip sa mga pabigkas at at pagpapahalagang at
narinig at pasulat na mga pampanitikan sa pagpapahalagang
nabasang teksto teksto at tulong ng mga pampanitikan sa
at ipahayag ipahayag nang akdang rehiyonal, tulong ng iba’t ibang
nang mabisa mabisa ang mga pambansa at disiplina at
ang mga ibig ibig sabihin at salintekstong Asyano teknolohiya upang
sabihin at nadarama at pandaigdig upang magkaroon ng
nadarama. matamo ang kultural akademikong pag-
na literasi. unawa

C. Pamantayan sa Bawat Baitang (Grade Level Standards):

Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang kakayahan sa pagpapahayag ng

iniiisip at damdamin sa wikang katutubo at ang kahandaan sa pagbasa
at pagsulat upang makilala ang sarili at matutong makisalamuha sa
Pagkatapos ng Unang Baitang, inaasahang nauunawaan ng mga mag-
aaral ang mga pasalita at di-pasalitang paraan ng pagpapahayag at
nakatutugon nang naaayon. Nakakamit ang mga kasanayan sa
mabuting pagbasa at pagsulat upang maipahayag at maiugnay ang
sariling ideya, damdamin at karanasan sa mga narinig at nabasang mga
teksto ayon sa kanilang antas o nibel at kaugnay ng kanilang kultura.
Pagkatapos ng Ikalawang Baitang, inaasahang nasasabi ng mga mag-
aaral ang pangunahing diwa ng tekstong binasa o napakinggan,
nagagamit ang mga kaalaman sa wika, nakababasa nang may wastong
2 paglilipon ng mga salita at maayos na nakasusulat upang maipahayag
at maiugnay ang sariling ideya, damdamin at karanasan sa mga narinig
at nabasang mga teksto ayon sa kanilang antas o nibel at kaugnay ng
kanilang kultura.
Pagkatapos ng Ikatlong Baitang, inaasahang nasasabi na ng mga mag-
aaral ang pangunahing diwa ng tekstong binasa o napakinggan at
nakapagbibigay ng kaugnay o katumbas na teksto, nagagamit ang mga
kaalaman sa wika, nakababasa nang may wastong palipon ng mga salita
at maayos na nakasulat gamit ang iba’t ibang bahagi ng pananalita
upang maipahayag at maiugnay ang sariling ideya, damdamin at
karanasan sa mga narinig at nabasang mga teksto ayon sa kanilang
antas o lebel at kaugnay ng kanilang kultura.
Pagkatapos ng Ikaapat na Baitang, naipamamalas na ng mga mag-aaral
ang kakayahan sa pagbasa, pagsulat at pakikipagtalastasan nang wasto
4 upang maipahayag ang kaalaman, ideya at damdaming angkop sa
kaniyang edad at sa kulturang kinabibilangan at nakikilahok sa
pagpapaunlad ng pamayanan.
Page 44 of 349

Pagkatapos ng Ikalimang Baitang, naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang

kakayahan sa pakikipagtalastasan, mapanuring pag-iisip at,
pagpapahalaga sa panitikan at kultura sa pamamagitan ng iba’t ibang
teksto/ babasahing lokal at pambansa.
Pagkatapos ng Ikaanim na Baitang, naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang
kakayahan sa pakikipagtalastasan, mapanuring pag-iisip at
pagpapahalaga sa wika, panitikan at kultura upang makaambag sa
pag-unlad ng bansa.
Pagkatapos ng Ikapitong Baitang, naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang
kakayahang komunikatibo, mapanuring pag-iisip, at pag-unawa at
7 pagpapahalagang pampanitikan gamit ang teknolohiya at iba’t ibang
uri ng teksto at akdang pampanitikang rehiyunal upang maipagmalaki
ang sariling kultura, gayundin ang iba’t ibang kulturang panrehiyon
Pagkatapos ng Ikawalong Baitang, naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang
kakayahang komunikatibo, mapanuring pag-iisip,at pag-unawa at
8 pagpapahalagang pampanitikan gamit ang teknolohiya at iba’t ibang
uri ng teksto at akdang pampanitikang pambansa upang maipagmalaki
ang kulturang Pilipino.
Pagkatapos ng Ikasiyam na Baitang, Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang
kakayahang komunikatibo,mapanuring pag-iisip,at pag-unawa at
9 pagpapahalagang pampanitikan gamit ang teknolohiya at iba’t ibang
uri ng teksto at saling-akdang Asyano upang mapatibay ang
pagkakakilanlang Asyano.
Pagkatapos ng Ikasampung Baitang, naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang
kakayahang komunikatibo, mapanuring pag-iisip, at pag-unawa at
10 pagpapahalagang pampanitikan gamit ang teknolohiya at iba’t ibang
uri ng teksto at saling-akdang pandaigdig tungo sa pagkakaroon ng
kamalayang global.

Paggamit ng PIVOT 4A Budget of Work (BOW) para sa Filipino

Bago pa man maging bihasa sa ibang wika dapat maging mahusay muna sa
sarili at kinagisnang wika. Minarapat ng Kagawaran na mapadali ang pagtuturo sa
Elementarya at Sekundarya kaya nga nagkaroon ng palihan sa Budget of Work
(BOW) ng mga kompetensi na sasapat sa apatnapung (40) araw sa bawat kwarter.
Magiging mainam na sandata ng mga guro ang talino, kasanayan at
pagpapahalaga upang marating ang layuning edukasyon para sa lahat. Binuo ang
programa ng rehiyon sa pagsasama-sama ng mga kompetensing magkakaugnay at
maaaring pagsamahin. sang-ayon sa pamamaraang madali patungo sa
komplikadong istruktura ng aralin mula sa Unang Antas hanggang Ikasampung Antas,
pinag-isipang mabuti ang mga araling sapat at nararapat sa mga batang mag-
aaral. Ang mga guro sa Filipino ay maaaring gawing batayan ito sa paggawa ng
kanilang Daily Lesson Plan (DLP) or Daily Lesson Log (DLL).

Ang PIVOT 4A BOW sa Filipino ay binubuo ng limang (5) kolum. Ang unang
kolum ay para sa Markahan; ang ikalawa ay para sa Domain; pangatlo ay ang
Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto o MELC; pang-apat ang
Kasanayang Pagkatuto; at panghuli ang Bilang ng Araw ng Pagtuturo.
Page 45 of 349

Markahan Domain Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Bilang ng Araw

Kasanayang Pampagkatuto ng Pagtuturo
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

(G) 1

Sa paggamit ng PIVOT 4A BOW sa Filipino, mahalagang tingnan at pag-aralan

ang mga sumusunod:

A. Markahan
B. Domain
C. Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto (MELC)
D. Kasanayang Pampagkatuto
E. Bilang ng Araw ng Pagtuturo
F. Pagpapaganang Kasanayan o Enabling Competencies. Ito ang mga
kasanayang nagmula sa K to 12 Curriculum Guide na gagamitin ng guro
upang bigyang-linaw o magsilbing tulay upang makamit ang mga
Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto.
G. Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto o MELC. Sa bawat PIVOT 4A
BOW, ito ay sinisimbolo ng mga numero o bilang. Ang mga bilang na ito ay
tumutukoy kung ilang MELC mayroon sa bawat baitang. Ang mga napiling
MELC ay maaaring katumbas ng isang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto na
makikita sa ikaapat na kolum o kumbinasyon ng piling Kasanayang

Mga Dapat Tandaan ng Guro sa Filipino sa Paggamit ng PIVOT 4A BOW

a. Ang mga kasanayan sa pagkatuto ay nakalatag ayon sa mga saklaw na

nakasaad sa Filipino Curriculum Guide (FCG) at Teacher’s Guide (TG)at
ang mga ito ay masusing hinimay at inisa-isa upang matukoy ang bawat
kasanayan sa pagkatuto sa kada lingo at kwarter o yugto.
b. Lilinangin ang mga kompetensi ng bawat kwarter sa loob ng apatnapung
(40) araw na pagtuturo.
c. Pinagsama ang mga enabling at enrichment na kompetensi na magiging
madali na sa mga gurong makapagturo sang-ayon sa hinihingi ng
d. Magiging madali para sa mga guro ang pagtuturo dahil sa pagtatalaytay
ng mga higit ng kailangang kasanayan na dapat maituro at matutuhan ng
mga mag-aaral.
e. Mabibigyang pokus ng guro ang higit na mga mahahalagang kompetensi
(most essential) sa pamamagitan ng masusi at masining na paghahanda
ng mga kagamitang panturo at sa paggamit ng makabagong
pamamaraan ng pagtuturo na aakma upang magkaroon ng mabilis na
pagkatuto at pag-unawa ang mga mag-aaral na nasa makabagong
panahon ng teknolohiya.
f. Batay sa MELC, may mga LCs na wala sa markahang kinabibilangan nito.
Ang mga ito ay matatagpuan sa ibang markahan at mayroon namang
tugma sa nasabing markahan.
g. Mapapansin na nawala ang ibang kasanayan sa domains para sa Ikaapat
na Markahan na mas malalim na dapat sana ay makuha ng mga bata sa
Ikalimang baitang ito ay napag-sama-sama ang magkakaugnay na
layunin sa PIVOT 4A BOW.
Page 46 of 349

h. Mapupuna rin na hindi pare-pareho o pantay- pantay ang bilang ng araw

sa kada markahan sa MELC samantalang sa PIVOT 4A BOW ay sukat lahat
ng domains at ito ay nagawang matalakay sa PIVOT 4A BOW.
i. Sapat na oras at panahon ay mailalaan sa pagganap ng mga natutunang
kompetensi ng mga mag-aaral bukod pa sa kaalamang kanilang
natutunan na may pagpapahalaga sa sarili, pamayanan at sa Diyos.

Code Book Legend

Domain/Component Code
Estratehiya sa Pag-aaral EP
Kaalaman sa Aklat at Limbag AL
Kamalayang Ponolohiya KP
Komposisyon KM
Pagpapahalaga sa Wika at Panitikan PL
Pagsasalita/ Wikang Binibigkas PS
Pagsulat at Pagbaybay PU
Pagunawa sa Binasa PB
Pag-unlad/ Paglinang ng Talasalitaan PT
Pakikinig/ Pag-unawa sa Napakinggan PN
Palabigkasan at Pagkilala sa Salita PP
Panonood PD
Wika at Gramatika/ Kayarian ng Wika WG

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Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa
PN 1 1
napakinggang pabula
PS 2 Nakapagtatanong tungkol sa isang larawan 1
Nagagamit ang magalang na pananalita sa
WG 3 1
angkop na sitwasyon pagpapakilala ng sarili
Nasasabi ang mensaheng nais ipabatid ng
PP 4 1
nabasang pananda patalastas babala o paalala
Nakasusulat nang may tamang laki at layo sa isa't
PU 5 isa ang mga letra 1
Nakasusulat ng malalaki at maliliit na letra
Nabibigkas nang wasto ang tunog ng bawat letra
KP 6 1
ng alpabetong Filipino
Natutukoy ang kahulugan ng salita batay sa
PT 7 kumpas, galaw, ekspresyon ng mukha; ugnayang 1
Naiuulat nang pasalita ang mga naobserbahang
PS 8
pangyayari sa paaralan
Naipamamalas ang paggalang sa ideya,
PN damdamin at kultura ng may akda ng tekstong 3
napakinggan o nabasa
Naiguguhit ang naibigang bahagi ng
napakinggang kuwento (batay sa tunay na buhay
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pangngalan sa
WG 9 pagbibigay ng pangalan ng tao, lugar, hayop, 1
bagay at pangyayari
KP 10 Nabibilang ang salita sa isang pangungusap
Nakasusulat nang may tamang laki at layo sa isa't
PU isa ang mga letra
Nakasusulat ng malalaki at maliliit na letra
Nakasusunod sa napakinggang panuto na may 1
PN 11 1
Napagyayaman ang talasalitaan sa pamamagitan
PP 12
ng pagbubuo ng mga salita gamit ang mga pantig 2
KP Napapantig ang mga salita
Nagagamit ang naunang kaalaman o karanasan
PN 13
sa pag-unawa ng napakinggang alamat
Nauunawaan ang kahalagahan ng nilalaman ng
napakinggang teksto
KP 14 Nabibilang ang pantig sa isang salita
Nababaybay nang wasto ang mga
PY salitang may tatlo o apat na pantig natutuhan sa
Napagsusunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari sa
PN 15 1
napakinggang kuwento sa tulong ng mga larawan
WG 16 Natutukoy ang kailanan ng pangngalan 1
Nakikilala ang mga tunog na bumubuo sa pantig ng
KP 17 1
mga salita
Nababaybay nang wasto ang mga salitang may
PY 18 1
tatlo o apat na pantig natutuhan sa aralin
Nahuhulaan ang susunod na mangyayari sa
PN 19 1
napakinggang kuwento
Nakapagsasalaysay ng orihinal na kuwento na
PN 20 1
kaugnay ng napakinggang kuwento
Nagagamit ang mga salitang pamalit sa ngalan ng
WG 21 1
tao (ako, ikaw, siya)
Naisusulat nang may wastong baybay at bantas
KM 22 1
ang mga salitang ididikta ng guro
PN 23 Naibibigay ang paksa ng talatang napakinggan 1
Page 48 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
AL 24 Natutukoy ang salita/pangungusap sa isang talata 1
KM Nasisipi ang mga salita mula sa huwaran 1
Nailalarawan ang damdamin ng isang tauhan sa
PN 25 1
kuwentong napakinggan
Naipapahayag ang sariling ideya/damdami n o
PS 26 1
reaksyon tungkol sa napakinggang sa kuwento
WG 27 Natutukoy ang kasarian ng pangngalan 1
Naiuugnay ang sariling karanasan sa
PN 28 1
napakinggang kuwento
Nagagamit ang mga salitang pamalit sa ngalan ng
WG 29 1
tao (tayo, kayo, sila)
Napapalitan at nadadagdagan ang mga tunog
KP 30 1
upang makabuo ng bagong salita
AL 31 Natutukoy ang ugnayan ng teksto at larawan 1
Nasasabi ang sariling ideya tungkol sa tekstong
PN 32
Nagagamit ang magalang na pananalita sa
angkop na sitwasyon pagbati
Nakapaglalarawan ng mga bagay, tao, hayop,
WG 33
pangyayari, at lugar
Nababasa ang mga salita at babala na madalas
makita sa paligid
KP 34 Natutukoy ang mga salitang magkakatugma 2
Natutukoy ang simula ng pangungusap
AL 35 2
Naisusulat nang may wastong baybay at bantas
KM 36 3
ang salita
Nagagamit ang mga salitang kilos sa paguusap
WG 37 tungkol sa iba’t ibang gawain sa tahanan,
paaralan, at pamayanan
Nasasabi ang paraan, panahon at lugar ng
WG pagsasagawa ng kilos o gawain sa tahanan,
paaralan at pamayanan
Natutukoy ang kahulugan ng salita batay sa
PP 38
kasingkahulug an
Napapalitan at nadadagdagan ang mga tunog
upang makabuo ng bagong salita
Nakapagbibigay ng sariling hinuha sa
AL 39
napakinggang kuwento
Nahuhulaan ang susunod na mangyayari sa
napakinggang kuwento 8
Nakasasali sa isang usapan tungkol sa isang
napakinggang kuwento
PN Naisasakilos ang napakinggang tula o awit
Nasasabi ang paraan, panahon at lugar ng
WG 40 pagsasagawa ng kilos o gawain sa tahanan, 2
paaralan at pamayanan
Nagagamit ang mga natutuhang salita sa pagbuo
KP 41 2
ng mga simpleng pangungusap
Natutukoy ang kahulugan ng salita batay sa
PP 42
Nababaybay nang wasto ang mga salitang may
tatlo o apat na pantig batayang talasalitaan
Napapalitan at nadadagdagan ang mga tunog
upang makabuo ng bagong salita
Ikaapat na
Natutukoy ang mahahalagang detalye kaugnay
PN 43 8
ng paksang napakinggan
Page 49 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Naiuulat nang pasalita ang mga napanood na
palabas sa telebisyon
AL 44 Natutukoy ang gamit ng maliit at malaking letra
Napag susunod-sunod ang mga salita batay sa 10
alpabeto unang dalawang letra ng salita
WG 45 Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pang-ukol 4
AL 46 Natutukoy ang gamit ng iba’t ibang bantas 4
Nakasusunod sa napakinggang panuto ( 1- 2
Nakapagbibigay ng maikling panuto gamit ang
PS 47 10
simpleng mapa
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa
napakinggang tekstong pang impormasyon
Nakabubuo nang wasto at payak na
WG 48 pangungusap na may tamang ugnayan ng simuno 3
at panag-uri sa pakikipag-usap
Naibibigay ang paksa ng napakinggang tekstong
PN 49 1
pang impormasyon paliwanag
Page 50 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nagagamit ang naunang kaalaman o karanasan
PN 1
sa pag-unawa ng napakinggang teksto
Napagsusunod-sunod ang mga salita batay sa
alpabeto (unang dalawang letra)
Nagagamit ang magalang na pananalita sa
WG 2
angkop na sitwasyon (pagbati)
PP 3 Nasasabi ang mensaheng nais ipabatid
PU 4 Nakagagawa ng pataas pababang guhit
Nakasusulat nang may wastong baybay, bantas
at mekaniks ng pagsulat
Nakasasagot sa mga tanong tungkol sa
PN 5 napakinggang kuwento batay sa tunay na
pangyayari /pabula
Nakapagpapalit at nakapagdaragdag ng mga 5
KP 6
tunog upang makabuo ng bagong salita
Nakasusunod sa nakasulat na panutong may 1- 2
PB 7
Nakapag bibigay ng simpleng panuto na may 2-3
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pangngalan sa
WG pagbibigay ng pangalan ng tao, lugar at mga
bagay pambalana
Napagyayaman ang talasalitaan sa
PT 8 pamamagitan ng paghanap ng maikling salitang
matatagpuan sa loob ng isang mahabang salita
Nagagamit ang personal na karanasan sa
PB 9
paghinuha ng mangyayari sa nabasang teksto
PU Nakagagawa ng paikot pababang ikot
Nasasagot ang mga tanong na sino , ano, saan
at bakit 5
Nabibigkas nang wasto ang tunog na kambal
PB 10
katinig (kl, ts, gl, pr, pl, gr)
Nakikilala ang mga tunog na bumubuo sa pantig
ng mga salita
Napagsusunod-sunod ang mga salita batay sa
alpabeto (unang dalawang letra)
Nakasusulat sa kabit-kabit na paraan na may
PU 11
tamang laki at layo sa isa't isa ang mga salita
Nahuhulaan ang susunod na mangyayari sa
PN 12
kuwento batay sa tunay na pangyayari/pabula
Nailalarawan ang mga bahagi ng kuwento
PB 13
panimula kasukdulan katapusan/kalakasan
Naipapahayag ang sariling ideya/damdamin o
PS 14 reaksyon tungkol sa napakinggang kuwento
batay sa tunay na pangyayari
PP 15 Nababasa ang mga salita sa unang kita
Naisasalaysay muli ang binasang teksto nang may
PB 16 tamang pagkakasunod-sunod sa tulong ng mga
Nakasusulat ng parirala, pangungusap, talata,
PU 17 liham nang may wastong baybay, bantas at
gamit ng malaki at maliit na letra
Nakapagpapalit at nakapagdaragdag ng mga
tunog upang makabuo ng bagong salita
Nagagamit ang mga salitang pamalit sa ngalan
WG 18 5
ng tao (ako, ikaw, siya)
Nakapagbibigay ng angkop na pamagat sa
binasang teksto
Page 51 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Naibibigay ang paksa o nilalaman ng pabulang
Nakakagamit ng mga pahiwatig upang malaman
ang kahulugan ng mga salita paggamit ng mga
palatandaang nagbibigay ng kahulugahan
(context clues) kasalungat
Napag-uugnay ang sanhi at bunga ng mga
PB 19
pangyayari sa binasang talata
Naisusulat nang may wastong baybay at bantas
ang mga salitang ididikta ng guro
Nailalarawan ang mga tauhan sa napakinggang
PN 20
testo batay sa kilos 5
Naipahahayag ang sariling ideya/damdami n o
PS 21 reaksyon tungkol sa napakinggang kuwento
batay sa tunay na pangyayari/pabula
Nagagamit ang mga salitang pamalit sa ngalan
ng tao tayo, kayo, sila
Naiuugnay sa sariling Karanasan ang nabasang
PB 22
Nailalarawan ang mga tauhan sa napakinggang
testo batay sa damdamin
Naiuulat nang pasalita ang mga nasaksihang
PS 23
pangyayari sa paaralan
Napapalitan at nadadagdagan ang mga tunog
upang makabuo ng bagong salita
Nababaybay nang wasto ang mga salita tatlo o
apat na apat na pantig batayang talasalitaang
PY 24
pampaningin natutunang salita mula sa mga
Nasasabi ang pagkakatulad at pagkakaiba ng
mga pantig/salita
Nakasusulat sa kabit-kabit na paraan na may
PU 25
tamang laki at layo sa isa't isa ang mga salita 5
Naisusulat nang may wastong baybay at bantas
ang mga pangungusap na ididikta ng guro
Naipapahayag ang sariling ideya/damdamin o
PS 26 reaksyon tungkol sa napakinggang sa kuwento/ 2
KP 27 Napapantig ang mga mas mahahabang salita
Nakasusunod sa nakasulat na panutong may 2- 3
Nakasusulat sa kabit-kabit na paraan na may
PU tamang laki at layo sa isa't isa malaki at maliit na
letra ; mga salita
Nailalarawan ang mga elemento ng kuwento
PB 28
tauhan tagpuan banghay
Nailalarawan ang mga tauhan sa napakinggang
kuwento batay sa sinabi o pahayag
Nakapaglalarawan ng mga bagay, tao,
WG 8
pangyayari, at lugar
Naibibigay ang paksa o kaisipan ng kuwentong
kathang – isip napakinggan
Nakasasali sa isang usapan tungkol sa
napakinggang kathang-isip na kuwento
Nakapaglalarawan ng mga bagay, tao,
WG 29
pangyayari, at lugar
Naiuulat nang pasalita ang mga naobserbahang 5
pangyayari sa pamayanan
PB Nasasabi ang paksa o tema ng binasang teksto
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Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nailalarawan ang mga elemento ng kuwento
PB 30
tauhan tagpuan banghay
Naisasalaysay muli ang binasang teksto nang may
AL 5
tamang pagkakasunodsunod
Nakasasali sa isang usapan tungkol sa isang
sariling karanasan
Nagagamit ang mga salitang kilos sa pag-uusap
WG 31 tungkol sa iba’t ibang gawain sa tahanan,
paaralan, at pamayanan
Napag-uugnay ang sanhi at bunga ng mga 5
pangyayari sa binasang teksto
Nahuhulaan ang susunod na mangyayari sa
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang mga salita sa
PT 32 pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng
kasingkahulugan at kasalungat
Nababaybay nang wasto ang mga salitang may
tatlo o apat na pantig batayang talasalitaang 5
pampaningin natutunang salita mula sa mga
Nakapagpapalit at nakapagdaragdag ng mga
tunog upang makabuo ng bagong salita
Nagagamit ang mga salitang pamalit sa ngalan
WG 33 3
ng tao (ako, ikaw, siya, tayo, kayo, sila)
Napag-uugnay ang sanhi at bunga ng mga
PB 34 2
pangyayari sa binasang talata; teksto
PB 35 Naiuugnay ang binasa sa sariling karanasan
KM Nasisipi nang wasto at malinaw ang isang talata
Naipahahayag ang sariling ideya/damdami n o
36 reaksyon tungkol sa sa napakinggang tugma/tula
Nakasasagot sa mga tanong tungkol sa
napakinggang tula
Nailalarawan ang mga tauhan sa napakinggang
PN 37
testo batay sa kilos, sinabi o pahayag
Nakasusulat ng sariling talatang may wastong 5
KM baybay, bantas at gamit ng maliit at malaking
Nakapagbibigay ng mga salitang
KP 38
magkakatugma 5
PP Nababasa ang batayang talasalitaan
Naipahahayag ang sariling ideya/damdamin o
PN 39 reaksyon tungkol sa napakinggang kuwento
batay sa tunay na pangyayari/pabula
Nakakagami t ng mga pahiwatig upang 5
malaman ang kahulugan ng mga salita tulad ng
paggamit ng mga palatandaa ng nagbibigay ng
kahulugahan (sitwasyong pinaggamitan ng salita)
Nakasusulat sa kabit-kabit na paraan na may
PU 40 3
tamang laki at layo sa isa't isa ang mga salita
Naisasalaysay muli ang napakinggang teksto
PS 41
ayon sa pananaw ng isa sa mga tauhan
Naibibigay ang mga sumusuporta ng kaisipan sa
PB 7
pangunahing kaisipan ng tekstong binasa
Nakapagbibigay ng sariling hinuha sa
napakinggang teksto
Ikaapat na
PP 42 Napapantig ang mga mas mahahabang salita
Nabibigkas nang wasto ang tunog na kambal 3
katinig (kl, ts, gl, pr, pl, gr)
Page 53 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nababasa ang mga salitang madalas na makita
PP 43
sa paligid 2
PB Naiuugnay ang binasa sa sariling karanasan
Nagagamit ang mga salitang kilos sa pag-uusap
WG 44 tungkol sa iba’t ibang gawain sa tahanan, 2
paaralan, at pamayanan
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang mga salita sa
pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng
kasingkahulugan at kasalungat; sitwasyong
WG 45
pinaggamitan ng salita (context clues);
pagbibigay ng halimbawa; paggamit ng pormal
na depinisyon ng salita 5
Nakakagamit ng mga pahiwatig upang malaman
ang kahulugan ng mga salita tulad ng paggamit
PT ng mga palatandaang nagbibigay ng
(pagbibigay ng halimbawa)
Nasasabi ang paraan, panahon at lugar ng
PU 46 pagsasagawa ng kilos o gawain sa tahanan,
paaralan at pamayanan 5
Natutukoy ang suliranin sa nabasang teskto o
Nakapagbibigay ng angkop na pamagat sa
PU 47
binasang teksto, talata, kuwento
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa
PN 5
napakinggang tekstong pangimpormasyon
Nakasasali sa isang usapan tungkol sa isang
napanood na patalastas o palabas
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pang-ukol
WG 48
ni/nina kay/kina ayon sa para sa ukol sa
Nakakagamit ng mga pahiwatig upang malaman 5
PT ang kahulugan ng mga salita (paggamit ng
pormal na depinisyon ng salita)
Naisusulat nang wasto ang mga idiniktang mga
PU 49
Nakasusulat ng liham sa tulong ng padron mula sa
Nakabubuo nang wasto at payak na
WG 50 pangungusap na may tamang ugnayan ng
simuno at panag-uri 3
Nakapagbibigay ng mga salitang magkaka
Naibibigay ang mga sumusuport ang kaisipan sa
PB 51
pangunahin g kaisipan ng tekstong binasa
Nakapagbibigay ng sariling hinuha sa
PN 7
napakinggang kuwento
Naibibigay ang angkop na salita /parirala upang
makabuo ng isang talata
Page 54 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nagagamit ang pangngalan sa pagsasalaysay tungkol
PS 1 3
sa mga tao, lugar at bagay sa paligid
PB 2 Naiuugnay ang binasa sa sariling karanasan 2
Nagagamit ang naunang kaalaman o karanasan sa
PN 3 3
pag-unawa ng napakinggang teksto
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa tekstong binasa
PB 4
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa napakinggang
Nababasa ang mga salitang may tatlong pantig
KP 5 3
Nakakagamit ng mga pahiwatig upang malaman ang
kahulugan ng mga salita paggamit ng mga
PT 6 2
palatandaang nagbibigay ng kahulugahan (kasing
PB 7 Nakasusunod sa nakasulat na panuto 2
Napagsusunodsunod ang mga pangyayari ng
PN 8 2
kuwentong napakinggan sa pamamagitan ng larawan
Nababaybay nang wasto ang mga salitang natutunan
PU 9 2
sa aralin
Nagagamit sa usapan ang mga salitang pamalit sa
PL 10 3
ngalan ng tao (ako, ikaw, siya)
Nailalarawan ang mga elemento ng kuwento (tauhan,
PB 11 3
tagpuan, banghay)
Nagagamit sa usapan ang mga salitang pamalit sa
WG 3
ngalan ng tao kami, tayo, kayo at sila
Naisasalaysay muli ang napakinggang teksto sa tulong
PB 12
ng larawan
Naisasalaysay muli ang binasang teksto nang may
tamang pagkaka sunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari
Nagagamit ang malaki at maliit na letra at mga bantas
PU 13 sa pagsulat ng mga salitang natutunan sa aralin 3
parirala pangungusap
Nagagamit ang panghalip bilang pamalit sa
PL 14 3
pangngalan may panandang ang (ito/iyan/iyon)
Nagagamit ang magalang na pananalita sa angkop
PS 15
na sitwasyon
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa napakinggang
Nakakagamit ng pahiwatig upang malaman ang
kahulugan ng mga salita tulad ng paggamit ng mga
PT 16 3
pala tandaang nagbibigay ng kahulugahan (katuturan
o kahulugan ng salita)
KP 17 Natutukoy ang mga salitang magkakatugma
Nababasa ang mga salitang iisa ang baybay ngunit 5
magkaiba ang bigkas
Naikokompara ang mga kuwento sa pamamagitan ng
AL 18
pagtatala ng pagkakatulad at pagkakaiba
Nailalarawan ang mga elemento ng kuwento (tauhan,
tagpuan, banghay)
Nakasusulat ng talata nang may wastong baybay,
bantas at gamit ng malaki at maliit na letra upang
KM 19 5
maipahayag ang ideya, damdamin o reaksyon sa isang
paksa o isyu
Nabaybay nang wasto ang mga salitang natutuhan sa
PY 20 3
Page 55 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nababasa ang mga salitang iisa ang baybay ngunit
magkaiba ang bigkas
Napagyayaman ang talasalitaan sa pamamagitan ng
PT 21 paggamit ng magkasingkahulugan at magkasalungat
ng mga salita
PY Nababaybay nang wasto ang mga salitang hiram
PB 22 Nakapagbibigay ng wakas ng binasang kuwento 1
Nakabubuo ng mga tanong matapos mapakinggan
PN 23 2
ang isang teksto
Naiuulat nang pasalita ang mga nasaksihang
PS 24 2
pangyayari sa pamayanan
Nakabubuo ng isang kuwentong katumbas ng
PN 25 2
napakinggang kuwento
Nagbabago ang dating kaalaman base sa mga
PB 26 2
natuklasang kaalaman sa binasang teksto
PU 27 Nasisipi nang wasto at maayos ang mga talata
PN Nakasusunod sa panutong may 3 – 4 hakbang
Natutukoy ang kahulugan ng mga tambalang salita na
PT 28 3
nananatili ang kahulugan
Nasasabi ang sariling ideya tungkol sa tekstong
PS 29 2
PB 30 Nasasabi ang paksa o tema ng binasang teksto
Napagyayaman ang talasalitaan sa pamamagitan ng
PT paghanap ng maikling salitang matatagpuan sa loob
ng isang mahabang salita
Naipahahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaskyon sa isang
PS 31 2
napakinggang isyu
Nagagamit ang tamang salitang kilos / pandiwa sa
WG 32 2
pagsasalaysay ng mga personal na karanasan
Naibibigay ang mga sumusuportang kaisipan sa
PB 33 2
pangunahing kaisipan ng tekstong binasa
Napapalitan at nadadagdagan ang mga tunog upang
KP 34 2
makabuo ng bagong salita
Naibibigay ang sariling hinuha bago, habang at
PN 35 2
pagkatapos mapakinggang teksto
Nakapagbibigay ng angkop na pamagat sa binasang
PB 36 2
Nagagamit ang tamang salitang kilos / pandiwa sa
WG 37 3
pagsasalaysay ng mga personal na karanasan
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pang-abay na
WG 38 3
naglalarawan ng isang kilos o gawi
Napaguugnay ang sanhi at bunga ng mga pangyayari
PB 39 5
sa binasang teksto
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pang-ukol (laban sa, ayon
WG 40
sa, para sa, ukol sa)
Natutukoy ang kahulugan ng mga tambalang salita na
nananatili ang kahulugan
Ikaapat na
PU 41 Nasisipi nang wasto at maayos ang mga talata
Nababaybay nang wasto ang mga salita natutuhan sa 3
PN 42 Naiuugnay ang binasa sa sariling karanasan
Nakapagla larawan ng mga bagay, hayop, tao, at 5
lugar sa pamayanan
KM 43 Nakasusulat ng isang talata
Nagagamit ang mga nakalarawang balangkas sa 5
pagtatala ng impormasyon o datos na kailangan
Page 56 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nagagamit ang mga salitang kilos sa pag-uusap
WG 44 tungkol sa iba’t ibang gawain sa tahanan, paaralan, at
pamayanan 5
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pang-abay na
naglalarawan ng isang kilos o gawi
Nababasa ang mga salitang hiram / natutuhan sa
PP 45 1
Nakapagbibigay ng mungkahing solusyon sa suliraning
PB 46 1
nabasa sa isang teskto o napanood
Natutukoy ang kahulugan ng mga tambalang salita na
PT 47
nananatili ang kahulugan
Nababaybay nang wasto ang mga salitang natutunan 5
PY sa aralin / batayang talasalitaan / salitang dinaglat /
salitang hiram
Natutukoy ang mahahalagang detalye kaugnay ng
PN 48 2
paksang narinig
PB 49 Naibibigay ang buod o lagom ng tesktong binasa
Naiuulat nang pasalita ang naobser bahang 5
Napagsasama ang mga katinig at patinig upang
KP 50 3
makabuo ng salitang may diptonggo
Naibibigay ang paksa ng kuwento o sanaysay na
PN 51
Nakagagamit ng mga pahiwatig upang malaman ang
kahulugan ng mga salita tulad ng paggamit ng mga
palatandaang nagbibigay ng kahulugahan (na
depinisyon ng salita)
Page 57 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pangngalan sa
pagsasalita tungkol sa
WG 1
- sarili
- ibang tao sa Paligid
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang salita sa pamamagitan ng 4
PT 2
pormal na depinisyon
Natutukoy ang mga elemento ng kuwento - tagpuan -
PB 3
tauhan – banghay
PU 4 Nakasusulat ng talata tungkol sa sarili
Naisasalaysay muli ang napakinggang teksto gamit ang
PS 5
mga larawan
Naikukuwentong muli ang napakinggang kuwento na
PS 6 wasto ang pagkakasunodsunod at gumagamit ng
signal words: una, pangalawa
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga (ibat ibang kayarian)
pangngalan sa pagsasalita tungkol sa 4
WG 7
- hayop
- lugar sa paligid
Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa binasang tekstong
PB 8
pamapanitikan – kuwento
Nakasusulat ng natatanging kuwento tungkol sa
PU 9
natatanging tao sa pamayanan
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pangngalan
WG 10 (Pantangi at Pambalana) sa pagsasalita tungkol sa mga
- bagay - pangyayari sa paligid
Nababasa ang maikling tula nang may tamang bilis,
PB 11 4
diin, ekspresyon at intonasyon
Naipahahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaskyon sa isang
PD 12
napakinggang isyu o usapan; napanood
PU 13 Nakasusulat ng tugma o maikling tula
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa mga
PN 14
mahahalagang detalye ng napakinggang balita
- Naipahahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaskyon sa isang
PS napakinggang isyu o usapan
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pangngalan (kasarian
)sa pagsasalita tungkol - sa sarili sa mga tao,sa mga
WG 15
hayop sa paligid - sa lugar, bagay at pangyayari sa
Naibibigay ang kahalagahan ng media (hal.
PD 16
pangimpormasyon, pang-aliw, panghikayat
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip (panao) sa
WG 17
usapan at pagsasabi tungkol sa sariling karanasan
Napagsusunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari sa kuwento
- mga larawan
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa mahahalagang
PN detalye ng napakinggang teksto o SMS (Short Messaging
PU 18 Nakasusulat nang wastong text (SMS 4
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip
WG 19 (pananong) - isahan - maramihan sa usapan at
pagsasabi tungkol sa sariling karanasan
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa mahahalagang
detalye ng napakinggang balita
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip
WG 20 (panaklaw) - tiyakan Isahan/Kalahatan - di-tiyakan sa
usapan at pagsasabi tungkol sa sariling karanasan
Naisasalaysay muli ang binasang teksto nang may
tamang pagkasunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari
Page 58 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nakasusulat ng balangkas ng binasang teskto sa
anyong pangungusap o paksa
Nakagagamit ng pahiwatig upang malaman ang
kahulugan ng mga salita tulad ng paggamit ng
PT 21
palatandaang nagbibigay ng kahulugan -
kasingkahulugan (1.4) - kasalungat (1.5
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip (pamatlig)
- Patulad pahimaton paukol - Paari panlunan
WG 22 4
paturol sa usapan at pagsasabi tungkol sa sariling
Natutukoy ang bahagi ng binasang kuwento - simula
PB 23
kasukdulan katapusan
Nakasusulat ng liham pangkaibigan bilang tugon sa
PU 24
imga nakalap sa kuwentong binasa
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip sa usapan
at pagsasabi tungkol sa sariling karanasan
Naisasalaysay muli ang nabasang teksto gamit ang mga
PB 25 4
Nakasusulat ng talaan ng mga salitang katutubo at ang
PU 26
mga kahulugan nito Halimbawa ibon – langgam
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pang-uri (lantay) sa
WG 27 paglalarawan ng tao, lugar, bagay at pangyayari sa
sarili ibang tao katulong sa pamayanan
Naisusulat nang wasto ang baybay ng salitang
PU 28 natutuhan sa aralin at salitang hiram kaugnay ng
ibang asignatura
Nakapagbibigay ng hinuha sa kalalabasan ng mga
PN 29
pangyayari sa napakinggang teskto
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pang-uri - paghahambing
- pasukdol sa paglalarawan ng tao, lugar, bagay
WG 30
atpangyayari, sa sarili,ibang tao katulong sa
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng mga salitang pamilyar at
PT 31 di-pamilyar pamamagitan ng pag-uugnay sa sariling
Nahuhulaan ang maaaring mangyari sa teksto gamit
PB 32
ang dating karanasan/ kaalaman
PD Naisasadula ang nagustuhang bahagi ng napanood
PN 33 Naibibigay ang paksa ng napakinggang teksto
Naipahahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaskyon sa isang
napakinggang isyu o usapan
Nagagamit nang wasto ang panguri (lantay,
paghahambing, pasukdol) sa paglalarawan ng tao, 4
WG 34
lugar, bagay at pangyayari sa sarili ibang tao katulong
sa pamayanan
Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa binasang tekstong
pang-impormasyon recount
Nagagamit ang uri ng pandiwa ayon sa panahunan sa
WG 35
pagsasalaysay ng nasaksihang pangyayari
Nasasabi ang sanhi at bunga ayon sa nabasang
PB 36
Nakasusulat ng timeline tungkol sa mga pangyayari sa
PU 37
binasang teksto
Naisasalaysay nang may tamang pagkakasunodsunod
PD 38
ang nakalap na impormasyon mula sa napanood
Nailalarawan ang elemento ng kuwento - tagpuan -
PN 39
tauhan - banghay – pangyayari
Nailalarawan ang tauhan batay sa ikinilos, ginawi , sinabi
PS 40 4
at naging damdamin
Nagagamit ang aspekto (panahunan) ng pandiwa n sa
WG 41
pagsasalaysay ng nasaksihang pangyayari
Page 59 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Natutukoy ang kahulugan ng salita batay sa ugnayang
PT 42
PU 43 Nakasusulat ng talatang naglalarawan
Nailalarawan ang tauhan batay sa ikinilos o ginawi o
PS 44
sinabi at damdamin
Nagagamit ang panagano ng pandiwa - pawatas -
WG 45
pautos sa pagsasalaysay ng napakinggang usapan 4
PB 46 Nakasusunod sa nakasulat na panuto
PU 47 Nakasusulat ng panuto gamit ang dayagram
P 48 Nasasabi ang paksa ng napanood na maikling pelikula
Naibibigay ang sariling wakas ng napakinggang
PD 49
tekstong pangimpormasyon – talambuhay
Nagagamit ang panagano - paturol - pasakali ng
WG 50 4
pandiwa sa pagsasalaysay ng sariling karanasan
PU 61 Nakasusulat ng sariling talambuhay
PD 62 Nasusuri ang damdamin ng mga tauhan sa napanood
Napagsusunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari sa tekstong
PN 63 napakinggan sa pamamagitan ng tanong
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pang-abay sa
WG 64
paglalarawan ng kilos
Natutukoy ang mga sumusuportang detalye sa
PB 65
mahalagang kaisipan sa nabasang teksto 4
Nagagamit nang wasto ang -card catalog -OPAC
(Online Public Access Catalog
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pang-abay at pandiwa sa
WG 66
PB Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa binasang teksto
PD Nakapagbibigay ng reaksyon sa napanood
Nakasusunod sa napakinggang hakbang ng isang
PS 67 Nakapagbibigay ng hakbang ng isang gawain
WG 68 Nagagamit ang pang-abay sa paglalarawan ng kilos
Nasasagot ang mga tanong na bakit at paano batay
sa tekstong pang-impormasyon (procedure 4
Nailalarawan ang tauhan batay sa ikinilos, ginawi, sinabi
PS 69
at naging damdamin
Nagagamit ang pariralang pang-abay sa
paglalarawan ng kilos
PB Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa binasang teksto
Nasasagot ang mga tanong na bakit at paano batay sa
tekstong napakinggan 4
PU Nakasusulat ng buod/lagom ng binasang teksto
Naisasalaysay ang mahahalagang detalye sa
PN 69
napakinggang editorial
Nagagamit sa pagpapahayag ng hindi pagsang-ayon
PS 70
ang magagalang na pananalita 4
Nagagamit ang pariralang pang-abay at pandiwa,
WG 71
pariralang pang-abay at pang-uri sa paglalarawan
WG 72 Natutukoy ang kaibahan ng pang-abay at pang-uri
Natutukoy ang damdaming ipinahihiwatig ng
napakinggang paliwanag
Nakapagbibigay ng reaksiyon sa napakinggang
PS 73
paliwanag 4
Nakakukuha ng impormasyon sa pamamagitan ng
pahapyaw na pagbasa sa paliwanag
PU 74 Nakasusulat ng paliwanag
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa napakinggang
PN 4
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Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pang-angkop na - ng - g -
WG 75
na sa pangungusap
Nasusuri kung opinyon o katotohanan ang isang
PB 76
PB 77 Nakasusulat ng argumento
Nakapagbibigay ng angkop na pamagat sa
PN 78
Naiuugnay ang sariling karanasan sa napakinggang
PS 79
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pang-angkop ( ng, g, na)
WG 80
sa pakikipagtalastasan
Nabibigyan ng angkop na pamagat ang talatang
PB 81
Nasasagot ang mga tanong batay sa tekstong
Naisasalaysay muli ang napakinggang teksto gamit ang
PS 82
sariling salita
Nagagamit nang wasto at angkop ang pangatnig
- o, ni, maging, man
- kung, kapag, pag, atbp.
- ngunit, subalit atbp.
WG 83 - dahil sa, sapagkat, atbp.
- sa wakas atbp.
- kung gayon atbp.
- daw, raw atbp.
- kung sino, kung ano, siya rin atbp.
Naipakikita ang pag-unawa sa pinanood sa
PD 84 pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng ibang pagwawakas
ayon sa sariling saloobin o paniniwala
Naibibigay ang sanhi at bunga ng mga pangyayari sa
napakinggang ulat
Nagagamit nang wasto at angkop ang simuno at
WG 85
panaguri sa pangungusap 4
Natutukoy ang sanhi at bunga ng mga pangyayari sa
binasang teksto
PU 86 Nakasusulat ng talata na may sanhi at bunga
Napagsusunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari sa tekstong
PN 87 napakinggan sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng una,
pangalawa, sumunod at panghuli
PB Nakapagbibigay ng wakas sa binasang teksto
PU Nakasusulat ng kuwento na may angkop na wakas
Ikaapat na
Nakapagbibigay ng panuto na may tatlo hanggang
PU 88 apat na hakbang gamit ang pangunahin at
pangalawang direksyon
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang mga uri ng pangungusap
WG 89
sa pagsasalaysay ng sariling karanasan
Naipakikita ang nakalap na impormasyon sa
EP pamamagitan ng nakalarawang balangkas o
Nakasusulat ng isang balangkas mula sa mga nakalap
PU 90
na impormasyon mula sa binasa
PN 91 Naibibigay ang paksa ng napakinggang teksto
Napagsusunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari sa binasang
PD Naiuugnay sa pinanood ang sariling karanasan
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng pangungusap sa 4
WG 92
pakikipagdebate tungkol sa isang isyu
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng salita sa pamamagitan ng
PT 93
pormal na depinisyon ng salita
PU Nakasusulat ng mga puna tungkol sa isang isyu
Page 61 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nasasagot ang mga literal na tanong tungkol sa
napakinggang opinyon mula sa binasang pahayagan
Nagagamit sa panayam ang iba’t ibang uri ng
WG 94 4
PB 95 Nasusuri kung opinyon o katotohanan ang pahayag
PU Nakasusulat ng opinyon tungkol sa isang isyu
Nagagamit ang magagalang na pananalita sa iba’t
PS 96 ibang sitwasyon - Pagbibigay ng puna sa editorial
Nagagamit sa pakikipag talastasan ang mga uri ng
WG 97
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa editorial cartoon
- Kapaligiran – pangarap
Naibibigay ang bagong natuklasang kaalaman mula sa
PB 98
binasang teksto
PU 99 Nakaguguhit ng sariling editorial cartoon
Naipapahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaksyon sa isang
napakinggang isyu
Nagagamit sa pagpapakilala ng produkto ang uri ng 4
WG 100
PN Nasasagot ang mga tanong na bakit at paano
Naipahahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaskyon batay
PS 101
sa napakinggang pagpupulong (pormal at dipormal
Nagagamit ang mga uri ng pangungusap sa pormal
WG 102
na pagpupulong
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa minutes ng
pagpupulong (pormal at di pormal)
PU 103 Nakasusulat ng minutes ng pagpupulong
PU Nakasusulat ng script para sa radio broadcasting
Nakapaghahambing ng iba’t ibang patalastas na
Nakasusulat ng mga isyu/argumento para sa isang
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa napakinggang
script ng teleradyo
Naibabahagi ang obserbasyon sa napakinggang script
PS 104
ng teleradyo
Nagagamit ang mga uri ng pangungusap sa pagsasabi 4
WG 105
ng pananaw
Naibibigay ang buod o lagom ng tekstong script ng
PB 106
PU Nakasusulat ng script para sa teleradyo
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Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
PN 1 Naiuugnay ang sariling karanasang sa napakinggang teksto
Naipapahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaskyon sa isang
napakinggang balita isyu o usapan
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pangngalan at panghalip
WG sa pagtalakay tungkol sa sarili, sa mga tao, hayop, lugar,
bagay at pangyayari sa paligid
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng salitang pamilyar at di-pamilyar
pamamagitan ng gamit sa pangungusap
PB 3 Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa binasang kuwento
PU 4 Nakasusulat ng isang maikling balita
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng salitang pamilyar at di-pamilyar
PT 5
sa pamamagitan ng gamit sa pangungusap
Napagsunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari sa kuwento sa
PB 6
tulong ng nakalarawang balangkas
Naitatala ang mga mahahalagang impormasyon mula sa
binasang teksto
PN 7 Naibibigay ang paksa ng napakinggang kuwento/usapan
Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa binasang tekstong pang-
Nababaybay nang wasto ang salitang natutuhan sa aralin/
PU 8
hiram 10
Naibabahagi ang isang pangyayaring nasaksihan o
PS 9
Nailalarawan ang tagpuan at tauhan ng napanood na
Nabibigkas nang may wastong tono, diin, antala at
PS 10
damdamin ang napakinggang tula
PN Naibibigay ang paksa ng napakinggang kuwento/usapan 10
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip sa usapan at
paglalahad ng sariling karanasan
Naipapahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaskyon sa isang
PS 11
napakinggang balita isyu o usapan
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip sa usapan at
WG 10
pagsasabi tungkol sa sariling karanasan
Nagagamit ang wika bilang tugon sa sariling
pangangailangan at sitwasyon
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pandiwa ayon sa panahunan sa
pagsasalaysay tungkol sa mahahalagang pangyayari
PB 12 Nailalarawan ang mga tauhan at tagpuan ng teskto
Naipapakita ang pag-unawa sa pinanood sa pamamagitan
PD 10
ng pagguhit
Naisasalaysay muli ang napakinggang teksto sa tulong ng
mga pangungusap
PB Nasasabi ang sanhi at bunga ng mga pangyayari
PN Nasasagot ang mga literal na tanong sa napakinggang teksto
WG Nagagamit nang wasto ang pandiwa ayon sa panahunan sa
pagsasalaysay tungkol sa kasaysayan
Nagagamit ang pang-uri sa paglalarawan ng pamayanang
EP Naitatala ang mga impormasyon mula sa binasang teksto
Naibibigay ang paksa/ /layunin ng pinanood na
PD 13
Naibibigay ang paksa ng napakinggang kuwento/usapan/
PN 14
talata 10
PS Naibabahagi ang isang pangyayaring nasaksihan
Page 63 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Naibibigay ang mahahalagang pangyayari sa nabasang
PB 15
talaarawan/ talambuhay
Nakasusulat nang may wastong baybay, bantas ang ng
idiniktang talata
Naipapakita ang pag-unawa sa napanood sa pamamagitan
ng pagsulat sa buod nito
Naisasalaysay muli ang napakinggang teksto sa tulong ng
mga pangungusap
PN Naiuugnay ang sariling karanasang sa napakinggang teksto
Nagagamit ang wika bilang tugon sa sariling
pangangailangan at sitwasyon
Naisasalaysay ang mga pangyayaring naobserbahan sa
paligid 10
Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa binasang tekstong pang-
Nakapagbibigay ng hinuha sa kalalabasan ng mga
pangyayari sa napakinggang teskto
PS Nailalarawan ang tauhan batay sa ikinilos o ginawi nito
PS 16 Nagagamit ang pang-abay sa paglalarawan ng kilos
PU 17 Nakasusulat ng simpleng patalastas
Napagsusunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari sa tekstong
PN 18
napakinggan (kronolohikal na pagsusunod-sunod
Nakabubuo ng mga tanong matapos mapakinggan ang
PS 19
isang salaysay
Nagagamit ang pangkalahatang sanggunian sa pagsasaliksik
EP 10
tungkol sa isang isyu
PD 20 Nakapag-uulat tungkol sa napanood
PU Nakasusulat ng simpleng islogan
Nasasagot ang mga literal na tanong tungkol sa
napakinggang alamat
PS Nailalarawan ang tauhan batay sa ikinilos o ginawi
Nababaybay nang wasto ang salitang hiram / natutuhan sa
PU 21
Nasusunod ang napakinggang panuto o hakbang ng isang
Nahuhulaan ang maaaring mangyari sa teksto gamit ang
dating karanasan/kaalaman
Nagagamit ang magagalang na pananalita sa
PS 22
pagpapahayag ng panghinanayang
PS 23 Nagagamit ang pang-abay at pang-uri sa paglalarawan
Nasusuri ang mga tauhan/tagpuan sa napanood na maikling
PD 24
PB Natutukoy ang magagandang mensahe ng binasang akda
Nagagamit ang nakalarawang balangkas upang maipakita
ang nakalap na impormasyon
PS 25 Naibabahagi ang isang pangyayaring nasaksihan
WG Nagagamit ang pang-abay at pang-uri sa paglalarawan
Nakagagawa ng isang timeline batay sa nabasang
PB 26
PN Naibibigay ang paksa ng napakinggang kuwento/usapan
PS 27 Naisasalaysay muli ang napakinggang teksto
PU Naiguguhit ang paksa ng binasang teksto/tula
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pang-angkop sa pakikipag
PS 28
PB 29 Nasusuri kung ang pahayag ay opinyon o katotohanan
PB Nasasagot ang mga tanong na bakit at paano
Nakapagbibigay ng ibang wakas para sa pelikulang
PD napanood at naibabahagi ito sa klase sa isang kakaibang
Page 64 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nababaybay nang wasto ang salitang hiram/ natutuhan sa
PU 30
PN Naiuugnay ang sariling karanasang sa napakinggang teksto
Naisasalaysay muli ang napakinggang teksto gamit ang
sariling salita
WG Nagagamit nang wasto at angkop ang pangatnig
Nagbibigay ng mga salitang magkakasalungat/
PT 31
Nasusuri ang mga tauhan/tagpuan sa napanood na maikling
Nakakakuha ng impormasyon sa pamamagitan ng
pahapyaw na pagbasa
Nakapagbibigay ng angkop na pamagat sa tekstong
PN 32 10
PS 33 Nasasabi kung ano ang simuno at panaguri sa pangungusap
Napagsunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari sa kuwento sa
pamamagitan ng dugtungan
Nasusuri ang mga tauhan/ tagpuan at mga pangyayari sa
napanood na maikling pelikula
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng salitang pamilyar at di-pamilyar
sa pamamagitan ng pag-uugnay sa ibang asignatura
PB Nasasabi ang sanhi at bunga ng mga pangyayari
EP 34 Naibibigay ang datos na hinihingi ng isang forms
PU Nakasusulat ng editoryal
Ikaapat na
Nagagamit ang magagalang na pananalita sa pag-uulat ng
nasaksihang pangyayari
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng pangungusap sa
PN 35
pagsasalaysay ng napakinggang balita
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng salitang pamilyar at di-pamilyar
sa pamamagitan ng pag-uugnay sa sariling karanasan
Naipapahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaskyon o ideya sa
PN 36
isang napakinggang isyu
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng pangungusap sa pakikipag-
WG 37
debate tungkol sa isang isyu
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng salita pamilyar at di-pamilyar na
PT mga salita sa pamamagitan ng pag-uugnay sa sariling
Natutukoy ang paniniwala ng may-akda ng teksto sa isang
PB 38
PD Naiuugnay ang sariling karanasan sa napanood
PN Naisasakilos ang napakinggang awit
Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa binasang tekstong pang-
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng pangungusap sa
WG 39
pakikipanayam/ pag-iinterview
PU Nakasusulat ng iskrip para sa radio broadcasting at teleradyo
Nakagagawa ng dayagram ng ugnayang sanhi at bunga
PN 40
mula sa tekstong napakinggan
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng pangungusap sa pagkilatis
WG 41
ng isang produkto
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng salitang pamilyar at di-pamilyar
sa pamamagitan ng paglalarawan
PB Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa binasang paliwanag
PN Naibibigay ang paksa ng napakinggang kuwento/usapan
Nakapagbibigay ng maaaring solusyon sa isang
PS 42
naobserbahang suliranin
PB Nakasusunod sa nakasulat na panuto
PD 43 Napaghahambing ang iba’t ibang dokumentaryo
EP Naibabahagi ang obserbasyon sa kapaligiran
Page 65 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng pangungusap sa pagsali sa
WG 44
isang usapan (chat) patalastas
PU Nakasisipi ng talata mula sa huwaran
PD 45 Nasusuri ang estilong ginamit ng gumawa ng maikling pelikula
Nakapagbibigay ng lagom o buod ng tekstong napakinggan
PN 46
ideya sa isang napakinggang isyu
Naipapahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaskyon o ideya sa
isang pakinggang isyu
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng pangungusap sa paggawa
WG 47
ng patalastas
Nakapagbibigay ng sariling kuwento na may ilang bahagi na
naiiba sa kuwento
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng pangungusap sa pagsali sa
isang usapan
Nagagamit ang wika bilang tugon sa sariling
pangangailangan at sitwasyon
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng pangungusap sa pagsali sa
isang dula-dulaan
PB Naibibigay ang mahahalagang pangyayari
PN Naiiuugnay ang sariling karanasang sa napakinggang teksto
Nagagamit ang mga bagong natutuhang salita sa paggawa 10
PT 48
ng sariling komposisyon
Nakapagta tanong tungkol sa impormasyong inilahad sa
PB 49
isang dayagram, tsart, mapa
PU 50 Nakagagawa ng portfolio ng mga drawing at sulatin
Nakagagawa ng sariling dokumentaryo (pangkatang
Page 66 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa napakinggang
PN 1
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pangngalan at
WG 2
panghalip sa pakikipag-usap sa iba’t ibang sitwasyon
PB Naiuugnay ang binasa sa sariling karanasan
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa napakinggang
PN 3
PT 4 Nabibigyang kahulugan ang salitang hiram
Napagsunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari sa kuwento sa
PB 5
tulong ng nakalarawang balangkas
Naipamamalas ang paggalang sa ideya, damdamin at
PL 6
kultura ng may akda ng tekstong napakinggan o nabasa
PU 7 Nakasusulat ng idiniktang talata
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang kilos ng mga tauhan sa
PN 8
napakinggang pabula
Nagagamit ang mga bagong salitang natutuhan sa
PT 9
pagsulat ng sariling komposisyon
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa tekstong pang-
PB 10
EP Nagagamit ang Dewey Classification System
Nakapagbibigay ng hinuha sa kalalabasan ng mga
PN 11
pangyayari sa kuwentong napakinggan
Nagagamit ang magagalang na pananalita sa
PS 12
pagpapahayag ng saloobin
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng pamilyar at di kilalang salita
PT 13
sa pamamagitan ng gamit sa pangungusap
Nagmumungkahi ng iba pang pangyayari na maaaring
maganap sa binasang teksto
PU 14 Nakasusulat ng kuwento
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pangngalan at 10
panghalip sa pakikipag-usap sa iba’t ibang sitwasyon
Nakapagbibigay ng hinuha sa kalalabasan ng mga
PN 15
pangyayari sa alamat na napakinggan
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip sa iba’t ibang
WG 16
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng pamilyar at di kilalang salita
sa pamamagitan ng sitwasyong pinaggamitan
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa tekstong pang-
PB 17
Nakasusunod sa panuto
PS 18 Naisasalaysay muli ang napakinggang teksto
PB 19 Nasasagot ang mga tanong na bakit at paano sa kuwento
PU Nakasusulat ng talatang nagpapaliwanag
Nasusuri ang mga kaisipan at pagpapahalagang
PD 20
nakapaloob sa napanood na maikling pelikula
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa napakinggang
PN 21
Nakapagbibigay ng sariling solusyon sa isang suliraning
PS 22
Nakapagbibigay ng angkop na pamagat sa binasang
PB 23
Nababago ang dating kaalaman base sa bagong ideyang
nakapaloob sa teksto
Naibabahagi ang isang pangyayaring nasaksihan
PS 24
Nagagamit ang pangngalan at panghalip sa pakikipag-
WG 25
usap sa Iba’t ibang sitwasyon
Page 67 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Naisasalaysay nang may wastong pagkakasunod-sunod
PB 26 ang mga pangyayari sa nabasang tekstong pang-
PU Nakasusulat ng talatang nagsasalaysay
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang pahayag ng tauhan sa
PN 27
napakinggang usapan
Nagagamit ang dating kaalaman sa pagbibigay ng wakas
PB 28
ng napakinggang teksto
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng pamilyar at di kilalang salita
PT 29
sa pamamagitan ng gamit sa pangungusap
Nagagamit ang wika bilang tugon sa sariling
PL 30
pangangailangan at sitwasyon
Nagagamit ang OPAC sa pagtukoy ng aklat o babasahin
na gagamitin sa pagsasaliksik tungkol sa isang paksa
PN 31 Nabibigyang kahulugan ang sawikain na napakinggan
Naipapahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaskyon sa isang
PS 32
napakinggang balita isyu o usapan
Nagbabago ang dating kaalaman batay sa natuklasan sa
PB 33
PU 34 Nakasusulat ng liham pangkaibigan
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa napakinggang
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pang-uri sa paglalarawan sa
WG 35
iba’t ibang sitwasyon
PB 36 Nailalarawan ang tauhan at tagpuan sa binasang kuwento
PN Naiuugnay ang sariling karanasan sa napakinggang teksto
PB 37 Nasasabi ang paksa sa binasang sanaysay
EP Nakapagtatala ng datos mula sa binasang teksto
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang kilos ng mga tauhan sa
napakinggang pabula
Nagagamit ang magagalang na pananalita sa iba’t ibang
PS 38
sitwayson (pagbabahagi ng obserbasyon sa paligid)
Nakapagbibigay ng sariling solusyon sa isang suliraning
Napagsunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari sa kuwento sa
pamamagitan ng pamatnubay na tanong
Naipahahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaskyon sa isang
napakinggang balita isyu o usapan
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pandiwa sa pakikipag-usap sa
WG 39 10
iba’t ibang sitwayson
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa binasang
PB 40
Nasasagot ang mga tanong tungkol sa napakinggang
41 Nababago ang dating kaalaman base sa bagong ideyang
nakapaloob sa teksto
PU 42 Nakasusulat ng sulating pormal
PS Naibabahagi ang isang pangyayaring nasaksihan
PU 43 Nakasusulat ng liham pangangalakal 10
Naipamamalas ang paggalang sa ideya, damdamin at
kultura ng may akda ng tekstong napakinggan o nabasa
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang pananalita ng tauhan sa
PN 44
napakinggang usapan
Naipapahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaskyon sa isang
napakinggang balita isyu o usapan 10
PS Nailalarawan ang tauhan batay sa damdamin nito
Naipakikita ang pang-unawa sa pinanood sa
pamamagitan ng pagsasadula ng naibigang bahagi
Page 68 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nagagamit ang pariralang pang-abay sa paglalarawan
WG 45
ng paraan, panahon, lugar ng kilos at damdamin
Nagmumungkahi ng iba pang pangyayari na maaaring
maganap sa binasang teksto
PB 46 Napag-uugnay ang sanhi at bunga ng mga pangyayari
Nasasagot ang mga tanong na bakit at paano sa tekstong
PD Nakapag-uulat tungkol sa pinanood
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang salita bilang pang-uri at pang-
WG 47
abay sa pagpapahayag ng sariling ideya
Nakapagbibigay ng lagom o buod ng tekstong
PN 48 10
PB 49 Naiisa-isa ang mga argumento sa binasang teksto
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang bahagi ng pahayagan ayon
sa pangangailangan
PU 50 Nakasusulat ng tula
Nagagamit ang magagalang na pananalita sa iba’t ibang
sitwayson -pagpapahayag ng ideya
Nakapagbibigay ng sariling hinuha bago, habang at
PB 51
matapos ang pagbasa
Nasusuri ang tauhan at tagpuan sa napanood na maikling
WG Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pangatnig
Nahuhulaan ang maaaring mangyari sa teksto gamit ang
PB 52
dating karanasan/kaalaman
Naisasalaysay muli ang napakinggang teksto gamit ang 10
PS 53
sariling salita
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pangatnig sa pakikipag
Napagsunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari sa kuwento sa
pamamagitan ng dugtungan
WG Nagagamit nang wasto ang pang-angkop
Nagagamit ang nakalarawang balangkas upang
maipakita ang nakalap na impormasyon o datos
PS Naibabahagi ang isang pangyayaring nasaksihan
WG 54 Nagagamit nang wasto ang pang-angkop at pangatnig 10
Nakabubuo ng mga bagong salita gamit ang panlapi at
PT 55
PB 56 Nasusuri kung ang pahayag ay opinyon o katotohanan
PD 57 Nakapag-uulat tungkol sa pinanood
Ikaapat na
PS Naibabahagi ang isang pangyayaring nasaksihan
Nagagamit sa usapan at iba’t ibang sitwasyon ang mga
WG 58
uri ng pangungusap
PB 59 Naiuugnay ang binasa sa sariling karanasan
PU 60 Nakasusulat ng sanaysay na naglalarawan
PD Naiuugnay ang sariling karanasan sa napanood
PU 61 Nakasusulat ng ulat
Naipahahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaskyon sa isang
PS 62
napakinggang balita isyu o usapan 10
Nagagamit sa usapan at iba’t ibang sitwasyon ang mga uri
ng pangungusap
Nasusuri ang pagkakaiba ng kathang isip at di kathang isip
PB 63
teksto (fiction at non-fiction)
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang bahagi ng pahayagan ayon
sa pangangailangan
PU 64 Nakasusulat ng bahagi ng balitang pang-isport
PD 65 Napaghahambing-hambing ang iba’t ibang uri ng pelikula
Nakagagawa ng dayagram ng ugnayang sanhi at bunga
PN 66 10
ng mga pangyayari / problema solusyon
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Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nagagamit ang nakalarawang balangkas upang
maipakita ang nakalap na impormasyon o datos
PU 67 Nakasusulat ng liham sa editor
Nagagamit ang wika bilang tugon sa sariling
pangangailangan at sitwasyon
Nakapagtatanong tungkol sa impormasyong inilahad sa
PB 68
dayagram, tsart, mapa at graph
Nagagamit ang pangkalahatang sanggunian sa
pagtitipon ng mga datos na kailangan
Nagagamit ang magagalang na pananalita sa
PS 69
pagbibigay ng reaksyon
Nakagagawa ng patalastas at usapan gamit ang iba’t
WG 70
ibang bahagi ng pananalita
PU 71 Nakasusulat ng iskrip para sa teleradyo
PT 72 Napapangkat ang mga salitang magkakaugnay
Naibibigay ang impormasyong hinihingi ng nakalarawang
PB 73
Nakagagawa ng sariling maikling pelikula (pangkatang
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Pinakamahalaga Bilang ng
Markahan Domain ng Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nahihinuha ang kaugalian at kalagayang panlipunan ng
PN 1 lugar na pinagmulan ng kuwentong bayan batay sa mga 2
pangyayari at usapan ng mga tauhan
Nasusuri ang gamit ng graphic organizer ang ugnayan ng
PD tradisyon at akdang pampanitikan batay sa napanood na 2
Naisusulat ang mga patunay na ang kuwentong-bayan ay
salamin ng tradisyon o kaugalian ng lugar na 1
pinagmulan nito
Nailalahad ang mga hakbang na ginawa sa pagkuha ng
EP 2 1
datos kaugnay ng isang proyektong panturismo
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pahayag sa pagbibigay
WG 3 1
ng mga patunay
Nahihinuha ang kalalabasan ng mga pangyayari batay sa
PN 4 2
akdang napakinggan.
Naibabahagi ang sariling pananaw at saloobin sa
PS nagiging karapat- dapat / di karapat-dapat nang 1
paggamit ng mga hayop bilang tauhan sa pabula.
Naipapahayag nang pasulat ang damdamin at saloobin
tungkol sa pagagamit ng mga hayop bilang mga tauhan 2
ng nagsasalita at kumikilos na parang tao o vise versa.
Nakikilala ang katangian ng mga tauhan batay sa tono at
PN 1
paraan ng kanilang pananalita
PU 5 Naipaliliwanag ang sanhi at bunga ng mga pangyayari 2
Naitatanghal ang nabuong iskrip ng informance o mga
PS 2
kauri nito
Naisusulat ang iskrip ng informance na nagpapakita ng
PU 1
kakaibang katangian ng pangunahing tauhan sa epiko
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pang-ugnay na
WG 6 ginagamit sa pagbibigay ng sanhi at bunga ng mga 1
pangyayari (sapagkat, dahil, kasi, at iba pa)
Naisasalaysay ang buod ng mga pangyayari sa
PN 7 1
kuwentong napakinggan
Naisa-isa ang mga elemento ng maikling kuwento mula sa
PB 2
Naisusulat ang buod ng binasang kuwento nang maayos
PU 2
at may kaisahan ang mga pangungusap
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga retorikal na pang-ugnay
WG 1
na ginamit sa akda (kung, kapag, sakali, at iba pa)
Nasusuri ang pagkamakatotohanan ng mga pangyayari
PB 8 2
batay sa sariling karanasan
Naipaliliwanag ang nabuong patalastas tungkol sa
PS 1
napanood na dulang panlansangan
Nabubuo ang patalastas tungkol sa napanood na dulang
PU 2
Nagagamit ang mga pangungusap na walang tiyak na
WG 9 1
paksa sa pagbuo ng patalastas
Naiisa-isa ang mga hakbang na ginawa sa pananaliksik
PN 10 1
mula sa napakinggang mga pahayag
Nasusuri ang ginamit na datos sa pananaliksik sa isang
PB 11 proyektong panturismo (halimbawa: pagsusuri sa isang 2
promo coupon o brochure)
Naipaliliwanag ang mga salitang ginamit sa paggawa ng
PT proyektong panturismo ( halimbawa ang paggamit ng 1
acronym sa promosyon)
Naibabahagi ang isang halimbawa ng napanood na
PD 12 video clip mula sa youtube o ibang website na maaaring 1
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Pinakamahalaga Bilang ng
Markahan Domain ng Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Naiisa-isa ang mga hakbang at panuntunan na dapat
PS 1
gawin upang maisakatuparan ang proyekto
Nabubuo ang isang makatotohanang proyektong
PU 13 1
Nagagamit nang wasto at angkop ang wikang Filipino sa
WG 14 pagsasagawa ng isang makatotohanan at 1
mapanghikayat na proyektong panturismo
Nailalahad ang mga hakbang na ginawa sa pagkuha ng
EP 1
datos kaugnay ng binuong proyektong panturismo
Naipaliliwanag ang kaisipang nais iparating ng
PN 15 1
napakinggang bulong at awiting bayan.
Nabubuo ang sariling paghatol o pagmamatuwid sa
16 ideyang nakapaloob sa akda na sumasalamin sa tradisyon 1
ng mga Bisaya.
Naiuugnay ang mga konotatibong kahulugan ng salita sa
PT 17 1
mga pangyayaring nakaugalian sa isang lugar.
Naisasagawa ang dugtungang pagbuo ng bulong at/o
PS 1
awiting bayan
Naisusulat ang sariling bersiyon ng isang awiting- bayan sa
PU 1
sariling lugar gamit ang wika ng kabataan
Nasusuri ang antas ng wika batay sa pormalidad na
WG 18 ginagamit sa pagsulat ng awiting-bayan (balbal, 1
kolokyal, lalawiganin, pormal)
Nalilikom ang angkop na pagkukunan ng mga
impormasyon upang mapagtibay ang mga paninidigan,
EP 1
mabigyang-bisa ang mga pinaniniwalaan, at makabuo ng
sariling kongklusyon
Nahihinuha ang kaligirang pangkasaysayan ng binasang
PB 19 2
alamat ng Kabisayaan
Naibibigay ang sariling interpretasyon sa mga salitang
PT 20 2
paulit-ulit na ginamit sa akda
Naihahambing ang binasang alamat sa napanood na
PD 1
alamat ayon sa mga elemento nito.
PU Naisusulat ang isang alamat sa anyong komiks 1
Nagagamit nang maayos ang mga pahayag sa
WG 21 2
paghahambing (higit/mas, di-gaano, digasino, at iba pa)
Naibibigay ang sariling interpretasyon sa mga tradisyunal
PB 2
na pagdiriwang ng Kabisayaan.
Napanonood sa youtube at natatalakay ang isang
PD 1
halimbawang pestibal ng Kabisayaan
Nailalarawan ang mga natatanging aspetong
pangkultura na nagbibigay-hugis sa panitikan ng
WG 22 2
Kabisayaan (halimbawa: heograpiya, uri ng pamumuhay,
at iba pa)
Natutukoy ang mahahalagang detalye sa napakinggang
PN 1
teksto tungkol sa epiko sa Kabisayaan
Nailalarawan ang mga natatanging aspetong
pangkultura na nagbibigay-hugis sa panitikan ng
PB 23 1
Kabisayaan (halimbawa: heograpiya, uri ng pamumuhay,
at iba pa)
Nasusuri ang isang indie film ng Kabisayaan batay sa mga
PD 1
elemento nito
Naisasagawa ang isahan/ pangkatang pagsasalaysay ng
PS isang pangyayari sa kasalukuyan na may pagkakatulad sa 1
mga pangyayari sa epiko
Naisusulat ang isang tekstong naglalahad tungkol sa
PU 24 pagpapahalaga ng mga taga-Bisaya sa kinagisnang 2
Nagagamit nang maayos ang mga pang-ugnay sa
WG 1
paglalahad (una, ikalawa, halimbawa, at iba pa)
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Pinakamahalaga Bilang ng
Markahan Domain ng Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nabibigyang -kahulugan ang mga salitang ginamit sa
PT kuwento batay sa a) kontekstuwal na pahiwatig, at b) 1
denotasyon at konotasyon
Nasusuri ang isang dokyu- film o freeze story batay sa
PD 25 2
ibinigay na pamantayan
Naisasalaysay nang maayos ang pagkakasunod-sunod ng
PS 26 1
mga pangyayari
Naisusulat ang isang orihinal na akdang nagsasalaysay
PU 2
gamit ang mga elemento ng isang maikling kuwento
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pang-ugnay sa
WG 27 pagsasalaysay at pagsusunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari 1
(isang araw, samantala, at iba pa)
Naibibigay ang mga mungkahi sa napakinggang awiting-
PN 1
bayang isinulat ng kapwa mag-aaral (peer evaluation)
PB 28 Nasusuri ang kulturang nakapaloob sa awiting-bayan 2
Nasusuri ang kasiningan ng napanood na awiting-bayan
PD 1
gamit ang wika ng kabataan
Nagagamit ang mga kumbensyon sa pagsulat ng awitin
WG 2
(sukat, tugma, tayutay, talinghaga, at iba pa)
Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng paggamit ng
suprasegmental (tono, diin, antala), at mga diberbal na
PN 29 1
palatandaan (kumpas, galaw ng mata/ katawan, at iba
pa) sa tekstong napakinggan
Nailalahad ang pangunahing ideya ng tekstong
PB 1
nagbabahagi ng bisang pandamdamin ng akda
Naihahambing ang mga katangian ng tula/awiting
PB 30 1
panudyo, tugmang de gulong at palaisipan
Naipaliliwanag ang kahulugan ng salita sa pamamagitan
PT 31 2
ng pagpapangkat
Nasusuri ang nilalaman ng napanood na dokumentaryo
PD 32 kaugnay ng tinalakay na mga tula/awiting panudyo, 2
tugmang de gulong at palaisipan
Nabibigkas nang may wastong ritmo ang ilang halimbawa
PS ng tula/awiting panudyo, tugmang de gulong at 1
Naisusulat ang sariling tula/awiting panudyo, tugmang de
PU 33 gulong at palaisipan batay sa itinakdang mga 2
Naiaangkop ang wastong tono o intonasyon sa pagbigkas
WG ng mga tula/awiting panudyo, tulang de gulong at 1
Natutukoy ang magkakasunod at magkakaugnay na mga
PN 34 2
pangyayari sa tekstong napakinggan
Napaghahambing ang mga katangian ng mito/alamat/
kuwentong-bayan batay sa paksa, mga tauhan, tagpuan,
PB 35 kaisipan at mga aspetong pangkultura (halimbawa: 2
heograpiya, uri ng pamumuhay, at iba pa) na nagbibigay-
hugis sa panitikan ng Luzon
Nasusuri ang mga katangian at elemento ng mito, alamat
PB 36 2
at kuwentong-bayan
Naipaliliwanag ang tema at iba pang elemento ng
PD mito/alamat/ kuwentong-bayan batay sa napanood na 1
mga halimbawa nito
Naisasalaysay nang maayos at
PS magkakaugnay ang mga pangyayari sa nabasa o 1
napanood na mito/alamat/ kuwentong-bayan
Naisusulat ang buod ng isang mito/alamat/ kuwentong-
PU 37 bayan nang may maayos na pagkakaugnay ng mga 2
Nagagamit nang wasto ang angkop na mga pahayag sa
WG 38 2
panimula, gitna at wakas ng isang akda
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Pinakamahalaga Bilang ng
Markahan Domain ng Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nahihinuha ang kaalaman at motibo/pakay ng
PN 1
nagsasalita batay sa napakinggan
Naibubuod ang tekstong binasa sa tulong ng pangunahin
PB 39 2
at mga pantulong na kaisipan
Naipaliliwanag ang kahulugan ng salitang nagbibigay ng
PT 2
Nasusuri ang mga elemento at sosyohistorikal na konteksto
PD 40 2
ng napanood na dulang pantelebisyon
Nabibigyang- kahulugan ang mga salita batay sa
PT 1
konteksto ng pangungusap
Naisasagawa ang mimicry ng tauhang pinili sa nabasa o
PS 1
napanood na dula
Nagagamit ang wastong mga panandang anaporik at
WG 41 2
kataporik ng pangngalan
Nagagamit sa pananaliksik ang kasanayan sa paggamit
EP 1
ng bagong teknolohiya tulad ng kompyuter
Nasusuri ang mga salitang ginamit sa pagsulat ng balita
PN 42 2
ayon sa napakinggang halimbawa
Naisasagawa ang komprehensibong pagbabalita
PS 2
newscasting) tungkol sa sariling lugar/ bayan
Nagagamit ang angkop na mga salita sa paguulat tungkol
PU 1
sa sariling lugar/ bayan
Ikaapat na
Natutukoy ang mahahalagang detalye at mensahe ng
PN 1
napakinggang bahagi ng akda
Nailalahad ang sariling pananaw tungkol sa mga motibo
PB 43 2
ng may-akda sa bisa ng binasang bahagi ng akda
PT Naibibigay ang kahulugan at mga katangian ng “korido 1
Nagagamit ang mga larawan sa pagpapaliwanag ng
PD pag-unawa sa mahahalagang kaisipang nasasalamin sa 2
napanood na bahagi ng akda
Naibabahagi ang sariling ideya tungkol sa kahalagahan
PS 44 2
ng pag-aaral ng Ibong Adarna
Naisusulat nang sistematiko ang mga nasaliksik na
PU 45 impormasyon kaugnay ng kaligirang pangkasaysayan ng 2
Ibong adarna
Nagmumungkahi ng mga angkop na solusyon sa
PN 46 2
mgasuliraning narinig mula sa akda
Nasusuri ang mga pangyayari sa akda na nagpapakita ng
PB 47 2
mga suliraning panlipunan na dapat mabigyang solusyon
Nabibigyang -linaw at kahulugan ang mga di-pamilyar na
PT 1
salita mula sa akda.
Nailalahad ang sariling saloobin at damdamin sa
PD 48 napanood na bahagi ng telenobela o serye na may 2
pagkakatulad sa akdang tinalakay
Naibabahagi ang sariling damdamin at saloobin sa
PN 2
damdamin ng tauhan sa napakinggang bahagi ng akda
Naiuugnay sa sariling karanasan ang mga karanasang
PB 49 2
nabanggit sa binasa
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mga salitang
PT 1
nagpapahayag ng damdamin
Nasusuri ang damdaming namamayani sa mga tauhan sa
PD 50 2
pinanood na dulang pantelebisyon/ pampelikula
Naisusulat ang sariling damdamin na may pagkakatulad
PU 2
sa naging damdamin ng isang tauhan sa akda
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang napakinggang mga
PN pahayag ng isang tauhan na nagpapakilala ng karakter 2
na ginampanan nila
Nasusuri ang mga katangian at papel na ginampanan ng
PB 51 2
pangunahing tauhan at mga pantulong na tauhan
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Pinakamahalaga Bilang ng
Markahan Domain ng Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nagagamit ang karikatyur ng tauhan sa paglalarawan ng
PD kanilang mga katangian batay sa napanood na bahagi 2
ng akda
Naisusulat ang orihinal na iskrip na gagamitin sa
PU 2
pangkatang pangtatanghal
Nagagamit ang mga salita at pangungusap nang may
WG 2
kaisahan at pagkakaugnay-ugnay sa mabubuong iskrip
Nananaliksik sa silidaklatan/ internet tungkol sa kaligirang
EP 2
pangkasaysayan ng Ibong Adarna
Naisasagawa ang sistematikong pananaliksik tungkol sa
EP mga impormasyong kailangan sa pagsasagawa ng iskrip 2
ng pangkatang pagtatanghal
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Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nahuhulaan ang mahahalagang kaisipan at sagot sa
mga karunungang-bayang napakinggan
Naipaliliwanag ang mahahalagang kaisipan at sagot
PN 1
sa mga karunungang-bayang napakinggan
Naiuugnay ang mahahalagang kaisipang nakapaloob
PB 2 sa mga karunungang-bayan sa mga pangyayari sa
tunay na buhay sa kasalukuyan
Naiisa-isa ang mga halimbawa ng karunungang-
bayan at naibibigay ang kahalagahan ng bawat isa.
Naibibigay ang katangian ng mga karunungang-
PB bayan at napaghahambing ang pagkakatulad o
pagkakaiba ng mga katangiang ito. 12
Natatamo ang pag-unawa sa kahulugan ng mga
PT 3
Naihahambing ang pagkakatulad o pagkakaiba ng
bugtong, salawikain, sawikain o kasabihan.
Nakapagbibigay ng mga halimbawa ng bugtong,
salawikain, sawikain o kasabihan.
Naisusulat ang sariling bugtong, salawikain, sawikain o
PU 4
kasabihan na angkop sa kasalukuyang kalagayan
Nagagamit ang paghahambing sa pagbuo ng
WG 5 alinman sa bugtong, salawikain, sawikain o kasabihan
(eupemistikong pahayag)
Nailalahad ang sariling pananaw sa pagiging
PN makatotohanan/ di-makatotohanan ng mga puntong
binibigyang-diin sa napakinggan
Nasusuri ang pagkakabuo ng alamat batay sa mga
PB 6
elemento nito
Naibibigay ang katangian ng alamat at mga elemento
Naihahambing ang pagkakabuo ng alamat at ang 11
pagkakabuo ng maikling kuwento.
Nabubuo ang angkop na pagpapasiya sa isang
PS sitwasyon gamit ang: -pamantayang pansarili
pamantayang itinakda
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga kaalaman sa pang-
WG abay na pamanahon at panlunan sa pagsulat ng
sariling alamat
Nakikinig nang may pag-unawa upang
- mailahad ang layunin ng napakinggan
PN 7
- maipaliwanag ang pagkakaugnay- ugnay ng mga
Napauunlad ang kakayahang umunawa sa binasa sa
pamamagitan ng:
PB 8 - paghihinuha batay sa mga ideya o pangyayari sa
-dating kaalaman kaugnay sa binasa
Nagagamit ang kahulugan ng mga piling salita/
PT pariralang ginamit sa akdang epiko ayon sa
Nauuri ang mga pangyayaring may sanhi at bunga
PD 9
mula sa napanood na videoclip ng isang balita.
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang teknik sa pagpapalawak
PS 10 ng paksa: -paghahawig o pagtutulad pagbibigay
depinisyon -pagsusuri
Naisusulat ang talatang:
PU 11 -binubuo ng magkakaugnay at maayos na mga
Page 76 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
-nagpapakita ng simula, gitna, wakas
-nagpapahayag ng sariling palagay o kaisipan
-nagpapakita ng simula, gitna at wakas
Nagagamit ang mga hudyat ng sanhi at bunga ng
WG 12 mga pangyayari (dahil, sapagkat, kaya, bunga nito,
iba pa)
Naibabahagi ang sariling opinyon o pananaw batay
PN 13
sa napakinggang pag-uulat
Naipaliliwanag ang mga hakbang sa paggawa ng
PB 14
pananaliksik ayon sa binasang dato
Nakapagbibigay ng mga hakbang sa paggawa ng
pananaliksik ayon sa binasang datos
Nabibigyang- kahulugan ang mga salitang di
PT 15 maunawaan kaugnay ng mga hakbang sa
Naiisa-isa ang mga hakbang ng pananaliksik mula sa
PD video clip na napanood sa youtube o iba pang
pahatid pangmadla 9
Nakagagawa ng sariling hakbang ng pananaliksik
nang naaayon sa lugar at panahon ng pananaliksik
Nagagamit sa pagsulat ng resulta ng pananaliksik ang
awtentikong datos na nagpapakita ng
PU 16
pagpapahalaga sa katutubong kulturang
Nagagamit nang maayos ang mga pahayag sa pag-
WG 17
aayos ng datos (una, isa pa, iba pa)
Nailalathala ang resulta ng isang sistematikong
EP pananaliksik na nagpapakita ng pagpapahalaga sa
katutubong kulturang Pilipino
Naihahambing ang sariling saloobin at damdamin sa
PN 15
saloobin at damdamin ng nagsasalita
Napipili ang mga pangunahin at pantulong na
PB 16
kaisipang nakasaad sa binasa
Nasusuri ang paraan ng pagbigkas ng tula ng mga
PD kabataan sa kasalukuyan batay sa napanood
(maaaring sa youtube o sa klase)
Naisusulat ang dalawa o higit pang saknong ng tulang
may paksang katulad sa paksang tinalakay
Nagagamit ang kaalaman at kasanayan sa paggamit
EP ng internet sa pananaliksik tungkol sa mga anyo ng
Nabubuo ang mga makabuluhang tanong batay sa
PN 17
napakinggang palitan ng katwiran
Naibibigay ang opinyon at katuwiran tungkol sa paksa
PB 18
ng balagtasan
Naipaliliwanag ang mga eupimistiko o masining na
pahayag na ginamit sa balagtasan
Naipaliliwanag ang papel na ginagampanan ng
bawat kalahok sa napanood na balagtasan
Nakapaglalahad sa paraang pasulat ng pagsang-
PU 19
ayon at pagsalungat sa isang argumento
Nagagamit ang mga hudyat ng pagsang-ayon at
WG 20
pagsalungat sa paghahayag ng opinyon
Naisasalaysay ang magkakaugnay na pangyayari sa
Naipahahayag ang pangangatuwiran sa napiling
PB 21 alternatibong solusyon o proposisyon sa suliraning
inilahad sa tekstong binasa
Naibibigay ang (denotatibo at konotatibo)
PT 22 kasingkahulugan at kasalungat na kahulugan ng
mahihirap na salitang ginamit sa akda
Page 77 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Naitatanghal ang ilang bahagi ng alinmang
sarsuwelang nabasa, napanood o napakinggan
Nasusuri nang pasulat ang papel na ginagampanan
PU 23 ng sarsuwela sa pagpapataas ng kamalayan ng mga
Pilipino sa kultura ng iba’t ibang rehiyon sa bansa
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang aspekto ng pandiwa sa
isasagawang pagsusuri ng sarsuwela
Nasusuri nang pasulat ang papel na ginagampanan
ng sarswela sa pagpapataas ng kamalayan ng mga
Pilipino sa kultura ng iba’t ibang rehiyon sa bansa gamit
ang iba’t ibang aspekto ng pandiwa
Nahihinuha ang nais ipahiwatig ng sanaysay na
Naikiklino (clining) ang mga piling salitang ginamit sa
Naiuugnay ang tema ng napanood na programang
PD 24
pantelebisyon sa akdang tinalakay 6
Nailalahad nang maayos ang pansariling pananaw,
PS 25
opinyon at saloobin kaugnay ng akdang tinalakay
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang paraan ng
WG 26 pagpapahayag (pag-iisa-isa,
paghahambing, at iba pa) sa pagsulat ng sanaysay
Nabibigyang-katangian ang mga tauhan batay sa
napakinggang paraan ng kanilang pananalita
Naiuugnay ang mga kaisipan sa akda sa mga
PB 27
kaganapan sa sarili, lipunan, at daigdig
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang mga simbolo at
PT 28
pahiwatig na ginamit sa akda
Nasusuri ang katangian ng tauhan batay sa itinanghal
PD na monologo na nakabatay sa ilang bahagi ng 6
maikling kuwento
PU 29 Nakasusulat ng wakas ng maikling kuwento.
PN 30 Nabibigyang interpretasyon ang tulang napakinggan
Naiisa-isa ang katangian ng piling tauhan sa maikling
kuwento gamit ang mga kaantasan ng pang-uri sa
pamamagitan ng pakikipanayam sa mga taong may
malawak na kaalaman sa paksa
Naihahambing ang anyo at mga elemento ng tulang
PN 31
binasa sa iba pang anyo ng tula
Nasusuri ang tono at damdamin ng tula batay sa
napanood at narinig na paraan ng pagbigkas
PS Nabibigkas nang madamdamin ang tulang isinulat
Naisusulat ang isang orihinal na tulang may apat o higit
PU 32 pang saknong sa alinmang anyong tinalakay, gamit
ang paksang pag-ibig sa kapwa, bayan o kalikasan
Nagagamit nang wasto ang masining na antas ng wika
sa pagsulat ng tula
Nabibigyang-reaksiyon ang narinig na opinyon ng
kausap tungkol sa isang isyu
Naihahambing ang tekstong binasa sa iba pang teksto
batay sa: paksa, layon, tono, pananaw, paraan ng
PB 33
pagkakasulat, pagbuo ng salita, pagbuo ng talata,
pagbuo ng pangungusap
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mga lingo na ginagamit 8
PT 34
sa mundo ng multimedia
Naiuugnay ang tema ng tinalakay na panitikang
PD popular sa temang tinatalakay sa napanood na
programang pantelebisyon o video clip
Naiuulat nang maayos at mabisa ang nalikom na
PS 35
datos sa pananaliksik
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Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang estratehiya sa
PU 36 pangangalap ng mga ideya sa pagsulat ng balita,
komentaryo, at iba pa
Naisa-isa ang iba’t ibang estratehiya sa pangangalap
PU 37
ng ideya
Nagagamit sa iba’t ibang sitwasyon ang mga salitang
WG 38 ginagamit sa impormal na komunikasyon (balbal,
kolokyal, banyaga)
Napag-iiba ang katotohanan (facts) sa hinuha
PN 39 (inferences), opinyon at personal na interpretasyon ng
PB 40 Naiisa-isa ang mga positibo at negatibong pahayag
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang mga salitang ginagamit
PT 41
sa radio broadcasting
Nakapagbibigay ng halimbawa ng mga salitang
ginagamit sa radio broadcasting
Naiuugnay ang balitang napanood sa balitang
PD 42 napakinggan at naibibigay ang sariling opinyon
tungkol sa mga ito
Nailalahad nang maayos at wasto ang pansariling
papanaw, opinyon at saloobin
Naisusulat nang wasto ang isang dokumentaryong
PU 43
Nagagamit ang mga angkop na ekspresyon sa
WG 44 paghahayag ng konsepto ng pananaw (ayon, batay,
sang-ayon sa, sa akala, iba pa)
Nailalahad sa sariling pamamaraan ang mga
napakinggang pahayag o mensahe
Nahihinuha ang paksa, layon at tono ng akdang
PB 45
Natutukoy ang mga tamang salita sa pagbuo ng isang
PT 46
puzzle na may kaugnayan sa paksa
Nasusuri ang isang programang napanood sa
PD 47
telebisyon ayon sa itinakdang mga pamantayan
Naipapahayag sa lohikal na paraan ang mga
PS 48 8
pananaw at katuwiran
Natutukoy ang pagkakaiba o pagkakatulad ng
pahayag na pananaw at katuwiran
Nagagamit sa pagsulat ng isang dokumentaryong
PU pantelebisyon ang mga ekspresyong nagpapakita ng
kaugnayang lohikal
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga ekspresyong hudyat
WG 49 ng kaugnayang lohikal (dahilan-bunga, paraan-
Nailalahad ang sariling bayas o pagkiling tungkol sa
PN 50
interes at pananaw ng nagsasalita
Nasusuri ang napanood na pelikula batay sa:
PB 51
paksa/tema ,layon, gamit ng mga salita, mga tauhan
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang mga salitang ginagamit
PT 52
sa mundo ng Pelikula
Nakapagbibigay ng halimbawa batay sa mga salitang
ginagamit sa mundo ng pelikula
Naihahayag ang sariling pananaw tungkol sa
PD 53 mahahalagang isyung mahihinuha sa napanood na 8
Naipaliliwanag nang pasulat ang mga kontradiksyon
PS sa napanood na pelikula sa pamamagitan ng mga
komunikati-bong pahayag
Nasusulat ang isang suring-pelikula batay sa mga
itinakdang pamantayan
Nagagamit ang kahusayang gramatikal (may tamang
WG 54 bantas, baybay, magkakaugnay na pangungusap/
talata sa pagsulat ng isang suring- pelikula
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Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Naisa-isa ang mga hakbang sa pagbuo ng isang
PN social awareness campaign tungkol sa isang paksa
batay sa napakinggang paliwanag
Nasusuri ang mga hakbang sa pagbuo ng isang
PB 55 kampanyang panlipunan ayon sa binasang mga
Naipaliliwanag ang mga salitang angkop na gamitin
PT 56
sa pagbuo ng isang kampanyang panlipunan
Naipakikita sa isang powerpoint presentation ang mga
angkop na hakbang sa pagbuo ng isang
kampanyang panlipunan batay sa tema, panahon at 8
tiyak na direksyon ng kampanya
Nabubuo ang isang malinaw na social awareness
PU campaign tungkol sa isang paksa na maisasagawa sa
tulong ng multimedia
Nakasusulat ng isang malinaw na social awareness
57 campaign tungkol sa isang paksa na maisasagawa sa
tulong ng multimedia
Nagagamit ang angkop na mga komunikatibong
WG 58 pahayag sa pagbuo ng isang social awareness
Ikaapat na
Nahihinuha ang kahalagahan ng pag-aaral ng
PN 59 Florante at Laura batay sa napakinggang mga
pahiwatig sa akda
Napahahalagahan ang pag-aaral ng Florante at
Laura sa pamamagitan ng pag-iisa - isa ng mga
mahahalagang datalyeng napakinggan

Natitiyak ang kaligirang pangkasaysayan ng akda sa

pamamagitan ng:
- pagtukoy sa kalagayan ng lipunan sa
PB 60 panahong nasulat ito
- pagtukoy sa layunin ng pagsulat ng akda
- pagsusuri sa epekto ng akda pagkatapos itong
Naihahambing ang kalagayan ng lipunan sa
panahong nasulat ang Florante at Laura sa
kasalukuyang panahon.
Napaghahambing ang mga pangyayari sa
napanood na teleserye at ang kaugnay na mga
pangyayari sa binasang bahagi ng akda
Nailalahad ang damdamin o saloobin ng may- akda,
WG 61
gamit ang wika ng kabataan
Nailalahad ang mahahalagang pangyayari sa
PN 62
napakinggang aralin
Nasusuri ang mga pangunahing kaisipan ng bawat
PB 63
kabanatang binasa
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang:
-matatalinghagang ekspresyon
PT 64
-tayutay at
Nailalahad ang sariling karanasan o karanasan ng iba
PD na maitutulad sa napanood na palabas sa telebisyon
o pelikula na may temang pag-ibig, gaya ng sa akda
Naisusulat sa isang monologo ang mga pansariling
PU 65 damdamin tungkol sa: pagkapoot, pagkatakot at
iba pa
Nagagamit ang ilang tayutay at talinghaga sa isang
simpleng tulang tradisyunal na may temang pag-ibig
Naisusulat ang ilang saknong tungkol sa pag-ibig sa
anyo ng isang makabuluhang tula
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Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nalalapatan ng himig ang isinulat na orihinal na tula
na may tamang anyo at kaisahan
Nailalarawan ang tagpuan ng akda batay sa
PN 66
PB 67 Nailalahad ang mahahalagang pangyayari sa aralin
Nagbibigay reaksyon sa isang programang
PD pantelebisyon na may paksang katulad ng araling
Natatalakay ang aralin gamit ang estratehiya ng :
PS Simula, Pataas na aksyon, Kasukdulan, Kakalasan,
Nakasusulat ng sariling talumpating nanghihikayat
PU 68
tungkol sa isyung pinapaksa sa binasa
Nagagamit nang wasto ang mga salitang
WG 69
Naisusulat ang sariling talumpati gamit ang mga
PU salitang nanghihikayat tungkol sa isyung pinapaksa
sa binasa
Nailalahad ang damdaming namamayani sa mga
PN 70
tauhan batay sa napakinggan
Nasusuri ang mga sitwasyong nagpapakita ng Iba’t
PB 71
ibang damdamin at motibo ng mga tauhan
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng salitang di pamilyar
gamit ang kontekswal na pahiwatig
Naibabahagi ang isang senaryo mula sa napanood na
PD teleserye, pelikula o balita na tumatalakay sa
kasalukuyang kalagayan ng bayan
Pasalitang naihahambing ang mga pangyayari sa
lipunang Pilipino sa kasalukuyang panahon
Nasusulat ang isang islogan na tumatalakay sa paksa
PU 72
ng aralin
Nagagamit ang mga hudyat ng pagsusunodsunod ng
WG mga hakbang na maisasagawa upang magbago ang
isang bayan
Nabibigyang-reaksyon ang damdaming
namamayani sa mga tauhan batay sa napakinggan
Natutukoy ang mga hakbang sa pagsasagawa ng
PB 73 isang kawili-wiling radio broadcast batay sa nasaliksik
na impormasyon tungkol dito
Naiisa-isa ang mga sitwasyong nagpapakita ng Iba’t
ibang damdamin at motibo ng mga tauhan
Nabibigyang pansin ang mga angkop na salitang
PT 74
dapat gamitin sa isang radio broadcast
Nailalapat sa isang radio broadcast ang mga
PD 75 kaalamang natutuhan sa napanood sa telebisyon na
programang nagbabalita
Naipahahayag ang pansariling paniniwala at
pagpapahalaga gamit ang mga salitang
PU 76
naghahayag ng pagsang-ayon at pagsalungat (Hal.:
Naisusulat at naisasagawa ang isang
makatotohanang radio broadcast na naghahambing
sa lipunang Pilipino sa panahong naisulat ang Florante
at Laura at sa kasalukuyan
Nasasaliksik ang mga hakbang sa pagsasagawa ng
isang radio broadcast
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Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nasusuri ang mga pangyayari, at ang kaugnayan nito
PN 1 sa kasalukuyan sa lipunang Asyano batay sa 1
napakinggang akda
Nabubuo ang sariling paghatol o pagmamatuwid sa
PB 2 1
mga ideyang nakapaloob sa akda
Nabibigyang- kahulugan ang mahirap na salitang
PT 3 ginamit sa akda batay sa denotatibo o konotatibong 1
Naihahambing ang ilang piling pangyayari sa
PD 4 napanood na telenobela sa ilang piling kaganapan sa 1
lipunang Asyano sa kasalukuyan
Nasusuri ang maikling kuwento batay sa: - Paksa
- Mga tauhan
PS 5 2
- Pagkakasunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari
- Estilo sa pagsulat ng awtor, iba pa
PU 6 Napagsusunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari 1
Nagagamit ang mga pang-ugnay na hudyat ng
WG 7 1
pagsusunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari
Nauuri ang mga tiyak na bahagi sa akda na
nagpapakita ng pinakamataas na katotohanan,
PN 8 2
kabutihan at kagandahan batay sa napakinggang
bahagi ng nobela
Nasusuri ang tunggaliang tao vs. sarili sa binasang
PB 9 1
Nabibigyan ng sariling interpretasyon ang mga
PT 10 1
pahiwatig na ginamit sa akda
Nasusuri ang pinanood na teleseryeng Asyano batay
PD 11 1
sa itinakdang pamantayan
Naisusulat ang isang pangyayari na nagpapakita ng
PU 12 1
tunggaliang tao vs. sarili
Nagagamit ang mga pahayag na ginagamit sa
WG 13 pagbibigay-opinyon (sa tingin / akala / pahayag / ko, 1
iba pa)
Nakasasaliksik tungkol sa iba pang nobela ng Timog-
EP 2
Silangang Asya
Naiuugnay ang sariling damdamin sa damdaming
PN 14 1
inihayag sa napakinggang tula
Nailalahad ang sariling pananaw at naihahambing ito
PB 15 sa pananaw ng iba tungkol sa pagkakaiba-iba o 1
pagkakatulad ng paksa sa mga tulang Asyano
Naipapahayag ang sariling emosyon/damdamin sa
WG 1
iba’t ibang paraan at pahayag
Natutukoy at naipaliliwanag ang
PT 16 1
magkakasingkahulugang pahayag sa ilang taludturan
Nasasaliksik sa internet ang ilang halimbawang tula sa
EP 1
Timog-Silangang Asya
Nabibigkas nang maayos at may damdamin ang
PS 1
isinulat na sariling taludturan
Naisusulat ang ilang taludtod tungkol sa
PU 17 pagpapahalaga sa pagiging mamamayan ng 1
bansang Asya
Nasusuri ang sariling ideya at ideya ng iba kapag
PN 1
nakikita ang sarili sa katauhan ng nagsasalita
Nasusuri ang padron ng pag-iisip (thinking pattern) sa
PB 1
mga ideya at opinyong inilahad sa binasang sanaysay
Naipaliliwanag ang salitang may higit sa isang
PT 18 1
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Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nasusuri ang paraan ng pagpapahayag ng mga
PD 19 1
ideya at opinyon sa napanood na debate o kauri nito
Naisusulat ang sariling opinyon tungkol sa mga dapat
PU 20 1
o hindi dapat taglayin ng kabataang Asyano
Nabubuo ang kritikal na paghusga sa karakterisasyon
PN 21 ng mga tauhan at sa epekto nito sa pagiging masining 1
ng akda batay sa napakinggang mga pahayag
Nagagamit ang mga pang-ugnay sa pagpapahayag
WG 22 1
ng sariling pananaw
Nailalapat sa sarili, bilang isang Asyano, ang
PB 1
pangunahing kaisipan ng dulang binasa
Naipaliliwanag ang kahulugan ng salita habang
PT 23 1
nababago ang estruktura nito
Napahahalagahan ang napanood na dula sa
PD pamamagitan ng pagpili at pagpapaliwanag ng 1
bahaging naibigan
Nabibigkas nang may paglalapat sa sariling katauhan
PS ang ilang diyalogo ng napiling tauhan sa binasang 1
Nasusuri ang pagiging makatotohanan ng ilang
PU 24 1
pangyayari sa isang dula
Nagagamit ang mga ekspresyong nagpapahayag ng
WG 25 1
katotohanan (sa totoo, talaga, tunay, iba pa)
Naibabahagi ang sariling pananaw sa resulta ng
isinagawang sarbey tungkol sa tanong na: ”Alin sa
PB 26 1
mga babasahin ng Timog-Silangang Asya ang iyong
Naililista at nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mahihirap na
PT salitang nakita sa alinmang akda ng Timog-Silangang 1
Asya na napiling basahin sa isinagawang book fair
Nagagamit ang mga ekspresyong nanghihikayat sa
WG 1
malikhaing pagtatanghal ng book fair
Nasusuri ang tono ng pagbigkas ng napakinggang
PN 27 1
tanka at haiku
Nagagamit ang suprasegmental na antala/hinto, diin
WG 28 1
at tono sa pagbigkas ng tanka at haiku
Nasusuri ang pagkakaiba at pagkakatulad ng estilo ng
PB 29 1
pagbuo ng tanka at haiku
Nabibigyang- kahulugan ang matatalinghagang
PT 30 1
salitang ginamit sa tanka at haiku
Nabibigkas ang isinulat na tanka at haiku nang may
PS 1
wastong antala/hinto, at damdamin
Naisusulat ang payak na tanka at haiku sa tamang
PU 31 1
anyo at sukat
Nahihinuha ang damdamin ng mga tauhan batay sa
PN 32 1
diyalogong napakinggan
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang ekspresyon sa
WG 33 1
pagpapahayag ng damdamin
Nabibigyang-puna ang kabisaan ng paggamit ng
PB 34 hayop bilang mga tauhan na parang taong 1
nagsasalita at kumikilos
Naiaantas ang mga salita (clining) batay sa tindi ng
PT 35 1
emosyon o damdamin
Naipakikita ang kakaibang katangian ng pabula sa
PS 1
pamamagitan ng isahang pasalitang pagtatanghal
Muling naisusulat ang isang pabula sa paraang
PU 36 1
babaguhin ang karakter ng isa sa mga tauhan nito
Nasasaliksik ang pagkakatulad at pagkakaiba ng mga
EP 37 1
pabula sa alinmang bansa sa Asya
Naipaliliwanag ang pananaw ng may-akda tungkol sa
PN 38 1
paksa batay sa napakinggan
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Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nabibigyang-puna ang paraan ng pagsasalita ng
PD 39 taong naninindigan sa kanyang mga saloobin o 1
opinyon sa isang talumpati
Naipaliliwanag ang mga:
- kaisipan
PT 40 - layunin 1
- paksa; at
- paraan ng pagkakabuo ng sanaysay
Naipaliliwanag ang mga salitang di lantad ang
PT 41 1
kahulugan batay sa konteksto ng pangungusap
Naipahahayag ang sariling pananaw tungkol sa isang
PS 42 napapanahong isyu sa talumpating nagpapahayag 1
ng matibay na paninindigan
Nagagamit ang angkop na mga pahayag sa
WG 43 pagbibigay ng ordinaryong opinyon, matibay na 1
paninindigan at mungkahi
Naisusulat ang isang talumpating naglalalahad ng
PU 44 sariling pananaw tungkol sa napapanahong isyu o 1
Nasusuri ang maikling kuwento batay sa estilo ng
PN 45 pagsisimula, pagpapadaloy at pagwawakas ng 1
napakinggang salaysay
Nahihinuha ang kulturang nakapaloob sa binasang
PB 46 1
kuwento na may katutubong kulay
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mga imahe at simbolo sa
PT 1
binasang kuwento
Napaghahambing ang kultura ng ilang bansa sa
PD 47 Silangang Asya batay sa napanood na bahagi ng 1
teleserye o pelikula
Nasasaliksik ang tradisyon, paniniwala at kaugalian ng
EP 1
mga Asyano batay sa maikling kuwento ng bawat isa
Naisasalaysay ang sariling karanasan na may
PS 48 kaugnayan sa kulturang nabanggit sa nabasang 1
Nagagamit ang mga pahayag sa pagsisimula,
WG 49 1
pagpapadaloy at pagtatapos ng isang kuwento
Nauuri ang mga tiyak na bahagi at katangian ng isang
PN 50 1
dula batay sa napakinggang diyalogo o pag-uusap
Nasusuri ang binasang dula batay sa pagkakabuo at
PB 51 1
mga elemento nito
Napaghahambing ang mga napanood na dula batay
PD 52 1
sa mga katangian at elemento ng bawat isa

Naisasadula nang madamdamin sa harap ng klase

PS 1
ang nabuong maikling dula

Naisusulat ang isang maikling dula tungkol sa

PU 53 1
karaniwang buhay ng isang grupo ng Asyano
Nagagamit ang mga angkop na pang-ugnay sa
WG 54 1
pagsulat ng maikling dula
Nasasaliksik ang kulturang nakapaloob sa alinmang
EP 1
dula sa sa Silangang Asya
Naipahahayag ang damdamin at pang-unawa sa
PN 55 1
napakinggang akdang orihinal
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mahihirap na salita
PT 56 1
batay sa konteksto ng pangungusap
Naipaliliwanag ang naging bisa ng nabasang akda sa
PB 57 1
sariling kaisipan at damdamin
Naisasalaysay sa isang kumperensiya ang naisulat na
PS 58 1
sariling akda
Naisusulat ang sariling akda na nagpapakita ng
PU 59 1
pagpapahalaga sa pagiging Asyano
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Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nagagamit ang linggwistikong kahusayan sa pagsulat
WG 60 ng sariling akda na nagpapakita ng pagpapahalaga 1
sa pagiging isang Asyano
Nahihinuha ang mga katangian ng parabula batay sa
PN 1
napakinggang diskusyon sa klase
Napatutunayang ang mga pangyayari sa binasang
PB 61 parabula ay maaaring maganap sa tunay na buhay 1
sa kasalukuyan
Nagagamit nang wasto sa pangungusap ang
PT 1
matatalinghagang pahayag
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang matatalinghagang
PT 62 1
pahayag sa parabula
Natutukoy at naipaliliwanag ang mensahe ng
PD 1
napanood na parabulang isinadula
Nagagamit ang mga angkop na pang-uri na 1
WG 64
nagpapasidhi ng damdamin
Naisusulat ang isang anekdota o liham na
PU 1
nangangaral; isang halimbawang elehiya;
Nasusuri ang mga tunggalian (tao vs. tao, at tao vs.
PN 65 sarili) sa kuwento batay sa napakinggang pag-uusap 2
ng mga tauhan
Napatutunayang ang mga pangyayari at/o
PB 66 transpormasyong nagaganap sa tauhan ay maaaring 1
mangyari sa tunay na buhay
Naipahahayag ang sariling damdamin kapag ang
PN sarili ay nakita sa katauhan o katayuan ng may- akda 1
o persona sa narinig na elehiya at awit
Nasusuri ang mga elemento ng elehiya batay sa:
- Mga tauhan
- Tagpuan
PB 67 2
- Mga mahihiwa-tigang kaugalian o tradisyon
- Wikang ginamit
- Pahiwatig o simbolo
- Damdamin
Nabibigyang-puna ang nakitang paraan ng
PD 1
pagbigkas ng elehiya o awit
PS Nalalapatan ng himig sa isinulat na elehiyang orihinal 1
PT 68 Natutukoy ang pinagmulan ng salita (etimolohiya) 1
Naiuugnay sa kasalukuyan ang mga tunggaliang (tao
PD 69 vs. tao at tao vs. sarili) napanood na programang 1
Nasusuri at naipaliliwanag ang mga katangian ng
PS 70 binasang kuwento na may uring pangkatauhan batay 1
sa pagkakabuo nito
Naisusulat muli ang maikling kuwento nang may
pagbabago sa ilang pangyayari at mga katangian ng
PU 1
sinuman sa mga tauhan; ang sariling wakas sa
naunang alamat na binasa
Nagagamit ang angkop na pang-ugnay na hudyat ng
WG 71 pagsusunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari sa lilikhaing 1
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang kilos, gawi at karakter ng
PN 72 2
mga tauhan batay sa usapang napakinggan
PD Nabubuo ang balangkas ng pinanood na alamat 1
Naitatanghal sa isang pagbabalita ang nabuong
PS 1
sariling wakas
Napatutunayan ang pagiging makatotohanan/ di-
PB 73 1
makatotohanan ng akda
Naisusulat ang sariling wakas sa naunang alamat na
PU 1
Page 85 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nagagamit ang mga pang-abay na pamanahon,
WG 74 1
panlunan at pamaraan sa pagbuo ng alamat
Nahuhulaan ang maaaring mangyari sa akda batay
PN 75 1
sa ilang pangyayaring napakinggan
Nailalarawan ang natatanging kulturang Asyano na
PB 76 2
masasalamin sa epiko
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mga salita batay sa
PT 1
kontekstong pinaggamitan
Naipakikita sa iba’t ibang larawang-guhit ang
PD kakaibang katangian ng epiko batay sa mga 1
pangyayari at tunggaliang naganap dito
Nabibigyang-katangian ang isa sa mga itinuturing na
PS 77 1
bayani ng alinmang bansa sa Kanlurang Asya
Naitatanghal sa anyo ng informance ang isang
PS itinuturing na bayani ng alinmang bansa sa Kanlurang 1
Asya sa kasalukuyan
Nasasaliksik sa iba’t ibang reperensiya ang
EP 1
kinakailangang mga impormasyon/datos
Nagagamit ang mga angkop na salita sa
PS 78 paglalarawan ng kulturang Asyano at bayani ng 1
Kanlurang Asya
Naiisa-isa ang kultura ng Kanluraning Asyano mula sa
PB 79 2
mga akdang pampanitikan nito
Naipakikita sa isang masining na pagtatanghal ang
PS kulturang Asyano na masasalamin sa binasang mga 1
akdang pampanitikan ng Kanlurang Asyano
Nabubuo ang plano at kaukulang iskrip tungkol sa
PU 1
isasagawang pagtatanghal ng kulturang Asyano
Ikaapat na
Natitiyak ang kaligirang pangkasaysayan ng akda sa
pamamagitan ng:
-pagtukoy sa layunin ng may- akda sa pagsulat nito
PN 80 -pag-isa-isa sa mga kondisyon ng lipunan sa panahong 1
isinulat ito
-pagpapatunay sa pag-iral pa ng mga kondisyong ito
sa kasalukuyang panahon sa lipunang Pilipino
Nailalarawan ang mga kondisyong panlipunan bago
PB 81 1
at matapos isinulat ang akda
Natutukoy ang mga kontekstuwal na pahiwatig sa
PT 82 1
Nabibigyang-patunay na may pagkakatulad /
PD 83 pagkakaiba ang binasang akda sa ilang napanood 1
na telenobela
Nailalahad ang sariling pananaw, kongklusyon, at bisa
PS 84 1
ng akda sa sarili at sa nakararami
PU 85 Naitatala ang nalikom na datos sa pananaliksik 1
Nalalagom ang mahahalagang impormasyong
EP 1
nasaliksik para sa sariling pagpapakahulugan at gamit
Nagagamit ang mga angkop na salita / ekspresyon sa:
- paglalarawan
WG 86 - paglalahad ng sariling pananaw 1
- pag-iisa-isa
- pagpapatunay
Natutukoy ang kahalagahan ng bawat tauhan sa
PB 87 1
Nahuhulaan ang maaaring maging wakas ng buhay
PD ng bawat tauhan batay sa napanood na parade of 1
Naisusulat ang isang makahulugan at masining na
PU 88 1
monologo tungkol sa isang piling tauhan
Page 86 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nagagamit ang tamang pang-uri sa pagbibigay-
WG 89 1
Naibabahagi ang sariling damdamin sa tinalakay ng
PN 90 1
mga pangyayaring naganap sa buhay ng tauhan
Nailalahad ang sariling pananaw sa kapangyarihan ng
PB 91 pag-ibig sa magulang, sa kasintahan, sa kapwa at sa 1
Napapangkat ang mga salita ayon sa antas ng
PT 92 1
pormalidad ng gamit nito (level of formality)
Napaghahambing ang kalagayan ng lipunan noon at
PD ngayon batay sa sariling karanasan at sa napapanood 1
sa telebisyon at /o pelikula
Nailalarawan ang mga pagbabagong nagaganap
PS 1
sa sarili matapos mabasa ang akda
Nakasusulat ng iskrip ng Mock Trial tungkol sa
PU 93 1
tunggalian ng mga tauhan sa akda*
Naitatanghal ang mga tunggaliang naganap sa mga
PU 94 1
tauhan sa tulong ng isinulat na iskrip ng Mock Trial
Nagagamit ang mga angkop na ekspresyon sa
WG 95 pagpapahayag ng: - damdamin - matibay na 1
paninindigan - ordinaryong pangyayari
Naitatala ang mga impormasyong nakuha sa
EP 96 isinagawang panayam sa mga taong may lubos na 1
kaalaman tungkol sa aralin
Natitiyak ang pagkamakatotohanan ng akdang
PN 97 napakinggan sa pamamagitan ng pag-uugnay sa 1
ilang pangyayari sa kasalukuyan
Naipaliliwanag ang mga kaugaliang binanggit sa
PB 98 kabanata na nakatutulong sa pagpapayaman ng 1
kulturang Asyano
Naipaliliwanag ang iba’t ibang paraan ng
PT 99 2
pagbibigay-pahiwatig sa kahulugan
Nakikibahagi sa pagsulat at pagtatanghal ng
PU pagsasadula ng ilang isyung binanggit sa akda na 1
makatotohanan pa rin sa kasalukuyan
Naibabahagi ang sariling damdamin tungkol sa narinig
na naging kapalaran ng tauhan sa nobela at ng isang
PN 1
kakilalang may karanasang katulad ng nangyari sa
Naipaliliwanag ang mga kaisipang nakapaloob sa
aralin gaya ng:
 pamamalakad ng pamahalaan
PB 100  paniniwala sa Diyos 2
 kalupitan sa kapuwa
 kayamanan
 kahirapan at iba pa
Nabibigyang- kahulugan ang mahihirap na salita
PT 1
batay sa kasingkahulugan at kasalungat na kahulugan
Naihahambing ang mga katangian ng isang ina noon
PD 101 at sa kasalukuyan batay sa napanood na dulang 1
pantelebisyon o pampelikula
Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng pagtupad sa
PS 102 1
tungkulin ng ina at ng anak
Nagagamit ang mga angkop na ekspresyon sa:
 pagpapaliwanag
WG 103 2
 paghahambing
 pagbibigay ng opinyon
Nasasaliksik ang mga pagkukunan ng impormasyon
EP upang mapagtibay ang paninindigan at makabuo ng 1
matibay na kongklusyon at rekomendasyon
Naipaliliwanag ang kahulugan ng salita sa
PT 1
pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng halimbawa
Page 87 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nasusuri ang pinanood na dulang panteatro na naka-
PD 105 2
video clip batay sa pamantayan
Naitatanghal ang dulang panteatro na pumapaksa sa
PU ilang napapanahong isyung panlipunan sa 1
Nagagamit ang mga kasanayang komunikatibo
WG (linggwistik, sosyolinggwistik, diskorsal at istratedyik) sa 1
lahat ng mga gawain sa klase
Page 88 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
PN 1 Naipahahayag mahalagang kaisipan sa napakinggan
Naiuugnay ang mga kaisipang nakapaloob sa akda sa
PB 2 nangyayari sa: Sarili, pamilya Pamayanan, lipunan,
Naiuugnay ang kahulugan ng salita batay sa kayarian
PT 3
Natutukoy ang mensahe at layunin ng napanood na
PD 4
cartoon ng isang mitolohiya
Naipahahayag nang malinaw ang sariling opinyon sa
PS 5
paksang tinalakay
Naisusulat ang sariling mitolohiya batay sa paksa ng
akdang binasa 6
Nagagamit ang angkop na pandiwa bilang aksiyon,
pangyayari at karanasan
Nagagamit ng wasto ang pandiwa sa pagsasaad ng
aksyon, pangyayari at karanasan; pokus ng pandiwa:
tagaganap at layon sa pagsulat ng paghahambing,
WG 6
pinaglalaaanan at kagamitan,sa pagsulat ng saloobin
sa paghahambing sa sariling kultura at ng ibang bansa;
tagaganap at layon sa isinulat na sariling kuwento
Naisasagawa ang sistematikong pananaliksik sa iba’t
EP ibang pagkukunan ng impormasyon (internet, silid-
aklatan, at iba pa)
Nasusuri ang tiyak na bahagi ng napakinggang
PN 7 parabula na naglalahad ng katotohanan, kabutihan at
Nasusuri ang nilalaman, elemento at kakanyahan ng
8 binasang akda gamit ang mga ibinigay na tanong;
binasang mitolohiya
Nabibigyang- puna ang estilo ng may-akda batay sa
mga salita at ekspresyong ginamit sa akda;ang bisa ng 5
PT 9
paggamit ng mga salitang nagpapahayag ng
matinding damdamin
Naisusulat nang may maayos na paliwanag ang
kaugnay na collage na may kaugnayan sa paksa
Nagagamit ang angkop na mga piling pang-ugnay sa
WG 10 pagsasalaysay (pagsisimula, pagpapadaloy ng mga
pangyayari, pagwawakas)
Naipaliliwanag ang pangunahing paksa at pantulong
PB 11 na mga ideya sa napakinggang impormasyon sa radyo
o iba pang anyo ng media
Nabibigyang-reaksiyon ang mga kaisipan o ideya sa
tinalakay na akda,ang pagiging makatotohanan/di-
PB 12
makatotohanan ng mga pangyayari sa maikling
Natutukoy ang mga salitang magkakapareho o
PT 13
magkakaugnay ang kahulugan
Natatalakay ang mga bahagi ng pinanood na
PD 14
nagpapakita ng mga isyung pandaigdig
Naibabahagi ang sariling reaksiyon sa ilang
PS mahahalagang ideyang nakapaloob sa binasang akda
sa pamamagitan ng brain storming
Naitatala ang mga impormasyon tungkol sa isa sa
PU 15
napapanahong isyung pandaigdig
Nagagamit ang angkop na mga pahayag sa
WG 16
pagbibigay ng sariling pananaw
Page 89 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nasasaliksik ang mahahalagang impormasyon gamit
EP ang silid-aklatan, internet, at iba pang batis ng mga
Nahihinuha ang katangian ng tauhan sa napakinggang
PN 17
Naibibigay ang sariling interpretasyon sa mga
PB 18
kinakaharap ng suliranin ng tauhan
Napapangatuwiranan ang kahalagahan ng epiko
PB 19 bilang akdang pandaigdig na sumasalamin ng isang
Nabibigyang-puna ang bisa ng paggamit ng mga
salitang nagpapahayag ng matinding damdamin
Naipaliliwanag ang mga alegoryang ginamit sa
PT 20
binasang akda
Natutukoy ang mga bahaging napanood na tiyakang 6
PD 21 nagpapakita ng ugnayan ng mga tauhan sa puwersa
ng kalikasan
Naisusulat nang wasto ang pananaw tungkol sa
pagkakaiba-iba at pagkakatulad ng mga epikong
pandaigdig; ang paliwanag tungkol sa isyung
PU 22 pandaigdig na iniuugnay sa buhay ng mga
Pilipino;sariling damdamin at saloobin tungkol sa sariling
kultura kung ihahahambing sa kultura ng ibang
bansa;suring-basa ng nobelang nabasa o napanood
Nagagamit ang angkop na mga hudyat sa
WG 23
pagsusunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari
Naipaliliwanag ng ilang pangyayaring napakinggan na
PN 24 may kaugnayan sa kasalukuyang mga pangyayari sa
Nakapagbibigay ng mga halimbawang pangyayari sa
PB 25
tunay na buhay kaugnay ng binasa
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mahihirap na salita o
PT 26 ekspresyong ginamit sa akda batay sa konteksto ng
pangungusap 6
Nakikibahagi sa round table discussion kaugnay ng mga
isyung pandaigdig
Naisusulat ang paliwanag tungkol sa isyung pandaigdig
na iniuugnay sa buhay ng mga Pilipino
Nagagamit ang angkop na mga panghalip bilang
WG 27
panuring sa mga tauhan
EP Nakagagamit ng internet para sa pananaliksik
Naibibigay ang katangian ng isang tauhan batay sa
PN 28
napakinggang diyalogo
Nasusuri ang binasang kabanata ng nobela bilang isang
PB 29 akdang pampanitikan sa pananaw humanismo o
alinmang angkop na pananaw
Nakikilala ang pagkakaugnay-ugnay ng mga salita
PT 30 ayon sa antas o tindi ng kahulugang ipinahahayag nito
Naihahambing ang ilang pangyayari sa napanood na
PD 31 dula sa mga pangyayari sa binasang kabanata ng
Nailalarawan ang kultura ng mga tauhan na
PS 32
masasalamin sa kabanata
Naisasadula ang isang pangyayari sa tunay na buhay
PU na may pagkakatulad sa mga piling pangyayari sa
kabanata ng nobela
Nagagamit ang angkop na mga hudyat sa
pagsusunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari
Naibabahagi ang sariling opinyon o pananaw batay sa
PN 33
Nakabubuo ng isang suring-basa sa alinmang akdang
PB 34
pampanitikang Mediterranean
Page 90 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Naibibigay ang kaugnay na mga konsepto ng piling
PT 35
salitang critique at simposyum
Nailalahad nang malinaw sa isang simposyum ang
PS nabuong critique ng alinmang akdang pampanitikang
Naisusulat ang isang critique ng alinmang akdang
pampanitikang Mediterranean
Nailalahad ng mga pangunahing paksa at ideya batay
PN 36
sa napakinggang usapan ng mga tauhan
Naisasama ang salita sa iba pang salita upang
PT 37
makabuo ng ibang kahulugan (collocation)
Nabubuo ang sistematikong panunuri sa mitolohiyang
PD 38
Naipapahayag ang mahahalagang kaisipan at
pananaw tungkol sa mitolohiya
Naihahambing ang mitolohiya mula sa bansang
PU 39
kanluranin sa mitolohiyang Pilipino
Nagagamit nang wasto ang pokus ng pandiwa:
tagaganap at layon sa pagsulat ng paghahambing
Nailalahad ang kultura ng lugar na pinagmulan ng
PN 40 kuwentong-bayan sa napakinggang usapan ng mga
Naihahambing ang kultura ng bansang pinagmulan ng
PB 41
akda sa alinmang bansa sa daigdig F10PB-IIa-b-75
Naipaliliwanag ang kahulugan ng salita batay sa
PT 42
pinagmulan nito (epitimolohiya)
PT 43 Naibibigay ang pinagmulan ng salita (etimolohiya)
Naipaliliwanag ang katangian ng mga tao sa bansang
PD 44 pinagmulan ng kuwentong-bayan batay sa napanood
na bahagi nito
Naisusulat nang wasto ang ang sariling damdamin at
PU 45 saloobin tungkol sa sariling kultura kung ihahahambing
sa kultura ng ibang bansa
PN 46 Naibibigay ang puna sa estilo ng napakinggang tula
PB 47 Nasusuri ang mga elemento ng tula
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng matatalinghagang
PT 48
pananalita na ginamit sa tula
Naisusulat ang sariling tula na may hawig sa paksa ng
PU 49
tulang tinalakay
Nagagamit ang matatalinghagang pananalita sa
WG 50
pagsulat ng tula
Nasusuri sa diyalogo ng mga tauhan ang kasiningan ng
PN 51
Naitatala ang mga salitang magkakatulad at
PT 52
magkakaugnay sa kahulugan
Nahihinuha sa mga bahaging pinanood ang
PD 53
pakikipag-ugnayang pandaigdig
Naisasalaysay nang masining at may damdamin ang 6
PS 54
isinulat na maikling kuwento
Naisusulat ang sariling maikling kuwento tungkol sa
PU nangyayari sa kasalukuyang may kaugnayan sa mga
kaganapan sa binasang kuwento
Nagagamit ang pokus ng pandiwa: tagaganap at layon
sa isinulat na sariling kuwento
Nasusuri ang nobela bilang akdang pampanitikan sa
PB 55 pananaw realismo o alinmang angkop na pananaw/
teoryang pampanitikan 6
Naihahambing ang akda sa iba pang katulad na genre
PB 56
batay sa tiyak na mga elemento nito
Page 91 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nabibigyang- kahulugan ang mahihirap na salita,
PT 57 kabilang ang mga terminong ginagamit sa panunuring
Nabubuo ang sariling wakas ng napanood na bahagi
PD 58
ng teleserye na may paksang kaugnay ng binasa
Nagagamit ang angkop at mabisang mga pahayag sa
WG 59 pagsasagawa ng suring –basa o panunuring
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang batis ng impormasyon sa
EP 60
pananaliksik tungkol sa mga teoryang pampanitikan
Naiuugnay nang may panunuri sa sariling saloobin at
PN 61 damdamin ang naririnig na balita, komentaryo,
talumpati, at iba pa
Naiuugnay ang mga argumentong nakuha sa mga
PB 62 artikulo sa pahayagan, magasin, at iba pa sa nakasulat
na akda
Naibibigay ang sariling pananaw o opinyon batay sa
PB 63
binasang anyo ng sanaysay (talumpati o editoryal)
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mga salitang di lantad ang
PT 64
kahulugan sa tulong ng word association
Nasusuri ang napanood na pagbabalita batay sa: 6
- paksa
PD 65
- paraan ng pagbabalita
- at iba pa
Naipahahayag nang may katalinuhan ang sariling
PS 66 kaalaman at opinyon tungkol sa isang paksa sa isang
Naisusulat ang isang talumpati tungkol sa isang
PU 67
kontrobersyal na isyu
Nasusuri ang kasanayan at kaisahan sa pagpapalawak
WG 68
ng pangungusap
Nabibigyang-puna ang mga nababasa sa mga social
PB 69 media (pahayagan, TV, internet tulad ng fb, email, at iba
Natutukoy at nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mga salitang
PT 70
karaniwang nakikita sa social media
Natutukoy ang mga popular na anyo ng panitikan na
PD 71 5
karaniwang nakikita sa mga social media
Naisusulat ang sariling akda at nailalathala ito sa
PU 72
alinmang social media)
Nagagamit ang kahusayan san gramatikal at diskorsal
WG 73 na pagsulat ng isang organisado at makahulugang
Naipaliliwanag ang pagkakaiba at pagkakatulad ng
PN 74
mitolohiya ng Africa at Persia
Nasusuri ang mga kaisipang nakapaloob sa mitolohiya
batay sa:
PB 75 - suliranin ng akda
- kilos at gawi ng tauhan
- desisyon ng tauhan 5
PD 76 Nabibigyang-puna ang napanood na video clip
Napangangatuwiranan ang sariling reaksiyon tungkol
PS 77 sa akdang binasa sa pamamagitan ng debate/
Nagagamit nang angkop ang mga pamantayan sa
WG 78
Nahihinuha ang damdamin ng sumulat ng
PN 79
napakinggang anekdota
Nasusuri ang binasang anekdota batay sa: paksa 6
PB 80 tauhan tagpuan motibo ng awtor paraan ng pagsulat
at iba pa
Page 92 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nabibigyang -kahulugan ang salita batay sa ginamit na
PT 81
Naibibigay ang sariling opinyon tungkol sa
PD 82
anekdotang napanood sa you tube
PU 83 Naisusulat ang isang orihinal na komik strip ng anekdota
Nagagamit ang kahusayang gramatikal, diskorsal at
WG 84 strategic sa pagsulat at pagsasalaysay ng orihinal na
Nasusuri ang kasiningan at bisa ng tula batay sa
PN 85
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang iba’t ibang simbolismo at
PB 86
matatalingha-gang pahayag sa tula
Naiaantas ang mga salita ayon sa antas ng
PT 87
damdaming ipinahahayag ng bawat Isa
Nasusuri ang napanood na sabayang pagbigkas o
kauri nito batay sa:
PD - kasiningan ng akdang binigkas
- kahusayan sa pagbigkas
- at iba pa
PU Naisusulat ang sariling tula na lalapatan din ng himig
Naiuugnay ang suliraning nangingibabaw sa
PN 88 napakinggang bahagi ng akda sa pandaigdigang
pangyayari sa lipunan
Naihahanay ang mga salita batay sa kaugnayan ng
PT 89
mga ito sa isa’t isa.
Nabibigyang-puna ang napanood na teaser o trailer ng
PD 90
pelikula na may paksang katulad ng binasang akda
Naihahayag ang damdamin at saloobin tungkol sa
kahalagahan ng akda sa:
PS 91 - sarili
- panlipunan
- pandaigdig
Nasusuri nang pasulat ang damdaming nakapaloob sa
PU 92
akdang binasa at ng alinmang socila media
Nabibigyang- kahulugan ang damdaming
WG 93
nangingibabaw sa akda
Naipaliliwanag ang mga likhang sanaysay batay sa
PN 94
Naihahambing ang pagkakaiba at pagkakatulad ng
PB 95
sanayasay sa ibang akda
Naibibigay ang katumbas na salita ng ilang salita sa
PT 96
akda (analohiya)
Naibibigay ang sariling reaksiyon sa pinanood na video 6
PD 97
na hinango sa youtube
Naisasagawa ang isang radyong pantanghalan tungkol
sa SONA ng Pangulo ng Pilipinas
PU 98 Naisusulat ang isang talumpati na pangSONA
Nagagamit ang angkop na mga tuwiran at dituwirang
WG 99
pahayag sa paghahatid ng mensahe
Natutukoy ang tradisyong kinamulatan ng Africa at/o
PN 100
Persia batay sa napakinggang diyalogo
Nasusuri ang binasang kabanata ng nobela batay sa
PB 101
pananaw / teoryang pampanitikan na angkop dito
Napag-uugnay ang mga salitang nag-aagawan ng
Nasusuri ang napanood na excerpt ng isang
PD 102 6
isinapelikulang nobela
Naisusulat ang iskrip ng isang puppet show na
PU naglalarawan sa tradisyong kinamulatan sa Africa at/o
Nagagamit ang angkop na mga pang-ugnay sa
WG pagpapaliwanag sa panunuring pampelikula nang may
kaisahan at pagkakaugnay ng mga talata
Page 93 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Nailalapat nang may kaisahan at magkakaugnay na
PN 103 mga talata gamit ang mga pag-ugnay sa panunuring
Natataya ang napanood na pagtatanghal batay sa
napagkaisahang mga pamantayan
Naisusulat ang iskrip ng isang pagtatanghal tungkol sa
PU 5
kultura at kagandahan ng bansang Africa at Persia
Nabibigyang-puna ang pagtatanghal gamit ang mga
ekspresyong naghahayag ng sariling pananaw
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang batis ng impormasyon
EP 104 tungkol sa magagandang katangian ng bansang
Africa at/o Persia
Ikaapat na
Nasusuri ang pagkakaugnay ng mga pangyayaring
PN 105 napakinggan tungkol sa kaligirang pangkasaysayan ng
El Filibusterismo
Natitiyak ang kaligirang pangkasaysayan ng akda sa
pamamagitan ng:
- pagtukoy sa mga kondisyon sa panahong isinulat ang
PB 106 akda 1
- pagpapatunay ng pagiral ng mga kondisyong ito sa
kabuuan o ilang bahagi ng akda
- pagtukoy sa layunin ng may-akda sa pagsulat ng akda
Naiuugnay ang kahulugan ng salita batay sa kaligirang
PT 107
pangkasaysayan nito
Napahahalagahan ang napanood pagpapaliwanag
na kaligirang pangkasaysayan ng pagkakasulat ng El
PD 108
Filibusterismo sa pamamagitan ng pagbubuod nito
gamit ang timeline
Naisasalaysay ang magkakaugnay na mga pangyayari
PS 109
sa pagkakasulat ng El Filibusterismo
Naisusulat ang buod ng kaligirang pangkasaysayan ng
PU 110
EL Filibusterismo batay sa ginawang timeline
Naitatala ang mahahalagang impormasyon mula sa
PU 111
iba’t ibang pinagkukunang sanggunian
Nagagamit ang iba-ibang reperensya/ batis ng
EP 112
impormasyon sa pananaliksik
Nasusuri ang pagkakaayos ng napakinggang buod ng
mga kabanata ng nobela
Natutukoy ang papel na ginampanan ng mga tauhan
sa akda sa pamamagitan ng:
- pagtunton sa mga pangyayari
PB 113
- pagtukoy sa mga tunggaliang naganap
- pagtiyak sa tagpuan
- pagtukoy sa wakas
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang matatalingha-gang
PT 114 pahayag na ginamit sa biansang kabanata ng nobela
sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng halimbawa
Naiuugnay sa kasalukuyang mga pangyayaring 7
PD 115 napanood sa video clip ang pangyayari sa panahon ng
pagkakasulat ng akda
Naibabahagi ang ginawang pagsusuri sa
napakinggang buod ng binasang akda batay sa:
PS 116 - katangian ng mga tauhan
- pagkamakatotohanan ng mga pangyayari
- tunggalian sa bawat kabanata
PU 117 Naisusulat ang buod ng binasang mga kabanata
Nagagamit sa pagbubuod ang tamang mekaniks sa
WG 118 pagsulat (baybay, bantas, at iba pa), gayundin ang
wastong pag-uugnay ng mga pangungusap/talata
Page 94 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Naipahahayag ang sariling paniniwala at
PN 119 pagpapahalaga kaugnay ng mga kaisipang namayani
sa akda
Nasusuri ang mga kaisipang lutang sa akda (Diyos,
PB 120
bayan, kapwa-tao, magulang)
Natatalakay ang mga kaisipang ito:
- kabuluhan ng edukasyon
- pamamalakad sa pamahalaan
- pagmamahal sa:
- Diyos
- Bayan
- Pamilya
- kapwa-tao
- kabayanihan
- karuwagan
PB 121 - paggamit ng kapangyarihan
- kapangyarihan ng
- kalupitan at pagsasaman-tala sa
- kahirapan
- karapatang pantao
- paglilibang
- kawanggawa 9
- paninindigan sa sariling prinsipyo
- at iba pa
Naipaliliwanag ang kabuluhan ng mga kaisipang lutang
sa akda kaugnay ng :
- karanasang pansarili
PB 122
- gawaing pangkomunidad
- isyung pambansa
- pangyayaring pandaigdig
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang matatalinghagang
PT pahayag sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng
Naiuugnay ang kaisipang namayani sa pinanood na
PD 123 bahagi ng binasang akda sa mga kaisipang namayani
sa binasang akda
Naipahahayag ang sariling paniniwala at
PS pagpapahalaga tungkol sa mga kaisipang namayani sa
Naisusulat ang pagpapaliwanag ng sariling mga
PU 124 paniniwala at pagpapahalaga kaugnay ng mga
kaisipang namayani sa akda
Naipahahayag ang sariling paniniwala at
WG 125 pagpapahalaga gamit ang angkop na mga salitang
hudyat sa paghahayag ng saloobin/ damdamin
Nabibigyang- puna ang narinig na paghahambing sa
PN akda sa ilang akdang nabasa, napanood o napag-
Natitiyak ang pagkamakatotohanan ng akda sa
PB pamamagitan ng pag-uugnay ng ilang pangyayari sa
Naisasaad ang pagkamakato-tohanan ng akda sa
PB 126 pamamagitan ng paguugnay ng ilang pangyayari sa
Naipaliliwanag ang kahulugan ng mga salitang hiram sa
PT 127
wikang Espanyol
Naipaliliwanag ang pagkakatulad ng mga pangyayari
sa napanood na pelikula sa ilang pangyayari sa nobela
Naiuulat ang ginawang paghahambing ng binasang
PS akda sa ilang katulad na akda, gamit ang napiling
graphic organizer
Page 95 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Domain Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto Pagtuturo
Naisusulat ang maayos na paghahambing ng binuong
PU 128
akda sa iba pang katulad na akdang binasa
Nagagamit ang angkop na mga salitang
WG 129
Nasusuri ang napakinggang paglalahad ng sariling
damdamin ng mga tauhan na may kaugnayan sa:
PN 130 mga hilig/interes kawilihan kagalakan/ kasiglahan
pagkainip/ pagkayamot pagkatakot pagkapoot
pagkaaliw/ pagkalibang at iba pa
Nasusuri ang nobela batay sa pananaw/ teoryang:
PB 131 -humanismo
-at iba pa
Nabibigyang-pansin, sa tulong ng mga tiyak na bahagi
PB 132
ang ilang katangiang klasiko sa akda
Nabibigyan ng kaukulang pagpapakahulugan ang
PT 133
mahahalagang pahayag ng awtor/ mga tauhan
Naisusulat ang paglalarawan ng mahahalagang
pangyayari sa nobela na isinaalang- alang ang
PU 134
artistikong gamit ng may-akda sa mga salitang
Nagagamit ang angkop at masining na paglalarawan
WG 135
ng tao, pangyayari at damdamin
Naipakikita ang pakikiisa at pakikisangkot ng mga
tauhan sa mga kaganapan o pangyayari sa akda sa
pamamagitan ng pagiging: sensitibo pagkamaha-
Pangkatang pagsasadula ng nobela na isinasaalang-
alang ang sumjusunod:
- paggamit ng wikang nauunawaan ng kabataan
sa makabagong panahon 4
- pag-uugnay ng mga isyung panlipunan nang
panahon ni Jose Rizal na makatotohanan pa rin
sa kasalukuyang paggamit ng iba’t ibang
makabagong paraan ng pagsasadula
Nailalarawan ang mga tauhan at pangyayari sa tulong
PB 136 ng mga panguring umaakit sa imahinasyon at mga
Page 96 of 349
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A. Features/Elements

The PIVOT 4A Budget of Work (BOW) in English is a resource material in teaching

English that contains and highlights the most essential learning competencies (MELCs)
and the learning competencies serving as enabling competencies in achieving the
former as mapped from the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum for Grades 1 to 10.

The K to 12 English Curriculum features domain-based learning competencies.

The number of domains vary from one grade level to another. Presented below is the
alignment of the language and literacy domains with five (5) sub-standards.

Alignment of the Language and Literacy Domains

with the Five (5) Sub-Standards

Integrated Language Arts

Listening Speaking Reading Writing Viewing
1. Oral Language √ √
2. Phonological Awareness √
3. Book and Print Knowledge √
4. Alphabet Knowledge √ √ √ √ √
5. Phonics and Word
√ √ √
6. Fluency √ √
7. Spelling √ √
8. Writing and Composition √ √ √ √
9. Grammar Awareness &
√ √ √ √
10. Vocabulary Development √ √ √ √ √
11. Reading Comprehension
11.1 schema & prior
√ √ √
11.2 strategies
11.3 narrative text
11.4 informational text
12. Listening Comprehension √ √
13. Attitudes towards
language, literacy and √ √ √ √ √
14. Study Strategies √ √ √ √ √
Source: DepEd K to 12 Curriculum Guide for English

Furthermore, language domains for English are also funneled across the K to 12
Basic Education Integrated Language Arts Curriculum. This illustration provides clearer
view on the presence of language domains in various grade levels and key stages.
The existence of these domains in vary depending on the nature and contexts of
developmental stages of learners. These domains include the following:

The identified domains in the K to 12 English Curriculum are anchored to the

contexts of communicative language teaching (CLT) which is generally regarded as
an approach to language teaching (Richards and Rodgers, 2001 as cited in Richards,
Page 98 of 349

2006). CLT reflects a certain model or language paradigm, or a theory (Celce-Murcia,

2008). It is based on the theory that the primary function of language use is
communication. Its primary goal is for learners to develop communicative
competence (Hymes, 1971 as cited in Celce-Murcia, 2008), or simply put,
communicative ability. In other words, its goal is to make use of real-life situations that
necessitate communication.

Such notion of CLT encompasses a wide range of abilities. These abilities or

competences include linguistic competence, sociocultural competence, discourse
competence and strategic competence. These four features of CLT require
appropriate knowledge which will be helpful in understanding the target concepts
for the appropriate use of the target language in various situations.

Basically, the aforementioned abilities are described as follows: the knowledge

of grammar and vocabulary (linguistic competence); the ability to say the
appropriate thing in a certain social situation (sociocultural competence); the ability
to start, enter, contribute to, and end a conversation, and the ability to do this in a
consistent and coherent manner (discourse competence); and the ability to
communicate effectively and repair problems caused by communication
breakdowns (strategic competence). These CLT components are further subdivided
in the different domains of language learning in the Philippine context.

B. How to Use this BOW?

The PIVOT 4A BOW in English is composed of five (5) columns. The first column
is intended for the Quarter; the second one for the Domain; the third for the Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELC); the fourth for the Learning Competencies;
and the last one for the No. of Days Taught.

Quarter Domain Most Essential Learning Learning Competencies No. of Days

Competencies (MELC) Taught
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

(G) 1

In using the PIVOT 4A BOW in English, it is important to understand the figure

above marked by the following specifications:

A. Quarter
B. Domain
C. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
D. Learning Competencies
E. Number of Days Taught
F. Enabling Competencies. These were taken from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide
which teachers shall use in bridging the lessons especially in reaching and
targeting the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC).
G. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). In each PIVOT 4A BOW, the
MELC is symbolized or marked by numbers. These identified MELCs may be of
the same variant of the K to 12 LCs or enabling competencies. But in some
cases, MELCs were produced by merging/fusing some LCs or enabling
Page 99 of 349

Further, teachers should:

 Look for the grade level they are handling.

 Check the MELC/s and/or LC/s to be taught in a particular quarter and
 Be guided that the MELCs in each quarter and grade level are marked with
numbers, i.e. No. 1 is the first MELC in each grade level.
 Take note that the first MELC/LC or set of LCs in the BOW becomes the first
lesson to be taught in a quarter.
 Remember that the learning competency that appears before the MELC
serves as the enabling competency that has to be taught before the MELC to
carefully establish learners’ knowledge, skills and attitude/values based from
the curricular demand.
 Design their lessons using the MELC and/or clustered LCs and the identified
enabling competencies using the IDEA instructional delivery process.
 Observe the appropriate domains where MELCs and/or LCs are part of. Lessons
in teaching such MELCs and/or LCs should reflect the indicated domains. If the
said MELCs or LCs fall under Reading Comprehension or RC, lessons to be
prepared should reflect the contexts of reading comprehension. However,
teachers may also add activities reflecting under domains or macro skills but
with central focus on the actual domains specified in the PIVOT 4A BOW.
 Observe and consume the allotted number of days for a particular MELC or set
of LCs. Lessons in English for Grades 1-6 are designed for 40 meetings/sessions
in a quarter while 36 meetings/sessions are allocated for lessons for Grades 7-
10 considering the one day of weekly lesson is allocated for
independent/cooperative learning (ICL) as per DepEd Order No. 21, s 2019.

The MELCs for English are identified by the Central Office. Such MELCs are
further enhanced by providing enabling competencies taken from the CG itself. The
identified enabling competencies are presented either individually or in group
depending on the nature of the MELC.

With the inclusion of MELCs developed by the Central Office, the K to 12 LCs
are mapped and restructured in the PIVOT 4A BOW. The adjustments are explained
by the following legends:

A An enabling competency developed to bridge the MELC

B The MELC is a refinement/restatement of the available K to 12 LC.
C The MELC was developed by merging/fusing a set of related LCs.
D The MELC originally appeared in other grade level/s based from
the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
E The MELC originally appeared in other quarter/s based from the K to
12 Curriculum Guide.

Page 100 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 3
PA Give the number of syllables of given words.
Recognize rhyming words in nursery rhymes, 5
PA 1
poems, songs heard
G Form words to form a phrase A
G Identify parts of a sentence A
G 2
Recognize sentences and non-sentences
Listen to short stories/poems and
1. note important details pertaining
a. character
b. setting
c. events
2. Give the correct sequence of three
3. Infer the character feelings and traits
LC 3 4. Identify cause and/or effect of events 15
5. Identify the speaker in the story or
6. Predict possible ending of a story read
7. Relate story events to one’s
8. Discuss, illustrate, dramatize specific
9. Identify the problem and solution
10. Retell a story listened to
OL Determine different polite expressions A
Use/Respond appropriately to polite expressions
 Greetings
 leave takings 6
OL 4
 expressing gratitude and apology
 asking permission
 offering help
Use words that are related to self, family, school,
V community, and concepts such as the names for
colors, shapes, and numbers
OL 5 Talk about oneself and one’s family
Quarter 4
Recognize common action words in stories listened
G 6 8
Recognize describing words for people, objects,
G 7 things and places (color, shape, size, height, weight, 8
length, distance, etc.)
Sort and classify familiar words into basic categories
V 8 8
(colors, shapes, foods, etc.)
Give the meaning of words using clues (TPR, pictures,
V 9 6
body movements, etc.)
OL 10 Follow one-to-two step directions
OL 11 Give one-to-two step directions
A - An enabling competency developed to bridge the MELC
Page 101 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Recognize the common terms in English relating to part
BPK 1 4
of book (e.g. cover, title page, etc.) book orientation
AK 2 Read the alphabets of English 4
Recognize names people, objects, things and places
(e.g. names of animals, fruits, objects in songs, stories,
poems, nursery rhymes, pictures, realia and other ICT- 5
based materials)
G 3 Recognize the use of a/an + noun
G Recognize nouns in simple sentences
Recognize common or proper nouns in simples 8
G 4
sentences B
Discriminate sounds from a background of other
Classify/Categorize sounds heard (animals, 5
PA 5 mechanical, objects, musical instruments, environment,
Differentiate English words from other languages spoken
at home and in school
Identify the English equivalent of words in the Mother
V 6
Tongue or in Filipino
Relate information and events in a selection to life
experiences and vice versa
Activate prior knowledge based on new knowledge
LC 7
Quarter 2
Identify letters in English that are not present in Mother
AK 3
Tongue/Filipino and vice-versa
AK 8 Give the beginning letter of the name of each picture 8
Recognize common action words in retelling,
G 9 10
conversation, etc.
Ask and answer simple questions (who, what, where,
LC 7
when, why, and how) about text listened to
Identify and discuss the elements of a story (theme,
LC 10 12
setting, characters, and events)
Quarter 3
Participate in generating ideas through prewriting
WC 11 1
activities B
Show understanding of a story listened to through the
following writing activities:
a. Completing a Lost and Found Poster
WC b. Filling in blanks in a letter 3
c. Drawing and writing some words on a birthday card
d. Writing a phrase or sentence about an illustration
e. Writing some words about a character
Identify the common terms in English relating to part of
book (e.g. cover, title page, etc.)
Discuss the illustrations on the cover and predict what
BPK 13 3
the story may be about
Identify title, author and book illustrator and tell what
BPK 14
they do
S Spell words with short a sound in CVC Pattern A
S Spell words with short e sound in CVC Pattern
S Spell words with short i sound in CVC Pattern A
S Spell words with short o sound in CVC Pattern A 2
S Spell words with short u sound in CVC Pattern A
Spell words with short e, a, i, o and u sound in CVC
S 15
G Identify action words
Use common action words in retelling, conversations, 2
G 16
Page 102 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Identify the basic sequence of events and make
RC 17 3
relevant predictions about stories
Give the meaning of words used in stories presented
RC through real objects, illustrations, demonstration and
context clues
Use an understanding of characters, incidents and
settings to make predictions
Use an understanding of incidents, characters and
settings to validate predictions
Use clues to answer questions, clarify understanding
RC 18 and justify predictions before, during and after reading
(titles, pictures, etc.)
Recognize that some words mean the same (synonyms)
20 3
Recognize that some words have opposite meaning
(antonyms) C
V 19 Create or expand word cline D 2
Recognize the difference between “made-up” and
LC 21 2
“real” in) texts listened to
LC 22 Identify important details in expository text listened 2
LC 23 Retell and/or reenact events from a story 2
Talk about texts identifying major points and key
OL 24 3
Participate/engage in a read-along of texts (e.g.
poetry, repetitive text)
Participate in choral speaking and echo reading of 3
OL 25 short poems, rhymes and stories with repeated patterns
and refrains in English
Use personal experiences to make predictions about
text viewed and listened to
Listen and respond to texts to clarify meanings heard
OL 26
while drawing on personal experiences
Read short phrases consisting of short e words and
some sight words
Read short phrases and sentences consisting of short
e words and the sight words.
Read a short story consisting of short a, i, o and u
words and sight words A
Read words with short e, a, i, o , and u sound in CVC
PWR 27
pattern B
PWR Read some the sight words
PWR 28 Match the picture with its sight word
Quarter 4
S Spell words with short e, a and i sound in CVC pattern
S Spell words with short o and u sound in CVC pattern A
Spell 2- syllable words with short a, e, i, o and u sound in
S 29
CVC pattern
Use personal pronouns (e.g. I, you, he, she, it, we, they)
G 30 7
in dialogues
G 31 Use demonstrative pronouns (this/that, these/ those) 7
Use the most frequently occurring preposition (e.g. on,
G 32 7
over, under, to, from, above, etc.)
Differentiate and read correctly the short e and a words
(pan- pen, man-men, tan-ten etc.)
Differentiate and read correctly the short e and i words
(pin- pen, tin-ten etc.) A
Differentiate and read correctly the short o and u words
(hot-hut, not-nut, etc.) A
Differentiate words with different medial vowels (eg:
PWR 33
cap-cop-cup; fan-fin-fun)
Read 2-syllable words consisting of short e and a (basket,
V 6
magnet, ...)
Page 103 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Read 2-syllable words consisting of short i, o and u
(basket, magnet, ...) A
Read phrases, short sentences and short stories
V consisting of short e and a words and the Who, What
and Where questions about them
Read phrases, short sentences and short stories
V consisting of short i, o and u words and the Who, What
and Where questions about them
Read phrases, short sentences and short stories
consisting of words with short e, a, i, o, and u then
V 34
answer the Who, What and Where questions about
them C
PWR Read short i words in CVC pattern (pin, big, fit. . .)
Read short a, e, o and u words in CVC pattern (pan, beg,
hot, nut…) A
Read 2- syllable words consisting of short a, e and i
words (pigpen, magnet ...) 6
Read 2- syllable words consisting of short o and u words
(hotpot, donut ...) A
Write the names of pictures with the short a, e, i, o, and
PWR 35
u words C
A - An enabling competency developed to bridge the MELC
B - The MELC is a refinement/restatement of the available K to 12 LC.
C - The MELC was developed by merging/fusing a set of related LCs.
D - The MELC originally appeared in other grade level/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
E - The MELC originally appeared in other quarter/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.

Note: Some MELCs are rearranged to carefully bridge the achievement of competencies in a systematic manner.
Page 104 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Write different forms of simple composition as a
WC 1 response to stories/ poems listened to
a. draw and write sentences about one’s drawing
WC b. a note of advice
WC c. Thank you letter 4
WC d. a short paragraph, etc.
WC 2 e. Descriptive paragraph
WC 3 f. another ending for a story
WC 4 g. a diary
G Construct simple sentences 2
Use appropriate punctuation marks (e.g. period,
G 1
comma, question mark, exclamation point)
G 5 Identify an exclamatory sentence 2
G 6 Identify an imperative sentence 2
Use different kinds of sentences (e.g. declarative,
G 7 3
interrogative, exclamatory, imperative)
Use nouns (e.g. people, animals, places,, things
G 2
events) in simple sentences
G 8 Use common and proper nouns 2
Use plural form of regular nouns by adding /s/ or /es/
G 9 3
(e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes)
Use plural form of frequently occurring irregular nouns
G 10 3
(e.g. children, feet, teeth)
Differentiate words with different medial vowels (eg:
cap- cop-cup; fan-fin, fun)
Read words with short o sounds in CVC pattern and
phrases and sentences containing these words 3
Read words with short a, e, i and u sounds in CVC
PWR pattern and phrases and sentences containing these
words A
Review reading and writing short e, a, i, o, and u words
PWR 11 2
in CVC pattern
Read grade 3 level texts consisting of 2- syllable words
F 2
with short vowel sound with at least 95-100% accuracy
Recognize more common sight words in order to
read simple phrases and sentences
Read phrases, sentences and short stories consisting of
PWR 12
2- syllable words and the questions about them
Initiate conversations with peers in a variety of school
OL 13 3
OL Express ideas in a conversational manner
OL Share relevant information
OL Recount specific/significant events
OL 14 Synthesize and restate information shared by others
Quarter 2
Use the be-verbs (am, is, are was, were) correctly in
G 15 4
Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring
G 3
regular verbs (walk– walked, etc.)
G Use verbs in simple present tense C 4
G 16 Use verbs in simple present and past tense C 4
G Use verbs in simple future tense C 4
Read words with initial consonant blends (l, r and s
PWR blends) followed by short vowel sounds (e.g. black,
frog, step)
Read words with final blends (-st, -lt, -nd, -nt, -ft…) 4
PWR preceded by short e, a, i,o and u words (belt, sand,
PWR 17 Read words with initial and final consonant blends
Page 105 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Read phrases, sentences and short stories consisting
PWR 18 4
of words with initial consonant blends
Show understanding of meaning of words with
V consonant digraphs ch through drawing, actions,
and using them in sentences
Show understanding of meaning of words with
V consonant digraphs sh through drawing, actions, 3
and using them in sentences
Read words, phrases, sentences and short stories
PWR 19 consisting of words with consonant digraph ch and sh
and other words previously studied
Read with accuracy, speed and proper phrasing
sentences and stories with words consisting of initial
and final ch and sh and other words previously
Read with accuracy, speed and proper phrasing
sentences and stories with words consisting of ch and
sh words and other words previously studied with
speed, accuracy and proper phrasing
S Spell words with consonant digraphs ch and sh 3
Spell one- to- two syllable words with initial and final
S 20 consonant blends (e.g. pl, tr) and consonant digraphs 4
(ch and sh)
Quarter 3
G Use demonstrative pronouns (this,/that, these/those)
Use personal pronouns (e.g. I, you, he, she, it, we,
G Use commonly used possessive pronouns
Identify commonly used possessive pronouns and use
G 21
them in a sentence
RC Identify cause and effect
RC 22 Identify several effects based on a given cause
Make inferences and draw conclusions based on texts
RC 23 3
(pictures, title and content words)
RC 24 Distinguish fact from opinion 3
SS Get information from index and table of contents
LC Infer print sources 3
RC 25 Use different sources of information in reading
Recognize some words represented by common
V 26 3
abbreviations (e.g. Mr. Ave., Oct.)
Increase vocabulary through:
V - Synonyms (e.g. quick/fast) and antonyms 1
(e.g. big/small)
V 27 - Homonyms (e.g. flower/flour) 1
V 28 - Homographs (e.g., read- read) 1
V 29 - Hyponyms- type of (e.g. guava - type of fruit) 1
V 36 Read word with affixes D 2
LC Recall details from texts viewed/ listened to
LC Validate ideas made after listening to a story 3
LC 30 Identify possible solutions to problems
Identify and use the elements of an informational/
LC 31
factual text heard
Ask and respond to questions about informational texts
LC 34
listened to (environment, health, how-to’s, etc.)
PWR Read words with long a sound (long a ending in e)
PWR Read words with long i sound (long i ending in e)
32 3
PWR Read words with long o sound (long o ending in e)
PWR Read words with long u sound (long a ending in e)
Read sentences, stories and poems consisting of long
a words and questions about them
33 Read sentences, stories and poems consisting of long i 3
words and questions about them
PWR Read sentences, stories and poems consisting of long o
Page 106 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
words and questions about them
Read sentences, stories and poems consisting of long
u words and questions about them
Read words with long a, i, o, and u and phrases,
sentences and stories containing these words.
OL Express opinions and feelings about other’s ideas
OL Engage in discussions about specific topics 3
OL 35 Compare and contrast information heard
Quarter 4
Take part in creative responses to stories like preparing
logs, journal and other oral presentations 4
WC 37 Write a simple story
Use the degrees of adjectives in making comparisons
G 38 3
(positive, comparative, superlative)
G 39 Recognize adverbs of manner 3
SS Interpret simple maps of places
Interpret simple maps of unfamiliar places, signs and 4
RC 40
RC Interpret pictographs
SS Interpret a pictograph
SS 41 Interpret simple tables
SS Interpret a bar graphs 3
RC Interpret simple graphs and tables
Give the synonyms and antonyms of common
V 2
V 42 Read word with affixes 3
LC Personal Recounts (anecdotes, past experiences)
LC Explanation (life cycles, water cycle)
Restate facts from informational texts (climate change,
LC 43
children’s rights, traffic safety, etc.)
Read words containing vowel digraphs - ai, ay, ea, ee,
PWR 44
oo, oa
Read phrases, sentences and stories with vowel
PWR 45
digraphs - ai, ay, ea, ee, oo, oa
Read words with vowel diphthongs: oy (boy), oi (boil),
PWR 46
ou (out) ow (bow)
Read phrases, sentences and short stories consisting
PWR 47
vowel diphthongs: oy, oi, ou, ow
Recognize and read some irregularly spelled words
PWR 48 2
(e.g. such as enough, through, beautiful)
Engage in a variety of ways to share information (e.g.
OL role playing,) reporting, summarizing, retelling and
show and tell
Present information in varied artistic ways (e.g. role
OL 49 playing, show and tell, radio play/podcast/
broadcast/ reporting/ poster presentations)
A - An enabling competency developed to bridge the MELC
B - The MELC is a refinement/restatement of the available K to 12 LC.
C - The MELC was developed by merging/fusing a set of related LCs.
D - The MELC originally appeared in other grade level/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
E - The MELC originally appeared in other quarter/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.

Note: Some MELCs are rearranged to carefully bridge the achievement of competencies in a systematic manner.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
RC 1 Recognize the parts of a simple paragraph D 5
SS Use dictionary in getting the meaning of words 2
Get the meaning of words using a dictionary,
V 2 5
thesaurus, and/or online resources. D
LC Note details in a literary text listened to
RC 3 Note significant details of various text types.
Identify various text types according to structure,
RC 4 purpose and language features: problem and 5
solution, description, procedural/ sequence
Identify meanings of unfamiliar words through
V 5 structural analysis (words and affixes: prefixes 6
and suffixes) E
SS Locate meaning of words from the dictionary
Identify different meanings of content specific 6
V 6
words (denotation and connotation) E
Get the meaning of words through word
V 7 6
association (analogy) and classification. E
Quarter 2
Use context clues (definition) to determine the
V 3
meaning of unfamiliar words C
Use context clues (exemplification) to
V 3
determine the meaning of unfamiliar words C
Use clear and coherent sentences employing
appropriate grammatical structures: Kinds of
G 4
– Mass Nouns and Count Nouns C
Use clear and coherent sentences employing
G 9 appropriate grammatical structures 4
(quantifiers of mass nouns) C
Use clear and coherent sentences employing
appropriate grammatical structures: Kinds of
G 4
– Possessive and Collective Nouns C
G Define and assess the use of pronouns A 2
G 10 Use personal pronouns in sentences 3
Identify and use words that show degrees of
G 2
comparison of adjectives in sentences A
Use adjectives (degrees of comparison, order) in
G 11 3
sentences E
G 12 Use simple present tense of verbs in sentences E 3
Use correct time expressions to tell an action in
G 13 3
the present
G Use the past form of regular verbs C 3
G Use the past form of irregular verbs C 3
Quarter 3
G Use adverbs of place in sentences
G Identify and use adverbs of place in sentences
Write/compose clear and coherent sentences
using adverbs of place C
Write/compose clear and coherent sentences
WC 15 4
using adverbs of time C
Write/compose clear and coherent sentences
WC 4
using adverbs of manner C
OL Give oral directions
WC Write 2–3 step directions using signal words 6
WC 16 Write directions using signal words E
Distinguish between general and specific
RC 17 4
statements D
LC Note details in an informational text heard
RC Note details in informational text
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Identify the main idea, key sentences, and
RC 18
supporting details from text listened to
Use appropriate graphic organizers to show the
sequence of events in a text read (story)
Use graphic organizers to show understanding of
SS 19
texts (story sequence organizers) E
RC 20 Infer the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose D 4
Identify the important story elements such as
setting, character, and plot 5
LC 21 Analyze a story in terms of its elements D
Quarter 4
LC Give conclusions to realistic fiction listened to
RC Give conclusions to realistic fiction read
OL State conclusion to realistic fiction
State one’s conclusion to realistic fiction 8
listened to
Write a short story (fiction/nonfiction) with its
WC 22
complete elements
LC 23 Give one’s reaction to an event or issue heard B 5
RC/LC 24 Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative. E 5
WC 25 Identify features of Journalistic Writing D 5
Distinguish among types of Journalistic Writing
WC 26 (news report, opinion article, feature article, and 5
sports news article) D
WC 27 Write a news report using the given facts E 6
WC 28 Write/compose an editorial E 6
A - An enabling competency developed to bridge the MELC
B - The MELC is a refinement/restatement of the available K to 12 LC.
C - The MELC was developed by merging/fusing a set of related LCs.
D - The MELC originally appeared in other grade level/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
E - The MELC originally appeared in other quarter/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Fill-out forms accurately (school forms, deposit
WC 1 3
and withdrawal slips, etc.) E
Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries,
V thesaurus, and/or online resources 2

Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words

(compound) based on given context clues
V 3
(synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and other
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words
(blended) based on given context clues
V 2 3
(synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and other
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words
(clipped) based on given context clues
V 3
(synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and
other strategies
G Identify, write and use a simple sentence. 2
Differentiate simple, compound and complex
G 2
Use compound and complex sentences to show
G 3 cause and effect and problem-solution 4
relationship of ideas. E
Compose clear and coherent sentences using
G appropriate grammatical structures: -Aspects 5
of verbs
Compose clear and coherent sentences using
G appropriate grammatical structures: -Subject 5
and Verb Agreement D
Compose clear and coherent sentences
G using appropriate grammatical structures: - 4
Compose clear and coherent sentences
G using appropriate grammatical structures: - 4
Adverbs of Intensity and Frequency
Quarter 2
Compose clear and coherent sentences using
G appropriate grammatical structures: -Aspects 6
of Verbs E
Compose clear and coherent sentences using
G 5 6
appropriate grammatical structures: -Modals E
Compose clear and coherent sentences using
G appropriate grammatical structures: - 6
subordinate and coordinate conjunctions E
VC 6 Identify point-of-view. E 5
Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used
to influence viewers
VC 7 - Stereotypes 10
- Point of view
- Propagandas
Distinguish among various types of viewing
VC 8 7
materials E
Quarter 3
Distinguish text-types according to purpose and
RC 9 features: classification, explanation, enumeration 5
and time order. E
LC Restate sentences heard in one’s own words 2
LC Summarize information from various text types 2
RC Make generalizations 2
Summarize various text types based on elements.
RC 10 E
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Show tactfulness when communicating with
A 2
OL Link comments to the remarks of others 2
Use appropriate strategies to keep the
OL 2
discussion going
OL 11 Make a stand 6
LC Distinguish fact from opinion 3
LC Provide evidence to support understanding 3
LC 12 Provide evidence to support opinion/fact. E 6
Quarter 4
Use verbal and non-verbal cues in a TV
OL 3
VC Infer target audience 3
VC Infer purposes of the visual media 3
Analyze how visual and multimedia elements
VC 13 5
contribute to the meaning of a text
Plan a two to three-paragraph composition using
WC 3
an outline/other graphic organizers
RC Use appropriate graphic organizers in texts read 3
Write paragraphs showing: cause and effect,
WC 14 comparison and contrast and problem-solution 5
relationships. E
Compose a three-paragraph descriptive essay
WC 4
on self-selected topic
Revise writing for clarity
WC 3
- correct spelling
Revise writing for clarity
WC - appropriate punctuation marks 3
- transition/signal words
WC 15 Write a feature article. E 5
A - An enabling competency developed to bridge the MELC
B - The MELC is a refinement/restatement of the available K to 12 LC.
C - The MELC was developed by merging/fusing a set of related LCs.
D - The MELC originally appeared in other grade level/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
E - The MELC originally appeared in other quarter/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Analyze the characters used in print, non-print, and
VC digital materials (age and gender, race and 4
nationality, attitude and behavior)
Analyze the setting used in print, non-print and digital
VC 4
materials, affluent or poor.
VC Infer the purpose of visual media A 4
Identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact
VC 1 9
images. E
VC 2 Identify the values suggested in the visual media. E 9
Make connections between information viewed
VC 3 10
and personal experiences. E
Quarter 2
LC Note down relevant information from text heard
RC Note significant details of informational texts
Respond appropriately to the messages of the
RC 4
different authentic texts
Distinguish various types of informational/factual
LC 4 6
Detect biases and propaganda devices used by
LC 5 8
speakers. E
OL React on the content of the material presented 3
VC Infer purpose of the visual media 3
VC Infer the target audience 3
Analyze the elements used in print, non-print, and
VC 6 9
digital materials.
Quarter 3
Organize information from secondary sources in
SSR preparation for writing, reporting and similar 4
academic tasks in collaboration with others
OL Provide evidence to support opinions 4
OL Make a stand based on informed opinion 4
Present a coherent, comprehensive report on
OL 7 7
differing viewpoints on an issue.
LC Note significant details 3
Evaluate narratives based on how the author
LC developed the elements: -Setting -Characters 6
(Heroes and Villains)
LC Evaluate narratives based on how the author
8 6
developed the elements: -theme -point of view
Evaluate narratives based on how the author
RC developed the elements: -Plot (chronological 6
sequential, in medias res, flashback)
Quarter 4
Compose clear and coherent sentences using
G appropriate grammatical structures: -tenses of 5
verbs E
Compose clear and coherent sentences using
G appropriate grammatical structures: -Subordinate 5
and coordinate conjunctions
Compose clear and coherent sentences using
G 9 appropriate grammatical structures: Adverbs of 5
Compose clear and coherent sentences using
G appropriate grammatical structures: Adverbs of 4
frequency E
Compose clear and coherent sentences using
G appropriate grammatical structures: Adverbs of 4
manner E
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Compose clear and coherent sentences using
G appropriate grammatical structures: Adverbs of 4
place and time E
SSR Take down relevant notes 2
SSR Assess credibility of sources of information 2
Plan a composition using an outline/other graphic
WC 2
WC 10 Compose a persuasive essay on self-selected topic. 7
A - An enabling competency developed to bridge the MELC
B - The MELC is a refinement/restatement of the available K to 12 LC.
C - The MELC was developed by merging/fusing a set of related LCs.
D - The MELC originally appeared in other grade level/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
E - The MELC originally appeared in other quarter/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Select an appropriate colloquial or idiomatic
V word or expression as a substitute for another
word or expression
Use appropriate idiomatic expressions in a variety
of basic interpersonal communicative situations 4
Explain the predominance of colloquial and
idiomatic expressions in oral communication
Supply other words or expressions that complete
V 1
an analogy E
VC Organize information from a material viewed 2
Determine the truthfulness and accuracy of the
VC 2
material viewed
Identify the genre of a material viewed (such as
VC 2 movie clip, trailer, news flash, internet-based 4
program, documentary, video, etc.)
G Observe correct subject-verb agreement 4
Use the passive and active voice meaningfully in
G 3 4
varied contexts E
Use the past and past perfect tenses correctly in
G 4 4
varied contexts E
Use direct and reported speech appropriately in
G 5 4
varied contexts E
Use phrases, clauses, and sentences appropriately
G 6 4
and meaningfully E
Read intensively to find answers to specific
RC Scan for specific information
RC Skim for major ideas using headings as guide 4
Use the appropriate reading style (scanning,
RC 7 skimming, speed reading, intensive reading etc.)
for one’s purpose
Quarter 2
LC Recognize main/key ideas
Note specific details/elements of the text listened
LC Extract information from the text listened to 4
Use listening strategies based on purpose,
LC 8 familiarity with the topic and levels of difficulty of
short texts listened to
Use appropriate mechanisms/tools in the library or
RC 2
other sources for locating resources
Use an electronic search engine to locate specific
RC 9 3
resources B
Get information from the different parts of a book
RC 2
and from general references in the library
Gather current information from newspapers and
RC 10 3
other print and non-print media
WC Identify key ideas
WC Identify supporting details
WC Simplify ideas 3
Extract information from a text using a summary,
WC 11
precis, and paraphrase
Predict the gist of the material viewed based on
VC the title, pictures, and excerpts of the material
Draw similarities and differences of the featured 3
selections in relation to the theme
Compare content of materials viewed to other
VC 12
sources of information (print and radio) E
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Identify figures of speech that show comparison
V 2
(simile metaphor, personification)
Identify figures of speech that show contrast
V 2
(irony, oxymoron, paradox)
V Classify sample texts into literal or figurative 2
Discriminate between literal and figurative
V 2
V 13 Analyze relationships presented in analogies E 3
Use non-linear visuals as comprehensive aids in
content texts A
Give the meaning of given signs and symbols
(road signs, prohibited signs, etc.) A
Transcode orally and in writing the information
RC presented in diagrams, charts, table, graphs, etc.
A 3
Transcode information from linear to non-linear
RC 14
texts and vice-versa D
Quarter 3
Express ideas, opinions, feelings and emotions
F during interviews, group/panel discussions,
forums/fora, debates, etc.
Use the appropriate prosodic features of speech
during interviews, discussions and forums
Employ the appropriate oral language and
F stance in an interview, a panel discussion, in a
forum and in a debate
Use correct and appropriate multi-media
resources when orally giving information,
F 15
instructions, making explanations and narrating
events in personal or factual recounts E
Use the appropriate oral language, stance and
behavior when giving information, instructions,
F 16 4
making explanations, and narrating events in
factual and personal recounts E
Identify the distinguishing features of revolutionary
songs, poems, short stories, drama, and novels
Discover literature as a tool to assert one’s unique
L 5
identity and to better understand other people
Explain how a selection may be influenced by
L 17
culture, history, environment, or other factors E
VC Make a stand on the material viewed 2
Express one’s beliefs/convictions based on a
VC 18 4
material viewed E
RC Identify the author’s intentions for writing 2
RC Make predictions about the text 2
RC 19 Cite evidence to support a general statement E 3
RC 20 React to what is asserted or expressed in a text B 3
Express ideas and opinions based on text listened
F 2
Raise sensible, challenging thought provoking
F 21 4
questions in public forums/panel discussions, etc. E
Quarter 4
Organize information about a chosen subject
using a graphic organizer
Organize information about a chosen subject
using a one-step topic outline
WC 22 Distinguish features of academic writing D 3
Observe and use the appropriate oral language,
stance and behavior when giving information,
F 4
instructions, making explanations, and narrating
events in factual and personal recounts
Page 115 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Give clear precise and concise information,
F explanations and instructions in varied oral
communication situations
Orally narrate events in factual and personal
F recounts using appropriate verbal and non-verbal
Employ a variety of strategies for effective
F 23 interpersonal communication (interview, dialog,
conversation) D
Make simple inferences about thoughts and
feelings expressed in the text listened to
Process information mentioned in the text listened
LC 4
Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the
LC 24
text listened to
Differentiate reality from fantasy based on a
material viewed
Express one’s beliefs/convictions based on a
VC 4
material viewed
Determine the truthfulness and accuracy of the
VC 25
material viewed E
L Explain the literary devices used
Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose
of the author
Draw similarities and differences of the featured
L 4
selections in relation to the theme
Discover the conflicts presented in literary
L 26 selections and the need to resolve those conflicts
in non-violent ways E
Discover literature as a tool to assert one’s unique
L 27 4
identity and to better understand other people E
Discover through Philippine literature the need to
L 28 work cooperatively and responsibly in today’s 4
global village
Compose a capsule biography of a person
Compose a biographical sketch based on a
personal interview and background research
WC 29 Compose an informative essay B 4
A - An enabling competency developed to bridge the MELC
B - The MELC is a refinement/restatement of the available K to 12 LC.
C - The MELC was developed by merging/fusing a set of related LCs.
D - The MELC originally appeared in other grade level/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
E - The MELC originally appeared in other quarter/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Use context clues from the material viewed to
V determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or
Explain how the elements specific to a genre
L contribute to the theme of a particular literary 5
Determine the meaning of words and expressions
V 1 that reflect the local culture by noting context
Expand the content of an outline using notes from
WC 2
primary and secondary sources
WC 2 Use conventions in citing sources E 5
G 3 Use modals appropriately E 5
Use appropriate cohesive devices in composing
G 3
an informative speech
G 4 Use emphasis markers for persuasive purposes E 5
Scan for logical connectors to determine the text
RC 2
RC Skim to determine key ideas 2
Use the appropriate reading style (scanning,
RC skimming, speed reading, intensive reading etc.) 2
for one's purpose.
Note implicit signals used by the writer to indicate
RC 5 5
coherence B
Quarter 2
Transcode information from linear to nonlinear
RC 3
texts and vice-versa
Explain visual-verbal relationships illustrated in
RC 6 tables, graphs, and information maps found in 4
expository texts
Use appropriate grammatical signals or
expressions suitable to each pattern of idea
G development: general to particular claim and 3
counterclaim problem solution cause-effect and
G 7 Share ideas using opinion-marking signals E 5
Compare and contrast the presentation of the
VC 8 6
same topic in different viewing genres E
Compare and contrast one’s beliefs/convictions
VC 9 6
with those presented in a material viewed E
Predict the gist of the material viewed based on
VC 3
the title, pictures, and excerpts
Discern positive and negative messages
VC 10 6
conveyed in a material viewed
Quarter 3
Judge the relevance and worth of ideas
presented in the material viewed
Judge the relevance and worth of ideas
presented in the text listened to
Determine the issue and stand presented in the
material viewed
Examine biases (for or against) made by the
RC 11
Recognize propaganda techniques used in a
given text
Analyze intention of words or expressions used in
V 12
propaganda techniques
Distinguish facts from opinion cited in the text
LC 5
listened to
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Employ different listening strategies suited to the
LC topic, purpose, and level of difficulty of the
listening text
Determine various social, moral, and economic
LC 13
issues discussed in the text listened to
Identify the notable literary genres contributed by
Southeast Asian writers
Identify the distinguishing features of notable
L poems, short stories, dramas, and novels
contributed by Southeast Asian writers
Identify similarities and differences of the featured 6
Explain how a selection is influenced by culture,
history, environment
Appreciate literature as a mirror to a shared
L 14
heritage of people with diverse backgrounds B
G Share ideas using opinion-marking signals
G Use emphasis markers for persuasive purposes
Use appropriate cohesive devices in various types
G 15
of speech E
G Review subject and verb agreement 4
G 16 Use parallel structures E 6
Quarter 4
G Use appropriate modifiers
G Use appropriate logical connectors for emphasis
Use appropriate grammatical signals or
expressions suitable to each pattern of idea
development: E
 general to particular
G 17 5
 claim and counterclaim
 problem-solution
 cause-effect
 and others
Use writing conventions to indicate
acknowledgement of sources
Expand the content of an outline using notes from
WC 18
primary and secondary sources E
RC Draw conclusions from a set of details
LC Summarize information from the text listened to.
Synthesize essential information found in various
RC 19
sources B
WC Distinguish parts of a paragraph A
WC 20 Compose effective paragraphs E
WC Distinguish features of different text types A
Develop paragraphs that illustrate each text type
WC 21 (narrative in literature, expository, explanatory,
factual and personal recount, persuasive) E
Use the correct production of the sounds of
English when delivering a manuscript or
F 2
memorized speech in an oration, in a
declamation or in a dramatic monologue
Deliver a manuscript/memorized oral speech with
F 2
ease and fluency before an audience
Use effective nonverbal communication
F strategies: gestures and body movements and 2
eye contact, etc.
Deliver a self-composed speech using all the
F 22 6
needed speech conventions E
A - An enabling competency developed to bridge the MELC
B - The MELC is a refinement/restatement of the available K to 12 LC.
C - The MELC was developed by merging/fusing a set of related LCs.
D - The MELC originally appeared in other grade level/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
E - The MELC originally appeared in other quarter/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Compose clear and coherent sentence using
G 2
modals A
Express permission, obligation and prohibition using
G 1 5
modals E
G Identify parts of conditionals A 2
G 2 Use conditionals in expressing arguments B 5
Arrive at the meaning of words through formation
V (clipping, blending, acronymy, compounding, folk 4
etymology, etc.)
Note types of context clues (restatement,
V definition, synonyms, antonyms) used for a given 4
Provide words or expressions appropriate to a
V 4
given situation
Determine the vocabulary or jargons expected of
V 3 5
a communicative style E
Employ the appropriate communicative styles for
V 4 various situations (intimate, casual, conversational, 5
consultative, frozen) B
Quarter 2
Compare and contrast similar information
RC 6
presented in different texts
Relate text content to particular issues, concerns or
RC 5 10
dispositions in life
Explain how a selection may be influenced by
L 5
culture, history, environment or other factors
Analyze literature as means of valuing other
L 5
people and other various circumstances in life
Analyze literature as means of understanding
L 6 unchanging values in the VUCA (volatile, 10
uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world E
Quarter 3
LC Reflect on the ideas of the speaker 2
Share on the personal opinions on the ideas
LC 2
listened to
LC Form decisions based on the ideas mentioned 2
LC 7 Differentiate biases from prejudices E 5
Interpret the message conveyed in the material
VC 3
Analyze the information contained in the material
VC 3
Determine the relevance and truthfulness of the
VC 8 5
ideas presented in the material viewed E
LC Interpret the information listened to 3
Recognize unfaulty logic, unsupported facts and
LC 3
emotional appeal
Judge the relevance and worth of
LC 3
LC 9 Judge the validity of the evidence listened to 5
Quarter 4
Judge the relevance of the truthfulness of the
LC 4
ideas listened to
LC Judge the validity of the evidence listened to 4
Judge the relevance and worth of ideas,
RC 10 soundness of author’s reasoning and the 8
effectiveness of the presentation
Get the different sides of social, moral and
LC 4
economic issues affecting the nation
Relate text content to particular issues, concerns
RC 4
and dispositions in real life
Page 119 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Take a stand on critical issues brought up in the
VC 4
material viewed
React to lay value judgment on critical issues that
LC 11 demand sound analysis and call for prompt 8
actions B
A - An enabling competency developed to bridge the MELC
B - The MELC is a refinement/restatement of the available K to 12 LC.
C - The MELC was developed by merging/fusing a set of related LCs.
D - The MELC originally appeared in other grade level/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
E - The MELC originally appeared in other quarter/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Use information from news reports, speeches,
RC 1 informative talks, panel discussions, etc. in everyday 5
life B
Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts
and vice-versa A
Explain illustrations from linear to non-linear texts and
vice versa A 5
Determine the effect of textual aids like advance
RC 2 organizers, titles, non-linear illustrations, etc. on the
understanding of a text
Determine how connected events contribute to the
totality of a material viewed
Appraise the unity of plot, setting and 5
VC 3 characterization in a material viewed to achieve the
writer’s purpose E
Express insights based on the ideas presented in the
material viewed
Compare and contrast the contents of the materials 5
VC 4 viewed with outside sources of information in terms
of accessibility and effectiveness E
Determine the implicit and explicit signals, verbal, as
LC well as non-verbal, used by the speaker to highlight
significant points
Determine the roles of discourse markers (e.g. 5
LC conjunctions, gambits, adverbs) signaling the
functions of statements made
LC 5 Employ analytical listening in problem solving E
Explain how the elements specific to a selection build
its theme
Explain how the elements specific to a genre 3
L contribute to the theme of a particular literary
Evaluate text content, elements, features, and
LC 6 4
properties using a set of criteria E
Evaluate listening texts in terms of accuracy, validity,
LC 7 4
adequacy, and relevance E
Quarter 2
G Use words and expressions that affirm or negate
G Observe correct grammar in making definitions
Observe the language of research, campaigns, and
G 8
advocacies E
Use patterns and techniques of developing an
argumentative claim 4
WC 9 Identify parts and features of argumentative essays
VC Detect bias and prejudice in the material viewed
WC 10 Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion E
WC 11 Formulate claims of fact, policy, and value 3
Employ appropriate pitch, stress, juncture,
intonation, etc.
Observe the correct stance and proper stage
behavior as deemed necessary
F Establish eye contact
F Demonstrate confidence and ease of delivery
Employ the techniques in public speaking in a
F 12
sample public speaking situation E
Use appropriate multimedia resources that
F 13 4
accompany language E
Use the correct sound of English when delivering
F 2
impromptu and extemporaneous speech
Page 121 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Make and deliver impromptu and extemporaneous
F 14 4
speeches with ease and confidence
Deliver special speeches like toast and roast
speeches, tributes, welcome and closing remarks,
F 15 4
speeches to introduce guest speakers/resource
persons etc. effectively in varied speech situations E
Deliver self-composed campaign speeches on
F 16 4
Advocacies, Social Issues and Concerns E
Quarter 3
Raise questions to clarify issues covered in the
material viewed
Share viewpoints based on the ideas presented in
the materials viewed 4
Evaluate the information contained in the material
viewed in terms of accuracy and effectiveness
WC 17 Compose an argumentative essay E
Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and
WC 18 3
argumentative writing techniques
Compose an independent critique of a chosen
WC 19 4
RC Identify textual details A 1
Critique a literary selection based on the following
approaches: C
RC - Overall artistic value of the structure and 4
elements of the selection
- Treatment of underlying or overarching issue
RC 4
concerning human experience (moralist)
RC - Power struggles of characters (Marxist) 4
RC - Gender relationships of characters (feminist) 4
- Relevance of the selection to the historical
RC context during which it was produced 4
- Personal significance of the selection to the
RC 4
reader (reader-response)
Quarter 4
Determine the definition of terminologies using
V 2
dictionary, thesaurus and online sources A
V 21 Distinguish technical terms used in research B 5
V 22 Give technical and operational definitions E 4
V 23 Give expanded definitions of words E 4
G Review subject and verb agreement A 3
G 24 Observe correct grammar in making definitions E 5
Expand ideas using principles of cohesion and
WC 2
WC Acknowledge sources by preparing a bibliography 2
WC Use writing conventions to acknowledge sources 2
Compose a research report on a relevant social
WC 25 7
A - An enabling competency developed to bridge the MELC
B - The MELC is a refinement/restatement of the available K to 12 LC.
C - The MELC was developed by merging/fusing a set of related LCs.
D - The MELC originally appeared in other grade level/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
E - The MELC originally appeared in other quarter/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
Page 122 of 349
Page 123 of 349


As DepEd CALABARZON (Region IV-A) supports the commitment of the to

address the challenges of quality in basic education and realize its goals and
objectives through the Sulong Edukalidad, with KITE as its four key reform areas:
 K to 12 Curriculum Review and Update
 Improvement of the Learning Environment
 Teachers` Upskilling and Reskilling
 Engagement of Stakeholders for Support and Collaboration,

The Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD) upholds the vision and
mission of the K to 12 program, stated in Section 5 of Republic Act 10533, or the
Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 “the curriculum shall be flexible enough to
enable and allow schools to localize, indigenize and enhance the same based on
their respective educational and social contexts. The production and development
of locally produced teaching materials shall be encouraged and approval of these
materials shall devolve to the regional and division education units.

To accomplish this, the region responded through its program PIVOT 4A BOW
Strategic Thrust No. 1 that seeks to (a) identify learning competencies in need of pre-
requisite skills; and (b) organize evaluated learning competencies into 4AQuBE
budget of work (BOW) in all learning areas for Key Stages 1-3. Together with other
learning areas, this Teaching Guide in the utilization of 4AQuBE BOW was developed
and reviewed by representative Education Program Supervisors (EPS) in Science in five
(5) clustered divisions in Region IV-A. This PIVOT 4A BOW in Science 3 to 10 are the
mapped Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) that every Science learner
must exhibit at the end of each grade level per quarter. This will be taught in flexible
time for 40 days with emphasis on the terminal objectives articulated as the MELC.

The spiral progression of the curriculum was considered, and the mastery of
skills were unfolded as the basis by which more time was given emphasis on MELC
whereby learners will achieve a level of mastery in pre-requisite knowledge and skills
before moving forward to subsequent and enhancement skills. This is anchored on the
Mastery Learning Model by John B. Caroll and B.S. Bloom. It is based on the
assumptions that almost all students can learn and attain the mastery level if sufficient
time, adequate instructions and timely help is provided to them according to their
interest and abilities. Thus, time spent on learning is the key to mastery. This BOW
represents emphasis on the repertoire of competencies important in the world of work
and in a knowledge-based society.

There are 286 Learning Competencies in the K to 12 Science 3 to 10 Curriculum.

In light of the regular instructional time, the Philippine educational system has been
affected by many class disturbances not only limited by the natural disasters or
phenomena but by other factors beyond the control of school system such as the
unavailability/limited number of appropriate learning resources, large class size,
ancillary assignments of teachers, and non-major teachers teaching Science, to
name a few. In addition to this, the global pandemic on the challenges brought by
Covid-19 shifted the curriculum to adapt in the new normal. Thus, the birth of this
intervention to decongest curriculum yet adhere for the quality of learning outcomes
was responded and will help teachers to adjust in the new normal of the learning
delivery, as well as the schools division governance in curriculum management.
Page 124 of 349

A. Features/Elements

The PIVOT 4A Budget of Work (BOW) in Science is a resource material in

teaching Science that contains learning competencies in sequence of
domain/strands per quarter as follows:

Quarter G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10

 MT- Matter
 LT – Living Things and Their Environment
 FE – Force, Motion and Energy
 ES – Earth and Space

Each domain are composed of strands taught every quarter in spiral

progression from Grades 3 to Grade 10 as follows:

 Matter (MT)
- Changes that Matter Undergo
- Properties and Structure of Matter

 Living Things and Their Environment (LT)

- Parts and Functions of Animals and Plants
- Heredity: Inheritance and Variation
- Biodiversity and Evolution
- Ecosystem

 Force, Motion and Energy (FE)

- Force and Motion
- Energy

 Earth and Space (ES)

- Geology
- Meteorology
- Astronomy

The matrix of the PIVOT 4A BOW shows the Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC) that every learner is expected to achieve at the end of each
quarter by grade level. It is presented in four collumns. The first column (I) represents
the quarter in the grade level of Science domain/strand with the intended MELC. The
second column (II) shows the continuous numbering of MELC per grade leve/quarter.
The third column (III) states the learning competencies of the mapped MELC with pre-
requisite skills placed before the terminal objectives of the numbered Most Learning
Competencies (MELC). These pre-requisite skills are the enabling skills which are not
numbered in column II that must be taught by teacher and learned by all Science
pupils/students prior to achievie the terminal objectives of the MELC. Lastly, column
(IV) presents the number of days to be taught that the MELC must be realized.
Page 125 of 349

B. How to Use this BOW?

The flexibility of learning depends on the pacing of students and teachers, yet,
this 40-days non-negotiable instructional time per quarter will allow teachers to focus
entirely in the delivery of learning for the MELC. Anchored on the 2C2IR teaching-
learning approaches, other appropriate teaching strategies or learning models may
be used as necessary.

The PIVOT 4A BOW in Science is composed of four (4) columns. The first column
is intended for the Quarter; the second one is for the Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC); the third for the Learning Competencies; and the last one for
the No. of Days Taught.

Quarter Most Essential Learning Learning Competencies No. of Days

Competencies (MELC) Taught
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(F) 1

In using the PIVOT 4A BOW in Science, it is important to understand the figure

above marked by the following specifications:

A. Quarter
B. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
C. Learning Competencies
D. Number of Days Taught
E. Enabling Competencies. These were taken from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide
which teachers shall use in bridging the lessons especially in reaching and
targeting the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC).
F. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). In each PIVOT 4A BOW, the
MELC is symbolized or marked by numbers. These identified MELCs may be of
the same variant of the K to 12 LCs or enabling competencies. But in some
cases, MELCs were produced by merging/fusing some LCs or enabling

Further, Science teachers should:

 look for the grade level they are handling and the existing quarter at the time
of teaching-learning delivery;
 check the MELC or LCs to be taught in a particular quarter;
 take note that the first LC or set of LCs in the BOW becomes the first lesson to
be taught in a quarter;
 determine if the MELC has enabling competencies/skills that must be mastered
first prior to attaining the terminal competencies (MELC) or the LCs which are
not numbered in column II;
 design their lessons using the PIVOT 4A considering the number of days these
LCs must be taught, the instructional objectives to meet the learning
targets/goals of the lesson, the appropriate teaching
strategies/approaches/methods specifically the use of 2C2IR and other
models in teaching, and the alignment of the desired learning outcomes to
exhibit the mastery level in the achievement of MELC; and
 deliver the LCs as specified in the BOW/quarter using varied platforms of
teaching and learning modalities /Blended Learning.
Page 126 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Describe the different objects based on their
characteristics (e.g. shape, weight, volume, ease of low)
Classify objects and materials as solid, liquid, and gas
1 15
based on some observable characteristics
describe ways on the proper use and handling solid,
liquid and gas found at home and in school;
Describe changes in materials based on the effect of
1. Solid to liquid
2 20
2. Liquid to solid
3. Liquid to gas
4. Solid to gas
Quarter 2
Enumerate healthful habits to protect the sense
Describe the parts and functions of the sense organs of
3 2
the human body;
4 Describe animals in their immediate surroundings; 3
5 Identify the external parts and functions of animals 3
6 Classify animals according to body parts and use; 2
Describe ways of proper handling of animals 2
7 State the importance of animals to humans; 1
8 Describe the parts of different kinds of plants 3
Describe ways of caring and proper handling of plants 1
9 State the importance of plants to humans 1
10 Compare living with nonliving things 3
infer that living things reproduce; 1
Identify observable characteristics that are passed on
11 2
from parents to offspring (e.g., humans, animals, plants);
Identify the basic needs of humans, plants and animals
12 2
such as air, food, water, and shelter
Explain how living things depend on the environment to
13 2
meet their basic needs;
Recognize that there is a need to protect and conserve
14 2
the environment.
Quarter 3
Identify things that can make objects move such as
people, water, wind, magnets;
Describe the movements of objects such as fast/slow,
forward/backward, stretching/compressing;
Describe the position of a person or an object in relation
15 15
to a reference point such as chair, door, another person;
Describe sources of light and sound, heat and electricity; 5
Enumerate uses of light, sound, heat and electricity 3
Describe the different uses of light, sound, het and
16 7
electricity in everyday life
Quarter 4
Describe the things found in the surroundings; 2
Relate the importance of surroundings to people and
17 10
other living things;
Describe the changes in the weather over a period of
18 8
Communicate how different types of weather affect
activities in the community;
Enumerate and practice safety and precautionary
19 8
measures in dealing with different types of weather.
Enumerate safety measures to avoid the harmful effects
of the Sun’s heat and light;
Communicate how the natural objects in the sky affect
daily activities;
Page 127 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Describe the natural objects that are found in the sky
20 6
during daytime and nighttime
Page 128 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Classify materials based on the ability to absorb water,
1 12
float, sink, undergo decay.
Describe changes in solid materials when they are bent,
2 10
pressed, hammered, or cut.
Describe changes in properties of materials when
3 exposed to certain conditions such as temperature or 10
when mixed with other materials.
Identify the effects of decaying materials on one`s health
and safety
Demonstrate proper disposal of waste according to the
properties of its materials
Identify changes in materials whether useful or harmful to
4 6
one’s environment.
Quarter 2
Identify the causes and treatment of diseases of the major
Practice habits to maintain a healthy body 1
5 Describe the main function of the major organs 6
Communicate that the major organs work together to
6 6
make the body function properly.
Make a survey of animals found in the community and
their specific habitats;
Choose which animal to raise in a particular habitat 1
Compare body movements of animals in their habitat. 1
Infer that body structures help animals adapt and survive
7 3
in their particular habitat.
Make a survey of plants found in the community and their
specific habitats;
Choose which plants to grow in a particular habitat 1
Conduct investigation on the specialized structures of
plants given varying environmental conditions: light, 2
water, temperature, and soil type
Identify the specialized structures of terrestrial and aquatic
8 3
9 Compare the stages in the life cycle of organisms. 3
Describe the effect of the environment on the life cycle
10 2
of organisms.
Describe some types of beneficial interactions among
11 3
living things.
Describe certain types of harmful interactions among
living things.
Describe the effects of interactions among organism in
12 3
their environment.
Quarter 3
Practice safety measures in physical activities
and proper handling of materials;
13 Explain the effects of force applied to an object. 8
Describe the force exerted by magnets 2
14 Characterize magnetic force. 8
15 Describe how light, sound and heat travel. 9
Describe ways to protect oneself from exposure to
excessive light, heat, and sound.
Investigate properties and characteristics of light and
16 10
Quarter 4
Compare and contrast the characteristics of
17 5
different types of soil.
Explain the use of water from different sources in the
18 5
context of daily activities.
Describe the importance of the water cycle 1
Page 129 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Infer the importance of water in daily activities. 1
19 Trace and describe the importance of water cycle. 6
Record in a chart the weather conditions. 1
Make simple interpretations about the weather as
recorded in the weather chart.
Use weather instruments to measure the different weather
20 5
components in a weather chart
Identify safety precautions during different weather
21 5
Describe the changes in the position and length of
22 shadows in the surroundings as the position of the Sun 5
Describe the role of the Sun in the water cycle; 1
Describe the role of the Sun to living things 1
23 Describe the effects of the Sun to living things. 3
Page 130 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or
1 10
Investigate changes that happen in materials under the
following conditions:
2 12
1. presence or lack of oxygen; and
1. 2. application of heat
Recognize the importance of recycle, reduce, reuse,
recover and repair in waste management.
Design a product out of local, recyclable solid and/ or
3 12
liquid materials in making useful products.
Quarter 2
Give ways of taking care of the reproductive organs 2
Describe the parts of the reproductive system and their
4 6
Describe the changes that occur during puberty 2
5 Explain the menstrual cycle. 5
Describe the different modes of reproduction in animals
6 6
such as in butterflies, mosquitoes, frogs, cats and dogs.
Describe the reproductive parts in plants and their
7 5
Describe the different modes of reproduction in flowering
8 and non-flowering plants such as moss, fern, mongo and 5
Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living
9 5
things in estuaries and intertidal zones.
Explain the need to protect and conserve estuaries and
10 4
intertidal zones.
Quarter 3
Use appropriate measuring tools and correct standard
Describe the motion of an object by tracing and
11 measuring its change in position (distance travelled) over 4
a period of time;
Discuss why some materials are good conductors of
12 5
heat and electricity.
Infer how black and colored objects affect the
ability to absorb heat;
Relate the ability of the material to block, absorb
13 6
or transmit light to its use.
14 Infer the conditions necessary to make a bulb light up; 6
Determine the effects of changing the number or type of
15 5
components in a circuit.
Infer that electricity can be used to produce magnets; 2
Design an experiment to determine the factors that affect
16 6
the strength of the electromagnet.
Quarter 4
17 Describe how rocks turn into soil. 4
Communicate the data collected from the
investigation on soil erosion;
Investigate extent of soil erosion in the community
18 and its effects on living things and the 7
Observe the changes in the weather before, during and
after a typhoon;
Describe the effects of the winds, given a certain storm
warning signal;
Describe the effects of a typhoon on the community. 2
Characterize weather disturbances in the Philippines and
19 4
describe their effects to daily life.
Relate the cyclical pattern to the length of a month; 2
Page 131 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Infer the pattern in the changes in the appearance of the
20 5
Identify star patterns that can be seen at particular times of
21 6
the year.
Page 132 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Describe the appearance and uses of uniform and non-
1 20
uniform mixtures.
Tell the benefits of separating mixtures from products in
the community
Enumerate techniques in separating mixtures such as
decantation, evaporation, filtering, sieving and using 18
Quarter 2
Explain how the organs of each organ system work
3 12
Explain how the different organ systems work
4 5
Determine the distinguishing characteristics of vertebrates
5 10
and invertebrates.
Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living
6 things in tropical rainforest, coral reefs and mangrove 8
Explain the need to protect and conserve tropical
7 5
rainforests, coral reefs and mangrove swamps.
Quarter 3
Infer how friction and gravity affect movements of
8 10
different objects.
Demonstrate how sound, heat, light and
9 15
electricity can be transformed.
Demonstrate the practical and safe uses of simple
Manipulate simple machines to describe their
10 10
characteristics and uses.
Quarter 4
Describe the changes on the Earth’s surface as a result of
11 5
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Enumerate what to do before, during and after
12 5
earthquake and volcanic eruptions.
Discuss appropriate activities for specific seasons in the
13 Describe the different seasons in the Philippines. 3
Demonstrate rotation and revolution of the Earth using a
globe to explain day and night and the sequence of 2
Differentiate between rotation and revolution and
14 6
describe the effects of the Earth’s motions
15 Compare the planets of the solar system. 10
Construct a model of the solar system showing the relative
16 sizes of the planets and their relative distances from the Sun 7
Page 133 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1 Describe the components of a scientific investigation. 6
Describe some properties of metals and non-metals such as
luster, malleability, ductility, and conductivity.
Recognize that substances are classified into elements
2 10
and compounds
Investigate properties of acidic and basic mixtures using
natural indicators; and
Distinguish mixtures from substances based on a set of
3 7
Investigate properties of unsaturated or saturated
4 5
Express concentrations of solutions quantitatively by
5 preparing different concentrations of mixtures according 5
to uses and availability of materials.
Quarter 2
Identify parts of the microscope and their
6 3
7 Focus specimens using the compound microscope. 3
Describe the different levels of biological organization
8 4
from cell to biosphere.
Differentiate plant and animal cells according to
9 4
presence or absence of certain organelles.
Explain why the cell is considered the basic structural and
10 3
functional unit of all organisms.
Identify beneficial and harmful microorganisms. 3
Describe the process of fertilization. 1
Differentiate asexual from sexual reproduction in terms of:
11 1. number of individuals involved 5
2. similarities of offspring to parents.
Differentiate biotic from abiotic components of an
12 5
Describe the different ecological relationships found in an
13 3
Predict the effect of changes in one population on other
populations in the ecosystem.
Predict the effect of changes in abiotic factors on the
14 3
Quarter 3
Describe the motion of an object in terms of
15 distance or displacement, speed or velocity, and 8
Differentiate quantities in terms of magnitude and
Create and interpret visual representation of the motion of
16 2
objects such as tape charts and motion graphs.
Differentiate transverse from longitudinal waves, and
mechanical from electromagnetic waves;
17 Infer that waves carry energy. 3
Describe how organisms produce, transmit, and receive
sound of various frequencies (infrasonic, audible, and 2
ultrasonic sound).
Explain sound production in the human voice box, and
how pitch, loudness, and quality of sound vary from one 2
person to another.
Describe the characteristics of sound using the concepts
18 3
of wavelength, velocity, and amplitude.
Infer that light travels in a straight line. 2
Relate the characteristics of waves; 2
Explain color and intensity of light in terms of its wave
19 3
Page 134 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
20 Infer the conditions necessary for heat transfer to occur. 5
21 Describe the different types of charging processes. 3
Quarter 4
Describe the location of the Philippines with respect
to the continents and oceans of the world.
Demonstrate how places on Earth may be
22 4
located using a coordinate system.
Recognize that soil, water, rocks, coal, and other fossil
fuels are Earth materials that people use as resources.
Cite and explain ways of using Earth’s resources
23 6
Explain how some human activities affect the
Discuss how energy from the Sun interacts with the layers
24 5
of the atmosphere.
Describe the effects of certain weather systems in the
Account for the occurrence of land and sea breezes,
25 3
monsoons, and inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ).
Show what causes change in the seasons in the Philippines
using models;
Using models, relate:
1. the tilt of the Earth to the length of daytime;
2. the length of daytime to the amount of energy
3. the position of the Earth in its orbit to the height of
26 2
the Sun in the sky;
4. the height of the Sun inthe sky to the amount of
energy received;
5. the latitude of an area to the amount of energy
the area receives
Collect, record, and report data on the beliefs and
practices of the community in relation to eclipses
27 Explain how solar and lunar eclipses occur using models 2
Page 135 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Investigate the relationship between the amount of force
1 applied and the mass of the object to the amount of 3
change in the object’s motion.
Demonstrate how a body responds to changes in motion. 1
Infer that when a body exerts a force on another, an
2 4
equal amount of force is exerted back on it.
Infer that circular motion requires the application of
constant force directed toward the center of the circle.
Relate the laws of motion to bodies in uniform circular
3 3
Identify situations in which work is done and in which
no work is done.
4 Describe how work is related to power and energy. 2
Differentiate potential and kinetic energy. 2
Identify and explain the factors that affect potential and
5 2
kinetic energy.
Infer how the movement of particles of an object
affects the speed of sound through it.
Investigate the effect of temperature to speed of
6 2
Demonstrate the existence of the color components
of visible light using a prism or diffraction grating.
Explain that red is the least bent and violet the most
bent according to their wavelengths or frequencies
Explain the hierarchy of colors in relation to energy of
7 2
visible light.
Differentiate between heat and temperature at the
8 3
molecular level.
9 Infer the relationship between current and voltage. 2
Differentiate electrical power and electrical energy. 1
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of series
10 2
and parallel connections in homes.
Explain the functions of circuit breakers, fuses,
11 earthing, double insulation, and other safety devices 3
in the home.
Quarter 2
Using models or illustrations, explain how
12 5
movements along faults generate earthquakes.
Differentiate the:
1. epicenter of an earthquake from its focus;
13 7
2. intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude;
3. active and inactive faults.
Demonstrate how underwater earthquakes generate
Explain how earthquake waves provide information
14 4
about the interior of the earth.
Explain how typhoons develop. 2
Infer why the Philippines is prone to typhoons. 2
Explain how landmasses and bodies of water
affect typhoons;
Explain how typhoon develops and how it is
15 3
affected by landmasses and bodies of water.
Trace the path of typhoons that enter the Philippine Area
16 5
of Responsibility (PAR) using a map and tracking data;
Predict the appearance of comets based on recorded
data of previous.
Explain the regular occurrence of meteor showers. 1
17 Compare and contrast comets, meteors, and asteroids. 4
Quarter 3
18 Explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases 10
Page 136 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
based on the particle nature of matter.
Explain physical changes in terms of the arrangement and
19 6
motion of atoms and molecules.
Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons
20 13
in a particular atom.
Trace the development of the periodic table from
observations based on similarities in properties of 4
Use the periodic table to predict the chemical behavior
21 7
of an element.
Quarter 4
Identify healthful practices that affect the
digestive system.
Explain how diseases of the digestive system are
prevented, detected, and treated.
Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and
22 5
Compare mitosis and meiosis, and their role in the cell-
23 5
division cycle.
Explain the significance of meiosis in maintaining the
24 2
chromosome number.
Predict phenotypic expressions of traits following simple
25 5
patterns of inheritance.
26 Explain the concept of a species. 2
27 Classify organisms using hierarchical taxonomic system. 4
Explain the advantage of high biodiversity in
28 3
maintaining the stability of an ecosystem.
Describe the transfer of energy through the
29 3
trophic levels.
Analyze the roles of organisms in the cycling of
30 3
31 Explain how materials cycle in an ecosystem. 3
Suggest ways to minimize human impact on the
32 2
environment .
Page 137 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems work
1 together to transport nutrients, gases, and other 10
molecules to and from the different parts of the body.
Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the functioning of
2 5
respiratory and circulatory systems.
Describe the location of genes in chromosomes. 2
3 Explain the different patterns of Non-Mendelian inheritance. 10
Relate species extinction to the failure of populations of
4 organisms to adapt to abrupt changes in the
environment. 3

Differentiate basic features and importance of

5 10
photosynthesis and respiration.
Quarter 2
Describe how Bohr model of the atom improved
Rutherford`s atomic model
Explain how the Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom
6 4
describes the energies and positions of the electrons
Explain the formation of ionic and covalent bonds. 4
Recognize different types of compounds (ionic or
covalent) based on their properties such as melting point,
7 6
hardness, polarity, and electrical and thermal
Explain properties of metals in terms of their structure. 2
8 Explain how ions are formed. 4
Explain how the structure of the carbon atom
9 affects the type of bonds it forms. 5

Recognize the general classes and uses of organic

10 4
11 Use the mole concept to express mass of substances. 4
Determine the percentage composition of a compound
12 5
given its chemical formula and vice versa.
Quarter 3
Describe the different types of volcanoes 2
Describe the different types of volcanoes and volcanic
13 5
Differentiate between active and inactive volcanoes. 5
14 Explain what happens when volcanoes erupt. 6
Illustrate how energy from volcanoes may be tapped for
15 5
human use.
Explain how different factors affect the climate of an area.
16 5
Describe certain climatic phenomena that occur on a
17 3
global level.
Infer the characteristics of stars based on the
characteristics of the Sun.
Infer that the arrangement of stars in a group
(constellation) does not change.
Observe that the position of a constellation changes in the
course of a night.
Show which constellations may be observed at different
18 2
times of the year using models.
Quarter 4
Describe the horizontal and vertical motions of a
projectile; 6
Investigate the relationship between the angle of release
20 1
and the height and range of the projectile;
Examine effects and predict causes of collision- related
Page 138 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught

Relate impulse and momentum to collision of objects (e.g.,

21 2
vehicular collision);
Explain energy transformation in various activities/events
(e.g., waterfalls, archery, amusement rides);
Infer that the total momentum before and after collision is
22 4
Infer that the total mechanical energy remains the same
during any process;
Explain why machines are never 100-percent efficient; 2
Perform activities to demonstrate conservation of
23 3
mechanical energy;
24 Construct a model to demonstrate that heat can do work; 3
Infer that heat transfer can be used to do work, and that
work involves the release of heat.
Explain how heat transfer and energy transformation make
25 3
heat engines like geothermal plants work ; and
Explain how electrical energy is generated, transmitted,
26 5
and distributed.
Page 139 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
Describe the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake
epicenters, and major mountain belts;
Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes,
1 earthquake epicenters, and major mountain belts to Plate 6
Tectonic Theory;
2 Describe the different types of plate boundaries. 5
Explain the different processes that occur along the
3 8
plate boundaries.
Describe the internal structure of the Earth. 4
4 Describe the possible causes of plate movement. 7
Enumerate the lines of evidence that support plate
5 8
Quarter 2
Compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of
6 6
electromagnetic waves.
Cite examples of practical applications of the different
7 regions of EM waves, such as the use of radio waves in 4
Explain the effects of EM radiation on living things and
8 5
the environment.
Predict the qualitative characteristics (orientation, type,
9 and magnification) of images formed by plane and 6
curved mirrors and lenses.
Apply ray diagramming techniques in describing the
characteristics and positions of images formed by lenses.
Identify ways in which the properties of mirrors and lenses
10 determine their use in optical instruments (e.g., cameras 5
and binoculars.
Demonstrate the generation of electricity by movement
of a magnet through a coil. 3

Explain the operation of a simple electric motor and

11 7
Quarter 3
Describe the parts of the reproductive system and their
Explain the role of hormones involved in the female and
12 6
male reproductive systems.
Describe the feedback mechanisms
13 involved in regulating processes in the female 6
reproductive system (e.g., menstrual cycle).
Describe how the nervous system coordinates and
14 regulates these feedback mechanisms to maintain 5
15 Explain how protein is made using information from DNA. 7
Explain how mutations may cause
16 3
changes in the structure and function of a protein.
Explain how fossil records, comparative anatomy, and
17 2
genetic information provide evidence for evolution.
18 Explain the occurrence of evolution. 3
Explain how species diversity
19 increases the probability of adaptation and survival of 3
organisms in changing environments.
Suggest ways to minimize human impact on the
Explain the relationship between population growth and
20 2
carrying capacity.
Quarter 4
Investigate the relationship between:
21 12
1. volume and pressure at constant temperature of a
Page 140 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
2. volume and temperature at constant pressure of a
3. explains these relationships using the kinetic
molecular theory.
Recognize the major categories of biomolecules such as
22 8
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Apply the principles of conservation of mass
23 8
to chemical reactions.
Explain how the factors affecting rates
of chemical reactions are applied in food preservation
24 12
and materials production, control of fire, pollution, and
Page 141 of 349
Page 142 of 349


A. Features/Elements

The PIVOT 4A Budget of Work for Mathematics (PIVOT 4A BOW-Mathematics)

merges the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) issued by the Department
of Education and the PIVOT 4A BOW of DepEd CALABARZON. This is a resource
material for teaching Mathematics that contains learning competencies from Grade
1 to Grade 10 as prescribed by the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum of the
Department of Education.

The document contains the quarterly learning domains of each grade level
(column 1), the MELCs represented by the number which also refers to week number
it should be undertaken in class (column 2), specific learning competencies pertinent
to each learning domain which are also the enabling competencies for each MELC
(column 3), and the number of days each learning competency should be taught in
class (column 4).

The number of days suggests the number of class time the teacher/facilitator
should devote to the learning competency. On a quarterly basis, the number of days
allotted is 40 class days.

The PIVOT 4A BOW-Mathematics is grouped according to grade levels and

learning domains on a quarterly basis.

B. How to Use this PIVOT 4A BOW-Mathematics?

The PIVOT 4A BOW-Mathematics is a resource for teachers and could be used

as reference for the development of lesson plans and lesson logs.

The PIVOT 4A BOW in Mathematics is composed of four (4) columns. The first
column is intended for the Quarter; the second one is for the Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC); the third for the Learning Competencies; and the last one for
the No. of Days Taught.

Quarter Most Essential Learning Learning Competencies No. of Days

Competencies (MELC) Taught
(A) (B) (C) (D)

(F) 1

In using the PIVOT 4A BOW in Mathematics, it is important to understand the

figure above marked by the following specifications:

A. Quarter
B. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
C. Learning Competencies
D. Number of Days Taught
E. Enabling Competencies. These were taken from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide
which teachers shall use in bridging the lessons especially in reaching and
targeting the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC).
Page 143 of 349

F. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). In each PIVOT 4A BOW, the

MELC is symbolized or marked by numbers. These identified MELCs may be of
the same variant of the K to 12 LCs or enabling competencies. But in some
cases, MELCs were produced by merging/fusing some LCs or enabling

In using the materials, the teachers should

 look for the grade level being handled;

 identify the current quarter and week number which is equivalent to the MELC
number for the particular quarter;
 identify the learning competencies to be taught during the day or week; and
 observe the number of days the learning competencies should be taught.

In writing the lesson plan or lesson log, the teacher should specify the learning
competencies and note the number of days as specified and suggested by the

Page 144 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Visualizes and represents numbers from 0-100 using
a variety of materials.
 Visualizes and represents numbers from 0 - 51 using
1 4
a variety of materials arranged in a particular way.
 Represents numbers from 51-100 using a variety of
2. Counts the number of objects in a given set by ones
and tens.
3. Identifies the number that is one more or one less
from a given number.
4. Composes and decomposes a given number. E.g.
5 is 5 and 0, 4 and 1, 3 and 2, 2 and 3, 1 and 4, 0 and
5. 4
5. Regroups sets of ones into sets of tens and sets of
tens into hundreds using objects.
6. Visualizes, represents, and compares two sets using
the expressions “less than,” “more than,” and “as
many as”.
 Visualizes, represents, and compares two sets
4 using the expression “less than”. 3
 Visualizes, represents, and compares two sets
using the expression “more than”.
 Visualizes, represents, and compares two sets
using the expression “as many as”.
7. Visualizes, represents, and orders sets from least to
greatest and vice versa.
8. Reads and writes numbers up to 100 in symbols and
in words.
 Reads and writes numbers from 0 to 25.
Number and
 Reads and writes numbers from 26 to 50.
Number Sense 5 4
 Reads and writes numbers from 51 to 75.
 Reads and writes numbers from 76 to 100.
 Reads and writes numbers up to 100 in symbols and
in words.
9. Visualizes and gives the place value and value of a
digit in one- and two digit numbers.
 Visualizes and gives the place value of a digit in
6 4
one- and two digit numbers.
 Visualizes and gives the value of a digit in one- and
two digit numbers.
10. Renames numbers into tens and ones.
7  Renames numbers into tens. 4
 Renames numbers into ones.
11. Visualizes, represents, and compares numbers up to
100 using relation symbols.
 Identifies the different relation symbols.
8  Uses the different relation symbols in comparing 3
numbers up to 50.
 Uses the different relation symbols in comparing
numbers from 51 to 100.
12. Visualizes, represents, and orders numbers up to 100
in increasing or decreasing order.
13. Identifies the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, up to 10th object in a
given set from a given point of reference.
 Tells ordinal numbers from 1st up to 10th object in a
given set from a given point of reference using
9 4
concrete models
 Writes ordinal numbers from 1st up to 10th object in
a given set from a given point of reference using
Page 145 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
16. Recognizes and compares coins and bills up to php
100 and their notations.
 Recognizes coins and bills up to PhP 100 and their
10 4
 Compares coins and bills up to Php 50 and their
 Compares coins and bills from PhP 50 to PhP 100
and their notations.
Quarter 2
1. Illustrates addition as “putting together or combining
or joining sets”.
11  Identifies and collects similar objects together to 4
add numbers.
 combines sets of pictures together to add numbers.
2. Visualizes and adds two one-digit numbers with
12 sums up to 18 using the order and zero properties of
3. Adds two one-digit numbers using appropriate
mental techniques e.g. Adding doubles and/or
4. Visualizes and adds three one-digit numbers using
the grouping property of addition.
5. Visualizes and adds numbers with sums through 99
without regrouping.
6. Adds mentally two to three one- digit numbers with
sums up to 18 using appropriate strategies. 4
7. Adds mentally two-digit numbers and one-digit
numbers with regrouping using appropriate
8. Visualizes and solves one-step routine problems
involving addition of whole numbers including
money with sums up to 99 using appropriate
problem-solving strategies.
 Visualizes one-step routine problems involving
14 addition using concrete models/pictures
Number and
 Identifies different words associated with addition 4
Number Sense
 Enumerates the steps in solving word problems
 Solves non-routine problems involving addition of
whole numbers including money with sums up to
99 using the learned strategies
9. Creates situations involving addition of whole
numbers including money.
10. Illustrates subtraction as “taking away” or
“comparing” elements of sets.
 Compares sets of elements as to which is the
15 greater set.
 Takes away the elements of the smaller set from 4
the elements of the greater set by pairing to get
the difference.
11. Illustrates that addition and subtraction are inverse
12. Visualizes, represents, and subtracts one-digit
numbers with minuends through 18 (basic facts).
 Visualizes and represents concrete objects and
16 4
pictures in a subtraction sentence.
 Subtracts one digit numbers with minuends
through 18
13. Visualizes, represents, and subtracts one- to two—
digit numbers with minuends up to 99 without
17 4
 Visualizes and represents concrete objects and
pictures of one- to two-digit numbers in a
subtraction sentence.
Page 146 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
 Subtracts one- to two-digit numbers with minuends
up to 99 without regrouping.
14. Uses the expanded form to explain subtraction with
15. Visualizes, represents, and subtracts one- to two-
digit numbers with minuends up to 99 with
 Visualizes and represents concrete objects and
18 2
pictures involving subtraction with regrouping in
number sentences.
 Subtracts one- to two-digit numbers with minuends
up to 99 with regrouping.
16. Subtracts mentally one-digit numbers from two-digit
19 minuends without regrouping using appropriate 4
17. Visualizes, represents, and solves routine and non-
routine problems involving subtraction of whole
numbers including money with minuends up to 99
with and without regrouping using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
 Describes different words associated with
 Visualizes, represents, and solves routine problems
involving subtraction of whole numbers including
money with minuends up to 99 without regrouping
using appropriate problem solving strategies and
 Visualizes, represents, and solves non routine
20 3
problems involving subtraction of whole numbers
including money with minuends up to 99 without
regrouping using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
 Visualizes, represents, and solves routine problems
involving subtraction of whole numbers including
money with minuends up to 99 without regrouping
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
 Visualizes, represents, routine problems involving
subtraction of whole numbers including money
with minuends up to 99 with regrouping using
appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.
18. Creates situations involving subtraction of whole
numbers including money.
Quarter 3
1. Counts groups of equal quantity using concrete
21 objects up to 50 and writes an equivalent 4
expression; e.g. 2 groups of 5.
2. Visualizes, represents, and separates objects into
groups of equal quantity using concrete objects
up to 50., e.g. 10 groups of 5s.
22  Visualizes and represents objects and pictures of 4
equal quantity up to 50.
 Separates objects and pictures of equal quantity
up to 50.
Number and
3. Visualizes, represents, and divides the elements of
Number Sense
23 sets into four groups of equal quantities to show 4
4. Visualizes and draws the whole region or set given
its ½ and/or ¼.
 Visualizes and draws the whole region or set given
24 4
its ½.
 Visualizes and draws the whole region or set given
its ¼.
Page 147 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
5. Identifies, names, and describes the four basic
shapes (square, rectangle, triangle and circle) in 2
dimensional (flat/plane) and 3 dimensional (solid)
25  Identifies, names, and describes the four basic 4
shapes (square, rectangle, triangle and circle) in 2
dimensional (flat/plane)
Geometry  Identifies, names, and describes the basic shapes in
3 dimensional (solid) objects
6. Compares and classifies 2 dimensional (flat/plane)
and 3 dimensional (solid) figures according to
common attributes.
26 7. Draws the four basic shapes.
8. Constructs three dimensional objects (solid) using
27 4
manipulative materials.
9. Determines the missing term/s in a given continuous
pattern using one attribute (letters/
numbers/events). E.g. A,B,C,D,__ 2,3,__5,6,7 __,Wed,
Thur, Fri Aa, Bb, Cb, __,___
10. Determines the missing term/s in a given repeating
28 pattern using one attribute (letters, numbers, colors, 3
figures, sizes, etc.). E.g. A,B,C,A,B,C,A,__.
11. Constructs equivalent number expression using
addition and subtraction, e.g. 6 + 5 = 12 – 1.
 Constructs equivalent number expression involving
29 2
addition and subtraction using actual objects
Patterns and
 Constructs equivalent number expression using
addition and subtraction.
12. Identifies and creates patterns to compose and
decompose using addition, e.g. 7 = 0 + 7, 1 + 6, 2 + 2
5, 3 +4, 4 + 3, 5 + 2, 6 + 1, 7 + 0.
13. Visualizes and finds the missing number in an
addition or subtraction sentence using a variety of
ways, e.g. N + 2 = 5, 5 – n = 3.
30  Visualizes and finds the missing number in an 4
addition sentence using a variety of ways.
 Visualizes and finds the missing number in a
subtraction sentence using a variety of ways.
Quarter 4
1. Tells the days in a week; months in a year in the right
31 4
 Tells the days in a week in the right order.
 Tells the months in a year in the right order.
2. Determines the day or the month using a calendar. 4
3. Tells and writes time by hour, half hour and quarter-
hour using analog clock.
 Tells and writes time by hour using analog clock
32 4
 Tells and writes time by half hour using analog clock
 Tells and writes time by quarter-hour using analog
4. Solves problems involving time (days in a week,
months in a year, hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour).
 Solves problems involving time (days in a week,
33 4
months in a year)
 Solves problems involving time (hour, half-hour, and
5. Compares objects using comparative words: short,
shorter, shortest; long, longer, longest; heavy,
heavier, heaviest; light, lighter, lightest.
34  Compares objects using comparative words: short, 4
shorter, shortest
 Compares objects using comparative words: long,
longer, longest
Page 148 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
 Compares objects using comparative words:
heavy, heavier, heaviest; light, lighter, lightest
6. Estimates and measures length using non- standard
units of linear measures.
 Identifies the different non-standards units of linear
35 4
 Estimates and measures length using non- standard
units of linear measures.
7. Estimates and measures mass using non-standard
units of mass measure.
 Identifies the different non-standard units of mass
36 4
 Estimates and measures mass using non-standard
units of mass measure.
8. Estimates and measures capacity using non-
standard unit.
 Identifies the different non-standard units of
37 4
capacity measure
 Estimates and measures capacity using non-
standard unit.
9. Collects data on one variable through simple
10. Sorts, classifies, and organizes data in tabular form
and presents this pictograph without scales.
11. Infers and interprets data presented in pictograph
without scales. E.g. Finding out from the title what 4
the pictograph is all about, comparing which has
Statistics and 38 the least or greatest …
Probability  Identifies a pictograph from the rest of the graphs.
 Infers and interprets data presented in pictograph
without scales.
12. Solves routine and non-routine problems using data
presented in pictograph without scales.
 Solves routine problems using data presented in
39 4
pictograph without scales.
 Solves non-routine problems using data presented
in pictograph without scales.
Page 149 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Visualizes and represents numbers from 0-1000 with
emphasis on numbers 101 – 1 000 using a variety
of materials.
•Visualizes and represents numbers from 0 – 1000
1 with emphasis on numbers 101-500 using a variety 4
of materials.
•Visualizes and interpret numbers from 0 – 1000
with emphasis on 501 – 1000 using a variety of
learning materials.
2. Groups objects in ones, tens, and hundreds.
3. Gives the place value and finds the value of a 4
digit in three-digit numbers.
4. Visualizes and counts numbers by 10s, 50s, and
•Visualizes and counts numbers by 10’s and 50’s.
•Visualizes and counts numbers by 100’s.
5. Reads and writes numbers up to 1 000 in symbols
and in words.
6. Visualizes and writes three-digit numbers in
expanded form.
•Visualizes and writes three-digit numbers from 100
4 2
– 500 in expanded form.
•Visualizes and write three digit numbers from 501-
999 in expanded form.
7. Visualizes and compares numbers up to 1 000 using
relation symbols.
8. Visualizes and orders numbers up to 1 000 in
increasing decreasing order.
Number and 9. Identifies the 1st through the 20th with the
Number Sense 5 emphasis on 11th to 20th object in a given set from 4
a given point of reference.
10. Counts the value of a set of bills or a set of coins
through php100 (peso-coins only; centavo-coins
only; peso-bills only and combined peso-coins and
peso bills).
6 4
•Counts the value of a set of coins through Php100
(centavo coins and peso coins only).
•Counts the values of the set of bills through
Php100 and combination of coins and bills.
11. Illustrates the properties of addition (commutative,
associative, identity) and applies each in
appropriate and relevant situations.
•Illustrates the properties of addition
(commutative) applies each in appropriate and
7 relevant situations. 2
•Illustrates the properties of addition (associative)
and applies each in appropriate and relevant
• Illustrates the properties of addition (identity) and
applies each in appropriate and situations.
12. Visualizes, represents, and adds 2-digit by 3-digit
numbers with sums up to 1000 without and with
13. Visualizes, represents, and adds 3-digit by 3-digit
numbers with sums up to 1000 without and with 1
14. Adds mentally 1- to 2-digit numbers with sums up to
8 2
50 using appropriate strategies.
15. Adds mentally 3-digit numbers and 1-digit numbers
using appropriate strategies.
Page 150 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
16. Adds mentally three -digit numbers and tens
9 (multiples of 10 up to 90) using appropriate 2
17. Adds mentally 3-digit numbers and hundreds
(multiples of 100 up to 900) using appropriate 2
18. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
addition of whole numbers including money with
sums up to 1000 using appropriate problem-solving
strategies and tools.
•Solves routine problems involving addition of
whole numbers including money with sums up to
10 4
1000 using appropriate problem solving strategies
and tools.
•Solves non-routine problems involving addition of
whole numbers including money with sums up to
1000 using appropriate problem solving strategies
and tools.
Quarter 2
1. Visualizes, represents, and subtracts 2- to 3-digit
numbers with minuends up to 999 without and with
11 •Visualizes, represents and subtracts 2- to 3- digit 4
numbers without regrouping.
•Visualizes, represents and subtracts 2- to 3- digit
numbers with regrouping.
2. Subtracts mentally 1-digit numbers from 1- to 3-
digit numbers without regrouping using
appropriate strategies.
12 2
•Subtracts mentally 1-digit numbers from 2- to 3-
digit numbers without regrouping using
appropriate strategies.
3. Subtracts mentally 3-digit numbers by tens and by
hundreds without regrouping using appropriate 2
4. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
subtraction of whole numbers including money
with minuends up to 1000 using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
•Solves routine problems involving subtraction of
13 4
Number and whole numbers including money with minuends up
Number Sense to 1000 using strategies and tools.
•Solves non-routine problems involving subtraction
of whole numbers including money with minuends
up to 1000 using strategies and tools.
5. Performs orders of operations involving addition
14 4
and subtractions of small numbers.
6. Solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems
involving addition and subtraction of 2- to 3-digit
numbers including money using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
•Solves multi-step non- routine problems involving
addition and subtraction of 2- to 3-digit numbers
15 4
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
•Solves multi-step routine problems involving
addition and subtraction of 2- to 3-digit numbers
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
7. Illustrates multiplication as repeated addition using
7.1 groups of equal quantities
16 2
7.2 arrays
7.3 counting by multiples
Page 151 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
7.4 equal jumps on the number line
•Illustrates multiplication as repeated addition
using groups of equal quantities on the number
•Illustrates multiplication as repeated addition
using arrays on the number line.
•Illustrates multiplication as repeated addition
using counting by multiples on the number line.
8. Writes a related equation for each type of
multiplication: repeated addition, array, counting 2
by multiples, and equal jumps on the number line.
9. Illustrates the property of multiplication that zero
multiplied by any number is zero.
10. Illustrates the commutative property of
11. Visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10 by
2,3,4,5 and10.
12. Multiplies mentally 2,3,4,5 and 10 using appropriate
13. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies and
• Solves routine problems involving multiplication of
19 whole numbers including money using appropriate 4
problem solving strategies and tools.
• Solves non-routine problems involving
multiplication of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies and
14. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication and addition or subtraction of whole
numbers including money using appropriate
problem solving strategies and tools.
• Solves routine and non-routine problems
involving multiplication and addition of whole
20 4
numbers including money using appropriate
problem solving strategy and tools.
• Solves routine and non-routine problems
involving multiplication and subtraction of whole
numbers including money using appropriate
problem solving strategy and tools.
Quarter 3
1. Visualizes and represents division as equal sharing,
repeated subtraction, equal jumps on the number
line and using formation of equal groups of
21 4
•Visualizes and represents division as equal sharing
and using formation of equal groups of objects.
•Visualizes and represents division as repeated
subtraction and equal jumps on the number line.
Number and 2. Visualizes division of numbers up to 100 by 2,3,4,5,
22 4
Number Sense and 10 (multiplication table of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10).
3. Divides mentally numbers by 2,3,4,5 and 10 using
23 appropriate strategies (multiplication table of 2, 3, 3
4, 5 and 10).
4. Illustrates that multiplication and division are
inverse operations.
5. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division of numbers by 2,3,4,5 and 10 and with any
24 of the other operations of whole numbers including 4
money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
Page 152 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
•Solves routine problems involving division of
numbers by 2,3,4,5 and 10 and with any other
operations of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies and
•Solves non-routine problems involving division of
numbers 2,3 and 4 and with any other operations
of whole numbers including money using
appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.
•Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division of numbers 5 and 10 and with any other
operations of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies and
6. Visualizes, represents and identifies unit fractions
with denominators of 10 and below.
7. Reads and writes unit fractions.
8. Compares unit fractions using relation symbols.
9. Arranges unit fractions in increasing or decreasing
10. Identifies other fractions less than one with
denominators 10 and below.
11. Visualizes similar fractions (using group of objects 4
and number line).
12. Reads and writes similar fractions.
27 13. Compares similar fractions using relation symbols.
14. Arranges similar fractions in increasing or 4
decreasing order.
15. Constructs squares, rectangles, triangles, circles,
28 half-circles, and quarter circles using cut-outs and 4
square grids.
16. Identifies straight lines and curves, flat and curved
29 2
surfaces in a 3-dimensional object.
17. Explains the differences between straight lines and
curved lines, flat surfaces and curved surfaces. This 2
is not reflected in the performance standards.
18. Determines the missing term/s in a given
continuous pattern using two attributes (any two of
Patterns and the following: figures, numbers, colors, sizes, and
30 4
Algebra orientations, etc.) E.g.
a. A, 2, B, 3, C, ___, ___
b. 2, 3, 4, ___
Quarter 4
1. Tells and writes time in minutes including a.m. and
p.m. Using analog and digital clocks.
•Tells time in minutes including a.m. and p.m. using
analog and digital clocks.
•Writes time in minutes including a.m. and p.m.
using analog and digital clocks.
2. Visualizes and finds the elapsed time in days.
3. Visualizes, represents, and solves problems
involving time (minutes Including a.m. and p.m.
Measurement and elapsed time in days).
32 4. Compares length in meters or centimeters. 2
5. Compares mass in grams or kilograms. 2
6. Measures objects using appropriate measuring
33 2
tools in m or cm.
7. Estimates and measures length using meter or
8. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
34 4
•Solves routine problems involving length.
•Solves non-routine problems involving length.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
11. Measures objects using appropriate measuring
35 2
units in g or kg.
12. Estimates and measures mass using gram or
13. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
36 2
•Solves non-routine problems involving mass.
•Solves routine problems involving mass.
14. Measures objects using appropriate measuring
tools in ml or L.
15. Finds the area of a given figure using square-tile
37 2
units i.e. Number of square-tiles needed.
16. Estimates the area of a given figure using any
17. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
38 4
any figure using Square tiles.
18. Collects data on one variable using a
19. Sorts, classifies, and organizes data in tabular form
and presents this Into a pictograph without and 1
with scales.
20. Infers and interprets data presented in a
39 2
pictograph without and with scales.
Statistics and
21. Solves routine and non-routine problems using
data presented in a pictograph without and with
40 •Solves routine and non-routine problems using 4
data presented in a pictograph without scales.
•Solves routine and non-routine problems using
data presented in a pictograph with scales.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Visualizes numbers up to 10 000 with emphasis on
numbers 1001 - 10000.
•Visualizes numbers up to 10 000 with emphasis on
1 2
numbers 1001 - 5000.
•Visualizes numbers up to 10 000 with emphasis on
numbers 5001 - 10000.
2. Gives the place value and value of a digit in 4- to
5-digit numbers.
3. Reads and writes numbers up to 10 000 in symbols
and in words.
4. Rounds numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and
2 •Rounds numbers to the nearest tens 2
•Rounds numbers to the nearest hundreds.
•Rounds numbers to the nearest thousands.
5. Compares numbers up to 10 000 using relation
6. Orders 4- to 5-digit numbers in increasing or
decreasing order.
7. Identifies ordinal numbers from 1st to 100th with
3 emphasis on the 21st to 100th object in a given set 2
from a given point of reference.
8. Recognizes coins and bills up to php1 000. 1
9. Reads and writes money in symbols and in words
through php1 000 in pesos and centavos.
10. Compares values of the different denominations of
4 coins and bills through php1 000 using relation 2
11. Adds 3- to 4-digit numbers up to three addends
with sums up to 10 000 without and with 2
12. Estimates the sum of 3- to 4-digit addends with
reasonable results.
•Estimates the sum of 3 digit addends with
5 2
reasonable results.
•Estimates the sum of 4 digit addends with
Number and reasonable results.
Number Sense 13. Adds mentally 2-digit and 1digit numbers without
or with regrouping using appropriate strategies.
14. Adds mentally 2- to 3-digit numbers with multiples
of hundreds using appropriate strategies.
15. Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
addition of whole numbers with sums up to 10 000
including money using appropriate problem-
solving strategies and tools.
•Solves routine problems involving addition of
whole numbers with sums up to 10 000 including
6 4
money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
•Solves non- routine problems involving addition of
whole numbers with sums up to 10 000 including
money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
16. Subtracts 3-to 4-digit numbers from 3- to 4-digit
numbers without and with regrouping.
•Subtracts 3-to 4-digit numbers from 3- to 4-digit
7 2
numbers without regrouping.
•Subtracts 3-to 4-digit numbers from 3- to 4-digit
numbers with regrouping.
17. Estimates the difference of two numbers with three
to four digits with reasonable results.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
18. Subtracts mentally 1- to 2 – digits numbers without
and with regrouping using appropriate strategies.
•Subtracts mentally 1- to 2 – digits numbers
8 4
without regrouping using appropriate strategies.
•Subtracts mentally 1- to 2 – digits numbers with
regrouping using appropriate strategies.
19. Subtracts mentally 2- to 3 – digits numbers with
multiples of hundreds without and with regrouping
using appropriate strategies.
•Subtracts mentally 2- to 3– digits numbers with
9 multiples of hundreds without regrouping using 4
appropriate strategies.
•Subtracts mentally 2- to 3– digits numbers with
multiples of hundreds with regrouping using
appropriate strategies.
20. Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
subtraction without or with addition of whole
numbers including money using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
•Solves routine problems involving subtraction
without or with addition of whole numbers
10 4
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
•Solves non- routine problems involving subtraction
without or with addition of whole numbers
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
Quarter 2
1. Visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10 by 6,7,8
and 9.
•Visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10 by 6,
11 2
and 7.
•Visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10 by 8,
and 9.
2. Visualizes and states basic multiplication facts for
numbers up to 10.
3. Applies the commutative property of
•States the Commutative Property of
12 4
•Applies the Commutative Property of
4. Multiplies 2-digit by 1-digit numbers using the
13 1
distributive property of multiplication.
Number and
5. Multiplies three 1-digit numbers using the
Number Sense 1
associative property of multiplication.
6. Multiplies 2- to 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
without or with regrouping.
7. Multiplies 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
without regrouping.
8. Multiplies 2-digit number by 2-digit numbers with
14 2
9. Multiplies 2- to 3-digit numbers by multiples of 10
and 100.
10. Multiplies 1- to 2-digit numbers by 1 000. 1
11. Estimates the product of 2- to 3-digit numbers and
1- to 2-digit numbers with reasonable results.
•Estimates the product of 2-digit numbers and 1-to
15 2
2- digit numbers with reasonable results.
•Estimates the product of 3-digit numbers and 1-to
2- digit numbers with reasonable results.
12. Multiplies mentally 2-digit by 1-digit numbers
without regrouping with products of up to 100.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
13. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication without or with addition and
subtraction of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
•Solves routine problems involving multiplication
with or without addition and subtraction of whole
16 4
numbers including money using appropriate
problem solving strategies and tools.
•Solves non-routine problems involving
multiplication with or without addition and
subtraction of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies and
14. Visualizes and states the multiples of 1- to 2-digit
17 2
15. Visualizes division of numbers up to 100 by 6, 7, 8,
and 9 (multiplication table of 6, 7, 8, and 9).
16. Visualizes and states basic division facts of numbers
18 1
up to 10.
17. Divides 2- to 3-digit numbers by 1- to 2- digit 2
numbers without and with remainder.
18. Divides 2-3-digit numbers by 10 and 100 without or
with remainder.
19. Estimates the quotient of 2- to 3- digit numbers by
1- to 2- digit numbers.
•Estimates the quotient of 2-digit numbers by 1- to
19 2
2- digit numbers.
•Estimates the quotient of 3- digit numbers by 1- to
2- digit numbers.
20. Divides mentally 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
without remainder using appropriate strategies.
21. Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
division of 2- to 4-digit numbers by 1- to 2-digit
numbers without or with any of the other
operations of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
•Solves routine problems involving division of 2- to
4-digit numbers by 1- 2-digit numbers with any of
the other operations of whole numbers including 4
money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
•Solves non- routine problems involving division of
2- to 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without
any of the other operations of whole numbers
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
Quarter 3
21 1. Identifies odd and even numbers. 2
2. Visualizes and represents fractions that are equal
to one and greater than one.
3. Reads and writes fractions that are equal to one
and greater than one in symbols and in words.
•Reads fractions that are equal to one and
22 4
greater than one in symbols and in words.
Number and
•Writes fractions that are equal to one and greater
Number Sense
than one in symbols and in words.
4. Represents fractions using regions, sets, and the
number line.
23 •Represents fractions using regions. 4
•Represents fractions using sets.
•Represents fractions using the number line.
24 5. Visualizes and generates equivalent fractions. 4
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
•Visualizes and generates equivalent fractions
using models.
•Visualizes and generates equivalent fractions
using multiples and factors.
6. Recognizes and draws a point, line, line segment
25 2
and ray.
7. Recognizes and draws parallel, intersecting and
perpendicular lines.
8. Visualizes, identifies and draws congruent line
•Visualizes, identifies and draws congruent line
26 2
•Identifies and draws congruent line segments
using ruler.
9. Identifies and visualizes symmetry in the
environment and in design.
10. Identifies and draws the line of symmetry in a given
27 2
symmetrical figure.
11. Completes a symmetric figure with respect to a
given line of symmetry.
12. Determines the missing term/s in a given
combination of continuous and repeating pattern.
•Determines if the given pattern is continuous or
repeating pattern.
28 4
•Determines the missing term/s in a given
combination of continuous pattern.
•Determines the missing term/s in a given
combination of repeating pattern.
13. Finds the missing value in a number sentence
involving multiplication or division of whole
Patterns and
E.g. N x 7 = 56
56 ÷ n = 8
• Finds the missing value in a number sentence
involving multiplication of whole numbers.
29 - 30 •Finds the missing value in a number sentence 8
involving division of whole numbers.
17. •Writes a number sentence involving multiplication
of whole numbers.
•Writes a number sentence involving division of
whole numbers.
17. •Creates simple problem involving multiplication
and division of whole numbers.
Quarter 4
1. Visualizes, and represents, and converts time
measure from seconds to minutes, minutes to
hours, and hours to a day and vice versa.
•Visualizes, represents time measure from seconds
to minutes; minutes to hours and hours to a day
31 2
and vice versa.
•Converts time measure from seconds to minutes;
minutes to hours, and vice versa.
•Converts time measure from hours to a day and
vice versa.
2. Visualizes, and represents, and converts time
3. Visualizes, and represents, and solves problems
involving conversion of time measure.
•Visualizes and represents problems involving
32 4
conversion of time measure.
•Solves problems involving conversion of time
4. Visualizes, and represents, and converts common
33 2
units of measure from larger to smaller unit and
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
vice versa: meter and centimeter, kilogram and
gram, liter and milliliter.
•Visualizes, and represents common units of
measure from larger to smaller unit and vice versa;
meter and centimeter, kilogram to gram, and liter
to milliliter.
•Convert common units of measure from larger to
smaller unit and vice versa; meter and centimeter,
kilogram to gram, and liter to milliliter.
5. Visualizes, and represents, and solves routine and
nonroutine problems involving conversions of 2
common units of measure.
6. Visualizes, and represents, and solves routine and
nonroutine problems involving capacity measure
•Visualizes and represents routine problems
involving capacity measure.
•Visualizes and represents non-routine problems
34 4
involving capacity measure.
•Solve routine problems involving capacity
•Solve non- routine problems involving capacity
7. Visualizes, and represents, and measures area
using appropriate unit.
35 •Visualizes and represents area using appropriate 4
•Measures area using appropriate unit.
8. Derives the formula for the area of a rectangle
and a square.
9. Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
areas of squares and rectangles.
•Solves routine problems involving area of
36 3
squares and rectangles.
•Solves non-routine problems involving areas and
perimeter of squares and rectangles.
10. Collects data on one variable using existing
37 2
11. Sorts, classifies, and organizes data in tabular form
and presents this into a vertical or horizontal bar 2
12. Infers and interprets data presented in different
kinds of bar graphs (vertical/ horizontal).
•Infers data presented in different kinds of bar
38 4
graphs (vertical/horizontal).
•Interpret data presented in different kinds of bar
graphs (vertical/horizontal).
13. Solves routine and nonroutine problems using data
And Probability
presented in a single-bar graph.
•Solves routine problems using data presented in a
39 4
single-bar graph.
•Solves non-routine problems using data
presented in a single-bar graph.
14. Tells whether an event is sure, likely, equally likely,
40 2
unlikely, and impossible to happen.
15. Describes events in real-life situations using the
phrases “sure to happen,“ likely to happen”,
“equally likely to happen”, “unlikely to happen”,
and “impossible to happen”.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Visualizes numbers up to 100 000 with emphasis on
1 1
numbers 10 001 – 100 000.
2. Gives the place value and value of a digit in
numbers up to 100 000.
3. Reads and writes numbers up to hundred thousand
in symbols and in words.
4. Rounds numbers to the nearest thousand and ten
2 • Recall Rounding off whole numbers 2
• Recall “landmark numbers and Rounding of whole
5. Orders numbers up to 100 000 in increasing or
decreasing order.
6. Multiplies numbers up to 3-digit numbers by up to 2-
digit numbers without or with regrouping.
• Recall Basic Addition and Multiplication Facts
3 • multiplies numbers up to 3 to 4-digit numbers by 2 2
to 3-digit
• multiplies numbers up to 3 to 4-digit numbers by 2
to 3-digit numbers with regrouping.
7. Estimates the products of 3- to 4-digit numbers by 2-
to 3- digit numbers with reasonable results.
8. Multiplies mentally 2-digit by 1-to 2-digit numbers
4 with products up to 200 and explains the strategies 2
9. Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
multiplication of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
10. Solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems
involving multiplication and addition or subtraction
Numbers and using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
Number Sense tools.
•Solves multi-step routine and non-routine
(pictorial/word) problems involving multiplication
and addition or subtraction using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools
5 11. Creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving multiplication or with addition or
subtraction of whole numbers including money.
•Creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving multiplication or with addition or
subtraction of whole numbers
•Creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving multiplication or with addition or
subtraction of whole numbers including money.
12. Divides 3- to 4-digit numbers by 1-to 2-digit numbers
without and with remainder.
• Divides 3- to 4-digit numbers without by 1- to 2-digit
6 2
number without remainder
•Divides 3- to 4-digit numbers without by 1- to 2-digit
number remainder
13. Divides mentally 2- to 4-digit numbers by tens or
hundreds or by 1 000 without and with remainder.
14. Estimates the quotient of 3- to 4-digit dividends by
7 1- to 2digit divisors with reasonable results. 4
•Recall/Explain Multiplication facts
15. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division of 3- to 4-digit numbers by 1- to 2-digit
8 4
numbers including money using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
•Recall four fundamental Operations and Identify
the different Steps i problem solving
•Solves routine problems involving division of 3- to 4-
digit numbers by 1- to 2- digit numbers including
money using appropriate problem-solving
strategies and tools.
•Solves non-routine problems involving division of 3-
to 4-digit numbers by 1- to 2-digit numbers including
money using appropriate problem-solving
strategies and tools.
16. Solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems
involving division and any of the other operations of
whole numbers including money using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
•Discuss different problems strategies and tools
•Solves multi-step routine problems involving
9 division and any of the other operations of whole 4
numbers including money using appropriate
•Solves multi-step non-routine problems involving
division and any of the other operations of whole
numbers including money using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools
17. Represents and explains Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction (MDAS) correctly.
10 18. Performs a series of two or more operations. 3
Quarter 2
1. Identifies factors of a given number up to 100.
•Recall multiplication and Division Facts
•identifies factors of a given number from 1 to 50
11 2
•identifies factors of a given number from 51 to 100
•Recall odd and even numbers
•Recall divisibility of a number
2. Identifies the multiples of a given number up to 100. 1
3. Differentiates prime from composite numbers. 1
4. Writes a given number as a product of its prime
12 2
5. Finds the common factors and the greatest
common factor (GCF) of two numbers using the
following methods: listing, prime factorization, and
continuous division.
6. Finds the common multiples and least common
multiple (LCM) of two numbers using the following
methods: listing, prime factorization, and
continuous division.
7. Solves real-life problems involving GCF and LCM of
2 given numbers.
•Solves real-life problems involving GCF of 2 given
Numbers and
Number Sense 13 4
•Solves real-life problems involving LCM of 2 given
• Solves real-life problems involving GCF and LCM
of 2 given numbers.
8. Changes improper fraction to mixed numbers and
vice versa.
14 3
•Changes improper fraction to mixed number.
•Changes mixed number to improper fraction
9. Changes fractions to lowest forms. 1
10. Visualizes addition and subtraction of similar
15 fractions. 2
•Recall like fraction
11. Visualizes subtraction of a fraction from a whole
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
12. Visualizes addition and subtraction of dissimilar
13. Performs addition and subtraction of similar and
dissimilar fractions.
16 •Recall LCM and LCD of a number 4
•Perform addition of dissimilar fractions
•Perform subtraction of dissimilar fractions
14. Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
addition and/or subtraction of fractions using
appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
•Solves routine problems involving addition of
17 fractions using appropriate problem-solving 4
strategies and tools.
•Solves routine problems involving subtraction of
fractions using appropriate problem-solving
strategies and tools
15. Visualizes decimal numbers using models like blocks,
grids, number lines and money to show the
relationship to fractions.
•Defining decimal number
18 •visualizes decimal numbers using models like 2
blocks and grids to show relationship to fractions.
•visualizes decimal numbers using models like
number lines and money to show relationship to
16. Renames decimal numbers to fractions, and
fractions whose denominators are factors of 10 and 2
100 to decimals.
17. Gives the place value and the value of a digit of a
given decimal number through hundredths.
19 •Gives the place value of a digit of a given
decimal number through hundredths.
•Gives the value of a digit of a given decimal
number through hundredths.
18. Reads and writes decimal numbers through
19. Rounds decimal numbers to the nearest whole
20 2
number and tenth.
20. Compares and arranges decimal numbers.
•Compares and arranges decimal numbers. 2
•Compares and arranges mixed decimal numbers
Quarter 3
1. Describes and illustrates parallel, intersecting, and
21 perpendicular lines. 2
•Recall points, line, plane, ray and line segment
2. Draws perpendicular and parallel lines using a ruler
and a set square.
3. Describes and illustrates different angles (right,
acute, and obtuse) using models.
•Describes and illustrates different angles (right,
22 acute and obtuse) using models. 2
•Describes and illustrates different angles (right,
acute, and obtuse) through creative art works
4. Describes the attributes/properties of triangles and
quadrilaterals using concrete objects or models.
5. Identifies and describes triangles according to sides
and angles.
•identifies and describes triangles according to
sides (includes orientation of the use of measuring
23 2
• identifies and describes triangles according to
angles (includes orientation of the use of measuring
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
6. Identifies and describes the different kinds of
quadrilaterals: square, rectangle, parallelogram, 2
trapezoid, and rhombus.
7. Relates triangles to quadrilaterals.
24 •Identifying the characteristics of triangles and 2
8. Relates one quadrilateral to another quadrilateral
(e.g. Square to rhombus).
9. Determine the missing term/s in a sequence of
numbers (e.g. Odd numbers, even numbers,
multiples of a number, factors of a number, etc.)
E.g. 3,6,9,__ 4,8,12,16,__ (e.g. Odd numbers, even
numbers, multiples of a number, factors of a
number, etc.)
25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ____ 2
•Determines the missing term/s in a sequence of
odd and even num
•Determines the missing term/s in a sequence of
multiples of a number
•Determines the missing term/s in a sequence of
factors of a number and other sequences.
10. Finds the missing number in an equation involving
properties of operations. (e.g. (4+__) + 8 = 4 + ( 5 + 2
11. Finds the elapsed time in minutes and seconds.
•Introducing conversion hours to minutes and vice
26 2
•Conversion of Minutes to Seconds and vice versa
12. Estimates the duration of time in minutes. 1
13. Solves problems involving elapsed time. 1
14. Visualizes the perimeter of any given plane figure in
different situations.
•Visualize/illustrate the perimeter of any plane
27 1
Patterns and
• Measuring the perimeter of any plane figure using
cm and m.
15. Measures the perimeter of any given figure using
appropriate tools.
16. Derives the formula for perimeter of any given figure 1
17. Finds the perimeter of triangles, squares, rectangles,
parallelograms, and trapezoids.
18. Solves routine and nonroutine problems in real-life
situations involving perimeter of squares and
rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, and
•Solves routine and non-routine problems in real life
situations involving perimeter of squares and
rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, and
•Solves routine and non-routine problems in real-life
28 4
situations involving perimeter of triangles.
•18.2 Solves routine and non-routine problems in
real-life situations involving perimeter of squares,
and rectangles.
•18.3 Solves routine and non-routine problems in
real-life situations involving perimeter of
•18.3 Solves routine and non-routine problems in
real-life situations involving perimeter of trapezoid.
29 19. Differentiates perimeter from area 4
20. Converts sq. cm to sq. m and vice versa. 4
Quarter 4
1. Finds the area of irregular figures made up of
Measurement 30 2
squares and rectangles using sq. Cm and sq. M.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
2. Finds the area of triangles, parallelograms and
trapezoids using sq. Cm and sq. M.
3. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
squares, rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, and
•Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
area of squares, and rectangles
31 •Solves routine and non-routine problems involving 5
area of parallelograms
•Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
area of triangles
•Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
area of trapezoid
4. Visualizes the volume of solid figures in different
32 situations using non-standard (e.g. Marbles, etc.) 2
And standard units.
5. Derives the formula for the volume of rectangular
6. Finds the volume of a rectangular prism using cu.
Cm and cu. M.
7. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
the volume of a rectangular prism.
•Identify the appropriate problem strategy
33 •Solves routine problems involving the volume of a 5
rectangular prism.
• Solves non-routine problems involving the volume
of a rectangular prism.
34 8. Collects data on two variables using any source. 2
9. Organizes data in tabular form and presents them
in a single/double horizontal or vertical bar graph.
10. Interprets data presented in different kinds of bar
35 graphs (vertical/horizontal, single/double bars). 2
•Interpreting vertical and horizontal bar graph
11. Solves routine and non-routine problems using data
presented in a single or double-bar graph.
12. Draws inferences based on data presented in a
36 2
double bar graph.
13. Records favorable outcomes in a simple
experiment (e.g. Tossing a coin, spinning a wheel, 2
14. Expresses the outcome in a simple experiment in
Statistics and words, symbols, tables, or graphs.
Probability •Expresses the outcome in a simple experiment in
words and symbols.
37 4
•19.2 Expresses the outcome in a simple experiment
in tables
•19.3 Expresses the outcome in a simple experiment
in graph
15. Explains the outcomes in an experiment 1
16. Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving a
simple experiment.
•Solves routine problems involving a simple
38 5
•Solves non-routine problems involving a simple
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Uses divisibility rules for 2, 5, and 10 to find the
common factors of numbers.
2. Uses divisibility rules for 3, 6, and 9 to find common
3. Uses divisibility rules for 4, 8, 12, and 11 to find
common factors.
4. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving 4
factors, multiples, and divisibility rules for
2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11, and 12.
5. States, explains, and interprets Parenthesis,
Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
(PMDAS) or Grouping, Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction (GMDAS) rule.
6. Simplifies a series of operations on whole numbers
involving more than two operations using the
3 3
PMDAS or GMDAS rule.
•Performs operation on whole numbers
7. Finds the common factors and the GCF of 2–4
numbers using continuous division.
8. Finds the common multiples and LCM of 2–4
numbers using continuous division.
9. Solves real-life problems involving GCF and LCM of
2-3 given numbers.
10. Adds fractions and mixed fractions without and
with regrouping.
•adds similar fractions and similar mixed fractions
5 2
without and with regrouping.
•adds dissimilar fractions and dissimilar mixed
fractions without and with regrouping.
11. Subtracts fractions and mixed fractions without
and with regrouping.
12. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
addition and/or subtraction of fractions using
appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
• solves routine problems involving addition and/or
6 subtraction of fractions using appropriate problem- 2
solving strategies and tools.
• solves non-routine problems involving addition
and/or subtraction of fractions using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
7 13. Visualizes multiplication of fractions using models. 2
14. Multiplies a fraction and a whole number and
another fraction.
15. Multiplies mentally proper fractions with
denominators up to 10.
16. Solves routine or non-routine problems involving
multiplication without or with addition or
subtraction of fractions and whole numbers using
appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
•solves routine or non-routine problems involving
multiplication without addition or subtraction of
8 2
fractions and whole numbers using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
• solves routine or non-routine problems involving
multiplication with addition or subtraction of
fractions and whole numbers using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
17. Shows that multiplying a fraction by its reciprocal is
equal to 1. 2
•illustrates reciprocal of a number or fraction.
9 18. Visualizes division of fractions. 2
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
19. Divides simple fractions whole numbers by a
fraction and vice versa.
20. Solves routine or non-routine problems involving
division without or with any of the other operations
of fractions and whole numbers using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools
• solves routine or non-routine problems involving
division without any of the other operations of
10 4
fractions and whole numbers using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools
•solves routine or non-routine problems involving
division with any of the other operations of
fractions and whole numbers using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools
Quarter 2
1. Gives the place value and the value of a digit of a
given decimal number through ten thousandths.
2. Reads and writes decimal numbers through ten
3. Rounds decimal numbers to the nearest hundredth
and thousandth.
4. Compares and arranges decimal numbers.
12 2
•illustrate different comparing symbols.
5. Adds and subtracts decimal numbers through
thousandths without and with regrouping.
6. Solves routine or non-routine problems involving
addition and subtraction of decimal numbers
including money using appropriate problem-
solving strategies and tools.
13 4
•determine appropriate problem-solving strategy
and tools such as but not limited to drawing
pictures/ diagrams/ models; look for patterns; use
of manipulatives
7. Multiplies decimals up to 2 decimal places by 1- to
2-digit whole numbers.
8. Multiplies decimals with factors up to 2 decimal
9. Estimates the products of decimal numbers with
reasonable results.
Number and
Number Sense 10. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication without or with addition or 4
subtraction of decimals and whole numbers
including money using appropriate problem-
solving strategies and tools.
11. Divides decimals with up to 2 decimal places.
•Divides whole number
12. Divides whole numbers with quotients in decimal
13. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division without or with any of the other operations
of decimals and whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
•solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division without any of the other operations of
17 decimals and whole numbers including money 5
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
•solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division with any of the other operations of
decimals and whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
14. Visualizes the ratio of 2 given numbers. 1
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
18 15. Expresses ratio using either the colon (:) or fraction.
16. Identifies and writes equivalent ratios.
19 17. Finds the missing term in a pair of equivalent ratios.
18. Defines and describes a proportion.
19. Recognizes when two quantities are in direct
Quarter 3
1. Visualizes percent and its relationship to fractions,
20 ratios, and decimal numbers using models.
•Illustrates fractions, ratio and decimals.
2. Defines percentage, rate or percent, and base.
Number and
3. Identifies the base, percentage, and rate in a
Number Sense
21 4. Finds the percentage in a given problem.
5. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving 5
percentage using appropriate strategies and tools.
6. Visualizes, names, and describes polygons with 5 or
22 more sides. 2
•Illustrate triangles and quadrilaterals.
7. Describes and compares properties of polygons
(regular and irregular polygons).
8. Visualizes congruent polygons. 2
Geometry 9. Visualizes and describes a circle. 1
23 10. Identifies the terms related to a circle.
11. Draws circles with different radii using a compass.
24 12. Visualizes and describes solid figures.
13. Makes models of different solid figures: cube,
prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere using
plane figures.
14. Formulates the rule in finding the next term in a
1, 3, 7,15, (15 x 2+1)
25 3
Possible answers:
(x 2 + 1)
(+2, +4, +8, +16)
Patterns and
Illustrates sequence
17. Uses different strategies (looking for a pattern,
working Backwards, etc.) To solve for the unknown
in simple equations Involving one or more
operations on whole numbers and Fractions. 2
3 x _ + 1 = 10
(the unknown is solved by working backwards)
18.Measures time using a 12-hour and a 24-hour
27 clock.
•Reads time in 12-hour and 24-hour clock.
16. Calculates time in the different world time zones in
relation to the Philippines.
17. Solves problems involving time.
28 18. Visualizes circumference of a circle. 1
19. Measures circumference of a circle using
appropriate tools.
20. Derives a formula in finding the circumference of a
21. Finds the circumference of a circle. 1
22. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
29 4
circumference of a circle.
Quarter 4
1. Derives a formula in finding the area of a circle 1
2. Finds the area of a given circle.
30 1
•Performs multiplication and squaring number.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
3. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
the area of a circle.
4. Visualizes the volume of a cube and rectangular
31 prism. 1
•Illustrates a square and a rectangle.
5. Names the appropriate unit of measure used for
measuring the volume of a cube and a rectangle 1
6. Derives the formula in finding the volume of a
cube and a rectangular prism using cubic cm and 1
cubic m.
7. Converts cu. Cm to cu. M and vice versa; to
L and vice versa.
8. Finds the volume of a given cube and rectangular
32 prism using cu. Cm and cu. M.
•Multiplies whole numbers and decimals 4
9. Estimates and uses appropriate units of measure
for volume.
10. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
33 volume of a cube and rectangular prism in real-life 4
situations using appropriate strategies and tools.
11. Creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving volume of a cube and rectangular prism
in real-life situations.
12. Reads and measures temperature using
34 thermometer (alcohol and/or digital) in degree 1
13. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
temperature in real-life situations.
14. Organizes data in tabular form and presents them
35 in a line graph
•Illustrates line graph. 4
15. Interprets data presented in different kinds of line
graphs (single to double-line graph).
16. Solves routine and non-routine problems using
data presented in a line graph.
17. Draws inferences based on data presented in a
line graph.
37 18. Describes experimental probability.
19. Performs an experimental probability and records 4
result by listing.
20. Analyzes data obtained from chance using
38 experiments involving letter cards (A to Z) and 4
number cards (0 to 20).
21. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
39 4
experimental probability.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Adds and subtracts simple fractions and mixed
numbers without or with regrouping.
1 • adds and subtracts simple similar fractions and 2
mixed numbers without or with regrouping.
• adds and subtracts simple dissimilar fractions
2. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
addition and/or subtraction of fractions using 2
appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
2 3. Multiplies simple fractions and mixed fractions. 2
4. Solves routine or non-routine problems involving
multiplication without or with addition or
subtraction of fractions and mixed fractions using
appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
3 5. Divides simple fractions and mixed fractions. 2
Number and 6. Solves routine or non-routine problems involving
Number Sense division without or with any of the other operations
of fractions and mixed fractions using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
7. Adds and subtracts decimals and mixed decimals
through ten thousandths without or with
• adds and subtracts decimals and mixed
4 2
decimals through ten thousandths without
• adds and subtracts decimals and mixed
decimals through ten thousandths with regrouping.
8. Solves 1 or more steps routine and non-routine
problems involving addition and/or subtraction of
decimals and mixed decimals using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
9. Multiplies decimals and mixed decimals with
factors up to 2 decimal places.
10. Multiplies mentally decimals up to 2 decimals
places by 0.1, 0.01,10, and 100.
11. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication of decimals and mixed decimals
including money using appropriate problem-
solving strategies.
12. Solves multi-step problems involving multiplication
and addition or subtraction of decimals, mixed
6 decimals and whole numbers including money 4
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
13. Divides whole numbers by decimals up to 2
decimal places and vice versa.
14. Divides decimals/mixed decimals up to 2 decimal
15. Divides decimals up to 4 decimal places by 0.1,
0.01, and 0.001.
16. Divides decimals up to 2 decimal places by 10,
100, and 1 000 mentally.
17. Differentiates terminating from repeating, non-
9 2
terminating decimal quotients.
18. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division of decimals, mixed decimals, and whole
numbers including money using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
19. Solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems
10 involving division and any of the other operations 4
of decimals, mixed decimals, and whole numbers
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
including money using appropriate problem-
solving strategies and tools.
Quarter 2
1. Expresses one value as a fraction of another given
11 their ratio and vice versa. 2
•visualizes the ratio of two given numbers.
2. Defines and illustrates the meaning of ratio and
proportion using concrete or pictorial models.
3. Finds a missing term in a proportion (direct, inverse,
and partitive).
12 2
Number and •recognizes direct, inverse and partitive
Number Sense proportions.
4. Solves problems involving direct proportion,
partitive proportion, and inverse proportion in
different contexts such as distance, rate, and time
using appropriate strategies and tools
5. Finds the percentage or rate or percent in a given
13 problem. 2
•defines percentage, rate or percent
6. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
finding the percentage, rate and base using 2
appropriate strategies and tools.
7. Solves percent problems such as percent of
increase/decrease (discounts, original price, rate
14 4
of discount, sale price, marked-up price),
commission, sales tax, and simple interest.
8. Describes the exponent and the base in a number
15 expressed in exponential notation. 2
•multiplies whole number (by itself)
9. Gives the value of numbers expressed in
exponential notation.
10. Interprets and explains the Grouping, Exponent,
16 Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction 2
(GEMDAS) rule.
11. Performs two or more different operations on
whole numbers with or without exponents and
grouping symbols. 2
•performs the four fundamental operations in
whole number
17 12. Describes the set of integers.
13. Compares integers with other numbers such as 4
whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.
18 14. Compares and arranges integers.
15. Describes and interprets the basic operations on
integers using materials such as algebra tiles,
counters, chips, and cards.
16. Performs the basic operations on integers.
•performs addition of integers.
•performs subtraction of integers.
19 •performs multiplication of integers. 4
•performs division of integers.
•performs combination of four fundamental
operations on integers.
17. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
basic operations of integers using appropriate
20 strategies and tools. 4
•determine appropriate problem-solving strategy
and tools.
Quarter 3
1. Visualizes and describes the different solid figures:
21 2
cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere.
2. Differentiates solid figures from plane figures. 2
22 3. Identifies the faces of a solid figure. 4
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
4. Formulates the rule in finding the nth term using
different strategies (looking for a pattern, guessing
and checking, working backwards)
23 4
(the nth term is 3n+1)
•determines the missing term/s in a sequence of
5. Gives the translation of real-life verbal expressions
Patterns and
24 and equations into letters or symbols and vice 2
6. Defines a variable in an algebraic expression and
7. Represents quantities in real-life situations using
25 2
algebraic expressions and equations.
8. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
different types of numerical expressions and
equations such as
7+ 9 =___ + 6.
9. Calculates speed, distance, and time.
26 2
•Multiplies and divides whole numbers.
10. Solves problems involving average rate and
11. Finds the area of composite figures formed by any
two or more of the following: triangle, square,
27 2
rectangle, circle, and semi-circle.
•find the area of plane figures.
12. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
area of composite figures formed by any two or
more of the following: triangle, square, rectangle,
circle, and semi-circle.
Measurement 13. Visualizes and describes surface area and names
the unit of measure used for measuring the surface
28 area of solid/space figures. 4
•visualizes and describes the different solid figures:
cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere.
14. Derives a formula for finding the surface area of
cubes, prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, and 1
15. Finds the surface area of cubes, prisms, pyramids,
29 cylinders, cones, and spheres. 3
•Performs series of two or more operations.
16. Solves word problems involving measurement of
30 4
surface area.
Quarter 4
1. Determines the relationship of the volume between
a. a rectangular prism and a pyramid;
b. a cylinder and a cone; and
31 3
c. a cylinder and sphere.
•visualizes and describes the different solid figures:
cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere
2. Derives the formula for finding the volume of
cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres.
3. Finds the volume of cylinders, pyramids, cones,
Measurement and spheres.
32 •performs two or more different operations on 2
whole numbers with or without exponents and
grouping symbols.
4. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
volumes of solids.
5. Reads and interprets electric and water meter
33 1
•reads and writes decimal numbers through
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
6. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
electric and water consumption. 4
•performs operations in decimals.
7. Constructs a pie graph based on a given set of
34 1
8. Solves routine and non-routine problems using
35 5
data presented in a pie graph.
9. Describes the meaning of probability such as 50%
chance of rain and one in a million chance of
36 4
•describe experimental probability
10. Performs experiments and records outcomes. 1
11. Makes listings and diagrams of outcomes and tells
37 the number of favorable outcomes and chances 5
using these listings and diagrams.
12. Makes simple predictions of events based on the
38 5
results of experiments.
13. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
39 5
experimental and theoretical probability.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Illustrates the union and intersection of sets and the
difference of two sets.
1 •Illustrates and describes the union of two sets. 4
•Illustrates the difference of two sets
•Illustrate the complement of a set.
2. Uses Venn Diagrams to represent sets, subsets and
the set operations.
2 3. Solves problems involving sets. 2
4. Represents the absolute value of a number on a
3 2
number line as the distance of a number from 0.
5. Performs addition and subtraction of integers using
model or chips.
6. Illustrates the different properties of operations on
the set of integers.
7. Expresses rational numbers from fraction form to
decimal form and vice versa.
8. Performs operations on rational numbers.
5 •Performs operation involving rational numbers. 4
•Solve problems involving rational numbers.
9. Describes principal roots and tells whether they are
6 2
rational or irrational.
10. Determines between what two integers the square
root of a number is.
11. Estimates the square root of a whole number to the
7 2
nearest hundredth.
12. Plots irrational numbers (up to square roots) on a
number line.***
8 13. Illustrates the different subsets of real numbers. 2
14. Arranges real numbers in increasing or decreasing
15. Writes numbers in scientific notation and vice
•Identify the significant figures in a given number.
9 4
•Write the scientific notation of very big number
and very small number and vice versa.
•Describe number in scientific notation.
16. Represents real-life situations which involve real
numbers. 4
17. Solves problems involving real numbers.
Quarter 2
1. Approximates the measures of quantities
11 particularly length, weight/mass, volume, time, 4
angle and temperature and rate.
2. Converts measurements from one unit to another
in both Metric and English systems.
12 2
•Converts measurement from one unit to another
using metric system and English system.
3. Solves problems involving conversion of units of
4. Translates English phrases to mathematical phrases
13 1
and vice versa.
5. Interprets the meaning of an where n is a positive
Patterns 6. Differentiates between constants and variables in
and a given algebraic expression.
Algebra 10. Classifies algebraic expressions which are
polynomials according to degree and number of 1
7. Evaluates algebraic expressions for given values of
14 2
the variables.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
11. Adds and subtracts polynomials. 2
12. Derives the laws of exponent.
15 •Identify the different law of exponents. 2
•Derives the law of exponent.
13. Multiplies and divides polynomials. 2
14. Uses models and algebraic methods to find the:
(a) product of two binomials; (b) product of the
sum and difference of two terms; (c) square of a
binomial; (d) cube of a binomial; (e) product of a
binomial and a trinomial.
•Uses models and algebraic methods to find the
16 sum and difference of two binomials. 4
•Uses models and algebraic methods to find the
product of two binomials.
•Uses models and algebraic methods to find the
cube of a binomial.
•Uses models and algebraic methods to find the
product binomial and trinomial.
15. Solves problems involving algebraic expressions.
•Solves routine problems involving algebraic
17 expressions. 4
•Solves non-routine problems involving algebraic
16. Differentiates between algebraic expressions and
18 1
17. Translates English sentences to mathematical
sentences and vice versa
18. Illustrates linear equation and inequality in one
19. Finds the solution of linear equation or inequality in
one variable.
19 2
•Finds solution of linear equation in one variable.
•Finds solution of linear inequality in one variable.
20. Solves linear equation or inequality in one variable
involving absolute value by: (a) graphing; and (b)
algebraic methods.
•Solves linear equation or inequality in one
20 3
variable involving absolute value by: (a) graphing.
•Solves linear equation or inequality in one
variable involving absolute value by: (b) algebraic
21. Solves problems involving equations and
inequalities in one variable.
Quarter 3
1. Represents point, line and plane using concrete
and pictorial models.
2. Illustrates subsets of a line.
3. Classifies the different kinds of angles.
4. Derives relationships of geometric figures using
measurements and by inductive reasoning;
supplementary angles, complementary angles,
congruent angles, vertical angles, adjacent
angles, linear pairs, perpendicular lines, and
Geometry parallel lines.
• Illustrates , identifies and defines pairs of angles:
22 linear pairs; complementary angles; 4
supplementary angles ; congruent angles;
adjacent angles and vertical angles
• Derives relationships of geometric figures using
measurements ; supplementary angles,
complementary angles, and congruent angles
• Illustrates , identifies and defines parallel lines
and perpendicular lines
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
• Derives relationships of geometric figures using
measurements :vertical angles, adjacent angles
and linear pairs, perpendicular lines, and parallel
5. Derives relationships among angles formed by
parallel lines cut by a transversal using
measurement and by inductive reasoning.
• Derives relationships among angles formed by
23 parallel lines cut by a transversal using 4
• Derives relationships among angles formed by
parallel lines cut by a transversal by inductive
6. Uses a compass and straightedge to bisect line
24 segments and angles and construct 4
perpendiculars and parallels.
7. Illustrates polygons: (a) convexity; (b) angles; and
(c) sides.
• Define and identify polygons, convexity, angles
25 4
and sides.
• Illustrates polygons: (a) convexity; (b) angles; and
(c) sides.
8. Derives inductively the relationship of exterior and
26 4
interior angles of a convex polygon.
9. Illustrates a circle and the terms related to it: radius,
diameter chord, center, arc, chord, central angle,
and inscribed angle.
• Illustrates a circle and the terms related to its
radius and diameter
27 • Illustrates a circle and the terms related to its 4
chord and center.
• Illustrates a circle and the terms related to its arc
and chord.
• Illustrates a circle and the terms related to its
central angle and inscribed angle.
10. Constructs triangles, squares, rectangles, regular
28 - 29 8
pentagons, and regular hexagons.
11. Solves problems involving sides and angles of a
• Solve routine problems involving sides and angles
30 4
of a polygon.
• Solve non routine problems involving sides and
angles of a polygon.
Quarter 4
1. Poses problems that can be solved using Statistics.
• Identify problems that can be solved using
31 statistics.
• Determine problems involving statistics in a real-
life situation.
2. Formulates simple statistical instruments.
3. Gathers statistical data.
• Identify the method of gathering statistical data.
32 4
• Determine the importance of gathering statistical
data in a real-life situation.
4. Organizes data in a frequency distribution table.
• Organizes data in a frequency distribution table:
33 ungrouped data 4
• Organizes data in a frequency distribution table:
grouped data
5. Uses appropriate graphs to represent organized
data: pie chart, bar graph, line graph, histogram,
34 - 35 and ogive. 8
• Uses appropriate graphs to represent organized
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
pie chart and line graph.
• Uses appropriate graphs to represent organized
bar graph and histogram,
• Represent organized data using ogive.
• Identify and understand the sigma notation.
• Uses the summation notation in expressing the
sum of a given numbers.
6. Illustrates the measures of central tendency
36 4
(mean, median, and mode) of a statistical data.
7. Calculates the measures of central tendency of
37 4
ungrouped and grouped data.
8. Illustrates the measures of variability (range,
average deviation, variance, standard deviation)
of a statistical data.
38 • Illustrates the measures of variability (range and 4
average deviation ) of a statistical data.
• Illustrates the measures of variability (variance
and standard deviation) of a statistical data.
9. Calculates the measures of variability of grouped
and ungrouped data.
• Determine the measures of variability in
ungrouped and grouped data.
• Calculates the measures of variability in
39 4
ungrouped data.
• Calculates the measures of variability of grouped
• Solves problems involving measures of variability
in grouped and ungrouped data
10. Uses appropriate statistical measures in analyzing
40 2
and interpreting statistical data.
11. Draws conclusions from graphic and tabular data
and measures of central tendency and variability.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Factors completely the different types of
a. Polynomials with common monomial factor
b. Difference of two squares
c. Sum and difference of two cubes
d. Perfect square trinomials, and
1 e. General trinomials 4
• Multiplies and divides polynomials.
• Uses models and algebraic methods to find the:
(a) product of two binomials; (b) product of the
sum and difference of two terms; (c) square of a
binomial; (d) cube of a binomial; (e) product of
a binomial and a trinomial.
Patterns 2. Solves problems involving factors of polynomials:
and a. Polynomials with common monomial factor
Algebra b. Difference of two squares
2 c. Sum and difference of two cubes 4
d. Perfect square trinomials, and
e. General trinomials
• Solves problems involving algebraic expressions
3. Illustrates rational algebraic expressions.
• Translates verbal phases to mathematical
expressions 4
• Evaluates algebraic expressions for given value
4. Simplifies rational algebraic expressions.
5. Performs operations on rational algebraic
4 2
6. Solves problems involving rational algebraic
7. Illustrates the rectangular coordinate system and
5 4
its uses.
8. Writes the linear equation ax + by = c in the form y
6 = mx + b and vice versa. 1
• Uses of APE and MPE
9. Graphs a linear equation given:
a. Any two points;
b. The x – and y – intercepts;
c. The slope and a point on the line.
10. Describes the graph of a linear equation in terms
of its intercepts and slope.
11. Finds the equation of a line given (a) two points;
7 (b) the slope and a point; (c) the slope and its 2
12. Solves problems involving linear equations in two
13. Illustrates a system of linear equations in two
14. Graphs a system of linear equations in two
variables. 4
15. Categorizes when a given system of linear
equations in two variables has graphs that are
parallel, intersecting, and coinciding.
16. Solves a system of linear equations in two variables
9 a. Graphing; 4
b. Substitution;
c. Elimination.
17. Solves problems involving systems of linear
10 4
equations in two variables.
Quarter 2
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
1. Differentiates linear inequalities in two variables
from linear equations in two variables.
2. Graphs linear inequalities in two variables. 4
3. Solves problems involving linear inequalities in two
4. Solves a system of linear inequalities in two
12 4
13 5. Illustrates a relation and a function.
8. Verifies if a given relation is a function.
9. Determines dependent and independent
14 10. Finds the domain and range of a function. 1
11. Graphs a linear function’s (a) domain; (b) range;
(c) table of values; (d) intercepts; and (e) slope.
15 12. Solves problems involving linear functions. 4
13. Determines the relationship between the
16 hypothesis and the conclusion of an if-then 2
14. Transforms a statement into an equivalent if-then
15. Determines the inverse, converse, and
17 4
contrapositive of an if-then statement.
Geometry 16. Illustrates the equivalences of:
18 a. The statement and its contrapositive; and 4
b. The converse and inverse of a statement.
17. Uses inductive or deductive reasoning in an
19 4
18. Writes a proof
20 a. Direct and 4
b. Indirect.
Quarter 3
21 1. Describes a mathematical system. 4
2. Illustrates the need for an axiomatic structure of a
mathematical system in General, and in Geometry
in particular:
22 - 23 b. Defined terms; 8
c. Undefined terms;
d. Postulates; and Theorems.

24 3. Illustrates triangle congruence. 4

Geometry 4. Illustrates the
a. SAS,
25 4
b. ASA and
c. SSS congruence postulates.
26 5. Solves corresponding parts of congruent triangles 4
27 6. Proves two triangles are congruent. 4
28 7. Proves statements on triangle congruence. 4
8. Applies triangle congruence to construct
29 - 30 a. Perpendicular lines 8
b. And angle bisectors.
Quarter 4
1. Illustrates theorems on triangle inequalities (Exterior
31 Angle Inequality Theorem, Triangle Inequality 4
Theorem, Hinge Theorem).
32 2. Applies theorems on triangle inequalities. 4
Geometry 33 3. Proves inequalities in a triangle. 4
4. Proves properties of parallel lines cut by a
34 4
5. Determines the conditions under which lines and
35 4
segments are parallel or perpendicular.
6. Illustrates an experiment, outcome, sample space
Statistics 36 4
and event.
Page 178 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
and 7. Counts the number of occurrences of an outcome
Probability in an experiment:
A. Table;
37 4
b. Tree diagram;
c. Systematic listing; and
d. Fundamental counting principle.
38 8. finds the probability of a simple event. 4
9. illustrates an experimental probability and a
39 4
theoretical probability.
10. solves problems involving probabilities of simple
40 4
Page 179 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Illustrates quadratic equations.
1 4
• Identifies the degree of polynomials
2. Solves quadratic equations by: (a) extracting
2 square roots; (b) factoring; (c)completing the 4
square; and (d) using the quadratic formula.
3. Characterizes the roots of a quadratic equation
using the discriminant.
3 4
• Applies the substitution method to solve for the
value of the discriminant.
4. Solves equations transformable to quadratic
4 4
equations (including rational algebraic equations).
5. Solves problems involving quadratic equations and
5 rational algebraic equations. 4
• States the steps of solving word problems.
6. Illustrates quadratic inequalities
6 • recognizes the inequality symbols and its
functions 4
7. Solves quadratic inequalities.
8. Solves problems involving quadratic inequalities.
7 9. Models real-life situations using quadratic functions.
11. Represents a quadratic function using: (a) table of 4
values; (b) graph; and (c) equation.
12. Transforms the quadratic function in general form
𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 into standard form (vertex form)
8 𝑦 = 𝑎(𝑥 − ℎ)2 + 𝑘 and vice versa. 4
• Applies knowledge about completing the square
to find the value of h and k.
13. Graphs a quadratic function and determine the
following: (a) domain; (b) range; (c) intercepts;
9 (d) axis of symmetry; (e) vertex; (f) direction of the
opening of the parabola.
• Locates and plot points on the cartesian plane.
14. Analyzes the effects of changing the values of a, h
and k in the equation 𝑦 = 𝑎(𝑥 − ℎ)2 + 𝑘. Of a
quadratic function on its graph.
15. Determines the equation of a quadratic function
given: (a) a table of values; (b) graph; (c) zeros. 4
16. Solves problems involving quadratic functions.
Quarter 2
1. Illustrates situations that involve the following
11 variations: (a) direct; (b) inverse; (c) joint; (d) 4
2. Translates into variation statement a relationship
between two quantities given by: (a) a table of
12 4
values; (b) a mathematical equation; (c) a graph,
and vice versa
13 3. Solves problems involving variation. 4
4. Applies the laws involving positive integral
Patterns 14 exponents to zero and negative integral 4
and exponents.
Algebra 5. Illustrates expressions with rational exponents.
15 6. Simplifies expressions with rational exponents.
7. Writes expressions with rational exponents as 4
radicals and vice versa.
8. Derives the laws of radicals from the laws of
16 rational exponents. 4
• Illustrates the laws of rational exponents.
9. Simplifies radical expressions using the laws of
17 4
18 10. Performs operations on radical expressions. 4
Page 180 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
19 11. Solves equations involving radical expressions. 4
12. Solves problems involving radicals.
20 4
• Solves equations involving radical expressions
Quarter 3
1. Determines the conditions that make a
quadrilateral a parallelogram.
21 4
• Illustrates the measure of sides and angles of
2. Uses properties to find measures of angles, sides and
other quantities involving parallelograms.
22 4
• Uses properties of parallelogram to find measures
of angles, sides and other quantities.
3. Proves theorems on the different kinds of
23 4
parallelogram (rectangle, rhombus, square).
24 4. Proves the Midline Theorem.
5. Proves theorems on trapezoids and kites.
6. Solves problems involving parallelograms,
25 4
trapezoids and kites.
7. Describes a proportion.
• Models ratio and proportion
8. Applies the fundamental theorems of 4
proportionality to solve problems involving
27 - 28 9. Illustrates similarity of figures.
10. Proves the conditions for similarity of triangles.
SAS Similarity Theorem
SSS Similarity Theorem 8
AA Similarity Theorem
Right Triangle Similarity Theorem
Special Right Triangle Theorem
11. Applies the theorems to show that given triangles
are similar. 4
12. Proves the Pythagorean Theorem.
13. Solves problems that involve triangle similarity and
30 4
right triangles.
Quarter 4
1. Illustrates the six trigonometric ratios: sine, cosine,
31 tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent. 4
• Identifies parts of a Right Triangle.
2. Finds the trigonometric ratios of special angles.
32 - 33 8
• State the properties of special right triangles.
3. Illustrates angles of elevation and angles of
Geometry 34 4
4. Uses trigonometric ratios to solve real-life problems
35 4
involving right triangles.
5. Illustrates laws of sines and cosines.
36 - 37 8
• Illustrates Oblique Triangles.
38 - 40 6. Solves problems involving oblique triangles. 12
Page 181 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Generates patterns.
1 • Illustrates patterns and relationships. 4
• Cites situations that generate patterns.
2. Illustrates an arithmetic sequence.
2 • Performs operations on rational numbers. 4
(Addition and Subtraction)
3. Determines arithmetic means and nth term of an
arithmetic sequence.
3 4
• Illustrates the different properties of operations on
Patterns the set of integers.
and 4. Illustrates a geometric sequence.
Algebra • Performs operations on rational numbers.
(Multiplication and Division)
• Simplifies expressions using laws of exponent.
5. Differentiates a geometric sequence from an
arithmetic sequence.
6. Determines geometric means and nth term of a
geometric sequence.
7. Finds the sum of the terms of a given finite or
infinite geometric sequence.
6 8. Solves problems involving sequences. 4
9. Performs division of polynomials using long division
and synthetic division.
• Performs fundamental operations on integers.
• Derives the laws of exponent.
10. Proves the Remainder Theorem and the Factor
11. Factors polynomials.
• factors completely different types of polynomials
(polynomials with common monomial factor,
8 4
difference of two squares, sum and difference of
two cubes, perfect square trinomials, and
general trinomials).
9 12. Illustrates polynomial equations. 4
13. Solves problems involving polynomials and
polynomial equations.
10 • Solves quadratic equations by: (a) extracting 4
square roots; (b) factoring; (c) completing the
square; and (d) using the quadratic formula.
Quarter 2
Patterns 11 1. Illustrates polynomial functions.
and 2. Graphs polynomial functions.
Algebra 12 3. Solves problems involving polynomial functions. 4
4. Derives inductively the relations among chords,
13 4
arcs, central angles, and inscribed angles.
5. Proves theorems related to chords, arcs, central
angles, and inscribed angles.
5.1 Proves theorems related to chords, arcs, central
14 4
5.2. Proves theorems related to inscribed
6. Illustrates secants, tangents, segments, and sectors
15 4
of a circle.
7. Proves theorems on secants, tangents, and
segments. 4
8. Solves problems on circles.
9. Derives the distance formula.
10. Applies the distance formula to prove some 4
geometric properties.
Page 182 of 349

11. Illustrates the center-radius form of the equation of

a circle.
• Solves quadratic equations by completing the
12. Determines the center and radius of a circle given
its equation and vice versa.
13. Graphs a circle and other geometric figures on the
19 4
coordinate plane.
14. Solves problems involving geometric figures on the
20 4
coordinate plane.
Quarter 3
1. Illustrates the permutation of objects.
• Illustrates the Fundamental Counting Principle
21 through a tree diagram or by listing method.
• Uses FCP to visualize the possible number of 4
2. Derives the formula for finding the number of
permutations of objects taken at a time. N r
22 3. Solves problems involving permutations. 4
23 4. Illustrates the combination of objects. 4
5. Differentiates permutation from combination of
objects taken at a time.
6. Derives the formula for finding the number of
combinations of n objects taken r at a time.
7. Solves problems involving permutations and
25 4
Statistics combinations
And 8. Illustrates events, and union and intersection of
Probability events.
• Uses Venn Diagrams to represent sets, subsets,
26 4
and set operations.
• Illustrates the union and intersection of sets and
the difference of two sets.
9. Illustrates the probability of a union of two events.
• Illustrates an experiment, outcome, sample
27 4
space and event.
• Finds the probability of a simple event.
 
10. Finds the probability of A  B .
28 • Finds the percentage or rate or percent in a 4
given problem.
29 11. Illustrates mutually exclusive events. 4
12. Solves problems involving probability.
30 4
Quarter 4
1. Illustrates the following measures of position:
quartiles, deciles and percentiles.
a. Illustrates the following measures of
position: quartiles,
31 4
b. Illustrates the following measures of
position: deciles and percentiles
• Illustrates the measures of central tendency
(mean, median, and mode) of a statistical data.
2. Calculates a specified measure of position (e.g.
And 32 4
90th percentile) of a set of data.
33 3. Interprets measures of position. 4
34 - 35 4. Solves problems involving measures of position. 8
5. Formulates statistical mini-research.
36 - 37 • Identifies sampling techniques, measures of 8
central tendency and variability.
6. Uses appropriate measures of position and other
38 - 40 statistical methods in analyzing and interpreting 12
research data.
Page 183 of 349
Page 184 of 349


Katangian at Daloy ng Kurikulum

Naging batayan ng K-12 kurikulum sa Araling Panlipunan ang mithiin ng

“Edukasyon para sa Lahat 2015” (Education for All 2015) at ang K to 12 Philippine Basic
Education Curriculum Framework. Hangad nito ang pagkakaroon ng mga
kakayahang kinakailangang sa ika-21 na siglo upang makalinang ng “functionally
literate and developed Filipino.” Kaya naman, tiniyak na ang mga binuong
nilalaman, pamantayang pangnilalalaman at pamantayan sa pagganap sa bawat
baitang ay makapag-aambag sa pagtatamo ng nasabing mithiin at para makamit
ang nilalayon (goal) ng K-12 Kurikulum ng Araling Panlipunan, ang makahubog ng
mamamayang mapanuri, mapagmuni, mapanagutan, produktibo, makakalikasan,
makabansa at makatao na may pambansa at pandaigdigang pananaw at
pagpapahalaga sa mga usaping pangkasaysayan at panlipunan.

Mula sa unang baitang hanggang ika-labindalawang baitang, naka-angkla

(anchor) ang mga paksain at pamantayang pang-nilalaman at pamantayan sa
pagganap ng bawat yunit sa pitong tema:
1. tao, kapaligiran at lipunan
2. panahon, pagpapatuloy at pagbabago,
3. kultura, pananagutan at pagkabansa,
4. karapatan, pananagutan at pagkamamamayan
5. kapangyarihan, awtoridad at pamamahala,
6. produksyon, distibusyon at pagkonsumo
7. at ungnayang pangrehiyon at pangmundo

Ang kasanayan sa iba’t-ibang disiplina ng Araling Panlipunan tulad ng

pagkamalikhain, mapanuring pag-iisip at matalinong pagpapasya,
pagsasaliksik/pagsisiyasat, kasanayang pangkasaysayan at Araling Panlipunan,
pakikipagtalastasan at pagpapalawak ng pandaigdigan.

Binibigyang diin sa kurikulum ang pag-unawa at hindi pagsasaulo ng mga

konsepto at terminolohiya. Bilang pagpapatunay ng malalim na pag-unawa, ang
mag-aaral ay kinakailangang makabuo ng sariling kahulugan at pagpapakahulugan
sa bawat paksang pinag-aaralan at ang pagsasalin nito sa ibang konteksto lalo na
ang aplikasyon nito sa tunay na buhay na may kabuluhan mismo sa kanya at sa
lipunang kanyang ginagalawan.

Sa kabuoan, nilalayon ng AP kurikulum na makalinang ng kabataan na may

tiyak na pagkakakilanlan at papel bilang Pilipinong lumalahok sa buhay ng lipunan,
bansa at daigdig. Kasabay sa paglinang ng identidad at kakayanang pansibiko ay
ang pag-unawa sa nakaraan at kasalukuyan at sa ugnayan sa loob ng lipunan, sa
pagitan ng lipunan at kalikasan, at sa mundo, kung paano nagbago at nagbabago
ang mga ito, upang makahubog ng indibiduwal at kolektibong kinabukasan.

Upang makamit ang mga layuning ito, mahalagang bigyang diin ang mga
magkakaugnay na kakayahan sa Araling Panlipunan: (i) pagsisiyasat; (ii) pagsusuri at
interpretasyon ng impormasyon; (iii) pananaliksik; (iv) komunikasyon, lalo na ang
pagsulat ng sanaysay; at (v) pagtupad sa mga pamantayang pang-etika.

Sa puntong ito, nararapat lamang na ang mga kakayahan sa pagkatuto ay

lapatan ng enabling at enrichment skills upang matiyak na ang mga layuning
nabangit ay makakamit.
Page 185 of 349

Ang Budget of Work ay nakaangkla sa layunin ng CALABARZON na

makahubog ng mga mag-aaral na may tiyak na pagkakakilanlan sa Timog
Katagalugan at papel bilang Pilipinong lumalahok sa buhay ng lipunan, bansa at

Bilang pagtugon sa pagharap sa hamon ng kasalukuyang panahon, ang

PIVOT 4A BOW na ito ay naidesenyo upang magabayan ang mga guro sa pagtuturo
ng asignaturang ito gamit ang ibat ibang paraan ng pagkatuto ng mga mag-aaral.
Sinisigurado din na ang mga kasanayang essential sa asignaturang ito ay huhubog
sa mapunuring pag-iisip, wastong desisyon ng mga mag-aaral upang maihanda sila
sa mas mapanghamong kasalukuyan.

Saklaw at Daloy ng Kurikulum

Naipamamalas ang kamalayan bilang batang Pilipino sa katangian at

bahaging ginagampanan ng tahanan, paaralan at pamayanan tungo sa
paghubog ng isang mamamayang mapanagutan, may pagmamahal sa bansa at
pagmamalasakit sa kapaligiran at kapwa.

Baitang Daloy ng Paksa

K Ako at ang Aking kapwa
1 Ako, ang Aking Pamilya at Paaralan
2 Ang Aking Komundad, Ngayon at Noon
3 Ang Mga Lalawigan sa Aking Rehiyon
4 Ang Bansang Pilipinas
5 Pagbuo ng Pilipinas bilang Nasyon
6 Mga Hamon at Tugon sa Pagkabansa
7 Araling Asyano
8 Kasaysayan ng Daigdig
9 Ekonomiks
10 Mga Kontemporaryong Isyu

Paano Gamiting ang BOW?

Ang PIVOT 4A BOW sa Araling Panlipunan ay binubuo ng apat (4) na kolum.

Ang unang kolum ay para sa Markahan; ang ikalawa ay para sa Pinakamahalagang
Kasanayang Pampagkatuto o MELC; ikatlo ang Kasanayang Pagkatuto; at panghuli
ang Bilang ng Araw ng Pagtuturo.

Markahan Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Bilang ng Araw

Pampagkatuto ng Pagtuturo
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(F) 1

Sa paggamit ng PIVOT 4A BOW sa Araling Panlipunan, mahalagang tingnan

at pag-aralan ang mga sumusunod:

A. Markahan
B. Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto (MELC)
C. Kasanayang Pampagkatuto
D. Bilang ng Araw ng Pagtuturo
Page 186 of 349

E. Pagpapaganang Kasanayan o Enabling Competencies. Ito ang mga

kasanayang nagmula sa K to 12 Curriculum Guide na gagamitin ng guro
upang bigyang-linaw o magsilbing tulay upang makamit ang mga
Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto.
F. Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto o MELC. Sa bawat PIVOT 4A
BOW, ito ay sinisimbolo ng mga numero o bilang. Ang mga bilang na ito ay
tumutukoy kung ilang MELC mayroon sa bawat baitang. Ang mga napiling
MELC ay maaaring katumbas ng isang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto na
makikita sa ikatlong kolum o kumbinasyon ng piling Kasanayang

Mga Hakbang sa Paggamit ng Budget of Work

•Bilangin ang mga Kasanayan
•Ilista ang kabuoang bilang ng mga competencies na ituturo sa bawat quarter.
STEP 1 •Alamin ang iyong mga layunin na inilaan para sa partikular na paksa
•Isaalang-alang ang oras na nakalaan

•Pag-aralan at analisahin ang mga kasanayang nangangailangan ng
kasanayanang prerequisite
•Itakda ang mga kasanayan na prerequisite
•Isulat ang mga kasanayan batay sa bilang ng mga araw na ituturo

•ihanda ang plano ng pagsasagawa
STEP 3 •Hatiin / i-sub-task ang mga kasanayan kung kinakailangan
•Isulat ang mga layunin nang: (Kaalaman, Kasanayan, Pag-uugali) KSA-
Knowledge, Skill, Attitude

•Piliin ang naaangkop na kasanayan batay sa antas at pangangailangan ng mga
mag-aaral. Tandaan ang mga ito: Maaring maging batayan ang resulta ng
STEP 4 formative na pagtataya sa kung anong pagsasanay ang gagamitin; enabling ba
o enrichment
•Gagamitin ang enabling na kasanayan kung may mga mag-aaral na hindi naka-
abot sa Lubusang Pagkatuto
•Kasanayang pang- enrichment naman ang gagamitin bilang karagdagang
pagsasanay ng mga mag-aaral na naka-abot sa Lubusang Pagkatuto.

•Balikan at repasuhin ang listahan ng mga kasanayang inilaan para sa
STEP 5 bawat kwarter
•Analisahin ang mga kasanayan ayon sa antas ng Lubusang Pagkatuto
•Siguraduhing 100% ng kasanayang pagkatuto ay natapos at natutuhan
ng mga mag-aaral .
•Magdiwang para sa tagumpay na nakamit.

Page 187 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Nasasabi ang batayang impormasyon tungkol sa sarili:
pangalan, magulang, kaarawan, edad, tirahan, paaralan,
1 2
iba pang pagkakakilanlan at mga katangian bilang
Nailalarawan ang pisikal na katangian sa pamamagitan
ng iba’t ibang malikhaing pamamaraan
Nasasabi ang sariling pagkakakilanlan sa iba’t ibang
Nailalarawan ang pansariling pangangailan: pagkain,
2 2
kasuotan at iba pa at mithiin para sa Pilipinas.
Natatalakay ang mga pansariling kagustuhan tulad ng:
paboritong kapatid, pagkain, kulay, damit, laruan atbp at
lugar sa Pilipinas na naipakikita sa malikhaing
Natutukoy ang mga mahahalagang pangyayari sa
3 buhay simula isilang hanggang sa kasalukuyang edad 2
gamit ang mga larawan
Nailalarawan ang mga personal na gamit tulad ng
laruan, damit at iba pa mula noong sanggol hanggang 2
sa kasalukuyang edad
Nakikilala ang timeline at ang gamit nito sa pag-aaral ng
4 mahahalagang pangyayari sa buhay hanggang sa 2
kanyang kasalukuyang edad
Naipakikita sa pamamagitan ng timeline at iba pang
pamamaraan ang mga pagbabago sa buhay at mga
personal na gamit mula noong sanggol hanggang sa 5
kasalukuyang edad
Nakapaghihinuha ng konsepto ng pagpapatuloy at
6 pagbabago sa pamamagitan ng pagsasaayos ng mga 3
larawan ayon sa pagkakasunod-sunod
Naihahambing ang sariling kwento o karanasan sa buhay
7 4
sa kwento at karanasan ng mga kamag- aral
Nailalarawan ang mga pangarap o ninanais para sa sarili
Natutukoy ang mga pangarap o ninanais 4
Naipapakita ang pangarap sa malikhaing pamamaraan
Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng pagkakaroon ng
mga pangarap o ninanais para sa sarili
Naipagmamalaki ang sariling pangarap o ninanais sa
8 3
pamamagitan ng mga malikhaing pamamamaraan
Nauunawaan ang konsepto ng pamilya batay sa
9 bumubuo nito (ie. Two- parent family, single-parent family, 2
extended family)
Nailalarawan ang bawat kasapi ng sariling pamilya sa
pamamagitan ng likhang sining
Nailalarawan ang iba’t ibang papel na ginagampanan
ngbawat kasapi ng pamilya sa iba’t ibang pamamaraan
10 Nasasabi ang kahalagahan ng bawat kasapi ng pamilya 1
Nakabubuo ng kwento tungkol sa pang-araw-araw na
gawain ng buong pamilya
Nailalarawan ang mga gawain ng mag-anak sa pagtugon
ng mga pangangailangan ng bawat kasapi
Nakikilala ang “family tree” at ang gamit nito sa pag- aaral
ng pinagmulang lahi ng pamilya
Nailalarawan ang pinagmulan ng pamilya sa malikhaing
11 Nailalarawan ang mga mahahalagang pangyayari sa 1
Page 188 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
buhay ng pamilya sa pamamagitan ng timeline/family tree
Nailalarawan ang mga pagbabago sa nakagawiang
gawain at ang pinapatuloy na tradisyon ng pamilya
Naipahahayag sa malikhaing pamamamaraan ang
sariling kwento ng pamilya
Naihahambing ang kwento ng sariling pamilya at kwento
ng pamilya ng mga kamag-aral
12 Naipagmamalaki ang kwento ng sariling pamilya. 1
Naiisa-isa ang mga alituntunin ng pamilya 2
Natatalakay ang mga batayan ng mga alituntunin ng
Nahihinuha na ang mga alituntunin ng pamilya ay
tumumutugon sa iba-ibang sitwasyon ng pang-araw-araw 4
na gawain ng pamilya
Nakagagawa ng wastong pagkilos sa pagtugon sa mga
13 1
alituntunin ng pamilya
Naihahambing ang alituntunin ng sariling pamilya sa
alituntunin ng pamilya ng mga kamag-aral
Naipakikita ang pagpapahalaga sa pagtupad sa mga
alituntunin ng sariling pamilya at pamilya ng mga kamag- 2
Nailalarawan ang batayang pagpapahalaga sa sariling
pamilya at nabibigyang katwiran ang pagtupad sa mga 2
Naihahahambing ang mga pagpapahalaga ng sariling
pamilya sa ibang pamilya
Natutukoy ang mga halimbawa ng ugnayan ng sariling
pamilya sa ibang pamilya
Nakabubuo ng konklusyon tungkol sa mabuting pakikipag-
14 ugnayan ng sariling pamilya sa iba pang pamilya sa 4
lipunang Pilipino.
***Nailalarawan ang sariling pamilya batay sa: (a)
15 komposisyon (b) kaugalian at paniniwala (c ) pinagmulan
at (d) tungkulin at karapatan ng bawat kasapi
Nasasabi ang mga batayang impormasyon tungkol sa
sariling paaralan: pangalan nito (at bakit ipinangalan ang
16 paaralan sa taong ito), lokasyon, mga bahagi nito, taon ng 2
pagkakatatag at ilang taon na ito, at mga pangalan ng
gusali o silid (at bakit ipinangalan sa mga taong ito)
Nailalarawan ang pisikal na kapaligiran ng sariling
Nasasabi ang epekto ng pisikal na kapaligiran sa sariling
17 2
pag-aaral (e.g. mahirap mag-aaral kapag maingay, etc)
Nailalarawan ang mga tungkuling ginagampanan ng mga
18 taong bumubuo sa paaralan (e.g. punong guro, mag- 3
aaral, actor at nars, dyanitor, etc
Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng paaralan sa sariling
19 2
buhay at sa pamayanan o komunidad.
Nasasabi ang mahahalagang pangyayari sa
pagkakatatag 3
ng sariling paaralan
Nailalarawan ang mga pagbabago sa paaralan tulad ng
pangalan, lokasyon, bilang ng mag-aaral atbp gamit ang 2
timeline at iba pang pamamaraan
Naipapakita ang pagbabago ng sariling paaralan sa
pamamagitan ng malikhaing pamamaraan at iba pang 3
likhang sining
Natutukoy ang mga alituntunin ng paaralan 2
Nabibigyang katwiran ang pagtupad sa mga alituntunin
20 3
ng paaralan
Page 189 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Nasasabi ang epekto sa sarili at sa mga kaklase ng
pagsunod at hindi pagsunod sa mga alituntunan ng 4
Nahihinuha ang kahalagahan ng alituntunin sa paaralan
at 4
sa buhay ng mga mag-aaral
Naiisa-isa ang mga gawain at pagkilos na nagpapamalas
ng pagpapahalaga sa sariling paaralan (eg. Brigada 3
Natatalakay ang kahalagahan ng pag-aaral
 Nakapagsasaliksik ng mga kwento tungkol sa mga batang
nakapag-aral at hindi nakapag-aral 4
 Nasasabi ang maaring maging epekto ng nakapag-aral at
hindi nakapag-aral sa tao
***Nakalalahok sa mga gawain at pagkilos na
21 nagpapamalas ng pagpapahalaga sa sariling paaralan
(eg. Brigada Eskwela)
Ikaapat na
Nakikilala ang konsepto ng distansya at ang gamit nito sa
pagsukat ng lokasyon
Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang katawagan sa pagsukat ng
lokasyon at distansya sa pagtukoy ng mga gamit at lugar 3
sa bahay (kanan, kaliwa, itaas, ibaba, harapan at likuran)
Nailalarawan ang kabuuan at mga bahagi ng sariling
tahanan at ang mga lokasyon nito
Nakagagawa ng payak na mapa ng loob at labas ng
22 2
Naiisa-isa ang mga bagay at istruktura na makikita sa
23 2
nadadaanan mula sa tahanan patungo sa paaralan
Naiuugnay ang konsepto ng lugar, lokasyon at distansya
sa pang-araw-araw na buhay sa pamamagitan ng iba’t
24 3
ibang uri ng transportasyon mula sa tahanan patungo sa
Nailalarawan ang pagbabago sa mga istruktura at bagay
mula sa tahanan patungo sa paaralan at natutukoy ang 2
mga mahalagang istruktura sa mga lugar na ito.
Nakagagawa ng payak na mapa mula sa tahanan
25 2
patungo sa paaralan
Natutukoy ang bahagi at gamit sa loob ng silid-aralan/
paaralan at lokasyon ng mga ito
Nakagagawa ng payak na mapa ng silid-
Naipaliliwanag ang konsepto ng distansya sa
pamamagitan ng nabuong mapa ng silid-aralan at
paaralan distansya ng mga bagay sa isa’t isa sa loob ng
silid-aralan distansya ng mga mag-aaral sa ibang mga
bagay sa silid- aralan distansya ng silid- aralan sa iba’t
ibang bahagi ng paaralan
Nakapagbigay halimbawa ng mga gawi at ugali na
26 makatutulong at nakasasama sa sariling kapaligiran: 4
tahanan at paaralan
Naipakikita ang iba’t ibang pamamaraan ng
27 pangangalaga ng kapaligirang ginagalawan sa tahanan, 4
sa paaralan at sa komunidad
Naipakikita ang pagpapahalaga sa kapaligirang
ginagalawan sa iba’t ibang pamamaraan at likhang sining
***Naipaliliwanag ang konsepto ng distansya at diresyon
at ang gamit nito sa pagtukoy ng lokasyon
***Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng mga istruktura
mula sa tahanan patungo sa paaralan
***These are MELCs provided by the Central Office but are not originally part of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
Page 190 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Nauunawaan ang konsepto ng komunidad.
1 Nasasabi ang payak na kahulugan ng komunidad 2
Nasasabi ang mga halimbawa ng komunidad
2 Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng komunidad 2
Natutukoy ang mga bumubuo ng komunidad: Mga tao:
mga iba’t ibang naninirahan sa komunidad, mga pamilya
o mag-anak, Mga institusyon: paaralan, mga sentrong
3 4
pamahalaan onagbibigay serbisyo, sentrong
pangkalusugan, pamilihan, simbahan o mosque at iba
pang pinagtitipunan ng mga kasapi ng ibang relihiyon
Naiuugnay ang tungkulin at gawain ng mga bumubuo ng
4 3
komunidad sa sarili at sariling pamilya
Nasasabi na ang bawat bata ay may kinabibilangang
Nasasabi ang batayang impormasyon tungkol sa sariling
komunidad: pangalan ng komunidad, lokasyon (malapit
5 4
sa tubig o bundok, malapit sabayan), mga namumuno dito,
populasyon, at mga wikang sinasalita, atbp
Nailalarawan ang sariling komunidad gamit ang mga
simbolo sa payak na mapa.
Nakikilala ang mga sagisag na ginagamit sa mapa sa tulong
ng panuntunan
Natutukoy ang lokasyon ng mga mahahalagang lugar sa
sariling komunidad batay sa lokasyon nito sa sariling
6 tahanan o paaralan. 8
Nailalarawan ang mga anyong lupa at tubig sa sariling
Nakaguguhit ng payak na mapa ng komunidad mula sa
sariling tahahan o paaralan, na nagpapakita ng mga
mahahalagang lugar at istruktura, anyong lupa at tubig,
Nailalarawan ang panahon at kalamidad na nararanasan
sa sariling komunidad
Nasasabi ang iba’t ibang uri ng panahong nararanasan sa
sariling komunidad (tag-ulan at tag-init)
Natutukoy ang mga natural na kalamidad o sakunang
7-8 madalas maganap sa sariling komunidadNakakukuha ng 10
impormasyon tungkol sa mga epekto ng kalamidad sa
kalagayan ng mga anyong lupa, anyong tubig at sa mga
tao sa sariling komunidad
Nasasabi ang mga wastong gawain/ pagkilos sa tahanan
at paaralan sa panahon ng kalamidad
Nasasabi ang pagkakapareho at pagkakaiba ng sariling
komunidad sa mga kaklase
Nakapagsasalaysay ng pinagmulan ng sariling komunidad
9 batay sa mga pagsasaliksik, pakikinig sa kuwento ng mga 3
nakakatanda sa komunidad, atbp.
Naiuugnay ang mga pagbabago sa pangalan ng sariling
komunidad sa mayamang kuwento ng pinagmulan nito
Nasasabi ang pinagmulan at pagbabago ng sariling
komunidad sa pamamagitan ng timeline at iba pang 4
graphic organizers
Nakagagawa ng maikling salaysay ng mga pagbabago sa
sariling komunidad sa iba’t ibang aspeto nito tulad ng uri ng
transportasyon, pananamit, libangan, pangalan ng mga 3
kalye atbp. Sa pamamagitan ng iba’t- ibang sining (ei.
pagguhit, paggawa ng simpleng graf, pagkuwento, atbp.)
Page 191 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Naiuugnay ang mga sagisag, natatanging istruktura,
10 bantayog ng mga bayani at mga mahahalagang bagay 6
na matatagpuan sa komunidad sa kasaysayan nito
Nailalarawan ang dami ng tao sa sariling komunidad
sa pamamagitan ng graf
Nakabubuo ng maikling salaysay tungkol sa mga bagay na
hindi nagbago sa komunidad (hal., pangalan, pagkain, 4
gusali o istruktura
Nakasusuri ng pagkakaiba ng kalagayan ng kapaligiran ng
sariling komunidad (i.e. mga anyong lupa at tubig ngayon 2
at noon)
Nailalarawan ang pagkakakilanlang kultural ng komunidad
Natutukoy at naipaliliwanag ang mga katangiang
nagpapakilala ng sariling komunidad (ie, tanyag na
anyong lupa o tubig, produkto, pagkain, tanyag na kasapi
ng komunidad atbp.)
11 Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang pagdiriwang ng komunidad. 7
Natatalakay ang mga tradisyon na nagpapakilala sa
sariling komunidad
Natatalakay ang iba’t- ibang uri ng sining na
nagpapakilala sa sariling komunidad (ei. panitikan, musika,
sayaw, isports atbp)
Naihahambing ang katangian ng sariling komunidad sa iba
12 pang komunidad tulad ng likas na yaman, produkto at 3
hanap-buhay, kaugalian at mga pagdiriwang, atbp.
Nasusuri ang kahalagahan ng mga pagdriwang at tradisyon
na nagbubuklod ng mga tao sa pag-unlad ng sariling 5
***Nailalahad ang mga pagbabago sa sariling komunidad
13 a.heograpiya (katangiang pisikal) b. politika (pamahalaan)
c. ekonomiya (hanapbuhay/kabuhayan) d. sosyo-kultural
***Nakapagbibigay ng mga inisyatibo at proyekto ng
14 komunidad na nagsusulong ng natatanging
pagkakakilanlan o identidad ng komunidad
***Nakakalahok sa mga proyekto o mungkahi na
15 nagpapaunlad o nagsusulong ng natatanging
pagkakakilanlan o identidad ng komunidad
Natatalakay ang mga produkto at mga kaugnay na
hanapbuhay na nalilikha mula sa likas yaman ng
16 Nailalarawan ang likas na yaman at pangunahing 2
produkto ng Komunidad
Naiuugnay ang mga pangunahing hanapbuhay ng
komunidad sa likas na yaman ng komunidad
Naipaliliwanag ang pananagutan ng bawat isa sa
pangangalaga sa likas na yaman at pagpanatili ng
kalinisan ng sariling komunidad.
Nasasabi ang mga sanhi at bunga ng pagkasira ng likas na
yaman ng kinabibilangang komunidad
17 3
Nahihinuha ang mga posibleng dahilan ng tao sa pagsira
ng mga likas na yaman ng kinabibilangang komunidad.
Nakapagbibigay ng mungkahing paraan ng pag-aalaga
sa kapaligiran at likas na yaman ng kinabibilangang
Nailalarawan kung paano natutugunan ang
pangangailangan ng mga tao mula sa likas yaman ng 6
Naiuugnay ang epekto ng pagkakaroon ng hanapbuhay sa
pagtugon ng pangangailangan ng komunidad at ng 4
sariling pamilya
18 Nakikilala ang mga namumuno sa sariling komunidad at 10
Page 192 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
ang kanilang kaakibat na tungkulin at responsibilidad
Nasasabi kung paano nagiging pinuno
Nasasabi ang katangian ng mabuti at di mabuting pinuno
Nasasabi ang kahalagahan ng mabuting pamumuno sa
pagtugon ng pangangailangan ng mga tao sa komunidad.
Nakikilala ang mga taong nag-aambag sa kapakanan at
kaunlaran ng komunidad sa iba’t ibang aspeto at paraan
19 5
(ei mga pribadong samahan (NGO) na tumutulong sa pag-
unlad ng komunidad
Nakapagbigay ng mga mungkahi at dahilan upang
palakasin ang tama, maayos at makatwirang pamumuno
***Nailalarawan ang kalagayan at suliraning
pangkapaligiran ng komunidad.
***Naipaliliwanag ang pansariling tungkulin sa
pangangalaga ng kapaligiran.
***Natatalakay ang konsepto ng pamamahala at
***Naipaliliwanag ang mga tungkulin ng pamahalaan sa
***Nakalalahok sa mga proyekto o mungkahi na
nagpapaunlad sa kapakanan ng komunidad
Ikaapat na
Natatalakay ang kahalagahan ng mga paglilingkod/
25 serbisyo ng komunidad upang matugunan ang 5
pangangailangan ng mga kasapi sa komunidad.
Natutukoy ang iba pang tao na naglilingkod at ang
kanilang kahalagahan sa komunidad (e.g. guro, pulis, brgy.
tanod, bumbero, nars, duktor, tagakolekta ng basura,
kartero, karpintero, tubero, atbp.)
Naiuugnay ang pagbibigay serbisyo/ paglilingkod ng
komunidad sa karapatan ng bawat kasapi sa komunidad.
Nasasabi na ang bawat kasapi ay may karapatan na
mabigyan ng paglilingkod/ serbisyo mula sa komunidad
Nasasabi na ang bawat kasapi ay may karapatan na
mabigyan ng paglilingkod/ serbisyo mula sa komunidad 5
Nakapagbibigay halimbawa ng pagtupad at hindi
pagtupad ng karapatan ng bawat kasapi mula sa mga
serbisyo ng komunidad
Naipaliliwanag ang epekto ng pagbigay serbisyo at di
pagbigay serbisyo sa buhay ng tao at komunidad
Naipaliliwanag na ang mga karapatang tinatamasa ay
26 3
may katumbas na tungkulin bilang kasapi ng komunidad
Napahalagahan ang kagalingan pansibiko sa sariling
Natatalakay ang mga tradisyong may kinalaman sa
pagkakabuklod buklod ng mga tao sa komunidad
Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng pagtutulungan sa
paglutas mga suliranin ng komunidad 7
Naipakikita ang iba’t ibang paraan ng pagtutulungan ng
mga kasapi ng komunidad sa pagbigay solusyon sa mga
problema sa komunidad
Nakakalahok sa mga gawaing pinagtutulungan ng mga
kasapi para sa ikabubuti ng pamumuhay sa komunidad
Napahalagahan ang kagalingan pansibiko sa sariling
Natatalakay ang mga tradisyong may kinalaman sa
pagkakabuklod buklod ng mga tao sa komunidad
Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng pagtutulungan sa 17
paglutas mga suliranin ng komunidad
Naipakikita ang iba’t ibang paraan ng pagtutulungan ng
mga kasapi ng komunidad sa pagbigay solusyon sa mga
problema sa komunidad
Page 193 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Nakakalahok sa mga gawaing pinagtutulungan ng mga
kasapi para sa ikabubuti ng pamumuhay sa komunidad
***Naipaliliwanag na ang bawat kasapi ng komunidad ay
may karapatan
***Napahahalagahan ang pagtutulungan at pagkakaisa
ng mga kasapi ng komunidad.
***These are MELCs provided by the Central Office but are not originally part of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
Page 194 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Naipaliliwanagi ang kahulugan ng mga simbolo na
1 ginagamit sa mapa sa tulong ng panuntunan (ei. 2
katubigan, kabundukan, etc)
Nakapagbabasa at nakapagsasagawa ng interpretasyon
tungkol sa kinalalagyan ng iba’t ibang lalawigan sa
rehiyon gamit ang mga batayang heograpiya tulad ng
distansya at direksyon
Nailalarawan ang kinalalagyan ng mga lalawigan ng
sariling rehiyon batay sa mga nakapaligid dito gamit ang 2
pangunahing direksiyon (relative location)
Naipaghahambing ang mga lalawigan sa sariling rehiyon
ayon sa lokasyon, direksiyon, laki at kaanyuan
Nailalarawan ang populasyon ng iba’t ibang pamayanan
sa sariling lalawigan gamit ang bar graph
Naihahambing ang mga lalawigan sa rehiyon ayon sa
dami ng populasyon gamit ang mapa ng populasyon
Nailalarawan ang iba’t ibang lalawigan sa rehiyon ayon sa
mga katangiang pisikal at pagkakakilanlang heograpikal
nito gamit ang
mapang topograpiya ng rehiyon
Napaghahambing ang iba’t ibang pangunahing anyong
lupa at anyong tubig ng iba’t ibang lalawigan sa sariling 2
Natutukoy ang pagkakaugnay-ugnay ng mga anyong
2 3
tubig at lupa sa mga lalawigan ng sariling rehiyon
Nakagagawa ng payak na mapa na nagpapakita ng
3 mahahalagang anyong lupa at anyong tubig ng sariling 2
lalawigan at mga karatig na lalawigan nito
Natutukoy ang mga lugar na sensitibo sa panganib batay
sa lokasyon at topographiya nito
Nasasabi o natataluntun ang mga lugar ng sariling rehiyon
4 5
nasensitibo sa panganib gamit ang hazard map
Nakagagawa nang maagap at wastong pagtugon sa
mga panganib na madalas maranasan ng sariling rehiyon.
Nailalarawan ang mga pangunahing likas na yaman ng
mga lalawigan sa rehiyon
Natatalakay ang wastong pangangasiwa ngmga likas
na yaman ng sariling laalwigan at rehiyon
Nasusuri ang matalino at di- matalinong mga paraan ng
pangangasiwa ng mga likas na yaman
5 3
Nakabubuo ng konklusyon na ang
matalinongpangangasiwa ng likas na yaman ay
maykinalaman sa pag-unlad ng sariling lalawigan at
Nakabubuo ng interpretasyon ng kapaligiran ng sariling
6 lalawigan at karatig na mga lalawigan ng rehiyon gamit 2
ang mapa
***Nasusuri ang kinalalagyan ng mga lalawigan ng sariling
7 rehiyon batay sa mga nakapaligid dito gamit ang
pangunahing direksiyon (primary direction)
***Nasusuri ang katangian ng populasyon ng iba’t ibang
8 pamayanan sa sariling lalawigan batay sa: a) edad; b)
kasarian; c) etnisidad; at 4) relihiyon
***Nasusuri ang iba’t ibang lalawigan sa rehiyon ayon sa
9 mga katangiang pisikal at pagkakakilanlang heograpikal
nito gamit ang mapang topograpiya ng rehiyon
Page 195 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Nauunawaan ang kasaysayan ng kinabibilangang rehiyon
Naisalaysay ang pinagmulan ng sariling lalawigan at mga
karatig na lalawigan sa pamamagitan ng malikhaing
pagpapahayag at iba pang likhang sining
Natutukoy angkasaysayan ng pagbuo ng sariling
lalawigan ayon sa batas
Naisasalaysay ang mga pagbabago ng sariling lalawigan
10 7
at mga karatig na lalawigan sa rehiyon tulad ng laki nito,
pangalan, lokasyon, populasyon, mga istruktura at iba pa
Nakabubuo ng timeline ng mga makasaysayang
pangyayari sa rehiyon sa iba’t ibang malikhaing
Nasasabi ang mga paraan ng pagtutulungan ng mga
lalawigan sa rehiyon noon at sa kasalukuyan
Natatalakay ang mga pagbabago at nagpapatuloy sa
11 5
sariling lalawigan at kinabibilangang rehiyon
Naisasalaysay o naisasadula ang kwento ng mga
makasaysayang pook o pangyayaring nagpapakilala sa 5
sariling lalawigan at mga karatig nito sa rehiyon
Natatalakay ang kahulugan ng ilang simbolo at sagisag ng
12 5
sariling lalawigan at rehiyon
Naihahambing ang ilang simbolo at sagisag na
13 5
nagpapakilala ng iba’t ibang lalawigan sa sariling rehiyon
Natatalakay ang kahulugan ng “official hymn” at iba
14 pang sining na nagpapakilala ng sariling lalawigan at 5
Naipagmamalaki ang mga bayani ng sariling lalawigan at
Nakikilala ang mga bayani ng mga sariling lalawigan at
Napahahalagahan ang pagpupunyagi ng mga bayani 5
ng sariling lalawigan at rehiyon sa malikhaing
Nakalilikha ng anumang sining tungkol sa bayani ng
lalawigan rehiyon na naistularan
Nakasusulat ng payak na kwento/ 1-2 talata tungkol sa
lalawigan sa kinabibilangang rehiyon na naging katangi- 3
tangi para sa sarili.
***Naiuugnay sa kasalukuyang pamumuhay ng mga tao
ang kwento ng mga makasaysayang pook o
pangyayaring nagpapakilala sa sariling lalawigan at ibang
panglalawigan ng kinabibilangang rehiyon
***Napahahalagahan ang mga naiambag ng mga
16 kinikilalang bayani at mga kilalang mamamayan ng
sariling lalawigan at rehiyon
***Nabibigyang-halaga ang katangi-tanging lalawigan
(batay sa sariling pananaw) sa kinabibilangang rehiyon
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng sariling kultura at mga
kaugnay na konsepto
Naipaliliwanag na ang mga salik heograpikal katulad ng
lokasyon at klima ay naka iimpluwensiya sa pagbuo at
paghubog ng uri ng pamumuhay ng mga lalawigan at
Nailalarawan ang pagkakakilanlang kultural ng
kinabibilangang rehiyon
Nailalarawan ang pagkakakilanlang kultura ng sariling
18 5
Naiisa-isa ang mga pangkat ng mga tao sa sariling
lalawigan at Rehiyon
Nakapagbibigay ng mga halimbawang salita mula sa
mga wika at diyalekto sa sariling lalawigan at rehiyon
Page 196 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Nailalarawan ang mga kaugalian, paniniwala at tradisyon
ng sariling lalawigan at ng rehiyon.
Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng mga makasaysayan
19 lugar at ang mga saksi nito sa pagkakakilanlang kultura ng 3
sariling lalawigan at rehiyon
Naihahambing ang pagkakatulad at pagkakaiba ng mga
kaugalian, paniniwala at tradisyon sa sariling lalawigan sa
20 2
karatig lalawigan sa kinabibilangang rehiyon at sa ibang
lalawigan at rehiyon
Nasusuri ang papel na ginagampanan ng kultura sa
pagbuo ng pagkakakilanlan ng sariling lalawigan at 3
rehiyon, at sa Pilipinas
Napahahalagahan ang iba’t ibang pangkat ng tao sa
21 2
lalawigan at rehiyon
Napapahalagahan ang mga sining (tula/awit/ sayaw) na
nagpapakilala sa lalawigan at rehiyon sa pamamagitan
ng pakikilahok sa mga gawain na nagsusulong ng 5
pagpapahalaga sa mga
sining sa lalawigan
Naipapakita sa iba’t-ibang sining ang pagmamalaki sa
mga natatanging kaugalian, paniniwala at tradisyon ng 5
iba’t ibang lalawigan sa kinabibilangang rehiyon
Natutukoy ang mga katawagan sa iba’t ibang layon sa
kinabibilanagng rehiyon (e.g. paggalang, paglalambing, 5
Nakagagawa ng isang payak na mapang kultural na
nagpapakilala ng kultura ng ibat ibang lalawigan sa 5
***Nailalarawan ang kultura ng mga lalawigan sa
kinabibilangang rehiyon
***Naipaliliwanag ang kaugnayan ng heograpiya sa
23 pagbuo at paghubog ng uri ng pamumuhay ng mga
lalawigan at rehiyon
***Naipamamalas ang pagpapahalaga sa pagkakatulad
at pagkakaiba-iba ng mga kultura gamit ang sining na
nagpapakilala sa lalawigan at rehiyon (e.g. tula, awit,
sayaw, pinta, atbp.)
Ikaapat na
Naiuugnay ang kapaligiran sa uri ng pamumuhay ng
25 2
kinabibilangang lalawigan
Naipapaliwanag ang iba’t ibang pakinabang pang
26 ekonomiko ng mga likas yaman ng lalawigan at 3
kinabibilangang rehiyon
Natatalakay ang pinanggalingan ng produkto ng
27 2
kinabibilagang lalawigan
Naiisa-isa ang mga produkto at kalakal na matatagpuan
sa kinabibilangang rehiyon
Naipakikita ang ugnayan ng kabuhayan ng mga
lalawigan sa kinabibilangang rehiyon at sa ibang rehiyon
Naiuugnay ang pakikipagkalakalan sa pagtugon ng mga
28 pangangailangan ng sariling lalawigan at mga karatig na 2
lalawigan sa rehiyon at ng bansa.
Natutukoy ang inprastraktura (mga daanan, palengke) ng
29 mga lalawigan at naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan nito sa 3
Naipaliliwanag ang iba’t ibang aspeto ng ekonomiya
(pangangailangan, produksyon, kalakal, insprastraktura, 2
atbp.) sa pamamagitan ng isang graphic organizer
Natutukoy na ang rehiyon ay binibuo ng mga lalawigan na
may sariling pamunuan
Natutukoy na ang rehiyon ay binibuo ng mga lalawigan
na may sariling pamunuan
Page 197 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Natutukoy ang mga tungkulin at pananagutan ng mga
namumuno sa mga lalawigan ng kinabibilangang rehiyon
Natatalakay ang mga paraan ng pagpili ng pinuno ng
mga lalawigan
Naipapaliwang ang kahalagahan ng pagkakaroon ng
pamahalaan sa bawat lalawigan sa kinabibilangang 3
Naipaliliwanag ang dahilan ng paglilingkod ng
30 2
pamahalaan ng mga lalawigan sa mga kasapi nito
Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang paraan sa pakikiisa sa mga
proyekto ng pamahalaan ng mga lalawigan sa 3
kinabibilangang rehiyon
Nakalalahok sa mga gawaing nakatutulong sa
31 pagkakaisa, kaayusan at kaunlaran ng sariling lalawigan 2
at kinabibilangang rehiyon
***These are MELCs provided by the Central Office but are not originally part of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
Page 198 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Natatalakay ang konsepto ng bansa
1 Nakapagbibigay ng halimbawa ng bansa 3
Naiisa-isa ang mga katangian ng bansa
Nakapagbubuo ng kahulugan ng bansa 2
Naipapaliwanag na ang Pilipinas ay isang bansa 3
Natutukoy ang relatibong lokasyon (relative location) ng
2 Pilipinas batay sa mga nakapaligid dito gamit ang 3
pangunahin at pangalawang direksyon
Natutukoy sa mapa ang kinalalagyan ng bansa sa
rehiyong Asya at mundo
Nakapagsasagawa ng interpretasyon tungkol sa
kinalalagyan ng bansa gamit ang mga batayang 2
heograpiya tulad ng iskala, distansya at direksyon
Natatalunton ang mga hangganan at lawak ng teritoryo
3 2
ng Pilipinas gamit ang mapa
Naiuugnay ang klima at panahon sa lokasyon ng bansa
sa mundo.
Nakikilala na ang Pilipinas ay isang bansang tropical
Natutukoy ang iba pang salik (temperatura, dami ng ulan)
4 na may kinalaman sa klima ng bansa 8
Nailalarawan ang klima sa iba’t ibang bahagi ng bansa
sa tulong ng mapang pangklima
Naipapaliwanag na ang klima ay may kinalaman sa uri ng
mga pananim at hayop sa Pilipinas
Naipaliliwanag ang katangian ng Pilipinas bilang bansang
maritime o insular
Nailalarawan ang bansa ayon sa mga katangiang pisikal
at pagkakakilanlang heograpikal nito
Napaghahambing ang iba’t ibang pangunahing anyong
lupa at anyong tubig ng bansa
Natutukoy ang mga pangunahing likas na yaman ng
5 9
Naiisa-isa ang mga magagandang tanawin at lugar
pasyalan bilang yamang likas ng bansa
Naihahambing ang topograpiya ng iba’t ibang rehiyon
ng bansa gamit ang mapang topograprapiya
Naihahambing ang iba’t ibang rehiyon ng bansa ayon sa
populasyon gamit ang mapa ng populasyon
Nailalarawan ang kalagayan ng Pilipinas na nasa “Pacific
Ring of Fire” at ang implikasyon nito.
Nakagagawa ng mga mungkahi upang mabawasan ang
masamang epekto dulot ng kalamidad
Natutukoy ang mga lugar sa Pilipinas na sensitibo sa
6 3
panganib gamit ang hazard map
Nakagagawa nang maagap at wastong pagtugon sa
mga panganib
Nakapagbibigay ng konklusyon tungkol sa kahalagahan
7 1
ng mga katangiang pisikal sa pag- unlad ng bansa
Nailalarawan ang mga gawaing pangkabuhayan sa iba’t
ibang lokasyon ng bansa
Naiuugnay ang kapaligiran sa uri ng hanap buhay
Naihahambing ang mga produkto at kalakal na
matatagpuan sa iba’t ibang lokasyon ng bansa (Hal: 5
pangingisda, paghahabi, pagdadaing, pagsasaka, atbp.
Nabibigyang-katwiran ang pang-aangkop na ginawa ng
mga tao sa kapaligiran upang matugunan ang kanilang
Page 199 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Naipaliliwanag ang iba’t ibang pakinabang pang
8 2
ekonomiko ng mga likas yaman ng bansa
Nasusuri ang kahalagahan ng matalinong pagpapasya
sa pangangasiwa ng mga likas na yaman ng bansa
9 Natatalakay ang ilang mga isyung pangkapaligiran ng
Naipaliliwanag ang matalino at di-matalinong mga
paraan ng pangangasiwa ng mga likas na yaman ng
Naiuugnay ang matalinong pangangasiwa ng likas na
yaman sa pag-unlad ng bansa
Natatalakay ang mga pananagutan ng bawat kasapi sa
pangangasiwa at pangagalaga ng pinagkukunang
yaman ng bansa
Nakapagbibigay ng mungkahing paraan ng wastong
pangangasiwa ng likas yaman ng bansa
Naiuugnay ang kahalagahan ng pagtangkilik sa sariling
produkto sa pag- unlad at pagsulong ng bansa
Natatalakay ang mga hamon at oportunidad sa mga
10 2
gawaing pangkabuhayan ng bansa.
Nakalalahok sa mga gawaing lumilinang sa
pangangalaga, at nagsusulong ng likas kayang pag-
11 2
unlad (sustainable development) ng mga likas yaman ng
Nailalarawan ang mga pagkakakilanlang kultural ng
Natutukoy ang ilang halimbawa ng kulturang Pilipino sa
iba’t ibang rehiyon ng Pilipinas (tradisyon, relihiyon,
kaugalian, paniniwala, kagamitan, atbp.)
Natatalakay ang kontribusyon ng mga iba’t ibang
pangkat (pangkat etniko, pangkat etno-linguistiko at iba 6
pang pangkat panlipunan na bunga ng migrasyon at
“inter- marriage”) sa kulturang Pilipino
Natutukoy ang mga pamanang pook bilangbahagi ng
pagkakakilanlang kulturang Pilipino
Nakagagawa ng mungkahi sa pagsusulong at
pagpapaunlad kulturang Pilipino
Nasusuri ang papel na ginagampanan ng kultura sa
pagbuo ng pagkakakilanlang Pilipino
Naipapakita ang kaugnayan ng heograpiya, kultura at
12 pangkabuhayang gawain sa pagbuo ng pagkakilanlang 2
Natatalakay ang kahulugan ng pambansang awit at
watawat bilang mga sagisag ng bansa
Nakabubuo ng plano na magpapakilala at magpapakita
ng pagmamalaki sa kultura ng mga rehiyon sa malikhaing 3
Nakasusulat ng sanaysay na tumatalakay sa
pagpapahalaga at pagmamalaki ng kulturang Pilipino
Natatalakay ang kahulugan at kahalagahan ng
13 1
pambansang pamahalaan
Nasusuri ang balangkas o istruktura ng pamahalaan ng
Natatalakay ang kapangyarihan ng tatlong sangay
pamahalaan (ehekutibo, lehislatura at hudikatura)
14 Natatalakay ang antas ng pamahalaan (pambansa at 9
Natutukoy ang mga namumuno ng bansa
Natatalakay ang paraan ng pagpili at ang kaakibat na
kapangyarihan ng mga namumuno ng bansa
Page 200 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Nasusuri ang mga ugnayang kapangyarihan ng tatlong
sangay ng pamahalaan
Naipaliliwanag ang “separation of powers” ng tatlong
sangay ng pamahalaan
Naipaliliwanag ang “check and balance” ng
kapangyarihan sa bawat isang sangay
Natatalakay ang epekto ng mabuting pamumuno sa
pagtugon ng pangangailangan ng bansa
Natatalakay ang kahulugan ng ilang simbolo at sagisag
ng kapangyarihan ng pamahalaan (ei. executive, 3
legislative, judiciary)
Nasusuri ang mga paglilingkod ng pamahalaan upang
matugunan ang pangangailangan ng bawat
Naiisa isa ang mga programang pangkalusugan
Nasasabi ang mga pamamaraan sa pagpapaunlad ng
edukasyon sa bansa
Nakakapagbigay halimbawa ng mga programa
Nasasabi ang mga paraan ng pagtataguyod ng
ekonomiya ng bansa
Nakakapag bigay halimbawa ng mga programang
pang- imprastraktura atbp ng pamahalaan
Nasusuri ang tungkulin ng pamahalaan na itaguyod ang
karapatan ng bawat mamamayan
Nasusuri ang mga proyekto at iba pang gawain ng
pamahalaan sa kabutihan ng lahat o nakararami
Nasusuri ang iba’t ibang paraan ng pagtutulungan ng
pamahalaang pambayan, pamahalaang panlalawigan 5
at iba pang tagapaglingkod ng pamayanan
***Napapahalagahan (nabibigyang-halaga) ang
bahaging ginagampanan ng pamahalaan
Ikaapat na
Natatalakay ang konsepto ng pagkamamamayan
18 Natutukoy ang batayan ng pagka mamamayang Pilipino 6
Nasasabi kung sino ang mga mamamayan ng bansa
Natatalakay ang konsepto ng karapatan at tungkulin
Natatalakay ang mga karapatan ng mamamayang
19 3
Natatalakay ang tungkulin ng mamamayang Pilipino
Natatalakay ang mga tungkuling kaakibat ng bawat
karapatang tinatamasa.
Natatalakay ang kahalagahan ng mga gawaing
pansibiko ng bawat isa bilang kabahagi ng bansa
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng kagalingang pansibiko
Natatalakay ang mga gawaing nagpapakita ng
kagalingang pansibiko ng isang kabahagi ng bansa (hal.
Pagtangkilik ng produktong Pilipino, pagsunod sa mga
batas ng bansa, pagtulong sa paglilinis ng kapaligiran).
Nahihinuha ang epekto ng kagalingang pansibiko sa
pag-unlad ng bansa.
Nabibigyang halaga ang bahaging ginagampanan ng
tapagtataguyod ng kaunlaran ng bansa
Naipaliliwanag kung paano itinataguyod ng mga
mamamayan ang kaunlaran ng bansa
22 9
Naipaliliwanag kung paano makatutulong sa pagunlad at
pagsulong ng bansa ang pagpapaunlad sa sariling
kakayahan at kasanayan
Naibibigay ang kahulugan at katangian ng pagiging
Page 201 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
produktibong mamamayan
Napahahalagahan ang mga pangyayari at kontribusyon
ng mga Pilipino sa iba’t- ibang panig ng daigdig tungo sa
kaunlaran ng bansa (hal. OFW)
Naipakikita ang pakikilahok sa mga programa at proyekto
ng pamahalaan na nagtataguyod ng mga karapatan ng
Nakapagsusulat ng sanaysay tungkol sa pagka- Pilipino at
sa Pilipinas bilang bansa
***These are MELCs provided by the Central Office but are not originally part of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
Page 202 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Nailalarawan ang lokasyon ng Pilipinas sa mapa
Natutukoy ang kinalalagyan ng Pilipinas sa mundo gamit ang
mapa batay sa ”absolute location” nito (longitude at
latitude) 4
Natutukoy ang relatibong lokasyon (relative location) ng
Pilipinas batay sa karatig bansa na nakapaligid dito gamit
ang pangunahin at pangalawang direksiyon
Nailalarawan ang klima ng Pilipinas bilang isang bansang
tropikal ayon salokasyon nito sa mundo
Natutukoy ang mga salik na may kinalaman sa klima ng
bansa tulad ng temperatura, dami ng ulan, humidity
Naipaliliwanag ang pagkakaiba ng panahon at klima sa iba’t
ibang bahagi ng mundo
Naiugnay ang uri ng klima at panahon ng bansa ayon sa
lokasyon nito sa mundo
Naipaliliwanag ang katangian ng Pilipinas bilang bansang
Naipaliliwanag ang teorya sa pagkakabuo ng kapuluan at
pinagmulan ng Pilipinas batay sa teoryang Bulkanismo at
“Continental Shelf”
Nakabubuo ng pansariling paninindigan sa
pinakapanipaniwalang teorya ng pinagmulan ng lahing
Pilipino batay sa mga ebidensiya
Natatalakay ang teorya ng pandarayuhan ng tao mula sa
rehiyong Austronesyano 5
Natatalakay ang iba pang mga teorya tungkol sa
pinagmulan ng mga unang tao sa Pilipinas
Nakasusulat ng maikling sanaysay (1-3 talata) ukol sa mga
teoryang natutunan
Naipagmamalaki ang lipunan ng sinaunang Pilipino
Natatalakay ang mga uri ng lipunan sa iba’t ibang bahagi ng
Pilipinas 4
Naipaliliwanag ang ugnayan ng mga tao sa iba’t ibang antas
na bumubuo ng sinaunung lipunan
Natatalakay ang papel ng batas sa kaayusang panlipunan
Nasusuri ang kabuhayan ng sinaunang Pilipino
Natatalakay ang kabuhayan sa sinaunang panahon
kaugnay sa kapaligiran, ang mga kagamitan sa iba’t ibang
1 2
kabuhayan, at mga produktong pangkalakalan
Natatalakay ang kontribusyon ng kabuhayan sa pagbuo ng
sinaunang kabihasnan
Naipaliliwanag ang mga sinaunang paniniwala at tradisyon
at ang impluwensiya nito sa pang- araw-araw na buhay
Naihahambing ang mga paniniwala noon at ngayon upang
maipaliwanag ang mga nagbago at nagpapatuloy 5
hanggang sa kasalukuyan
Natatalakay ang paglaganap ng relihiyong Islam sa ibang
2 2
bahagi ng bansa.
Nasusuri ang pagkakapareho at pagkakaiba ng kagawiang
panlipunan ng sinaunang Pilipino sa kasalukuyan
Nakakabuo ng konklusyon tungkol sa kontribusyon ng
3 sinaunang kabihasnan sa pagkabuo ng lipunang at 5
pagkakakilanlang Piliipino
***Naipaliliwanag ang kaugnayan ng lokasyon sa paghubog
ng kasaysayan
***Naipaliliwanag ang pinagmulan ng Pilipinas batay sa a.
Teorya (Plate Tectonic Theory) b. Mito c. Relihiyon
***Natatalakay ang pinagmulan ng unang pangkat ng tao sa
Pilipinas a. Teorya (Austronesyano) b. Mito (Luzon, Visayas,
Page 203 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Mindanao) c. Relihiyon
***Nasusuri ang pang-ekonomikong pamumuhay ng mga
Pilipino sa panahong pre-kolonyal a. panloob at panlabas na
7 kalakalan b. uri ng kabuhayan (pagsasaka, pangingisda,
panghihiram/pangungutang, pangangaso, slash and burn,
pangangayaw, pagpapanday, paghahabi atbp)
***Nasusuri ang sosyo-kultural at politikal na pamumuhay ng
mga Pilipino a.sosyo-kultural (e.g. pagsamba (animismo,
anituismo, at iba pang ritwal, pagbabatok/pagbabatik ,
paglilibing (mummification primary/ secondary burial
practices), paggawa ng bangka e. pagpapalamuti
(kasuotan, alahas, tattoo, pusad/ halop) f. pagdaraos ng
b.politikal (e.g. namumuno, pagbabatas at paglilitis)
Natatalakay ang kahulugan ng kolonyalismo at ang
konteksto nito kaugnay sa pananakop ng Espanya sa Pilipinas
Naipapaliwanag ang mga dahilan at layunin ng
9 3
kolonyalismong Espanyol
Nakabubuo ng timeline ng mga paglalakbay ng Espanyol sa
Pilipinas hanggang sa pagkakatatag ng Maynila at mga
engkwentro ng mga Espanyol at Pilipino
Nasusuri ang iba-ibang perspektibo ukol sa pagkakatatag ng
kolonyang Espanyol sa Pilipinas
Natatalakay ang mga paraan ng pagsasailalim ng
katutubong populasyon sa kapangyharihan ng Espanya 9
sa proseso ng Kristiyanisasyon, Reduccion, tributo at
encomienda at sapilitang paggawa
Nasusuri ang relasyon ng mga paraan ng pananakop ng
Espanyol sa mga katutubong populasyon sa bawat isa.
Naiuugnay ang Kristiyanisasyon sa reduccion
Natatalakay ang konsepto ng encomienda at mga 6
kwantitatibong datos ukol sa tributo, kung saan ito kinolekta,
at ang halaga ng mga tribute
Nasusuri ang mga patakaran, papel at kahalagahan ng
sapilitang paggawa sa pagkakatatag ng kolonya sa Pilipinas
Nasusuri ang naging reaksyon ng mga Pilipino sa Kristiyanismo 3
Natatalakay ang kapangyarihang Patronato Real
Nasusuri ang pamamalakad ng mga prayle sa
pagpapaunlad ng sinaunang Pilipino
Natutukoy ang mga tungkulin o papel ng mga prayle sa 7
ilalim ng Patronato Real
Naipaliliwanang ang mga naging reaksyon ng mga Pilipino
sa pamamahala ng mga prayle.
Nakapagbibigay ng sariling pananaw tungkol sa nagging
epekto sa lipunan ng pamamahala ng mga prayle
***Nasusuri ang epekto ng mga patakarang kolonyal na
ipinatupad ng Espanya sa bansa
A. Patakarang pang-ekonomiya (Halimbawa:
11 Pagbubuwis, Sistemang Bandala, Kalakalang
Galyon, Monopolyo sa Tabako, Royal Company,
Sapilitang Paggawa at iba pa)
B. Patakarang pampolitika (Pamahalaang kolonyal)
Nasusuri ang pagbabago sa panahanan ng mga Pilipino sa
panahon ng Español (ei pagkakaroon ng organisadong
poblasyon, uri ng tahanan, nagkaroon ng mga sentrong
pangpamayanan, at iba pa
Napaghahambing ang antas ng katayuan ng mga Pilipino sa
lipunan bago dumating ang mga Espanyol at sa Panahon ng
Page 204 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Natatalakay ang pangangailangan sa pagpapabuti ng
katayuan ng mga babae
Napaghahambing ang mga tradisyunal at di- tradisyunal na
papel ng babae sa lipunan ng sinaunang Pilipino at sa
panahon ng kolonyalismo
Nasusuri ang pagbabago sa kultura ng mga Pilipino sa
Panahon ng Espanyol
Naipaliliwanag ang inpluwensya ng kulturang Espanyol sa
kulturang Pilipino 3
Natatalakay ang bahaging ginagampanan ng Kristianismo
sa kultura at tradisyon ng mga Pilipino
Nasusuri ang ginawang pag-aangkop ng mga
Nasusuri ang mga pagbabagong pampulitika at ekonomiya
na ipinatupad ng kolonyal na pamahalaan
Naipaghahambing ang istruktura ng pamahalaang kolonyal
sa uri pamamahala ng mga sinaunang Pilipino
Naipaghahambing ang sistema ng kalakalan ng mga
sinaunang Pilipino at sa panahon ng kolonyalismo
Natatalakay ang epekto ng mga pagbabago sa
pamamahala ng mga Espanyol sa mga sinaunang Pilipino
Nakapagbibigay ng sariling pananaw tungkol sa naging
epekto ng kolonyalismo sa lipunan ng sinaunang Pilipino
Naipaliliwanag ang di matagumpay na pananakop sa mga
katutubong pangkat ng kolonyalismong Espanyol
Nasusuri ang mga paraang armado ng pananakop ng mga
Natalakay ang iba’t ibang reaksyon ng mga katutubong
pangkat sa armadong pananakop
Natatalakay ang mga isinagawang rebelyon ng mga
katutubong pangkat
Natataya ang sanhi at bunga ng mga rebelyon at iba pang
reaksiyon ng mga katutubong Pilipino sa kolonyalismo
Nakakabuo ng konklusyon tungkol sa mga dahilan ng di
matagumpay na armadong pananakop ng mga Espanyol sa
ilang piling katutubong pangkat
Nasusuri ang epekto ng kolonyalismong Espanyol sa
pagkabansa at pagkakakilanlan ng mga Pilipino
***Naipaliliwanag ang mga paraan ng pagtugon ng mga
12 Pilipino sa kolonyalismong Espanyol (Hal. Pag-aalsa,
pagtanggap sa kapangyarihang kolonyal/ kooperasyon)
***Napahahalagahan ang pagtatanggol ng mga Pilipino
laban sa kolonyalismong Espanyol
***Natatalakay ang impluwensya ng mga Espanyol sa kultura
ng mga Pilipino
***Nasusuri ang kaugnayan ng pakikipaglaban ng mga
Pilipino sa pag-usbong ng nasyonalismong Pilipino
***Napahahalagahan ang mga katutubong Pilipinong
lumaban upang mapanatili ang kanilang kasarinlan
Ikaapat na
Natatalakay ang mga lokal na mga pangyayari tungo sa
pag-usbong ng pakikibaka ng bayantulad ng reporma sa
ekonomiya at pagtatatag ng monopolyang tabako, mga 8
pag-aalsa sa loob ng estadong kolonyal, Kilusang Agraryo ng
1745, pag-aalsa ng Kapatiran ng San Jose at okupasyon ng
Ingles sa Maynila
Natatalakay ang mga pandaigdigang pangyayari bilang
konteksto ng malayang kaisipan tungo sa pag-usbong ng
pakikibaka ng bayan
Paglipas ng merkantilismo bilang ekonomikong batayan ng
Paglitaw ng kaisipang “La Ilustracion”
Page 205 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Nasusuri ang mga naunang pag-aalsa ng mga makabayang
Natatalakay ang sanhi at bunga ng mga rebelyon at iba
pang reaksiyon ng mga Pilipino sa kolonyalismo (halimbawa:
pagtutol ng mga katutubong Pilipino laban sa Kristyanismo, 5
pagmamalabis ngmga Espanyol)
Naipaliliwanag ang pananaw at paniniwala ng mga
Sultanato (Katutubong Muslim) sa pagpapanatili ng kanilang
Natataya ang partisipasyon ng iba’t-ibang rehiyon at sektor
17 5
(katutubo at kababaihan) sa pakikibaka ng bayan
Natatalakay ang kalakalang galyon at ang epektonito sa
Nababalangkas ang pagkakaisa o pagkakawatak watak ng
mga Pilipino sa mga mahahalagang pangyayari at mga
epekto nito sa naunang mga pag- aalsa laban sa
kolonyalismong Espanyol
Nakapagbibigay-katuwiran sa mga naging epekto ng mga
unang pag-aalsa ng mga makabayang Pilipino sa pagkamit
ng kalayaaan na tinatamasa ng mga mamamayan sa
kasalukuyang panahon
Naipapahayag ang saloobin sa kahalagahan ng pagganap
ng sariling tungkulin sa pagsulong ng kamalayang pambansa 4
tungo sa pagkabuo ng Pilipinas bilang isang nasyon
***Naipaliliwanag ang mga salik na nagbigay daan sa pag-
usbong ng nasyonalismong Pilipino
***Naipaliliwanag ang pananaw at paniniwala ng mga
19 Sultanato (Katutubong Muslim) sa pagpapanatili ng kanilang
***Napahahalagahan ang partisipasyon ng iba’t ibang
rehiyon at sektor sa pagsulong ng kamalayang pambansa
***These are MELCs provided by the Central Office but are not originally part of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
Page 206 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Natutukoy ang kinalalagyan ng Pilipinas sa mundo sa globo
at mapa batay sa”absolute location” nito (longitude at 1
Nagagamit ang grid sa globo at mapang politikal sa
pagpapaliwanag ng pagbabago ng hangganan at lawak 1
ng teritoryo ng Pilipinas batay sa kasaysayan
Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng lokasyon ng Pilipinas
sa ekonomiya at politika ng Asya at mundo
Nasusuri ang konteksto ng pag- usbong ng liberal na ideya
tungo sa pagbuo ng kamalayang Nasyonalismo
Natatalakay ang epekto ng pagbubukas ng mga
daungan ng bansa sa pandaigdigang kalakalan 5
Naipaliliwanag ang ambag ng pag-usbong ng uring
mestizo at ang pagpapatibay ng dekretang edukasyon ng
Nasusuri ang mga ginawa ng mga makabayang Pilipino sa
pagkamit ng akabaya
Natatalakay ang kilusan para sa sekularisasyon ng mga
akabay at ang Cavite Mutiny (1872.
Naipaliliwanag ang ambag ng Kilusang Propaganda sa
pagpukaw ng damdaming akabayan ng mga Pilipino 5
(hal.La Liga Filipina, Asociacion Hispano Filipino)
Natatalakay ang pagtatagat paglagnap ng Katipunan
Nahihinuha ang implikasyon ng kawalan ng pagkakaisa sa
himagsikan/kilusan at pagbubuo ng Pilipinas bilang isang
Nasusuri ang mga pangyayari sa himagsikan laban sa
1 kolonyalismong Espanyol: Sigaw sa Pugad-Lawin, Tejeros 5
Convention at Kasunduan sa Biak-na-Bato
Natatalakay ang mga ambag ni Andres Bonifacio, ang
Katipunan at Himagsikan ng 1896 sa pagbubuo ng Pilipinas 2
bilang isang bansa
Natatalakay ang partisipasyon ng mga kababaihan sa
2 3
rebolusyon Pilipino
Napahalagahan ang pagkakatatag ng Kongreso ng
Malolos at ang deklarasyon ng kasarinlan ng mga Pilipino
Nasusuri ang mga mahahalagang pangyayari sa
pakikibaka ng mga Pilipino sa panahon ng Digmaang
Natutukoy ang mga pangyayaring nagbigay daan sa
digmaa ng mga Pilipino laban sa Estados Unidos
Napapahalagahan ang pangyayari sa Digmaang Pilipino-
3 Amerikano. Hal.: Unang Putok sa panulukan ng Silencio at 5
Sociego, Sta.Mesa, Labanan sa Tirad Pass at Balangiga

Natatalakayang Kasunduang Bates (1830-1901) at ang

motibo ng pananakop ng Amerikano sa bansa sa panahon
ng paglawak ng kanyang “polical empire”
Nabibigyang halaga ang mga kontribosyon ng mga
Natatanging Pilipinong nakipaglaban para sa kalayaan.
4 5
Hal: Emilio Aguinaldo, Gregorio del Pilar, Miguel Malvar at
iba pang bayaning Pilipino
***Naipaliliwanag ang layunin at resulta ng pagkakatatag
5 ng Kilusang Propaganda at Katipunan sa paglinang ng
nasyonalismong Pilipino
*Nasusuri ang epekto ng kaisipang liberal sa pag-usbong
ng damdaming nasyonalismo.
Page 207 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
***Napahahalagahan ang deklarasyon ng kasarinlan ng
Pilipinas at ang pagkakatatag ng Unang Republika
Nasusuri ang mga pagbabago sa lipunan sapanahon ng
mga Amerikano
Natatalakay ang sistema ng edukasyong ipinatutupad ng
mga Amerikano at ang epekto nito.
Natatalakay ang kalagayang pangkalusugan ng mga
Pilipino sa panahon ng mga Amerikan
Natatalakay ang pag-unlad ng transportasyon
atkomunikasyo at epekto nito sa pamumuhay ng
Nasusuri ang uri ng pamahalaan at patakarang ipinatupad
sa panahon ng mga Amerikano
Nasusuri ang pamahalaang kolonyal ng mga Amerikano
Natatalakay ang mga Patakarang Pasipikasyon at
Kooptasyon ng pamahalaang Amerikano
Nailalarawan ang sistema at balangkas ng Pamahalaang
Nasusuri ang mga patakaran ng malayangkalakalan (free
trade) na pinairal ng mga Amerikano
Natatalakay ang epekto ng malayang kalakalan(free
trade) Hal: Kalakalan ng Pilipinas at U.S., pananim at
Natutukoy ang mahahalagang pangyayaring may
kinalaman sa unti-unting pagsasalin ng kapangyarihan sa 5
mga Pilipino tungo sa pagsasarili

Nasusuri ang kontribusyon ng pamahalaang Komonwelt

Natatalakay ang mga programa ng pamahalaan sa
panahon ng pananakop (hal. Katarungang Panlipunan,
Patakarang Homestead, pagsulong ng pambansang wika,
8 5
pagkilala sa karapatan ng kababaihan sa pagboboto)
Nabibigyang katwiran ang ginawang paglutas sa mga
suliraning panlipunanat pangkabuhayan sa panahon ng

Natatalakay ang mga mahahalagang pangyayari sa

pananakop ng mga Hapones
Hal: Labanan sa Bataan, Death March at Labanan sa
Naipaliliwanag ang motibo ng panahon ng hapon sa
Nasusuri ang sistema ng pamamahala sa panahon ng mga
Nailalarawan ang sistema at balangkas ng pamahalaan
kolonyal ng mga Hapones
9 Naipaliliwanag ang mga patakaran at Batas Pang 4
ekonomiya gaya ng WAR Economy at ang mga resulta nito.
Naipaliliwanag ang kontribusyon ng pagkatatag ng
ikalwang Republika ng Pilipinas at ang mga patakarang
may kinalamn sa pag sasarili
Nasusuri ang pakikibaka ng mga Pilipino para sa kalayaan
sa pananakop ng mga Hapon (hal., USAFFE, HukBaLaHap, 5
iba pang kilusang Gerilya)
Nagkapagbibigay ng sariling pananaw tungkol sa naging
epekto sa mga Pilipino ng pamamahala sa mga 5
dayuhang mananakop.
***Nasusuri ang uri ng pamahalaan at patakarang
ipinatupad sa panahon ng mga Amerikano
***Naipaliliwanag ang mga pagsusumikap ng mga Pilipino
tungo sa pagtatatag ng nagsasariling pamahalaan
Page 208 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
***Naipapaliwag ang resulta ng pananakop ng mga
***Nasusuri ang mga patakaran at resulta ng pananakop
ng mga Hapones
*** Naipaliliwanag ang paraan ng pakikipaglaban ng mga
Pilipino para sa kalayaan laban sa Hapon
***Napahahalagahan ang iba’t ibang paraan ng
15 pagmamahal sa bayan ipinamalas ng mga Pilipino sa
panahon ng digmaan
Nasusuri ang mga pangunahing suliranin at hamon sa
kasarinlan pagkatapos ng Ikalawang Digmaang
Natatalakay ang suliraning pangkabuhayan pagkatapos
ng digmaan at ang naging pagtugon sa mga suliranin
Natatalakay ang ugnayang Pilipino-Amerikano sa konteksto
16 5
ng kasunduang militar na nagbigay daan sa pagtayo ng
base militar ng Estados Unidos sa Pilipinas
Natatalakay ang “parity rights” at ang ugnayang kalakalan
sa Estados Unidos
Naipaliliwanag ang epekto ng “colonial mentality”
pagkatapos ng Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig
Nasusuri ang iba’t ibang reaksyon ng mga Pilipino sa mga
epekto sa pagsasarili ng bansa na ipinapahayag ng ilang
di-pantay na kasunduan tulad ng Philippine Rehabilitation
Act, parity rights at Kasunduang Base Militar
Nauunawaan ang kahalagahan ng pagkakaroon ng
soberanya sa pagpapanatili ng kalayaan ng isang bansa
Nabibigyang-konklusyon na ang isang bansang malaya ay
may soberanya
Naipalilliwanag ang kahalagahan ng panloob
nasoberanya (internal sovereignty) ng bansa
Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng panlabas nasoberan
(external sovereignty) ng bansa
Nabibigyang halaga ang mga karapatang tinatamasa ng
Isang malayang bansa
Nabibigyang katwiran ang pagtanggol ng mga
mamamayan ang kalayaan at hangganan ng teritoryo ng 4
Napahahalagahan ang pamamahala ng mga naging
pangulo ng bansa mula 1946 hanggang 1972
Nasusuri ang mga patakaran at programa ng
pamahalaan,upang matugunan ang mga suliranin at
hamon sa matugunan ang mga suliranin at hamon sa
kasarinlan at pagkabansa ng mga Pilipino Naiisa-isa ang
mga kontribosyon n bawat pangulo na nakapagdulot ng 11
kaulanran sa lipunan at sa bansa
Nakabubuo ng konklusyon tungkol sa pamamahala ng
mga nasabing pangulo
Nakasusulat ng maikling sanaysaytungkol sa mga
patakaran ng piling pangulo at ang ambag nito sa pag-
unlad ng lipunan at bansa
Naiuugnay ang mga suliranin, isyu at hamon ng kasarinlan
noong panahon ng Ikatlong Republika sa kasalukuyan na 5
nakakahadlang ng pag-unlad ng bansa
Nakapagbibigay ng sariling pananaw tungkol sa mga
pagtugon ng mga Pilipino sa patuloy na mga suliranin, isyu 5
at hamon ng kasarinlan sa kasalukuyan
***Natatalakay ang mga programang ipinatupad ng iba’t
ibang administrasyon sa pagtugon sa mga suliranin at
hamong kinaharap ng mga Pilipino mula 1946 hanggang
Page 209 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
***Napahahalagahan ang pagtatanggol ng mga Pilipino
sa pambansang interes
Ikaapat na
Nasusuri ang mga suliranin at hamon sa kasarinlan at
pagkabansa ng mga Pilipino sa ilalim ng Batas Militar
Naiisa-isa ang mga pangyayari na nagbigay-daan sa
19 pagtatakda ng Batas Militar
Nakabubuo ng konklusyon ukol sa epekto ng Batas, Militar
sa politika, pangkabuhayan at pamumuhay ng mga
Natatalakay ang mga pangyayari sa bansa na nagbigay
wakas sa Diktaturang Marcos
Naiisa-isa ang mga karanasan ng mga piling taumbayan
sa panahon ng Batas Militar (Hal. Aquino Jr., Salonga,
20 Lopez Diokno Lino Brocka at Cervantes 4
Natatalakay ang mga pagtutol sa Batas Militar na
nagbigay daan sa pagbuo ng samahan laban sa
Diktaturang Marcos
Naiisa-isa ang mga pangyayari na nagbigay-daan sa
pagbuo ng “People Power 1”
Nabibigyang halaga ang kontribusyon ng “People Power
1” sa muling pagkamit ng kalayaan at kasarinlan sa 1
mapayapan paraan
Nasisiyasat ang mga programa ng pamahalaan sa
pagtugon ng mga hamon sa pagkabansa ng mga Pilipino
mula 1986 hanggang sa kasalukuyan
Nasusuri ang mga patakaran at programa ng pamahalaan
tungo sa pag-unlad ng bansa 8
Naiisa-isa ang mga kontribosyon ng bawat pangulo na
nakapagdulot ng kaulanran sa lipunan at sa bansa
Nakasusulat ng maikling sanaysay tungkol sa mga
patakaran ng piling pangulo at ang ambag nito sa pag-
unlad ng lipunan at bansa
Natatalakay ang mga mungkahi tungo sa pagbabago sa
ilang probisyon ng Saligang Batas 1986
Natatalakay ang mga karapatang tinatamasa
ngmamayan ayon sa Saligang Batas ng 1986
Naiisa-isa ang mga kaakibat na tungkulin na binibigyang
diin ng Saligang Batas ng 1986
Nasusuri ang mga kontemporaryong isyu ng lipunan tungo
sa pagtugon sa mga hamon ng malaya at maunlad na
Pampulitika (Hal., usaping pangteritoryo sa Philippine Sea, 6
korupsyon, atbp)
Pangkabuhayan (Hal., open trade, globalisasyon, atbp)
Panlipunan (Hal., OFW, gender, drug at child abuse, atbp)
Pangkapaligiran (climate change,
Nabibigyang halaga ang bahaging ginagampanan ng
bawat mamamayan sa pagtataguyod ng kaunlaran ng
bansa sa malikhaing paraan
Naiuugnay ang kahalagahan ng pagtangkilik sa sariling
produkto sa pag-unlad at pagsulong ng bansa 8
Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng pagpapabuti at
pagpapaunlad ng uri ng produkto o kalakal ng bansa sa
pag- unlad ng kabuhayan nito
Naipakikita ang kaugnayan ng pagtitipid sa enerhiya sa
pag-unlad ng bansa
Naipapahayag ang saloobin na ang aktibong pakikilahok
23 ay mahalagang tungkulin ng bawat mamamayan tungo sa 5
pag-unlad ng bansa
***Napahahalagahan ang pagtatanggol at pagpapanatili
sa karapatang pantao at demokratikong pamamahala
Page 210 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
***Nasusuri ang mga pangunahing suliranin at hamong
25 kinaharap ng mga Pilipino mula 1986 hanggang sa
***Natatalakay ang mga gampaning ng pamahalaan at
mamamayan sa pagkamit ng kaunlaran ng bansa
***These are MELCs provided by the Central Office but are not originally part of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
Page 211 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Napapahalagahan ang ugnayan ng tao at kapaligiran sa
1 2
paghubog ng kabihasnang Asyano
Naipapaliwanag ang konsepto ng Asya tungo sa
paghahating – heograpiko: Silangang Asya, Timog-Silangang
2 3
Asya, Timog- Asya, Kanlurang Asya, Hilagang Asya at Hilaga/
Gitnang Asya
Nailalarawan ang mga katangian ng kapaligirang pisikal sa
mga rehiyon ng Asya katulad ng kinaroroonan, hugis, sukat,
3 3
anyo, klima at “vegetation cover” (tundra, taiga, grasslands,
desert, tropical forest, mountain lands)
Nakapaghahambing ng kalagayan ng kapaligiran sa iba’t
ibang bahagi ng Asya
Nakagagawa ng pangkalahatang profile ng heograpiya ng
4 Nailalarawan ang mga yamang likas ng Asya 3
Natataya ang mga implikasyon ng kapaligirang pisikal at
yamang likas ng mga rehiyon sa pamumuhay ng mga
Asyano noon at ngayon sa larangan ng: Agrikultura,
Ekonomiya, Pananahanan at Kultura
Naipapahayag ang kahalagahan ng pangangalaga sa
5 2
timbang na kalagayang ekolohiko ng rehiyon
Napahahalagahan ang yamang tao ng Asya 2
Nasusuri ang kaugnayan ng yamang-tao ng mga bansa ng
Asya sa pagpapaunlad ng kabuhayan at lipunan sa
kasalukuyang panahon batay sa: dami ng tao, komposisyon
6 ayon sa gulang, inaasahang haba ng buhay, kasarian, bilis 3
ng paglaki ng populasyon, uri ng hanapbuhay, bilang ng
may hanapbuhay, kita ng bawat tao, bahagdan ng
marunong bumasa at sumulat, at migrasyon
Nailalarawan ang komposisyong etniko ng mga rehiyon sa
Nasusuri ang kaugnayan ng paglinang ng wika sa paghubog
ng kultura ng mga Asyano
Napapahalagahan ang mga kaisipang Asyano, pilosopiya at
relihiyon na nagbigay-daan sa paghubog ng sinaunang
7 2
kabihasnang sa Asya at sa pagbuo ng pagkakilanlang
Nasusuri ang paghubog, pag- unlad at kalikasan ng mga
pamayanan at estado
Nakakabuo ng mga kongklusyon hinggil sa kalagayan,
pamumuhay at development ng mga sinaunang 2
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang konsepto ng kabihasnan at
8 1
nailalahad ang mga katangian nito
Napaghahambing ang mga sinaunang kabihasnan sa Asya
9 2
(Sumer, Indus, Tsina)
Napahahalagahan ang mga bagay at kaisipang
pinagbatayan (sinocentrism, divine origin, devajara) sa 2
pagkilala sa sinaunang kabihasnan
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang mga konsepto ng tradisyon,
pilosopiya at relihiyon
Nasusuri ang mga mahahalagang pangyayari mula sa
sinaunang kabihasnan hanggang sa ika-16 na siglo sa:
pamahalaan, kabuhayan, teknolohiya, lipunan, edukasyon,
paniniwala, pagpapahalaga, sining at kultura
10 Natataya ang impluwensiya ng mga paniniwala sa 3
Page 212 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
kalagayang panlipunan, sining at kultura ng mga Asyano
Nasusuri ang bahaging ginampanan ng mga pananaw,
paniniwala at tradisyon sa paghubog ng kasaysayan ng mga 3
Nasusuri ang mga kalagayang legal at tradisyon ng mga
kababaihan sa iba’t ibang uri ng pamumuhay
Napahahalagahan ang bahaging ginampanan ng
11 kababaihan sa pagtataguyod at pagpapanatili ng mga 3
Asyanong pagpapahalaga.
Napahahalagahan ang mga kontribusyon ng mga
12 2
sinaunang lipunan at komunidad sa Asya
Napapahalagahan ang pagtugon ng mga Asyano sa mga
hamon ng pagbabago, pag-unlad at pagpapatuloy sa
Timog at Kanlurang Asya sa Transisyonal at Makabagong
Panahon (ika-16 hanggang ika-20 siglo)
Nasusuri ang mga dahilan at paraan ng kolonyalismo at
13 imperyalismo ng mga Kanluranin sa unang yugto (ika-16 at 2
ika-17 siglo) pagdating nila sa Timog at Kanlurang Asya
Nabibigyang halaga ang papel ng kolonyalismo at
imperyalismo sa kasaysayan ng Timog at Kanlurang Asya
Naipaliliwanag ang mga nagbago at nanatili sa ilalim ng
Natataya ang mga epekto ng kolonyalismo sa Timog at
14 1
Kanlurang Asya
Nasusuri ang transpormasyon ng mga pamayanan at estado
sa Timog at Kanlurang Asya sa pagpasok ng mga kaisipan at
impluwensiyang kanluranin sa larangan ng: 2
pamamahala,kabuhayan, eknolohiya, lipunan, paniniwala,
pagpapahalaga, sining at kultura
Naihahambing ang mga karanasan sa Timog at Kanlurang
Asya sa ilalim ng kolonyalismo at imperyalismong kanluranin
Nabibigyang-halaga ang papel ng nasyonalismo sa pagbuo
15 1
ng mga bansa sa Timog at Kanlurang Asya
Nasusuri ang mga salik at pangyayaring nagbigay daan sa
pag-usbong at pag-unlad ng nasyonalismo
Naipapaliwanag ang iba’t ibang manipestasyon ng
nasyonalismo sa Timog at Kanlurang Asya
Naipapahayag ang pagpapahalaga sa bahaging
ginampanan ng nasyonalismo sa Timog at Kanlurang Asya 1
tungo sa paglaya ng mga bansa mula sa imperyalismo
Nasusuri ang epekto ng nasyonalismo sa sigalot etniko sa
Asya katulad ng partisyon/ paghahati ng India at Pakistan
Nasusuri ang mga pamamaraang ginamit sa Timog at
Kanlurang Asya sa pagtatamo ng kalayaan mula sa 1
Nasusuri ang matinding epekto ng mga digmaang
pandaigdig sa pag-aangat ng mga malawakang kilusang
16 1
nasyonalista ( hal: epekto ng Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig
sa pagtatag ng sistemang mandato sa Kanlurang Asya)
Nasusuri ang kaugnayan ng iba’t ibang ideolohiya
(ideolohiya ng malayang demokrasya, sosyalismo at 1
komunismo) sa mga malawakang kilusang nasyonalista
Naipapahayag ang pagpapahalaga sa bahaging
17 ginampanan ng nasyonalismo sa pagbibigay wakas sa 1
imperyalismo sa Timog at Kanlurang Asya
Nasusuri ang balangkas ng mga pamahalaan sa mga bansa
sa Timog at Kanlurang Asya
Natataya ang epekto ng mga samahang kababaihan at ng
mga kalagayang panlipunan sa buhay ng kababaihan
tungo sa pagkakapantay-pantay, pagkakataong pang-
ekonomiya at karapatang pampolitika
Page 213 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Natataya ang mga palatuntunang nagtataguyod sa
karapatan ng mamamayan sa pangkalahatan, at ng mga
kababaihan, mga grupong katutubo, mga kasapi ng caste
sa India at iba pang sektor ng lipunan
Napaghahambing ang kalagayan at papel ng mga
18 kababaihan sa iba’t ibang bahagi ng Timog at Kanlurang 1
Asya at ang kanilang ambag sa bansa at rehiyon
Natataya ang kinalaman ng edukasyon sa pamumuhay ng
mga Asyano mga Asyano
Natataya ang bahaging ginampanan ng relihiyon sa iba’t
19 1
ibang aspekto ng pamumuhay
Naiuugnay ang mga kasalukuyang pagbabagong pang-
ekonomiya na naganap/ nagaganap sa kalagayan ng mga 1
Natataya ang pagkakaiba-iba ng antas ng pagsulong at
pag-unlad ng Timog at Timog-Kanlurang Asya gamit ang 1
estadistika at kaugnay na datos.
Nasusuri ang mga anyo at tugon sa neokolonyalismo sa
20 1
Timog at Kanlurang Asya
Natataya ang epekto ng kalakalan sa pagbabagong pang-
ekonomiya at pangkultura ng mga bansa sa Timog at 1
Kanlurang Asya
Napapahalagahan ang mga kontribusyon ng Timog at
21 Kanlurang Asya sa larangan ng sining, humanidades at 1
Nahihinuha ang pagkakakilanlan ng kulturang Asyano batay
sa mga kontribusyong ito
Ikaapat na
Napapahalagahan ang pagtugon ng mga Asyano sa mga
hamon ng pagbabago, pag-unlad at pagpapatuloy ng
Silangan at Timog-Silangang Asya sa Transisyonal at
Makabagong Panahon ika-16 hanggang ika-20 Siglo)
Nasusuri ang mga dahilan, paraan at epekto ng pagpasok
ng mga Kanlurang bansa hanggang sa pagtatag ng
22 1
kanilang mga kolonya o kapangyarihan sa Silangan at
Timog-Silangang Asya
Nasusuri ang transpormasyon ng mga pamayanan at estado
sa Silangan at Timog-Silangang Asya sa pagpasok ng mga
isipan at impluwensiyang kanluranin sa larangan ng: 2
pamamahala, kabuhayan, eknolohiya, lipunan paniniwala
pagpapahalaga, at sining at kultura
Naipapaliwanag ang mga nagbago at nanatili sa ilalim ng
Natataya ang mga epekto ng kolonyalismo sa Silangan at
23 1
Timog-Silangang Asya
Naihahambing ang mga karanasan sa Silangan at Timog-
Silangang Asya sa ilalim ng kolonyalismo at imperyalismong 1
Nabibigyang-halaga ang papel ng nasyonalismo sa pagbuo
ng mga bansa sa Silangan at Timog-Silangang Asya
Nasusuri ang mga salik at pangyayaring nagbigay –daan sa
pag-usbong at pag-unlad ng nasyonalismo sa Silangan at 2
Timog Silangang Asya
Naipapaliwanag ang mga iba’t ibang manipestasyon ng
24 1
nasyonalismo sa Silangan at Timog-Silangang Asya
Naihahayag ang pagpapahalaga sa bahaging
ginampanan ng nasyonalismo sa Silangan at Timog-
Silangang Asya tungo sa paglaya ng mga bansa mula sa
Nasusuri ang epekto ng nasyonalismo sa sigalot etniko sa
Nasusuri ang mga pamamaraang ginamit sa Silangan at 1
Page 214 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Timog- Silangang Asya sa pagtatamo ng kalayaan mula sa
Nasusuri ang matinding epekto ng mga digmaang
pandaidig sa pag-aangat ng mga malawakang kilusang
nasyonalista (hal: epekto ng Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig 1
sa pagtatag ng sistemang mandato sa Silangan at Timog-
Silangang Asya )
Nasusuri ang kaugnayan sa iba’t ibang ideolohiya
25 (ideolohiya ng malayang demokrasya, sosyalismo at 1
komunismo) sa mga malawakang kilusang nasyonalista
Nasusuri ang epekto ng mga samahang kababaihan at ng
mga kalagayang panlipunan sa buhay ng kababaihan
26 1
tungo sa pagkakapantay-pantay, pagkakataong pang-
ekonomiya at karapatang pampolitika
Naipapahayag ang pagpapahalaga sa bahaging
27 ginampanan ng nasyonalismo sa pagbibigay wakas sa 1
Naihahambing ang mga pagbabago sa mga bansang
bumubuo sa Silangan at Timog- Silangang Asya
Nasusuri at naihahambing ang balangkas ng pamahalaan
ng mga bansa sa Silangan at Timog-Silangangn Asya
Nasusuri at naihahambing ang mga palatuntunang
nagtataguyod sa karapatan ng mamamayan sa
pangkalahatan, at ng mga kababaihan, mga grupong 1
katutubo, mga kasapi ng caste sa India at iba pang sektor ng
Naihahambing ang kalagayan at papel ng kababaihan sa
28 iba’t ibang bahagi ng Timog at Kanlurang Asya at ang 1
kanilang ambag sa bansa at rehiyon
Nasusuri ang kinalaman ng edukasyon sa pamumuhay ng
mga Asyano
Natataya ang bahaging ginampanan ng relihiyon sa iba’t
ibang aspekto ng pamumuhay
Naiuugnay ang mga kasalukuyang pagbabagong pang-
ekonomiya na naganap/ nagaganap sa kalagayan ng mga 1
bansa sa Silangan at Timog- Silangang Asya
Nasusuri ang pagkakaiba-iba ng antas ng pagsulong at pag-
unlad ng Timog at Timog-Silangang Asya gamit ang 1
estadistika at kaugnay na datos.
Nasusuri ang mga anyo at tugon sa neokolonyalismo sa
29 1
Silangan at Timog-Silangang Asya
Natataya ang epekto ng kalakalan sa pagbabagong pang-
ekonomiya at pangkultura ng mga bansa sa Silangan at 1
Timog Silangang Asya
Napapahalagahan ang mga kontribusyon ng Silangan at
30 Timog-Silangang Asya sa larangan ng sining, humanidades at 1
Nahihinuha ang pagkakakilanlan ng kulturang Asyano batay
sa mga kontribusyong nito
***These are MELCs provided by the Central Office but are not originally part of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
Page 215 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
1 Nasusuri ang katangiang pisikal ng daigdig. 4
Napahahalagahan ang natatanging kultura ng mga
2 rehiyon, bansa at mamamayan sa daigdig (lahi, pangkat- 3
etnolingguwistiko, at relihiyon sa daigdig)
Nasusuri ang kondisyong heograpiko sa panahon ng mga
unang tao sa daigdig
Naipaliliwanag ang uri ng pamumuhay ng mga unang tao
sa daigdig.
Nasusuri ang yugto ng pag-unlad ng kultura sa panahong
3 3
Naiuugnay ang heograpiya sa pagbuo at pag-unlad ng
4 3
mga sinaunang kabihasnan sa daigdig.
Nasusuri ang pag-usbong ng mga sinaunang kabihasnan sa
daigdig: pinagmulan, batayan at katangian
Nasusuri ang mga sinaunang kabihasnan sa daigdig batay
sa politika, ekonomiya, kultura, relihiyon, paniniwala, at 4
Napahahalagahan ang mga kontribusyon ng mga
6 4
sinaunang kabihasnan sa daigdig.
***Nasusuri ang mga sinaunang kabihasnan ng Egypt,
5 Mesopotamia, India at China batay sa politika, ekonomiya,
kultura, relihiyon, paniniwala at lipunan
Nasusuri ang kabihasnang Minoan at Mycenean. 2
Nasusuri ang kabihasnang klasiko ng Greece. 3
Naipapaliwanag ang mahahalagang pangyayari sa
kabihasnang klasiko ng Rome (mula sa sinaunang Rome
hanggang sa tugatog at pagbagsak ng Imperyong
Nasusuri ang pag-usbong at pag- unlad ng mga Klasiko na
Lipunan sa Africa, America, at mga Pulo sa Pacific.
Naipapaliwanag ang mga kaganapan sa mga klasikong
kabihasnan sa Africa (Mali at Songhai).
Nasusuri ang mga kaganapan sa kabihasnang klasiko ng
Nasusuri ang kabihasnang klasiko ng pulo sa Pacific. 2
Naipapahayag ang pagpapahalaga sa mga kontribusyon
10 ng kabihasnang klasiko sa pag-unlad ng pandaigdigang 2
Nasusuri ang mga pangyayaring nagbigay-daan sa Pag-
usbong ng Europa sa Gitnang Panahon.
Nasusuri ang mga dahilan at bunga ng paglakas ng
Simbahang Katoliko bilang isang institusyon sa Gitnang 2
Nasusuri ang mga kaganapang nagbigay-daan sa
pagkakabuo ng “Holy Roman Empire”
Naipapaliwanag ang mga dahilan at bunga ng mga
Krusada sa Gitnang Panahon.
Nasusuri ang buhay sa Europa noong Gitnang Panahon:
Manoryalismo, Piyudalismo, at ang pag-usbong ng mga 2
bagong bayan at lungsod.
Natataya ang epekto at kontribusyon ng ilang
mahahalagang pangyayari sa Europa sa pagpapalaganap 2
ng pandaigdigang kamalayan.
***Nasusuri ang kabihasnang Minoan, Mycenean at
kabihasnang klasiko ng Greece
Page 216 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
***Naipapaliwanag ang kontribusyon ng kabihasnang
***Nasusuri ang pag-usbong at pag-unlad ng mga klasikong
9 kabihasnan sa: Africa – Songhai, Mali, atbp; America – Aztec,
Maya, Olmec, Inca, atbp; Mga Pulo sa Pacific – Nazca
***Nasusuri ang mga pagbabagong naganap sa Europa sa
Gitnang Panahon: Politika (Pyudalismo, Holy Roman Empire),
Ekonomiya (Manoryalismo), Sosyo-kultural (Paglakas ng
Simbahang Katoliko, Krusada)
***Natataya ang impuwensya ng mga kaisipang lumaganap
sa Gitnang Panahon
Nasusuri ang pag-usbong ng bourgeoisie, merkantilismo,
National monarchy, Renaissance, Simbahang Katoliko at 4
Napahahalagahan ang mga kontribusyon ng bourgeoisie,
merkantilismo, National monarchy, Renaissance, Simbahang 3
Katoliko at Repormasyon sa daigdig.
Nasusuri ang unang yugto ng imperyalismo at kolonisasyon sa
Natataya ang mga dahilan at epekto ng unang yugto
ngimperyalismo at kolonisasyon sa Europa.
Nasusuri ang kaganapan at epekto ng Enlightenment pati ng
15 3
Rebolusyong Siyentipiko at Industriyal.
Naipaliliwanag ang Ikalawang Yugto ng Kolonyalismo at
Nasusuri ang mga dahilan at epekto ng ikalawang Yugto ng
17 3
Imperyalismo at Kolonisasyon.
Naipapaliwanag ang kaugnayan ng Rebolusyong
16 4
Pangkaisipan sa Rebolusyong Pranses at Amerikano.
Naipapahayag ang pagpapahalaga sa pag-usbong ng
18 4
Nasyonalismo sa Europa at iba’t ibang bahagi ng daigdig.
***Nasusuri ang mahahalagang pagbabagong politikal,
ekonomiko at sosyo-kultural sa panahon Renaissance.
***Nasusuri ang dahilan, pangyayari at epekto ng unang
Yugto ng Kolonyalismo
***Naipapaliwanag ang kaugnayan ng Rebolusyong
Pangkaisipan sa Rebolusyong Pranses at Amerikano: (sa LC
7:Nasusuri ang mga dahilan at epekto ng ikalawang Yugto
ng Imperyalismo at Kolonisasyon)
Ikaapat na
Nasusuri ang mga dahilang nagbigay-daan sa Unang
Dimaang Pandaidig.
Nasusuri ang mahahalagang pangyayaring naganap sa
Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig.
Natataya ang mga epekto ng Unang Dimaang Pandadig. 2
Nasusuri ang pagsisikap ng mga bansa na makamit ang
kapayapaang pandaigdig at kaunlaran.
Nasusuri ang mga dahilan na nagbigay-daan sa Ikalawang
Digmaang Pandaidig.
Nasusuri ang mahahalagang pangyayaring naganap sa
Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig.
Natataya ang mga epekto ng Ikalawang Digmaang
Natataya ang pagsisikap ng mga bansa na makamit ang
21 3
kapayapaang pandaigdig at kaunlaran.
Nasusuri ang mga ideolohiyang politikal at ekonomiko sa
22 3
hamon ng estabilisadong institusyon ng lipunan.
Natataya ang epekto ng mga ideolohiya, ng Cold War at ng
23 3
Neo-kolonyalismo sa iba’t ibang bahagi ng daigdig.
Page 217 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Nasusuri ang bahaging ginampanan ng mga pandaidigang
24 organisasyon sa pagsusulong ng pandaigdigang 4
***Nasusuri ang mga dahilan, mahahalagang pangyayaring
naganap at bunga ng Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig.
***Nasusuri ang mga dahilan, mahahalagang pangyayaring
naganap at bunga ng Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaidig.
***These are MELCs provided by the Central Office but are not originally part of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
Page 218 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Nailalapat ang kahulugan ng ekonomiks sa pang-araw-
1 araw na pamumuhay bilang isang mag-aaral, at kasapi 1
ng pamilya at lipunan
Natataya ang kahalagahan ng ekonomiks sa pang-araw-
2 1
araw na pamumuhay ng bawat pamilya at ng lipunan
Naipakikita ang ugnayan ng kakapusan sa pang-araw-
araw na pamumuhay
Natutukoy ang mga palatandaan ng kakapusan sa pang-
araw-araw na buhay.
Nakakabuo ang konklusyon na ang kakapusan ay isang
pangunahing suliraning panlipunan
Nakapagmumungkahi ng mga paraan upang
malabanan ang kakapusan
Nasusuri ang kaibahan ng kagustuhan (wants) sa
pangangailangan (needs) bilang batayan sa pagbuo ng 2
matalinong desisyon
Naipakikita ang ugnayan ng personal na kagustuhan at
pangangailangan sa suliranin ng kakapusan 1

Nasusuri ang hirarkiya ng pangangailangan. 2

Nakabubuo ng sariling pamantayan sa pagpili ng mga
pangangailangan batay sa mga hirarkiya ng 2
Nasusuri ang mga salik na nakakaimpluwensiya sa
pangangailangan at kagustuhan
Nasusuri ang kaugnayan ng alokasyon sa kakapusan at
pangangailangan at kagustuhan
Napahahalagahan ang paggawa ng tamang desisyon
upang matugunan ang pangangailangan
Nasusuri ang mekanismo ng alokasyon sa iba’t-ibang
sistemang pang-ekonomiya bilang sagot sa kakapusan
Naipaliliwanag ang konsepto ng pagkonsumo 1
3 Nasusuri ang mga salik na nakakaapekto sa pagkonsumo 1
Naipamamalas ang talino sa pagkonsumo sa
pamamagitan ng paggamit ng pamantayan sa pamimili
Naipagtatanggol ang mga karapatan at
4 1
nagagampanan ang mga tungkulin bilang isang mamimili
Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng produksyon 1
Napahahalagahan ang mga salik ng produksyon at ang
implikasyon nito sa pang- araw- araw na pamumuhay
Nasusuri ang mga tungkulin ng iba’t- ibang organisasyon
ng negosyo
5 ***Nasusuri ang iba’t-ibang sistemang pang-ekonomiya
***Natatalakay ang mga salik ng produksyon at ang
implikasyon nito sa pang- araw- araw na pamumuhay
Nailalapat ang kahulugan ng demand sa pang araw-
araw na pamumuhay ng bawat pamilya 1

Nasusuri ang mga salik na nakaaapekto sa demand 2

Matalinong nakapagpapasya sa pagtugon sa mga
pagbabago ng salik na nakaaapekto sa demand 2

Naiuugnay ang elastisidad ng demand sa presyo ng

kalakal at paglilingkod 2

Nailalapat ang kahulugan ng suplay batay sa pang-araw-

araw na pamumuhay ng bawat pamilya
Page 219 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Nasusuri ang mga salik na nakaaapekto sa suplay 2
Matalinong nakapagpapasya sa pagtugon sa mga
pagbabago ng salik na nakaaapekto sa suplay
Naiuugnay ang elastisidad ng demand at suplay sa presyo
ng kalakal at paglilingkod 2
Naipapaliwanag ang interaksyon ng demand at suplay sa
7 3
kalagayan ng presyo at ng pamilihan
Nasusuri ang mga epekto ng shortage at surplus sa presyo
at dami ng kalakal at paglilingkod sa pamilihan
Naimumungkahi ang paraan ng pagtugon/kalutasan sa
mga suliraning dulot ng kakulangan at kalabisan
Napapaliwanag ang kahulugan ng pamilihan 2
8 Nasusuri ang iba’t ibang Istraktura ng Pamilihan 2
Napangangatwiranan ang kinakailangang pakikialam at
regulasyon ng pamahalaan sa mga gawaing
pangkabuhayan sa iba’t ibang istraktura ng pamilihan 2
upang matugunan ang pangangailangan ng mga
***Natatalakay ang konsepto at salik na nakaaapekto sa
demand sa pang araw-araw na pamumuhay
***Natatalakay ang konsepto at salik na nakaaapekto sa
suplay sa pang araw-araw na pamumuhay
***Napahahalagahan ang bahaging ginagampanan ng
11 pamahalaan saregulasyon ng mga gawaing
Nailalalarawan ang paikot na daloy ng ekonomiya 1
Natataya ang bahaging ginagampanan ng mga
bumubuo sa paikot na daloy ng ekonomiya
Nasusuri ang ugnayan sa isa’t isa ng mga bahaging
bumubuo sa paikot na daloy ng 2
Nasusuri ang pambansang produkto (Gross National
Product-Gross Domestic Product) bilang panukat ng 2
kakayahan ng isang ekonomiya
Nakikilala ang mga pamamaraan sa pagsukat ng
pambansang produkto
Nasusuri ang kahalagahan ng pagsukat ng pambansang
12 1
kita sa ekonomiya
Naipapahayag ang kaugnayan ng kita sa pagkonsumo at
Nasusuri ang katuturan ng consumption at savings sa pag-
Nasusuri ang konsepto at palatandaan ng Implasyon 1
13 Natataya ang mga dahilan sa pagkaroon ng implasyon 1
Nasusuri ang iba’t ibang epekto ng implasyon 2
Napapahalagahan ang mga paraan ng paglutas ng
Aktibong nakikilahok sa paglutas ng mga suliraning
kaugnay ng implasyon 1
Naipaliliwanag ang layunin ng patakarang piskal 1
Napahahalagahan ang papel na ginagampanan ng
pamahalaan kaugnay ng mga patakarang piskal na 1
ipinatutupad nito
Nasusuri ang badyet at ang kalakaran ng paggasta ng
Nakababalikat ng pananagutan bilang mamamayan sa
wastong pagbabayad ng buwis
Page 220 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Naiuuugnay ang mga epekto ng patakarang piskal sa
katatagan ng pambansang ekonomiya
Naipaliliwanag ang layunin ng patakarang pananalapi: 1
Naipahahayag ang kahalagahan ng pag-iimpok at
pamumuhunan bilang isang salik ng ekonomiya
Natataya ang bumubuo ng sektor ng pananalapi 2
Nasusuri ang mga patakarang pang-ekonomiya na
nakakatulong sa patakarang panlabas ng bansa sa 2
buhay ng nakararaming Pilipino
Natitimbang ang epekto ng mga patakaran pang-
ekonomiya na nakakatulong sa patakarang panlabas ng 1
bansa sa buhay ng nakararaming Pilipino
***Naipaliliwanag ang bahaging ginagampanan ng mga
bumubuo sa paikot na daloy ng ekonomiya
***Naipaliliwanag ang bahaging ginagampanan ng mga
bumubuo sa paikot na daloy ng ekonomiya
***Nasusuri ang layunin at pamamaraan ng patakarang
***Nasusuri ang layunin at pamamaraan ng patakarang
***Napahahalagahan ang pag-iimpok at pamumuhunan
bilang isang salik ng ekonomiya
Ikaapat na
Nakapagbibigay ng sariling pakahulugan sa pambansang
Nasisiyasat ang mga palatandaan ng pambansang
19 2
Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang gampanin ngmamamayang
20 2
Pilipino upang makatulong sa pambansang kaunlaran
Napahahalagahan ang sama-samang pagkilos ng
mamamayang Pilipino para sa pambansang kaunlaran
Nakapagsasagawa ng isang pagpaplano kung paano
makapag-ambag bilang mamamayan sa pag-unlad ng 2
Nasusuri ang bahaging ginagampanan ng agrikultura,
21 1
pangingisda, at paggugubat sa ekonomiya at sa bansa
Nasusuri ang mga dahilan at epekto ng suliranin ng sektor
22 ng agrikultura, pangingisda, at paggugubat sa bawat 2
Nabibigyang-halaga ang mga patakarang pang-
23 ekonomiya nakatutulong sa sektor ng agrikultura 1
(industriya ng agrikultura, pangingisda, at paggugubat)
Nasusuri ang bahaging ginagampanan ng sektor ng
industriya, tulad ng pagmimina, tungo sa isang masiglang 2
Nasusuri ang pagkakaugnay ng sektor agrikultural at
industriya tungo sa pag-unlad ng kabuhayan
Nabibigyang-halaga ang mga patakarang pang-
24 1
ekonomiyang nakatutulong sa sektor ng industriya
Nasusuri ang bahaging ginagampanan ng sektor ng
Napapahalagahan ang mga patakarang pang-
25 1
ekonomiya na nakakatulong sa sektor ng paglilingkod
Nakapagbibigay ng sariling pakahulugan sa konsepto ng
impormal na sektor
Nasusuri ang mga dahilan ng pagkakaroon ng impormal
na sektor
Natataya ang mga epekto ng impormal na sector ng
Napapahalagahan ang mga patakarang pang-
26 1
ekonomiya na nakakatulong sa sektor ng paglilingkod
Page 221 of 349

Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Natataya ang kalakaran ng kalakalang panlabas ng
Nasusuri ang ugnayan ng Pilipinas para sa kalakalang
panlabas nito sa mga samahan tulad ng World Trade
Organization at Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation tungo 2
sa patas na kapakinabangan ng mga mamamayan ng
Napahahalagahan ang kontribusyon ng kalakalang
panlabas sa pag-unlad ekonomiya ng bansa
Nasusuri ang mga patakarang pang-ekonomiya na
nakakatulong sa patakarang panlabas ngbansa sa buhay 2
ng nakararaming Pilipino
Natitimbang ang epekto ng mga patakaran pang-
27 ekonomiya na nakakatulong sa patakarang panlabas ng 1
bansa sa buhay ng nakararaming Pilipino
***These are MELCs provided by the Central Office but are not originally part of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
Page 222 of 349


Pinakamahalagang Bilang ng
Markahan Kasanayang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto Araw ng
Pampagkatuto (MELC) Pagtuturo
Naipaliliwanag ang konsepto ng Kontemporaryong Isyu 3
Nasusuri ang kahalagahan ng pagiging mulat sa mga
1 3
kontemporaryong isyu sa lipunan at daigdig
Natatalakay ang kasalukuyang kalagayang pangkapaligiran
2 1
ng Pilipinas
Nasusuri ang epekto ng mga suliraning pangkapaligiran 2
Natatalakay ang mga programa at pagkilos ng iba’t ibang
sektor upang pangalagaan ang kapaligiran
Natataya ang kalagayang pangkapaligiran ng Pilipinas
batay sa epekto at pagtugon sa mga hamong 3
Naipaliliwanag ang katangian ng top-down approach sa
pagharap sa suliraning pangkapaligiran
Nasusuri ang pagkakaiba ng top-down at bottom up
approach sa pagharap sa suliraning pangkapaligiran
Nakabubuo ng konklusyon sa angkop na approach sa
3 pagharap sa suliraning pangkapaligiran
Nauunawaan ang mga konsepto na may kaugnayan sa
pagsasagawa ng CBDRRM Plan
Naipaliliwanag ang mga hakbang sa pagsasagawa ng
Natutukoy ang mga paghahandang nararapat gawin sa
4 harap ng panganib na dulot ng mga suliraning 1
5 Naisasagawa ang mga hakbang ng CBDRRM Plan 3
Napahahalagahan ang pagkakaroon ng disiplina at
kooperasyon sa pagharap sa mga panganib na dulot ng 1
mga suliraning pangkapaligiran
Nasusuri ang kahalagahan ng Community-Based Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Approach sa pagtugon sa mga 1
hamon at suliraning pangkapaligiran
****Nasusuri ang kahalagahan ng kahandaan, disiplina at
kooperasyon sa pagtugon ng mga hamong pangkapaligiran
Nasusuri ang konsepto at dimensyon ng globalisasyon bilang
7 3
isa sa mga isyung panlipunan
Naiuugnay ang iba’t ibang perspektibo at pananaw ng
globalisasyon bilang suliraning panlipunan
8 Nasusuri ang implikasyon ng anyo ng globalisasyon sa lipunan 3
Napahahalagahan ang ibat ibang tugon sa pagharap sa
epekto ng globalisasyon
Naipaliliwanag ang mga dahilan ng pagkakaroon ng ibat
ibang suliranin sa paggawa
Natataya ang implikasyon ng iba’t ibang suliranin sa
paggawa sa pamumuhay at sa pag-unlad ng ekonomiya ng 4
Nakabubuo ng mga mungkahi upang malutas ang ibat ibang
suliranin sa paggawa
Naipapaliwanag ang konsepto at dahilan ng migrasyon dulot
ng globalisasyon
Naipaliliwanag ang epekto ng migrasyon sa aspektong
panlipunan, pampolitika at pangkabuhayan
Nakakabuo ng angkop na hakbang sa pagtugon ng mga
suliraning dulot ng migrasyon
Page 223 of 349

***Naipaliliwanag ang kalagayan, suliranin at pagtugon sa

isyu ng paggawa sa bansa
***Nasusuri ang dahilan at epekto ng migrasyon dulot ng
***Naipahahayag ang saloobin tungkol sa epekto ng
Naipapahayag ang sariling pakahulugan sa kasarian at sex 2
12 Nasusuri ang mga uri ng kasarian ( gender) at sex 2
Natatalakay ang gender roles sa Pilipinas sa iba’t ibang
Natataya ang gender roles sa Pilipinas sa iba’t ibang
Nasusuri ang gender roles sa iba’t ibang bahagi ng daigdig 3
Natutukoy ang diskriminasyon sa kababaihan, kalalakihan at
13 3
LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi – sexual, Transgender)
Nasusuri ang karahasan sa kababaihan, kalalakihan at LGBT 3
Nasusuri ang tugon ng pandaigdigang samahan sa
karahasan at diskriminasyon
Napahahalagahan ang tugon ng pandaigdigang samahan
14 3
sa karahasan at diskriminasyon
Napahahalagahan ang tugon ng pamahalaang Pilipinas sa
mga isyu ng karahasan at diskriminasyon
Nakagagawa ng malikhaing hakbang na nagsusulong ng
15 pagtanggap at paggalang sa kasarian na nagtataguyod ng 3
pagkakapantay-pantay ng tao bilang kasapi ng pamayanan
***Natatalakay ang mga uri ng kasarian (gender) at sex at
gender roles sa iba’t ibang bahagi ng daigdig
Ikaapat na
Naipaliliwanag ang mga katangian na dapat taglayin ng
isang aktibong mamamayan na nakikilahok sa mga gawain 3
at usaping pansibiko
Nasusuri ang mga pagbabago sa konsepto ng
17 4
Napahahalagahan ang papel ng isang mamamayan para
sa pagbabagong panlipunan
Natatalakay ang pagkabuo ng mga karapatang pantao
batay sa Universal Declaration of Human Rights at Saligang 3
Batas ng 1987 ng Pilipinas
Nasusuri ang bahaging ginagampanan ng mga karapatang
18 pantao upang matugunan ang iba’t ibang isyu at hamong 4
Napahahalagahan ang aktibong pakikilahok ng
mamamayan batay sa kanilang taglay na mga karapatang 3
Natatalakay ang mga epekto ng pakikilahok ng
19 mamamayan sa mga gawaing pansibiko sa kabuhayan, 3
politika, at lipunan
Napahahalagahan ang papel ng mamamayan sa
20 3
pamamahala ng isang komunidad
Nasusuri ang mga elemento ng isang mabuting pamahalaan 4
***Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng aktibong
***These are MELCs provided by the Central Office but are not originally part of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
Page 224 of 349
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A. Mga Katangian/Salik

Ang Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao ay isa sa mga asignatura na isinusulong ng

Kagawaran ng Edukasyon na naglalayon na linangin at paunlarin ang pagkataong
etikal ng bawat Pilipinong mag-aaral. Ito ay nakabatay sa Pilosopiyang Personalismo
at sa Etika ng Kabutihang Asal. Lubhang mahalaga at kailangan ang asignaturang
ito upang turuan at hubugin ang mga mag-aaral sa pagpapasya at pagkilos nang
mapanagutan tungo sa kabutihang panlahat. Nagsisilbi itong gabay sa payapa at
maunlad nilang pamumuhay.

Ang tunguhin o ”outcome” ng pag-aaral sa batayang edukasyon ay ang

panlahatang pag–unlad taglay ang mga kasanayan sa ika–dalawampu’t isang siglo.
Taglay ito ng isang mag-aaral kung mayroon siyang mga kakayahang
pangkaalaman, pandamdamin at pangkaasalan na magbibigay sa kanya ng
kakayahan upang mamuhay at magtrabaho; malinang ang kanyang mga
potensiyal; magpasiya nang mapanuri at batay sa impormasyon; makakilos nang
epektibo sa lipunan at pamayanan sa konteksto ng sandaigdigan upang mapabuti
ang uri ng kanyang pamumuhay at ng kanyang lipunan (CG, 2016).

Hinuhubog sa asignaturang ito ang limang pangunahing kakayahan (macro

skills): pag-unawa, pagninilay, pagsangguni, pagpapasya at pagkilos upang
magabayan ang mag-aaral na mahanap ang kabuluhan ng kanyang buhay at
magampanan ang mahalagang papel sa pagtatayo ng pamayanang pinaiiral ang
kototohanan, kalayaan, katarungan at pagmamahal.

Ang mga sumusunod ay ang apat na pangunahing kakayahang nililinang sa

bawat antas at markahan sa Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP): Unang Markahan–
Pananagutang Pansarili at Mabuting Kasapi ng Pamilya, Ikalawang Markahan-
Pakikipagkapwa-tao, Ikatlong Markahan-Paggawa Tungo sa Pambansang Pag-
unlad at Pakikibahagi sa Pandaigdigang Pagkakaisa at Ikaapat na Markahan-
Pananalig at Pagmamahal sa Diyos at Paninidigan sa Kabutihan. Ito ay nakabatay
sa pagkakasunud-sunod ng paksa sa iba pang asignatura sa kurikulum.

Upang matugunan ang maayos na daloy ng paglinang ng kaalaman at

kasanayan ng mga bata tungo sa pagkamit ng tunguhin ng ESP, ang sangay ng
rehiyon ay gumawa ng badyet ng mga aralin. Ang Badyet ng mga Aralin sa
Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao ay ginawa upang mabigyan ang mga guro ng
madaling paraan ng pagsasakatuparan ng pamantayang pagkatuto at mapagaan
ang sistema ng pagtuturo na hango sa gabay pangkurikulum. Ito ay balangkas ng
mga aralin hango sa pinaunlad na programa ng Batayang Edukasyon na K to 12 na
gagabay at huhubog sa mga mag-aaral. Kasabay nito ang pagsasaalang-alang sa
tunguhin na ang mga mag-aaral ay nagpapasya at kumikilos nang mapanagutan
tungo sa kabutihang panlahat.

Ito ang tugon sa pangangailangan ng mga guro sa pagtuturo ng Edukasyon

sa Pagpapakatao(EsP). Magsisilbi itong mahalagang kagamitan at patnubay sa
kanilang pagtuturo na magbubukas ng kanilang malikhaing kaisipan sa pagpaplano
ng mga makabuluhang gawain upang patuloy na linangin at isagawa ng bawat
mag-aaral ang pagiging Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan at Makabansa.

Ang PIVOT 4A Badyet ng Aralin ay magiging matibay na batayan sa pagkuha

ng datos ng akademikong pagganap ng mga mag-aaral. Ito rin ang magsisilbing
Page 226 of 349

gabay ng mga kinauukulan sa pagpaplano ng kinakailangang interbensyon sa

susunod na markahan.

B. Paraan ng Paggamit ng Badyet ng Aralin

Ang Badyet ng Aralin ay binubuo ng apat na hanay ang bawat hanay ay

nagsasaad ng mahalagang detalye na dapat malaman ng guro sa kanyang
pagpaplano o pagsasagawa ng aralin. Ang sumusunod ang paraan ng paggamit
ng badyet ng aralin.

1. Gamitin ang PIVOT 4A Badyet ng Aralin upang malaman ang mga

pamantayan sa pagkatuto na dapat ituro sa bawat antas at markahan.

2. Tingnan ang pangalawang hanay upang malaman ang kabuuang bilang ng

pinakamahalagang pamantayan sa pagkatuto na dapat ituro sa bawat
markahan. Nilalaman din ng ikalawang hanay na ito ang pagkakasunud-
sunod ng bilang ng ituturong kompetensi sa bawat markahan.
Page 227 of 349

3. Sa ikatlong hanay ay matatagpuan ang mga tiyak na pamantayan sa

pagkatuto na hango sa Gabay Pangkurikulum ng EsP at ang naitakdang
“Most Essential Learning Competencies”na kinakailangan maisakatuparan ng
bawat guro. NIlalaman din nito ang mga kasanayang “enabling skills” na may
tanda ng ibang kulay na maaring gamitin ng guro para sa lubos na pagkatuto
ng mga bata.

4. Sa ika-apat na hanay makikita ang bilang ng araw na nakalaan upang ituro

ang bawat pamantayan sa pagkatuto na nasa ikatlong hanay. Sa
elementarya, ang limang araw na nakalaan sa bawat linggo na makikita sa
unang hanay ay tumutukoy sa limang araw na pagproseso ng bertud na
dapat malinang sa mga bata. Inaasahang na magamit ang 5 proseso: pag-
unawa, pagninilay, pagsangguni, pagpapasya at pagkilos upang lubos na
mapalalim ang kaasalan ng bawat bata.
Page 228 of 349

5. Tandaan sa bawat markahan ay mayroong kabuuang bilang ng araw na

nakalaan sa pagtuturo ng lahat ng pamantayan sa pagkatuto na inaasahan
makamit sa itinakda ng badyet ng aralin.

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Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Nakikilala ang sariling:
a. gusto
b. interes
1 5
c. potensyal
d. kahinaan
e. damdamin / emosyon
Naisasakilos ang sariling kakayahan sa iba’t ibang
a. pag-awit
2 5
b. pagsayaw
c. pakikipagtalastasan
d. at iba pa
Nakapaglalarawan ng iba’t ibang gawain na maaaring
makasama o makabuti sa kalusugan
3 5
- nakikilala ang iba’t ibang gawain/paraan na
maaaringmakasama o makabuti sa kalusugan
Nakakikila ng mga gawaing nagpapakita ng
pagkakabuklod ng pamilya tulad ng
4 a. pagsasama-sama sa pagkain 5
b. pagdarasal/pamamasyal
c. pagkukuwentuhan ng masasayang pangyayari
Nakatutukoy ng mga kilos at gawain na nagpapakita ng
pagmamahal at pagmamalasakit sa mga kasapi ng
5 Hal. 5
- pag-aalala sa mga kasambahay
- pag-aalaga sa nakababatang kapatid at
kapamilyang maysakit
Nakapagpapakita ng pagmamahal at paggalang sa mga
6 5
Nakapagpapakita ng pagmamahal sa pamilya at kapwa sa
7 5
lahat ng pagkakataon lalo na sa oras ng pangangailangan
Nakapagpapakita ng paggalang sa pamilya at sa kapwa
sa pamamagitan ng:
- pagmamano/paghalik sa nakatatanda
bilang pagbati
8 5
- pakikinig habang may nagsasalita
- pagsagot ng “po" at “opo”
- paggamit ng salitang “pakiusap” at
Nakapagsasabi ng totoo sa magulang/ nakatatanda at iba
pang kasapi ng mag- anak sa lahat ng pagkakataon upang
9 maging maayos ang samahan 5
a. kung saan papunta/ nanggaling
b. kung kumuha ng hindi kanya
c. mga pangyayari sa paaralan na nagbunga ng hindi
10 5
d. kung gumamit ng computer sa paglalaro imbis na
sa pag-aaral
Nakapagpapakita ng iba’t ibang paraan ng pagiging
masunurin at magalang tulad ng:
a. pagsagot kaagad kapag tinatawag ng kasapi ng
11 5
b. pagsunod nang maluwag sa dibdib kapag
Page 230 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
c. pagsunod sa tuntuning itinakda ng:
- tahanan
- paaralan
Nakapagpapakita ng pagpapahalaga sa mga
karapatang tinatamasa
12 Hal. 5
- Pagkain ng masusustansyang pagkain
- Nakapag-aaral
*Nakasusunod sa utos ng magulang at nakatatanda.
Nakapagpapakita ng mga paraan upang makamtam at
mapanatili ang kaayusan at kapayapaan sa tahanan at
paaralan tulad ng:
13 5
a. pagiging masaya para sa tagumpay ng ibang
kasapi ng pamilya at ng kamag-aral
b. pagpaparaya
c. pagpapakumbaba
Nakapagpapakita ng mga paraan upang makamtam at
mapanatili ang kaayusan at kapayapaan sa tahanan at
paaralan tulad ng:
a. pagiging masaya para sa tagumpay ng ibang
kasapi ng pamilya at ng kamag- aral
b. pagpaparaya
c. pagpapakumbaba
Nakatutulong sa pagpapanatili ng kalinisan at kaayusan sa
loob ng tahanan at paaralan para sa mabuting kalusugan
14 Hal. 5
- Pagtulong sa paglilinis ng tahanan Pagtulong sa
paglilinis ng paaralan Pag-iwas sa pagkakalat
Nakagagamit ng mga bagay na patapon ngunit maaari
15 5
pang pakinabangan
Ikaapat na
16 Nakasusunod sa utos ng magulang at nakatatanda 5
17 Nakapagpapakita ng paggalang sa paniniwala ng kapwa 5
18 Nakasusunod sa mga gawaing panrelihiyon 5
19 Nakapagdarasal nang mataimtim 5
Naipapakita ang paraan ng pagdarasal ano mang rehiyon
20 5
kinaaaniban nito.
Page 231 of 349


Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Naisakikilos ang sariling kakayahan sa iba’t ibang
1 a. pag-awit 5
b. pagguhit
c. pagsayaw pakikipagtalastasan at iba pa
Napahahalagahan ang saya o tuwang dulot ng
2 5
pagbabahagi ng anumang kakayahan o talent.
Nakapagpapakita ng kakayahang labanan ang takot
3 5
kapag may nangbubully
Naisakikilos ang mga paraan ng pagpapanatili ng kalinisan,
4 5
kalusugan at pag-iingat ng katawan
Nakapagpapakita ng pagsunod sa mga tuntunin at
pamantayang itinakda sa loob ng tahanan:
a. paggising at pagkain sa tamang oras
5 5
b. pagtapos ng mga gawaing bahay
c. paggamit ng mga kagamitan
d. at iba pa
Nakapagpapakita ng pagkamagiliwin at
pagkapalakaibigan na may pagtitiwala sa mga
6 a. kapitbahay 5
b. kamag-anak
c. kamag-aral
d. panauhin/ bisita bagong kakilala taga-ibang lugar
Nakapagbabahagi ng sarili sa kalagayan ng kapwa tulad
a. antas ng kabuhayan pinagmulan pagkakaroon ng
7 kapansanan 5
b. antas ng kabuhayan
c. pinagmulan
d. pagkakaroon ng kapansanan
Nakagagamit ng magalangna pananalita sa kapwa bata
at matatanda
8 5
Nakapagpapakita ng iba’t ibang kilos na nagpapakita ng
paggalang sa kaklase at kapwa bata
Nakagagawa ng mabuti sa kapwa
Nakapaglalahad na mahalaga ang paggawa ng mabuti
sa kapwa
9 5
Nakatutukoy ng mga kilos at gawaing nagpapakita ng
pagmamalasakit sa mga kasapi ng paaralan at
Nakapagpapakita ng pagmamalasakit sa kasapi ng
10 5
paaralan at pamayanan sa Iba’t ibang paraan
Nakapagpapakita ng paraan ng pagpapasalamat sa
anumang karapatang tinatamasa
11 Hal. 5
- pag-aaral nang mabuti pagtitipid sa anumang
Nakatutukoy ng mga karapatang maaaring ibigay ng
12 5
Nakapagpapahayag ng kasiyahan sa karapatang
Nakapagbabahagi ng pasasalamat sa tinatamasang
13 5
karapatan sa pamamagitan ng kuwento.
Page 232 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Nakagagamit nang masinop ng anumang bagay tulad ng
tubig, pagkain, enerhiya at iba pa.
Nakikibahagi sa anumang programa ng paaralan at
pamayanan na makatutulong sa pagpapanatili ng
kalinisan at kaayusan sa pamayanan at bansa
Nakatukoy ng iba’t ibang paraan upang mapanatili ang
14 kalinisan at kaayusan sa pamayanan 5
- pagsunod sa mga babalang pantrapiko
- wastong pagtatapon ng basura
- pagtatanim ng mga halaman sa paligid
15 Nakapagpapakita ng pagiging ehemplo ng kapayapaan 5
Ikaapat na
Nakapagdarasal nang may pagpapasalamat sa mga
16 biyayang tinanggap, tinatanggap at tatanggapin mula sa 5
Nakapagpapakita ng pasasalamat sa mga kakayahan/
17 talinong bigay ng Panginoon sa pamamagitan ng: 5
a. paggamit ng talino at kakayahan
b. pakikibahagi sa iba ng taglay na talino at
18 5
19 c. pagtulong sa kapwa 5
d. pagpapaunlad ng talino at kakayahang bigay ng
20 5
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Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Nakatutukoy ng natatanging kakayahan Hal. talentong
ibinigay ng Diyos
1 5
Nakapagpapakita ng mga natatanging kakayahan nang
may pagtitiwala sa sarili
Napahahalagahan ang kakayahan sa paggawa
Nakatutukoy ng mga damdamin na nagpapamalas ng
2 5
katatagan ng kalooban Nakatutukoy ng mga damdamin
na nagpapamalas ng katatagan ng kalooban
Napahahalagahan ang pagkilala sa kayang gawin ng
mag-aaral na sumusukat sa kanyang katatagan ng loob
tulad ng:
3 5
a. pagtanggap sa puna ng ibang tao sa mga hindi
magandang gawa, kilos, at gawi
b. pagbabago ayon sa nararapat na resulta
Nakagagawa ng mga wastong kilos at gawi sa
4 5
pangangalaga ng sariling kalusugan at kaligtasan.
5 Nakasusunod sa mga pamantayan/tuntunin ng mag-anak 5
Nakapagpapadama ng malasakit sa kapwa na may
karamdaman sa pamamagitan ng mga simpleng Gawain
6 - pagtulong at pag-aalaga, pagdalaw, pag-aliw at 5
pagdadala ng pagkain o anumang bagay na
Nakapagpapakita ng malasakit sa may mga kapansanan
sa pamamagitan ng:
7 5
a. pagbibigay ng simpleng tulong sa kanilang
b. pagbibigay ng pagkakataon upang sumali at
lumahok sa mga palaro o larangan ng isport at iba
pang programang pampaaralan
8 5
c. pagbibigay ng pagkakataon upang sumali at
lumahok sa mga palaro at iba pang paligsahan sa
Naisasaalang-alang ang katayuan/ kalagayan/ pangkat
etnikong kinabibilangan ng kapwa bata sa pamamagitan
9 ng: 5
- pagbabahagi ng pagkain, laruan, damit, gamit at
iba pa
Nakapagpapakita nang may kasiyahan sa pakikiisa sa
mga gawaing pambata
10 5
- Paglalaro
- programa sa paaralan (paligsahan, pagdiriwang
at iba pa)
Nakapagpapakita ng mga kaugaliang Pilipino tulad ng:
11 5
a. Pagmamano
b. paggamit ng "po" at "opo"
12 c. pagsunod sa tamang tagubilin ng mga 5
Nakapagpapahayag na isang tanda ng mabuting pag-
13 uugali ng Pilipino ang pagsunod sa tuntunin ng 5
Nakasusunod sa mga tuntuning may kinalaman sa
14 kaligtasan tulad ng mga babala at batas trapiko 5
- pagsakay/pagbaba sa takdang lugar
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Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Nakapagpapanatili ng ligtas na pamayanan sa
15 5
pamamagitan ng pagiging handa sa sakuna o kalamidad
Ikaapat na
16 Nakapagpapakita ng pananalig sa Diyos 5
Nakapagpapakita ng paggalang sa paniniwala ng iba
17 5
tungkol sa Diyos
Naipamamalas ang pagmamahal sa lahat ng nilikha ng
Diyos at kanyang mga biyaya sa pamamagitan ng:
18 5
a. pagpapakita ng kahalagahan ng pag-asa para
makamit ang tagumpay
b. pagpapakita at pagpapadama ng kahalagahan
ng pagbibigay ng pag- asa sa iba
19 5
c. pagpapakita ng suporta sa mga kaibigan o
pagiging mabuting kaibigan
d. pagpapakita ng kabutihan at katuwiran
20 e. pagtulong sa mga nangangailangan
f. pag-iingat at pangangalaga sa kalikasan
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Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Nakapagsasabi ng katotohanan anuman ang maging
1 5
bunga nito
Nakapagsusuri ng katotohanan bago gumawa ng
2 anumang hakbangin 5
a. pagsangguni sa taong kinauukulan
b. balitang napakinggan
c. patalastas na nabasa/narinig
3 5
d. napanood na programang pantelebisyon
e. pagsangguni sa taong kinauukulan
Nakapagninilay ng katotohanan mula sa mga:
a. balitang napakinggan
b. patalastas na nabasa/narinig
4 5
c. napapanood na programang pantelibisyon
d. napanood sa internet at mga social networking
Nakpagsasagawa nang may mapanuring pag-iisip ng
5 tamang pamamaraan/pamantayan sa pagtuklas ng 5
Nakapagpapakita ng pagkamahinahon sa damdamin at
kilos ng kapwa tulad ng:
a. pagtanggap ng sariling pagkakamali at
pagtutuwid nang bukal sa loob
6 5
b. pagtanggap ng puna ng kapwa nang maluwag sa
c. pagpili ng mga salitang di-nakakasakit ng
damdamin sa pagbibiro
Nakapagbaba-hagi ng sariling karanasan o makabuluhang
7 pangyayaring nagpapakita ng pang-unawa sa kalagayan/ 5
pangangailangan ng kapwa
Naisasabuhay ang pagiging bukas-palad sa:
8 a. mga nangangailangan 5
b. panahon ng kalamindad
Nakapagpapakita ng paggalang sa iba sa mga
sumusunod na sitwasyon:
a. oras ng pamamahinga
9 5
b. kapag may nag-aaral
c. kapag mayroong sakit
d. pakikinig kapag may nagsasalita/nagpapaliwanag
c. paggamit ng pasilidad ng paaralan nang may
pag-aalala sa kapakanan ng kapwa
- palikuran
10 - silid-aralan 5
- palaruan
d. pagpapanatili ng tahimik, malinis at kaaya-ayang
kapaligiran bilang paraan ng pakikipagkapwa-tao
Nakapagpapakita ng kawilihan sa pakikinig o pagbabasa
ng mga pamanang kulturang material (hal. kuwentong
11 bayan, alamat, mga epiko) at di-material (hal. mga 5
magagandang kaugalian, pagpapahalaga sa
nakakatanda at iba pa)
Naipagmamalaki/ napapahalagahan ang nasuring kultura
12 ng iba’t ibang pangkat etniko tulad ng kuwentong–bayan, 5
katutubong sayaw, awit, laro at iba pa
Nakasusunod sa mga batas/panuntunang pinaiiral tungkol
sa pangangalaga ng kapaligiran kahit walang nakakakita.
Page 236 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Nakakatulong sa pagpapanatili ng kalinisan at kaayusan ng
kapaligiran saanman sa pamamagitan ng:
14 5
a. segregasyon o pagtugon ng mga basurang
nabubulok at di-nabubulok sa tamang lagayan.
b. pag-iwas sa pagsunog ng anumang bagay.
15 c. pagsasagawa ng muling paggamit ng mga 5
patapong bagay (Recycling)
Ikaapat na
Napapahalagahan ang lahat ng mga likha:
16 may buhay at mga material na bagay 5
a. Sarili at kapwa-tao
- pag-iwas sa pagkakaroon ng sakit
17 5
- paggalang sa kapwa-tao
b. Hayop
18 - pagkalinga sa mga hayop na ligaw at 5
c. Halaman
- pag-aayos ng mga nabuwal na halaman
19 - paglalagay ng mga lupa sa paso 5
- pagbubungkal ng tanim na halaman sa
d. Mga Materyal na Kagamitan
20 - pangangalaga sa mga materyal na 5
kagamitang likas o gawa ng tao
Page 237 of 349


Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Napahahalagahan ang katotohanan sa pamamagitan ng
pagsusuri sa mga:
a. balitang napakinggan
1 5
b. patalastas na nabasa/narinig
c. napanood na programang pantelebisyon
d. nabasa sa internet
Nakasusuri ng mabuti at di-mabuting maidudulot sa sarili at
miyembro ng pamilya ng anumang babasahin,
napapakinggan at napapanood
a. dyaryo
2 b. magasin 5
c. radyo
d. telebisyon
e. pelikula
f. Internet
Nakapagpapakita ng kawilihan at positibong saloobin sa
a. pakikinig
b. pakikilahok sa pangkatang gawain
c. pakikipagtalakayan
3 5
d. pagtatanong
e. paggawa ng proyekto (gamit ang anumang
technology tools)
f. paggawa ng takdang-aralin
g. pagtuturo sa iba
Nakapagpapakita ng matapat na paggawa sa mga
proyektong pampaaralan
4 5
Nakahihikayat ng iba na maging matapat sa lahat ng uri
ng paggawa
Nakapagpapatunay na mahalaga ang pagkakaisa sa
pagtatapos ng gawain
Nakapagpapakita ng kawilihan sa pagbabasa/ pagsuri ng
mga aklat at magasin
5 5
a. nagbabasa ng diyaryo araw-araw
b. nakikinig/nanonood sa telebisyon sa mga “Update”
o bagong kaalaman
c. nagsasaliksik ng mga artikulo sa internet
Nakapagsisimula ng pamumuno para makapagbigay ng
kayang tulong para sa nangangailangan
6 a. biktima ng kalamidad 10
b. pagbibigay ng babala/impormasyon kung may
bagyo, baha, sunog, lindol, at iba pa
Nakapagbibigay-alam sa kinauukulan tungkol sa
kaguluhan, at iba pa (pagmamalasakit sa kapwa na 5
Nakapagpapakita ng paggalang sa mga dayuhan sa
pamamagitan ng:
a. mabuting pagtanggap/pagtrato sa mga katutubo
at mga dayuhan 5
b. paggalang sa natatanging kaugalian/paniniwala
ng mga katutubo at dayuhang kakaiba sa
Nakabubuo at nakapagpapahayag nang may paggalang
sa anumang ideya/opinion
8 5
Nakapagpapaubaya ng pansariling kapakanan para sa
kabutihan ng kapwa
9 Nakapagsasaalang-alang ng karapatan ng iba 5
Page 238 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Nakikilahok sa mga patimpalak o paligsahan na ang
layunin ay pakikipagkaibigan
Nagagampanan nang buong husay ang anumang
10 tungkulin sa programa o proyekto gamit ang anumang 5
teknolohiya sa paaralan
Nakapagpapakita ng mga kanais-nais na kaugaliang
11 a. nakikisama sa kapwa Pilipino 5
b. tumutulong/lumalahok sa bayanihan at palusong
c. magiliw na pagtanggap ng mga panauhin
Nakapagpapamalas ng pagkamalikhain sa pagbuo ng
mga sayaw, awit at sining gamit ang anumang multimedia
12 o teknolohiya 5
Napananatili ang pagkamabuting mamamayang Pilipino
sa pamamagitan ng pakikilahok
Nakasusunod ng may masusi at matalinong pagpapasiya
para sa kaligtasan
13 5
a. paalala para sa mga panoorin at babasahin
b. pagsunod sa mga alituntunin tungkol sa pag-iingat
sa sunog at paalaala kung may kalamidad
Nakapagpapakita ng magagandang halimbawa ng
pagiging responsableng tagapangalaga ng kapaligiran
a. pagiging mapanagutan
b. pagmamalasakit sa kapaligiran sa pamamagitan
14 ng pakikiisa sa mga programang pangkapaligiran 5
Napatutunayan na di-nakukuha sa kasakiman ang
a. pagiging vigilant sa mga illegal na gawaing
nakasisira sa kapaligiran
Nakikiisa nang may kasiyahan sa mga programa ng
pamahalaan na may kaugnayan sa pagpapanatili ng
15 5
a. paggalang sa karapatang pantao
b. paggalang sa opinyon ng iba
c. paggalang sa ideya ng iba
Nakalalahok sa pangangampanya sa pagpapatupad ng
mga batas para sa kabutihan ng lahat
a. pangkalinisan
16 b. pangkaligtasan 5
c. pangkalusugan
d. pangkapayapaan
e. pangkalikasan
Nakagagawa ng isang proyekto gamit ang iba’t ibang
multimedia at technology tools sa pagpapatupad ng mga
17 batas sa kalinisan, kaligtasan, kalusugan at kapayapaan 5
Nakikiisa nang buong tapat sa mga gawaing nakatutulong
sa bansa at daigdig
Ikaapat na
Nakapagpapakita nang tunay na pagmamahal sa kapwa
tulad ng:
18 5
a. pagsasaalang-alang sa kapakanan ng kapwa at
sa kinabibilangang pamayanan
b. pakikiisa sa pagdarasal para sa kabutihan ng lahat
19 5
c. pagkalinga at pagtulong sa kapwa
Nakapagpapakita ng iba’t ibang paraan ng pasasalamat
20 5
sa Diyos
Page 239 of 349


Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
pagsusuri nang mabuti sa mga bagay na may kinalaman
sa sarili at pangyayari
1 5
Naisa-Isa ang mga tamang hakbang sa pagbuo ng
2 pagsang-ayon sa pasya ng nakararami kung nakabubuti ito 5
Naipahahayag at nakabubuo ng pasya batay sa
3 5
malayang pananaw ng ibang tao sa sitwasyon
4 paggamit ng impormasyon 5
Naisasagawa ang mga tamang hakbang na makatutulong
5 5
sa pagbuo ng isang desisyon na makabubuti sa pamilya
Naipakikita ang kahalagahan ng pagiging responsable sa
6 5
7 a. pangako o pinagkasunduan 5
8 b. pagpapanatili ng mabuting pakikipagkaibigan 5
9 c. pagiging matapat 5
d. Nakapagpapakita ng paggalang sa ideya o
10 5
suhestyon ng kapwa
Napahahalagahan ang magaling at matagumpay na mga
Pilipino sa pamamagitan ng:
a. pagmomodelo ng kanilang pagtatagumpay
11 b. kuwento ng kanilang pagsasakripisyo at 5
pagbibigay ng sarili para sa bayan
c. pagtulad sa mga mabubuting katangian na
naging susi sa pagtatagumpay ng mga Pilipino
Nakagagamit nang may pagpapahalaga at pananagutan
12 5
sa kabuhayan at pinagkukunang-yaman
Nakapagpapakita ng tapat na pagsunod sa mga batas
13 pambansa at pandaigdigan tungkol sa pangangalaga sa 5
Naipagmamalaki ang anumang natapos na gawain na
14 5
nakasusunod sa pamantayan at kalidad
Naipakikita ang pagiging malikhain sa paggawa ng
15 anumang proyekto na makatutulong at magsisilbing 5
inspirasyon tungo sa pagsulong at pag- unlad ng bansa
Naisasakilos ang pagtupad sa mga batas pambansa at
a. pagtupad sa mga batas para sa kaligtasan sa
daan; pangkalusugan;
b. pangkapaligiran; pag-abuso sa paggamit ng
16 ipinagbabawal na gamot; 5
c. lumalahok sa mga kampanya at programa para sa
pagpapatupad ng batas tulad ng pagbabawal sa
paninigarilyo, pananakit sa hayop, at iba pa;
d. tumutulong sa makakayanang paraan ng
pagpapanatili ng kapayapaan
Ikaapat na
Napatutunayan na nagpapaunlad ng pagkatao ang
17 5
Nasasabi ang mga paraan ng pagpapunlad ng pagkatao
18 5
ang ispiritwal.
- pagpapaLiwanag na ispiritwalidad ang
19 pagkakaroon ng mabuting pagkatao anuman ang 5
Page 240 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Naipapakita ang ispiritwalidad ng mabuting pagkatao
anumang relihiyong kinaaaniban.
- pagkakaroon ng positibong pananaw, pag-asa, at
20 5
pagmamahal sa kapwa at Diyos
Page 241 of 349


Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Natutukoy ang mga pagbabago sa kanyang sarili mula sa
gulang na 8 o 9 hanggang sa kasalukuyan sa aspetong:
a. Pagtatamo ng bago at ganap na pakikipag-
ugnayan (more mature relations) sa mga kasing
edad (Pakikipagkaibigan)
b. Pagtanggap ng papel o gampanin sa lipunan
c. Pagtanggap sa mga pagbabago sa katawan at
paglalapat ng tamang pamamahala sa mga ito
d. Pagnanais at pagtatamo ng mapanagutang asal
sa pakikipagkapwa/ sa lipunan
e. Pagkakaroon ng kakayahang makagawa ng
maingat na pagpapasya
f. Pagkilala ng tungkulin sa bawat gampanin bilang
nagdadalaga / nagbibinata***
Natatanggap ang mga pagbabagong nagaganap sa sarili
sa panahon ng pagdadalaga/pagbibinata
NaipaliLiwanag na ang paglinang ng mga angkop na
inaasahang kakayahan at kilos (developmental tasks) sa
panahon ng pagdadalaga / pagbibinata ay nakatutulong
a. pagkakaroon ng tiwala sa sarili, at paghahanda sa
limang inaasahang kakayahan at kilos na nasa
mataas na antas (phase) ng
pagdadalaga/pagbibinata (middle and late
2 adoscence): (paghahanda sa paghahanapbuhay,
paghahanda sa pag-aasawa / pagpapamilya, at 1
b. pagkakaroon ng mga pagpapahalagang gabay
sa mabuting asal), at pagiging mabuti at
mapanagutang tao.
c. pag-unawa ng kabataan sa kanyang mga
tungkulin sa sarili, bilang anak, kapatid, mag-aaral,
mamamayan, mananampalataya, kosyumer ng
media at bilang tagapangalaga ng kalikasan ay
isang paraan upang maging mapanagutan bilang
paghahanda sa susunod na yugto ng buhay
Naisasagawa ang mga angkop na hakbang sa paglinang
3 ng limang inaasahang kakayahan at kilos (developmental 2
tasks) sa panahon ng pagdadalaga / pagbibinata
Natutukoy ang kanyang mga talento at kakayahan 1
Natutukoy ang mga aspekto ng sarili kung saan kulang siya
ng tiwala sa sarili at nakikilala ang mga paraan kung paano 1
lalampasan ang mga ito
Napatutunayan na ang pagtuklas at pagpapaunlad ng
mga angking talento at kakayahan ay mahalaga sapagkat
ang mga ito ay mga kaloob na kung pauunlarin ay
5 2
makahuhubog ng sarili tungo sa pagkakaroon ng tiwala sa
sarili, paglampas sa mga kahinaan, pagtupad ng mga
tungkulin, at paglilingkod sa pamayanan
Naisasagawa ang mga gawaing angkop sa
6 1
pagpapaunlad ng sariling mga talento at kakayahan
Natutukoy ang kaugnayan ng pagpapaunlad ng mga hilig
6 sa pagpili ng kursong akademiko o teknikal- bokasyonal, 2
negosyo o hanapbuhay.
Nakasusuri ng mga sariling hilig ayon sa larangan at tuon ng
7 1
mga ito.
NaipaliLiwanag na ang pagpapaunlad ng mga hilig ay
8 makatutulong sa pagtupad ng mga tungkulin, 1
paghahanda tungo sa pagpili ng propesyon, kursong
Page 242 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
akademiko o teknikal-bokasyonal, negosyo o hanapbuhay,
pagtulong sa kapwa at paglilingkod sa pamayanan
Natutukoy ang mga katangian, gamit at tunguhin ng isip at
9 2
Nasusuri ang isang pasyang ginawa batay sa gamit at
tunguhin ng isip at kilos-loob
NaipaliLiwanag na ang isip at kilos-loob ang
nagpapabukod-tangi sa tao, kaya ang kanyang mga
pagpapasiya ay dapat patungo sa katotohanan at
Naisasagawa ang pagbuo ng angkop na pagpapasiya
11 tungo sa katotohanan at kabutihan gamit ang isip at kilos- 2
Nakikilala na natatangi sa tao ang Likas na Batas Moral
dahil ang pagtungo sa kabutihan ay may kamalayan at
12 2
kalayaan. Ang unang prinsipyo nito ay likas sa tao na dapat
gawin ang mabuti at iwasan ang masama.
Nailalapat ang wastong paraan upang baguhin ang mga
pasya at kilos na taliwas sa unang prinsipyo ng Likas na 1
Batas Moral
13 Nahihinuha na nalalaman agad ng tao ang mabuti at
masama sa kongkretong sitwasyon batay sa sinasabi ng
konsiyensiya. Ito ang Likas na Batas Moral na itinanim ng
Diyos sa isip at puso ng tao.
Nakabubuo ng tamang pangangatwiran batay sa Likas na
Batas Moral upang magkaroon ng angkop na 1
14 pagpapasiya at kilos araw- araw
Nakikilala ang mga indikasyon / palatandaan ng
pagkakaroon o kawalan ng kalayaan
Nasusuri kung nakikita sa mga gawi ng kabataan ang
15 Nahihinuha na likas sa tao ang malayang pagpili sa mabuti
o sa masama; ngunit ang kalayaan ay may kakambal na 1
pananagutan para sa kabutihan
Naisasagawa ang pagbuo ng mga hakbang upang
baguhin o paunlarin ang kaniyang paggamit ng kalayaan
16 Nakikilala na may dignidad ang bawat tao anoman ang
kanyang kalagayang panlipunan, kulay, lahi, edukasyon, 2
relihiyon at iba pa
Nakabubuo ng mga paraan upang mahalin ang sarili at
17 1
kapwa na may pagpapahalaga sa dignidad ng tao
Napatutunayan na ang
a. paggalang sa dignidad ng tao ay ang nagsisilbing
daan upang mahalin ang kapwa tulad ng
pagmamahal sa sarili at
18 b. ang paggalang sa dignidad ng tao ay nagmumula
sa pagiging pantay at magkapareho nilang tao
Naisasagawa ang mga konkretong paraan upang ipakita
ang paggalang at pagmamalasakit sa mga taong kapus- 1
palad o higit na nangangailangan kaysa sa kanila
Nakikilala ang pagkakaiba at pagkakaugnay ng birtud at
19 2
Natutukoy ang mga birtud at pagpapahalaga na
20 isasabuhay at ang mga tiyak na kilos na ilalapat sa 2
pagsasabuhay ng mga ito
Napatutunayan na ang paulit-ulit na pagsasabuhay ng
mga mabuting gawi batay sa mga moral na
21 2
pagpapahalaga ay patungo sa paghubog ng mga birtud
(acquired virtues)
Page 243 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Naisasagawa ang pagsasabuhay ng mga pagpapahalaga
22 at birtud na magpapaunlad ng kanyang buhay bilang 2
nagdadalaga/ nagbibinata
Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang antas ng pagpapahalaga at
ang mga halimbawa ng mga ito
Nakagagawa ng hagdan ng sariling pagpapahalaga
batay sa Hirarkiya ng mga Pagpapahalaga ni Max Scheler
Napatutunayang ang piniling uri ng pagpapahalaga batay
24 sa hirarkiya ng mga pagpapahalaga ay gabay sa 2
makatotohanang pag-unlad ng ating Pagkatao
Naisasagawa ang paglalapat ng mga tiyak na hakbang
25 upang mapataas ang antas ng kaniyang mga 2
Ikaapat na
Nakikilala na ang mga pangarap ang batayan ng mga
pagpupunyagi tungo sa makabuluhan at maligayang 1
Nakapagtatakda ng malinaw at makatotohanang mithiin
upang magkaroon ng tamang direksyon sa buhay at
26 matupad ang mga pangarap
Naisasagawa ang paglalapat ng pansariling plano sa
pagtupad ng mga minimithing kursong akademiko o
teknikal-bokasyonal, negosyo o hanapbuhay batay sa
pamantayan sa pagbuo ng Career Plan gamit ang Goal
Setting at Action Planning Chart**
NaipaliLiwanag ang kahalagahan ng makabuluhang
pagpapasiya sa uri ng buhay
27 Nasusuri ang ginawang Personal na Pahayag ng Misyon sa
Buhay kung ito ay may pagsasaalang-alang sa tama at 1
matuwid na pagpapasiya
Nahihinuha na ang pagbuo ng Personal na Pahayag ng
Misyon sa Buhay ay gabay sa tamang pagpapasiya upang
magkaroon ng tamang direksyon sa buhay at matupad
28 ang mga pangarap
Naisasagawa ang pagbuo ng Personal na Pahayag ng
Misyon sa Buhay batay sa mga hakbang sa mabuting 1
Natutukoy ang mga personal na salik na kailangang
29 paunlarin kaugnay ng pagpaplano ng kursong akademiko 2
o teknikal-bokasyonal, negosyo o hanapbuhay
NaipaliLiwanag na mahalaga ang pagtutugma ng mga
personal na salik at mga kailanganin (requirements) sa
pinaplanong kursong akademiko o teknikal-bokasyonal,
sining o isports, negosyo o hanapbuhay upang magkaroon
ng makabuluhang negosyo o hanapbuhay, maging
30 produktibo at makibahagi sa pag-unlad ng ekonomiya ng 2
pag-aaral ay naglilinang ng mga kasanayan,
pagpapahalaga, talento at mga kakayahang
makatutulong, sa pagtatagumpay sa pinaplanong buhay,
negosyo o hanapbuhay*
Nakikilala ang (a) mga kahalagahan ng pag-aaral bilang
paghahanda sa pagnenegosyo at paghahanapbuhay at 1
ang (b) mga hakbang sa paggawa ng Career Plan
31 Natutukoy ang mga sariling kalakasan at kahinaan at
nakapagbabalangkas ng mga hakbang upang magamit
ang mga kalakasan sa ikabubuti at malagpasan ang mga
NaipaliLiwanag na sa pag-aaral nalilinang ang mga
kasanayan, pagpapahalaga, talento at mga kakayahang
32 2
makatutulong, sa pagtatagumpay sa pinaplanong buhay,
negosyo o hanapbuhay
Page 244 of 349


Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Natutukoy ang mga gawain o karanasan sa sariling pamilya
na kapupulutan ng aral o may positibong impluwensya sa 1
Nasusuri ang pag-iral ng pagmamahalan,pagtutulungan at
pananampalataya sa isang pamilyang nakasama, 1
naobserbahan o napanood
Napatutunayan kung bakit ang pamilya ay natural na
institusyon ng pagmamahalan at pagtutulungan na
nakatutulong sa pagpapaunlad ng sarili tungo sa
2 makabuluhang pakikipagkapwa
Naisasagawa ang mga angkop na kilos tungo sa
pagpapatatag ng pagmamahalan at pagtutulungan sa 1
sariling pamilya
Nakikilala ang mga gawi o karanasan sa sariling pamilya na
nagpapakita ng pagbibigay ng edukasyon, paggabay sa 1
pagpapasya at paghubog ng pananampalataya
Nasusuri ang mga banta sa pamilyang Pilipino sa
pagbibigay ng edukasyon, paggabay sa pagpapasya at 1
paghubog ng pananampalataya
NaipaliLiwanag na:
a. Bukod sa paglalang, may pananagutan ang mga
magulang na bigyan ng maayos na edukasyon
ang kanilang mga anak, gabayan sa pagpapasya
at hubugin sa pananampalataya.
4 b. Ang karapatan at tungkulin ng mga magulang na
magbigay ng edukasyon ang bukod-tangi at
pinakamahalagang gampanin ng mga magulang.
Natutukoy ang mga gawain o karanasan sa sariling pamilya
o pamilyang nakasama, naobserbahan o napanood na
nagpapatunay ng pagkakaroon o kawalan ng bukas na
Nabibigyang-puna ang uri ng komunikasyon na umiiral sa
isang pamilyang nakasama, naobserbahan o napanood
Nahihinuha na:
a. Ang bukas na komunikasyon sa pagitan ng mga
magulang at mga anak ay nagbibigay-daan sa
mabuting ugnayan ng pamilya sa kapwa.
b. Ang pag-unawa at pagiging sensitibo sa pasalita,
di-pasalita at virtual na uri ng komunikasyon ay
nakapagpapaunlad ng pakikipagkapwa
c. Ang pag-unawa sa limang antas ng komunikasyon
ay makatutulong sa angkop at maayos na
pakikipag-ugnayan sa kapwa
Naisasagawa ang mga angkop na kilos tungo sa
6 pagkakaroon at pagpapaunlad ng komunikasyon sa 2
Natutukoy ang mga gawain o karanasan sa sariling pamilya
na nagpapakita ng pagtulong sa kapitbahay o
pamayanan (papel na panlipunan) at pagbabantay sa 1
mga batas at institusyong panlipunan (papel na
Nasusuri ang isang halimbawa ng pamilyang
ginagampanan ang panlipunan at pampulitikal na papel 1
Nahihinuha na may pananagutan ang pamilya sa pagbuo
ng mapagmahal na pamayanan sa pamamagitan ng
8 pagtulong sa kapitbahay o pamayanan (papel na 1
panlipunan) at pagbabantay sa mga batas at institusyong
panlipunan (papel na pampolitikal)
Page 245 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Naisasagawa ang isang gawaing angkop sa panlipunan at
pampulitikal na papel ng pamilya
Natutukoy ang mga taong itinuturing niyang kapwa 1
Nasusuri ang mga impluwensya ng kanyang kapwa sa
kanya sa aspektong intelektwal, panlipunan, 1
pangkabuhayan, at pulitikal
Nahihinuha na:
a. Ang tao ay likas na panlipunang nilalang, kaya’t
nakikipag-ugnayan siya sa kanyang kapwa upang
malinang siya sa aspetong intelektwal, panlipunan,
pangkabuhayan, at politikal.
10 b. Ang birtud ng katarungan (justice) at pagmamahal 1
(charity) ay kailangan sa pagpapatatag ng
c. Ang pagiging ganap niyang tao ay matatamo sa
paglilingkod sa kapwa - ang tunay na indikasyon
ng pagmamahal.
Naisasagawa ang isang gawaing tutugon sa
pangangailangan ng mga mag-aaral o kabataan sa
10 2
paaralan o pamayanan sa aspetong intelektwal,
panlipunan, pangkabuhayan, o pulitikal
Natutukoy ang mga taong itinuturing niyang kaibigan at
ang mga natutuhan niya mula sa mga ito
Nasusuri ang kanyang mga pakikipagkaibigan batay sa
tatlong uri ng pakikipagkaibigan ayon kay Aristotle
Nahihinuha na:
a. Ang pakikipagkaibigan ay nakatutulong sa
paghubog ng matatag na pagkakakilanlan at
pakikisalamuha sa lipunan.
b. Maraming kabutihang naidudulot ang
pagpapanatili ng mabuting pakikipagkaibigan:
ang pagpapaunlad ng pagkatao at
12 1
pakikipagkapwa at pagtatamo ng mapayapang
c. Ang pagpapatawad ay palatandaan ng
pakikipagkaibigang batay sa kabutihan at
pagmamahal. Nakatutulong ito sa pagtamo ng
integrasyong pansarili at pagpapaunlad ng
Naisasagawa ang mga angkop na kilos upang mapaunlad
13 2
ang pakikipagkaibigan (hal.: pagpapatawad)
Natutukoy ang magiging epekto sa kilos at pagpapasiya ng
14 wasto at hindi wastong pamamahala ng pangunahing 2
Nasusuri kung paano naiimpluwensyahan ng isang
emosyon ang pagpapasiya sa isang sitwasyon na may krisis, 1
suliranin o pagkalito
Napangangatwiranan na:
a. Ang pamamahala ng emosyon sa pamamagitan
15 ng pagtataglay ng mga birtud ay nakatutulong sa
pagpapaunlad ng sarili at pakikipagkapwa.
b. Ang katatagan (fortitude) at kahinahunan
(prudence) ay nakatutulong upang harapin ang
matinding pagkamuhi, matinding kalungkutan,
takot at galit.
Naisasagawa ang mga angkop na kilos upang
16 2
mapamahalaan nang wasto ang emosyon.
Natutukoy ang kahalagahan ng pagiging mapanagutang
lider at tagasunod
Nasusuri ang katangian ng mapanagutang lider at
tagasunod na nakasama, naobserbahan o napanood
Page 246 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Nahihinuha na ang pagganap ng tao sa kanyang
gampanin bilang lider at tagasunod ay nakatutulong sa
pagpapaunlad ng sarili tungo sa mapanagutang 1
pakikipag-ugnayan sa kapwa at makabuluhang buhay sa
Naisasagawa ang mga angkop na kilos upang mapaunlad
ang kakayahang maging mapanagutang lider at 1
Natutukoy ang mga biyayang natatanggap mula sa
kabutihang-loob ng kapwa at mga paraan ng 1
19 pagpapakita ng pasasalamat
Nasusuri ang mga halimbawa o sitwasyon na nagpapakita
ng pasasalamat o kawalan nito
Napatutunayan na ang pagiginig mapagpasalamat ay
ang pagkilala na ang maraming bagay na napapasaiyo at
malaking bahagi ng iyong pagkatao ay nagmula sa
kapwa, na sa kahuli-hulihan ay biyaya ng Diyos.
Kabaligtaran ito ng Entitlement Mentality, isang paniniwala
20 2
o pag-iisip na anomang inaasam mo ay karapatan mo na
dapat bigyan ng dagliang pansin. Hindi naglalayong
bayaran o palitan ang kabutihan ng kapwa kundi gawin sa
iba ang kabutihang
ginawa sa iyo.
21 Naisasagawa ang mga angkop na kilos ng pasasalamat 2
Nakikilala ang mga paraan ng pagpapakita ng paggalang
- ginagabayan ng katarungan at pagmamahal
22 2
bunga ng hindi pagpapamalas ng pagsunod at
paggalang sa magulang, nakatatanda at may
Nasusuri ang mga umiiral na paglabag sa paggalang sa
magulang, nakatatanda at may awtoridad
Nahihinuha na dapat gawin ang pagsunod at paggalang
sa mga magulang, nakatatanda at may awtoridad dahil sa
pagmamahal, sa malalim na pananagutan at sa pagkilala 1
23 sa kanilang awtoridad na hubugin, bantayan at paunlarin
ang mga pagpapahalaga ng kabataan
Naisasagawa ang mga angkop na kilos ng pagsunod at
paggalang sa mga magulang, nakatatanda at may
awtoridad at nakaiimpluwensiya sa kapwa kabataan na
maipamalas ang mga ito
Nakikilala ang
a. kahalagahan ng katapatan,
b. mga paraan ng pagpapakita ng katapatan, at
c. bunga ng hindi pagpapamalas ng katapatan
Nasusuri ang mga umiiral na paglabag ng mga kabataan
sa katapatan
NaipaliLiwanag na:
- Ang pagiging tapat sa salita at gawa ay
pagpapatunay ng pagkakaroon ng komitment sa
katotohanan at ng mabuti/ matatag na konsensya. 1
25 May layunin itong maibigay sa kapwa ang
nararapat para sa kanya, gabay ang diwa ng
Naisasagawa ang mga mga angkop na kilos sa
pagsasabuhay ng katapatan sa salita at gawa
Ikaapat na
Natutukoy ang tamang pagpaqpakahulugan sa
Nasusuri ang ilang napapanahong isyu ayon sa tamang
pananaw sa sekswalidad
Page 247 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Nahihinuha na:
- Ang pagkakaroon ng tamang pananaw sa
sekswalidad ay mahalaga para sa paghahanda sa
27 2
susunod na yugto ng buhay ng isang nagdadalaga
at nagbibinata at sa pagtupad niya sa kanyang
bokasyon na magmahal
Naisasagawa ang tamang kilos tungo sa paghahanda sa
susunod na yugto ng buhay bilang nagdadalaga at
28 2
nagbibinata at sa pagtupad niya ng kanyang bokasyon na
Nakikilala ang mga uri, sanhi at epekto ng mga umiiral na
29 2
karahasan sa paaralan
Nasusuri ang mga aspekto ng pagmamahal sa sarili at
30 kapwa na kailangan upang maiwasan at matugunan ang 2
karahasan sa paaralan
NaipaliLiwanag na:
a. Ang pag-iwas sa anomang uri ng karahasan sa
paaralan (tulad ng pagsali sa fraternity at gang at
pambubulas) at ang aktibong pakikisangkot upang
masupil ito ay patunay ng pagmamahal sa sarili at
kapwa at paggalang sa buhay. Ang pagmamahal
na ito sa kapwa ay may kaakibat na katarungan –
31 ang pagbibigay sa kapwa ng nararapat sa kanya 2
(ang kanyang dignidad bilang tao.)
b. May tungkulin ang tao kaugnay sa buhay- ang
ingatan ang kanyang sarili at umiwas sa
kamatayan o sitwasyong maglalagay sa kanya sa
panganib. Kung minamahal niya ang kanyang
kapwa tulad ng sarili, iingatan din niya ang buhay
Nakapaghahain ng mga hakbang para matugunan ang
32 2
hamon ng hamon ng agwat teknolohikal
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Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Natutukoy ang mga elemento ng kabutihang panlahat 1
Nakapagsusuri ng mga halimbawa ng pagsasaalang-alang
sa kabutihang panlahat sa pamilya, paaralan, pamayanan 1
o lipunan
Napangangatwiranan na ang pagsisikap ng bawat tao na
makamit at mapanatili ang kabutihang panlahat sa
pamamagitan ng pagsasabuhay ng moral na 1
pagpapahalaga ay mga puwersang magpapatatag sa
Naisasagawa ang isang proyekto na makatutulong sa isang
pamayanan o sektor sa pangangailangang 1
pangkabuhayan, pangkultural, at pangkapayapaan.
Naipaliliwanag ang:
a. dahilan kung bakit may lipunang pulitikal
Prinsipyo ng Subsidiarity
b. Prinsipyo ng Pagkakaisa
Natataya ang pag-iral o kawalan sa pamilya, paaralan,
baranggay, pamayanan, o lipunan/bansa ng:
a. Prinsipyo ng Subsidiarity
b. Prinsipyo ng Pagkakaisa
Napatutunayan na:
a. May mga pangangailangan ang tao na hindi niya
makakamtan bilang indibidwal na makakamit niya
lamang sa pamahalaan o organisadong pangkat
tulad ng mga pangangailangang
pangkabuhayan, pangkultural, at
b. Kung umiiral ang Prinsipyo ng Subsidiarity,
4 mapananatili ang pagkukusa, kalayaan at 2
pananagutan ng pamayanan o pangkat na nasa
mababang antas at maisasaalang- alang ang
dignidad ng bawat kasapi ng pamayanan.
c. Kailangan ang pakikibahagi ng bawat tao sa mga
pagsisikap na mapabuti ang uri ng pamumuhay sa
lipunan/bansa, lalo na sa pag-angat ng kahirapan,
dahil nakasalalay ang kaniyang pag-unlad sa pag-
unlad ng lipunan (Prinsipyo ng Pagkakaisa).
Nakikilala ang mga katangian ng mabuting ekonomiya 1
Nakapagsusuri ng maidudulot ng magandang ekonomiya 1
Napatutunayan na:
- Ang mabuting ekonomiya ay iyong napauunlad
ang lahat – walang taong sobrang mayaman at
maraming mahirap.
6 - Ang ekonomiya ay hindi para lamang sa sariling
pag-unlad kundi sa pag-unlad ng lahat.
Nakatataya ng lipunang ekonomiya sa isang
baranggay/pamayanan, at lipunan/bansa gamit ang 1
dokumentaryo o photo/video journal (hal.YouScoop)
Natutukoy ang mga halimbawa ng lipunang sibil at ang
kani-kaniyang papel na ginagampanan ng mga ito upang 1
7 makamit ang kabutihang panlahat
Nasusuri ang mga adhikaing nagbubunsod sa mga
lipunang sibil upang kumilos tungo sa kabutihang panlahat
Nahihinuha na:
a. Ang layunin ng Lipunang Sibil, ang likas- kayang
pag-unlad, ay isang ulirang lipunan na
8 1
pinagkakaisa ang mga panlipunang
pagpapahalaga tulad ng katarungang
panlipunan, pang-ekonomiyang pag-unlad
Page 249 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
(economic viability), pakikilahok ng mamamayan,
pangangalaga ng kapaligiran, kapayapaan,
pagkakapantay ng kababaihan at kalalakihan
(gender equality) at ispiritwalidad.
b. Ang layunin ng media ay ang pagpapalutang ng
katotohanang kailangan ng mga mamamayan sa
c. Sa tulong ng simbahan, nabibigyan ng mas mataas
na antas ng katuturan ang mga materyal na
pangangailangan na tinatamasa natin sa tulong
ng estado at sariling pagkukusa.
- Natataya ang adbokasiya ng iba’t ibang lipunang
sibil batay sa kontribusyon ng mga ito sa
katarungang panlipunan, pang- ekonomiyang
pag-unlad (economic viability), pakikilahok ng
mamamayan, pangangalaga ng kapaligiran,
kapayapaan, pagkakapantay ng kababaihan at
kalalakihan (gender equality) at ispiritwalidad (mga
pagpapahalagang kailangan sa isang lipunang
- Nakapagsasagawa ng mga pananaliksik sa
pamayanan upang matukoy kung may lipunang
sibil na kumikilos dito, matukoy ang adbokasiya ng
lipunang sibil sa pamayanan, at matasa ang antas
ng pagganap nito sa pamayanan
Natutukoy ang mga karapatan at tungkulin ng tao 1
Nasusuri ang mga paglabag sa karapatang pantao na
umiiral sa pamilya, paaralan, baranggay/pamayanan, o 1
Napatutunayan na ang karapatan ay magkakaroon ng
tunay na kabuluhan kung gagampanan ng tao ang
10 kanyang tungkulin na kilalanin at unawain, gamit ang 2
kanyang katwiran, ang pagkakapantay-pantay ng
dignidad ng lahat ng tao
Naisasagawa ang mga angkop na kilos upang ituwid ang
mga nagawa o naobserbahang paglabag sa mga
karapatang pantao sa pamilya, paaralan,
11 baranggay/pamayanan, o lipunan/bansa
Natutukoy ang mga batas na nakaayon sa Likas na Batas
Nasusuri ang mga batas na umiiral at panukala tungkol sa
mga kabataan batay sa pagsunod ng mga ito sa Likas na 1
Batas Moral
Nahihinuha na ang pagsunod sa batas na nakabatay sa
12 Likas na Batas Moral (Natural Law), gumagaratiya sa
pagtugon sa pangangailangan ng tao at umaayon sa
dignidad ng tao at sa kung ano ang hinihingi ng tamang
katwiran, ay mahalaga upang makamit ang kabutihang
Naipahahayag ang pagsang-ayon o pagtutol sa isang
umiiral na batas batay sa pagtugon nito sa kabutihang 1
13 panlahat
Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng paggawa bilang
tagapagtaguyod ng dignidad ng tao at paglilingkod
Nakapagsusuri kung ang paggawang nasasaksihan sa
14 pamilya, paaralan opamayanan ay nagtataguyod ng 1
dignidad ng tao at paglilingkod.
Napatutunayan na sa pamamagitan ng paggawa,
nakapagpapamalas ang tao ng mga pagpapahalaga na
15 1
makatutulong upang patuloy na maiangat, bunga ng
kanyang paglilingkod, ang antas kultural at moral ng
Page 250 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
lipunan at makamit niya ang kaganapan ng kanyang
Nakabubuo ng sintesis tungkol sa kabutihang naidudulot ng
paggawa gamit ang panayam sa mga manggagawang
kumakatawan sa taong nangangailangan (marginalized)
na nasa iba’t ibang kurso o trabahong teknikal-Bokasyonal
Naiuugnay ang kahalagahan ng pakikilahok at
bolunterismo sa pag-unlad ng mamamayan at lipunan
Nakapagsusuri ng kwentong buhay ng mga taong inilaan
ang malaking bahagi ng kanilang buhay para
17 1
Hal. Efren Peñaflorida, greenpeace volunteers, atbp.
Napatutunayan na:
a. Ang pakikilahok at bolunterismo ng bawat
mamamayan sa mga gawaing pampamayanan,
panlipunan/ articul, batay sa kanyang artic,
kakayahan, at papel sa lipunan, ay makatutulong
17-18 2
sa pagkamit ng kabutihang panlahat
b. Bilang obligasyong likas sa dignidad ng tao, ang
pakikilahok ay nakakamit sa pagtulong o paggawa
sa mga aspekto kung saan mayroon siyang
personal na pananagutan
Nakalalahok sa isang proyekto o gawain sa barangay o
mga sector na may partikular na pangangailangan
18 1
Hal. Mga batang may kapansanan o mga matatandang
walang kumakalinga
Nakikilala ang mga palatandaan ng katarungang
19 2
Nakapagsusuri ng mga paglabag sa katarungang
panlipunan ng mga tagapamahala at mamamayan
Napatutunayan na may pananagutan ang bawat
mamamayan na ibigay sa kapwa ang nararapat sa kanya
Natutugunan ang pangangailangan ng kapwa o
21 1
pamayanan sa mga angkop na pagkakataon
Natutukoy ang mga indikasyon na may kalidad o
kagalingan sa paggawa ng isang gawain o produkto 1
kaakibat ang wastong paggamit ng oras para rito
22 Nakabubuo ng mga hakbang upang magkaroon ng
kalidad o kagalingan sa paggawa ng isang gawain o
produkto kasama na ang pamamahala sa oras na ginugol
Naipaliliwanag na kailangan ang kagalingan sa paggawa
at paglilingkod na may wastong pamamahala sa oras
upang maiangat ang sarili, mapaunlad ang ekonomiya ng 1
23 bansa at mapasalamatan ang Diyos sa mga talentong
Kanyang kaloob
Nakapagtatapos ng isang gawain o produkto na
mayroong kalidad o kagalingan sa paggawa
Natutukoy ang mga indikasyon ng taong masipag,
nagpupunyagi sa paggawa, nagtitipid at 1
pinamamahalaan ang naimpok
Nakagagawa ng journal ng mga gawaing natapos nang
pinaghandaan, ayon sa pamantayan at may motibasyon 1
sa paggawa
Napatutunayan na:
- Ang kasipagan na nakatuon sa disiplinado at
produktibong gawain na naaayon sa itinakdang
mithiin ay kailangan upang umunlad ang sariling
25 1
pagkatao, kapwa, lipunan at bansa
- Ang mga hirap, pagod at pagdurusa ay nadadaig
ng pagpupunyagi tungo sa pagtupad ng
itinakdang mithiin
Page 251 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Nakagagawa ng Chart ng pagsunod sa hakbang upang
matupad ang itinakdang gawain nang may kasipagan at 1
Ikaapat na
Nakikilala ang mga pagbabago sa kanyang talento,
kakayahan at hilig (mula Baitang 7) at naiuugnay ang mga
26 2
ito sa pipiliing kursong akademiko, teknikal-bokasyonal,
sining at palakasan o negosyo
Napagninilayan ang mga mahahalagang hakbang na
27-28 ginawa upang mapaunlad ang kanyang talento at 1
kakayahan ayon sa kanyang hilig at mithiin
Napatutunayan na ang pagiging tugma ng mga personal
na salik sa mga pangangailangan (requirements) sa
napiling kursong akademiko, teknikal-bokasyonal, sining at
28-29 isports o negosyo ay daan upang magkaroon ng 2
makabuluhang hanapbuhay o negosyo at matiyak ang
pagiging produktibo at pakikibahagi sa pagpapaunlad ng
ekonomiya ng bansa
Natutukoy ang kanyang mga paghahandang gagawin
upang makamit ang piniling kursong akademiko, teknikal-
29-30 bokasyonal, sining at palakasan o negosyo (hal., pagkuha 2
ng impormasyon at pag-unawa sa mga tracks sa Senior
High School)
NakapagpapaLiwanag ng kahalagahan ng Personal na
30-31 2
Pahayag ng Misyon sa Buhay
Natutukoy ang mga hakbang sa pagbuo ng Personal na
Pahayag ng Misyon sa Buhay
Nahihinuha na ang kanyang personal na Pahayag ng
Misyon sa Buhay ay dapat na nagsasalamin ng kanyang
pagiging natatanging nilalang na nagpapasya at kumikilos
nang mapanagutan tungo sa kabutihang panlahat
Nakapagbubuo ng Personal na Pahayag ng Misyon sa
32 2
Page 252 of 349


Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Natutukoy ang mataas na gamit at tunguhin ng isip at kilos-
1 Nakikilala ang kanyang mga kahinaan sa pagpapasya at
nakagagawa ng mga kongkretong hakbang upang 1
Napatutunayan na ang isip at kilos-loob ay ginagamit para
lamang sa paghahanap ng katotohanan at sa 1
paglilingkod/ pagmamahal
Nakagagawa ng mga angkop na kilos upang maipakita
ang kakayahang mahanap ang katotohanan at 1
maglingkod at magmahal
Natutukoy ang mga prinsipyo ng Likas na Batas Moral 1
3 Nakapagsusuri ng mga pasiyang ginagawa sa araw-araw
batay sa paghusga ng konsiyensiya
Napatutunayan na ang konsiyensiyang nahubog batay sa
Likas na Batas Moral ay nagsisilbing gabay sa tamang 1
4 pagpapasiya at pagkilos
Nakagagawa ng angkop na kilos upang itama ang mga
maling pasyang ginawa
Naipaliliwanag ang tunay na kahulugan ng Kalayaan 1
5 Natutukoy ang mga pasya at kilos na tumutugon sa tunay
na gamit ng kalayaan
Napatutunayan na ang tunay na kalayaan ay ang
kakayahang tumugon sa tawag ng pagmamahal at 1
Nakagagawa ng angkop na kilos upang maisabuhay ang
paggamit ng tunay na kalayaan: tumugon sa tawag ng 1
pagmamahal at paglilingkod
NakapagpapaLiwanag ng kahulugan ng dignidad ng tao 1
7 Nakapagsusuri kung bakit ang kahirapan ay paglabag sa
dignidad ng mga mahihirap at indigenous groups
Naipatutunayan na nakabatay ang dignidad ng tao sa
kanyang pagkabukod-tangi (hindi siya nauulit sa
kasaysayan) at sa pagkakawangis niya sa Diyos (may isip at
8 kalooban)
Nakagagawa ng mga angkop na kilos upang maipakita sa
kapwang itinuturing na mababa ang sarili na siya ay bukod- 1
tangi dahil sa kanyang taglay na dignidad bilang tao
NaipaliLiwanag na may pagkukusa sa makataong kilos
kung nagmumula ito sa kalooban na malayang isinagawa 1
sa pamamatnubay ng isip/kaalaman
Natutukoy ang mga kilos na dapat panagutan 1
Napatutunayan na gamit ang katwiran, sinadya
(deliberate) at niloob ng tao ang makataong kilos; kaya 1
pananagutan niya ang kawastuhan o kamalian nito
Nakapagsusuri ng sariling kilos na dapat panagutan at
nakagagawa ng paraan upang maging mapanagutan sa 1
NaipaliLiwanag ang bawat salik na nakaaapekto sa
pananagutan ng tao sa kahihinatnan ng kaniyang kilos at 1
Nakapagsusuri ng isang sitwasyong nakaaapekto sa
pagkukusa sa kilos dahil sa kamangmangan, masidhing 1
damdamin,takot, karahasan, gawi
Napatutunayan na nakaaapekto ang kamangmangan,
12 masidhing damdamin, takot, karahasan at ugali sa 1
pananagutan ng tao sa kalalabasan ng kanyang mga
Page 253 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
pasya at kilos dahil maaaring mawala ang pagkukusa sa
Nakapagsusuri ng sarili batay sa mga salik na nakaaapekto
sa pananagutan ng tao sa kahihinatnan ng kilos at pasiya
at nakagagawa ng mga hakbang upang mahubog ang
kanyang kakayahan sa pagpapasiya
NaipaliLiwanag ang bawat yugto ng makataong kilos 1
13 Natutukoy ang mga kilos at pasiyang nagawa na umaayon
sa bawat yugto ng makataong kilos
NaipaliLiwanag na ang bawat yugto ng makataong kilos ay
14 kakikitaan ng kahalagahan ng deliberasyon ng isip at kilos- 2
loob sa paggawa ng moral na pasya at kilos
Nakapagsusuri ng sariling kilos at pasya batay sa mga yugto
15 ng makataong kilos at nakagagawa ng plano upang 2
maitama ang kilos o pasya
NaipaliLiwanag ng mag-aaral ang layunin, paraan at mga
sirkumstansya ng makataong kilos.
16 Nakapagsusuri ng kabutihan o kasamaan ng sariling pasya
o kilos sa isang sitwasyon batay sa layunin, paraan at 1
sirkumstansya nito
Napatutunayan na ang layunin, paraan at sirkumstansya ay
17 nagtatakda ng pagkamabuti o pagkamasama ng kilos ng 2
Nakapagtataya ng kabutihan o kasamaan ng pasiya o kilos
18 sa isang sitwasyong may dilemma batay sa layunin, paraan 2
at sirkumstansya nito
NakapagpapaLiwanag ng kahalagahan ng pagmamahal
ng Diyos
Natutukoy ang mga pagkakataong nakatulong ang
pagmamahal sa Diyos sa kongretong pangyayari sa buhay
Napangangatwiranan na: Ang pagmamahal sa Diyos ay
pagmamahal sa kapwa.
Nakagagawa ng angkop na kilos upang mapaunlad ang
pagmamahal sa Diyos
NakapagpapaLiwanag ng kahalagahan ng paggalang sa
21 1
Natutukoy ang mga paglabag sa paggalang sa buhay 1
22 Nasusuri ang mga paglabag sa paggalang sa buhay 1
Napangangatwiranan na: Mahalaga ang buhay dahil kung
wala ang buhay, hindi mapahahalagahan ang mas
mataas na pagpapahalaga kaysa buhay; di makakamit
ang higit na mahalaga kaysa buhay.
Ang pagbuo ng posisyon tungkol sa mga isyu sa buhay
bilang kaloob ng Diyos ay kailangan upang mapatibay ang
23 ating pagkilala sa Kaniyang kadakilaan at kapangyarihan
at kahalagahan ng tao bilang nilalang ng Diyos.
Nakabubuo ng mapaninindigang posisyon sa isang isyu
tungkol sa paglabag sa paggalang sa buhay ayon sa 1
moral na batayan
Napangangatwiranan na: Nakaugat ang pagkakakilanlan
24 ng tao sa pagmamahal sa bayan.(“Hindi ka global citizen 1
pag di ka mamamayan.”)
Nakagagawa ng angkop na kilos upang maipamalas ang
pagmamahal sa bayan (Patriyotismo)
NakapagpapaLiwanag ng kahalagahan ng
25 1
pangangalaga sa kalikasan
Natutukoy ang mga paglabag sa pangangalaga sa
kalikasan na umiiral sa lipunan
Ikaapat na
Page 254 of 349

Pinakamahalang Bilang
Markahan Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto ng Araw
Natutukoy ang mga gawaing taliwas sa kasagraduhan ng
26 buhay taliwas sa batas ng Diyos at sa kasagraduhan ng 1
Nasusuri ang mga gawaing taliwas sa kasagraduhan ng
Napangangatwiranan na:
a. Maisusulong ang kaunlaran at kabutihang
panlahat kung ang lahat ng tao ay may
paninindigan sa tamang paggamit ng
kapangyarihan at pangangalaga sa kalikasan.
b. Lahat tayo ay mamamayan ng iisang mundo, dahil
27 1
nabubuhay tayo sa iisang kalikasan (Mother
c. Inutusan tayo ng Diyos na alagaan ang kalikasan
(stewards) at hindi maging tagapagdomina para
sa susunod na henerasyon.
d. Binubuhay tayo ng kalikasan
Nakabubuo ng mapaninindigang posisyon sa isang isyu
28 tungkol sa paggamit ng kapangyarihan at pangangalaga 2
sa kalikasan ayon sa moral na batayan
Natutukoy ang mga isyung kaugnay sa kawalan ng
29 1
paggalang sa dignidad at sekswalidad
Nasusuri ang mga isyung kaugnay sa kawalan ng
paggalang sa dignidad at sekswalidad
Napangangatwiranan na: Makatutulong sa pagkakaroon
ng posisyon tungkol sa kahalagahan ng paggalang sa
30 pagkatao ng tao at sa tunay na layunin nito ang kaalaman 1
sa mga isyung may kinalaman sa kawalan ng paggalang
sa digniidad at sekswalidad ng tao.
Nakagagawa ng malinaw na posisyon tungkol sa isang isyu
sa kawalan ng paggalang sa dignidad at sekswalidad.
Natutukoy ang mga isyung kaugnay sa kawalan ng
31 1
paggalang sa katotohanan
Nasusuri ang mga isyung may kinalaman sa kawalan ng
paggalang sa katotohanan
Napatutunayang ang pagiging mulat sa mga isyu tungkol
sa kawalan ng paggalang sa katotohanan ay daan upang
32 1
isulong at isabuhay ang pagiging mapanagutan at tapat
na nilalan
Nakabubuo ng mga hakbang upang maisabuhay ang
paggalang sa katotohanan
Page 255 of 349
Page 256 of 349



A. Features/Elements

The PIVOT 4A Budget of Work (BOW) in MAPEH is a resource material in teaching

that contains learning competencies from Grade 1 to Grade 10 as prescribed by the
K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The K to 12 MAPEH Curriculum is composed of component based learning

competencies. The number of each competency in each component vary from one
grade level to another.

The crafting of this budget of work will facilitate easier access to teaching and
serve as a guide on delivering each lesson based on the latest curriculum guide where
the Most essential learning competencies (MELC) presented by DepEd is anchored.

There were learning competencies from the Curriculum Guide that was
merged to other competencies in MELC. Learning competencies from the CG that
are not included in the MELC will be utilized as enabling/ bridging competencies. BOW
will bring a new opportunity for the teaching-learning force to explore a new way of
delivering an effective, easier and accessible student centered learning.

Each competency has its own uniqueness for it provide students with wide
range of learning from Music, Arts, Physical Education and in Health.

Music and arts seeks to expose students, develop their skills and appreciate
Philippine. Asian and Western influences. It also provides factual and theoretical
information with application through singing, playing wide variety of instruments,
listening to classical musical pieces, drawing, painting, sketching and interpreting the
message of each artwork and musical piece.

Physical Education and Health on the other hand focusses on teaching how to
keep our body to be in its utmost condition. It also aims to strengthen each students’
involvement to sports and physical development.

Each grade level provides health programs that will provide them holistic
development alongside with different fitness program, individual and dual sports such
as badminton, basketball, volleyball and many others.

MAPEH is an expression of each living individual. In MAPEH we can connect

from one person to another through its rhythm. It links our heart and make worthwhile
memories and lifelong learnings.

B. How to Use this BOW?

The PIVOT 4A BOW in MAPEH is composed of four (4) columns. The first column
is intended for the Quarter; the second one is for the Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC); the third for the Learning Competencies; and the last one for
the No. of Days Taught. Each quarter is divided into four (4) components: Music, Arts,
Physical Education and Health.
Page 257 of 349

Quarter Most Essential Learning Learning Competencies No. of Days

Competencies (MELC) Taught
(A) (B) (C) (D)

(F) 1

In using the PIVOT 4A BOW in MAPEH, it is important to understand the figure

above marked by the following specifications:

A. Quarter
B. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
C. Learning Competencies
D. Number of Days Taught
E. Enabling Competencies. These were taken from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide
which teachers shall use in bridging the lessons especially in reaching and
targeting the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC).
F. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). In each PIVOT 4A BOW, the
MELC is symbolized or marked by numbers. These identified MELCs may be of
the same variant of the K to 12 LCs or enabling competencies. But in some
cases, MELCs were produced by merging/fusing some LCs or enabling

The learning competencies in each component are designed to be taught in

40 non-negotiable days in each quarter excluding the number of days for quarterly
exams, culminating activities and different sports competitions.

In consideration that MAPEH has four independent components from Grade 1

to Grade10, each terminal competency presented on the curriculum guide have
been reviewed, mapped and clustered according to its similarity and relevance in

Most essential learning competencies in each component will provide

explorative way of delivering ideas with the full understanding about what MAPEH is
all about in general.

Lastly, each grouped/clustered learning competencies were given specific

number of days they have to be taught.

In utilizing the PIVOT 4A BOW in MAPEH, teachers should:

 look for the grade level they are handling;

 revisit each learning competencies per component;
 follow and remember that the first learning competency or grouped
competencies are the first one to be taught in each quarter per component.
 give emphasis on competencies with enabling or enrichments;
 prepare/design each lesson using grouped/clustered or those with enrichment
or enabling learning competencies; and
 religiously follow and consume the number of days allotted for a particular or
grouped learning competency.

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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
identifies the difference between sound and silence
1 1
2 relates images to sound and silence within a rhythmic pattern 1
performs steady beat and accurate rhythm through clapping,
tapping, chanting, walking and playing musical instruments in
response to sound
3 3
o in groupings of 2s
o in groupings of 3s
o in groupings of 4s
performs simple ostinato patterns on other sound sources
including body parts
creates simple ostinato patterns in groupings of 2s, 3s, and 4s
through body movements
explains that ART is all around and is created by different
1 1
identifies different lines, shapes, texture used by artists in
2 1
uses different drawing tools or materials - pencil, crayons,
piece of charcoal, a stick on different papers, sinamay ,
3 3
leaves, tree bark, and other local materials to create his
drawing about oneself, one’s family, home and school
draws different kinds of plants showing a variety of shapes,
4 3
lines and color
P. E.
describes the different parts of the body and their movements
through enjoyable physical activities
1 creates shapes by using different body parts 2
2 shows balance on one, two, three, four and five body parts 2
3 exhibits transfer of weight 2
1 distinguishes healthful from less healthful foods 2
2 tells the consequences of eating less healthful foods 2
practices good eating habits that can help one become
3 2
Quarter 2 MUSIC
5 identifies the pitch of a tone as high or low 1
sings simple melodic patterns
6 1
 ( so –mi, mi –so, mi – re do)
sings the melody of a song with the correct pitch
7  greeting songs 1
 counting songs
 action songs
8 identifies similar or dissimilar musical lines 1
identifies with body movements the beginning, ending and
9 1
repeated parts of a recorded music sample
relates basic concepts of musical forms to geometric shapes
to indicate understanding of:
 same patterns
 different patterns
performs songs with the knowledge when to start, stop, repeat
10 2
or end the song.
identifies colors, both in natural and man-made objects, seen
5 1
in the surrounding
discusses the landscape that the learner and that others
6 1
uses his creativity to create paints from nature and found
materials, and brushes from twigs, cloth and other materials
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
creates a design inspired by Philippine flowers or objects
7 1
found in school
paints a home/school landscape or design choosing specific
8 2
colors to create a certain feeling or mood
appreciates and talks about the landscape he painted and
9 2
the landscapes of others
P. E.
identifies locomotor skills 2
moves within a group without bumping or falling using
4 3
locomotors skills
executes locomotor skills while moving in different directions at
5 3
different spatial levels
4 identifies proper behavior during mealtime 2
5 demonstrates proper hand washing 2
6 realizes the importance of washing hands 1
7 practices habits of keeping the body clean & healthy 4
8 realizes the importance of practicing good health habits 1
Quarter 3 MUSIC
relates the source of sound with different body movements
11 1
 wind, wave, swaying of the trees, animal sounds, or
sounds produced by man-made devices or machines,
uses voice and other sources of sound to produce a variety
of timbres
produces sounds with different timbre using a variety of local
12 1
identifies volume changes from sound samples using the terms
13 1
loud and soft
interprets with body movements the dynamics of a song
 small movement – soft 1
 big movement –loud
relates the concepts of dynamics to the movements of
animals e.g.
14 1
 big animals/movement – loud
 small animals/movement – soft
applies the concepts of dynamic levels to enhance poetry,
15 2
chants, drama, and musical stories
10 differentiates between a print and a drawing or painting 1
describes the shape and texture of prints made from objects
found in nature and man-made objects and from the
11 2
artistically designed prints in his artworks and in the artworks of
creates a print by applying dyes on his finger or palm or any
12 part of the body and pressing it to the paper, cloth, wall, etc. 1
to create impression
creates a print by rubbing pencil or crayon on paper placed
13 1
on top of a textured objects from nature and found objects
stencil a design (in recycled paper, plastic, cardboard,
14 leaves, and other materials) and prints on paper, cloth, 1
sinamay, bark, or a wall
15 narrates experiences in experimenting different art materials 1
participates in school/district exhibit and culminating activity
16 1
in celebration of the National Arts Month (February
P. E.
demonstrates the difference between slow and fast, heavy
6 2
and light, free and bound movements
demonstrates contrast between slow and fast speeds while
7 6
using locomotor skills
9 describes the characteristics of a healthful home environment 1
10 discusses the effect of clean water on one’s health 1
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
11 discusses how to keep water at home clean 1
12 practices water conservation 2
13 explains the effect of indoor air on one’s health
14 identifies sources of indoor air pollution 2
15 practices ways to keep indoor air clean
explains the effect of a home environment to the health of
16 2
the people living in it
17 demonstrates how to keep the home environment healthful 1
Quarter 4 MUSIC
demonstrates the basic concepts of tempo through
16 1
movements (fast or slow)
Uses body movements or dance steps to respond to varied
17 1
 slow movement with slow music
 fast movement with fast music
uses varied tempo to enhance poetry, chants, drama, and
18 1
musical stories
demonstrates awareness of texture by identifying sounds that
19 1
are solo or with other sounds
demonstrates awareness of texture by using visual images 1
distinguishes single musical line and multiple musical lines
20 1
which occur simultaneously in a given song
sings two-part round sogs
21 1
 Are You Sleeping, Brother John?
 Row, Row, Row Your Boat
differentiates between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional
17 1
artwork and states the difference
identifies the different materials that can be used in creating a
3-dimensional object:
 clay or wood (human or animal figure)
18  bamboo (furniture, bahay kubo ) 1
 softwood ( trumpo )
 paper, cardboard, (masks)
 found material ( parol , sarangola)
selects 3D objects that are well proportioned, balanced and
19 1
show emphasis in design
describes the creativity of local and indigenous craftsmen
20 and women who created artistic and useful things out of 1
recycled materials like the parol , maskara , local toys, masks
creates a useful 3D object: a pencil holder, bowl, container,
21 1
using recycled materials like plastic bottles
constructs a mask out of cardboard, glue, found materials,
22 bilao , paper plate, string, seeds and other found materials for 1
a celebration like the Maskara Festival of Bacolod
23 utilizes masks in simple role play or skit 1
creates mobiles out of recyclable materials such as
24 cardboards, papers, baskets, leaves, strings and other found 1
creates human figures out of clay, flour-salt mixture, or paper-
25 1
mache using different techniques
P. E.
identifies movement relationships 2
8 demonstrates relationship of movement 3
performs jumping over a stationary object several times in
9 succession, using forward- and- back and side-to-side 3
movement patterns
identifies situations when it is appropriate to ask for assistance
18 1
from strangers
gives personal information, such as name and address to
19 1
appropriate persons
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
20 identifies appropriate persons to ask for assistance
21 demonstrates ways to ask for help
22 follows rules at home and in school. 1
23 follows rules during fire and other disaster drills 1
24 observes safety rules with stray or strange animals 1
25 describes what may happen if safety rules are not followed 1
describes ways people can be intentionally helpful or harmful
26 1
to one another
27 distinguishes between good and bad touch 1
practices ways to protect oneself against violent or unwanted
28 1
behaviors of others
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
relates visual images to sound and silence using quarter note
1 1
, beamed eight notes and quarter rest in a rhythmic pattern
maintains a steady beat when replicating a simple seris of
2 rhythmic patterns (e.g. echo clapping, walking, tapping, 1
chanting and playing musical instruments)
reads stick notations in rhythmic patterns with measures of 2s,
3 2
3s and 4s
4 writes stick notations to represent the heard rhythmic patterns 2
plays simple ostinato patterns on classroom instruments
sticks, drums, triangles, nails, coconut shells, bamboo, empty 1
boxes, etc.
creates simple ostinato patterns in measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s
5 1
with body movements
describes the different styles of Filipino artists when they 1
create portraits and still life (different lines and colors)
differentiates the contrast between shapes and colors of
2 different fruits or plants and flowers in one’s work and in the 1
work of others
draws the different fruits or plants to show overlapping of
3 shapes and the contrast of colors and shapes in his colored 2
4 draws from an actual still life arrangement 2
draws a portrait of two or more persons - his friends, his family,
5 showing the differences in the shape of their facial features 1
(shape of eyes, nose, lips, head, and texture of the hair)
6 narrates stories related to the output 1
P. E.
describes body shapes and actions 2
1 creates body shapes and actions 2
demonstrates momentary stillness in symmetrical and
2 asymmetrical shapes using body parts other than both feet 4
as a base of support
states that children have the right to nutrition (Right of the
1 1
child to nutrition Article 24 of the UN Rights of the Child)
2 discusses the importance of eating a balanced meal 2
discusses the important functions of food 1
describes what constitutes a balanced diet 1
considers Food Pyramid and Food Plate in making food
3 3
displays good decision-making skills in choosing the right
4 2
kinds of food to eat
Quarter 2 MUSIC
identifies the pitch of tones as:
 high (so)
6  low (mi) 1
 higher (la)
 lower (re)
responds to ranges of pitch through body movements,
7 1
singing, or playing instruments
sings children songs with accurate pitch:
 wrote songs
8 1
 echo songs
 simple children’s melodies
demonstrates melodic contour through:
 movement
9 1
 music writing (on paper or on air)
 visual imagery
identifies the beginning and ending of a song 1
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
demonstrates the beginning, ending and repeats of a song
10  movements
 vocal sounds
 instrumental sounds
identifies musical lines as
11  similar 1
 dissimilar
12 creates melodic introduction and ending of songs 2
describes the lines, shapes and textures seen in skin coverings
7 of different animals and sea creatures using visual art words 2
and actions
describes the unique shapes, colors, texture and design of
the skin coverings of different fishes and sea creatures or of 1
wild forest animals from images
designs with the use of drawing and painting materials the
8 sea or forest animals in their habitats showing their unique 1
shapes and features, variety of colors and textures in their skin
creates designs by using two or more kinds of lines, colors
9 and shapes by repeating or contrasting them, to show 2
uses control of the painting tools and materials to paint the
10 different lines, shapes and colors in his work or in a group 1
designs an outline of a tricycle or jeepney on a big paper,
11 with lines and shapes that show repetition, contrast and 1
P. E.
describes movements in a location, direction, level, pathway
3 2
and plane
moves in:
 personal and general space
 forward, backward, and sideward directions
4 6
 high, middle, and low levels
 straight, curve, and zigzag pathways
 diagonal and horizontal planes
Identifies the functions of the sense organs 2
describes ways of caring for the eyes, ears, nose, hair and
5 3
skin in order to avoid common childhood health conditions
Identifies common teeth and mouth problems 1
6 describes ways of caring for the mouth/teeth 2
7 displays self- management skills in caring for the sense organs 2
Quarter 3 MUSIC
identifies the source of sounds e.g. winds, waves swaying of
the trees, animals sounds, sounds produced by machines,
transportation, etc.
13 replicates different sources of sounds with body movements
identifies the common musical instruments by their sounds
14 1
and image
15 recognizes the difference between speaking and singing
perform songs with appropriate vocal or sound quality (from
16 2
available instruments)
17 distinguishes the dynamics of a song or music sample
uses the words loud, louder, soft, softer to identify variations in 1
replicates “loud,” “medium,” and “soft” with voice or with
instruments 3
19 performs song with appropriate dynamics
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
differentiates natural and man-made objects with repeated
12 or alternated shapes and colors and materials that can be 1
used in print making
creates a consistent pattern by making two or three prints
13 1
that are repeated or alternated in shape or color
carves a shape or letter on an eraser or kamote which can
14 2
be painted and printed several times
15 creates a print on paper or cloth using cut-out designs 2
creates prints for a card and makes several copies or editions
of the print so that cards can be exchanged with other 1
participates in a school/district exhibit and culminating
16 1
activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February)
P. E.
 at slow, slower, slowest/fast, faster, fastest pace
5 8
 using light, lighter, lightest/strong, stronger, strongest
force with smoothness
8 describes healthy habits of the family 2
9 demonstrates good family health habits and practices 2
10 explains the benefits of healthy expressions of feelings 2
11 expresses positive feelings in appropriate ways 2
demonstrates positive ways of expressing negative feelings,
12 1
such as anger, fear, or disappointment
13 displays respect for the feelings of others 1
Quarter 4 MUSIC
follows the correct tempo of a song including tempo
20 1
distinguishes “slow,” “slower,”“ fast,” and “faster” in recorded
21 1
identifies musical texture with recorded music
 melody with solo instrument or voice
22 2
 single melody with accompaniment
 two or more melodies sung or played together at the
same time
shows awareness of texture by relating visual images to
recorded or performed music
distinguishes between single musical line and multiple musical
23 1
lines which occur simultaneously
distinguishes between thinness and thickness of musical sound
24 2
in recorded or performed music
discusses the artistry of different local craftsmen in creating:
 taka of different animals and figures in Paete,
17 Laguna 1
 sarangola, or kites
 banca, native boats from Cavite, and coastal towns
answer a brief diagnostic assessment on giving value and
18 importance to the craftsmanship of the local 1
identifies 3- dimensional crafts found in the locality giving
19 2
emphasis on their shapes, textures, proportion and balance
executes the steps in making a paper mache with focus on
20 2
proportion and balance
creates a clay human figure that is balanced and can stand
21 2
on its own
P. E.
familiarizes in various movement activities involving person,
objects, music and environment
6 6
 individually, with partner, and with group
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
 with ribbon, hoop, balls, and any available
indigenous /improvised materials
 with sound
 in indoor and outdoor settings
14 discusses one’s right and responsibilities for safety 1
15 identifies hazardous areas at home 2
identifies hazardous household products that are harmful if 2
16 ingested, or inhaled, and if touched especially electrical
recognizes warning labels that identify harmful things and
17 1
18 explains rules for the safe use of household chemicals 1
19 follows rules for home safety 1
20 identifies safe Unsafe practices and conditions in the school 1
21 practices safety rules during school activities 1
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
relates images with sound and silence using quarter note,
1 beamed eight note, half note, quarter rest and half rest 1
within a rhythmic pattern
maintains a steady beat when replicating a simple series
of rhythmic patterns in measures of 2s, 3s and 4s (e.g. echo
2 1
clapping, walking, marching, tapping, chanting, dancing
the waltz or playing musical instruments)
plays simple ostinato patterns (continually repeated
3 musical phrase or rhythm) with classroom instruments and 2
other sound sources
creates ostinato patterns in different meters using
combination of different sound sources 1
creates continually repeated musical phrase or rhythm in
4 1
measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s
distinguishes the size of persons in the drawing, to indicate
1 1
its distance from the viewer
shows the illusion of space in drawing the objects and
2 1
persons in different sizes
explains that artist create visual textures by using a variety
3 1
of lines and colors
discusses what foreground, middle ground and
4 1
background are all about in the context of a landscape
describes the way of life of people in the cultural
5 1
creates a geometric design by contrasting two kinds of
6 1
lines in terms of type or size
sketches on-the-spot outside or near the school to draw a
plant, flowers or a tree showing the different textures and
7 1
shape of each part, using only a pencil or black crayon or
designs a view of the province/region with houses and
8 buildings indicating the foreground, middle ground and 1
background by the size of the objects
P. E.
1 describes body shapes and actions 2
creates body shapes and actions 1
2 performs body shapes and actions 5
1 describes a healthy person 1
2 explains the concept of malnutrition 1
realizes the importance of following nutritional guidelines 1
3 identifies nutritional problems 1
describes the characteristics, signs and symptoms, effect of
4 1
the various forms of malnutrition
discusses ways of preventing the various forms of
5 1
identifies the nutritional guidelines for Filipino 1
6 discusses the different nutritional guidelines 1
7 describes ways of maintaining healthy lifestyle
8 evaluates one’s lifestyle 2
9 adopts habits for a healthier lifestyle
Quarter 2 MUSIC
identifies the pitch of a tone as:
 high – higher
5  moderately high – higher 1
 moderately low – lower
 low – lower
matches the correct pitch of tones
6 1
 with the voice
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
 with an instrument
7 recreates simple patterns and contour of a melody 1
identifies the beginning, middle, ending and repetitions
8 1
within a song or music sample
identifies musical lines as
 similar
 same 1
 different
recognizes repetitions within a song 1
sings repetitions of musical lines independently 1
performs song with accurate pitch from beginning to end
10 1
including repetitions
discusses the concept that there is harmony in nature as
seen in the color of landscapes at different times of the
9 1
 landscapes of Felix Hidalgo, Fernando Amorsolo,
Jonahmar Salvosa
 Still’s life of Araceli Dans, Jorge Pineda, Agustin
discusses the concept that nature is so rich for no two
10 1
animals have the same shape, skin covering and color
demonstrates how harmony is created in an artwork
11 1
because of complementary colors and shapes
paints a still life by observing the different shapes, color
12 and texture of fruits, drawing them overlapping and 1
choosing the right colors for each fruit
creates new tints and shades of colors by mixing two or
13 1
more colors
paints a landscape at a particular time of the day and
14 selects colors that complement each other to create a 1
discusses the characteristics of a wild animal by making
15 several pencil sketches and painting it later, adding texture 1
of its skin covering
appreciates the truism that Filipino artists painted
landscapes in their own particular style and can identify
16 1
what makes each artist unique in his use of colors to create
P. E.
describes movements in a location, direction, level,
3 2
pathway and plane
moves in:
 personal and general space
 forward, backward, and sideward directions
4 6
 high, middle, and low levels
 straight, curve, and zigzag pathways
 diagonal and horizontal planes
10 identifies common childhood diseases 1
discusses the different risk factors for diseases and example
11 1
of health condition under each risk factor
12 explains the effects of common diseases 1
13 explains measures to prevent common diseases 3
explains the importance of proper hygiene and building up
14 2
one's body resistance in the prevention of diseases
demonstrates good self-management and good decision
15 2
making-skills to prevent common diseases
Quarter 3 MUSIC
11 recognizes musical instruments through sound 1
uses the voice and other sources of sound to produce a
12 1
variety of timbres
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
13 distinguishes “loud,” “medium,” and “soft” in music 1
responds to conducting gestures of the teacher for “loud”
14 1
and “soft”
relates dynamics to the movements of animals
 elephant walking – loud
 mice scurrying – soft
applies varied dynamics to enhance poetry, chants,
drama, songs and musical stories 1
Discusses the concept that a print made from objects
17 1
found in nature can be realistic or abstract
explains the importance and variety of materials used for
18 1
demonstrates the concept that a print design may use
19 repetition of shapes or lines and emphasis on contrast of 1
shapes and lines
demonstrates the concept that a print design can be
20 duplicated many times by hand or by machine and can 1
be shared with others
21 explains the meaning of the design created 1
stencils a paper or plastic sheets to be used for multiple
22 1
prints on cloth or hard paper
writes a slogan about the environment that correlates
23 1
messages to be printed on T-shirts, posters, banners or bags
participates in a school/district exhibit and culminating
24 1
activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February)
P. E.
describes movements in a location, direction, level,
5 2
pathway and plane
 at slow, slower, slowest/fast, faster, fastest pace
6 6
 using light, lighter, lightest/strong, stronger,
strongest force with smoothness
16 defines a consumer 1
17 explain the components of consumer health 1
discusses the different factors that influence choice of
18 2
goods and services
19 describes the skills of a wise consumer 1
20 demonstrates consumer skills for given simple situations 1
21 identifies basic consumer rights 1
22 practices basic consumer rights when buying 1
23 discusses consumer responsibilities 1
24 identifies reliable sources of health information 1
Quarter 4 MUSIC
Applies correct tempo and tempo changes by following
16 1
basic conducting gestures
17 distinguishes among fast, moderate, and slow in music 1
sings songs with designated tempo
 Lullaby – slow
 Joyful songs – fast
performs songs with appropriate tempo (use songs from the
18 1
distinguishes between single musical line and multiple
musical lines which occur simultaneously
distinguishes between thinness and thickness of musical
19 1
demonstrates the concept of texture by singing “partner
20 2
 “Leron, Leron Sinta”
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
 “Pamulinawen”
 “It’s A Small World”
 “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
identifies different styles of puppets made in the Philippines
(form Teatro Mulat and Anino Theater Group)
discusses the variations of puppets in terms of material,
structure, shapes, colors and intricacy of textural details
creates a puppet designs that would give a specific and
27 unique character, with designs of varied shapes and colors
on puppets to show the unique character of the puppet
constructs a simple puppet based on a character in a
28 legend, myth or story using recyclable materials and
bamboo sticks or twigs
manipulates a puppet to act out a character in a story
29 1
together with the puppets
performs as puppeteer together with others, in a puppet
30 1
show to tell a story using the puppet he/she created
designs and creates mask or headdress with the use of
31 1
recycled or natural objects inspired by best festivals
creates a mask or headdress that is imaginary in design
using found and recycled material, inspired by local 1
P. E.
participates in various movement activities involving
7 2
person, objects, music and environment
 individually, with partner, and with group
 with ribbon, hoop, balls, and any available
8 6
indigenous/ improvised materials
 with sound
 in indoor and outdoor settings
25 explains road safety practices as a pedestrian 1
26 demonstrates road safety practices for pedestrian 1
27 explains basic road safety practices as a passenger 1
28 demonstrates road safety practices as a passenger 1
29 explains the meaning of traffic signals and road signs 1
describes dangerous, destructive, and disturbing road
30 1
situations that need to be reported to authorities
31 displays self-management skills for road safety. 1
32 identifies hazards in the community 1
33 follows safety rules to avoid accidents in the community 1
34 recommends preventive action for a safe community 1
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
identifies different kinds of notes and rests (whole, half,
1 1
quarter and eighth)
organizes notes and rests according to simple meters
(grouping notes and rests into measures given)
2 reads different rhythmic patterns 1
demonstrates the meaning of rhythmic patterns by clapping
in time signatures
performs rhythmic patterns in time signatures 2 3 4
3 1
4 4 4
uses the bar line to indicate groupings of beats in
4 2 3 4 1
4 4 4
5 identifies accented and unaccented pulses 2
discusses the rich variety of cultural communities in the
Philippines and their uniqueness
 LUZON- Ivatan, Ifugao, Kalkminga, Bontok,
Gaddang, Agta
1  MINDANAO-Badjao, Mangyan,Samal, Yakan, 1
Ubanon, Manobo, Higaonon, Talaandig,
Matigsalog, Bilaan, T’boli, Tiruray, Mansaka, Tausug
and the distinctive characteristics of these cultural
communities in terms of attire, body accessories,
religious practices and lifestyles
draws specific clothing, objects, and designs of at least one
of the cultural communities by applying an indigenous
2 2
cultural motif into a contemporary design through crayon
etching technique.
role play ideas about the practices of the different cultural
3 1
creates a drawing after close study and observation of one
4 of the cultural communities’ way of dressing and 2
produces a crayon resist on any of the topics: the unique
5 design of the houses, household objects, practices, or rituals 1
of one of the cultural groups.
uses crayon resist technique in showing different ethnic
6 1
designs or patterns.
P. E.
1 describes the physical activity pyramid 1
explains the nature/background of the games 1
describes the skills involved in the games 1
2 executes the different skills involved in the game 5
identifies information provided on the food label 1
explains the importance of reading food labels in selecting
1 2
and purchasing foods to eat
analyzes the nutritional value of two or more food products
2 2
by comparing the information in their food labels
3 describes ways to keep food clean and safe 1
discusses the importance of keeping food clean and safe to
4 2
avoid disease
5 identifies common food-borne diseases 1
describes general signs and symptoms of food-borne
6 1
Quarter 2 MUSIC
6 recognizes the meaning of the G- Clef (treble clef) 1
identifies the pitch names of the G-clef staff including the
7 2
ledger lines and spaces (below middle C)
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
identifies the movement of the melody as:
 no movement
 ascending stepwise
8 1
 descending stepwise
 ascending skip wise
 descending skip wise
identifies the highest and lowest pitch in a given notation of
9 1
a musical piece to determine its range
10 sings with accurate pitch the simple intervals of a melody 1
11 Creates simple melodic lines 2
discusses pictures of localities where different cultural
7 communities live where each group has distinct houses and 1
explains the attire and accessories of selected cultural
8 1
communities in the country in terms of colors and shapes.
appreciates the importance of communities and their
9 1
compares the geographical location, practices, and
10 1
festivals of the different cultural groups in the country.
paints the sketched landscape using colors appropriate to
11 1
the cultural community’s ways of life.
tells a story or relates experiences about cultural
12 1
communities seen in the landscape.
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the games 1
describes the skills involved in the games 1
3 executes the different skills involved in the game 6
7 describes communicable diseases 1
identifies the various disease agents of communicable
8 2
9 enumerates the different elements in the chain of infection 2
describes how communicable diseases can be transmitted
10 2
from one person to another.
demonstrates ways to stay healthy and prevent and control
11 1
common communicable diseases
12 identifies ways to break the chain of infection at respective 1
practices personal habits and environmental sanitation to
13 1
prevent and control common communicable diseases
Quarter 3 MUSIC
identifies aurally and visually the introduction and coda
12 1
(ending) of a musical piece
identifies aurally and visually the antecedent and
13 1
consequent in a musical piece
recognizes similar and contrasting phrases in vocal and
instrumental music
14 1
 melodic
 rhythmic
performs similar and contrasting phrases in music
15  melodic 1
 rhythmic
identifies as vocal or instrumental, a recording of the
 solo
16 1
 duet
 trio
 ensemble
identifies aurally and visually various musical ensembles in
17 1
the community
recognizes the use of the symbol p (piano) and f (forte) in a
musical score
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
applies dynamics in a simple music score using the symbols
18 1
p (piano) and f (forte)
13 discusses the texture and characteristics of each material
analyses how existing ethnic motif designs are repeated 1
and alternated.
demonstrates the process of creating relief prints and how
15 these relief prints makes the work more interesting and
harmonious in terms of the elements involved. 1
designs ethnic motifs by repeating, alternating, or by radials
creates a relief master or mold using additive and
17 1
subtractive processes.
creates simple, interesting, and harmoniously arranged relief
18 1
prints from a clay design.
prints reliefs with adequate skill to produce clean prints with
19 1
a particular design motif (repeated or alternated).
creates the relief mold using found material: hard foam;
20 cardboard shapes glued on wood; strings and buttons, old 2
screws, and metal parts glued on wood or cardboard.
participates in a school/district exhibit and culminating
21 1
activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February).
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the dance 1
describes the skills involved in the dance 1
4 executes the different skills involved in the dance 6
14 describes uses of medicines 1
15 differentiates prescription from non-prescription medicines 1
describes ways on how medicines are misused and abused 2
describes the potential dangers associated with medicine
16 2
misuse and abuse
17 describes the proper use of medicines 2
explains the importance of reading drug information and
18 2
labels, and other ways to ensure proper use of medicines
Quarter 4 MUSIC
uses appropriate musical terms to indicate variations in
19 1
 largo
 presto
identifies aurally and visually an ostinato or descant in a
20 1
musical sample
21 recognizes solo or 2-part vocal or instrumental music 1
identifies harmonic intervals (2 pitches) in visual and auditory
22 1
music samples
23 writes samples of harmonic intervals (2 pitches) 1
24 performs a song with harmonic intervals (2 pitches) 3
differentiates textile traditions in other Asian Countries like
22 China, India, Japan,Indonesia and in the Philippines in the
golden times and presently. 1
Discusses the pictures or actual samples of different kinds of
mat weaving traditions in the Philippines.
discusses the intricate designs of mats woven in the
 Basey, Samar buri mats
24  Iloilo bamban mats 1
 Badjao&Samal mats
 Tawi-tawilaminusa mats
 Romblon buri mats
25 explains the steps to produce good tie-dye designs. 1
explains the meaning of designs, colors, and patterns used
26 1
in the artworks.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
creates a small mat using colored buri strips or any material
27 that can be woven, showing different designs: squares, 1
checks zigzags, and stripes.
creates original tie-dyed textile design by following the
28 1
traditional steps in tie-dyeing using one or two colors.
weaves own design similar to the style made by a local
29 1
ethnic group.
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the dance 1
describes the skills involved in the dance 1
5 executes the different skills involved in the dance 5
19 recognizes disasters or emergency situations 1
demonstrates proper response before, during, and after a
20 3
disaster or an emergency situation
relates disaster preparedness and proper response during
21 1
emergency situations in preserving lives
describes appropriate safety measures during special
22 2
events or situations that may put people at risk
describes the dangers of engaging in risky behaviors such as
23 2
use of firecrackers, guns, alcohol drinking
advocates the use of alternatives to firecrackers and
24 1
alcohol in celebrating special events
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
1 identifies the kinds of notes and rests in a song 1
recognizes rhythmic patterns using quarter note, half note,
2 dotted half note, dotted quarter note, and eighth note in 1
simple time signatures
identifies accurately the duration of notes and rests in
3 2 3 4 3
4 4 4 time signatures
creates different rhythmic patterns using notes and rests in
4 3
time signatures
discusses events, practices, and culture influenced by
colonizers who have come to our country by way of trading.
designs an illusion of depth/distance to simulate a
3-dimensional effect by using crosshatching and shading
techniques in drawings (old pottery, boats, jars, musical
presents via powerpoint the significant parts of the different
architectural designs and artifacts found in the locality.
e.g. bahaykubo, torogan, bahaynabato, simbahan,
carcel, etc.
explains the importance of artifacts, houses, clothes, 1
language, lifestyle - utensils, food, pottery, furniture -
4 influenced by colonizers who have come to our country
(Manunggul jar, balanghai, bahay na bato, kundiman,
Gabaldon schools, vaudeville, Spanish-inspired churches).
creates illusion of space in 3-dimensional drawings of
important Archeological artifacts seen in books, museums
5 2
(National Museum and its branches in the Philippines, and in
old buildings or churches in the community)
creates mural and drawings of the old houses, churches or
6 2
buildings of his/her community.
participates in putting up amini-exhibit with labels of
7 Philippine artifacts and houses after the whole class
completes drawings. 2
tells something about his/her community as reflected on
his/her artwork.
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the games 1
describes the skills involved in the games 1
1 executes the different skills involved in the game 6
1 describes a mentally emotionally and socially healthy person 2
suggests ways to develop and maintain one’s mental and
2 1
emotional health
3 recognizes signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships 1
explains how healthy relationships can positively impact
4 1
5 discusses ways of managing unhealthy relationships 1
describes some mental, emotional and social health
discusses the effects of mental, emotional and social health
6 1
concerns on one’s health and wellbeing
demonstrates skills in preventing or managing teasing,
7 1
bullying,harassment or abuse
identifies appropriate resources and people who can help in
8 1
dealing with mental, emotional and social, health concerns.
Quarter 2 MUSIC
recognizes the meaning and uses of F-Clef on the staff
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
identifies the pitch names of each line and space on the F-
Clef staff
describes the use of the symbols:
7 1
sharp (# ), flat (♭), and natural (♮)
8 recognizes aurally and visually, examples of melodic interval 1
9 identifies the notes in the C major scale 1
determines the range of a musical example
10  wide 1
 narrow
reads notes in different scales:
 pentatonic scale
11 1
 C major scale
 G major scale
12 creates simple melodies 1
13 performs his/ her own created melody 1
explains the importance of natural and historical places in
the community that have been designated as World
Heritage Site (e.g., rice terraces in Banawe, Batad; Paoay
9 1
Church; Miag-ao Church;
landscape of Batanes, Callao Caves in Cagayan; old houses
in Vigan, Ilocos Norte; and the torogan in Marawi)
explains that artists have different art styles in painting
landscapes or significant places in their respective provinces
10 (e.g., Fabian dela Rosa, Fernando Amorsolo, Carlos
Francisco, Vicente Manansala, Jose Blanco, Victorio Edades,
Juan Arellano, Prudencio Lamarroza, and Manuel Baldemor)
presents via powerpoint the artistry of famous Filipino artists in
11 painting different landscapes and is able to describe what
makes each artist’s masterpiece unique from others.
sketches using complementary colors in painting a
12 2
demonstrates skills and knowledge about foreground, middle
13 ground, and background to emphasize depth in painting a 2
discusses details of the landscape significant to the history of
14 1
the country.
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the games 1
describes the skills involved in the game 1
2 executes the different skills involved in the game 6
describes the physical, emotional and social changes during
recognizes the changes during puberty as a normal part of
growth and development
9  Physical change 1
 Emotional change
 Social change
describes common misconceptions related on puberty 1
assesses common misconceptions related to puberty in terms
10 1
of scientific basis and probable effects on health
describes the common health issues and concerns during
11 1
accepts that most of these concerns are normal
12 consequenceof bodily changes during puberty but one can 1
learn to manage them
discusses the negative health impact and ways of preventing
13 2
major issues such as early and unwanted pregnancy
demonstrates ways to manage puberty-related health issues
and concerns 1
15 practices proper self-care procedures
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
discusses the Importance of seeking the advice of
16 professionals/ trusted and reliable adults in managing
puberty-related health issues and concerns
17 differentiates sex from gender
identifies factors that influence gender identity and gender
discusses how family, media, religion, school and society in 1
general reinforce gender roles
gives examples of how male and female gender roles are
Quarter 3 MUSIC
recognizes the design or structure of simple musical forms:
 unitary (one section)
 strophic (same tune with 2 or more sections and 2 or 1
more verses)
15 creates a 4- line unitary song 1
16 creates a 4 –line strophic song with 2 sections and 2 verses 2
describes the following vocal timbres:
 soprano
17  alto 1
 tenor
 bass
identifies aurally and visually different instruments in:
 rondalla
18  drum and lyre band 1
 bamboo group/ensemble (Pangkat Kawayan)
 other local indigenous Ensembles
19 creates music using available sound sources 2
discusses new printmaking technique using a sheet of thin
rubber (used for soles of shoes), linoleum, or any soft wood
15 1
that can be carved or gouged to create different lines and
16 discusses possible uses of the printed artwork
shows skills in creating a linoleum, rubber or wood cut print 1
with the proper use of carving tools.
creates variations of the same print by using different colors
18 1
of ink in printing the master plate.
follows the step-by-step process of creating a print:
 sketching the areas to be carved out and areas that
will remain
 carving the image on the rubber or wood using
sharp cutting tools
 preliminary rubbing
19 2
 final inking of the plate with printing ink
 placing paper over the plate, rubbing the back of
the paper
 impressing the print
 repeating the process to get several editions of the
works with the class to produce a compilation of their prints
20 and create a book or calendar which they can give as gifts,
sell, or display on the walls of their school. 1
demonstrates contrast in a carved or textured area in an
produces several editions of the same print that are well-
22 1
inked and evenly printed.
participates in a school/district exhibit and culminating
23 1
activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February)
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the dance 1
describes the skills involved in the dance 1
3 executes the different skills involved in the dance 6
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
21 explains the concept of gateway drugs 1
22 identifies products with caffeine 1
discusses the nature of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol use
and abuse
describes the general effects of the use and abuse of
23 2
caffeine, tobacco and alcohol
analyzes how the use and abuse of caffeine tobacco and
24 alcohol can negatively impact the health of the individual, 2
the family and the community
demonstrates life skills in keeping healthy through the non-use
25 1
of gateway drugs
follows school policies and national laws related to the sale
26 2
and use of tobacco and alcohol
Quarter 4 MUSIC
identifies the different dynamic levels used in a song heard 1
uses appropriate musical terms to indicate variations in
 piano (p)
 mezzo piano (mp)
20  forte(f) 1
 mezzo forte (mf)
 crescendo
 decrescendo

uses appropriate musical terminology to indicate variations in

 largo
 presto
 allegro
21 1
 moderato
 andante
 vivace
 ritardando
 accelerando
22 describes the texture of a musical piece 1
23 performs 3-part rounds and partner songs 1
identifies the characteristic intervals of major triads: 1
24 uses accompaniment to simple major triad as e songs 2
identifies the materials used in making 3-dimensional crafts
which express balance and repeated variation of shapes
and colors
 mobile
 papier-mâché jar
 paper beads 1
identifies the different techniques in making 3- dimensional
25  mobile
 papier-mâché jar
 paper beads
26 discusses possibilities on the use of created 3-D crafts. 1
applies knowledge of colors, shapes, and balance in
27 1
creating mobiles, papier-mâché jars, and paper beads.
demonstrates artistry in making mobiles with varied colors
28 1
and shapes.
creates designs for making 3-dimensional crafts
 mobile
29 1
 papier-mâché jar
 paper beads
creates paper beads with artistic designs and varied colors
30 out of old magazines and colored papers for necklace, 1
bracelet, ID lanyard.
31 shows skills in making a papier-mâché jar 1
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
explains the nature/background of the dance 1
describes the skills involved in the dance 1
4 executes the different skills involved in the dance 6
27 explains the nature and objectives of first Aid 1
28 discusses basic first aid principles 1
explains the value of first aid training 1
Identifies common injuries at home and in public places 2
demonstrates appropriate first aid for common injuries or
29 5
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
identifies the values of the notes/rests used in a particular
1 1
differentiates aurally among 2 3 4 and 6
2 2
444 8 time signatures
demonstrates the conducting gestures of 2, 3, 4 and 6
3 4 4 4 8 time 2
creates rhythmic patterns in 2, 3, 4 and 6
4 3
4 4 4 8 time signatures
discusses the concept that art processes, elements and
principles still apply even with the use of new technologies
explains the elements and principles applied in commercial
applies concepts on the use of the software (commands,
menu, etc.).
utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware and
creates personal or class logo as visual representation that
5 1
can be used as a product, brand, or trademark
6 explains ideas about the logo 1
7 explains the elements and principles applied in comic art 1
applies concepts on the steps/procedures in cartoon
character making.
utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware and
software) in cartoon character making
creates own cartoon character to entertain, express
10 1
opinions, ideas, etc.
11 explains ideas about the cartoon character 1
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the games 1
describes the skills involved in the games 1
1 executes the different skills involved in the game 6
1 describes personal health issues and concerns
2 demonstrates self- management skills
discusses health appraisal procedures during puberty 1
explains the importance of undergoing health appraisal
3 1
4 regularly undergoes health appraisal procedures 1
Identifies the function of school health personnel 2
identifies community health resources and facilities that may
5 be utilized to address a variety of personal health issues and 2
Quarter 2 MUSIC
analyzes the melodic patterns of songs in C Major, G major,
and F Major keys
sings and plays solo or with group, melodies/songs in C
5 2
Major, G Major, and F Major
6 creates simple melodies 3
7 sings self-composed melodies 2
reviews the concept that art processes, elements and
principles still apply even with the use of technologies.
13 explains the elements and principles applied in digital art
applies concepts on the use of the software (commands,
menu, etc.)
utilizes art skills using new technologies (hardware and
software) in digital painting.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
creates a digital painting similar with the Masters’ (e.g., Van
16 2
Gogh, Amorsolo, etc.) in terms of style, theme, etc.
17 discusses the elements and principles applied in lay outing 1
applies skills in layouting and photo editing using new
18 1
technologies (hardware and software) in making a poster.
creates an advertisement/commercial or announcement
19 2
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the games 1
describes the skills involved in the games 1
2 executes the different skills involved in the game 6
6 describes healthy school and community environments 1
explains the effect of living in a healthful school and
7 2
Identifies basic responsibilities of community health officials 1
demonstrates ways to build and keep school and
8 2
community environments healthy
practices proper waste management at home, in school,
9 1
and in the community
defines solid waste management in the Philippines 1
advocates environmental protection through proper waste
10 2
Quarter 3 MUSIC
identifies simple musical forms of songs from the community:
 binary (AB) -has 2 contrasting sections (AB)
 ternary (ABA)-has 3 sections, the third section similar
8 2
to the first; (ABC) – has 3 sections
 rondo (ABACA) -has contrasting sections in
between repetitions of the A section (ABACA)
uses the different repeat marks that are related to form:
 Da Capo (D.C.)
 Dal Segno (D.S.)
 Al Fine (up to the end)
 D.C. al Fine (repeat from the beginning until the
word Fine)
9 1
 ║: :║

 ┌───┐┌───┐
1 2 (ending 1, ending 2)

10 describes the instrumental sections of the Western orchestra 1

distinguishes various musical ensembles seen and heard in
11 1
the community
uses varied dynamic in a song performance
 piano (p)
 mezzo piano (mp)
 pianissimo (pp)
12  forte ( f ) 3
 mezzo forte (mf)
 fortissimo (ff)
 crescendo
 decrescendo
explains the truism that design principles still apply for any
20 new design (contrast of colors, shapes, and lines produces
harmony) whether done by hand or machine (computer).
demonstrates understanding that digital technology has
speeded up the printing of original designs and made it 1
accessible to many, as emphasized in t-shirts and poster
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
applies concepts on the steps/procedure in silkscreen
produces own prints from original design to silkscreen
printing to convey a message or statement
24 discusses the concepts and principles of photography 1
discusses the parts and functions of the camera (point and
25 1
shoot or phone camera).
applies composition skills to produce a printed photograph
26 2
for a simple photo essay.
participates in school/district exhibit and culminating activity
27 2
in celebration of the National Arts Month (February
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the dance 1
describes the skills involved in the dance PE6RD-IIIb-2 1
3 executes the different skills involved in the dance 6
describes diseases and disorders caused by poor
environmental sanitation
explains how poor environmental sanitation can negatively
11 1
impact the health of an individual
12 discusses ways to keep water and air clean and safe 1
13 explains the effect of a noisy environment 1
14 suggests ways to control/manage noise pollution 2
15 practices ways to control/manage noise pollution 2
16 explains the effect of pests and rodents to ones health 1
17 practice ways to prevent and control pests and rodents 1
Quarter 4 MUSIC
identifies the different tempo in a music sample:
- allegro
- andante
- ritardando
13 1
- accelerando
- largo
- presto
- vivace
demonstrates the different kinds of tempo by following
14 tempo marks in a familiar song fro the community 1
e.g. “Pandangguhan”
Identifies different textures from musical samples
 Vocal
 solo voice
 solo voice with accompaniment
15 2
 duet, partner songs, round songs
 Instrumental
 solo
 ensemble
distinguishes monophonic, homophonic, and polyphonic
16 1
17 distinguishes the sound of a major chord from a minor chord 1
uses major or minor chord as accompaniment to simple
18 2
discusses the concept that design principles and elements
relates to everyday objects
explains the elements and principles applied in product 1
manifests understanding of concepts on the use of software
(commands, menu, etc.)
utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware and
software) in package design.
reviews the truism that art processes, elements and
principles still apply even with the use of technologies. 1
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
discusses the elements and principles applied in audio-
video art.
creates an actual 3-D digitally-enhanced product design for
a paper bag
applies concepts on the use of the software (commands,
menu, etc.)
utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware and
36 1
creates an audio-video art /animation promoting a
37 2
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the dance 1
describes the skills involved in the dance 1
4 executes the different skills involved in the dance 6
18 explains the importance of consumer health 1
19 explains the different components of consumer health 1
20 differentiates over- the- counter from prescription medicines 1
gives example of over the counter and prescription
21 1
explains the uses of some over the counter and prescription
22 1
Identifies the common propaganda techniques used in
23 1
24 analyzes packaging and labels of health products 1
practices good decision making skills in the selection of
25 1
health products
discusses ways to protect oneself from fraudulent health
26 2
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
describes the musical characteristics of representative music
1 1
selections from the lowlands of Luzon after listening;
analyzes the musical elements of some Lowland vocal and
2 1
instrumental music selections;
identifies the musical instruments and other sound sources
3 1
from the lowlands of Luzon
explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources
4 1
that is similar to the instruments being studied;
improvises simple rhythmic/melodic accompaniments to
5 1
selected music from the Lowlands of Luzon;
performs music from Luzon lowlands with own
6 1
evaluates music and music performances with rubrics on
7 2
musical elements and styles.
analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of
1 one’s arts and crafts inspired by the arts of Luzon (highlands
and lowlands)
identifies characteristics of arts and crafts in specific areas in 1
Luzon (e.g., papier mâché [taka] from Paete, Ifugao wood
sculptures [bul’ul], Cordillera jewelry and pottery, tattoo, and
Ilocos weaving and pottery [burnay], etc.)
reflects on and derive the mood, idea, or message
emanating from selected artifacts and art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of their uses
and their distinct use of art elements and principles
incorporates the design, form, and spirit of the highland/
5 1
lowland artifact and object in one’s creation
traces the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous)
6 influences reflected in the design of an artwork and in the 1
making of a craft or artifact
creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local
7 materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., habi, 1
lilip, etc).
discusses the elements from traditions/ history of a community
8 1
for one’s artwork
shows the relationship of the development of crafts in
specific areas of the country, according to functionality,
9 1
traditional specialized expertise, and availability of resources
(e.g. pottery, weaving, jewelry, baskets)
shows the relationship of Luzon (highlands and lowlands) arts
and crafts to Philippine culture, traditions, and history (Islamic
influences, Spanish heritage, and American legacies in
10 1
education, business, modernization, and entertainment, as
well as in indigenous practices, fiestas, and religious and
social practices)
P. E.
1 sets goals based on assessment results 1
2 prepares an exercise program 1
3 describes the nature and background of the sport 1
4 executes the skills involved in the sport 5
explains the dimensions of holistic health (physical, mental/
intellectual, emotional, social, and moral-spiritual);
analyzes the interplay among the health dimensions in
developing holistic health;
3 practices health habits to achieve holistic health; 1
recognizes changes in different aspects of growth that
4 2
normally happen during adolescence years
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
describes changes in different aspects of growth that
happen to boys and girls during adolescence;
recognizes that changes in different dimensions are normal
5 2
during adolescence’
6 explains the proper health appraisal procedures 1
demonstrates health appraisal procedures during
7 1
adolescence in order to achieve holistic health
avails of health services in the school and community in order
to appraise one’s health;
applies coping skills in dealing with health concerns during
Quarter 2 MUSIC
describes the musical characteristics of representative
8 selections of Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas 1
after listening;
explains the distinguishing characteristics of representative
9 music from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas 1
in relation to its culture and geography;
identifies the musical instruments and other sound sources
from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas
discovers ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources
11 1
similar to instruments being studied;
improvises simple rhythmic/melodic accompaniments to
12 selected music from the Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of 1
the Visayas;
performs music from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the
13 1
Visayas with accompaniment
evaluates music and music performances using rubrics on
14 2
musical elements and style.
analyzes the elements and principles of art in the production
11 of one’s arts and crafts inspired by the arts of MIMAROPA 1
and the Visayas
Identifies the characteristics of arts and crafts in specific
areas in MIMAROPA and the Visayas, Marinduque (Moriones
masks), Palawan (Manunggul Jar), Mindoro (Hanunuo-
12 1
Mangyan writing, basketry, and weaving), Bohol (churches),
Cebu (furniture), Iloilo (culinary arts and old houses), Samar
(Basey mats), etc.
reflects on and derive the mood, idea or message
emanating from selected artifacts and art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of its
utilization and its distinct use of art elements and principles
incorporates the design, form and spirit of artifacts and art
15 1
objects from MIMAROPA and the Visayas
explains the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous)
16 influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork or in 1
the making of a craft or artifact
creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local
17 materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., habi, 1
lilip, etc).
discusses elements from traditions/history of a community for
one’s artwork
explains the correlation of the development of crafts in
specific areas of the country, according to functionality, 1
19 traditional specialized expertise, and availability of resources
(e.g., architecture, weaving, pottery, accessories, masks, and
culinary arts)
shows the relationship of MIMAROPA and Visayas arts and
crafts to Philippine culture, traditions, and history (Islamic
influences, Spanish heritage, and American legacies in
20 1
education, business, modernization, and entertainment, as
well as in indigenous practices, fiestas, and religious and
social practices)
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
P. E.
5 undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments
6 reviews goals based on assessment results
7 describes the nature and background of the sport 1
8 executes the skills involved in the sport 6
10 identifies the right foods during adolescence 1
follows the appropriate nutritional guidelines for adolescents
for healthful eating
 explains the need to select food based on the
11 nutritional needs during adolescence 2
 follows the Food Pyramid guide for adolescents and
nutritional guidelines for Filipinos in choosing foods to
describes the characteristics, signs and symptoms of
12 1
malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies
discusses ways of preventing and controlling malnutrition and
13 1
micronutrient deficiencies
explains the characteristics, signs and symptoms of eating
disorders 1
15 discusses ways of preventing and controlling eating disorders
identifies the nutritional problems of adolescents 2
applies decision-making and critical thinking skills to prevent
16 2
nutritional problems of adolescents
Quarter 3 MUSIC
describes the musical characteristics of representative music
15 1
selections from Mindanao after listening;
identifies the musical instruments and other sound sources of
16 1
representative music selections from Mindanao
analyzes the musical elements of some Mindanao vocal and
17 1
instrumental music;
discovers ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources
18 1
that is similar to the instruments being studied;
improvises simple rhythmic/melodic accompaniments to
19 1
selected music from Mindanao;
20 Perform musicfrom Mindanao with own accompaniment; 1
evaluates music selections and music performances using
21 2
rubrics on musical elements and style.
analyzes elements and principles of art in the production
21 1
one’s arts and crafts inspired by the arts of Mindanao
identifies the characteristics of arts and crafts in specific
areas in Mindanao (e.g., maritime vessel [balanghay] from
Butuan, vinta from Zamboanga; Maranao’s malong,
22 1
brasswares, okir, panolong, torogan, and sarimanok; Yakan’s
fabric and face makeup and body ornamentation; T’boli’s
tinalak and accessories; Tawi-tawi’s Pangalaydance, etc.
reflects on and derive the mood, idea, or message
emanating from selected artifacts and art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of its
utilization and their distinct use of art elements and principles
incorporates the design, form, and spirit of artifacts and
25 1
objects from Mindanao to one’s creation
traces the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous)
26 influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork and 1
in the making of a craft or artifact
creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local
27 materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., habi, 1
lilip, etc).
derives elements from traditions/history of a community for
one’s artwork
shows the relationship of the development of crafts in s
pecific areas of the country, according to functionality,
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
traditional specialized expertise, and availability of resources
(e.g., pottery, weaving, jewelry, and basketry)
shows the relationship of Mindanao’s arts and crafts to
30 Philippine culture, traditions, and history, particularly with
Islamic influences and indigenous (Lumad) practices 1
participates in exhibit using completed Mindanao-inspired
arts and crafts in an organized manner
P. E.
9 undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments
10 reviews goals based on assessment results
11 describes the nature and background of the dance 1
12 executes the skills involved in the dance 6
explains the factors that affect the promotion of good
mental health 1
18 explains that stress is normal and inevitable
19 differentiates eustress from distress
20 identifies situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress
21 identifies physical responses of the body to stress
identifies people who can provide support in stressful 1
differentiates healthful from unhealthful strategies in coping
with stress
demonstrates various stress management techniques that
one can use every day in dealing with stress
25 explains the importance of grieving
26 demonstrates coping skills in managing loss and grief
recognizes triggers and warning signs of common mental
27 1
discusses the types, sign, symptoms, and prevention,
28 treatment and professional care in managing common 2
mental health disorders
Quarter 4 MUSIC
identifies musical characteristics of selected Philippine
22 festivals and theatrical forms through video or live 1
describes the origins and cultural background of selected
23 1
Philippine festival/s;
describes how the music contributes to the performance of
24 1
the musical production;
describes how a specific idea or story is communicated
25 1
through music in a particular Philippine musical theater;
improvises music accompaniment in relation to a particular
26 2
Philippine festival
27 performs selection/s from chosen Philippine musical theater; 2
identifies the festivals and theatrical forms celebrated all over
32 1
the country throughout the year
researches on the history of the festival and theatrical
33 composition and its evolution, and describe how the
townspeople participate and contribute to the event 1
discusses the elements and principles of arts as seen in
Philippine Festivals
explains what makes each of the Philippine festivals unique
35 2
through a visual presentation
designs the visual elements and components of the selected
36 1
festival or theatrical form through costumes, props, etc.
analyzes the uniqueness of each group’s performance of
37 1
their selected festival or theatrical form
choreographs the movements and gestures reflecting the
38 1
mood of the selected Philippine festival/theatrical form
improvises accompanying sound and rhythm of the
39 1
Philippine festival/theatrical form
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
performs in a group showcase of the selected Philippine
festival/theatrical form
P. E.
13 undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments
14 reviews goals based on assessment results
15 describes the nature and background of the dance 1
16 executes the skills involved in the dance 6
discusses the nature of non-communicable diseases 1
explains non-communicable diseases based on cause and
29 effect, signs and symptoms, risk factors and protective 3
factors and possible complications
corrects myth and fallacies about non-communicable
30 1
practices ways to prevent and control non-communicable
31 1
demonstrates self-monitoring to prevent non-communicable
promotes programs and policies to prevent and control non-
communicable and lifestyle diseases
identifies agencies responsible for non-communicable
34 1
disease prevention and control
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
1 listens perceptively to music of Southeast Asia; 1
analyzes musical elements of selected songs and
2 1
instrumental pieces heard and performed
explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources
3 1
that would simulate instruments being studied;
improvises simple accompaniment to selected Southeast
4 1
Asian music;
performs music from Southeast Asia with own
5 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
6 2
rubrics applying knowledge of musical elements and style.
analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of
1 1
arts and crafts inspired by the cultures of Southeast Asia.
Identifies the characteristics of arts and crafts in specific
countries in Southeast Asia:
 Indonesia (batik, Wayang puppetry);
 Malaysia (modern batik, wau, and objects made
2 from pewter); 1
 Thailand (silk fabrics and Loi Kratong Lantern
 Cambodia (AngkorWat and ancient temples);
 Singapore (Merlion), etc.
reflects on and derive the mood, idea or message from
selected artifacts and art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of their
utilization and their distinct use of art elements and principles
incorporates the design, form, and spirit of Southeast Asian
5 1
artifacts and objects in one’s creation
traces the external(foreign) and internal (indigenous)
6 influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork and 1
in the making of a craft or artifact
creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local
7 materials, guided by local traditional techniques(e.g.,batik, 1
silk weaving, etc.)
derives elements from traditions/ history of a community for
8 1
one’s artwork
shows the relationship of the development of crafts in
specific countries in Southeast Asia, according to
9 functionality, traditional specialized expertise and
availability of resources (e.g. pottery, weaving, jewelry and 1
shows the commonalities and differences of the culture of
the Southeast Asian countries in relation to Philippine culture
P. E.
1 undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments
2 sets goals based on assessment results
conducts physical activity and physical fitness assessments
3 1
of family/school peers
4 prepares a physical activity program 1
5 describes the nature and background of the sport 1
6 executes the skills involved in the sport 4
discusses basic terms in sexuality as an important
component of one’s personality 1
2 explains the dimensions of human sexuality
analyzes the factors that affect one’s attitudes and
3 1
practices related to sexuality and sexual behaviors
assesses personal health attitudes that may influence sexual
4 1
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
5 relates the importance of sexuality to family health 1
identifies the different issues/concerns of teenagers (i.e.,
6 identity crisis) and the need for support and understanding 3
of the family
applies decision-making skills in managing sexuality-related
7 1
Quarter 2 MUSIC
7 listens perceptively to music of East Asia; 1
analyzes musical elements of selected songs and
8 1
instrumental pieces heard and performed;
explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources
9 1
that would simulate instruments being studied;
improvises simple accompaniment to selected East Asian
10 1
11 performs music from East Asia with own accompaniment; 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
12 2
rubrics applying knowledge of musical elements and style.
analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of
11 1
arts and crafts inspired by the cultures of East Asia
identifies characteristics of arts and crafts in specific
countries in East Asia:
China (Chinese painting and calligraphy);
12 1
Japan (origami, woodblock printing, theater masks,
face painting, and anime and manga); and
Korea (theater masks, drums, and K-pop)
reflects on and derive the mood, idea or message from
selected artifacts and art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of their 1
14 utilization and their distinct use of art elements and
incorporates the design, form, and spirit of East Asian
15 1
artifacts and objects to one’s creation
traces the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous)
16 influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork and 1
in the making of a craft
creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local
17 materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., 1
Gong-bi, Ikat, etc.)
derives elements from traditions/history of a community for
18 1
one’s artwork
shows the relationship of the development of crafts in
specific countries in East Asia according to functionality,
traditional specialized expertise, and availability of
resources (e.g., pottery, weaving, jewelry, and basketry)
shows the commonalities and differences of the culture of
the East Asian countries in relation to Philippine culture
P. E.
conducts physical activity and physical fitness assessments
7 1
of family/school peers
8 prepares a physical activity program 1
describes the nature and background of the sport 1
9 executes the skills involved in the sport 5
explains the definition and importance of courtship and
dating in choosing a lifelong partner
analyzes behaviors that promote healthy relationship in
marriage and family life
describes the factors that contribute to a successful
10 1
discusses pregnancy-related concerns 1
discusses various maternal health concerns (pre-during-post
11 1
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
explains the importance of maternal nutrition during
discusses the importance of newborn screening, and the
APGAR scoring system for newborns
explains the importance of prenatal care and post-natal
discusses the essential newborn protocol (Unang Yakap)
15 and advantages of breastfeeding for both mother and 1
recognizes the importance of immunization in protecting
children’s health
17 analyzes the importance of responsible parenthood
explains the effects of rapid population growth on the 1
health of the nation
examines the important roles and responsibilities of parents
in child rearing and care
enumerates modern family planning methods (natural and
Quarter 3 MUSIC
listens perceptively to music of South Asia and the Middle
13 1
analyzes musical elements of selected songs and
14 1
instrumental pieces heard and performed;
explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources
15 1
that would simulate instruments being studied;
improvises simple accompaniment to selected South Asia
16 1
and the Middle East music;
performs music from South Asia and Middle East with own
17 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
18 2
rubrics applying knowledge of musical elements and style.
analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of
21 arts and crafts inspired by the cultures of South Asia, West
Asia, and Central Asia
Identifies characteristics of arts and crafts in specific
countries in South, West, and Central Asia: India (rangoli,
22 1
katak, mendhi, diwali); Saudi Arabia (carpet design);
Pakistan (truck art); and Tibet (mandala), etc
reflects on and derive the mood, idea or message from
selected artifacts and art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of their 1
24 utilization and their distinct use of art elements and
incorporates the design, form, and spirit of South, West, and
25 1
Central Asian artifacts and objects to one’s creation
traces the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous)
26 influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork and 1
in the making of a craft
creates arts and crafts that can be locally assembled with
27 local materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g.,
Ghonghdis, Marbling Technique, etc.) 1
derives elements from traditions/history of a community for
one’s artwork
shows the relationship of the development of crafts in
specific countries in South Asia, West Asia, and Central Asia,
according to functionality, traditional specialized expertise,
and availability of resources 1
shows the commonalities and differences of the cultures of
30 the South Asian, West Asian, and Central Asian countries in
relation to Philippine culture
participates in an exhibit using completed South-West-
31 1
Central Asian-inspired crafts in an organized Manner
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
P. E.
10 reviews goals based on assessment results 1
describes the nature and background of the sport 1
11 executes the skills involved in the sport 6
21 discusses the stages of infection
analyzes the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in 1
the Philippines
discusses the most common communicable diseases
 Signs and symptoms of common communicable
 effects of common communicable diseases
23 2
 misconceptions, myths, and beliefs about common
communicable diseases
 prevention and control of common communicable
24 analyzes the nature of emerging and re-emerging diseases 2
demonstrates self- monitoring skills to prevent
25 1
promotes programs and policies to prevent and control
26 1
communicable diseases
identifies agencies responsible for communicable disease
27 1
prevention and control
Quarter 4 MUSIC
identifies musical characteristics of selected Asian musical
19 1
theater through video films or live performances
describes the instruments that accompany Kabuki, Wayang
20 1
Kulit, Peking Opera;
describes how a specific idea or story is communicated
21 1
through music in a particular Asian musical theater;
improvises appropriate sound, music, gesture, movements,
22 props and costume for performance of a chosen Asian 1
traditional musical and theatrical form;
23 performs selection/s from chosen Asian musical theater; 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
24 2
rubrics applying knowledge of musical elements and style.
identifies selected festivals and theatrical forms celebrated
32 1
all over the Asian region
researches on the history of the festival and theatrical forms
33 and its evolution, and describe how the community 1
participates and contributes to the event
identifies the elements and principles of arts as manifested
34 1
in Asian festivals and theatrical forms
through a visual presentation, explains what make each of
35 1
the Asian Festivals and Theatrical forms unique
designs the visual elements and components of the
36 selected festival or theatrical form through costumes, props, 1
analyzes the uniqueness of each group’s performance of
their selected festival or theatrical form
shows the relationship of the selected Asian festival and the 1
38 festival in the Philippines in terms of form and reason for
holding the celebration
choreographs the movements and gestures reflecting the
39 1
mood of the selected festival/theatrical form of Asia
improvises accompanying sound and rhythm of the
selected festival/ theatrical form of Asia
performs in a group showcase of the selected festival/
theatrical form
P. E.
12 reviews goals based on assessment results 1
13 describes the nature and background of the dance 1
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
14 executes the skills involved in the dance 6
28 discusses gateway drugs 1
analyzes the negative health impact of cigarette smoking
a. describes the harmful short-and long-term effects of
cigarette smoking on the different parts of the body
29 b. discusses the dangers of mainstream, second hand 2
and third hand smoke.
c. explain the impact of cigarette smoking on the
family, environment, and community
analyzes the negative health impact of drinking alcohol
 describes the harmful short- and long-term effects
of drinking alcohol
30  interprets blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in 2
terms of physiological changes in the body
 explains the impact of drinking alcohol on the
family and community
discusses strategies in the prevention and control of
cigarette smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages
 apply resistance skills in situations related to
31 2
cigarette and alcohol use
 follows policies and laws in the family, school and
community related to cigarette and alcohol use
suggests healthy alternatives to cigarettes and alcohol to
32 1
promote healthy lifestyle (self, family, community)
Page 293 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
describes musical elements of selected vocal and
1 instrumental music of Medieval, Renaissance 1
and Baroque music;
explains the performance practice (setting, composition,
2 role of composers/ performers, and audience) during 1
Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods;
relates Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music other art
3 forms and its history within the era; 1

improvises appropriate accompaniment to selected music

4 2
from Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque period;
performs music from Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque
5 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
6 1
analyzes art elements and principles in the production of
1 1
work following the style of a western and classical art
identifies distinct characteristics of arts during the different
art periods 1
3 identifies representative artists from various art periods
reflects on and derives the mood, idea, or message from
selected artworks 1
discusses the use or function of artworks by evaluating their
5 13
utilization and combination of art elements and principles
6 uses artworks to derive the traditions/ history of an art period
compares the characteristics of artworks produced in the 1
different art periods
creates artworks guided by techniques and styles of Western
Classical art traditions
describes the influence of iconic artists belonging to Western
Classical art on the evolution of art forms
applies different media techniques and processes to
10 communicateideas, experiences, and stories showing the
characteristics of Western Classical art traditions 1
evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas
using criteria from the Western Classical art traditions
shows the influences of the Western Classical art traditions to
12 1
Philippine art form
P. E.
performs appropriate first aid for injuries and emergency
1 situations in physical activity and sports settings (e.g. 1
cramps, sprain, heat exhaustion)
involves oneself in community service through sports
2 7
officiating and physical activity programs
1 defines community and environmental health 1
explains how a healthy environment positively impact the
2 health of people and communities (less disease, less health 2
care cost, etc.)
3 discusses the nature of environmental issues
analyzes the effects of environmental issues on people’s 1
suggests ways to prevent and manage environmental
5 2
health issues
participates in implementing an environmental project such
6 as building and maintaining a school garden or conducting 2
a war on waste campaign (depends on feasibility)
Quarter 2 MUSIC
7 describes musical elements of given Classical period pieces; 1
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
8 explains the performance practice (setting, composition,
role of composers/performers, and audience) during 1
Classical period;
9 relates Classical music to other art forms and its history within
the era;
10 improvises appropriate accompaniment to selected music
from Classical period;
listens perceptively to selected Classical period music; 1
11 performs selected music from the Classical period; 1
12 evaluates music and music performances using guided
analyzes art elements and principles in the production of
13 1
work following a specific art style
identiies distinct characteristics of arts during the
Renaissance and Baroque periods
identiies representative artists from Renaissance and 1
Baroque periods
reflects on and derive the mood, idea or message from
selected artworks
determines the use or function of artworks by evaluating 1
17 their utilization and combination of art elements and
18 uses artworks to derive the traditions/ history of an art period 1
compares the characteristics of artworks produced in the
19 1
different art periods
creates artworks guided by techniques and styles of the
Renaissance and the Baroque periods
explains the influence of iconic artists belonging to the
Renaissance and the Baroque periods
applies different media techniques and processes to
communicateideas, experiences, and stories showing the
22 1
characteristics of theRenaissance and the Baroque periods
(e.g.,Fresco, Sfumato, etc.)
evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas
using criteria from the Renaissance and the Baroque periods
shows the influences of the Renaissance and Baroque
periods on the Philippine art form
P. E.
describes the nature and background of the dance 1
2 executes the skills involved in the dance 7
7 describes the drug scenario in the Philippines 1
discusses risk and protective factors in substance use, and
analyzes situations for the use and non-use of psychoactive
10 identifies the types of drugs/ substances of abuse 1
corrects myths and misconceptions about substance use
and abuse 1
12 recognizes warning signs of substance use and abuse
discusses the harmful short and long-term ;effects of
13 substance use and abuse on the individual, family, school,
and community
explains the health, socio-cultural, psychological, legal, and 2
economic dimensions of substance use and abuse
discusses strategies in the prevention and control of
substance use and abuse
applies decision-making and resistance skills to prevent
substance use and abuse 1
17 suggests healthy alternatives to substance use and abuse 1
Quarter 3 MUSIC
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
13 describes musical elements of given Romantic period
14 explains the performance practice (setting, composition,
role of composers/ performers, and audience) during 1
Romantic period;
15 relates Romantic music to other art forms and its history
within the era;
16 improvises appropriate accompaniment to selected music
from Romantic period;
17 performs selected music from the Romantic period; 1
18 evaluates music and music performances using guided
analyzes art elements and principles in the production of
25 work following a specific art style from the Neoclassic and 1
Romantic periods
identifies distinct characteristics of arts during the Neoclassic
and Romantic periods
identifies representative artists from the Neoclassic and
Romantic periods
reflects on and derive the mood, idea, or message from
selected artworks
explains the use or function of artworks by evaluating their
utilization and combination of art elements and principles
uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of the
Neoclassic and Romantic periods
compares the characteristics of artworks produced in the
Neoclassic and Romantic period
creates artworks guided by techniques and styles of the
32 Neoclassic and Romantic periods (e.g., linear style and
painterly style)
describes the influence of iconic artists belonging to the
Neoclassic and Romantic periods
applies different media techniques and processes to
34 communicate ideas, experiences, and stories showing the 1
characteristics of the Neoclassic and Romantic periods
evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas
35 1
using criteria from the Neoclassic and Romantic periods
shows the influences of Neoclassic and Romantic periods on
36 1
Philippine art forms
participates in an exhibit using completed artworks with
37 1
Neoclassic and Romantic periods characteristics
P. E.
describes the nature and background of the dance 1
3 executes the skills involved in the dance 7
demonstrates the conduct of primary and secondary survey
of the victim (CAB) 1
19 assesses emergency situation for unintentional injuries
20 explains the principles of wound dressing 1
demonstrates appropriate bandaging techniques for
21 1
unintentional injuries
demonstrates proper techniques in carrying and
22 2
transporting the victim of unintentional injuries
demonstrates proper first aid procedures for common
23 3
unintentional injuries
Quarter 4 MUSIC
explains the plot, musical and theatrical elements of an
19 2
opera after watching video samples;
performs themes or melodic fragments of given selected
20 2
improvises appropriate sounds, music, gestures, movements,
21 2
and costumes for a chosen opera.
Page 296 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
22 evaluates music performances using guided rubrics. 2
38 identifies selected theatrical forms from different art periods
researches on the history of the theatrical forms and their
evolution 1
identifies the elements and principles of arts as manifested in
Western Classical plays and opera
defines what makes selected western classical plays and
operas unique through visual representation
designs the visual elements and components of the
42 selected Western classical theater play and opera through 1
costumes, props, etc.
analyzes the uniqueness of each group’s performance of its
selected Western classical theater play and opera
shows the influences of the selected Western Classical play
44 or opera on Philippine theatrical performance in terms of 1
form and content of story
choreographs the movements and gestures needed in the
45 effective delivery of a selected piece from Western Classical 2
plays and opera
improvise accompanying sound and rhythm needed in the
46 effective delivery of a selected piece from Western Classical 1
plays and operas
perform in a group showcase of the selected piece from
47 2
Western Classical plays and operas
P. E.
discusses the nature and background of indoor and outdoor
4 1
recreational activities
5 participates in active recreation 7
24 differentiates intentional injuries from unintentional injurie 2
25 describes the types of intentional injuries 2
26 analyzes the risk factors related to intentional injuries 1
27 identifies protective factors related to intentional injuries 1
demonstrates ways to prevent and control intentional
28 2
Page 297 of 349


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
describes distinctive musical elements of given pieces in
1 1
20th century styles;
explains the performance practice (setting, composition,
2 role of composers/performers, and audience) of 20th 2
century music;
relates 20th century music to other art forms and media
3 1
during the same time period;
4 performs music sample from the 20th century 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
5 2
analyzes art elements and principles in the production of
1 work following a specific art style from the various art 1
identifies distinct characteristics of arts from the various art
identifies representative artists and Filipino counterparts
from the various art movements
reflects on and derive the mood, idea, or message from
selected artworks
determines the role or function of artworks by evaluating 1
5 their utilization and combination of art elements and
uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of the various
6 1
art movements
compares the characteristics of artworks produced in the
7 1
various art movements
creates artworks guided by techniques and styles of the
8 1
various art movements (e.g., Impasto, Encaustic, etc.)
discussees the influence of iconic artists belonging to the
various art movements
applies different media techniques and processes to
communicate ideas, experiences, and stories showing the 1
10 characteristics of the various art movements (e.g., the use
of industrial materials or found objects, Silkscreen Printing,
evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and
ideas using criteria from the various art movements
shows the influences of Modern Art movements on 1
Philippine art forms
P. E.
engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at
1 7
least 60 minutes a day in and out of school
explains the guidelines and criteria in the selection and
1 1
evaluation of health information, products and services;
discusses the various forms of health service providers and
2 1
healthcare plans;
selects health professionals, specialists and health care
services wisely; 1
4 reports fraudulent health services
explains the different kinds of complementary and
alternative health care modalities.
explains the importance of consumer laws to protect 1
public health
identifies national and international government agencies
7 and private organizations that implement programs for 2
consumer protection
participates in programs for consumer welfare and
8 2
Page 298 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 2 MUSIC
describes the historical and cultural background of Afro
6 1
Latin American and popular music;
listens perceptively to Afro Latin American and popular
analyzes musical characteristics of Afro-Latin American
7 1
and popular music through listening activities;
explores ways of creating sounds on a variety of sources
8 2
suitable to chosen vocal and instrumental selections;
performs selections of Afro-Latin American and popular
music in appropriate pitch, rhythm, style, and expression; 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
10 1
identifies art elements in the technology-based production
identifies distinct characteristics of arts during the 21st
century in terms of:
14 1
 production
 functionality range of audience reach
identifies artworks produced by technology from other
countries and their adaptation by Philippine artists
discusses the concept that technology is an effective and
vibrant tool for empowering a person to express his/her
ideas, goals, and advocacies, which elicits immediate
explains the role or function of artworks by evaluating their
utilization and combination of art elements and principles
uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of a
18 community (e.g., landscapes, images of people at work 1
and play, portrait studies, etc.)
19 compares the characteristics of artworks in the21st century 1
creates artworks that can be locally assembled with local
20 1
materials, guided by 21st-century techniques
explains the influence of technology in the 21st century on
21 1
the evolution of various forms of art
applies different media techniques and processes to
communicate ideas, experiences, and stories showing the
22 1
characteristics of 21stcenturyart (e.g., the use of graphic
software like Photoshop, InDesign, etc.)
evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and
23 1
ideas using criteria appropriate for the style or form
P. E.
engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at
2 8
least 60 minutes a day in and out of school
9 discusses the existing health related laws; 1
explains the significance of the existing health related laws
10 1
in safeguarding people’s health;
critically analyzes the impact of current health trends,
11 1
issues, and concerns
recommends ways of managing health issues, trends and
12 2
Quarter 3 MUSIC
narrates the life of selected Contemporary Filipino
11 1
composer/s ;
analyzes the musical characteristics of traditional and
12 1
contemporary Philippine music;
improvises simple vocal/instrumental accompaniments to
13 3
selected contemporary Philippine music;
14 performs selections of contemporary Philippine music; 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
15 1
Page 299 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
identifies art elements in the various media-based arts in
24 1
the Philippines
identifies representative artists as well as distinct
25 characteristics of media based arts and design in the 1
discusses the truism that Filipino ingenuity is distinct,
26 1
exceptional, and on a par with global standards
discusses the role or function of artworks by evaluating their
27 1
utilization and combination of art elements and principles
uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of a
28 1
creates artworks that can be assembled with local
29 1
explains the characteristics of media-based arts and
30 1
design in the Philippines
applies different media techniques and processes to
communicate ideas, experiences, and stories (the use of
software to enhance/animate images like Flash, Movie
Maker, Dreamweaver, etc.) 1
evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and
32 ideas using criteria appropriate for the style or form of
media-based arts and design
P. E.
engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at
3 7
least 60 minutes a day in and out of school
13 discusses the significance of global health initiatives. 1
describes how global health initiatives positively impact
14 1
people’s health in various countries;
analyzes the issues in the implementation of global health
15 1
recommends ways of adopting global health initiatives to
16 2
local or national context
Quarter 4 MUSIC
describes how an idea or story in a musical play is
16 presented by watching a live performance or video 1
explains how theatrical elements in a selected part of a
17 musical play are combined with music and media to 2
achieve certain effects;
creates appropriate sounds, music, gestures, movements,
18 and costume using media and technology for a selected 3
part of a musical play;
performs an excerpt from a 20th or 21st century Philippine
19 musical and highlight its similarities and differences to 2
other western musical play.
explains how an idea or theme is communicated in a
33 selected performance through the integration of musical
sounds, songs, dialogue and dance 1
analyzes examples of plays based on theatrical forms, and
elements of art as applied to performance
illustrates how the different elements are used to
communicate the meaning 1
36 explains the uniqueness of each original performance
designs with a group the visual components of a school
37 1
play (stage design, costume, props, etc.)
assumes the role of a character as an actor/performance,
38 or production staff (director, choreography, light designer, 1
stage manager)
Page 300 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
analyzes the uniqueness of the group that was given
39 recognition for its performance and explain what
component contributed to its selection
contributes to the conceptualization of an original
40 1
choreographs the movements and gestures needed in the
41 effective delivery of an original performance with the use 2
of media
improvises accompanying sound and rhythm needed in
42 the effective delivery of an original performance with the 1
use of different media
P. E.
engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at
4 8
least 60 minutes a day in and out of school
discusses the components and steps in making a personal
17 1
health career plan;
prepares a personal health career following the prescribed
18 1
components and steps;
explores the various health career paths selects a
particular health career pathway based on personal
19 1
competence and interest; participates in a health career
orientation program
20 decides on an appropriate health career path 1
Page 301 of 349
Page 302 of 349
Page 303 of 349


The PIVOT 4A Budget of Work (BOW) for Senior High School – Core Subjects is a
resource material in teaching SHS core subjects that contain and highlight the most
essential learning competencies (MELCs) as mapped from the K to 12 Basic Education
Curriculum for Senior High School.

How to Use this BOW?

The PIVOT 4A BOW for SHS – Core Subjects is composed of three (3) columns.
The first column is intended for the Quarter; the second one for the Most Essential
Learning Competencies (MELC); and the last one for the No. of Days Taught.

Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) No. of Days

(A) (B) (C)



In using the PIVOT 4A BOW for SHS – Core Subjects, it is important to understand
the figure above marked by the following specifications:

A. Quarter
B. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
C. Number of Days Taught
D. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). These MELCs which were
identified by the Central Office may be of the same variant of the K to 12 LCs.
But in some cases, MELCs were produced by rephrasing or merging/fusing
some LCs from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide for SHS.

Further, teachers should:

 look for the grade level they are handling;

 check the MELC/s to be taught in a particular quarter and/or semester;
 take note that teachers, based from school planning and subject distribution,
may teach a particular subject either on first semester or second semester and
either on Grade 11 or Grade 12 while considering the subject pre-requisites and
 take note that the PIVOT 4A BOW presents the partition of MELCs in each
quarter but it does not mean that if this guide notes that Subject A be taught
in the first semester, the school cannot offer it on the second semester, i.e. this
guide identifies 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World as a
subject for the first semester; thus the MELCs are divided into Quarters 1 and 2;
however, if the school plans to offer this subject in the second semester; then,
the MELCs will be consequently adjusted to Quarters 3 and 4 accounting the
same distribution of MELCs per quarter;
 be guided that all SHS Core Subjects, except for Physical Education and Health,
shall be taught for 32 days (4-hour sessions/week times 8 weeks/quarter) in a
Page 304 of 349

 observe that Physical Education and Health shall be taught for eight (8)
meetings (1-hour session/week times 8 weeks) per quarter; and
 design their lessons on the MELC and/or clustered MELCs using the IDEA
instructional delivery process.

Page 305 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 1
Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing
an adaptation of these require from the learner the ability to identify:
a. the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine
literary history from pre-colonial to the contemporary 8
b. representative texts and authors from each region (e.g. engage in
oral history research with focus on key personalities from the students’
Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and the ones
from the earlier genres/periods citing their elements, structures and traditions
Discuss how different contexts enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the
reader’s understanding
Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multi-media
and ICT skills
Do self- and/or peer-assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary text,
based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentation
Quarter 2
Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts, applying a
reading approach, and doing an adaptation of these, require from the
learner the ability to identify: representative texts and authors from Asia,
North America, Europe, Latin America, and Africa
Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and their
elements, structures, and traditions from across the globe
Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia
and ICT skills
Do self- and/or peer-assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary text,
based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentation
Page 306 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 1
Explains the functions, nature and process of communication 4
Differentiates the various models of communication 4
Uses various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown 4
Examines sample oral communication activities 6
Identifies the various types of speech context.
Distinguishes types of speeches and speech style
Responds appropriately and effectively to a speech act
Employs various communicative strategies in different situations
Quarter 2
Explains that a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act and
communicative strategy affects the following:
Language form
Duration of interaction
Relationship of speaker
Role and responsibilities of the speaker
Uses principles of effective speech writing focusing on:
Audience profile
Logical organization
Word choice
Grammatical correctness

Stage Presence
Facial Expressions, Gestures and Movements
Rapport with the audience
Page 307 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 3
Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines 8
Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and
cohesion, language use and mechanics)
Identify claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written text
a. Claim of fact
b. Claim of policy
c. Claim of value
Quarter 4
Identify the context in which a text was developed
a. Hypertext 6
b. Intertext
Explain critical reading as reasoning
Formulate evaluative statements about a text read:
a. assertions about the content and properties of a text read; and
b. counterclaims in response to claims made in a text read
Determine textual evidence to validate assertions and counterclaims made
about a text read
Identify the unique features of and requirements in composing texts that are
useful across disciplines:
a. Book Review or Article Critique
b. Literature Review 10
c. Research Report
d. Project Proposal
e. Position Paper
Identify the unique features of and requirements in composing professional
a. Resume
b. Application for College Admission
c. Application for Employment
d. Various forms of Office Correspondence
Page 308 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 1
Explain the meaning of disaster
Differentiate the risk factors underlying disasters 4
Describe the effects of disasters on one’s life
Identify areas/locations exposed to hazards that may lead to disasters
Analyze disaster from the different perspectives (physical, psychological, 4
socio-cultural, economic, political, and biological).
Explain the meaning of vulnerability
Determine the elements that are exposed to a particular hazard 4
Recognize vulnerabilities of different elements exposed to specific hazards
Differentiate among hazards, exposure, and vulnerabilities and give examples
from actual situations.
Define and cite examples of the types of hazards
Explain the impact of various hazards on different exposed elements
Identify various potential earthquake hazards
Recognize the natural signs of an impending tsunami; 4
Analyze the effects of the different earthquake hazards
Interpret different earthquake hazard maps;
Explain various volcano-related hazards
Recognize signs of an impending volcanic eruption
Interpret different volcano hazard maps;
Quarter 2
Discuss the different geological hazards
Analyze the causes of geological hazards 4
Recognize signs of impending geological hazards;
Interpret geological maps
Apply mitigation strategies to prevent loss of lives and properties
Recognize signs of impending hydrometeorological hazards
Interpret different hydrometeorological hazard maps 4
Use available tools for monitoring hydrometeorological hazards
Recognize elements of the fire triangle in different situations
Analyze the different causes of fires
Observe precautionary measures and proper procedures in addressing a fire
Apply basic response procedures during a fire incident
Follow fire emergency and evacuation plans;
Discuss the key concepts, principles, and elements of DRR
Recognize the importance of DRR on one’s life
Discuss different community-based practices for managing disaster risk to
specific hazards 4
Develop a community preparedness plan;
Prepare survival kits and materials for one’s family and for public information
and advocacy 4
Explain DRR-related laws and policies
Page 309 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 1
Recognize the uniqueness of Earth, being the only planet in the solar system
with properties necessary to support life.
Explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries matter
and energy flow.
Identify common rock-forming minerals using their physical and chemical
properties. 4
Classify rocks into igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic
Describe where the Earth’s internal heat comes from.
Describe the changes in mineral components and texture of rocks due to 4
changes in pressure and temperature (metamorphism)
Describe how rocks behave under different types of stress such as
compression, pulling apart, and shearing 4
Explain how the movement of plates leads to the formation of folds and faults
Describe how layers of rocks (stratified rocks) are formed
Describe the different methods (relative and absolute dating) to determine
the age of stratified rocks 4
Explain how relative and absolute dating were used to determine the
subdivisions of geologic time
Describe how the Earth’s history can be interpreted from the geologic time
Describe the various hazards that may happen in the event of earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, and landslides
Using hazard maps, identify areas prone to hazards brought about by
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides 4
Identify human activities that speed up or trigger landslides
Using hazard maps, identify areas prone to hazards brought about by tropical
cyclones, monsoons, floods, or ipo-ipo
Describe how coastal processes result in coastal erosion, submersion, and
saltwater intrusion
Quarter 2
Explain the evolving concept of life based on emerging pieces of evidence 4
Describe how unifying themes (e.g., structure and function, evolution, and
ecosystems) in the study of life show the connections among living things and 4
how they interact with each other and with their environment
Describe the different ways of how representative animals reproduce
Describe the process of genetic engineering
Evaluate the benefits and risks of using GMOs 4
Describe the general and unique characteristics of the different organ systems
in representative animals
Analyze and appreciate the functional relationships of the different organ
systems in ensuring animal survival
Explain how populations of organisms have changed and continue to change
over time showing patterns of descent with modification from common 4
ancestors to produce the organismal diversity observed today
Describe how the present system of classification of organisms is based on
evolutionary relationships
Categorize the different biotic potential and environmental resistance (e.g.,
diseases, availability of food, and predators) that affect population explosion
Page 310 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 1
Describe the characteristics of Earth that are necessary to support life 4
Explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries
matter and energy flow
Identify common rock-forming minerals using their physical and chemical
Classify rocks into igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic 4
Identify the minerals important to society
Describe how ore minerals are found, mined, and processed for human use
Describe how fossil fuels are formed 4
Explain how heat from inside the Earth (geothermal) and from flowing
water (hydroelectric) is tapped as a source of energy for human use 4
Identify the various water resources on Earth
Explain how different activities affect the quality and availability of water for
human use
Identify human activities, such as farming, construction of structures, and
waste disposal, that affect the quality and quantity of soil
Describe how people generate different types of waste (solid, liquid, and
gaseous) as they make use of various materials and resources in everyday
life 4
Explain how different types of waste affect people’s health and the
Quarter 2
Describe how rocks undergo weathering 4
Explain why the Earth’s interior is hot 4
Describe what happens after magma is formed 4
Describe how rocks behave under different types of stress such as
compression, pulling apart, and shearing 4
Describe the structure and evolution of ocean basins
Describe how layers of rocks (stratified rocks) are formed
Describe the different methods (relative and absolute dating) of 4
determining the age of stratified rocks
Explain how relative and absolute dating were used to determine the
subdivisions of geologic time
Describe how index fossils (also known as guide fossils) are used to define
and identify subdivisions of the geologic time scale
Describe the history of the Earth through geologic time 4
Page 311 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 1
Give evidence for and describe the formation of heavier elements during
star formation and evolution
Explain how the concept of atomic number led to the synthesis of new
elements in the laboratory
Determine if a molecule is polar or non-polar given its structure
Relate the polarity of a molecule to its properties
Describe the general types of intermolecular forces
Explain the effect of intermolecular forces on the properties of substances
Explain how the structures of biological macromolecules such as
carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acid, and proteins determine their properties and 4
Use simple collision theory to explain the effects of concentration, temperature,
and particle size on the rate of reaction 4
Define catalyst and describe how it affects reaction rate
Determine the limiting reactant in a reaction and calculate the amount of
product formed
Describe how energy is harnessed from different sources:
a. Fossil fuels
b. Biogas
c. Geothermal
d. Hydrothermal
e. Batteries
f. Solar cells
g. Biomass
From product labels, identify the active ingredient(s) of cleaning products
used at home 4
Give the use of the other ingredients in cleaning agents
Quarter 2
Explain how the Greeks knew that the Earth is spherical
Cite examples of astronomical phenomena known to astronomers before
the advent of telescopes
Explain how Brahe’s innovations and extensive collection of data in
observational astronomy paved the way for Kepler’s discovery of his laws of
planetary motion
Explain the subtle distinction between Newton’s 1st Law of Motion (or Law of
Inertia) and Galileo’s assertion that force is not necessary to sustain horizontal
Describe how the propagation of light, reflection, and refraction are
explained by the wave model and the particle model of light 4
Explain how the photon concept and the fact that the energy of a photon is
directly proportional to its frequency can be used to explain why red light is
used in photographic dark rooms, why we get easily sunburned in ultraviolet
light but not in visible light, and how we see colors
Cite experimental evidence showing that electrons can behave like waves
Differentiate dispersion, scattering, interference, and diffraction
Explain various light phenomena such as:
a. Your reflection on the concave and convex sides of a spoon looks
b. Mirages
c. Light from a red laser passes more easily though red cellophane
than green cellophane
d. Clothing of certain colors appear different in artificial light and in
e. Haloes, sundogs, primary rainbows, secondary rainbows, and
supernumerary bows
f. Why clouds are usually white and rainclouds dark
g. Why the sky is blue and sunsets are reddish
Describe how Hertz produced radio pulses 4
Page 312 of 349

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Explain how special relativity resolved the conflict between Newtonian
mechanics and Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory
Explain the consequences of the postulates of Special Relativity (e.g.,
relativity of simultaneity, time dilation, length contraction, mass-energy
equivalence, and cosmic speed limit)
Explain the consequences of the postulates of General Relativity (e.g.,
correct predictions of shifts in the orbit of Mercury, gravitational bending of
light, and black holes)
Explain how the speeds and distances of far-off objects are estimated (e.g.,
doppler effect and cosmic distance ladder)
Explain how we know that we live in an expanding universe, which used to
be hot and is approximately 14 billion years old
Page 313 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 1
represents real-life situations using functions, including piece-wise functions.
evaluates a function.
performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and composition of 4
solves problems involving functions.
represents real-life situations using rational functions.
distinguishes rational function, rational equation, and rational inequality.
solves rational equations and inequalities.
represents a rational function through its: (a) table of values, (b) graph, and
(c) equation.
finds the domain and range of a rational function.
determines the: (a) intercepts; (b) zeroes; and (c) asymptotes of rational
functions 4
solves problems involving rational functions, equations, and inequalities.
represents real-life situations using one-to one functions.
determines the inverse of a one-to-one function.
represents an inverse function through its: (a) table of values, and (b) graph.
finds the domain and range of an inverse function.
solves problems involving inverse functions.
represents real-life situations using exponential functions.
distinguishes between exponential function, exponential equation, and
exponential inequality.
solves exponential equations and inequalities.
represents an exponential function through its: (a) table of values, (b) graph,
and (c) equation.
finds the domain and range of an exponential function.
determines the intercepts, zeroes, and asymptotes of an exponential function.
solves problems involving exponential functions, equations, and inequalities.
represents real-life situations using logarithmic functions.
distinguishes logarithmic function, logarithmic equation, and logarithmic
solves logarithmic equations and inequalities.
represents a logarithmic function through its: (a) table of values, (b) graph,
and (c) equation.
finds the domain and range of a logarithmic function. 4
determines the intercepts, zeroes, and asymptotes of logarithmic functions.
solves problems involving logarithmic functions, equations, and inequalities.
Quarter 2
illustrates simple and compound interests.
distinguishes between simple and compound interests.
computes interest, maturity value, future value, and present value in simple 4
interest and compound interest environment.
solves problems involving simple and compound interests.
illustrates simple and general annuities.
distinguishes between simple and general annuities.
finds the future value and present value of both simple annuities and general
annuities. 8
calculates the fair market value of a cash flow stream that includes an
calculates the present value and period of deferral of a deferred annuity.
illustrate stocks and bonds.
distinguishes between stocks and bonds.
describes the different markets for stocks and bonds.
analyzes the different market indices for stocks and bonds.
illustrates business and consumer loans.
distinguishes between business and consumer loans.
Page 314 of 349

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
solves problems involving business and consumer loans (amortization,
illustrates and symbolizes propositions.
distinguishes between simple and compound propositions. 4
performs the different types of operations on propositions.
determines the truth values of propositions.
illustrates the different forms of conditional propositions.
illustrates different types of tautologies and fallacies.
determines the validity of categorical syllogisms.
establishes the validity and falsity of real-life arguments using logical
propositions, syllogisms, and fallacies.
Page 315 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 3
illustrates a random variable (discrete and continuous).
distinguishes between a discrete and a continuous random variable.
finds the possible values of a random variable.
illustrates a probability distribution for a discrete random variable and its
computes probabilities corresponding to a given random variable.
illustrates the mean and variance of a discrete random variable.
calculates the mean and the variance of a discrete random variable.
interprets the mean and the variance of a discrete random variable.
solves problems involving mean and variance of probability distributions. 4
illustrates a normal random variable and its characteristics.
identifies regions under the normal curve corresponding to different standard
normal values.
converts a normal random variable to a standard normal variable and vice 4
computes probabilities and percentiles using the standard normal table.
illustrates random sampling.
distinguishes between parameter and statistic. 4
identifies sampling distributions of statistics (sample mean).
finds the mean and variance of the sampling distribution of the sample
defines the sampling distribution of the sample mean for normal population
when the variance is: (a) known; (b) unknown
illustrates the Central Limit Theorem.
defines the sampling distribution of the sample mean using the Central Limit
solves problems involving sampling distributions of the sample mean.
illustrates the t-distribution.
identifies percentiles using the t-table.
identifies the length of a confidence interval.
computes for the length of the confidence interval.
computes for an appropriate sample size using the length of the interval.
solves problems involving sample size determination.
Quarter 4
illustrates: (a) null hypothesis; (b) alternative hypothesis; (c) level of
significance; (d) rejection region; and (e) types of errors in hypothesis testing.
identifies the parameter to be tested given a real-life problem. 4
formulates the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a population
identifies the appropriate form of the test-statistic when: (a) the population
variance is assumed to be known; (b) the population variance is assumed to
be unknown; and (c) the Central Limit Theorem is to be used.
identifies the appropriate rejection region for a given level of significance 4
when: (a) the population variance is assumed to be known; (b) the
population variance is assumed to be unknown; and (c) the Central Limit
Theorem is to be used.
computes for the test-statistic value (population mean).
draws conclusion about the population mean based on the test-statistic 4
value and the rejection region.
solves problems involving test of hypothesis on the population mean.
formulates the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a population
identifies the appropriate form of the test-statistic when the Central Limit
Theorem is to be used.
identifies the appropriate rejection region for a given level of significance
when the Central Limit Theorem is to be used.
computes for the test-statistic value (population proportion).
Page 316 of 349

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
draws conclusion about the population proportion based on the test-statistic
value and the rejection region.
solves problems involving test of hypothesis on the population proportion.
illustrates the nature of bivariate data.
constructs a scatter plot. 4
describes shape (form), trend (direction), and variation (strength) based on a
scatter plot.
calculates the Pearson’s sample correlation coefficient.
solves problems involving correlation analysis.
identifies the independent and dependent variables.
calculates the slope and y-intercept of the regression line. 4
interprets the calculated slope and y-intercept of the regression line.
predicts the value of the dependent variable given the value of the
independent variable. 4
solves problems involving regression analysis.
Page 317 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 1
Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view
Nakikilala ang pagkakaiba ng pangkabuuang pananaw mula sa pananaw
ng mga bahagi lamang
Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on
Nahihinuha na: Mahalaga ang pamimilosopiya upang magkaroon ng 8
malawakang pananaw sa buhay.
Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic
Nakapagmumuni-muni sa isang suliranin sa isang pilosopikong paraan at
nakagagawa ng pamimiloosopiya sa buhay
Distinguish opinion from truth
Nakikilala ang pagkakaiba ng katotohanan sa opinyon
Realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth
Nahihinuha na patungo sa katotohanan ang mga pamamaraan ng
pamimilosopiya 8
Evaluate truth from opinions in different situations using the methods of
Natataya ang katotohanan at opinyon sa iba’t ibang sitwasyon gamit ang
pamamaraan ng pamimilosopiya
Recognize how the human body imposes limits and possibilities for
Nakikilala na: Binibigyan ako ng hangganan at posibilidad ng aking
katawan 8
Evaluate own limitations and the possibilities for their transcendence
Natataya ang mga pagkakatakda (hangganan) at pagsasaibayo
(posibilidad) ng sarili
Notice things that are not in their proper place and organize them in an
aesthetic way
Napapansin ang mga bagay na wala sa wastong lugar at naisasaayos ito
nang ayon sa kagandahan
Show that care for the environment contributes to health, well-being and
sustainable development 8
Napatutunayan na ang pagkalinga sa kapaligiran ay nakatutulong sa
pagkamit ng kalusugan, kagalingan, at likas-kayang kaunlaran
Demonstrate the virtues of prudence and frugality towards environments
Naipamamalas ang pagiging masinop sa pakikibagay sa kanyang mga
kapwa nilalang at sa kapaligiran
Quarter 2
Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices
Natatasa kung siya ay maingat sa pagpapasya o hindi
Realize that:
a. Choices have consequences.
b. Some things are given up while others are obtained in making
Nakikilala na: 8
a. May kahihinatnan ang bawat pagpili.
b. May binibitawan at may makukuha sa bawat pagpili.
Show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequences
of their choices
Nakapaglalahad ng mga sitwasyon kung saan naipakikita ang pagpili at
kahihinatnan ng mga ito bawat pagpili.
Realize that intersubjectivity requires accepting differences and not imposing
on others
Nakikilala na ang pakikipagkapwa-tao ay ang pagtanggap sa pagkakaiba
ng kapwa at hindi pagpataw ng sarili
Page 318 of 349

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Explain that authentic dialogue means accepting others even if they are
different from themselves
Nakapagpapaliwanag na ang tunay na diyalogo ay ang pagtanggap sa
kapwa bilang kapwa kahit na siya ay iba sa akin
Performs activities that demonstrate an appreciation for the talents of
persons with disabilities and those from the underprivileged sectors of society
Nakapagsasagawa ng isang gawain na nagpapamalas ng mga talento ng
mga may kapansanan at kapus-palad
Recognize how individuals form societies and how individuals are
transformed by societies
Nakikilala kung paano nahuhubog ng tao ang lipunan at kung paano
nahuhubog ng lipunan ang tao
Compare different forms of societies and individualities (eg. Agrarian,
industrial and virtual) 8
Nakapaghahambing ng iba’t ibang uri ng lipunan (hal. agraryo, industriyal
at birtwal)
Explain how human relations are transformed by social systems
Nakapagpapaliwanang na nagbabago ang mga ugnayan ng tao dahil sa
sistema ng lipunan na kinabibilangan niya
Enumerate the objectives he/she really wants to achieve and to define the
projects he/she really wants to do in his/her life
Nakapagtatala ng mga bagay na tunay na gusto niyang gawin (Ano ang
gusto niyang maging?)
Reflect on the meaning of his/her own life 8

Nakapagsusulat ng pagninilay tungkol sa kahulugan ng kanyang buhay sa

konteksto ng tao bilang tumutungo sa kamatayan (Saan hahantong ang
lahat ng ito?)
Page 319 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 1
explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his/her strengths
and limitations and dealing with others better
share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and experiences
discuss the relationship among physiological, cognitive, psychological,
spiritual, and social development
evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
show the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in actual
life situations
Discuss developmental tasks and challenges being experienced during
Evaluate one’s development through the help of significant people around
him/her ( peers, parents, siblings, friends, teachers, community leaders)
Identify ways that help one become capable and responsible adolescent
prepared for adult life
Discuss understanding of mental health and psychological well-being to
identify ways to cope with stress during adolescence
Identify causes and effects of stress in one’s life
Demonstrate personal ways to cope with stress and maintain mental health
Discuss that understanding the different parts of the brain, processes and
functions may help in improving thoughts, behaviour and feelings.
Explore ways on how to improve brain functions for personal development
Develop a personal plan to enhance brain functions
discuss that understanding the intensity and differentiation of emotions may
help in communicating emotional expressions
explore one’s positive and negative emotions and how one expresses or 4
hides them
demonstrate and create ways to manage various emotions
discuss an understanding of teen-age relationships, including the
acceptable and unacceptable expressions of attractions
express his/her ways of showing attraction, love, and commitment
identify ways to become responsible in a relationship
distinguish the various roles of different individuals in society and how they
can influence people through their leadership or followership
compare one’s perception of himself/herself and how others see him/her 4
conduct a mini-survey on Filipino relationships (family, school, and
appraise one’s family structure and the type of care he/she gives and
receives, which may help in understanding himself/herself better
make a genogram and trace certain physical, personality, or behavioral
attributes through generations
prepare a plan on how to make the family members firmer and gentler with
each other
Quarter 2
Explain that understanding different factors, career development concepts
and personal life goals influence career planning and decision-making.
Identify career options based on different factors, career development
concepts and personal life goals
Prepare a career plan based on the identified career options to attain
personal life’s goals
explain the factors in personal development that may guide him/her in
making important career decisions as adolescents
share insights that make him/her realize the importance of personal
development in making a career decision as adolescent 16
construct a creative visualization of his/her personal development through of
the various stages he/she went through, stressors, influences, and decision-
making points, and a personal profile analysis
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Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 1
Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives in/of anthropology, sociology and
political science*
Analyze the concept, aspects and changes in/of culture and society* 6
Explain the importance of cultural relativism in attaining cultural
Analyze the significance of cultural, social, political and economic
symbols and practices*
Explain the context, content, processes, and consequences of socialization* 6
Analyze the forms and functions of social organizations* 6
Quarter 2
Explain the forms and functions of state and non-state institutions* 4
Examine the functions and importance of education in the society* 6
Examine the concept, characteristics and forms of stratification systems using
sociological perspectives*
Explain government programs and initiatives in addressing social inequalities
e.g. local, national, global
Suggest ways to address social inequalities (local, national and global)* 6
Examine human responses to emerging challenges in contemporary societies* 6
*These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed most essential in the achievement of content and performance
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Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

Bilang ng
Markahan Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto (MELC)
Naiuugnay ang mga konseptong pangwika sa mga napakinggang
sitwasyong pangkomunikasyon sa radyo, talumpati, at mga panayam
Natutukoy ang mga kahulugan at kabuluhan ng mga konseptong
Naiuugnay ang mga konseptong pangwika sa mga napanood na
sitwasyong pang komunikasyon sa telebisyon (Halimbawa: Tonight with
Arnold Clavio, State of the Nation, Mareng Winnie,Word of the Lourd
Naiuugnay ang mga konseptong pangwika sa sariling kaalaman, pananaw,
at mga karanasan
Nagagamit ang kaalaman sa modernong teknolohiya (facebook, google,
at iba pa) sa pag-unawa sa mga konseptong pangwika
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang mga komunikatibong gamit ng wika sa lipunan
(Ayon kay M. A. K. Halliday)
Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang gamit ng wika sa lipunan sa pamamagitan ng
napanood na palabas sa telebisyon at pelikula (Halimbawa: Be Careful with
My Heart, Got to Believe, Ekstra, On The Job, Word of the
Naipaliliwanag nang pasalita ang gamit ng wika sa lipunan sa
pamamagitan ng mga pagbibigay halimbawa
Nagagamit ang mga cohesive device sa pagpapaliwanag at pagbibigay
halimbawa sa mga gamit ng wika sa lipunan
Nakapagsasaliksik ng mga halimbawang sitwasyon na nagpapakita ng
gamit ng wika sa lipunan
Nakapagbibigay ng opinyon o pananaw kaugnay sa mga napakinggang
pagtalakay sa wikang pambansa
Nasusuri ang mga pananaw ng iba’t ibang awtor sa isinulat na kasaysayan
ng wika
Natutukoy ang mga pinagdaanang pangyayari / kaganapan tungo sa
pagkabuo at pag-unlad ng Wikang Pambansa
Nakasusulat ng sanaysay na tumatalunton sa isang partikular na yugto ng
kasaysayan ng Wikang Pambansa
Natitiyak ang mga sanhi at bunga ng mga pangyayaring may kaugnayan
sa pag-unlad ng Wikang Pambansa
Nakagagawa ng isang sanaysay batay sa isang panayam tungkol sa
aspektong kultural o lingguwistiko ng napiling komunidad
Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang paggamit ng wika sa mga napakinggang
pahayag mula sa mga panayam at balita sa radyo at telebisyon
Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang paggamit ng wika sa nabasang pahayag mula
sa mga blog, social media posts at iba pa
Nasusuri at naisasaalang-alang ang mga lingguwistiko at kultural na
pagkakaiba-iba sa lipunang Pilipino sa mga pelikula at dulang napanood
Naipapaliwanag nang pasalita ang iba’t ibang dahilan, anyo, at
pamaraan ng paggamit ng wika sa iba’t ibang sitwasyon
Nakasusulat ng mga tekstong nagpapakita ng mga kalagayang pangwika
sa kulturang Pilipino
Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang register at barayti ng wika na ginagamit sa iba’t
ibang sitwasyon (Halimbawa: Medisina, Abogasya, Media, Social Media,
Enhinyerya, Negosyo, at iba pa) sa pamamagitan ng pagtatala ng mga
terminong ginamit sa mga larangang ito
Nakagagawa ng pag-aaral gamit ang social media sa pagsusuri at
pagsulat ng mga tekstong nagpapakita ng iba’t ibang sitwasyon ng 4
paggamit sa wika
Page 322 of 349

Bilang ng
Markahan Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto (MELC)
Natutukoy ang mga angkop na salita, pangungusap ayon sa konteksto ng
paksang napakinggan sa mga balita sa radyo at telebisyon
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang mga salitang ginamit sa talakayan
Napipili ang angkop na mga salita at paraan ng paggamit nito sa mga
usapan o talakayan batay sa kausap, pinag-uusapan, lugar, panahon,
layunin, at grupong kinabibilangan
Nahihinuha ang layunin ng isang kausap batay sa paggamit ng mga salita
at paraan ng pagsasalita
Nakabubuo ng mga kritikal na sanaysay ukol sa iba’t ibang paraan ng
paggamit ng wika ng iba’t ibang grupong sosyal at kultural sa Pilipinas
Nasusuri ang ilang pananaliksik na pumapaksa sa wika at kulturang Pilipino
Naiisa-isa ang mga hakbang sa pagbuo ng isang makabuluhang 4
Nagagamit ang angkop na mga salita at pangungusap upang mapag-
ugnay-ugnay ang mga ideya sa isang sulatin
Nakasusulat ng isang panimulang pananaliksik sa mga penomenang kultural
at panlipunan sa bansa
Page 323 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

Bilang ng
Markahan Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto (MELC)
Natutukoy ang paksang tinalakay sa iba’t ibang tekstong binasa
Natutukoy ang kahulugan at katangian ng mahahalagang salitang 4
ginamit ng iba’t ibang uri ng tekstong binasa
Naibabahagi ang katangian at kalikasan ng iba’t ibang tekstong binasa
Nakasusulat ng ilang halimbawa ng iba’t ibang uri ng teksto
Nagagamit ang cohesive device sa pagsulat ng sariling halimbawang
Nakakukuha ng angkop na datos upang mapaunlad ang sariling tekstong
Naiuugnay ang mga kaisipang nakapaloob sa binasang teksto sa sarili,
pamilya, komunidad, bansa, at daigdig
Naipaliliwanag ang mga kaisipang nakapaloob sa tekstong binasa 4
Nagagamit ang mabisang paraan ng pagpapahayag:
a. Kalinawan
b. Kaugnayan 4
c. Bisa
Sa reaksyong papel na isinulat
Nakasusulat ng mga reaksyong papel batay sa binasang teksto ayon sa
katangian at kabuluhan nito sa:
a. pamilya
b. komunidad
c. bansa
d. daigdig
Ikaapat na
Nasusuri ang ilang halimbawang pananaliksik sa Filipino batay sa layunin,
gamit, metodo, at etika sa pananaliksik
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang mga konseptong kaugnay ng pananaliksik
(Halimbawa: balangkas konseptwal, balangkas teoretikal, datos empirikal, 4
Naiisa-isa ang mga paraan at tamang proseso ng pagsulat ng isang
pananaliksik sa Filipino batay sa layunin, gamit, metodo, at etika ng 4
Nagagamit ang mga katwirang lohikal at ugnayan ng mga ideya sa
pagsulat ng isang pananaliksik
Nakabubuo ng isang maikling pananaliksik na napapanahon ang paksa 16
Page 324 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 3
Describe how communication is influenced by media and information
Identify the similarities and differences between and among media literacy,
information literacy, and technology literacy
Discuss responsible use of media and information
Explain how the evolution of media from traditional to new media shaped the
values and norms of people and society
Compare and contrast how one particular issue or news is presented through
the different types of media (print, broadcast, online)
Contrast indigenous media to the more common sources of information such
as library, internet, etc.
Present an issue in varied ways to disseminate information using the codes,
convention, and language of media
Cite practical situation when to apply knowledge in intellectual property,
copy right, and fair use guidelines
Create a campaign add to combat digital divide, addiction, and bullying 8
Quarter 4
Cite an example of an issue showing the power of media and information to
affect change 4
Describe the impact of massive open on-line
Discuss the implication of media and information to an individual and the
Describe the different dimensions of:
 text information and media
 visual information and media
 audio information and media 8
 motion information and media
 manipulative information and media
 multimedia information and media
Analyze how the different dimensions are formally and informally produced,
organized, and disseminated
Evaluate a creative multimedia form (living museum, electronic portfolio,
Produce a creative text-based, visual-based, audio-based, motion-based,
and manipulative-based presentation using design principle and elements
Page 325 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 1
Researches on various contemporary art forms, techniques and
performance practices
Describes various contemporary art forms and their practices from the
various regions
Explains Filipino artists’ roles and identify their contribution to contemporary
Analyzes contemporary art forms based on the elements and principles 4
Relates the significance of arts forms from the regions 4
Critiques available local materials and appropriate techniques used in
creating art
Explicates the use of available materials and the application of techniques 4
Quarter 2
Conceptualizes contemporary art based on techniques and performance
practices in their locality.
Applies artistic skills and techniques in the process of creation
Creates the intended final product using appropriate materials for the best 16
possible output
Incorporates contemporary characteristics to one’s creation with attention
to detail
Promotes arts from the regions 4
Page 326 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 1
Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF). status, barriers to physical activity
assessment participation and one’s diet
Sets Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) goals based on training principles to
achieve and/or maintain health-related fitness (HRF).
Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60
minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in- and out-of-school
Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate, rate of perceived
exertion and pacing associated with MVPAs to monitor and/or adjust
participation or effort. 4
Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypo-
and hyperthermia during MVPA participation
Quarter 2
Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and
Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and
Recognizes the value of optimizing one’s health through participation in
physical activity assessments
Organizes fitness event for a target health issue or concern 2
Quarter 3
Describes the role of physical activity assessments in managing one’s stress 2
Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to physical activity
assessment participation and one’s diet
Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF. 2
Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60
minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in- and out-of school
Quarter 4
Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypo-
and hyperthermia during MVPA participation
Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and
Organizes sports event for a target health issue or concern 3
Page 327 of 349


Subject Group : CORE SUBJECT

No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 1
Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF). status, barriers to physical activity
assessment participation and one’s diet
Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF 2
Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60
minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in- and out-of-school
Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate, rate of perceived
exertion and pacing associated with MVPAs to monitor and/or adjust 2
participation or effort
Quarter 2
Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion,
hypo- and hyperthermia during MVPA participation
Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and
Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and
Organizes fitness event for a target health issue or concern 2
Quarter 3
Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to physical activity
assessment participation and one’s diet
Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF 2
Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60
minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in- and out-of-school
Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate, rate of perceived
exertion and pacing associated with MVPAs to monitor and/or adjust 2
participation or effort
Quarter 4
Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion,
hypo- and hyperthermia during MVPA participation
Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and
Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and
Organizes fitness event for a target health issue or concern 2
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Page 329 of 349


The PIVOT 4A Budget of Work (BOW) for Senior High School – Applied Subjects
is a resource material in teaching SHS core subjects that contain and highlight the
most essential learning competencies (MELCs) as mapped from the K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum for Senior High School.

How to Use this BOW?

The PIVOT 4A BOW for SHS – Applied Subjects is composed of three (3) columns.
The first column is intended for the Quarter; the second one for the Most Essential
Learning Competencies (MELC); and the last one for the No. of Days Taught.

Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) No. of Days

(A) (B) (C)



In using the PIVOT 4A BOW for SHS – Applied Subjects, it is important to

understand the figure above marked by the following specifications:

A. Quarter
B. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
C. Number of Days Taught
D. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). These MELCs which were
identified by the Central Office may be of the same variant of the K to 12 LCs.
But in some cases, MELCs were produced by rephrasing or merging/fusing
some LCs from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide for SHS.

Further, teachers should:

 look for the grade level they are handling;

 check the MELC/s to be taught in a particular quarter and/or semester;
 take note that teachers, based from school planning and subject distribution,
may teach a particular subject either on first semester or second semester and
either on Grade 11 or Grade 12 while considering the subject pre-requisites and
 take note that the PIVOT 4A BOW presents the partition of MELCs in each
quarter but it does not mean that if this guide notes that Subject A be taught
in the first semester, the school cannot offer it on the second semester, i.e. this
guide identifies Empowerment Technologies as a subject for the first semester;
thus the MELCs are divided into Quarters 1 and 2; however, if the school plans
to offer this subject in the second semester; then, the MELCs will be
consequently adjusted to Quarters 3 and 4 accounting the same distribution of
MELCs per quarter;
 be guided that all SHS Applied Subjects shall be taught for 32 days (4-hour
sessions/week times 8 weeks/quarter) in a quarter; and
Page 330 of 349

 design their lessons on the MELC and/or clustered MELCs using the IDEA
instructional delivery process.

Page 331 of 349



No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 1
compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites, and
content to best achieve specific class objectives or address situational
challenges 4
apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in
the use of ICTs as it would relate to their specific professional tracks
use the Internet as a tool for credible research and information gathering to
best achieve specific class objectives or address situational
uses common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced
application techniques
creates an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate or
present data or information related to specific professional tracks
evaluate existing websites and online resources based on the principles of
layout, graphic, and visual message design.
use image manipulation techniques on existing images to change or enhance
their current state to communicate a message for a specific purpose
create an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate a
visual message in an online environment related to specific professional tracks
evaluate existing online creation tools, platforms and applications in
developing ICT content for specific professional tracks
apply web design principles and elements using online creation tools,
platforms, and applications to communicate a message for a specific
purpose in specific professional tracks
create an original or derivative ICT content using online creation tools,
platforms, and applications to effectively communicate messages related to
specific professional track
evaluate the quality, value, and appropriateness of peer’s existing or
previously developed ICT content in relation to the theme or intended
audience/ viewer of an ICT project
share and showcase existing or previously developed material in the form of a
collaboratively designed newsletter or blog site intended for a specific
audience or viewer
Quarter 2
explore the principles of interactivity and rich content in the context of Web
2.0 and the participation of the user in the online experience
share anecdotes of how he/she has used ICTs to be part of a social
movement, change, or cause to illustrate aspects of digital citizenship
identify a local or regional cause or issue for Social Change related to specific
professional tracks that can be addressed or tackled using an ICT Project for
Social Change
analyze how target or intended users and audiences are expected to respond
to the proposed ICT Project for Social Change on the basis of content, value,
and user experience
integrate rich multimedia content in design and development to best
enhance the user experience and deliver content of an ICT Project for Social
develop a working prototype of an ICT Project for Social Change
demonstrate how online ICT Projects for Social Change are uploaded,
managed, and promoted for maximum audience impact
generate a technical report interpreting data analytics, e.g. Google, 8
Facebook, or similar traffic data on the general aspects of search visibility,
reach, and virality
generate a report on the performance of their ICT Project for Social Change
on the basis of data gathered from available monitoring tools and evaluating 4
create a reflexive piece or output using an ICT tool, platform, or application of
choice on the learning experience undergone during the semester
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No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarters 1/3
Differentiates language used in academic texts from various disciplines 2
Uses knowledge of text structure to glean the information he/she needs
Uses various techniques in summarizing a variety of academic texts 4
States the thesis statement of an academic text
Outlines reading texts in various disciplines 4
Uses appropriate critical writing a critique such as formalism, feminism,
Writes an objective/balanced review or critique of a work of art, an
event or a program
Determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition,
explication and clarification
Compare and contrast various kinds of concept papers: Home
Economics; Agri. Fishery; I.A; ICT
Presents a novel concept or project with accompanying visuals/
graphic aids
Quarters 2/4
Gathers manifestoes and analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s
Defends a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments 4
supported by properly cited factual evidences
Writes various kinds of position papers 6
Determines the objectives and structures of various kinds of reports 2
Designs, tests and revises survey questionnaires*
Conducts surveys, experiments or observations* 8
Gathers information from surveys, experiments, or observations*
Summarizes findings and executes the report through narrative and
visual/graphic forms
Writes various reports 8
Page 333 of 349



No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarter 3
1.1 Implement the business plan;
1.2 Operate the business;
1.3 Sell the product/service to potential customers;
Quarter 4
1.4 Identify the reasons for keeping business records; 8
1.5 Perform key bookkeeping tasks; 8
1.6 Interpret financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash
flow projections, and summary of sales and cash receipts);
1.7 Prepare an income statement and a balance sheet; 8
Page 334 of 349



Bilang ng
Markahan Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto (MELC)
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang akademikong pagsulat
Nakikilala ang iba’t ibang akademikong sulatin ayon sa:
a. Layunin
b. Gamit
c. Katangian
d. Anyo
Nakapagsasagawa ng panimulang pananaliksik kaugnay ng kahulugan,
kalikasan, at katangian ng iba’t ibang anyo ng sulating akademiko
Nakakasusulat nang maayos na akadamikong sulatin
Nakasusunod sa istilo at teknikal na pangangailangan ng akademikong 12
Nakasusulat ng talumpati batay sa napakinggang halimbawa 8
Natutukoy ang mahahalagang impormasyon sa isang pulong upang
makabuo ng sintesis sa napag-usapan
Natutukoy ang katangian ng isang sulating akademiko
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mga terminong akademiko na may
kaugnayan sa piniling sulatin 12
Natitiyak ang mga elemento ng pinanood na programang
Nakasusulat ng organisado, malikhain, at kapani-paniwalang sulatin
Nakasusulat ng sulating batay sa maingat, wasto, at angkop na paggamit
ng wika
Nakabubuo ng sulating may batayang pananaliksik ayon sa
Naisasaalang-alang ang etika sa binubuong akademikong sulatin
Page 335 of 349



Bilang ng
Markahan Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto (MELC)
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang sulating pang-isport
Nakikilala ang iba’t ibang sulating pang-isports ayon sa:
a. Layunin
b. Gamit 12
c. Katangian
d. Anyo
e. Target na gagamit
Nakapagsasagawa ng panimulang pananaliksik kaugnay ng kahulugan,
kalikasan, at katangian ng iba’t ibang anyo ng sulating pang-isports
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mga terminong pang-isports na may
kaugnayan sa piniling sulatin 8
Naitatala ang mga panuto (rules) sa programang pang-isports
Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan, kalikasan, at proseso ng piniling anyo ng
sulating pang-isports
Nakasusulat ng sulating batay sa maingat, wasto at angkop na paggamit
ng wika
Nakapagsasaliksik ng datos kaugnay ng isusulat na piniling anyo ng sulating
Naisasaalang-alang ang etika sa binubuong sulating pang-isports 4
Page 336 of 349



Bilang ng
Markahan Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto (MELC)
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mga anyo ng sulatin sa sining at disenyo 3
Nakikilala ang iba’t ibang anyo ng sining at disenyo ayon sa:
a. Layunin
b. Gamit
c. Katangian
d. Anyo
e. Target na gagamit
Nakapagsasagawa ng panimulang pananaliksik kaugnay ng kahulugan,
kalikasan, at katangian ng iba’t ibang anyo ng sining at disenyo
Naipapaliwanag ang kahulugan ng pinakinggang halimbawa ng fliptop,
novelty songs, pick-up lines, atbp.
Nasusuri ang katangian ng mabisa at mahusay na sulatin batay sa binasang
mga halimbawang gaya ng iskrip, textula, blog, at islogan
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mga terminong teknikal na may kaugnayan sa
piniling sulat
Natutukoy ang mahahalagang elemento ng mahusay na sulating pansining
na pinanood na teleserye, dula, shadow play, puppet show, atbp
Nakasusulat ng sulating batay sa maingat, wasto, at angkop na paggamit
ng wika 12
Naisasaalang-alang ang etika sa binubuong sulatin sa sining at disenyo
Page 337 of 349



Bilang ng
Markahan Pinakamahalagang Kasanayang Pampagkatuto (MELC)
Nabibigyang-kahulugan ang teknikal at bokasyunal na sulatin
Nakikilala ang iba’t ibang teknikal-bokasyunal na sulatin ayon sa:
a. Layunin
b. Gamit 12
c. Katangian
d. Anyo
e. Target na gagamit
Nakapagsasagawa ng panimulang pananaliksik kaugnay ng kahulugan,
kalikasan, at katangian ng iba’t ibang anyo ng sulating teknikal- bokasyunal
Naiisa-isa ang mga hakbang sa pagsasagawa ng mga binasang
halimbawang sulating teknikal- bokasyunal
Naililista ang mga katawagang teknikal kaugnay ng piniling anyo 4
Naipapaliwanag sa paraang sistematiko at malinaw ang piniling anyo sa
pamamagitan ng paggamit ng angkop na mga termino
Nakasusulat ng sulating batay sa maingat, wasto, at angkop na paggamit
ng wika 16
Naisasaalang-alang ang etika sa binubuong tenikal-bokasyunal na sulatin
Page 338 of 349



No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarters 1/3
shares research experiences and knowledge
explains the importance of research in daily life
describes characteristics, processes, and ethics of research
differentiates quantitative from qualitative research
provide examples of research in areas of interest
describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of qualitative
Illustrates the importance of qualitative research across fields
designs a research project related to daily life
writes a research title
provides the justifications/reasons for conducting the research
states research question 8
indicates scope and delimitation of research
cites benefits and beneficiaries of research
presents written statement of the problem
selects relevant literature
cites related literature using standard style
synthesizes information from relevant literature
writes coherent review of literature
follows ethical standards in writing related literature
presents written review of literature
Quarters 2/4
chooses appropriate qualitative research design
describes sampling procedure and sample
plans data collection, data gathering instrument, and analysis
procedures 8
presents written research methodology
collects data through observation and interviews
infers and explain patterns and themes from data 8
related the findings with pertinent literature
draws conclusions from patterns and themes
formulates recommendations based on conclusions 8
lists references
Page 339 of 349



No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarters 1/2
Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative
Illustrates the importance of quantitative research across fields
Differentiates kinds of variables and their uses
Designs a research used in daily life
Writes a research title 6
Describes background of research
States research questions
Indicates scope and delimitation of study 6
Presents written statement of the problem
Illustrates and explain the conceptual framework
Defines terms used in study
Lists research hypothesis (if appropriate)
Presents written review of related literature and conceptual framework
Quarters 3/4
Chooses appropriate quantitative research design
Describes sampling procedure and sample 4
Constructs an instrument and establishes its validity and reliability
Describes intervention (if applicable)
Plans data collection procedure 4
Plans data analysis using statistics and hypothesis testing (if appropriate)
Presents written research methodology 8
Collects data using appropriate instruments
Presents and interprets data in tabular or graphical forms
Uses statistical techniques to analyze data – study of differences and
relationships limited for bivariate analysis
Draws conclusions from research findings
Formulates recommendations
Page 340 of 349



No. of Days
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
Quarters 1
prepares a plan and a focus on issues and ideas in their respective field 4
formulates clearly the statement of research problem 4
selects, cites and synthesizes related literature uses sources according to
ethical standards (atleast 4-6 local and international sources)
describes adequately research design (either quantitative or qualitative),
data gathering instrument, sample, data collection and analysis 12
procedures, prepares data gathering instrument
Quarters 2
gathers and analyzes data with intellectual honesty using suitable
 forms logical conclusions
 makes recommendations based on conclusions 4
 writes clear report
 presents written research report
 revises written research report based on suggestions and
recommendations of panelists
 submits final written research report
Page 341 of 349
Page 342 of 349


Phase Features

Teachers shall utilize various strategies in presenting the learning

competency, purpose of the lesson and the desired learning
outcomes of the day, underscore previous experiences of the
learners, the core ideas and relevant examples.
He/She shall maximize this part on making the learners aware of
their own knowledge on the contents and skills required for the

Teachers shall present activities, tasks and contents of value and

interests to the learners needs and styles. These activities and
tasks must simply and directly revolve around the core contents
and skills of the learning competency.
He/She shall introduce scaffolding activities to support the
learning process of all learners, maximize the time so that
learners can determine how far they can go, build and master
the content and skills required in the learning competency.

Teachers shall allow learners to be engaged in various tasks and

opportunities that shall build their KSAs for them to meaningfully
connect their learnings using varied, relevant and up to date
teaching and learning resources or support instructional
He/She shall expose learners to real life situations that will
heighten their interest to meet the expectations, make their
performance satisfactory and present or produce an output or

Teachers shall bring the learners to a process where they can

develop ideas or interpretations, refine their mindset or values
and create pieces of information that will form part of learners’
knowledge in reflecting, relating or using it effectively in any
A situation or context.

He/She shall encourage learners to create conceptual

structures which shall give them the avenue to integrate and
adapt new and old learnings.
Page 343 of 349
Page 344 of 349

A. PIVOT 4A Lesson Exemplar Format for Kindergarten

School Grade Level

Teacher Learning Area
Teaching Date and Time Quarter

Indicate the following Learning
Competency Code:
Developmental Domain(s)
Content Standards
Performance Standards
Learning Competency Code
Developmental Domain(s)
Content Standards
Performance Standards
Learning Competency Code
Developmental Domain(s)
Content Standards
Performance Standards
Learning Competency Code
Developmental Domain(s)
Content Standards
Performance Standards
Learning Competency Code
Developmental Domain(s)
Content Standards
Performance Standards
Learning Competency Code
Developmental Domain(s)
Content Standards
Performance Standards
Learning Competency Code
Developmental Domain(s)
Content Standards
Performance Standards
Learning Competency Code
Developmental Domain(s)
Content Standards
Performance Standards
Learning Competency Code
Page 345 of 349

B. PIVOT 4A Lesson Exemplar Format for Grades 1-10

School Grade Level

Teacher Learning Area
Teaching Date and Time Quarter

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies or
D. Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC)
(If available, write the indicated MELC)
E. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the attached enabling
F. Enrichment Competencies
(If available, write the attached enrichment



A. References

a. Teacher’s Guide Pages

b. Learner’s Material Pages

c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. List of Learning Resources for
Development and Engagement

A. Introduction

B. Development

C. Engagement

D. Assimilation
(Reflection on the Type of Formative Assessment
Used for This Particular Lesson)
Page 346 of 349

C. Pormat ng PIVOT 4A Lesson Exemplar para sa Baitang 1-10

Paaralan Baitang
Petsa at Oras Markahan

Lunes Martes Miyerkules Huwebes Biyernes


A. Pamantayang Pangnilalaman

B. Pamantayan sa Pagganap

C. Mga Kasanayan sa Pagkatuto

D. Pinakamahalagang Kasanayan
sa Pagkatuto (MELC)
(Kung mayroon, isulat ang
pinakamahalagang kasanayan sa pagkatuto
E. Pagpapaganang Kasanayan
(Kung mayroon, isulat ang pagpapaganang
F. Pagpapayamang Kasanayan
(Kung mayroon, isulat ang pagpapayamang



A. Mga Sanggunian
a. Mga Pahina sa Gabay ng
b. Mga Pahina sa Kagamitang
c. Mga Pahina sa Teksbuk
d. Karagdagang Kagamitan
mula sa Portal ng Learning
B. Listahan ng mga Kagamitang
Panturo para sa mga Gawain sa
Pagpapaunlad at

A. Panimula

B. Pagpapaunlad

C. Pakikipagpalihan

D. Paglalapat
(Pagninilay sa mga Uri ng Formative Assessment
na Ginamit sa Araling Ito)
Page 347 of 349

D. PIVOT 4A Lesson Exemplar Format for Senior High School

School Grade Level

Teacher Learning Area
Teaching Date and Time Quarter

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards
C. Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC)
(If available, write the indicated MELC)



A. References

e. Teacher’s Guide Pages

f. Learner’s Material Pages

g. Textbook Pages
h. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. List of Learning Resources for
Development and Engagement

E. Introduction

F. Development

G. Engagement

H. Assimilation
(Reflection on the Type of Formative Assessment
Used for This Particular Lesson)
Page 348 of 349

E. Pormat ng PIVOT 4A Lesson Exemplar para sa Senior High School

Paaralan Baitang
Petsa at Oras Markahan

Lunes Martes Miyerkules Huwebes Biyernes


A. Pamantayang Pangnilalaman

B. Pamantayan sa Pagganap
C. Pinakamahalagang Kasanayan
sa Pagkatuto (MELC)
(Kung mayroon, isulat ang
pinakamahalagang kasanayan sa pagkatuto



A. Mga Sanggunian
e. Mga Pahina sa Gabay ng
f. Mga Pahina sa Kagamitang
g. Mga Pahina sa Teksbuk
h. Karagdagang Kagamitan
mula sa Portal ng Learning
B. Listahan ng mga Kagamitang
Panturo para sa mga Gawain sa
Pagpapaunlad at

E. Panimula

F. Pagpapaunlad

G. Pakikipagpalihan

H. Paglalapat
(Pagninilay sa mga Uri ng Formative Assessment
na Ginamit sa Araling Ito)
Page 349 of 349


Curriculum and Learning Management Division
Gate 2 Karangalan Village, Cainta, Rizal

Project Director : WILFREDO E. CABRAL

Assistant Project Director : RUTH L. FUENTES
Project Lead : JOB S. ZAPE JR.


Regional Officials • Job S. Zape Jr. • Jhonathan S. Cadavido • Elaine T. Balaogan • Alona A. Encinares • Elena L. Lopez •
Jerome A. Chavez • Leonardo C. Cargullo • Pacita Q. Lungcay • Eugenio S. Adrao •Ferdinand Marquez • Faye Ong-

Kindergarten • Maria Fe C. Bautista • Enelyn T. Badillo • Merlita A. Sayago • Eliza P. Zaragoza • Michael A. Acuña • Elleden
Grace L. Denosta • Algie Bonite

Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) • Maria Dylin Garcia • Jonathan Bernabe • Zarina Llarena • Dalisay
Torres • Robina delos Reyes • Malou de Ramos • Maricel Cubio

Filipino • Arnaldo O. Estareja • Marlyn A. Cabrera • Joseph E. Jarasa • Leonora Medina • Pilita A. Villanueva • Jedie A.
Mendoza • Purificacion L. Aqquiz • Fernando Enriquez • Raquel L. Azur • Mercedita Villanueva

English • Erma Valenzuela • Cristina C. Salazar • Leila M. Seco • Ma. Glecita C. Columna • Luningning C. Tapales • Abner L.
Pureza • Nedia E. Lagustan • Liza Martell Almonte • Marlen B. Sancha • Marvin Umali • Rodel Briones • Bernadette A. Alonzo-
Condes • Reicon C. Condes

Mathematics • Eduarda M. Zapanta • Ryan V. Castillo • Elizabeth R. Tolentino • Adelia H. Pacia • Mirza J. Linga • Florina C.
Federico • Marlon S. Marquez • Mila N. Ramirez • Odessa B. Manguiat • Yolanda M. Villadiego

Science • Ma. Leonora M. Natividad • Riza Soberano • Rodella Vista • Jocelyn Manzet • Aileen Vocal • Rowena Cabanding
• Antonio Faustino • Ma. Carmela Ezcel A. Orogo • Helen Gutierrez • Rosziel S. Rosales

Araling Panlipunan • Ricardo Makabenta • Lucia F. Pagalanan • Yolanda DC Lumanog • Editha Malihan • Danilo M. Mutia
• Concepcion G. Veluz • Julie Acosta • Rodel Q. Amita • Alfred James A. Ellar • Jean D. San Juan • Rizaldy R. Cristo

Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH) • Chereyna Guantia • Angela Morando • Judith Clemente • Marciano
Valles • Marianne Velasco • Melinda Calumaya • Arjay Buhain • Celeste Peria • Christopher Palacio • Carlito Ojacastro

Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) • Ana Reblora • Nida C. Tagalag • Edith Olan • Philip Cruz • Darwin Bargo • Josephine
M. Monzaga • Rod Rodriguez Jr. • Cesar Chester Relieve • Georgenia Jepa • Rizal Vidallo

Technology and Livelihood Education • Virgilio O. Guevarra Jr. • Edwina C. Nabo • Grace C. Endaya • Lani A. Alonte • Erlito
B. Orlinga • Ramy R. Dalida • Herman Catapang • Alberto M. Laroza • Louie L. Fulledo • Janelet E. Fuentes • Yolanda S. Oliver
• Carmen H. Macatugob

Learning Resources • Noel S. Ortega • Wenifreda S. Diquit • Emily R. Quintos • Irene G. Dela Cruz • Gina D. Minardo • Helen
B. Mendoza • Anna Marie S. Aranzanzo • Priscilla V. Salo • Jackie Lou A. Almira

Infographics and Cover Designs • Melanie Mae N. Moreno • Levin R. Pabriaga

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