Hydro Dyanamic Lubrication

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Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.






2.1 Petroff’s equation for bearing friction

2.2 Analysis Problem 1
2.3 Hydrodynamic lubrication of Journal bearings - theory
2.4 Design charts for Hydrodynamic lubricated journal bearings
2.5 Analysis Problem 2


In 1883, Petroff published his work on bearing friction based on simplified

a. No eccentricity between bearings and journal and hence there is no “Wedging
action” as in Fig.2.1.
b. Oil film is unable to support load.
c. No lubricant flow in the axial direction.

Fig. 2.1 Unloaded Journal bearing

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

With reference to Fig.2.1, an expression for viscous friction drag torque is derived
by considering the entire cylindrical oil film as the “liquid block” acted upon by
force F.
From Newton’s law of Viscosity:

F=μ (2.1)

Fig. 2.2 Laminar flow of fluid in clearance space

Where F = friction torque/shaft radius = 2 T f / d

A= π d l
U = π d n (Where n is in rps d is in m)
h = c (Where c = radial clearance = 0.5(D-d))
r = d /2
Substituting and solving for friction torque:

4 π 2 μnlr 3
Tf  (2.2)

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

If a small radial load W is applied to the shaft, Then the frictional drag force f w
and the friction

Torque will be:

Tf = f w = 0.5 f (d l p) d (2. 3)

Equating eon. (2.2) and (2.3) and simplifying, we get

 μn   r 
f 2π 2   (2.4)
 p  c 

Where r = 0.5 d and u is Pa.

This is known as Petroff’s equation for bearing friction. It gives reasonable
estimate of co-efficient of friction of lightly loaded bearings.
The first quantity in the bracket stands for bearing modulus and second one
stands for clearance ratio. Both are dimensionless parameters of the bearing.
Clearance ratio normally ranges from 500 to 1000 in bearings.


A machine journal bearing has a journal diameter of 150 mm and length of 120
mm. The bearing diameter is 150.24 mm. It is operating with SAE 40 oil at 65oC.
The shaft is carrying a load of 8 kN and rotates at 960 rpm. Estimate the bearing
coefficient of friction and power loss using Petroff’s equation.

Data: d = 0.15m; D =0.15024m; l = 0.12 m; F=8kN;

SAE 40 oil To = 65oC; n = 960/60 = 16 rps.
Q 1, f =? , Nloss =?


r = 0.5d = 0.5 x 0.15 = 0.075 m

c = (D-d) /2 = 0.00012 m
p = F/dl = 8000/ 150x 120 = 0.44 MPa= 44X104 Pa

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Viscosity of SAE 40 at 65oC, μ = 30 mPa.s = 30x10-3 Ns/m2

(a) f  2π 2  μn   r   2π 2  30 x10 x16   0.075 
 4   0.00012   0.0134
 p  c   44x10  

Fig.2.3a Viscosity – temperature curves of SAE graded oils

(b) Friction Torque Tf = f F r = 0.0134 x 8000 x 0.075 = 8.067 Nm

ω = 2πn /60 = 2 x 3.14 x 960 / 60 = 100.48 rad/s

Power loss: Nloss = Tf ω = 8.067 x 100.48 = 811 W

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram


Beauchamp Tower’s exposition of hydrodynamic behavior of journal bearings in

1880s and his observations drew the attention of Osborne Reynolds to carryout
theoretical analysis. This has resulted in a fundamental equation for
hydrodynamic lubrication. This has provided a strong foundation and basis for
the design of hydro-dynamic lubricated bearings.

In his theoretical analysis, Reynolds made the following assumptions:

a) The fluid is Newtonian.

b) The fluid is incompressible.
c) The viscosity is constant throughout the film.
d) The pressure does not vary in the axial direction.
e) The bearing and journal extend infinitely in the z direction. i.e., no lubricant
flow in the z direction.
f) The film pressure is constant in the y direction. Thus the pressure depends
on the x coordinate only.
g) The velocity of particle of lubricant in the film depends only on the coordinates
x and y.
h) The effect of inertial and gravitational force is neglected.
i) The fluid experience laminar flow.

2.3.1 Reynolds’ Equation

As shown in Fig.2.4, the Forces acting on a fluid element of height dy, width dx,
velocity u, and top to bottom velocity gradient du is considered.

For the equilibrium of forces in the x direction acting on the fluid element acting
on the fluid element shown in Fig. 2.5
dp 
-pdydz  dxdz  (p  dx)dydz - (  dy)dxdz  0  2.5 
dx y

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Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Fig.2.4 Pressure and viscous forces acting on an

element of lubricant. Only X components are shown

dp 
which reduces to  (2.6)
dx y

The equation for absolute viscosity is given as

µ = F h /(A U) (2.7)

In eqn. (7) is the shear stress.

 (2.8)
In eqn. (2.7) F is the shear stress.
where the partial derivatives is used since the velocity u depends upon both x
and y. Substituting eqn (8) in (6), we get

dp  2u
 2 (2.9)
dx y

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Fig.2.5 Pressure and viscous forces acting on an

element of lubricant. Only X components are shown

 2u 1 dp
Rearranging the terms, we get  (2.10)
y2  dx

Holding x constant and integrating twice with respect to y gives

u 1  dp 
  y  C1  (2.11 )
y   dx 

1  dp y2 
u   C1y  C2  ( 2.12 )
  dx 2 

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

The assumption of no slip between the lubricants and the boundary surfaces
gives boundary conditions enabling C1 and C2 to be evaluated:
u=0 at y=0, u=U at y=h

U h dp 2 U
C1  
h 2 dx

y  hy  y
 (2.13)

and C2 =0 (2.14)

Substituting the values of C1 and C2 in Equation (2.12)

we get, 1 dp 2 U
2  dx
 y  h y  y

Fig. 2.6 Velocity distribution in the oil film

Velocity Distribution of the Lubricant Film shown in Fig.2.6 consists of two terms
on the right hand side.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

1 dp 2 U
2 dx
 y  hy   y

Parabolic Linear – Dashed

Fig. 2.7 Velocity gradient in the oil film

At the section when pressure is a maximum and the velocity gradient is linear.


Let the volume of lubricant per-unit time flowing across the section containing the
element in Fig. 2.6 be Qf. For unit width in the Z direction,

Uh h3 dp
Q f   udy   (2.16 )
2 12  dx

For an in-compressible liquid, the flow rate must be the same for all cross
sections, which means that

dQ f
0 (2.17)

Differentiating equation (2.16) with respect to x and equating to zero,

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

dQ f U dh d  h3 dp 
   0 (2.18)
dx 2 dx dx  12 dx 

d  h3 dp  dh
   6U (2.19)
dx   dx  dx

This is the classical Reynolds’ equation for one dimensional flow. This is valid for
long bearings.

In short bearings, flow in the Z direction or end leakage has to be taken into
account. A similar development gives the Reynolds’ Equation for two dimensional

d  h3 dp  d  h3 dp  dh
      6U (2.20)
dx   dx  dz   dz  dx

Modern bearings are short and (l / d) ratio is in the range 0.25 to 0.75. This
causes flow in the z direction (the end leakage) to a large extent of the total flow.

For short bearings, Ockvirk has neglected the x terms and simplified the
Reynolds’ equation as:

d  h3 dp  dh
   6U ((2.21)
dz   dz  dx

Unlike previous equations (2.19) and (2. 20), equation (2. 21) can be readily
integrated and used for design and analysis purpose. The procedure is known as
Ocvirk’s short bearing approximation.


Solutions to eqn.2.19 were developed in first decade of 20th century and were
applicable for long bearings and give reasonably good results for bearings with

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

(l / d) ratios more than 1.5. Ocvirk’s short bearing approximation on the other
hand gives accurate results for bearings with (l /d) ratio up to 0.25 and often
provides reasonable results for bearings with (l / d) ratios between 0.25 and 0.75.

Raimondi and Boyd have obtained computerized solutions for Reynolds

eqn. (2.20) and reduced them to chart form which provide accurate solutions for
bearings of all proportions. Selected charts are shown in Figs. 2.8 to 2.15.
All these charts are plots of non-dimensional bearing parameters as functions of
the bearing characteristic number, or the Sommerfeld variable S which itself is a
dimensionless parameter.

Fig.2.8 Chart for minimum film thickness variable and eccentricity ratio.
The left shaded zone defines the optimum ho for minimum friction; the right
boundary is the optimum ho for maximum load

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Fig.2.9 Chart for determining the position of the minimum film thickness ho
for location refer Fig.2.10

Fig.2.10 Stable hydrodynamic lubrication

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Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Fig. 2.11 Chart for coefficient of friction variable.

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Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Fig. 2.12 Chart for flow variable.

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Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Fig.2.13 Chart for determining the ratio of side flow to total flow.

Fig. 2.14 Chart for determining the maximum film pressure.

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Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Fig. 2.15 Chart for finding the terminating position of oil film and position of
maximum film pressure


A journal of a stationary oil engine is 80 mm in diameter. and 40 mm long. The

radial clearance is 0.060mm. It supports a load of 9 kN when the shaft is rotating
at 3600 rpm. The bearing is lubricated with SAE 40oil supplied at atmospheric
pressure and average operating temperature is about 65oC. Using Raimondi-
Boyd charts analyze the bearing assuming that it is working under steady state

Data: d = 80 mm; l =40 mm; c = 0.06 mm; F = 9kN;

n = 3600rpm = 60 rps; SAE 40 oil; To = 65OC;

1. p= F / ld = 9 x1000 /40 x 80 = 2.813 MPa

2. μ = 30 cP at 65oC for SAE 40 oil from Fig. 2.3a.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

2 2
 r   n   40   30x10 x 60 

3. S      6 
 0.284
 c   p   0.06   2.813 x 10 

4. For S = 0.284 and l/d = ½, ho /c = 0.38 and

ε = e /c = 0.62 from Fig.6.
ho = 0.38xc = 0.382x 0.06=0.023mm = 23µm
e = 0.62 x c = 0.62 x 0.06 = 0.037 mm

Fig.2.3a Viscosity – temperature curves of SAE graded oils

5. (r /c) f = 7.5, for S = 0.284 for l /d = ½ from Fig.2.11a.

f = 7.5 x (c / r) = 7.5x (0.06/40) = 0.0113

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Fig.2.8a Chart for minimum film thickness variable and eccentricity ratio.
The left shaded zone defines the optimum ho for minimum friction; the right
boundary is the optimum ho for maximum load

Fig. 2.11a Chart for coefficient of friction variable

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Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Fig.2.9a Chart for determining the position of minimum film thickness ho

6. Φ = 46o, for S = 0.284 for l /d = ½ from Fig.2.9a.

7. (Q / r c n l) = 4.9, for S = 0.284 for l /d = ½ from Fig.2.12a.

Q = 4.9 r c n l = 4.9 x 0.04 x 0.00006 x 60 x 0.04
= 2.82x10-5 m3/s = 28.2 cm3 /s

8. (Qs /Q) = 0.75, for S = 0.284 for l /d = ½ from Fig.2.13a.

Qs = 0.75 Q = 0.75 x 28.2 = 21.2 cm3 /s

9. (p / p max) = 0.36, for S = 0.284 for l /d = ½ from Fig.2.14a.

puma = p /0.36 = 2.813 / 0.36 = 7.8 MPa

10. θpox = 61.5o and θpuma = 17.5o, for S = 0.284 for l /d = ½ from Fig.2.15a.

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Fig. 2.12a Chart for flow variable

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Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Fig.2.13a Chart for determining the ratio of side flow to total flow

Fig. 2.14a Chart for determining the maximum film pressure

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Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram

Fig. 2.15a Chart for finding the terminating position of oil film and position
of maximum film pressure

Fig.2.10a Stable hydrodynamic lubrication


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