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Ansys Expt-1

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AIM : To analyse the following beam for (i) reactions at the supports (ii) drawing deflection curve and (iii)
drawing shear force and bending moment diagrams
40KN 65KN/m 20KN

0.9m 1.6m 3m 0.6m

The breadth and depth of the cross section are 30 cm and 45 cm . The modulus of elasticity is 2 x 10 6 N/cm2
1. File - Change job name – Enter Structural Analysis – 1 for job name
2. File - Change title - Enter Analysis of continuous beam with over hang for title
3. Preferences - Structural
4. To select element type :
Preprocessor - Element type - Add - Add - Beam - 2Delastic 3 -
5. Real constants :
Real constants - Add - Add - Ok - 1350 for area - 227812.5 for IZZ
- 45 for Height - OK - Close
6. Material Properties :
Material Props - Material Models - structural - linear - elastic -
isotropic - 2e6 for EX-
7. Create Key Points :
Modelling - create - key points - In Active CS - (0,0,0) - Apply -
(90,0,0) - Apply - (250,0,0) - Apply - (550,0,0) - Apply-(610,0,0) OK
8. Create Lines :
Modelling - create - lines - straight line - select key points 1 and 2 -
select key points 2 and 3 - select key points 3 and 4 ……. To create the lines
9. Element Length :
Meshing - size cntrls - manual size - lines - all llines - 10 for element edge
length - ok
10. Meshing :
Mesh - lines - pickall
11. Plot - lines
12. Plotctrls - numbering - line numbers - ok-ok
13. To Select a part of model as one entity and naming that entity :
Select - entities - lines - bynum/pick- ok - select the line on which pressure
is to be applied - ok
Plot - lines
Select - entities - elements - attached to - lines - ok
Select - comp/assembly - create component - Enter PRESSURE LINE for name -
elements for entitities made of - ok
Select - everything
Plot - key points - keypoints
Select - entities - nodes - attached to - keypoints - ok
Select - comp/assembly - create component - Enter FORCE POINTS for name -
nodes - ok
14. To apply pressure :
Select- comp/assembly- select comp/assembly - by component name - ok - Select
Loads- define loads - apply - structural - pressure on beams - pickall -
enter 650 - ok
Select - everything
15. To apply concentrated loads :
Select- comp/assembly- select comp/assembly - by component name - ok - Select FORCE
Plot - nodes
Loads- define loads - apply - structural - force - on nodes
Select the nodes - FY - -40000 - apply
Select the node - FY - -20000 - apply
16. To apply constraints :
Loads- define loads - apply - structural - displacement - on nodes -
select the node - apply - select ALL DOF - apply - select two nodes -
deselect ALL DOF and select UY - ok
17. Solving the Problem :
Solution - solve - current LS - ok
File - close
18. To draw the Deflection Curve :
General postproc - plot results - contour plot - nodal solu - dof solution - y
component of displacement - deformed shape with undeformed model - ok
19. To list the deflections at nodes :
List results - nodal solution - ycomp of displacement
At the bottom of the list , max deflection is given
20. To draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams:
Creating element table :
Element table - define table - add
User label for item Left list box Right box Text box
SFI By sequence numb SMISC SMISC,2
SFJ By sequence numb SMISC SMISC,8
BMI By sequence numb SMISC SMISC,6
BMJ By sequence numb SMISC SMISC,12
Ok - Close
Plot Results - contour plot-line elemres
For drawing shear force diagram select SFI,SFJ - ok
For drawing bending moment diagram select BMI,BMJ - ok
21. To get the reactions :
List Results - Reaction solu - All items
The support reactions are _______
The deflection curve is drawn and the maximum deflection is _____
The Shear force and bending moment diagrams are drawn.

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