Sustainability 08 00167 v2 PDF
Sustainability 08 00167 v2 PDF
Sustainability 08 00167 v2 PDF
Culture-Sustainability Relation: Towards a
Conceptual Framework
Katriina Soini 1,2, * and Joost Dessein 3,4,5
1 Center for Environment, University of Helsinki, P. O. Box 65, Viikinkaari 2A, Helsinki FI-00014, Finland
2 Natural Resources Institute, Latokartanonkaari 9, Helsinki FI-00790, Finland
3 Social Sciences Unit, Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries Research, Burg. van Gansberghelaan 115, box 2,
Merelbeke 9820, Belgium;
4 Centre for Sustainable Development, Ghent University, Poel 16, Gent 9000, Belgium
5 Department of Agricultural Economics, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, Gent 9000, Belgium
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +358-40-725-1891
Abstract: Several individual scholars and international organizations have attempted to conceptualize
“culture” in its different meanings in sustainability. Despite those efforts, a tangle of different
approaches are being used, reflecting the various disciplines and policy aims. In this paper we
propose an interdisciplinary framework for identifying the different roles of culture in sustainability
in an attempt to guide the research and policy activities in this complex field. The framework
is comprised of three representations defined by a literature review on “cultural sustainability”,
which are further explored through eight organizing dimensions that mark the similarities and
differences between the three representations. The article reveals that the three representations are
partly interlinked and that they also reveal gradients in the dynamics of the system, as well as in the
human/nature interface.
1. Introduction
Sustainability and culture have been widely discussed, but until now they have only seldom
been explicitly combined. Notions of “sustainability” and “sustainable development” persist in
policy and research despite of the criticism and the skepticism they have faced due to vagueness and
ambiguity since the term “sustainability” was first introduced. The new sustainable development
goals, recently introduced by United Nations, illustrate this well. “Culture” is also widely discussed
and debated across scientific disciplines and policy domains, and in the sustainability debate it is
gaining attention as an aspect of its own [1–6]. However, a recent analysis of the scientific discourses
on “cultural sustainability” [6] revealed that although “cultural sustainability” is used in a number
of meanings and contexts, there are only very few attempts to bring “culture” and “sustainability”
together in an analytical and systematic way. Culture is still often analyzed within or as part of social
sustainability [7–9]. However, we argue it is important and necessary to explicitly integrate culture
in sustainability discourse, as achieving sustainability goals essentially depends on human accounts,
actions, and behavior which are, in turn, culturally embedded.
In this paper we tackle the challenge to combine culture and sustainability in an analytical
framework. Conceptual frameworks aim to clarify and relate concepts in order to make them useful
tools in research through description or categorization [10]. Attempts to frame culture in sustainability
have appeared in policy documents [11,12] and in scholarly works [1,7,13–15]. However, most of
these texts, as well as some other work related to this theme, have a specific thematic scope, such
as cultural planning [15], arts [4], heritage [16], changes in values [17], or cultural industries [18].
Culture is also often explicated via the anthropological method of intensive case studies, which
has yielded valuable insights of cultural aspects of sustainability but has not provided explicit
information on how the results can be interpreted within the frame of sustainability. On the other
hand, recently-introduced frameworks and concepts, such as biocultural diversity, ecosystem services,
capabilities, socio-ecological system approaches, as well as actor network theory or eco-arts, do
consider human and environmental aspects in a culturally sensitive way. However, these theories or
frameworks do not directly contribute to sustainability discourses, nor do they always make culture
explicit, and cultural aspects easily remain separated from the policy debate and policy-making.
In this paper we build an interdisciplinary framework for relating culture and sustainability
in order to go beyond sectoral and disciplinary approaches, and to make the research and policy
choices regarding culture in sustainability discourses more explicit and conscious. The framework
is based on three roles of culture identified by the review paper on scientific discourses of cultural
sustainability [6]. We consider these three roles as representations of culture in the sustainability
framework, and analyze them against eight dimensions. Those eight dimensions in turn valorize
different aspects of both culture and sustainability in order to promote the operationalization of culture
in sustainability research and policy. The paper is structured as follows: after this introduction, we
discuss the need for an interdisciplinary approach to overcome some of the conceptual challenges
related to disciplinary approaches. In the third section we introduce the three representations and the
main characteristics of the eight dimensions. Finally, we discuss implications of the framework for
research and policy-making, as well as future research needs.
institutional, and governance arrangements. Introducing culture into the sustainability debate means
that human beings – their values, behavior and ways of life –should be included in the analysis. This
implies not only methodological questions but also many normative questions as well.
Although we aim for more analytical approaches for culture in sustainability, we hold that
“cultural sustainability” or “culture in sustainability” are boundary concepts [26], meaning that they
are subject to social, political, and scientific processes of negotiation, interpretation, and adaptation
and that they escape any final definition. Referring to Hirsch Hadorn et al. [27], we contend that
to effectively cope with a conceptual complexity and understand the different roles and meanings
of culture in sustainable development, one must employ interdisciplinarity and, to some extent,
transdisciplinarity. The importance of combining and entangling different epistemological traditions
in the context of sustainability has already been recognized and mapped [28,29] and has, for instance,
been reconfirmed in the sustainability conferences in Rio (1992) and Johannesburg (2002), as well as in
an enormous body of scientific literature (for an overview, see [30]).
The framework introduced in this paper is the result of the four-year research network COST
IS1007 “Investigating Cultural Sustainability” (2011–2015) [31]. The network was comprised of
researchers from multiple disciplines ranging from social and humanistic sciences, to geography
and environmental planning. During a series of workshops, various dimensions of culture and
sustainability and a draft of this framework were discussed, triangulated, adapted and refined.
Following Kagan [31] (p. 61) the process used can be labeled as “interdisciplinary transversal learning”:
striving for unity in a complexity of knowledge while integrating different ways of knowing through
practices where researchers from one discipline borrow and adapt methods and metaphors from other
disciplines, within the wider shared system of science.
Table 1. The three approaches and eight structuring dimensions for exploring the culture-sustainability
relations. In Sustainability
the figure (adapted
2016, 8, 167 2016, 8,from
Sustainability 2016, [31]) on the second row the light grey circles represent
167 8, 167 4 of 12 the 4 ofthree
12 4 of 12
of Definition
DefinitionDefinition of of
Definition of culture culture as culture
culture culture
a capital
capital as aculture
as a capital capitalasculture
a way culture
culture of
aslife as aof
a way way
of of life as culture
life culture
a semiosis
culture as a semiosis
as a semiosis
culture cultureculture
culture as an
culture achievement
as culture
an as an as an culture as a resource and
culture development as
Culture and development
Culture and Culture
Culture and and culture as culture
a resource
culture as aand as a resource
resource and anddevelopment
development as adevelopment
cultural as a cultural
as a cultural
development in achievement
achievement in in condition for development a cultural process
development development
development condition for condition
condition for development
for development process process process
Value of culture development development
intrinsicdevelopment instrumental and intrinsic embedded
Value of Value Value
of of
intrinsic intrinsic
Culture and society culture cultureculture intrinsic
instrumental andinstrumental
instrumental and intrinsic
and intrinsic
affording embeddedembedded embedded
Culture and Culture
Culture and and interaction of
Culture and nature human complementing
perspective on complementing
complementing affording affording affording transforming
culture andnature nature constituent
transforming of culture
society societysociety
Policy sectors Culture and Culture
and and human
cultural policieshuman
perspective on perspective
perspective on on
interaction of interaction
interaction and
of of
all policies culture
nature nature
ofnew policies of
constituent of
nature naturenaturenature naturenature nature naturenature culture cultureculture
Modes of GovernancePolicy sectors
hierarchical sectors
cultural policies cultural
governance, policies
1st orderpoliciesallco-governance, all2nd
policiesall policies policies
order new policies newself-governance,
new policies
Modes of ModesModes of
of hierarchical hierarchical
hierarchical self-governance, self-governance,
co-governance, co-governance,
2nd order
co-governance, 2nd 2nd order
mainly mono-
Governance and 1st order
governance, 1st order mainly multi- and meta-governance mainly inter-and
Research approachGovernance governance,
Governance 1st order
governance, meta-governance
Research Research multidisciplinary
mainly mono- mainly
mainly mono-mono- and multi-
and mainly interdisciplinary
mainly mainly
multi- multi-
and and mainly inter-and
mainly transdisciplinary
mainly inter-and
approach approachapproach
multidisciplinary multidisciplinary
multidisciplinary interdisciplinary interdisciplinary
interdisciplinary transdisciplinary transdisciplinary
cultivation of the mind, and later on the cultivation of humankind [32,33]. Since then, the relationship
between culture and “arts and creativity” has been constantly negotiated challenging also the research
and policy making [33]. Travelling through the history of the concept of culture, Raymond Williams
created three main meanings of culture that have become popular both in research and policy: culture
as (1) a general process of intellectual, spiritual or aesthetic development; (2) a particular way of
life, whether of a people, a period, a group, or humanity in general; and (3) works and intellectual
artistic activity. Yet, very often two definitions of culture are discerned: a “broad”, way-of-life based
concept referring to all domains of human life, and a “narrow”, art-based culture referring to both the
general process of intellectual and spiritual or aesthetic development and its results [32,33]. In the first
representation (“culture in sustainability”), culture is seen as a general process of intellectual, spiritual
or aesthetic development, as well as the results of intellectual and artistic work, which can also be called
cultural capital in the Bourdieusian sense. The second representation (“culture for sustainability”)
highlights culture as a way of life, referring to Williams’ second meaning of culture: culture regulates
all spheres of life, and reflects and gives meaning to the environment as well. The third representation
(“culture as sustainability”) opens up the broadest perspective for looking at human and social life as a
whole. It is extending to semiosis and significations and their various influences both on intentional
and unconscious behavior and functions over actions in human social life [34].
and spiritually, while instrumental value refers to culture as a means for acquiring something else of
value, e.g., social or economic impacts or intrinsic values [37].
In the first representation, culture has essentially an intrinsic value, an all-encompassing way
in human existence. Consequently the intrinsic values of culture can be experienced in aesthetics,
historical sites, heritage, scientific knowledge or artistic creation and, therefore, their sustainability
is seen as important for example in the work of culture and art organizations, but also by many
researchers [6]. In the second representation, the intrinsic value is considered as a necessary resource
to achieve objectives such as those related to education, human well-being, economic development or
environment. Therefore, in this representation when culture is facilitating development processes, it
becomes instrumental as well. In other words, the intrinsic values and instrumental values of culture
are interlinked. For example, a heritage site has both aesthetic and historical, hence intrinsic, values
because it has been standing in its location for hundreds of years, but it also has an instrumental value
for creating a sense of identity for people living close to that site or for raising economic well-being
through tourism. In the third representation, the intrinsic and instrumental values of culture become
both embedded in, and constitutive of, the cultural change.
representation culture and nature interact in everyday life processes and nature is a contributor to
and the result of all human practices. This dimension also denotes the differences between various
cultural contexts and their respective interactions with nature. In the third representation, nature is
a constituent of culture, in parallel with the economy and the social, and is (re)shaped by different
meanings and symbols.
governing. The third representation refers to modes of governance which can be associated with
self-governance, but also totally new ones, implying the mode of meta-governance.
policies. The second representation contains an understanding of a more functional role of culture
in the representation
broader contextcontains an understanding
of sustainability, butofthe
a more
is ratherroletoof find
culture morein theculturally
context of sustainability, but the aim is rather to find more culturally sensitive/reformative
sensitive/reformative approaches to sustainability, including culture as an explicit aspect while, in approaches
thesustainability, including the
third representation, culture
aim asisan toexplicit
promote aspect while, in the third
a transformation representation,
of society towards the aim
a more
is to promote
sustainable a transformation
condition, broadening of the
society towards a of
understanding more
as a formcondition,
of human broadening
capital towardsthe
understanding of nature as a form of human capital towards a constituent of (sustainable)
a constituent of (sustainable) culture. It also implies that while the first and second representations culture. It
also implies
address that as
culture while the first
a result and of
or part second representations
the (sustainable) address culture
development process aswith
a result or partgoal,
a certain of the
(sustainable) development
the third representation it process
is ratherwith
a parta certain goal, in the
of a constantly third representation
evolving process aiming it is
forrather a part of a
In this way,evolving process
the third aiming forresonates
representation transformation. In thissustainability
better with way, the third(cf.
Section 2) rather resonates
better with sustainability
with sustainable (cf. Section 2) rather than with sustainable development.
Figure 1. The relationships between the three representations and the main observations of the
Figure 1. The relationships between the three representations and the main observations of the
dynamics included in the eight dimensions discussed in this article. The figure has two main axes,
dynamics included in the eight dimensions discussed in this article. The figure has two main axes, one
one describing the inertia/dynamics of the system, and the other describing the human/nature
describing the inertia/dynamics of the system, and the other describing the human/nature interface
interface (from more anthropocentric to more ecocentric). The figure shows the relationships
(from more anthropocentric to more ecocentric). The figure shows the relationships between the various
between the various representations (they are not mutually exclusive) and the increased complexity
representations (they are not mutually exclusive) and the increased complexity as distance from the
as distance from the origin increases.
origin increases.
Following this, when moving from the first to second to third representations, policies become
more diverse and this, multilayered,
when moving thus from complex,
the first toassecond to third
mirrored by representations,
the dimensions policies become
of policies and
more diverseThis
governance. and complexity
multilayered, thus reflected
is also complex,inasresearch
mirrored by the dimensions
orientations, which also of policies
extend fromand
governance. This complexity
narrow disciplinary is also reflected
based approaches in research
towards orientations,Obviously,
transdisciplinarity. which alsothisextend from narrow
extension is also
disciplinary based approaches towards transdisciplinarity. Obviously, this extension
related to the phenomenological-semiotic definition of culture integrating both natural and human is also related to
the phenomenological-semiotic
worlds at the level of meanings. definition of culture integrating both natural and human worlds at the
level Although
of meanings.the first representation is presented as stable and anthropocentric, and the third as
dynamic the first
and more representation
holistic is presented
and ecocentric, as stable
one should be and anthropocentric,
careful not to interpret andthe theproposed
third as
dynamic and more holistic and ecocentric, one should be careful not
framework as a strict evolutionary or normative path: depending on their use, all three to interpret the proposed
framework as a strict
representations mightevolutionary
be relevant or normative path: depending
in their contexts, whetherontheoretical,
their use, allpolitical,
three representations
or practical.
might be relevant
Furthermore, in their contexts,
the framework whethertable
and associated theoretical,
should be political,
used inor practical.
a flexible way;Furthermore,
for example,the by
framework and
looking at the associated
different table shouldorbedimensions
representations used in a flexible
from theway;pointfor example,
of view by lookingtheme.
of a particular at the
different representations
To conclude, or dimensions
the framework from in
presented thethis
point of view
article showsof aremarkable
particular theme.
differences in the way
To conclude, the framework presented in this article shows
culture can be understood within the context of sustainability. Consequently, remarkable differences in the way
when working on
culture can be understood within the context of sustainability. Consequently, when working
culture in the context of sustainability, one should be at least aware of the way culture is addressed. on culture
in the context
However, of sustainability,
while one should be
arguing the importance of at least aware
making cultureof the
more way cultureinissustainability
explicit addressed. However,
while arguing the importance of making culture more explicit in sustainability
and research, we also acknowledge the danger of this kind of representations to become policies and research,
and reducing the complexity of the reality, as Noorgaard [44] for example has pointed out
Sustainability 2016, 8, 167 10 of 12
we also acknowledge the danger of this kind of representations to become binding and reducing
the complexity of the reality, as Noorgaard [44] for example has pointed out concerning ecosystem
services approaches. Acknowledging that many research activities are already taking place, such as in
sustainability transformation research and socio-ecological research, we agree that nuanced research is
needed that takes into account the special character of culture—not as a fixed object or category—within
each of the three representations discussed above. As Proctor [23] has noted, as long as culture is not
mentioned, it simply disappears and is, therefore, not included in the analysis. Consequently, the
value of the interdisciplinary framework presented here is to help the communication about culture
and sustainability, but also position oneself or one’s research, political discussion, or practical activity,
in some of the representations, thus increasing the accuracy of those activities.
Acknowledgements: This work was carried out during the COST Action IS1007 Investigating Cultural
Sustainability. The authors are grateful for the members of the Action for the comments on the earlier version of
the framework presented in this paper and the three anonymous reviewers for the remarks on the final version of
the manuscript.
Author Contributions: The authors have equally contributed to the development of the framework.
Katriina Soini drafted the main parts of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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