11AMRUT PuducherrySAAP 23 02 2016
11AMRUT PuducherrySAAP 23 02 2016
11AMRUT PuducherrySAAP 23 02 2016
State Annual Action Plan (2015-16)
Government of Puducherry
January 2016
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 4
1.1 BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 FOCUS AREAS .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 FUND ALLOCATION .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 COMPONENTS TO BE FUNDED ............................................................................................................... 5
1.5 SCOPE OF WORK ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2. PUDUCHERRY OVERVIEW ................................................................................... 7
2.1 PUDUCHERRY SNAPSHOT ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 PUDUCHERRY CIIMATE AND RAINFALL................................................................................................. 8
2.3 AMRUT CITIES SNAPSHOT ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 SERVICE LEVEL STATUS ....................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.1 WATER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................ 10
2.4.2 SEWERAGE ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.3 STORM WATER DRAINAGE ................................................................................................ 11
3. STATE ANNUAL ACTION PLAN ............................................................................... 13
3.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 PRINCIPLES OF PRIORITIZATION......................................................................................... 16
3.2.2 IMPORTANCE OF O&M ...................................................................................................... 17
3.2.3 FINANCING OF PROJECTS .................................................................................................. 19
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
List of Tables…
Table 1-1:Process Flow – AMRUT .................................................................................. 6
Table 2-1 : Puducherry Snapshot .................................................................................... 8
Table 2-2 : Population details .......................................................................................... 9
Table 2-3: Per Capita Water Supply – AMRUT Cities .................................................... 10
Table 3-1: Checklist – Consolidated State Annual Action Plan of all ULBs to be sent for
Assessment by MoUD ................................................................................................... 13
Table 3-2: Breakup of Total MoUD Allocation in AMRUT .............................................. 20
Table 3-3: Abstract – Sector Wise Proposed Total Project Fund (As per Existing Funding
Pattern) (Mission Period 2015-20) ................................................................................ 20
Table 3-4: Abstract – Sector Wise Proposed Total Project Fund and Sharing Pattern
(Mission Period 2015-20) ............................................................................................... 21
Table 3-5: Abstract – Use of Funds on Projects: Ongoing and New .............................. 22
Table 3-6: Abstract – Plan for Achieving Service Level Benchmarks ( Puducherry
Municipality)................................................................................................................... 23
Table 3-7: Abstract – Plan for Achieving Service Level Benchmarks ( Oulgaret
Municipality)................................................................................................................... 24
Table 3-8: Master Plan of all projects to achieve universal coverage during the current
mission Period (FY2015-16 to 2019-20) ...................................................................... 25
Table 3-9: Sector Wise Breakup of Consolidated Investments for all ULBs in the State 25
Table 3-10: ULB wise Source of Funds for all Sectors ................................................... 26
Table 3-11: SAAP – Year wise Share of Investments for all sectors (ULB Wise)........... 26
Table 3-12: Abstract – Sector Wise Proposed Total Project Fund and Sharing Pattern for
the Current FY -2015-16 ................................................................................................ 27
Table 3-13: Abstract – Sector Wise Proposed Total Project Fund and Sharing Pattern for
the Current FY -2015-16 ................................................................................................ 27
Table 3-14: Master Plan of all projects to achieve universal coverage for the Current FY -
2015-16(Storm water) .................................................................................................... 28
Table 3-15: Sector Wise Breakup of Consolidated Investments for all ULBs in the State
for the Current FY -2015-16 ........................................................................................... 28
Table 3-16: ULB wise Source of Funds for all Sectors for the Current FY 2015-16 ....... 28
Table 3-17: SAAP – State level Plan for Achieving Service Level Benchmarks
(Puducherry Municipality) .............................................................................................. 29
Table 3-18: SAAP – State level Plan for Achieving Service Level Benchmarks (Oulgaret
Municipality)................................................................................................................... 30
Table 3-19: State Level Plan of Action for Physical and Financial Progress .................. 31
Table 3-20: SAAP : Broad Proposed Allocations for Administrative and Other Expenses
...................................................................................................................................... 31
Table 3-21: SAAP - Reforms Type, Steps and Target for AMRUT Cities ....................... 33
Table 3-22: ULB level Individual Capacity Development Plan to be sent by ULB to State
Government ................................................................................................................... 48
Table 3-23: Financial ..................................................................................................... 48
Table 3-24: Fund requirement for Individual Capacity Building at ULB level .................. 49
Table 3-25: Fund Requirement for State Level Activities ............................................... 49
Table 3-26: Total Fund Required for Capacity Building ................................................. 49
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
List of Figures…
Figure 2-1 : Location Map of Puducherry ......................................................................... 7
Figure 2-2 : Population Structure of AMRUT Cities .......................................................... 9
Figure 2-3 : Per-Capita Level of Water Supply – AMRUT Cities .................................... 10
Figure 2-4 : Percentage of UGSS facilities available in AMRUT Cities .......................... 11
Figure 2-5 : Percentage of Storm Water Drainage facilities available in AMRUT Cities . 12
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Cities are engines of growth for the economy of every nation, including India. Nearly
31% of India’s current population lives in urban areas and contributes 63% of India’s
GDP (Census 2011). With increasing urbanization, urban areas are expected to house
40% of India’s population and contribute 75% of India’s GDP by 2030. This requires
comprehensive development of physical, institutional, social and economic
infrastructure. All are important in improving the quality of life and attracting people and
investments to the City, setting in motion a virtuous cycle of growth and development. In
this regard, the Government of India launched Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban
Transformation (AMRUT) a flagship programme on 25th June, 2015.
The aim of the mission is to provide basic services (e.g. water supply, sewerage, urban
transport) to households and build amenities in cities which will improve the quality of life
for all, especially the poor and the disadvantaged. Under this programme, Government
of India has selected 500 AMRUT Cities in the Country based on the urban population of
the State/ UT. In which 2 Cities / Towns, have been selected in Puducherry viz.,
Puducherry and Oulgaret, which are contiguous.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
MoUD funds for Administrative & Office Expenses (A&OE) - 2% of the annual
budgetary allocation
The project fund will be divided among States/UTs at the beginning of each year. An
equitable formula will be used to distribute the annual budgetary allocation in which
equal (50:50) weightage is given to the urban population of each State/UT (Census
2011) and the number of statutory towns in the State/UT. As the number of statutory
towns are notified by States/UTs and will change during the Mission period, the formula
will take into account changes in this number every year. The amount of project fund
allocated will be informed to the States/UTs at the appropriate time. The Central
Assistance (CA) for the projects will be in three instalments of 20:40:40 of the approved
Sub-Components Funding Pattern
New, augmentation and As per Ministry of Finance
rehabilitation of water supply LetterNo.D.O.No.32/PSO/FS/
system. 2015 dated October 28th 2015.
Rejuvenation of water bodies for Funding Pattern of Centrally
Water Supply Sponsored Schemes –
water supply and recharge of
ground water. For Union Territories, the
Special arrangements for difficult Centrally Sponsored Schemes
areas, hills and coastal cities. will be funded 100 percent by
the Central Government.
New, augmentation and
The tender will include O & M
rehabilitation of sewerage
for five years based on user
systems and treatment plants.
Sewerage charges. For the purpose of
Recycling water for beneficial
calculation of the project cost,
purposes and Reuse of waste the O&M cost will be
water. excluded; however, the
Faecal sludge management – Puducherry Government/ULBs
(cleaning, transporting and will fund the O&M through an
Septage treatment), particularly appropriate cost recovery
mechanical & biological cleaning mechanism in order to make
of septic tanks and sewers. them self-reliant and cost-
Storm Water Construction & improvement of effective.
Drains drains and storm water drains
Sidewalks, foot over bridges,
non-motorized transport, buses,
Urban transport
BRTS, multilevel parking,
waterways and ferry vessels.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
First Step is to assess the service level gap in the infrastructure delivery like water
supply, sewerage, Storm Water Drainage, NMT and Green Spaces
Second is to identify the project components to bridge the gap in the existing service
level facilities
Estimate the project cost for the identified project components
Prioritize the project components to be taken up in the first, second, third, fourth and
fifth year of the Mission
The basic building block for the SAAP will be the SLIPs prepared by the ULBs. At the
State/ UT level, the SLIPs of all Mission cities will be aggregated into the SAAP.
Therefore, the SAAP is basically a State /UT level service improvement plan indicating
the year-wise improvements in water-supply and sewerage connections to households
and to provide the comprehensive storm water drainage facilities. The section under
SAAP would include the principles of prioritization, Importance of O&M, Financing of
Projects & Execution.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Pondicherry city is the capital of Union Territory of Puducherry, which comprises of four
regions viz., Pondicherry, Mahe, Yanam and Karaikal. The city is the administrative
capital for these regions. The city is located on the eastern seacoast of south India,
surrounded by the State of Tamil Nadu, this coastal city is a point of attraction of many
tourists from across the country and world. The French influence in the culture and built-
form and the presence of Auroville in close proximity makes the city one of the most
sought after places for people seeking a calm and spiritual experience. Pondicherry is
located at 162 Km south of Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu and 22 km north of
Cuddalore, the capital of South Arcot District of Tamil Nadu. It is surrounded by Bay of
Bengal on East.
Pondicherry is a neat, pleasant, and charming place with a beautiful beach and seaside
promenade. It is world famous due to Sri Aurobindo Ashram and the international
township of Auroville, which is located 10 km from the heart of the city. With its blend of
the Aurobindo influence and its French connection Pondicherry has a uniqueness that
makes it different from any other city in the country. As per 2011 census, the population
of Puducherry (UT) is about 1.24 million contributing a share of 0.095% to the total
population of India. The decadal growth rate was registered to be 27.72 %. The literacy
levels in the Union Territory were recorded at 86% which is considerably higher than the
all India averages during the year 2011. Agriculture and fisheries constitute two major
economic activities in all four regions of the Union Territory
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Parameters Description
Population (2011
2 Districts
Administrative sub
Puducherry District comprising of Puducherry, Mahe and Yanam
Karaikal District comprising of Karikal Region.
Based on the daily rainfall records over the past several years, the highest 24hr rainfall
occurred most of the times in the months of November and December. The highest 24hr
rainfall occurred so far in Puducherry is 303.60mm on 01 December 2015. The next
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
highest 24 hour rainfall events occurred in November 2002, November 1998 and
November 2008 with a respective daily total of 230.3mm, 215.0mm and 214.0mm.
This year monsoon has been very vigorous for Puducherry. At the start of December
2015, Puducherry reported receiving 834 mm of rain during November 2015 alone, as
opposed to a normal average of 767 mm during the entire north-east monsoonal period
from October to December. Due to heavy rainfall intensity many parts of Puducherry
region was severely affected as there was inundation of flood.
The Government of India has launched Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban
Transformation (AMRUT) flagship programme on June 25th 2015. Under this programme
five hundred cities have been selected, in which, two cities/towns have been selected in
Union Territory Puducherry. The list of cities/towns and the population of the respective
cities/towns are mentioned below. The total population of the AMRUT Cities are
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
S.N Name of the ULBs LPCD
1 Puducherry 125 95%
2 Oulgaret 110 90%
The above charts shows, the cities have the average coverage of 92% and the LPCD of
115 against the norm of 135 liters per capita per day. The cities having a sufficient
quantity of water for the current population demand. However, the quality of water in
many of the bore wells is not portable as per the standards. Hence, alternative source
need to be identified to meet the present and future demand of city.
2.4.2 Sewerage
The objective of this plan is to present a comprehensive description of the present
service delivery of sewerage system in the selected AMRUT Cities. The section shows
the status of Under Ground Drainage system in the AMRUT Cities.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Coverage of Network
S.N Name of the ULBs Remarks
Latrines in % Coverage %
It will be increased to
70% in the next year
1 Puducherry 85.80 53 Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.24 cm
after commissioning of
the ongoing scheme.
It will be increased to
80 % in the next year
2 Oulgaret 85.50 7
after commissioning of
the ongoing scheme.
The above table represents, the cities / towns are having averagely 29% of UGSS
system and the coverage will be increased to about 75% after commissioning of the
ongoing scheme in the next year. The Public Works Department, Puducherry is
preparing the DPR for the left out areas in both the cities.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Figure 2-5 : Percentage of Storm Water Drainage facilities available in AMRUT Cities
The above pie chart represents, the cities / towns are having averagely 70% of Storm
Water Drainage system. The Public Works Department, Puducherry is preparing the
DPR for Puducherry and Oulgaret Municipalities to implement the comprehensive storm
water drainage system for the entire city. Though the city has adequate coverage ,the
capacity of the drains are inadequate to carry the storm water run-off during the
monsoon period which results in inundation/flooding in many parts of the City. The city
has higher and lower contours having elevation difference of about 15-20 m. The storm
water run-off from the catchment areas such as Lawspet, Mettupalayam, JIPMER
campus which are located in the higher contour is flowing towards low lying areas such
as Krishna Nagar, Rainbow Nagar, Venkata Nagar, Indira Gandhi Square, Boomianpet,
Natesan Nagar, Anna Nagar etc. and causes inundation every year. It is a recurring and
long term problem and these areas are severely affected every year. The poor drainage
system is also due to encroachment of drains by the public in certain drains and choking
of drains due to indiscriminate disposal of municipal solid waste. During
November/December, 2015, due to vigorous rainfall intensity, many households in the
aforesaid locations were under storm water and prolonged inundation forced the people
to vacate their houses and stayed outside and on their rooftop as the situation was like a
flooding which was a disaster condition in Oulgaret and Puducherry Municipalities.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
The State Annual Action Plan (SAAP) has been prepared on the basis of Service Level
Improvement plan of 2 Urban Local Bodies. The SAAP provide the details of projects
prioritized per ULBs and fund allocated for each ULBs. The document indicates the
year-wise improvements in water-supply and sewerage connections to households in the
respective ULBs. The projects of each Urban Local Body have been prioritized based on
the gap analysis and financial strength of the respective. The Government of
Puducherry has considered undertaking improvement of water supply and sewerage
systems for the first year. As per MoUD guidelines, the following table has been
included in the State Annual Action Plan.
Table 3-1: Checklist – Consolidated State Annual Action Plan of all ULBs to be sent for Assessment by
1 2 3 4
As per MoUD guidelines of
prioritization, the SLIP for all cities
has been prepared. The
Have all the Cities prepared SLIP
1 Yes Government of Puducherry has
as per the suggested approach?
prioritized water supply &
sewerage for the current financial
Has the SAAP prioritized Prioritization has been done
2 proposed investments across Yes based on the guidelines of
cities? AMRUT.
Is the indicator wise summary of Indicator wise summary of
3 improvements proposed (both improvements (both investments
investments and management and management improvements)
improvements) by State in place? are summarized and proposed.
Have all the cities under Mission
The service coverage indicators
4 identified/done baseline
Yes have been prepared for all the
assessments of service coverage
Are SAAPs addressing an
approach towards meeting SAAP has been prepared to meet
5 Service Level Benchmarks Yes out the Service Level benchmarks
agreed by Ministry for each of MoUD
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Yes. Government of Puducherry has analysed the Service Level Improvement Plan of
each ULB and finalize the projects accordingly. The suggestions were also incorporated
in the SLIP.
2. Has the State / UT planned for and financed capital expenditure? (350 words)
3. Has the UT moved towards achievement of universal coverage in water supply and
sewerage/septage? (350 words)
Yes, the State Government has assessed the existing service levels particularly in water
supply and sewerage through Service Level Improvement Plan of each municipalities
and also considered the on-going schemes related to the water supply and sewerage.
Govt. of Puducherry has prioritized water supply and sewerage sector with a view to
improve the water quality and also providing sewerage facilities in the areas where
sewer network does not exist. It is proposed to construct 5 MLD water treatment plant at
Thirukanchi with a view to treat and blend the tubewell water abstracted from
Thirukanchi with a view to supply water for both Municiapalities. 2 nos. of RO plants
are also proposed at Kattamanikuppam (Puducherry Municipality) and rainbow Nagar
(Oulgaret Municipality ) for treating the tubewell water yielding high TDS. It is also
proposed to lay sewerage network in velrampet & Engineers Colony and its surrounding
areas, Puducherry Municipality and Dr.Radhakrishnan Nagar and its surrounding areas
in Oulgaret Municipality.
The storm water run-off from the catchment areas such as Lawspet, Mettupalayam,
JIPMER campus which are located in the higher contour (About 20 M above the plain
areas) is flowing towards the low lying areas such as Krishna Nagar, Rainbow Nagar,
Venkata Nagar, Indira Gandhi Square, Boomianpet, Natesan Nagar, Anna Nagar etc.
and causes inundation every year. It is a recurring and long term problem and these
areas are severely affected every year. Though, there is an urgent need to divert the
storm water run -off from the upper catchment to the existing water bodies/sea to
prevent inundation in the aforesaid posh localities, the proposal is not considered under
AMRUT as priority is to be given for water supply and sewerage.
4. What is the expected level of the financial support from the Central Government
and how well have State/ULB and other sources of finance been identified and
accessed? (300 words)
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
5. How fairly and equitably have the needs of the ULBs been given due
consideration? (300 words)
The Government of Puducherry has considered the water quality problem and low
coverage of sewerage network and proposed measures for improving water quality and
sewerage coverage.
6. Have adequate consultations with all stakeholders been done, including citizens,
local MPs and other public representatives?
Yes. The consultations were held with MPs, MLAs of the respective Constituency and
also consultation were held with various line departments and implementing agencies
like Puducherry Public Works Department, Local Administration Department, Road
Transport Department, Town & Country Planning Department etc. The comments /
suggestions received from various officials and elected representatives were considered
during the preparation of Service Level Improvement Plan of the respective ULBs.
As per MoUD Guidelines, the Government of Puducherry has prioritized the projects
based on the following principles;
During the prioritization of the project, the GoP has taken into consideration the existing
coverage of water supply and sewerage system in the ULBs and the condition of storm
water drainage. Govt. of Puducherry has prioritized water supply and sewerage sector. It is
proposed to construct water Treatment Plant and RO plants and also to increase water
supply coverage by providing additional HSCs. Online water quality monitors are proposed
for measuring water quality at prominent locations. In sewerage, it is proposed to increase
the coverage by extending House service connections by laying sewer networks in the areas
such as Velrampet, Engineers Colony and its surrounding areas in Puducherry Municiaplity
and Dr. Radhakrishnan Nagar and its adjoining areas in Oulgaret Municipality.
7. Has consultation with local MPs/ MLAs, Mayors and Commissioners of the
concerned ULBs been carried out prior to allocation of funding? Please give details.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Yes. Local MPs/MLAs, and Commissioners of the respective ULBs were consulted and
prioritized the projects accordingly. The allocation of funds for each sector in the SAAP
is based on the outcome of stakeholder’s discussion.
8. Has financially weaker ULBs given priority for financing? If yes, how? (200 words)
Govt. of Puducherry has prioritized water supply and sewerage sector in both
Municipalities. Oulgaret Municipality is given top most priority keeping in view its financial
9. Is the ULB with a high proportion of urban poor has received higher share? If yes,
how? (250 words)
Yes. The cities with higher share of urban poor have been given priority.
10. Has the potential Smart cities been given preference? Please give details.(150
11. How many times projects are proposed in SAAP of the Central Assistance (CA)
allocated to the State during 2015-16? (100 words)
Government of Puducherry has proposed projects amounting 2 times of the Central
Assistance allocated for the financial year 2015-16.
12. Has the allocation to different ULBs within State is consistent with the urban
profile of the state? How? (250 words)
Yes. The fund allocation has been considered based on some crucial urban parameters
like urban poor, urban revenue potential, urbanization trend etc.
The ULBs has prepared the operation and maintenance Plan of the infrastructure assets
created under the AMRUT Programme. The Operation and Maintenance Plan of each
sector has covered life time period of the projects.
13. Has Projects being proposed in the SAAP includes O & M for at least five years?
(100 words)
Yes, the project prioritized under SAAP has considered the Operation and Maintenance
cost of the project for the period of 5 years. The Operation and Maintenance would be
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
the responsibility of the contractor / agency, who will implement the project. The ULBs
will also bear the O&M cost through user charges, if there is any gap.
14. How O&M expenditures are proposed to be funded by ULBs/ parastatal? How?
(250 words)
The Operation and Maintenance cost of the infrastructure created under AMRUT
Scheme will be borne by respective ULBs/ Public Works Department/State Govt.
through collection of user charges, implementation of PPP models, etc.
15. Is it by way of levy of user charges or other revenue streams? Please give details.
(100 words)
The objective of ULBs is to recover the Operation and Maintenance cost through
collection of user charges, implementation of action plan for reduction of Operation &
Maintenance, metering system, SCADA system etc., However, if there are still gaps in
the Operation and Maintenance expenditure, it will be meet out through the Government
of Puducherry grant.
16. Has O&M cost been excluded from project cost for the purpose of funding? (100
Yes, O&M cost has been excluded from project cost for the purpose of funding and shall
be borne by ULB through user charges. If there will be any gap in recovery of user
charges, same shall be borne by ULB/UT through its own resources.
17. What kind of model been proposed by States/ULBs to fund the O&M? Please
discuss. (250 words)
18. Is it through an appropriate cost recovery mechanism in order to make them self-
reliant and cost-effective? How? (250 words)
The PWD, Govt. of Puducherry has planned the appropriate cost recovery mechanism to
manage the O& M Cost through appropriate user charges to make the system self
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
19. How the residual financing (over and above Central Government share) is shared
between the States, ULBs? (200 words)
20. Has any other sources identified by the State/ULB (e.g. PPP, market borrowing)?
Please discuss. (250 words)
The Govt. of Puducherry has identified the alternative source and external borrowing like
AFD and Internal Finance Institutions like HUDCO and NABARD for implementing the
projects prioritized under AMRUT Mission.
21. What is the State contribution to the SAAP? (it should not be less than 20 percent
of the total project cost, Para 7.4 of AMRUT Guidelines) (150 words)
22. Whether complete project cost is linked with revenue sources in SAAP? How?
(250 words)
It has been attempted but if there will be VGF, the same shall be arranged by the
ULBs/State through their own resources or funding/loan through financial institutions.
23. Has projects been dovetailed with other sectoral and financial programme of the
Centre and State Governments? (250 words)
Yes. The projects are converged with other financial programmes like Smart Cities
programme, AFD, SBM etc.
24. Is state planning to create a Financial Intermediary, in order to pool funds from all
sources and release funds to ULBs in time? Please provide details. (100 words)
25. Has States/UTs explored the possibility of using Public Private Partnerships
(PPP), as a preferred execution model? Please discuss. (300 words)
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Yes. Public Private Partnership model has been considered for the projects for operation
and maintenance for certain activities. Based on the approval of projects under AMRUT,
the detailed feasibility study will be undertaken.
26. Are PPP options included appropriate Service Level Agreements (SLAs) which
may lead to the People Public Private Partnership (PPPP) model? How? (300 words)
PPP is under consideration and shall be detailed out once the SAAP is approved.
Table 3-2: Breakup of Total MoUD Allocation in AMRUT
* As per the D.O.No. 32/PSO/FS/2015 from Ministry of Finance, GoI, U.T is entitled to avail 100% grant under AMRUT Mission.
Table 3-3: Abstract – Sector Wise Proposed Total Project Fund (As per Existing Funding Pattern)
(Mission Period 2015-20)
S.No Sector GoI State* ULB** Others Total
* As per the D.O.No. 32/PSO/FS/2015 from Ministry of Finance, GoI, U.T is entitled to avail 100% grant under AMRUT Mission.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Table 3-4: Abstract – Sector Wise Proposed Total Project Fund and Sharing Pattern (Mission Period 2015-
* As per the D.O.No. 32/PSO/FS/2015 from Ministry of Finance, GoI, U.T is entitled to avail 100% grant under AMRUT Mission.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
14th FC
14th FC
14th FC
14th FC
S.No Sector Project
14th FC
14th FC
Water 882.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 869.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 supply
2 Sewerage 526.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 520.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Drainage 498.94 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 498.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 NMT 124.45 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 124.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Green 30.99 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 space
Total 2062.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2043.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
* As per the D.O.No. 32/PSO/FS/2015 from Ministry of Finance, GoI, U.T is entitled to avail 100% grant under AMRUT Mission.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Table 3-6: Abstract – Plan for Achieving Service Level Benchmarks ( Puducherry Municipality)
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Table 3-7: Abstract – Plan for Achieving Service Level Benchmarks ( Oulgaret Municipality)
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Table 3-8: Master Plan of all projects to achieve universal coverage during the current mission Period
(FY2015-16 to 2019-20)
1 2 3 4 5
1 Puducherry 6 689.00 4
2 Oulgaret 8 719.00 4
Total 14 1408.00
Table 3-9: Sector Wise Breakup of Consolidated Investments for all ULBs in the State
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Table 3-11: SAAP – Year wise Share of Investments for all sectors (ULB Wise)
Committed Expenditure (if any ) from Previous Proposed spending during current Financial Balance carry Forward for
Year year Next Financial Year
State ULB *State ULB State ULB
S.N Name of Project
14th FC
14th FC
14th FC
14th FC
14th FC
14th FC
o the City Investme
1 Puducherry 1024.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1033.89 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
2 Oulgaret 1037.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.97 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1047.46 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
Total 2062.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.97 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2081.35 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
* As per the D.O.No. 32/PSO/FS/2015 from Ministry of Finance, GoI, U.T is entitled to avail 100% grant under AMRUT Mission.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Table 3-12: Abstract – Sector Wise Proposed Total Project Fund and Sharing Pattern for the Current FY -
(Amount in Cr)
S.No. Sector No.of Project GoI State* ULB** Total
1 Water supply 2 12.50 0 0 12.50
Sewerage and Septage
2 2 6.00 0 0 6.00
3 Drainage 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
4 Non-Motorized transport 0 0 0 0 0
5 Green Space 2 0.47 0 0 0.47
Grand Total 6 18.97 0 0 18.97
* As per the D.O.No. 32/PSO/FS/2015 from Ministry of Finance, GoI, U.T is entitled to avail 100% grant under AMRUT Mission.
As per the AMRUT guidelines, water supply and sewerage has ben prioritised .
However, considering the recent impact of natural disaster (flood) the Government of
Puducherry has also identified and prioritized the projects for improving the Storm Water
Drainage System in most affected areas of both municipalities. There is an urgent need
to divert the storm water run -off from the upper catchment to the existing water
bodies/sea to prevent inundation in the posh localities of the city.
Table 3-13: Abstract – Sector Wise Proposed Total Project Fund and Sharing Pattern for the Current FY -
(Amount in Crores)
State* ULB**
S.No. Sector GoI 14th 14th Total
Others Total Others Total
1 12.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.50
2 Sewerage 6.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.00
3 Drainage 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
4 NMT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
5 0.47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.47
Total 18.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.97
* As per the D.O.No. 32/PSO/FS/2015 from Ministry of Finance, GoI, U.T is entitled to avail 100% grant under AMRUT Mission.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Table 3-14: Master Plan of all projects to achieve universal coverage for the Current FY -2015-16 (Water
Supply, Sewerage and Parks )
Total Number of
Number of Years to
Name of the ULB (Storm Projects for the Estimated Cost
S.No Achieve Universal
Water Drainage) Current Financial in Crores
1 2 3 4 5
Table 3-15: Sector Wise Breakup of Consolidated Investments for all ULBs in the State for the Current
FY -2015-16
(Amount in Crores)
Water Urban Green
S.N Name of the City and Septage Drainage Reforms Total
Supply Transport Space
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Table 3-16: ULB wise Source of Funds for all Sectors for the Current FY 2015-16
(Amount in Crores)
State ULB
S.No Name of the ULB GOI 14th 14th Total
Others Total Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Oulgaret 9.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.97
2 Puducherry 9.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.00
Total 18.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.97
* As per the D.O.No. 32/PSO/FS/2015 from Ministry of Finance, GoI, U.T is entitled to avail 100% grant under AMRUT Mission. .
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Table 3-17: SAAP – State level Plan for Achieving Service Level Benchmarks (Puducherry Municipality)
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Table 3-18: SAAP – State level Plan for Achieving Service Level Benchmarks (Oulgaret Municipality)
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Table 3-19: State Level Plan of Action for Physical and Financial Progress
Table 3-20: SAAP : Broad Proposed Allocations for Administrative and Other Expenses
(Rs. in Cr.)
Total spending for
Items from Balance to Carry Forward
Allocation Current
S.N proposed for previous
Financial year
A&OE year (if any)
FY 2018 FY2020
2017 2019
Preparation of
1 0.025 0 0.025 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 PDMC 0.05 0 0.00 0.05 0.0 0.0 0.0
Procuring Third
3 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Review and
Publications (e-
4 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
brochures etc.)
Building and
Training -
5 0.10 0 0.0 0.10 0.0 0.0 0.0
CCBP, if
Applicable -
6 Reform 0.05 0 0.0 0.05 0.0 0.0 0.0
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
(Rs. in Cr.)
Total spending for
Items from Balance to Carry Forward
Allocation Current
S.N proposed for previous
Financial year
A&OE year (if any)
FY 2018 FY2020
2017 2019
7 0.365 0 0.36 0.05 0.00 0.0 0.0
Total 0.59 0.00 0.385 0.25 0.00 0.0 0.00
** The amount has been worked out from 100% grant for the entire mission period.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Table 3-21: SAAP - Reforms Type, Steps and Target for AMRUT Cities
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar June- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
Dec-15 Sep-16
-16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
A Digital ULBs
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar June- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
Dec-15 Sep-16
-16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
/O.M) hosting the
OM/PM Registration of
Birth, Death and Available
Water & Sewerage
PWD Charges
Grievance Puduvai Kural / CP
redressal Grams
Property Tax Software under Testing
Advertisement Tax
Issuance of
PPA Licenses Dec- 16
LAD/P.M/ Payroll Dec -16
e-procurement –
Pension and e- Pension – Dec -16
2. Personnel Staff
management and Rolling out of software & Commissioning
Project testing and Training
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar - Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
Policy for LAD/(P.M Preparation of
engagement of /O.M) Policy Framework
interns in ULBs Approval by
Municipal Council
B implementation. Implementation March -17
Constitution and 1. Establishment of
professionalizatio Municipal cadre
n of municipal 2. Cadre Linked
cadre training
1. Complete
migration to
double entry
system and
obtaining an audit
certificate to the
effect from FY
C Augmenting 2012-13 onwards.
double entry L.A.D/(P. 2. Appointment of March - 17
accounting M/O.M) internal auditor
Preparation of
Policy Framework
Approval by
Municipal Council
3.Publication of
annual financial
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar - Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
statement of
Preparation of
annual financial
March - 17
Publication of
annual financial
1. Preparation of
Service Level
Plans (SLIP), Already completed
State Annual
Action Plans
2. Make action
plan to
Urban Planning progressively
D and City level P.W.D/L. increase Green
Plans cover in cities to
15% in 5 years
O.M Action Plan
3.Preparation of
Policy Framework
Approval by
Municipal Council
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar - Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
4. Develop at
least one
Children Park
every year in
AMRUT cities.
Approval of SAAP
preparation of DPR
for Park
Approval by
5. Make a State
Level Policy for
TCPD implementing the
parameters given
in the National
mission for
6. Establish
TCPD Urban
Drafting Policy
framework for
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar - Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
Approval by ULBs
Approval to enact it
as an Act
Constitution of
7.Preparation of
PPA Master Plan using
Preparation of RFP
Call for tenders
and finalisation
Commencement of
the Study
Completion of the
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar - Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
1. Elimination of
open defecation
2. Waste Collection 100%
3. Transportation of 100% 90% 95% 100%
waste (100%)
4. Scientific 100%
disposal (100%)
5. The State will
prepare a policy for
Right sizing the
number of municipal
Swachh Bharat functionaries
Mission depending on, say,
O.M population of the
ULB, generation of
internal resources
and expenditure on
Drafting Policy
framework for urban
Approval by ULBs
Government Approval
Devolution of LAD 1. Ensure transfer of
F 14th FC devolution
funds and
to ULBs.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar - Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
functions Transfer of 14th FC
2. Appointment of
State Finance
Commission (SFC)
and making
Appointment of SFC
3. Transfer of all 18
functions to ULBs.
Transfer of 18
Preparation of policy
for Fire & Safety
Approval of policy
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar - Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
give building
3. State to formulate
a policy and action
plan for having a
solar roof top in all
buildings having an Already in place
area greater than
500 square meters
and all public
to study the existing
Solar Policy
modifications sent to
Government for
updating Solar policy
Approval of
Government on Solar
policy revision
4. State to formulate
a policy and action
plan for having Rain
water harvesting
structures in all
commercial, public
buildings and new
buildings on plots of
300 sq. meters and
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar - Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
1. At least 90%
LAD coverage and 90%
Coverage 60% 90%
Collection 40% 90%
2. Make a policy to
periodically revise
property tax, levy Already in place
charges and other
Policy for periodically
revise property tax,
Every 4 years
levy charges and
Municipal tax and other fees
H fees 3. Post Demand
improvement Collection Book
(DCB) of tax details
on the website
Preparation of DCB
4. Achieve full
potential of
revenue by making
a policy for
destination specific
potential having
dynamic pricing
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar - Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
Preparation of Policy
Approval by Municipal
Policy Implementation
1. Adopt a policy on
user charges for
individual and
assessments in
which a differential
rate is charged for
water use and
Improvement in safeguards are
levy and included to take
I care of the interests
collection of user
of the vulnerable
charges LAD/PM/ Policy on user
OM charges for Already in place
differential rate
2. Make action plan
to reduce water
losses to less than
20% and publish on
the website
Action Plan for 100%
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar - Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
Action plan for leak
deduction and NRW
3. Separate
accounts for user
Separate accounts for
Already in place
user charges
4. At least 90%
billing and 90%
Billing 95% 100%
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar - Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
1. Complete the
credit ratings of
the ULBs
preparation of RFP
J Credit Rating ULB Call for tenders and
Commencement of
the Study
Completion of the
1. Energy (Street
Lights) and Water
Audit (including
non-revenue water
or losses audit)
preparation of RFP
Call for tenders and
Electricit finalisation
Energy and Commencement of
Water audit the Audit
/PPA Completion of Audit
2. Making STPs
and WTPs more
energy efficient
Preparation of RFP
Call for tenders and
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar - Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
Commencement of
the Study
Completion of the
3. Optimize energy
consumption in
street lights by
using energy
efficient lights and
increasing reliance
on renewable
Policy for adopting
energy/solar energy
Tapping solar
energy for street
4. Give incentives
for green buildings
(e.g. rebate in
property tax or
charges connected
to building
to study the existing
Policy on Green
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Activities to be ary
S.n Milestones responsi Time line / period
achieved evidence/
Mar - Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar-
16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
modifications sent to
Government for
updating policy
Approval of
Government on the
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Table 3-22: ULB level Individual Capacity Development Plan to be sent by ULB to State Government
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Table 3-24: Fund requirement for Individual Capacity Building at ULB level
Name of Funds
Town Planning
Number of
the required
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
(Rs. in Cr.)
Name of the
S.No department/ Individual Institutional RPMC and UMC Others Total
in current FY
1. Is the Government of Puducherry (GoP) willing to revise their town planning laws
and rules to include land pooling ?
Yes, the Government of Puducherry is willing to revise the town planning laws and
rules to include land pooling by formulating appropriate land pooling policy.
2. List of ULBs willing to have a credit rating done as first step to issue bonds ?
All ULBs selected under AMRUT is willing to have a credit rating done as the first
step to issue bonds.
3. Is the GoP willing to integrate all work done in GIS in order to make GIS useful for
decision-making in ULBs ?
Yes, the Government of Puducherry is willing to integrate all work done in GIS in
order to make GIS useful for decision making in ULBs.
4. Is the GoP willing to take assistance for using land as a fiscal tool in ULBs?
Yes, the Government of Puducherry is willing to take assistance for using land as a
fiscal tool in ULBs.
7. Does the GoP require assistance to improve property tax assessment and
collections in ULBs ?
Yes, the GoP requires assistance in preparing GIS base maps, property and utility
mapping, which is also one of the reform measure under AMRUT to improve
property tax assessment and collections in ULBs.
State Annual Action Plan for implementing the AMRUT Mission In Puducherry
Note: Table 7.3 and 7.4 - Quarterly Score Cards for Government of Puducherry having
Financial and physical Progress on Capacity Building (ULB & State Level) will be submitted
once the Capacity Building at ULB & State level gets initiated after the approval of SAAP.
* As per the D.O.No. 32/PSO/FS/2015 from Ministry of Finance, GoI, U.T is entitled to avail 100% grant under AMRUT Mission.