Without Compromise is published by
FA S S I G R U S p a , v i a R o m a , 1 1 0 2 4 0 2 1 A l b i n o ( B G ) I t a l y
c o m p r o m i s e
Te l + 3 9 . 0 3 5 . 7 7 6 . 4 0 0 - F a x + 3 9 . 0 3 5 . 7 5 5 0 2 0 - w w w. f a s s i g r o u p . c o m
International Fassi Cranes magazine with the latest news and information
The magazine “Without Compromise” is produced by one of the
world’s top three manufacturers of truck-mounted cranes. “EASY
TO USE” in this issue, puts the user of the crane at the centre of
knows where to go, unlike conventional models in this product
sector. A Fassi crane can take in and interpret what
is actually happening around it, and a variety of different
attention, by considering his expectations and proposing solutions working situations, including the most demanding and potentially
that can make operations even easier, more convenient and safer. hazardous ones, whilst activating devices that let you work calmer,
In achieving this result, Fassi has taken an innovative route in the faster and more efficiently. This is possible thanks to systems that
interaction of man and machine. SEEING, TOUCHING, COM- use the most advanced electronic processes, making the Fassi crane
MUNICATING: on these three interaction levels, a Fassi crane a machine “WITHOUT COMPROMISE”.
in this edition
Number 1/2006
All the functions of the crane that can be selected are easily and
immediately available, thanks to the clear and precise graphic inter-
face both on the display of the remote radio control and on the
machine’s control centre.
All of the crane’s controls are conveniently located within arm’s reach
and have an original management system for the operating functions,
organised in a new rotating control that can be activated with just
one finger positioned directly on the remote radio control console.
Its very own electronic brain built into a network of sensors provides
excellent feedback on a Fassi crane. The machine constantly monitors
operations, envisages any problematic situations, and provides all the
operating information required for simple and total control of the
crane by the operator.
The advanced electronics used on Fassi cranes, which are a further develop-
ment of the proven FX Fassi system, allow rationalisation in improving the hydraulic,
mechanical and electronic components. Innovative sensors, connected to a centralized
operating control unit work in perfect symbiosis, providing obvious progress above all in
the control functions and the interface between user and machine. The obvious aspect
of this process is in fact the visualisation of the information on a simple
graphic display that reports what the operator needs to know on the state of use of
the crane, thus permitting a quick and effective management of the operation and safety.
Top level hardware and software let you display everything you need to control the crane:
the quantity and quality of the information and the number of crane functions that
can be directly actuated by the control unit make selecting the various ope-
The visualisation
rating functions and monitoring the state of the crane “at a glance” easy and intuitive. by means of the
innovative graphic
display simplifies the
management of the
crane in all conditions
of use.
The technological progress of Fassi cranes has made them “Easy to Use”also from the point of
view of using controls that manage the many functions of the machine, laid-out within arm’s
reach. The heart of the system is the “Canbus” data transmission, that is to say the
typology and transfer protocols of the information between the operational parts of the crane
and the control centre, which is completely digital on crane. The CANbus system, which has
the same function as the human nervous system, allows a speed and synchronicity of data
transfer that was unheard of on a hydraulic crane until now. The machine responds perfectly
and smoothly to the requests from the controls, thanks to the use of this innovative techno-
logy. It was also possible to adopt the most modern digital solutions and use graphic displays
interfaced with a rotating functional selector, the Fassi RX system, similar to
the system used on the most innovative and exclusive cars. Thanks to the RX selector, the
The control functions various control menus of the crane functions (identified on the display by icons) can easily be
are easily managed
thanks to the most accessed. You can call up data and access the programming, all with just one finger.
advanced control
devices and are always
within arm’s reach.
The synergy between the Integral Machine Control (IMC) and the Automatic Dynamic
Control (ADC) provides the best multi-functional performance in all working conditions. All the
data from this combination and integration are transmitted to the innovative board of the processor
unit, where the information that comes from the many devices installed on the crane is analysed.
The control unit can monitor the operational situation, select the optimal working conditions, locate
possible functional problems and automatically check them, thereby ensuring optimal performance
based on any specific load and movement. For the operator this means the highest level of
comfort and easy management of all operating conditions, including those that
may be extremely challenging and potentially dangerous, to the extent that the crane automatically
anticipates and controls hazardous situations. Furthermore, all the functions and decisions that are
about to be implemented by the machine are communicated to the user, either on the radio control
display or on the screen of the operator control unit on the crane. The latest generation of electro-
nics guarantees optimal output and an EASY-TO-USE concept, also in the interface for
check-ups, providing operational data to program periodic maintenance schedules and download
detailed reports onto a computer, with information on work done by the machine.
Fassi’s idea of
remote control
Selectors and digital displays: innovation
has never been so easy to use
The tangible expression all the main elements that characte- high-performance devices that are
of Fassi’s EASY TO USE rise this progress in the development easy to use, rational, and establish
technology. of the EASY TO USE concept. A com- a positive and constructive dialogue
The new RCH radio controls combine mitment aimed at producing reliable, with the user, from the ergonomics to
New hydraulic
technology installed
on the crane
No compromise distributors in the age of
A new generation of extraordinary potential of electronics, automotive sector for ABS and Airbag
distributors for transmitting characterised from the CANbus dig- installations, meaning drastic reduc-
electronic energy. ital information transmission system tions in welding and critical points,
Fassi’s “Easy to Use” innovation com- with the dynamic components of the and increased resistance to shock
bines the distribution systems and machine, jacks and extensions. The and sudden temperature changes.
hydraulic functions of the crane, with new hydraulic systems are the real Furthermore, the energy from the oil
technology that has been exclusively “energy package” that lets you take rather than electrical power is used to
adapted by Fassi in collaboration full advantage of the opportunities move the command cursor, so there
with some of the major companies in offered by electronics. is always a ready and safe response
this sector on a global scale. A new All of this is possible because, with without the use of a battery. The
generation of distributors and elec- respect to traditional systems, the use of an electronic supervisory unit
tro-hydraulic modules guarantee the new compensated distributors let you for controlling the cursor, apart from
maximum multi-functional capabili- perform several manoeuvres at the guaranteeing extremely fast reaction
ties, optimum speed and particularly same time, optimizing the speed and times, regulates the working speed
smooth and precise actuation in all precision of the movements. In fact, more progressively and avoids the
operating conditions. the flow of oil out of the distribu- risk of any inadvertent actuation. The
With their operational characteristics tor is kept constant regardless of the presence of a pressure transducer on
and performance, the new hydraulic manoeuvres that are activated, and the distributor head lets you check the
technologies that have been incorpo- the loads that are lifted or traversed. working pressures of the distributor
rated into the Fassi cranes bring the directly on the display, thus avoiding
“user friendly” philosophy to a new The best performance the need for pressure gauges. All of
level that positively revolutionises the combined with the maximum the components of the distributors
dialogue between user and machine. reliability. starting from the electro-hydraulic
The hydraulic systems are in fact the The electric controls are also highly controls have been studied and tested
essential element for combining the innovative, with technology used in the to be problem-free even in the most
severe operating conditions, includ- Furthermore, the high degree of pro- suitable for use in environments with
ing temperatures from -30° to + 60°. tection also makes the distributors high levels of humidity.
sector, ideal for interfacing the new used in an effective and rational manner, new electro-hydraulic modules and adds
generation digital electronics epitomi- optimizing speed and response in all ope- multi-functional capabilities to cranes
sed by the Flow Sharing System, with rating conditions, further enhanced by without digital control systems.
The FX system adds speed mitment aimed at improving the dia- that comes from the pump and also
and greater precision. logue between the crane and the user that which flows out of the rod side
The performance and operational in order to provide not only optimal of the jack and goes back to the tank,
versatility of Fassi cranes have been performance and reliability, but also considerably increases the speed of
further developed with the new Fassi making operating the machine easy, the extendible boom and in addition
XF system, bringing standards to a practical and convenient. to this special lockout valves, located
higher level. This technological solu- The FX system functions by means of on the main and secondary articula-
tion, which is the result of the ongo- new extension jacks that have a per- tion jacks, significantly improve preci-
ing activities of Fassi’s research and fect ram thrust area ratio between the sion in utilisation, while reducing the
development division, in addition cylinder side and the rod side, thus oil temperature.
to a higher actuation speed of the ensuring a better performance of the This ensures the maximum smooth-
extendible booms, guarantees smooth oil regenerative valve. ness and precision of the crane’s
movements and extremely precise This means a significant increase in movements whenever there is the
positioning. This innovative device is the overall speed of the machine. need to perform several manoeuvres
now part of Fassi’s technological com- The regenerative valve, using the oil at the same time.
Regenerative valve
The principle of the Fassi
XP system is summarised
in this graph: when the
operating conditions
require, the system calls
on a reserve of power re-
ducing the speed of the
crane’s movements while
simultaneously increa-
sing the lifting capacity.
Fassi XP, more power just the speed of the crane movements , mance or the operational safety of the
when it’s needed while at the same time increasing the crane.
The Fassi Extra Power system is a lifting capacity. The system can be conveniently star-
genuine reserve of power that Fassi The XP system is a strategic ally when ted up and disabled with the radio
cranes make available to users for you need to lift very heavy loads, or control, making the crane easy to
meeting the most difficult and proble- use a lot of lifting torque, or perform handle in all conditions.
matic operating circumstances caused manoeuvres with the maximum pre-
by the size of the load or particularly cision.
demanding dynamic conditions. The The XP system is great for getting
system can call on a reserve of power you out of sticky situations, without
precisely when it’s needed, reducing ever compromising either the perfor-
An intelligent system in real time. This new software is much flow of oil through the hydraulic distri-
perceives things, understands more powerful, but at the same time bution unit and consequently better
them and takes them in. more intuitive and easy to manage, multi-functional performance and
From the software point of view, as well as being user friendly, and higher working speeds, to the extent
Fassi’s research is revolutionising the structured with a greater number of that when the induced load on the lift
approach and the electronic techno- operational control parameters of the jacks changes, the speed of movement
logy that has been used until now in crane. The IMC coordinates, manages of the crane is automatically managed
the truck-mounted cranes sector in and controls the operating functions within the preset parameters.
a significant manner. The innovative of the crane, sending the data from
integral and “intelligent” IMC (Inte- the various equipment and devices to Everything under control,
gral Machine Control) control system the CANbus. The system is therefore including stability
is a real brain that knows how to coor- able to select the best conditions in The IMC system, integrated into the
dinate all the extraordinary power relation to the work to be performed, ADC system, is directly and constantly
that is available thanks to the synergy to detect possible problems and auto- interfaced with the control devices and
between the most advanced electro- matically control them, ensuring opti- radio control of the crane. The entire
nic systems and the latest hydrau- mum performance in accordance with operative state and functionality of
lic systems. The IMC system works any specific load or movement situa- the crane electronics can be checked
exactly like the nervous system of a tion. This works hand in hand with in real time on the digital display of
living being and has an electronic brain the ADC (Automatic Dynamic Control) the radio control and on the operating
(master unit) at the centre of its own system that is set up to control the panel of the machine itself. Thanks
system which can process an enor- dynamics, and which allows the maxi- to the power of the IMC system, all
mous amount of information coming mum speeds to be achieved in relation of the crane functions are constantly
from peripheral sensors and from the to the load being manoeuvred. Thanks shown on the display in exactly the
electro-hydraulic systems of the crane to the ADC system there is a greater same way as in the cockpit of an aero-
The digital
“brain” that
coordinates the Fassi
electronics is the result
of our vast experience
in management software: a
master unit that is capable of
processing an incredible amount of
information in a very short time.
1. PROXIMITY SENSORS If required, they limit the rotational arc of the cra- 1
ne, always guaranteeing stability, or they activate a differentiated torque
2. PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS. Fitted on all the jacks of the crane, they con-
3. ANGULAR SENSOR. This recognises the position of the load, making the
2 3
plane. Also thanks to the IMC system, communicate with the central control tial in terms of the synergy between the
the activation of the stabilizers can unit and agree on the actuation of the pressure transducers installed on all of
be checked and specific commands Electronic Flow Sharing device. This the jacks and the sensors. In particu-
given, including any further stabilizing system distributes the oil that comes lar, the angular sensor is able to reco-
operations, all at the same time. from the pump proportionally to all of gnise the position of the load to make
the manoeuvres that are being actua- the system genuinely “intelligent”. In
Inside the Fassi digital system: ted at any one time. Using a Fassi fact, in overloaded conditions, read
innovation at all levels. unit fitted with the new Flow Sharing by the transducers, the sensor autho-
The innovative electronic components system in fact, it is possible to actuate rises the manoeuvrable functions and
used on Fassi cranes have made it several levers at the same time and blocks those that would increase the
possible to fit multi-functional distri- then generate different movements overloading. Furthermore, it controls
bution units with the most advanced redistributing the available oil flow the safety management of the ProLink
hydraulic solutions for performance proportionately to all the movements system. All of this is made possible by
and reliability. The electro-hydrau- that are being actuated, ensuring the the interface between the Slave Unit
lic modules of the distributor with execution in each case. that transfers the data sent in analog
Canbus technology, for example, can The digital electronics are again essen- form to the CANbus, and the new
The “language”
of Fassi cranes
The innovative Fassi solutions that are an integral part
of the “Easy to use” dialogue
BV Basic Visualizer
FL Full Lift