Gut Microbiome Analysis of Snails: A Biotechnological Approach

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Chapter 9

Gut Microbiome Analysis of Snails: A Biotechnological


Mudasir A. Dar, Kiran D. Pawar and

Radhakrishna S. Pandit

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

Mollusks are a diverse group of animals not only at the species level but also with respect
to their habitat and behavior. Gastropods comprise 80% of the mollusks with approxi‐
mately 62,000 living species including snails. Over the period of time, snails have evolved
into marine, freshwater and terrestrial forms with a transitional shift in their feeding
habits. From prehistoric times, mollusks have established an intimate relationship with
humans. These animals are used as food, medicine, offering to gods and are also respon‐
sible for economic losses in the form of agricultural pests. As most of these animals feed
on plant biomass, their guts have evolved to digest such lignocellulosic biomass with
extraordinary efficiency. The plant fiber digestion in their guts depends predominantly
on the metabolic activities of the gastro‐intestinal microflora. Besides digestive functions,
the seasonal dynamic and spatial distribution of bacterial gut community largely influ‐
ences cold hardiness and many other metabolic properties in snails. Here, we assessed an
overview of the various bacterial populations dwelling in digestive tracts of snails. This
chapter provides insights into the gut microbiome of various snails that can be exploited
for various industrial applications such as biomass degradation, production of biofuel,
paper, wine and laundry detergents.

Keywords: Mollusca, snails, gut microbiome, symbiont, bacteria, industrial uses

1. Introduction

The phylum Mollusca is one of the most diverse groups of animals on earth that comprises
50,000 living species. Mollusks are soft‐bodied animals that inhabit almost every kind of habitat.
These are dominantly free‐living metazoans that possess a calcareous exoskeleton to provide
structural support for a muscular foot and enclose mantle cavity which is generally used for

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190 Organismal and Molecular Malacology

feeding, respiration and sometimes locomotion [1]. It constitutes the second largest, and most
variable, invertebrate phylum. The living species of the mollusks are divided into seven classes,
that is aplacophora, polyplacophora, monoplacophora, gastropoda, cephalopoda, pelecypoda
and scaphopoda [2]. Gastropods are the largest group of mollusks, comprising about 80% of
the living mollusks with ca. 62,000 living species. The first gastropods originated during the
late Cambrian period and over 500 million years ago. Since then, gastropods have radiated
into marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments, changing their food preferences from
herbivorous to carnivorous, endo‐parasitism or symbiont‐mediated chemoautotrophy [3].
The class gastropoda is the most speciose among animals to inhabit a variety of habitats such
as oceans, rivers, etc. and are the ones that have inhabited the land among mollusks [4]. The
aquatic forms have adapted to benthic forms while others remained pelagic. The life span
ranges from months to decades [5, 6] and in some cases life is marked by varying periods
of dormancy [7]. All gastropods are commonly called head‐foot or cephalopodium which
is a typical character of all gastropods because the head and foot arise from the same region
making it very difficult to differentiate where the head ends or the foot begins [8]. The head
of gastropods typically has two or four sensory tentacles with eyes and a ventral large foot,
which gives them their name (in Greek, gaster is stomach and poda is feet). The anterior divi‐
sion of the foot, that is, propodium, is used for crawling. The shell in the larval stage is called
protoconch. Most gastropods have a shell that typically opens on the right‐hand side. Several
species have operculum that is used to close the shell opening.

Most species of gastropoda include slugs and snails where the snails possess coiled shells on
their body. The term snail is often used to describe marine and freshwater snails, along with
terrestrial ones. More generally, the term is applied to land snails than to those from the sea or
freshwater [9]. Snails generally thrive in habitats rich in calcium, limestone, marl and places
with concrete and cement. They are hermaphrodite but reciprocal copulation is required to
produce viable eggs. Eggs are laid 8 days after copulation producing about 400 to 1000 eggs
per year [10]. Cool and moist soil is necessary for the egg hatching producing juvenile snails
that eat their egg shells and remain burrowed for 2 weeks. The juveniles feed on tender shoots
of plants while the adult can also digest detritus. Under unfavorable conditions, snails can
bury themselves under soil and remain inactive from months to years [11].

The terrestrial snails like Achatina fulica, Achatina achatina and Archachatina marginata are
large‐sized terrestrial mollusks that can grow up to 20 cm in length and 10 cm in diameter.
In these snails, the brownish shell having dark stripes generally covers half of the body [12].
Among these, the shell of A. fulica is smaller that can grow up to 3–4 inches, while A. achatina
has a larger shell size of 10–11 inches [9].
Snails are both ecologically as well as economically very important animals. In the modern era
of technology, the utility of snails is largely neglected, particularly in developed countries. Since
snails dwell in a variety of niches, they could harbor a militia of micro‐biota which could be
exploited for various biotechnological purposes. This work provides insights into the microbiome
of various snails. Furthermore, for the first time, we assessed the probable applications of snails
in general and their gut micro‐biota in particular for various biotechnology‐based industries.
Gut Microbiome Analysis of Snails: A Biotechnological Approach 191

2. Origin and distribution of snails

The families Lymnaeae and Planorbidae originated from the common ancestor approximately
250 million years ago during the Permian period. Some fossils belonging to family Bulininae
and Planorbinae of the upper cretaceous have been obtained from Africa and India [13, 14].
The first fossil record for the family Achatinidae was obtained from the Pleistocene in Africa
[15, 16] but the family clearly evolved much earlier. In the 1950s, Mead described the earliest
achatinids that originated in Cameroon and Gabon, northward of the river Zambezi in Africa,
which later spread to both arid and the sub‐arid areas of the southern continent and other
moist parts east of the great watershed [17, 18]. This indicated that temperate species were
directly evolved from tropical ancestors. Nonetheless, little is known about the evolutionary
history of the achatinids.

The habitats of terrestrial snails range from dense tropical forests in Africa to the fringing
riparian forests of Savannah [19, 20]. The members of the family Achatinidae comprise more
than 200 species in 13 genera that are native to Africa. Several species have attained pest
nature within their native African range when the habitat was modified by human activities
and cropping. Furthermore, due to the increased mobility of humans and globalization of
trade and travel, several alien species have been accidentally or purposefully transported to
areas outside of the African continent. In these new areas, Achatinidae have caused signifi‐
cant economic and ecological impacts [21]. Due to its invasive capacity, Achatina fulica has
spread from East Africa to many regions around the globe including rainforests, tropics,
subtropics, etc. Apart from anthropogenic activities [22], the higher adaptability of this snail
to variety of habitats is often contributed by its gut micro‐biota that it selectively chooses
from the favorable environments for successful dispersion [23]. However, terrestrial spe‐
cies have a great capacity of adaptation, survival and may contain an intriguing micro‐biota
serving in the efficient degradation [24] of ingested lignocellulosic plant biomass into many
useful products. Due to its fast distribution and voracious feeding, this species is now con‐
sidered as the most destructive terrestrial gastropod [12]. The A. fulica has been blamed as
an intermediate vector of many worms and microorganisms, causing a variety of ailments
[25]. The species was introduced to the USA in 1939, to India in 1947 near Kolkata and to
Brazil in 1980s.

The widespread distribution of A. fulica is caused by a number of factors [26]. Sometimes, it

has been deliberately introduced by humans as pet and in some cases as a source of food or
for ornamental and medicinal purposes (Figure 1). It is also transported unintentionally with
agricultural, horticultural and other commercial products or in containers in which they are
shipped. They were also transported accidentally with military equipment in many countries
[27]. The land snail, A. fulica, spreads extensively along rivers and streams, either on floating
mats of vegetation or by surviving long enough in the water to float downstream.

The pulmonate snails are native to Africa but are currently found in Asia, the Pacific,
Madagascar, Indonesia, Australia, the Caribbean Basin, the United States and South America
(Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil and Argentina) [28, 29].
192 Organismal and Molecular Malacology

Figure 1. Different methods involved in the isolation and identification of microbes of the snail gut.

3. Uses of snails

From prehistoric times, it is quite evident that mollusks have a precarious relationship with
humans. Many snails are known to damage the wooden ships and poison scuba divers.
Researchers have also found that snails actually harbor a secret that could help humans to stay
healthy and pain free. Even some authors quoted that guts of mollusks contain a unique set
of microorganisms that might save human lives. During evolution, snails have also coevolved
with ancient bacteria that reside in their guts. In return, the bacteria also express some drug‐
like molecules that help the snail’s proper functioning and ward off diseases [30]. For example
the Leuconostoc mesenteroides strain isolated from the gut of Cornu aspersum produced some bac‐
teriocins‐like substance that inhibited the growth of the pathogen Propionibacterium acnes [31].

3.1. Snails as food

The gastropods, particularly snails, have been used both as food as well as treatment for a
variety of human diseases. The fossil remains of prehistoric shellfish found in caves indicate
that snails have served as a delicacy for humans for thousands of years. The snails are easy to
culture and majorly composed of muscles. Snails are a rich source of proteins containing high
amounts of essential amino acids [32]. From the twentieth century, the food qualities of snails
Gut Microbiome Analysis of Snails: A Biotechnological Approach 193

were so appreciated that it was a highly sought‐after food. They are preferred as a food source
in certain parts of Africa, Asia and South America. In recent decades, the snail’s consumption
has increased throughout European countries, which consequently lead to their gradual dis‐
appearance from freely dwelling areas. This decrease in population contributed to predation
of the species and introduction of pathogens that harmed the productivity of snails [33, 34].
The inedible parts of snails are also used in animal‐feed preparations as shown in Figure 1.

3.2. Medicinal uses

Hippocrates reportedly said that crushed snails can be used to relieve inflamed skin and pain.
Two decades ago, slime of the Chilean snail was reported to quickly heal the skin lesions
with no scars. This innovation later led to the production of “Elicina” which is snail slime‐
based fairness products. Recently in 2010, Missha, a USA‐based cosmetic company launched
a branded fairness cream, “Aqua Cell Renew Snail Cream”, containing 70% slime. The com‐
pany also claimed that this cream reduces pigments, acne, scars and combats wrinkles [35].
Though snail slime contains unusual crystals of calcite, it may find some use in orthopedics
also. This is because scientists at the Herriot‐Watt University stated that calcite may be used
for the development of bone cement by using inorganic crystals in organic matrix [36].

3.3. Religious importance of snails

In southern Miami, snail invasion is very severe because they are linked to religious rituals. In
Candomblé religion, coloration of the shell is considered very important for offerings to their
gods, Orishas, and symbolizes the personality of an Orisha (e.g., red indicates fire and fury,
white indicates tranquility and age while yellow is for prosperity and wealth). However, the
color preference can vary between nations of different areas of the religion. For example, sac‐
rificial animals or their parts that are offered to Obatala (white Orisha) should be completely
white such as the white blood of A. fulica [37].

3.4. Ecological importance

Some snails that climb the trees rasping on the surface of leaves can influence biosphere com‐
munity succession and nutrient cycling. Snails also provide some antimicrobial barriers to the
plants by secreting the wax layer which contains antimicrobial compounds [38]. Mucus secreted
by the gastropods has been shown to have selective antimicrobial properties as well [39, 40].
Moreover, some snails are also used for monitoring the environmental pollution. Such is the
species of Arianta arbustorum, which can tolerate higher concentrations of the heavy metals, like
cadmium, lead and copper, indicating elevated levels of metal pollution in their niches [41].

4. Impact of snails on agriculture

Many researchers have reviewed the impacts of invasive mollusks on agriculture [42, 43] bio‐
diversity and human health. However, the annual costs associated with damage to the envi‐
ronment and agriculture due to alien species in the USA have been recently estimated to be
194 Organismal and Molecular Malacology

US$120 billion. The combined costs associated with damage for the United States, the United
Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India and Brazil have been estimated as US$314 billion per
year [43]. In the tropics, the loss caused by the snails is threefold. Primarily, there is loss of the
agricultural products followed by the cost of labor and materials associated with the manage‐
ment of such pests. Lastly, there is opportunity losses related to the changes in agricultural
practice such as cultivation of pest‐resistant species only.
Among mollusks, the giant African land snail, A. fulica tops the list of agricultural pests. A.
fulica (Lissachatina fulica) is a herbivore, feeding primarily on vascular plants [21] and plant
tissues containing high protein and calcium content [44, 45]. All Achatinidae species need cal‐
cium for the formation of shell and reproduction. Thus, environments rich in calcium carbon‐
ate, such as limestone landscapes having a pH of 7.0–8.0, and urban areas with abundant
concrete are preferred [28].
The adult snail of A. fulica daily consumes large quantity of plant material approximately 10%
of its weight [46]. The seedling stage of plants is most preferred and vulnerable. The extent
of damage is based on the chemical composition of the plant and varies spatially as well as
temporarily [47]. Many researchers have stated that infestations by snails to the nursery stage
are so severe that demands change in cultivation practice. For example, in Malaysia, Guam
and Indonesia, during the season of peak infestations of A. fulica, it is almost impossible to
grow vegetables [27, 48, 49].
A. fulica is considered the most damaging land snail in the world as it can dwell on over
500 different crop species. It is a non‐host specific pest of crops like peanuts, beans, peas,
cucumbers and melons. If fruits and vegetables are not available, snails can feed on variety of
ornamental plants, tree barks and even paint on houses [21]. The snail also allies with other
soil invertebrates to decompose the leaf litter [50] and is the most destructive pest; it is ranked
second among the 100 worst alien invasive species [51]. It affects tropical and subtropical
areas, causing large damages to farms, commercial plantations and domestic gardens. It can
also be found on trees, decaying materials and next to garbage deposits [17]. In urban areas,
the deposition of solid waste by humans is primarily responsible for the proliferation of pests
[12]. This species has attained pest status also due to its voracious feeding, competing for
physical space with the native fauna resulting in disequilibrium of biodiversity [12]. Apart
from being an agricultural nuisance, snails can thrive in cities, crawl up the walls of buildings
and skid cars on highways [27].

5. Control strategies for snails

Snails are important both ecologically as well as economically due to a variety of factors. The
prolific breeder A. fulica, soon after the introduction to a new habitat, reproduces at alarming
rates making the control strategy very difficult. The control strategy of the pest is based on
physical, chemical as well as biological methods. The physical control includes collection and
destruction of snails and their eggs from the infested site or campaigns organized by local
agencies voluntarily supported by health service officials, local people, students and teach‐
ers. After collection, snails are crushed and buried deep into the soil, covered with kaolin.
Eradication of the species involves a huge amount of chemicals, hand collection and extensive
Gut Microbiome Analysis of Snails: A Biotechnological Approach 195

public awareness programs like posters, documentaries, etc. Metaldehyde is the principal
component of molluscicides and is indiscriminately used for the control of the snail A. fulica,
consequently causing loss of productivity of local crops. For example, in Sao Paulo, farmers
unknowingly used the molluscicide “metaldehyde” in banana fields to target snails, which
killed many species including bats, skunks, lizards and small rodents which were beneficial
as natural control agents of agricultural pests [12]. The physical methods are very time‐con‐
suming and tedious while the chemicals have resistance problems, killing the non‐target flora
and fauna. Therefore, biological control is the option that seems very fruitful and ecofriendly.
But predatory snails (e.g., rosy wolf snail: Euglandina rosea) and flatworms have also failed
to control some species such as A. fulica [52, 53]. As snails are ecologically and economically
important due to the pest nature, the bacterial flora present in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of
snails may have an important role in digestion. These functionally specialized GI tract regions
may be unique microenvironments and could harbor unusual bacterial communities.

6. Process of digestion in snails

In an ecosystem, the ability to procure enough food is pivotal for the survival of an organism.
Feeding is necessary for the maintenance of metabolism, growth and reproductive success
of animals. The process of digestion is characterized by a specific set of enzymes that often
break the refractory food substances [54]. The alimentary tract of land snails is remarkably
simple, possibly because of terrestrial life styles. The alimentary canal is usually divisible
into buccal mass, esophagus, crop, stomach, intestine and rectum along with appendages like
salivary and digestive glands (hepatopancreas) [55]. In A. fulica, like other gastropods, the
food scraped by radula and ingested by the buccal mass is mixed with the secretions of the
salivary gland and accumulates in the crop (ingluvius), a distensible muscular compartment.
The crop and stomach are filled via two cannaliculi with the juice produced by the digestive
glands. The medial part of the gut is surrounded by the digestive gland, which secretes more
enzymes into the mid‐gut lumen and also absorbs nutrients. The epithelium of the digestive
tube is ciliated along almost its entire length, allowing the food to mix with digestive juices
and helping to transport the alimentary mass. The ciliated epithelia also allow the microbial
flora to anchor on the digestive tube [56]. The gut of the giant African land snail, A. fulica, is
large enough to act as a fermentation vessel where a number of metabolic reactions are medi‐
ated by the host symbionts. The unabsorbed part of the alimentary mass (bolus) is compacted
and passed directly into the rectum. The snail’s digestion is primarily extracellular [55].

7. Role of the gut bacteria in snails

The gastrointestinal tracts of animals are modified as per their food requirement and physi‐
ological adaptations. All the herbivores that feed on lignocellulosic feed stock share two com‐
mon features, that is enlarged digestive tract and gut micro‐biota. Digestive tract is usually
long enough having different regions such as esophagus, crop, rumen, caecum and rectal
paunch while gut microbes provide the host with a unique set of necessary enzymes for the
digestion of plant materials [57, 58]. The guts of herbivores that largely feed on lignocellulosic
196 Organismal and Molecular Malacology

rich plant materials act as natural bioreactors for the degradation of plant biomass making
them efficient sources of industrially important bacteria [59]. In many herbivores and omni‐
vores, the digestion of the plant biomass is of immense importance for the energy capture
[60]. Therefore, bacterial flora present in the GI tract of these animals may have an important
role in digestion. These functionally specialized GI tract regions may be unique microenvi‐
ronments and could harbor unusual bacterial communities.

7.1. Abundance of bacterial symbionts in snails

During the past century, scientists have focused on microbes that secrete the cellulose hydro‐
lyzing enzymes. For instance, Seillière [61] pioneered the isolation of bacterial cellulases from
the gut of the terrestrial gastropod H. pomatia. Similarly, Florkin and Lozet [62] studied the
cellulases, whereas Jeuniaux [63] observed that chitinases from H. pomatia, of microbial origin,
played a major role in the digestion of plant components in all phytophagous snails.

Charrier et al. [64] observed that density of bacteria in C. aspersum and H. pomatia was up to
5.109 CFU g−1 fresh tissue in the distal intestine, while in proximal region it was from 10 to 1000
fold lower than in the distal part. The H. pomatia was the least colonized by bacteria. The C.
aspersum that fed on carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) harbored approximately 107 g−1 bacteria
and while those fed on native cellulose contained 106 g−1 [65]. In another study carried out in
aerobic and anaerobic conditions by the same authors, it revealed that gram‐positive bacteria
were in the range of 1.57 × 109 ± 0.10 × 109 CFUg−1 in the intestine. Although the score of gram‐
negative aerobic bacteria accounted for 5.77 × 108 ± 1.35 × 108 CFUg−1 in the intestine, but it
comprised only 27% of the total bacterial load in H. aspersa [66]. However, Simkiss observed
only 0.71 × 106 CFU g−1 body weight in H. aspersa [67]. In a similar report, researchers [68]
noted less than 106 g−1 bacteria growing on sterile paper. In the intestine of Tegula funebralis,
the number of culturable bacteria was 25 × 105 only [69].

Several strains growing on chitin have been isolated from different species of snails such as
C. gillenii, B. agrestis, B. noackiae and E. malodoratus. The presence of chitinolytic bacteria in
H. pomatia has been reported by Jeuniaux [63] where he observed the bacterial density in the
range of 106 CFUg−1 of the tissue. By culture‐dependent method, Pawar with his coauthors
[70] enumerated from 103 to 106 CFU from the whole GI tract of A. fulica. Koleva et al. [31],
while studying the gut bacteria of C. aspersum, stated that bacterial diversity varies with the
different stages of life cycle and accounted for maximum 1.6 × 109 CFU ml−1 gut extract dur‐
ing the active stage. Since more than 95% of the bacteria in any environment including guts
of animals are un‐culturable, their composition and community structure cannot be studied
completely by culture‐dependent approaches. As most of these studies were done using cul‐
ture‐dependent approaches, they might have not revealed much of bacterial composition and
community structure in the GI tract of snails. More research is needed to study the bacterial
diversity of snails by using advanced in‐silico and meta‐genomic approaches, harnessing the
vast diversity of microbes in the snail guts. Very few studies have been carried out to analyze
the bacterial populations in snails by using metagenomic methods. The complete details of
the processes and protocols involved in the isolation and identification of the gut microbes are
beyond the scope of this chapter, however, briefing the outline of most of these methodologies
would be helpful. The brief outline of all these methodologies is given in Figure 2.
Gut Microbiome Analysis of Snails: A Biotechnological Approach 197

Figure 2. Ecological, economic and industrial utility of snails.

8. Host‐symbiont interactions

Recent evidence for the presence of various kinds of bacteria in the snails suggested that a
symbiotic relationship is developed between the host and the microbes during the course of
evolution. Hitherto, a large number of eukaryotic symbionts have been isolated from snails
in the families particularly, Achatinidae, Ampullariidae, Helicidae, Planorbidae, etc. as given
below in Table 1 [71]. Further, identification of the isolated gut bacteria has been done in
vetigastropods of the genus Haliotis and in several other pulmonates. Among pulmonates,
representatives of the genera Biomphalaria, Bulinus, Helisoma [72], Helix, Cornu [64, 66] and
Achatina [70, 73, 74] have also been studied.

The advanced techniques like meta‐genomics have proved that the gut bacteria perform many
beneficial activities for the host. These resident bacteria help the host in processes such as
digestion of complex molecules into simpler forms, generating energy, synthesis of cofactors,
amino acids for basic metabolism as well as preventing the growth of pathogens. Some of the
bacteria isolated from the snail caused the fermentation of sugars like glucose, lactose, manni‐
tol, rhamnose, arabinose, maltose, etc. showing the positive interaction of the snails with their
gut flora [75]. Some authors [40] reported the presence of several bacterial OTUs ­belonging
198 Organismal and Molecular Malacology

Sr. No. Snail Habitat of snail Family Microbes Methodology References

1 Achatina achatina Terrestrial Achatinidae Bacteria Biochemical [9]

2 Achatina fulica Terrestrial Achatinidae Bacteria, fungi, 16Sr RNA/ [23, 70, 73, 74,
virus, protozoa metagenomics/ 137]

3 Achatina mustelina Terrestrial Achatinidae Bacteria and Metagenomics [40]


4 Archachatina Terrestrial Achatinidae Bacteria and Biochemical [119, 138]

marginata fungi

5 Batillus cornutus Marine Turbinidae Bacteria 16S rRNA [139]

6 Helix aspersa/Cornu Terrestrial Helicidae Bacteria and 16S rRNA/ [31, 67, 68,
aspersum yeast Biochemical 140, 141]

7 H. pomatia Terrestrial Helicidae Bacteria Metagenomics [131]

8 Indoplanorbis Freshwater Planorbidae Bacteria Biochemical [75]


9 Lymnaea stagnalis Freshwater Lymnaeidae Bacteria Biochemical [75]

10 Pomacea Freshwater Ampullariidae Bacteria 16S rRNA [71]


11 Pila globosa Freshwater Ampullariidae Bacteria 16S rRNA [142]

12 Pila ovata Freshwater Ampullariidae Bacteria Biochemical [115]

13 Tegula funebralis Marine Tegulidae Bacteria Biochemical [69]

14 Trochus niloticus Marine Tegulidae Bacteria Biochemical [143]

Table 1. Species of snails that have been used for isolation of microorganisms.

to oceanospirillales, enterobacteriaes, alteromonadales, along with α‐Proteobacteria and

Rhizobiales in the fecal samples of Achatinella mustelina. Some snails thrive in toxic habitats
like deep sea vents due to energy provided by the bacteria. The scaly foot snail, Chrysomallon
squamiferum, discovered from the Kairei vent of Indian Ocean, flourishes by using a similar
strategy, exploiting energy harnessed by the gut symbionts. That is why this snail can grow
to up to 45 mm in size, when most of its close relatives did not grow beyond 15 mm in the
absence of endosymbionts [76].

The physiology and diet of the host are the main components that determine the community
structure of an organism. The gut microbiome of many animals including snails has been
characterized recently [23, 70]. Animals are known to choose their gut microbes selectively/
functionally, and the microbial cells outnumber their hosts by many folds [77, 78]. Snails,
like other invertebrates, eat soil to get the useful microbes that may augment in digestion. In
turn, micro‐biota provides important implications to the host’s immune system [79] prevent‐
ing invasion by exogenous pathogenic microbes [80, 81]. This in other words indicates that
changes in microbial flora of the snail could have a negative impact such as without which
they may stop feeding and ultimately die [82].
Gut Microbiome Analysis of Snails: A Biotechnological Approach 199

8.1. Cellulose‐degrading bacteria

The plant biomass is comprised of three major components that is cellulose (50%), hemicellulose
(30%) and lignin (20–30%). All herbivores do not possess the ability to digest plant polysaccha‐
rides and instead depend on their gut symbionts to derive the nutritionally important com‐
pounds from the ingested material [83–85]. Therefore, many researchers have extrapolated the
gut microbiomes of many animals by using meta‐genomics approach. Such studies have revealed
that the gut of herbivores is a home to a consortium of microbes that have evolved to efficiently
degrade and ferment the plant cellulose ingested by the host [86, 87]. These organisms possess
a complex enzyme system known as cellulosome, and the complete enzymatic system includes
three different enzyme types, that is exo‐β‐1, 4‐glucanases (EC, endo‐β‐1, 4‐glucanases
(EC3.2.1.4) and β‐1, 4‐glucosidase (EC along with several cofactors [88]. Cellulases act by
hydrolyzing the β‐1, 4 bonds in cellulose, releasing some small chains of oligosaccharides which
are concurrently broken into monosaccharides by β‐glucosidases [89]. The hydrolysis of lignin
occurs due to the concomitant action of a specific set of enzymes such as laccase, lignin peroxi‐
dase, etc. In lignin degradation, the ligninolytic enzymes primarily alter the structural conforma‐
tion of lignin by breaking several stable bonds resulting in production of free radicals [90]. From
application point of view, bacteria are generally preferred over the fungi due to their higher
growth rate allowing fast production of recombinant proteins [91]. Additionally, some glycoside
hydrolases (GHs) of bacterial nature form multi‐enzyme complexes called cellulosome provide
increased synergy, stability and catalytic efficiency [92], while others are multifunctional, har‐
boring both endoglucanase and xylanase activities [93]. A list of different groups of bacteria can
be isolated from snails and thereby exploited for industrial applications. Therefore, enzymes of
bacterial origin could offer specific biotechnological interests due to their less dependency on
mediators. However, the lignocellulose‐hydrolyzing enzymes secreted by bacteria are inducible,
extracellular and cell associated [90]. Recently, Chang and his team [94] isolated a Bacillus strain
that has a repertoire to remove lignin from rice straw; this biomass can be subsequently treated
with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to improve the sugars yield. These sugars can be further utilized
for the production of bioethanol, biogas and bio‐hydrogen by fermentations [70].
Some of the microbes such as bacteria Fibrobacter succinogenes, R. flavefaciens and R. albus
[95] and some fungi are primarily responsible for degradation of plant cell walls. R. albus8 is
anaerobic, fibrolytic and gram‐positive bacterium present in herbivores and can degrade both
cellulose and hemicellulose [60, 96]. But R. flavefaciens and R. champanellensis are very efficient
cellulose degraders due to their cellulosome secretion which is lacking in case of R. albus8 [97].
The symbiotic bacteria from the gut of gastropods are considered to participate in the diges‐
tion of carbohydrates, such as cellulose and hemicellulose comprising the major part of the
plants (Table 2). Recently, we reported the presence of lignocellulolytic bacteria in the GI tract
of A. fulica [73]. However, Koch et al. [71] reported that P. canaliculata can survive till 56 days
on a cellulose‐rich diet and concluded the existence of bacterial endoglucanases that helps the
snail to utilize cellulose polymer. Earlier studies [65, 68] showed that H. aspersa contains very
few cellulose‐degrading bacteria though some authors [64] claimed the complete absence of
these bacteria in the gut. Many authors have demonstrated the degradation of native cellu‐
lose, mannan and laminarin by the snails [98, 99], thereby a large set of bacteria producing
hydrolytic enzymes may be involved. The cellulases of animal origin were first studied by
200 Organismal and Molecular Malacology

Sr. No. Snail species Bacteria NCBI accession Gram stain References
no. (16S rRNA)
1 Achatina fulica Klebsiella pneumoniae AB680060 −ve [23, 73, 74]

2 Sphingobacterium mizutaii NR042134 −ve

3 Sphingobacterium multivorum FJ459994 −ve

4 Microbacterium sp. AB646581 +ve

5 Uncultured Flavobacterium sp. DQ168834 −ve

6 Aeromonas punctata NR029252 −ve

7 Microbacterium sp. AB646581 +ve

8 Klebsiella variicola NR025635 −ve

9 Aeromonas caviae AB626132 −ve

10 Aeromonas caviae JF920485 −ve

11 Streptomyces kunmingensis NR043823 +ve

12 Cellulosimicrobium sp. AB188217 +ve

13 Cellulosimicrobium funkei JQ659848 +ve

14 Klebsiella sp. AB114637 −ve

15 Enterobacter sp. JQ396391 −ve

16 Stenotrophomonas sp. DQ242478 +ve

17 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans AB166888 +ve

18 Cellulosimicrobium sp. HM367604 +ve

19 Agromyces allii NR_04393 +ve

20 Nocardiopsis sp. HQ433551 +ve

21 Microbacterium binotii JQ659823 +ve

22 Bacillus subtilis +ve

23 Ochrobactrum sp. KJ669202 −ve

24 Achromobacter xylosoxidans KJ669206 −ve

25 Klebsiella sp. KJ669189 −ve

26 Enterobacter sp. KJ669197 −ve

27 Enterobacter cloacae KJ669195 −ve

28 Bacillus. sp. KR866144 +ve

29 Archachatina Bacillus subtilis NA +ve [119]


30 E. casseliflavus NA +ve

31 Streptococcus faecalis NA +ve

32 Staphylococcus aureus NA +ve

33 Pomacea Nostoc sp. NA −ve

Gut Microbiome Analysis of Snails: A Biotechnological Approach 201

Sr. No. Snail species Bacteria NCBI accession Gram stain References
no. (16S rRNA)
34 Helix aspersa Pseudomonas sp. NA −ve [68, 133]

35 Xanthomonas sp. NA −ve

36 Acinobacter sp. NA −ve
37 Vibrio sp. NA −ve

38 Enterobacteriae sp. NA −ve

39 Bacillus sp. NA +ve
40 Staphylococcus sp. NA +ve

41 Micrococcus sp. NA +ve

42 Bulinus africanus, Chloroacidobacteria NA −ve [72]
pfeifferi, Helisoma

43 Chryseobacterium NA −ve
44 Comamonadaceae NA −ve

45 Bacillus spp. NA +ve

46 Aeromonas spp. NA −ve

47 Verrucomicrobiae spp. NA −ve

48 Batillus conutus Bacillus sp. JMP A HM776393 +ve [139]

49 Bacillus sp. JMP B HM776394 +ve

50 Staphylococcus sp. JMP‐C HM776395 +ve

51 Pila globosa Klebsiella oxytoca KF017601 −ve [142]

NA: not available.

Table 2. Cellulose degrading bacteria isolated from the digestive tract of different snails.

Biedermann and Moritz [100], in Helix spp., at the end of nineteenth century. Further, snails
possess a micro‐biota specialized in a variety of functions, thus contributing to an extraor‐
dinary (up to 80%) efficiency to digest plant biomass [24]. The abundance of carbohydrate‐
secreting bacteria and the rate of enzyme activity in various parts of the herbivorous guts
are inversely proportional to each other, therefore, bacteria have become complementary for
digestion of food. However, Payne et al. [101] also reported that wherever the enzyme pro‐
duction is less or nil, the enzymes released by the gut microflora would be of much help for
digestion. The bacterial glycoside hydrolase (GH) genes and carbohydrate‐binding modules
(CBMs) are abundant in the digestive tract of animals [84, 102–106] which suggest the poten‐
tial role of microbial symbionts in the hydrolysis of plant material to help extract nutrients
[107]. The metagenomic and in silico studies have proved that gut symbionts perform useful
functions to the host such as production of amino acids, energy generation and act as a barrier
against diseases [108]. Recent works by researchers [23, 72] using advanced microbiological
techniques elucidated that snails contain a vast array of microbial diversity within their guts.
202 Organismal and Molecular Malacology

8.2. Lactic acid bacteria

The lactic acid bacteria (LAB) comprise a significant proportion of the gut‐bacterial communi‐
ties of many animals including pigs, fowls, rodents, chicken, horses, gastropods and insects.
These bacteria are vital for the host as they behave as protagonists in maintaining the eco‐
logical equilibrium between the different species of microorganisms inhabiting these envi‐
ronments. This microbial community takes part in the fermentation of the food, providing
energy to the host [64]. Koleva et al. [31] isolated 55 strains of LAB from the gut of C. asper‐
sum (Table 3). Based on 16S rRNA sequencing, Lactobacillus (18), Enterococcus (17), Lactococcus

Sr. No. Snail Bacteria NCBI accession Gram stain References

no. (16S rRNA)
1 Helix pomatia Buttiauxella agrestis DQ223869 −ve [64]

2 Citrobacter gillenii DQ223882 −ve

3 Buttiauxella agrestis DQ223871 −ve

4 Lactococcus lactis DQ223875 +ve

5 Kluyvera intermedia DQ223868 −ve

6 Lactococcus sp. DQ223877 +ve

7 Obesumbacterium proteus DQ223874 −ve

8 Enterobacter amnigenus DQ223879 −ve

9 Enterococcus raffinosus DQ223885 +ve

10 Enterococcus malodoratus DQ223886 +ve

11 Cornu aspersum, Buttiauxella noackiae DQ223870 −ve [66]

12 Clostridium sp. DQ223883 +ve

13 Raoultella terrigena DQ223873 −ve

14 Enterobacter amnigenus DQ223878 −ve

15 Citrobacter gillenii DQ223881 −ve

16 Enterococcus casseliflavus DQ223887 +ve

17 Citrobacter sp. DQ223880 −ve

18 Helix aspersa Lactobacillus brevis NA +ve [31]

19 Lactobacillus plantarum NA +ve

20 Lactococcu lactis NA +ve

21 Weissella confusa NA +ve

22 Lactobacillus curvatus NA +ve

23 Enterococcus mundtii NA +ve

24 E. faecium NA +ve

NA: not available.

Table 3. List of lactic acid bacteria used by snails in fermentation of digested food.

Gut Microbiome Analysis of Snails: A Biotechnological Approach 203

(12) and Leuconostoc (7) accounted for 33, 32, 21 and 13% of the bacterial diversity, respec‐
tively, including the strains belonging to genus Weissella. Among these genera, Enterococcus
and Lactococcus exhibited the lactic acid activity, thereby indicating their role in the digestive
physiology of the snail. However, the LAB are also reported to have a stimulatory response
in a marine gastropod Nassarius obsoletus [109]. The epiphyte enterococci being the dominant
lactic acid bacterium in the snail’s intestine is quite interesting. Lactococcus lactis is a nonpatho‐
genic bacterium that has been extensively used in the dairy industry for the manufacture of
buttermilk, yogurt and cheese. These microbes are also routinely used in the fermentation
process of wines, beer, bread and pickles.

Enterococcus, a LAB, inhabiting the gut of many herbivores, is considered as beneficial for
the hosts because it forms a biofilm‐like structure on the gut epithelium which could pre‐
vent the host gut from colonization of pathogenic microbes [110]. The members of the genus
Enterococcus also produce some bacteriocins. The synergistic effect of this biofilm formation
and production of antimicrobial compound probably impedes the entrance and establish‐
ment of perilous pathogens in the snail gut [111, 112].

8.3. Proteolytic bacteria

Proteases are enzymes that perform proteolysis, that is, hydrolysis of peptide bonds between
two amino acids of a polypeptide chain. Protease enzymes are ubiquitous [113] in nature.
Some proteases determine the lifetime of functional molecules like hormones, antibodies,
or other enzymes that are very important for physiological processes. In the present era of
advanced technology, more research is being done on eco‐friendly products replacing the
chemical processes by using enzymatic methods. Proteases have a high demand in industries
like bread and meat industry, pharmaceuticals and agro‐waste disposal management [114].
They are widely used in the film industry for recovery of silver from X‐ray films, in the chemi‐
cal industry for peptide synthesis, in the feed and food industry for production of protein
hydrolysates, by waste processing companies, in the field of textile processing for degum‐
ming of silk and processing of wool and in the manufacture of detergents, pharmaceuticals
and leather [115].

Though produced by many microorganisms, that is fungi, yeast, actinomycetes and molds,
the proteases of bacterial origin are considered as most significant [116] because bacte‐
ria can be manipulated genetically to generate new enzymes with desired properties for
the specific applications [117]. The bacterial proteases constitute about two‐thirds of the
industrially important enzymes and account for about 60% of the total worldwide sale in
markets. Protease‐producing bacteria are also useful for the ecosystem as these microbes
decompose the dead and decaying animal or plant matter that is primarily composed of
proteins. They can create pollution‐free environment and are responsible for the recycling
of nutrients.

Ariole and Ilega [115] isolated the proteolytic Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the gut of freshwa‐
ter snail, Pila ovata. They concluded that this bacterium augmented the snail in degradation
of nutrients showing a maximum proteolytic activity of 372 U/ml at pH 9. The saprophagous
nature of H. pomatia suggests that its gut can be a site for protein digestion [118]. Proteolytic
204 Organismal and Molecular Malacology

activity contributed by the bacteria was also reported by Koleva et al. [31] in the gut of C.
aspersum during the actively feeding stage.

In the African snail, A. marginata, the five‐cellulase‐and‐protease‐positive bacteria, belong‐

ing to genus B. subtilis, S. aureus, S. casseliflavus and S. faecalis, have been studied [119]. Few
researchers have reported the protein digestion augmented by the gut symbionts in case of
gastropods [120–122], with a 32‐kDa protease present in gut lumen and midgut gland of P.

Snails are cheap, easy to rear and collect and contain copious microbes in their guts that can be
exploited for various industrial purposes. The industrially important enzymes, like cellulases
and proteases, can be isolated, extracted and purified from the gut microbes of snails thereby
reducing the cost of imported materials. These enzymes are not only used in biofuel produc‐
tion but also harvested for other industries like pharmaceutical, waste disposal and detergent
industries [119].

8.4. Chitinolytic bacteria

The omnivorous snails feed on insects that are a rich source of chitin, and in some cases, traces
are often detected in gastropod feces. The body of phytophagous gastropods consists of 10%
nitrogen, while food plants dined by snails contain only 4% of nitrogen. Chitin and its deriva‐
tives like chitosans could serve as a readily available nitrogen source for the gut bacteria and
ultimately their host can take advantage of chitin‐derived products [123].
Functional studies described extensively the importance of bacterial gut flora for the
snail’s digestion and nutrient supply [124]. Since the endogenous enzymatic activity in
the intestine of the snail is very low, the snails may use their allochthonous and autoch‐
thonous bacteria for organic matter degradation [23, 99]. The digestive tract also harbors
bacteria with special functions like metal chelation [67] and fermentation activity [64, 66],
particularly on chitin and soluble cellulose, thereby providing nitrogen, lactate and acetate
that are used as precursors as well as energy sources [70]. The DGGE fingerprinting tech‐
nique along with NMDS analysis have revealed that intestine of the land snail H. pomatia
harbors a unique set of bacterial flora. These authors also stated that sequences related to
Pseudomonadaceae and Enterobacteriaceae spp. dominated the intestinal and digestive
gland of snail populations. However, Kiebre‐Toe et al. [125] and Charrier et al. [64] also
reported the dominance of Pseudomonas sp., Pantoea sp. and Buttiauxella sp. in the intestine
of Helix sp.
Lesel et al. [65] isolated the chitinolytic bacteria from the H. pomatia where chitinolytic bacteria
were 10 times more abundant in the stomach and intestine than in the crop. In Redix peregra,
the chitobiase activity was reduced when fed on antibiotic‐treated diet, which also resulted
in the loss of bacteria. This dual reduction indicates the synthesis of chitobiase by the bacteria
inhabiting the gut [54]. Same conclusion was recounted by the Jeuniaux [126] and Donachie
et al. [127] for the pulmonate H. pomatia and krill (Megunyctiphunes norvegicu) by showing a
reduction in the enzymatic activity of the gut after the treatment of antibiotics.
Gut Microbiome Analysis of Snails: A Biotechnological Approach 205

8.5. Sulfate‐reducing bacteria

Snails are copper‐dependent animals as they use copper for the formation of the respira‐
tory pigment haemocyanin. They also contain pore cells that can recycle the copper within
the body. The sulfate‐reducing bacteria increase the availability of copper to their snail hosts
possibly by the effect of their metal‐chelating activities [67]. The sulfate‐reducing bacteria
Desulvibrio sp. found in the crop of H. aspersa chelates the metals like Cu, Zn, Fe and Ni and
make them ready for absorption. Similarly, some authors [128] concluded that digestive
gland of the pulmonate H. aspersa acts as the store of Pb, Zn and Cd, which would represent a
detoxification system. On the other hand, Simkiss [67] demonstrated the presence of sulfate‐
reducing bacteria in the crop of the snail C. aspersum.
Recently, Koch et al. [72] isolated the Pseudomonas, Enterobacter and Lactococcus bacterial spe‐
cies that were capable to degrade uric acid. However, in snails, uricase is found in several
tissues, shuts down during estivation and does not participate in uric acid oxidation during
arousal from this state [129]. However, tissue uricase along with bacterial uricase plays a role
in nitrogen recycle of animals. In P. canaliculata, many bacteria not only help in digestion but
also take part in recycling of uric acid like in arthropods.

9. Effect of gut physiology on the bacteria

The community structure of the microbes inhabiting the gut is predominantly altered by
physiological states like hibernation and aestivation of the host [126, 130]. The physiological
states like aestivation or hibernation are characterized by marked decrease in bacterial diver‐
sity due to expulsion of gut contents where some phylotypes are intentionally eliminated from
the body. This gut clearance and other physico‐chemical modifications may be responsible for
the restructuration of the bacterial community like absence of mollicutes and α‐proteobacteria
in H. pomatia [131]. The snails also choose their gut biota as per physiological requirements. At
the beginning of hibernation, certain groups are reduced and disappear while those that were
meager during active stage may gain in space and become dominant. Further, during aesti‐
vation, the snails also lose large quantities of water, which may affect the viability of the gut
bacteria and eventually their number and metabolism [31]. This could also be reason for the
loss of allochthonous bacterial populations. During hibernation, there is a noticeable reduc‐
tion of water content of the body along with reduction of food and low temperatures, which
induce the snail to select the psychotropic bacteria only. These studies indicate that the gut
flora is altered by different life stages and related physiological processes of the snails [132].
Though the bacteria survive during different physiological states like starvation, aestivation
and hibernation of the snails, there is always a reduction in their number [64, 68] and these
bacteria can be considered as autochthonous members of the snail gut. During these stages,
mucous ribbon acts as the main nutritive medium for the bacterial growth [133]. In C. asper‐
sum, amylolytic bacteria are adopted by vertical transmission [31] whereas proteolytic and cel‐
lulolytic bacteria were seen only during the adult stages of the animal. The higher cellulolytic
206 Organismal and Molecular Malacology

and proteolytic activity within the snail were predominately exhibited in active stage only
indicating the transient nature of these bacteria, that is being ingested with the food from the
environment thereby augmenting and improving digestion processes [65]. However, proteo‐
lytic bacteria were completely absent during hibernation, aestivation and in juvenile stages.
The hibernation was marked with the decline of cellulolytic bacteria.

In H. pomatia, γ‐proteobacteria and α‐proteobacteria were the most abundant classes in all
populations of snails. Only one phylotype of firmicutes has been reported during hibernation
of snail populations. In non‐hibernating snails, firmicutes were found only in the proximal
intestine and digestive gland. In active snails, firmicutes were observed in distal intestine,
with Mollicute specimen established abundantly in all three gut regions. However, they were
restricted to the distal intestine and digestive gland at the beginning of hibernation [131].

The changes in the pH of the gut have serious effects on the microbial community. During
anaerobioses, these bacteria in turn change the pH of the gut through fermentative reac‐
tions [119] producing end products that affect the acid‐base balance of the digestive tract.
But Churchill and Storey [134] postulated that in dormant snails, there is no accumulation of
end‐products (lactate and succinate) in dormant snails.

Besides all these functions that are contributed by the bacteria to their hosts, they also influ‐
ence cold hardiness in their hosts. In snails such as H. pomatia and C. aspersum, the gut bacteria
participate in ice‐nucleating activity thereby reducing the cold hardiness in these snails [131,
135]. H. pomatia is known to decrease its supercooling point ca. by 3°, from –2 during its active
state to –7°C in hibernation depending on the geographic location [136]. Lastly, enzymes
secreted by the gut microbial community are very suitable for various biotechnological appli‐
cations within the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries along with detoxification of
many hazardous chemicals.

In conclusion, snails present a vast diversity among mollusks with inherent industrial impor‐
tance. Snails provide benefits not only as food for humans but are also routinely used in agri‐
culture for the control of many insect pests. Though there are pros and cons associated with
mollusks, a key need is better knowledge of the basic biology of these useful animals, with
rigorous documentation of their habitats for the possible conservation. Little is known about
the composition of snail micro‐biota because a large number of species have been underesti‐
mated. Understanding the microbial ecology of snails may illustrate many useful processes
like development of medicines from mucus or utilization of gut symbionts to challenge the
emerging issues of environmental pollution and energy crisis. There is a dire need to explore
more and more diversity of microbes that is encrypted in extreme environments like diges‐
tive tracts of snails. To accomplish this, many advanced techniques like high throughput next
generation sequences (NGSs) along with other metagenomic techniques can be employed to
unleash the role of these microbes in the host physiology.


Mudasir A. Dar acknowledges UGC, New Delhi, India, for providing the Maulana Azad
National fellowship.
Gut Microbiome Analysis of Snails: A Biotechnological Approach 207

Author details

Mudasir A. Dar1, Kiran D. Pawar2 and Radhakrishna S. Pandit1*

*Address all correspondence to:

1 Department of Zoology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Ganeshkhind, Pune, Maharashtra,

2 School of Nanoscience and Biotechnology, Shivaji University, Vidyanagar, Kolhapur,
Maharashtra, India


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