14 of The Most Commonly Misspelled Words in English: Rules, Tips, Exercises, and Answers

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14 of the Most Commonly Misspelled

Words in English
Rules, Tips, Exercises, and Answers
No matter how good a writer you are, there are some words which you may find
difficult to spell.

This could be because the word you are struggling to spell is a very long one. One
example of this is my favorite (made up) word from the movie Mary Poppins,
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (meaning "something to say when you have nothing
to say").

Other times, words are tricky to spell correctly because they are not very commonly
seen or used these days. If you are writing a school project about plants, you might
come across the strangely spelled word chlorophyll (a chemical which makes leaves

Sometimes, we come across words which are extremely long and not very commonly
used, like floccinaucinihilipilification (which means acting as if something is not very
important), which are especially difficult to spell
Having to turn to the dictionary to help learn or remember how to spell these kinds of
words is understandable. However there are lots of words which are not too long and are
commonly used which many people still find hard to spell correctly.

In this article, we will give 14 examples of words which are commonly used and misspelled. We
will give the reasons why people often make mistakes when spelling these words, and give
some examples of tips and tricks that can help to remind you of the correct way to spell these

A lot (not alot)

This is a spelling mistake that a lot of people make.

Even though when we say this phrase, it sounds like one word (a bit like about or
around), it is important to remember that a lot is actually two separate words.

It helps to remember that the word "lot" is a noun, while the word "a" is an article. You
wouldn't combine an article and a noun into one word in any other sentence.

Writing alot would be the same as writing adog instead of a dog or thecar instead of the
car. It might take a lot of practice, but once you get into the habit, remembering to write
the phrase as two separate words becomes natural.

Almost (not allmost or all most)

Some people almost always spell this word incorrectly!

Almost is an adverb (a word used to describe a verb) which means "nearly" or "not

The words "all" and "most" can both be used as adverbs (to describe a verb) or as
pronouns (words which can stand in for a noun in sentence). But the two words cannot
be used one after the other, since they have very different meanings – all means the
whole of something, whereas most means the largest part of something.
If you can remember that all and most do not belong together in a sentence, this can
help you remember that almost should be written as one word with one "l". 

one "l". 

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